How to learn English on your own. How to Learn English Fast: Five Proven Ways. "Teacher Method" - a step-by-step course for children and adults

Learning a foreign language can be a real roller coaster:

Joyful and full of delight ups are waiting for you.

Falls ... And we will help you avoid falls! 🙂

Regardless of whether you are starting to learn English on your own from scratch, or you want to improve the knowledge you already have in your baggage - these simple ways will be useful to everyone!

Moreover, you don't even have to leave the house - you can sit at home in your pajamas, drink aromatic tea and put into practice what you are learning now ... and then be surprised at your results with a smile!

7 Simple Ways to Learn English at Home on the Sofa in Pajamas :-)

  1. Step one:

Organize your goals.

Be clear: what kind of English do you want to learn?

Colloquial? Writing? Or is it very important for you to read it and understand what you read?

If you are going to travel abroad, then you need just spoken English. Ability to write in a language like Shakespeare, you, of course, like a hare stop light :-) [no need!]

And if you want to move abroad, find a job there, then you need to be 100% proficient in all 4 aspects of the language: speaking, reading, understanding, and writing.

We all have different goals, unlike others. What is interesting and necessary for you?

  1. Step two:

Find your favorite tutorial / video course / lessons for distance learning.

After you have decided on your main goals (see paragraph above), you need to take the bull by the horns. And find the most suitable way for you to self-study.

The very ass video lessons are a lifesaver for learning a language at home.

For both adults and children!

Everyone knows that their main and indisputable advantage is that during the video lessons we see, hear, read, record and speak English!

Today you can use them both for a fee and for free.

In free access, information is usually “torn”, that is, it is presented in “pieces”. Like Napoleon cake - you get your 1-2 pieces, but not the whole cake :-)

Paid videos are known for doing the full system there. In good systems, everything is built step by step, explained in an accessible and simple way.

That is, here you already get just the whole Napoleon :-)

  1. Step three:

When learning English from scratch, choose a professional Russian-speaking teacher!

That's right, cool. For those who continue. And the surest way to nowhere for beginners.

Hundreds and hundreds of students, water Stirring with the desire to conquer a foreign language, they immediately rushed into the pool headlong, choosing courses / lessons of a native speaker.

So to speak, immediately "plunged into Wednesday."

And shed bitter tears. Or they threw textbooks in anger :-)

"How so?"- you probably ask.

If you are just starting to learn English and know quite a few words, then you ...

At first, you just don't understand most of what a native speaker will tell you;

He will not be able to explain to you the translations of many words and the peculiarities of grammar. Why in Russian so, and in English that way.

Secondly, due to complete misunderstanding, your desire to practice will quickly melt, like butter in a hot frying pan!

Verified by hundreds of students.


Find Rus a linguistic teacher who is fluent in English and knows how to teach it.

He will be able to explain to you, as a beginner, all the important nuances of the language and will guide you by the hand through the first, basic and most important steps of learning.

Will give you a base, explaining it easily and simply.

And, of course, in a good video course of a Russian-speaking teacher, a training session with native speakers awaits you. You will listen to them, answer questions, ask your own. But this practice will be dosed to suit your level. Immersing you in the language easily and smoothly, effectively and with pleasure.

Watch the English lesson for beginners with Oksana's explanations and training with a native speaker:

  1. Step four:

Start processing your "cake"!

So you've chosen the right video (or maybe audio) course. Fine.

It's time to study it.

Like the big, kilogram Napoleon cake, the English course needs to be "processed" a little.

If you try to swallow it all at once, indigestion can occur! (best case scenario:-))

Of course, of course, you want to master the language here, now, and quickly. But!

Spur your horse and decide on your speed.

Do you need to know the language very soon? Time doesn’t wait?

Then watch and work on 1 video (hourly) per day. No more!

Remember, if you immediately start "grabbing everything at once", the same mess will start in your head :-)

  1. Step five.

Talk to yourself.

Yes, you got it right :-)

You only need to speak English 🙂

Your articulation apparatus must become accustomed to foreign sounds.

By repeating out loud newly learned words, expressions and constructions, you not only get used to this language, but also remember what you have learned better!

When doing household chores, imagine situations in which you will communicate and say out loud what you would say to your foreign interlocutor!

The effect will surprise you! 🙂

  1. Step six:

Train as if you will become the President of the United States tomorrow :-)

Bruce Lee once said: “I'm not afraid of someone who studies 10,000 different strikes. I am afraid of someone who studies one hit 10,000 times.»

