Comma plus dash. Rusolimp - dash Now the investigator Ivan Ilyich felt

I learned about the death of Ivan Ilyich in court. At a break, sitting on the boring day of the Malvinsky, we met in the office of Ivan Yegorovich Shebek. Our friend opened a newspaper and interrupted our conversation.

Gentlemen: Ivan Ilyich is dead.


Read on.

And I read: Praskovya Ѳ edorovna Golovina, with deep sorrow, tortures relatives and friends, that on February 4 her husband, a member of the Moscow Court of Justice, Ivan Ilyich, died Golovin. Carrying out the body <will be>.... and t. etc.


Ah, awful. The last is not minutes, but hours. He kept shouting for 18 hours. Three doors could be heard.

Ah, what I have endured.


For 18 hours he writhed and screamed incessantly. - I sighed, and hard. It occurred to me: that like me, I will also be 18 o'clock, but immediately I realized that it was stupid. Ivan Ilyich died and shouted for 18 hours, that's true, but I'm different. This was my reasoning, if you remember it well; and I calmed down and, with interest, began to ask for details about the death of Ivan Ilyich, as if death were such an adventure that was not at all peculiar to me.

I describe in particular detail my attitude to death then because it was here in this office with a pink cretonne that I received what changed my whole view of death and life.

It was from Praskovya that I received the same notes from her husband, which he had given during the last 2 months of his mortal illness. After different conversations about the details of the really horrible physical sufferings endured by Ivan Ilyich (I learned these details only by how the martyrdom of Ivan Ilyich got on Praskovya's nerves) after different conversations, Praskovya gave me her essence. It turns out that 5 days before his death, when Ivan Ilyich still had intervals without terrible pain for an hour, for half an hour, in one of these intervals Praskovya Ѳ edorovna caught him writing. And it was revealed that he had been writing his diary for two months. Only Gerasim, the buffet man, knew about it. To the question: what? why? To reproaches that he was harming himself, Ivan Ilyich rejected that this was one of his refinements - to tell the truth to himself. First, he said to her: “burn them after me”; but then he thought and said! “But by the way, give it to Tvorogov (that is, to me). He is still more human than other, he will understand. "

And now Praskovya Ѳ edorovna handed me a graphene notebook, counting in the octopus, in which he wrote.

What is this? I asked. - Did you read?

Yes, I tried it. Terribly sad. By nothing is it seen so much as by this, how his suffering had an impact on his soul. This is awful, and one cannot but admit the truth behind the materialists. He was no longer him. It's so weak, painful. Нѣт, connection, clarity, power of expression. You know his style. His reports were masterpieces. I was PM. He was with me (this was our chief boss) and was very kind. Truly like a native. He told me that this was the first, best pen in the ministries. A here, - she said, leafing through the booklet with plump fingers in the rings, - so weakly, contradictory. Nѣt logic, the very one in which he was so strong. All the same it is dear to me, you will return me how dear everything that it is. Ah! Micah. Sem. how hard, how terribly hard - and she began to cry again. I sighed and waited for her to blow her nose. When she blew her nose, I said: screw it up ... and again she got into a conversation and expressed to me what was, obviously, her main interest - her property status. She gave the impression that she was asking me for advice about the pension, but I saw that she already knew down to the smallest details what I did not know, everything that could be pulled out of the treasury for herself and for children. - When she told everything, I shook hands, even kissed and went to the hall with a little book. In the dining room for hours, which he was so happy that he bought in brikabrak, I met in black his beautiful, busty daughter with a thin waist. She had a gloomy and obnoxious, resolute look. She bowed to me as if I was to blame. There was no one in the front hall. Gerasim, the pantry man, jumped out of the dead man's room, tossed all the fur coats with his strong hands to find mine, and handed me over.

That, brother, Gerasim, it's a pity.

God's will. We'll all be there, '' said Gerasim, smiling and briskly opened the door for me, called the coachman, looked and slammed the door.

I took the notes and in the evening after the club, left alone, took this little book on the night table and began to read. -

Here are these notes.

