Siberian ulcer taxonomy. Treatment of Siberian ulcers

anthrax (malignant carbuncoon) - acute infectious disease of zoonotic origin flowing mainly in the form of a skin form, rarely observed lung and intestinal forms, introduced into a group of particularly dangerous infections.

anthrax In susceptible organism, a vegetative form forms a capsule, in the environment when accessing free oxygen air and a temperature of 15-42 ° C from vegetative cells, located in the center of the spore sticks. The pathogenicity of the microbe is determined by the capsule (with the antiphaganic activity and contributing to the microbial fixation on the host cells) and the thermolabile exotoxin, consisting of three components - the edematous (edema), protective antigen (immunogen) and the lethal factor.

Anthrax. Etiology.

The pathogen is a gram-positive fixed large wand Bacillus Anihracis with a length of 6-10 μm and a width of 1-2 microns, it is painted by gram, forms disputes and capsule, is an aerobic and an optional anaerobom. Good grows on various nutrient media. In a susceptible body, the vegetative form of the pathogen forms a capsule, in the environment when accessing free oxygen air and a temperature of 15-42 ° C from vegetative cells, located in the center of the spore sticks is formed. Vegetative forms quickly die without air access, while warming up, under the influence of various disinfectants. The virulence of the pathogen is due to the presence of capsule and exotoxin. In addition to Penicillina, the pathogen siberian ulcers It is also sensitive to antibiotics tetracycline group, leftomycetin, streptomycin, neomycin.

anthrax It has various pathogenic factors. The pathogenicity is determined by a capsule (with anti -ifaocyte activity and contributing to the microbial fixation on the host cells) and the thermolabile exotoxin, consisting of three components - the edenatous (edema), protective antigen (immunogen) and the lethal factor.

Anthrax. Resistance.

anthrax In the vegetative form, relatively little stable: at a temperature of 55 ° C, die after 40 minutes, at 60 ° C - after 15 minutes, when boiling - instantly. Vegetative forms are inactivated by standard disinfecting solutions in a few minutes. In unknown corpses, they are preserved up to 7 days.

anthrax It has disputes that are very resistant in the external environment, they can persist in the soil up to 10 years and more, are formed outside the body when accessing free oxygen. The disputes are extremely stable: after 5-10 minute boiling, they all retain the ability to grow vegetation. Under the action of dry heat at 120-140 ° C, they die after 1-3 hours, in the autoclave at 110 ° C - after 40 minutes. 1% solution of formalin and 10% solution of caustic soda kill disputes in 2 hours. For the duration of survival, the dispute affects the temperature ambientat which spores occurred. More resistant disputes formed at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

Anthrax. Epidemiology.

anthrax It has various sources of infection, such as pets (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, pigs). Infection can occur when leaving for sick animals, slaughter of livestock, meat processing, as well as in contact with animal products (skins, leather, fur products, wool, bristle), siberic contaminated microbes. Infection has a predominantly professional character. Infection can occur through the soil in which the disputes of the symbolized pathogen are preserved for many years. Disputes fall into the skin through microtraums; With an alimentary infection (use of infected products) an intestinal form arises.

Among the animals, an important epizotological value is an alimentary path of infection - through feed, water contaminated by the disputes of Siberian ulcers, less importance has an aerosol, transmissive path infection, through milk and dairy products. The carriers of the pathogen can be blindly and flies, in the mouth of which the causative agent can be maintained up to 5 days.

anthrax It can be transmitted to an aerogenic path (inhalation of infected dust, bone flour). In these cases anthrax Initiates pulmonary and generalized forms of infection. In African countries, the possibility of transmitting infection by bites of bloodsowing insects is allowed. Man's infection from man is usually not observed. anthrax Widespread in many countries of Asia, Africa and South America. In the USA and European countries anthrax It is extremely rare and single cases of disease are observed.

Anthrax. Pathogenesis.

The absence of a person's contamination from a person is explained by the peculiarities of the transmission mechanism implemented among animals or from the animal person and the impossible features of the first phase of the selection of the pathogen from an infected organism. In a sick animal before death, the causative agent is allocated with various excretions, the blood from the corpse is saturated with symbolized chopsticks, which leads to a high intensity of infection from animal products. The spontaneous is not observed by the spontaneous selection of siberiagic sticks from the skin focus. Since in the serous-hemorrhagic exudate of the carbuncule at the beginning of the disease, the sticks are not detected, then instrumental intervention is required to highlight them. Siberian sticks are absent in the discharge of the patient during the septic form of the disease.

anthrax The cup of everything penetrates through the skin. Usually the pathogen is introduced into the skin of the upper extremities (about half of all cases) and head (20-30%), less often torso (3-8%) and legs (1-2%). Basically affect open areas of the skin. Already a few hours after the infection, the reproduction of the pathogen begins at the place of the infection (in the skin). At the same time, the pathogens form capsules and excotoxin distinguished, which causes dense edema and necrosis.

Capsule, which is a polypeptide, has antiphaganic activity, prevents the OPSonization and phagocytosis Bacill and at the same time contributes to their fixation on the host cells. anthrax Due to this, it becomes invasive and can be taken in macroorganism, then bacteremia is multiplied and developed. anthrax It has strains that have a capsule, it is distinguished by the virulent strains of Siberian ulcers from the vaccine.

