Treatment of stress, or how to get rid of the feeling of anxiety, fear and panic attacks. How to strengthen the nervous system at home stress and its effect on man

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Probably at least seven people out of ten will say that the nervous system is a weak place of their body. And we are not so much about organic diseases of the brain and the pathology of peripheral nerves, how many psychological and even mental problems. Apathy, drowsiness, increased irritability, inability to overcome stress, anxiety, depressive moods - well, who does not become familiar? Such states are often found, so many people dream of finding a tool that will help them strengthen the nervous system. Under the expression "to strengthen the nerves", the majority implies the following: soothe the psyche and become less susceptible to stress. What should I do for this?

Refuse "assistants"

All your pretty considerable efforts will be embarrassed in vain, if you do not digest, what should be avoided, so as not to harm your stunned nervous system. And some restrictions are really needed.

Most importantly - once and permanently give up the reception of sedative and sleeping pills. If they take them, then only with the permission of the doctor! It only seems to be soothing and help to cope with tension. In fact, they do not solve the problem in the root, but simply help for a while "forget." Then the stress, and anxiety, and sleep disorders are returned again and with a new force begins to torment you. And considering that most people take these medicines without appointing a doctor, according to their own, expect an optimal effect and is not at all.

Probably you know that the law has recently been adopted, according to which even "light" means like voserdina and corvalol Listed in narcotic and psychotropic drugs. In recent days, before the adoption of this law, the pharmacy was tested by such an influx of visitors who wanted to get these medicines that almost everywhere the drugs were rapidly over. Sadly: it means that people are so dependent on sedatives (perceive this term is not literally) that they are ready to be ready for a year ahead, just to be able to "calm down" if necessary ...

Solve problems at home and at work

In many cases, the nervous state of the person is due to the stress that he gets from the outside. The main sources of nervous shocks are work and family relationships. What can be said here ... If you solve the difficulties that you bring so many experiences, you will be much easier to protect your nervous system from constant loads. You will have to make less effort to overcome the consequences of stresses already transferred, you protect yourself from new portions of the negative and can learn how to be much calmer and balanced.

However, we understand that the desire of a person to cope with a tense situation does not always find its implementation. Someone can not quit hard work because it is the only source of income; Someone cannot cope with disagreements in the family, because "opponents" continue to stand on their own and provoke conflicts. I would like to hope that your situation is not like that, and you can dramatically and radically change your life lifestyle for the better. If not - do not be discouraged. It will be more difficult for you to strengthen the nervous system when it is constantly being gradually stress, but it is still possible to achieve improvement.

Get "Right" stress

Any threat to the constancy of the body's interior is stress. However, not any of them is a negative event. There are stresses of "bad", for example, a challenge "on the carpet" to the boss, trauma or a quarrel with a close man. They hit the psyche and health, violate the adaptive reactions of the body; They are destroying for a person. But there is both "good" stresses: suddenly stunned love, morning jog, cold shower. They also threaten our nerves to some extent, but they are weakly, and in general, they are perceived positively. As a result, such phenomena (on scientific terminology, they are called Eustone) only strengthen our nervous system and make it more sustainable negative events.

Sleep well

A person can sleep for 3-4 hours a day, without experiencing special damage to his physical condition - so they say the results of the study of sleep. However, the inability to sleep is one of the main factors that determine possible problems with nerves. With the complete absence of sleep, a disorientation is observed, after five days there are hallucinations and convulsions, after ten, the subject falls into psychosis; As a result of chronic lack of sleep for several weeks and months, a person is almost guaranteed to develop depressive disorder. The listed facts are also proven by science, and pay attention, all the consequences of the lack of sleep are manifested by impaired from the side of the nervous system.

It became to strengthen your psyche and nerves, a sufficient amount of time needs to sleep. You say it is difficult for you to find the time to sleep in your tense schedule? Watchfully believe. Perhaps you think that it is simply impossible to get enough sleep? But we dare in this. If you are expensive to your health, you will find time to satisfy one of the physiological needs of your body.

By the way, another one interesting fact About a dream: His the disadvantage provokes excess weight. Want to become not only nervous and jerking, but also fat? Then leave everything as it is, and do not change anything. But, we hope it will be your motivator to come in the opposite way and take care of your health.

