What river is the Elektrostal. The history of the occurrence of the city of Elektrostal. General information and city history

The city of Elektrostal is located in the state (country) Russiawhich in turn is located in the continent Europe.

Which federal district is the city of Elektrostal?

elelectrostal is part of the Federal District: Central.

The Federal District is an integrined area consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In which region is the city of Elektrostal?

The city of Elektrostal is part of the region of the Moscow region.

The characteristic of the region or the subject of the country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements, which are part of the region.

The region of the Moscow region is the administrative unit of the state Russia.

The population of the city of Elektrostal.

The population in the city of Elektrostal is 158,508 people.

Year of the founding of Elektrostal.

The year of the founding of the city Elektrostal: 1916.

Which time zone is the city of Elektrostal?

The city of Elektrostal is located in the administrative time zone: UTC + 4. Thus, it is possible to determine the time difference in the city of Elektrostal, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city Elektrostal

Phone code of the city Elektrostal: +7 49657. In order to call the city of Elektrostal from a mobile phone, you need to type code: +7 49657 and then the subscriber number directly.

Official site of the city of Elektrostal.

Website of the city Elektrostal, the official website of the city of Elektrostal or as it is also called "the official website of the administration of the city of Elektrostal": http://www.electrostal.ru/.

This article is designed specifically for those people who heard something about our city, but nothing knows about him. She will also tell about the history of electrostal, about his and dignity and features. Without photos, it is very difficult to have an idea of \u200b\u200bany city, so you can look at it with your own eyes in our small photo gallery.

Elektrostal in numbers

  • Based in 1916., received the city status in 1938..
  • Population of the city more than 155 thousand people, the last 5 years there is only a population growth due to the development of old areas and the development of the Yalaginian Field - the future of the 6th microdistrict.
  • Area of \u200b\u200bthe city district 51.40 km 2..
  • The city is located on the 52nd kilometer Gorky highway ( 38 km from MKAD), conditionally divided on 5 districts.

Brief excursion in the history of the founding of the city

The location chosen for the construction of the first factories (the Electrometallurgical Plant and the Bogorodsky Equipment Plant) was called calm, despite the proximity to the capital, the places here were deaf. (Forest arrays still surround the city from all sides and come close to residential quarters on the outskirts of the city). The leisurely life of several villages located here began to change with the large industrial construction of 1916, started by the famous entrepreneur Nikolai Aleksandrovich Second. Already in 1917, both plants have released the first products.

The railway (branch from the Gorky branch) appeared here with the construction of factories, the current station received its name (Elektrostal) in 1925.

In the thirties, life in Elektrostal already "boiled": the plants were expanded, labor records were raised, the efforts of prominent scientists were created by new technologies for obtaining high-class steel. Residents of the workers' village led the correspondence with writers, scientific and public figures, visited mugs and studios at clubs, visited literary evenings. In 1938, the working settlement Elektrostal received the city status.

In more detail about the history of the city of Elektrostal, you can find on the website of the city Museum and Summer Center (http://el-museum.ru/city-history/heroes).

Elektrostal architecture

Our city enchants many guests, and it is not surprising. The appearance of a modern city combines traces of different stages of construction development in the USSR and Russia. "And what is in this amazing?", - You ask, and you will be right if it were about some other Soviet city. Straight wide streets drowning in greenery, intersecting by right corners, share the city for residential neighborhoods. Symmetric architectural ensembles of central streets give the city a solemn, even a majestic appearance. The luxurious finish of the facades of the "Stalinist" houses in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe city will not leave indifferent. You can not specify the author of the main building of the 50s, which became an outstanding architect - Pavel Ivanovich Lopushansky.

Residential neighborhoods built in the 80s, the 90s are affected by their scope and development of infrastructure (in huge courtyards "hide" schools and kindergartens). Districted areas of new buildings offer many options for housing of different levels, from low-cost studios to large business class apartments.

The five-story building of the city is typical "Khrushchev" - as elsewhere, does not carry anything remarkable, but it is still an excellent version of budget housing.