Exotoxininhibits nonspecific bactericidal activity of humoral and cellular factors, phagocytosis, has anti-frequency activity, increases the virulence of siberiaazed bacillus, causes a fatal outcome in the terminal stage of the disease, the coal function of the respiratory center and the hypothalamus. Endogenous products of sybic microbes do not have a pronounced toxic effect.

From the places of primary reproduction, the pathogens on lymphatic vessels reaches regional lymph nodes, and in the future the hematogenous spread of microbes in various organs is possible. With skin form at the site of the primary inflammatory necrotic focus, a secondary bacterial infection does not play a special role.

In case of aerogenic infection, disputes are phagocycated by alveolar macrophages, then they fall into media-walled lymph nodes, where the reproduction and accumulation of the pathogen occurs, the lymph nodes of the mediastum are necrotized, which leads to hemorrhagic media tray and bacteremia. As a result of Bacteremia, secondary hemorrhagic siberiane pneumonia occurs.

When using infected (and insufficiently heated), the spores penetrate into the submembiatral shell and regional lymph nodes. The intestinal form of Siberian ulcers is developing, in which the pathogens also penetrate the blood and the disease passes into a septic form. In this way, anthrax may have a septic course for any form of infection. In the pathogenesis of the Siberian ulcers great importance It has the effect of toxins formed by the causative agent.

Anthrax. Immunity.

The suffering disease leaves after an imminent immunity, although there are descriptions of repeated diseases 10-20 years after the first disease.

Anthrax. Symptoms and current.

anthrax Immunted an incubation period that ranges from several hours to 8 days (bowl 2-3 days). anthrax It has various forms, distinguish with skin, pulmonary (inhalation) and intestinal. The last two forms are characterized by hematogenous dissemination of microorganisms and are combined sometimes under the name of a generalized (septic) form, although, by changes in the field of infection, these two forms differ in each other. The fat is observed with a skin shape (in 95%), rarely pulmonary and very rarely (less than 1%) intestinal.

Skin shape It is divided into the following clinical species: carbunculus, edematous, bullous and eryzipeloid [Nikiforov V.N., 1973]. Most often there is a carbunculous variety. Skin shape is characterized by local changes in the field of the infection gate. At the beginning of the place of the defeat, a red spot arises, which is raised above the skin level, forming a papula, then on the place of Papula develops vesicles, after some time it turns the vesicle into the pustula, and then into an ulcer. The process proceeds quickly, from the moment of the appearance of the stain before the formation of the Pustuly passes several hours.

Locally sick celebrate itching and burning. The contents of the pustule often have a dark color due to blood impurities. In disruption of the integrity of the pustula (more often during comb), an ulcer is formed, which is covered with a dark crust. Around the central stamp is located in the form of a necklace of secondary pustulas, with the destruction of which the sizes of ulcers increase. Around the ulcers there is swelling and hyperemia of the skin, especially expressed during the localization of the process on the face. Characteristically reduced or complete lack of sensitivity in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers.
Most often, ulcers are localized on the upper limbs: fingers, brush, forearm, shoulder (498 cases out of 1329), then go forehead, whiskey, theme, cheek, cheek, eyelid, lower jaw, chin (486 patients), neck and heads (193 ), chest, clavicle, chest glands, spin, belly (67), on the lower limbs of the ulcer, only 29 people were localized. The remaining localization was rare.

Signs of general intoxication (fever up to 40 ° C, general weakness, a breakdown, headache, adamine, tachycardia) appear by the end of the first day or on the 2nd day of the disease. Fever is kept for 5-7 days, the body temperature is reduced critically. Local changes in the field of ulcers are gradually healing, and by the end of the 2-3rd week, the Strick is rejected. It is usually a single ulcer, although sometimes multiple (2-5 and even 36) can be. An increase in the number of ulcers of noticeable influence on the severity of the disease does not have. The age of the patient has a greater effect on the severity of the course of the disease. Before the introduction into the practice of antibiotics among patients over 50 years old, mortality was 5 times higher (54%) than in people of younger age (8-11%). In grafts against Siberian ulcers, skin changes can be very insignificant, reminding the usual furuncle, and the general signs of intoxication may be absent.

The edematous variety of skin shape of the Siberian ulcers is rarely observed and is characterized by the development of edema without visible carbuncule at the beginning of the disease. The disease occurs heavily with pronounced manifestations of general intoxication. Later on the site of a dense painless edema, necrosis of the skin appears, which is covered with stamp.

anthrax It has a bullous variety of skin shape, which is rarely observed. It is characterized by the fact that there are bubbles filled with hemorrhagic fluid in the site of a typical carbuncle in the field of the gate of infection. They occur on an inflamed infiltrated basis. Bubbles reach large sizes and open only on the 5-10th day of the disease. In their place, an extensive necrotic (peptic) surface is formed. This kind of Siberian ulcers proceeds with high fever and pronounced symptoms of general intoxication.

anthrax It has an eryzipeloid variety of skin shape, which is observed most rarely. A feature of it is the formation of a large amount of whitish bubbles filled with a transparent liquid located on the swelling, blushing, but painless skin. After opening the bubbles, multiple ulcers remain, which quickly dry out. This type is characterized by an easier course and a favorable outcome.