On the 6th night, I am awake and not from the painful sufferings. They still allowed me to sleep, but from the suffering of the mental, terrible, unbearable. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, all lies. Everything around me is a lie, my wife is a lie, my children are lies, I am a lie, and all around me is a lie. But if I suffer from her, I see, it means, and this vile lie is in me and the truth. If I were all a lie, I would not feel it. There is in me, apparently, a small, tiny particle of truth, and she is me, and she now, before death, declares her rights; and she sometimes suffers, sometimes they choke her from all sides, they choke her, and it hurts me, it hurts so much that at least death is imminent. Let this spark go out or ignite. Now, my only life is to think the truth with myself in the midst of this lie. But in order to think it clearly, to find this truth, when the lie floods me, I want to write it. I will write while I have the strength, I will reread it, and someone else will read it and maybe wake up.

I'll start over at how it all worked with me.>

These notes are awful. I read them, didn’t sleep all night and went to Praskov’s next morning and began to ask her husband about her. She told me a lot and gave him his correspondence, his old diary. When Ivan Ilyich was already buried, I was still with Praskovya a little more, I asked her, I asked his daughter, Gerasim, who came to me. And out of all this, I compiled myself a description of the last year of Ivan Ilyich's life.

This story is both the simplest and the most common and the most terrible. Here she is:

Ivan Ilyich died 42 years old, a member of the judicial chamber. He was the son of the Petersburg official of the State Property of the Tainago Counselor, who made himself a small fortune. Ivan Ilyich was the 2nd son, the eldest was a colonel, and the youngest failed and served on the railroads, his sister was married to Baron Grille. And the Baron was a Petersburg official. Ivan Ilyich was brought up in Law, spoke French, visited Prince B's balls, asked if he was his father's son, owed the doorman for the pies, wore a respice fine medal, was a friend to you, ordered a tailcoat and a uniform at the exit Scharmer. It was a fun time, fine, clever pravovѣd immediately, through the patronage of his father, acted as an official of special assignments to the head of the province and carried the banner of comme il faut-nago pravov первыеda high and cheerfully for the first two years - honest, sociable, decent, with a sense of his own dignity and unshakable that he is shining in the darkness of the provinces. Ivan Ilyich danced, dragged himself, caroused; From time to time and поzdil at the end of the day with a brand new Petersburg suitcase and in Sharmer’s vitsmuvdirѣ, with the gait of a decent man, went into the chief’s office and remained to eat and speak French with the boss. - It was a fun, easy, calm time. There was a connection with one of the ladies who were imposing on dapper truth, and this connection almost dragged on Ivan Ilyich. But a change came for services, the connection was severed.

The service change was also fun. There were new judicial institutions. We need new people. Already, Ivan Ilyich carried the banner of decency and progress; and then on the banner was written: Europeanism, progress liberality, vowel judgment - right and short. There could be no doubt that being a forensic officer was not only good, but lovely. The rights are huge, irreplaceable, in the 5th grade. And Ivan Ilyich became a judicial investigator, just as perfect and comme il faut. The spirit was boiling. Ivan Ilyich wrote well and loved to write elegantly. And I was confident in myself. And so it went on. But here, in another province, before a new connection was struck, it was not the old, but not the young woman, who jumped in. Ivan Ilyich seduced her like everyone else. The dvitsa was seduced, but little by little she began to drag on Ivan Ilyich and drag it on. And Ivan Ilyich got married. The marriage of Ivan Ilyich was the first act of life, shrinking the first scope. Praskovya was of an old noble family, not bad, full, sensual, she was a small fortune. All this would be nothing. But Ivan Ilyich could count on the highest party, and this was a party below the average. However, well, marriage does not hinder a career. And if I am already caught, then I can tell myself that I am not selling my heart. That's what Ivan Ilyich said to himself. And he dreamed of marital happiness so that besides the previous pleasures of single life there will still be home poetry. But then it turned out that the wife was jealous, evil, pagan, stingy, senseless, and that the pleasures of single life, even the most innocent ones, like dancing, should be left behind, and instead of the poetry of the hearth, they should have grumpiness, fastidiousness, reproachful. - It was the first difficult time in the life of Ivan Ilyich, but he dared to find himself. All the energy of Ivan Ilyich went to the service. He became ambitious: And the service - well-written paper gradually became the goal and joy of his life. Let’s go, the wife’s fortune went to buy, the wife began to reproach and demand. And therefore the service and ambition intensified even more so that one service could give money. And Ivan Ilyich worked a lot, willingly, and he was appreciated as a good campaigner and was promoted. But then another unpleasant event happened. Being already a friend of the prosecutor and the best, always ruling the position, Ivan Ilyich expected that he would not be bypassed at the first appointment as Prosecutors. It turned out that Gope, the Prosecutor's Comrade, had somehow missed a trip to Petersburg, and he, the youngest, was appointed, but Ivan Ilyich remained. Ivan Ilyich became irritable, got involved with the Governor. He was right; but it was inconvenient for the court authorities to have trouble with the governor. They became cold to him. All this infuriated Ivan Ilyich, he dropped everything and went to a place lower than his in another household. - I should have moved. His wife tortured him with reproaches. Life and service were unpleasant. The salary was higher, but life was more expensive, the climate was bad, the doctors said. The son died. The wife said that he was from the climate, that he was to blame for everything. The wife flirted with the governor out of boredom. Increase and transition back was not expected, he himself fell ill with rheumatism. The situation was bad from all sides. But Ivan Ilyich did not despair, he went to Petersburg. There, through the friends of his father and one lady, he arranged himself again for the transition to the Ministry of Justice, a place higher than that occupied by his comrade. He was told, but there was still no translation until 1880. - This year was the most difficult in the life of Ivan Ilyich. - But then suddenly his energy and happiness helped, and everything began to settle down a little. It is from this time that this terrible story of the last year of Ivan Ilyich's life begins, which I want to tell.