Do sport

Only a person who regularly engages in his favorite sport understands all its importance to preserve the health of the nervous system and the body as a whole. If you do not feel about fans of physical loads, you will have to believe the word that physical activity is one of the best, and maybe even the best way to psychological unloading. Plus, during classes, the work of synapses is activated, the neuromuscular transmission is improved, the brain is fully saturated with oxygen, hormones are produced in happiness, and in the end you will end the next training tired, but completely adequate and joyful and peaceful person.

Take vitamins

The best "friends" of the nervous system is vitamins of the group B, because they are involved in the flow of biochemical processes in nerve cells. Therefore, take care that at least food with their content as often happened on your desk. Bread, bran, meat, liver, green leafy vegetables, yeast, eggs, walnuts, grain seedlings - immediately revise the diet if there are no these products. If desired, you can start taking vitamin complexes - "ordinary" or special, with group vitamins in (for example, neuromulivitis).


In chronic stress, breathing is readier and becomes more superficial; If a person constantly lives in voltage, the depth and frequency of his breathing gradually change in such a way that it breathes in the constant "alarm mode." And on the contrary, the sign of calm is deep, measured breaths and exhalations.

Perform breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air contribute to the calm of the psyche, and it stabilizes nervous processes. Please contact the help of these funds, and you will feel much better.

The reduced "recipes" of strengthening the nervous system is not unique and even ordinary. However, if you did not find anything new here, do not rush to draw conclusions. Think: everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but many smoke; Everyone knows that it is necessary to eat less for weight loss and play sports, but they do it units; Finally, everyone knows how to calm their nerves, but most of it ignores.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the experiences once and permanently and for all of the experiences and gain peace of mind with the help of any magic tool or exercise. To do this will have to work hard. Of course, it will be just as difficult as to reset the next kilogram of excess weight or spend the day without a cigarette, however, in the end, your efforts will be rewarded. You can respond quietly to what is happening, without panic to make responsible decisions, get rid of unwanted thoughts, to sleep hard at night and just enjoy life. It seems to us that this is a worthy occasion in order to make efforts.

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Stress treatment: What methods help get rid of symptoms and consequences?

In the mad rhythm of modern life, stress pursues a person constantly. But what is hiding behind this situation? Today, there is a stress to call any emotional shocks, painful experiences, bitterness of unjustified hopes. However, the medical interpretation of the term is significantly - stress is far from every fear, pain or disappointment.

Not all people subjected to a powerful emotional attack break, lose their vital tone and fall into a depressive state. At the same time, true stress has a devastating force and is a danger to health. That is why it is so important to recognize it and start treatment in time. Consider more, how to distinguish stress from nervous tension, what consequences entails this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Stress or not stress: That's the question

An accurate description of stress is made up 80 years ago. Austro-Hungarian Biologist Hans Selre indicated that stress is a complex of adaptive reactions of the organism to the requirements of the requirements made him due to the impact of factors that caused the violation of homeostasis (the body's ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment). In other words, this is a tension that causes a set of external, as a rule of unfavorable, factors.

A stress factor can be any change in the familiar life of a person. Emotional shocks often provoke not only external circumstances, but also a subconscious attitude towards specific events. The death of a close relative, a break with a loved one, trouble at work, the lack of confidence in the future, mad rhythm of life and permanent zeietot - all this is capable of withdrawing equilibrium. Causes can also be "internal" character: poor nutrition, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, violations in the work of endocrine and immune systems, allergies. Nervous stress is much deeper than the usual excitement, this is the physiological response of the body to the impact, which has specific symptoms, phases and consequences.

American psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rey on the basis of large-scale studies amounted to the table of stressfulness of life events. On the top row with the result of almost 100 points - the death of the spouse. On the second - 78 points - divorce. On the third - 65 points - parting with a partner. Thus, the cessation of relations with his beloved person is stronger than the prison (63 points), the death of a relative (63 points), a serious illness (53 points).

With unfavorable exposure, the hypophies begins to actively produce adrenocorticotropin. This hormone, in turn, affects the adrenal glands, which are manufacturers of "stress hormones" - cortisol, norepinephrine, adrenaline. There is an increased generation of glucose, cholesterol, fatty acids. The person increases the pressure and the heartbeat is enhanced. In small doses, it is even useful - stress stimulates activity and encourages actions.

