Tale about the ship for children. Tale of a little lonely fish and about the huge blue sea: a fairy tale. Tale about a boat that did not obey mom

People lived on one distant island. They settled there many years ago, built reliable homes, harvested fruits, hunted animals, caught fish, cultivated land and grown vegetables. But one day, the tide did not leave the island as usual, but on the contrary began to arrive even stronger. Of course, the residents were soon noticed and frightened. Elders thought for a long time what it means and how to do now. And after week disputes, they went to their people and said:

The sea spirits want to pick up the island, it's time for us to look for a new land. From this day, let all men begin to build big Shipwhere we will go to look for the refuge. There is less and less time every day, so women should begin to collect things and the stock of provisions.

The inhabitants of the island began to obediently carry out the punishment of elders. They cut down the most powerful trees that grew on the island and began to build a ship on which they hoped to escape from terrible death. A whole month without sleep and rest worked the islanders and, finally, their ship was ready. Behind the last preparations for the journey remained, and all the inhabitants climbed the ship. At dawn, the ship sailed from the shores of the native island. The sea gladly took the guests on her expanses, it's affectionately by the ship and carried it to new lands. For many years, it gave the islanders their gifts. Fishermen caught fish, divers took the jewel at the sea. Now the sea promised them hope for salvation.

And after five days, the swamps saw a small island. One of the islanders named Gamal said: "Do not see the Spirits of the Sea, they graciously allow us to swim to the new refuge, let's stay on this earth." But travelers sailed by, because the island seemed too small. The islanders did not even stop the first shelter and did not know whether the earth is suitable for life.

The sea stirred under the ship when the ship continued his way. The second island seemed to the navigators too rocky, and they again decided to continue swimming. And again, Gamal asked travelers to stay at the second shelter. His request remained unanswered. The sea was perplexed and broke up with the waves in all directions. But people and this time did not pay attention to the mood of sea spirits.

When the third island appeared on the horizon, a terrible storm began on the sea. The sky covered a huge black cloud. The waves then raised the ship upwards, then mercilessly threw it into the most abyss. The ship rushed from side to side. The sea was circled in place, it covered the waves. Again, Gamal asked to turn the ship back to the second island, but no one heard him. And here the biggest wave still covered the vessel, and it went to the bottom. As soon as the sea took her prey, it immediately calmed down. In the sky through melting clouds made their way the sun's rays. Some passengers were able to escape. Those who were rolling immediately floated in the direction of the second island, but the sea did not want to let them back. Not having time to sail on Mile, they disappeared in the whirlpool. Gamalu also managed to escape, but, in spite of serious wounds, received during shipwreck, he did not rush to immediately leave alone, but began to watch who else need help. Together with him, several children, elderly islanders and women tried nearby. Of course, Gamal saw what to take into account, he had fallen to the island, but he, first of all, thought how to help those who could not stay on the water. The sea was squeezed over people, and raised empty barrels and logs from the bottom. Gamal helped the unhappy clinging for the saving cargo, and then asked for forgiveness from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea for his people. The sea forgave the defeated travelers, and the waves attributed them to the second island.

On our wonderful planet at the same time, you can find places in which it is very cold or vice versa - very hot. For example, when in January in Russia there is snow and blew cold winds, the sun shines in Indonesia and green palm trees grow. And that's fine!

One day, just in January, I was lucky to get from a cold snow-covered Siberia on a blooming and hot tropical island. I settled in a small house on the ocean. Every morning I had breakfast with fresh fruit and rested on a white sand beach.

To dinner, when the sun began to merge mercilessly, I took the aqualung and immersed in transparent waters. Floating at a small depth, I noted a variety of underwater life, enjoyed the magnificence of paints and shades, and watched the behavior of multi-colored fish.

And somehow, when I sat down on the underwater stone, a very beautiful little fish was swam to me and pounded my nose into my glass mask.

- Oh! - said the fish.

- Hello. - I replied.

"Sorry - again said the fish and sailed from me.

It was very beautiful - with a silver face, black scales on the sides of the body and elegant yellow-red fins and tail.

I wanted to meet her closer, and I handed her palm

- Please, please, I will not make you anything bad. What's your name?

Fish in turning the tail in indecision and sailed a little from me. But then she became curious, and she approached.

- My name is glossy. Hello.

- Hello. And my name is the storyteller.

The fish comfortably settled in my palm and looked at me and my equipment - aqualang, breathing tubes and a mask.

- Do you understand our language? She asked.

I nodded:

- Sure! After all, I am a storyteller, and all the fuzzles perfectly understand the language of animals, birds and fish.

The fish thought a little and asked:

- Do you understand the language of insects too?

