Lecture on the topic: "Extremism. Prevention of extremist crimes. Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism in a youth environment Lecture on extremism is not

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education


Lectures for individual propaganda activities, individual samples of propaganda materials

Rostov-on-Don 2010

Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism in youth environment»

Lecture "The role of creativity for the formation of anti-extremist polycondification and cultural values"

Sample of propaganda material "Designing a psychologically safe, tolerant educational environment in poly-ethno-confessional regions"

Lecture "Youth subcultures and anti-extremist consciousness"

Lecture "Psychological practice of forming anti-terrorist values \u200b\u200bin the family"

Sample of propaganda material "Plan-Development of a lesson on the Obzh (grade 11)" - 1

Sample of propaganda material "Plan-Development of a lesson on the Obzh (grade 11)" - 2

Section 1. Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism in a youth environment"

Task Force: Heads of the Middle and Lower Room of the Regional Authorities, Local Self-Government Bodies and ATK

    Extremism and terrorism: basic concepts and definitions.

    Extremism and terrorism as a form of destructive behavior of young people. Types of extremism.

    Ways of struggle and prevention of extremism and terrorism in a youth environment.

    Features of the psychological assistance of young people risk groups.

    Questions and tasks for independent work

Teens and youth as the most socially unprotected population group are the most active participants in conflicts and of various kinds destructive organizations, including an extremist sense. The inclination to the extremism of the modern young generation of Russia is real and therefore requires close attention and study. Modern youth stands in the face of big changes, great uncertainty and the unknown, which in turn increases her anxiety for their future and gives it a desire to remove this alarm, unfortunately not always constructive ways.

Destructive call behaviorwhich does not comply with the standards and roles and aimed at the radical rejection of alternative points of view. At the same time, some scientists prefer as an expression (expectations) of the appropriate behavior as a point of reference ("norms"), and others - attitudes (standards, samples) of behavior. Some believe that there may be destructive not only actions, but also ideas (views).

Forms of destructive behavior include extremism, terrorism and other deviations from regulatory behavior.

According to scientists, extremism and terrorism are the links of the chain of interrelated concepts: radicalismextremismfanaticismterrorism.

Radicalism (from the lat. Radix is \u200b\u200bthe root) indicates the desire to bring a political or other opinion to its end logical and practical conclusions, not mating on any compromise.

Extremism (from lat. EXTREMUS - extreme) translates as commitment to extreme glances and radical measures.

Fanaticism (from Lat. Fanum - an altar) - a solid and not recognizing any arguments non-alternative personality commitment to certain ideas and beliefs that in a decisive degree determines almost any activity and evaluative attitude towards the environment.

Terrorismit is considered as the use of violence or threats to its use in relation to individuals, groups of persons or various facilities in order to achieve political, economic, ideological and other favorable results to terrorists.

Terrorism - This is the extreme form of manifestation of extremism.

According to a number of scientists, the manifestations of extremism in the youth environment currently began to wear a more dangerous character for society than for all past periods of the existence of the state. Extremism in the youth environment became in our country mass phenomenon.

Question to the audience: What do you think it is connected with? What are the reasons for the spread of youth extremism and terrorism?

It is the youth that is a risk group prone to aggressive-extremist actions. By virtue of its age, young people are characterized by such psychological characteristics such as maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, disgracefulness and intransigence, a tendency to group state bodies, ideological instability and failure in the search for self-identifications, which, under certain life conditions and the presence of a nutrient medium, can perform a starting mechanism their antisocial activity.

The complexity of the situation in which the modern youth of Russia turned out to be determined by the fact that in the socio-economic instability society, the problem of social self-determination, the choice of one or another identification strategy in the process of social integration of young people occurs in the conditions of the crisis of socio-cultural identity.

"Extremism and terrorism," says L. Drobizhev and E. Pain, "cannot be compared with the virus that mankind from somewhere picked up. This is his inner illness, generated mainly disharmonious development in social, political and cultural areas. " Researchers allocate five main sources of terrorism and extremism:

Firstly, Terrorism and extremism are manifested in societies that have entered the path of transformations, sharp social changes or in modern postmodern societies with a pronounced polarization of the population on ethnosocial signs. Participants in terrorist actions are marginal and immobilic groups.

Secondly, social contrasts, a sharp bundle of society on the poor and rich, and not just poverty or low level of socio-economic status provoke aggression and create the soil for terrorism.

ThirdlyThe manifestations of extremism increase in the initial periods of social modernization. In the final stages of successful changes in the manifestation of extremism and terrorism, they sharply go to the decline.

Fourthly An unfinished urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, changes in the ethnomographic structure of society, especially unregulated migration, generate extremism and intolerance in society.

Fifth An important role in the spread of ethnic and religious extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world plays the prevalence of authoritarian political regimes. They provoke violence as a form of resolution of political contradictions and give it the nature of the cultural norm.

Question to the audience: How does modern terrorism change, what are the trends of these changes?

Extremism and one of its most dangerous forms - terrorism - quickly changes, mutters, mastering increasingly destructive methods. The subjects of the extremist activity have already overcame the moral framework, which were held before the scope and extent of extremism and became essentially in the pragmatist businessmen. If earlier it was about the so-called "sacrificial" terrorism (without criminal impurities), you are currently increasingly talking about the economic basis of extremism and terrorism. Confirmation of this is the video filming of the terrorist acts themselves and their consequences, which, in essence, represent nothing but a report to the customer for the funds provided.

In the territory of modern Russia, up to 80 international extremist groups that promote the extremely radical Islamic ideology are opposed. The militant radical Islam penetrates Russia mainly through persons who have been trained in separate Arab countries, where Wahhabism and other orthodox flows in religion received and receive state support. The most acute these problems were manifested in the North Caucasus, the most difficult in ethnic and confessional attitude to the region of the Russian Federation. A tangible and obvious threat to national security is also created by political processes, which should include a tendency to erode the United States of the country's unified legal space, a secondary part of the regional elites, which stimulates separatist sentiment, disrespect for federal legislation, human rights and freedoms, individual nations.

The identification of an ethnic, clan-generic group requires the creation of common irrational myths, due to which the emotional association of the group members occurs.

Today, youth extremism is expressed in neglecting the rules of conduct in society, to the law as a whole, the emergence of informal youth associations of an unlawful nature. Extremes are intolerant to those citizens of Russia who belong to other social groups, ethnic groups and adhere to other political, legal, economic, moral, aesthetic and religious ideas. The development of youth extremism is a testimony of insufficient social adaptation of young people, the development of the asocial attitudes of its consciousness, causing unlawful samples of its behavior.

The tendency of young people in extremist activities is largely due to the insufficiently effective implementation of the State Youth Policy. As a result, part of the youth enters the influence of ideological attitudes alien to us, which leads in some cases to the perception of state bodies as an enemy, not a partner.

Question to the audience : What types of extremism do you know?

Political extremism - the ideology and practice of applying extreme illegitimate, often violent methods and means of political struggle. At the heart of the extremist ideology lie on the exclusive mission of one or another social community (class, nation, race, denominations, etc.) in the destinies of the country and humanity as a whole, the rationale and justification of the admissibility of the use of any means to realize its interests

In recent years, a special danger for the integrity of Russia represents national extremism - Commitment to extreme views and methods in theory and practice of interethnic relationships. His supporters, speaking from the standpoint of protection of the interests and rights of one nation, openly and defiantly pop up the rights of other peoples. Their ideology is militant nationalism and chauvinism, their policy is ethnic violence in one form or another. It is not by chance that in the concept of national security of Russia, countering extremism is assigned to its national interests. In order to implement this concept, in recent years, a number of specific measures of legal and criminological nature are taken. Among them: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Federal Target Program" Formation of plants of the tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society (2001-2005) "" of August 25, 2001, federal laws "On Countering Extremist Activities", "On Amendments and additions to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Countessing Extremist Activity" "of July 25, 2002, as well as" on countering terrorism "of March 6, 2006 and a number of others.

National (ethnic) extremism is one of the most common types of extremism in the XXI century, which is quite explained - ethnic nationalism has tremendous power and unpredictability, and ethnic conflicts have become a real problem for many countries and regions. They are based on a contradiction between the recognition of the natural right of peoples to determine their fate and the principle of national unity and territorial integrity of the state. From a purely doctrinal point of view, ethnocyalism denies the priority of universal values \u200b\u200band considers its ethnonation with the highest value. The purpose of ethnic extremism is to post ethnic self-identification, to defend and expand the rights of the ethnos in the political sphere. When extremists, violence, arguing ethnicity, cause themselves the fire of state structures, it attracts attention to the group and allows them to appear as a victim that even more strengthens public interest and in some cases provides finance and support. Violence is the meaning of the existence of such groups. While it is carried out, the idea of \u200b\u200balive, and the identity and the presence of ethnic differences cannot be denyed. The ultimate goal of nationalists is to create an independent independent state education in which they claim political power.

