Russian folk tale "Soldier Shinel". Soldier Shinel Proverb to a fairy tale Soldier Schinel

Said Barin with a soldier, became soldier Praise your own shinel :

When I need to sleep, I am a sinel, and in my heads put a chinel, and finish the chinel.

Barin began to ask the soldier to sell him a sinel. Here they are twenty-five rubles. Barin came home and tells his wife:

What kind of thing I bought it! Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Fixed a barin to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

Brought a soldier.

What are you, brother, says the commander, - did the Barina deceived?

There is no, your well-in, - the soldiers answers.

He took the soldier of the sinel, spread, put his head on the sleeve and covered in a half.

Where as well, - says, - on the sheel after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him for a hero. And Barina said:

Who will work and get tired, he sleeps on the stone, and who does nothing, he will not fall asleep on the parine! ( soldier Schinel )

Soldier Schinel

Spoke Barin with a soldier; He became a soldier to praise his chinel:

When I need to sleep, I am a sinel, and in my heads put a chinel, and finish the chinel.

Barin began to ask the soldier to sell him a sinel. Here they are twenty-five rubles. Barin came home and tells his wife:

What kind of thing I bought it! Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Fixed a barin to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

Brought a soldier.

What are you, brother, says the commander, - did the Barina deceived?

There is no, your well-in, - the soldiers answers. He took the soldier of the sinel, spread, put his head on the sleeve and covered in a half.

Where as well, - says, - on the sheel after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him for a hero. And Barina said:

Who will work and get tired, he sleeps on the stone, and who does nothing, he will not fall asleep on the parine!

The fairy tale "Soldier Shinel" we call household, as it is ordinary for such a fairy tale characters: the resourceful fighter and a silly barin. We rejoice in the resourcefulness of the fighter and laugh at growing scholars.

The subject that becomes a premium of bargaining between the soldier and Barin, is the soldier coin. We learn that the fighter is able to sneeze the sinel, which manages and put it in the head, and hide. But the parable is not only about this skill of the fighter. We learn that the soldiers' service in the royal times was very terrible that there was no amenities at the campaign at the fighter: he had to take advantage of what he was at hand that he was constantly carried with him. Because the chinel served for him not only only by clothes, and a bed. The fighters worked a lot, time for sleep was not enough. They were very tired, and when it came to bed, it was rapidly falling asleep from the fatigue even on a tough bed made of overcoats.

Barin lived in completely different criteria: slept on the bed, lying on the parine, head on the pillow, shelled the blanket. Barin did not work and did not know the soldiers' soldier. About this difference between the life of the fighter and Barin and the parable seems to us, with the sympathy of the narrator on the side of the fighter.

2. Why do the household fairy tale read by you differ from the magical and from fairy tales about animals?

Characters household fairy talesUnlike the fairy tales of the magical and animals, there are certain types of people who live in the tridewood kingdom, but in the real world. The plot is not a magical, but a life, painted by humor. In the household parable, always gets merit and overcomes a joyful and resourceful hero.

3. Is it possible to say that the ending fairy tale is similar to the proverb? Why?

The ending of the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel" is this: "That's how you work, you don't sleep for a long time, and you will sing on the stone; And who does nothing, he will not fall on the parine! " She looks like a proverb.

The proverbs are very fundamental idea that is expressed briefly and figuratively; In the end, we see such an idea: who works, it is always firmly dorm.

Proverbs are often inexterable, built on opposition. In the end, we inspire two parts, where the person is opposed to a person who does not make anything.

Proverbs usually come rhythmic, there are rhymes in them. In this end, the rhythm is felt and the words are clearly visible, the last sounds of which are close to sound: "work" - "do not fall out", "does not do" - "will not fall asleep."

4. What genres of fairy tales became known to you in the 5th grade? Prepare a brief retelling of one of them.

We investigated three kinds of fairy tales: wonderful fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, household fairy tales.

5. What artists illustrated folk tales? Tell us about one of them (for example, about V. Vasnetsov, I. Bilibin, elderly artists) or on the peculiarities of their illustrations.

The name of the work: "Soldier Schinel".

Number of pages: 3.

Genre of Work: Russian folk fairytale.

Main characters: Soldier, Barin, commander.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Soldier - Responsible, dexterous and fair.

Barin - greedy, stingy and grimy.

Commander - Right, reasonable and wise.

Summary of the Fairy Tale "Soldier Shinel" for the reader's diary

I spoke somehow soldier with Barin and so praised my sinel, that it can be gently sleeping on it and she hide and even wear it that Barin became asked to sell him a thing.

The soldier gave him a chinel for 25 rubles.

