The first manifests of war. Formation of the Zemsky militia Manifesto Alexander 1 on the convening of a folk militia

The heroic struggle of the Russian people against the Napoleonic invasion in 1812 is one of the most vivid pages in the history of the Fatherland.

On July 6, 1812, Emperor Alexander 1 signed a manifesto on the convening of a national folk militia to assist the regular army.

The emperor manifesto from July 18, 1812, the country was divided into three districts, before each of which was set a certain purpose.

Yaroslavl province, along with Moscow, Tverskaya, Vladimir and others, became part of the first district, which was supposed to adopt "the most prominent and active measures to meet the assembly, armament and the device of the internal forces to protect the first-heart capital of our Moscow and the limits of this district."

On July 24-29, 1812, a meeting of the Yaroslavl provincial nobility meeting was held in the building of the Yaroslavl House of Middle Charity. The Yaroslavl nobility decided to send to the militia to one person from every 25 souls, which amounted to approximately 11 thousand warriors. Part of them entered the equestrian regiment under the command of M.P. Selofontova, the rest - in four infantry shelf. The nobles also decided to make 70 kopecks from each fortress soul. On the uniform of warriors, 89 kopecks. - on the provision, 50 kopecks. - on the maintenance of horses.

The General Major General Ya.I. was elected head of the Yaroslavl militia Dedyulin, commanders - Colonels N.L. Mikhailov, D.E. Polyvanov, M.P. Selifontov, lieutenant colonel F.S. Kulomazine, P.A. Sokolov, P.D. Ukhtomsky, N.P. Hanikov.

On July 27, 1812, the Yaroslavl military force committee was established in Yaroslavl, which was headed by the civilian governor M.N. Golitsyn. Committee members were: Head of Major General Ya Ma.I. Dedyulin, Provinsky and county leaders of the nobility, managing the Office of the Governor General.

The Committee led the preparation for the possible evacuation of local institutions, was engaged in issues of the formation of the militia, the supply of the army, the placement of refugees, wounded and prisoners in the province, collecting donations to the militia.


Reskipte General Governor G.P. Oldenburg (Golucket) to the Yaroslavl provincial nobility deputy meeting with the announcement of the manifesto Emperor Alexander I on the defense of the Fatherland. July 28, 1812 (Enlarge)

Golitsyn M.N. (1757-1827), Prince, Valid Stat adviser. Yaroslavl governor in 1801-1817. Chairman of the Committee of the Yaroslavl Military Power. He was engaged in issues of formation of Yaroslavl militia, supplying the army, placement of refugees, wounded and prisoners, providing public order in the province.

In 1812, Yaroslavl province in 1812 provided his all-time assistance to the work of Russia's defense from the enemy, invading its limits.

This assistance in which all classes of the population were attended, mainly in the organization of national militia and numerous, diverse donations for the benefit of the Fatherland: to the militia, army, assistance to the ruined war of the provisions of Russia.


From the journal of a meeting of the Emergency Yaroslavl Province of the Nobility Deputy Meeting on the creation of a militia from representatives of all classes to protect the country from the enemy, on the preparation for the evacuation of cases and documents of the provincial nobility deputy meeting in connection with the threat of invasion of enemy troops within the Yaroslavl province. July 1812 (Zoom)

From the journal of a meeting of the Emergency Yaroslavl Province of the Nobility Deputy Meeting on the creation of a militia from representatives of all classes to protect the country from the enemy, on the preparation for the evacuation of cases and documents of the provincial nobility deputy meeting in connection with the threat of invasion of enemy troops within the Yaroslavl province. July 1812 (Zoom)

From the journal of a meeting of the Emergency Yaroslavl Province of the Nobility Deputy Meeting on the creation of a militia from representatives of all classes to protect the country from the enemy, on the preparation for the evacuation of cases and documents of the provincial nobility deputy meeting in connection with the threat of invasion of enemy troops within the Yaroslavl province. July 1812 (Zoom)

From the journal of a meeting of the Emergency Yaroslavl Province of the Nobility Deputy Meeting on the creation of a militia from representatives of all classes to protect the country from the enemy, on the preparation for the evacuation of cases and documents of the provincial nobility deputy meeting in connection with the threat of invasion of enemy troops within the Yaroslavl province. July 1812 (Zoom)


The arrival-spent book of the Committee of the Yaroslavl military force with information about the donation of funds to the militia by representatives of all classes of Yaroslavl province and registered lists of donors. 1812-1814. (Enlarge)


