When was October. Classroom conversation "October-friendly guys." Where now you can buy an elevation icon

After victory October revolution Red children's organizations, groups and associations arose in various cities. On May 19, 1922, the 2nd All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol decided on the widespread creation of pioneering detachments.

In the early years of Soviet power, Pioneers helped the standings and fought with illiteracy, they collected books and organized libraries, they were engaged in technical circles, cared for animals, went to geological trips, in the expedition to study nature, gathered medicinal plants. Pioneers worked in collective farms, in the fields, guarded the crop and collective farm property, wrote letters to the newspaper or in the relevant authorities about violations that noticed around.

AiF.Ru recalls how in Soviet times they took in October, pioneers and who could become a Komsomol.

From what class took in October?

Octopiacs became schoolchildren of 1,3rd grade, united by voluntary principles in the group at the pioneer squad of the school. Groups led the counselors of the pioneers or the school commissors. In these groups, children were preparing to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.

Upon joining the ranks of October, the children were given a breastplate icon - a five-pointed star with a children's portrait of Lenin. The symbol was the Red October check box.

In honor of the victory of the October Revolution since 1923, schoolchildren called "October". October, united in the stars (analogue of the pioneer link) - October 5, and the "Sickle" and "hammer" - counselors and his assistant. In the stars, October could take one of the posts - commander, flowerwood, sanitary, librarian or physical consultancy.

In recent decades, Soviet power in October, all in a row of primary school students are usually in the first grade.

Who accepted pioneers?

Schoolchildren from 9 to 14 years old have been accepted in the pioneer organization. Formally, the reception was carried out on a voluntary basis. The selection of candidates was made by open vote on the collection of a pioneer squad (usually fitted) or at the highest - at the school level - the Pioneer Authority: on the squad of the squad.

The student who joins the pioneering organization, gave a solemn promise of Pioneer of the Soviet Union (the text of the promise in the 1980s could be seen on the rear cover of school notebooks). Community, Komsomolets or Senior Pioneer Handed Newbies Red Pioneer Tie and Pioneer Icon. The pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to a pioneer organization, a particle of her banner. Three end of the tie symbolized the unrealistic connection of three generations: Communists, Komsomol members and pioneers; The pioneer was obliged to take care of his tie and take it.

The greetings of the pioneers were salute - the hand raised above the head demonstrated that the pioneer puts public interests above personal. "Be ready!" - Calling pioneers counselor and heard in response: "Always ready!"

As a rule, pioneers were taken in a solemn atmosphere during the communist holidays in memorable historical and revolutionary places, for example on April 22 near the monument V. I. Lenin.

To the members of the organization who violated the laws of Pioneers of the Soviet Union, punishes were applied: discussion on the collection of links, detachment, bidders; comment; warning to exclusion; As an extreme measure - an exception from a pioneer organization. To exclude from pioneers could be for unsatisfactory behavior and hooliganism.

Collection of scrap metal and waste and other types of social and useful work, helping young students, participation in military-sports "borrowings", classes in circles and, of course, an excellent study - that's what the pioneer weekdays were filled.

How became Komsomol members?

Komsomol members became from 14 years. Reception was carried out individually. To submit an application, I needed the recommendation of the Communist or two Komsomol members with an experience of at least 10 months. After that, the statement could take to consideration in the school Komsomol organization, and could not accept if the submarine did not consider the fee.

Those whose statement was adopted, assigned an interview with the Committee of the Komsomol (Council of Commerpps) and the representative of the district committee. In order to pass an interview, it was necessary to learn the charter of the WLKSM, the names of Komsomol's key leaders and the party, important dates and most importantly - to answer the question: "Why do you want to become a Komsomol?".

Any of members of the committee could ask a tricky question at the test stage. If the candidate successfully passed the interview, he was awarded a Komsomol ticket in which contributions was given. Schoolchildren and students paid 2 kopecks. per month working - one percentage of salary.

To exclude from the Komsomol could be for the sluggishness, visiting the church, for non-payment of membership fees, for family troubles. An exception from the organization threatened the lack of a good perspective and career in the future. Former Komsomolets did not have the right to join the party, to leave abroad, in some cases he threatened dismissal from work.

Oleinikov Nikita 9 "A" class

The work contains a historical certificate of development, structures and meanings in the Soviet Society of October



Competition of scientific projects of schoolchildren

As part of the regional scientific and practical conference "Eureka"

Malaya Academy of Sciences of students of Kuban

Section "Sociology"

Oleinikov Nikita Sergeevich

Grade 8, Maou School №17,

Slavic District, Slavyansk-on-Kuban

Scientific adviser:

Sidorova Irina Mikhailovna,

History teacher and social studies

Maou Sosh №17

slavyansk-on-Kuban 2011 g


October movement - as a social phenomenon of Soviet society

1. The history of the formation of October

2. Structures and objectives of the October movement - as part of the general structure of education of the Soviet Society

3. Educational tasks of October

4. Educational work activities from October in the Soviet Union


List of references and sources


1. Sociological survey

2. Structure of October


Relevance of the research topicit is due to the fact that the October movement in the Soviet society was the first step of the involvement of the younger generation to the society of the country. On the eve of the XXI century, our country needs to revive the ideological education of young people, wonderful in the USSR. Many problems we have to solve for the first time. Historically, the development of ideological education occurs as a natural process in society,

a predetermining social progress of mankind. In the Soviet society, the education of a person began, one can say from the moment of his birth. And, so it is very important that in our modern country, education, built on the formation of the life goals of young people, as in the Soviet society, was restored, as all of life configures a person to life values.

Our task is to study the foundations of the October movement, its significance in the ideological education of the Soviet society, as the first stage of the recruitment of the guys to the social society.

Purpose of the study:to form, scientifically substantiate and experimentally check the importance of October and Soviet society.

Research tasks:

  1. consider the concept and essence of October of the USSR;
  2. reveal the features of the development of the interaction of October, Pioneer and Komsomol;
  3. analyze the rules and provisions of October and Soviet society;
  4. conduct and process the results of a sociological survey on the history and significance of October and the Soviet Union.

