The causative agent of Siberian ulcers microbiology. Siberian ulcer and its origin. Course of microbiology lectures

anthrax (Anthrax) - Zooanthropozonosis. It is susceptible to animals of many species, especially herbivores, and man. The infectious process proceeds mainly acutely with the phenomena of septicemia or to form a different burbuncules.

Pathogen siberian ulcers - You. Anthracis.

Morphology. Bacillus Anxissance is a rather large (1-1.3 x 3.0-10.0 μm) stick, a fixed, forming a capsule and a dispiter. The microbe is found in three forms: in the form of vegetative cells of various values \u200b\u200b(capsule and vigilant), in the form of a dispute enclosed in a well-pronounced exosparium, and in the form of isolated dispute. In preparations from the blood and tissues of patients or those killed from the Siberian ulcers of animals, bacteria in an unpainted state are of homogeneous transparent sticks with clearly rounded ends.

Cultivation. The most favorable for the growth of the bacillos of the anthractor nutritional media containing in its composition partially hydrolyzed to peptons and polypeptides protein complexes. Bacterium can also multiply intensively in shimmery synthetic media consisting of a certain set of amino acids. It can use various carbon compounds as a source of energy: glucose, sucrose, maltose, glycerin, etc.

Stability. The stability and duration of survival in vegetative cells and the dispute of the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers are different. The first is relatively labils, the second is quite resistant.

In an unbroken corpse, the vegetative form of a microbe as a result of the effects of proteolytic enzymes is destroyed for 2-3 days, in the buried corpses it can be maintained up to 4 days, after 7 days, the lysis of bacteria is completed even in the bone marrow. In the gastric juice (38 ° C) dies after 30 minutes, in frozen meat at -15 ° C remains viable 15 days, in saline meat - up to 1.5 months. Survival, mixed with the blood of an animal infected with a Siberian ulcer, kills vegetative cells after 2-3 hours, the disputes remain in it virulent for months.

In contrast to vegetative cells, the controversy Bacillus Bacillus is longer saved in the external environment. Disputes of Siberian Vaccine Langa retained vitality during the 80-year observation period.

Toxigenousness. Bacillus Anrace forms complex exotoxin. This toxin consists of three components (factors), which are referred to: a considerable factor (it), a protective antigen (RA) and a lethal factor (OE) or, respectively, 1-, II and W-Factors. All of them synthesize Capsule and Babyllable Microbes. The edematogenic factor causes a local inflammatory reaction - swelling and tissue destruction. In chemical terms it is lipoprotein. Protective antigen - carrier of protective properties, has a pronounced immunogenic effect. In its pure form it is not toxic. The fatal factor in itself is not toxic, but in the mixture with the second factor (Ra) causes the death of rats, white mice and guinea pigs. Protective antigen and lethal factor - heterogeneous protein in molecular relation. All three components of the toxin constitute a synergistic mixture, which has an edematogenic and death at the same time, each of them has a pronounced antigenic function and is serologically active.

Invasive properties are due to capsule b-glutamic polypeptide and exochements.

Antigenic structure. The antigen antigens of the entertainment bacillos include a non-immunogenic somatic polysaccharide complex and capsule glutamine polypeptide. The polysaccharide antigen does not create immunity in animals and does not determine the aggressive functions of the bacillus, it is always detected by both virulent and airway strains. Due to the fact that polysaccharide is closely related to the body of a bacterial cell, he received the name of a somatic antigen. The sybanic somatic antigen is very often indicated by the letter "C", the capsule polypeptide - the letter "P". Capsule antigen Bacillus Anxissance is represented by a complex polypeptide of b-depthuminic acid and is considered as a group of liquid substance, as it gives cross-country serological reactions with polypeptides. You. Yayvnz, you. segomeiz and You. Megaten. Active antigens are all three components of anti-biased exotoxin.

Immunity. It has been established that a somatic polysaccharide and a capsule polypeptide of glutamic acid Bacillus of anxissance is not able to determine the synthesis of protective antibodies. This feature of Bacillus Anxissance performs a protective antigen: being one of the pathogenic factors, it determines the formation of immunity to this infection by the type of antitoxic.

As a result of natural infection and crossing the Siberian ulcers, animals have a long and persistent immunity.

Pathogenesis. Bacillus anxissance has pronounced invasiveness and easily penetrates through scratches of skin cover or mucous membranes. Animal infection occurs predominantly alimentary. Through the damaged mucosa of the digestive tract, the microbe penetrates into the lymphatic system, and then into the blood, where phagocytes and spread throughout the body, fixing in the elements of the lymphoid-macrophageal system, after which it migrates into the blood, caused by septicemia.

Spinning in the body, the entertainment bacillus synthesizes the capsule polypeptide and highlights exotoxin. The capsule inhibits the oxmonization, while exotoxin destroys the phagocytes, affects the central nervous system, causes swelling, as a result, hyperglycemia occurs and the activity of alkaline phosphatase increases.

In the terminal phase of the blood process in the blood, the content of oxygen is reduced to the level incompatible with life, metabolism is dramatically violated, the secondary shock develops and the death of animals occurs.

The causative agent of Siberian ulcers from the body can be released with bronchial mucus, saliva, milk, urine and feces.

Siberian ulcer is an acutely dangerous zoonotic infection. Diseases of predominantly animals, among which the most susceptible cattle, sheep, goats, deer, horses are most susceptible. The name of the disease was proposed by S. S. Andreevsky in connection with the place where he studied it. There was a big epidemic in 1786-1788 in the Urals.

For the first time, the chopsticks of Siberian ulcers were found in the blood of patients of animals of 1840. Halflander the discovery of which was confirmed in 1850.

R. Koh in 1875 first allocated a clean culture of sibrice-free diseases and finally established the role of this microbe in the etiology of the disease. Working simultaneously with R.Kohh L.Paster in 1881 received similar data and studied the biology of the microbe developed a method for the preparation of living Siberian-ulcerative vaccines for the prevention of this disease. L.S. Scenkovsky in 1883 received a highly efficient vaccine, which for 60 years was used in our country for the prevention of Siberian-ulcerative disease among animals.

Taxonomy pathogen

  • Grade shizomycetes.
  • Order eeubacteriales
  • Bacillaceae family
  • View of Bacillus Antracis

Morphology of the pathogen

The pathogen of the Siberian ulcers is a large wand, a length of 5-10 μm, 1-2 μm width, a fixed, gram-positive. Masked from the liquid among bacillos is located in pairs or long chains. Ends Bacilli in painted strokes look ecked. Bacills outside the body under adverse conditions of life among the disputes, which are located in the center of the cell, have an oval shape and do not exceed the diameters of the microbe's body, does not deform it. Bacills in the human body and animals form capsules surrounding both individual individuals and chains. Capsules are formed, special nutrient media containing blood, serum, egg whites or brain tissue. The capsule consists of proteins.