Only by repeating and practicing one topic a hundred times can you become a champion in English.

Take your time to find out and learn everything. Practice each "beat", each grammatical topic over and over again, without fear of repetition. The language is forgotten for one or two, so every word, every topic should be brought to automatism.

Many do not know about this, or forget it. And then they have to re-learn everything, because once they seriously missed something.

Remember this important point, and practice each stroke, bringing it to automaticity. So that if you are woken up in the middle of the night and asked to translate: "I want ice cream, shake hands with Jason Stetchen and an apartment in Hollywood", you could translate it right away! 🙂

  1. Step seven:

The clock is the shepherd of time. Remember him!

Have you noticed how every year, it seems, time flies faster and faster?

Remember that time will pass. Anyway. 1 year, 5 years, 20 years ...

And it depends only on you where you invest your time and what will happen to you in n-th number of years.

Will you stay where you are without advancing your knowledge of the language by a single millimeter?

Or will you master it and communicate freely, rejoicing and proud of your results?

Good afternoon, dear readers! I fulfill my promise for a long time: I share the methods of learning English from my personal experience.

And I will not start with theory, no! I'll start with such a thing as staging goals and motivation... These are the very things without which even the most talented student of foreign languages ​​will not be able to put a couple of thousand words in his head, and if he can, then not for long. I tested all the presented methods on myself, so you should not consider the article unfounded, but useful links after the useful text below, pleasant learning!

How to start learning English (foreign) language

They tried to teach me English since childhood, starting with relatives and ending with the then fashionable courses "by mail" (Eshko, for example). It would seem that a child learns the material better than an adult, so why, after going through the same circle several times, I still have nothing left in my head, except for a couple of simple phrases and a few words?

I would not say that I had absolutely no desire to learn English, rather, on the contrary, I did, but these desires boiled down to something vague like “it would be nice to know English, Lena knows, but what am I, red-haired?”, “ knowledge of a foreign language is fashionable ", or when I became older," knowledge of the English language is required when applying for a job. " In fact, these are not goals, thoughts of this kind do not create intentions and the initial fuse is enough only for a couple of activities that you exchange for something more attractive at the first opportunity (TV, favorite toys, walking with friends, etc.).

I have tried a lot of different methods and courses, and I can say one thing, if there is no clear motivation / goal for what exactly you are going to learn the language, then even giving a lot of money to the best teachers, you will not learn it. That is, you need to sit down, think and answer yourself clearly, why I want to know a foreign language. Have you thought? And what thoughts came to mind? If something is similar to what is described just above, then it is not worth wasting time. If this is something more serious, then we try.

Another question arises: how to understand whether it is serious or not. The answer is simple: think about whether you can do without a foreign language, if yes, then the goals are not serious, if not, you can work. Examples are always clearer, let's talk about personal experience.

I started my trips, practically not knowing English, in the first couples it was enough that you can exchange basic phrases with the population to show the way, find a roof over your head or buy food. If it was really tight, then she expressed herself with gestures. I would not say that the language barrier hindered me, in any case I got what I needed, even without knowing the language, so there was no strong need for it, but with each trip the desire to learn English grew.

Myanmar became the turning point for me, on the way there I met the same travel lover - Andrey from Germany, who easily spoke "bourgeois". While we traveled around the country, he easily communicated with foreigners and locals, and as a lover of communication, I was limited in this, and could only envy. It was then that I finally decided that I would take up learning English seriously. I originally heard about Pimslere, from him my present began education.

Foreign language learning methods

From all that I "dug up" and "shoveled", I concluded that there are 2 effective methods of learning any language. Which one to choose depends on your mindset and perseverance.

1 way... I would call him child method (or NLP method)... Let's remember exactly how young children learn the language? They do not memorize words and generally have no idea how to build a sentence, which they are trying hard to "cram" into the heads of students in various schools.

A small child just looks after mom and dad, the people around him and tries to repeat what they do and say. In this case, live communication with a native speaker or with an English tutor via Skype is very suitable.

By the way, a good offer from a personalized training program without leaving your home. Especially for blog readers! What if pay for the package before November 2, 2018 then you get discount up to 25%!

And if there is no opportunity to communicate with some foreigner? Then watching movies is fine. Naturally, the film should not be popular science, cartoons are also not suitable, tk. there is no real facial expressions and movements of the human type.

  • it is advisable to choose one that you have already looked at in Russian translation,
  • good diction of the actors (films in translation are not suitable, only the original),
  • maximum emotionality of the characters.

