A row of tables stood stood in the middle of the room. Agreement of the predicate with the subject

The singular number of the predicate is used in the following cases:

a) if attention is drawn to the number of persons or objects in question (especially if a large number of objects are meant, since a large group is perceived as one whole, while with a subject denoting few persons, the role of each is more emphasized): ten students showed up for the exam; cf .: One hundred and seventy students of our institute took part in the cross. Five students of our group took part in the cross. The number can be emphasized by the words total, only, only (with the meaning of limitation): Only ten teams participated in the competition;

b) if the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, position in space, action directed at an inanimate object, a passive state of a person, etc.: There were two windows with wide window sills in the room; Six fighters died of wounds;

c) if the joint performance of the action is implied: Five fighters went on reconnaissance (in a group);

d) with a subject denoting a measure of weight, space, time, etc., including nouns of years, days, hours: Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey; Here are two years of my life crossed out (M. Gorky). It should be noted that sometimes the influence of the words two (two), three, four is affected, as a result of which the predicate is put in the plural form, for example: So three weeks passed (L.N. Tolstoy);

e) with compound numbers ending in one: This was a major international competition in which 21 representatives from thirteen countries participated. Under the influence of the tendency to agree on meaning in colloquial speech, there are constructions of the type 21 students came to the exam;

f) with the words three, ten, thousand, million, billion, which are closer to nouns than to numerals: A thousand people visited the exhibition. However, since these words are perceived as numerals, constructions such as A thousand fighters rushed to the attack are also possible.

g) with a subject expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral half- (half an hour, half a city, etc.), the predicate is usually put in the singular, and in the past tense in the neuter gender: half an hour has passed, half a year has flown by, half a city has participated in the demo.

h) However, if the subject, expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral gender, has a definition in the nominative plural, then the predicate is also plural: The remaining half of the house survived the fire.


Exercise 1. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative construction of a simple sentence.

1. In addition to performances, artists (will take part in concert performances - will give a number of concerts) 50.1. At the enterprise (there is an increase in productivity - increasing productivity) of labor due to the use of the latest production methods One - one) of the tasks that we have to urgently solve is the task of improving academic performance in the Russian language5 2.4. The complex and original internal appearance of Katerina was reflected in her language, the brightest (among - in comparison with the language) of all the characters in Thunderstorm 6 5. Lomonosov in his youth was (fisherman - fisherman) This river (calm - calm) Public ( widely preparing - preparing widely) to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the writer's activity For our small class, this board is too (wide - wide)55


Exercise 2. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

1. A row of tables (stood - stood) in the middle of the room Five students (came - approached) to the examination table 5 Twenty-two notebooks checked by the teacher (lay - lay) on the table At the meeting (arrived - arrived) twenty-one delegates ) on the attack Passed - passed) two monthsOn the excursion (went - went) only ten students of the class Half an hour spent in the company of such an interesting storyteller (passed - passed) imperceptibly Five fighters (rushed - rushed) to enemy bombers Many graduates of our school (went - went to work in a factory

Exercise 3. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

1. The secretary (issued - issued) the necessary certificates to us [we are talking about a female person] “War and Peace” (written - written - written) Recently we have (opened - open) a self-service cafeteria 6 Nobody, even the strongest students , could not (could - could) solve this difficult problem 70.5. The board of the club, including the chairman and his deputy, did a lot (did - did) for the development of mass cultural work The people of France, like the peoples of Russia, cannot (can - can) forget the disasters and losses suffered during the Second World War 70.7 . A group of students led by the Komsomol organizer, the trade union organizer and the headman actively (helped - helped) the collective farmers in harvesting potatoes available) in a large selection of ready-made dresses, shoes, knitwear Brother or sister (help - help) get me a job Mother with children (left - left) to the village73.

Exercise 4. Coordinate the predicate with the subject, add the endings.

1. Most of the students of the institute, who are members of the sports sections, have already passed ... norms in skiing. 2. A number of measures aimed at raising discipline among students are taken by the school administration. 3. The overwhelming majority of pupils and pupils of our class showed ... deep knowledge in the exams. 4. Set ... three new all-Union records. 5. Forty-two machines hummed incessantly ... and trembled evenly. Many children were sick ... had ... the flu. 7. We entered the director's office after the secretary girl reported ... about our arrival. 8. Taxi stood ... at the gate of the house. 9. This half-watermelon, as the children immediately guessed, was ... set aside ... for them. 10. You and your friends will help us this time as well.


50. Turnovers with prepositions besides, instead of, in addition to, over, along with with, etc., must be directly controlled by the verb, in which they act as complements, otherwise the syntactic connection is broken. So, you can't say: “Instead of correcting the error, the student insisted on his opinion”; “In addition to working at the enterprise, young people study at evening courses”. The second sentence can be corrected like this: Young people study at evening courses on the job. Or: While working at the enterprise, young people simultaneously study at evening courses.

51. You should not complicate the construction by replacing the verb-predicate with a combination of a noun of the same root with a semi-significant verb, for example: instead of prices are going down - "Prices are going down"; instead of academic performance is growing - "Achievement is on the rise." The second options are clerical in nature.

52. It is a mistake to construct a sentence in which the end is given in a different syntactic plan than the beginning, for example: “One of the issues to be considered by us is the issue of strengthening discipline”, should be said: One of the questions... is a question... or One of the questions... is the question....

