Illuminati who they are. Who are the illuminators? Society, signs, secrets. Secret plot of illuminates

At that time, with a mockery, you read notes about the "Conspiracy Theories", secret societies and management of global processes, the elected world of this silence change the course of history in their favor ...

Illuminates are members of the secret society of elected, thirsting to establish a new world order, headed by their own government and a single monetary unit.

Conspirologists to this day arise about the time frame of the origin of society - ranging from the doping times, the period of antiquity, the Middle Ages or even the intervention of extraterrestrial other forces. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of illuminates is present in each of the listed historical milestones, not to mention our time. The basis of their worldview of society is the occult and serving the Lucifer. Yes, yes, the one expelled from heaven and became Satan!

Given the fact that the Society of Illuminati (although its name has changed many times) secret, and all the rules and goals have always been kept in the most severe secret, the insane struggle against God affected their activities.

Even the "New Testament of Satan" - the ideological document of the Illuminati for the first time received publicity only in 1875 after the courier who delivered it from Frankfurt to Paris, killed Lightning!

Caution! Even several theses from this covenant are able to cause you shock:

  1. In the case of managing people, mastering the public opinion, the sowing of contention and planting contradictory views, confusion of music and literature.
  2. To maintain the weaknesses of people and bad habits, until they stop understanding each other, make people chase for pleasures, etc.
  3. Through envy, wars, hunger and artificially created diseases, bring people to the situation, the only way out of which will be surrendering to the subordination of illuminators!

Rows of Illuminati were replenished with the best members after special selection and training. Their level was determined by the degree of initiation into secrets. The highest degree was allowed only seven! Each illuminat knows about his chosenness and exclusivity, he clearly fulfills the task, because for her failure - death.

The secret society is subject to all spheres of life - political, financial, scientific, sociological. And here are the most common characters:

  1. Pyramid, like the abyss between the "enlightened" elite and the rest.
  2. All-seeming eye (Oko Oco, Oko Mountain).
  3. The inscription on Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ("New World Order").
  4. Head of Bafomet (Horn).

Well, let's check, as the modern chosen world of this change the course of history in their favor, and once again make sure of their existence?

Does there exist in the world even more beloved bill?

2. 13 Candles Obama

The list of thirteen of the most powerful illuminates of modernity includes such families as Astor, Fremann, Kennedy, Rothschild, Rockefeller, and more precisely - all those who own worldwide banks, oil business, and on leisure they write rules for rulers!

From the first steps in the career, the singer was cuttingled what. And the second pop queen never appeared! Think, by chance?

4. Stars Show Business

In the entertainment industry, names are known that they do not at all hide their belonging to the society of the Illuminati. Their symbolism and gestures they rush not only through their creativity, but also in everyday life. And you agree, aren't they the most popular?

Well, look, you worshiped if you and your parents worshiped? And do not deny that Lego is not the most favorite toy of your chad.

Although the main "children's" intrigue will reveal for you a little later ...

By their fruits learn them!

"Listen to me and do everything in this song" Smoke Grass ... Know and Drink, "Is it just a line from his song ???

7. Tattoo Kechi

And this is just the beginning ...

9. Rihanna - Princess of Illuminati!

This is a frame from the music video Rihanna to the song "Umbrella".

In Western press, Ryri has long been called, not otherwise, as the "Princess of Illuminati". However, she does not deny it.

What was the name of one of her albums? Isn't it "Good Girl Gone Bad" - "Good girl has become bad"? And this we still have not remembered her producer Jay-Z!

10. Beyonce

Hey, our puzzle will soon work out. Be careful!

Well? Which couple in the world of show business can be called the most popular and rich? And who gave them the opportunity to be so? Or maybe you remember at least one speech speech without symbolism of the Illuminati - all-seeing eye in a triangle, "Mountain's eyes" and "Bafe's head"? And, by the way, Jay-Z is never photographed near the cross!

And this inscription on own line How are you from being borrowed from?

It seems that the baby simply had no choice ...

13. Unusual Pepsi Banks

"You are a generation" Pepsi "." And how many generations starting from 1989?

14. Quotation of the 41st US President George Bush Senior

15. ... and his pyramid

16. MTV office in Canada

Yes, this is the temple of Masonov!

Get ready, the symbols of the secret society of the Illuminati, consisting of solid from the most successful and influential people of the planet, you will meet more and more often!

22. Advertising of the Children's Channel Nickelodeon

Are you still surprised why this channel has the highest ratings?

23. Heroes Cartoon Sponge Bob

The fact that the illuminators are tightly managed by the whole historical process, we already guessed. But why did the bob sponge become a new children's idol ???

Scientists from the University of Virginsky have long been alarming for a long time, finding a decrease in concentration and mental abilities, unconscious and chaotic actions from fans of a strange cartooner, but the goal is achieved ... and isn't it necessary for absolute power?

By the way, you noticed that seven main characters have to embody in themselves one of the seven death sins? Check?

And if these evidence was not enough, then get ready to see ...

Yes, yes, it is Squidvard in the Masonic bed, the all-seeing eye and pyramid, and, it seems, from now on all the secret will become even more explicit for you!

The first information about them belonging to the II century is filled with nightmares. The sect of the Illuminati originated in Greece among the admirers of the gloomy and cruel cult of the Goddess Kibel. Her Supreme Priest Montan first introduced the name of the century for the first time. The fact that the rituals associated with the veneration of the goddess were rituals can be understood from the description of the rite of receiving new members of the sect.

Documents that have come down to us tell about how the temple priests in the wild frenza apply to themselves the bloody wounds, and the Neophyte himself (a new member of the brotherhood) in the sign of the world and full care in the Lono of Goddess Kibely is at all over. All other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror.

