USSR during the Great Patriotic War and post-war time. Essay: USSR during the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period of the USSR in the years of the Patriotic War

Causes, character and periodization of the Great Patriotic War. Causes of military lesions in the initial period of war and a radical fracture. Economy of the USSR during the war years. Tar activity. Results and price of victory.

On September 1, 1939 at 4 45 minutes, the Hitler's aviation strikes airfields, communications nodes. Economic and administrative centers of Poland. Ground troops invaded its territory. The second began world War . September 3, England and France declared war in Germany. Already in early September, Hitler pushed Stalin to introduce parts of the Red Army to those designed by the Secret Protocol of August 23, 1939. For the USSR, the districts of Poland. Such actions threatened the USSR of War not only with Poland, but also with England and France. The leadership of the USSR went to this only on September 17, when the defeat of Poland became apparent. After the actual defeat of Poland, on September 28, 1939, between the USSR and Germany, the "Friendship and Border Treaty" was signed. Agreement of September 28, 1939 made Soviet - German relations more definitely. Moscow received freedom of action in the Baltic States. In September-October 1939, the Soviet leadership of the Diplomatic Directorate was imposed by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Agreement on mutual assistance. In accordance with them, the Soviet military and naval bases were created on the territory of these countries and the contingents of the Red Army and Fleet were placed. Now Stalin could afford to embark on the solution of territorial issues with Finland. The Soviet proposal for the conclusion from Finland of the Treaty was rejected by the Finnish side. neither. November 30, 1939 began the Soviet-Finnish war. It was in a certain sense of "unnecessary war", generated by political miscalculations of both parties. At the end of February 1940, Soviet troops managed to break through Finnish defense. The Finnish government requested peace and under the contract of March 12, 1940. I lost to the Soviet Union all the Karelian experiencing and some other territories. The Soviet-Finnish war led to a sharp drop in the international prestige of the USSR, its exception as the country of aggressor from the League of Nations. This war that showed the weakness of the Red Army, strengthened Hitler in the opinion of the possible defeat of the USSR during the rapid campaign in the near future. Spring and summer of 1940 dramatically changed the international situation. Defeating Poland, Germany released significant forces in the east and caused a decisive blow to Western Europe. In these conditions, the Soviet leadership had to provide such a turn of events: after the completion of hostilities in the West, the transfer of German troops to the East to attack the USSR and the simultaneous seizure of the Baltic states. In this regard, the Soviet government found it necessary to take urgent measures to strengthen its influence in the Baltic States, which, as you know, for a long time, was a gate, through which Western conquerors invaded the limits of Russia. Despite the rude push by the USSR into the internal affairs of sovereign states, the motives of his action were understandable to many foreign politicians. The inclusion of the Baltic republics into the USSR in the West was regarded as annexation, as a manifestation of the "imperial ambitions of the communist totalitarian state", as the desire to "multiply the number of Soviet republics". The reaction was immediate: the relationship with England and the United States deteriorated sharply. The agenda faces the question of strengthening the southwestern borders of the USSR. The hasty with which Romanian subordination occurred. The Romanian government was presented with an ultimatum about the immediate transfer to the Soviet Union of Bessarabia and North Bukovina. Bessarabia was included in the USSR as the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. September 1940 brought new complications. In Romania, a German military mission appeared, which directly threatened the interests of the Soviet Union. On September 22, the German troops appeared on the territory of Finland, and in five days in Berlin, a three-way pact was signed between Germany, Italy and Japan. All these events were anxious of the Soviet leadership. To clarify the disputed problems arising from November 12-14, 1940. Molotov's visit to Berlin took place. In the negotiations, the Soviet Union made a proposal to join the triple Covenant. The USSR response was transferred to November 25. Formally, expressing the readiness to accept the offer, he put forward a number of conditions that were unacceptable for Reich and his allies. The answer to the Soviet conditions was never received in the Kremlin, but Hitler gave an order to force the preparation of war against the USSR. From month to month, the situation in the world has ever more hot and accepted in nature threatening for the USSR. In November 1940, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia joined the tripard Pact. In February 1941, Bulgaria followed them. Stalin became clear that diplomatic rivalry with Germany was lost. One hope remained: now the inevitable German aggression is already in time as possible in time. In the late 1930s, the provision of defense was to lead the country's main task. From the end of 1939, before the summer of 1941, samples were created simple in circulation and highly efficient military equipment. In September 1939, a universal military duty was introduced in the USSR. To complete the re-equipment of the army with the latest types of weapons and fully prepared it for the defense of the country was planned by the end of 1942 in the conditions of the increase in military hazard and knowing the universal forces of the country's armed forces to reflect aggression, Stalin made an effort to pull the time of the German attack time in the USSR. Soviet foreign policy at that time very much reminded the policy of "peace", held by the West before the beginning of World War II. In an effort to not give the occasion of the Nazi tip for attacking the USSR, Stalin Stromba forbade to replicate army forces directly to the border. Soviet pilots were forbidden to knock down German aircraft. The Germans were allowed to lead the graves of German soldiers and officers who died in the PMW in the Soviet border zone. And Stalin understood that the Germans would not search for the graves, but to maintain terrestrial intelligence. At the direction of Stalin in the theaters of the country began to set the operas of R. Vagner more often, to execute on the radio and on the stage its music, which, as famous, loved Hitler. Up to night on June 22, 1941, the USSR scrupulously observed all trading relations with Germany.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Causes, Osn. Stages, the price of victory, historical lessons.

On June 22, early in the morning of this day, Germany, following the planned plan, attacked the USSR. The war began, in which it was not about the preservation of a social system or even statehood, but about the physical existence of the peoples who inhabited the Soviet Union. Inhuman plans of the Nazis, their cruel methods of warfare strengthened from the Soviet people the desire to save their homeland and themselves from full extermination and enslavement. The war acquired a people's liberation and fairly entered the story as the Great Patriotic War. The history of the Great Patriotic War, which is the inseparable and most important part of the Second World War, can be divided into three periods. The first period lasted from June 22, 1941. Until November 18, 1942, the armed struggle of the Soviet Union at that time was predominantly defense. The second period (from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943) was characterized by a radical fracture during the war. The beginning of his famous Stalingrad battle was laid. In the summer of 1943, a victory was won by Kursk, after which there was a massive exile of the enemy from the Soviet Earth. The third period has lasted from the beginning of 1944 to May 9, 1945 and was characterized by the largest victories of the Red Army, which led to the complete expulsion of the fascist invaders from the limits of the Soviet Union. The initial period of the Great Patriotic War was the most difficult for the Soviet Union. Landing the enemy in the personnel of Soviet troops. However, her high-quality superiority was on the side of the enemy, and it was decisive at the beginning of the war. To the outcome of 1941, the depth of the promotion of the aggressor was from 850 to 1200 km. Leningrad was blocked, the Germans went on the approach to Moscow. The position of the USSR was critical: the military catastrophe of the first five months of the war led to the occupation by the enemy of vital regions. The camp was on the verge of disaster. Why did this happen? The reasons for the defeats of the Red Army in the initial period of war can be divided into objective and subjective. To objective reasons, the obvious economic and military superiority of Germany, its allies should be attributed primarily. In general, the military-economic resources of the countries of the fascist block and the enslaved countries have exceeded the resources of the USSR more than twice. Another objective reason was favorable for Germany and unfavorable international situation for the Soviet Union. Germany opposed the USSR in the Union with Italy. Hungary, Romania, Finland. Among its allies were Japan, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia. The defeated France of a special danger for Hitler did not imagine. The United States at this time was not ready for war. England, having superiority in warships and a powerful military air fleet, did not have a large land army and could not conduct large-scale fighting on the continent. Thus, in 1941. Hitler could not be afraid of war on two fronts. On the subjective reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the initial period of the war, primarily dominance in the country of the command-bureaucratic system. Secondly, voluntaryism and intolerance when developing important political decisions. Third, repression against the command composition of the Red Army. If the incorrect estimate of the possible time of the attack can be called the gross miscarriage of Stalin, the repression against the command staff was a crime. In 1937-1939. 40 thousand commanders underwent repression. Despite the fact that the fascists have achieved tremendous success in 1941, it was not yet a victory. Suddenly, the opponent faced for himself in the USSR with the people rising to the struggle with the general trouble. The whole country was quickly rebuilt into a military way. The key role in the mobilization of all forces on the enemy was played by the Communist Party. WCP (b) in the most difficult conditions managed to ensure the purposeful unity of the ideological, political, economic, military management of the country. The leadership of the country on June 29, 1941 adopted a guideline on the conduct of the war in which the tasks were set: mobilize the forces on the protection of Soviet land, not to leave the enemy, create underground and partisan movement, strengthen the rear, fight panicoers and spies. The centralization of the country's management has further strengthened. The fascist military car already soon after the start of the war began to give serious failures on the battlefields. A poorly armed, often lost command, mercilessly beaten by the German army, the Soviet soldier continued to resist in such situations in which all previous opponents of the Wehrmacht surrendered. The strategic defeat of the Wehrmacht suffered near Moscow. The capital of the USSR was never taken, but as a result of counteroffensive soviet troops In the period from December 1941 to March 1942, the enemy was with large losses discarded 120-400 km. This victory of the Red Army had a huge military-political importance. The myth of the invincibility of the Hitler's army was dispelled. In the hardest defensive battles 1941 - 1942. The best military frames of the Wehrmacht were grilled, and the necessary prerequisites prepared for the final fracture in the war. The attack of Hitler Germany on the USSR radically changed the military-political situation in the world. Governments of England and the United States under pressure from a sharply increased threat of their own security made a statement about the support of the fair struggle of the peoples of the Soviet Union. On July 12, 1941, the Soviet-English agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany and its allies was concluded in Moscow. The assistance of the allies was very impressive. Without her, the war could delay and cost big victims. It should not be thought that this help was extremely burdensome for allies and gratuitous. For the set weapons, ammunition, food, etc. The USSR paid a chromium and manganese ore, gold, platinum, fur, and most importantly - people. A stumbling block in the relationship between the "Big Troika" (USA, England, USSR) was the question of the opening of the second front against fascist Germany in Western Europe, which would allow to distract part of the German troops from the Eastern Front and closer the end of the war. In fact, this happened on July 6, 1944, when the ability of the USSR to defend Germany independently revealed. At the "Big Three" conferences in Yalta (February 1945) and Potsdam (July - August 1945) in the center of attention were the basic principles of the post-war device of the world. By the solution of allies, in 1945 the United Nations was created. In accordance with an arrangement achieved in Yalta. On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Government announced a war of Militarist Japan. On September 2, under the blows of the Allied Forces, Japan capitulated. The USSR made a decisive contribution to the relief of the world from the threat of fascist enslavement. However, the price paid by the peoples of the USSR for victory over the aggressors was excessively large. At the front, 27 million people died in captivity and in the occupied territories. Huge damage was caused by the economy of the country. From the face of the earth, hundreds of cities and villages were demolished, plants, factories, mines, dams, bridges and MNDs were blown up. Huge cultural values \u200b\u200bwere killed or were taken out. Sources of victory include high mobilization abilities of the policy economy, state ownership of the means of production, organizing the role of the Communist Party, cohesion, unity and mutual assistance of the peoples of the USSR. The countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition and the Resistance Movement in the countries captured by the Nazis countries contributed to the victory. The result of the victory of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War was the liberation of the territory of the Soviet Union from the fascist invaders, the defeat of the Militarist Forces of Japan, the elimination of the whole thing that the nashe people of the USSR Hitlerovsky " new order" The defeat of the German fascism and Japanese militarism laid the beginning of a new phase of the development of world civilization. As a result of the victory in the war, the borders of the USSR (Pechenga in the North, Koenigsberg and Klaipeda region, Transcarpathia, South Sakhalin, Kuril Islands) expanded. This war has become a bitter lesson for many nations of the world, for political leaders and heads of states. She demonstrated the extreme danger of any manifestations of nationalism, chauvinism and racism in international affairs; He showed that the inability of politicians and statesmen to recognize the danger to the threatening world on time and to rally to prevent it can cause new military shocks. Start the war is much easier than finish it. Therefore, the main task of the world community is to prevent and prevent wars.