With prolonged stress, the level of cortisol in the blood is constantly overestimated. It becomes the cause of hypertension, thyroid problems, blood glucose level growth. Gradually lose the strength of the bone, the fabrics begin to collapse, the immune system suffers. The brain constantly serves a signal about the need to stock fats, arises for sweet, flour and fat, an increase in body weight occurs. Although the inverse clinical picture can also appear, leading to the absence of appetite and physical exhaustion.

Unfortunately, not everyone can immediately recognize the origin of chronic stress. The first signal of the problem is insomnia. Other symptoms appear later. A person loses the ability to adequately react to stimuli. Without a visible reason, it comes to rage or rushes into tears. The ability to concentrate is lost, important items fall out of the memory. Gradually loses interest in labor and entertainment. Frequent headaches are not excluded and an incessant anxiety. Risk of serious diseases increases. The cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract suffers to a greater extent. Ulcers, hypertension, angina, stroke and even oncology - all these are the real consequences of the long-term stay of the body in stressful state. Therefore, it is important to detect the problem in time and begin treatment of stress before it becomes destroying the body.

Species and phases of stress, or whether from light anxiety to depression

Medical practice shares stress into two types: Eustess (positive form) and Distress (negative). In the first case, the body's life resources are mobilized with subsequent active activities. In the second - negative impact on the somatic and mental health of the person. The psycho-emotional sphere of a person is frustrated, which entails a severe depressive state.

The above-mentioned Hans Selre allocated three stages of stress development:

  1. Alarm - Stage of Anxiety. The body reacts to stress factors, an alarm increases, a self-control is weakened, self-control is lost. Behavior is often changing to the opposite: a subside man can become aggressive, and vice versa. It is possible to exacerbate psychosomatic diseases: gastritis, migraine, ulcers, allergies. The duration of the phase is individual - from several days to many weeks.
  2. Stage of resistance, or resistance. It comes if the stress factor continues its impact. The protective forces of the body are ready to give an instant rebuff with angrim. At this stage, a person is able to realize that it is in the authority of stress, and choose an effective way to combat it. Diseases in the second phase usually disappear, but in the third manifest with double power.
  3. Stage of exhaustion. Physiological and psychological protection mechanisms have exhausted themselves. A person feels fatigue and emptying. Anxiety appears again, but it no longer leads to the mobilization of internal reserves, and the patient is not able to independently take any actions. Following the alarming, fear and panic develop, pathological psychosomatic states appear, requiring urgent treatment.

Psychologists argue that it is impossible to avoid stressful situations. The more we try to live quietly and calmly, ignoring problems, the more we are vulnerable. Instead of "running away" from emotional drops and shocks, it is necessary to learn to own themselves, develop the ability of self-regulation. A person should be able to restrain, be patient, suppress the inner "explosions", then there is probability not to suffer from severe stress and depression.

Nevertheless, each person has an individual scenario for the development of stress and behavior in an emotional shock situation. Frequency, shape and reaction type can differ significantly. Someone is experiencing stress regularly, finding the forces to fight them independently. And someone from the first time experiencing the power of painful manifestations, needing help from the outside. It is believed that at the first two stages, a person under the power will overcome the alarm and stress without medication treatment. It is necessary to eliminate the factor that has caused the cause of emotional discord, to revise the lifestyle, resort to trainings and methods of psychological unloading. It will not be superfluous to contact a specialist who can prescribe plant preparations, vitamins, biodendering. At the third stage, medical support is necessary. Treatment of long stress is likely to be comprehensive, with an obligatory intake of antidepressants or tranquilizers.