Object of study -the process and result of the study and research of the October movement in the Soviet society.

Subject of study- The history of the October movement.

Working hypothesis.Employed movement was the initial step of child accounting in the Soviet society to independence, responsibility, purposefulness and life enthusiasm.

Methodical I. theoretical basis Research is:the general scientific concepts of historical, comparative, socio-psychological methods. Scientific articles and textbooks, methodological benefits for education, scientific developments of methodologists, and other specialists in the field of education and education of the Soviet society. The work uses a sociological survey and structuring of October

Practical significancequalifying work is to develop and introduce into the practice of secondary schools of the main methods of October, as the initial stage of the ideological education of modern children.

Chapter I.

. The history of the formation of October

During the years of Soviet power, everyone who came to study in grade 1, for the holiday of October became October. How else? Was there ever otherwise? First-graders were sincerely convinced that it was always.

The first of October was in the distant 1924 year for seven years. They were the peers of the Great October. Is it possible to find them more accurate name -october?

This name was established in 1924. But the very first associations of younger guys appeared even earlier ...

Who is a chased step? - Loudly asked the counselor. - Who does not get tired of walking?

And the whole detachment in the tact of his march answered:

We are brave, we young people, we are kids commune. Bodra and our strong rails. We proudly and firm working work will always ever defend!

Smiled workers from the factory passing, having mastered the guys of Komsomologians in red shines.

Salute young shift!

Seeing all this guys, passion how dreamed of becoming pioneers, be everywhere with them.

They were very asked for older brothers and sisters to record them in Pioneers. And often the parents came to party committees, to the Komsomolets and were terribly: "Take the youngsters in the detachment!" Even in general party and working meetings, the question of working with the children of Dopision age was discussed.

And then N.K. Krupskaya offered Komsomolets to combine kids into special groups. The younger groups in the detachments of young pioneers were born in Moscow, in the area of \u200b\u200bits area, which is located south of the Moscow River and has long been called Zamoskvoretia. Here in April 1923, with a pencil factory, Kranats and united in such a special group of children, starting from an eight year old.

And soon, such associations appeared at the pioneer detachment of the first country hospital and the detachment of the M. Textile factory. Kalinina. In the summer and autumn of the same year, the group of younger arose in Ukraine, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. In the city of Tver they called "Maitat". In Kharkov, "red starbs". In Irkutsk and then Irkutsk province - "ants", "sparrows", then also "red asterisks". In the Caucasus, children ("flowers") were connected to the "bouquet", "bouquets" were "SADIK" (group). In Odessa, "red grains" were going to "spikes". Several "collisions" were "sheaf". "Spikelets" listened to the word "Pahar" - Pioneer. "Snopami" led the "Melnik" - Pioneer or Komsomolets. "Red grains" had their own rules. "Granks" listened to "Paramen", - said in them. - "Pahari" in everything consulted with "Melniki".

In Moscow, at the suggestion of the Moscow Bureau of Young Pioneers, the younger friends of the Pioneer detachments were called Octozts. And this name at that time of times unusually spread quickly everywhere. Therefore, that accurate was - proud, loud and at the same time cheerful, gentle: October.

Because on this day was for the first time on the whole country announced about the creation of October and Pioneer detachments.

The Central Committee of the RCP (b) approved the position on this day, which said, how to build, live and work with the detachments of young pioneers named after V.I. Lenin Group of October - children from 8 to 11 years

The form of the first October was exactly the same as the pioneers - the shirts of the protective color, the girls have dark skirts, the boys have short shorts. And they have one motto one, common: "To the struggle for a work cause - be ready!" Answer: "Always ready!" The main slogan: "Change is changing!" The laws of October and their customs were established.

Laws of October

October, help pioneers, Komsomol members, communists, workers and peasants.

October eager to become young pioneers.

Customs Ocean.

October is monitoring the purity of their body and clothing.

October love to work.

Laying basicsthe existence of the October group, the provision approved on August 4, 1924, relied, of course, the experience of the very first of them - "Maitat" and "Silk", "Koloskov" and October. But then there were very few then: in June 1923, there were only 1250 October 1250. Today, in one single school, more students will be twisted than in those years it was all over the October.

But only six months after the adoption of the situation, by January 1, 1925, the number of them has increased almost 100 times! One hundred thousand three hundred twenty-five boys and girls became known as October.

In the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) "On the Pioneer Movement", adopted on July 24, 1925, there was a successful start of the work of Komsomol and Pioneers among October and was offered to all party, trade union bodies to help the Komsomol in the deployment of this work. "To be considered necessary - it was said in the ruling, - to continue the gradual expansion of the groups of October with the strengthened detachments of young pioneers, carefully studying all the questions of this work and carefully choosing certain forms and methods, adapting them to the peculiarities of this age"

In the mid-20s, the case of Employee groups was distributed to nine thematic stages. In January, they united the theme "Lenin", in February - "Red Army". From the beginning of March to April 10 - "Mother-worker", from April 10 to May - "First May". From May to June there was a preparation for the camp, and from June to August, all the camp life unfolded under the slogan "Bows of the City and Village"

From the very birth of October 2008, the friendship of pioneers and the October village and the city were proclaimed. "Autumn travel of friendship" of urban pioneers in the initial rural schools - the annual milestone in the chronicles of this friendship.

Ocean in those distant years were often called the third shift, ready to get on the struggle for the work of Lenin, the case of the party following the Komsomol members and pioneers. This is understandable: Komsomol members - a change of fathers-parties, pioneers - the change of Komsomol, and October, go to the change of pioneers. They were called even the fourth generation of fighters for the celebration of the revolution in a number of communists, Komsomol members and pioneers.

So, the third shift is Ocean - both in the city and in the village took up all the eight-year-old guys to go to school (then they started learning from eight years, but not all children and not all parents have aware of the need for teachings).