The history of the development of the city has played not the last role in the formation of the modern real estate market of the city of Elektrostal. So in almost every area of \u200b\u200bthe city you can find the suitable type of housing for you, both in terms of price and in quality.

Infrastructure and Industry Elektrostal

4 large city-forming enterprises and dozens of small industries are the key to the stable development of the city. There is always a job here. And if the proposal does not satisfy the demand, Moscow near.

Machine-building, metallurgical, chemical and nuclear industry - is not a bit much for one city? No, that is why Elektrostal is not part of subsidiaries, which is why the population of the city is growing. Elektrostal has the status of the city of federal significance (it does not apply to the Noginsky District), therefore the future of the city is development and prosperity.

Transport infrastructure is well developed. Buses run by buses, route taxis. There is a bus connection with Moscow, Noginsky, Pavlovsky Posad, the village of Fryazevo, the village of Pushkino and the village of Vorovsky. From two platforms of the city (Elektrostal and Machine-building), electric travel to the Kursk railway station in Moscow and the stations of the district city - Noginsk.

Health, Education, Sport

The level of development of the field of education and health in the city is higher than the average on the region. In Elektrostali great amount institutions of pre-school education, about two dozen secondary schools, several gymnasiums and lyceums. Some institutions and individual teachers constantly flash in the media under the headlines: "In the top ten ..."! Polytechnic, medical, musical, construction and other directions of development are offered by Elektrostal colleges. About a dozen branches of Moscow institutions, the largest of which "Moscow State Engineering University (Mami)".

The health sector is actively developing, a hospital town is reconstructed, expensive equipment is purchased. Separate attention deserves central medical unit No. 21, located in the eastern part of the city: the quality of medical care here has always been valued by citizens.

Diffinctly, the electrostal feature is a developed sports infrastructure. 2 pools, one of which is used to conduct international jumping competitions, several stadiums, including a modern field for Indorchokke, the Ice Palace of Sports "Crystal". The indoor rink on the eastern side and the sports and wellness center in the southern microdistrict are built. Next to the city (near the reservoir "Jubilee") were laid ski tracks. There are many children's sports sections at the bases of schools and sports facilities of the city.


If you have chosen the eastern direction of the Moscow region for the future life, the Elektrostal is the most convenient city. It combines good transport and housing (both social and communal) infrastructure, there are no overcrowding, as in cities located closer to Moscow. The demand for real estate is stable, acquiring an apartment in Elektrostal, you do not "bury" your money. We wish good luck in choosing housing, and if you have difficulty, always ready

Irkutsk Second House

In Siberia and back

The history of his life is not entirely typical, but does not stand out sharply from the lives of other Russian million miners. There are seconds from the meshman of the Kostroma province. Now their native town of Luh - in the middle of the Ivanovo region. And most of the life of the Father - Alexander Fedorovich (1841-1911) was held in Siberia, in Irkutsk, where Nikolai was born in 1866. Father early began trade, and son and before - from twelve years already traveled around the village bazaars and fairs.

Alexander Fedorovich quickly realized what opportunities Siberia opens to the wholesale trade in a manufactory product, if not a single manufactory, consider, there is no, and the tricky Siberian peasant and the universal city man in the street are ready to sew clothes themselves no worse than in the European part, by the way, by the way , not so what is rich. The results were wonderful! Siberia, dressed in second, did not fail. But the work was through the edge. After all, it was necessary to choose the goods (this is also a kind of art), buy it and bring it for thousands of the mile, and the railway appeared only at the end of the century, but when there appeared, the possibilities of the second one were determined. Capital has increased significantly, thoughts appeared about their investment. Capital treated in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Moscow was the Citse capital of Russia, and they had a whole life of the Second, in 1897, they moved to the first-hearth.

Ekaterinburg Templane Store

In Moscow, Sitseva

A new stage of the family began in Moscow. They turned from the largest wholesalers in the largest manufacturers. This in itself is not surprising. Many famous manufacturers, the same Ryabushinsky, began with trade - the fastest way of turnover and capital accumulation. But others had it at the beginning, with small relatively money, and here! There were already millions and not small.