53. Mixing of heterogeneous concepts (“language” and “actor”) must not be allowed.

54. Nominative case of a noun or adjective when connected was denotes a stable attribute of an object: He was a practical man; The weather here was always windy. To indicate a temporary sign in these cases, instrumental case is used: He was a student at the time.

55. Full adjectives in the role of the nominal part of the compound predicate denote a constant sign, a timeless state, and short adjectives - a temporary sign, a temporary state: the river is calm(usually) - the river is calm(at this time).

Full adjectives also denote an irrelevant sign, and short adjectives - a sign in relation to certain conditions: room low(generally) - the room is low(for high furniture). In addition, the short form of the adjective is more abstract, categorical than the full one; compare: he is brave - he is brave, she is evil - she is evil.

56. Bad word order: widely preparing to celebrate; need to: getting ready to celebrate.

The word order in it is essential for the correct construction of a sentence. Any permutation of words in a sentence entails either a change in meaning, or underlining, highlighting one of the members. Wed: a) Even this job is hard for me(meaning easy work, but a weak performer); b) This job is even hard for me(the unexpectedness of the difficulty is emphasized); v) This job is hard even for me(we are talking about a strong performer).

An unsuccessful word order distorts the meaning of the sentence, making it difficult to understand. This can be seen from the following examples: “Bogdanov refused to take the winter session along with all the students, complaining about the workload of social work”(should have said: Bogdanov refused to take the winter session along with all the students...)", « His eyes were covered with spectacles.(understanding the meaning of the phrase is difficult due to the unjustified rearrangement of the subject and direct object).

57. With a subject expressed by a collective noun ( row, majority, minority, part, etc..) in combination with the genitive plural, the predicate is usually put in the plural when it comes to animate objects or if the activity of the action is emphasized, and in the singularif the subject denotes inanimate objects. For instance: Most students did well in their final exams; A row of new houses stood at the end of the village. This general position is strengthened or weakened by additional conditions of the context.

58. If the subject is expressed by the so-called countable turnover, that is, a combination of a quantitative numeral or other countable word (for example, several) with a noun in the genitive plural, then the predicate usually agrees in the same way as with the subject - the collective noun (see paragraph 57). For instance: Ten fighters rushed to the attack; One hundred and twenty hectares have been sown; Several ladies were walking quickly up and down the square.(L.).

59. With numerals two three four the predicate is usually plural, for example: Three books are on the table; Four students entered the classroom; Behind them, two shots clicked, two bullets whistled (L.T.); Thirty-two people breathed one spirit (Shol.).

60. With compound numbers ending in one, the predicate, as a rule, is put in the singular: Forty-one students graduated from the school.

61. At the words thousand, million, billion the predicate is usually put in the singular and agrees in gender: One thousand books have been received for the school library; A million rubles were allocated for the improvement of the village; He spoke as if a thousand Andreevs were sitting in front of his finger.(A.N.T.).

62. With nouns years, months, days, hours etc. Two weeks have passed (P.); It struck ten o'clock (T.); Fifteen years have passed like this (A. Ostr.).

63. If there are words in the counting turnover all these, then the predicate is put only in the plural: All three riders rode in silence(G.). Conversely, if there are words everything, only, just the predicate is put in the singular: Only three guests came (P.).

64. If the subject is expressed by a compound noun, the first part of which is a numeral floor-, then the predicate is usually put in the singular, and in the past tense - in the middle gender: half the house burned down, half a life lived; Half head still left(Ch.). But if with these words there is a definition in the nominative case of the plural, then the predicate is also put in the plural: Six months spent in the village restored the health of the patient.

65. If the subject includes a noun with the meaning of a certain amount (pair, three, ten, dozen, hundred etc.) or an indefinite amount ( mass, stream, lot, abyss, abyss etc.), then the predicate is put in the singular: Behind my cart, four bulls dragged another (L.); The whole abyss came to the public today (Vost.); A stream of cars, guns and carts rolled with a roar along a narrow bridge (Bub.).

66. At the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot the predicate is usually put in the singular: Many birds, red, yellow, green, lay in the branches (Beagle); How many different feelings pass through me, how many thoughts pass by in a fog ... (Prishv.).

67. With a masculine noun, denoting a profession, position, rank, etc., the predicate is put in the masculine gender, regardless of the gender of the person in question: the agronomist made a report, the director summoned a pioneer leader(in colloquial language, in these cases, the statement of the predicate in the feminine gender is found, especially in a specific setting, when it is known who is being spoken about). If there is a proper name of the person, in which the indicated words act as applications, the predicate is consistent with the proper name: Agronomist Sergeeva gave a lecture.

68. With a subject expressed by a group of words (names literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, etc.), among which there is a leading word or a word in the nominative case, the predicate is consistent with this word or words: A Hero of Our Time is written; "Sheep and Wolves" staged on the stage of the collective farm theater. However, one cannot say: "Ruslan and Lyudmila" written", since we are talking about one work, although there are two names in the title; in these cases, a generic name (poem, work, etc.) should be added, with which the predicate is consistent.

Sometimes the predicate is agreed in gender with one of the words included in the name: "War and Peace" is written.