In 1911 and 1912. In the Siberian region, the incidence of the Siberian animal ulcers in the indicators per 100,000 livestock was, respectively, 2000 and 1671 in 1908 in the Syrdarya region registered the Siberian ulcer 50 horses and 67 heads of cattle.

Toxino formation

  • Bacillus highlights exotoxin consisting of 3 factors:
  • Inflammatory or edema.
  • Immunogenic.
  • Fathy.

Siberian toxin play a major role of pathogenesis and pathological physiology Siberian infections, and such participates in the formation of specific immunity.

Antigenic structure

Bacillus contains:

  • O - somatic antigen consisting of polysocharid
  • K - capsule - thermolabel antigen.

In the body of animals and on special environments containing tissue or plasma extracts, a special kind of antigen is produced with high immunizing properties.


The controversy of the siberiaspic sticks possess a high resistance of dry pairs kills them at a temperature of 140 ° C for 2-3 hours, and in the autoclave at 120 s they are dying after 13-20 min. Jumps boiled for 60 minutes. The vegetative form of the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers die when heated to 55s for 40 minutes, 60s for 15 minutes, 75s for 1min. Straight sunlight and despondents are easily killed by a wand. To low temperatures - 1 YUS, the vegetative form shows stability.

Pathogenicity for animals

All types of herbivore animals are susceptible to the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers, from domestic animals are susceptible cows, sheep, horses, pigs, camels. Animals develop weakness, cyanosis, bleeding from intestines, mouth and nose appear. Na2-3 day comes death.

Clinic disease in humans and pathogenesis

The incubation period lasts from several hours to 6-8 days, a bowl of 2-3 days. Distinguish the following forms:

  • Skin shape.
  • Light form.
  • Intestinal form.
  • Septic shape.

With the skin form of the person appears a sibrice-free carbuncoon.

At the site of the penetration of the causative agent at the beginning there are reddish stains passing into a capsule of medal color. After a few hours, the capsule turns into the item bubble. There is a lack of pain in the field of his edema around him.

The pulmonary form meets rarely in the type of bronchopneumonia. Death with sepsis.

Intestinal forma is rare and proceeds in the form of general intoxication from cathosters of hemorrhague phenomenon of the digestive system. The patient has nausea, vomiting, bleak diarrhea.

№ 16 The pathogen of Siberian ulcers. Taxonomy and characteristics. Microbiological diagnostics. Specific prevention and treatment.
Siberian ulcer - acute anthroponous infectious disease caused by Bacillusanthracis, is characterized by severe intoxication, leather damage, lymph nodes.
Taxonomy. The pathogen refers to the Firmicutes Department, the genus Bacillus.
Morphological properties. Very large gram-positive chopsticks with chopped ends, in a pure grid smear are located short chains (streptobacillos). Immobile; Arrange the central disputes, as well as the capsule.
Cultural properties. Aerobes. We grow well on the simple nutrient media in the temperature range of 10-40C, the temperature optimum increase in 35c. On the liquid media Give bottom growth; On dense media form large, with uneven edges, rough matte colonies (R-form). On media containing penicillin, after 3h growth, the symbolized bacillos form spheroplasts located the chain and resembling a pearl necklace in the smear.
Biochemical properties. Enzymatic activity is high enough: the pathogens are fermented to the acid glucose, sucrose, maltose, starch, inulin; Possess proteolytic and lipolytic activity. It is isolated as gelatinase, they have a weak hemolytic, lecithinase and phosphatase activity.
It is isolated by gelatinase, there is low hemolytic, lecithinase and phosphatase activity.
Antigens and pathogenic factors. Contain a generic somatic polysaccharide and species protein capsule antigens. Form protein exotoxin, which has antigenic properties and consisting of several components (lethal, protest and causing edema). Viruble strains in the susotional organism are synthesized and a large amount of a capsule substance with severe anti-phaganic activity.
Resistance. The vegetative form of unstable to environmental factors, disputes are extremely steady and persist in the environment, withstand boiling. Sensitive to penicillin and other antibiotics; Disputes are resistant to antiseptic.
Epidemiology and pathogenesis. Source of infection - Patients animals, more often Cattle, sheep, pigs. A person is infected mainly by contacting, less often alimentary, when leaving for sick animals, the processing of animal raw materials, meat use. Entrance gates of infection in most cases are damaged skin, significantly less than the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. The basis of pathogenesis is the action of exotoxin, which causes coagulation of proteins, tissue edema, lead to the development of toxic-infectious shock.
Clinic. Split skin, pulmonary and intestinal shapes of the Siberian ulcers. With a skin (localized) form at the site of the deployment of the pathogen, a characteristic anti-sibic carbuncoon appears, accompanied by an edema. Pulmonary and intestinal forms belong to generalized forms and are expressed by hemorrhagic and necrotic damage to the relevant authorities.
Immunity. After the suffered disease, a resistant cell-humoral immunity is developing.
Microbiological diagnostics :
The most reliable method of laboratory diagnosis of Siberian ulcers is the allocation of the pathogen culture material from the studied material. The diagnostic value is also a thermocipation reaction on ascol and skin-allergic test.
Bacterioscopic examination. The study of strokes painted along the gram of the pathological material makes it possible to detect the pathogen, which is a gram-positive major fixed streptobacillo. In the body of patients and on the protein nutrient medium, microorganisms form a capsule, in the soil.
Bacteriological research.The material under study is seeded on cups with nutritious and blood agar, as well as in a tube with a nutritional broth. Sevings are incubated at 37c for 18 hours. In Broth V. Anthracis grows in the form of a flake shape; On agar, virulent strains form colonies of R-forms. Avirulent or weaklyuble bacteria form s-forms of colonies.
B. Anthracis has sucrolytic properties, does not hemolysis of red blood cells, slowly dilutes gelatin. Under the action of penicillin forms spheroplasts, having a kind of "pearls". This phenomenon is used to differentiate the V. Anthracisot of non-pathogenic bacilli.
Biogo . The material under study is administered subcutaneously with guinea pigs, rabbits. Pretty strokes from blood and internal organs make crops to allocate a clean culture of the pathogen.
Express diagnosticsit is carried out using the thermocipation reaction on ascol and the immunofluorescent method.
Ascoli's reaction is made, if necessary, diagnose the Siberian ulcers in the fallen animals or the dead people. Samples of the material under study are crushed and boiled in a tube with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride for 10 minutes, after which it is filtered to complete transparency.
The immunofluorescence method allows you to reveal the capsule forms of V. Anthracis in exudate. The strokes from the exudate in 5-18 hours after the infection of the animal are treated with a capsular antiserum, and then fluorescent anti-cancer serum. In preparations containing capsule bacillos, a yellow-green glow of the causative agent is observed.
Skin-allergic. It is put on the inner surface of the forearm - 0.1 ml of anxissine is introduced intradermally. With a positive reaction, hyperemia and infiltrate appear after 24 hours.
Treatment: antibiotics and antibiotic immunoglobulin. For antibacterial therapy, Penicillin selection preparation.
Prevention. For specific prophylaxis, a lively anti-vaccine vaccine is used. For emergency prevention, a symbiotic immunoglobulin is prescribed.
Precipitating sybounded serum.It was obtained from the blood of a rabbit, a hyperimmunized culture of V. Anthracis. It is used to form a thermocipation reaction on Ascol.
Siberia vaccine vaccine.Dried suspension of live spores V. Anthracis Aviuleuft Baby Staff. It is used to prevent Siberian ulcers.
Anti-protein immunoglobulin.Gamma Globulin Horse Blood Serum Fraction, Hyperimmunized Live Siberian Vaccine Vaccine and V.NTHRACIS Vaccine, is used with preventive and therapeutic purposes.

