Interesting facts in the world. Presentation on the topic "Interesting facts about animals." Burning candles without gravity

20 interesting facts about everything.

  1. In 1890, Fukurum wise figurine took from Japan to Russia. Now they are more famous as Matryoshka.
  1. The only number that twice the amount of its numbers components is 18.
  1. Until 1600, the clock had only one arrow - the hour.
  1. In June 1963, British tennis player Michael Sangster filed a ball at a speed of 247 km. This is the most powerful fixed ever.

I would not like to be with him on one court.)))

  1. Banana is a berry.
  1. When we look at the most distant from the visible stars, we look at 4 billion years in the past. Light from her, spreading at a speed of almost 300,000 km. Per second, reaches us only after this time. Here is a special theory of relativity.
  1. It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes. You can check it out!
  1. Flamingo becomes pink not from birth, but because of the special nutrition. They eat blue-green seaweed, which in the process of digestion become pink. Here you have a bird "Morning Dawn"
  2. The speed of zipper is so great that it can beat the globe in the second eight times.
  1. People and elephants are the only creatures that emotionally react to the remains of themselves like.
  1. If you fill the teaspoon with a substance from which neutron stars consist, then its weight will be approximately 110 million tons.
  1. The most fat ever released newspaper - in America (Nework Times) dated October 17, 1965, weighed almost 3.5 kilograms, it was 945 pages.
  1. Apple bones contain cycane glycosides. 50-60 grams of these bones can lead to strong poisoning of an adult.
  1. Most tropical fish can survive if instead of the water to put them in an aquarium, filled with blood, as the blood is as close as possible to sea water in its own way.
  1. The human eye is so sensitive that if you sit on the top of the mountain in a moonless night - it will be possible to detect a burning match from a distance of 80 km.
  1. An ordinary pencil can be held a line of 55 km.
  1. Everyone knows the phrase Julia Caesar: "Came, I saw, won!", But do not know that this expression belonged to Turkey.
  1. One good ballpoint handle can be written about 50,000 words.
  2. Bark of red wood refractory. If in the forest where the breeds of red trees grow, there is a fire, the fire spreads inside the trunk.

(To be continued….)

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To make a kilogram of honey, the bee must fly 2 million flowers.

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  • Fineralizing the cub is not easy for whales. After 10-12 months, small whales up to a third of the adult whale appear in the wint of the mother to the light (and in the case of blue whale it is 10 meters). Mother muscles splashing milk in the mouth of a young, who is tightly kept behind the nipple. The fat content of milk whales is about 50%, which is 10 times the fat content of human milk. Accordingly, the young grow dialing a day to 90 kilograms.
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    Also whales communicate with a very low frequency sound, but high intensity. This is the loudest sound produced by alive creatures, it comes to the level of 188 decibels and surpasses the root of the jet aircraft. Sounds can last up to 30 seconds and to be heard from other blue whales at a distance of more than 1600 km.

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    • Giraffe's brain is about 5 meters above his body. It is clear that with such an original design, the neck should somehow be solved by the problem of blood delivery to a vital organ. It is not enough that the heart of the giraffes is twice as much as the cows, so also the unique structure of the veins prevents a sharp tide of blood when the head is lowering down. Yes, and the skin of the legs should be extremely strained, so as not to allow blood to be stood in the legs.
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    Lizard's eyes are equipped with orange glasses, because In the retina there are a lot of fat drops painted in orange. This is where, it turns out, the filters in these animals. So, lizards see the world not as we. And not just lizards. Many birds seem green to what we see in red.

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    • The sloths spend 75% of life in a dream.
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    • . Penguins can bounce in height more than one and a half meters.
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    • Chimpanzees are the only animals that can recognize themselves in the mirror.
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    • Bloch can jump by 33 cm for one jump. If people had the same jumping, a person could perform 213 meters jumping!
    • The male of imperial moth can feel and find a female of its kind from a distance of two kilometers.
    • On the front paws of the tiger five fingers, and on the rear - four. Tigerine claws reach the length of 8-10 cm.
    • A kind of starfish, called Lunckiacolumbiae can completely reproduce its body from a particle in a length of 1 centimeter.
    • Due to the mechanism reflecting the light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better than those of people.
    • Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row, without taking into eating.
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    Iguana can be under water up to 28 minutes.

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    • The longest of the registered flights of the chicken lasted 13 seconds.
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    • Ferreers sleep until 20 hours a day.
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    • Elephants and people are the only mammals that can stand on the head.
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    • Hummingbirds cannot walk.
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    • If the bat heard his cry, which she would like, irresistible, she would be flip. Therefore, before emptying the Lokiroaching, the mouse gives a squeak, which makes the muscles of the auditory to strain, and she perceives a loud cry already normally.
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    • Despite the hump, the spine at the camel is straight.
    • At shark immunity to cancer.
    • The starfish can turn out his stomach inside out.
    • An animal that can not drink rat longer - rat.
    • Hippo is born under water.
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    • Orangutans warn about aggression by loud belching.
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    • Zebra is white with black stripes, and not the opposite.
  • 1. In 1889, Margarita Savoy, the Queen of Italy, first in history ordered the delivery of pizza.

    2. In Japan, ice cream is sold with an eel taste.

    3. In Portugal, it is considered indecent to write red ink.

    4. Red Lynx is one of the rarest animals in the world, but this is the most common wild cat in North America.

    5. 10% of all bones of a feline skeleton are located in the tail.

    6. Millions of hairs that provide a chemical response are located on the paws of lizards-geckons, thanks to which lizards can climb on the walls. The clutch force with the surface is such that the heckon can firmly hang on one finger.

    7. The term "astronaut" consists of two Greek words meaning the "star" and "sailor".

    8. Calcium contained in our bones and iron present in our blood is "native" from the depths of the giant ancient stars.

    9. Nile crocodiles, waving prey under water, they can detain their breath for two hours.

    10. Medusz has no brain, there is no heart and no skeleton. Chinese Giant Salamandras are the largest of the currently living amphibians. These giants reach 1.8 m in length.

    12. According to statistics, blue dental brushes are more popular than red.

    13. In medieval Germany, there was a belief that a kiss with a don is eliminated from dental pain.

    14. According to scientists, the gap between the hour and a half of the third is the best time for day sleep. It is these one and a half hours that the temperature of the human body decreases, which makes us feel sleepy.

    15. The speed of rotation of the Earth around its axis is gradually slowed down - so, during dinosaurs, the duration of the day was about 23 hours.

    16. Hummingbirds are mashed with wings with a frequency of up to 200 crawls per second.

    17. In North America there are more than 1.2 thousand water parks.

    18. Sea skates can control each eye independently of the other - it allows you to more effectively produce food and follow the approach of predators.

    19. On the sidewalk, grilled to 70 ° C, you can cook the scrambled eggs.

    20. B. english language To designate the cluster jellyfish, the word "SMACK" is used, which can be translated as "taste".

    21. The size of the sun in the diameter is approximately 100 times more similar to the size of the Earth.
    22. More than 99% of Antarctica Area are covered with ice.

    23. The height of the largest of the waves, ever "caught" by the fervor, is approximately equal to the height of the 10-storey building.

    24. Details of specially trained dogs that serve in the international airports of the United States, about 75 thousand prohibited objects are in the baggage of passengers.

    25. Apples of some varieties can weigh more than 2 kg.

    26. Corn grows on all continents, except Antarctica.

    27. Sea skates the body surface, unlike most other fish, is covered with bone plates, and not scales.

    28. Every day you fall from 50 to 100 hair.

    29. The Spanish word "Armadillo" means "small armadiole".

    30. The world's smallest plants in the world with small ants.

    31. In the US state of New Jersey, the world's highest concentration of shopping centers.

    32. Dresser Varana during meals can eat more than 2 kg of meat per minute. Surplus fat accumulates in lizards in the tail.

    33. Not all satellites planets Solar system As much as our moon - so, in Europe, the satellite of Jupiter, there is an ocean covered with ice crust.

    34. A combat vessels used the coffins for their military commanders.

    35. At any time, about 60% of the sky over our planet closed clouds.

    36. Any monkey laughs if you rinse it.

    37. Spotted gyen digestive systems can digest skin and bones.

    38. The needles of South African dictates three times longer than a pencil - up to 50 cm.

    39. According to scientists alignments, the dreams about any form of activity can improve your real skills in this area.

    40. In your hair contains microscopic gold particles.
    41. In Japan, it is customary to compare the moon not with a human face, but with a rabbit face.
    42. Thanks to strong air flows, the clouds can be moved at a speed of up to 160 km / h.

    43. The informal name of naked farms (kind of rodents) is sand puppies.

    44. There are opals on Mars.

    45. George Washington was fond of speleology.

    46. \u200b\u200bTo make 4 liters of ice cream, about 6 liters of milk are required.

    48. The males of Hercules Zhukov reaches such a magnitude that they are hardly placed in the palm of adult.

    49. Pure transparent emeralds are more expensive to diamonds.

    50. Ears are the most operational sense body in humans. We are able to recognize the sound in 0.05 seconds.

    In science, there are two main theses, which include factalism and theoretism. Factualism is based on the independence of the facts in comparison with theory, while emphasizing the autonomy of determining the facts from abstract constructions. Theoritism, in turn, argues that all the facts are interconnected with the theory, given its position, the facts have a property to change.

    There are also such concepts that combine both indicated theses and promoting both the presence of facts in theory and independent in relation to the theory of character. It is best to get rid of yourself from this scientific nonsense and watch twenty facts that will not allow you to get bored.

    1. BelAZ-75710 is the most huge on the entire planet dump truck, which has a loading capacity of 450 tons.

    2. Sea skates "in the position". It is the males engaged by reproducing offspring, and their couple exists a lifetime.

    3. Within the area of \u200b\u200bthe village on the Niger River, residents began to disappear. After long searches, the rescuers caught the crocodile, the growth of which was seven meters, and the weight of 1200 kg.

    4. That's what happens if you spill hot water in Antarctica.

    5. Gallium is a metal having a melting point of 29.8 degrees. If you take it in your hand, it will start melting.

    6. Indian named Ka-Nah-Be-Owey Wence lived in three centuries - from 1791 to 1920.

    7. What does a million years in one photo look like.

    8. Coconut crab. He is the largest representative of arthropods and easily splits cushion coconuts.

    9. Malmota Macropin. This fish has the wholeness of a transparent head.

    10. Carrot was originally purple. And orange carrots were removed in the fourteenth century in Holland.

    11. This looks like a different sand from the Sahara desert.

    12. Rose of the North - larch flowers so blooms. Her bumps blush once every 2-3 years.

    13. The worst thing that this giant snake Titanoboa existed actually and reached 20 meters long.

    14. Mangosteen with a snow-white flesh, similar to a gentle cream dessert, is considered the most delicious fruit in the world.

    15. Apple variety - Pink pearls.

    16. So it looks like a fir from the inside. Its branches are as if drove into the trunk.

    17. This looks like 1.5 kg of fat and 1.5 kg of muscles.

    18. Stomach share in one frame.

    19. Tiger leather striped, like wool.

    20. Squares on cheeks are a genetic defect. They mean that the muscles grew incorrectly and the depressions were formed between them.

    The world around the world is remarkable and unpredictable. He is equally able to delight, inspire and shock. We do not have enough life to learn all his disclosed secrets and not enough eternity to solve all his secrets. However, you can always start with small. For example, very strange facts that you might not know.

    Probability theory

    The probability of sudden death on the way behind the lottery ticket is higher than the probability of winning Jack Pope.


    We accept more rational solutions if we think about the problem on foreign language. Language helps to separate emotions from logic and clearly analyze the situation.

    Uda love

    Otters keep each other behind the paws during sleep, food or simple rest not only to not divide, but also not to miss each other.

    150 km without engines

    The plane can plan without working turbines and even with a hole in the fuel tank at a distance exceeding 150 kilometers. This case once happened in fact.

    Taste sweet

    Coffee radically changing the taste of food. This is especially true of sweets. Coffee dults the taste of sweet, and tea retains it.


    When we get a refusal or the beloved person throws us, the same receptors that respond to physical pain are activated in the brain.

    Persons where they are not

    Monkeys see people on inanimate objects. They are experiencing optical illusions, because they constantly remember the danger.


    Elvis Presley was a natural blond. The King of Rock and Roll was confident that dark hair better emphasized the color of his eyes.

    Sign language

    Our brain reacts to communication in different ways. Verbal and non-verbal signals are perceived by the brain is not equally. It turns out that our subconsciously perceives the language of gestures.


    On human skin more forms of life than people on our planet. Every day we "divide" your own body with 90 trillion bacteria.

    Additional weight

    Over the night, intervertebral discs relax and expand. That is why we are 1% higher in the morning than in the evening.


    The structure and color of the hair of a newborn baby can completely change during the first year of his life. Do not be surprised if the blond baby will suddenly become a brunette.


    White bears are trying to hide in the snow, covering their black noses with legs.


    Pesssimism is inherited genetically. People who are negative are separated by mutating the Adra2B gene.


    Almost 15% of air, which we inhale in the subway, are dead cells of human skin.


    There are more people on Earth who suffer from obesity than those who suffer from hunger. About 30% of the world's population suffers from obesity, and 5% of them die from this disease.

    Universe in us

    Our bodies consist of atoms, half of which arrived on Earth from other galaxies.

    First photoshop

    In the flourishing of the photograph of the XIX century, it was very popular to remove the dead people, sitting in front of the camera as if they were still alive. In addition, the first photoshop was in the "drawing" by photographs with watercolor paints.