How to restore the nervous system after a long stress? Outcasting to calm the nervous system. Restoration of the nervous system after stress species and phases of stress, or whether from light anxiety to depression

The type of human nervous activity determines how it interacts with the environment. Three main characteristics of the nervous system are distinguished:

  • force;
  • balance;
  • mobility.

Force Defines the stability of the nervous system in the effects of irritants of the exciting or braking types. At the same time, it is impossible to say that a strong nervous system is preferable to weak. Maybe, high level Forces allows a person to feel more comfortable. But a weak nervous system makes it more sensitive.

Balance Reflects the ability to quickly change behavior. The faster the excitation of the nervous system can be changed in braking, and vice versa - the faster the braking is replaced by excitation, the higher the balance of the nervous system.

Mobility - This is the ability of the nervous system to form new conditional connections. What it is higher better man Perceives something new, he learns faster, adapts to new living conditions. With age, most people have a decrease in the mobility of the nervous system.

How to strengthen the nervous system at home?

Under the strengthening of the nervous system, most people imply an increase in its strength. They want to react so hard to the factors of the external environment, including the first and foremost social factors. Is it possible to strengthen nervous system?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to radically change its type. Different people are born with different temperament. The type of higher activity is congenital and seriously amenable to correction. Herk, Sanguines and phlegmatic, and weak melancholics possess the strong nervous system. They are most often trying to strengthen the nervous system.

Strengthening may be temporary or permanent. It is possible to achieve a temporary increase in the strength of the nervous system using psychotropic drugs. For example, the use of alcohol and some drugs makes a person significantly less susceptible to factors ambient. To strengthen the psyche forever, it is required to raise the character. It may take more than one year.

At home, only the time strengthening of the nervous system can be achieved. To change the character, you will have to leave the "Comfort Zone", gradually increasing the stress load. It is very important to ensure its systematic boost. Too strong load that a weak nervous system is not able to withstand, will only lead to neurosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How to strengthen the nervous system by folk remedies?

There are many folk remedies that allow you to strengthen the nervous system in one way or another. True, they act temporarily. Reducing susceptibility to environmental factors will last only a few hours.

Major Folk Rests that can be used for this purpose:

  • alcohol;
  • herbs with a soothing effect: Melis, mother-in-law, Valerian, chamomile.

There are also medicines that strengthen the nervous system:

  • antidepressants;
  • anxiolytics or tranquilizers;
  • sedatives.

It happens that the weakening of the nervous system and the increased sensitivity is due to diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the treatment depends on the diagnosis. You need to pass tests to hormones, after which get adequate therapy at the endocrinologist.

How to achieve a long-term increase in the power of the nervous system?

Body and spirit training make it possible to gradually increase the strength of the nervous system. Do not count on a quick result. It will be possible to engage in self-education for a long time and persistently years, and possibly decades. Only so will be able to defeat genetics, and to a certain extent compensate for what nature did not give you.

To increase the strength of the nervous system, you need:

  • Lead physically active lifestyle.
  • Engage in hardening, molding, yoga and other activities that temper will and character.
  • To do sports requiring the utmost voltage of forces (running for long distances, weightlifting).
  • Exclude factors that increase your susceptibility to the factors of the external environment (coffee, nicotine).
  • Self develop in any direction and increase self-esteem.
  • Regularly experiencing stresses of moderate intensity.
  • Relax after stress. Holidays in nature will help in this hiking, massage sessions.

To relax in the case of increased nervousness, you can use respiratory gymnastics, take drugs, visit a psychologist.

How to strengthen the nervous system and the child's psyche?

To strengthen the nervous system and the child's psyche, you need to work on its social adaptation. Several tips that will help:

  • The child must spend more time in the company of peers - he does not follow all day to sit at home alone in front of the computer.
  • It is necessary that the child develops. He must attend not only school, but also various mugs or courses.
  • The child should not be overwhelmed and deficient. The accumulated problems cause increased nervousness.
  • He must learn to take responsibility and make decisions, so do not stand too much to patron it.
  • The child should develop physically: play football, skiing, swimming and other sports.
  • With severe nervousness of the child, it is worthwhile to consult a children's psychologist.