These pathogens cause infections related to the group of particularly dangerous (from bacterial infections to their number include plague, cholera, Siberian ulcers, Tularevia, Sap and Brucellosis).


The causative agent of Siberian ulcers - Bacillus Anthracis refers to the Bacillus family of the Bacillaceae family (to bacillos).

Morphology. Large gram-positive wand, often with rounded ends. Unlike other bacilli - stationary, well painted with aniline dyes. In clinical materials are located in pairs or in the form of short chains surrounded by a common capsule (formed only in human and animal organism or on special environments with blood, serum). On environments, the causative agent forms long chains in the form " bamboo Cane"(With clarifications at the ends and articulations of cells). On agar containing penicillin, the destruction of cell walls occurs, spherical protoplasts are formed in the form of chains (" pearl necklace"). The causative agent of Siberian ulcers forms endospores, which are centrally located, their diameter does not exceed the diameter of the bacterial cell. Disputes are formed only outside the body, in the presence of (access) oxygen and a certain temperature (from +12 to +43 ° C, optimum at 30-35 o C). Disputes show very high stability in the external environment (decade). Siberian ulcer - primarily soil infection.

Cultural properties. The pathogen grows in aerobic and optional - anaerobic conditions. Temperature optimum +37 o C, pH -7.2-7,6. Grows on simple nutrient media, incl. On potato, nasty straw, extracts of cereal and legume crops. Gives a characteristic growth when sowing the prick in gelatin (" inverted Christmas tree"). Viruble R- forms on dense media form rough grayish - white colonies of the fibrous structure (" head of Medusa" or " lion mane"). On liquid media, a precipitate is formed in the form of cotton lumps. The causative agent of Siberian ulcers can also form smooth (S), mucous (M) or mixed (SM) colonies, especially in microeerophilic conditions. In S-form, the pathogen loses the virulence.

Biochemical properties. B.NTHRACIS is biochemically highly active. It fermented with the formation of an acid without gas glucose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, forms hydrogen sulfide, rolls and peptong milk.

Antigenic structure. Three main antigen groups are isolated - a capsule antigen, toxin (encoded by plasmids, with their absence of a strain Avruilen), somatic antigens.

Capsule antigens They differ in the chemical structure from k-antigens of other bacteria, polypeptide nature, are formed mainly in the owner's body.

Somatic antigens - Cell wall polysaccharides, thermostable, are long saved in the external environment, corpses. Reveal them in the thermocipation reaction ascol.

Toxin Includes a protective antigen (induces the synthesis of protective antibodies), a fatal factor, an element factor.

Factors of pathogenicity- Capsule and toxin.

Brief epidemiological characteristic. Siberian ulcer - zoonotic infection. The main source for a person is herbivores. Their infection occurs predominantly an alimentary way, disputes are continuously preserved in the soil and ingested by animals mainly with feeds, grass). Siberiated cattle bisos are of particular danger (controversy continue to be continued, when they are torn, erosion and other processes fall on the surface of the soil and plants). A person is infected with contact with infected material (care for sick animals, cutting and eating infected meat products, contact with antiquity of animals, etc.).

Basic forms of clinical manifestation Depend on the entrance gate of infection - skinny (carbuncoon), intestinal, pulmonary, septic. Characterized high mortality (less at skin form).

Laboratory diagnostics. Material for research from patients depends on clinical form. Under the skin, the contents of bubbles separated by carbuncule or ulcers are investigated, with intestinal - feces and urine, with lung - sputum, with septic - blood. The study is subject to objects of the external environment, material from animals, food products.

Bacterioscopic methodused to detect gram-positive sticks surrounded by a capsule, in materials from humans and animals, dispute - from the objects of the external environment. The method of fluorescent antibodies (MFA) is used more often, allowing to identify capsule antigens and disputes.

Main method - bacteriological It is used in the laboratories of particularly dangerous infections according to the standard scheme with sowing for simple nutrient media (MPa, yeast medium, the Wednesday of the CK), the determination of mobility, painting by gram and the study of biochemical features. In differentiation from other representatives of the genus Bacillus, a biological test is essential. White mice dying within two days, guinea pigs and rabbits - for four days. Determine also linity bacteriophage, Penicillin sensitivity (pearl necklace). For retrospective diagnostics, serological tests are used, an allergic test with anxissine, to identify the somatic antigen - the reaction of ascol, which can be effective in negative results of bacteriological research.

Treatment. Apply anti-protein immunoglobulin, antibiotics (penicillins, tetracyclines, etc.).

Prevention.Apply a lively disputes of a deckless vaccine, a protective antigen.

Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation

Moscow state University Applied biotechnology

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Course work

"The causative agent of Siberian ulcers"

Performed: Student Vet.-san. F-TA

Course II, 9 groups

Budanians M.V.


Prof. Skorodumov D.I.

Moscow 2005


1. Characteristics of the pathogen

1.1 Morphological properties

1.2 Enzymatic activity

1.3 Antigenic Structure

1.4 Sustainability of the pathogen

2. Evolution




The pathogen of the Siberian ulcers - Bacillus Anthracis - refers to the EUBACTERIALES detachment, the Bacillacae family, the genus and the ratio of Bacillus. Bacillla first discovered the F. Pollender under the microscope in Germany in 1849 in 1850.

K. Davan and Hans in France revealed filamentary fixed tales (cylindrical sticks) in the blood of sheep killed from the Siberian ulcers. In Russia, F. Browel in 1857 found sticks (vibrions) in the blood of a person who deceased from Siberian ulcers, and experimentally reproduced in animals, infecting them with blood containing these microbes. But the value of the sticks remained unexplained. Only 1863 K. Delpep finally found that they are the pathogen of Siberian ulcers. This year is considered the official date of opening of the Bacillus of Siberian ulcers.