We treat stress without drugs

Non-media methods are the first, where to start struggle with stress. These include:

  • Psychotherapy. The psychotherapist reveals the factor that has caused stress, determines the depth of the problem and reserves of the body to confront the situation. Therapy combines different techniques. Usually this is a trustworthy conversation, during which the doctor can put experiments, paying attention to the patient on his feelings, fears and experiences. As a result, a person should look at various situations and life as a whole at an angle, allowing to see the possibility of choice. It forms the desire to create the most comfortable conditions and avoid stressful scenarios. This group includes hypnosis.
  • Relaxation, trainings.Relaxation helps reduce the psychophysical activity of the body in a state of wakefulness. Relaxation technician Many: respiratory-relaxation training, autogenous training, progressive and muscular relaxation and others. In the process of classes, the patient decreases muscle tension, blood pressure decreases, the heart rate is reassured, which allows minimizing the negative effect of stress on physiology. Trainings are aimed primarily on the removal of emotional stress, for example, through a decrease in the significance of problems, fighting fear through humor, etc.
  • Physical activity. Physical exertion allow you to naturally "dispose of" excess adrenaline. With long-term classes (more than half an hour) in the body, "hormones of joy" - endorphins begin to stand out. The sport and the number of workouts is selected individually: from walking in the fresh air to active work in the gym.
  • Lifestyle correction.This is a prerequisite for recovery. Changes must occur in all areas. This is the consumption of natural products, and a decrease in the amount of alcohol, and the fight against overweight, and the full mode of work and recreation with a waste to sleep no later than 23 hours.

Therapy natural antidepressants can not be underestimated. The human body has a huge potential, to overcome stress, if only a person is aware of the need for this. For example, in the event of parting with a loved one, you should not pill a pillow around the clock with tears. It is necessary to spill the aggression in sports, master breathing equipment and yoga, to devote time to care for their body, communicate with new positive people, ride travel, etc. All this gives a tangible effect with a pharmacology, which underlies the treatment process.

Pharmacotherapy in stress

In a situation where it is not possible to cope with the manifestations of stress, the feeling of fear and anxiety increases, the condition worsens, the rightful decision will appeal for professional help and treatment. Psychologist will, if necessary, will send to a consultation to a psychotherapist or a neurologist for specific appointments.

The spectrum of drugs is wide.

  • Vitamins, Homeopathic Tools and Bada. These are the most "harmless" drugs that have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Homeopaths are prescribed during stress ARGENTICUM NITRICUM, AURUM METALLIC, GELSEMIUM - 6 or 30 consecutive dilutions of the active substance in the proportion of 1: 100. Polyvitamin complexes are shown at frequent stress. This is due to the acceleration of anabolism and an increased need for vitamins, without which protein biosynthesis is impossible. These are vitamins of group B: in 1, 2, in 3, in 6, at 12. As opposed to stress, the body begins to actively produce a hormone serotonin, which causes a feeling of calm, well-being, happiness. For the synthesis of serotonin, the amino acid L-tryptophan is necessary. It has a beneficial effect on sleep and reduces cravings to oily and calorie food. In conditions of stress, L-tryptophan is recommended to be taken in addition in the form of a biologically active additive.
  • Preparations with concomitant sedative action. This is all familiar "Valokordin", "Corvalol" and similar means based on phenobarbital and vegetable oils. Used as a sedative substance that helps cope with sleep disorders, anxiety, excitation and tachycardia of unspecified origin. It is well tolerated, rarely have side effects, although during long-term use has a toxic effect on the liver. Therefore, they are contraindicated pregnant and patients with impaired kidney and liver. In the same group, nootropics can be attributed - drugs that are neurometabolic stimulants and have a specific effect on the nervous system. They enhance the stability of the neurons of the brain to damaging factors, stimulate mental activity. The famous representative - Piracetam, which is prescribed when depressed, reducing memory, demoralization, apathy, etc. Another drug for the treatment of anxiety and stress is "Glycine". It has a similar effect, in addition, improves the mood and normalizes sleep.
  • Medicinal products based on vegetable components. In their composition - vegetable agents with the addition of chemically synthesized substances. These are soft sedatives based on the extracts of the Hypericum, mint, Melissa, Hop, Passiflora, etc. The most famous "new-passite", "Persen", "Nervoflux". They do not cause addiction and do not provoke life-threatening states even overdose.
  • Prescription preparations. This group includes medicines that have a strong impact on the body, therefore it is categorically prohibited to use them. These are antidepressants who prescribe a psychiatrist. The course of treatment with them can reach several months. The most common blockers of the reverse seizure of serotonin: "Prosak" (fluoxetine), "Paksil" (Paroksetin), "Fevarin", "Azapane". They are prescribed for the treatment of protracted stress and depression, including severe cases, to reduce the feeling of anxiety, longing, lethargy. The so-called heavy tranquilizers of benzodiazepine row are released in a prescription. it medications, inhibiting brain zones responsible for the emotional sphere: "Fenazepam", "Dazepams", "Mespam", "Alprazolam" and others. Possess anxiolytic, sedative, sleeping pills, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant action. Effectively eliminate the alarms and fear, have contraindications and side effects.
  • Neckless anxiolitics. The substances of strong action often possess a side effect. During the intake, hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, skin itch, etc. may occur, etc., what doctors and pharmacists honestly warn patients. Over the years, scientists have tried to create a selective anxiolytic with the effectiveness of traditional benzodiazepine tranquilizers, but devoid of side manifestations inherent in them. As a result of long-term developments in the Laboratory of Pharmacology Guards. V.V. Zasakov Ramne was created by the preparation "Afobazol". The data was submitted to WHO for consideration, as a result of which in 2012 it was decided to assign the "FaboMothizol" the international non-state name "Afobazol". This is the first Russian non-receptive anxiolytic, which received the code of international classification.