From the prescription of the Yaroslavl governor M.N. Golitsyn Yaroslavl City Duma about the immediate assembly of funds for the creation of a "mobile store" for the army, harvesting harness and forage for horses. October 1812 (Zoom)


Prescription of the Yaroslavl governor M.N. Golitsyn Yaroslavl City Duma on organizing the collection of donations to the urban population on the organization of the militia. July 1812 (Zoom)

From the journal of meetings of the Yaroslavl City Duma, about the desire of a number of residents of the city of merchant and Meshchansky classes to join the battalion, formed by the Grand Principle of Catherine Pavlovna. 1812 (

God's love
We are Alexander the first,

The enemy entered into our limits and continues to carry their weapons in Russia, hoping for the power and temptation to shive the calm of the Great Site. He put in the mind of his evil intention to destroy her and prosperity. With a desertion in the heart and felt in the lips, he carries the eternal chains and shackles. We call for the help of God we supply our troops into the barrier, boiling by courage to penetrate, knock on it, and what will remain not exterminated, to move from our face. We believe in force and the fortress them firm hope, but we cannot and should not hide from the faithful of our subjects, that the different forces collected by them are great and that it demands a steady wakeful against it. With this for all the firm hopes for the brave our military, we assume that we need to assemble the new forces in the state, which, applying a new horror of the enemy, would make a second fence to reinforce the first, and in defense of houses, wives and children of each and all.
We have already appeaseed with the first-heart historia to our Moscow, and now we call for all our religious and worldly versions, inviting them together with us the unanimous and general uprising to promote the contamination of all enemy plans and attempted. May he find at every step of the faithful sons of Russia, amazing him by all means and forces, not attentifying his lobavias and deceptions. Yes, he will meet in every nobleman of the Pozharsky, in every spiritual Palezina, in every citizen of mining. Noble noble estate! You have been at all times the Savior of the Fatherland; Holy Synod and clergy! You always have warm prayers with your grace on the head of Russia; People Russian! Brave offspring brave Slavs! You have repeatedly crushed the teeth of Lviv and Tigers who rushed to you; Connect all: with a cross in a heart with a weapon in the hands, no power will not overcome you.
For the initial compilation of the intended forces, it is provided in all provinces to the nobility to reduce the people they supplied to protect the fatherland, choosing from among themselves the head over it, and letting them know about them to Moscow, where they whatever the leader will be elected.

In the camp near Polotsk 1812 of July 6 days.

Print in St. Petersburg at the Senate of July 10 days 1812.

God's love
We are Alexander the first,
Emperor and autocrats All-Russian,
and other, and so on, and so on.

Upon appeal to all those loyal to our preparation of domestic forces to protect the Fatherland, and on our arrival in Moscow, we found our perfect pleasure in all estates and states such jealousy and diligence that the proposed voluntarily offering is far superior to the militia number of people. Something for, accepting such a zeal with a decent and appreciation, we turn around our care to make sufficient forces from some provinces, not to disturb without the need of others. In order to establish: 1) the district, consisting of Moscow, Tverskaya, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk province, will take the most imminent and active measures to meet the assembly, armament and the arrangement of the internal forces to protect the first-heart capital of our Moscow and the limits of this district. 2) District, consisting of S. Petersburg and Novgorod provinces, will make the same for the worrying of S. Petersburg and the limits of this district. 3) County consisting of Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Kostroma, Symbirian, Vyatka province will prepare to be calculated and appointing people, but before the command does not collect them and does not take off from rural works. 4) All other provisions remain without any action, the report will not need to consume them to uniform party victims and services. Finally, 5) Now the internal force component is not a militia or the recruit set, but the temporary faithful sons of Russia, the militia, arranged from the precaution, to the reinforcement of troops and for the religious home of the Fatherland. Each of the military unchalves and warriors, with the new title saves the former; It is not even forced to change clothes, and after necessary, that is, according to the exile of the enemy from our Earth, everyone will return with her safe and glorifying its original state and their former responsibilities.
State economic and specific peasants in those provinces, from which temporary internal militia is drawn up, do not participate in it, but are provided for the ordinary set of recruit on the established rules.

On the genuine his own imperial majesty, the hand is signed by Tacos:
Print in St. Petersburg during the Senate of July 24 days 1812.

The invasion of Napoleon to Russia on June 12, 1812 caused a wide patriotic movement of the masses.

The militia was created in the surrounding provinces divided into three districts near the theater. The task of militia of the first district was the protection of Moscow, the second, which was part of Petersburg militia, - St. Petersburg; The militia of the third district was reserve. Its formation began after the publication of manifestos of December 6 and 18, 1812 on the creation of the militia "in the reinforcement of troops and the reliability of the Fatherland".