The worst thing that parents can make are to protect the child from all stress and problems. Then the power of the nervous system will not increase, but perhaps it will decrease. With a high probability, such a child will grow instelligent personality, and it will be very difficult for him to find his place in life. Stresses are needed - they develop a person. The main thing is that the stressful factors are not excessive and did not provoke mental disorders.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Probably at least seven people out of ten will say that the nervous system is a weak place of their body. And we are not so much about organic diseases of the brain and the pathology of peripheral nerves, how many psychological and even mental problems. Apathy, drowsiness, increased irritability, inability to overcome stress, anxiety, depressive moods - well, who does not become familiar? Such states are often found, so many people dream of finding a tool that will help them strengthen the nervous system. Under the expression "to strengthen the nerves", the majority implies the following: soothe the psyche and become less susceptible to stress. What should I do for this?

Refuse "assistants"

All your pretty considerable efforts will be embarrassed in vain, if you do not digest, what should be avoided, so as not to harm your stunned nervous system. And some restrictions are really needed.

Most importantly - once and permanently give up the reception of sedative and sleeping pills. If they take them, then only with the permission of the doctor! It only seems to be soothing and help to cope with tension. In fact, they do not solve the problem in the root, but simply help for a while "forget." Then the stress, and anxiety, and sleep disorders are returned again and with a new force begins to torment you. And considering that most people take these medicines without appointing a doctor, according to their own, expect an optimal effect and is not at all.

Probably you know that the law has recently been adopted, according to which even "light" means like voserdina and corvalol Listed in narcotic and psychotropic drugs. In recent days, before the adoption of this law, the pharmacy was tested by such an influx of visitors who wanted to get these medicines that almost everywhere the drugs were rapidly over. Sadly: it means that people are so dependent on sedatives (perceive this term is not literally) that they are ready to be ready for a year ahead, just to be able to "calm down" if necessary ...

Solve problems at home and at work

In many cases, the nervous state of the person is due to the stress that he gets from the outside. The main sources of nervous shocks are work and family relationships. What can be said here ... If you solve the difficulties that you bring so many experiences, you will be much easier to protect your nervous system from constant loads. You will have to make less effort to overcome the consequences of stresses already transferred, you protect yourself from new portions of the negative and can learn how to be much calmer and balanced.

However, we understand that the desire of a person to cope with a tense situation does not always find its implementation. Someone can not quit hard work because it is the only source of income; Someone cannot cope with disagreements in the family, because "opponents" continue to stand on their own and provoke conflicts. I would like to hope that your situation is not like that, and you can dramatically and radically change your life lifestyle for the better. If not - do not be discouraged. It will be more difficult for you to strengthen the nervous system when it is constantly being gradually stress, but it is still possible to achieve improvement.

Get "Right" stress

Any threat to the constancy of the body's interior is stress. However, not any of them is a negative event. There are stresses of "bad", for example, a challenge "on the carpet" to the boss, trauma or a quarrel with a close man. They hit the psyche and health, violate the adaptive reactions of the body; They are destroying for a person. But there is both "good" stresses: suddenly stunned love, morning jog, cold shower. They also threaten our nerves to some extent, but they are weakly, and in general, they are perceived positively. As a result, such phenomena (on scientific terminology, they are called Eustone) only strengthen our nervous system and make it more sustainable negative events.

Sleep well

A person can sleep for 3-4 hours a day, without experiencing special damage to his physical condition - so they say the results of the study of sleep. However, the inability to sleep is one of the main factors that determine possible problems with nerves. With the complete absence of sleep, a disorientation is observed, after five days there are hallucinations and convulsions, after ten, the subject falls into psychosis; As a result of chronic lack of sleep for several weeks and months, a person is almost guaranteed to develop depressive disorder. The listed facts are also proven by science, and pay attention, all the consequences of the lack of sleep are manifested by impaired from the side of the nervous system.

It became to strengthen your psyche and nerves, a sufficient amount of time needs to sleep. You say it is difficult for you to find the time to sleep in your tense schedule? Watchfully believe. Perhaps you think that it is simply impossible to get enough sleep? But we dare in this. If you are expensive to your health, you will find time to satisfy one of the physiological needs of your body.

