The teachings of the Toltecs are the path of reuniting with power. Fundamentals of Toltec Doctrine Toltec Doctrine in the Readers' Heads

Earlier I already wrote that the Toltecs are direct descendants of the Atlanteans. They retained the knowledge of the Atlanteans. Those of them who possess not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply various phenomena in life (create an etheric double, travel in dreams, heal, move to parallel worlds, “see” the energetic essence of people, etc.) are now called magicians. Such as Don Juan (the teacher of K. Castaneda) are not only “seers”. They possess all the extraordinary abilities that the Atlanteans apparently possessed. Listing all the miracles that they "get up" would take up a lot of space. Those who are interested can read about it on their own in the books of K. Castaneda. In the teachings of Don Juan and the Toltecs, reaching a level where it is possible to perform various "miracles" is a consequence, the result of many years of work on psychological, if I may say so, self-improvement. Their main goal is to achieve the highest level of self-awareness and personal power management. As a result of their many years of special exercises, they begin to "see" the energy structure of the world, people, energy relationships. They achieve the ability to perfectly control the forces of the Subtle worlds, to use the unfamiliar capabilities of the Subtle worlds. With the help of their special practices, they strive to increase their personal strength, which leads each of us through life, saving us from troubles, death, helping in solving life problems, leads us the most direct path to the goal of our life. Thanks to the practices of the Toltecs, their awareness reaches such heights that we cannot even guess. They can perfectly control their energy counterpart, obviously the Astral counterpart. It also has a name - the dreaming body (when they control it through a dream). It is with the help of their dream bodies that they visit other worlds parallel to our world. Despite their superhuman achievements, they are very humble and cheerful people. To get rid of their own importance is one of the first tasks for them.

Don Juan kept repeating to Carlos Castaneda: "We are luminous beings - we are energy."

The physical body "lives" in the material world. The energy body, the Soul - "dwells" in the Subtle energy worlds. When we learn such a "vision", we need to study further - to expand our connections with the Subtle Worlds in which our Soul dwells. Soon we will be able to learn how to receive information from the Subtle Worlds. Our awareness will begin to grow. There will be a gradual unification of two disparate consciousnesses - the consciousness of our physical body and the consciousness of our Soul (obviously, this is what the subconscious is). Your connection with your Higher Self will begin to occur. As Drunvalo Melchizedek writes: “Connecting with the Higher Self is perhaps the most important event that can happen in your life ... All your actions, thoughts and emotions will be filled with great power and wisdom. Many people, myself included, are trying to figure out how to connect with their higher self. Many of those who somehow made this connection do not know how it happened. "

The Toltecs call a person who walks the Path - a warrior. Why a warrior. Because the Path is a battle with its own inertia, social conditioning. A battle with old habits that lead to the accumulation of Karma. The person becomes the Warrior of Knowledge and reunites with his Power. All his aspirations are aimed at becoming flawless in this battle.

“We are luminous beings. And for luminous beings, only personal strength matters. "

“A warrior should not leave anything to chance. The warrior really influences the result by the power of his awareness and his unbending intention. "

"Warriors must be impeccable in their efforts to change in order to scare away their human form and shake it off."

"For a warrior, the most important thing is to find the integrity of himself."

. “Whatever we do and whoever we are - it is all based on our personal strength. Everything that a person does is determined by the level of his personal strength. Trust your personal strength. This is the only thing that a person has in this mysterious world! Give your power the opportunity to "lead" you. "

“A warrior accepts everything as a challenge, while an ordinary person accepts everything as a blessing or curse. In other words, for a warrior, the entire world of the tonal (material, physical world) is a challenge. And as a result, the greatest challenge of all is his bet on strength. But power comes from the nagual (the Subtle World). "

"The power will come to us only after all of us accept our destiny without mutual reproach."

. “The warrior learns to focus his will wherever he wants. As if his will, which comes out of the middle part of the body (Hara - chakra), was the only luminous ray. "

"Strengthening the spirit, purifying it and perfecting it is the only thing worth living for."