Watching a film in a foreign language, we look at the emotions of the actors, and exactly repeat their dialogues along with facial expressions and movements, while it is desirable to turn off the brain altogether, just repeat and that's it, like children. Such training helps to bring phrases and words straight into the subconscious, and emotions in this case will serve as an anchor to restore them in memory. After a certain period of time, you will be able to speak without hesitation.

And naturally, do not forget about the regularity of "training", preferably at least an hour every day. Unfortunately, I am a little patient, so this technique did not work for me.

2 way... The second is more likely not a method, but an integrated approach. That is, this is the use of techniques for different areas of perception, more specifically, it is self-study using the course, lesson that is suitable for you, plus reading books and watching films in parallel. We will talk about this method in more detail.

Pimsler courses

To begin with, I was very happy Pimsler- this is polyglot, who developed a system for the study of various foreign languages. The course is suitable for learning a language from scratch... Those who already know something will be bored in the first stages, but do not underestimate the "basics". I also wanted to jump over the basics as soon as possible, since I knew many words. However, I had problems with the preparation of sentences, Pimsler just teaches words from the beginning and the composition of phrases when communicating.

The course consists of audio tracks - 90 lessons of 30 minutes each, lessons are compiled with a certain delay of pauses, calculated for correct memorization. Officially in Russia, only the first part of 30 lessons came out, but thanks to the enthusiasts, you can use the remaining 60 lessons, albeit not of the best quality.

At least a day you need to do 1 time, and preferably 2 (morning and evening), however, 2 lessons in a row are strictly forbidden to listen. Each lesson should be completed as many times until you remember everything (at least twice). And do not be lazy, miss what you "kind of" know.

After 30 lessons, you will be able to somehow communicate with foreigners, and after the whole course you will feel even more confident. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to communicate fluently in English.

Instructional videos

Plus to the Pimsler course I found a simple series in English on the Internet. At first glance, the video looks like an ordinary youth series (like "Helen and the Guys", if you remember this one), but in fact it is a training program designed in such a way that many words and phrases can be understood purely subconsciously, since the characters are very emotional and often point to the things they are talking about. The episodes are only 20 minutes long, you can watch it every day, in addition, it is very funny, I recommend it, it is called ExtraEnglish.

For tightening up grammar, I would advise one more video course, aired on the channel "Culture" under the name "Polyglot. English in 16 hours "... The program is structured like a real lesson: the presenter, as a teacher, on the one hand, and little-known actors as students, on the other.

Various grammatical tasks are given right in the "lesson", and if something is not clear, he immediately understands it. Lessons are 40 minutes long, and since the leader-teacher gives 2-3 days to work out the tasks, it is easy to combine them with films of the type described above.

A little about applications for Android systems

I understand that it is very difficult to force myself to do all this, especially if the teacher is “virtual” and cannot give me a “two”. Especially for such "lazy people" as me, they created a cool application for smartphones and tablets on Android OS, is named exactly the same "Polyglot"... Each grammar lesson is exactly based on assignments. video lessons, so everything should be clear.

Want to learn English quickly and easily? If you did not have time to do this at school or you did not have such an opportunity, do not despair! You will be able to speak English very quickly with very little effort if you approach learning English correctly.

Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end ... because in the end, it shows you a whole new world !!! Make an attempt.

Leaving the comfort zone is so difficult at first, chaotic in the middle, but how wonderful at the end ... Because at the end the whole world will open up in front of you in a new way !!! Just give it a try.

In the modern world, there are many ways to learn foreign languages, and sometimes it is not easy for a person to understand this variety of methods, textbooks, schools and approaches. A few simple tips will help you take the first step and choose what is right for you and stay on track.

You can find out more about the Intensive English learning method in the article

English for dummies from scratch. How to start?

The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, but you have the most important thing - strength and desire

How to start learning English?

Learning English from scratch simply won't work, because you already have a certain amount of knowledge in your head. And this is thanks to the many borrowed words ( information, conflict, comfort), brand names ( Tide- clean, Safeguard- protection, Dove- dove), speaking surnames of famous people ( Tina turner(turner), Nicolas cage(cell), names of musical groups ( No doubt(without a doubt), Destiny's Child(child of fate) Spice girls(Peppercorn girls). Not to mention common phrases thank you, hello, yes, ok, wow, which we have been using in Russian colloquial speech for a long time.

Without knowing it, you already know English words and expressions. And this is the first thing that should inspire you! It remains only to direct the already existing knowledge in the right direction.

