The fairy tale itself composed. How to compose a fairy tale about animals? Fairy tales of their own composition. The line of behavior of the main character


Yarochka Ozernaya, 6 years old

One spring, early in the morning, when the sun had just woken up, an amazing story happened to my grandfather Vanya. It was like that.

Grandpa Vanya went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

He walks slowly, hums a song under his breath, looks for mushrooms with a stick under the Christmas trees. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog sitting on a tree stump and crying bitterly. The hedgehog's leg was broken and hurt. Grandpa took pity on the hedgehog, shook his leg, treated him to a sweet candy. Grandfather was very fond of candy, because he had no teeth and he could not chew real candy. The hedgehog really liked grandfather's candies. He thanked him and ran to his children.

But a few days later, the hedgehog with his little sons brought grandfather on his back a lot, a lot of mushrooms and asked to live with his grandfather under the house with his whole family. Together they ate sugar mushrooms and sucked delicious candies.


If a hedgehog settled in your house, what would you treat him to?
Why did the hedgehog want to live with his grandfather?
Have you ever seen a hedgehog? What is the character of this forest animal?
What forest gifts can you make candy? Come up with some forest candy recipes and draw them.
o All children are little hedgehogs. Each hedgehog should tell how and how he will help his grandfather.


Lilya Pomytkina, 7 years old, Kiev

Little fairies lived in the flower meadow. They lived together and loved to help people, especially children.

One day a little girl came to a flower meadow. She cried bitterly because her finger was cut. She did not notice anyone and nothing except pain. Then the fairies surrounded her with a tight ring and flapped their wings in unison. The girl felt relieved and stopped crying. The fairies asked the sun's rays to dry the girl's tears as soon as possible, and she began to listen to everything around. She heard the smell of flowers, buzzing insects and birds singing. And the fairies whispered to her that the world around was beautiful, that the wound on her finger would soon heal, and one should not be very upset.

One little fairy brought a tiny plantain leaf and put it on the wound. Another asked a ladybug to play Rain or Bucket with the girl. And the third - called the breeze to smooth the girl's disheveled hair.

And the girl felt so good that she began to smile and play with the fairies. After that, the girl always came to the fairies' clearing if she felt bad.

When she grew up big, she did not forget the clearing with fairies and in difficult times she always called the little fairies for help.


How would you help a girl in the place of fairies?
Give the children cards with the names of different qualities. Children need to figure out how the fairies taught someone this or that quality.
Remember some difficult situation from your life and think about how different heroes of a fairy tale could help you in this situation, for example: fairies, breeze, sun rays, etc.
Imagine that the good fairies have invited you to a forest fairies festival. Draw this holiday and tell about it.


Makarova Olya, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was a boy named Kolya. He had new shoes. But his shoes lived very badly. Kolya didn’t take care of them: he didn’t wash, didn’t clean and threw them anywhere. The shoes did not know what to do. Then they decided to take Kolya to a shoe factory so that he could see how much work needed to be done in order to sew such wonderful shoes. The next day, the shoes took Kolya to the factory so that he could watch the shoes emerge from a piece of leather. The factory was huge, and Kolya was surprised how many craftsmen and machines were needed to sew shoes. Then an important woman came up to them. She greeted and asked the shoes how they were doing and whether Kolya was taking care of them. The shoes sighed sadly, but said nothing. They didn't want to complain about their master. Kolya felt very ashamed, and he thanked an important woman for her work.
Since then, Kolya has always kept his shoes, because he saw how much work it takes to sew such shoes.


How will Kolya take care of his shoes after this incident?
Tell us how you take care of your shoes.
What qualities should the owner have in order for his shoes to enjoy life?
Talk to your favorite shoes, and then tell everyone what she told you about.
How can a shoe reward a person for their care? Create and draw a fairy tale of how your shoes cared for you.
Discuss with the children how to care for their shoes at different times of the year and in different weather conditions.


Vnuchkova Dana, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was a little spider. He was all alone and was very sad that he had no friends. One day he decided to go and find some friends. It was spring, the sun was warming, and dew was glistening on the grass. Two moths were flying over the green meadow. One is white and the other is red. They saw a small spider, and the white moth asked him:
- Why are you so sad?

Because I have no friends, ”the spider answered.

But moths are not friends with spiders, because spiders cannot fly, ”said the white moth.

And the red moth said:
- Let's be friends with you, I will teach you to fly.

The spider was very happy and agreed. From then on they became friends and flew together over the meadow. A moth on its wings, and a spider on hot-air balloon from the cobwebs.


Imagine that you are traveling above the ground with a spider in a balloon made of cobwebs. Draw your journey and tell about it.
Tell about a friend of yours who taught you something.
What can a spider teach moths?
Give the children cards with pictures of different insects. Each on behalf of his insect must tell what he can teach any other insect. For example: what an ant can teach an earthworm, a butterfly can teach an ant, etc. Then the children draw how different insects taught each other.
Divide the children into groups of three. One child in the group is a spider, the other two are moths. Children should come up with small replays about the friendship between a moth and spiders.


Yana Dankova, 8 years old

It was a sunny day. The sun was shining brightly. There were dewdrops on the bush, like gold. Then I went to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. And I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying, and whispered to me: "Don't cry. Everything will be fine, just don't cry." When I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to jump and sing songs. And suddenly I saw the same dew drops on the bush. I went to the bush, sat on a pebble and looked at the golden drops.


How would you calm a girl down in the place of the sun?
Has the sun ever soothed you? Tell and draw how the sun has helped you in different situations.
Imagine that the sun gave the girl magic dew drops. Each drop could fulfill one of her wishes. Draw the girl's wishes fulfilled. From each other's drawings, children tell what desires and how the droplets fulfilled.

Verba and its leaves

Sasha Timchenko, 8 years old

I was walking through the park and saw a flock of leaves. They fell to the ground. The willow became sad. And the leaves that fell from her also became sad. But when they fell to the ground, they wrote a sentence: "Sweet willow, you loved us, and we love you too."


Give the children cards with pictures of leaves of different trees and ask them to thank the tree on behalf of these leaves for taking care of them.
You can give the children cards with pictures of different trees and ask them to say goodbye to their leaves on behalf of these trees.
Think up and draw a fairy tale about how a flock of leaves decided to travel to southern countries with migratory birds.