Overskaya declared a campaign for "growing and blooming" drugs and collected the mountains of medicinal plants.

They completely nursed little and played with three years olders and five-year plates in the city courts, in the sinks on the village, while the moms of babies worked in the factory or in the field.

In a word, the Affairs of October 20 grew up to the outcome of the 20th - the beginning of the 30s. They expanded and their ranks. By August 1, 1930, October 2008 was already 750 thousand.

The growth of October 2008 has noticeably restrained the lack of counselors. The central bureau of young pioneers announced the mobilization of pioneers and the Komsomol members to work from October. By October 1930, 100 thousand leadership were put forward from their own medium - 100 thousand "most weathered and initiative" friends!

And the Komsomol members allocated the counselors in the Board. At seminars and courses began studying the organizers of October. The conditions in which they lived, worked and played by October was improved. As a gift from the Komsomol residents, they received tools, sports and gaming equipment, for them were built playgrounds. All this was a practical implementation of the resolution of the VVI Congress of the Komsomol, in which it was proposed, given the characteristics of complex and hard work from October, to strengthen the management of groups, improve the qualifications of counselors.

Looking the affairs of October, seeing the Komsomol and Pioneer care about them was the All-Union Five Day of the Junior Pioneers announced by the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers, which took place in October 1930. Everywhere, committees to the promotion of the five days, who managed all the preparatory work were created.

And here is the holiday that everyone was waiting, came. Orchestras played on the streets in the morning. Trucks filled with a noisy binding world with flags and garlands, drove around the central streets of cities, in the villages of October, rolled on the elegantly removed cladding.

In the working clubs, matinees were arranged with drains on the angright of the day, the schools were charged October and the pioneers, the parties and the Komsomol members were invited to the frank, sincere conversation about all October affairs and concerns.

Five-day-holiday, five days-reviews are remembered for a long time and children and adults. She fulfilled its tasks. The number of October is thoroughly increased. If on August 1, 1930 there were 750 thousand, then by January 1933 - 1Milion 776 thousand 325!

Almost every pioneer squad led to work with October. In the squadrons, where there were 400-500 October, except for the liberated senior charge, a special counselor was approved. In the palaces and houses of pioneers for kids, mugs were created, matinee were arranged, reviewed. The increasing methodological and practical experience of games, holidays, fees and other occupations is lit on the pages of journals "Department" and "toy".

However, along with the successes, obvious miscalculations were noted in the organization of the life of October. Often, the counselors arranged a special admission of children in the October group: "We will accept you, and you are not worthy, you need to change behavior, work on yourself." As it is necessary to "work on yourself", the guys did not know, "change their behavior" did not know how. Recently arose, severe mental injuries.

The Resolution of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CHDKSM dated March 4, 1936 decisively condemned such a practice, the October of the elementary classes since that time was considered. By 1940, the number of October in the country was 4 million.

But the peaceful life of the country interrupted the Great Patriotic War. New groups Overlay in the years of war have no longer created. There were not enough frames of adult counselors, the premises - a lot was missing for the joyful life of the guys. But pioneers, especially Pioneers-Timurovtsy, still cared for younger friends. And the younger walked to the pioneers: collected spikelets in the fields, in the meadows medicinal herbs, in forests - mushrooms and berries; They also helped the front.

In November 1957, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the VLKSM adopted a resolution, which said: "Observe Komsomol and Pioneering organizations to improve work with younger schoolchildren. Restore with the pioneer detachments and squads of the October group. "

The entire preceding experience accumulated in October and asterisks was carefully studied. For the development of pedagogical, methodological foundations of the activities of October, people who preserved the memory of the United States and Holidays, Games and Competitions were invited. So began a new stage of work from October.

In 1963, a All-Union Scientific and Methodological Conference on the problems of the Pioneer Movement took place. In a number of other recommendations at the conference, a methodical letter "On work with October" was discussed. It has determined the tasks of education October, the planned system of work with October, indicated the role of the teacher, the pioneer detachment in organizing the life of October.

By this time, 16 million younger students were united in the group of October.

Each new stage in the chronicle of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin brings a new one to the life of young Leninists and their younger friends - October. Richer, more diverse, filled with their plans, more interesting things. All of them are closely related to the most important events in the life of our country, Komsomol, pioneer.

In 1972, on the eve of the celebration of the half-century anniversary of the Lenin Pioneer, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution "On the 50th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. " The improvement of its activities was indicated in the ruling: "requires further strengthening of the leadership by it from the ABCM. It is necessary to continue to improve the content, forms and methods of working with children, to fully take into account the psychological features, the age of schoolchildren, their requests and interests. The whole life of the pioneer organization should be aimed at the development of children's initiative and amateur activities, the involvement of each pioneer in its work. To the leadership of the pioneer detachments and squads, it is necessary to broadly attract young teachers, the best industrialists, students, high school students. Strengthen the attention of Komsomol and Pioneer organizations to work from October, to help them in school and in recreation organization. "

The decade between two large holidays, large milestones of the pioneer history - half-century anniversaries and the sixtieth anniversary from the day of her birth - was marked by the new Union-Union October affairs: the tradition of October and Pioneer "Friendship Hands" was strengthened, the traditional All-Union Week of October was strengthened, the All-Union game was entered into life "OCTODA - ONDER OCTOBER".

Chapter II.

Structures and tasks of October

movements - as part of the general structure of education of Soviet society

Tasks to raise patriots Pioneer-October forms of work of children's teams.

October, represent the "younger branch" of the children's communist movement. They are not at the same time a special organization. Any public organization is a sodium of people who pusing a certain public goal, self-governing, which is valid on the basis of the rules adopted by all members with a pronounced structure of construction.

The goal, which was placed in front of Oversha: grow a worthy title of pioneer, young Leninets. They also had the rules for which they acted, first of all, the rules of October, were also the world's customs, rituals, traditions (for example, the tradition becomes October online one day before the holiday of October; the custom is collected for overpowering fees; the ritual of the October line). These customs, rituals, traditions also represented their own peculiar rules that organize their lives.