Note that religious extremism He began to close political and ethnic in the past two decades of the twentieth century. "Extremism of religious, which has been distributed in a number of regions and countries, is administered in intolerance to representatives of various denominations or cruel confrontation within a single denomination (for example, Muslim and Christian communities in Lebanon and Sudan, Muslim fundamentalism). Often, religious extremism is used for political purposes in the struggle of religious organizations against a secular state or for approving representatives of the power of one of the denominations (Muslim Brotherhood Movement in Egypt and other countries of the Middle East). "

Question to the audience : What methods of struggle and preventing extremism and terrorism used in modern Russia do you know?

As you can see, extremism is multipart and diverse. Consider the main stages of its origin, manifestations and legislative counteraction in Russia.

The revival of extremism and terrorism in Russia occurred in the early 1990s. The reason for this was the crisis phenomena in the economic, social and political spheres of the states of the former USSR. Social disorganization of citizens and a large property bundle of the population led to the fact that the society ceased to function as a single organism, united by uniform purposes, ideas, common values. Social tensions increased, and groups appeared, seeking to change the established orders, including violent methods. The country, Russia, formed after the collapse of the USSR, did not compare with Weimarian Germany only. The position of the Germans who lived in the rejected areas was unlikely to be better in which there was a "Russian-speaking" population of former national colors of the USSR. In Russia, groups of monarchists, Cossacks appeared.

On July 14, 2006, the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 1 and 15 of the Federal Law" On Counteracting Extremist Activities "was approved by the Federation Council of Federation. The main innovations of this law are associated with the definition of new socially dangerous acts as signs of extremist activities. But, as shown by law enforcement practice, these changes were not enough to effectively counter extremism, so on July 24, 2007, Federal Law No. 211 - FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation was adopted in connection with the improvement of public administration in the field of countering extremism "

It is necessary to state that the solution of the problems of extremism is impossible exclusively by law enforcement agencies. This task requires a whole complex of organizational, legal, preventive, educational activities, improving the interaction of state bodies and public organizations to which, in our opinion, should include the following:

1. The priority in the fight against extremism should be elimination of causes and conditionspromoting deviant behavior. According to the survey we held, the following are the main reasons for extremism in society: the socio-economic problems of the post-Soviet period (74%), the incorrect policy of the state in the field of religious processes (3.4%), the deformation of the traditional spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Company (6, 3%), interethnic retail (1.2%), contradictions between Christianity and Islam (1.2%).

Important in curbing youth extremism has the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ "On the basics of the system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors" (as amended by December 1, 2004). This law regulated the activities of such executive bodies, as a commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights, social protection authorities and social services, specialized agencies for minors who need social rehabilitation, educational and educational institutions, guardianship bodies, , employment services, internal affairs bodies. However, their work is not coordinated, which has an extremely negative impact on the final results of their opposition to antisocial settings of the younger generation, including their extremist component. Therefore, there is an urgent need to determine which state executive body and what means will coordinate the prevention of neglect and offenses of minors of all organizations related to this area of \u200b\u200bactivity and make the necessary changes in the Federal Law. The measures taken to work with minors exempted from criminal liability are not increasingly effective, condemned and serving the sentences in colonies for juveniles. Many of these children without the help of state bodies are not able to find their place in society. The direction of study, work and the provision of housing is the minimum that the state should make for its minor citizens.

2. An important aspect in the prevention of youth extremism is the formation of a strategy at the federal level. state youth policy. The state in our complex socio-economic situation has many problems and the state trying to free themselves from a number of commitments or duties. But the holding of state youth policy is one of those responsibilities from which it is impossible to be released. Effective state youth policy is, in our opinion, one of the most important tools for forming a young generation of an active civil position, education of social initiative, feelings of patriotism and pride in their country.

Currently, a certain work in the specified direction is, of course, is conducted. So, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1999 No. 795 (ed. From 26.06.2000) "Questions of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Policy", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.1996 No. 387 (Ed. From 08/03/1996) "On additional measures of support for youth in the Russian Federation "; Decree of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of 03.06.1993 No. 5090-1 "On the main directions of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation"; Federal laws "On state support for youth and children's public associations" have been developed (from 28.06.1995 No. 98-FZ, ed. dated March 21, 2002, No. 31- FZ); There are various programs on the patriotic education of young people, federal target programs: "Formation of plants of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society (2001-2005)", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2001 No. 629); "Russia's Youth (2001-2005) (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000 No. 10015); "Children of immigrants" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2000 No. 625); With the assistance of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, UNESCO, the FSB of the Russian Federation operates the program of the World Charitable Foundation "Children and Youth Against Terrorism and Extremism". The disadvantage of all of the above acts is their abrasibility, ignoring the ethnocultural and civilization specifics of Russia and its regions. In domestic practice, an optimal holistic state youth policy has been developed, there is no integrated program for the development of the younger generation, its integration into the social life of Russian society, the technologies for the prevention of negative phenomena by means of socio-cultural activities are not systematized.
The emergence of all new subcultural youth organizations of asocial orientation is an unconditional recurrence caused by the lack of a program for the prevention of extremist sentiments among the younger generation adapted to the modern socio-cultural and economic conditions. Analysis of existing programs to counter the manifestations of extremism allows us to state one-sidedness of the coverage of the problem, the insufficient development of the program of preventive measures that takes into account the psychological and socio-cultural features of asocial youth groups of extremist orientation. In modern Russia there is no clear ideology on working with young people. And this certainly affects the upbringing and development of the younger generation. We are afraid of the words "ideology", and because the ideology of Russia is very simple: we are a multinational state and the Commonwealth of Nations. This is the national idea. Extremely important, in our opinion, is the development of the ideology of interethnic consent, friendship and cooperation of the peoples of the ethnos, the search for a national idea consolidating the Russian society, uniting all the peoples of a multinational Russian state, a careful and respectful attitude towards the culture of each people.

Question to the audience : What methods of prevention of extremism and terrorism exist in modern socio-political and psychological and pedagogical practices?

Today, the world is on the new twist of civilization and therefore, world-upping changes very brutally to millions of people of entire countries and peoples that have no place in the new varying world. Therefore, terrorism today should be considered, as a generation of globalization, as its natural reflection. Globalization theorists say that this is a series of empirically fixable changes, heterogeneous, but united by the logic of the conversion of the world into a single integer according to the formula: "Global interdependence plus global consciousness." Today, everyone really has already been dependent on everyone, but the modification of global consciousness limited himself only to the perception of global changes in the information society, anthropocosmism, experiments on biotic regulation, to create artificial microbiosphere, materialization of electron-cyber-cyber civilization, influence of biofolitics, experiments on automotive, cyborgization, eco-cell , coevolutions, etc. Theoretics of globalization missed a deeper layer of consciousness, relative to which the war began, one of whose participants, world terrorism, is not recognized by the warring party.

Changes in consciousness under the pressure of global changes in the world This: perception of the impossible - possible, incredible - probable, unacceptable - admissible, unreal - real. Globalization produces a whole system of changes in the inner world of man. She changes the picture of the world of man, his worldview, his life position and his lifestyle. This means that it changes the person himself - his consciousness.

The picture of the world, the worldview, life position, lifestyle, is the constants of the psychological system of human protection against the dangers of life, which, as the jade protects the diver on the descent of water. "Breakthrough" of these constants of consciousness is dangerous, as a breakthrough of the diver's skateband, and a person about it intuitively guesses. Around these changes, naturally, the struggle began, one of the manifestations of which is terrorism. In other words, the struggle is not outside the territory, not for the resources, not for economic positions, but for the maintenance of consciousness. In the meantime of the world, the worldview, lifestyle, the life position of terrorist and anti-terrorism forces are incompatible, because it is complex systematic work and easier to use weapons for coercion than intelligence for evidence.

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  • Types and objectives of terrorism. Terrorism as a state policy. Terrorism in Russia. Methods of combating terrorism.

    Organization of trial assistance to victims of terrorism. The action of the population while in the quality of hostages of terrorists.

    According to the Federal Law No. 35-FZ (from 06.03.2006; last year of December 31, 2014) "On countering terrorism",terrorism - This is the ideology of violence and the practice of impact on the decision-making authorities, local governments or international organizations associated with the conversion of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

    Concept of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on October 5, 2009).

    The main features of modern terrorism:

    1) change motivation : If earlier terrorist acts were performed against political and class enemies, then the terror was currently a means of resolving national and religious contradictions.