When the barin returned home, then ordered his wife to remove all the blankets and pillows, because now he will sleep on the sheel.

But it turned out that she is tough for him.

Then Barin went to the commander and began to complain that the soldier deceived him.

When the soldier caused, he calmly lay down on the chinel and hid it.

The commander praised the fighter, and Barina said that he would never understand the beauty of recreation after hard work.

Plan of Recalling the Work "Soldier Shinel"

1. Conversation of a soldier with Barin.

2. Barin asks to sell overcoat.

3. A man brags buying before his wife.

4. Hard Barina lying on the sheel.

5. A man complains the commander to deceit a soldier.

6. The soldier falls on the chinel and hire it.

7. The commander praises a soldier.

8. Who is very tired, it is well sleeping well.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"

The main thought of the fairy tale lies in the fact that the one who is diligently and is hard for that any rest and peace is pleasant, and who does not do anything, he can grumble.

What teaches the Russian folk fairy tale "Soldier Schinel"

The tale teaches us to be hardworking and honest.

On the other hand, the tale teaches us to be tricky and deft, resourceful.

The tale teaches us not to be naive.

Short review about the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "Soldier Shinel" is an interesting and instructive work.

It tells how the soldier sold his outfit rich Barina, bringing that the sinel was soft and pleasant.

It turned out that Barina did not like it at all on a hard sinel and he decided to teach a soldier.

But the commander did not comprehend the fighter, but praised him.

On the one hand, I agree with the ending fairy tale, but on the other hand, the chinel and really firm and Barin was right.

I believe that the fairy tale teaches us not to be naive and not to believe in words, but in reality everything is immediately checked.

If Barin immediately tried to lie down on the tire, he would not be disappointed in his purchase.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"

"Miser pays twice".

"Stupid Kisnet, and smart all fishery."

"They will give a fool honor, so does not know where and sit down."

"Arounded the finger."

"Gorky work, and bread sweets."

An excerpt from a fairy tale that struck me most:

Barin came home and tells his wife:

What kind of thing I bought it!

Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Unknown words and their meaning:

Shinel - shaped military coat.

Russian folk fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"

Genre: Folk household fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel" and their characteristics

  1. Soldier. A simple soldier, naive and at the same time cunning. He sees his benefit.
  2. Barin. Stupid and rich. Stingy.
  3. Commander. Fair, father soldiers.
Plan of Recalling Tales "Soldier Shinel"
  1. Barin and soldiers
  2. Shopping overcoat
  3. Doubts of the wife
  4. Barin is dissatisfied
  5. Command Commander
  6. Demonstration
  7. Verdict commander.
The shortest content of the fairy tales "Soldier Schinel" for the reader's diary in 6 proposals
  1. Told the soldier Barina about extraordinary quality of the coin
  2. Barin was expensive for the chinel, and can not sleep.
  3. Barin complains the commander.
  4. The commander scolds a soldier
  5. Soldier shows how to sleep on the sheel
  6. The commander encourages the soldier to the charm.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"
After hard work, after work, and the stone may seem soft bed.

What teacher Tale "Soldier Shinel" teaches
Learn to be tricky and dexterous, teaches to exercise resourcefulness and obstruct their interests. It teaches that not a sin slightly. Learn to deceive the rich. Learn not to be greedy. Teaches that everyone should work.

Feet on the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"
It seemed to me this fairy tale cheerful and quite real. It is not even a fairy tale, but rather a parable that is based on folk experience and observations. In it, I like the smartest and cheerful soldier, who found a way to laugh at the stupid Barin, and the benefits were happy with this.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Soldier Shinel"
Miser pays twice.
You would not chase Pop for cheap.
Bark work do not recycle.
Not then the costume, which wanders, and the fact that other leads.
The beard grew, the mind did not bring.

To read summary, short retelling fairy tales "Soldier Shinel"
Sorry somehow a barin with a simple soldier. And the soldiers began to praise his chinel on all the frets. He said that she was sleeping in her pleasure - and on top, and under the head, and you can put it on yourself.
Here the barin was abandoned and bought a chinel for 25 rubles. Brought home, his wife shows, boasts. And the wife doubts: Yes, how will you sleep on her.
And for sure. Barin Sinel, lay, and hard to hide him hard.
An offended barin was offended, went to the regimental commander and improved the soldier.
The commander called the soldier, rooted began. And the soldier put the chinel, lay down on her, hid and rejoiced - how nice to bed shelter after a hike.
The commander grinned and another charm soldier ordered to give out.
And Barina replied that who did not work, he would not fall asleep on the parine, and who was tired - and on the stone surrounds.

Pictures and illustrations for the fairy tale "Soldier Schinel"