But the third and fourth required conditions - Self-governing systems and uniting them in one whole organizational structure - Oversight is not, unlike pioneers.

True, at its gatherings, we tried to take collective decisions, to build plans, to evaluate the made - they learn to manage themselves, manage their own affairs. But the bodies of self-government, similar to the Council of the detachment, the advice of the squad, they did not have. Only stars chose their commanders.

In the organizational situation on the children's communist organization of young pioneers named after V.I. Lenin, approved in 1924 of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), was said:

  1. At the detachment, the group is created ...
  2. The group consists of 25 people
  3. The group is divided into five links of five people (later the links began to be called asterisks.)
  4. The head of the group of October - Komsomolets, who is an assistant to therapy detachment.
  5. At the head of the link is a pioneer, to help he chosen October.

What should be the counselor of the October sprocket? Employment is in full accordance with the Pioneer Law, first of all their comrade. This defines the style of its relationship with the younger

The group consists of stars, but groups do not combine further into larger units, as, say, Pioneer detachments in a pioneer squad. Pioneers' squads further form a district pioneer organization, district - urban. All urban and district organizations are connected to the district, regional, regional, regional and edges are republican, and together they merge into a single and slender All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin.

The word organization by the way, it comes from the Latin "Organizo", which means "I inform the slender type, arrange."

October group - the largest association in the October.

The group of October does not arise by themselves. They are created by pioneer squads and detachments. The groups of October and exist in themselves - they live and act under the pioneer detachments, and if less than twenty pioneers and there are no detachments, then the group, or several such groups operate directly with a squad.

October - not an organization. But the October group is not by themselves. They are under the organization of pioneers, with pioneer squads and detachments.

Pioneer squads and detachments create boating groups in first-third grades, each group - with a pioneer detachment.

The squad of the squad creates the headquarters or advice on October.

Pioneer detachment is a collective counselor. The detachment allocates the counselors of the October sprocket, but each pioneer of the detachment participates in work from October, seeks to the kids to be wondering, fun. Involves them in pioneering affairs, helps to fulfill the rules of October. Every Leninet during his stay in a pioneer organization works with October.

Each pioneer binds to constant care of his pioneer law: "Pioneer - Comrade and Leader Ocelter"

About the October Regulation, the following Pioneer organization says:

October group sharing on asterisks. In each sprocket for five to six October.

On the left side of the breast, the guys are worn old asterisk.

The group of October has a red check box.

Life, affairs, the behavior of October is built in accordance with

Oilleg Rules:

October - future pioneers.

October - the diligent guys, love school, respect the elders.

Only those who love labor, the Oversight is called.

October - truthful and bold, deft and skillful.

October - friendly guys, read and draw, play and sing, live fun.

So, we see that OTCTOCH groups are closely related to the pioneer detachments and squaders, Komsomol organizations, making up three consecutive life steps of ideological, civil, labor and moral formation of a young generation of the country. This closest link characterizes on the other hand one of the most important parameters of the system of education.

The XIX Congress held in May 1982, among many of the most important tasks, which are designed to decide the Komsomol, called in its resolution and this: "Pay more attention to October."

In the report of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin, the XIX Congress of the WLKSM, young Leninists recorded: "October - a pioneer change of the country. We carry out the most important order of the Komsomol - to be collective counselors of the 13 million October. "

All-Union Leninist Pioneer has confidently joined its seventh decade. In the new program of the All-Union Marsham of Young Leninists, the routes, all directions of the activities of the Pioneer detachments and a friend, are disinsepended about younger friends-October.

The above convinces us that, without being an independent children's public organization, the accounts of Junior friends and assistants of Pioneers and Komsomol members, the life and affairs of which were helped by the years in taking Pioneer's position - Young Leninets, and then Komsomolets -Lenints. Komsomol members and pioneers have provided a permanent organizing and raising influence in October, and their teams.

The October group was the first child in the life of a child with a social orientation of life - there are together the educational team. Being part of the educational activities of the Komsomol and Pioneer Organization at school, work from October was the organic part of the whole educational work of the school.

Chapter III

Educational tasks

october traffic

To prepare October to join the Pioneer organization - such was the main educational task in the context of the common tasks of communist education.

And this meant that the group Ottop, step by step, learned to act as a pioneer detachment, that is, to independently build plans and collectively implement them into life, to evaluate the results of the results done, to act more confidently than yesterday, and most importantly - to act for the benefit of everyone In order for life to get better.

The main task is composed of a variety of educational tasks. What are these tasks?

  1. Expand and deepen social and political ideas, to acquaint them with the concepts:Motherland, party, communism.
  2. In children, the desire to actively and independently act as part of the asterisk, the group, to be responsible for the common cause, to encourage the word of them not to disperse, to learn to obey the will of the team, rightly assess their behavior and behavior of comrades, protect those who are right , defend your opinion.
  3. Overlands to understand that study is their main work and the obligation that the Officer is studying for the conscience that they know how to work and love to work for the general benefit that October is respected by the elders, care about the babies, help everyone who needs help.
  4. To encourage them to follow the rules of October, to support their friendship, develop the desire to be honest, modest, attentive to other, persistent and courageous, endless and strongest.
  5. Wake up their interest in reading, learn to see the beauty of native land, man and his labor, feel poetry folk fairy tales And songs, love and understand art.

The upbringing of younger schoolchildren occurred continuously - in the teachings, labor, public concerns of kids, in their games and all sorts of classes. Employee affairs amounted to a very significant part of their lives, but still they were only part of the whole.

The life of the October group and all its stars is part of the entire system of education, but at the same time perfectly special. This is the life of a public team, which in a socialist society has such inherent features as self-government, the election of all its bodies, subordination of all the collective solution to the majority. October, Malla, they still just started to learn, began to comprehend the basics on which the Soviet, socialist social life is based.