Community of the first illuminatov

In Greece during this period, paganism dominated, but Christian communities appeared. And this very montan, interested in new for all the teachings and taking the main positions as the basis, created the secret society of the Christian sense, whose members were called enlightened, that is, the illuminated light of the truth. The main positions of this truth were the predictions of the imminent end of the world and the need to refuse all material benefits for complete spiritual cleansing.

The founder of society himself suffered from epilepsy and his seizures, during which he rode on the ground and shouted something incoherent, issued a Holy Spirit for the invasion. It was successful at his followers. But the first illuminators did not exist. Emperor-pagan for communication with Christianity subjected them to persecution. Later, for the distortion of true teachings and Christians turned away from them, declaring the illuminates of heretics. Over time, their historical traces have completely lost.

Illuminati among the Syrian Dervysh

Through four centuries, Syrian dervishi felt enlightened. These beggars (in the literal sense of the word) followers of a religious and mystical flow close to Buddhism, conducted a wonderful lifestyle or settled during monasteries. In the people, they were popular, as they were able to treat the disease with prayers and spells, predict the future and cause spirits. Sometimes Dervoshi united in the brotherhood. To deal with who are the illuminators in Syria, you need to contact one of these brotherhoods called enlightened.

These wrappers from the sun and dust wanderers have formed their own cult of worship of the Divine Light, coming against a generally accepted religion. This was followed by an immediate response of the authorities, especially since the debris enlightened by their teaching moved to public agitation.

Unauthorized performances at all times bad ended. The authorities quickly figured out those illuminates. Stretch preachers began to catch and execute. The executions came up with sophisticated so that others certainly had no promotion. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the flow, and it is believed that in a deep secret it could have been existent up to the present day.

From the mountains of Afghanistan - to conquer the world

Until the XV century, nothing is known about the activities of the Illuminati. They were revived this time in the mountains of Afghanistan. A major religious figure of that time Bayazet Anzari formed a secret mystical society, whose name in translation sounded like "enlightened", that is, all the same illuminates. The goal of creating a society was "modest" - only possession of the world.

The adepts of the new teaching took place under the leadership of Anzari eight steps towards perfection and at the end became the owners of magical knowledge capable, in their opinion, to ensure the success of the intended. Of these, a special caste of magicians - illuminates were formed. Soon the enlightened tried to take practical steps to conquer the world. Start decided from India and Persia. But, having too small army and exorbitantly greater arrogance, almost all of them died in this adventure.

Spanish Illuminati

At about the same years in Spain, the inquisition is the very flourishing of the inquisition, the Order of the Illuminati. He was, like all other similar organizations, secret and mystical. But this time his adepts fell on the teaching of the Christian Church itself. Rejecting all church rituals, they argued that the soul could well be improved and enlighted without prayers, the sacraments and everything else that he prescribes Christianity.

The enlightened soul gets the opportunity to contemplate the Holy Spirit and climb to the sky. Even the very concept of sin and repentance on their theory was excluded. It can be represented as dilutants from fathers-inquisitors when informing such clients. As a result, those who repentedly finished their lives in the basements of the monastic prisons, and those who stubbornly rose to the sky along with the smoke of fires.

The activities of the Illuminati in Picardia and in the south of France

But it was still failed to destroy completely the Order of the Illuminati. Some of them were safely fled to France and there, in Picardia, continued their activities. Of course, the name they retained the former. The center of them was the Abbey Mobizon. However, here, according to the testimony of contemporaries, and worldly, purely mercantile were added to the purely religious goals. The struggle for the souls and wallets of local parishioners began, as a result, in 1635 their activities were banned.

However, France's land turned out to be very gracious for enlightened mystics. After a hundred years, society with the same name appears in the south of the country. At the beginning, their activities took a wide range and made it possible to attract numerous neophytes. But over time, their ideas began to lose popularity, and the illuminates were lost among other numerous religious associations.

A truly strong and influential mystical society with such a name appeared in France in 1786. It is characteristic that its adepts were illuminations, and masons. Their teachings were based on the works of the Danish Mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg. Founders of society, Polish Mason Gabereki and the former monk Benedictine Joseph de Perietti, demanded from all followers of the strict implementation of magical rituals based on the teaching of Swedenborg.

Organizations of the Illuminati in Paris and London

From the south, the Illuminati and Masons moved their activities in Paris, and from there and abroad. With its influence, they embraced many European countries. The largest branch of the organization was in London. The sign of the Illuminati appeared on the shores of the Thames. The public interest in the illuminators was very high, and it probably explains the birth of a large number of all sorts of legends associated with their activities. There were even ridiculous rumors that the Illuminati and Zionists, being in collusion, strive for world domination with the help of magic and mystical actions.

The myths created by the seal

Numerous printed materials appeared on this topic. To make sure of fantasticity in them outlined, it is enough to open the monograph "Secrets of societies", published in those years in England. In it, the author, telling about who those illuminates, without the shadow of embarrassment tells about allegedly seen by the ritual of dedication to their society of the new member.

In the description, you can find the gloomy hall of the ancient castle, and the coffins with the dead, and the revived skeletons participating in the ceremony, and the full attributes of the Middle Ages. In such a word, the alleged plot of illuminates received explicit support for the other forces. But the yard was already an enlightened XVIII century, and the bonfires of the Inquisition in this part of Europe have long extinguished.

But the most powerful and influential was the organization that appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. Her founder was a professor of church law Adam Weisgaupt. In the creation of society, German pedantry and thoroughness were fully manifested. Society received the name "Order of the Illuminati". It gave him mystery. The fact is that in Germany, there were few years old about who are those illuminates. Immediately after the creation of the Society, Weisga Paul became a member of the Munich Masonic Lodge. This long-scale step allowed him to enter the circle of the influential people of Germany.