Lung form Siberian ulcers begins acutely, it takes hard and even with modern methods of treatment, it may end to death. Among the full health arises a stunning chills, the body temperature quickly reaches high numbers (40 ° C and higher), there is a conjunctivitis (tear, light-free, conjunctive hyperemia), catarrhal phenomena from the upper respiratory tract (sneezing, runny nose, hoarse voice, cough). The condition of the patients from the first hours of the disease becomes heavy, severe stale chest pains, shortness of breath appear, cyanosis, tachycardia (up to 120-140 ° C / min), hell drops. In sputum there is a blood admixture. Above the lungs are determined by the plots of dulling of the percussion sound, dry and wet wheems, sometimes the noise of friction of the pleura. Death occurs after 2-3 days.

Intestinal form Siberian ulcers are characterized by increasing inxication, increasing body temperature, epigastric pain, diarrhea and vomiting. In the vomit masses and in the feces there may be a blood flow. The stomach will be off, sharply painful when palpation, signs of peritonean irritation are revealed. The patient's condition is progressively deteriorating and patients die in the phenomena of infectious-toxic shock.
With any of the described forms, a symbiotic sepsis with bacteremia, the occurrence of secondary foci (meningitis, lesion of the liver, kidney, spleen and others) can develop.

Anthrax. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis.

anthrax Recognized on the basis of these epidemiological history (profession of the patient, the nature of the material being processed, from where the raw materials are delivered, contact with patients with animals, etc.). Characteristic skin changes in the field of the gate of infection are also taken into account (location in open areas of the skin, the presence of a dark edge, surrounded by secondary pustulas, edema and hyperemia, anesthesia of ulcers). It should be borne in mind that in the grafted all skin changes can be expressed weakly and resemble staphylococcal diseases (boils and others).

anthrax It is confirmed by laboratory methods and is carried out through the selection of the culture of the symbolized stick and its identification. For research, the contents of the pustula, vesicles, tissue effusion from under the stamp take. When suspicion of pulmonary shape take blood, sputum, feces. With skin forms, the hemoculture is rarely highlighted. Taking and sending material is carried out in compliance with all the rules of work with particularly dangerous infections.

For the study of the material (skins, wool), the thermocipation reaction is used (the reaction of the COL and). An immunofluorescent method is also used to detect the pathogen. As an auxiliary method, you can use a skin-allergic sample with a specific allergen - anxissine. The drug is introduced intradermal (0.1 ml). The result is taken into account after 24 and 48 hours. The reaction is considered positive in the presence of hyperemia and infiltrate over 10 mm in diameter, provided that the reaction has not disappeared after 48 hours.
Differential is necessary from the furuncle, carbuncule, faces, in particular from the bullous form. The pulmonary (inhalation) form of Siberian ulcers differentiate from the pulmonary form of plague, tularemia, meloidoze, legionellosis and heavy pneumonia of other etiology.

Anthrax. Treatment.

anthrax It is difficult to be treated enough, antibiotics, as well as specific immunoglobulin, are used for etiotropic treatment. Most often prescribe Penicillin under skin form 2 ppm. Parenterally. After the disappearance of edema in the area of \u200b\u200bulcers, preparations of penicillin orally can be prescribed (ampicillin, oxacillin for another 7-10 days).

With pulmonary and septic forms, penicillin is administered intravenously at a dose of 16-20 million units / day, with a symbolized meningitis, such doses of penicillin are combined with 300-400 mg of hydrocortisone. In case of intolerance of penicillin, tetracycline is prescribed at a dose of 0.5 g 4 times a day for 7-10 days at a skin form of Siberian ulcers. Erythromycin can also be used (0.5 g 4 times a day 7-10 days). Recently, Ciprofloxacin is 400 mg in 8- 12 hours, as well as doxycycline of 200 mg 4 times a day, and then 100 mg 4 times a day.

Specific anti-protein immunoglobulin is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 20-80 ml / day (depending on the clinical shape and severity of the disease) after preliminary desensitization. Initially, an intracutaneously 0.1 ml of immunoglobulin, divorced 100 times, was introduced to check the sensitivity to horsepower protein. With a negative sample after 20 minutes, 0.1 ml of diluted (1:10) immunoglobulin is administered and after 1 hour - the entire dose intramuscularly. With a positive intradermal reaction from the administration of immunoglobulin it is better to refrain.

Anthrax. Forecast.

Before the introduction into the practice of antibiotics, the death rate under skin reached 20%, with modern early treatment with antibiotics, it does not exceed 1%. With pulmonary, intestinal and septic forms, the forecast is unfavorable.

Anthrax. Prevention, measures of struggle and events in the focus.

Veterinary events are:
1. Identification, accounting, certification of disadvantaged in the Siberian ulcers of items.
2. Planned immunization of farm animals in disadvantaged points.
3. Control over the conduct of land reclamation and agrotechnical measures aimed at rehabilitation of dysfunctional territories and reservoirs.
4. Control over the proper state of cattleochilitics, scratopropon trails, pastures, animal bed and objects.
5. Control over the observance of veterinary and sanitary rules for harvesting, storage and transportation and processing of raw materials.
6. Timely diagnosis of Siberian ulcers in animals, their isolation and treatment.
7. Epizootological examination of the epizootic focus, neutralizing the corpses of fallen animals, the current and final disinfection in the focus.
8. Veterinary and sanitary work among the population.
9. Preventive measures against Siberian ulcers include health and veterinary measures.