October, getting ready to become pioneers, should learn to act - decide, organize, evaluate, obeying the will of the team, and not just the will of the teacher.

Chapter IV.

Educational systems

works with October in the Soviet Union

Working from October was a holistic educational system, where all elements are connected and interdependent, act in unity.

What are these items? First of all, these are the goals (general and private), the main tasks of education, content, methods and forms of work with October, organizational structure October group, pedagogical management of its activities, as well as criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of education.

All elements were subordinated to the implementation of the common goal of communist education - ideological and moral education and comprehensive development of the individual. In the framework of the common goal, it was also achieved privately - prepare October and to join the Pioneer organization, to life according to the laws of young Leninists.

The main importance in this system was played by the main work methods from October.

October orders. The first innovation, which is waiting for the October after the first of their collection, is the October commission.

Becoming October, babies-graders felt older. And they wanted to show it in fact, to prove to themselves and everyone around them, they are ready for the most serious responsibility.

Octopan instructions are the case, and responsibility. The commission of October proved that he was trusted, hoped for him. It really gave each kid to feel that there was something changed in his life.

The orders are brought up. They raise both the will, and perseverance, and independence, and organization, and the ability to bring everything to the end. Order, if it was given to the kids, taking into account their nature, helped develop the tendency and interests of children and get rid of weaknesses and shortcomings.

The commission was given for not a long time - from two weeks to a month. The change of commanders in an asterisk took place at least once every quarter. For the year, all of the world is useful to visit the role of commanders.

On the day of the change of orders, the change of the commanders was collected by an asterisk. The guys were told how they coped with the instructions, and everyone discussed that it was good in their work, which did not work out and why, what conclusions should be done for everyone.

Such a conversation is very important - he taught the guys independently, collectively and fairly to evaluate his work and the work of comrades, accumulate useful skills, experience.

What instructions as stars and specific duties existed?

Booklist supported the link with the library, ensured that the read books return on time; Decorated the "corner of a bookle": checked reader diaries; organized exhibitions of the best reading diaries; told about interesting books; The teacher was helped in the lessons of extracurricular reading.

Sanitara watched the appearance of the guys; Checked replacement shoes, hand clean before meal; looked at order in the dining room, for cleaning the dishes after breakfast; provided possible medical care; cared for school supplies had a neat look; followed the timely delivery of certificates to a school doctor after illness; Controlled the execution by the guys of the day.

Accidental told about anything interesting from the living around us; produced thematic newspapers; riddled the riddles; From the second half of the year they worked with the newspaper Leninsky Sparks, followed the current events in the country, abroad, complemented the story of the teacher about them.

Hosts class on duty in class, followed the cleanliness of the part, window sills, boards, floor; congratulated comrades happy birthday; released newspapers; prepared class to work lesson, drawing; Disturbed proven notebooks.

Nature told about interesting phenomena of nature, filled the class calendar of nature observations; checked filling of individual observation diaries; Caring for plants in the classroom and in the corridor; Help the teacher when preparing for the lesson of environmental education.

The change of orders took place in two weeks, the sprocket commander was chosen for the same time. The results were summarized not by the overall collection of October. The result was celebrated on the competition screen.

It is important that every October lives and is brought up in the system of mutual care for each other and care about others.

October line. Steps on their own lineup of October, and the commanders carried ahead of the emblem on the trets. "Sunny" is a smiling radiant sun, the "sailors" - steering wheel. And the "nonsense" which emblem? They have a smoking rigor and smile in full mouth.

Everything on the line was stood so to see each other's faces. Everyone stood cramped, shoulder to shoulder, and even times they were taken by arms, in order to specifically emphasize that they are really friendly guys - October.

On the line the guys talked to river and short reports about the affairs also spoke in the form of a river. The leading line leads it in a tone with a laconic and a major, so everyone is interesting and fun. The line was helped by October quickly gathering, checking the preparedness for the collection, work, competition, take a common decision, praise those who have deserved praise, discuss an event that excited everyone today.

October fee. The collection of the October group was usually held once a month. Different fees have a different purpose. It lasted no more than forty minutes, collecting kids, but nevertheless consists of a number of different elements.

An element of the collection was the conversation of the priest group, teacher, senior friend of October.

They listened to the guys of the priest and friendly, chorus, like a river, repeated after him: "Our rules are exactly five, we will fulfill them."

Another element of the collection was the competition of stars. A small competition in some kind of general work, the game strengthens the feeling of belonging to his small team, the feeling of the elbow, the skills of cooperation.

And it is clear that the friendly work of all stars should be part of the same collection to achieve the overall target of the whole group, because rivalry must be sure to be overlapped by the Commonwealth.

Council of Civil He led, gave tasks, followed their implementation, praised, advised, taught. The Council of Business organized, appointed timing, agreed, provided. The Council supported the interest in the case: reminded, it was subjected to, he jumped, rejoiced to every success.

October, maybe not very well coped with all these complex duties. But they have to learn! Both the initiative, and creativity, and independence, and the skills of community-organizers.


October, only the very first steps in comprehending public life, but also they realized that their asterisk, their group were connected by many threads with other groups of October and those who are nearby through the wall of the class, and those that are completely far Many hundreds and thousands of kilometers. A friendship is connected by friendly correspondence.

Communication and communion consciousness strengthened and large - district and regional, republican and all-uniones - Overlands, their games and travel.

Fasten and strong was the Union of Pioneers with his younger friends. He was not only in his squad - he manifested itself in the affairs of pioneers across the country. Of course, the October of which they knew about them, and in the All-Union October Games and actively participated.

In one common family, the countries were connected to the world and their overall history - seven decades of existence of October and stars.

In connection with this information, we can come to the following conclusions:

  1. The youth of modern society is not aware of the organizational movements of the Soviet school of the 60-90s.

IV List of References

and sources.