On July 17, the St. Petersburg nobility at the Governor's meeting decided to collect militia and unanimously chose him by the head of M.I. Kutuzov. On his proposal, two committees were created - a plant and economic. The first was engaged in admission, training, armament of militia, formation of a friend. The second is the supply of food, outfit, horses, donation fees.

Committees were placed in the House of Baron Raly on the embankment of washing, opposite New Holland. (Now this section of the house N 108 on the embankment of the river washing). Most of the militias constituted the serfs, there were volunteers from among the courtyards, artisans, officials, students, retired military.

The formation of the St. Petersburg militia was quickly, clearly and more successful than in other provinces. This was a great merit of M.I. Kutuzov. At his disposal, officers, non-commission officers and experienced soldiers from regular parts for the organization and training of militia were sent to his squad. They were better than others were armed with firearms. Total militia numbered 15,279 people.

August 30, the new head of the St. Petersburg militia, replaced by M.I. Kutuzov appointed by commander-in-chief Russian armies, P.I. Meller-Okomelsky brought Alexander I on readiness for a campaign.

The solemniers of the St. Petersburg folk militia took place on September 1 in St. Isaac Square. "The day was clear and rather hot ... - wrote a pupil of the Mountain Cadet Corps F. Politkovsky. - The banners of the St. Petersburg militia were consecrated in St. Isaac's Cathedral, on which the cross was depicted, and around his next inscription" SIM Win. " .. ".

Petersburg militia was reinforced by a separate corps of General P.h. Wittgenstein, covered by the Petersburg direction.

On October 6, the stubborn and bloody battle began for the liberation of Polotsk, in which St. Petersburg folk militia received its first combat baptism.

The commander of the Corps bombarded October 8: "... S.-Petersburg militia ... To admiration for everyone, they fought with such despair, which did not lag behind their comrades of old soldiers, and the Napa was perfectly acted with columns on the bayonets ...".

"Bearded people," the French Marshal Saint-Sir admitted, "they fought with the greatest fierce and showed the greatest courage."

Freeing Polotsk, body P.Kh. Vitgehestein began to pursue the French.

In the recent days of December 1812, the liberation campaign of Russian armies in Europe began. Petersburg militia took part in the offensive in Eastern Prussia. December 25 was busy Königsberg.

In June 1813, the Cossack shelves of Ataman Platov came to Danziga. In reinforcement, several militia was sent to them, including St. Petersburg, but only on December 17, 1813 Danzig capitulated. Osada Danziga was the last battle of the St. Petersburg militia.

On January 22, 1814, the St. Petersburg militia focused on the return route that ended on June 12th. On this day, 4197 militias entered Petersburg, where they were solemnly met in St. Isaac Square. Soon they were dissolved at home, and the banner of the militia was transferred to storage in the St. Petersburg Arsenal.

People's militia of 1812

"M.I. Kutuzov - Head of St. Petersburg militia. " Artist - S. Gerasimov

July 18, 1812 Tsar Alexander I issued a manifesto on convening a folk militia against Napoleon's aggression

At the end of June 1812, a huge army was invaded to Russia - over 600 thousand troops collected by Napoleon from all over Europe. The forces of the aggressor more than three times exceeded the number of Russian armies in Western borders. Therefore, less than a month after the start of the war, July 18 (July 6, by the old style) of 1812, while in the current army in the camp in Polotsk, Tsar Alexander I decided to assist the regular army to convene a folk militia.

A royal manifest was signed, that is, the monarch's appeal to the people, in which Alexander I was able to find the necessary words without hiding the complexity of the situation. "The enemy entered into our limits and continues to carry their weapons into Russia ... - wrote the Russian king. - We can not and should not hide from the faithful of our subjects that the different forces collected by them are great ... With all the firm hope of brave our military, we believe that we need to need to assemble the new forces in the state that applying a new horror of the enemy would be the second Fence in reinforcement first and in defense of houses, wives and children of each and all. "

The call for the creation of the militia was completed by emotional appeal to the historical experience of the ancestors: "Now we look forward to all our loyal and worldly, inviting them together with us the unanimous and general uprising to promote the contamination of all enemy plans and attempts. May the enemy find at every step of the faithful sons of Russia, striking him by all means and forces! Yes, he will meet in every nobleman of the Pozharsky, in every spiritual Palezina, in every citizen minina ... people Russian! Brave offspring brave Slavs! You have repeatedly crushed the teeth of Lviv and Tigers on you. Connect everything: with a cross in the heart and with a weapon in the hands, no strengths of you will not overcome you. "

After the royal appeal, the formation of a folk militia in 16 provinces of Russia, divided into three districts. The militias of the first two districts were preparing to take part in the defense of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the third - became a common reserve.