Upon their support, the organization received recognition in many European countries, which contributed to the widespread doctrine. Interestingly, the goal that the Illuminati was put in front of them is a new world order. According to Weisga Paul, he included the overthrow of monarchies, the destruction of private property, the elimination of the Institute of Marriage and the eradication of all religions in favor of his teachings.

To implement the conceived, a whole system was developed, which includes elements of mysticism, ancient philosophy and the foundation of the economy. For the impact on adepts, various spectacular rituals were widely practiced. All this was successful. The enlightened Weisgaoupe was calculated by hundreds of thousands. But, knowing fame and triumph, and this organization ceased to exist, crushed by a powerful press of state and church power.

Modern fabrications about the Illuminati

So the world is arranged that all the mysterious and intimate has attractive power. It makes it work our imagination, which, if real facts lack, immediately gives the picture with the fantastic details. When it comes to various societies, especially those who have achieved serious results, the flight of human imagination is infinite. In particular, the Illuminati and Zionists suffered in the affiliation.

All serious historians engaged in the Bavarian Society, called the "Illuminati", argue that its activities stopped at the end of the 1870s. However, rumors remain unusually popular about the fact that the illuminators are alive and in our day. Moreover, some people even argue that the heads of almost all the government of the world are in an organization based on Weisgaup. Literally in each political statement, they are heard by the secret message of the Illuminati.

The evidence of their fabrications they find everywhere. It suffices to recall the interpretation of the symbolism depicted on the dollar bill, so detailed by Dan Brown in his sensational bestseller "Angels and Demons". Literally in every symbol, he saw the sign of the Illuminati. It makes no sense to list them. Everyone can open the pages of the novel, and in the 31st chapter to get all the information. I just want to say that if desired, a malfunction can always be interpreted in any sense.

Enlightened in our country

Are there any illuminators in Russia? Yes, of course, exist. It is easy to make sure that even just making a request on the Internet. The opening page will report that this organization puts its task to establish equality and justice on Earth, giving people light. The implementation paths are not specified. Judging by the fact that the word "light" is written with a capital letter, you can guess about some sacral sense laid down in it. In general, everything is very foggy and vague. However, it is possible that it is only for us for the uninitiated. So all the illuminates behaved. Russian or foreign, they always tried to be hung on mystery.

Many have heard the term "illuminati", who is this - few people know. This cult is covered with the cover of mystery from the very beginning of its activities. Representatives of this ghost organization live in every corner of the world and always do not completely ordinary people, in front of which ordinary people have a mystical fear.

Who are the illuminators and what do they do?

The Order of the Illuminati is the organization of the occult-philosophical focus, which is hidden affecting the lives of all people. According to some historians, the Illuminati ("enlightened") participate in the political life of many countries at the highest level. The greatest authorities in the Order have 7 higher illuminates who are preparing from birth. Private illuminators clearly fulfill their roles and their actions often lead to armed conflicts, financial and political crisis.

Who is it - Illuminati:

  • calculating, smart personalities possessing the most different talents;
  • infesticity and heartless leaders who use ordinary people like puppets.

Birth of the Society of Illuminati

The founder originated the new society of Illuminati in France in 1722. His founder is considered to be an enterprising professor of Adam Weisgauptu right. He lost his father at a young age, so he received the first education among the walls of the Jesuit gymnasium. He early collided with ignorance and cruelty of Jesuit teachers, so he had a disgust for the postulates of faith.

At the age of 15, he enters the University of Ingolstad, where dogmatism and illiteracy also flourishes. Adam brilliantly defended the doctoral title, and at speed became a professor of law to Alma Mater. His attempts to understand the church truths lead him to the society of Masonov. The young scientist was dedicated to the members of the lodge strict obedience. For two years, he rapidly passes all the existing dedication steps, but they already seem to be empty and meaningless. Weisgaupte decides to create his secret society. It puts the primary task establishing on the "Golden Age" by the bloodless revolution.

Adam hotly hated his Jesuit teachers, but adopted their disciplinary and tactical tricks. He liked the ability of mentors to use a huge arsenal of funds to get conceived. Therefore, he believed that the achievement of the highest goal justifies the tools spent. The ambitious professor decided to establish a society for the reorganization of the world, thanks to the influence of the Jesuit school, with the postulates of the Masonic Lodge. Weisgaupt believed that enterprising and active people should become members of the new society. He preached: "Take care of the search for rich and noble. The ideal convert will be a sociable and clever man, but even better if it is notable and influential. "

The number of members of the Order soon consisted of 2,000 people. The organization functioned to 1786, and after the order of the Kurfürst was dissolved. The police made searches in homes where the representatives of the top lived. There was a pile of papers confirming that the existence of the Illuminati was sponsored by the Rothschild clan.


In accordance with another theory, the secret society of the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages. It became a kind of scientist reaction of that time to the domination of the Christian Church, as well as on the Inquisition. In the ranks of the Illuminati included the most prominent European scientists. They called themselves "enlightened" and how they could have guarded science from the church.

Another common theory says that the Society of Illuminati founded Adam Weisga Paul in 1776. He was a professor of jurisprudence at the University of Ingolstadt and again rallied around himself the smartest students and colleagues. The goal of the Weisga Paul's society was to combat superstitions, ignorance and illiteracy. Illuminati should have spread morality, as well as bring enlightenment to the masses. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati was the disappearance of Christianity and other religions, which should have replaced a scientific view of the world.

Members and initiation

Only people with outstanding mental abilities could be members of the Society of Illuminati. Often, representatives of the rich dynasties entered the ranks of the secret society. According to a number of researchers, to achieve a certain status, the Illuminat went to search for neophyte. It is noteworthy that the majority of the participants of the Order did not know anyone from the Illuminati, besides their mentor.