  1. A.V. Lunacharsky about upbringing and education. - M. 1976.
  2. XIX Congress Wlksm. Stenographic report. - M. 1982.
  3. V.M. Corotov. Educational work at school. Collection of documents. - M. 1977.
  4. All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin: Documents and materials. - M. 1974.
  5. CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. - 8th ed. - M. 1978.
  6. Directives and documents on the issues of the pioneer movement. M. 1962.

Attachment 1.

Sociological survey

2. Participants of the sociological survey -100 people

3. Social survey groups20

4. Questions used in a sociological survey:

  1. Do you know that in the Soviet society, the October movement was the first step of ideological education of young people?
  2. Have you ever been or your acquaintances?
  3. Are you aware of the Empire Rules and Attributes?
  4. Do you think that the admission of primary school students to the public life of the Soviet society has a positive result?
  5. What do you think is needed in modern primary school To revive the model of October?

Social groups

Positive answer to question №1

Positive answer to question number 2

Positive answer to question number 3

Positive answer to question №4

Positive answer to question №5



Workers industrial enterprises

Entrepreneurs market implementers

The youth

5. Results of the sociological survey:

6. Conclusions of the sociological survey

  1. The generation of pensioners and middle-aged people believe that the organizational movement in elementary school introduces students to independence and organization.
  2. The October movement was an important step in the ideological education of society.
  3. The youth of modern society is not aware of the organizational movements of the Soviet school of the 60-90s.
  4. The large half of the respondents believe that the revival of the organizational movement in the modern school, including the initial, will contribute to the upbringing of the youth of purposefulness, independence and organization.

Appendix 2.

Structure of the October movement.

Appendix number 3.

October attributes.


October check box

October group

The birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanova (Lenin), the leader of the world proletariat, on April 22, was revered as a great feast of the Soviet people and was one of the favorite holidays of the defeats of those times.

Lenin's name was worn by October (7-9 years), Pioneer (children from 9 to 13 years old) and Komsomolskaya (Communist Union of Youth, youth from 14 to 28 years old) organization. We were brought up in love for labor, knowledge, everyone sought to grow and become a worthy member of society. There was even a slogan "from everyone in opportunities, to everyone - for the needs."

  • October - Pupils of primary classes
  • Pioneer - Students of secondary school classes
  • Komsomolets - High school students, students, young people up to 28 years old.

In the United States and other countries there were similar massive youth organizations, such as scouts, but they were strongly inferior to our scale and mass. In the GDR (the Socialist German Democratic Republic, existed before the collapse of the USSR) was its pioneer Organization named after Ernst Telman .

So looked boating icon. "Learn, learn and study again," the great Lenin bequeathed. "

October - In the Soviet Union, students of 7-9 years, united in groups at the pioneer squad of the school. Groups led the counselors of the pioneers or the school commissors. In these groups, children were preparing to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.

Overlate groups were created in the first school classes and acted before the entry into the pioneers and the formation of pioneer detachments. Upon joining the ranks of October, the children were given a breastplate icon - a five-pointed ruby \u200b\u200bstar with a portrait of Lenin in childhood. The symbol of the group was the Red October flag. The Alto State Group consisted of several divisions called "stars", each of which included usually 5 children - a symbol of a five-pointed star. As a rule, in the "Star" every October held one of the posts - commander, flowerfield, sanitary, librarian or physical consultancy. The Central Committee of the VLKSM approved the set of "Rules" for October:

  • October - Future pioneers.
  • October - Diligent guys, love school, respect the elders.
  • Only those Who loves work, the world is called.
  • October - Truthful and bold, deft and skillful.
  • October - Friendly guys read and draw, play and sing, they have fun.

The activities of October and the activities took place mainly in the game form and was organized by teachers and councils. Every year on April 16-22, the All-Union week of October was held. At school, "Lenin's readings" could be organized for October, when the 22nd day of each month, the appointed high school student came to class and read the stories about V. I. Lenin

Pioneer icon

Solemn promise of Pionera

The pioneer movement wore a comprehensive and comprehensive state character and sets its goal to the ideological ideological education of devotional defenders of the Motherland and the Socialist Institute. The difference from the similar organization of scouts in the United States is, in particular, a comprehensive nature, covering all layers and social groups of society, and the absence of individual organizations for boys and girls.

Pioneers had its own form. It consisted of the mandatory wearing of a red pioneer tie and a pioneer icon. There was a common form of clothing. It consisted of white (sometimes blue) pioneer shirt with shortcuts and stripes on sleeve and blue trousers for boys and a blue skirt for girls, in summer (especially in summer pioneer camps) in boys trousers were replaced with pioneer shorts usually blue. In addition, there was a special pioneer belt usually light brown. In front cases, white socks or golfs were worn.

Pioneer's motto "Always be ready."

Currently, in countries that were part of the republics of the former USSR, the pioneer organization remained, probably only in Belarus.

Belarusian schoolchildren take pioneers.

Komsomolets icon.

"The party said" necessary ", Komsomol replied" there ". It was the motto of the Komsomol, and on the scale it was a grand organization, an educational project that covered all the layers of youth. The construction of the VLKSM (the All-Union named after the Lenin Union of Youth) was organized by the same principle as the CPSU (Competition Competition).

The history of the creation of the VLKSM.

All-Union Leninsky Communist Union of Youth (WRKSM), also known as Komsomol (Communist Union of Youth) - a political youth organization in the USSR.
Wlksm worked under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The Russian Communist Union of Youth (RKSM) was created on October 29, 1918, in 1924 the RCM was awarded the name V. I. Lenin - the Russian Leninsky Communist Union of Youth (RLKSM), in connection with the formation of the SSR Union (1922) Komsomol in March 1926 He was renamed the All-Union Leninsky Communist Union of Youth (WLKSM).

In 1977, over 36 million USSR citizens aged 14-28 consisted in the Komsomol.

The structure of the WLKSM.

The WLKSM consisted of republican organizations of individual republics (except RSFSR), regional (regional, regional, etc.) and primary organizations. As in the CPSU, in the VLKSM, the chief leader was the Central Committee (the Central Committee), elected by the highest authority - the Congress. The formal leader was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the W CLKSM.