Not forgotten and trafficking, naturally, and golden Siberians were industrialized and the banks following the example of Ryabushinsky were watching, first of all - to Siberian. But the main thing was bought by shares of light industry enterprises - those who have bought goods yesterday.

Sister N.A.Vtorova - Anna Alexandrovna - became the wife of one of the main figures of Serpukhov Manufactory of Sergey Nikolayevich Konshin. In 1907, Nikolai Alexandrovich became the director - a manager of this, one of the largest enterprises in the Central - industrial region. In 1913, the second acquired (along with the oldest firm Ludwig KNOP) another famous partnership - Albert Gyubner. Since the spring of 1914 he - director - a manager established together with the brothers KNOPs of the partnership of the internal and exporting trade. There is already an annual turnover - over 70 million rubles. But this is not the scale of the second.

Business Yard on Barbaric Street

Business courtyard

After death in 1911, Father Nikolai Alexandrovich has invested a huge amount of money in the construction of a grandiose office-warehouse and hotel complex on the barbaric square. And here the seconds thought extraordinary and ... won. Before him, all the offices, "barns", banks, etc. "Moscow merchant" was placed in terrible cramped on Ilyinka and Barbage. Even the most famous firms used the mixtures. Coming out on a dozen seeds outside the China-city on the wasteland rented by the educational house, the seconds ruined the century-old Gordian knot and created a new center for the wholesale trade of the ancient capital, unloaded the Moscow City. Even before the construction of the construction, all the premises of the business courtyard were accracted by the largest trade and industrial enterprises.

House of the second Stationery Department

The official name of this shopping town a partnership of the Varvarian commercial premises on a business yard. His architect I.S. Kuznetsov was designed, headed by the administrative and economic part of the actual Stat Counselor V.P. Eedachin. The cost of all structures occupying the area of \u200b\u200babout two tents approached 6 million rubles, but also income from them was 800 thousand per year.

A frame system of structures, rows of large windows, the misfortune of the decor made buildings unusual for the beginning of the century. But the main thing was for users and was in the inner space: wide asphalt courtyards and drives, a huge number of cargo lifts, cold warehouses with lifting cranes, underground discharge courtyards with special devices, etc. etc. There's a first-class hotel for 350 hot water and telephone numbers in each room.

House of the second photo studio

The office of the most famous firms were located in a business yard, including those who were more and more took to the hand of the second. The shopping and industrial empire of the owner had his headquarters here. There was also the office of Nikolai Alexandrovich, in which after 5 years found his death. After the revolution in the Team Center, the High, a number of drug addicts were placed. For many years, from here was controlled by domestic metallurgy. Now we will see that it is not quite by chance. So, back to our hero.

Junker and Co.

During the war years

He truly turned around during the First World War. And not only because to whom the war, and who is a mother of relatives. Although, probably, also. His business and organizational abilities and patriotic aspirations found at this time the best application. Nikolai Alexandrovich bought shares of the old Russian bank "Junker I.V and Co." and turned it into a Moscow industrial bank with a capital of 30 million rubles (25 million in Ryabushinsky in their Moscow bank were 25 million)

The bank served the interests of the industrial team of the second and was a central institution of the growing second Secondary concern (about the same thing was at Ryabushinsky).

The second has created Russian Society The Chemical Industry "Russian-Paint" (76 enterprises of the Moscow Industrial District), the Russian Joint-Stock Company Koksobenzene, the many factories in different industries were scoted, concentrated cement affair in his hands, breathed life into abandoned carbon coal.

Such giants such as the society of the Bryansk plant (the fixed capital is more than 40 million) and the Donetsk-Yuryev Metallurgical society, they are actually transmitted. This is no longer a santa, these are steel muscles of the country.