How to choose a school and an English teacher?

The best option at the initial stage of language acquisition is to find a teacher. According to the famous saying, a disciple is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit. This torch can be lit for you by a teacher, with his sparkle in his eyes and a great desire and ability to teach. The most important thing is that it should be a professional in his field .

“Before you is a layman, if instead of building lively conversational situations, he forces you to perform tasks at the level of meaning, that is, just "drives" you through the textbook. Instead of constantly giving you compliments, encouraging communication, he makes comments, rejoices at your every mistake, if he goes to class without original materials (newspapers, magazines, books, radio programs, etc.), is limited to teaching aids. " Ilya Frank

Russian teacher or native speaker?

And one more wish - to begin with, it should be a Russian-speaking teacher. Only he will be able to understand why you made this or that mistake, explain in simple words complex grammatical phenomena, the difference between words, comparing with the Russian language.

but one teacher is not enough to master the language. In your free time, do additional tasks, repeat the past. Whoever has a desire and interest will definitely do it.

And it is possible that you have motivation, but for some reason you decided to learn English on your own. Be prepared for the fact that this will take much more time and effort, since you will need not only to complete tasks, but also to select and check them yourself! Here are YouTube channels for learning English to help you.

Group English classes in an offline school are a great way to learn the language and meet new people

To clearly understand what needs to be learned, you need to know its structure. Imagine that words (vocabulary) are musicians, each of them can play separately, their instruments emit sounds (phonetics), and in order to organize them into a single orchestra, harmonize them, they need a conductor (grammar).

If the musician does not appear (you don’t know the word), or he comes, but takes false notes (you pronounce it incorrectly), or the conductor gives the wrong command (violate the grammar rule), you will not get a perfect symphony!


Vocabulary, grammar, phonetics are the three pillars on which the language rests. Only by studying them in a complex, you can master and understand the language, sound beautiful and correct.

Learn English words

Suppose a lost tourist does not know grammar, but he knows individual words - me, search, station, or just one word station. Even if he pronounces it with an accent and is not entirely correct and addresses this word to those passing by, then, most likely, they will understand him. But if he does not know how the station speaks English, they will hardly help him. Words are your base, constantly replenish your vocabulary.

The vocabulary of most native English speakers is 12,000-20,000 words, and in order to communicate in English, it is enough to learn 1,500-2,000 words. And this is not so much, especially if you set yourself the goal of learning 5 words every day.

There are many ways to memorize words, long lists of words in textbooks give way to colorful visual dictionaries, videos on the Internet, where words on a specific topic are presented with their image and pronunciation. Or they can be paper cards that you can buy or make yourself.

Flashcards with pictures and translations on the back will help you learn English words quickly.

Let English words surround you! The method of hanging notes with words around the house has proven itself well. Hang a note on the door, window, table with a word denoting this object, and believe me, very soon you will call these objects in English.

From the very beginning, create your own dictionary, in which you will enter all new words and expressions. And in order to make the results more noticeable and have something to praise yourself for - number the written words, highlight them in different colors, depending on how easy or difficult they are for you. Get creative, turn your vocabulary into a unique creative masterpiece! See the video below for a few ideas on how to design a dictionary.

And most importantly: do not learn everything, but only the essentials. Choose priority topics for yourself, such as family, food, shopping, travel. Don't try to embrace the immensity. The language is taught all my life!

Having found the right word in the dictionary, do not be too lazy to look through the entire dictionary entry. There are situations when it is better to learn not a single word, but a whole expression, especially if it sounds different in Russian, for example, to get acquainted with, to be afraid of, to catch a cold... Having memorized such phrases in the whole expression, you will remember them ready-made, like one long word.

Do not forget to repeat the written words from time to time, and then they will be remembered quickly and involuntarily. You can also install mobile applications for learning English words, which are now quite common on the Internet.

Learn English grammar

Grammar cannot be ignored. No matter how supporters of alternative and communication techniques fight against "cramming" grammar rules and boring exercises, grammar rules need to be taught and trained. At the initial stage of the study, it will be easier for you to learn a ready-made rule and exceptions than to identify patterns on your own.

However, learning grammar should not be an end in itself. To consolidate the learned grammatical material, combine it with vocabulary. For example, after learning, compose a story about your family or work day, having mastered the degree of comparison of adjectives - describe the weather forecast yesterday and today, having studied the adverbs of quantity - write a recipe for your favorite dish.

Practice leads to excellence

Strengthen the knowledge gained in practice in all forms: reading, listening, writing, speaking. If you miss at least one link in this chain, you run the risk of not overcoming the language barrier.