The culture of the causative agents of the disease managed only in 1876. First, R. Kochu, and then L. Pastor. Regardless of each other, they infected with this culture of animals, the disease was reproduced and discovered that the chopsticks of Siberian ulcers are able to form disputes. In 1888, Serafini from Siberiaazed Bacill discovered a capsule. In Russia, the culture of the Siberian microbe for the first time received V.K. Vysokovich (1882).

Bacillus combines 48 species of aerobic or optional-anaerobic bacilli, which are divided into two groups: in the first 2 species included, in the second - 20 species. Better studied, bacillos of the first group. The closest to the Bacillus of Siberian ulcers: you. Cereus-wax bacillus you. Cereus Var.Mycoides SIVE-ancore Bacillus; You. Megaterium - cabbage bacillus; You. subtilis Sive - Hay Bacillus; You. Pumilus Sive - Potato Bacillus. All of them are saprophists, besides you. Sereus, which synthesizes the active enzyme pathogenicity lecithinase and can cause food toxicosis.

1. Characteristics of the pathogen

1.1 Morphological properties

In unpainted preparations prepared from the blood and tissues of animals, patients or died from Siberian ulcers, bacillos have a form of homogeneous transparent sticks with a slightly rounded ends. They lie alone or connected in short chains. The number of cells in the chain in high-speed strains, as a rule, does not exceed three, and they can be larger at low-aluminous.

Bacills grown on dense or liquid nutrient media form chains of different lengths. In the smears of cultures of strains that gave a typical growth in the form of a flaky precipitate in liquid nutrient media, the sticks are more often located in long chains, and they form short chains in the produced of cultures with atypical diffuse growth. Cells in the chains of the unequal value and resemble cylinders. The surface of the cell is uneven.

In the painted chains, the ends of sticks facing each other, straight, as if drove, the free ends are slightly rounded. Bacillus, synthesizing the capsule with growth on media containing proteins, and reproduction in the animal body, form chains in the form of bamboo canes, chopped ends of the cells are somewhat depressed and in the articulation places are symmetrically thickened.

Bacillus have a kernel. F.Ya. Kitaev (1922) found that it takes part in the division of vegetative cells and often detects in germinating dispute. Later, the presence of the nucleus at Bacillus confirmed Flewett (1948). In 1959, M.P. Maisel and L.V. Mirolarubov determined that the core consists of spiral threads that occupy the central part of the cell and stretching along its axis. The nucleoid is presented in the main network of fibrils lying randomly, evenly throughout its area. Chatterjee and Williams (1962) indicate that the cells from young crops chromatin bodies have the form of long continuous formations located centrally. In mature cells, they are both continuous, so; and divided by half. In cells of 24-hour crops, long chromatin bodies are located large complexes consisting of spherical formations. The authors concluded that the Siberia Bacillus has a differentiated discrete nucleoid.

The differentiation of the nucleoid was confirmed by G. V. Dunayev (1967, 1972) in the study of vegetative cells of strains II Vaccine Vaccines and STI-1, fixed and painted by the Bekar-district - Robinou. Clearly contiguous nucleoids were found in bacillos at all phases of their development. The kernel structure with combined luminescent and favor-contrast microscopation is particularly well detected. DNA and RNA are found in bacillips, the first is contained in the nucleoid, the second is in the cytoplasm.

The DNA chromosome molecule is two-stranded, closed in the ring and is peculiarly packed in the form of a fibrous heavy straw resembling a shrawer. The compact form of DNA is maintained by single-stranded ribonucleic acid, in turn, associated with RNA polymerase and cationic proteins. The length of the elongated DNA nucleoid molecule is almost 2 times the length of the bacillos itself.

For the first time on the submicroscopic structure, the Bacill of Siberian ulcers reported Roth and Williams (1963, 1964); They found in vegetative cells of the microbe elements of a discrete nucleoid. Then, a number of Soviet and foreign researchers (Pavlov and Katz, 1966; Mojeg1u, Shafa and Gerchardi, 1966; Belokozov, 1970; Trizetskaya and Kulikovsky, 1972, etc.) studied the structure of virulent (No. 66 and 2222) and vaccine (II Vaccine of Tsakovsky, STI-1, Stern) strains Bacill.

Obviously, bacillos are capable of vegetation in the external environment and in the animal organism, regulatory mechanisms are very developed, providing exchange and vital activity with changes in the habitat. The perfect adaptation system depends on the morphological structure of the cell. The bacillus wall consists of three layers: of two osmophilic and one osmophobin. But such a structure is not always detected. More often the wall consists of an internal osmophilic, more dense, and outer, moderately dense, layers. The outer layer often goes into fibrillar structures located over the entire cell surface. It is believed that these osmophilic fibrillar formations are the remains of the capsule.

In the cell wall, the tubules connecting with the cytoplasmic membrane and opening into the outer environment are noticeable.

The cytoplasmic membrane is smooth or somewhat winding. Only in some parts of the cells are noticeable its three layers, they are better visible in lysed bacillos. More often, the membrane is tightly adjacent to the cell wall, and detect it in the form of one layer. The membrane has a mixture of cytoplasm, differing in form, magnitude, structure and localization; They are described as internal plasmatic membrane structures. The protrusion has the form of curls, ovals and uneven lines, many bacilli are penetrated into the nucleoid zone.

In the cytoplasm bacilli detect clearly contiguous vacuoles. Usually they are large, limited to the membrane, which serves as a frame. From the outside, it is ribosomes. They are located with chains, forming polyribosomes. The latter are better noticeable in lysedied cells. Often vacuoles are concentrated near the nucleoid. Gerhardi (1967) believes that the vacuoles arise as a result of dissolution in the process of fixing and dehydrating the inclusions of lipid nature and primarily the granules of poly-ß-oxymaacean acid.

Bacillips contain lipoprotein granules, located mainly by subterminal N terminally. Mesosomes (equivalents of mitochondria) are also identified. They have the form of clearly contoured, brightly glowing yellow-green granules in contact with the cytoplasmic membrane. Mesosomes are polyfunctional. The membrane-mesosomal system Bacill is responsible for oxidative phosphorylation, electrons transfer, the implementation of the cycle of di- and tricarboxylic acids, it is involved in protein synthesis (Bourge, 1967; 1968). In the cytoplasm after coloring with a weathered solution of methylene blue in the lefflaur in the polar sections of the bacillus, and sometimes in the central part, currency granules, staining metachesically, are detected.