Changes in Namire after the end of the 2nd MV. The reasons and the beginning of the Cold War.

The end of the 2nd MV, the victory of the countries of the anti-fascist coalition had a profound impact on the post-war device of the world. There was a change in the ratio of forces in the international arena M / in leading capitalist states. The leader of the capitalist world is the United States. Prestige intensified and the role of the USSR increased. His international relations expanded. By the middle of the 50s. Our country diplomatically recognized 70 states of the world. In October 1945, the United Nations (UN) began to operate, which included more than 50 states, including the USSR, the USSR, the BSSR, the purpose of which was to maintain peace and security, peaceful cooperation between states. In the countries of Eastern Europe, anti-fascist democratic transformations took place. However, since 1947-1948. The artificial pushing of social processes begins. It was not possible not without the help of Soviet troops, very often on the Soviet model, excluding national, historical traditions, features and capabilities of countries. In many countries of Eastern Europe in the late 1940s - early 1950s. The process of artificial coagulation of political parties was held, most often by combining with the communist parties and the creation of "single parties of the working class". As a result of such transformations, many people were deprived of the opportunity to participate in the political life of their country. They were fundamentally underwent confidence in the communist doctrine. In the first postwar years, the national liberation movement launched and the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism began. Thus, the Second World Warrior was for most countries of the world with a certain line of historical, political, socio-economic, moral and psychological terms. As already noted, the United States came out of the war of the strengthened power and occupied the leading position in the capitalist world. After the death of President F. Roosevelt (April 12, 1945), his successor to Truman believed that the Russians only interfere with the United States in the war and the latter will fully cost without mutual understanding from the USSR. The term "Cold War" was widespread in 1947. They began to denote by the state of the military, political, economic, ideological and other confrontation between states and systems. In the West, and especially in the United States and England, at the end of the 2nd MV, there was a rather noticeable political course that was considered an alliance with the USSR forced and temporary. There was hope that the Soviet Union will delete the forces in the war with Germany and this will allow the West to dictate its conditions. In 1944, the leaders of the American Armed Forces began to tune in to the Third World War as inevitable. The plan approved by the President of the Truman in 1948 was established even the time of the military attack on the USSR - until April 1, 1949, among Soviet and foreign historians, the discussion about the military aspect of the Cold War was held for many years, the main issue of which was: who is to blame in Unleashing the Cold War? The West, primarily the United States and the United Kingdom, exaggerated the scale of the post-war Soviet threat. The Soviet Union also did not escape the errors of the personality of the personally affected by Soviet diplomacy. This manifested itself in an excessive suspicion of Stalin, his desire to solve many questions, including those where he was not competent enough. During the "Cold War", its political aspect was of particular importance. Already in 1944, a suitable wording was found: the future war is the "ideological war", or the "crusade" under the canopy of the atomic bomb. In different ways were carried out in the Western and Soviet areas of occupation democratization in the field of economic, social, cultural life. These discrepancies, inability and reluctance to meet each other, the increase in tensions in other political issues between allied powers and led to the fact that Germany turned out to be split into two independent states for many years. The confrontation between the former allies is increasingly enhanced. North-Atlantic NATO Unit, England, France, Italy, Canada, Belgium, was the greatest danger to the USSR. Holland, Greece and Turkey. The Soviet Union did not develop aggression plans against the United States. The USSR sought to carry out a rigid foreign policy line, which resulted in strengthening confrontation. In 1946, a conflict situation arose around Iran. In 1941 Soviet and English troops were introduced there. After the war, the English troops were derived, and Soviet continued to remain. The confrontation has been outlined in Asia. Since 1946, civil war began in China. In 1949, an atomic bomb was tested in the USSR, and in 1953 a thermonuclear bomb was created, earlier than in the United States. The creation of atomic weapons in the USSR was a response to American blackmail, but at the same time between the USSR and the USA began a racing of arms. In contrast to the Western state, the economic and military-political alliance of socialist countries began to form. In 1949, the Council of Economic Communication SEA was established - the body of economic cooperation of the states of Eastern Europe. So, there was a split into two systems after which there were two isolated world markets from each other. The lack of communication with the developed countries has adversely affected the development of the economy of the USSR and Eastern Europe. The USSR policy was presented earlier only as peace-loving and correct. However, the International Policy of the Soviet Union during these years was characterized by unforgettableness, the inflexibility of diplomacy, sometimes dictatorial attitudes towards the countries of Eastern Europe. A special rejection was called by the Soviet idea and experience of collectivization, which were ultimately not adopted by some countries in general or partially (Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania).

In 1941, the Second World War joined a new phase. By this time, fascist Germany and its allies captured in fact the whole of Europe. In connection with the destruction of Polish statehood, a joint Soviet-German border was established. In 1940, the Fascist Guide developed the Barbarossa plan, the purpose of which was in the lightning crust of the Soviet Armed Forces and the occupation of the European part of the Soviet Union. Further plans envisaged the complete destruction of the USSR. To do this, 153 German divisions of 37 divisions of its allies (Finland, Romania and Hungary) were concentrated on the eastern direction. They had to strike in three directions: Central (Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow), North-West (Baltic Leningrad) and South (Ukraine with access to the Black Sea coast). The lightning campaign was planned to calculate the seizure of the European part of the USSR until the fall of 1941

Conquer almost all Western Europe, Hitler's Germany without a war announcement of 3 h. 15 min. June 22, 1941 violated the USSR state border. As a result of the movement of tank joints and massaged bombings by the end of September 1941, the enemy was incurred deep into our territory by 600-850 km. Only in three weeks of war, the Soviet troops lost 3,500 aircraft, 6 thousand tanks, more than 20 thousand guns and mortars. Of the 170 of our divisions on the Soviet-German front 70, half of their composition in humans and military equipment were lost.

The entire Multiethnic people of the USSR rose to the defense of the Motherland. The nature and goals of the Great Patriotic War from the first days were clearly marked in legislative, governmental and party documents. The political leadership of the USSR extended that the ratio of international forces in favor of socialism will change in the fight against Hitler German Germany.

The Great Patriotic War predetermined the outcome of the Second World War. The Soviet-German front was decisive in the defeat of fascist aggressors. In the historiography of the Second World War, five periods are distinguished, four of which are directly related to the military actions of the Soviet Armed Forces against Hitler's aggressors and Japanese militarists.

First period World War II (September 1, 1939 - June 22, 1941), as is well known, it is characterized by the fact that the fascist troops can seize most European countries. Hitler and the largest German monopolies proceed to establish a "new order" in Europe. In the fascists occupied by the fascists, the movement of resistance to aggressors is growing.

Second period World War II (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) is initially characterized by major failures of the Soviet Armed Forces, total mobilization of forces and funds for the fight against fascism, the creation of a flexible, but complex system government controlled Based on the translation of the entire economic and intellectual potential of the country for military failure.

The vertical structure of military centralization is installed in the USSR. The State Defense Committee (GKO) establishes and the Supreme Commandment rate is created, at the head of which was I.V. Stalin. He, being the chairman of the GKO, concentrates all the completeness of state power in his hands. At the rate of the Supreme Command, plans of decisive combat operations are being developed. The most important event of this period was the defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow. The myth about the lightning victory of Germany was completely dispelled.

In the first period of the Great Patriotic War, the Barbarossa plan was crashing, which was the most important condition for strengthening the anti-Hitler coalition as part of the USSR, the United States, England and France.

