Reference, bibliographic and information services. Involving children and parents in reading books through cooperation with the children's library within the framework of project activities Children's Library leaders of children's reading

Valentina Vlaskina

In the age of the rapid development of computer technology, there is no one for anyone, it is no secret that our children and parents pay very little attention reading books.

The process of communication between the child and book It is the process of becoming a person in him. The influence of fiction on the mental, aesthetic, speech development child. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Conversations with children and analysis parent questionnaires showed that modern parents very little and not often read to children books because of their strong employment or do not read at all. Therefore, the teachers of GBOU NSh SP kindergarten"Sun" was implemented project in preparatory group: "The expansion of the socio-cultural space based on the interaction children's library, kindergarten and family". Much work has been done to develop children sustained interest in fiction as an art form, involving parents. I will dwell on certain points. At the first stage project children visited exciting excursion in library carried out librarian: "Journey to the book kingdom - a wise state".

Work was carried out in the institution, which was aimed at the formation of literary impressions and ideas. Together with parents, and they are our main assistants, the book corner was replenished with the help of the action « book as a gift» . useful form of work initiation of children to fiction is the manufacture of homemade books. The undeniable advantage of homemade books is that children take part in their creation with great interest, repeatedly re-read and leaf through, share their impressions with each other. And the process of creation books with his own hands carries an element of magic.

Parents and children took an active part in making "baby books"

Library staff visited our children's garden and events. The holiday was interesting. "BUT. N. Tolstoy is our countryman» And "The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key" which was performed in a theatrical performance librarians with a quiz, cognitive and outdoor games.

Besides library staff an interesting exciting event dedicated to the work of Agnia was held Barto: "The world where children live" where the children demonstrated their knowledge of the poet's poems, guessed the illustrations for the poems, and took part in a quiz.

The event was also: "Journey through the stories of Nosov N. N." followed by an exhibition children's work: “My favorite hero from the stories of N. N. Nosov”

Conditions for theatrical activities. There are finger, table theaters, bibabo dolls, dressing up corners. Via parents acquired and magnificent costumes were sewn, scenery was created for productions, dramatizations, dramatizations. For children's children's garden was demonstrated production - dramatization « Fly Tsokotukha» children of the preparatory group.

Renovations carried out throughout the year. books: "Knizhkina - hospital". Using technology "brainstorm" the children solved the problem of how to save the trees that are used to make paper? Many versions were listened to, and yet they came to a common opinion - it is more careful to treat book. The children themselves developed the rules for working with book.

Together with the children, attributes were prepared for a role-playing game « Library» which they then enjoyed playing.

Together with parents and children was held "Celebration books» , on which parents demonstrated homework- proverbs and sayings about book; blitz - survey: "About home library»

was interesting for kids video quiz: "Guess the tale". The guys told everyone present the rules of working with book.

Impromptu from parents was a puppet show "Kolobok" and dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok". The children had fun and interesting to look at parents as actors. Children and parents united in dance "Good beetle" from a fairytale "Cinderella". The result of the event was the presentation of thanks to the families who took an active part in the competition homemade "baby book".

result cooperation we believe that many guys signed up for library, they themselves brought there parents and enjoy reading together books.

We are convinced book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich it, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries and new knowledge. The child must love book, reach out to her, wait for the feast of the mind and soul from communicating with her.

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"A good book is like a germinating seed, it sprouts in the soul, and when this happens, the book becomes a demanding and strict interlocutor."

Synopsis of the joint event of children and their parents in the framework of project activities. Synopsis of the joint event of children and their parents in the framework of project activities. Purpose: to promote the formation of moral -.

We present to your attention a free sample report for a diploma in jurisprudence on the topic "Catalogs as a means of introducing children to reading in the library."

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Hello, dear members of the attestation commission!


The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the system of library catalogs is one of the main components of the reference and bibliographic apparatus.

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The purpose of the work is to identify the importance of catalogs in serving children, to study the methodology for organizing children's catalogs.