By the way, another one interesting fact About a dream: His the disadvantage provokes excess weight. Want to become not only nervous and jerking, but also fat? Then leave everything as it is, and do not change anything. But, we hope it will be your motivator to come in the opposite way and take care of your health.

Do sport

Only a person who regularly engages in his favorite sport understands all its importance to preserve the health of the nervous system and the body as a whole. If you do not feel about fans of physical loads, you will have to believe the word that physical activity is one of the best, and maybe even the best way to psychological unloading. Plus, during classes, the work of synapses is activated, the neuromuscular transmission is improved, the brain is fully saturated with oxygen, hormones are produced in happiness, and in the end you will end the next training tired, but completely adequate and joyful and peaceful person.

Take vitamins

The best "friends" of the nervous system is vitamins of the group B, because they are involved in the flow of biochemical processes in nerve cells. Therefore, take care that at least food with their content as often happened on your desk. Bread, bran, meat, liver, green leafy vegetables, yeast, eggs, walnuts, grain seedlings - immediately revise the diet if there are no these products. If desired, you can start taking vitamin complexes - "ordinary" or special, with group vitamins in (for example, neuromulivitis).


In chronic stress, breathing is readier and becomes more superficial; If a person constantly lives in voltage, the depth and frequency of his breathing gradually change in such a way that it breathes in the constant "alarm mode." And on the contrary, the sign of calm is deep, measured breaths and exhalations.

Perform breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air contribute to the calm of the psyche, and it stabilizes nervous processes. Please contact the help of these funds, and you will feel much better.

The reduced "recipes" of strengthening the nervous system is not unique and even ordinary. However, if you did not find anything new here, do not rush to draw conclusions. Think: everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but many smoke; Everyone knows that it is necessary to eat less for weight loss and play sports, but they do it units; Finally, everyone knows how to calm their nerves, but most of it ignores.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the experiences once and permanently and for all of the experiences and gain peace of mind with the help of any magic tool or exercise. To do this will have to work hard. Of course, it will be just as difficult as to reset the next kilogram of excess weight or spend the day without a cigarette, however, in the end, your efforts will be rewarded. You can respond quietly to what is happening, without panic to make responsible decisions, get rid of unwanted thoughts, to sleep hard at night and just enjoy life. It seems to us that this is a worthy occasion in order to make efforts.

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What is stress? First of all, it is the protective reaction of our body to external stimuli and certain factors. Cause a stressful condition is capable of feeling danger, fear, the strongest experience, unpleasant conversation and household problems. In some cases, a person may experience an excitement or depression. Wine all adrenaline. The amount of this hormone increases sharply when the danger occurs.

It is adrenaline that causes a person to concentrate on the problem and look for her decision. At certain points, this hormone is able to benefit the body. Danger represents the protracted stress. As a result of such a malaise, a person very quickly loses its vital energy, physical, as well as mental health. This condition is very dangerous, so after a long stress is not so simple.

The main causes of stress

To understand how to restore the nervous system after a long stress, the reasons for its development should be determined. Call such a state of any event, for example:

  • parting with a close man;
  • dismissal from work or negative attitude of employees of the enterprise;
  • unfaviming in the family;
  • severe diseases;
  • public performance;
  • waiting for guests and so on.

Often stressful situations arise through the fault of the person himself. Most often, this condition is developing due to the feeling of dissatisfaction itself.

Stress and his influence on man

The protracted stress does not pass for the human body without a trace. As a result of its development, serious consequences may arise. K belong:

  • frequent bouts of headaches;
  • insomnia or very bad sleep;
  • lack of interest to events taking place in life;
  • depression and apathy;
  • pessimism and depression;
  • chronic fatigue and attacks of weakness;
  • the inability to concentrate and perceive new information normally;
  • internal voltage;
  • the emergence of such habits like bitten nail or lips, tapping on the table with a handle, swinging the foot;
  • aggression and irritability;
  • indifference to others and even close to people.

What consequences may arise?

Stress and its influence on a person is already studied by one decade. Over the years of research, it was found that such a state can cause severe consequences. Most often they suffer from a brain and cardiovascular system. The protracted stress can lead to the development of such ailments as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • peptic disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neurosis and depression;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological processes;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • sexual health disorder;
  • a sharp decline in immunity.