“A person can independently become a person of knowledge, steadily overcoming all the difficulties of learning life, without haste and slowness going as far as possible along the path of revealing the secrets of personal power. For a man of knowledge, the main thing is the accumulation of personal power. "

“It was destiny for all of us to become prisoners of power. But the life of a warrior can never be cold, lonely, or devoid of feelings. Because she is based on love, devotion and dedication to the one she loves. - This is the Earth, this world. There can be no greater love for a warrior. Only if you love this Earth with unbending passion can you free yourself from sorrow. A warrior is always cheerful because his love is unchanging. And his beloved - the Earth - embraces him and showered him with unimaginable gifts. Sadness is the lot of only those who hate this Earth, which gives shelter to all living beings. - Don Juan stroked the ground with tenderness - This sweet creature, who is alive to the very last speck of dust and understands every feeling, reassured me. It healed my pain, and finally, when I fully understood my love for him, it taught me freedom. "


Original post by Veronika_Dontsov

Earlier I already wrote that the Toltecs are direct descendants of the Atlanteans. They retained the knowledge of the Atlanteans. Those of them who possess not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply various phenomena in life (create an etheric double, travel in dreams, heal, move to parallel worlds, “see” the energetic essence of people, etc.) are now called magicians. Such as Don Juan (the teacher of K. Castaneda) are not only “seers”. They possess all the extraordinary abilities that the Atlanteans apparently possessed. Listing all the miracles that they "get up" would take up a lot of space. Those who are interested can read about it on their own in the books of K. Castaneda. In the teachings of Don Juan and the Toltecs, reaching a level where it is possible to perform various "miracles" is a consequence, the result of many years of work on psychological, if I may say so, self-improvement. Their main goal is to achieve the highest level of self-awareness and personal power management. As a result of their many years of special exercises, they begin to "see" the energy structure of the world, people, energy relationships. They achieve the ability to perfectly control the forces of the Subtle worlds, to use the unfamiliar capabilities of the Subtle worlds. With the help of their special practices, they strive to increase their personal strength, which leads each of us through life, saving us from troubles, death, helping in solving life problems, leads us the most direct path to the goal of our life. Thanks to the practices of the Toltecs, their awareness reaches such heights that we cannot even guess. They can perfectly control their energy counterpart, obviously the Astral counterpart. It also has a name - the dream body (when they control it through a dream). It is with the help of their dream bodies that they visit other worlds parallel to our world. Despite their superhuman achievements, they are very humble and cheerful people. Getting rid of self-importance is one of the first tasks for them.

To walk the Path of reunification with your Inner Power, you need to be aware of yourself not as a purely physical body, but as an energetic one.
Don Juan kept repeating to Carlos Castaneda: "We are luminous beings - we are energy."
The physical body "lives" in the material world. The energy body, the Soul - "dwells" in the Subtle energy worlds. When we learn such a "vision", we need to study further - to expand our connections with the Subtle Worlds in which our Soul dwells. Soon we will be able to learn how to receive information from the Subtle Worlds. Our awareness will begin to grow. There will be a gradual unification of two disparate consciousnesses - the consciousness of our physical body and the consciousness of our Soul (obviously, this is what the subconscious is). Your connection with your Higher Self will begin to occur. As Drunvalo Melchizedek writes: “Connecting with the Higher Self is perhaps the most important event that can happen in your life ... All your actions, thoughts and emotions will be filled with great power and wisdom. Many people, myself included, are trying to figure out how to connect with their higher self. Many of those who somehow made this connection do not know how it happened. "

Thus, we can conclude that the general and main thing in the aspirations of people trying to know themselves, to reunite with their Higher "I" (Soul) and go to further improvement, along the path of spiritual growth:

1. Raising your own awareness.

2. Build your personal strength.

3. Development of unconditional Love (Absolute Love, Divine Love) in oneself.

The Toltecs call a person who walks the Path - a warrior. Why a warrior. Because the Path is a battle with its own inertia, social conditioning. The battle with old habits that lead to the accumulation of Karma. The person becomes the Warrior of Knowledge and reunites with his Power. All his aspirations are aimed at becoming flawless in this battle.

Here I would like to cite quotes that Don Juan says about precisely these aspirations:

“We are luminous beings. And for luminous beings, only personal strength matters. "

“A warrior should not leave anything to chance. The warrior really influences the result by the power of his awareness and his unbending intention. "

"Warriors must be impeccable in their efforts to change in order to scare away their human form and shake it off."