During the color of Sudan black, lipid granules are noticeable, which are especially many during the resolution period. They are found in spore-forming aerobic bacillic bacilli all types, including the saprophists. The cytochemical reaction of the Chita polysaccharides is detected by small granules of glycogen. They are contained both in ordinary and in spore-forming bacillos.

Bacills are multiplied by division. A transverse partition is formed in the cage, which shares it into two equal-half individuals. The partition formation begins with invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane and involvement in this process of the cell wall. Gradually, the cell is shifted. However, often new cell division begins until the completion of the first division, which leads to the formation of streptobacple. The resulting chain consists of cells of different lengths.

Bacillus allocate exotoxin, which plays a leading pathogenetic role in the development of the disease. In the process of biosynthesis and the secretion of exotoxin during the cultivation of bacilli on special environments, the intensive development of the ribosomal and membrane-mesosalyuyo apparatus is noted, the close connection is established between them, and intra-flacoplasmic membrane structures penetrate into the nucleoid zone. In the exponential phase of growth, the culture consists mainly of non-declarative cells (Dunaev, 1972).

The zone of the nucleoid is observed a large cluster of Osmophilic masses. In some parts of the cells, intracitoplasmic channels are found, differing in morphology from the membrane structures of the usual type in microbes of this species. They are straight, short. Channels pass through the cell wall and communicate with the environment. Single cells with a lysed protoplast are found, but well-preserved membrane structures. These cells often find areas of the destroyed cell wall.

In this phase, the bacillos secrete toxin. From the bacillina cell, it can be transported in three ways: toxin comes out through special channels, through a non-destructive, but altered cell wall and through the sections of the lysed cell wall. Plasma Bacill has included compact osmophilic particles. Outside the microbe, they are located in less optically dense substance, also allocated bacillos. As it removed from the bacilli particles, the distance becomes larger and the distance increases between them. The described structure of Bacill is characteristic of vaccine and virulent Siberian strains: ulcers.

Education capsules. Bacills in the body of the animal and culturing on nutrient media with high content native protein Form a capsule. In the presence of oxygen, it is not formed. The capsule is an outer mucosa layer of bacillos, it is considered as a layer of extoplasma. At ultra-cuts, it is noticeable in the form of a compact thick layer, closely adjacent to the wall of the vegetative cell.

The capsule has several layers. Its inner part is formed by acidic mucopolysaccharides, the average - protein-polysaccharide complexes, outer - mucopeptides and polypeptides. In the outer layers of the capsule and in the shell, the cells of mucopeptides differ in their properties. The capsule consisting of 98% water has a protective osmotic effect against the influx of large amounts of water in bacillus and protects it from dehydration, as well as from various impacts of the medium, including from the immune mechanisms of the body. The capsule prevents phagocytosis

You. Anthracis and contributes, according to N.N. Ginsburg with sob. (1960), fixing them to cells of macroorganism. It is believed that it determines the degree of virulence of Bacill. Babe-free siberia basal bacillos are deprived of these properties. The capsule is formed both in liquid and on dense whey nutrient media. With the growth on the Gladstone and Fields and Fields medium, the capsule begins to be detected from some Bacill after 3 hours of incubation (Mashkov and Bodisco, 1958), and it is already available to 14-10 hours. Then the diffusion of the capsule substance occurs from the cell surface in environment. Capsules are well formed and with the growth of the shepherd horse blood serum, on whey agar, especially in excess C02, as well as when growing in protein environments used to obtain a protective antigen. In this case, the formation of the capsule begins through 2 "/ 2 hours of growth and this process is well expressed in a six-hour culture; the capsules are found in cells after 24 hours of growth. The electrical substrate for biosynthesis capsules is the protein environment of the CKS. Capsuilization, except for native protein, contribute Alkaline medium and the presence of C02. Eastin, Thorne (1963) established the effect of C02 on the activity of some mitochondrial enzymes Bacill. Virutant bacillos in the formation of a capsule polypeptide need a higher concentration of C02.

For the synthesis of the most important factor of virulence - capsules, amino acids leucine, valine and methionine are needed. For optimal reproduction of virulent strains, bacill needs hypoxanthine, methionine, Alann and tryptophan. The degree of virulence is largely determined by the conditions for growing bacill and medium composition.

In the expotentcylaium phase of the growth of the culture of virulent vaccine strains, along with capsular, detectable bacillins are detected. This suggests that mutants with other genetic properties, without a capsule polypeptide of glutamic acid, appear in the strains population.

In the body of the animal bacillos with capsules, they are found 2-3 hours after infection, but during this period they are found only in the places of administration and regional lymph nodes. They are surrounded by fabric detritus and are located in zones (light), delighted with the effect of the toxin of the microbe. If bacill gets into the immune capsule body, apparently, they are formed very slowly and quite rarely. Morphologically Bacill capsules breeding in the body and grown nutrient media, but have differences, only the last capsule is more massive. The capsule is more resistant to the processes of rotting than the bacill itself, therefore only the "shadow of microbes", empty capsules, are detected in the rotary corpse of the animal that fell from Siberian ulcers.

Education dispute. Biological role The dispute lies in the fact that they are a form of preserving the type of bacillus under adverse conditions of existence. Disputes can be in nature for a long time, and therefore, for a long time to maintain a substrate of genetic information from the source cells (genome) and thereby ensure the transfer of the basic properties to the offspring of subsequent generations.

The spore formation occurs in media from the neutral PL, a weakly alkaline reaction with a deficiency of protein substances. Spores are formed in a physiological solution, distilled water, in non-fixed strokes. It has been established that this process is rapidly in a medium containing pure oxygen than with the aeration of culture with atmospheric air. An formed dispute begins from the moment when the ratio of the forms of protein and mineral nitrogen is shifted towards the prevalence of the latter (Egorov and Siicin, 1961). The addition of sodium neutral oxide sodium is activated by the spore formation, and the 1% calcium chloride solution is inhibits. Disputes are not formed in media rich in protein substances, for example, in blood and blood serum, in a living organism and a unbroken corpse. In case of violation of the integrity of the corpse is possible sporing.

Vegetative cells forming disputes (sporangies) contain in one dispute, located central or subterminal. The contour diameter does not exceed the Bacill's width. The formation of disputes begins at the time of the transition of the vegetative cell to the stationary growth phase, while there is a series of consecutive stages:

1. Two nucleoids are formed in the cell, which are soon combined into row-shaped education.

2. In one site, the cells appear protruding cell membrane with mesosome. They form a transverse partition that separates part of cytoplasm and DNA free from lipoprotein grains from the rest of the cell content. As a result, the portion of the future dispute surrounded by a membrane is insulated.

3. The insulated area is surrounded by a membrane cell; Forms a double membrane.

4. The space between the dispute and cellular (second) membranes expands, the contents of it becomes homogeneous, the so-called Cortex arises, thanks to which the dispute is more noticeable when microscopic examination.