These are just some ailments that are capable of arising from a long stress. Alas, this list can be continued. Stress and nerves are those components that are capable of strongly shaking human health.

The main stages of the fight against long stress

So, how to restore the nervous system after a long stress? First of all, you need to visit the psychotherapist. The doctor will help not only determine the cause of the development of such a state, but also prescribe adequate therapy. Not always for medicines required. Most often, an individual plan is developed to overcome it may include:

  1. Physical activity. It is not only sports, but also dancing, games or a visit to the pool.
  2. Laughter therapy, which implies watching funny rollers and comedies.
  3. Zootherapy. Communication with pets has a positive effect on human health.
  4. Special meals.
  5. A change of scenery. Experts recommend going on an interesting trip either for a walk along with friends.
  6. Hobbies, such as knitting or drawing. Also welcome reading good books.
  7. Repetition of affirmations. These are affirmative positive phrases, for example, "I am calm!", "I am confident!", "I am health!", "I am happy!" etc. This is a kind of autotraining to calm
  8. Respiratory gymnastics, listening to special music.
  9. Healthy sleep.

In addition to the above methods, you can resort to non-traditional medicine. Grays of herbs are more gently than synthetic sedatives for adults.

Herbs for the restoration of the nervous system

What helps from stress? In pharmacies, a lot of medicines are sold, capable of reassuring the nervous system. However, if desired, herbal fees can be used to restore after stress. There are many recipes for similar compositions.

In equal proportions, it is necessary to take Valeryan, cumin, dyeing and fennel. Components should be crushed and then mix. A tablespoon of the herbal collection obtained is to brew boiling water. The specified amount of raw materials requires 250 milliliters of fluid. The drug must be broken. Take the composition three times a day, dividing the resulting amount to equal parts. The course of therapy is 30 days. Twice a year, preventive measures are recommended.


Stressful situations in a person's life occur quite often. To calm the nerves, you can take tea based on a hunter. For preparation, a teaspoon of crushed dry raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water will be required. Ready infusion must be taken twice a day. For a more enjoyable taste, you can add a little honey to the medicinal product. Drink infusion instead of ordinary tea.

Not bad sedative for the nervous system is a drink from mint. For making tea it is worth using a wild plant. From the leaflets of mint, you should prepare a drink, and then add honey to it. It is better to use donkey or lime. Mint tea is perfectly combined with lemon. The citrus is to eat with the skin, since it contains a large amount of essential oil. This substance has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system.

If necessary, you can use teas based on medicinal herbs. It is best to cook a drink from hop, souls, calendula, melissa. Similar herbal fees have a soft sedative effect, capable of improving sleep and reduce heart rate. The course of such therapy is selected individually depending on the severity of the situation.

Various infusions and decoctions

As a result of a long stress, people become irritable. Nervous diseases are developing quickly and often imperceptibly. To avoid any deterioration, you should visit the doctor. Often for the restoration of the nervous system, specialists appoint various infusions and grasses of herbs. What could it be?

Broth Corainera. For preparation requires a teaspoon of plant seeds and 200 ml of boiling water. Raw materials should be placed in the tank and pour the liquid. It is necessary to insist the seeds in a water bath for 15 minutes. Accept the decoction is needed four times a day at 30-40 ml. The course of therapy lasts until improving mood and well-being. It is worth noting that the coriander is an ideal means against irritability.

This medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare on their own. For this, the grass of the mother-in-law is required, as well as medical alcohol. In this case, it is necessary to observe the proportions. On 1 part of the grass requires 5 parts of alcohol. Components should be placed in glass tank and close tightly. You need to insist for 30 days. Take ready-made composition you need to three times a day at 20 drops. Course - 30 days. The motherboy eliminates the signs of anxiety and normalize the heart rhythm.


Since it is very difficult to restore the nervous system after a long stress, it is possible to resort not only to the reception of medicines, but also to aromatherapy. In this case, you can use essential oils and graft fees.