I smiled under the mask:

- Sure! No work is not to understand the insects.

The fish suddenly rested himself from his palm and stopped in front of my face, peeling the fins.

- Then tell me the water beetle so that he does not touch our eggs! And let him live in his stream and does not sail on our beach!

I was surprised. I had never had to communicate with water beetles, especially since I doubted that he could get from the stream in the ocean and swim so far. But I promised a glossy that when I see the beetle, I will definitely make a remark him.

My fish with a little more chatted, and then I began to end the oxygen in the cylinders. I learned about glossy.

- Saw tomorrow to visit! She shouted to me after.

All subsequent days I invariably met with a glossy. She told me about the marine life and the inhabitants of the depths, and I am about people and human traditions. Another glossy was interested in my equipment, appliances and classes. We very interestingly spent time.

But every time I had oxygen, I was forced to say goodbye to the fish

And once the glossy told me:

"Why are you singing home every time?" You could live in water.

I was very surprised. Man, as you know, can not breathe under water. I told about this fish.

She looked around.

- You, people, so funny!

- Why? - I asked.

- Because you think it is impossible and do not believe yourself!

To confess, I was very puzzled by her words, and I decided not to continue the conversation. He suggested talking about it tomorrow, and he went to the house to reflect.

In the evening, I sat in a cozy chair on the shore, drank a delicious fruit cocktail, admired the picturesque sunset and thought. After all, the fish was right - we people tend to build obstacles and not believe in their own strength.

The next day, we swam again with a glossy in the transparent depths of the ocean and talked about something insignificant. And when I started going home, she stopped me.

- Reset your aqualung! - demanded fish. - And breathe, like me.

I was very frightened, but still removed the aqualang. Gently pulled out the breathing tube from his mouth and removed the mask.

- And now inhale water! - shouting glossy. - And do not be afraid of anything!

I was very afraid that the water would fill my lungs, and I can drown. I even barely shook hands, but I believed a glossy.

I threw all my equipment on the stones, climbed and breathed deeply!

And nothing happened!

I opened my eyes, looked around, and boldly breathed again.

The glossy in these seconds swam near and was laughing.

- You see now! All right!

- Yes! Yes! - I shouted fuckedly. - All right!

All my body was filled with energy, I was literally drowned by joy, and I tumbled in water like a little dolphin.

It turned out that it was much easier to swim without scuba! I felt weightless, like a cloud, and sailed huge distances, not noticing fatigue.

The glossy accompanied me.

- I swam in depth - suddenly she suggested. - I'll show you a mystery!

- With pleasure - I agreed. - I really want to swim in the ocean endlessly!

We sailed for a very long time in the deep blue ocean. There were underwater cliffs and stones around. All the fish that met on our way did not even pay attention to me, as if we were familiar for thousands of years. But I still politely greet everyone.

Finally, we sailed into a very deep cave, which from afar seemed a huge hole on the ocean day.

Carefully sailing to the edge of this abyss, glossing told me:

- Here is my mystery here. Promise that you won't tell anyone!

I gave a honest human word that I would not give the mystery of the fish.

- Then for me! - shrieked glossy and lightningly whining in the dark blue underwater dusk.

And I fearlessly followed her.

When we swim into a deep cave, there suddenly became dazzling light! From everywhere, as far as the eyes grabbed, billions of luminous points began to appear from all corners of the cave. It was plankton - microscopic wraps that sour blis-pink soft light. This spectacle was magic and unforgettable - like glowing waves rolled into this deep-water hall and crumbled on the walls! I even numb from admiration. I literally lack words to describe everything seen. And then I noticed that thousands of fish of similar glossing are surrounding me - I saw them on the shine, reflected from the scales.

- Hello, glossy friends! - I shouted fun.

And I was a fun laughter, I liked my joke.

My fish introduced me, I waved his hand to this colorful society.

"And now" said my glossy, "you will meet my secret."

Another fish was swam to me (she was larger than everyone else) and introduced himself:

- I king this cave! We have introduced you here, because you will soon become our brother. We always choose a new brother, every year. And this year, you are awarded such a great honor.

I, confess, did not understand anything, but I was very nice. Probably, the king meant that I also became a little fish - I learned to breathe under water and understand the language of the underwater inhabitants.

I was asked with a whisper from my walking:

- Blosskonos, explain the words of your king, please?

But my fish just smiled and wisered and wisered the tail. Instead, the king of the cave answered - obviously, he heard my question:

- The most talented fish live in our cave! And you will enter our society, in our family. This will happen very soon!

And after these mysterious words The king of the cave disappeared in depth. I looked at the glossy, and she clicked me with a soft fin on the nose.