It is the opinion that seven people manage the illuminators, as well as the world. Of course the Illuminati. These seven members of secret society are preparing from childhood. Moreover, they initially choose a woman who should give birth to a new Supreme Illuminat.

There are many legends around the illuminates around the initiation of the illuminates, for the most part of scary. Some researchers argue that neophytes beat them, they applied to them bloody wounds and even forced themselves to dock themselves as the unfortunate son of the goddess Kibel. Others insist that newcomers simply provided an exhaustive information about themselves and revealed all their most dirtiest secrets. Lovers of theories of conspiractions are confident that in fact the illuminations rule the world, and their ranks include politicians, businessmen and even stars of show business.

Life of illuminat

After the neophyte is initiated, it begins to take part in the life of a secret society. At first, his main duty is to study scientific papers and comprehend the philosophy of the Illuminati. If the newcomer demonstrates success in this matter, they put new tasks before him.

The society of illuminates is strictly classified. Neophytes, as well as other members, in no case cannot speak anyone about its belonging to a secret society and what they do.

Illuminati adhere to an incredibly strict hierarchy. No wonder they are called a pyramid. There is another theory about the pyramid. The geometric figure clearly shows the abyss, spreading between members of secret society and ordinary people.

"The Da Vinci Code"

Illuminati - a favorite topic for writers and film directories. About this society to remove many films and written books. One of the most famous is the "Da Vinci Code". In fact, almost nothing about the Illuminati. And researchers who do not believe in various conspiracy theories believe that under this name in the world there were many secret and not very societies, each of which was engaged in their special type of activity and had its own rules.

Signs of adherents of society

Dedication ranks signs - rhombus, pyramid, eyes in a triangle or pyramid. The pyramid refers to the power structure when the "Favorites" group stands at the head of the world. The symbol is enhanced if the eye is soared over an unfinished pyramid, then means "all-seeing eye". Also use an inverted triangle. The sign of the three sixes indicates the number of beast, it is used as an oath to loyalty to Satan. When the number is depicted in front of the eye, it denotes Lucifer's eye. The sign of the "Horn of the Devil" - the expression of love for Satan. Researchers believe that this is a trigger for hypnosis, which was used by programming to obedience of slaves. The sign of the Illuminati "Ovupying Oko" means serving and loyalty to Satan and Illuminatas.

Illuminati - myth or reality?

Questions, are the illuminators who are, who are worried about many centuries. Since representatives of this society are striving for world domination, then their representatives can be attributed to the dictators who tried to conquer the whole world. The illuminators also include 13 families widely known in the world, including Kennedy, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Obstes, etc. Proof of the existence of the secret Order of the Illuminati are organizations such as the UN and the EU, which prevent wars, but at the same time they combine countries.

Society in Russia

Are there illuminators in Russia? Yes. The community is also located on the territory of our country. The task of illuminates is the achievement of unity and equality on earth, which will give people light. How they will reach this, it is not known, everything is covered with a secret. Perhaps only the truth is opened only, and for ordinary mortals it is behind the seven castles.

12 illuminati secrets

1. Recently

"Enlightened" This is how the word "Illuminati" is translated from Latin. What gives us to understand that those who are among the club have much more knowledge than simple mortals.

2. Curban mystery

Despite the popular opinion, the Illuminati was not initially a secret society. At the very beginning of its existence, they were against obscurantism (obscurantism). However, over time, their society began to promote what they used to fight. Illuminati began to hide true knowledge from ordinary people.

3. United commocate prohibition of society in 1785

This is true. The organization calmly existed for about 9 years before the Bavarian authorities put a ban on her, concerned that the Society of Illuminati has too much influence on people, so they just forbade all secret societies at once, which, essentially, made them even more to heal bottom. As a result, no one can say with one hundred percent confidence that the society of the Illuminati still exists.

4. Three classes

At the very beginning, the Illuminati did not hide with such care and even published in 1782 some details of the hierarchy of their system. It turned out that three classes existed in their society. The first class was for beginners and less enlightened, the second - for masons (including the Scottish knights), and the third, mystical class, consisted of priests, rents, magicians and kings.

5. They are everywhere

It is rumored that the Illuminati won the whole world: they are in the Vatican, NATO, on television, in Hollywood, in the government, and they manage everything, remaining invisible.

6. They control the entire world currency

It is said that Mayer Amshely Rothschild, the founder of the Dynasty of Banker-Illuminati dynasty, belongs to the following words: "Give me control over the national currency, and I do not care about those who make up laws." If you develop this idea, then a plan to establish a global dictatorship, which controls world currency and establishes laws.

7. Beyonce - a member of the Illuminat Community

Many believe that such popular personalities like Beyonce, Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga are also members of the Illuminati community due to the symbolism they often use in their clips and when performing on stage.

8. Illuminati blame in the murder of John Kennedy

They are also accused of inspired by the French Revolution, in carrying out terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 and the Battle Device for Waterloo. Some people are confident that George Bush was also an illuminat.

9. Original Illuminati Symbol

Mall who knows, but the "all-seeing eye" was not the original symbol of the Illuminati. Their first symbol is owl, or rather owl Minerva - a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

10. "Ovupying Oko" and the Federal Reserve of the United States

And although the "all-seeing eye" is not the original symbol of the Illuminati, the fact that it is present on a dollar banknote cannot be imposed.

11. Illuminati in no way involved in Satanism

There is no evidence that the Illuminations worship Satan, although the organization itself is anti-religious.