The militia of the first district was formed by the Governor of Moscow Prince Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin. It was Moscow, Tverskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga and Smolensk province. The second district included the militia of the St. Petersburg and Novgorod province, in the third - militia of the Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Kostroma, Symbirian and Vyatka provinces.

Commander commander was elected at the congresses of the nobles in the respective provinces, the means for uniforms and the nutrition of the militia were gathered by all society. The norm of the set of militias was also determined by the congresses of the nobles - from 4 to 10 people from 100 "audit souls", that is, with hundreds of peasants and burghers.

The largest militia was collected in the Moscow province - 31959 "Warfish", as ordinary militias called. The Moscow militia was reduced to the shelves, the warriors dressed in ordinary peasant clothes and received bronze crosses on the caps with the inscription: "For faith and king".

Petersburg and Novgorod militia shared not on the shelves, but on the squad, in each of whom the militias were credited. Such a squad consisted of 4 hundred, and a hundred - from 200 warrids. In total, in all three districts of 16 provinces, 192976 militia was collected. For their equipment and collected folk donations by almost 100 million rubles.

Manifesto Alexander I on the collection within the state of the Zemstvo militia. 6 (18) July 1812 Source:

The militia of the Moscow and St. Petersburg Districts Already in August-September 1812, took part in the protection of both metropolitan cities Russian Empire. 10 thousand warriors of the militia from Moscow and Smolensk as part of the Russian army fought in the Borodino battle. History has kept for us some of the names of ordinary militias who distinguished themselves in the historic battle: Anisim Antonov, Kondrat Ivanov, Savely Kirillov and many others.

One of the Napoleonic officers so recalled the battle with the militias: "And suddenly the tall forest came to life and dried rude. Seven thousand Russian beards poured out of ambush. With a terrible cry, with homemade peaks, with home tops, they throw themselves on the enemy, as in the thicket of forests, and chopped people like firewood ... "

Especially widespread forces of the militia were used in the fight against the enemy after the French class classes and during the winter counteroffensiveness of the Russian army. In the period of the occupation by the enemy of the "Old Capital", militias together with regular parts were firmly closed the roads from Moscow roads, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tulu, Kaluga, and, together with the partisans, they applied sensitive blows on certain enemy detachments, depleting and demoralizing his lively strength.

During the winter retreat of Napoleon, the militias took part in all major battles - under Maloyaroslavets, Polotsk, a grave and on the Berezine River. General Peter Christianovich Wittgenstein, who commanded the corps, covered Petersburg, and then coming to Polotsk, repeatedly noted in his reports Kutuzov, that the militias in the fights with the enemy often do not infer certain parts of regular parts. Here's how he described the actions of the warriors of the militia in battles for Polotsk: "Having dropped off the Armenians, the warrids ran out of the chain, rushed into the hand-to-hand fight, fought with butts and axes, fearlessly rushed under the hail of bullets and boots, fighting like angry lions, and with severe On the enemy's ignition was stood like fixed rocks. It happened to them with whole columns to meet the connouncing butt and instantly tilting it. "

The formation of druzens and regiments of the militia did not stop after the liberation of Russia from the occupiers. Until the end of Napoleonic wars, almost 400 thousand Russian people visited such voluntaries. Among the militia were a lot of the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia - S.N. Glinka, A.S. Griboedov, V.A. Zhukovsky, M.N. Zagoskin, I.I. Paristers and many others.

A significant number of militias, for example, squads from the Kostroma, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan provinces took part in the battles during the overseas campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-14. Russian militia distinguished themselves in the siege of Danzig and Hamburg, in the battles near Leipzig and Magdeburg, in capturing Königsberg. Separate formations of militia participated even in capturing Paris in the spring of 1814.

Thus, the decision to create a folk militia, adopted on July 18 (July 6th old style)1812, it became an important step towards the historical victory of Russia over one of the most dangerous enemies.

The emperor commanded every year on the day of Christmas of Christ to celebrate and the Great Day of Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The Russian Orthodox Church took the Day of the Nativity of Christ (January 7) to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.


"On bringing the Lord to the God of Thanksgiving for the liberation of Russia from the invasion of the enemy" (it is brought to the conversion of modern Russian by the full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire (SPB., 1830).