Unbearable. One must know the honor, this lack of conscience is to settle and live. - This hard labor. And these claims!

Oh well, well, now it won't be long.

Not for long! I see no end to this. Obviously, he messed up with his self-confidence, and they won't give him anything. And what kind of preciousness is he, that he is now in the place of the leader? They won't give him anything. And we carry it all.

So it was on the part of the owners. From the side of the guests it was too. Praskovya Yedorovna said that such a ladrerie (she silenced her) she had never seen and did not expect, and that this was a torment that she would not forget into life. See that they are shaking over every piece. (She exaggerated; but there was some truth in this) and that if she knew, she would have lived better in a hut on black bread. But in the hut on the black bread, she did not even try to live. She said all this in such an exaggerated form, in order to torment Ivan Ilyich with these words. And Ivan Ilyich was tormented terribly. And Ivan Ilyich in this last time did not see a kind face on his wife, did not hear a kind word. - What was even worse, the daughter of boredom and fat began to flirt with the teacher. And Ivan Ilyich was to blame for all this. It was like that inside, but outwardly everything was very beautiful. When the housewife and afterwards went out with the guests to the stone terrace and the footman in a big tie was serving coffee, and everyone smiled at each other, and the little woman smiled, and the owner said that they had especially fun nowadays, it seemed to the guests that this was paradise. And then there was ad. And in this hell, with the fear of not getting out of it, Ivan Ilyich lived. In his last stay in the village with his son-in-law, he, a scrupulous and proud man, obscured that he was a burden, and that in his attitude to him, the oppression of contempt was added, and he had not heard anything from his wife and daughter.

In August, almost in despair to have time in his own life, Ivan Ilyich went back to Petersburg. He ѣkhal just for one thing - to contrive to beg for a place in 7 thousand salaries. He no longer adhered to any ministry, direction, kind of activity. He needed space with 7 thousand. Without space with 7 thousand - destruction. He did not admit the possibility of this death; but on this trip he already ruled, which was not by justice, then by administration, by banks, by railways, by Empress Maria, even by customs - but 7 thousand. And he ѣkhal, taking himself to the bazaar, who needed it, who would give more. Again this purpose of his trip was real, essential; but the implication was quite different - it was implied that Ivan Ilyich's father was very bad. He lived in Tsarskoe, and had long been awaiting his death. “Il est allé voir mon pauvre beau père. Il ne fera pas du vieux os. Et Jean a toujours été son favori, ”said Praskovya Ѳ edorovna and said Ivan Ilyich. And now this trip of Ivan Ilyich was crowned with an amazing, unexpected success. In Kursk, an acquaintance was sent to the 1st class to Ivan Ilyich and informed a fresh telegram received by the governor in the morning that a reshuffle would take place in the ministries one of these days: Petr Petrovich, a new person, entered the Petro Ivan Petrovich place, Ivan Ivanovich at the place of Ivan Petrovich. I., P.I. on the spot I.P., and Iv. P. at the place of Ivan Ivanovich. Until Moscow itself, Ivan Ilyich talked with his friends about what and what consequences will come out for Russia from this variable. In the conversation, it was also implied - for Russia, in reality, the interest of the conversation was in the consideration of the aftermath of this shuffling in order to get a place with money for themselves and their friends. The supposed reshuffling, introducing a new face - Peter Petrovich and, obviously, his friend Zakhar Ivanovich, was extremely favorable for Ivan Ilyich. Zakhar Ivanovich was a comrade friend and a man indebted to Ivan Ilyich. In Moscow, the information was confirmed. A prіѣkhav in St. Petersburg, Ivan Ilyich found Zakhar Ivanovich and received the communion of a temporary place in the same ministry. And a week later he telegraphed his wife: "Zakhar most of Schleer, at the first report, I receive the appointment of Moscow."