But not only the old plants bought the second. In 1915, a sharp shortage of shells began to be felt at the front. Potions of government plants clearly lacked. Then the main artillery management and yesterday's archeties, mostly Moscow merchants took up for business. The first was the organization of General Vankov on the preparation of shells, the second - military-industrial committees. They are together together and not without benefit, of course, worked. The seconds built two military equipment for the production of artillery grenades in Moscow. Here, his son was actively worked, the third generation of the family - Boris Nikolayevich the second. Stud's shells feed Russian army.

Start "Elektrostal"

For military purposes, a huge amount of metal is needed. The war devoured him, like human life, continuously. What is actually important - more and more it was necessary to have high-quality steel. It was tense with her in Russia. And without it, the military industry is that hands without gloves in the frost. The seconds took this task to decide. And decided.

I have a document fading from time to time. It is called "The Charter of the Partnership on the Elektrostal Paid. As if the following words are indicated as an epigraph: "It is written on a genuine: the sovereign of the emperor the charter to consider this and the highest to approve deign in the royal rate, on 5 days of September 1916. Signed: Managing Cases of the Council of Ministers I. Modyzhensky. " The king remained something housing to argue only six months. Did you know or guessed the namesake of the emperor? I could know something from my friends - Masons, Konovalov and Tereshchenko, who helped him in this project, but in general he was a genius of the economy, and not politicians could not know and not guess, but not about this speech. The king approved this charter, since the country was needed by special steel, and the best steel was obtained and obtained in electric traits. The seconds attracted the proposals and the development of Russian scientists and engineers of Belyaev and Gruce-Mramiahlo. The first took to the founders of the partnership - comrades so comrades!

Moscow industrial bank

Paragraph 1 of the Charter Personal: "For the acquisition and exploitation of N.A. Azhevatov, the Bogorodsky district, the Shebanovskaya Volost plant for the manufacture of special higher grades, including tool, automotive and spring, for the device and the exploitation of other metallurgical plants, For the development of mineral deposits and for trading metals, a partnership is established on Elektrostal Paras.

For the construction of the plant, it was allowed to purchase 200 tents of the Earth, up to 3000 tents could be used to develop mineral deposits. The main capital of the partnership was determined at 3,000,000 rubles, divided into 3000 pies. Paragraph 14 unequivocally established: "Only Russian citizens of Christian religion can be owners of the partnerships." Next, we learn that "the board of the partnership should consist of at least 3 and not more than 5 directors" that "the location of the Board is in Moscow" that "the subjects of warring with Russia cannot be employees of the partnership" What ... a lot of things you can Learn curious of the 75 paragraphs of the charter.

According to the charter, everything was already clear, the products are determined, all profits are painted. But still the factory was to build, and on the level place.

In the same place, in the lull

Why did you choose this place and what does it represent? It really was smooth, swampy and wooded. The tract was called calm and to some extent answered his name. Shortly before the war, dachensons began to appear there ... the reasons for choosing clear. There was a lull in the middle of the railway branch from Fryazeva (on the Nizhny Novgorod road) to Bogorodsk, the city, by the way, Nikolai Alexandrovich well-known because of the famous Bogorodsk-Glukhovsky Morozovaya Manufactory. This is one. And the second and most important thing - in 36 versts from those seats were the first large power station of society "Power". Morozov already connected to it. LEP extended to Moscow. Electricity should have been enough at first to all. There was a third reason; For some time, the construction of the Third Military Equipment Plant, the largest and most demanding a lot of high-quality metal was led here.

While the charter of "Elektrostal" lay in high instances, without waiting for the approval, the second and Belyaev laid the factory. It was necessary to hurry. Built quickly and efficiently. Built in the fall, in winter. They built when the king, who signed the Charter, was built during the dvoevsty, in the Cornilovsky Patch and the October coup, without noticing anything, performing the outlined. And issued metal, the first Russian industrial electric power plant. In November 1917, when the guns had just turned ramp in Moscow and buried one on Red Square, and the steel were obtained on the Red Square. Consider, a year after the start of work. Builders (part of them became both the first metallurgists) lived in barracks, in the outstands in neighboring villages. Engineers came from Bogorodsk, where they were located in apartments just built House Balashov on a large Moscow street.