Expert's opinion: the drug "Afobazol" tells a specialist of the pharmaceutical company otisiFARM

The drug really does not affect the central nervous system. It restores the receptors of nerve cells and protects neurons from damage, so that they can properly perform their work. This is a natural mechanism, therefore does not show the "vatability effect", the nervous system does not lose the sharpness and speed of the reaction.
The action was repeatedly studied in the course of experimental and clinical studies. 78% of patients who had previously experienced emotional stress and had neurotic disorders with pronounced symptoms of vegetative dystonia, noted the decrease in irritability and poor mood. 70% decreased fatigue and increased performance. The level of rapid fear and anxiety after treatment decreased twice. By the way, Afobazol investigated not only in neurology and psychiatry, but also in cardiology, dermatology, gynecology. In all directions, the effectiveness and safety of the drug is confirmed. However, to avoid individual reactions should not neglect the consultation of the doctor.

The action of pharmacological agents may not appear immediately. On average, no less than two weeks passes to the appearance of the effect, although the sharp manifestations of stress can be soldered immediately. Separate patients note positive changes earlier. The choice of medication to treat strong stress - the procedure is extremely responsible. The doctor takes into account the complex of factors: the severity of the disease, age, sensitivity to components, the effectiveness of the previous treatment and even the mood of the patient - after all, the absolute majority of medicines are designed for long-term treatment and a strict reception scheme.

IN modern world A person at every step lies stress, and therefore every day more and more techniques, drugs and sciences appear, which seek to strengthen the nerves, and if it did not work out - then calm, cure and restore the nervous system. Since a weak nervous system is not a completely sick body that can be explored, to examine with the help of instrumental and laboratory research methods and issue a recipe with tablets, then the approach should be special.

Treatment of the nervous system

In principle, if it really frankly, now it has become fashionable to treat the nerves. And, often, people are not so close attention to "bodily" a few. And in vain.

Not all problems are from stress, and before treating it, you need to make sure if you have organic pathology, which provides.

Unfortunately, how fashionable is now attending a psychologist, so much people are afraid to seek help to a doctor, whose lot is the diseases of the nervous system, psyche. But often a favorable outcome in order to strengthen the psyche depends only on how timely assistance was provided.

A comprehensive impact should be available on any problem. And if you just can not take and stop nervous, there is also no perfect drug, which instantly normalizes the work of the nervous system.

That is why they are resorted to help as vitamin preparations, various drugs (acting both on the central nervous system and the vegetative nervous system) and food, which strengthen both the overall condition of a person, and to be nerves.

Vitamins for strengthening the nervous system

    Vitamin A. strengthens the cells of the nervous system, slows the aging of the body. This vitamin is contained in carrots, kurage, peaches, beef and egg yolks.

    Vitamin B1. Removes nervousness, scattered; Eliminates stress, improves memory. It is contained in oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat cereals, in milk, nautical cabbage.

    Vitamin B6. It is important to strengthens the nervous system of children. Also eliminates insomnia and raises the mood. To do this, you need to eat bananas, potatoes, liver, beef, prunes, white bread and drink orange juice.