It should be simple articles and news. Or adapted literature, where at first intricate constructions, unnecessary at first, are excluded, there are explanations and exercises for reading comprehension. It is convenient to read books in electronic form with an electronic dictionary, because it is enough to point to an unfamiliar word and the dictionary will provide you with a translation, which is much easier in comparison with a paper dictionary.

Learn English by listening

It can be news, podcasts for beginners, stories. Use passive listening from time to time with English in the background. Believe me, the information will be remembered at a subconscious level.

Try to repeat what you hear from native speakers, imitating intonation and pronunciation. You can see an example of intuitive word memorization by watching the video.

Also listen to English songs, catch individual words, develop a language guess. It is especially helpful to start with simple songs where lines or structures are repeated. For example, thanks to the song "All at once" (auth. Lenka) you will learn how to compare:

It is quite possible to repeat these lines even for a beginner, and by humming them, you train your pronunciation and will be able to transform your speech.

What to watch for a start?

Find your method to learn English comfortably

A good start - won't make you a fluent speaker yet. The tongue, like a plant, requires care, water it every day: read, listen, write, speak! And only then will it bear fruit.

Find your own path to the goal. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Try to think in English, describe everything that surrounds you. Let it be individual words at first, then phrases, and soon sentences.

French linguist Claude Azjej once said: “Of all the languages ​​on the planet, English is the most flexible and most responsive to changing reality” And it's true! 4000 new words are added to the English language every year!

Try teaching English to someone who knows it worse. Yes, you will not learn anything new, but by explaining to someone else, you will better understand and consolidate your knowledge. You can study together with someone (relative, friend, colleague), make up short dialogues. It will be good if it is a person who is just as eager to master the English language as you are. Perhaps together it will be easier for you to understand.

The main thing is to do it regularly and as often as possible (ideally, every day). Your results depend on how systematically you do it. It's like an athlete who needs to keep fit. Only in this way will you get used to the language. That's right, you need to get used to the language.


The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, it is at this stage that the foundation is laid. You have to overcome the language barrier and believe in yourself or lose the desire to learn the language forever. Remember the simple rules for learning English successfully:

  1. Find not just a teacher, but a professional in your field, if there is no opportunity and desire, be your own teacher.
  2. Practice regularly, do not take on new things without repeating what you have learned.
  3. Train all types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Let English into your life, and it will reciprocate you.
  4. Love what you do, so that learning the language becomes a part of your life and brings pleasure. With the right methods and materials, it won't be difficult! Good luck!

In contact with

The FIFA World Cup held in Russia this summer has once again proved that it's time to learn a foreign language. How much can you use sign language? But there are more than a dozen small problems associated with English that is not fully taught at school. Either you have to wait for the translation of a new episode of your favorite show, then registration at a hotel abroad takes an extra half hour.

So you've made the decision to take a couple of hours a week out of your busy schedule and finally learn English. Once and for all. But which side to approach? Either pull an old school textbook from the balcony, or sign up for another fashionable course with a "unique" method.

MIR 24 decided to collect five effective (and proven) ways to quickly learn a language. These tips can be used instead of studying in an expensive "English school", and together with it, to consolidate the material.

Method number 1. Good old stickers

The language was taught by the old school polyglots. This is especially true for those who, as it seems at first glance, have absolutely no time for classes. The method is simple: buy yourself some adhesive stickers, write them down in English words and glue them on the corresponding items in the house.

Let's go cut ourselves a sausage sandwich before bed - be sure to note that the refrigerator is marked with a sticker Fridge... You will have to wield an item with a signature Knife, and you can put a ready-made sandwich on Plate... After a week of repetitions, remember exactly.

When your level rises above everyday words, write down all the English words you encounter on the stickers. From signs, from the names of brands, after all, from the conversations of foreigners overheard in the subway. Stickers with words and their translation can be hung right at the workplace. So that they often catch your eye. Distracted for a second - and caught the next word with his eyes. For people with photographic memory, the method is ideal. So you can expand your passive vocabulary even at the computer in the office, at least at the lathe at the factory. The main thing is that the work does not interfere.

Method number 2. Look for associations

Languages, especially European languages, can be untangled like a spider's web. All the same, in most cases we will come to Latin or Ancient Greek. And there are still hundreds of borrowed words. From English to Russian or along a more complex path: through French or German. Finding a match is obtained even at the initial level of knowledge of the language.