    2) peaceful people become victims of terror;

    3) the emergence of new types of terrorism;

    4) the change the dynamics of terrorist acts and increasing the number of victims of terror;

    5) terrorism becomes anonymous;

    6) first place came out international terrorism.

    7) the use of new tools to intimidate people and entire states.

    Features of terrorism in the Russian Federation:

      the presence of long history (the activities of the Organization "People's Volia", a series of attempts and the murder of Tsar AlexanderII. in 1881);

      the presence of a global spectrum;

      various assessment of terrorist activities by various layers of society;

      "mixed" nature of the actions of terrorists;

      great duration of combating terrorist groups.

    The causes of the occurrence of terrorism should be considered:

      collapse of the USSR, the formation of independent states;

      revision of post-war world order;

      lack of success in promoting the idea of \u200b\u200ba multipolar world

      association of Europe, crisis political and interethnic in the Middle East and Balkans;

      ascending of the US roles;

      promotion of the NATO military unit to the borders of Russia;

      increasing the number of local conflicts.

    Types of terrorism:

    Bymeans , used in the implementation of terrorist acts:

        • traditional When firearms and cold weapons, explosives, poisons and other means are applied to commit the terrorist attack:

          technological when the newest achievements of science and technology in the field of computer and information technologies, electronics, genetic engineering, etc. are used to commit the terrorist attack.

          1. By the nature of the subject of terrorist activities:

      • Inorganized or individual (single terrorism) - in this case, the terrorist attack (less often, a number of terrorist attacks) makes one or two people, followed by any organization (Dmitry Karakozov, Vera Zasulich, Ravasol, etc.);

        Organized, collective - terrorist activity is planned and implemented by a certain organization (Spirituyan esters, Al-Qaida, Ira, this state terrorism). Organized terrorism is the most common in the modern world.

    Depending on the criminalmotivation :

      Nationalist - Pursuits separatist or national liberation goals;

      Religious - may be associated with the struggle of adherents of religion among themselves (Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Christians) and inside one faith (Sunita-Shiites), and aims to undermine secular power and approve the power of religious;

      Ideologically asked, social, political - Pursuits the purpose of the indigenous or partial change in the economic or political system of the country, attracting the attention of society to any acute problem. Sometimes this kind of terrorism is called revolutionary. An example of ideologically asked terrorism is anarchist, ECO, fascist, European "left" terrorism, etc.

      Criminal terrorismit is carried out by criminal elements or criminal groups in order to achieve certain concessions from the authorities, intimidate the power and population of the country through the methods of violence and intimidation borrowed from the practice of terrorist organizations.

      Domestic Terrorism - aims to destabilize the family, seizure, redistribution between families. This type of terrorism is also called family. An example of household terrorism is the systematic impact of one family member to another with the help of scandals, reproaches, and the simulation of the painful state. As a rule, household terrorism is fueled in families by psychological processing of junior members older.

      Technological terrorismit is to use or threatened with the use of nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons, radioactive and highly toxic chemical, biological substances, as well as the threat of seizure of nuclear and other industrial facilities representing increased danger to people's life and health. As a rule, technological terrorism sets political goals.

      Cyberrorism - actions to disorganize automated information systems that create the danger of the death of people, causing significant material damage or the onset of other socially dangerous consequences.

    Terrorism goals

      Depending on the subject of terrorism and the focus of its activities:

      domestic political:

      change in the political regime and the country's social structure;

      undermining democratic transformations or their difficulty;

      destabilization of the domestic political situation;

      difficulty and disorganization of the activities of the authorities and management or rival political parties and organizations;

      provoking state authorities for action that can compromise it in the eyes of the population or raise the authority of terrorists;

      a disruption of certain measures of the authorities and management (on consolidating internal political forces, ensuring security and order in areas of distribution of crisis and conflict situations, etc.).

      foreign policy:

      the weakening of international relations or the deterioration of the country's relations with foreign states;

      breaking international actions to resolve international or internal political conflicts;

      creating adverse conditions for the activities of citizens and institutions of the country abroad; expression of condemnation or protest against certain shares of the country in the international arena or within the country;

      the compromise of the country as a source of international terrorism in the eyes of the world community, etc.

      Depending on the scale and maintenance:

      strategic (for example, the preparation of conditions for the overthrow of the existing system, destabilization of the situation in the country, recognition of the terrorist organization by the authorities and the public as an independent political force, etc.);

      tactical (Popularization of ideas and goals of a terrorist organization, ensuring the establishment of participants in the organization itself, receiving material means to continue its activities, the release of individual servants serving the sentences, the expression of a negative attitude to individual leaders or organizations of the country, to law enforcement agencies, to the armed forces, etc. ).

    For the organization and implementation of concrete terrorist shares subordinated to the strategic and tactical goals of terrorism, extremist structures produce problems that are due to the internal political and foreign policy goals of terrorism of a direction or otherwise serve to create conditions for their achievement. For example, the goal of destabilizing the domestic political situation in the country may cause the tasks to implement murders and explosions to intimidate the population of certain regions, to implement violent acts against high-ranking officials of government and law enforcement agencies, against the leaders of public organizations that support the authorities. For the purpose of the breakdown of international shares on the settlement of acute interethnic conflicts, terrorists may put forward the tasks of creating the danger of representatives of international organizations in a certain region, to provok new outbreaks of interethnic hostility, etc. The purpose of the demonstration of a negative attitude towards a change in its foreign policy frame Before the terrorist organization of tasks to seize diplomatic and other representatives of the country as hostages, to create interference for the normal activities of its institutions (by conducting explosions of their premises, an organization of disturbing reports on preparing violent acts, etc.), etc.

    In accordance with the tasks nominated, the terrorist organization defines specific objects of terrorist encroachment, determines the need forces and means for the implementation of a violent act, the procedure for their use, etc.

    Ways to achieve terrorism goals:

    The fear of terrorism is actively used to introduce into the mass consciousness of the "enemy's image".

    Fear of terror - an effective tool for the fight for changing public opinion in favor of expanding special services, their powers and financing.

    The process of group manipulation is divided into three stages:

    The first stage - "Emotional actualization of xenophobia." Such psychological processing carried out with the help of special literature and the media is aimed at touching the most sensitive strings of human psyche affecting the honor and personal dignity of each representative of this religious group or ethnos.

    Second stage - "Practical orientation of groups." Mass consciousness ("compatriots" or "uninterests"), heated by the propaganda of "popular perturbation", is sent to specific accomplishments with the help of attractive political goals, programs.

    Third stage - scheduled for the purpose of the goal, specific software installations and practical steps should be morally authorized by the dominant public opinion in this environment, after which any shares of this national movement, even if they are associated with inevitable riots and bloodshed, will deliberately be perceived as morally acquitted meetings The interests of the nation or denomination.

    Terrorism objects:

    First Group - General - aton objects of weakening and undermining:

      internal and external security of the country;

      international relations, positions and interests;

      independence and sovereignty of the state;

      fundamentals of the social system;

      political organization of the Company;

      state power and its institutions;

      safety of citizens.

    The main object of terrorist activities against the Russian Federation and in the Russian Federation is its constitutional system.

    Second group - objects of direct violent (terrorist) impact - the safety of people and various material objects; Life, health, freedom of specific persons or their personally uncertain groups; Normal functioning and physical integrity of certain objects and structures (for example, property belonging to terrorized persons, institutions, etc.).

    Applying in various ways, violence or threatening to apply it to persons or specific material objects, terrorist organizations, ultimately, are counting on achieving their goals and objectives of weakening and undermining common objects of terrorism.

    Methods of terrorist activity

    Taking into account the method of achieving the terrorists of the objectives and objectives and the nature of objects, four groups of methods can be distinguished:

      organizational nature

      physical impact methods

      material impact (on inanimate objects),

      and psychological impact.

    The methods of organizational nature include, first of all, those used to create terrorist structures and training acts of direct violent impact (inspiring terrorist activities by attracting people to participate in it, their organizational cohesion, the preparation of terrorist shares, the organization of interaction with other extremist organizations and etc., as well as stimulating terrorist activities by providing financial, material and other support to terrorist organizations, groups, individuals - terrorists).

    Methods of physical impact People are associated with direct physical causation of damage to life, health and freedom of people. Among them can be distinguished by unlawful deprivation of people of life (the use of firearms and cold weapons, explosives, poisons and poisoning substances, strokes, radioactive lesions, infection, etc.); causing damage to their health (deposits, the use of methods used to deprive people of life); deprivation or restriction of their freedom (capture and abduction of people, violent deprivation of their possibility of communication with the outside world, hold on the place of stay - in a vehicle, office space, etc., the violent movement on terrorists controlled by terrorists and hold them in secret shelter to fulfill the requirements of terrorists).