5. Around the outer membrane covering the cortex, a shell is formed. From all the structures of the dispute, it is characterized by the greatest ability to dispel electrons. Then the dispute shell is covered with a more loose and thin layer - exosparium. The arranged dispute comes out of the bacillus through the discontinuity of the cell wall area. Inside bacillos, disputes do not germinate.

Thus, the dispute formed consists of the following main layers:

Sporelamps (central part of it). It consists of a homogeneous material with fine-grained osphophilic granules; The nucleoid is found in the form of a fuzzy contoured zone of osmophobic material;

Cytoplasmic inner membrane surrounding sarcoplasma;

Cortex, located on the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. It is represented by a massive light optical layer, consists of peptidoglycan. A shell is formed from the inner layer. Disputes:

The external two-layer membrane disputes of thick and covering cortex;

Layer of cytoplasm between the external membrane and the sheard

The shell disputes, according to II. Belokonov (1970), TA Trezhetsky, L.V. Kulikovsky (1972), it has up to 6 layers; The inside of the sheath is adjacent to the external membrane disputes, with external - has multiple protrusion;


Disputes - oval, sometimes rounded formations, strongly refractive light. The length of the premium disputes 1.2-1.5 μm, the width of 0.8-15 μm, immature (prospergration) - somewhat less. Mature chromium samples or contrasted by phosphorus-tungsten acid are detected in an electron microscope in the form of optically impermeable formations with uneven contours; Younger disputes and prosplies are homogeneous, dark. The carbon replica method for Bredli and Williams (1957) allows you to detect the rib on the surface. They are located longitudinally or in the form of cells and more clearly expressed in dispute from old cultures (15 days) (Belokonov, 1970). SHAFA and SATO (1966), who studied Stern strain, revealed on the surface of the exosparium of Vilki. The presence of them confirmed

I.I. Belokonov (1970), who taught Vaccine strains of STI-1 and II Vaccines of Tsacansky.

The spore of the vaccine strain STI-1 detected pair-disposable tales, similar to those previously described in some saprofite spore-forming microbes. They have the right spherical shape, arranged on the surface of the dispute of OLI lie separately. The diameter of them is different: small 1200. A, average 1564 A and large 2000 A. The value of these Taurus is not clarified (Danubeev and Belokonov, 1968).

The origin of the formation depends on the characteristics of the strain and temperature of the medium. At 30-37 ° C, it usually ends after 1 - 2 hours, at 24 ° C - after 16 hours, at 18 ° C is delayed up to 70 hours. Below 15 ° C and above 42C sporing does not occur. In some strains intensively, this process begins after 18-20 hours from the moment of sewage and cultivation at 37 ° C (Belokonov, 1970; Avakian, Katz, Pavlova, 1972). On dense environments, disputes are formed faster than in liquid. The process of their formation in well-sporing strains is usually completed on MPa after 48-72 hours.

For germination, the dispute requires amino acids (source of nitrogen), carbohydrates (especially glucose) and predecessors of nucleic acids, 1-alanine H 1-tyrosine (Zemskov N etch., .1972).

Morphological changes, testifying to the start of spore germination, are detected 5-10 minutes after sewage to the nutrient medium (temperature 37 ° C). They are characterized by swelling the dispute and the appearance of small bright areas on their periphery. The germinating dispute loses the shine, takes a spherical shape, then it is pulled out again and the bacillus in the direction of the longitudinal axis is released, dropping the spore shell; The published Bacillus is similar to the maternal siberiablining Bacillus, only she has more rounded ends.

Chemical composition. In the dry residue of vegetative cells, 6.8% of nitrogen and 12-13.5% mineral ashes are contained, in the dry residue of the dispute, respectively, 12.14 and 41.15%. The amount of DNA varies depending on the strain. Most high level RNA is observed in the bacteria in the exotic phase of growth. Bacillus of Siberian ulcers have enzymes: lipase, dipstase, protease, gelatinase. Dehydras, Qi-Tochromoxidase, Peroxidase, Catalase, Arginase, etc.

From the body of the microbe, a somatic antigen was isolated, which includes a polysaccharide containing N-acetylglucosamine and galactose in equimolecular proportions, as well as a slight amount of 0 acetyl and amino acid residues.

The composition of the shell and capsules of the symbolized microbe were found 3 antigenic complexes:

surface antigens capsules, which are apparently peptides that are sensitive to the action of pepsin and partially trypsin;

the actual capsule antigens, located in the main layer of capsules, contain substances of protein-polysaccharide nature, sensitive to trypsin, chemotripsyin, hyalurondases and lysozyme;

antigens of cell shells containing substances such as polysaccharide and protein nature, sensitive to the action of lysozyme and trypsin (Levin and Katz, 1964; Lvakyan N etch., 1907).

According to E.P. Levina and L.P. Katz, antigens detected using fluorescent symbolous serum are localized in the shell. Spores contain alanineacetsease, nucleosiosisidazy, adenosine exchange. At the resting dispute, these enzymes provide a weak level. energy exchange (breathing).

1.2 Enzymatic activity

From the numerous group of aerobic bacilli bodies in the soil, only Bacillus Anthracis has acquired the most pronounced virulent properties and the ability to cause fatal disease in animals and a person. It has a number of similar morphological and culture properties with specified non-optogenic spore-forming microbes. Especially many identical signs are died with Bacillus Anthracis and you. segeus. There is a big actual material about the toxicity of you. Segue of its biochemical activity.

With electron microscopic examination, both bacilli (Shahbanov, 1975) are identified both general characteristic and non-typical signs. So, the cell wall at BAC. Anthracis is thicker and inside there is a fibrillar material, and you. Cereus on the wall is the mushroom-shaped grown. I.B. Pavlova and L.P. Katz (1966) revealed from BAC. Anthracis More developed membrane structures, which, in their opinion, caused by greater activity of redox enzymes. You. Cereus Unlike BAC. Anthracis quickly rolls the chicken egg yolk solutions; It has extremely active lecithinase. It slowly reduces methylene blue, weakly restores nitrates and nitrites, produces gelatinase, as well as protease and rather quickly hydrolyzing gelatin and coil serum.

1.3 Antigenic Structure

You. Anthracis studied still not enough.

N.F. Gamaley (1928) found that in the subcutaneous edema, which is formed at the site of the introduction of the pathogen, contains poisonous substances that are causing the quick death of the rabbit when entering the blood. Watson, Bloom (1947) Received extracts from the elders of patients with Siberian ulcers of rabbits. After intracutaneous administration, animals of extracts recorded the same histological changes as when infected with cast bacillos. At rabbits, these extracts caused the formation of immunity, in a weak degree, he manifested itself in guinea pigs and white mice.