Word Fruit differs from our "fruit" by only one letter. Is it so hard to remember Brother with our "brother"? In fact, the deeper you immerse yourself in a foreign language, the more similar patterns you find. And now English-language texts are not so scary when in each sentence one comes across a word form similar to the Russian-language one.

Method number 3. One on one with native speakers

They will tell you about this everywhere. Well, what can you do if this is the case: the best way to learn a language is to constantly communicate with native speakers. If you are still young and not burdened with family expenses and loans, drop everything and go to study abroad. Fortunately, in almost every English-speaking country there is a wide system of grants, so you don't even have to pay.

If you put yourself in a situation in which you can't learn a language - it's like doom yourself to death by starvation - sooner or later information will start to creep into your head. And now, after a couple of months, they no longer laugh funny in their own language, but speak the same language with you.

In our age, there is an option and more budgetary: turn on your computer or smartphone and go to the English-language thematic forums. For example, on "Game of Thrones" or World of Warcraft. Try to spend more time there, but not only read other people's messages, but also express your own opinion more often. Of course, in English. Believe me, in most cases, you won't even get a word for bad grammar. And if they still give advice, it is worth only to thank and listen.

Method number 4. For social anxiety

Well, well, it really happens that the fear of communication is transformed into a kind of phobia. And you seem to know what needs to be said, but abroad you cannot squeeze words out of yourself. I will say right away: someday this barrier will have to be overcome. But you can postpone this event on the back burner if you use the method of teaching through series and films.

It's very simple: watch your favorite The Walking Dead or the new Star Wars series exclusively in the original. For a start - with Russian-language subtitles. In large cities, there are always at least a couple of cinemas that show films in English. You just need to search the Internet. There you can easily find subtitles for almost all existing media content: from stand-up shows to new videos of your favorite blogger.

The next step is to watch English-language films with English subtitles. This will help you read what you couldn't hear. Text transcripts of movies and TV series can be downloaded from specialized sites, and streaming platforms like Netflix provide subtitles for each video by default. By the way, popular English-speaking bloggers, in connection with the rules Youtube, too, are forced to decrypt all their videos.

The alternative is books. You can start with works with parallel translation (according to Ilya Frank's method) and simple fairy tales, then move on to translations of Russian classics into English, and finally, start serious literature. The trick is to enjoy the book in the first place, and secondarily to perceive reading as learning a language.

Method number 5. English by songs

This is the most difficult option and must be treated with caution. But he can help someone to learn English. We all listen to foreign music in one way or another. Russian President sings Blueberry hill, the older generation is enjoying The beatles and Queen, and those who are younger study complex texts Eminem.

Take your favorite songs and try to hear all the words, one after the other, without looking into the text. Then translate and remember. Now, when the player will play for the thousandth time Shape of you Ed Sheeran, you can not only sing along, but also simultaneously translate a song about love at first sight.

There are downsides. Songs usually have a lot of wrong grammar - words are rearranged for the sake of rhyme - and the word forms themselves are sometimes too weird. Still, it is worth remembering that the lyrics with their metaphors are seriously different from everyday speech.

Whichever method you choose, the main thing in learning English is constant practice. To learn a language as quickly as possible, you need to combine all these methods and apply them at the same time. Good luck on this difficult and long journey!

You've probably already read hundreds of articles on the Internet on how to learn English on your own and for free. Still not able to achieve the desired level of knowledge? The thing is that many offer theoretical advice without backing it up with practice. So we decided to put together a practical self-study guide. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to learn English without someone's help, explain what materials MUST be used for self-study and what resources can be used additionally so that you will not be bored with learning English at home. You can save yourself a free PDF that lists all 156 resources, and at the end of the article we will give you the editor's choice - a list of the "best of the best" materials.

Is it possible to learn English on your own

Let's first find out whether it is realistic to learn English on your own or is it not worth spending time and energy on this lesson. Let's say right away that it is quite possible to learn English on your own and for free, because there are thousands of learning resources on the Internet that will help you do this. Why is it that not everyone succeeds in mastering the language at the desired level? You probably know people whose self-study has become a waste of time. Or maybe you yourself have already tried unsuccessfully to learn English more than once?

We can confidently say that only three factors determine whether you can learn English on your own:

  1. Your desire to learn a language.
  2. Willingness to work.
  3. An effective way to learn a language.

If both the first and the second factors are present, then it is only for the third link - the ability to find for yourself the most effective way to learn English on your own. This article is precisely designed to solve the problem of the third factor: we will tell you how to organize an effective educational process, what materials you will need.