69. With complex names consisting of two words of different grammatical gender, the predicate (as well as the definition) is consistent with the one that expresses a broader concept or a specific designation of an object: cafe-dining room renovated, vending machine open, vaudeville review shown, song-romance became very popular, showcase-stand placed in the lobby, the attention of others was attracted by a van, raincoat-tent was rolled up, the mystery concert was held with great success, the reference book is very useful, the table-poster hung on the wall, a folding chair-bed stood in the corner.

70. The presence of clarifying words, connecting structures, comparative turns, etc., with the subject, does not affect the form of agreement of the predicate: No one, even the best specialists, could initially make a correct diagnosis of the disease..

71. If a complex abbreviated word has a grammatical form (inflected), then the ways of agreeing on the predicate are ordinary: the collective farm finished harvesting, the university announced a set of students. In the absence of a grammatical form for a compound word, the predicate is consistent with the leading word of the combination, that is, it is put in the form in which it would stand with the full name: Moscow State University announced a competition(Moscow State University), The city government sent out instructions(city department of public education).

72. If the predicate refers to several subjects, not connected by unions or connected by a connecting union, then the following forms of agreement apply: a) the predicate after homogeneous subjects is usually put in the plural: Industry and agriculture in the USSR are steadily developing. b) the predicate preceding the homogeneous subject usually agrees with the nearest of them: In the village there was a clatter and screams(L. T.). If there are separating or opposing unions between the subjects, then the predicate is put in the singular: The experienced fear or instant fright in a minute seems both funny, and strange, and incomprehensible (Furm.); Not you, but fate is to blame (L.).

73. When combined in the subject of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition With) type brother and sister the predicate is put in the plural if both named objects (persons) act as equal producers of the action (both are subjects), and in the singular if the second object (person) accompanies the main producer of the action (is an addition): Seryozha and Petya had been waiting for their mother's return for a long time and were very worried; The mother and child went to the outpatient clinic.

In the presence of words together, jointly the predicate is usually put in the singular: The brother and his sister went to the village; The foreman, together with a member of the brigade, undertook to repair the machine.

Exercise 345


1. A row of tables (stood - stood) in the middle of the room57.

2. Five students (came up - came up) to the examination

table 58. 3. Twenty-two notebooks, checked by students

body, (lay - lay) on the table 59. 4. At the meeting

(arrived - arrived) twenty-one delegates 60. 5. Thousand

soldiers (rushed - rushed - rushed) to the attack 61.

6. (passed - passed) two months 62. 7. On a tour

(let's go - let's go) only ten students of the class63. 8. Gender

hours spent in the company of such an interesting race

storyteller, (passed - passed) imperceptibly 64. 9. Five

fighters (rushed - rushed) to enemy

bombers 65. 10. Many graduates of our

schools (went - went) to work at the plant 66.

Exercise 346


1. The secretary (issued - issued) the necessary certificates to us

[we are talking about a female person] 67. 2. "War and Peace"

(written - written - written) by L. N. Tolstoy °8.

3. Recently we have (open - open) cafe-dining room

self-service 69. 4. No one, not even the strongest

students, could not (could - could) solve this difficult task 7I.

5. The board of the club, including the chairman and his

avenger, a lot (done - done) to deploy-

cultural work 70. 6. The people of France,

like the peoples of Russia, they cannot (can - can) forget

suffered disasters and losses during World War II

wars 70.7. A group of students led by the Komsomol organizer, pro-

forg and headman actively (helped - helped) count

farmers in harvesting potatoes 70. 8. School administration

ly, especially the directories of the director of studies, a lot (done - made

lali) for organizing summer holidays for children70. 9. Gorono

(confirmed - confirmed) his instruction 71. 10. In pro-

even (available - available) in a large selection ready-made

dress, shoes, knitwear 72. 11. Brother or sister

stra (help - help) me to get a job 72.

12. Mother with children (left - left) to the village 73.

Exercise 347

write endings.

1. Most of the students of the Institute, who are in

sports sections, has already passed ... norms for skiing. 2. Row

measures aimed at raising discipline among the students

students are accepted by the school administration. 3. Suppressed

The vast majority of pupils and pupils of our class

sa showed ... deep knowledge in the exams. 4. Install

flax... three new all-Union records. 5. Forty-two machines

incessantly buzzed ... and trembled evenly ... .6. Lot

the children were ill... had... the flu. 7. We entered the office

director, after the girl secretary reported...

about our arrival. 8. Taxi stood ... at the gate of the house. 9. These

half a watermelon, as the children immediately guessed, was ... postponed ...

for them. 10. You and your friends will help us and on


1. The use of forms of nouns

Exercise 1. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative use of grammatical kind nouns.

    After dinner we usually drank ( black - black) coffee .

    The buyer asked me to give him (right shoe - right shoe).

    (Reading room - reading room) libraries are always ( overflowing - overflowing) by students.

    V ( timesheet - timesheets) the work performed by the members of the brigade is noted.

    The roof of the barn was covered roofing felt - roofing felt) .

    The shop sells apple jam - apple jam) .

    The timber truck passed through ( wide clearing wide clearing) .

    The woman's face was covered mourning veil mourning veil) .

    The switchman noticed in time that he needed repairs (right rail - right rail).

    Who is pleased to be stepped on (beloved - favorite corn)?

Exercise 2. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets according to the normative usage of the form case nouns.