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The first chapter of the work deals with the theoretical aspects of catalogs for children - as one of the components of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library.

Consideration of signs of information production in the bibliographic record of documents for children and adolescents showed. On September 1, 2012, the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” came into force.

The law introduced a new term, a new design element for the imprint of information products and a new element of a bibliographic record - information product sign.

This classification roughly corresponds to the periods:

  • infant - from birth to 1 year;
  • preschool age - from 1 year to 3 years;
  • preschool age - from 3 to 7 years;
  • primary school age - from 7 to 11/12 years;
  • middle school age (teenager) - from 12 to 15 years;
  • senior school age (youth) - from 15 to 18 years.
  • Over 18 years old - adults.

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Further, in the first chapter of the work, the importance of library catalogs in serving readers - children and adolescents was considered. One of the tasks of children's and school libraries is to help educate and educate the younger generation. They solve this problem together with the school, using various forms and methods of work.

Proper organization of the fund of children's literature, catalogs for children will contribute to the fulfillment of this task.

Catalogs and file cabinets in the children's library reveal the contents of the fund to readers, broaden their horizons, assist in self-education, guide reading, organize a full-fledged, developing leisure of children and adolescents with the help of a book, teach children to choose books on their own, are the main component of the reference and bibliographic library apparatus.

When creating catalogs, the age of children is taken into account and the design principles are observed: entertaining, accessible, visual.

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The methodology for organizing catalogs for children includes.

Place an alphabetical catalog in the office; use it in their work, as a rule, librarians, leaders of children's reading. But students, especially high school students, can also apply to it.

The alphabetical index of titles in the central children's libraries and libraries - branches serving children helps to establish the author's surname when only the title of the work is known. In the index for children

The catalog should be small in volume - no more than 10 - 12 titles of books, otherwise the child will not watch it to the end, his attention may switch to other catalogs, and he will not return to it at all.

Annotation is a summary of the essence of the text, indicating to whom and for what purpose it is addressed.

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There are several types of directory organization:

Catalog-file make up on cards with a format of 15x20 centimeters from thick colored cardboard. One color is used for a specific theme.

Catalog-turnstile(pinwheel) attracts the attention of children with its unusual shape. Each plane of the turnstile is used for any one book. One of the planes is the capital one, where the title of the topic, the form of the catalog, the reader's purpose are indicated, and a picture is placed.

Folder catalog consists of sashes connected to each other. Formed on one side. This form is well known to children from early childhood. This is how many children's picture books for preschoolers are published, so children willingly turn to them when choosing books.

Poster catalog. Wall illustrated catalogs in the form of a poster in libraries are used less frequently. I use them in cases where, due to lack of space, catalogs cannot be placed on the table. The disadvantage of poster catalogs is that they must be viewed standing up, which is inconvenient for the reader.

Catalog-toy- this is the same catalog-album with a cover in the form of some kind of animal, toys, images, etc. Children like such catalogs.


Report, presentation

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The second chapter contains a description
work experience of the central children's
library MBUK "CBS G. KANSKA"
organizing directories for children.

The city of Kansk has both a Central Children's Library and branch libraries serving both children and libraries serving all categories of readers.

The Central Children's Library is one of the oldest provincial book collections in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Today, the Central Children's Library serves more than 7,000 people. The book fund has 58,000 copies.

State library is 14 people.

  • library fund - 58585
  • number of readers - 7410
  • lending - 153865
  • number of visits - 59251
  • book supply per reader - 7.9 books
  • readability - 20.8 books
  • fund turnover – 2.6 times

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An analysis of the types and forms of catalogs for children in the library showed:

In the Central Children's Library, library and bibliographic services are based on a system of catalogs and card files, a fund of reference and bibliographic publications, and in recent years on the use of electronic resources.

Catalogs are presented in card and machine-readable form.

The alphabetical catalog performs information, reference and search functions. Consists of 20 boxes, which are numbered in order (from 1 to 20).