At the same time, we want to warn you right away: self-study is an interesting process, but not easy, and it is especially difficult for beginners. For those who study the language "from scratch", we still recommend using the services. Under his watchful supervision and expert guidance, you will get around faster than self-study. Do you want to walk this path without anyone's help? We have already written an article on this topic "", but it is aimed specifically at beginners. In the same article, we will share resources for all English learners, so beginners should start by studying the first article and then return to this material.

How to learn English correctly on your own

We've put together 6 simple guidelines for you on how best to learn English on your own. These tips are based on the experiences of our teachers and students. To make self-training effective for you, follow all the recommendations, then positive results will not be long in coming.

1. Set a specific goal

It is on your learning goal that all further actions for independent study of the English language depend. Consider whether you want to master General Conversational or Business English, want to reach the intermediate level, or want to reach the top. You can look at and choose a similar target for yourself. Also, reaching the intermediate level is a great right goal, in which case you will build a good knowledge base. Find out 8 more reasons to get to this step from the article "".

2. Make a class schedule

It would seem that the whole charm of self-study lies precisely in the fact that your English lessons are not tied to any particular moment: you learn the language when it is convenient for you. However, in reality it turns out as in a well-known anecdote. Your conscience torments you: "When are you going to sit down to English?" And you answered her: “Well, no, today I can't, I'm so tired. Let's never. Will it ever suit you? " Agree, it is impossible to learn English with this approach. Therefore, take yourself into a tight knit and make a specific schedule, for example, study for an hour daily or 3-4 times a week for 1.5 hours. Of course, having a schedule will not protect you from procrastination, but you will already know that you have not just “legally postponed the lesson, I'll teach you later,” but skipped it. A gnawing conscience is a good motivator!

3. Select the required resources

As we have already said, we have many sources of knowledge, and such an abundance of useful resources does not always have a positive effect on learning. So, many people decide to learn English and in one day they buy all the available textbooks, bookmark 541 sites for learning English, install 37 applications for learning the language. On the one hand, such zeal is commendable. On the other hand, each textbook and each website has its own principles of presenting the material, so if you study on different resources every day, you risk creating a mess in your head and after a week or two you will realize that you do not know what to do. Below we will provide you with a list of good, time-tested resources for learning English in terms of English proficiency. Take a couple of days to choose no more than 1-2 resources for each skill.

4. Look for an interlocutor

Some people think that English can be learned "offline" using only books, audio and video materials. However, it is not. You can read Agatha Christie in the original and listen to BBC news, but what good is it if you find it difficult to speak English. It is possible to speak the target language only with the help of the interlocutor. Read on to find out how to find a partner to practice speaking.

5. Track your progress

This is an important point for those who decide to learn English on their own at home. Be sure to complete the quiz assignments to track your progress. You can do various online tests, such as tests to determine the level of knowledge. It is important to check your mistakes. It is quite difficult to self-study, so we wrote a helper article "" for you. From it you will learn how to control your learning process.

6. Don't take long breaks in your studies.

Everyone has days when it seems like there is absolutely no time to learn English. In this case, we recommend finding literally 5-10 minutes and performing one of the exercises from the article "". If you still had to take a break in training, try not to drag it out, otherwise the accumulated knowledge will start flying out of your head and you will completely abandon your studies.

How to learn English for free at home: 156 useful materials

And now we present you with the resources you will definitely need to effectively learn English on your own. You will see the entire list of resources in a PDF file that you can save to your computer for free:

  • Grammar book
  • Those who learn English on their own often complain that they cannot learn English grammar. In this case, we recommend taking an additional one to the main textbook, with exercises on grammar. When choosing such a book, be guided by our article "". Go through the tutorial from the first lesson to the last, without skipping anything, then the material will be easier to understand.

  • Vocabulary Expansion Tutorial
  • A good vocabulary will allow you to express your thoughts accurately, so try to constantly learn new words. It is advisable to take new vocabulary not only from your main textbook, but also from specialized manuals. A reliable source of the words you need will be one of the. The practical exercises in these books will teach you how to use the learned words correctly in your speech.

  • Pronunciation guide
  • Correct pronunciation is necessary for the interlocutor to understand you, so this skill also needs to be developed. If, when studying English with a teacher, you can do without a special manual, because the teacher will teach you to pronounce the sounds correctly, then when studying English on your own at home you will need a textbook. Can you pick up one of the following tutorials: English Pronunciation in Use, New Headway Pronunciation Course, Tree or Three? , Ship or Sheep? , How Now, Brown Cow? , Elements of Pronunciation. There you will find many listening and pronunciation exercises.