It should be emphasized that not only the warriors of the Red Army, but also the workers of the rear, and residents of the occupied regions fought against the fascists.

In the occupied territories, the Nazis severely treated the local population. In Belarus, 628 villages were burned as partisan support. In the village of Khatyn on March 22, 1943, 149 inhabitants were killed in fire. Among them were 76 chest and juvenile children. Particularly cruel persecution was subjected to the Jewish population. Jews were methodically destroyed in concentration camps and shot right on the spot. Of the 6 million Jews destroyed by the fascists over the years of World War II, 1 million 50 thousand lived in the USSR. There were many such tragic events. All rose to the fight against the enemy: from children to the elderly.

Universal patriotism has become one of the decisive conditions for the successful completion of the first period of the Great Patriotic War and the second period of World War II.

Third period World War II (from November 18, 1942 at the end of 1943) is characterized by a radical fracture during World War II. The initiative on the Soviet-German front proceeds to our armed forces. The crushing strikes of the Soviet troops, applied to the fascist aggressors near Stalingrad and Kursk, laid the beginning of a massive expulsion of the enemy from the territory of the USSR.

During this period, military rear, Soviet military equipment, both in terms of quality, and in terms of quantity, is completely formed.

Immersibly increases the international authority of the USSR. At the conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers - the USSR, the USA and England in Tehran (November 28 - December 1, 1943), Soviet diplomacy is achieved by the allies obligations regarding the opening of the second front in Europe no later than May 1, 1944

Fourth period World War II (from the beginning to May 9, 1945) ends with the defeat of the Hitler's army in its country and the signing of the Act on the unconditional surrender of the fascist Wehrmacht to the countries - participants of the Antihytler Coalition. On May 9, 1945, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the USSR was published on the announcement of this day with a nationwide holiday - the Victory Day.

The fourth period of World War II showed the possibility of a peaceful decision of international issues, regardless of the socio-political system and the ideological orientation of states interested in them. On February 4-11, 1945, Crimean (Yalta) was held conference of the heads of the three powers: I.V. Stalin (USSR), F. Roosevelt (USA) and W. Churchill (England). Military plans of allied powers were identified and coordinated and the basic principles of the post-war device of the world were identified. In particular, an agreement was reached on the establishment of the United Nations as the succession of the League of Nations, on the punishment of Nazi criminals, as well as the democratization of post-war Germany. The leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States of America and the United Kingdom agreed that in two or three months after the succession of Germany and the end of the war in Europe, the Soviet Union will enter the war against Japan on the side of the Allies.

Fifth, the final period of World War II (May 9 - September 2, 1945) is characterized by negotiations held between the heads of the Anti-Hitler Coalition on the Berlin (Potsdam) conference (July - August 1945). Here it was reaffirmed by the immutability of the solutions of the Crimean Conference.

During this period, the aspiration of the United States to the world domination begins to manifest itself, as evidenced by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities in Japan (6 and 9 August 1945).

One of the decisive factors of the victory of the antihytler coalition was the introduction of August 9, 1945. The USSR in the war against Japan. The Soviet Armed Forces defeated the Kwantung Army, and Japan was forced to sign an act of unconditional surrender.

Universal mobilization Mobilization of efforts to ensure victory in the Great Patriotic War was carried out in the field of economics, social policy, ideology. Mobilization of efforts to ensure victory in the Great Patriotic War was carried out in the field of economics, social policy, ideology. The main political slogan "Everything for the front, all for victory!" He played important in mobilizing the forces of the people, had concrete and practical importance. The main political slogan "Everything for the front, all for victory!" He played important in mobilizing the forces of the people, had concrete and practical importance.

Economy. In the economic policy of the government of the country, two periods are distinguished .. in the economic policy of the country's government, two periods are allocated. The first on June 22, 1941, the end of 1942. Perestroika of the economy on a military manner in the most difficult conditions of lesions of the Red Army and the loss of a significant part of the economically developed European part of the Soviet Union. The first on June 22, 1941, the end of 1942. Perestroika of the economy on a military manner in the most difficult conditions of lesions of the Red Army and the loss of a significant part of the economically developed European part of the Soviet Union. Second GG. Stablely increasing military-industrial production, achieving economic superiority over Germany and its allies, the second GG. Stablely increasing military-industrial production, achieving economic superiority over Germany and its allies,

From the first days of the war, emergency measures were taken to transfer the economy to military rails: a military and economic plan for the production of all types of weapons and ammunition was developed (in contrast to the preceding month and quarterly); Strengthened the rigid system of centralized industry, transport and agriculture; Special addresses were created to produce certain types of weapons. Committee of Food and Bad Supplies of the Red Army, the Evacuation Council. From the first days of the war, emergency measures were taken to transfer the economy to military rails: a military and economic plan for the production of all types of weapons and ammunition was developed (in contrast to the preceding month and quarterly); Strengthened the rigid system of centralized industry, transport and agriculture; Special addresses were created to produce certain types of weapons. Committee of Food and Bad Supplies of the Red Army, the Evacuation Council. There was a broad work on the evacuation of industrial enterprises and human resources to the eastern regions of the country. In gg At the Urals, in Siberia, Central Asia has been moved about 2000 enterprises and 11 million people. There was a broad work on the evacuation of industrial enterprises and human resources to the eastern regions of the country. In gg At the Urals, in Siberia, Central Asia has been moved about 2000 enterprises and 11 million people.

At the second stage (GG.) The USSR reached the decisive superiority over Germany in economic development, especially in the release of military products. 7,500 large enterprises were commissioned, which ensured a steady increase in industrial production. At the second stage (GG.) The USSR reached the decisive superiority over Germany in economic development, especially in the release of military products. 7,500 large enterprises were commissioned, which ensured a steady increase in industrial production. Compared to the preceding period, the volume of industrial production increased by 38%. In 1943, 30 thousand aircraft were issued, 24 thousand tanks, 130 thousand artillery guns of all kinds. The improvement of the combat technology of small arms (gun gun), new fighters (La-5, Yak-9), heavy bombers (ANT-42, who received the front name TB-7) continued. Compared to the preceding period, the volume of industrial production increased by 38%. In 1943, 30 thousand aircraft were issued, 24 thousand tanks, 130 thousand artillery guns of all kinds. The improvement of the combat technology of small arms (gun gun), new fighters (La-5, Yak-9), heavy bombers (ANT-42, who received the front name TB-7) continued. These strategic bombers had the opportunity to apply bombing strikes on Berlin and return to their bases. Unlike the prewar and first military years, new models of military equipment immediately went to mass production. These strategic bombers had the opportunity to apply bombing strikes on Berlin and return to their bases. Unlike the prewar and first military years, new models of military equipment immediately went to mass production.

Social policy she was also aimed at ensuring victory. In this area, emergency measures were taken, in general, justified by the situation of war. Many millions of Soviet people were mobilized to the front. She was also aimed at providing victory. In this area, emergency measures were taken, in general, justified by the situation of war. Many millions of Soviet people were mobilized to the front. Mandatory universal training of the military case covered 10 million people in the rear. In 1942, the labor mobilization of the entire urban and rural population was introduced, measures to strengthen labor discipline compulsory universal training of the military case entered 10 million people in the rear. In 1942, the labor mobilization of the entire urban and rural population was introduced, measures to strengthen labor discipline were tightened

A network of factory-factory schools has been expanded; (FMS), through which about 2 million people took place. The use of female and adolescence in production has increased significantly. Since the fall of 1941, a centralized distribution of food (card system) was introduced, which allowed to avoid mass hunger. To facilitate the terrifying position of the rural population, the possibilities of the so-called collective farm market were expanded. A network of factory-factory schools has been expanded; (FMS), through which about 2 million people took place. The use of female and adolescence in production has increased significantly. Since the fall of 1941, a centralized distribution of food (card system) was introduced, which allowed to avoid mass hunger. To facilitate the terrifying position of the rural population, the possibilities of the so-called collective farm market were expanded. Together with justified rigid social measures, the actions generated by the cult of the personality of I.V. Stalin. Together with justified rigid social measures, the actions generated by the cult of the personality of I.V. Stalin.

The ideology in the ideological region continued the line to strengthen the patriotism and the interethnic unity of the peoples of the USSR. Significantly increased, the glorification of the heroic past Russian and other peoples began in the pre-war period. The ideological area continued the line to strengthen the patriotism and the interethnic unity of the peoples of the USSR. Significantly increased, the glorification of the heroic past Russian and other peoples began in the pre-war period. New elements were made to propaganda methods. Class, socialist values \u200b\u200bwere replaced by the generalizing concepts of the Motherland and Fatherland. In propaganda ceased to make a special emphasis on the principle of proletarian internationalism (in May 1943, the Comintern was dissolved). It is now lying on the unity of all countries in the overall fight against fascism, regardless of the nature of their socio-political systems. New elements were made to propaganda methods. Class, socialist values \u200b\u200bwere replaced by the generalizing concepts of the Motherland and Fatherland. In propaganda ceased to make a special emphasis on the principle of proletarian internationalism (in May 1943, the Comintern was dissolved). It is now lying on the unity of all countries in the overall fight against fascism, regardless of the nature of their socio-political systems.

During the war years, reconciliation and rapprochement of Soviet power with the Russian Orthodox Church took place, which 22 that 1941 blessed the people "to defend the sacred frontiers of the Motherland." During the war years, reconciliation and rapprochement of Soviet power with the Russian Orthodox Church took place, which 22 that 1941 blessed the people "to defend the sacred frontiers of the Motherland." In 1942, the largest hierarchs were brought to participate in the work of the Commission for the Investigation of Fascist Crimes. In 1942, the largest hierarchs were brought to participate in the work of the Commission for the Investigation of Fascist Crimes. In 1943 to resolve I.V. Stalin The Local Cathedral elected Metropolitan Sergius by the Patriarch of All Russia. In 1943 to resolve I.V. Stalin The Local Cathedral elected Metropolitan Sergius by the Patriarch of All Russia.