The role of the WLKSM.

Initially, the children and the poorest peasants were mainly accepted in the VLKSM. In the future, the Social Base of the W CLKSM gradually expanded, and in the 60s of the 20th century, almost all students of secondary schools were adopted in the IGCM. In the late years of the USSR, the VLKSM membership was actually a necessary attribute for a successful career of a young citizen in the USSR.

V.I. Lenin, speaking at the 3rd Congress of the RKSM, called upon Komsomol members to learn, but not just learn, but to "learn communism." Komsomol was actively involved in the Bolshevik Party for large-scale actions.

In recent years, the existence of Soviet power, Komsomol finally turned into a bureaucratic system, fully relevant to the general bureaucratic system of the USSR.

The entire Soviet system, his whole ideology was based on the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, people celebrated holidays, the largest of them reached us, in a somewhat modified form.

Holidays of the USSR (compare with modern)

November 7 - the day of the Great October Socialist Revolution (in 1917, on October 25, the old style, the revolution and overthrow of the royal regime of the Romanov dynasty) occurred)

In the library, I found books about the world. Information about them is contained both in the reference and educational and methodological literature. It was interesting for me to read children's fiction, for example: "Star", "October Week", "October holidays". From books, I learned how cool clocks, games and holidays were overlayed. In the book of V. F. Matveyev, I read that the Oversight had counselors - pioneers who organized many interesting things for kids.

After analyzing the information I received, I found out that October in the USSR is schoolchildren of 7-9 years, united by voluntary principles in the group at the pioneer squad of the school. October group prepared children to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin. The first groups of October originated in 1923-1924. In Moscow, with squads of pioneers. They adopted children - the peers of the October Revolution of 1917. Hence the name - October. The groups of October were created in grade 1 and existed before the formation of a pioneer squad. Upon joining the ranks of October, the children was given a breastplate icon - a five-pointed stars of ruby \u200b\u200bcolor with a portrait of V. I. Lenin in childhood. The group of October was a red check box. The group of October consisted of several stars, each to five October - a symbol of a five-pointed red star. In the stars, children united taking into account their wishes, mutual interests and friendly connections. The head of the stars stood the commander. Each October had a permanent order, which was more often given for one week. In our school, as I learned, the assignments changed during the operation "CUTDD" / alternation of labor creative affairs. In educational work, the methods of pioneer and extracurricular work were used.

The role of V. I. Lenin in the title of children's organization

V. I. Lenin - the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which came to power after the revolution in October 1917. He headed the first Soviet government. They developed the first Soviet laws that determined the lives of our country for several decades. The Bolsheviks party was named communist. She was the only one in the country, and the entire population was brought up in loyalty to the ideas of this party. Therefore, it was created, starting at childhood, various organizations: October, who became pioneers, and they, in turn, became Komsomol members, and the Komsomol joined the Communist Party.

When he acquainted closer with the history of October, I realized that for thousands of boys and girls, the October movement was a fascinating game, during which the same human qualities were brought up as now.

Rules for October.

The October was five of their rules:

October - future pioneers.

October - exemplary guys, well learn, love school, respect the elders.

October - honest and truthful guys.

October - friendly guys, read and draw, play and sing, live fun.

Only those who love labor, the Oversight is called.

Each October was to comply with these rules in everyday life. The violators could bring their comrades on the "Star" - the so-called small groups of October. Therefore, the guys responsibly belonged to these rules, tried to live in April. The meaning of these words was clear to me when I read the story of V. Golowkina "Star" here is a small passage from this story:

"-Vidal? - Vovka opened his coat. He had a red stars on his chest. - I am now October! Equiply I will live! - Vovka shone from happiness.

How is it online live?

Oh you! You need to know the October Rules. After all, I am the future pioneer. Clear? It means fun to live, work, help the elders. To be honest.

What else?

Look good, love school, be friendly, singing, draw.

Can I live online?

You see, - said Vovka, - how to say I think that, of course, you can. Here, for example, I drove the floor today. And you can quite do it.

Certainly can.

Well, here, "continued calmly above," you can, of course, do it. " But you can not do it. And I can not. I am October.

I envied Vovka. He is so happy. Still would! He has a stars! He is October! "

Thus, to be October first, to be a good, honest person, help people. We are taught us now, only there are no "stars", but there are small creative groups. No attributes - icons, flags; But there are other forms: for successes in study or events we get stickers, tokens or something else.

Life October in after-school time.

In October, there was an extracurricular life, very similar to modern. Holidays, cool clocks, sports competitions were held. They were attracted to their preparation and guys, and parents, as well as chefs - counselors, so called the guys 5-7 classes that helped the kids in school life. This is how the holiday of the Red Stars in our school in November 1980 / from the memories of I. T. Zhuravlyova, former teacher Schools responsible for work from October. It was a game - travel according to the rules of October. Each rule was given a task. For example: Station "Ugadayka" - the guys gave the riddles, "unscrewing" - played songs, "play" - held the game "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends!", Then showed your crafts. After passing these tests, told the rules of October and promising them to fulfill them, the guys became October. This holiday reminded me of "dedication to the disciples," where we also gave an oath to be good students, but, however, did not swear in loyalty to Lenin. But then, hardly all the guys considered the political movement. It seems to me that it has become under the guidance of adults, those who led our country. The children simply played, raising the qualities necessary for a truly citizen, the patriot of their homeland.

One of the tasks of my work is a survey of those people who once he himself were October. This is what my mother remembers, Elena Vladimirovna / she studied at school number 11, Chelyabinsk /: "In November 1978, being a first-grader, I became October. It is difficult to describe my first feelings after you put on the icon with young Vladimir Ilyich. You seem to immediately become so big and adults. On this day, all students of our 1st "A" class received on the icon and a memo of October, refused to listen to their senior pioneers and fulfill all their instructions. For all the time I was October, I believed that I really need to listen to the pioneers and fulfill all of the October tasks, thereby helping our parents to raise their children to ensure that they were successors of the Communist Party. Here for this there were these different children's organizations: first of October, then pioneers, then the Komsomol and, finally, the Communists. "

As can be seen from the memories, it was a significant event for children of that time.