    Vitamin B12. It eliminates poor mood, helps to preserve the clarity of the mind in old age. In sufficient quantity B12 is in seafood, beef, liver, chicken, dairy products, eggs.

    Vitamin C. Except that it strengthens the general condition of the body, enhances immunity, it also strengthens the nervous system. Wear citrus, melons, kiwi, watermelons, sweet pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach.

    Vitamin D. Plus is that our body independently synthesizes this vitamin when we walk in the sun, because it saves depression, increases the mood.

    Vitamin E. Removes signs of fatigue, irritation. It is contained in nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), eggs, sunflower oil.

In addition, products contain various vitamins, they still have important trace elements that strengthen the nervous system.

Fruits (especially citrus and bananas) are good antidepressants.

Milk and dairy products in their composition have calcium, and it has a favorable effect on the muscles, relaxing them.

Fish and seafood contain selenium and zinc, which are useful both during stress and after it.

Chocolate is known for its ability to produce happiness hormone. This is, of course, about the real black chocolate. It also has magnesium that has a sedative effect.

In apples and legumes contained chrome. He is able to strengthen the nervous system and prevent excessive craving for sweet.

Preparations that strengthen the nervous system

Go to any pharmacy or pay attention to the advertising unit on TV and you will see that pharmacological firms have currently brought to the market a whole arsenal of drugs that contribute to the treatment of neurosis and other "nervous" defects. And then the main thing is not to overdo it and do not engage in self-medication. If you understand that it is impossible to cope with the problem with your own forces and you need medical "support", then you should seek help for your doctor. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist, and a neuropathologist can also be engaged in this question.

As for drugs, here are some of them:

    Drops that are used to reduce pressure, removal of voltage, spasms.

    Also in the form of droplets, the composition includes mint and hops. Remove the feeling of fear, anxiety, impassable.

    . "Cocktail" from Valeriana, Melissa, Mint. Vegetable preparation. Most often used when it is impossible to use potent and synthetic preparations.

    It treats neurosis well. It has a sleeping pill effect, but removes irritability, anxiety, anxiety, fear.

    Allowed for applying adults from 18 years. Improves memory, removes dizziness, helps concentrate attention. Also removes the plasticity, voltage.

You can take a bath on a brazier of pine cones / needles, various herbs or with sea salt and essential oils (all citrus oils, lavender, patchouli, chamomile).

Drink soothing green tea overnight (with Melissa, Chabrya, Mint).

You can also make a "drug" from 10 lemons and shells of 5 eggs. The recipe is simple: all this needs to be chopped as carefully and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 5 days and take 2 tbsp. x 3 / day. Calm and confidence is attached.

If you put the bumps of hops in honey and insist them, then this means will help with insomnia.

How to strengthen the nervous system of the child

Children albeit a more flexible nervous system and better adapt to stimuli and stressful agents, but still are also susceptible to the destructive action of stress. Their nervous system also needs protection. First of all, from parents. What the child grows up, 75% depends on parents. How they will teach it adapt to environment, react to "bad" in life and what an example they will be submitted themselves. It is important to understand your child and. Do not try to fit into my breath, but do not close, when the child comes to share with you with your "children's" problems. If you do not listen, do not advise or just get out, then next time it will not come to you. He will find myself who will always treat him with understanding. So the abyss arises between parents and their children.


Katsudzo Niche, Japanese scientist, says that if a person sleeps on a hard, feeds on a natural healthy food, a lot walks in the fresh air, takes a contrasting shower regularly, he will not have problems with mental health and share his life "before and after stress" .

It is also necessary to find a lesson who will give you relaxation, the ability to spill out unrealized energy. Perhaps even aggression! To this end, someone can draw, someone playing musical instruments, someone walks in hiking, someone is engaged in sports, someone - love :). Classes - weight. The main thing is not to sit and not "boot" even more. Do not stress overcome you and do not let the problems of the nervous system on samonek.

strengthen the nervous system

"People who do not know how to fight anxiety, dying with young"


If you carefully think about everything, it becomes clear why these nerves need to strengthen, and the nervous system to train, toning and stimulate. In order not to be illness, and health to be.

Related one goal composed with one chain ...