    The role of Ranevskaya in ( "The Cherry Orchard" - "The Cherry Orchard") A.P. Chekhov was once performed by the artist Knipper-Chekhova.

    Michurin creatively reworked much of what was created ( Darwin - Darwin) .

    The clothing store had a large selection of stockings and ( sock - socks) .

    Astronomers observe best ( Mars - Mars) during its opposition, when it is at its closest distance from Earth.

    The new orchard is spread over an area of ​​more than a hundred ( hectare - hectares) .

    In the reconstructed ( workshop - workshop) The plant had the latest equipment.

    The work must be completed by the first August - August) .

    The first batch of early ( tomato - tomato) .

    According to the will, the inheritance was divided into several equal ( shares - share) .

    To divide a fraction by a fraction, you need ( numerator - numerator) multiply the first fraction by ( denominator - denominator) second, and ( denominator - denominator) first - on ( numerator - numerator) second .

Exercise 3. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative use of forms numbers nouns.

    Interests of people belonging to ( various social environments different social environment) are largely the same.

    V ( speeches - speeches) students are observed deviations from the literary norm .

    Partisans often fell into ( environment - environments), but thanks to resourcefulness and presence of mind, they broke out of the ring of enemy troops.

    Almost all ( shops - shops) the factory is completely restored .

    Citizens need to be educated right attitude right attitude) to what is happening in the world.

    The best teachers schools in the country regularly exchange ( experience - experiments) professional activity .

    Modern agriculture uses ( tractor - tractors) created using the latest technology.

    The Motherland highly appreciates the exploits of its ( sons - sons) and daughters.

    To make the button accordion sound beautiful, you need to push it wide apart ( furs - furs) of this musical instrument.

    Experienced ( chauffeurs - chauffeurs) confidently drive cars on mountain roads, almost without slowing down when cornering.

P. Use of forms of adjectives

Exercise 4. Choose one of the options in brackets in

in accordance with the normative use of the forms of adjectives.

1. The student was ( able - able) to mathematics.

2. The younger generation always hopes for ( lighter - even lighter) future .

3. Similar answer ( meaningless - meaningless) .

4. The child has appeared and ( worst - worse) habits.

5. The second jump was (more dexterous - dexterous) than the first.

6. Door ( low - low) for such a high room.

7. The sky is amazingly blue today and ( full - complete) some special transparency.

8. The game was adjourned in ( better - better) position for White.

9. The hero of the story is a cadet. He always ( pulled up - pulled up), always ( dressed - dressed) in shape, ( cultural - cultural) in circulation .

10. Who ( responsible - responsible) for hosting the event?

Sh. The use of forms of numerals

Exercise 5. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative use of the forms of numerals.

    (Three boys and three girls - three boys and three girls) performed a beautiful dance .

    The school library has two thousand ( four hundred and eighty - four hundred and eighty) three books.

    The first artificial earth satellite existed as a cosmic body ( 92 days - 92 days - within 92 days) .

    The logging site is located in ( one and a half hundred kilometers - one and a half hundred kilometers) from the railway station.

    On this day, the commission examined ( twenty two - twenty two) students.

    There are still five days left until the end of the month, and the plan has already been completed by 96.5 ( percent - percent) .

    Trucks were parked at both - both - both) gate wholesale base .

    There is one and a half left before the start of the exams ( educational - educational) month.

    The whole country splendidly celebrated ( eight hundredth anniversary - eight hundredth anniversary) since the founding of Moscow.

    Each student was given a five - five) teaching aids.

    The weight of the parcel was 8.3 (kilogram - kilograms).

IV. The use of pronouns

Exercise 6. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative use of pronouns.

    Seryozha was left an orphan; father died when him a boy) was nine years old.

    The conductor walked in front and behind ( him - him) a wagon loaded with things was driving.

    The group passed all tests and asked to be examined ( them - her) first of all .

    The hostess took the suitcase off the table and pushed it aside ( his - table - suitcase) to the side .

    The patient asked his sister to pour ( to himself - to him) water .

    The first performance of the artist brought her great success, and from ( her - her) you could expect a lot.

    According to the plan, multi-storey buildings will be built on this site, opposite ( them - them) will be broken square.

    If the student does not start attending classes, then in relation to ( his - him) strict measures will be taken .

V. Use of verb forms

Exercise 7. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative use of the forms of the verb.

1. Here ( children gather - children gather) that roam the streets.

2. We must help young people grow spiritually and ( show - show) their abilities.

3. Not ( port - spoil) furniture, placing a hot kettle on a polished table.

4. Speakers in the debate ( focused - concentrated) focus on the main provisions of the report and did not touch on particular issues .

5. Where are you ( heard - heard) about the latest developments in the Middle East ?

7. When you say don't ( move - move) so strongly with your hands .

8. Flower without water ( dry - dry) in a vase.

9. Head of the group ( authorized - authorized) speak on behalf of students .

10. On the advice of the patient's doctor ( rinse - rinse) throat with a solution of boric acid.

VI. The structure of a simple sentence

Exercise 8. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets in accordance with the normative construction of a simple sentence.

1. In addition to performances, artists ( take part in concerts performances - will give a number of concerts) .

2. At restored enterprises ( there is growth productivity - increasing productivity) labor thanks to the use of the latest technologies.

3. (One - one) of the tasks that we have to urgently solve is the task of increasing the level of speech culture.