3. Conclusion.

Thus, I come to the conclusion that if from October of October movement disappeared the idea of \u200b\u200braising future communists, it could still exist to this day. But in those years, when the power of a single party was, it was impossible. Therefore, in the late 80s. The twentieth century, together with the Communist Party, disappear and the All-Union Journey Day "October by October October", and attributes of October.

The rules remain unchanged: to be honest, hardworking, friendly, help people, love their homeland.

Elena Zhuravleva
Children's project "October - Who are they?"

At one of the lessons of extracurricular reading, Elena Vladimirovna introduced us to the work of Yuri Yermolaeva "What came with that and left". After she read it for us, I immediately had a question "Why did children first cherished october With such a question I came home and decided to find out everything about october And tell about this to your classmates.

In addition to the oral stories of my teacher, my mother, I read the work of the city of Yurmin "How many stars in the sky", « October» , went to the museum, where I was shown what it looks like october Star. In this paper, I learn who such octoberwhat they did, what age were whether there are distinctive signs, could we be now called october.

The object of my research is october.

The purpose of my work is to find a response to the question "Who are they october

Tasks for my work:

Examine literature on this issue.

Get acquainted with history october.

Analyze and summarize the information received.

Conduct a survey of people of different ages that they know about october.

Hypothesis: we assume that october - These are groups of children of 7-9 years living according to certain rules that are similar to the rules of our life at school.

In libraries "Karagayskaya high School №1 » and the central me were found books about october. These information is contained both in the reference and educational and educational literature. I was interested to read and children's Fiction, such as "Star", « October week» .

1.1. Who are they october?

So according to the encyclopedia, intelligent dictionary, as well as analyzing the information received by me, I found out that october- These are 7-9 year old schoolchildren united by voluntary principles in groups. Group october had several units called "Stars", each of which included 5 october- Symbol of a five-pointed star.

In the stars there was his commander, flowerfield, sanitary, librarian, physical education. Such groups are created in grade 1 and exist before the pioneer detachment. When joining the ranks october Children are issued a breastplate icon. Ruby-colored stars with a portrait of V. I. Lenin in childhood. On the left side of the breast guys wore october evening. Icon october. There was the first legal sign of the difference, a sign of belonging to a special group. I also saw such a badge, it is in the museum.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the leader of the Bolsheviks party, which came to power after the revolution in october 1917.. Lenin headed the first Soviet government. They developed the first laws that determined the life of our country for several decades. The Bolsheviks party was named communist, and was the only one in the country, therefore were created. Beginning with children's age, various organizations: Including october. First groups october It originated in 1923-1924 in Moscow in the detachments of pioneers.

1.2. rules october

Having acquainted closer with history octoberI realized that for thousands of boys and girls october The movement was an exciting game, during which the same human qualities are brought up as now.

W. october was 5 of their rules

5. Only those who love work, october call.

Everyone october. It was supposed to follow these rules in everyday life. Violators could bring their comrades for "Star" - So called small groups. Therefore, the guys responsibly belonged to these rules, tried to live in - october.

The meaning of these words was clear to me when I read the book "Star" M. S. Vasilyev V. M. Fedosenko.

We and the guys in the classroom also made up the rules for which m.:

To be honest.

Study well.

Love school and respect your classmates.

To be friendly.

Respect and help the younger and seniors.

They are similar to the rules october. And there are also orders. All our guys are divided into groups. There is a class commander responsible for study that check the readiness of classmates to the lessons is

sports sector, they are responsible for physical education lessons, check,

in order for all the guys in a sporty form, there is also a group of guys who are responsible for cleanliness in the classroom - Sanitars, a group of children -Letovodovody, in their duties included: To care for flowers, water them, and there are also the guys who prepare holidays, arrange parties - this group of guys are called cultmas and a group of guys, which produces wall newspapers, draws illustrations for different events, their group is called editors. I head the sports group, I really like, be responsible, all orders with the guys with pleasure we perform.

1.3. Results of questionnaire

At the beginning of work, the survey of people of different ages was conducted. They were offered the following questions:

1. Do you know who are october?

2. What age were october?

3. What were engaged october?

Adults were surveyed 27 people. These were parents, grandmothers. Grandparents of my classmates. Their questionnaire consisted of the following questions:

1. You know who are october?

2. What age was october?

3. What were engaged october?

4. And you were october?

5. What a distinctive sign was october?

A positive answer to all the questions of the questionnaires were able to people over 35 years old, because their childhood accounted for the time of existence october traffic.

I was more interested in the opinion of my peers, guys 2-4 classes.

116 children were surveyed. Of these, 39 children know who october, 67Deys do not know who it is; 35 children know what age were october, 81 children does not know, 30 people know what they did, 86 guys do not know what they did.

This data proves the relevance of my question once again. After all october albeit in the pastThis is part of our story. And as you know, there is no future without the past.


Our hypothesis was confirmed, the goal is achieved.

Now I know who are octoberthey were named after October revolution. My parents and parents of my classmates were october. We can also be called october.

Because october First of all, it was honest, hardworking, friendly, help people, love their homeland. We are taught and now, just not "Stars", and there are small

creative groups. There are no attributes, but there are other forms; per

we have success in study or events we get stickers, diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

A life ocean littleWhat was different from our life at school. They were taught to the same what and us.

Bibliographic list

1. Zebzeeva A. ABC of Pioneer Life "Be ready!", Perm 1972

2. Orleans S. V., Putilina V. V. "All year round", Publisher « Children's literature» , Moscow, 1972

3. Yurmin G. "Pro Notebook and Card, Pencil and Party" Moscow « Children's literature» 1983

4. Encyclopedia "What is someone" t. II Academy of Pedagogical Sciences USSR, Publisher "Pedagogy" Moscow, 1976