Medical and sanitary events are:
1. Control over the conduct of generalization of prophylactic measures to disadvantaged in the Siberian ulcers, when harvesting, storing, transporting and processing raw materials of animal origin.
2. Vaccinoprophilaxis of persons susceptible to the increased risk of infection with Siberian ulcers (according to indications).
3. Timely diagnosis of the disease of the Siberian ulcer of people, hospitalization and treatment of patients, focus epide-testing and final disinfection in the room where a sick person was located.
4. Emergency prevention among individuals in contact with the source of the causative agent of infection or with infected products.
5. Sanitary and educational work among the population.

Anthrax. Vaccinoprophylaxis.

Vaccinations are subject to persons working with alive cultures of the pathogen, infected with laboratory animals, exploring the material infected by the pathogen of Siberian ulcers, veterinarian workers and other persons professionally occupied by the precedean content of livestock, tall, cutting out carcasses and lifting the skins, as well as engaged in harvesting, storage, transportation and primary processing of raw materials of animal origin. Vaccination is carried out by a lively siberiated vaccine spinning twice with an interval of 21 days. Revaccination is carried out annually with an interval of no more than a year in order to have time to the seasonal raising of morbidity.

Anthrax. Laboratory diagnostics.

Lab diagnostics is based on a bacteriological study of the contents of the skin lesions, and in suspected generalized form - on the study of blood, sputum, feces (the early use of antibiotics sharply reduces the seizurement of the pathogen). They put a skin-allergic sample with anxance, which in the first week of the disease is positive in 90% of cases. The positive feedback is not taken into account in persons previously grafted against Siberian ulcers, if the period from the moment of vaccination does not exceed 12 months. Laboratory studies are carried out in compliance with highly dangerous infections when working with causative agents.

Bacillus Anthracis Fixed, gram-positive (in young and old cultures there are gram-negative cells), forming a capsule (in the body or in cultivation on artificial nutrient media with a large content native protein Both CO2) and a sphere of a stick, a size of 1-1.3 x 3.0-10.0 μm. At temperatures below 12 and above 42 ° C, as well as in a living organism or an unbroken corpse, disputes are not formed in the blood and serum animals. In painted preparations from the blood and tissues of patients or those killed from the Siberian ulcers, the bacteria are located singly, pairwise and in the form of short chains of 3-4 cells; Ends of sticks facing each other, straight, sharply dug, free - slightly, rounded. Sometimes chains have the shape of bamboo canes. In grinding of crops on dense and liquid nutrient media, the sticks are located long chains.


Bacillus Anthracis According to the method of respiration refer to optional anaerobam, it grows well on universal media (MPB, MPA, MPH, potatoes, milk). The value of the growth temperature on MPa 35-37 o C, in the broth 32-33 o C. at temperatures below 12 and above 45 O with does not grow. Optimum pH of the media 7.2-7.6. On the MPa surface in aerobic conditions at a temperature of 37 ° C 17-24-hour cultures, consist of grayish-whitish fine-grained with a silver tinge, similar to the snowflakes of colonies having a grungy relief and characteristic of typical vigilant strains (R-form). The diameter of the colonies does not exceed 3-5 mm. It is a serum agar and a rolled horse serum in the presence of 10-50% carbon dioxide of the smooth translucent (S-form) colony, as well as mucous (mukoidal), stretching for the loop (M-form) consisting of Capsule sticks. In the MPB. Bacillus Anthracis after 16-24 hours at the bottom of the test tube forms a loose white precipitate, The supernatant remains transparent, when shaking the broth does not grind, the precipitate is divided into small flakes (R-shape). When sowing a yellowish white rod appears in the gelatin column for 2-5 months. Culture resembles a Christmas tree, an inverted top. Gradually, the upper layer gelatin begins to dilute, taking first the funnel shape, then the bag. Bacillus Anthracis When growing in milk generates acid and after 2-4 days it rolls it and peptonizes the clot. The speaker is well multiplied in 8-12 daily chicken embryos, causing their death for 2-4 days from the date of infection.

Biochemical properties.

Enzymes Bacillus Anthracis: Lipase, diastasis, protease, gelatinase, dehydrase, cytochromucleic acids, peroxidase, catalase, lecithinase, etc. EFERMENTs with the formation of acid-free glucose, maltose, sucrose, trehalose, fructose and dextrin. On media with glycerol and salicin, weak acid formation is possible. Arabinose, Ramosu, Galactose, Mannoce, Raffinos, Inulin, Mannitol, Dulcit, sorbitol, inosit does not fervent. It utilizes citrates, forms acetylmethyl carbinol (Fogea - Proskueer's reaction is positive). Selects ammonia. Reducts methylene blue and restores nitrates to nitrites. Some strains form hydrogen sulfide.