Literature and art was mitigated to administrative and ideological control in the field of literature and art. Administrative and ideological control in the field of literature and art was mitigated. During the war, many writers went to the front, becoming military correspondents. Outstanding anti-fascist works: verses A.T. Tvardovsky, O.F. Berggolts and K.M. Simonov, journalistic essays and articles I.G. Ehrenburg, A.N. Tolstoy and MA Sholokhov, Symphony D.D. Shostakovich and S.S. Prokofiev, songs A.V. Alexandrova, B.A. Mokrousova, V.P. Solovyov, gray, M.I. Blanter, I.O. Dunaevsky and others raised the moral spirit of Soviet citizens, strengthening their confidence in victory, developed the feelings of national pride and patriotism. During the war, many writers went to the front, becoming military correspondents. Outstanding anti-fascist works: verses A.T. Tvardovsky, O.F. Berggolts and K.M. Simonov, journalistic essays and articles I.G. Ehrenburg, A.N. Tolstoy and MA Sholokhov, Symphony D.D. Shostakovich and S.S. Prokofiev, songs A.V. Alexandrova, B.A. Mokrousova, V.P. Solovyov, gray, M.I. Blanter, I.O. Dunaevsky and others raised the moral spirit of Soviet citizens, strengthening their confidence in victory, developed the feelings of national pride and patriotism.

Of particular popularity during the war years acquired cinema. Domestic operators and directors recorded the most important events that took place at the front, filmed the documentary ("defeat the German troops near Moscow", "Leningrad in the struggle", "Battle for Sevastopol", "Berlin") and art films ("Zoya", "guy from Our city, "" invasion "," she protects his homeland, "" two fighters ", etc.). Of particular popularity during the war years acquired cinema. Domestic operators and directors recorded the most important events that took place at the front, filmed the documentary ("defeat the German troops near Moscow", "Leningrad in the struggle", "Battle for Sevastopol", "Berlin") and art films ("Zoya", "guy from Our city, "" invasion "," she protects his homeland, "" two fighters ", etc.). The famous artists of the theater, movie and pops created creative brigades that went to the front, in hospitals, factory workshops and collective farms. At the front, 440 thousand performances and concerts of 42 thousand creative workers were given. The famous artists of the theater, movie and pops created creative brigades that went to the front, in hospitals, factory workshops and collective farms. At the front, 440 thousand performances and concerts of 42 thousand creative workers were given. Artists, drawn by the "TASS windows", who created posters and caricatures, famous for the whole country played a major role in the development of agitation mass work. Artists, drawn by the "TASS windows", who created posters and caricatures, famous for the whole country played a major role in the development of agitation mass work.

Scientists have made a great contribution to providing victory over the enemy's scientists, despite the difficulties of military time and the evacuation of many scientific and cultural and educational institutions deep into the country. A great contribution to the victory over the enemy was made by scientists, despite the difficulties of military time and the evacuation of many scientific and cultural and educational institutions deep into the country. Basically, they focused their work in the applied branches of science, but did not leave out of sight of the research of a fundamental, theoretical nature. Basically, they focused their work in the applied branches of science, but did not leave out of sight of the research of a fundamental, theoretical nature. They developed the technology of manufacturing new solid alloys and steels, the necessary tank industry; Research in radio waves, contributing to the creation of domestic radar radar. LD Landau has developed the theory of motion of quantum fluid, for which the Nobel Prize later received. They developed the technology of manufacturing new solid alloys and steels, the necessary tank industry; Research in radio waves, contributing to the creation of domestic radar radar. LD Landau has developed the theory of motion of quantum fluid, for which the Nobel Prize later received.

The folk struggle in the occupied territory is one of the important conditions that provided victory in the Great Patriotic Warrior was the resistance to the invaders in the occupied territories. It was caused: one of the important conditions that provided victory in the Great Patriotic Warrior was the resistance to the invaders in the occupied territories. It was caused: first, deep patriotism and a sense of national self-consciousness of Soviet people. First, deep patriotism and a sense of national self-consciousness of Soviet people. Associated, the country's leadership conducted targeted actions to support and organize this movement. Associated, the country's leadership conducted targeted actions to support and organize this movement. Thirdly, the natural protest was called by the fascist idea of \u200b\u200bthe inferiority of the Slavic and other peoples of the USSR, the economic robbery and the repayment of human resources thirdly, the natural protest was called by the fascist idea about the inferiority of the Slavic and other peoples of the USSR, the economic robbery and the repayment of human resources

. The Eastern Politics of Germany, designed to displease the population by the Bolshevik regime and national contradictions, completely failed .. The Eastern Politics of Germany, designed to dissatisfy the population by the Bolshevik regime and national contradictions completely failed. The cruel attitude of the German command to Soviet prisoners of war, extreme anti-Semitism, the mass destruction of the Jews and other peoples, executions of ordinary communists and party-state employees of any ranks all this aggravated the hatred of Soviet people to the invaders. The cruel attitude of the German command to Soviet prisoners of war, extreme anti-Semitism, the mass destruction of the Jews and other peoples, executions of ordinary communists and party-state employees of any ranks all this aggravated the hatred of Soviet people to the invaders. Only a small part of the population (especially in the territories, forcibly attached to the Soviet Union before the war) went to cooperate with the occupiers. Only a small part of the population (especially in the territories, forcibly attached to the Soviet Union before the war) went to cooperate with the occupiers.

Resistance unfolded B. different forms: Special NKVD Groups, operating in the rear of the enemy, partisan detachments, underground organizations in the captured cities and others. Many of them were led by the underground committees and the District Republic of WCP (b). They were tasked with the tasks of preserving faith in the inviolability of Soviet power, strengthening the moral spirit of the people and strengthen the struggle in the occupied territories. Resistance turned into various forms: Special NKVD groups operating in the rear of the enemy, partisan detachments, underground organizations in the captured cities and others. Many of them were led by the underground committees and District Republic of WCP (b). They were tasked with the tasks of preserving faith in the inviolability of Soviet power, strengthening the moral spirit of the people and strengthen the struggle in the occupied territories. At the end of June, early July 1941, SNK and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a resolution on the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops. By the end of 1941, more than 2 thousand partisan detachments were operating in the territory captured by the German fascist troops, more than 2 thousand partisan detachments were operating without the experience of the underground struggle. At the end of June, early July 1941, SNK and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a resolution on the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops. By the end of 1941, more than 2 thousand partisan detachments were operating in the territory captured by the German fascist troops, more than 2 thousand partisan detachments were operating without the experience of the underground struggle.

In 1944, the partisan movement played an important role in the liberation of Belarus and the Right Bank of Ukraine. As the territory of the Soviet Union, the partisan detachments were poured into the operating army. Part of the partisan compounds was relocated to Poland and Slovakia. In 1944, the partisan movement played an important role in the liberation of Belarus and the Right Bank of Ukraine. As the territory of the Soviet Union, the partisan detachments were poured into the operating army. Part of the partisan compounds was relocated to Poland and Slovakia. The selfless struggle of the Soviet people in the rear of the enemy was one of the important factors that provided the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. The selfless struggle of the Soviet people in the rear of the enemy was one of the important factors that provided the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.


1 Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (June 1941-1945).

2 Soviet Society in the postwar period (1946 -1953).


1 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Military Historical Essays. In 4 kN. M., 1998.

2 Gorky Yu.A. Whether Stalin prepared a proactive blow against Hitler in 1941 / new and the newest story. 1993. №3.

3 seminar M.I. Secrets of Stalin's diplomacy. 1939-1941. M., 1992.

4 Urals in the Strategy of World War II. Yekaterinburg, 2000.

The Great Patriotic War is divided into triostonic performeriod : 1) June 22, 1941. - November 1942: the period when the strategic initiative belonged mainly Germany (excluding December 1941 - March 1942, when the Nazis suffered defeat near Moscow and the strategic initiative temporarily moved to the Soviet Union); 2) November 1942 - The end of 1943: the period of the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War; 3) 1944 -1945: - The period of the victorious completion of the war.

At dawn 22yunion1941 fascist Germany began aggression against the Soviet Union. What were the military-strategic, political, economic plans of Hitler's Germany in the war against the Soviet Union? What was the nature of the war of the Soviet people? -

Commander Fascist Germany, who unleashed the Second World War and the War against the Soviet Union, was installation methods "The Higher German race", the creation of a "Millennial Reich" - the millennial slave-owner German Empire. And the main obstacle to this goal was the Soviet Union. Therefore, the political plans of the Hitlerians included the destruction of the Soviet state, the dismemberment of it on the territories subject to the territory. The economic plans of German imperialism included the seizure of the entire economic potential and the natural wealth of our country. The grievous fate waited for the peoples of the Soviet republics, primarily Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Against them, the Nazis intended to apply the genocide, most of the people exterminate, the rest turn into slaves of German gentlemen.

These criminal plans of the fascists intended to be implemented through a military-strategic plan " Barbarossa ", Based on the strategy of the" Lightning War ". This plan was envisaged for two to three months to defeat the Red Army, to reach the line Arkhangelsk - Volga and the victoriously complete the war.

Thus, the war, unleashed by fascist Germany against the Soviet people and his state, was great , robbing, criminal.

It is necessary to take into account that in recent years there have been publications in which the point of view is expressed that Germany has inflicted a preventive (preventive) blow against the aggression (V. Sorvor), which is preventable from the USSR. However, most researchers objectively approach the coverage of all the problems associated with the beginning and course of the Second World and World War.