"We declare nationwide. God and the whole world of this is the witness, with such desires and the forces of the enemy entered into the kinds of our fatherland. Nothing could turn away the evil and stubborn intentions. Hardly hoping for his own and collected by them against us almost from all European powers of terrible forces and the well-being conquered by the wins and thirst for blood, he hurried to break into the most chest of our Empire, so that all the horrors and disasters are not randomly generated, but has long prepared They are a wicked war.

Pre-coming on a well-known from the experiments, his gorgeous cup of evils prepared from him and seeing him, with an indispensable rage of joining our limits, we were forced to be with a painful and crushed heart, calling for the help of God, to expose his sword and promise Our kingdom is that we will not miss the inner places, at least one of the enemies will be armed in our land. We are this promise put firmly in your heart, hoping for a strong valor of the people entrusted to us, what they did not be deceived.

What an example of courage, courage, piety, patience and hardness showed Russia! Her enemy broke into his chest with all unheard of trucks and fury people could not achieve before her although he sighed deeply from him from him. It seemed that the Spirit of Blood was multiplied by the spirit of courage, with the fires of Gradov, the love of the Fatherland was inflamed, with the destruction and rugs of the temples of God, the faith was approved in it and an irreconcilable venge arose. The army, Velmazby, the nobility, the clergy, merchants, the people, the word, all government ranks and states, without sparing their estates, no life, made a single soul, the soul together courageous and pious, just the burning love for the Fatherland, only with love for God.

From this general consent and diligence soon there was a consequence, hardly authentic, hardly heard. Yes, they will present a meeting from twenty kingdoms and peoples, under the unified banner of the connected, with whatever powerful, supervised victory, the ferocious enemy entered our land. Half a million hiking and horse warriors and about a half thousand guns followed him. He only permeates with a huge militia to the midst of Russia, it applies and begins to pour fire and emptying everywhere.

But barely passes six months from his entry into our limits, and where is he? It is decent to say the words of the sacred songs: "I saw the wicked extomassed and tested, like a cedar of Lebanese; And I passed by, and now it was no longer it, and I was looking for him a place, and did not find. " Truly this high saying was made through the meaning of his sense over proud and wicked our enemy. Where is the troops, similar to the clouded wind clouds in the winds?

Crumbled like rain. The great part of them, by drinking the earth, lies, covering the space of Moscow, Kaluga, Smolensk, Belarusian and Lithuanian fields.

Another great part in different and frequent battles is taken with many warlords and commander captured, and in such a way that after repeated and strong lesions, for example, the whole regiments, resorting to the generosity of the winners, the weapon won their before them. The rest, as a great part, in a rapid flight, his persecuted victorious troops and hunger and hunger and hunger, removed the path from Moscow itself to the borders of Russia, cannons, interspersions, shells, so that the very much of the most numerous power, insignificant And unarmed warriors hardly semi-leading can come to her country, in order to eternal horror and the thrill of his uniforms to heal them, as a terrible execution comprehends turbulent engines to join the subsoil of powerful Russia.

Now with the heart joy and bitterness to God, thanks, we declare our gratitude to our loyal, that the event surpassed even the most hope of our and what we announced, when opening this war, the above measures were fulfilled: there is no single enemy on our Earth's face; or better to say, they are all left here, but how? Dead, wounded and prisoners. The proud lord himself and the leader of them barely with the most important officials should rip off his own military and all the guns brought with their own, who are more than a thousand, not counting the buried and stuffed with him, beaten off and are in our hands.

The spectacle of the troops of his incredibly! I can hardly believe your own eyes. Who could do this? Do not take away decent glory Neither at the commander-in-chief over the troops of our famous commander, which brought the referee to the Fatherland of merits; Neither in other skillful and courageous leaders and military leaders who marked themselves with zeal and diligence; Neither at all at all of the brave of our military, we can say that they have more than the forces of human.

So, do he know in great matter from the fishery of God. I'll be thrown before the saint of his throne, and seeing his hand, showing pride and malicious, instead of vanity and mystery of our victories, learn from this great and terrible example to be the Croes and humble laws and will with performers who are not similar to this church desecrated God's enemies, whom the bodies in a reasonable number are lying on food psyam and corona!

Great Lord Our God in Milosts and in the anger your own! Let's go through the goodness and the purity of the feelings and thinking of our, the only one leading to him, in the temple of Holiness, and there, crowned from his hand, we will thank you for the generous poured on us and fall to him with warm prayers, let us extend the grace for us and Stop brave and battle, will send us victory, the victory, the desired world and silence. "