Bacillus Anthracis Forms a complex exotoxin consisting of three components: a considerable factor (EF), a protective antigen (RA) and a lethal factor (LF) or factors I, II, III. The edematogenic factor causes a local inflammatory reaction - swelling and tissue destruction. Protective antigen - carrier of protective properties, has a pronounced immunogenic effect. The lethal factor in the mixture with a protective causes the death of rats, white mice and guinea pigs. Each of three factors has a pronounced antigenic function and serologically active. The invasive properties of the microbe are due to the D-glutamic acid capsule polypeptide and exoferments.

Antigenic structure.

The composition of antigens Bacillus Anthracis It includes a non-immunogenic somatic polysaccharide complex and capsule glutaminepolypeptide. The polysaccharide antigen does not create immunity in animals and does not determine the aggressive functions of the microorganism.


In an unbroken corpse, the vegetative cell of the microbe is destroyed for 2-3 days, in the buried corpses, it will be saved up to 4 days. In frozen meat with minus 15 o with viable 15 days, in saline meat - up to 1.5 months. In the dung, mixed with sybiced blood, dies after 2-3 hours, the disputes remain in it virulent for months. In weathered ampoules with broth cultures, there may be viable and virulent to 63 years old, in the soil - more than 50 years. Spit, ether, 2% formalin, 5% phenol, 5-10% chlorine, fresh 5% - Hlubous lime solution, hydrogen peroxide destroys vegetative cells for 5 minutes. Ethyl alcohol 25-100% kills disputes for 50 days and more, 5% phenol, 5-10% chlorine solution - from a few hours to several days, 2% solution of formalin - after 10-15 minutes, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide - after 1 hour, 4% solution of potassium permanganate - after 15 minutes, a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide - after 2 hours of deregative cells when heated to 50-55 o C is dying for 1 h, at 60 ° C - after 15 minutes, at 75 o C - after 1 min, with boiling - instantly. Speed \u200b\u200bdry drying comes spores and the microbe does not die. With minus 10 o with bacteria, 24 days are preserved, with minus 24 o C - 12 days. Activities of direct sunlight neutralizes bacteria after a few hours. There is a heat at a temperature of 120-140 o C kills disputes after 2-3 hours, at 150 ° C - after 1 hour, the current pairs at 100 o C - after 12-15 minutes, the autoclaving at 110 o C - in 5-10 minutes, boiling - after 1 ch. Valider of the Siberian ulcers exhibits high sensitivity to penicillin, chlorettetracycline and leftomycetin, and Also to lysozyme. Bacteriostatic effect for 24 hours has freshly fuel milk cows.


All kinds of mammals are susceptible to the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers. Sheep, cattle, horses, goats, buffalo, camels and northern deer are more often ill, can be infected with donkeys and mules. Pigs are less sensitive. Among wild animals are susceptible all herbivores. There are cases of dogs from dogs, wolves, foxes, listesses, among birds - ducks and ostriches.


Animal infection occurs predominantly alimentary. Through the damaged mucosa of the digestive tract, the microbe penetrates into the lymphatic system, and then into the blood, which is phagocytic and is distributed throughout the body, fixing in the elements of the lymphoid-macrophageal system, after which it migrates again into the blood, caused by septicemia. Capacity inhibits the overting, at that time As exotoxin destroys phagocytes, it strikes the central nervous system, it causes swelling, hyperglycemia arises and the activity of alkaline phosphatase increases. In the terminal phase of the process in the blood, the oxygen content is reduced to a level incompatible with life.

Laboratory diagnostics.

For a laboratory study to the Siberian ulcers, the ear of the fallen animal is sent.
From pathological material for microscopy, strokes are preparing, a part is painted by gram and be sure to capsules on Michina and Olta. The detection of typical morphology of capsule sticks is an important diagnostic sign. After the nutrient media. The starting material is seeded in the IPB and on MPa (pH 7.2-7,6), the crops are incubated at a temperature of 37 o C for 18-24 hours, in the absence of growth, they are maintained in the thermostat 2 more days. Biological sample. It is carried out on white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, simultaneously with sowing material to nutrient media. White mice are infected subcutaneously into the back of the back (0.1-0.2 ml), guinea pigs and rabbits - under the skin in the abdomen area (0.5-1.0 ml). Mice dying after 1-2 days, guinea pigs and rabbits - after 2-4 days. The fallen animals are opened, make strokes and sowing from the blood of the heart, spleen, liver and infiltrate at the site of injection of the material under study. Didentification. The causative agent of Siberian ulcers should be differentiated from saprophyte bacilli: B. Cereus, B. MEGATERIUM, B. MYCOIDES and B. subtilis Based on the main and additional features. The main features include pathogenicity, capsule formation, pearl necklace test, phage laying, immunofluorescence test. Additional are mobility, lack of hemolysis, lecithinase activity, phosphatase formation.

Test B. Anthracis B. Cereus, B. Megaterium, B. Mycoides, B. subtilis
Pathogenic Pathogenic for laboratory animals

Not pathogenic for laboratory animals, with the exception of B.cereus (with intraperitoneal infection of white mice).


Forms massive with clear contours capsule.

The capsule does not form.
"Pearl necklace"

On agar with a penicillin, the pathogen grows in the form of chains consisting of spherical shapes resembling a pearl necklace.

The phenomenon of the "pearl necklace" is absent.


Fagiizuated by Fag.

Lisis Siberian Fagom is absent.
Immunofluorescent test 1.