Watson and CO11 (1947) allocated two substances from Bacillus, they differed in physical, chemical and biological properties. The first of them caused inflammation of the tissues, sought to the anode, reacted with the Ca phosphate, the second had protein nature, was not toxic, possessed immunizing properties.

In 1953, SMITH and CO11 were allocated to a symbiotic exotoxin from the blood plasma of the sea pigs who died from this disease, and then from the culture fluid during the cultivation of you. Anthracis on a liquid nutrient medium. It has been established that the toxin has no relationship, as believed earlier, to a capsular substance consisting of polyglutuntic acid, but it has close relatives with a protective antigen.

Smith (1958) found out that the toxin is contained not only in the edema fluid, but also in a sufficiently high concentration in the blood plasma and in less in the pleural and peritoneal exudates. Toxin caused not only a local inflammatory response (swelling) with phenomena of the destruction of fabrics, but also the death of guinea pigs and white mice from the secondary shock. This toxic substance was marked as a lethal factor, and in 1955 is called a symbiotic toxin.

Siberiane antiserums derived from horses, hy-perimmunized both capsular and bacilli strains, suppressed the action of toxin. This indicated that the origin of the toxin did not associate a capsule. Toxin was also neutralized by serum of rabbits immunized by the projective antigen.

Evans (1954) allocated an anti-exotoxin in vitro. Smith (1958) found that virulent and non-permaneous vaccine strains synthesize the same toxins. The maximum power toxin had to I "/ 2 hours from the start of incubation. The amount of it was directly dependent on the number of bacteria in culture. In terms of its properties, the toxin obtained in culture did not differ from that synthesized in vitro bacillos; it caused formed antibodies Animals and neutralized horsepie anti-cycular serum.

In 1958, Smith determined that the native siberiane toxin is clearly distinguished by edema and lethal factors. Molner and Strange (1960) divided toxin to two factors. One of them took place through a glass filter and possessed the properties of the protective antigen, the second was delayed on the filter, but was easily eluted by treatment with 0.1 m carbonate buffer at pH 9.7. Both factors themselves were not toxic, but their mixture showed a pronounced toxic effect - caused inflammatory reactions in the skin of guinea pigs and the death of mice. It has been established that the second factor consists of two antigens.

Stanley and Smith (1961) have shown that, besides the specified two factors (components), there are still some serologically different from them; It was present in the toxin formed both in the body and in culture. These factors were indicated by figures I, II and III. Vea11, Tau1Od, (1962) offered other notation: EF (Edenathogenic, or inflammatory, factor); RA (Immunogenic-Protective Antigen) and LF (Flower Factor), which corresponded to I, P and III factors.

Consequently, the toxic properties have a mixture of I and II components (the permeability of capillaries increases, which causes swelling). But component II has projective properties, causing nmmunogenic processes in the body. Adding to it component I significantly increases its immunogenicity, but in the mixture with component III, the protective properties are reduced. Component III does not have toxicity, but when it adds it to component II gives a mixture of lethal properties. All three components of toxin are a synergistic mixture that has both edematogenic and lethal effects simultaneously. This shows that the toxin of the Siberian Bacill is a three-component system. The full complex of a symbiotic toxin, synthesized in vitro, is neutralized by therapeutic anti-protein globulin (Fedotova, Ulanova, 1970).

All three components of the symbolized extracellular toxin have antigenic properties and are serologically active. The toxin synthesized in vivo differs from the toxin obtained in vitro, faster lethal effect and difficulty detection.

It is found that the causative agent of Siberian ulcers have a number of antigens: a polysaccharide complex; capsule polypeptide; Exotoxin, which includes three components - inflammatory, immunogenic (descendant antigen) and lethal. Each of the microbial agents (toxins, surfactants, nucleic acids N Ave.) interacts only with strictly defined molecular targets in the attacked cells. They only affect those molecules with which they have chemical relationship, supplemented by the conformity of structures and functions, i.e., chemical complementarosyo. If there are no suitable targets, then the microbial attack is ineffective. This concluded the mystery of hereditary immunity. Changing the variant of the arrangement of complimentary amino acids (single from the set) creates immunity (Rumyantsev, 1984).

The virulence of the symbolized bacillus is determined by two aggression factors: a capsule representing a D-glutamic acid polypeptide; exotoxin consisting of three separately non-toxic protein components; The mixture of them, as indicated above, causes swelling and mortality.

The first antigen isolated from you.anthracis was a polysaccharide (somatic) complex. It has serological and chemical relationship with polysaccharides you. Cereus and pneumococci IV type. According to

Yu.V. Yekiepchka (1968), the lack of visible specificity in polysaccharides gives reason to believe that they do with you. Anthracis is only a structural function and not (are related to pathogenic factors.

Another antigen is a capsule polypeptide, serologically trunnovoy; It is found in both saprophyte sporing bacilli.

The capsule polypeptide is considered as one of the important factors of the aggression of the symbolic bacillos, since it suppresses the body's protective phagocytic response, increases the activity of the lethal factors of the extracellular siberiane toxin and at the same time suppresses the opsonization. However, a somatic polysaccharide and a capsule polypeithic glutamic acid Bacill is not able to determine the synthesis of antibodies that determine the background of specific humoral protection of the organism of the animal against the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers. This role in bacill performs a protective antigen (component II) - a protein substance of protein nature, synthesized during the metabolic activity of the microbe in the body of an animal or on special nutrient media and the bacterial cell highlighted in the environment.

Being one of the pathogenic factors, the immunogenic component of a sybic microbe determines the formation of immunity to this infection by the type of antitoxic (STANLEY and SMITH, 1963). It serves as a carrier of specific protective properties.

The available data indicate a significant role of exotoxin bacillos in the manifestation of many typical features of the infectious process and the formation of specific protection of the body. This gives reason to consider it as a factor determining pathogenesis and immunity in Siberian ulcers.

1.4 Sustainability

Stability and duration of survival Bacill and their dispute are different. The first is relatively labils, the second is quite resistant. Bacills in soft tissues of an unborn corpse can be saved 2-4 days. (Ipatenko, 1982), as they are destroyed under the influence of proteolytic enzymes. In the bone marrow of intact bones, this process occurs a little later - the bacillos remain viable here to 7 days (Franch, 1964; Ipatenko, 1964- 1982).

The positive temperatures of the bacillus are redundant. Direct sunlight kills them in a few hours. When heated to 50-55 ° C, they are dying for an hour, at 60 ° C- after 15 minutes, at 75 ° s-after a minute, when boiling - instantly. Fast drying kills bacillus, and slow leads to the formation of a dispute. Bacills may die after 2 weeks at 2-4 ° C. In the gastric juice of animals, bacillos die in 30 minutes, up to 15 days are saved in saline meat.