Are you surprised by such rates? And so it was everywhere. Not all, however, it turned out. The second and Ryabushinsky was obtained (Ryabushinsky then built by AMO auto plane, well, they had their own concerns, their own bank, their own policies, the second policy was not engaged, but the end was prepared by everyone alone).

The yard was winter, the end of 1917, the beginning of 1918. Trotsky led negotiations with the Germans about the world, the army no longer existed, Great Russia also. It is said that the revenues of the second in 1917 amounted to 100, whether 150 million rubles. Personally, he was not needed. And there has already been nowhere to invest.

House of the second in Moscow. Spaso House.

End of Nicholas of the second

May 21, 1918 at 11 am the young man in soldier Shineli Entered the business yard, entered the office of Nikolai Alexandrovich, he was shot. Blocked in the office, he fired again, now in himself. In Moscow, then talked about illegal son ... At the funeral of the second, business Moscow was gathered for the last time, many more sitting in the generic offices, did not believe, waited, so about ... there were a lot of workers. They carried a wreath, as P.A. Buryshkin recalled, with the inscription: "Great Industry Organizer".

Spaso House

Of the preserved memories of the worker: "employees of the plant management were invited to Moscow for the funeral, including me, along with his father. The coffin with the body was in a luxurious mansion ... I have never seen such a palace in my life and was surprised by wonderful hanging chandeliers, wonderful paintings of Russian nature, winter landscapes with a white and blue background, I went to the mansion and admired ... I used to be several times in The Tretyakov Gallery, but it is impossible to compare it in any way. There were especially many paintings with Siberian landscapes. It seemed to me that I would not leave the mansion, but the Panhid ended. "

Monument to the Second of the city of Elektrostal

Seconds were young Muscovites, they did not have a family site on the old cemetery or in an ancient monastery. And the second was buried in the youngest monastery of Moscow, where he sacrificed a lot - in Sorrowishchensky. No monastery, no cemetery has long been not. But something symbolic is that there is now a stacking token institute in this place. Although small this consolation. And "Elektrostal"? She already lived another life and rarely recalled her creator. In 1925 there was a 400th smelting, in the 1930s - reconstruction, in the second war - evacuation. In 1938, the village became the city. After the war here already dealt with not only with steel, but also with uranium. The second was not remembered, and his case, the greatest organizer of the Russian industry, continued. "Elektrostal" worked for the whole country and in his title nevertheless carried the memory of the forbidden founder.

Here is a story. By the way, the Bellyaev engineer only survived the owner for two years. He was a major figure in metallurgy. Small seconds did not take, but equal in itself. He collaborated with his former royal ministers, and the famous professors. Worked for him and Russia.

The text scored Yarta Sophia

Pouring yellowed pages ...

Traditionally, it is believed that the history of Elektrostal (in the last place calm) begins in 1916. From the construction of two industrial enterprises - the Elektrostal plant and the Bogorodsky equipment plant (now OJSC Machine-Building Plant). This, of course, is it, but after all, before the emergence of enterprises, there were villages in this territory, people lived.

At the beginning of the century, all settlementswho are currently included in the city (high-voloye, Afanasovo, Shibanovo, Chirikovo) and in its surroundings (Ivanishly, Saturotino, Cryulino), were a god forgotten corners. Of all the listed villages, only one was open in September 1902 Subbotinsky primary school (school), where all the surrounding children trained writing, reading, the law of God, church singing.

From the report of the Bogorodsky district of Zemskaya Governors of the Moscow province on the school part 1904 year It can be seen that the only teacher in the subbotin school was a certain Belyakov. And in all likelihood, the specialist was beautiful, since from the same document it appears that the teacher of Belyakov for a good teaching to a salaries introduces surcharge in the amount of 60 rubles. Somewhat later, he is awarded monetary content in the amount of 25 rubles for exemplary work.