The following types of separators are used in the alphabetical catalog:

  • alphabetic
  • syllabic
  • dictionary
  • personal (nominal)
  • there are no left-hand separators about him (her) in the catalog

The cards of the alphabetical catalog are filled out by hand, in library handwriting, there are cards printed on a printer. There is an inscription with the name of the catalog on the catalog cabinet.

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In the second chapter, there was Systematic catalog for children of different ages.

A systematic catalog for children 8 - 9 years old showed:

The volume of the catalog is 2 boxes, with their numbers and contents indicated on the labels. It includes descriptions of children's books for younger children. Full bibliographic descriptions are given on the cards. The cipher contains the age group, shelf index and author's mark.

In the lower left corner, above the catalog index, the class is affixed.

On the label of the boxes there is an inscription with the name of the catalog "Systematic catalog for children 8 - 9 years old."

The systematic catalog includes 15 boxes and 1 box occupies an alphabetical index to the systematic catalog and a systematic file of articles. The catalog includes the main bibliographic records for

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Based on the analysis carried out, r Recommendations for the library to improve catalogs for children, among them:

1. Reduce the number of cards behind separators in the alphabetical catalog;

2. A systematic catalog for children 8 - 9 years old on some separators, complete a list of the main divisions.

3. In order to teach readers how to use catalogs, constant propaganda of catalogs is needed, which is an integral part of one of the important sections of the library's work - the education of information culture.

4. The librarian must teach the reader to navigate the whole complex of sources, to give an idea of ​​all the "keys" to the book wealth of the library.

5. It is advisable to start introducing readers to catalogs and file cabinets from primary school age, explaining and showing the connection of catalogs and file cabinets with the fund, with the arrangement of books on bookshelves in the public domain.

6. In order for readers to better understand the relationship between books on a shelf and their reflection in a systematic catalog, it is necessary to conduct library lessons.

7. Also in the library, it is advisable to conduct conversations with the reader, which can be built in the form of questions and answers.

8. Readers should be introduced to the features of the analytical description of articles from journals and collections, their special attention should be paid to the card file. Skills independent work with catalogs and file cabinets will help to master the reference and bibliographic apparatus of any library much faster and easier.

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During the preparation of the work, the following tasks were implemented:

The sign of information production in the bibliographic record of documents for children and adolescents is considered;

The importance of library catalogs in serving readers - children and adolescents - has been revealed;

Studied the method of organizing catalogs for children of different age groups;

The practical experience of the work of the Central Children's Library of Kansk in organizing catalogs for children is summarized;

The analysis of catalogs for children in the library - the base of the study;

The purpose of the work - to identify the importance of catalogs in serving children, to study the methodology for organizing children's catalogs - has been achieved.

Thanks for attention!

This category of readers includes: school teachers, educators of preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, parents. This group of readers is singled out in all children's libraries.

Business card

- "My favorite book"

book theater

Literary quiz


All participants prepared perfectly, showed excellent knowledge of literature, and the performances were bright and bold. The theater of the book was especially impressive. Each participant presented a theatrical excerpt from his favorite work, putting into it not only his soul, but also the great talent of the reader.

The competent jury, which included: representatives of the school, a teacher at the Children's School of Arts, and head. methodical department of D.S. Frolov, judged strictly, but fairly. The victory went to the reader of the library of the village of Nizhnyaya Iret, Makhmetzyanova Karina. She was awarded a diploma and a super prize.

The second place went to the reader from the children's library of the village of Mikhailovka Ts Kudinova Sophia, and the third place went to the reader from the village of Lokhovo Perevalova Lyubov. The competition was held under the auspices of the Year of Culture, and became another highlight of the outgoing year for readers.

“There is a country of Chitalia…”- under this name a holiday was held with the participation of literary heroes, in Talnikovskaya rural library. Junior readers were invited to participate in the festive event. The main characters of the holiday, the Queen Book and the Tale, prepared a literary quiz for children, and the fairy-tale characters - the cat Matroskin and Sharik held fun games.

For children in grades 6-7 acted book exhibition - "Read with passion all these adventures."