The Soviet people Vel. fair War for freedom and independence of his fatherland, for the preservation of his statehood. He also fought for the liberation of the peoples of Europe from the fascist "new order", from the enslavement and domination of the "Higher Race", for the progress in the development of world civilization.

Suddenness of the attack and the power of the first blows of the fascist military car, despite the heroic resistance of the Soviet soldiers, forced the Red Army to retreat, she suffered failures and defeat. What are the reasons these defeats?

They had I. objective and subjective character. First of all, the fact that by the time of attacking the USSR, the army of fascist Germany was the strongest and prepared in the world. By the summer 1941 It had 214 fully staffed and well-armed divisions, her personnel had 7,254 thousand people. The army was 61 thousand guns and mortars, more than 5.6 thousand tanks, 10 thousand modern combat aircraft. The high degree of motorization did the fascist army of the maneuverable, made it possible to quickly cover long distances. By the time of the attack on the USSR, she had combat experience, her command staff was a practical school of a modern war in Poland, Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Holland, Yugoslavia, Greece.

The Armed Forces of Germany relied on a powerful military economy. In addition, after the occupation of ten highly developed European states, the military-economic potential of Germany increased dramatically. His dispute was human reserves, raw materials and a powerful industry of almost all Western Europe. Germany's military-economic resources significantly exceeded the resources of the Soviet Union. And with the seizure of the Western regions of the USSR, they have increased even more.

Finally, the Allies of Germany - Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Army, which had more than 3 million people, were entered into the war from the USSR, and 3,600 aircraft over thousands of tanks.

Concerning subjective factors then they concluded in miscipes and errors The political and military leadership of the Soviet state at the head of the I.V. Stalin. These are pre-war repression As a result of which the Red Army lost about 40 thousand commanders, the miscalculations in the Soviet military doctrine, designed for an offensive war, the unbelief of Stalin to the fact that Hitler will begin the war in the summer of 1941, and others.

Transformation of the country B. united Anguylagen . In order to reflect the fascist aggression, the Soviet state began the restructuring of the country's lifetime on the military way. First of all, was and reformed organizations state.

30 yyunya1941g. was formed State Committee Committee (GKO ) chaired by I.V. Stalin. In the hands of GKO focused all the fullness of the state, military and party power. The main principle of leadership was centralization, and in a much, large scale than before the war.

In the front-line cities and areas that the invasion of the German fascist troops threatened, local, emergency authorities were created - gorodskiecomitteForns . The direct leadership of the decision of national objectives by party organizations has sharply intensified. For these purposes in the party committees, the number of sectoral departments headed by the secretaries (in the Sverdlovsk Obkom CKP (b), for example, there were 20), the institute was expanded partorgov In enterprises. The work was rebuilt polytotelov on railway, water and air transport, and in November 1941. These emergencies were recreated at MTS and state farms.

Seriously rebuilt was all military -organizational worker As part of which the following measures were taken: 1) acquired a huge scale mobilization (Only for the first seven days of the war was called into the army of 5.3 million people.); 2) Created STAVETEROVOVOGRAVOVANOVOE ; 3) in early 1941 Institute was introduced martial Commissioner ; 4) a system of preparation system, reserve ( universal , Mandatory war Breaking ); 5) began to form part of the military militia from the people; 6) the process was started redistribution Communist From territorial in military party organizations (mobilization, by facilitating the conditions for admission to the party at the front). The politsostav of the working and peasant red army was strengthened by the most experienced employees from the members of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union Republics, the Obmaoms and the Otrics; 7) Almost from the first days of the war began partisanskogovatiy In the rear of the enemy. CCP Central Committee (b) July 18, 1941 Adopted a resolution "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops." By the end of 1941 In the occupied territory, over 250 underground party committees were operating, which sent more than 2 thousand partisan detachments.

ExpensellsProduction of Economics countries. Its main directions were: 1) the maximum increase in product production at defense enterprises; 2) the translation of enterprises producing peaceful products to the production of military products (organization of tanks, for example, T-34 on Uralmashzavoda); 3) Recomposition to the East of industrial enterprises with great defense importance (2,5 thousand enterprises were evacuated during the year, including 700 was placed in the Urals; production on them was established in the shortest possible time); 4) the construction of new defense plants in the eastern regions of the country; 5) the redistribution of material, financial resources for the needs of the front; 6) strengthening centralization in the management of the economy; 7) Solving the problem of working arms: Legislative consolidation in production, mobilization for labor front, attraction of housewives, adolescents 13-16 years old to work at industrial enterprises. Thus, within the country, the party-state leadership of the USSR focused on total mobilization and use of all cash resources in order to reflect aggression.

The results of the restructuring of the country's life for military units affected the battle under Moscow In the fall, winter 1941 - 1942 The defeat of the German troops in the battle for Moscow had a huge military-strategic value. This was the first major defeat of the Hitler's army, a myth was dispelled about her invincibility, the strategic plan "Blitzkrieg" was finally buried. The war accepted completely different protracted Character, what the Hitler's leadership is not prepared. He had to radically revise his military-strategic plans. But to send, the course of the war in its favor of the Nazis was no longer destined.

The victory near Moscow had great international importance. It is as a result that it accelerated the process of creating antihytlerovskalia . This is a completely natural phenomenon, primarily due to the fact that the ruling circles of Western powers understood what a huge threat to their national and state interests represents Nazi Germany, and also realized the inability to protect these interests, break the powerful military machine of fascism without cooperation with the Soviet Union. Great was the role in this process and the population of territories occupied by the Nazis. January 1, 1942 In Washington, military cooperation of countries that fought against the aggressive block was officially issued. Such an act was the signing of a declaration of twenty-six states, among which were the USSR, USA, United Kingdom, China, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Canada, and others. The creation of the anti-fascist coalition played a very important role in the victorious outcome of the war against the forces of the aggressive bloc.

Despite the fact that as a result of total mobilization of all resources and reserves, the fascists managed in spring and summer 1942. Catch up the initiative, deploy an offensive on the southern section of the front, capture Sevastopol, break into Stalingrad and take a significant part of the North Caucasus, it was their last success.

Rooted in khoanovna , herPrinced Coverage . By autumn 1942. The Soviet Union has achieved a decisive superiority over fascist Germany in the production of weapons. In the work of the rear came a fracture. Here are the eloquent numbers: on May 1, 1942. In the current army there were 2,070 heavy and medium tanks, 43 642 guns and mortars, 3,164 combat aircraft, and on July 1, 1943 there were 6 232, mortars and guns - 98,790 and aircraft - 8 293, that is, the amount of weapons increased by 2-3 times. By the end of 1943, only the Ural produced tanks and self-propelled artillery attitudes (SAU) more than all Germany along with occupied countries. Simultaneously with quantitative growth of military equipment, its quality has significantly improved.

Increasing the production of military products made it possible to reorganize the army, deploy the formation of parts and compounds that were not in the country: tank and air armies, the artillery buildings of the breakthrough, the compounds of the Guards mortars (Katyush), the mouth of automatic gunners, etc.

19 -September 201942. g. Soviet troops switched to counteroffensive under Stalingrad As a result of which was surrounded and crushed more than 300 thousand German army. The strategic counterattack of the Soviet Army began. In summer1943 in battle under Kursk . ended rooted During the war, the last stage of its stage, ended with the full liberation of the Soviet Union, and then Eastern and Southeast Europe and the defeat of fascist Germany, which 8 may1945. g. Capitulized.

From July 17 to August 2, 1945 in Potsdam The conference of the heads of the Government of the USSR, England and the United States. It has decisions on the post-war device of Germany, about developing it as a single democratic, peace-loving state. Subsequent events have shown, however, that the ruling circles of the United States and England were not going to adhere to the agreed policy in the post-war world.

Fulfilling its obligations to the allies, the Soviet Union 8 august1945 g. entered into war with Militarist Japan. Soviet troops until the end of August held a successful operation to defeat the Kwantung Army in Northern China, to liberate southern Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and North Korea. Japan, like Germany, capitulated. The Great Patriotic and World War II ended.

The victory went heavy Sale . In total, the country has lost up to 30% of national wealth, 27 million human lives. The main role in achieving the victory was played by a subjective factor - such features of the Soviet people as dedication, heroism, patriotism. Of course, there were objective reasons: the creation of a military-economic advantage over the enemy, superiority in the production of weapons, huge spaces of the country, rich natural resources, Much population, as well as major enemy miscalculations, allies help.

Maintenance strengths ambiguous: the defeat of Germany and its allies eliminated a fatal threat to all mankind; crashed several totalitarian modes; There were favorable prospects for the struggle against colonialism; The influence of democratic forces in many countries increased; There was a change in state borders in Europe and Asia; Stalinsky totalitarian regime in the USSR strengthened; favorable conditions were created for the release of "Stalin Socialism" beyond the limits of one country; The Military Industrial Complex of the Soviet Union has strengthened!

Currently, our society is most fully comprehensive lessons stories. The most important of these are the following: the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 brought the main acting person on the forestence of the story - the people; reactionary forces failed to achieve world domination; The war showed the ability of democratic strength to rally before the deadly danger; The protective forces of civilization are huge, they are quite enough to prevent the Third World War and take other threats.

As a result of World War II, happened changes and symbols in the world. As after the First World War, there were significant in post-war Europe territorial impositions . The winner countries, primarily the Soviet Union, increased their territories by defeated states. The Soviet Union moved a significant part of Eastern Prussia with the city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation), the Lithuanian SSR received the territory of the Klaipeda region, the territory of the Transcarpathian Ukraine was departed to the Ukrainian SSR. In the Far East, in accordance with the agreements reached at the Crimean Conference, South Sakhalin was returned to the Soviet Union and the Kurilsky islands were given (including 4 southern islands who were not previously part of Russia). Increased its territory at the expense of German lands Poland, at the same time of the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, which included the Soviet Union under the Treaty of the USSR and Germany (September 1939), remained Soviet.