12. Double conspiracy

For illuminators, it is advantageous to compose the theory of conspiracies, some
Of these, it may be true, but they are all called upon to envelop their society even greater mystery and ambiguity.

Numerous superstitions, rumors and conspiracy theories are associated with this title. They are afraid, they are considered to be satanists or secret glories. They attribute a huge impact on all world history, preparation and implementation of revolutions, conspiracies, coups and other things and other things.

They allegedly subject to government structures of all countries and at all times. This is a powerful and ancient, although in some kind of mythical order. And maybe they are self World governmentwhich stands in the shade behind the backs of famous statesmen and skillfully manipulate them.

What is true in all these conspiracy theories, and what is clear fiction? Are these illuminates are so powerful and terrible, how are they talking about them?

In general, when it comes to secret societies, distinguish the truth from the fiction is quite difficultBecause with the centuries around them there was a whole halo of fiction (they are societies and secret). One forces are beneficial to fall apart on the enemy, others - to attribute power to those who do not possess and lead attention from the true rulers.

Conspirology - Otherwise the theory of conspiracy. This theory believes that most of the important public and political changes in the history of mankind occurred thanks to the intervention of powerful forces, possibly secret societies.

It is believed that many coups, war and other tragic events in human society are inspired by influential unions or orders. Some of the most odious for many decades are illuminations.

It should also be noted that the illuminators at different times called members of various groups, sects and communities. The common name "Illuminati" in modern conspiracy refers to the Secret World Government. And most likely, does not apply to that very historical community, which was originally so named.

Where did the name come from

The name of the order is historical and refers to a specific society. The name "Illuminati" originated in the 18th century in Bavaria (Unified Germany did not exist then). The founder of the Company (or Order) of the Bavarian Illuminati became a well-known theologist and the philosopher Adam Weisgaupt.

Weisga Paul itself was supporters of the ideas of enlightenment, humanism, and in theology - deizma. Deism recognizes the Divine Creation of the World, but does not recognize many mystical and supernatural phenomena. Deists high appreciate the logic, freedom and human mind. They try to reconcile science and religion so that they do not contradict each other, but complemented.

From the point of view of deists, Sacred books - Bible, Torah, Quran, etc. are not divine revelations. They are written by people, so there are many logical errors, confusion and contradictions. The traditional religions are too dogmatically deprived of their followers of freedom of choice, freedom of will and freedom to think differently.

Here to promote these ideas Adam Weisgaupt. and created a secret society. His declared target was to improve humanity, its reflection and in a sense, exemption from obsolete dogmas.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman improvement was declared by all members of society. But the ultimate goal is to replace Christianity by deism, and the monarchy of the republic, revealed only by dedicated to.

Weisga Paul himself took the basis Structure of Order jesuits. He and Masonic tradition initially wanted to use, but then she considered that these "secrets" do not have a serious basis for them. But the Masonic Life joined to replenish his society with new members.

History of the Society of Illuminati

From the very beginning, the company was not numerous. It consisted only 5 people. Members of society themselves chose suitable candidates and conducted propaganda among possible associates.

Initially, the Society of Illuminati joined teachers of the University of Ingolstadt, He who worked and Adam Weisgaupt himself. But there were few of them. But the Union with Masons brought a significant increase in community members.

The ideas of society attracted people from the highest estates, artists and enlightenment. But such ideas could not like the official authorities. In society there was a split: the leaders did not share power. And because of this, many mystery of the Illuminati proved to be public. By the end of the 18th century, the society was banned, Pope also joined the condemnation, which is not surprising.

Adam Weisga Paul was forced run to Thuringia, where he died afterwards.

Illuminati and the theory of conspiracies

Bavarian Order Long collapsed. But followers of conspiracy ideas believe that the illuminators and masons are almost the same. Sometimes these concepts are straightforward.

The argument in favor of such a mixing is the symbol of illuminates on US state press - unfinished pyramid.

Correspondence was filled with David Wilkok

Translator: Elizabeth Cusova

April 2, 2016

Question: Fell, I think our readers are interested, "Are the illuminators of religion, secret society, satanism, combination of all of the above or something completely different or more ominous?"

Answer: Illuminati is a group that practicing the form of faith, known as "enlightenment". This is a luciferiantism; They teach their adherents that the roots of the exercise go back to the times of the ancient mystical religions of Babylon, Egypt and Celtic Druids. From each of these religions, they took everything that they found "the best" - major practices - and united them in exclusively occult discipline.

Many groups at the local level worship the ancient deities, such as El, Waal, Astarta, Isis and Osiris and Seth. It is said that at times the guidelines are embarrassed over more "primitive practitioners" anarchic or lower levels. I remember when I was on the Council in San Diego, they called the Supreme Priests and the priests of "chrometers" making "happy lower levels". I do not want to offend anyone, just show that in the leading levels they often believe that they are more advanced, scientifically and informative. But they are still practicing the principles of enlightenment.

The enlightenment lead 12 steps, also known as "12 steps of training." They teach journey to astral plans, time travel and other metaphysical phenomena. [Du: In a minute we will cover all 12 steps.] Do all these people do under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs? I'm not to judge. Staying as part of the group, I saw things that I can't rationally explain the things that I scared me, but I can only say that it could be a combination of control over the mind, drugs, hypnosis and some truly demonic activity. How they were used in which combination and in what volume, I do not even guess. I only know one thing - these people teach and practice evil.

What about higher levels?

At higher levels, the group no longer represents people in gowns that have prayers by the fire. The guidelines have administrators who work with finances (and believe me, this group makes money. This one continues to act, even if the rest are just religious sheep with washed brains). Higher levels include businessmen, bankers and local community leaders. They are intelligent, well educated and active in their churches.