A book exhibition was operating in the library of the village of Kozlovo during the spring holidays "Visiting Favorite Books" the exhibition, along with colorful books, included fabulous items that belonged to the heroes, a magic box, which could only be opened after answering the question. scientist cat question. Also, the librarian invited the children to the literary hour "A children's book has a birthday."

In the library with NizhnyayaIret week of children's and youth books was held under the title "Island of childhood, joy and vivid impressions."

The goal is to awaken, nurture and strengthen the precious ability to read in the soul. A lot of interesting things happened during Spring Break during Children's Book Week:

  • Book exhibition "Time to read good books";

  • Holiday "Fairy visiting the guys";

  • Theatrical puppet show "Knizhkina Name Day";

  • Exhibition "Drips of sonorous verses".
A library event was held in the library of the village of Khandagai "Heroes of Favorite Books"

It was attended by 4th grade students. A game was prepared for boys and girls - a quiz, during which they answered questions, restored the texts of fairy tales or poems from the proposed lines, recognized the fairy tale by the characters or lines from this fairy tale, guessed the crossword puzzle. A colorful book exhibition "Books that your parents read" was arranged. The books presented at this exhibition aroused great interest among the children visiting the library. And for the youngest readers, a book exhibition "These books are for you, kids" was arranged. The exhibition is decorated with colorful children's books, complemented by a soft toy, which aroused interest not only among children, but also among adults.

In the library of the village of Golumet, a literary game “Visiting fairy tales” was held, where older children acted as literary characters and asked questions to the participants.

In the library of the village of Zernovoe, the following events were very interesting during the "Week of Children's Books":

"Books - birthday girls" - a conversation-review of books that celebrate their anniversary in 2013. Review for the guys spent fairy tale hero Gramoteikin, who read out excerpts, quoted works, read poetry. The review was really very interesting and exciting. After the review, the children sorted out almost all the books from home, and then wrote reviews and recommendations for peers.

The literary walk through the poems of I. Molchanov-Sibirsky "Forest Treat" was very emotional. During the walk, the children read the author's poems about the forest, mushrooms, and berries; each poem was accompanied by a demonstration of illustrations through a multimedia projector. At the same time, the children learned the interpretation of some words, for example, "tuesok", "bast basket", etc.; conducted research work to study the origin of the names of some mushrooms and berries (sour, camelina, etc.). When discussing poems, the librarian tried to draw the listeners' attention to the emotional mood of the poems, to show that in a readable work it is important to be able to hear the sounds, feel the smells of the autumn forest. An important moment of the walk was an appeal to the personal experience of the guys, so questions were asked about whether they had been in the autumn forest, whether they had to pick mushrooms and berries, what mushrooms they know, do they know where to look for mushrooms and how to collect them.

Work on the summer reading program
Work on the summer reading program traditionally begins on the first of June, during the celebration of Children's Day.

On this day, the librarians of the district prepared large theatrical matinees, involving a large number of children, parents, not only as participants, but also active assistants.

CRDB again invited the children to the literary boulevard, which took place on a large green area. The guys were met by cheerful buffoons, Vasilisa the Wise, the merry Dunno, Pippi Longstocking. Dunno and Pippi held sports competitions, a literary quiz for children, funny buffoons held fun games, funny sports competitions, where the main winner is friendship. The children took an active part in the sports competition, quizzes, and drew on the pavement. During the program, all participants were given sweet gifts, as well as the opportunity to take pictures with the heroes. This event was the opening summer reading program "Like a comet summer came". As part of the program, all summer the children were treated to exciting book adventures, quizzes, environmental trips, and bright book exhibitions.

During the summer holidays, the library staff of the district prepared the following activities for the children:

quiz "Bird Market" library p. Talniki;

loud reading "Terrible stories according to E. Uspensky" and "Fairy-tale evil spirits" library of the village of Belsk;

game program "A fairy tale is our guest" library of the village of Onot;

puppet show "Cat's House" library of the village of Alekhin;

slide composition "Moeselo" library of the village of Parfyonovo;

conversation "7 wonders of Russia" or "Mysterious Russia" Sayansk library.