1 - Approximate method and requires additional study of virulence, capsulescence, phagevity sensitivity.
2 - Sign of variablen from different strains.

Serological examination.

To detect antigen antigens in the study of leather and fur raw materials, reducing the pathological material, as well as fresh pathological material and serological identification of isolated crops, use the precipitation reaction on ascol. In the quality of the serological test, mainly for the study of the antigenic spectrum of Bacillus Anthracis, the diffusion precipitation reaction is used ( RDP). For revealing fresh cases and retrospective diagnostics of Siberian ulcers, an allergensine allergen (E. N. Shlyakhov, 1961) was proposed. They detect specific post-agricultural sensitization in farm animals.


The formation of immunity of infection by antitoxic infection causes a protective antigen. In the present, protective antibodies were detected using RSK, RDP and an indirect version of the method of fluorescent antibodies. In the result of natural contamination and crossing of the Siberian ulcers, long-term immunity occurs. With the purpose of active animal protection from Siberian ulcers. Siberian vaccines are used: vaccine (immunity occurs after 10 days and lasts at least 12 months), a vaccine from strain No. 55 (immunity occurs after 10 days and is maintained at least 1 year). For treatment and passive prevention, anti-protected serum and passive prevention are used globulin. Immunity occurs after a few hours and persists up to 14 days.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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The pathogen of the Siberian ulcers has completed: Student 4 Kura, Groups 821731 Gorbunova Maria Alexandrovna

2 Slide

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Content 1. History of the disease 2. The susceptibility of organisms 3. The pathogen of the Siberian ulcers 4. Morphology 5. Cultivation 6. Toxicosis 7. Antigenic structure 8. Stability 9. Pathogenicity 10. Pathogenesis 11. Laboratory diagnostics 12. Detection tests 13. Serological examination 14 . Immunity 15. Siberian ulcer. Symptoms and flow 16. Varieties 17. Symptomatics

3 Slide

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The history of the Siberian ulcer, known since ancient times under the names "Holy Fire", "Persian Fire", and others, was repeatedly mentioned in the writings of the ancient and eastern writers and scientists. A detailed description of the clinic of this disease was made by the French physician Moran in 1766. In pre-revolutionary Russia, in view of the prevalence in Siberia, this disease received the name "Siberian ulcer".

4 Slide

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Siberian ulcer to her susceptible animals of many species, especially herbivores, and man. The disease proceeds mainly acutely with the phenomena of septicemia or to form a different magnitude of the carbunculus. Enzootia and epizootia are recorded as sporadic cases.

5 Slide

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The pathogen pathogen of Siberian ulcers - Bacillus Anthracis - refers to the Bacillaceae family.

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The morphology of Bacillus Anthracis is fixed, gram-positive, forming a capsule and a sphere, the size of 1-1.3 x 3.0-10.0 μm. At temperatures below 12 and above 42 degrees, as well as in a living organism, the disputes are not formed in the blood and serum animals. In painted preparations from the blood and tissues of patients or those killed from the Siberian ulcers, the bacteria are located singly, pairwise and in the form of short chains of 3-4 cells; Ends of sticks facing each other, straight, sharply hard, loose - slightly, rounded

7 Slide

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The cultivation of Bacillus Anthracis according to the breathing method refers to optional anaerobam, it grows well on universal environments (MPB, MPA, MPH, potatoes, milk). Potimal growth temperature on MPa 35-37 ° C, in broth 32-33 ° C. At temperatures below 12 and above 45 ° C, it does not grow. The optimal medium is 7.2-7.6. On the surface of the MPa in aerobic conditions at a temperature of 37 ° C, consist of grayish-whitish fine-grained with a silver tinge, similar to snowflakes. The diameter of the colonies does not exceed 3-5 mm.

8 Slide

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The Bacillus Anthracis MPB after 16-24 hours at the bottom of the test tube forms a loose white precipitate, the supernatant remains transparent, when shaking the broth does not grind, the precipitate is broken into small flakes. When sowing in a column gelatin, a yellowish white rod appears. Gradually, the upper layer gelatin begins to dilute, taking first the funnel shape, then the bag. Cultivation

9 Slide

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Bacillus Anthracis toxino formation forms a complex exotoxin consisting of three components: a considerable factor (EF) causes a local inflammatory reaction - swelling and tissue destruction. Protective antigen (RA) - a carrier of protective properties, has a pronounced immunogenic effect. Flower factor (LF) - in the mixture with a protective causes the death of rats, white mice and guinea pigs.

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The antigenic structure into the Bacillus Anthracis antigens includes a non-immunogenic somatic polysaccharide complex and a capsule polypeptide. The polysaccharide antigen does not create immunity in animals and does not determine the aggressive functions of the microorganism.

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Stability in frozen meat with minus 15 ° C is viable for 15 days, in saline meat - up to 1.5 months. In weathered ampoules with broth cultures can remain viable up to 63 years, in the soil - more than 50 years. Alcohol, ether, 2% formalin, 5% phenol, 5-10% chlorine, a fresh 5% solution of chlorine lime, hydrogen peroxide destroys vegetative cells for 5 minutes. Ethyl alcohol 25-100% kills disputes for 50 days and more, potassium permanganate solution - after 15 minutes, sodium hydroxide solution - after 2 hours.