Over local governing councils, regional councils are facing the disputation of groups below, helping to form policies and agreements for each region. They interact with local governing tips.

At the national level, there are extremely prosperous people who finance goals and interaction with leaders of other countries. Illuminati International. Secret? Any means. The first thing that the child recognizes from the "family or order is known as they are called," the "first rule of the Order - Secrecy". That is why you will not hear anything about those who left the Order and stayed alive. The limits that the group comes to intimidating members due to non-disclosure is incredible.

What is the connection between masons and illuminators?

Question: Fell, one of the most important provisions, about which I am sure, would like to know more of our readers [How much do you know, given your former position in the composition of the Illuminati], - What is the connection between the Illuminati and Masons? Was the penetrations of the Masonic Order?

Answer: Masons and illuminates - hand in glove. I do not care if it comes to someone on the patient corn; it is a fact. The Masonic Temple in Alexandria, Virginia [the city itself is named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a rampartman for the activities of the Illuminati] - this is the center of science and learning of the Illuminati in Washington, OK. From time to time I was called there for testing, the transition to the next level, training and high ceremonies. The leaders of this Masonic group are of course the Illuminati.

The same is true for every big city in which I lived. The top of the Freemasonry was illuminates everywhere. My ancestors on the maternal line were high-ranking masons in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, - Grandma was the president of the Order of the Eastern Star, and the grandfather - Mason of the 33rd degree, and both of them submitted illumulums in this area.

Are all Masons - Illuminati? No, especially at lower levels. I am sure that they did not know anything about the ceremonies held at midnight in large temples. Perhaps many are beautiful businessmen and Christians. But I never knew someone 32 degrees or above who would not be an illuminat. The group helped create Freemasonry as a "cover" for its activities.

Iluminata believe that you do good, and not evil

I would like to clarify another incorrect understanding. Namely, that the illuminates know that evil is creating. When I was in the group, I and the people around me are ideologically inclined to consider what you are doing good. I think, being a teacher, I helped others disclose their full potential. I believed that after many years of hard and hard work, my intellect only grew, and I became a great leader.

I fought with Jonathan and others in the Council, when I thought that they were unfair, and stopped behind the people below themselves. Others did the same. They sincerely believed that they were doing good, and if you were told that they were not right or creative evil, they would be confused. I needed a lot of therapy, reprogramming and verification in real communication conditions with ordinary people to realize that all this is a lie.

I was empty. I devoted my life to help to others, contributing to the introduction of a nice new order, and then found that all this evil and abuse. I passed through a period of deep sadness and grief. Most of the illuminates that I knew were not evil, they were simply deliberately misled. Only the top, of course, deliberately damaged.

Did the illuminations tried to rule the world?

Illuminati believed that they control everything through their banks and financial institutions [guess how many of them are sitting in the board of directors? You would be shocked]. Local Government: Guess how many of them are chosen to local city councils? Law: Children encourage to go to legal and medical schools. Media: others encourage to go to the school of journalism, and members of the group help finance local newspapers.

Financing "New World Procedure"

I saw how huge amounts of money were spent on financing projects of this group; The funds came from the northern hemisphere and from around the world. Couriers were sent to all the places of the globe, and many senior financial institutions were vividly interested in bringing a "new world order". It was discussed at the top meetings; Group members showed video films. Grainy videos that I saw in the 1960s showed a large round table, around which 13 members were sitting, and the words "here are your leaders" were uttered when they got up and swore in loyalty to the coming new order.

I will not call the names of the people shown in this film to avoid the label "slanderous". They are well known, influential and many stood behind the scene of the banking system modern Mira.

[Du: In the subsequent article, Fevili revealed that Rothschilds and Rockefellera met in the Supreme Council of the world, who had to edit when establishing the future "new order".]

Illuminates financed the coming new world order quietly and staying behind the scene. They believed that money was not only "say", as the proverb says, but also buy a cover or silence in the media, as well as the protection and influence necessary for the formation of our modern world. Are the Illuminati world rule? Yes, and that is what they teach their members. Even when I write these words, they greedily work on this purpose.

They are a very small, but mighty minority

The illuminates and their supporters constitute a minor minority compared to the population of the world. In the county of San Diego, where the population is 2 million people, five years ago there were 24 nursing groups about 60-75 people each. The Steering Council included 13 members. So, in the center of the metropolis with a population of over 2 million people, active illuminates were less than 1500 members. And in the United States, the Illuminati is 1-2% of the population.

This means that 99% of people you know and with which you work are not illuminations. These are good and hardworking people (at least most) who want to receive salary and lead a good family life. Most of the leaders of our communities and financial systems have never heard of illuminations, because their minority. Therefore, is it worth worrying? Of course it costs, because a small group of evil people can do great affairs. I am preserving an analogy.

Most people in our society are not interested in child pornography, consider it a crime against children, and would fight her, if they have such an opportunity. And yet, a small minority of people involved in it causes irreparable damage to children. The consequences of the crime is more than the number of people involved in it. Why not stop children's pornography? We have proof, the law knows that it exists, and yet it is a multi-billion industry.

How do these people manage to "hide" from justice and arrest? Why don't the police stop them? Because they are not stupid. They work in full secrete. They often change the place of residence and kill those who call for justice. To conceal the traces, they use bribery and other means; And they have great lawyers.

Okay. And now let's look at the Illuminati. 1% of our people are extremely "ways". Since childhood, they swear under the fear of death never to disclose their true attitude to the outsider.

What are the greatest weaknesses of the Illuminati?

one . They are arrogant, and it can contribute to their death. They consider an ordinary person as an unreasonable "sheep." They are full of pride, consider themselves invulnerable, and that any press on them is equivalent to the bite of a mosquito. Self-instrument people make mistakes, and in recent years these mistakes become more obvious and obvious.