"For a warrior, the most important thing is to find the integrity of himself."

“Whatever we do and whoever we are, it is all based on our personal strength. Everything that a person does is determined by the level of his personal strength. Trust your personal strength. This is the only thing that a person has in this mysterious world! Give your power the opportunity to "lead" you. "

“A warrior accepts everything as a challenge, while an ordinary person accepts everything as a blessing or curse. In other words, for a warrior, the entire world of the tonal (material, physical world) is a challenge. And as a result, the greatest challenge of all is his bet on strength. But power comes from the nagual (the Subtle World). "

"The power will come to us only after we all accept our destiny without mutual reproach."

“The warrior learns to focus his will wherever he wants. As if his will, which comes out of the middle part of the body (Hara - chakra), was the only luminous ray. "

"Strengthening the spirit, purifying it and perfecting it is the only thing worth living for."

“A person can independently become a person of knowledge, steadily overcoming all the difficulties of learning life, without haste and slowness going as far as possible along the path of revealing the secrets of personal power. For a man of knowledge, the main thing is the accumulation of personal power. "

“The destiny of all of us was to become prisoners of power. But the life of a warrior can never be cold, lonely, or devoid of feelings. Because she is based on love, devotion and dedication to the one she loves. - This is the Earth, this world. There can be no greater love for a warrior. Only if you love this Earth with unbending passion can you free yourself from sorrow. A warrior is always cheerful because his love is unchanging. And his beloved - the Earth - embraces him and showered him with unimaginable gifts. Sadness is the lot of only those who hate this Earth, which gives shelter to all living beings. - Don Juan stroked the ground with tenderness - This sweet creature, who is alive to the very last speck of dust and understands every feeling, reassured me. It healed my pain, and finally, when I fully understood my love for him, it taught me freedom. "

These are the wise and wonderful thoughts that Don Juan's Toltec expresses. And in these thoughts we can learn a lot of useful things for ourselves.

do you love the earth? do you do any practice with the earth?

Let the reader not be confused by my beginning with the fact that it does not agree with the title of the article. A little later, he will see their connection. It will be revealed in the unity of meaning. And I will start with a different interpretation of the words, thus continuing one of the themes of the esoteric discussion started by Gennady Makukha.

Words words words…
I agree with Gennady Makukha that understanding each other requires a common categorical apparatus, i.e. uniform concepts of words. After all, words were invented as communication tools and were harmless at first. And then they turned into a weapon with the help of which one person can achieve power over another and even over an entire nation. The way we see and know the world has come to depend on how we understand and use words. No matter how carefully they are chosen, words always hide the truth. This fact is never emphasized. Man stumbles over words over and over again. He hears and reads them in the context of his social conditioning. And what if words and numbers, i.e. symbols, form have become more important than content and are decisive evidence of any phenomenon. And if there is no proof, then there is no phenomenon. For example, the phenomenon of a perpetual motion machine, which we all see in nature and the Universe (everything is in motion), has not yet been proven mathematically, then, therefore, this phenomenon does not exist. Paradox! Now it has become stupid and even sometimes dangerous to take certain verbal outpourings to heart. Yes, and already 2 thousand years ago, Jesus Christ warned: "Not what enters the mouth, defiles a person, but what comes out of his mouth."
After I heard a dispute between two esotericists about what is better to use for the fulfillment of their desires, affirmations or intentions (and there are several more synonyms of belief: statements, decrees, attitudes, etc.), I began to tend to the idea that it is easier to come to unity and peace through spirituality and the attainment of clairvoyance than through esoteric pharisaism and scribalism. And it is not the fault, but the misfortune of the esotericists that the book luminaries, in their striving for originality, reproduce their word on the same concept. So even the word "energy", which is understandable for scientists and philosophers, is not understandable for religious people. They consider "strength" (synonymous with energy) from God and "energy" from the devil.
Religion usurped the right to spirituality as belonging to any confession, taking away the right to live in the spirit, and therefore, true salvation, from the Gentiles. The concepts of spirit and spirituality, soul and soulfulness turned out to be identical not only for atheists, but also for the majority of believers. And therefore, even for them, the words of the Apostle Paul are incomprehensible: "The soulful cannot judge the spiritual, but the spiritual can." They seem to contradict the general biblical commandment: "Do not judge and you will not be judged." And the truth lies in the different understanding of the spirit and soul. Since everything has an energy basis, which means it is invisible, then one can judge about energy concepts only by their manifestations, which depend on the subtlety and frequency of energy. Starting from the Absolute, the Great Central Sun of God, which feeds the entire Universe with energy, the energy becomes coarse, as if passing through a chain of step-down transformers, manifesting itself in the coarsest energy - matter, more and more dividing and individualizing. That is why souls, unlike spirit as a more subtle energy, are different and do not understand each other, and therefore they judge (condemn) each other. And people living in the spirit are united and understand everyone and, moreover, each other. I have known many uneducated people who nevertheless live according to concepts, i.e. by conscience, and not by the letter of the law and not condemning anyone and not dependent on anyone, but taking responsibility for their lives upon themselves. And although they did not live well, they were happy.