From the linen canvas it is worth making neat bags. They should be placed dry herbs. It is ideal for this, Rosemary, Melissa, Lavender, Owin, Hop. Ready Sasha should be decomposed near the resting places. Bags with herbs can be placed at the head of the bed. Fragrances emitted by dry herbs allow you to remove irritability and relax.

As for the essential oils, in the state of the nervous system, the aroma of lavender, pine, cedar, ylang-yulang, orange is positively affected. For therapy should use special lamps. It is necessary to observe the dosage. One drop of essential oil is enough to fill the room with a unique aroma, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 5 m 2.

Tablets for restoring the nervous system

In some cases, nervous diseases can only be heated by herbs. In such situations, patients prescribe special drugs. Each drug in its own way affects the nervous system and has a certain degree of efficiency. Choosing medicines, you should carefully examine the instructions. The list of available and efficient tablets includes:

  • valerian extract;
  • "Adaptol";
  • "Vocalocardine";
  • "Glycine";
  • "Valemidin";
  • "Delim";
  • "Gomeostres";
  • "Negristin";
  • landshevo-dyeing drops;
  • peony tincture;
  • "Relaksozan";
  • motherwort tincture;
  • "Pans";
  • "New Passit";
  • "Neuroplant";
  • "Fitosted";
  • "Cipramil";
  • "Tenothen".

Take a sedative for adults only after consulting specialists. Self-medication may harm in this case, because any therapy begins to eliminate the cause of stress.

Proper nutrition

It is recommended to conduct not only autotraining to calm the nervous system, but also to eat. There is a list of products capable of positively affecting the psychological state of a person. This list includes:

  • seeds and nuts;
  • fish fatty;
  • dairy products with a low fat rate;
  • vegetable oils;
  • honey of any variety;
  • buckwheat and oat groats;
  • chocolate, which consists of 70% cocoa;
  • meat, for example, duck, pork and game;
  • sea cabbage;
  • egg protein.

The products mentioned above are able to raise the mood. However, it is not recommended to abuse some of them (for example, nuts or sweets), since as a result will lead to an increase in weight.

In conclusion

To restore the nervous system after a long stress, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. Only a narrow profile doctor is able to help a person determine the cause and cope with the problem. You should not try to reassure yourself to reassure the broken nervous system and get rid of the consequences of stress. It can only aggravate the condition. In addition, some medicinal products and herbs have contraindications and side effects.

Strong stress postpones imprint in the body of the body and even leads to neurosis after stress. Just do not confuse strong stress with daily unpleasant situations that spoil the mood and cause fatigue, nervous voltage that is easily removed by taking a bath, relaxing massage and viewing your favorite TV series. It is very important to know how to restore the nervous system, after experienced shocks, traumating the events and prevent the appearance of depression.

The mental state of any of us depends on the quality of human life. When everything is in dangerous, in the family everything is harmonious, at work successfully, then the minor troubles are simply not coming. Negative situations do not clog thoughts, complicating life and harm the body and daily well-being.

Before finding out how to restore the nerves, it is necessary to know the origin of the ailment. This may be due to violations in the work of brain nerve cells, requiring serious treatment. The most common reason is the poor ecological situation in the region of residence because of what the nervous exhaustion of the body follows. This one is the only reason that does not depend on the patient himself, all the rest he creates himself:

  • unbalanced nutrition, the absence of vitamins and the trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the CNS;
  • low physical activity, sitting, small mobility during the day. In this regard, the body constantly feels the fatigue and shortage of forces, subsequently, it also flows into nervous exhaustion;
  • prolonged stressful situations that have a constant overwhelming effect on the nervous system.

Various stimulants can only be aggravated without the poor. They give a person for strength and vigor only for a short time.

The use of energy, strong tea or coffee is also given only the temporary effect of the tide of strength, but the nervous system does not suffer anyway.

Smoking also oppresses the nervous system. Relaxing the body and giving him peace of mind, Nicotine slowly depletes the nervous cells of the body and causes irreparable harm. Tobacco products really help to calm down, but a person does not understand what is soothing is not a process, but the habit of the body.