2. They believe that they can defeat God, which is enormous delusion. God can do the story and does it in the hope that most members of the group leaves her, because he is merciful.

3. Most members of the group are injured victims of abuse. They do not realize that you can leave the group. There are many discontent in their ranks, and if they knew that they could leave the group and stay alive, a massive outcome would take place. Many of my familiar teachers (and I know many evil, trying pedophiles) are not happy from what they do. They whisper quietly or give to understand that they disagree with what they have to do. They persogently perform their work in the hope of promotion.

Do you know what big carrot is offered to those who are moving in the group? You no longer have to torture people, and they no longer abruptly. [And it is so, because only one who is above you in the group may be abruptly; Therefore, everyone wants to advance where the number of offenders becomes less.] Of course, people can choose to offend themselves who are below them, and some people have a strong motivation to promote, but not everyone!

Fevali answers Wilcoku in private electronic correspondence

Even with all the fact that they were dismissed publicly (the above - only a small part), there were still many questions without answers. As a result of our negotiations on her speech on the radio, the filmed expressed the desire to answer my personal questions. For the first time I publicly reveal her answers. And I will be the first to know that her answers were contradictory. They imply that in the group used black magic and at times they received very tangible results. Based on the studies given in my book, such visions and experiments can be called narcotic hallucinations that can be divided with others. In the interests of full disclosure, I will not subjected to censorship everything she said.

Electronic letter filmed Wilkoku

- Introduction -

From: Fevali

To: David Wilkoku

Subject: David from Fell

David, I promised to answer some questions and fulfill a promise. I also contacted Greg, he will interview me on Wednesday. It will be the second of two interviews that I have ever gave. You guided you and my longtime friend, so I will do it.

The first question to Fell

Wilkok: You said that the Illuminati has six spheres of education, and different members specialize in different fields depending on the inclined. Three spheres are easy to calculate: Military, media and leadership. Others - education, science and spirituality - to identify harder. Could you give a more detailed description, by category, what makes each industry, because people would be useful to try to understand it.

Science sphere (distributed area:

Fell off: The science of science includes observation of the sectors of scientific knowledge and research, including science of behavior, brain cartography, experimental drugs, hypnotic techniques, as well as how faster and more reliable exercise training. They really follow the "scientific method", and conclude many national and international research agreements. Senior teachers and scientists in the group are widely involved in this sphere. Children also teach science, but not much; Only those who have to tendance and ability are directed there.

People employed in this area conduct regular (year) conferences, where others are taught; Essentially, it is very important to teach new techniques and disseminate the results of the latest research. Also, scientists are observed for such things as ensuring the strictest adherence to educational agreements based on observation. Those who are engaged in training are skillful in observing and registering changes in psychology, behavior and patterns of stress.

Sciences may include child monitoring through a one-sided mirror, observation of ordinary patterns, as well as patterns when an external incentive or change is entered. Also this includes tracking how the individual copes with the "closed space" (room in an isolated tank) to avoid unnecessary stress.

Fell on education

Felling: Education is mainly engaged in oral education of family history, research and study of genealogy and studying new learning methods. Also here is a study of ancient languages. Most recently introduced training to computer sciences and hacking (yes, they have very skillful hackers). If the group is important tradition, oral history or history, they relate to this area. Outstanding teachers are busy in it, they are very skillful in testing knowledge.

Fell on the sphere of spirituality

Fell off: Sphere of spirituality - this is part of a group engaged in spiritual enlightenment. And again, although the whole group is attracted to learning in this area, only the most skillful are chosen in it. The sphere of spirituality is as follows: 1) intensive learning. carried out by one of the spiritual mentors - a person skilled in this area; 2) the ability to move in time and measurements, output from the body; 3) gaining strength in the struggle; 4) the ability to mentally hurt or kill other people and other paranormal phenomena.

Education in the sphere of spirituality may include torture when the one who is tortured, goes into another dimension and tells that he sees there. Also here is a visit to Stonehenge (yes, this is a sacred place for the group), participation in the ceremony and passing through the portal back in time. The game is being trained in chess, and the "master" demonically revives the figures on the board. All this sounds strange, but this is what this area is engaged. They are also responsible for rituals or for "slicer" those who do not specialize in this area.

What are the "twelve steps of enlightenment"?

Wilcock: Could you tell us in detail about 12 steps to the so-called enlightenment. It would also be useful to trace how the Hollywood films are taught. People will see that you are not inventing all this in your head, as often information is confused and distorted.

Fell off: I write about it in my book the rupture of the chain (on this link it is possible to get acquainted with the filing materials:

The purpose of all steps is enlightenment; Become a god. The illuminates believe that at the end of the trip, the truly enlightened becomes God. Such is the purpose of passing through all the pain, flour, torture and the preparation of these people. And some of the highest teachers (such as Mengel and others, which I knew) inside ourselves have parts that they believe that they are "God" and demand the appeal appropriate to themselves.

The first three steps.

Felling: The first three steps include the rejection, lack of desires and needs or refusal of physical needs. Through frightening experiments and sessions of the child's teaching, learn: (1) never ask; (2) never want; (3) never need. He is taught to the will of the will and the feeling of his "I", and also closely follow out the unauthorized people in search of hints on what he should want.

Steps 3-6

Fell off: the next three steps include a gap of emotional relations with other people. (4) Love - it means to hurt. (5) Care brings pain. (6) betrayal - great benefit. The child will learn once and forever hope only for himself and never trust others.