    Methods of material impact In invisible objects are diverse and are mainly associated with the destruction or damage to the objects of this group. These include mainly the use of explosive and flammable substances, mechanical damage or bringing these objects into disrepair. In other words, it is, above all the explosions, arson, pogroms.

    The methods used in these cases in some part are similar to those related to the first group of methods.

    Methods of psychological impact ("Psychological Terror") occupy an increasing place in terrorist activities. This is explained, on the one hand, the essence of terror as a method for coercion and intimidation, which is primarily achieved by using three groups of methods discussed above, and on the other hand, the desire to simplify the mechanism for achieving terrorist goals, the wide distribution of political extremism in various circles of the population. This group of methods consists of two subgroups. The first form actions directly carrying physical character, but mainly calculated to achieve a psychological result. These include attacks on certain persons, damage to their property, pogroms in their dwellings, etc. The second subgroup is actions, also carrying the advantage defiantly threatening, but not related to direct causation of any physical harm to a person or its close. These are, first of all, the threats (open or anonymous) in the address of officials, institutions, public figures, etc. Such threats are usually transmitted orally, in writing, on the phone and, as a rule, contain threats of violence and other adverse consequences for addressees. There are often cases of similar threats in leaflets, publications in the press. Terrorist organizations in certain cases can organize targeted and massive campaigns intimidating their opponents or other terror objects elected by them by further escalation of terrorist activities. For the modern political and operational situation in the CIS countries and a number of regions of the Russian Federation, a wide dissemination of the methods of "psychological terror" is characterized.

    Terrorism as government policy

    On the world map, it was (there) a lot of countries in which terror was turned into public policy, such as in South Africa. The International Commission for the Investigation of Racism and Apartheid crimes in southern Africa declared the Government of South Africa by the regime of state terrorism.

    In March 1981, 50 African UN member countries have published a statement that emphasized that open support for the Washington Authority of the South African regime (and this is a well-known fact) is the promotion of "state terrorism" policies, carried out by the Pretoria authorities, and the feasibility of the racial oppression of the indigenous population of South Africa. In South Africa, there were many terrorist organizations consisting of the White Population. They organized bomb explosions in offices, theaters and in many other places where representatives of all races were allowed, threatened with prominent African figures.

    To date, this focus of terrorism "was repaid". As a result, the first in the country of universal free elections An outstanding African figure Nelson Mandela came to power, and now the reorganization of the old political system is in full swing.

    Two more countries in which terrorism is widely used as public policies are located in the Middle East. These states are Israel and Iraq.

    Israel conducted conciliatory wars aimed at conquering and subordinate to neighboring countries. For example, the invasion of Lebanon and the capture of Beirut, in Palestine. In all cases, especially in Palestine, the Israeli troops conducted the "cleaning" of the Arab population, forcing the survivors to leave their lands. In Palestine, this led to the fact that the organization of the liberation of Palestine (OOP) began to resist all possible ways, including terrorism. Although, as similar experience in Northern Ireland shows, Chechen Republic And Palestine itself, the reconciliation process is very difficult. There are forces that in various ways impede the development of the peace process.

    Iraq is also another focus of instability in that region. The head of Iraq - Saddam Hussein, conducts an aggressive policy towards its neighbors. He tried to seize the little, but rich in oil state - Kuwait. The reasons for this capture are clear. If Iraq had kept Kuwait's oil fisheries in his own property, he would receive a huge economic benefit and would have the opportunity to carry out aggression and beyond. No wonder they say - "oil - blood of war." But the cunning plans of Iraq were torn by NATO intervention. Iraq in the war was defeated and still suspended the policy of terrorism and aggression.

    There are many states that use terrorism to one degree or another. I listed only a few of the most "bright" representatives. I hope the world community will be with unrelenting attention to monitor such countries and warn their aggression. Although, if you take by and large, terrorism uses all countries of the world. Only one is so clearly that it can all be visible, and others are less clearly. The task of the global community is to prevent (at least in the first stage) of the most aggressive states and the resolution of old conflicts.

    The situation with terrorism in Russia occupies a lot of space in daily news. Terrorist acts in Russia took place immediately after the collapse of the Union, in 1994-1995, they did not stop and later. The largest act in recent years in the Russian Federation was a terrible seizure of Beslan in North Ossetia, when children became victims. Terrorists are people who do not have any morality, so they hurt the lives of children. At school, which was captured by criminals on September 1, 2004, there were only about 1,200 people, died in three days of terror - 326. According to the investigation of the special services, 32 people took part in that terrible action, 31 of which was killed in the process of liberation of people. Alive remained only one of the bandits. You can also remember about Nord-Oste, the metropolitan Palace of Culture, which was mined by terrorists along with 700 spectators and institutions of the institution. The terrorists lasted hostages for three days, morally mocking relatives of poor people. Ended the act by storm, which, according to the official version, began after the bandits began to shoot people. In this struggle, special forces against terrorists performed professionally, but had to use deadly gas. Unfortunately, many innocent people died from his impact. Another terrorist threat to modern Russia is the Arab Wahhabites. This grouping conducts acts of religious terror, from which Russians may suffer. The terrorists whose photos are available in the dossier of international and Russian services dealing with this problem can live among us and at the same time plan their atrocities. Methods of combating terrorists on the fight against terrorism to speak in the current situation can be much. First of all, I want to say what organs are directly fighting in Russia with criminal groups or individual terrorists. The main fighter is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In addition to this service, the anti-terrorism departments are in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the service of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and MO of Russia. In the Russian Federation, anti-terrorist units were created, the main of which are Alpha groups and Vympel. Also, the special services that are fighting terrorism, and under the army, under the Ministry of VD (group "Vega"), with power structures. Terror can be avoided only by the joint efforts of different countries that are configured to serious permission of the problem. It is necessary to develop an integrated approach to combating this phenomenon through not only legal and powerful impact, but also to identifying the main reasons for its occurrence. The most important thing is not to look for justifying terrorism, do not divide it on the right and wrong. It is necessary to fight against any of its manifestation. At the legislative level in all countries it is necessary to strengthen criminal liability for the act of terror. The law on countering terrorism and criminal legislation should be tightened, up to the introduction of the death penalty.

    The system of combating terrorism

    The program of combating terrorism is consisting of the following subsections or blocks:

    Legal measures to combat terrorism, including legislative acts, as well as international conventions to combat terrorism and organized crime;

    General enlightenment measures, including the establishment of control over the "markets" of weapons and other mass lesions;

    Administrative and regime measures to be attributed to interstate cooperation in the field of combating terrorism;

    Special (operational, search, technical and security) measures preventing terrorist manifestations.

    It seems that the development, adoption and subsequent control over the implementation of such measures of countering terrorism is one of the actual tasks of the activities of the state authorities of Russia.

    But along with state bodies, the public, including scientific, media, socio-political parties, organization and movement can also play a considerable role in combating terrorism. It may be very effective to be a refusal to all without exception of socio-political forces and subjects from violent and armed methods of struggle for the implementation of their goals. The most important condition is the elimination of all illegal paramilitary formations in the country. Public authorities could also contribute to the termination of conflicts, internecine skirmishes, confrontation, a decrease in social tensions in the cities and regions of Russia, which is a nutrient medium for terrorism and extremism.

    Only joint actions of state structures and civil society can become an effective factor in countering the spread of terrorism in Russia, the achievement and preservation of a genuine civil world in society.

    Features of medical and sanitary support for terrorist acts

    Based on the existing health care system in emergency, the provision of medical care to the population in terrorist acts is organized as follows.

    At the local and territorial levels, the duty teams of the nearest stations (offices) of emergency medical care are initially directed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrorist act. With insufficient number of their quantity, duty teams of ambulance medical care neighboring stations (separations) are involved. If necessary, reserve teams of emergency medical care are involved, operational brigades of the center for the treatment of acute poisoning and other formations of the disaster medicine service. Specialized Medical Aid, Bamps

    Before the arrival of medical formations into the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrorist act (explosion), the territory for their placement (deployment) and the territory adjacent to it should be checked by explosive specialists for explosives.

    When capturing the hostages, it is necessary to formulate the nearest LPU and prepare them for receiving the victims. If necessary, strengthen their teams of specialized medical care, medicines and other medical property. When moving terrorists with hostages to the accompaniment group, medical ambulance brigades prepared for emergency measures of first medical care are highlighted.