The body and psyche are connected like parrots-deafness. Each change inside is reflected outside. And, on the contrary, everything external turns into the internal state. No wonder there is such a direction in medicine as psychosomatics, which is trying to establish a clear connection between the flow of mental processes and their influence on the physiological state of a person.

All this in the near future can be aware of serious, which will dramatically affect the quality of life. It will change and, as clear, not at all for the better.

The question "Why strengthen the nerves" is clear as day. Nerves with the psyche need the same care, the same workouts as the body. Then the person will be harmoniously healthy (physically and mentally). And health is a guarantee of a full-fledged, active and active life.

Methods for strengthening the nervous system and psyche great set, and conventionally can be divided into 2 groups: training for body and training for the psyche. Let us dwell on the first group.

Strengthen the body to calm the nerves and psyche

Strengthen the body, nerves and psyche, if you follow these recommendations:

  1. You need to train the body increasing the level of physical activity. Movement - life. This is easy to make sure example the deceased. As Vysotsky sang: "Everyone was fed from the noise and scream, only the dead did not run away." All living things should move, and as much as possible. During running, or energetic walking, all the hormones of stress accumulated by us are intensively spent by the body. They are on the stressful hormones to help run away from fear and danger, and not lie on their way (or on the sofa).
  2. Food is a matter of principle. Right! Food is the responsible business and it is impossible to approach it in a hurry. The principle of nutrition in poor health is to provide the body with all the necessary substances, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
    Just fill up the stomach on the go, which will have - wrong. And echo of the spells: "Do not overeat", "do not eat at night", "do not abuse" at all will never cease in the air.
  3. Away, unhealthy addiction. Instead of breakfast - coffee with a cigarette. ... This ritual makes waking up in the morning, serving a slight tonizer. It can be stopped on it. And it is best to quit smoking, drink, drink stimulants and other destroying habits. The short excitation effect of nicotine is replaced by a phase of sharp braking. To get a new portion of cheerfulness and toning the brain, followed by one cigarette one, the third. ... But the excitation phase is all shorter, and the braking is longer. At a certain stage, the body no longer responds to the outbreak of excitation. Instead of a short tone charge, a smoker begins to experience fatigue, irritation, weakness and drowsiness. The same with coffee. After another serving, he no longer gives a charge of cheerfulness, but takes the last one.
  4. Hardening and molding. Water is an indispensable condition for existence. Water medium - are dozens of ways to strengthen nervous system. Hardening creates "impenetrable" immunity, burte, causes the body to "wake up" and withdraw its reserves. Morning is an extreme form of hardening. It seems strange, but "walkers" are surprisingly healthy and balanced people. Such a powerful physiological stress that the body gets when immersed in an ice burger, will launch all your armored trains standing on the spare paths.
  5. Bath and sauna - a recognized method for cleansing the body and soul. High temperatures, hot couples in combination with birch broom very quickly cure any Handra, and the grateful body corresponds to pleasant horsepha, relaxation and clarified consciousness.
  6. IN water It is necessary not only to swim, harden and sprinkled. It needs to be even right and in sufficient quantities of drinking. The method of 8 glasses is widely known. If you believe the first-sources, it is precisely such a volume of water to pass through the channels of our body, wash it, spending the mucus from the intestinal walls, withdrawing decay products and organizing the right water balance.
  7. Massage, Samomassage - The strongest remedy against all sorts of pivots. The trouble is that the body gradually loses the flexibility, the mobility of the joints. Exchange processes are bad, there are places and clips in the muscles. Powerful self-massage to the seventh sweat will exceed the stagnant blood, will strengthen the metabolic processes, will give the vigor and the sea of \u200b\u200benergy.
  8. Sleep and rest zone. Deep, healthy sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. The body is restored, updated cells, resting the brain. Non-ships, surface sleep, frequent awakening, early wakes quickly loosen the nervous system. The person becomes sluggish, apathetic, quelly, with difficulty concerns, concentrates. In communication, the inaccuits are manifested by outbreaks of irritation and aggression. It is necessary to sleep, turning off all the sources of noise: TV, telephone, radio, computer. A room for sleep must be well ventilated. Coffee and smokers before bedtime will destroy your good intentions, because They have the properties to overchange nervous system. Sleep in the dark. Darkness is a condition for producing melatonin (calm and sleep hormone). If you have already used to fall asleep under the noise and light support of the TV - overcome. Screen flickering, flash outbreaks interfere with the production of a sleepy hormone.
  9. Nature - Another natural assistant in creating a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. The most peaceful and harmonious people are tourists of all stripes. Hiking, water, cycling is a wonderful and natural way to relax the nervous system. Nature treats herself. You can only get out of town, sit down at the river and see how the sun is reflected in the water. Home you will return to the peaceful and lightweight. Communication with nature can not only easily re-create the psyche, but also to treat the hardest physical ailments.