During the summer holidays, the library hosted bright book exhibitions:

“Adventures Begin” (village of Gerasimovo), “Many Good and Different Professions” (Tungussk), “Soon to School” (TsRDB), and exhibitions under the single title “My District is the Soul of Russia” were designed to celebrate the District Day.

Collective screenings of animated and feature films were organized.

In the library with V. Iret during the summer holidays, the children were pleased with the following events: the local history hour “Everything is mine here and I come from here”, the quiz “Forest is our wealth”.

The literary hour "Holy Ascetics in Russia", timed to coincide with the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, was prepared for its readers by CRDB. The event about the Orthodox patrons of the family and marriage - Peter and Fevronia, found a lively response among the children. And to make it clearer to the children, they showed the cartoon “The Legend of Peter and Fevronia”.

There are smart people. There are talented people. But there are also geniuses. There aren't many of them. And we were lucky. In our country there is a man of genius, or rather, there are his brilliant fairy tales that have been living for many, many years. Pushkin's fairy tales are read by little readers, read by school curriculum and read by adults. This is probably why all libraries prepared and held events of various forms and topics.

The Central Regional Children's Library, libraries Novostroyka, Sayansk, Golumet held a competition "Pushkin's Lukomorye" for knowledge of fairy tales. All those present listened to the story about the life and work of the writer and took an active part in the quiz, also read excerpts from favorite works of.S.Pushkin. The best participants of the competition were awarded sweet prizes.

Book exhibition "I love you, my distant descendants!" according to the poet's work was designed in advance, the literature presented at the exhibition was designed to satisfy different reader's interests from fairy tales to lyrical works.

At the theatrical performance "Russian Miracle Stove", in the library of the village of Alekhin, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, riddles about the stove were heard. There was a conversation about the fact that the stove was used to heat the room, dry clothes, and cook food. The guys staged an excerpt from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans". Boys and girls in Russian folk costumes sang G. Tsyplenkova's poem "About cheerful bakers".

As part of the summer reading program, the sports festival "Treasure Hunters" was organized by a librarian from the village of Lokhovo. The holiday included not only elements of sports games, but also allowed to show off intellect through participation in a literary blitz tournament.

In the library of the Novostroyka village, the series of summer events opened with a theatrical performance “Let's Smile at the Sun”. Summer, the Sun, Leshy, Baba Yaga entertained the children. They made riddles, played chants, taught Leshy to dance, sang songs about summer, danced in a round dance, drew with crayons, and at the end of the holiday the children were awarded sweet prizes.

By the Independence Day of Russia, educational hours, quizzes, historical excursions were held in the libraries:

  • "The Wheel of History" - an educational game, the library of the village of Belsk;

  • "Russian heraldry" - historical excursion library p. Novogromovo;

  • “I see my Motherland like this” - a drawing competition, the library of the village of Malinovka;

  • Exhibition - Overview “And we will forever praise the Russian tricolor flag for centuries” - CRDB