4. The complex and original inner appearance of the heroine is reflected in her language, the brightest ( among – compared with language) all the characters in the play.

5. Lomonosov in his youth was ( fisherman - fisherman) .

6. This river ( calm - calm) .

7. The public (widely preparing - preparing widely) to celebrate the anniversary of the writer.

8. For our small audience, this board is too (wide - wide).

VII. Agreement of the predicate with the subject

Exercise 9. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

1. Row of tables ( stood - stood) in the middle of the room .

2. Five students ( approached - approached) to the examination table .

3. Twenty-two works checked by the teacher, ( lay - lay) on the table .

4. To the congress ( arrived - arrived) twenty one delegates .

5. A thousand soldiers ( rushed - rushed - rushed) attack .

6. (Gone - Gone) two months .

7. On an excursion ( gone - let's go) a total of ten students in the group .

8. Half an hour spent in the company of such an interesting storyteller, ( passed - gone) imperceptibly.

9. Five fighters ( rushed - rushed) on enemy bombers.

10. Many school graduates ( gone - let's go) study at universities .

Exercise 10. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

    Secretary ( issued - released) [we are talking about a female person] we need information.

    "War and Peace" ( written - written - written) L.N. Tolstoy.

    We recently ( open - open) cafe-dining room with self-service.

    No one, not even the strongest students, could - could) solve this difficult problem .

    The board of the garden cooperative, including the chairman and his deputy, many ( done - done) for the arrangement of gardeners' plots.

    The people of France, like the peoples of Russia, do not ( can - can) to support the war in the Middle East.

    A group of students led by the headman and members of the sports section actively ( helped - helped) in organizing competitions between courses in volleyball .

    The school administration, especially the director and head teacher, a lot ( made - did) for the successful holding of the Physics Olympiad.

    Rosno ( confirmed - confirmed) your decision.

    On sale ( available - available) in a large assortment of ready-made dresses, shoes, knitwear.

    Brother or sister ( help - help) to get me a job.

    mother with children left - left) to rest .

Exercise 11. Coordinate the predicate with the subject, add the endings.

1. Most of the students who are members of sports sections have already passed ... skiing standards.

2. A number of measures aimed at improving discipline among students are being taken by the school administration.

3. The vast majority of pupils and pupils of our class showed ... deep knowledge in the exams.

4. Set ... three world records.

5. Forty-two machine tools hummed incessantly ... and trembled evenly ....

6. Many children are sick...been...the flu.

7. We entered the dean's office, after the secretary girl reported ... about our arrival.

8. Taxi stood ... at the entrance.

9. This half-watermelon, as the children immediately guessed, was ... set aside ... for them.

10. You and your friends will help us this time as well.

VIII. Harmonization of definitions and applications

Exercise 12

    Three ( neighboring - neighboring) buildings were built recently .

    The apartment was divided into two unequal - unequal) parts.

    (First - first) two places were shared by foreign athletes .

    Attracts fast service in ( new - new) cafeteria.

    The city was open to winds from the north and east ( sides - parties) .

    Both the first and the second half - half) meetings were held at an exceptionally fast pace .

    A number of expeditions were conducted by students of geographical and historical ( faculties - faculties) .

    A wide scar on his face ran just in the middle between the left and right ( eye - eyes) .

    We will spend the summer in Ryazan or Tula ( regions - regions) .

    The book describes the consequences of the first and second crosses ... ( hike - hikes) .

Exercise 13. Match the definitions with the words being defined, add the endings.

1. Russian ... press, radio and television are the main channels of information in the country.

2. Tanned ... and strengthened ... brother and sister returned from the sea.

3. He spoke with pride about the success of his ... son and daughter.

4. Restored ... the museum and gallery are open to visitors.

5. Russia inherited destroyed ... industry and transport.

6. In recent years, there have been positive changes in our ... technology, science and culture.

7. The exhibits were placed in the large hall and hall.

9. A competition was held to solve a chess ... etude and problem.

Exercise 14. Add, where necessary, endings in applications - geographical names.

    For some time he lived in the city of Moscow ... .

    Stubborn battles were fought on the Vistula River ....

    He was originally from the village of Kryukov….

    The railway line runs in close proximity to Lake Baikal….

    The steamer approached the island of Cyprus ... .

    A warm current passes by the Florida peninsula ... .

    Climbers stopped at the foot of Mount Kazbek….

    The train was approaching Tul station….

    Astronomers have studied the motion of the planet Mars….

    There were many fishing boats in the port of Nakhodk ... .

IX. Some control cases

Exercise 15. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

    The speaker operated unverified – with unverified) data.

    The teacher indicated about that - about that) that there are a number of errors in the work.

    Russian populists in the last third of the 19th century zealously defended the view ( about the "special" path - on the "special" path) development of Russia.

    All this said for that - about) that, despite the strong line-up of foreign participants in the tournament, our masters can compete with them with honor .

    Answer ( on application - on application) was received immediately.

    Many young directors have achieved great success ( in business creation - in creation) interesting movies.

    Traffic on the road was interrupted ( thanks - due to) inattention of the sentry .

    The crops were carried out according to ( instructions - instructions) agronomist.

    Having finished the tour, the circus performers returned ( from - from) of Crimea.

Exercise 16

    Some students don't do their homework.

    The success of our athletes should not obscure the shortcomings that still exist.