"I don't understand anything," I said.

"I don't need to understand anything," my fish answered, "you are a storyteller and got into a real fairy tale myself!" Floored!

She led me out of a magical, multicolored cave. I did not even have time to say goodbye to her inhabitants, but I think they are not inherent for me.

I would be greatly pleased to tell the whole world that the miracle happened to me later, but I can't ... After all, I gave the word glossy.

We were floating on the surface and burned in blue, warm waves. I experienced strong impressions of what he saw at the depth and smiled, I did not want to say anything. Something wonderful happened to me, and on the advice of the fish I did not comprehendly seen.

We swung on the waves for about an hour and silent.

Then the fish fell close to me closely and quietly said:

- You are a very happy person! You learned our common mystery. Now you have become part of our family, but it's time for me to go back to my usual life ... Goodbye.

And suddenly, in the sea, something brightly flashed and went out very quickly. The glossy disappeared ... I called her for a long time, looked around, diving deeply, swam in the sea, but, alas ... The fish disappeared.

And when I flew out of the depths and tried to go ashore, I suddenly discovered that instead of my legs, my beautiful and patterned tail grew, and instead of hands - elegant, colorful fins. And I myself completely turned into a small, beautiful fish. I have a large silver sparkle on my nose.

And I stayed to live in the water.

There was a lot of time ...

Once I sailed in warm coastal waters and suddenly saw big man with scuba. Man dived into the ocean and looked at sea hero and stars.

I swelled very close to him, looked into his eyes through the glass masks and greeted:

- Hello! My name is glossy, and you?

The man smiled and answered me:

- Hello! Very nice. And my name is the storyteller ...

By sea sailed a boat. An ordinary such boat is with white sails, anchor, feed and hold, well, and in general, everything that relies to have decent ships.

And I would swim by him, of course, as everyone else. But the boat was small, unfeasured at all. It is not clear even who he has released it in the open sea. Therefore, once he wanted to play a submarine. He dived as a mast down and swam like a rockety submarine. Swimself yourself, snatching, flounders, letters bubbles - everything is as necessary. I sailed so, sailed, and I myself did not notice how I was flooded to the side of the world.

And from the side of the world, everything is so scary and it is not clear what to just horror. The storm is raging, with thunder and lightning. The wind is fistinished so that the boat will pick up and will take it somewhere on the rocks, and so that only chips and remain. Moreover, the boat is small, break it easier than simple.

Scared boat, dived again to the bottom. I decided to hide and wait for a while - suddenly on the side of the world the weather will change. He fell on the bottom and fell asleep - still, the poor thing was tired of all experiences. After all, on the other side of the world to swim - it is not just like that, not everyone will decide on that.

And here is sleeping a boat and sees that there would be no boat, but a big white bird. And this bird flies highly high above the water - so smoothly, so beautiful and rapidly that the boat (that is) simply could not help her.

And then the boat woke up. And I decided to look - how there the weather is upstairs. He dried the edge of the mast to the surface - and there are no changes. On the side of the world, if you want to know, there are always such weather in general. It was a boat felt, but then I remembered my sleep. And he thought - and what if you try to take off like that bird? The ship was completely young and because fearless (he was only afraid of rats). And so he raised all the sails, gathered in the Spirit - and emerged.

The wind immediately picked up him and skidded. Strange, - just managed to think the ship, - this is not at all as in a dream. At this point, his thin mast was complaints about him and broke in half. And soon the sails, his beautiful white sails turned into a flock. And when the wind was bored with a new toy, he threw it on the rocks and flew on. And from the boat there were alone sins.

On the same evening, on this side of the world, a drunk boatswain of one of the courts grabbed a revolver because of the belt and shot Albatros, having accepted him for the ghost of his late Mother, God's kingdom. The bird made a broken shrill cry, similar to a grinding, and collapsed down. Boatswain crossed and went to drink further. And the waves closed, and it was no longer possible to distinguish - that it whites, the body of a bird or a marine foam.

Do not forget that until July 17, there is a reception of fairy tales in the summer sea stage of a fabulous project. To be honest, I am very worried that there are practically no fairy tales. After all! But summer is summer. So far I do not know how to be.

Fairy tales for the project do not have to be complex and complete adventures. It may be such a simple tale like me.

Tale about a boat that did not obey mom

In one quiet cup, there was a small boat with his mother. Every morning, a small boat went for a walk. He sailed past the lighthouse, past the lonely cliff, for the pearl island, to Rus Malochy, and then returned home.

Every morning, Mom warned a small boat not to swim further from the depths further, as invisible underwater reefs begin. The ship always promised his mother not to do this, although in his soul he was very, well, I really wanted to swim further and see what's interesting there.

