character. Psychological characteristics Mult.Prothing characteristic cartoon from work evening

In the work - the meaning of life. So it was and will be at all times. Not in vain from the depths of the centuries reached us, many proverbs, who expressed the attitude of a person to work. We estimate a person by how it works and how he belongs to other people. Largely created all the wonderful and all the most necessary on Earth. Labor is unthinkable without a person, and a person is unthinkable without difficulty. Svarvin wrote that "everything is beautiful on earth - from the Sun, and everything is good - from the person." Continuing this thought, you can add that all the most necessary man is created. A person may relate to work in different ways. For some labor-paper, which takes strength and time. Maybe these are people who chose a profession not like, or those who are materially secured and lives at the expense of other people. But for such people, life becomes, on the one hand, flour, and on the other hand - empty pastime. The main thing is to feel the joy of labor, and then life will be filled with a different meaning, will become brighter and richer. A person may not be a favorite job, but be a favorite occupation, passion. It often happens that someone goes to work for the sake of material support itself and his family. Yes, such a person works in good faith, and people are respected for it for it, but he can only reveal themselves in his favorite thing that gives the whole soul. And then such a thing argues, because it is done with inspiration and love. Esop also believed that "the true treasure for people is the ability to work." A person's beauty is brighter than everything is revealed in labor. Passing through the streets of the city, probably, each of us at least sometimes paid attention to how beautiful man works. Often in the parks you can see artists, drawing someone's portrait. We look and amazed by the talent of a man-creator. Indeed, a person is beautiful in labor and beautiful what he creates. We sometimes involuntarily pay attention to a person who fulfills with inspiration seemingly the usual work. Consider how some bricklayers work. Quickly, harmonious, smooth, brick to the brick. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in such work. Not work, but a game. But any business requires skills, skills that come with experience. And most importantly - the result depends on what mood you are working with. After all, and at home, if you like something, you are doing with the desire, pleasure, and if you don't want to do something, everything, as they say, fall out of the hands. We live in a beautiful world. The world around us is the world of nature and the world created by the work of man. But the most important land decoration is a person. Smart, kind, hardworking. And if all people are such, then they will be able to save and make more paint our planet. We live in order to leave about yourself. Our memory is our good deeds and actions, it is our spiritual wealth. And the spiritual wealth of personality adds primarily from respect for work, thanks to which everything beautiful on Earth has been created.

Wolf. Before us searching villains .. Robber. Notice, he did not go to fight with a worthy rival, he chose himself a victim weaker himself. Pay attention to the fact that the victim was a child. Okay, an adult male roar would be, but to steal the newborn baby cow - this is a special cynicism. Such is the essence of predators of the animal world. They do not choose, making an emphasis on whether it will be good for others or bad .. They take care only about themselves. The same goat from the cartoon: eats flowers, gives milk - solid benefit surrounding .. But the wolf is not outside, he is a predator. Let's see what he is inside.

We all understand perfectly well that the personality of the criminal can not be considered in the separation from the social essence is out of connection with the entire system of public relations, the participant of which it is .. And now you will see, dear colleagues, who he has friends - Fox-swirl, evil boar, bear. After all, it is not forgiven, who will tell with whom, from that too. Public relations affect the social appearance of the face .. Pardon, muzzles, in this case. Under public pressure, views, beliefs, value orientations may vary. That the wolf is under the influence of others, it can be seen by the way he is uncertainly .. de press the calf, but someday then (the term is indefinite, blurry). If the wolf was a self-sufficient person, he would say right away that it was not going to share it, and you are not going to share, and you, my dear, roll the lip .. but here we see how the wolf is mentioned. He is not a coward, but directly refuse friends can not. Whack? Maybe. Then it is not wonderful that delivering the calf from the bag, the wolf showed the slack, doubling not to the place .. because the wolves hunt when hungry, and hunger and the feelings for the victim are incompatible.

But even sewing villains are not alien to sentimentality. Although there was not only she played his role, if you deeper to shill. Knowing the weakness of the wolf, that it is under the influence of others, we understand that it is all from self-satisfaction, low self-esteem .. and feelings of loneliness. Yes. Oddly enough, man .. sorry, animal, having friends, can be peaceful alone. These are not those friends that fill the spiritual emptiness, give joy, supported in trouble. He chose from those that were near, who have a purely consumer interest in the wolf - and it needs their approval .. Only therefore he immediately did not send them to three letters. This phrase has a keyword - needs.

The wolf wants to be needed at least someone. And here in the house food, wolf wolf, and food needs him, looking for protection from him .. everything turned over in the perception of the wolf. "Such a little, it is inconvenient" - justifies his unreasonable feelings of the wolf, he is confused.
And then .. The need awakened the need to protect, take care. Nursing with a ditiren, does not look like a wolf mom .. just noticeable that his masculinity increased when he began to protect the weak.

"We are responsible for those who have tamed" .. and the wolf first takes voluntarily responsibility for themselves. Moreover, raising the calf, the wolf tries to flow correctly, in accordance with the generally accepted norms of morality, not only in relation to the pupil, but also in relation to itself. He got used to steal, rob, and here we see, rolling the firewood a peasant, which, how can not be twisted by the radiculitis.

And finally .. Please focus on .. When and at what point I called the caller of the Wolf "Papane" (!)
Mamani wolf at the calf was exactly as long as the wolf was exposed to the influence of others, as long as their assessment of his behavior was not indifferent to him. But as soon as the wolf began to turn a contrary to the opinions of others, stopped looking into his mouth, justify themselves, to give up, advancing her throat with his desires, then became a "papani", that is, a man, strong. Realizing your need: to be necessary - the wolf is happy.

This post has been edited FEM. - 09-12-2010 - 16:31