In addition to general educational items, the only teacher taught church singing, and as a result of the inspection audit of educational institutions of the Bogorodsky county in 1903-1904 In the subbotin school was "the most noted beautiful sound". Nevertheless, the school was recognized by the performance of the average due to lack of musical literacy at the Belyakov teacher - it was strongly recommended to visit "Musical Knowledge Courses".

In addition to church singing, the law of God was taught at school on occasion; The legist was replaced very often, since it was about six miles to the parish church and there were few people who wanted to go to the lesson on sticky of impassive mud. Because of this, the Zemstvo Goggorodsky county had to introduce an additional charge for the passage. First received it in 1902 Someoneers.

When driving a lull on the 7th Bogorodsk branch ...

In Russia, there are cities with a centuries-old history, such as Uglich, Shuya, Torzhok. They seemed to survive the heyday in those distant times and at the beginning of the century became a quiet cozy location. They began to show cities with turbulent cycling activities, with powerful construction and modern industry. This includes our city to which in 2008 will be.

Undoubtedly, the establishment of the Elektrostal plant and the Sunicipal Plant (now OJSC Machine-Building Plant), which actually belonged to the revolution, which was actually owned by the revolution to the Large Russian Industrial Industry, Nikolai Alexandrovich Second.

Construction of factories began in 1916. In order to supply the army by military products. The first builders and workers were residents of the surrounding villages: Athanasovo, Shibanovo, high-voloy, subbotino. For the entrepreneur, they were the people uncomfortable, unreliable, because they had their put on the earth, and they could not be kept any forces when sowing or cleaning began. What the employees repeatedly reported by N.A. Second.

The manufacturer began to look for a way out, and in May 1916 The "Special Meeting on Defense State" decides to recognize the factory of high-speed steel seconds working on defense. Thanks to this document, employees of the enterprise received a delay from calling on military service. After the ruling, the best engineering and working personnel began to flog to the second. In addition, the "foreign departments of the Defense Committee" supplied the "Darmovaya" challenge from Kyrgyz, the Kazakhs of the Capital Age, which were not suitable for the building service due to their "darkness" and "illiteracy".

However, the working conditions at the factory were akin to front-line. Here are the evidence from the memories of the work plant "Elektrostal" Selivanova: "We didn't have apartments, lived in boilers. There was an impassable swamp. In the continuation of the six months we lived on the street, slept in the chalas on the birch. Often, the trees were swollen in bad weather and threw out the inhabitants of salars on the ground. "

According to the stories of urban older, S.P. Romanova, barracks represented a little better refuge than, boilers: "squeezed into the pitfall in the spring, in the summer and autumn were surrounded by mud and shrouded with putrefactive evaporations, and in the winter they had the snow. Each Barak was a long room equipped with bunk-ties. In the evening, it was dimly illuminated by a kerosene lamp. In the middle there was a stove, frightened by spacing and wet clothes, and on both sides of the passage with a narrow feet of sleeping feet. Under the housing conditions were work. Recalling the place under construction, chop forest, picing stumps, clean the cuvettes on the sides of the railway accounted for incredibly difficult conditions, standing right in the swamp. Worked for 11-12 hours. "

More advantageous conditions were qualified employees of factories - housing norms depended on the magnitude of earnings: "For a salary to 1,800 rubles - 10 square meters. Sedna, for a salary from 2100 to 3000 rubles - 18 square meters. Sedna, for a salary from 4,200 to 7200 rubles - 25 square meters. Sedna. Director - 70 square meters. Sedna. "

Heavy working conditions could not but affect the health of people, in the lists of military-rod often stood the mark "died", "sick", "not suitable for work." Especially the mortality rate among the "foreigners" (Kazakhs and Kyrgyz), heavily translated climate change. The head of the Bogorodskaya (Noginskaya) Zemstvo hospital has repeatedly reported on the board of the plant: "Sim I certify that the military-ridden foreigner such, who entered the cure to the Bogorodskaya Zemstvo hospital, died of a brunt inflammation of the lungs."

Despite such a complex setting in p. Calm until 1917 There was not only a doctor, but even a paramedic. First Feldsher Vasily Sergeevich Timofeev arrived in 1917., but in 1918. The first doctor Nikolai Sergeyevich Zagon appeared.