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Vegetative cells when heated to 50-55 ° C is dying for 1 hour, at 60 ° C - after 15 minutes, at 75 ° C - after 1 min, with boiling - instantly. During slow drying, sporing formation and the microbe does not die. For minus 10 ° C, bacteria are saved 24 days, with minus 24 ° C - 12 days. The effect of direct sunlight neutralizes bacteria in a few hours. Dry heat at a temperature of 120-140 ° C kills controversy after 2-3 hours, at 150 ° C - after 1 hour, the current steam at 100 ° C - after 12-15 minutes, autoclaving at 110 ° C - in 5-10 minutes, boiling - after 1 hour. Pathogen Siberian ulcers exhibit high sensitivity to penicillin, chlorettetracycline and leftomycetin, as well as to lysozyme. Sustainability

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Pathogenicity to the causative agent of the Siberian ulcers are susceptible all kinds of mammals. Sheep, cattle, horses, goats, buffalo, camels and northern deer are more often ill, can be infected with donkeys and mules. Pigs are less sensitive. Among wild animals are susceptible all herbivores. There are cases of dogs from dogs, wolves, foxes, listesses, among birds - ducks and ostriches.

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Pathogenesis Animal infection occurs predominantly alimentary. Through the damaged mucosa of the microbe's digestive tract penetrates into the lymphatic system, and then into the blood, where phagocytes and is distributed throughout the body, fixing in the elements of the lymphoid-macrophageal system. The capsule inhibits the oxmonization, while the exotoxin destroys the phagocytes, affects the CNS, causes edema. In the terminal phase of the blood process in the blood decreases the content of oxygen to the level incompatible with life.

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Laboratory diagnostics for laboratory research on a Siberian ulcers are sent ear fallen animal. Bacterioscopy. From pathological material for microscopy, strokes are preparing, a part is painted by gram and be sure to capsules on Michina and Olta. The detection of typical morphology of capsule sticks is an important diagnostic sign. Sowing nourishing media. Biological test. It is carried out on white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, simultaneously with sowing material to nutrient media. Identification. The pathogen of the Siberian ulcers should be differentiated from saprophyte bacilli based on the main and additional features.

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The test for the identification of the "pearl necklace" on agar with a penicilline pathogen grows in the form of chains consisting of spherical shapes resembling a pearl necklace. FAGOM laying is lysed by a phage-siblished phage. Immunofluorescent test positive mobility fixed

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Capsuo formation forms a massive capsule with clear contours. Test for detection

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Hemolytetic activity is usually not hemolysis against red blood cells, or lying very slowly. Test for detection

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The lecithinase activity of the chicken egg yolk rolls slowly or does not roll off at all (left sector) test for identification

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Serological examination as a serological test, mainly for the study of the antigenic spectrum of Bacillus Anthracis, is used by the reaction of diffusion precipitation (RDP). To identify fresh cases and retrospective diagnostics of Siberian ulcers, an allergen anxance (E. N. Shlyakhov, 1961) was proposed. They detect specific post-agricultural sensitization in farm animals.

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Immunity The formation of immunity infection by type of antitoxic causes a protective antigen. Currently, protective antibodies are detected using RSK, RDP and an indirect variant of the method of fluorescent antibodies. As a result of natural infection and crossing of Siberian ulcers, long immunity arises in animals. In order to actively protect animals from Siberian ulcers, live disputes are used by the Siberian vaccines: vaccine, a vaccine from strain No. 55 for treatment and passive prevention is used by anti-protected serum and globulin.

These pathogens cause infections related to the group of particularly dangerous (from bacterial infections to their number include plague, cholera, Siberian ulcers, Tularevia, Sap and Brucellosis).


The causative agent of Siberian ulcers - Bacillus Anthracis refers to the Bacillus family of the Bacillaceae family (to bacillos).

Morphology. Large gram-positive wand, often with rounded ends. Unlike other bacilli - stationary, well painted with aniline dyes. In clinical materials are located in pairs or in the form of short chains surrounded by a common capsule (formed only in human and animal organism or on special environments with blood, serum). On environments, the causative agent forms long chains in the form " bamboo Cane"(With clarifications at the ends and articulations of cells). On agar containing penicillin, the destruction of cell walls occurs, spherical protoplasts are formed in the form of chains (" pearl necklace"). The causative agent of Siberian ulcers forms endospores, which are centrally located, their diameter does not exceed the diameter of the bacterial cell. Disputes are formed only outside the body, in the presence of (access) oxygen and a certain temperature (from +12 to +43 ° C, optimum at 30-35 o C). Disputes show very high stability in the external environment (decade). Siberian ulcer - primarily soil infection.

Cultural properties. The pathogen grows in aerobic and optional - anaerobic conditions. Temperature optimum +37 o C, pH -7.2-7,6. Grows on simple nutrient media, incl. On potato, nasty straw, extracts of cereal and legume crops. Gives a characteristic growth when sowing the prick in gelatin (" inverted Christmas tree"). Viruble R- forms on dense media form rough grayish - white colonies of the fibrous structure (" head of Medusa" or " lion mane"). On liquid media, a precipitate is formed in the form of cotton lumps. The causative agent of Siberian ulcers can also form smooth (S), mucous (M) or mixed (SM) colonies, especially in microeerophilic conditions. In S-form, the pathogen loses the virulence.