    The content of specific first medical care activities depends on the striking factors of the emergency and the nature of damage. So, with an emergency with a predominance of mechanical striking factors (in terrorist acts, they prevail), they include:

    extraction or release of destroyed buildings struck from under the rubble, favorable vehicles;

    restoration of the upper respiratory tract, carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs by the "mouth to mouth" or "mouth to the nose" method;

    indirect heart massage;

    temporary stopping of outdoor bleeding by all available methods;

    giving the victim of the optimal physiological situation;

    overlaying bandages on wound and burn surfaces;

    immobilization of limbs for fractures, extensive burns, scammers of soft tissues, locking the body to a blackboard or shield during the spine injuries;

    anesthetic therapy;

    abundant warm drink with the addition of 0.5 teaspoons of drinking soda and table salt on 1 liter of fluid;

    abundant sweet drink with adding alcohol.

    The amount of medical assistance to victims with severe injury in place is limited to the provision of first medical, preference, and urgent measures of the first medical assistance, followed by the evacuation of the nearest hospitals for the provision of qualified, and if possible, and testimony - specialized medical care.

    Medical workers in loading affected by unsuitable transport must necessarily control the correctness of the placement of victims in the vehicle in order to determine the deterioration of the state of affected during transportation.

    In some cases (significant remoteness, seizure by terrorists of the nearest medical institution, etc.), as the first stage of medical evacuation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrorist act, a fully or partially hospital (detachment) of the Catastroph Medicine Center is deployed. Subsequently, if necessary, sanitary cars or helicopters are evacuated to a specialized medical institution (regional, regional, republican hospital, etc.), where they are provided with medical assistance in full, treatment and rehabilitation is carried out to the final outcome. When evacuated, the possibilities of sanitary aviation are used as much as possible.

    Amazed with the most severe and difficult injuries (diseases), which are in the transportable state, can be evacuated mainly by aviation transport, federal clinics and hospitals.

    After providing first medical and prefigure assistance, sanitary-affected by sanitary or additional transport is urgently evacuated into the nearest medical institutions - the first stage of medical evacuation, where the first medical, qualified, and specialized medical care is organized and it turns out.

    Capture hostage

    In recent years, cases of hostage seizure have increased worldwide. These crimes are usually accompanied by an insult honor and dignity of captured citizens, causing them moral and physical suffering, injuries or even death.

    Therefore, if you are captured by criminals hostage, then the following security measures should be applied:

      do not expose yourself excessive risk and limit all sorts of contact with criminals, especially if they are in a state of alcohol or narcotic intoxication;

      be plucked, calm and in the possibility of peace-loving. Carefully follow the behavior of criminals and their intentions;

      at the first opportunity, try to inform your location to relatives or by the police;

      do not fall in spirit and in the case of a convenient and safe opportunity, save the flight;

      during the liberation, the capture group is best to go to the floor away from the windows and doors or hide (hide).

    To reduce the risk of abduction, follow the following precautions:

      it is good to know the locality where you live, its secluded plots;

      the time and route of movement as often can be changed;

      choose a route for movement passing through lively and well-lit streets, while avoiding the shortest paths through the forest, waste, landfills;

      going along the route, try to keep at the distance from the entrances and convinced, as well as from unfamiliar people looking suspiciously;

      if you feel that someone pursues you, feel free to turn and test your suspicions. In the event that these suspicions confirmed, change the direction, the pace of walking or sprinkle;

      do not sit down to unfamiliar and unfamiliar people in the car;

      if you are attacked with the purpose of abduction, lift as much noise as possible to attract the attention of others and try to fight off the attackers.

    It is possible to be a hostage not only as a result of the abduction, but, for example, when capturing the terrorists of the aircraft, heat, buses or other vehicles.

    In captured terrorists, stay in your place and try not to attract attention. Do not react to provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look into your eyes. Without provers, fulfill the requirements of terrorists and ask them to permit for any of your actions. If necessary, simulate the symptoms of the disease or poor well-being, but avoid rapid actions that can jeopardize your life and the life of other passengers.

    When storming the vehicle, the capture group immediately go to the floor and learn to the end of the operation. Get up from the floor and leave the vehicle only after the command. Get out as quickly as possible, unquestioning all the commands of the capture group.

    Over the past three years in Moscow schools, "Tolerance Lessons" and lessons for extremism prevention lessons were taught. These classes are designed to teach the manifestation of tolerance towards representatives of another culture and traditions, as well as warn the guys from engaging in the ranks of the extremist of tuned young people.
    Students of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanities as practical classes are conducting similar lessons in the Central Administrative District of the capital.
    We present to your attention a lesson plan, which is taken for the pedagogical basis for such activities.

    Lesson plan for extremism prevention.
    "Extremism and patriotism."

    Objectives lesson:
    - to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bextremism as one of the current issues of modern society;
    - to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for extremist activities.

    Tasks lesson:
    - familiarize students with the concepts of "tolerance", "patriotism" and "extremism";
    - show the devastating consequences of extremist activities on the examples;
    - determine the main differences between the actions dictated by patriotic feelings, from the manifestations of extremist orientation;
    - acquaint students with the concepts of administrative and criminal liability;
    - provide students with information about the responsibility stipulated by the articles of the administrative and criminal codes of the Russian Federation for extremist activities (with analysis of specific situations).

    During the classes.

    1. Introduction.
    We are with you citizens of one state - the Russian Federation. All you know perfectly well that people live in our country many different nationalities and religions. Unfortunately, every year our country is increasing the number of young people who hideged by patriotic ideas are increasing, incite hostility between representatives of different nationalities.
    Therefore, today we will talk about what patriotism differs from extremism, the destructive consequences of the manifestations of extremism and how to learn to be tolerant and tolerant to each other.

    2. Tolerance
    Students show photographs for which they must assume the characteristics of the nature of a person. Student responses are discussed, and then the facts concerning these people are told. Missets are analyzed and concluded that the first opinion about a person can be absolutely wrong.
    What do you think is that tolerance? Which of you can try to define this concept or list some signs? (Pupils respondents are listened and recorded on the board, discussion is held and summed up).
    Tolerance (from lat. Tolerantia - patience) is a sociological term, denoting tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs.
    In many languages, the concept of "tolerance" is a kind of synonym for "tolerance": Latin - Tolerantia; English - Tolerance; German - Toleranz; French - Tolérance. In addition, all XX century dictionaries unambiguously indicate a direct interpretation of tolerance as tolerance.
    Dictionaries of the 20th century define "tolerance" as tolerance to someone else's lifestyle, behavior, otherwise customs, feelings, beliefs, opinions, ideas, or simply called "tolerance" by synonymous with the concept of "tolerance". Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron reduces tolerance mainly to kindness.
    The word "tolerance" is present in almost all dictionaries of the Russian language. In particular, the dictionary V. I. Dalya interprets "Tolerance" as the ability to tolerate something only in mercy or condescension.
    The concept of "tolerance" was introduced into a scientific circulation in the XVIII century. In Russia, the concept of tolerance has become used in liberal press from the middle of the XIX century, but from the mid-30s of the XX century, it disappeared from the political vocabulary, until it appeared in the early 90s of the 20th century.
    Unlike "tolerance" (tolerate - "without counteracting, without complaining, to carry me badly, to demolish something plight, heavy, unpleasant"), tolerance (in the modern language, the word came from English. Tolerance) - Readiness to be benevolently admit, take care , the beliefs and the views of other people who differ from their own. At the same time, even if these beliefs or views are not divided and not approved.

    3. The concept of "extremism"
    The absence of tolerance in people often leads to negative consequences: the inability to recognize and accept someone else's easily converted into hostility and as a result can take a truly destructive scale.
    Display slides reflecting the devastating consequences of extremist manifestations and their discussion.
    What do you think what is extremism? Which of you can try to define or list some signs? (Pupils respondents are listened and recorded on the board, discussion is held and summed up).
    Extremism (from FR. Extremisme, from Lat. Extremus - extreme) - commitment to extreme views and, in particular, measures (usually in politics). Among such measures, it is possible to note the organization of unrest, civil disobedience, terrorist promotions, methods of the partisan war. The most radically customized extremists are often denied in principle any compromises, negotiations, agreements. The growth of extremism usually contributes: socio-economic crises, a sharp drop in the life level of the majority of the population. In such situations, extreme measures can be for some individuals and organizations to really affect the situation, especially if the revolutionary situation or the state is covered by a long civil war - we can talk about "forced extremism".
    Extremism is a commitment to extreme views and measures.
    Extremist acts can be determined more accurately, relying on two main criteria:
    a) they are not only used as a direct way to achieve political, ideological and social goals, but also a tool for publicity and intimidation;
    b) they are aimed at causing harm not direct enemy, but to other people.
    The first goal of extremist acts is not direct physical harm, and their psychological impact from the point of view of attracting public attention and undermining the authority of the state in ensuring the safety of its citizens.
    Under political extremism, political activity should be understood, which is expressed in the desire of politically active individuals, public to implement their political ideals by all available means, including forms of violent impact, aimed at state power, society as a whole or on any elements. Extremism penetrates all areas of public life:
    Economic extremism. Aims to destroy the diversity and establishing a single form of ownership, uniform methods of economy, etc.
    Nationalistic (national) extremism. Finds an expression in inciting hostility and hatred between nations and peoples.
    Extremism in the field of culture. Focusing on isolationism, rejection of experience, achieving other crops, is manifested in promoting violence, cruelty, the destruction of historical monuments.
    Ecological extremism. He opposes scientific and technological progress in general, believing that the elimination of unfavorable industries is the only possible way to improve environmental quality.