Much attention is paid to spiritual learning. For example, a child will have a spiritual mentor to whom he will trust and who will be a patient teacher for years. Suddenly, the mentor turns to the child and trying to kill him mentally, forcing the child to call for a mental defender (demon) to save lives. If the child does not give a test, he can die or get a terrible injury, and months are required for her healing. Those who successfully pass the test can defeat the mentor and stay alive, but a huge spiritual price, because in exchange for the salvation of the child's life, defenders always require their "piece of meat", emotional or spiritual (they never do it out of kindness).

Steps 7-9

Fell off: the next three steps (7-9) brief deep loyalty to the instructions: (7) always obey; (8) never ask questions; (9) Protect the Trinity (three adults associated with the child traumatic bond). Here they are preparing to kill and program suicide. For example, the mentor gives the team to the child to end the life of suicide. To go through the test, the child has to rush to the knife. Mentor and two assistants stop it literally per second to death.

10-12: Specialization in the Favorite Sphere

I apologize if you are upset what you read. Some people have problems with this. Others will experience extreme sadness, horror and depression. I understand it. Overwarming you emotions will successfully serve that you stop learning and understanding the problem on the extended level. But as long as we do not know what is happening, we can not stop it.

As you can see, "steps to enlightenment" is nothing but terrible abuse and injury leading to the appearance of a pronounced suicidal personality. Such injury makes a person able to commit murder.

Later, in a short letter, she explained that the last three steps differ from all previous ones, depending on the sphere that the child chooses / or choose for it. Each sector places special requirements for management. Many children are not able to rise even before the ninth step, where they protect the lives of mentors at the cost of their own life. The father of the child can pass through the last three steps, then in the Order he becomes higher and more influential, especially in manual, media and military business.

For example, those who have completed the course of the leadership become politicians, church leaders, judges or heads of the corporation. The graduates of the media course become well-known actors on television or in cinema, reporters' journalists or famous musicians, although not all of them work publicly. The team posts in the field of national defense of their countries have graduated from the national defense of their countries, but can work behind the scene (for example, defense contractors).

Fevali explains steps 10-12

Fell: steps 10-12 - manual steps. At the end of the 12th level, the child will receive a diamond. This is a ring that dresses at the ceremony and serves as a sign of high rank.

Examples of one of the steps of military leadership with educational lessons are as follows: "If one of the group members pulls the other back, and it exposes the dangers of your" Trinity ", get rid of it (and they do not mean just send it home)".

At the time of the release, the child will be shown the sphere of specialization, and after passing the highest level achieved by him (not all children reach the 12th level, some stop at levels 9, 10 and 11) it will be considered adults inside the group.

I hope this information will serve.



How when and where are their meetings occur?

Many people do not understand how this is possible that such a group worked in such secrecy during the everyday life of people. The key article was filmed, explaining how when and where the assemblies of the group occur, called "day in the life of a teacher". Here are some important provisions: here

21 hours 30 minutes: I am ready to go to bed. I need to sleep from 10 to 12 hours a day, otherwise I am completely depleted. Many times I fall asleep, reading fairy tales to my two children. Before you fall asleep, I tell my husband "Remember" and suggest a code that gives you to know that we should wake up later.

1 hour night: husband wakes me. Usually we wake each other in turn. We do not need an alarm clock because we will be the internal clock. I sleep dressed because it is so easier to climb in the middle of the night. "Raise children," he says quietly. I climb upstairs and say: "Stop". They immediately stand up once, in contrast, as they behave during the day. Quickly and quietly, they put on shoes, and I lead them down to the car. Husband leads the car, I sit on the passenger seat. In order not to wake up the neighbors, the headlights are turned off until we find ourselves on the road.

What happens when they arrive in place?

1 hour 20 minutes of a night: We are located at the first checkpoint at the entrance to the military base. We get up at the end of the queue and slowly moving forward, watch the car and check our documents. They must stop any unfamiliar person or those who are not supposed to be here. Before you get to the meeting place, we will have to go through two more checkpoints. This is a huge field on a large military database.

Little tents are erected on it and simulators are settled for night exercises. We go or here, or in place one of the three meetings, three times a week. People chat and drink coffee. There are many friends here, because everyone goes to the same goal. The work is very heavy, so many friends. I go to the tent to change clothes in uniform. At night we are all dressed in uniform. Everyone has a rank based on achievements in the group and on that. How well we work.

1 hour 45 minutes: we proceed to perform the tasks.

3 hours 30 minutes: we changed the uniform for ordinary clothes. The uniform is placed in a special washing basket. I wear my clothes, before that thoroughly folded on the shelf, we sit down in the car and go back home.

4 o'clock in the morning: we are at home, we hurry to bed and immediately fall asleep.

7 am: I get up very tired. It seems that I always tired, in the morning I have a little headache. I have a hurry to raise children and is ready to learn another day.

Review and analysis

As you can see from the evidence, they spend two or three times a week meetings. Three most frequent seats for meeting are military bases, private estates and Masonic lodges, although some meetings are held in churches. In the night of the meetings, the first sleep cycle lasts almost three and a half hours - from 21: 30-21: 45 to hour at night. Then they sleep from 4 to 7 o'clock in the morning, that is, the dream takes six hours.

So members of the group during the day can lead a normal lifestyle, although injuries through which they pass are the cause of chronic fatigue that was said to respond. At the beginning of each meeting, 10-15 minutes are discharged. An hour or one and a half go to work in the selected area of \u200b\u200bspecialization. If three meetings are held a week, highly specialized training ranks 4.5 hours a week, 18 hours a month and 216 hours a year.

They also said that during some meetings, special ceremonies were held, such as drawing historical events. They are designed to help strengthen the panel of the group.

Of course, if you want, you can read about all this more, and I, as I could, tried to reduce the discussion of the abuse and injuries so that you could easier understand how it works.


IN english language The word "degree" means a degree or degree.