"A spoken thought is a lie"

Only after a long thought it is nevertheless necessary to accept the truth of this saying of Kozma Prutkov. Indeed, rarely when a thought coincides with a word, and even less often a word coincides with a person's actions. Is it possible to believe in the truth of words when spouses at night convince each other of love, and during the day, with a face twisted with anger, they shout: "I hate you!" Words only sound emotions, and this is proof for those who consider feelings and emotions one and the same, because words are already difficult to confuse with feelings.
People got entangled in a rampart of words and stopped understanding each other. Verbal discrepancies open the way for even greater lies, sowing distrust and creating a great danger to humanity in the form of the ecology of the soul. Under the guise of freedom of speech, they no longer hesitate to lie even from the high rostrum, speculating on the needs of the whole people. And people continue to believe, thereby turning into mental masochists, as if responding to the poet's words "glad to be deceived ..." And this is yet another proof of the difference between the concepts of "spiritual" and "spiritual". The words of the famous song come to mind: "A friend will not shout - drink to the bottom!" Indeed, who is the truer friend: the one who whispers a spiritual lie in the ear, or the one who cuts the truth-womb right in the eyes? Who is more harmful or beneficial? Spiritual has the right to criticism, because really loves the criticized and accepts it himself. If she is constructive.
For example, many readers do not accept the idea of ​​individual salvation of Dr. Muso, calling it the propaganda of selfishness. But, in this case, this is not trivial selfishness, but responsibility for one's life. And how much benefit, apart from harm, comes from dependence on public opinion, on social conditioning called collectivism? Even Jesus called: "Save yourself" and "Become perfect." The path of salvation lies through creative improvement, while the collective, as a rule, gravitates towards stability, i.e. to stagnation and collective irresponsibility. Yes, people do not like the truth, although they often talk about it.
To be honest, not many people like me either. One day, in the middle of the night, a drunken female voice is heard on the phone. I really could not understand anything, except for one phrase: "You are a murderer!" Well, it's great when the townsfolk scold you. It's bad if they praise. So I recognize myself as a killer, a destroyer of an outdated belief system based on illusory values ​​- wealth, power, fame. They are illusory because they are temporary and do not lead to anything good except satiety. And the values ​​of a new life - honesty and integrity lead to freedom, which means to happiness. But they will not take root until the old ones are destroyed.

The path of spirituality and warrior means striving for self-improvement
It's time to clarify the connection between the protracted start and the main theme of this article. Recently I came across the books of Theun Marez "Teaching of the Toltecs", and I felt by the vibration of my soul: "This is mine!", Although it was given in other words. But interestingly, Castaneda's books seem to be about the same, but did not touch me. Looking ahead, I will say that the Path of the Warrior has two ramifications, although both imply the hunt for the Force. But for what purpose should this force be used? It turns out that the path that Castaneda describes is also called the Path of Great Adventures. And Marez describes the Path of Knowledge. And he is closer to me, because I belong to the type of people-researchers and creators. In addition, Marez in his teaching gives the technology of discrimination by straight-knowledge, i.e. The heart and the basis of my Yoga of Life is also this technology.

Who are the Toltecs?
The Toltec family comes from the priests, the leaders of Atlantis. The very word "toltek" means the head, the ruler. Another meaning is “man of knowledge”. And the hunt for Power, which they recommend to novice students, is a hunt for Knowledge, for knowledge is power. Knowledge builds willpower and self-confidence. The Toltecs of Atlantis possessed such tremendous willpower that allowed them to lift not only themselves, but also heavy objects into the air. It was this ability that was used much later for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
But back to the Toltecs, the leaders of Atlantis. They have ruled their people admirably for many millennia. The people of Atlantis had an emperor, who was called white for his broad knowledge, who was likened to the entire white world. Time passed, and, although the Toltecs kept their knowledge in secret, they gradually leaked out and were assimilated by ignorant people who began to use it for their own selfish purposes, right up to the seizure of power under the good slogans of democracy. Strife, riots and wars began. Ultimately, the White Emperor and his followers were expelled from Atlantis. There are suggestions that part of the Toltecs went to the north of present-day Russia in order to save their people from the catastrophes they foreseen. The power of the Black Toltecs over the forces of nature became so enormous that after a while one after another catastrophes followed, destroying Atlantis and destroying all the Black Toltecs along with it. And the White Toltecs were scattered all over the world. Disunited, they still live in secret. The number of them who truly see is naturally small, since knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth.