    Criticism rightly pointed out that the writer does not notice negative influences in his work.

    The doctor did not find any signs of illness in the child.

    It would be wrong to deny the presence of positive aspects in the work.

    Some masters did not take part in the national chess championship.

    The boy was not afraid of his mother, although she was quite strict.

    Unfortunately, I don't often get letters from home.

Exercise 17. Choose one of the options enclosed in brackets.

    The mother was very worried for the son - about the son) .

    Any open-minded person sees the benefits of nanotechnology ( over - before) traditional .

    The good preparation of skaters gives us confidence in their ( victory - victory) .

    In vain were the attempts slow down - hinder) development of digital broadcasting .

    By the end of the year, each company must report ( o - in) work done.

    Astronomers have observed with great interest ( behind a solar eclipse - a solar eclipse) .

    The boy threw stone - stone) in water .

    (To what do I owe such a flattering review - to what do I owe such a flattering review) about my work ?

    Should be provided in a timely manner schools the required numberschools as needed) computers.

    Take it easy, have a drink water - water) .

    American movies often show how young people are unsuccessfully looking for ( work - work) .

    (In order to further improve the quality of teaching – to improve teaching) higher education institutions were equipped with computers .

    Examination ( dean's office - dean's office) work of first - year students revealed a number of shortcomings .

    Our teacher organized and manages a circle of lovers of embroidery and knitting.

X. Sentences with homogeneous members

Exercise 18. Indicate whether the sentences below are constructed correctly.

    The patient was given fruits, strong broth, cocoa, oranges.

    Let us indicate the place of Pushkin in the history of Russian and world literature, his role in the creation of the Russian language, the features of the Onegin stanza.

    The feeling of the hero had to go through the trials, indifference and whims of the heroine.

    Residents demanded troubleshooting and repairs.

    Organized Internship students at factories, at Sberbank and the design bureau.

    This question was covered in books and lectures, newspapers and pamphlets, reports and magazines.

    The students of the group assumed the following obligations: 1) elimination of academic debt; 2) raise discipline in the group; 3) keep order and cleanliness in the hostel.

    The book has not only educational value, but also great educational value.

    They responded well in exams as high school graduates, as well as students in the ninth grade.

    The tournament was attended by representatives of many countries: Austria, Hungary, Great Britain, Russia and others.

    The work is carried out in accordance with and on the basis of the approved plan.

XI. Participle turnovers

Exercise 19. Indicate whether the sentences below are constructed correctly.

    The novel reveals the contradictions that prevailed in the state before perestroika.

    The task we carry out does not cause any particular difficulties.

    The writer spoke about the changes in the book, which he is preparing for reprint.

    In the near future, a new program will be shown, created by the members of the student activists.

    Our regularly published newspaper provides interesting information about the life of students.

    Daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain in winter conditions will pay with their lives.

    Students who write poorly at home will have to redo it.

    Each student who would like to participate in KVN games should contact the organizers.

    The lecture given to students about the advantages of nano-technologies aroused great interest.

    Here they are contrasted: the Petrel, personifying the proletariat, striving for revolution and seeing in it the only way out, and the stupid Penguin, personifying

philistine-philistine, hiding from thunder, afraid of the impending,

although not the storm that threatens him - the revolution, worried only about his own safety.

    The student held a spelling dictionary in his hand, which served him as a reference and which he used in case of difficulties.

    A few days after the quarrel, Dubrovsky caught Troekurov's peasants stealing firewood in his forests.

Exercise 20 if this cannot be done, indicate the reason for the impossibility of replacement.

    Grushnitsky is one of those people who have pompous phrases ready for all occasions.

    In the last house at the end of the village, the light was still on.

    We drove through a plain that was scorched by the sun and covered in dust.

    Griboyedov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" touched on the same topic, which other classic writers later began to develop.

    Among the books there was not one that did not interest me.

    The snowstorm looked and suddenly recognized in the black-headed lad the same shepherd boy to whom he had left his horse yesterday.

    Ilya entered the yard with the air of a man who had done a good job.

XII. Participle turns

Exercise 21. Indicate whether the following sentences are constructed correctly.

    In competitions for the world chess championship, the young master Kasparov, meeting with grandmaster Karpov, won.

    The use of these expressions and phrases can be shown by illustrative examples, taking samples of fiction as illustrations.

    All presentation in the book is made extremely short, taking into account the student's time budget.

    From science such advice is required, applying which would be useful in practical work.

    After reading the work a second time, I think that the main ideas are expressed in it correctly.

    Approaching the river, we stopped the horses, quickly jumped to the ground and, hastily undressing, rushed into the water.

    Using the calculator, the calculation is made quickly and easily.

    Having received a severe wound, the soldier was saved by his comrades.

    He left after doing homework and when he finished his personal business.

    Hastily dressed and washed, the boy ran to school, but, clinging to something and stumbling, he fell.

Exercise 22 if this cannot be done, indicate the reason for the impossibility of replacement.

1. Since Gorky knew the life and life of the tramps well, he could clearly depict them in his works.

2. When we returned home, it was already dark.

3. Eugene Onegin made a strong impression on Tatyana, as he stood out sharply from other guests.

4. After the students finished checking the dictation, the teacher collected notebooks.

5. The old carrier was dozing, leaning over the oars.

6. Kashtanka, unable to bear the music, moved uneasily in her chair and howled.

7. Past Kashtanka, pushing her with their feet, people passed back and forth non-stop.

8. Having dismissed the generals, Kutuzov sat for a long time, leaning on the table.

XIII. Difficult sentence

Exercise 23. Indicate whether the sentences below are constructed correctly.

    The speaker tried to convince his listeners that the provisions put forward by him were tested in practice.

    Mankind is seized with a passionate desire to ensure that war, due to its enormity, would outlive itself.

    The horses of the Cossacks, who were covered with foam, climbed the mountain path with difficulty.

    The student said that I had not yet prepared for the answer.

    It seemed that the danger was so close that it could not be avoided.

    The she-wolf carefully made her way along the road leading to the barn and which was already familiar to her.

    We visited an exhibition, which we were advised to go to and dedicated to the work of Pushkin.

    A strong movement began on the street, during which a passer-by was hit by a car and sent to the hospital.

    The group discussed issues of discipline and whether it is possible to pass tests ahead of schedule.

    The new book looked like it would be a big hit.


1. Indeclinable words of foreign origin, denoting inanimate objects, belong to the middle gender: summer Coat, wide highway. An exception: coffee(male).

2. In the literary language, the form is used shoe(female). Form shoes(masculine) inherent in professional use.

3. In modern language, the form is used Hall(masculine) in the sense of "a place for crowded meetings or for special purposes." Form hall(feminine) is obsolete and has the meaning "a spacious front room in a private house for receiving guests."

4.Word report card in modern language refers to the masculine gender. Only in the expression "Peter's Table of Ranks" is the former feminine form preserved.

5.Word only male. The masculine gender also includes words (those in the grammatical gender of which there are fluctuations are given): shoe, felt boot, muskrat, dahlia, appendage, gelatin, curtain, candelabra, potato, commentary, correction, myrtle, shoulder strap, pendant, rail, piano, sanatorium, film, epaulette.

6. The word is used in the literary language jam(neuter). The words also belong to the middle gender (those that are sometimes used in a different gender in violation of the literary norm are given): bucket, contralto, monisto, bast, scarecrow, tentacle.

7. In modern language, the form is used clearing(female). The words also belong to the feminine gender (those that are used in the masculine gender are also given, as an obsolete, dialectal, professional, etc. form): whisker, parcel post, veil, cataract (eye disease), knee, hemp, cuff, callus, reserved seat, price, plane tree.

8. Some inanimate masculine nouns of the second declension are used in the prepositional singular with one of two endings: -e(usually unaccented) and –y(only under stress). Ending –y(-y) used when the noun is preceded by a preposition v or on the, and the noun has a circumstantial meaning (indicates time, place, manner of action, state). Wed: in the garden - about the garden, on the shore - about the shore, in one's lifetime, on the go, in bloom. The same when referring to a substance or mass ( gingerbread on honey, covered in snow), when designating a meeting of people ( in the regiment, in the ranks). In the objective meaning (complement), forms are used on –e. Wed: trees in the cherry orchard - in "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov; to be in the forest - in the "Forest" by A.N. Ostrovsky.

1. With a subject expressed by a combination of a collective noun ( number, majority, minority, part etc.) and a noun in the form genitive plural, the predicate is usually put in the plural form if we are talking about animate objects or if the activity of the action is emphasized: Most of the students did well in their final exams., and in the singular form, if the subject denotes inanimate objects: A row of new houses stood at the end of the village. This general rule may be violated in context.

2. If the subject is expressed by the so-called countable turn, i.e., by a combination of a quantitative numeral or other countable word (for example, several) with a noun in the form of the genitive plural, then the predicate usually agrees in the same way as with the subject - the collective noun (see paragraph 1): Several ladies were walking quickly up and down the platform.(L.); Ten fighters rushed to the attack; One hundred and twenty hectares sown.

3. With numerals two, three, four, the predicate is usually put in the plural form: Two shots cracked behind them; Three books are on the table; Four students entered the classroom.

4. With compound numbers ending in one, the predicate is put in the singular form: Forty-one students graduated from the school.

5. At the words thousand, million, billion the predicate is usually put in the singular form and agrees in gender: Received a thousand books for the school library; A million rubles were allocated for the improvement of the village.

6. With nouns years, months, days, hours etc. the predicate is usually put in the singular form: Two weeks passed; Ten o'clock struck; Fifteen years have passed.

7. If there are words all these, then the predicate is put in the plural form: All three riders rode in silence(G.); and if there are words everything, only, just, then the predicate is put in the singular form: There were only three guests(P.).

8. If the subject is expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is gender, then the predicate is usually put in the singular form: There is half an apple on the saucer, and in the past tense - in the form of the middle gender: half the house burned down; half a life lived. But if these words have a definition in the form of the nominative plural, then the predicate is put in the plural form: Six months spent in the village restored the health of the patient.

9. If the subject includes a noun with the meaning of quantity - a certain ( pair, three, ten, dozen, hundred etc.) or indefinite ( mass, stream, lot, abyss, abyss etc.), then the predicate is put in the singular form: Behind my cart, four bulls dragged another(L.); The audience today came a whole abyss(D.); A stream of cars, guns and wagons roared down the narrow bridge.(Bub.).

10. With a subject that includes words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot, the predicate is usually put in the singular form: How many different feelings pass through me, how many thoughts pass by in a fog(Shv.); Many birds perched on the branches.

11. With a masculine noun denoting a profession, position, rank, etc., the predicate is put in the masculine form, regardless of the gender of the person in question: The agronomist made a report; The director called the secretary.

In colloquial speech, in these cases, the statement of the predicate is found in the form of the feminine, when it is known that we are talking about a woman: Our professor (the lady is still young) wrote a book.

If there is a proper name, in which the name of the profession, etc. acts as an application, the predicate is consistent with the proper name: Agronomist Sergeeva gave a lecture.

12. With a subject expressed by a phrase (names of literary works, films, magazines, enterprises, etc.), in which there is a leading word or a word in the form of a nominative case, the predicate is consistent with this word (or words): The Hero of Our Time written by M. Yu. Lermontov; Wolves and sheep staged at the local theater. However, one cannot say: "Ruslan and Lyudmila" written by A. S. Pushkin, since we are talking about one work, although there are two names in the title; in such cases, the generic name should be added ( poem, work etc.), with which to coordinate the predicate.

13. With complex names consisting of two words of different grammatical gender, the predicate (as well as the definition) is consistent with the one that expresses a broader concept or is a specific designation of an object: the vending machine is open; review concert shown; the romance song became quite popular; showcase-stand placed in the lobby; attention was attracted by a van; the raincoat lay; the concert parade was a great success; the reference book is useful; the table-poster hung; folding chair-bed standing.

14. The presence of clarifying words, connecting constructions, comparative turns, etc. with the subject does not affect the form of agreement with the predicate: No one, even the best specialists, could fix the computer.

15. If the subject is a complex abbreviated word that has a grammatical form (inclined), then it agrees with the predicate according to the rules: The university announced a set of students; Aldanzoloto completed the plan.

If the compound word does not have a grammatical form, the predicate is consistent with the leading word of the combination, that is, it is put in the form in which it would stand with the full name: Moscow State University (University) announced a competition; UFO (object) disappeared over the horizon.

16. If the predicate refers to several subjects, connected only by intonation or connected by a connecting union, then:

1) the predicate, standing after homogeneous subjects, is usually put in the plural form: Industry and agriculture need investment;

2) the predicate preceding the homogeneous subject usually agrees with the nearest of them: In the village there was a clatter and screams(L. T.).

If there is a divisive or opposing union between homogeneous subjects, then the predicate is put in the singular form: Experienced fear or instant fright in a minute seems both funny and strange(Furm.); Not you, but fate is to blame(L.).

17. When combined in the subject of nouns in the forms of the nominative case and instrumental case (with the preposition c) such as brother and sister the predicate is put in the plural form if both objects / persons act as equal producers of the action (both are subjects): Seryozha and Petya waited a long time for their mother to return., and in the singular form, if the second object / person only accompanies the main producer of the action (is an addition): Mother with child went to the clinic.

In the presence of words together, jointly the predicate with such a subject is usually put in the singular form: The brother and his sister went to the village; The foreman together with the engineer undertook to repair the machine.

332. Choose one of the number forms of the verb enclosed in brackets

1. A row of tables (stood - stood) in the middle of the room 1. 2. Five students (approached - approached) to the examination table 2. 3. Twenty-two notebooks, checked by the teacher, (lay - lay) in the closet 3.4. At the conference (arrived - arrived) twenty-one delegates 4 . 5. A thousand soldiers (rushed - rushed - rushed) to attack 5 . 6. (Passed - passed) two months 6. 7. There are only ten people on the tour (let's go - let's go) 7 . 8. Half an hour spent in the company of such an interesting storyteller (passed - passed) imperceptibly 8. 9. Five fighters (accompanied - escorted) squadron 9. 10. Many graduates of our school (went - went) to work at a car factory 10 .

333. Choose one of the parenthetical forms of the verb

1. The secretary (issued - issued) the necessary certificates to us 11. [We are talking about a female person.] 2. War and

world (written - written - written) by Leo Tolstoy 12 . 3. Recently at the institute (open - open) cafe-dining room 13 . 4. No one, even the strongest students, could (could - could) solve this difficult task 14 . 5. Board sports club, including the chairman and his deputy, perfectly (cope - cope) with their duties 14 . 6. The school administration, especially the director and the head teacher, did a lot (did - did) to organize summer holidays for children 14 . 7. Research Institute (received - received) an order for the development of new building materials 15 . 8. On sale (available - available) in a large selection of flowers, seeds, seedlings 16 . 9. Brother or sister (help - help) me to do my homework 16 . 10. Mother with children (left - left) to the village 17.

334. Rewrite the sentences, agreeing the predicate with the subject

1. Most of the students of the institute involved in sports sections have already passed ... norms in skiing. 2. A number of measures aimed at raising discipline among students are being taken by the school administration. 3. The overwhelming majority of pupils and pupils of our class showed ... deep knowledge in the exams. 4. Set ... three new world records. 5. Forty-two machines buzzed incessantly ... and trembled evenly .... 6. Many children were ... ill ... with the flu. 7. We entered the director's office after the secretary girl reported ... about our arrival. 8. Taxi stood ... at the gate of the house. 9. This half-watermelon, as the children immediately guessed, was ... set aside ... for them. 10. You and your friends will help us this time as well.