Useful food for nerves - eat and relax!

Nutritionists have created a special diet for those who want to stop worrying and start living. Without the substances and trace elements necessary for the person, which he gets at the dinner table, the nervous cells do not cope with their tasks in full.

Lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine weaken the nervous system and its interaction with internal organs.

Magnesium is a necessary element responsible for muscle relaxation, transmission and receiving nerve impulses. His sources:

  • mineral water;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • wheat bran.

Frequently eat oatmeal, barley, psonka, buckwheat. These breams have large magnesium reserves.

Phosphorus is a microelement that reduces muscle tension and tones the nervous system. It is contained in sub-products, milk, beans and croups.

Calcium is a regulator of neuromuscular pulses. Despite its entire importance for the fortress of bones and teeth, it is not less nervous. And sometimes even more. In such cases, the body "is withdrawn" from his bones, directing there, where in it a great need. Calcium sources:

  • milk products;
  • cabbage of all varieties and spinach;
  • nuts;
  • poppy seeds and sesame;
  • soy and wheat.

Potassium - promotes the well-coordinated work of muscles and nerves, serves as prevention of depression and. The lack of potassium is replenished with the enrichment of its table with vegetable and dairy products, as well as non-fat varieties of meat and fish.

  • vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, melons, watermelons, bananas);
  • dried fruits (figs, raisins, prunes);
  • cereals (wheat flour and bran, rye bread, oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • nuts (walnuts, cedar, peanuts, almonds);
  • meat and fish (beef, rabbit, tuna, flabble, cod).

Iron - ensures full-fledged thyroid gland, is responsible for normal metabolism and the formation of nerve fibers. Many iron in meat and liver. Meat is suitable any, and what it is darker, the more iron contains in itself.

This element is rich in such products:

  • fish river, marine, seafood;
  • eggs (chicken, duck, quail);
  • fruits, dried fruits;
  • green vegetables;
  • bread and cereals.

Iodine - responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. The lack of Tyroxin hormone causes heavy metabolic diseases. Violation of hormonal balance is apathy, lethargy, depression, chronic fatigue and irritable weakness. The lack of iodine is compensated by the addition of sea cabbage, sea fish and seafood into the diet.

Products for the nervous system that make us happy:

Vitamins and Soothing Preparations for nerves

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, certain vitamins and drugs are needed.

Nerves very favorably react to vitamin B and very bad - for its lack.

It is most convenient to purchase an inexpensive packaging of the ping. This is a blister from 50 tablets that contain the entire group of this vitamin.

The group vitamins in lower the level are removed, normalize mood and even restore nerve cells. They improve mental processes, strengthen memory, give vigor and efficiency.

Vitamin C is perfectly coping with stress and increases the mood. Vitamin E calms the nervous system. Vitamin A slows the aging of nerve cells, improves sleep, its disadvantage will lead to lethargy, fatigue and some common inhibition.

Tinctures, herbal fees, syrups, drops and tablets - these are the main forms of soothing drugs

The new-passite syrup is more appropriate with light neurosis forms, facilitates falling asleep and soothes.

Drops of Walockordin, Voserdin, Zelenina drops reduce the excitation of the CNS, have a sedative, sleeping pills. Also these funds remove vegal symptoms.

The best pills restoring the balance between the braking and the excitation of the nervous system are recognized:

  • Glycine;
  • Perrsen;
  • Donormil.

But the first thing to be done to strengthen the nervous system is to stop nervous for each occasion and without that, that's how to do it:

"Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, give courage not to worry there, where nothing depends on me and wisdom to distinguish one of the other." This prayer is a great advice for those who are constantly nervous for any occasion. Do not be nervous, you just need to explore your problems. And act, according to this appeal.

It is also worth remembering that: