Sawing up the Altai forest is a family matter


Chapter 1. Objects and research methods 9

Chapter 2. Natural conditions and land resources of the region 16

2.1. Natural and climatic conditions of soil degradation 16

2.2, Land resources of the region 3 8

Chapter 3. Degradation of soil cover 54

3.1. Anthropogenic soil degradation 54

3.2. The process of desertification of steppe lands 67

Chapter 4. Soil conservation role of forest vegetation in areas of soil deflation 79

4.1. Deflation of soils in the Kulunda steppe 79

4.2. The role of forest plantations in the fight against soil deflation 87

Chapter 5. Soil conservation role of forest vegetation in areas of water erosion of soils IZ

5.1. Agrotechnical methods of combating soil erosion 115

5.2. Anti-erosion forest plantations 120

Chapter 6. Protective forest plantations in the steppe 129

6.1. Historical background 130

6.2. Types of protective forest plantations and methods of their formation 138

6.3. State of the state protective forest belts 155

6.4. Current state of forest shelter belts ... 170

6.5. Pine forest belts in dry steppe ... 205

6.6. The role of peg woods 212

Chapter 7. Regional forest agricultural systems 223

7.1. Agroforestry complexes in areas of soil deflation 223

7.2. Agroforestry complexes in areas where water erosion occurs 234

Chapter 8. The soil conservation role of the tape forest 242

8.1. Natural forest vegetation and its condition 242

8.2. The state and soil and water protection role of the belt pine forests 248

8.3. Reforestation on burned-out areas in tape pine forests 262

8.4. Optimization of soil protection functions of belt burs 274

Chapter 9. Measures to stabilize the process of desertification by forestry methods 284

Bibliography 304

Introduction to work

The urgency of the problem. V In the arid belt of Russia, stretching from the western borders to Transbaikalia, desertification processes are manifested to a strong extent due to deflation, erosion, and salinization. The area of ​​agricultural land, according to K.N. Kulik and S.E. Tikhonov (2003), subject to degradation, in different regions ranges from 40 to 80%, and the rest of the land is dangerous in this respect. In the country, about 43% of agricultural land is located in the zone of dry steppes, over 60% of grain crops suffer from droughts and often from dust storms (Petrov, 1995).

The steppe part of the territory of the south of Western Siberia is characterized by flatness, the predominance of light and medium-sized soils, their plowing contributes to the occurrence of wind erosion, which often grew into black storms and brought irreparable losses to agricultural production.

A way out of this situation in the conditions of multi-structure agriculture can be found in the translation into an adaptive strategy of land use, in the widespread use on dry land of ecological and eco-friendly reclamation, most fully adapted to local conditions. The basis of this strategy is formed by forest-agricultural landscapes, which should be considered as an integral part of the farming system, which have a high ecological purity, as well as are characterized by relatively low costs for their creation and long-term return.

Research carried out in the Altai Territory

(Andrianov, 1961, 1962, 1973; Bivalkevich D997; Burlakova, 1989, 1997; Vandakurova, 1950; Gribanov J 954; Dolgilevich, Simonenko, 1979, 1984; Kukis, 1968, 1971; Mattis. Pavlovsky, 1984, etc.) for a more intensive use of land resources under the protection of forest plantations, which has not only theoretical but also applied significance.

The success of solving these issues is predetermined by the level of their scientific validity based on a quantitative and qualitative assessment of agronomic and forestry resources in their joint manifestation. In this regard, it is extremely important for the steppe regions of the south of Western Siberia to solve the problem of reliable, constant achievement of real results by forestry methods in stabilizing the process of soil cover degradation.

Research Objective- to assess the current state of land use in the steppe part of the region and the role of protective forest plantations in stabilizing the process of soil cover degradation.

Research objectives:

Develop a system of events in which the ribbon beads
are considered as the basis of the forest ecological framework for
Kulunda steppe;

To develop a program for the restoration of forest ecosystems on burned-out areas in
belt forests and the creation of a system of protective forest plantations in arid
the zone of the south of Western Siberia;

Identify the degree of degradation of arable land, pastures and hayfields, and
also the reasons causing the death of protective forest plantations;

Clarify the significance of chopped forests in the steppe and forest-steppe with the establishment of criteria for the minimum forest cover for individual agroforestry areas. Scientific novelty.

For the first time based on the results of many years of research using
various methods, an assessment of the degradation of agricultural
lands and protective forest plantations by a set of signs,
characterizing their biological stability in contrasting
ecological conditions of the Altai Territory;

The theoretical provisions of the conceptual approach to
the study of environmental protection functions of forest belts in steppe conditions with
taking into account the assortment of trees and shrubs and especially conifers;

For the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the Altai Territory, the main
principles of creation and placement of protective forest plantations for
different types soil. It has been established that the land use system should
be based on a combination of agronomic and forest reclamation techniques,
aimed at stabilizing crop yields.

Protected provisions.

The role of protective forest plantations in the agroforestry landscapes of the studied
region is determined by the level of their protective functions, which
associated with the forest cover of the territory, taxation and silvicultural
features of plantings. In the arid zone of the south of Western Siberia under conditions
increasing manifestations of soil degradation processes
creation systems protective forest plantations is one of the main
factors of intensification of agricultural production.

Regionalization of types of protective forest plantations, their species structure is the basis for the optimal combination of arable land, meadows, forests.

The creation of a single ecological framework in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the Altai Territory, composed of forests of natural and artificial origin, is necessary in order to stabilize the process of agricultural soil degradation.

Maintaining a high environmental protection level with tape burs
provides for rapid reforestation on large-area burnt-out areas with
prevention of processes of both soil degradation and waterlogging

Validity and reliability of results confirmed by many years of research in various regions of the steppe and forest-steppe, large quantity experimental and analytical materials, its processing using mathematical and statistical methods.

Practical significance.

The established schemes for the construction of agroforestry landscapes in order to preserve and increase soil fertility have been tested by a wide industrial practice, they are an integral part of the zonal system of nature management. The research results are used by forest management organizations that develop projects for various purposes in the forest fund. On their basis, the Program for the elimination of the consequences of large forest fires in the Altai Territory for 1998-2008 has been developed and purposefully implemented.

The results of the study of protective forest plantations in various agroforestry areas made it possible to differentiate them according to their adaptive properties, highlighting the most productive and biologically stable tree species and recommend them for introduction into forest belts for various purposes, which became an integral part of the guidelines for creating forest belts in the Kulunda steppe.

Approbation. The research results were reported at scientific and practical conferences: "Pine forests of Russia in the system of multipurpose forest management" (Voronezh, 1993), "Fires in the forest and at the objects of the wood-chemical complex" (Tomsk-Krasnoyarsk, 1999), "Problems of forestry and reforestation in Altai" (Barnaul, 2001), “Anthropogenic impact on forest ecosystems” (Barnaul, 2002), “Kulundinskaya steppe: past, present, future” (Barnaul, 2003), “Restoration of disturbed landscapes” (Barnaul, 2004), “Structural-functional organization and dynamics of forests "(Krasnoyarsk, 2004), as well as at meetings and seminars at various levels.

experimental material, approbation and implementation of completed research projects.

Publications. The main content of the dissertation is presented in 40 works, including 12 collective monographs with a total volume of 178 pp. including the author's share 62.2 pp.

Workload. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 9 chapters, conclusions and recommendations for production. The total volume of the manuscript is 332 typewritten pages and includes 74 tables, 30 figures and 342 bibliographic sources.

Objects and research methods

As you know, methodology is usually understood as teaching about the method of scientific knowledge and practical transformation of reality (Bardin, 1975). The research methodology and method are objective, they are determined by the content and structure of the cognized object. At the same time, they also contain a subjective aspect, since they are a purposeful tool that is deliberately used by the researcher (Dictionary ..., 1981).

The subject of this study is the biological and agricultural production system of nature management in areas prone to wind and water erosion of soils, the study of which requires the use of general scientific methods, such as economic and mathematical, statistical, empirical.

The principle of the interconnection of economic, natural and other phenomena requires consideration of any of them in a specific setting, taking into account the dependence on each other of its individual aspects. However, when it is said about the comprehensiveness of consideration of the phenomena under study, this does not mean that it is necessary to consider literally all sides, all their features, all signs. Such a task is practically impossible, because each phenomenon has an infinite number of properties, features, signs. ...

As an object of research, we took protective watering systems on agricultural lands of the Altai Territory, which are characterized by a significant diversity, complexity of both natural and climatic and economic and economic conditions (Varfolomeev, Barkin, 1974; Vekshegonov, 1970, 1984; Williams, 1951; Vyalkova, Trofimov, 1979; Gladyshevsky, 1945; Kravchenko, Skripka, 1974; Kretinin, Leonov, 1978; Levina, 1950, State ..., 1985; Dyarenko, 1964; Shapovalov, Pavlovsky, 1967).

Natural and climatic conditions of soil degradation

The territory of the Kulunda steppe is a typical foothill proluvial-alluvial plain, formed under the influence of large water flows wandering over a flat plain surface (Gerasimov, 1935), as well as pre-Quaternary and Quaternary tectonic processes (Kovalev et al., 1967). It is composed of a thick stratum of loose Quaternary and Neogene continental deposits, underlain by more ancient marine rocks. Here, the steppedness and terraces of the surface are clearly expressed, due to the tectonics and the activity of rivers and lakes. Within its limits, such large geomorphological regions as the Kuluidinskaya lowland are isolated (Beirom et al., 1958, Gerasimov, 1935, Martynov, 1957, Chernousov et al., 1988).

Large lakes are confined to the flat surface of the steppe, which occupies the central, lowest part of Kulunda, the surface of which is composed of Quaternary sands, sandy loams and loams, which are the parent rocks.

In the monotonous relief of Kulundt, river valleys are clearly visible. The valleys were formed in the hollows of an ancient runoff, they are shallow, their shores are almost invisible, merge with the adjacent terrain; wide terraces above the floodplain stretch for tens of kilometers.

In the Kulunda steppe, there are depressions - vast steppe saucers, alternating with fresh and salt lakes. The lowered areas give way to low ridges, stretching in the direction of the ancient runoff hollows, they are the watersheds of the rivers of the Kulunda steppe. The maned relief of Kulunda was formed from sediments accumulated during the springing of glacial waters. Rivers fed by glacial waters during the interglacial epochs of the Quaternary period destroyed moraines and reworked them (Kovalev et al., 1967).

Anthropogenic soil degradation

Altai is a relatively young agricultural province in the east of the country. Its development began in the first half of the XYIII century and was associated with the development of the mining industry.

The bulk of the rural population during this period consisted of peasants assigned to factories, who performed certain duties for factories and at the same time were engaged in peasant farming. After the reform of 1861, freed from factory service, they began to engage in agriculture to a much greater extent.

The legislation of 1865 laid the foundation for the resettlement movement of peasants from the agricultural holdings of the European part of Russia. The flow of immigrants to the region especially increased at the end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway was put into operation. The rural population in the region has tripled, reaching 1 million 998 thousand people by 1917. In proportion to the growth of the population, the area of ​​developed land also increased. In 1917, 2 million 506 thousand hectares were under crops in the region, in 1928 - 3 million 77 thousand hectares. During the years of collectivization, the sown area increased to 3 million 697 thousand hectares, but during the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 decreased to 2 million 769 thousand hectares. V post-war years the area was restored and increased, amounting in 1953 to 4 million 559.4 thousand hectares. During the years of development of virgin and fallow lands (1954-1956), another 2.9 million hectares were plowed, but after dust storms and droughts of 1963-1965. more than 1 million hectares of heavily eroded lands were withdrawn from circulation, after which the arable land in the region stabilized at 7.2-7.3 million hectares. Now arable land occupies 6 million 922.1 thousand hectares, or 41.2% of the total area of ​​the region (Table 11).

Deflation of soils in the Kulunda steppe

The damage caused by wind erosion to the national economy is extremely great. Strong winds, sometimes reaching hurricane force, blow out and demolish the top fertile soil layer along with emerging seedlings or sown seeds. When partially blown out, the roots of plants are exposed, as a result of which their development slows down, and sometimes even death. Wind-blown soil particles detect and damage crop seedlings.

In 1963-1965. In the Kulunda steppe, about 600 thousand hectares of arable land were subject to wind erosion, of which 189 thousand hectares of the soil cover was completely destroyed (Gavrilov, 1984).

The general factors of the occurrence and development of wind erosion are: - climatic conditions - first of all, the aridity of the climate and the presence of strong winds; -availability of deflation-yielding soils; (table 19) - lack of forests, sparse forest or deforestation of the territory; - improper economic use of land, absence or insufficiency of anti-erosion measures on deflationary-yielding soils. The conditions for the occurrence of wind erosion can be divided into two groups - natural and anthropogenic.

The occurrence of spring dust storms is most likely after a dry autumn, a winter with little snow, and a vigorous spring with little precipitation. Such a state of weather conditions of the previous and current periods serves as a forecast of the possibility of wind erosion.

Soil waving usually begins when the wind speed is above 10 m / s. Dust storms are caused by winds of different directions, but the most dangerous are the winds of the western and south-western directions.

Agrotechnical methods of combating soil erosion

In the forest-steppe, steppe, dry-steppe zones, along with the issues of combating droughts and dry winds, the problem of optimizing the aquatic ecosystems of small river basins and stopping the growth of ravines is no less urgent. Currently, there is a progressing degradation of soils and vegetation in various catchments as a result of the undisturbed impacts of surface melt water runoff. Ultimately, there is an increase in ravines, a decrease in arable land, siltation and pollution of small rivers and reservoirs. The basis for protecting small rivers from pollution, siltation, stopping the growth of ravines and strengthening their banks will be the creation of a system of forest plantations with their uniform distribution throughout the catchment. To stop the surface runoff or to reduce it to a minimum on the catchments of small rivers, the specific weight of protective forest plantations must be increased to 15%, on gully-ravine systems up to 40%, on the primary and Sh channel banks up to 70% (Musokhranov, 1979, 1983; Zashchitnoe. .., 1968, 1986; Vorontsov, Kharitonova, 1979). Water erosion is manifested to varying degrees in the region. Water dissolves and removes nutrients from the soil, the most fertile soil particles. Erosion during washout reduces the thickness of the humus horizon, worsens physical properties soil - water permeability decreases and; evaporation increases, soil drought intensifies.

Today, on February 12, an old friend of our university, one of the first graduates, and now the chairman of the Alumni Association of the Altai branch of the RANEPA Yakov Nikolaevich Ishutin, is celebrating his birthday!

The management of the Altai branch of the RANEPA and the Alumni Association sincerely congratulate Yakov Nikolaevich!

We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, well-being and excellent mood. Prosperity and peaceful sky over your head!


Yakov Nikolaevich Ishutin was born on February 12, 1952 in the village. Ust-Mosikha, Rebrikhinsky District, Altai Territory.

After graduating from the Siberian Institute of Technology with a degree in forestry in 1974, he began his career in the forestry industry. Starting from a simple forester in the Rebrikhinsky forestry of the Rebrikhinsky forestry enterprise, Yakov Ishutin at various times in the Altai Territory held the positions of the chief forester of the Rakitovsky forestry enterprise (1977-1982), the director of the Stepno-Mikhailovsky forestry enterprise (1982-1985), the chief forester of the Altai forest management (1985-1997).

Since 1997, Yakov Ishutin has served as the head of the Altai forestry department. In 2000 he was appointed deputy chairman of the committee natural resources in the Altai Territory, in 2001 he was transferred to the position of the head of the committee.

On September 5, 2005, the head of the Altai Territory administration, Alexander Karlin, signed a decree appointing Yakov Ishutin as his deputy. From December 2007 to 2014 - Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Forester of the Russian Federation.

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The Krasnodar Territory Highway Administration, one of the first road authorities in Russia, was actively involved in the development and promotion of infrastructure investment projects.

Anapa is implementing a project to create a special economic zone of a recreational type. The cost of its road infrastructure will exceed two billion rubles. The Krasnodar Territory is initiating the creation of a special economic zone of the port type on the Azov-Black Sea coast. The development of its road component will require 11 billion rubles.

Business card region

The area of ​​the Krasnodar Territory is 75.5 thousand square kilometers.

Population - 5121 thousand people.

The total length of state-owned public highways is 10,214 kilometers. Federal roads account for 1317 kilometers (29%), as well as 32% of traffic. The most important road transport routes are M-4 "Don", M-29 "Kavkaz".

Krasnodar Territory is one of the most significant regions of Russia. Favorable geographical position, climatic and natural conditions objectively determine the exceptional attractiveness of the Kuban.

This is the largest transport hub in Russia. The railway and road routes of the two international Eurasian transport corridors "North-South" and "Transsib" pass here. Annually, the regional transport alone transports 150 million tons of cargo and a billion passengers.

There are eight seaports in the region. A prerequisite for their successful development is the appropriate development of access roads and the solution of the problems of transport hubs.

The most widespread mode of transport in the region is automobile. It occupies a leading position in terms of both cargo and passenger traffic. In 2007, road transport transported 21.5% of cargo and 4.8% more passengers than in 2006.

The automobile park of the Krasnodar Territory is more than 31 thousand buses, about 170 thousand trucks, more than 1.1 million cars.

The unique geographical position of the Kuban leads to the appearance of a large number of nonresident motor transport here, and in the summer - an increase in passenger traffic.

There is a sharp increase in the number of cars -

there are 329 vehicles per thousand inhabitants of Krasnodar, which is more than one and a half times higher than the level of motorization in Russia.

The fruits of sound policy

The excellent condition of the regional roads of the Krasnodar Territory, the stable development of the industry are due to the thoughtful, balanced policy of the administration and the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

Krasnodar Territory is the only Black Sea resort in our country, which annually receives up to 17 million people in its sanatoriums and health resorts. Therefore, many Russians know firsthand about the good condition of the Kuban roads.

But there are plenty of problems. This is affected by the low carrying capacity of the exits to the Black Sea coast, the problems of transport hubs, and the weak road infrastructure of the Black Sea ports.

In order to eliminate these shortcomings, a phased reconstruction of the M-4 “Don” highway is being carried out. Until 2011 it will be reconstructed to parameters

In 2009, the second stage of the Great Bypass of the city of Sochi will be put into operation.

The federal highway Dzhubga-Sochi has the highest accident rate in the Krasnodar Territory. To comprehensively solve the transport problem and increase the throughput of the main highways in Sochi, it is necessary to build a number of important facilities, including the third stage of the Sochi Bypass, with the completion of design and survey work in 2008, which will require 582 million rubles. The total amount of funds required to finance the construction of this facility is 45 billion 582 million rubles.

Worthy to meet the Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has chosen the city of Sochi as the capital of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014. Thanks to this decision, Russia will be able to host the first Winter Games in its history. For two years Russia, Kuban carefully prepared and persistently moved towards their dream.

The road workers of Kuban not only sincerely worried, watching all the vicissitudes of this struggle, but also did everything possible to win. It was necessary to prove to the IOC our desire and ability to prepare the resort city for the Olympics. To this end, a program was developed for the construction of temporary entrances to the locations of the future Olympic facilities and viewing platforms repairing city streets.

But the main work lies ahead - by 2014 it is necessary to transform the infrastructure of the roads in the Olympic capital and the entire Krasnodar Territory. The road workers of the Kuban are entrusted with a responsible task: to provide Sochi with high-quality highways, along which the access to the Olympic facilities and numerous attractions of the resort city will be carried out. To solve this problem, federal and regional target programs have been adopted. Dozens of kilometers of roads, tunnels, bridges and transport interchanges, parking lots and parking lots will be built.

Among the most important projects:

Reconstruction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway with the construction of a bypass between Sochi and Tuapse;

Construction of an alternate road to Kurortny prospect and an alternative entrance to Krasnaya Polyana;

Creation of a unified automated traffic control system.

Regional network development

The length of the regional roads of the region is 8897 kilometers. These roads provide a connection between Krasnodar and regional centers, and agricultural products are transported along them. They provide transport accessibility for most settlements the edge, the needs of all its inhabitants.

86% of the regional road network is made up of asphalt-concrete roads. But only 1% of them are roads of the 1st technical category. This is the main problem -

lack of modern expressways connecting the districts with the regional center and with each other. The most difficult situation is in large transport hubs - the cities of Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Tuapse, Temryuk, Yeisk. Every year the traffic intensity there increases by 12-15%, and in the holiday season - up to 40%.

Therefore, one of the main areas of work of the Kuban road workers is the development of the regional road network, the reconstruction of the main regional highways, the construction of bypasses of settlements and modern bridge crossings.

In 2007-2008, state investments in the Krasnodar Territory increased two and a half times. This also affects the financing of the development of the regional road network - the volume of construction and reconstruction work has increased significantly.

Reconstruction of the most important regional highway Temryuk-Krasnodar-Kropotkin-border of the Stavropol Territory continues. Crossing the entire central part of the Krasnodar Territory from west to east, it is included in the main routes of the Southern Federal District, connecting the administrative centers of the Kuban and Stavropol Territories.

The expansion of one of the main regional roads to four lanes and the construction of bypasses of settlements is a strategic task. Bypassing the village of Vyselki, transit transport will be directed along the Zhuravskaya-Tikhoretsk highway, after the construction of a bypass section with a length of 15.4 kilometers.

A very important object for the regional center is the reconstruction of three main entrances to Krasnodar. Now the traffic intensity at the entrance to the city reaches 45 thousand vehicles per day.

After the reconstruction, the entrances will have a four-, six-lane roadway with transport interchanges and pedestrian crossings on two levels and lighting throughout. These measures will lead to a decrease in the number of accidents, increase the transport accessibility of the regional center and in many respects will solve the problems of the Krasnodar transport hub.

The strategy for the maintenance and repair of regional highways, adopted by the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, is aimed at preserving the existing roads. The Governor's programs "Rural Roads", "Sever" and "Reconstruction, Overhaul and Repair of the Street and Road Network of Municipal Formations of Krasnodar Territory", "Krasnodar - a Capital Image" are being implemented.

Prevent accidents

The development of the road meteorological support system had a great impact on road safety. The number of accidents associated with poor adhesion properties of the pavement has significantly decreased.

There are 28 ADMS and 41 CCTV cameras on regional roads. 46 work stations of meteorological observation are installed in contractors, road branches and in the Krasnodar hydrometeorological center. The expansion of the ADMS network is one of the most important components in solving the problems of winter road maintenance.

The implementation of a project to place information boards on regional roads to notify road users about the condition of the road surface, emergency situations on the road, as well as to display information of a warning and prescriptive nature continues. Placards have already been placed at the entrances to the regional center, and information on them will come both directly from the nearest ADMS and from the Krasnodar Territory Highway Administration.

Application of advanced technologies

On the regional highways of the Krasnodar Territory, the following were tested in the framework of experimental work and successfully introduced:

Three-dimensional system of automated control of the road milling cutter;

Coating technology from crushed stone-mastic asphalt mix;

Technology of sealing cracks in asphalt concrete pavements with hot bitumen mastic;

Monolithic bridge building technology;

The use of metal corrugated pipes;

Technology of road pavement reinforcement with geosynthetic materials.

Attracting investment

All infrastructural problems of the Krasnodar Territory cannot be solved at the expense of the state budget. But the region needs new highways corresponding to the most modern requirements equipped with tunnels and flyovers, equipped with the latest technology. The solution to the problem appeared after the adoption of the federal law "On concession agreements", which regulates the principles of public-private partnership in the creation of toll roads. The chances of successful implementation of such projects have increased even more in connection with the creation of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation.

The road industry of the Kuban has a high investment potential. promotes a number of projects related to the construction of roads, the most important of which is -

construction of a toll road Krasnodar-Abinsk-Kabardinka. At the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, project documentation is being developed, and the construction of the toll highway is planned to be completed by the Olympic year 2014.

Yakov Nikolaevich Ishutin is from the village of Ust-Mosikha (Rebrikhinsky district of Altai Territory). Date of birth - February 12, 1952.

In 1974 received a diploma from the Siberian Institute of Technology with a degree in Forestry and got a job as a forester in the Rebrikhinskoye forestry of the Rebrikhinsky forestry enterprise.

1977 to 1982 was the chief forester of the Rakitovsky forestry enterprise, after which he headed the Stepno-Mikhailovsky forestry, and in 1985 became the chief forester of the Altai forest management.

In 1997 he took up the post of the Head of the Altai forest management.

In 2000 Yakov Ishutin was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Natural Resources in the Altai Territory, and a year later he was transferred to the position of Head of the Committee.

2002-2004 he headed the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Conservation environment Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for the Altai Territory.

In 2004 got the second higher education, graduated from the Siberian Academy of Civil Service.

In September 2004 he was appointed Head of the Forestry Agency for the Altai Territory.

In March 2005 he became the Head of the Forestry Agency for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, and in September of the same year - the Deputy Head of the Altai Territory Administration.

December 2007 Yakov Ishutin became the Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory.

In this position, he oversees the work of the Altai Territory Departments for Housing and Communal Services, Construction and Architecture, Forest Management, as well as the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

The official has a doctorate in agricultural sciences.

Honored Forester of the Russian Federation.

He was awarded the Order of Honor, as well as the Order of Merit for the Altai Territory, II degree.

His family has two sons.

Publications with mention on

Today, on April 10, the Governor of the Altai Territory, Alexander Karlin, adopted a decree on preparations for a fire hazardous period, approving a plan of main measures for 2012. How...

BARNAUL, July 5, RIA FederalPress. The Governor of the Altai Territory, Alexander Karlin, signed a law regulating the organization of overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in ...

BARNAUL, August 22, RIA FederalPress. The Governor of the Altai Territory, Alexander Karlin, instructed to conduct a thorough investigation of all the circumstances of the fire in Biysk, on ...

Every official is a corrupt official. One by one, Russian regions are joining the federal witch hunt, enthusiastically debunking the recent kings. It looks like the "Fas!" finally reached the provincial-peripheral Altai Territory... Moreover, officials of the highest echelon of regional authorities may well be at the epicenter of a corruption scandal.

In December last year, the "New Year's gift from Santa Claus" received the chapter Rostekhnadzor in the Siberian Federal District Leonid Baklitsky, having ended up in a pre-trial detention center on suspicion of bribery, stunning in its scale. Now the investigative team of the district prosecutor's office is carefully unwinding the balls of Mr. Baklitsky's winding ties in the hope of unleashing more than one knot of corruption. According to informed sources in the Prosecutor's Office of the Siberian Federal District, some of the threads stretched to the Altai Territory. And not just anywhere, but in the "blue house" (as the locals clairvoyantly call the regional administration), where the "disgraced shooter" Baklitsky worked for some time. As you can see, the example of an experienced bribe-taker turned out to be infectious for colleagues: in the near future, the vice-governor Yakov Ishutin may also have troubles, with the support of the head of the Siberian Rostechnadzor, he organized a real family row .

The fact that the Altai forests became the subject of Mr. Ishutin's "economic" activities is quite natural: in the recent past, he headed the regional forest administration. However, after his retraining as vice-governors, he did not leave his native element alone, having lobbied the director of one of the Altai forestry enterprises and his closest associate Mikhail Klyuchnikov for the post of head of the forestry department.

Note that the money-making scheme introduced by the comrades was not particularly sophisticated. To begin with, 31 limited liability companies were created at the same time in the region, and the name of each of them contained the word "forest". In addition, the founders of the new LLCs were groups of different individuals - employees of forestry enterprises or their relatives with the same total share in the authorized capital - 49%. And the founder with a 51% share in all LLCs was the same enterprise - CJSC Altayles. The founder of "Altayles" itself was another faithful ally of the "forest" vice-governor - Mikhail Chechushkov. And then the banal "sawing" of the forest fund intended for rent began. Thus, the massive fire support from the "blue house" ensured an easy victory in the "forest" competition for the tenant - LLC "Sodruzhestvo". Albina Klyuchnikova, Ivan Mikhailovich Klyuchnikov, Vladimir Yakovlevich Ishutin were among the founders of this enterprise. It is foolish to assume that they are all the namesakes of the main characters of this story.

As a result of all the manipulations with the tenders, Altayles and its “daughters” received about 1 million hectares of forests for rent and today they virtually monopolized forestry activities in the Altai Territory. But one of the main goals of the adoption of the new Forestry Code was the creation of healthy competition between tenants. Therefore, no one will be surprised by the fact that the prosecutor's office and other competent authorities have become interested in the actions of the "forest lads".

Natalia Simagina