    4. The concept of "patriotism"
    We have already talked about the fact that in our time there are people who, hiding behind patriotic ideas, ignite hostility between representatives of different nationalities.
    What do you think is patriotism? Which of you can try to define or list some signs? (Pupils respondents are listened and recorded on the board, discussion is held and summed up).
    Patriotism is love for Fatherland, resulting from the consciousness of solidarity of the interests of citizens of this state or members of this nation. Feelings of attachment to the motherland and their native people imbued with an enlightened understanding of the mental and moral needs of the people are the basis of cultural public life; But the same feelings impregnated with dark prejudices and hostility to other peoples are degenerated into narrow nationalism and demoralizing chauvinism.
    What is Patriotism:
    Maturity of character, peacemaking, love for homeland and people, empathy and self-sacrifice.
    - Strong prosperous family, raising children with decent citizens of the country.
    - Professional and creative contribution to the constructive development of culture, economics, sports, health, politicians, the formation of the country.
    - quality of character and deeds worthy of universal respect, the basis of patriotism
    Thus, we figured out what the patriotism differs from extremism. Remember the main thing:
    Patriotism is love for the country, and extremism is hatred for people. Therefore, the real patriot will never become an extremist.

    5. Administrative and criminal liability for the manifestations of extremism
    In December 2010, there was a series of mass rallies and street clashes of indigenous people with immigrants from the Caucasian republics in the cities of Russia, which followed the murder in Moscow of the football fan of Egor Sviridov. The young man died during the fight that occurred on December 6, 2010 between the FC FCP "Spartak Moscow" and a group of immigrants from the North Caucasus. The actions of law enforcement agencies during the investigation of the murder were perceived in society as a covering of suspects, which provoked protests.
    All of you remember that an unauthorized rally on Manezhnaya Square has become the most popular in this series. As a result, more than 60 people were attracted to administrative responsibility and about 10 to criminal.
    What laws were violated by those who came out on the day on the Manege Square and those who participated in further rallies on the Square of Europe, from the Kiev Station and others? What articles are the responsibility for crime data?
    First, it is hooliganism. And for petty hooliganism is provided for administrative responsibility. For a cleaner - criminal.
    We will understand first with what is small hooliganism.
    According to Art. 20.1 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, petty hooliganism is a violation of public order, which expresses explicit disrespect for society. It can be:
    - obscene abdomen in public places;
    - offensive attacking to citizens;
    - Destruction or damage to someone else's property.
    All these actions entail:
    - either the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of from 500 to 1000 rubles. The fine can be increased to 2500 rubles, if hooliganism was accompanied by disobedience to the legal requirement of the representative of the authorities.
    - either administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.
    But if hooliganism is completely with the use of weapons either based on political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred, then this is already considered a crime and, according to Art. 213 of the Criminal Code, entails more severe responsibility in the form:
    - Mandatory work for a period from 180 to 240 hours
    - either correctional work for a period of one year to two years;
    - or imprisonment for up to five years.
    Secondly, the administrative offense is
    Propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi attribute or symbolism provided by Art. 20.3 Code of Administrative Code. Nazi attributes and symbols may include banners, badges, uniform attributes, other distinctive signs, greetings and welcome gestures.
    This ban is related to the fact that he insults the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War.
    Thus, if a person not just came to participate in the rally, but also dressed accordingly or used Nazi greetings in his speech, then the following sanctions can be applied towards it:
    - either a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles with confiscation of attribute or symbolism.
    - either arrest for a period of up to fifteen days with confiscation of attribute or symbolism.
    Thirdly, at such rallies the law of the crowd is always valid: some participants call on others to protests, to revenge for offended (in this case, for the killed Iron Sviridov), while others, infecting the general attitude, shout, fight, damage to someone's property.
    The first in this case can be condemned under Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes responsibility for public calls for the implementation of extremist activities. This article provides a fairly large fine - to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages Convicted for the period up to two years. It is also possible arrest for a period of four to six months, or imprisonment for up to three years.
    In addition, the responsibility of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may be applied, which establishes responsibility for the initiation of hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity. Responsibility comes only if these actions have been committed publicly or using the media. Do not forget, in this case we are talking about a public rally.
    The punishment for this crime is:
    - either a penalty of from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages convicteded for the period from one year to two years;
    - or deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years;
    - or mandatory work for up to one hundred eighty hours;
    - either correctional work for up to one year;
    - or imprisonment for up to two years.
    The second, in addition to the hooliganism already mentioned by us, make the following offenses:
    Article 214. Sets responsibility for vandalism. Vandalism is the desecration of buildings or other structures, damage the property on public transport or other public places. If these acts are made based on the political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or hostility either based on hatred or hostility in relation to any social group, they are considered extremist and are punishable by the restriction of freedom for up to three years or imprisonment for a term up to three years.
    If, as a result of even accidental damage, a building or a monument with historical or cultural value will suffer (and we remember that the Manege Square is the center of Moscow), then another article is already engaged in force - article 243, which establishes responsibility for the destruction or damage of historical and cultural monuments. For this crime provided:
    - either a fine in particularly large size - up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages convicteded for the period up to eighteen months;
    - either mandatory work for a period of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty hours;
    - or imprisonment for up to two years.
    If people came to a rally, directed against persons of another nationality, not by chance, but after preparing and organizing a cohesive group, their actions fall under Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - organization and participation in the extremist community. The extremist community is an organized group of persons to prepare or commit crimes of extremist orientation. Naturally, the organization of the extremist group is envisaged more strict responsibility than just for participation. For example, a penalty for the organization can reach up to two hundred thousand rubles, and for participation - only to forty thousand rubles. In addition, a person who voluntarily ceased to participate in the activities of the Group's extremist, is exempt from criminal liability if its actions do not contain a different composition of the crime.

    6. Summing up the lesson
    . Each of you is the owner of his life, his destiny.
    . There are a lot of strength around you who want to use your abilities, your decisiveness, but choosing for whom to go - think what fee will be required from you. Extremist organizations offer the struggle for freedom, the overthrow of the existing power, "Russia for Russians", etc. But all this is achieved by terror, violence, meaningless, cruel murders.
    . This is the path of animals, not people. Never violence led to the progress of the nation. This confirms the story.
    . All the great military empires have fallen.
    . Now all the ways are open now - choose the path of the world, the path of development, the way to create your life, and not the destruction of someone else's!

    To view click on the picture

    The Committee on Youth Policy On November 18, 2013, a lecture was lecture for students of district schools on the prevention of extremism and terrorism. The head of MRO in the Zelechuk and Urrowan districts of UFSKN RUSSIA in the KND Chagarov Kazbek Askerbievich, Deputy Mufti Khachayevo Cherkess Republic of Lypanov Muratby Haji and Chairman of the Youth Commission of the South Karachay-Cherkess deer Father Sergius were invited to this event.

    Schoolchildren were collected in order to once again touched upon the topical theme of terrorism and call for vigilance and care to unauthorized people and subjects. The lecture of the Committee's specialist, which revealed the essence of the concepts of terrorism and extremism, introduced the visual material to those present: "Terrorism", "Terrorists", "Extremism" - words that almost daily appear in the media, giving rise to anxiety and fear of our citizens for their present and the future, for their rights and freedoms, which are guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Extremism and terrorism in any forms of their manifestations turned into one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity entered in the 21st century.

    Terrorism is a real threat to the national security of the country: the abduction of people, taking hostages, cases of hijacking aircraft, bomb explosions, acts of violence in ethno-conflict conflicts, direct threats to their implementation, etc. Therefore, the problem of countering terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation is one of the most important security tasks at the state level.

    Over the past decade, large terrorist acts in our country have become explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, an explosion during a parade in Caspian, May 9, the capture of theater on Dubrovka, during the presentation of Nord-Ost. September 2004. For two days in the Gym School No. 1 of the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia), teachers, disciples, and their parents were held - only more than 1,200 people. As a result of the explosion, 331 people were killed, including 172 children. 559 people were injured. This is truly terrible pages of our story ...