Immeasurably evergrees Soviet Union - countries that made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism. Without the participation of the USSR, no international problem was not solved.

As a result of World War II, a radically changed in the establishment of trudnogomira . We suffered defeat and for a while they lost the role of the great powers of Germany, Japan and Italy, significantly weakened the position of England and France. At the same time, the share of the United States increased immeasurably. During the war years, the industrial production of the country not only did not decrease, but increased by 47%. The United States controlled about 80% of the golden stock of the capitalist world, their share accounted for 46% of world industrial production.

War laid Beginning disintegration system . For several years, the independence of such largest countries as India, Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, Egypt has gained independence. In total, the post-war decade received the independence of 25 states, 1,200 million were freed from colonial dependence.

The most important feature of the end of the war and the post-war period was anti-fascist, national liberation, people's -democratic Elevated In Eastern Europe and a number of Asia countries. During the struggle against fascism in these countries, a single front has emerged in all democratic forces, which played by communist parties. After the overthrow of the fascist and collaboration governments, governments were created, which included representatives of all anti-fascist parties and movements. They conducted a number of democratic transformations. The economic field has developed a multi-storey economy - the coexistence of the state, state-in-nutropeistic, cooperative and private sectors. In political, created a multi-party parliamentary form of political power, in the presence of opposition parties, with the separation of the authorities. It was an attempt to transition to socialist transformations to its own way.

However, starting from 1947. These countries were imposed on the Stalinist model of the political system, borrowed from the USSR. Extremely active role in this played Cominformbüro created in 1947. In addition to the Comintern. In the formal preservation of the multi-party system, the power of one party was established, as a rule, by the merger of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties. Opposition political parties were prohibited, their leaders are repressed. There were transformations similar to Soviet - mass nationalization of enterprises, forced collectivization.

IN political spectrum European countries occurred shift . Fascist and right-hand-hearted games have come off the scene. The influence of the Communists has sharply increased. In 1945 - 1947 They were part of governments: France, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland. There was a tendency to bring the convergence of the Communists and Social Democrats.

The term "Cold War" himself was paved in the turnover of the US Secretary of State D.F. Dallyles. Its essence is a political, economic, ideological confrontation of two systems, balancing on the verge of war.

It makes no sense to argue on the topic who began the "Cold War" - convincing arguments are given both the same and the other party. In Western historiography, the Cold War is the answer of Western democracy at the attempt of the Soviet Union to export a socialist revolution. In Soviet historiography, the reasons for the Cold War were called the attempts of American imperialism to establish world domination of the United States, eliminate the socialist system, restore capitalist system in the countries of the People's Democracy, to suppress national liberation movements.

It is illogical and unreasonably completely collapsed one side and impose all the blame on the other. Today, the "Cold War" can be viewed as an inevitable fee for the creation two Poly Station The post-war world in which each of the poles (USSR and the USA) sought to strengthen its influence in the world on the basis of its geopolitical and ideological interests, while aware of the boundaries of possible expansion.

Already during the war with Germany, in some circles of the United States and England, there were seriously the plans to start a war with Russia. The fact of negotiations is widely known, which Germany led at the end of the war with Western powers about the Separate world (Wolf Mission). The upcoming joining Russia in the war with Japan, which allowed to save the lives of millions of American guys, turned the scale of the scales, did not pay this plans.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not so much a military operation as a political act with the aim of providing pressure on the USSR.

The main axis of confrontation was the relationship between two superpowers - USSR and USA. The turn from cooperation with the Soviet Union to confrontation began after the death of the president of F. Mostwelt. The beginning of the "Cold War" is taken to dating the speech of U. Herchille in the American city Fultton in march1946. g., in which he called on the US people to joint struggle against Soviet Russia and its agents - communist parties.

The ideological substantiation of the Cold War has become doctrinatruman nominated by the US President in 1947. According to this doctrine, the conflict of Western democracy with communism is irreconcilable. The task of the United States is the struggle with communism around the world, "the containment of communism", "discarding communism into the borders of the USSR." American responsibility for the events occurring around the world were proclaimed, all these events were considered through the prism of the confrontation of communism and Western democracy, the USSR and the United States.

The monopoly possession of the atomic bomb allowed the United States as they thought to dictate their will to the world. In 1945 The development of plans for applying an atomic strike on the USSR began. Pincher (1946), "Chariotir" (1948), "Thoriotir" (1949), "Troyan" (1950), etc. American historians, not denying the presence of such plans, say that it was Only about the operational military plans, which are compiled in any country in case of war. But after the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the presence of such plans could not not cause a sharp concern of the Soviet Union.

In 1946 In the United States, a strategic military command was created, disposed of atomic weapons aircraft. In 1948 Atomic weapon bombers were placed in the UK and West Germany. The Soviet Union was surrounded by a network of American military bases. In 1949 They were numbered more than 300.

US conducted a policy of creating military -political blocks against the USSR. IN 1949 g. was created North AtlanticBlock (NATO ). It includes: USA, England, France, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Greece and Turkey. Were created: in 1954 g. - Organization South -Easterna (Seat ), in 1955 g. - BaghdadskyPact . A course was taken to restore the military potential of Germany. IN 1949 , in violation of Yalta and Potsdam agreements, of the three zones of occupation - English, American and French - was created Federal Railway Company which in the same year entered NATO.

The Soviet Union did not develop aggression plans against other countries, in particular the United States, he did not have for this necessary fleet (aviance ships of all classes, landing ships); until 1948 Practically did not possess strategic aviation, until August 1949. Atomic weapon. Designed at the end of 1946 - early 1947. "The plan of active defense of the territory of the Soviet Union" had exclusively defensive tasks. From July 1945 to 1948 The number of the Soviet Army decreased from 11.4 to 2.9 million people. Despite the inequality of forces, the Soviet Union sought to carry out a rigid foreign policy line, which resulted in strengthening confrontation. For some time, Stalin hoped for cooperation with the Americans in the technical and economic field. However, after the death of Roosevelt, it became clear that such assistance was not included in US politicians.

However, the Soviet Union also conducted policies confrontation . Back in 1945 Stalin demanded the creation of a joint defense system of the Black Sea Straits of the USSR and Turkey, establish joint custody by the allies of the colonial possessions of Italy in Africa (while the USSR was planned to provide the naval base in Libya).

In 1946 There was a conflict situation around Iran. In 1941 Soviet and English troops were introduced there. After the war, the English troops were derived, and Soviet continued to remain. In the territory engaged in the territory in Iranian Azerbaijan, the government was formed, proclaiming autonomy and began the transmission of peasants of the landlord and state lands. At the same time, the National Autonomy proclaimed Iranian Kurdistan. Western countries, the position of the Soviet Union was regarded as preparation for the dismemberment of Iran. The Iranian crisis served as a reason for Churchill's speech in Fulton. The USSR was forced to bring troops.

The confrontation has been outlined in Asia. From 1946 The civil war began in China. The troops of the Gomesintan government of Chang Kayshi tried to take the territories controlled by the Communists. Western countries were supported by Chan-Kaisi, and the Soviet Union - Communists, giving them a significant number of trophy Japanese weapons.

The Soviet Union agreed to the establishment of a coalition government in Poland, which included representatives of London emigration, but did not go to the universal election in Poland, which led to a conflict situation in the country.

The final decay of the world is associated with the nomination of the United States " planamershalla "(US Secretary of State) and a sharply negative attitude towards it of the USSR.

The United States is immeasurably rich in the war years. With the end of the war they threatened the crisis of overproduction. At the same time, the economy of European countries was destroyed, their markets were open to American goods, but there was nothing to pay for these goods. Investing capital in the economy of these countries of these countries feared, since there was a strong effect of the left forces and the investment situation was unstable: it could at any time follow the nationalization.

"Marshall Plan" offered to European countries to restore the destroyed economy. Gave loans to buy American goods. The revenue money was not exported, but invested in the construction of enterprises in the territory of these countries. Marshall plan adopted 16 Western European states. Politician grades Assistance was to remove communists from governments. In 1947 Communists were derived from the governments of Western European countries. Help was offered to Eastern European countries. Poland and Czechoslovakia began negotiations, but under pressure from the USSR refused to help. At the same time, the United States ruined the Soviet-American loan agreement and adopted a law on the prohibition of exports to the USSR. Thus, there was a division of European countries into two groups with different economic systems.

IN 1949 g. The USSR was tested atomic bomb , and in 1953 Created armonuclear bomb (earlier than in the USA). The creation of atomic weapons in the USSR marked the beginning gonkevors between the USSR and the USA.

As opposed to the block of Western states began to form economic and military -political SUMCSCIALISTICSTRAN . IN 1949 g. was created Sovetheconomic Connectivity - body of economic cooperation of the states of Eastern Europe. The conditions for joining it was a refusal of the Marshall Plan. In May 1955 g. Created Warsaw monitor -politicalism . There was a split world for two camp opposing each other.

This affected on economical services . After the adoption of the Marshall Plan and the formation of the CMEA, there were actually two parallel world markets, few connected with each other. The USSR and Eastern Europe turned out to be isolated from developed countries, which adversely affected their economy.

Inside Self socialist Halter Stalin conducted a rigid policy, consistently carried out the principle "Who is not with us, the one against us." He wrote: "Two camps are two positions; The position of unconditional protection of the USSR and the position of the struggle against the USSR. Here you have to choose, because there is no third position. Neutrality In this case, fluctuations, reservations, the search for the third position are an attempt to escape from responsibility ... What does it mean to get away from responsibility? This means imperceptibly slipping into the camp of the USSR opponents. " Inside socialist countries, violence with dissents were taken. If the country's leadership occupied a special position, then this country was annoyed from the socialist camp, they ruined with her any relationship, as happened in 1948. from Yugoslavia whose management tried to conduct an independent policy.