Naumenko Regina, 9 years old

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nadezhda. Hope was as beautiful as a rose. Her face was white, with pink cheeks, and her eyes were emerald. But her character was very prickly. She often pricked people with her ridicule, like thorns. Once Nadezhda fell in love with a very handsome young man. She never injected him and spoke to him affectionately. But it so happened that her beloved young man forgot about her and did not want to come to her anymore. Nadezhda was very sad, but did not want to say anything bad about the young man. Girlfriends persuaded Nadezhda to prick the young man. They spoke:
“Since he has forgotten you, prick him with your thorns.

I love him and do not want to harm him, - answered Nadezhda.

But Nadezhda could not live without her beloved. Then she pricked herself, her red blood was shed, and Nadezhda turned into a wonderful red rose.


Children are given cards with pictures of different colors. Each child in turn names any one quality with which this flower is associated with him. Then the children draw a magical bouquet of those flowers that will teach a person certain qualities.
Draw the roses of Faith, Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, etc., and tell how these roses helped people.
What do you think, if Nadezhda's beloved hadn't left her, her character would have changed?
Draw Nadezhda and her beloved in the form of certain flowers.


Playful Mariyka, 9 years old

There lived a pretty little girl in this world. She was very beautiful, with white hair, blue eyes and a kind, gentle heart. One day mommy went to work, and took her daughter to a neighbor to look after her.

The neighbor was a single woman and had no children. She treated the girl to cookies and went for a walk with her. The neighbor held the girl by the hand and boasted to all the passers-by what a beautiful daughter she had. The girl never deceived anyone and did not like when others deceive. She realized that their neighbor would very much like to have a daughter. And after the walk, when my mother came home, the girl told her everything.

Mom thought for a long time and came up with. She baked a huge, delicious cake and invited a neighbor. A neighbor came and was very happy with the pie and such nice people. They sat and talked for a long time, drank tea, ate pie. And when the neighbor decided to leave, the girl gave her a fluffy white puppy. The puppy squeaked and licked its new owner right in the nose. The neighbor burst into tears with happiness. And since then they have always walked together - a neighbor with her puppy and a girl with her mother.


Come up with a cake recipe that mom and her daughter baked and draw it.
What was the girl's mom like? What would you do if you were in her place, after the girl told you about her neighbor's cheating?
Think of some fun game that mom and daughter, roommate, and puppy played in the park.
Draw the kind hearts of the girl's mother and her daughter.


Misha Kozhan, 8 years old

My grandmother lived in a big city. She loved nature so much that she planted a small oak under her window. He was so small that he could not bear the weight of a titmouse if it sat on his twig. Grandmother took care of her oak tree and greeted him every morning, looking out of the window. And my grandmother had a little grandson who often came to visit her. Together they walked to their oak tree and looked after him. Then they sat side by side, and the grandmother read fairy tales to her grandson. Every summer they took pictures by the oak, and then rejoiced watching the baby and the tree grow. Many new branches appeared at the oak, and it no longer bent under the weight of the birds.

Dubochk was always looking forward to his grandson coming to visit his grandmother. He loved to listen to grandmother's fairy tales with him and later retell them to his friends: the birds, the sun, the wind and the rain. Once the grandson came to his grandmother, but they did not come out to the oak tree and did not even greet him. Dubochk waited, waited, but did not wait. Then he asked the sparrow to look in the window and find out what was the matter. Sparrow flew in upset and said that his friend was in bed, he had a high fever and had a sore throat. Dubochk was very alarmed and called all his friends for help.

The raindrops gave the boy living spring water to drink, the sun's rays warmed his throat, the breeze cooled his hot forehead, and the birds sang such a wonderful song that he immediately felt cheerful. And the disease receded.

Thank you, oak, for your help, ”the boy said to his friend the next day.

Soon the boy went to school. Both of them grew and grew prettier, to the delight of their grandmother. The boy listened to fairy tales and thought that when they both grow up and become big, he will come to the oak tree with his children and will also read fairy tales to them under the wide dense foliage of the oak tree. This thought made my soul feel warm and calm.


Think up and draw a fairy tale that your grandmother told her grandson and an oak tree.
Draw a tree with which you are friends or dream to be friends, and tell about it.
Divide the children into groups and ask them to think of and draw different situations when the oak tree and the boy will come to each other's aid.
Give the children cards with pictures of different inhabitants of the earth - trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc. Children should, on behalf of those who got them on the cards, tell how and how they would help the boy to recover.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

The enchanted garden slumbers in winter silence. Snowflakes-fluffs are quietly sleeping under the spreading branches of cherry trees. The snowflakes had an interesting dream. It’s as if they are circling around the cherry, and the cherry says to them: "How funny you are, my beloved children," and then strokes them and hugs them. The fluffy snowflakes felt tender warmth and instantly woke up. They were sad, because they were not children they were cherry, and the cherry consoles them: "Do not be sad. As the sun warms up, you will become droplets and merrily slide down to my roots."

And so it all happened. The souls of fluffy snowflakes fell in love with their kind comforter. In the spring they rolled down to her roots and became her real children: some with a leaf, some with a flower and a cherry. The dream of fluffy snowflakes has come true.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

All cherries were ripe, only one berry remained green and small. She saw next to her a beautiful, red berry and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

The red cherry looked at her and replied:
- I don’t want to be friends with you. I am so beautiful and red and you are green.

I saw a green cherry, a large cherry and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

I won’t be friends with you, you are small, but I am big, ”the large cherry replied.

The little cherry wanted to make friends with a ripe berry, but she did not want to be friends with her either. So the little cherry was left without friends.

Once all the cherries were collected from the tree, only the green one remained. Time passed and she matured. There was not a single berry on any tree, and when the children found a cherry, they were very happy. Divided it into everyone and ate it. And this cherry turned out to be the most delicious.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was Winter. On the eve of the New Year, her daughter was born. Winter did not know what to call it. She told everyone about the birth of the winter baby and asked what name to give her, but no one could come up with a name.

Winter became sad and went to Santa Claus to ask for help. And he replies: "I can not help. I have no time, I am preparing for the New Year."

Meanwhile, her daughter ran to her mother Zima and said:
- The wind is very kind. He helps everyone. I told him that I wanted to learn to dance, and he taught me. Here, look, - and she began to dance.

Daughter, you dance very beautifully, - Zima praised her daughter.

Mom, why are you so sad? Probably tired, preparing for the New Year?

No, it's just that I have a lot to do, - answered my mother, - and you run and play.

Zima told him everything, and invited her to fly to the Wind to ask Snow what to call her daughter.

They flew to the Snow, and Winter says:
- Snow-brother, you probably know that my daughter was born?

I know, because I do not appear on earth by myself, but thanks to your daughter. She helps me.

Help me come up with a name for my daughter, - asked Winter.

I know what name to give her - Snowflake. On my behalf - Snow.

That's how they called Winter's daughter Snowflake. And they all cheerfully celebrated the New Year together.


Come up with your own names for different seasons and explain why you named them that way.
What would you call a snowflake if you didn't know its name?
What other children does Zima's mother have, and what are their names? (Blizzard, ice floe, hoarfrost, snow maiden, etc.) Draw winter gifts that different children of Winter will prepare for people. From each other's drawings, children guess which children of winter gave people certain gifts.
What things should Mom Winter do for the New Year? Draw the most important winter activities.

This year, the sixth graders themselves composed fairy tales, and this is what came of it

Chernykh Kristina, 6th grade student

Master and servant

Once upon a time there was a master, and he had a servant. And the master loved to listen to fairy tales so much that he forced his servant to tell them. And the servant did not know any fairy tales. So the servant came to tell the master a fairy tale, sat down and said:

Once we walked, walked, walked, walked ...

The master got tired of this word "walked", and he asks:

Where did we come from?

And the servant does not seem to hear, all his own:

Walked, walked, walked, walked ...

The master got angry and drove the servant away.

On the second day, the master asks the servant to continue the tale. The servant came and said:

Here, sir, we walked, walked and came to a high mountain. And let's climb this mountain. We climb, climb, climb, climb ...

And so he kept talking all day as they climbed the mountain. The master could not stand:

But how soon are we going to climb?

And the servant is all his own:

We climb, climb, climb ...

The master got tired of this, and he drove the servant away.

The servant comes on the third day. The master again asks him:

So we climbed the mountain, and then we went again. Walked, walked, walked, came. There are two barrels: one with a barrel of manure, and the other with honey. They put me, as a servant, in dung, and you, as a master, in honey.

But this is correct! But this is good!

And so we sat, sat, sat ...

The master listened to all this, listened, could not bear it and said:

How soon will they get us out?

And the servant is all his own:

We sat, sat, sat ...

The master got angry again and drove him away.

On the fourth morning, the master again called the servant:

How long have we been sitting there?

Here, sir, they dragged us out, and two chiefs came. And they made me lick you, and you lick me.

Kononov Stas, 6th grade student

How the master barked in the church

Once upon a time there was a man-hunter and a master. The master called all the men fools all the time. The hunter said nothing to the master.

Once the master went to church and a hunter caught his eye. The master drove up to him, and they began to talk. Here is the hunter and says:

My dog ​​is whelping, sir, everyone is asking for puppies.

Leave me the best ones, ”said the master.

I have those that bark loudly and those that bark softly. What do you want?

Who bark loudly.

... In the meantime, they had already entered the church.

But this one! Woof! Woof! Woof! the master barked.

The priest heard this and got angry:

Get out, sir, out of the church! he shouted.

The men took the master out.

Well, are the men fools? the hunter asked.

No! No! I am a fool, they are not fools!

Razhev Ivan, 6th grade student

Who is the best?

Once the mushrooms gathered for the holiday of "summer rain". They swayed in dances, played their favorite game - hide and seek. And suddenly, amid this fun, the Amanita mushroom began to claim that it is the best of the mushrooms. He began to say:

I am so handsome, I have a red hat with white polka dots! Therefore, I am the best mushroom!

No, - said Fox, - I am the best, because I have a notch on my hat and I am in a red dress!

Then another mushroom entered into an argument, which began to show its white shirt and lace skirt.

Came out here old grandfather Borovik knocked with his staff, and immediately everyone calmed down and began to listen attentively. He began to speak:

But tell us, handsome Amanita, or you, Pale toadstool, are you so persistently looking for people all summer? Is it because of you that they bow to every bush, look under every tree? No! After all, the best mushroom is not the one that is the most beautiful, but the one that benefits others. If suddenly one of the people eats a fly agaric, and even worse a pale toadstool, then such a person will need to be urgently saved! But if a porcini mushroom gets into the basket of a mushroom picker, then he will delight the whole family with delicious mushroom soup, mushroom sauce, and many more dishes. He will feed, give strength, add health! So who's the best ?!

Ragina Sophia, 6th grade student

6 class

In a certain area, in a certain city, in a certain school there was a 6th grade. And he was so uncontrollable, just horror. Every day something happened: either a fight, then the glass would be smashed, or the books would be torn apart ... The teachers broke their heads, they did not know what to do.

At this school there lived a watchman, so an inconspicuous old man. He looked at all this, as children, like devils, harass teachers, and decided to help the school. He began to think about how to teach them a lesson and teach them wisdom. When children went to physical education, they left their things in the wardrobe, which was looked after by the old man. And the old man began to spoil things, write all sorts of nasty things in his diaries. The children all quarreled, accused each other, not even suspecting who could do it. After all, no one could think of the old man.

The guys stopped being friends, being naughty, and there was such a silence at school - both at breaks and in lessons. The children watched each other and snitched. The teachers could not have imagined that such a time would come. They scolded children and at home. The sixth graders would give everything to be friends and play together, as before. They realized that it was no accident that all this happened to them, they figured out everything. But the old man was so carried away that he did not want to return everything to its place.

Here is the conclusion: do not do badly to another, without understanding, but what will be for you.

Timin Daniel, 6th grade student

"Brave" jackal

A jackal lived in a distant forest. From childhood, he offended all animals and mocked them. He called the bear lazy, he considered the Giraffe a weakling and despised him for not eating meat. He called the wolf a cowardly dog, because he, with his tail between his legs, ran away from the hunters. He considered Lisu stupid and incapable of arranging his personal life. He recognized himself as the most cunning and lucky. He was always full and satisfied with life.

The forest dwellers could not answer him, because he was protected and fed with the remnants of his food by a strong Lion - the master of the forest. Once upon a time, the little Jackal became an orphan, and the good Leo took pity on the baby, did not use him as food, but began to take care of him. The kid ate and slept in his den, played with the fluffy tassel of the tail of his reliable uncle Leo. And in the end, as often happens, he grew up selfish and spiteful. He did not love anyone, teased everyone and was not afraid of anything, because uncle was always there ... It seemed that such a carefree life would always go on.

But one day the native forest was filled with strange unfamiliar sounds. Some people on huge iron horses disturbed the usual peace of the forest dwellers, began to catch them, put them in cages and take them away. The unafraid Jackal was not ready for such a turn of events. He did not know how to protect himself from people whom even his uncle Leo feared. Once in a solid network of hunters, he could only whine pitifully.

Now Jackal lives in the zoo of one big city. From his cage next door, he sees the long neck of a Giraffe, at night he hears the lonely howl of the Wolf, knows that the old Bear is walking from corner to corner behind the wall. But for some reason none of the animals during a general walk remembers his evil jokes to the Jackal, everyone greets him warmly when they meet him, trying to cheer up his captive comrade. Only now the little Jackal is afraid to meet their eyes and prefers not to talk to anyone. Did he finally feel ashamed?


You asked: "Help me compose a fairy tale?" Because you want to learn how to compose a fairy tale yourself.

  • Your children are 4-7 years old
  • Are you new to fairy tale writing
  • You need a simple technique for composing fairy tales
  • You want to enjoy the development process of your children

The good news is that by following my tips, you will learn how to compose little fairy tales for your children. You will definitely succeed if you follow simple rules. If you go step by step.

So, let's go!

1. You need a hero or heroine of a fairy tale

Compose a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant, or any object: a toy, kettle, spoon, light bulb, table, tablet. About everything that catches the eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals are most often the protagonists of fairy tales.

What do you think is the main thing for the hero?

Of course, his character and appearance.

Think what your hero is

He's funny? Clever? Brave? Beautiful?

Also don't forget to come up with little flaws.

It is small? Shy? Often lazy? Stubborn?

It may take some time to create a character for a small fairy tale. But if you have a convincing hero or heroine that evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, an invented character can be made a hero of a variety of stories.

Use these bricks to create the character of the hero of your fairy tale

As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

Place the hero of your short story in a specific time and space

Consider whether your story takes place in a real or fictional world.

Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

How long will it take for the hero to overcome all difficulties and reach the goal?

A day, a few years, a century?

Place your character in a familiar or unusual setting.

Don't overcomplicate. You can, for example, put a hero in your apartment, and imagine a living room filled with cozy armchairs and sofas with sofa cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a nursery. Or a yard.

Remember to include all your senses. And for this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

Please note that most fairy tales of all times and peoples use the idea of ​​"a lady in trouble" or "a young man is in trouble." These ideas always work!

Compose what happened to the main character

  • unusual phenomenon,
  • the villain conjured something,
  • some deed has shifted the balance,
  • disease,
  • stealing something vital,
  • a loss,
  • poverty and the need to survive,
  • the task of saving or protecting someone, perhaps the whole world.

Come up with goals

  • solve a small or large problem,
  • reach a destination as a result of travel,
  • help yourself, a family member or just save a person,
  • living the dream,
  • get an answer to a question,
  • break the spell,
  • to heal or to be cured?
  • find a friend or loved one.

    5. Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending

Even though we don't always get what we want in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that anything is possible.

Try these ideas:

  • the main character of the fairy tale saves himself, his family or someone else,
  • the hero solves the puzzle and reveals the secret,
  • the main character overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
  • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he has friends.

Now you can start introducing the tale

Apply the classic beginnings: “Once upon a time”, “In the same country, far, far away,” “Long ago, when,” and the like.

Or come up with your own: "The legend says" or "Deep, in the very heart of the forest."

Choose a "point of view" for a composed fairy tale

How will you tell your story: from the first, second or third person?

As a storyteller, you can be directly involved in the action or provide only objective evidence of how the characters in the story act and what happens to them.

Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you have composed is appropriate for the child's age

For kids v age from 3 to 5 years old use simple themes.

The hero did not know something, and through simple actions he learned. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

For kids agedfrom 5 to 7 years you can complicate topics.

Add villains, let the hero overcome three rather than one difficult situation. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, turn on the rebellious actions of the hero: disobedience, escape from the house for adventure, committing a forbidden action. Weave into the narrative morality, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

And before moving on to the examples, get your GIFT!

A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

Examples of how to compose a fairy tale yourself

And now - examples of magic stories and pictures for visual warm-up. Start with a little fairy tale. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, consider photographs and pictures. Let your fantasy turn on.

My favourite dog

This story was written by a mother together with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother wrote it down under dictation.

A fairy tale about butterflies

- Mommy, where did the butterflies come from? I ask.

And she tells me.

One fall, a Wizard watched the children play on the lawn. The children laughed and rejoiced, but the wizard was sad. I was sad because I saw how time passed, taking people, flowers and all the beauty of the world with it to other worlds.

“We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for people,” thought the Wizard.
He took out a magic box and began to put in it the sunbeams, the blue of the sky, the glare of flowers, children's laughter, the breath of the wind.
When the children went to bed and the clearing was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light rhythmic rustle filled the air, beautiful butterflies fluttered wherever the eye penetrated.

- Fly to the magical land to your Queen, - said the wizard. - Now your mission is to give people beauty.

The kingdom of butterflies is hidden among the impenetrable jungle and high cliffs. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, transparent lakes and crystal waterfalls. The sun shines here all summer and all year round. This wonderful country is ruled by a beautiful and kind Queen of Butterflies. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

It is here that the most skillful artists and the most beautiful butterflies in the world live. Every morning, artists draw colorful patterns on their wings and every spring they send them to earth to delight people with their beauty and tenderness.


Take a look at these pictures. Immerse yourself in their mood and characters. And they will push you to the idea of ​​your own magical story.

Why learn to compose fairy tales yourself?

  • You have to be able to, because at school they give tasks - "to compose a short fairy tale about an animal, to compose a fairy tale about .."
  • In order to receive pleasure itself and develop the child's thinking
  • To get sincere emotions and great mood

If you want to playfully prepare your child for difficult school assignments, watch the master class.

In just one lesson, you will learn how to compose small fairy tales!

© When copying material or part of it, a direct link to the site and authors is required

A fairy tale from Leni Hon

Ilya against three dragons.

There was once a boy in the world. It was played in the yard of the house. His name was Ilya Morychin. Ilya was the chosen one because he was the son of Zeus - the god of lightning. And he could control lightning. When he was walking home, he found himself in a magical world, where he met a rabbit. The rabbit told him that he had to defeat three dragons.

The first dragon was green and was the weakest, the second - blue - a little stronger, and the third - red - the strongest.

If he defeats them, he will return home. Ilya agreed.

He defeated the first one with ease, the second a little more difficult. He thought he would not win the third, but that very rabbit came to his aid, and they defeated him. Ilya finally returned home and lived happily ever after.

Tale from Anya Modorskaya

Night conversation.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lida, who had so many toys that it was simply impossible to keep track of everyone! One evening the girl went to bed early. When it got dark, all the toys came to life and began to talk.

The first to speak were the dolls:

Oh! Our hostess recently wanted to do our hair and dress us, but she never finished it! - said the first doll.

Oh! We're so disheveled! - said the second.

And we, - said the toy rats and mice, - have been standing here for so long and gathering dust! The hostess still doesn't want to wash us.

But the mistress loves me very much, - said Lida's beloved dog. - Plays with me, combs, dresses.

Yes! Yes! - said the figurines from the porcelain collection in chorus, - and she often wipes us. We are not complaining about her!

Here the books entered the conversation:

She never finished reading me, and this is very insulting to me! - said the book of fairy tales.

And Lida loves us and has read everyone, the adventure books said.

And us, a whole shelf of books zagalit, - did not even start.

Here the jumpers perked up:

This girl treated us well and we will never speak ill of her.

And then the furniture muttered:

Oh! How hard it is for me to stand under the weight of all these books, said the bookcase.

And me, the chair, is very good: they wipe me and give pleasure to the fact that they sit on me. It's so nice that you are needed.

Then something spoke in the wardrobe:

And the hostess dresses me only on holidays, when she is in a good mood! Therefore, I am very well-groomed, - said the dress.

And Lida tore me up three months ago and never wore it because of the hole! It's a shame! - said the trousers.

And the bags say:

The hostess always takes us with her and often forgets everywhere. And rarely cleans us!

And the textbooks say:

The hostess Lida loves us the most. She dresses us in beautiful covers and erases the pencil from our pages.

For a long time, things talked about Lida's life, and in the morning the girl did not know if it was a dream or not? But all the same, she put on and combed the dolls, washed the toys, finished the book, put the books on the shelves so that the closet could stand easily, sewed up the trousers, cleaned the handbags. Too much she wanted her things to think well of her.

Tale from Tsybulko Nastya

There was a knight somewhere far away. He loved a very beautiful princess. But she didn't love him. Once she told him: "If you fight the dragon, then I will love you."

The knight began to fight the dragon. He called his horse and said: "Help me defeat the strong dragon."

And the horse was magical. When the knight asked him, he flew higher and higher.

When the battle began, the horse took off and pierced the dragon's heart with a sword.

Then the princess fell in love with the prince. They had children. When the sons grew up, the father-prince gave the horse to them. The sons fought on this horse. Everything was fine with them, and they all lived happily ever after.

Tale from Parvatkina Dasha

Sonya and the golden nut.

There was a girl in the world, her name was Sonya. In the fall, she went to school.

Early one morning Sonya went out for a walk. An old oak tree stood in the middle of the park. A swing tire hung from an oak branch. Sonya always rocked on this swing. As always, she sat down on this swing and began to swing. And suddenly something fell on her head. It was a nut ... a golden nut! Sonya took it and examined it carefully. It really was all gold. People began to pay attention to Sonya. She got scared and threw the nut, but realized what a mistake she had made: the nut cracked, turned gray and rusty. Sonya was very upset and put the splinters in her pocket. Suddenly she heard someone talking upstairs. Looking up, Sonya saw a squirrel. Yes, yes, the squirrels were talking. One of them jumped down to Sonya and asked:

What is your name?

Me - Sonya. Can squirrels speak?

That's funny! The squirrel itself, and even asks if squirrels speak!

I'm not a squirrel! I am a girl!

Well, okay, then look in the puddle, girl!

Sonya looked into the puddle and turned pale. She was a squirrel!

How did it happen?

You must have broken a golden nut!

How can I become a girl back?

Go to the old oak tree. A learned owl lives there. If you beat him in an argument, he will give you a silver nut. Break it and get home as a girl. Take my little squirrel - he knows the answers to all the owl's questions.

Sonya took the squirrel and climbed the oak tree. She climbed for a long time and even fell 3 times. Sonya climbed onto a massive large branch where the learned owl was sitting.

Hello squirrel!

Hello, uncle owl! I need a silver nut!

Okay, I'll give you a nut if you beat me in an argument.

They argued for a long time, and the squirrel from the Sleepy Tail prompted everything.

Okay, take a nut, you beat me!

Sonya jumped off the oak tree, thanked the squirrel, and broke a nut.

Sonya returned home as a girl, and from that day she fed the squirrels.

Tale from Lieberman Slava.

Chapter I

Once upon a time there was a knight, his name was Glory. Once the king called him and said:

We have many knights, but you are the only one so strong. You have to deal with the sorcerer, he is very strong. On your way there will be ghosts and his monsters, they are all strong.

Okay, I'll go, just give me the sword.

Let's give.

I went.

With God!

The knight took the sword and went to the sorcerer. He walks along the road, sees - ghosts are standing in front of him on the road. They began to attack him, and the knight fought back as best he could. The knight defeated them all the same and went on. Goes, goes and saw a monster. And his knight won. He finally came to his goal - to the sorcerer. Slava fought with the sorcerer and won. Glory came to the king and said:

I defeated him!

Well done! Here's your reward - 10 chests of gold.

I do not need anything, and you will keep the gold for yourself.

Well, okay, go, go.

Our brave man went home and fell asleep. He woke up at dawn and saw a sorcerer with ghosts. He defeated them again. Now all the bad creatures are afraid of him.

Chapter II

Many years have passed, the knight has become much stronger. He began to notice that he was being robbed. He went to look for thieves, went through the forest, the desert and found robbers, and there were five of them. He fought with them, only the leader remained. Defeated the knight and the leader with one stroke of the sword and returned home.

Chapter III

Once a knight went on reconnaissance to the robbers, and there were 50 of them. Suddenly the robbers noticed the dragon. The robbers fled in fear. Glory rushed to the dragon, the battle began. The battle went on for a week. The dragon has lost. Evening came. Our hero went to bed. And he dreamed of a sorcerer.

Did you think you got rid of me? I will gather an army and take over the country! Ha ha ha!

And disappeared.

And so it happened. The war began. We fought for a long time. But our country won! The knight returned home! And everyone healed happily.

Tale from Konokhova Nadya

Curious fly.

Once upon a time there was a fly. She was so curious that she often got into trouble. She decided to find out who the cat was and flew in search of him. Suddenly I saw a big ginger cat in one house on the window. He lay and basked in the sun. A fly flew up to the cat and asks:

Mr. cat, can I ask you what your name is, and what do you eat?

Meow! I am a domestic cat Murkot, I catch mice in the house, I like to eat sour cream and sausage, - the cat answers.

“I wonder if he is my friend or enemy?” Thought the fly and began to ask further.

Do you eat flies?

I don't know, I need to think about it. Fly in tomorrow, I will answer you.

A curious fly arrived the next day and asked:

You thought?

Yes, - the cat answered slyly, - I don't eat flies.

Suspecting nothing, the fly flew closer to the cat and again began to ask its questions:

And who are you most afraid of, my dear Murcot?

O! Most of all I am afraid of dogs!

Do you like fruits?

Are there too many questions, dear fly? - asked the cat and, grabbing it with two paws, put it in his mouth and ate it. So the curious fly is gone.

Tale from Misha Dubrovenko


Snowflake was born high in the sky in a big cloud.

Grandma Cloud, why do we need Winter?

To cover the ground with a white blanket, to hide from the wind and frost.

Oh, grandmother, - Snowflake was surprised, - I'm small, and the Earth is huge! How am I going to cover her?

The land is big, but alone, and you have millions of sisters, ”said Cloud and shook her apron.

The air blinked, snowflakes flew to the garden, to the house, to the yard. They fell and fell until they covered all the light.

And the Wind didn't like the snow. Before it was possible to scatter everything, but now everything is hidden under the snow!

Well, I'll show you! - the Wind whistled and began to blow snowflakes from the Earth.

It blew, blew, but only the snow transfers from one place to another. So it was a verse of annoyance.

Then Frost got down to business. And the snowflake sisters pressed one to the other more closely, so they waited for the Spring.

Spring has come, the sun has warmed, millions of blades of grass have grown on the Earth.

And where did the snowflakes go?

And nowhere! Early in the morning, there is a dewdrop on every blade of grass. These are our snowflakes. They shine, shimmer - millions of little suns!

Tale from Mamedova Parvana

Once upon a time there was a merchant. He had two daughters. The first was named Olga, and the second Elena. Once a brother came to the merchant, and the merchant said to him:

How are you?

I'm fine. And Elena and Olga are picking berries in the forest.

Meanwhile, Olga left her sister in the forest, and she returned home. She told her father that the merchant began to grieve.

After a while, the merchant heard that his daughter was alive, that she was a queen and that she had two sons of a hero. The merchant came to his daughter Elena, she told him the whole truth about his sister. In anger, the merchant ordered his servants to execute his first daughter.

And they began to live with Elena - to live and make good money.

Tale from Ruslan Israpilov

Golden bird

Once upon a time there lived a master with a lady. And they had a son, Ivan. The boy was hardworking, helping both mom and dad.

Once the master asked Ivan to go with him into the forest for mushrooms. The boy went into the forest and got lost. The master and his wife were waiting for him, but they did not wait.

Night has come. The boy walked where his eyes were looking, and suddenly he saw a small house. He went there and saw Cinderella there.

Can you help me find my way home?

Take this golden bird, it will tell you where to go.

Thank you.

The boy went after the bird. And the bird was invisible during the day. One day the boy fell asleep, and, waking up, could not find the bird. He was upset.

While the boy was sleeping, he grew up and turned into Ivan Petrovich. A beggar grandfather met him:

Let me help you, I will take you to the king.

They came to the king. And he says to them:

There is something for you, Ivan Petrovich, take the magic sword and the royal supplies and cut off the dragon's head, then I will show you the way home.

Ivan agreed, went to the dragon. There was a high stone staircase next to the dragon. Ivan figured out how to outwit the dragon. Ivan quickly ran up the stone stairs, jumped on top of the dragon. The dragon shook all over, threw back his head, and at that moment Ivan chopped off his head.

Ivan returned to the tsar.

Well done, Ivan Petrovich, - said the king, - this dragon ate everyone, and you killed him. Here's a card for that. On it you will find your way home.

Ivan came home and saw that mom and dad were sitting and crying.

I'm back!

Everyone was delighted and hugged.

Tale from Katya Petrova

The tale of a man and a wizard.

Once upon a time there was a man. He lived poorly. Once he went into the forest for brushwood and got lost. For a long time he wandered through the forest, it was already dark. Suddenly he saw a fire. He went there. Looks, there is no one around the fire. There is a hut nearby. He knocked on the door. Nobody opens it. A man entered the hut, and found himself in a completely different place - instead of a dark forest, a fabulous island with emerald trees, fabulous birds and beautiful animals. A man walks around the island, cannot be surprised. Night fell, he went to bed. In the morning I went on. He sees a falcon sitting by a tree, cannot take off. A man approached the falcon and saw an arrow in his wing. The man pulled the arrow out of the wing and kept it for himself, and the falcon says:

You saved me! From now on, I will help you!

Where am I?

This is the island of a very evil king. He loves nothing but money.

How can I get back home?

There is a magician Hades who can help you. Come on, I'll take you to him.

They came to Hades.

What do you want?

How can I get home?

I will help you, but you must fulfill my order - to get the rarest herbs. They grow on an unknown mountain.

The man agreed, went to the mountain, saw there a stuffed animal with a sword, which guarded the mountain.

The falcon says, "This is the king's guard!"

A man stands and does not know what to do, and the falcon throws a sword at him.

The man grabbed the sword and began to fight with the scarecrow. He fought for a long time, and the falcon did not doze, clutched at the face of the scarecrow with its claws. The man wasted no time, swung and hit the scarecrow so that the scarecrow shattered into 2 parts.

The man took the grass and went to the wizard. Hades was already waiting. The man gave him the grass. Hades began to brew the potion. Finally he cooked it, sprinkled the potion all over the island and said, "Get lost, king!"

The king disappeared, and Hades rewarded the man - sent him home.

The man returned home rich and happy.

Tale from Denis Loshakov

How the fox stopped being lazy

Three brothers lived in the same forest. One of them did not like to work very much. When the brothers asked him to help them, he tried to come up with a reason to get away from work.

One day a volunteer clean-up was announced in the forest. Everyone hurried to work, and our little fox decided to run away. He ran to the river, found a boat and set sail. The boat was carried downstream and out to sea. Suddenly a storm began. The boat capsized, and our fox was washed ashore on a small island. There was no one around, and he was very frightened. The little fox realized that now he would have to do everything himself. Get your own food, build a dwelling and a boat to get home. Gradually, everything began to work out for him, as he tried very hard. When the fox built a boat and got home, everyone was very happy, and the fox realized that this adventure served him as a good lesson. He never hid from work again.

Tale from Fomina Lera

Katya in a fairy land

In one city there lived a girl named Katya. Once she went for a walk with her friends, saw a ring on the swing and put it on her finger.

And suddenly she found herself in a forest clearing, and in the clearing there were three paths.

She went to the right and came out into the same clearing. I went to the left, saw a hare and asked him 6

Where did I go?

To a magical land, - the hare answers.

She walked straight ahead and went out to the big castle. Katya entered the castle and saw that around the king his servants were running back and forth.

What happened, Your Highness? Katya asks.

Koschey the Immortal stole my daughter, - the king replies, - If you return her to me, I will return you home.

Katya returned to the clearing, sat down on a tree stump and thought about how to help her out with the princess. A hare rode up to her:

What are you thinking about?

I am thinking how to save the princess.

Send her out to help her out.


They walk, and the hare says:

I heard recently that Koschey is afraid of the light. And then Katya figured out how to save the princess.

They reached the hut on chicken legs. We entered the hut - the princess was sitting at the table, and Koschey was standing next to her. Katya came up to the window, pulled the curtains, and Koschey melted. One cloak remained from him.

The princess hugged Katya with joy:

Thank you very much.

They returned to the castle. The king was delighted and returned Katya home. And everything became fine with her.

Tale from Musaelyan Arsen

The prince and the three-headed dragon

Once upon a time there was a king who had three sons. They lived very well until the invincible came to themthree-headed dragon. The dragon lived on a mountain in a cave and brought fear to the whole city.

The king decided to send his eldest son to kill the dragon. The dragon swallowed the eldest son. Then the king sent the middle son. He swallowed it too.

The youngest son went to the fight. The closest path to the mountain was through the forest. He walked for a long time through the forest and saw a hut. In this hut, he decided to wait out the night. The prince went into the hut and saw the old wizard. The old man had a sword, but he promised to give it back in exchange for the moon grass. And this herb grows only at Baba Yaga. And the prince went to Baba Yaga. While Baba Yaga was sleeping, he picked up the moon grass and came to the wizard.

The prince took the sword, killed the three-headed dragon and returned to the kingdom with his brothers.

Tale from Fedorov Ilya

Three heroes

In ancient times, people were poor and earned their living by their labor: plowing, land, raising livestock, etc. And the Tugars (mercenaries from other lands) periodically attacked villages, took away livestock, stole and robbed. Leaving, they burned their crops, houses and other buildings behind them.

At this time, a hero was born and named Alyosha. He grew up strong and helped everyone in the village. Once he was instructed to deal with the tugars. And Alyosha says: "I cannot cope with a large army alone, I will go to other villages for help." He put on armor, took a sword, mounted a horse and set off.

Having entered one of the villages, he learned from the local residents that the hero Ilya Muromets lived here with incredible strength. Alyosha went to him. He told Ilya about the tugar raids on the villages and asked for help. Ilya agreed to help. Putting on their armor and taking a spear, they set off.

On the way, Ilya said that a hero named Dobrynya Nikitich lived in a neighboring village, who would also agree to help them. Dobrynya met the heroes, listened to their story about the tugar tricks, and the three of them went to the tugar camp.

On the way, the heroes figured out how to go unnoticed through the guards and take their leader prisoner. Approaching the camp, they changed into tugar clothes and in this way carried out their plan. Tugarin got scared and asked for forgiveness in exchange for the fact that he would no longer attack their villages. They believed him and let him go. But the Tugarin did not keep his word and continued raiding the villages with even greater cruelty.

Then three heroes, having gathered an army from the inhabitants of the villages, attacked the tugar. The battle lasted for many days and nights. Victory was for the villagers, as they fought for their lands and families, and they had a strong will to win. Tugars, frightened by such an onslaught, fled to their distant country. And in the villages, a peaceful life continued, and the heroes went about their former good deeds.

Tale from Danila Terentyev

Unexpected meeting.

In one kingdom lived the queen alone with her daughter. And in the neighboring kingdom lived a king with his son. One day the son went out into the clearing. And the princess went out into the clearing. They met and became friends. But the queen did not allow her daughter to be friends with the prince. But they were secretly friends. Three years later, the queen learned that the princess was friends with the prince. For 13 years the princess was imprisoned in a tower. But the king appeased the queen and married her. And the prince is on the princess. They lived happily ever after.

Tale from Katya Smirnova

Alyonushka's Adventures

Once upon a time there was a peasant, and he had a daughter named Alyonushka.

Once a peasant went hunting and left Alyonushka alone. She grieved, she grieved, but there was nothing to do, she had to live with the cat Vaska.

Somehow Alyonushka went into the forest to pick mushrooms, but to pick berries and got lost. She walked, walked and came across a hut on chicken legs, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut. Alyonushka was scared, wanted to run, but nowhere. Owls sit in the trees, and wolves howl behind the swamps. Suddenly the door creaked, and Baba Yaga appeared on the threshold. Crochet nose, crooked claws, dressed in rags and says:

Fu, fu, fu, it smells of the Russian spirit.

And Alyonushka answered: "Hello, grandmother!"

Well, hello, Alyonushka, come in if you came.

Alyonushka slowly entered the house and was dumbfounded - human skulls were hanging on the walls, and a carpet of bones on the floor.

Well, what are you standing for? Come in, light the stove, cook dinner, and if you don't, I'll eat you.

Alyonushka obediently lit the stove and prepared dinner. Baba Yaga ate her fill and says:

Tomorrow I will leave for the whole day on my business, and you keep an eye on the order, and if you disobey, I will eat you, - I went to bed and began to snore. Alyonushka began to cry. A cat came out from behind the stove and said:

Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you get out of here.

The next morning Baba Yaga left and left Alyonushka alone. The cat got off the stove and says:

Come on, Alyonushka, I'll show you the way home.

She went with the cat. They walked for a long time, came out into a clearing, they saw - the village was visible in the distance.

The girl thanked the cat for her help and they went home. The next day, my father came from hunting, and they began to live and live, and make good money. And the cat Vaska lay on the stove, sang songs and ate sour cream.

Tale from Kirsanova Lisa

Lizina's tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sveta. She had two girlfriends Khakhalya and Babab, but no one saw them, and everyone thought it was just a child's fantasy. Mom asked Sveta to help and before she had time to look around, everything was cleaned up, ironed, and asked in surprise:

Daughter, how did you quickly cope with all the matters?

Mom, I'm not alone! Khakhalya and Bababa help me.

Enough to invent! How can! What kind of fantasies? What Hahalya? What Bababa? You've already grown!

Sveta paused, lowered her head and went to her room. She waited a long time for her friends, but they never showed up. The very tired girl fell asleep in her crib. At night, she had a strange dream, as if her friends were captured by the evil sorceress Clumsy. In the morning, everything fell out of Sveta's hands.

What happened? - asked my mother, but Sveta did not answer. She was very worried about the fate of her friends, but could not admit it to her mother.

A day passed, then a second ...

One night Sveta woke up and was surprised to see the door, which was shining against the background of the wall. She opened the door and found herself in magic forest... Things were scattered around, broken toys were scattered around, there were unmade beds, and Sveta immediately guessed that this was the possession of the witch. Sveta went along the only free path to rescue her friends.

The path led her to a large dark cave. The light was very afraid of the dark, but she overcame her fear and went into the cave. She reached the metal bars and saw her friends behind the bars. The lattice was closed with a large, large lock.

I will definitely save you! Just how to open this lock?

Khakhalya and Bababa said that the Witch Lamented threw the key somewhere in the forest. Sveta ran along the path to look for the key. She wandered for a long time among the abandoned things, until suddenly she saw the tip of a key gleaming under a broken toy.

Hurray-ah-ah! - Sveta shouted and ran to open the grate.

Waking up in the morning, she saw her friends near the bed.

How glad I am that you are with me again! Let everyone think that I am an inventor, but I know that you really are !!!

Tale from Ilya Borovkov

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vova. One day he became seriously ill. Whatever the doctors did, he didn't get better. One night, after another visit to the doctors, Vova heard his mother crying quietly by his bed. And he vowed to himself that he would definitely get better, and his mother would never cry.

After taking another medication, Vova fell asleep soundly. An incomprehensible noise woke him up. Opening his eyes, Vova realized that he was in the forest, and a hare was sitting next to him and eating a carrot.

“Well, woke up? The hare asked him.

Can you talk?

Yes, I can also dance.

And where am I? How did I get here?

You are in the forest in the land of dreams. An evil sorceress carried you here, ”the hare answered, continuing to chew the carrot.

But I need to go home, my mother is waiting for me there. If I don't come back, she will die of melancholy, - Vova sat down and cried.

Don't cry, I'll try to help you. But a difficult road awaits you. Get up, have breakfast with berries and let's go.

Vova wiped away his tears, got up, had breakfast with berries. And their journey began.

The road passed through swamps, deep forests. They had to wade across rivers. Towards evening they went out into the clearing. There was a small house in the clearing.

What if she eats me? - Vova asked the hare, frightened.

Maybe he will, but only if you don't solve her three riddles, - said the hare and disappeared.

Vova was left all alone. Suddenly a window in the house opened, and a witch looked out.

Well, Vova are you standing there? Come into the house. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Vova, bowing his head, entered the house.

Sit down at the table, we'll have supper now. I suppose you got hungry all day?

Won't you eat me?

Who told you that I eat children? I suppose a hare? Ah, you wretch! I'll catch it and eat it with pleasure.

And he also said that you will tell me three riddles, and if I guess them, then you will return me home?

The hare did not lie. But if you do not guess them, you will remain in my service forever. You sing, and then we'll start making riddles.

Vova could easily solve the first and second riddles. And the third, the last, was the most difficult. Vova thought he would never see his mother again. And then he realized what the witch had guessed. Vova's answer made the witch very angry.

I will not let you in, you will still remain in my service.

With these words, the sorceress crawled under the bench for a rope lying under it. Vova, without hesitation, rushed out of the house. And he ran, that there is urine from the house of the witch, wherever his eyes were looking. He kept running and running forward, afraid to look back. At some point, the ground from under Vova's feet seemed to disappear, he began to fall into an infinitely deep hole. Vova screamed out of fear and closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was lying in his bed, and his mother was sitting next to him and stroking him on the head.

You screamed a lot at night, I came to calm you down, ”his mother told him.

Vova told his mother about his dream. Mom laughed and left. Vova threw back the blanket and saw a bitten carrot there.

From that day on, Vova went on the mend, and soon he went to school, where his friends were waiting for him.

Everything in life changes - one story is replaced by another. Stories can be funny, ridiculous, instructive. And also fabulous. In fairy tales, animals talk, think, wonder, dream. Short fairy tales about animals invite us to a world in which everything is a little different.

Fairy tale "Good deed of a bear cub"
Bear Mick really wanted to grow up. He tried to growl like a real bear, tried to eat more honey, but he was still seated with other cubs at the children's table.

- Take your time, you will have time to grow up, - mother said to the bear cub.

- When? - Mick did not calm down.

He did not hear an answer. Frustrated, Mick went to wander through the woods. And suddenly I saw a small lump that was floundering on the path.

“This is the son of a finch,” the bear muttered. He climbed a tree and delivered the baby to his parents.

And in the evening at home, the bear cub heard the words of his mother:

- Mick is already quite big. He learned to do good deeds. Let's give him an adult cup, ”Mom said to Dad.

Dad and Mick looked at each other cheerfully. Of course, the Pope agreed.

A fairy tale about a hamster and a chipmunk
Once a hamster met a sad chipmunk.

- Why are you so sad?

- And I was born that way, sad. I am never cheerful.

- Let's make up all sorts of funny stories, - suggested the hamster.

- Come on, - said the chipmunk sadly. - You are the first to invent.

- Once I go, I look, and the wasp drinks water from the lake. I've already drunk half of the lake, - said the hamster in a cheerful voice and laughed.

And the chipmunk cried:

- I feel sorry for the fish living in the lake. Okay, now it's my turn.

- I go somehow, and a bucket flies towards me, and the stars are sleeping in the bucket.

Then the hamster began to laugh. The chipmunk broke down and began to laugh too.

- Well, - said the hamster, - I did my good deed: I found a cure for your sadness. And you, it turns out, are great at composing!

Chipmunk hardly listened to the hamster. He was so glad he could laugh!

Fairy tale about a hare and a gopher
Once a gopher came to visit a hare.

- He sleeps without hind legs, - said the mother-hare about the hare.

The gopher quickly left. He was frightened - yesterday he and the hare were playing, running, and today he sleeps without hind legs. And where did the legs go?

The gopher decided to tell his mother about his fear.

- Silly, it's just a bunny sleeping very soundly, - explained my mother. - Without hind legs - it means sleeping soundly, deep sleep.

- Hurray, - said the gopher. - The bunny is all right. Both his hind and front legs are working as they should. And with the Russian language, apparently, I have some difficulties. I'd better study at the Forestry School!