Toltec teachings
The foundation of the Toltec teachings are nine principles under the general name TRUTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
1. The universe is made up of an infinite number of energy fields that resemble threads of light.
2. These threadlike energy fields emanate from a source of unimaginable extension, metaphorically called the Eagle. For this reason, energy fields are called Eagle Emanations.
3. Human beings are also made up of an infinite number of such thread-like energy fields, which manifest themselves in the form of a large glowing egg. The dimensions of this egg vertically are equal to the height of a human body with arms extended above the head, and horizontally extend to the width of the arms, set apart. This egg is called a human cocoon.
4. At any given time, only a small part of the energy fields inside the cocoon is illuminated by a brightly shining point of light located on its surface.
5. Perception occurs when the energy fields illuminated by this point of light spread their glow to the corresponding energy fields outside the cocoon. This point of light is called the point where perception is collected, or, for short, the Assemblage Point.
6. The assemblage point can be displaced to any other position on the surface of the cocoon and even inside it. Since the Assemblage Point illuminates whatever energy fields it interacts with, new energy fields illuminated by this shift determine our perception. It is this new level of perception that is called vision.
7. When the Assemblage Point moves far enough, a person perceives a completely new world, as real as the world of ordinary perception.
8. In the entire Universe there is a mysterious force called Intention. This power provides perception, since it is intention, firstly, that tunes the energy fields and, secondly, is the reason for this tuning.
9. The goal of the warrior is to experience all possible perceptions available to man. This is called Total Awareness, and it leads to a different way of dying.
The basic knowledge of the Toltecs lies in the vision of a certain Force, energy in the Universe and the ability to control it with the help of Intention. The Toltecs also know that will is also a force that makes people behave in accordance with their perception. Thus, this power determines our perception of the world. And it is the will that fixes the Assemblage Point where it is. The Toltecs usually see it on a luminous cocoon around the physical body, opposite the point between the shoulder blades. But it still has a meaning identical to beliefs, point of view, worldview. The Toltecs know that a person is able to maintain his point of view of the world through continuous dialogue with himself. This means that the world always looks exactly as it is in the constant assertions of a person, addressed to himself. But as soon as this dialogue is stopped, the Assemblage Point can move freely. Stopping the internal dialogue allows a person to spontaneously experience an altered state of perception. This is the secret key that the Toltecs have always kept secret. A person, having learned that the key to Strength, and therefore to abilities, lies in the displacement of the Assemblage Point, point of view, perception of the world, will be able to achieve fantastic opportunities.
The Toltecs have always known that understanding depends on the frame of reference used. If such a system changes, the same happens with our perception of the world and, consequently, with the understanding of truth. In the end, the only truth worthy of attention and striving is that any perception is generated by the mobility of the assemblage point, the mobility that is necessary to achieve full awareness. This special knowledge is the gift that the Toltecs bring to humanity, and a person's hopes for future prosperity and peace in the world depend on the ability to dispose of this knowledge. (It is possible that the "indigo children" who are now massively born in the world are none other than the Toltecs, the former inhabitants of Atlantis).
To move the assemblage point, the Toltecs identified three basic techniques based on nine truths of awareness, which ultimately translate into three areas of activity. This is the art of stalking, mastering awareness and mastering Intention. In this scheme, mastery of awareness also includes the art of dreaming, which is used as a means of moving the Assemblage Point to achieve altered states of perception. These three areas of activity are traditionally defined as the three problems that need to be overcome by warriors walking the Path of Power. The art of stalking is called the problem of the heart. Mastering awareness is a problem of the mind. And mastery of Intention is a problem of the Spirit.
The study of the Toltecs provides for the growth of the student and is determined by three stages:
1. Hunter of Power and Knowledge.
2. Warrior.
3. The Man of Knowledge.
At the first stage, Power is accumulated through knowledge and economy. On the second - willpower through overcoming problems, mostly internal. And on the third - union with the Spirit, mastery of Intention, achievement of an objective vision of the world.
I cannot fail to note, again, when I was given the teaching "Spiritual Pedagogy", the same stages were seen, although in different words:
1st stage - energy psychology also implied the accumulation of general energy potential (OEP) by energy, due to the observance of the laws of life, and therefore, morality, i.e., in fact, the path of spirituality. But at the same time, a new definition of spirituality was given, somewhat different from the religious one - as an aspiration to improve one's consciousness.
2nd stage - spiritual psychology - the beginning of the release of energy in spiritual creativity. Merging and communication with your spirit, with your higher "I". Becoming independent from public opinion, taking responsibility for your life on yourself.
3rd stage - Spiritual pedagogy - the stage of the teacher, which is based on the wisdom achieved through the integration and harmonization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. (In the teachings of the Toltecs, we are also talking about the harmonious work of the right and left sides, as the heart and mind.)
The cornerstone of Spiritual Pedagogy is to change its credo from “must” to “want”. "If I want - I will find out - I will be able to." That is, the law of free will and freedom of choice is being adopted. And among the Toltecs, this law underlies the doctrine, the purpose of which is freedom from social conditioning, for a person who depends on the assessments of others can in no way be called free.
The Warrior's Path is also called the Path of Freedom. Freedom not from the laws of life, but from the ignorance of social conditioning and the fears imposed by it. Freedom, which gives self-confidence and happiness as an inner psychological comfort. Worry makes a person cling to stability, to his world, whatever it may be. And with such dependence, he exhausts himself and the world. If, for example, a person is constantly worried about his health, then this anxiety takes away so much energy from him that sooner or later he really has a variety of diseases. In the same way, if a woman is constantly worried about whether her husband really loves her, with her behavior she herself insanely torments him, that, in the end, he gets tired of having to convince her of his love. And if he leaves her, it is not because he does not love, but because he feels the need for free space.
Apparently, a few words should be said about the underlying causes of people's anxiety. Mankind, obviously, will remain for a long time in a state of separation and antagonism, the source of which is the inability to recognize the fact that there is not only that single frame of reference to which man so dogmatically adheres. He considers the physical plane of reality to be this frame of reference. If a person could stop and think that the world may not be at all what he forces himself to see it, he would come to the realization that the diversity of religious beliefs or differences in political ideologies does not mean that some are right. while others are wrong. Most likely, they represent some facet of the overarching truth. Once this position becomes clear, it is not so difficult to see that in order to understand the whole truth, it is necessary to comprehend and understand all its facets. And then the concept of universal brotherhood will not seem so idealistic and unattainable.
I would like to cite one more excerpt from the Toltec teachings about the Teachers:
“In this Universe, nothing is given just like that. The price of true knowledge is a person's life. Many people would like to acquire this knowledge. However, they would rather just buy them, avoiding the need to earn them with their lives. However, real knowledge is knowledge of oneself, and no one can give this knowledge to us. The only thing that a true spiritual master can give his disciples is the necessary guidance, allowing them to reveal their own hidden reserves. To achieve this, the spiritual master encourages the students to study who they really are, for without such knowledge a person is not able to reveal his potentialities. However, the need to face oneself, critically assess oneself and admit everything in oneself, up to shortcomings, is always unpleasant and in most cases extremely frightening.
With this in mind, it’s not surprising that most people are looking to find only teachers who will make them feel great and who promise them to do all the work for them. It is always not easy with a true spiritual teacher, because he forces us to peer into those aspects of us that we have been trying to hide from everyone around us and from ourselves all our lives. Such a teacher does not care what the students may think of him, whether they like him or not. He only cares to make sure that they receive the knowledge they seek and for which they came to him. Obviously, there are very few such teachers and they are difficult to find for the simple reason that they are really rare people who put their reputation at stake and love their students more than universal recognition.
The Toltec teachings have many techniques, among which there are four main ones:
1. Recollection giving sobriety.
2. Erasing personal history, giving sensuality.
3. Mastery of intention, giving personal strength.
4. The art of stalking and non-doing, giving stability.
But in order to study them in detail, you need to read all of Marez's books or take a seminar.
Many people ask me: "When will you be in our city?" To this I answer: "Invite me and I will come."