With the death of Stalin, the first stage of the Cold War was completed. In this phase, the "Cold War" was perceived by both parties as a temporary, intermediate phase between two wars. Both sides of feverishly conducted military preparations, expanded their union systems, conducted with each other of the war on their periphery. The most acute moments of this period were: berlinskyCrizis (summer1948. g..), when, in response to monetary reform in Western occupation zones, the Soviet administration introduced the blockade of Western Berlin; as well as war in Korea (1950 - 1953 ). The United States took advantage of the fact that the USSR removed from participating in the work of the UN Security Council in protest against refusal to accept the Chinese People's Republic of China, and decided to enter the UN in Korea, and actually the western troops who fought there with the troops of China and THE USSR.

Cardinal changes in the geopolitical situation in the post-war world, the different ratio of forces in the international arena, the indigenous differences in the social and political system, the system of values, the ideology of the USSR and the West, and first of all the United States, became powerful factors that led to the split of the union of the former winners of the winners, caused the formation of a two-pole picture of the world. In the postwar period, the "Cold War" was inevitable, she was a kind of fee for the creation of a bipolar structure of the post-war world, in which each of the poles (USSR and the USA) sought to strengthen its influence on the basis of its geopolitical and ideological interests, aware of the boundaries of possible expansion.

So, in the post-war period, the influence of the USSR and the United States has been mutual, but the main impulses of the arms race proceeded from the United States, which significantly exceeded the USSR in all major technical and economic parameters, had enormous potential. Stalin's actions logic in the region foreign Policy It was, therefore, it was largely due not only to his own ideas about the world, but also by the course of the United States, as well as the desire to strengthen and consolidate the political and ideological and economic impact in their zone of responsibility, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe two-polar structure of the post-war world.

Political system THE USSR. In the USSR after the war, restructuring the country's management began. The State Defense Committee was dissolved - the Emergency Committee created during the war years. However, the return even to the limited forms of democracy, which existed before the war did not happen. The Supreme Council was going once a year to approve the budget. For 13 years, party congresses were not convened, and the Plenum of the Central Committee during this time passed only once.

At the same time, certain changes took place in the political system after the war. First, as the main political line to replace the internationalist component of "Marxism-Leninism" came public nationalism , designed to rally all the forces within the country under the conditions of unfolding confrontation with the West. Secondly, the center of political power moved after the war from the party elite to executive power - Government. In 1947 - 1952 The protocol meetings of the Politburo took place only twice (decisions were made by the method of oral survey), the CC secretariat became actually a personnel department. All practical work on the management of the country focused on the Soviet Council of the USSR. It creates eight offices, between which most ministries and departments were distributed.

Their chairperson - G.M. Malenkov, N.A. Vyssensky, M.Z.Saburov, L.P.Beria, A.I.Mikoyan, L.M.Kaganovich, A.N.Kosygin, K.E.Voroschilov were included in Burbovetinisters which was headed by I.V.Stalin. All state issues were solved in a narrow circle " sonaters Stalin ", Where V.M. Molotov, L.P.Beria, G.M.Malenkov, L.M.Kaganovich, N.S. Khrushchev, K.E.Voroschilov, N.A. Vorostensky, A.A. Zhdanov, A.andreyev. The regime of personal power I.V. Stalin, established since the late 1930s, reached his highest developing .

The period after the end of the Great Patriotic War and up to the death of Stalin can be considered apogehematotal tarisism In the USSR, his highest point. In the literature there were various approaches in assessing the action of the repressive component of the Stalinist post-war regime. A certain general idea that repressions were the most important tool to achieve the stabilization of the situation in the country, mobilizing the forces of nations to solve economic problems, cohesion of the Company in the conditions of the "Cold War", solving situational tasks in the struggle for power within the ruling elite.

Summer1946.g.. Began ideological campaigns included in the history called " zhdanovshchina ", Named A.A.zhdanov, who led them. A number of decisions of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on literature, music, cinematography, to which many Soviet poets, writers, film director, composers, writers, writers, film director, composers, for "weariness" and preaching "ideology, alien to the party, were subjected to a sharp and bossary criticism. The regulations stressed that literature and art should be put on the communist care service.

After the next summer, this ideological campaign has spread to the sphere of public sciences. A.A. Zhdanov held a meeting of philosophers, at which he condemned the Soviet philosophy for "excessive tolerance" to idealistic bourgeois philosophy and proposed - consistently proceed from the principle " partyship ", Not from the" bourgeois exercise ". Ideological control was distributed to all spheres of spiritual life. The party acted as a legislator in linguistics, biology, mathematics. Were convicted as "bourgeois lzhenayuki" wave mechanics, cybernetics, genetics.

FROM the end of 1948.g.. Ideological campaigns acquired a new direction. Their basis was "Fighting low-plain "In front of the West. This aspect of ideological offensive was particularly fierce character. It was based on his desire to burn out from Western states, from the "bourgeois influence" of the Iron Curtain. Western culture was almost entirely declared bourgeois

On June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, fascist Germany without declaring the war treacherously invaded the USSR. This attack ended the chain of aggressive actions of Hitler's Germany, which, thanks to the connivance and incitement of the Western powers, grossly violated elementary norms of international law, resorted to the robber seizures and monstrous atrocities in occupied countries.

In accordance with the Barbaross plan, the fascist offensive began on a wide front with several groups in various directions. Army was stationed in the north "Norway"coming to Murmansk and Kandalaksha; A group of army came from East Prussia to the Baltic States and Leningrad "North"; The most powerful grouping of armies "Centre" It was aimed at split parts of the Red Army in Belarus, to master Vitebsk - Smolensky and take Moscow with the go; Army Group "South" It was focused from Lublin to the mouth of the Danube and led an offensive to Kiev - Donbass. The plans of the Nazis were reduced to the application of a sudden strike in these directions, the destruction of the border and military units, a breakthrough into a deep rear, the seizure of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and the most important industrial centers of the southern regions of the country.

The command of the German army extended to complete the war for 6-8 weeks.

In the offensive against the Soviet Union, 190 enemy divisions were thrown, about 5.5 million soldiers, up to 50 thousand guns and mortars, 4,300 tanks, almost 5 thousand aircraft and about 200 warships.

War began in exceptionally favorable conditions for Germany. Before attacking the USSR, Germany seized almost all Western Europe, whose economy worked on the fascists. Therefore, Germany had a powerful material and technical base.

The military products of Germany supplied 6,500 largest enterprises of Western European countries. More than 3 million foreign workers were involved in the military industry. In the Western European countries, fascists awarded a lot of weapons, military property, trucks, cars and steam locomotives. Germanic resources of Germany, its allies significantly exceeded the resources of the USSR. Germany fully mobilized his army, as well as the army of its allies. Most of the German army focused on the borders of the Soviet Union. In addition, imperialist Japan threatened with an attack from the East, which distracted a significant part of the Soviet Armed Forces for the defense of the country's eastern borders. In theses of the Central Committee of the CPSU "50 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution" An analysis of the causes of the temporary failures of the Red Army in the initial period of war is given. They are related to the fact that the Nazis used temporary advantages:

  • militarization of the economy and the whole life of Germany;
  • long-term preparation for the celestial war and more than two years of experience in conducting hostilities in the West;
  • superiority in the arms and number of troops, concentrated in the border zones in advance.

Economic and military resources of almost all Western Europe were at their disposal. The allowed miscalculations in determining the possible deadlines for the attack of Hitler's Germany to our country and the associated omissions in preparation for the reflection of the first blows were played. There were reliable data on the concentration of German troops at the borders of the USSR and the preparation of Germany to attack our country. However, the troops of Western military districts were not given in a state of complete combat readiness.

All these reasons set the Soviet country into a difficult situation. However, the enormous difficulties of the initial period of war did not break the morale of the Red Army, did not lay the persistence of the Soviet people. From the first days of the attack, it became clear that the plan of the lightning war was collapsed. Having used to easy victories over Western countries, whose governments treacherously gave their people to the ripples of the occupiers, the fascists met stubborn resistance from the Soviet Armed Forces, border guards and the entire Soviet people. War lasted 1418 days. On the border courageously fought groups of border guards. The garrison of the Brest Fortress was covered with disadvantaged glory. The defense fortress was led by Captain I. N. Zubachev, the regimental commissioner E. M. Fomin, Major P. M. Gavrilov, and others. June 22, 1941 at 4 am 25 minutes, the fighter pilot I. Ivanov made the first ram. (In total during the war years, about 200 Taranians were committed). On June 26, the crew of Captain N. F. Gastello (A. A. Burdenyuk, G. N. Sneorobogted, A. A. Kalinin) - on a burning plane crashed into a column of enemy troops. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers from the first days of the war showed samples of courage and heroism.

Two months lanced Smolensk Battle. Here under Smolensk born soviet Guard. The battle in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk delayed the offensive of the enemy until mid-September 1941
During the Smolensk battle, the Red Army threw the plans of the enemy. The delay of enemy occurrence in the central direction was the first strategic success of the Soviet troops.

The communist party has become the leading and guiding power of the defense of the country and the preparation of the destruction of the Hitler's troops. From the first days of the war, the party was made emergency measures to organize the aggressor, a huge work was carried out on the restructuring of all work on a military manner, the transformation of the country into a single military camp.

"For warring war, I wrote V. I. Lenin," a strong organized rear is needed. The best army, the most devoted revolution, people will be immediately exterminated by the enemy, if they are not sufficiently armed, equipped with food, trained "(Lenin V.I. Full. Coll. Op., Vol. 35, p. 408).