    Not an insignificant problem today is extremism, which delays more and more young people, and especially between the ages of 14 and 18. Extremists radically deny the norms and rules existing in society and rules through the set of violent manifestations of individuals and specialized groups and communities performed by individuals and specially organized groups and communities. This is a complex and inhomogeneous form of an expression of hatred and hostility. Often allowed mass demonstrations of protest, develop into hooligan actions and unrest, attacks on citizens and are accompanied by calls for violence - these are already unlawful actions that can be qualified as criminal, criminal ... "

    Then the lecture continued the deputy muffin of the KCR Muratby Haji, taming no less relevant theme of Wahhabism, who from a special course of Islam faith today turned into a means of violence and murders. Nowadays, Wahhabism is the course of political extremism, and islas and prone to armed struggle against all who prevents the spread of Wahhabi teachings and establishing its monopoly domination. Muratby Haji called on those present to be attentive and not confused faith with evil, which today through religious dogmas promotes terrorists to achieve their personal goals.

    Chairman of the Youth Commission of the South Karachay-Cherkess deer Father Sergius, also explained to those present that lately most terrorist attacks occur under the slogans "death for salvation". Today, religion is used for evil, for destruction, to achieve chaos in the world. Humanity forgot about the principles of humanism, justice, kindness, forgot about the essence of faith.

    He completed the lecture by the head of MRO at Zelechuksky and the Urrowan regions of Chagarov Kazbek Askerbievich, who spoke about how closely there is a terrorism with drug business, as terrorists, with drugs, affect ordinary people, forcing them to perform terrorist acts, sacrificing them first and many innocent people. .

    Theme lesson: Prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people.

    Objectives lesson:


    Intensify the mental activity of students in the assimilation of the role of extremism and terrorism in the modern life of society and determine the measure of the danger of these phenomena for human life;

    Expand the presentation of children about youth subculture;


    Contribute to the development of logical thinking, attention and independence;

    Contribute to the development of a critical attitude towards the perception of various kinds of information;


    Contribute to the formation of an irreconcilable attitude towards the manifestations of extremism and terrorism;

    Form a critical attitude towards trendy youth trends having an extremist orientation;

    Promoting the formation of sociocultural and civil identity to students.

    Tasks lesson:

    • determine the causes and objectives of extremism and terrorism;

    • relieve a sense of responsibility of students for the fate of mankind.
    Equipment lesson:

    • working notebook students;

    • text of the Russian Federation "On Countering Terrorism", the text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

    Basic concepts and terms:

    • global problems of modernity, terror, terrorism, extremism, youth subculture.
    Form of the lesson:

    Lesson plan

    1. Organizing time.

    2. Studying a new lesson.

    3. Group work with text documents.

    4. Summarizing.
    Plan-abstract lesson

    Teacher's mini-lecture:

    About terrorist acts tell us the media. Terrorism has long ago from an abstract concept turned into a real nightmare, before the threat of which all humanity stands. Today, terrorism is a factor in global importance with which it is necessary to be considered any government both in its internal and foreign Policy. Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon is far from young. His story has at least one and a half century.

    In recent decades, all Russian society turned out to be a challenge from the ideology and practice of extremism. A special danger is the fact that the extremist ideology actively uses the most affordable channels of information reporting information and easily penetrates the youth subculture, offering enough simple and "radical" solutions in achieving the goals through extreme destruction measures or neutralization of all others. Unfortunately, the facts of crimes committed by young people are increasingly noted, which are qualified as extremist.

    We will try to deal with the reasons and sources of extremism and try to find a solution to this global problem of humanity.


    What do you think, why are the extremist sentiments among young people actively develop today?

    Stage 1. In notebooks, the reasons for which, according to students, are recorded actively develop extremist sentiments among young people? On the execution of this task is given 5 minutes.

    2 stage Work is that all the reasons that highlighted students are recorded on the board (without repetition and criticism, see "Magazine Rules").

    3 stages The hierarchy of the reasons from the most important, to the least according to students (Appendix 1.).

    Summing up the result of the teacher On the importance of preventing extremist sentiments in the youth environment. It is the youth that is a risk group prone to aggressive-extremist actions. By virtue of its age, young people are characterized by such psychological features as: maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, disgracefulness and intransigence, a tendency to group state bodies, ideological instability and failure in the search for self-identifications, which, under certain life conditions and the availability of the nutrient medium, can start starting The mechanism of their antisocial activity.

    Formation of basic concepts.

    All students on the eve of the lesson gives an advanced task to find in the reference book definition of the concepts of "extremism", "terrorism", "terror". In the lesson, these definitions need to be heard and compared to them, highlight essential signs. It is advisable to record some concepts in notebooks. Based on the analysis to choose several working concepts for further study of the problem.

    Extremism (from lat. EXTREMUS - extreme) translates as commitment to extreme glances and radical measures.

    Extremist sentiments of young - This is a reflection of the need to perform risky actions, to deal with justice in their understanding, as well as for the "purity" of its nation.

    Terrorismit is considered as the use of violence or threats to its use in relation to individuals, groups of persons or various facilities in order to achieve political, economic, ideological and other favorable results to terrorists.

    Terrorism - This is the extreme form of manifestation of extremism.

    Terrorism This is violence carried out by opposition groups.

    Terror ( from lat. "Terror" - Fear, Horror) - This policy of repression by the state based on the power of their power institutions .

    Terrorismthere are motivated violence with political goals (B. Crozier, Director of the London Institute for Studying Conflict).

    Terrorism This is the use of non-state violence or the threat of violence in order to cause panic in society, weaken the situation and even overthrow officials and cause political changes in society "(Walter Laker, foreign expert).

    Terrorism These are the tactics of a political struggle, characterized by the systematic use of violence expressed in murders, diversions, sabotage, abductions and other actions that pose a threat to the life and safety of people "(E.P. Kozushko).

    Students do conclusions that extremism As a socio-cultural phenomenon, complex and inhomogeneous, is defined as commitment to extreme measures and views rejecting existing social norms or a focus on their radical transformations that terror weapons are repressionarmor of terrorism - terrorist act.In the name of achieving certain political, religious, socio-economic purposes, terrorists use violent methods.

    Discussion:Youth subculture is a bridgehead for the development of extremism.

    For discussion, students are invited to occupy one of the following positions.

    Yes, I agree

    I agree, but with reservations

    I do not agree

    I do not know, did not decide

    After the participants identified their position, it is proposed to protect their thesis using different facts and arguments in defense of their thesis.

    When summing up the discussion, use the approaches to the definition of youth subculture (Appendix 2.).

    Group work with text documents

    At this stage, the lesson organizes group work of students with the text of the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism" (dated March 6, 2006) and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Texts of documents are prepared in advance for participants of each working group. Working with the text, the disciples make the necessary entries in notebooks. The following tasks may be proposed to students:

    Task for the first group.Working with the text of the Federal Law, determine the concepts, legal framework and the basic principles of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation. Relying on the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, name the crimes of terrorist nature.

    Task for the second group. Determine the organizational bases of countering terrorism, goals, subjects carrying out this activity, their competence and functions.

    Task for the third group. Show how a counter-terrorist operation is carried out, who carry out its management, what forces and funds are involved for this, as the legal regime in the area of \u200b\u200boperation is carried out, negotiating with terrorists.

    Task for the fourth group. Determine how compensation for harm caused by the terrorist act, the social rehabilitation of victims, their legal and social protection, the responsibility of organizations for the involvement of terrorism.

    Upon completion of the discussion, groups are offered Watmans and markers for a graphic presentation of the results of work.

    At the end of the work, the participants announce the results, exchange the information received, draw conclusions.

    Development and Protection of Projects

    At the final stage of the second lesson, each group proposes the development of projects "The role and possibilities of youth subcultures in the formation of the anti-extremist ideology of young people."

    Group "Theorists"represents a research project, the final product of which may be the reference books "the main youth subcultures of the southern region" and others.

    Press Center Grouprepresents a creative project in the form of a special issue of school computer hectares z.eats devoted to the problem of prevention of extremism and terrorism in the modern world.

    Group "Politicians"it provides a presentation of applied projects in the form of rules of behavior for schoolchildren, the Youth Organization Program "Youth Against Terrorism".

    Group "Psychologists"it provides a presentation of applied projects in the form of a program of psychological and pedagogical support of young people, the protection of the main directions of escort.

    Project development materials: Internet resources, applications 1-3.

    This stage of the lesson is devoted to the presentation of group projects of students. In advance (1-2 weeks), the formed groups choose the topic and type of projects, form the sources of information collection, options for designing work, the form of the project presentation.

    After the protection of projects, the teacher completes the occupation and gives a homework.