Biochemical properties. B.NTHRACIS is biochemically highly active. It fermented with the formation of an acid without gas glucose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, forms hydrogen sulfide, rolls and peptong milk.

Antigenic structure. Three main antigen groups are isolated - a capsule antigen, toxin (encoded by plasmids, with their absence of a strain Avruilen), somatic antigens.

Capsule antigens They differ in the chemical structure from k-antigens of other bacteria, polypeptide nature, are formed mainly in the owner's body.

Somatic antigens - Cell wall polysaccharides, thermostable, are long saved in the external environment, corpses. Reveal them in the thermocipation reaction ascol.

Toxin Includes a protective antigen (induces the synthesis of protective antibodies), a fatal factor, an element factor.

Factors of pathogenicity- Capsule and toxin.

Brief epidemiological characteristic. Siberian ulcer - zoonotic infection. The main source for a person is herbivores. Their infection occurs predominantly an alimentary way, disputes are continuously preserved in the soil and ingested by animals mainly with feeds, grass). Siberiated cattle bisos are of particular danger (controversy continue to be continued, when they are torn, erosion and other processes fall on the surface of the soil and plants). A person is infected with contact with infected material (care for sick animals, cutting and eating infected meat products, contact with antiquity of animals, etc.).

Basic forms of clinical manifestation Depend on the entrance gate of infection - skinny (carbuncoon), intestinal, pulmonary, septic. Characterized high mortality (less at skin form).

Laboratory diagnostics. Material for research from patients depends on clinical form. Under the skin, the contents of bubbles separated by carbuncule or ulcers are investigated, with intestinal - feces and urine, with lung - sputum, with septic - blood. The study is subject to objects of the external environment, material from animals, food products.

Bacterioscopic methodused to detect gram-positive sticks surrounded by a capsule, in materials from humans and animals, dispute - from the objects of the external environment. The method of fluorescent antibodies (MFA) is used more often, allowing to identify capsule antigens and disputes.

Main method - bacteriological It is used in the laboratories of particularly dangerous infections according to the standard scheme with sowing for simple nutrient media (MPa, yeast medium, the Wednesday of the CK), the determination of mobility, painting by gram and the study of biochemical features. In differentiation from other representatives of the genus Bacillus, a biological test is essential. White mice dying within two days, guinea pigs and rabbits - for four days. Determine also linity bacteriophage, Penicillin sensitivity (pearl necklace). For retrospective diagnostics, serological tests are used, an allergic test with anxissine, to identify the somatic antigen - the reaction of ascol, which can be effective in negative results of bacteriological research.

Treatment. Apply anti-protein immunoglobulin, antibiotics (penicillins, tetracyclines, etc.).

Prevention.Apply a lively disputes of a deckless vaccine, a protective antigen.

Microbiology: Abstract Lectures Tkachenko Ksenia Viktorovna

2. Siberian Yazva

2. Siberian Yazva

The pathogen refers to the genus Bacillus, the view of B. Anthracis.

This is gram-positive large fixed sticks. Outside the body in the presence of oxygen, disputes are arranged centrally. Spore forms are characterized by special durability in the external environment. In the body and on the nutrient media form a capsule. In the smears are located chain.

The pathogen is an aerobic or optional anaerobom. Well multiply on simple nutritional environments. Rough colonies with uneven edges forms on the surface of the agar. The growth in broth is characterized by the appearance of white flakes, settleting on the bottom of the test tube.

On the nutritional agar with Penicillin there is a transformation of bacteria into protoplasts in the form of separate balls located in the chain, - the phenomenon of the "pearl necklace".

Biochemically highly active:

1) dilute gelatin;

2) cleave carbohydrates;

3) restore nitrates;

4) hydrolyzed starch, casein.

Antigens of Siberian Bacill:

1) Species capsule antigen of protein nature;

2) group somatic antigen of polysaccharide nature; Localized in the cell wall, thermostable.

Factors of pathogenicity.

1. Toxin, consisting of three components:

1) of the edema causing a dermonticotic reaction;

2) of the lethal toxin causing pulmonary edema and severe hypoxia;

3) Protective Antigen.

2. Capsule; has antiphaganic activity; Baby cultures are unailed.

In natural conditions of Siberian ulcers, animals are sick: large and small horned cattle, horses, pigs, deer, camels. The pathological process is developing in the intestine.

A person is infected with patients with animals with direct contact, through infected items, products from infected raw materials, meat of sick animals. Transmissive transmission path is possible.

Clinical forms of the disease:

1) skin - the formation of a carbuncle;

2) intestinal - severe intoxication, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea with blood;

3) Pulmonary - heavy bronchopneumonia.

Urbled has durable immunity. During the disease, specific sensitization is created.


1) bacteriological research; The material for the study is determined by the clinical form of the disease;

2) an allergic test with anxance; A positive reaction is determined from the first days of the disease and is preserved for many years after recovery;

3) Serotiagnostics - acce's thermocipation.

1) anti-protein immunoglobulin;

2) antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin).

Specific prophylaxis:

1) Live Siberian Vaccine; creates immunity for a year;

2) Emergency prevention is anti-proteinized immunoglobulin.

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