Internal division

5 districts


Andrei Aleksandrovich Sukhanov (April 2011)

Based Former names City of S. Area Center height Population Ethnohoronim

elektotalians, Elektrostaletz

Timezone Telephone code Postcodes Automotive code

50, 90, 150, 190

OKATO code Official site City map Elektrostal in the Encyclopedia "My City"

On October 26, 1991, at the meeting of the Orthodox community of the city of Elektrostal, it was decided to build the temple of the Ascension of the Lord. On June 8, 1994, a memorable cross and a mortgage stone was consecrated at the construction site in the foundation of the foundation of the future temple.

Festival "City Flowers"

In June 2006, the regional festival "Flowers of the Moscow Region" took place on Lenin Avenue Boulevard. The festival has so much like the townspeople, which was decided to hold it annually. Every summer, the teams of urban enterprises are included in the creative competition, decorating the boulevard with small landscape design masterpieces. In 2012, the festival was held for the 7th time. The organizers of the festival are established by several premiums in the nominations: "For the brightness", "originality", "the prize of visual sympathies" and "flowers through the eyes of children." In the preliminary views of each citizen can give an assessment with floral expositions and express their jury's opinion.

Youth politics

The development of youth policy is one of the priority programs of the administration of the city district Elektrostal. For several years in the summer, labor detachments of the mayor are working in Elektrostal. Pursuing a difficult work, schoolchildren participate in the landscaping of the city. It is important that in the detachments they have to make money for personal needs. The popularity of labor detachments is growing from the year.

On February 1, 2008, a modern youth center was opened. It made it possible to organize the work of specialized youth studios on ballroom dancing, break dance, R'n'B and hip-hop, step aerobics, graffiti schools and KVN, children's family club, children's touch and gaming rooms, gym, information Youth library. The "Youth Center" also has an auditorium at 130 seats. The hall is equipped with the latest technology: a complete set of sound, light and video equipment, which allows the activities of any level of complexity.

Festival of Japanese animation

Also in Elektrostal twice was held the only festival of Japanese animation in the suburbs. The first one was held on October 26, 2008, and the second - October 18, 2009. In addition to them, Reanimedia was held by the Festival of Animation Cinema of Japan "Rebanfest", June 30 and July 1, 2012.


Climate Elektrostali
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec. Year
Middle Maximum, ° C −5 −4 2 11 18 22 24 22 15 8 0 −4 9
Middle minimum, ° C −8 −9 −5 2 8 12 14 12 8 3 −3 −8 2
The rate of precipitation, mm 39,9 32,5 27,2 24,2 39,2 59,3 55,6 56,4 46,1 49,9 38,2 35,7 504,2
Source: MSN Weather


Elektrostal is the center of metallurgy and heavy engineering - the city has the largest production of nuclear fuel in the country, high-quality steel, heavy engineering and chemical products. In addition, more than a hundred middle and small enterprises work in the city, which produce building materials and clothing, books and magazines, school and office furniture, food and much more.

At the initiative of the head of the city district and the leadership of the leading organizations and enterprises of the Scientific and Industrial Complex (NPK) of the city, the Scientific and Industrial Council of the City District Elektrostal Moskovsk region was formed. The Council was created to support local governments in solving the tasks of sustainable socio-economic development of the city, developing recommendations on the efficient use of the scientific and technical potential of the city.

Main enterprises:

  • OJSC Machine Building Plant (MSZ OJSC, Elemash) - the largest enterprise of atomic engineering, as part of the TVEL corporation. The plant produces nuclear fuel for NPP of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad. The company also produces precision stainless steel pipes, permanent magnets, ferrite and metallic calcium. Today OJSC Machine-Building Plant is one of the world leaders in the production of nuclear fuel for commercial reactors. Its products are delivered not only at NPP of Russia, but also at NPP 12 foreign countries, Operated in every 8th commercial reactor of the world.
  • OJSC Metallurgical Plant "Elektrostal" - One of the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation in the production of steels and alloys of special purpose.
  • OJSC Elektrostal Plant of Heavy Engineering (EZTM OJSC) - Manufacturer of technological equipment for metallurgy and mining and processing industry. Reputation of the company's products is flawless. The objects created at the factory were noted: Lenin Prize, state prizes and premiums of the Council of Ministers. The aggregates, mills and machines developed at ESTM OJSC are protected by 2314 copyright certificates and patents for inventions in Russia and abroad.
  • OJSC "Elektrostal Chemical and Mechanical Plant" - One of the leading enterprises in the Russian Federation to develop and serial production of filtering agents of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass lesions and chemically hazardous substances, filtering tissues, catalysts, chemical absorbers, dryers and active coal.
  • "Boiler-construction company" - design and construction of boiler houses, thermal points and mini-CHP
  • Factory of heat exchange equipment "Boiler" - production of heat exchangers, water treatment equipment.
  • "Ost-Tara" plant "OST" Production of glassware
  • Typography ("Book Factory No. 1 of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Press")
  • OAO ENPO "inorgian" - Production of water purifiers: fabrics and non-woven materials, active coals and catalysts, filter materials, filters of various brands.
  • CJSC Elektrostal House Building Combine (CJSC EDSK) - Production of commercial concrete and building mortar; production of wall blocks; Industry of precast concrete and concrete (with the exception of wall materials) of structures and products. On August 3, 2011, the Industrial Park "Elektrostalsky" was formed on the basis of the plant. The main resident of the industrial park was the Korean company LG-Hausys.
  • Production complex "Eld" is the manufacture of a high-precision metal-cutting tool, including nanostructured coating.

According to the results of 2010, the city district Elektrostal entered the top three leaders in the development of the scientific and industrial complex, and was also awarded with a diploma in the nomination "Best Municipal Education".


On the territory of the city there is one of the stations of radio center No. 9 of the Moscow Radio system with transmitters on medium waves with a capacity of up to 1200 kW. From here broadcast (2007): "RTV-Moscow region" / "Radonezh" 846 kHz, 150 kW.

Telephone services

Telephone services are provided by the Moscow branch of Rostelecom OJSC, LLC Computers and Peripherals (Elsayt).

Access to the Internet

For individuals and legal entities in the city offer their services six Internet providers: LLC Computers and Peripherals (Elsayt), LLC FLEX (FLEX), "Domolink" (Rostelecom), CJSC "ELCATEL" and LLC ELTETELOR "and "Beeline"

Main shopping centers and trading networks

  • Supermarket "Dixie",
  • Supermarket "Magnit",
  • Supermarket "Quarter",
  • Supermarket "Pyaterochka",
  • Supermarket "Piglet",
  • Supermarket "Kopeika",
  • Supermarket "Attacks".
  • Network store "Kwardomir",
  • Chain of stores "Letter",
  • M Video ",
  • Network of stores of audio-video home appliances "Eldorado",
  • Network of cellular salons "Svyaznoy",
  • Network of cellular salons "Euroset",
  • Cellular salon "Alttelecom",
  • Salon cellular "Ion".
  • TC "Meridian",
  • TC "Central",
  • Krts "Plaza Park".


In the West, close to the city, passes the ring gas pipeline of the Moscow region (KGMO), in the northeast of the city there is a noginsk substation, serving electricity from the EEC.

People associated with the city

Photo Gallery


  • The city of Elektrostal is repeatedly mentioned in the film of the Swiss director of Daniel Schmid "Berezina, or the last days of Switzerland." It is from there that the main heroine of the film.
  • The hero of the film "Fight with the shadow" Artem Kolchin, whose role is performed by Denis Nikiforov, in the plot of the film is a native of the city of Elektrostal. This, in particular, is stated in the third part of the film, when they declare his fight with Cuerta.
  • Many scenes in the film Vladimir Kuchinsky "Horovod" were filmed in Elektrostal.

see also

  • Bakovsky Corporative Labor Camp - Industrial Construction in the city of Elektrostal to