The teachings of the Toltecs in practical psychology are the works of Carlos Castaneda and Theun Marez, presented on behalf of the Toltec Indian people.

Toltec teachings in the minds of readers

The teaching says that every situation in a person's life is his challenge, in which he must fight for something unmanifest, unknown, but potential in himself.

For example: a man is constantly bullied by a grumpy wife - this is a challenge for a man, and in this situation he must fight for his masculinity, for the right to make decisions, be responsible for the family and the peace of his wife - after all, she does not just humiliate him - two are dancing tango, but It’s not only a woman who is a bitch, but also a man who’s a mattress.

Several practices help a person in accepting this challenge:

  • Recapitulation practice - this practice allows a person to remember his entire previous life and understand in what situation he "lost" his masculinity, leaving in the minds of men and women the opinion of himself as a "boy, adult child, idiot and henpecked"
  • the practice of Not-Doing involves tracking down "non-masculine" qualities in oneself, for example, the habit of stupidly making excuses for their actions in front of a woman, and "doing" the exact opposite - that is, no matter what a man does now, he must do it with a sense of confidence and dignity ... It goes without saying that a man should have the highest self-discipline, because if a woman now has to trust him, then he should act as deliberately and balanced as possible, listening to the woman's feelings and clearly realizing his goals.

There are two more practices - Stalking and the art of dreaming - but so far their explanation seems difficult to me. I will only say that the art of dreaming is somewhat similar to Listening to life, which consists in not just observing what is happening in a detached manner, but also interpreting what is happening in the context of your own life, because, according to the Toltecs, the whole world is a reflection of our state, inner world ... And therefore, in order to understand something embarrassing in oneself, it is enough just to take a closer look at the world, and he himself will tell you in which direction to think and act. You know that a pessimist sees the world in dark colors, and an optimist sees it in bright colors, this is a good and very simple example illustrating the so-called law of reflection, or the law of mirrors.

This law also applies to the presence of people in a person's life. For example, if someone is being pursued by thieves, then the person should think about when and from whom he stole something, or steals. Moreover, it does not have to be something material, he can steal someone else's time with his chatter.

Effective communication in the teachings of the Toltecs

The following guidelines are given: Be honest at all times. Avoid judgment. Take responsibility for your role in what happened. Don't assume you'll be understood. Consider your own self-image. Learn to listen. Cm.

or a guide to the site "Teaching of the Toltecs"

The teachings of the Toltecs have been known in Russia for a long time. And at the same time, little is really known about him. Many have heard of Castaneda, some have even met the name of Theun Marez. The majority of those who “heard something” associate the Toltecs with the need to use some kind of mushrooms, magic passes, mysterious rituals of the shamans of ancient Mexico, travel in an alternative state of consciousness to other worlds, and the like, perhaps for some, and fascinating things. Therefore, we will warn you right away: if you are primarily interested in other worlds and shamanic practices, this is not the place for you. The teachings of the Toltecs, as presented by Theun Marez, are about this world, today and the things that everyone encounters in his everyday life. It is primarily about us and our relationship - with ourselves, others, the world around us. Just? But this is the main magic of life: by changing ourselves, we somehow change the world around us. And as a result, we find ourselves in a completely different reality.