These Lenin instructions were based on the organization of the fight against the enemy. On June 22, 1941, on behalf of the Soviet government, with a report on the "robbery" attack of fascist Germany and a call to combat the enemy, acted on Radio Peace of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov. On the same day, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted on the introduction of military situation in the European territory of the USSR, as well as a decree on the mobilization of a number of ages in 14 military districts. On June 23, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of Sciences of the USSR adopted a decree on the tasks of party and Soviet organizations in the conditions of war. On June 24, the Evacuation Council was formed, and on June 27 by Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCA of the USSR "On the procedure for the export and placement of human contingents and valuable property", the procedure for evacuation of productive forces and the population to the eastern regions was determined. In the Directive of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) and SCSR of the USSR, from June 29, 1941, the party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions were set forth the most important tasks for the mobilization of all forces and funds in the defeat of the enemy.

"... In the war imposed on us with fascist Germany," said this document, "the question of the life and death of the Soviet state decides, to be the peoples of the Soviet Union free or fall into enslave." The Central Committee and the Soviet government encouraged to realize the depth of danger, rebuild all the work on a military way, to organize comprehensive assistance to the front, to enlarge the production of weapons, ammunition, tanks, aircraft, with a forced departure of the Red Army to export all valuable property, and what can not be removed - destroy In the area occupied by the enemy, organize partisan detachments. On July 3, the main provisions of the Directive were set forth in the speech of I. V. Stalin on Radio. The directive determined the nature of war, the degree of threat and danger, the tasks of the transformation of the country into a single combat camp, the full strengthening of the armed forces, restructuring the work of the rear to the Military Pad, mobilizing all the forces to resist the enemy. On June 30, 1941, an emergency authority was created for the rapid mobilization of all forces and means of the country to rebuff and defeat the enemy State Defense Committee (GKO) headed by I. V. Stalin. In the hands of GKO, the entire fullness of power in the country, state, military and economic leadership was concentrated. He united the activities of all state and military institutions, party, trade union and Komsomol organizations.

In the context of the war, the restructuring of the entire economy was of paramount importance. At the end of June was approved "Mobilization People's Plan for III quarter of 1941", and on August 16 "Military Economic Plan for the IV quarter of 1941 and in 1942 by the districts of the Volga region, Urals, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia" Over the five months of 1941, over 1360 major military enterprises were relocated and about 10 million people were evacuated. Even on the recognition of bourgeois specialists evacuation industry In the second half of 1941 and the beginning of 1942 and its placement in the East should be attributed to the number of the most striking feats of the peoples of the Soviet Union during the war. The evacuated Kramatorsky plant was launched 12 days after arrival at the place, Zaporizhia - after 20. Already by the end of 1941, the Ural gave 62% cast iron and 50% of steel. In terms of wise and meaning, it was equal to the largest battles of wartime. Perestroika of the national economy on the military field was completed by mid-1942

The party conducted a large organizational work in the army. In accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 16, 1941 issued a decree "On the reorganization of the political propaganda bodies and the introduction of the Institute of Military Commissars". From July 16 in the army, and from July 20, at the Navy, the Institute of Military Commissars was introduced. For the second half of 1941, up to 1.5 million communists and more than 2 million Komsomolov residents were mobilized to the army (up to 40% of the entire composition of the party sent to the existing army). Venidaya party leaders L. I. Brezhnev, A. A. Zhdanov, A. S. Shcherbakov, M. A. Suslov and others were aimed at party work in the existing army.

On August 8, 1941, the Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces of the USSR was appointed I. V. Stalin. In order to concentrate all the functions of managing military actions, the Supreme Commander-in-chief rate was formed. Hundreds of thousands of Communists and Komsomol residents went to the front. About 300 thousand. The best representatives of the working class and the intelligentsia of Moscow and Leningrad entered into the ranks of the national militia.

Meanwhile, the enemy stubbornly rushed to Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol and other essential industrial centers of the country. An important place in the plans of fascist Germany occupied the calculation of the international isolation of the USSR. However, from the first days of the war, an anti-Hitler coalition began to develop. On June 22, 1941, the Government of Great Britain announced the support of the USSR in the fight against fascism, and on July 12, he signed an agreement on joint actions against fascist Germany. On August 2, 1941, US President F. Roosevelt declared economic support for the Soviet Union. September 29, 1941 in Moscow gathered conference of representatives of the three powers (USSR, USA and England), which developed a plan for Anglo-American assistance in the fight against the enemy. The calculation of Hitler for international insulation of the USSR failed. On January 1, 1942, a declaration of 26 states was signed in Washington antihytler coalition On the use of all resources of these countries to fight against the German bloc. However, the allies were in no hurry with the implementation of effective assistance aimed at the defeat of fascism, seeking to weaken the warring parties.

By October, German-fascist invaders, despite the heroic resistance of our troops, managed to approach Moscow on three sides, while turning off the offensive on Don, in the Crimea, near Leningrad. Odessa and Sevastopol were harvested heroically. On September 30, 1941, the German command begins first, and in November - the second general attack on Moscow. The fascists managed to take Wedge, Yahroma, Naro-Fominsk, Istra and other cities of the Moscow region. Soviet troops led the heroic defense of the capital, showing samples of courage and heroism. In fierce battles, the rifle 316th division of General Panfilov was to death. A partisan movement unfolded in the rear of the enemy. Only near Moscow, about 10 thousand partisans fought. On December 5-6, 1941, Soviet troops were transferred to a counteroffensive near Moscow. At the same time, offensive operations on Western, Kalininsky and south-western fronts unfolded. The powerful offensive of the Soviet troops in the winter of 1941/42 was discarded the fascists in a number of places to 400 km from the capital and was their first major defeat in World War II.

Chief result Moscow battle It was that the strategic initiative was broken from the hands of the enemy and the plan of the lightning war was failed. The defeat of the Germans near Moscow was a decisive turn in the military actions of the Red Army and had a great influence on the entire further course of the war.

By the spring of 1942, the production of military products was established in the eastern regions of the country. By the middle of the year, most evacuated enterprises unfolded in new places. The translation of the country's economy to military rails was mainly completed. In the deep rear - in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, in the Urals - there were over 10 thousand industrial buildings.

Instead of the men who went to the front, women and young people came to the machines. Despite the very difficult domestic conditions, Soviet people worked selflessly, providing victory on the front. Worked on a half - two shifts to restore industry and supply the front with everything necessary. All-Union Socialist Competition, whose winners were awarded Red banner GK.. The workers of agriculture were organized in 1942. Superplant crops to the Defense Fund. The collective farm peasantry supplied the front and rear of food and industrial raw materials.

An exceptionally difficult situation in the temporary occupied regions of the country was. The fascists robbed the city and sat down, mocked over the civilian population. German officials who are supervised at work were appointed at the enterprises. The best lands were selected under the farms for German soldiers. In all occupied settlements, German garrisons were held at the expense of the population. However, the economic and social policy of the fascists, which they tried to conduct in the occupied territories, immediately suffered a failure. Soviet people brought up on the ideas of the Communist Party, believed in the victory of the Soviet country, were not amenable to Hitler's provocations and demagogy.

Winter offensive of the Red Army in 1941/42 It caused a powerful blow to fascist Germany, according to her military car, but the Hitler's army was still strong. Soviet troops led stubborn defensive battles.

In this situation, the National Fight of Soviet people in the rear of the enemy played a big role, especially partisan traffic.

Thousands of Soviet people went to the partisan detachments. The partisan war in Ukraine, in Belarus and Smolensk region, in Crimea and in a number of other places, widely unfolded. In cities and villages temporarily occupied by the enemy, underground party and Komsomol organizations operated. In accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of July 18, 1941 "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops" 3,500 partisan detachments and groups, 32 underground committees, 805 public utilities and district participants, 5429 primary party organizations, 10 regional, 210 interdistrict city and 45 thousand primary Komsomol organizations were created. To coordinate the actions of partisan detachments and underground groups with the units of the Red Army by decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on May 30, 1942, at the expense of the Supreme Command central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement. Headquarters by management partisan movement Were formed in Belarus, Ukraine and in other republics and regions occupied by the enemy.

After the defeat near Moscow and the winter offensive of our troops, the Hitler's command was preparing a new major offensive with the aim of capturing all southern regions of the country (Crimea, the North Caucasus, Don) up to the Volga, the capture of Stalingrad and rejection of the Transcaucasus from the center of the country. This was an extremely serious threat to our country.

By the summer of 1942, an international situation was changed, characterized by the strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition. In May - June 1942, agreements were concluded between the USSR, England and the United States on the Union in the war against Germany and the post-war collaboration. In particular, an agreement was reached on the opening in 1942 in Europe second Front against Germany, which would significantly speed up the defeat of fascism. But the allies in every way tightened his discovery. Using this, the fascist command moved the division from the Western Front to the Eastern. By the spring of 1942, the Hitler's army had 237 divisions, massive aircraft, tanks, artillery and other types of technology for a new offensive.

Intensified leningrad blockadeAlmost daily exposed to artillery shelling. The Kerch Strait was captured in May. On July 3, the Supreme Command gave an order to heroic defenders of Sevastopol to leave the city after 250 days defense, since it was not possible to keep the Crimea. As a result of the defeat of Soviet troops in the area of \u200b\u200bKharkov and Don, the enemy came to the Volga. Created in July Stalingrad Front accepted powerful blows of the enemy. Returning with heavy battles, our troops applied a huge opponent damage. In parallel, the fascist offensive in the North Caucasus, where Stavropol, Krasnodar, Maikop were occupied. In the area of \u200b\u200bMozdok, the onset of fascists was suspended.

The main battles unfolded on the Volga. The enemy was trying to master Stalingrad. The heroic defense of the city was one of the bright pages of the Patriotic War. Work class, women, old people, teenagers - the entire population rose to the defense of Stalingrad. Despite the deadly danger, the workers of the tractor plant were sent daily to the advanced positions of tanks. In September, fights for each street have unfolded in the city, for each house.