  1. June at 11-00 in all libraries started library and sports olympiad "For health in the library". All librarians thoroughly prepared for participation: events of various forms and richness delighted the inhabitants of the settlements: theatrical performances, sports competitions, literary briefings, flash mobs.
So, in the library of the village of Zernovoe in Children's children participated in the Olympiad recreation area and library readers. A total of 49 people. A script was developed for the event, a stand was decorated, props were prepared. Due to bad weather, the holiday had to be held in the library building. Because of this, the number of sports tasks was reduced, the rest of the tasks were cognitive in nature. Since there were a lot of guys, and everyone wanted to participate in competitions, I had to abandon the original plan to break them into teams and hold an individual competition. Tokens were given for every correct answer and completed tasks. First, we talked with the guys about a healthy lifestyle: what it is, what this concept is made of, how much it depends on the guys themselves. Then the competition began. Participants were asked to answer the questions of the blitz tournament; find extra pictures, those that do not belong to the concept of a healthy lifestyle. The competition "Sharpshooter" was fun. It was necessary not only to hit the target, but also to correctly answer the knocked-out question. The boys liked to compete in a new sport - book and athletics. More times raised a bunch of reference books Ivan Fomenko. The next competition "Who are we?" contributed to the disclosure of artistic the talents of the participants. After the participants made pairs "sport - sports object", they had to mime the corresponding athlete using pantomime. I must say that not everyone was able to get rid of shyness and show resourcefulness. The task in the competition "At the dinner table" also caused difficulty - in the proposed text it was necessary to find the "hidden" names of drinks. Don't forget to remember bad habits. The children were surprised to learn that in the time of Peter the Great, orders weighing 6kg 600g were issued for drunkenness. The guys got so carried away that they had to hold additional competitions, including a literary relay race and a literary marathon, which included riddles and proverbs about sports and health. Almost each of the guys received one token, but Katya Voronina, a girl who likes to read different books, scored the most tokens and therefore was able to answer the questions. large quantity questions. Everyone present at the end of the holiday received sweets.

Participation of regional libraries in holding the Day of the region has already become traditional. For some time this holiday is held in the form of folk festivals, when each settlement, organization of the district presents its exhibition, program.

On this occasion, MKUK "IBChR" prepared a large colorful theatrical performance not only in form and content, but also in design, where each library of the district took part with its block. New costumes were sewn especially for the holiday. During the holiday, guests were met on the site by literary heroes of the 19th century - ladies, in dresses of that time, the hero of Chatsky, and even a noble nobleman.

The children's program included a block of entertainment events hosted by the clowns Tyapa and Lyapa, Dunno, Gena the crocodile and others. Each literary hero presented his program: clowns offered fun games, Dunno and the guys were engaged in creativity - they sculpted figures from clay, drew, left blots - autographs on the symbolic river of friendship called "We are together." Everyone who visited the library site found something for his soul. Visitors were invited to take part in literary quizzes, games, sports competitions, but those who did not want to try their hand at literary competitions willingly took advantage of the book collapse offered at bookcrossing, or looked at rare book editions, antiques with pleasure, got acquainted with handwritten editions of local poets on local history exhibition "My land - a drop of Russia". The exhibition attracted attention, single passers-by, groups and whole families approached. The presenters, in beautiful Russian costumes, conducted a review, leaving no one indifferent visitors.

On beautifully designed posters, everyone could leave their wishes to the residents of the area, and to the library community, a lot of kind and pleasant words, wishes sounded that day.

In general, the organization of the library site was highly appreciated by the population and leaders.

The summer reading program finished in September, summarizing and rewarding active participants.

The fund contains about 45,000 copies of books on various fields of knowledge, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, methodological literature on children's reading, as well as fresh magazines and newspapers. The fund is constantly replenished with literary novelties of the leading publishing houses. A fabulous living room is open - a bright and ergonomic space for reading and playing. In the living room, where thousands of fairy tale stories live, you can not only reread the best fairy tales and stories from around the globe, but also play board games, go through book quests, solve a couple of tasks from the mini-museum of puzzles, play a game of table football or giant chess . There is a cinema hall with a lecture hall function and a children's playroom for the youngest readers. The range of events of the Zelenograd Central Children's Library is wide: chamber performances, vacation programs for schoolchildren, readings for children of the Bedtime Tales project, consultations on children's reading for parents, and a cinema club. A toy workshop and a programming school are open, children's holidays are held.

  • Equipped for people with disabilities
  • Free access to Wi-Fi
  • Children's Library

Library manager:

Konoval Lyubov Valentinovna

The address:

124498, Moscow, Zelenograd, building 401

Working mode:

Tue-Sat: 10:00-21:00
Sun: 10:00-20:00
Mon: day off
Sanitary day: last Friday of the month

Age limit of literature:

serves children

Library departments:

methodological and bibliographic department, reading room, play area, children's subscription, subscription, senior subscription, junior subscription

Fund volume: 48 344 copies.