Those who are not looking for a magical way to "fix" circumstances and people around, but are ready to learn and change themselves - welcome to this site!

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Toltek

What does the word "toltec" mean?

Toltec is a Man of Knowledge, man or woman. The teaching of the Toltecs, presented by Teun Marez, is a practical way of self-development, leading to the knowledge of oneself and Life.

Why is relationship so important?


Do you find that some relationships are extremely difficult to build? For example, do you have frequent battles with a family member or friend or work colleague? How do you deal with this troubled relationship?

The teachings of the Toltecs provide very effective answers to this.

One of the hardest things to do when it comes to people we find “difficult” is to admit that these people are showing us something that we don't want to look at. They essentially challenge our self-image, and we don't like it - we step on sore blisters. As children, we learn and earn a lot of calluses. We learn to open up to life - until we have a certain image of ourselves that needs to be protected. However, as adults, we hold onto our images of ourselves very tightly, and therefore our "calluses" are always visible and everyone can "step" on them. But instead of learning from experience, we rather try to hide the "calluses" or push people away from ourselves in the vain hope that they will not be able to find our "calluses". Holding onto our self-image, we spend time trying to force other people to change, which always leads to anger, tension, and ultimate frustration.


After Castaneda, there were a lot of authors writing on the topic of Toltecs and various gurus leading Toltec practices. Therefore, the difference between the teachings of the Toltecs in the exposition of Teun Marez and the exposition of Carlos Castaneda (don Juan) will be of interest to those who are trying to understand this sea.

After reading Castaneda's books, I had a feeling of understatement, which forced me to continue searching. The books of Castaneda's companions gave no answers. Other authors generally invented their own worlds ... In the books of Theun Marez, I found all the answers I needed for myself.



Teun, thank you for responding to my request for guidance regarding my feelings for my father. I am sure this will help me to prepare more clearly for tomorrow's conversation with him. To find that very place of gentle attitude and ruthlessness - I have to track a bunch of things. And to help me along my path, the universe provided a really special situation that really served as a trigger.

It constantly surprises me that when a question is asked by either of you or me, the answer is never what I think it will be. The answers are always much deeper and more meaningful, and lead to new directions and ways. Indeed, fascinating. I love it and am afraid of this, this process. How can I express my gratitude for the benefits that I receive from you, your team and the Toltec team, known and unknown, past and present?

Marez Teun - Teaching of the Toltecs. Volume 1. Return of the Warriors - read the book online for free


This book about the Toltec Path is not an imitation of Castaneda or an attempt to make sense of his experience in its own way. It is not secondary. Teun Marez, a nagual from South Africa, represents a completely different lineage of naguals from don Juan and Carlos Castaneda.

Marez's first book introduces four powerful practical techniques, namely working with emotion and intent, recapitulation, stalking and not doing.

The next two books contain practices that were never mentioned by either Carlos Castaneda or his companions. This is followed by a series of seven books - each of which will relate to three of the twenty-one aspects of awareness that Castaneda only alludes to when he mentions twenty-one abstract cores. The Rule for the Three-Toothed Nagual will also be explained.

The Sofia Publishing House hopes to invite the Nagual Marez to our country for lectures and training. Prior consent has been obtained.

Theun Marez
Toltec teachings
Book 1. Return of the Warriors

T. Marez - "Sofia"

I don't know what exactly you would like to know about my future books. The second book, EAGLE'S CRY, is now being prepared for publication and is due out in July this year. Its content corresponds to the description given at the end of RETURN OF THE WARRIORS. I have started writing a third book called MISTS OF DRAGON LORE (?), MISTS OF DRAGON LORE, and I hope this book will be published in early 1998. Both the second and third books tell about the provisions that were never mentioned by either Carlos Castaneda or his companions. In fact, the third book departs significantly from all the Toltec teachings that are known to the public today, and is the first part of a series of seven books - each of which is supposed to be related to three of the twenty-one aspects of awareness that Castaneda only alludes to. when he mentions twenty-one abstract cores. In addition, these books will develop as yet unknown techniques and concepts, including the four sections of the Explanation of the Mages - about which Castaneda describes only a small portion of one section - and the Rule of the Three-Toothed Nagual, which Castaneda never seems to have received.