And somehow in the morning, a small boat said goodbye to her mother and went for a walk.

- Remember, a small boat, do not swim for a lot of depth! - I rode my mother.

- Of course, mommy! - answered a small boat.

As always, in the morning he sailed past a lighthouse, past a lonely rock, for a pearl island, to the Rus Malochy, but then did not turn back, but moved on. He decided that it would be very careful and would not appear on the reef. Especially since the weather was beautiful, the water is calm and transparent, it was visible as multicolored little fish sneaks on the bottom between the stones.

Slear boat, sailed, admired the sea, blue sky and seagulls, who flew under the clouds. I completely forgot the ship about caution and, unfortunately, ran into the underwater reef. The reef struck a small hole in the trimming of the ships, and the water began to flow there.

- Help, help! - began to call for help a boat, although no one was around anyway. Yes, and those too high.

But the ship was lucky, it was so quiet and windless that the seagulls heard him and descended.

- How to be?! What to do?! They shouted. - We are so small and weak to compare with you that we will not be able to help you.

Here the very big and wise seagull came the idea.

- I'll be back soon! She said, and quickly disappeared into Dali.

In a few minutes, the seagull returned, and after her by sea, deftly lavaging between reefs, despite his size, whale whale. How the boat was delighted!

- Who got into trouble here? - I snorted whale.

Keith ordered the seagulls to show the way, and he himself began to push the boat with his huge nose. They fell to the right of the depths, then the pearl island passed the lonely rock, and they saw a lighthouse in front of him. And next to the lighthouse they were already waiting for mother ship. She was very worried that the little boat was still not, and was already going to swim in search.

As soon as the mother saw a small boat, whale and chap, she immediately understood what happened. She did not scold her naughty son, as she saw that he himself was frightened and now she would never eat her anymore.

Already mums soon, the ship and a small boat were in their cozy cove. Thanking whales and chaps, they immediately sent over the master who climbed the hole in the coat trim. A few days later, a small boat could already go for a walk again, but now he remembered the mother's advice well, and never swims so far.

Maria Shkurin

P.S. I told a fairy tale, and Sonchka says to me: "To be honest, I would also do that, like a boat, I did not listen to my mother." Well, though honestly)))

Once upon a time there was a large multiphalinder ship for one southern sea.

For a long time, ordinary sailors and pirates coexisted on this ship. Conventional sailors loved to contemplate the sea, fishing, enjoy the fresh sea air. Pirates protected the ship from other pirates from other countries and seas. The pirates were very loved to rob in other people's ships. Because of what ordinary sailors suffered often.

But in one moment new people appeared on the ship, these people were foreigners. They liked the fresh sea air, beautiful clean waves, they liked that life, which live on the decks, but they knew and saw how they live on other southern seas. And they decided to build the same life here. Bought beautiful swimsuits to themselves, called beautiful women and began to hang out day every day.

From neighboring decks looked at them with surprise and smile. Nobody understood why it is impossible to just catch the fish or rob to other people's ships.

Parties began to hang new beautiful sails. At first, everyone liked this, but then the partyers hung the other sails and again others, each time sails were more and more and more wild shade. Someone liked it, there is no one. Even among the pirates there were people who would not be against seeing new sails every day, because they saw them on other other affiliates of pirate ships and wanted them the same power.

But for a long time it could not continue, and their own steering wheel took partners. Particlers wanted to swim along the same seas that they swam on those southern seas where they were before. And began to flare up quiet War On the ship.

At that moment, the sailors, pirates attacked the ship, and even teachrs were united, and after the main partner said that we would always be together that we live on the same ship and would always help each other. And above the main partyer laughed and put it in the bag, and his approximate threatened that if they did not stop him to obey, then they were also waiting for her.

Parties no longer please and swim, more and more often in battles for the steering wheel they lost, and new colored sails pleased the eye less and less. The party members became less and less. Sometimes, it even seemed that they resemble rats with something. All this happened to them because of fear and indecision. On one day they even built a boat and sailed, but literally on the next one, the day returned.

And I understood the main partner, which cannot continue everything further, and I need my ship, where there will be a holiday and where no one will interfere with it. He won the Lord of the Lord of the Seas and walked with everyone. Many party members did not understand why they need to float from the ship, which they loved and to which they were accustomed. After all, here they could always be protected, and now they will remain alone. But he threw them the main partner that they would not be able to make their plates earlier, and they were forced to obey, because they were too weak to fight pirates and sailors, and too weak to fight their weakness.

And now the ship is floating with old sails, and somewhere sails another little beautiful boat, which is about to drown.

P.S. It's just a mesh fairy tale, without a subtext.