  • Dictionary
  • A good vocabulary is an indispensable attribute of an English learner. We recommend using a Russian-English online dictionary first, such as or When you reach an intermediate level of knowledge, start using an English-to-English dictionary such as or

    Would you like to use teaching aids? We recommend reading our article "", in which we talked about the benefits of using the manuals, and also indicated who can learn English without them.

    Additional Resources

    The listed textbooks are enough for you to improve your English skills, but sometimes you want to take a break from books and diversify your learning with some interesting materials. We've compiled a selection of the best resources for you to help you learn English on your own.

    1. We speak English
    2. To learn how to communicate in English, you need to try to speak it as often as possible. Where to find a partner for communication? On one of the language exchange sites such as or You will find even more ideas and resources for finding an interlocutor in the article "".

    3. Learning new words

      New vocabulary can be learned not only from the manual, but also using more modern and fun methods:

      • Install word learning apps: Anki for Android and iOS, Easy Ten for and iOS, or Fun Easy Learn English for Android and iOS. Learning 10 words will take no more than 5-7 minutes, we think even a busy person will have time to study with applications.
      • Learn words using visual dictionaries such as or An association with a picture is remembered better and faster than a single word.
      • Run tests on and You can check how well you remember new vocabulary and see how it is used in speech.
      • Solve crosswords:.
    4. Improving your English listening comprehension

      Improving your listening comprehension on your own is quite simple. We recommend the following methods:

      • Listen to audio materials:.
      • Watch news: . You can first watch videos with subtitles, and then without them.
      • Watch exciting training videos and video lectures:.
      • Listen to interesting audiobooks:.
      • Listen to music: .
    5. Improving knowledge of grammar
    6. Remember: without knowing grammar, it is impossible to speak English normally. So let's see what methods, besides the exercises from the textbook, you can use to understand grammar once and for all.

    • Learn grammar using understandable articles in Russian:
    • Run tests:. Performing at least one debriefing test every day will help you gradually eradicate your mistakes.
    • Watch tutorial videos:. Also visit the wonderful resource Pay attention to the videos with the teacher Ronnie: her incendiary sense of humor and fascinating lessons will appeal to even those who hate grammar.
    • Use apps to learn grammar: Johnny Grammar for and iOS or Learn English Grammar for Android and LearnEnglish Grammar for iOS. These simple programs for the gadget will diversify the way to work or a trip to the country.
  • We read in English
  • Reading is the easiest skill to work with on your own. How to do it:

    • Read adapted literature:. Such books can be read by people with a Beginner level and above.
    • Read books in original:.
    • Read fascinating articles:. A small interesting article - the optimal "dose" for those who want to learn English at home on their own.
    • Read the news: install the Yahoo News Digest or BBC News application on your smartphone or tablet, then you will be in the know and can improve your English every day.
    • Read magazines:.
  • Improving pronunciation
  • Improving pronunciation during self-study is not very easy: in order to analyze your speech and find mistakes in it, you need to have experience in learning English and know exactly HOW all sounds should sound. But this difficulty can be dealt with by using the following techniques:

    • Learn to pronounce sounds correctly:.
    • Practice speaking tongue twisters: The site has tongue twisters voiced by native speakers. Pronounce at least a couple of them daily, and your pronunciation will improve in a couple of months, and it will become much easier to pronounce difficult English sounds.
  • We write in English
  • You can learn to write in English without the help of a teacher. The catch is that if you decide to learn English on your own, there will be no one to check your written work. There are services for communicating with foreigners, on these sites they offer something like a language exchange: you check the text in Russian, and a native English speaker checks your written work in English. However, keep in mind that illiterate people can also sit on such sites, so no one can guarantee the reliability of the check. Also, your reviewer will, at best, just correct your mistakes, but not explain them. Therefore, if it is important for you to learn how to write well in English, you should think about lessons with a teacher. In addition, the following will help you:

    • Learn to write correctly: ...
    • Work on pronunciation -.
    • Online dictations -
    • We've brought you a detailed, practical guide on how to learn English on your own and for free, and we've pointed out the best resources to help you succeed in this field. Now it's up to you. This path can be difficult at first, because learning something new is never easy. Remember when you first got on the bike, you probably fell more than once before learning to ride. It will not be easy to "steer English" either, but gradually you will be able to pick up speed and masterfully handle it. We wish you success in your studies!

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