Minus temperatures can be preserved bacillos. So, at -10 С С they survive 24 days., At -24 ° C - 12 dp., In frozen meat at -15 ° C - up to 15 dp. They can be maintained even at liquid nitrogen temperature (-196 ° C).

Bacills are small resistant to various chemicals. Alcohol, ether, 2% solution of formalin, 5% phenol solution, solution of Sumlema 1: 1000.5-10% solutions of chlorine, Fresh 5% chlorine solution, hydrogen peroxide destroy them for 4-5 min. Basic methyl bromide bacilli. OKEBM (suspension of one weight of ethylene oxide and 2.5 methyl bromide).

Freshly milk also has bacteriostatic properties (it delays the development of bacilli), but this is the action of it only 24 hours, later the bacillos begin to multiply, form a dispute, while maintaining the pathogenicity. The antimicrobial properties of milk are due to lysozyme and lactines - fermentation oxidation products (Abdullin and Kaparovich, 1971; Ipatenko, 1982). Growth Bacill may delay the fresh blood of animals (Ipatenko, 1964-1982).

Bacillus are sensitive to the action of some antibiotics - penicillin streptomycin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline H biomycin. Bacteriostatic properties are manifested both in vitro and in vivo. The minimum concentrations of streptomycin, delaying the growth of bacilli, fluctuate the limits of 1.15-0.34 μg / ml; Oxytetracycline - 0.22-1.87 μg / ml (Ipatenko, 1983).

With growth on MPa bacillus under the influence of low doses of penicillin take shape of the balls. The chains acquire the appearance of the "pearl necklace". This reaction is specific and can be used for accelerated differential diagnostics.

The antimicrobial effect of streptomycin and oxytetracycline for virulent and vaccine strains taken separately and in combination is not the same. A mixture of streptomycin with oxytetracycline has a more pronounced effect than each of them separately. The same total concentrations of them in micrograms per 1 ml of medium exceeds 2 times the action of oxytetracycline and 4 times - streptomycin (Novikov, 1960). It should be borne in mind that in nature there are individuals bacilli resistant to antibiotics.

Resistant dispute. The disputes are much more stable than the vegetative forms of Bacill, and in the external environment are preserved longer. High resistance disputes to different impacts is associated with the presence of a dense multilayer shell, low water content in it and lack of enzymatic activity. One of the most important factors caused by the high resistance of the dispute is the presence of a calcium salt of dipicolinic acid; Calcium content in disputes is significantly higher than in vegetative bodies.

Resistant dispute depends largely on how quickly they have formed. Spores formed at 18-20 ° C are more resistant than disputes formed at temperatures of 35-33 s C (Revo, 1931). Disputes can be maintained with decades in the external environment (soil) viable and virulent (Ipatenko, 1982) under certain conditions.

Drying does not affect disputes. In dried agar and gelatin cultures, disputes remain viable and virulent to 55 years. Direct sunlight destroys disputes only after 4 days (Franke, 1964; Ipatenko. 1982), but the ultraviolet rays and x-rays are degraded on them - disputes are dying around - 20 hours. Dry heat (120-140 ° C) kills disputes only After 2-3 hours, at 150 ° C, they are dying after 1 hour, the flowing pairs at 100 ° C destroys them after 12-15 minutes, autoclaved at 110 ° C - after 5-10 minutes, boiling - for an hour. At 400, the disputes are dying after 20-30 s.

Disputes are resistant and to chemicals. Ethyl alcohol at concentrations of 25% and above kill disputes only after 50 days., Sullem in dilution 1000.5% solution of phenol, 5-10% solutions of chlorine destroy them in a few days (possibly hours), 1% - formalin solution - after 2 h, 2% solution of formalin - after 10-15 minutes, 4% solution of potassium permanganate - after 15 min, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide - after 1 hour, 10% solution caustic satellite - after 2 hours. according to M.A. Sefershaeva (1964), disputes are resistant to resin phenols, which are the waste of the shale industry.

The active disinfectants with a bactericidal sphere-spit-fluent effect were three drugs from a group of intermediate compounds - a salty solution of iodine single-meter (preparations No. 74 and 74-b), femors and niran and one drug from a group of chloro-assets - hypochlorine (Bosjan, Dmitrieva, 1968 ).

Making in the soil of chemicals is noticeably not cleared by the number of microorganisms, but inevitably changes them species compositionAt the same time disrupts the normal course of microbiological processes in the soil (Konobeeva, 1964). However, chemical preparations undergoing soil microbes can turn into other compounds, even more poisonous than the initial. In this regard, it is necessary to choose a particularly careful, means and methods of soil disinfection (colorabies, 1965).

2. Evolution

The question of the origin and evolutionary bonds BAC. Anthracis with other solar spore-forming bacillos, including you. Cereus remains discussion. Attempts under experimental conditions turn one type of microbes to another fail. No varieties of BAC. Anthracis in nature was not found (Ginsburg, 1960),

Most researchers (colonies, etc., 1970) The emergence of Siberian ulcers as diseases relate to a quaternary period, that is, by the time of wide settlement on the ground of the workshop. The virulent properties of the pathogen at that time were formed in the conditions of universal susceptibility of animals, the lack of immune livestock among them.

Herbivores (especially checked), sparing the plants, could damage the mucous membrane of the digestive channel. In these places, soil microbes had the opportunity to penetrate the host's body (Abdullin, 1976). As a result of many such contacts, a microbe could have a mutant capable of capsuilization in the body. Next, the selection on the acquisition of pathogenicity by the capsular microbe in the body, apparently, was towards the release of toxic metabolites.

During the evolution, a viable offspring of microbes gave mutants who possess the main property of the species - to cause the disease and the death of susceptible animals. In case of subsequent infection and the host change, the new properties in the genotype (and above all virulence) required for further reproduction and maintenance of the microbe are required.


The solution to the problem of liquidation of Siberian ulcers largely depends on the knowledge of the ecology of the causative agent, taking into account the influence of various factors of the external environment, the patterns of dissemination of the disease, the features of the epizootic manifestation. It should be borne in mind that the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of Siberian ulcers is associated with soil-geographical zones. Therefore, effective methods of identifying and rehabilitation of soil foci of pathogen play a major role.

The fight against the Siberian ulcer should be based on a well-designed plan providing for the clarification and elimination of each stationary disabilities. Every year new data appear on the epizootology of the disease, the vital activity of the causative agent in the body and in the external environment. The data about its variability accumulate. The methods of diagnosis, prevention of disease and animal treatment are improved, new methods of soil disinfection are being developed.


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13. Trezhetsky T.A., Kulikovsky A.V. Structural changes in the dispute of the virulent strain of you. Anthracis after exposure to disinfectants // ZHMEI, 1971, No. 8.