    Attachment 1.

    The reasons for the development of ectremism among young people

    1. Age features of young people and features of their development conditions. The uncertainty of social status, marginalness of social positions, psycho-physiological changes that accompany the growing young man, the processes of formality of personality make young people vulnerable to different forms of discrimination. First of all, we are talking about discrimination by age, when young men and girls feel the limitations of their rights in various fields.

    2. Instability of desires, fuzziness goals, intolerance to dissentand the impulsivity inherent to young people constitute the specifics of youth. Such features are given to a young man from parents and from other adults, make steps towards finding themselves like. Young people are combined into groups homogeneous by age and social affiliation, in which their typical needs in leisure, communication, grouping are satisfied.

    3. In the associations of young people, their own cultural norms and installations are naturally developed, peculiar values \u200b\u200bare cultivated, the generation factors that can become the basis of psychological opposition "We" and "they».
    Researchers identify four main sources of terrorism and extremism:

    Firstly, Terrorism and extremism are manifested in societies that have entered the path of transformations, sharp social changes or in modern postmodern societies with a pronounced polarization of the population on ethnosocial signs. Participants in terrorist actions are marginal and immobilic groups.

    Secondly, social contrasts, a sharp bundle of society on the poor and rich, and not just poverty or low level of socio-economic status provoke aggression and create the soil for terrorism.
    ThirdlyThe manifestations of extremism increase in the initial periods of social modernization. In the final stages of successful changes in the manifestation of extremism and terrorism, they sharply go to the decline.
    Fourthly An unfinished urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, changes in the ethnomographic structure of society, especially unregulated migration, generate extremism and intolerance in society.

    Fifth An important role in the spread of ethnic and religious extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world plays the prevalence of authoritarian political regimes. They provoke violence as a form of resolution of political contradictions and give it the nature of the cultural norm.

    Appendix 2.

    youth subculture - This is a culture of a certain young generation, which has the community of lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values \u200b\u200band stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, styles of life. Created by young people, subcultures at the same time reflect attempts to resolve contradictions associated with a wider social context. Subcultures are not a kind of foreign education, on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated, in general, socio-cultural context.

    Under subculturesmall cultural worlds are understood - the system of values, installations, ways of behavior and lifestyle, which is inherent in smaller social community, spatially and socially or less separately separately. At the same time subcultural attributes, values, rituals and other sustainable behaviors, as a rule, differ from values \u200b\u200band samples of behavior in the dominant culture, although closely related to them.

    One side, youth subculture - this is the active desire of young people to self-realization, self-affirmation, on the other hand - This is a kind of natural protest against the value dominant in society and behavior stereotypes, as well as lifestyle, with a third party - For most young people, subculture becomes psychological protection against numerous problems incomprehensible to them transformations. The largest and most appropriate can be considered the definition of a youth subculture, this S.I. Levikov.

    Appendix 3.

    The most important life plans of young people are associated with sense orientations. Sensuated orientations are influenced by the system of values \u200b\u200bthat dominates in the nearest environment. And the nearest environment of a young man is those young people who are carriers of a special culture, subculture of modern youth. From how studied issues of the social and existential meanings of youth subculture, the features of the structure of the value-sessional youth, as well as possible deformations of sense orientations, depends on the success of building the psychological and pedagogical impact and psychological and pedagogical support of young people.

    Young people in the context of the Russian modernization are forced to "try on" existing behavioral standards, proclaimed spiritual values. The formation of sense-sensitive orientations and moral preferences is quite difficult, it cannot be limited to declarations and volitional solutions, this process occurs against the background of existing traditions and on the background of innovation.

    Modern youth has different value orientations and we can talk about their mobility, the dependence of the dynamics of the value orientations of young men and girls from the level of their socialization, from a number of external factors. In such ambiguity, diverse life positions are being implemented. Some young people manage to adapt to successfully, someone is very difficult to self-determination and the choice of its path.

    The need to provide psychological and pedagogical impact and psychological and pedagogical support of young people are relevant for a variety of circumstances. First of all, it should be said that youth is the most important demographic group on which the future of Russian society depends on. And the development of the personality of a young man occurs against the background of increasingly more complex social, economic, political conditions that cannot but postpone the imprint on the system of values, on moral norms. The most important life plans of young people are associated with their sense -namental orientations.

    Representation in the consciousness of a young man the need to spend the energy and abilities of young people into the necessary activities of the sphere of activity and the next changes in the style of behavior are the more real than the conditions for the provision of psychological and pedagogical impact and psychological and pedagogical support.

    In particular, in our opinion, the creation of formal (official) youth associations will contribute to the adequate psychological and pedagogical education of young people, which will be expressed in the formation of an adequate value-sention and the direction of the potential of young people in the right direction for society.

    Unfortunately, it should be noted that today almost no or exists, but in very small quantities, organizations that would be in a state purposefully, systematically and optimal ways to solve the tasks of spiritual and moral education of young people. In society, the ideal of success and prosperity appears, which do not fit the behavior of young people in the stereotypes, the peculiarities of their youth culture annoy the adult generation. But instead of irritation, indignation, psychologists, teachers, parents and all those representatives of the older generation, which directly have a conscious or unconscious influence on young people, will be patient, love will unite their efforts, it is possible to organize comprehensive psychological and pedagogical work with young men and girls . It is necessary to create a model of pedagogical interaction of teachers and parents at the stage of training in school for the purpose of mutual influence educational institution And family on each other.

    The whole work on psychological and pedagogical support undoubtedly should be a systematic approach, in the logic of which the process of maintaining young people can be carried out at various levels of the interaction of the state, society and specific organizations and institutions.

    Psychological and pedagogical impact should be directed to: the formation of such a system of values \u200b\u200bin young people, which would allow to develop promising life positions, a strategy in their professional, cognitive, social activities;

    formation of culture of thinking - spiritual education, which characterizes the measure of social development and sense of responsibility;

    the integacity of the value installations whose penetration will form the lifestyle that will ensure guaranteed reliability in various fields of activity and benefit society whose member is a young man.

    It would be possible to distinguish a number of directions on psychological and pedagogical effects and psychological and pedagogical support of young people:

    socio-pedagogical direction involving the implementation of a system of educational and pedagogical measures addressed to various layers of modern youth;

    a software-structural direction, including the organization of joint activities of young people;

    economic Direction that would include the definition of objects and sources of material incentives and financing youth organizations, sports clubs and etc.;

    innovative direction that instead of the usual pedagogical education In edification form proceeds to the model of development of the active moral consciousness, the formation of value and sense orientations.

    1. Bashkatov I.P. Psychology of informal teenage-youth groups. M., 2000.

    2. Concept of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation.

    3. Levikova S.I. Place in the system of values \u200b\u200bof youth culture // Public sciences and modernity. 2001. No. 4.

    4. Sergeev S.A. Youth subcultures in the republic // Sociological studies. 1998. No. 11.

    5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Countering Terrorism"

    6. Gryriac T.V. Dynamics of spiritual values \u200b\u200bof modern youth // Social.-Humanitar. knowledge. 2005. No. 1.

    7. Chuprov V.I., Zubus Yu.A., Williams K. Young people in risk society. M., 2001.

    Section 7. Sample of propaganda material"Plan-development of a lesson on the burden (grade 11)" - 2

    Theme lesson: The role of the media in the formation of anti-extremist attitudes from high school students.

    Objectives lesson:

    Show the possibilities and role of the media in counteracting the ideology of extremism and terrorism.

    Tasks lesson:

    • deepen students' knowledge of the global problems of modernity;

    • determine the role of the media in the life of a modern person;

    • determine the possibilities and dangers of the media in the formation of attitudes and the worldview of young people;

    • search for ways to solve this problem;

    • contribute to the development of a critical attitude towards the perception of various kinds of information;

    • improve the skills of working with reference, political, legal literature, develop critical thinking of students;

    • continue the formation of skills to work in groups, represent and defend your own position, to present the project;

    • relieve a sense of responsibility of students for their future.
    Equipment lesson:

    • working notebook students;

    • computer and multimedia projector to demonstrate student presentation projects;

    • texts with the characteristics of the forms of media activities;

    • specially decorated blackboard.
    Basic concepts and terms:

    • The media, the ideology of extremism and terrorism, anti-extremist attitudes, critical thinking.
    Form of the lesson:group work of students, project protection.

    Lesson plan

    1. Organizing time.

    2. Motivation of students on learning activities. Goal.

    3. Actualization of student ideas about the problem.

    4. Generalization and systematization of reference knowledge.

    5. Study of the new lesson

    6. Formation of basic concepts.

    7. Group work with texts.

    8. Presentation of students' projects.

    9. Summarizing.