Gradually, nervous exhaustion makes itself felt, and the body begins to feed the alarms. A person can feel anxiety, a feeling of anxiety and fear. He is not confident in his abilities, trying to avoid embarrassing situations and unpleasant conversations, but it does not work. In such a state, a calm dream is lost, the problems inside the body begin their external manifestation in the form of dry skin, the pallor of the face, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

Very often arises apathy, indifference to life, lack of interest in everything that happens around, doubtful in their abilities.

Symptomatics aless

The process of restoring the nervous system is manifested by such symptoms:

  • anxiety and feeling of anxiety. The emerging problems lead a person to a stupor, it seems to him that these situations are insoluble, and he will not be able to do anything with them. Because of this, the nervous tension increases, the person is in a state of constant stress. At night, the nightmares torment him, he cannot fall asleep from restless thoughts, inadequate behavior manifests itself;
  • doubt. Fearing something to do it yourself, a person doubts his strength and vinit in this people around him. He is looking for an excuse, does not trust the rest. In the process of such a state, paranoia may develop;
  • indecision. In situations where the durability and the will of the will should be manifested, a person will keep everything on a sidier, he is afraid to be responsible for anything, it is easier to fulfill someone else's order or an indication than to respond to their actions;
  • fear. It comes simply pathological fear of something to do something wrong and harvest yourself or others. There remains complete inaction;
  • lack of strength and indifference. Just so that these people nobody disturbed, they want to leave everything as it is. They do not care what is happening, due to the lack of forces they can not change anything.

Preventive measures

In order not to restore nervous exhaustion, you can prevent these problems and protect yourself from this ailment. The restoration of the nervous system will not need if:

  • at the timely attending a doctor and regularly undergo a medical examination;
  • comply with the rules of proper nutrition;
  • in the most vulnerable periods to maintain immunity with vitamins;
  • play sports, perform morning gymnastics daily;
  • abandon the abuse of alcohol and smoking;
  • give yourself more rest, distracted from work more often;
  • avoid overwork and stressful situations.

Restoration of nerves

Restore the nervous system at home and reduce the signs of nervous disorders. There are slightly simple ways:

  1. Sleep is the first thing you need to restore the body's forces.
  2. Vacation. If nervous exhaustion brought you to the face when apathy arises to everything around you, you need to distract. Just do not lie for two weeks on the sofa, but to take sunny baths on the seashore or travel, having funny new corners of the planet and recognizing the sea of \u200b\u200bnew fascinating information.
  3. Hobby. If it is not possible to take a vacation, you need to find a lesson in the shower: embroidery beads, designing, diluting a single gray life with something new.
  4. Sports. You do not need to heat your body strongly, just start with something easy. A better option that has a regenerating effect is yoga. Such classes will help to remove physical tension and moral.
  5. Water procedures. How to recover with water? Everything is simple: swimming pool, river, sea, sauna or sauna - all this will help calm down, relax and give an emotional charge.

Drug elimination of exposure symptoms

After experienced stress, antidepressants will help to recover, but they are prescribed as a last resort, when the body has long been negative.

Non-standard drugs are prescribed for the normal functioning of the CNS. To normalize restless sleep - sleeping pills. But these pills can not be used for longer than a month, otherwise they are addictive and do not apply.

In most cases, it is possible to cope with this problem independently, resorting to the course of vitamins and minerals, which will put in order nerves and give the body vitality. And it is not necessary in this case to use multivitamin complexes and synthetic agents. Many useful substances can be obtained from food. Vitamins, without which the nervous cells of the body are suffering - it is vitamin A, B, C, D and E.

Folk remedies

At home can also help restore the CNS councils of people's healers. They will not only help calm down, but also cure the existing problems. Teas of mint has a calming effect. The recipe of tea is simple: the twig of mint is poured with boiling water and give to stand a couple of minutes. There is no restrictions on the use of such tea, but it is better to drink it before bedtime.

It also favorably affects the nervous system such plants like Peony, Valerian, mother-in-law. They are also brewed in the form of tea and consumed to calm down. The tinctures of these herbs will be effective.

In addition to drinks, you can use therapeutic baths. The best option for such therapy is the coniferous species of trees.

It is necessary to engage in the treatment of such states with the emergence of the first symptoms, otherwise then the restoration can delay for a long time.