All expectations of Ivan Ilyich were justified. He received an appointment that he did not even expect, received such an appointment, in which he became two degrees higher than his comrades, 8 thousand salaries and 3500 salaries.

As grief alone does not walk, so also joy. For Praskovya, one more grief was attached to the joy of this knowledge - this is the question of how to move and furnish the house so that it would be possible to go out to the highest Moscow light (it was Praskovya's 20-year-old dream) of taking out a pretext. There was no money. The furniture that remained in the provinces was not the kind that could be used to leave, and nothing could be brought in at 3500. This is one living room. And immediately in this month this difficulty was also resolved. The old father of Ivan Ilyich died two weeks after the appointment of his son. The old man had nothing but a pension of 6,000; but he had lovely furniture and things. His house was a toy of artistic vieux saxe - bronze, antique furniture - the same one that was in fashion, and all this passed to Ivan Ilyich. The first telegram from Ivan Ilyich was: “Daddy died quietly on the 17th at 2 pm. Funeral Saturday. I'm not waiting for you. “The second telegram:“ Shares and tickets are equally divided between us and Sasha. There were 12 thousand in total, all my movable property ”.

I am very happy for Jean, - said Praskovya Ѳ edorovna, - that he closed his father's eyes. I knew him little, but I also loved him. It is my destiny not to come out of mourning.

So suddenly out of the most difficult situation Ivan Ilyich. I came to the most pleasant thing with my family.

When Ivan Ilyich returned to the village with stories about how he was honored, how everyone who was him. enemies, they were put to shame, and now they told him how they envied him for his position, especially how everyone loved him very much in Petersburg, Praskovya Ѳ edorovna had already got used to this manner of Ivan Ilyich's telling when he was in the spirit. She herself never ignored the fact that in her presence others especially needed to refer to Ivan Ilyich, but according to his stories, when he was in the spirit, it always turned out that all people in Petersburg had one concern, one joy - to honor Ivan Ilyich, to serve him, to say pleasant things to him. - The relationship in the family of the son-in-law immediately changed too. The Golovins gathered to leave as soon as the apartment in Moscow was ready, and they were no longer burdened with them, but looked after them, trying to make amends for the past.

Ivan Ilyich prokhal for a short time on September 10, he had to accept the position and, moreover, he needed time to get a job in Moscow, to transport everything from provinces, from St. Petersburg, to buy, to order a lot more - in a word, to settle down the way it was done For a long time Praskovyas have been in the shower. And the plan of Praskovya was unified, the houses of an elegant, saintly, tall person, taking out his daughter, liked Ivan Ilyich. Not only did I like it, but Ivan Ilyich, pretending that this was his wife's plan, himself cherished this thought. And now, when everything was arranged so well, and when they got together with their wife in the middle, and besides, they did not live together much, they got on as amicable as they did not converge on the first years of their married life. Tanychka's daughter was completely dissatisfied, quit flirting with students and gave herself up to a lovely future in Moscow.

Ivan Ilyich thought to take his family away at once; but the insistence of the sister and son-in-law: “How is this possible? Where are you going to the hotel? Now it is still so good to go to the villages; but for us such a joy. Let Jean arrange and be able to go - here it is ten o'clock in the train - and with us. " And it was decided to go to Ivan Ilyich alone. Ivan Ilyich ukhal, and the cheerful disposition of the spirit and luck, one strengthening the other, did not leave him all the time.

A lovely apartment was found - the very thing that a husband and wife dreamed of - wide, tall, in a strict style, comfortable rooms, comfortable, modest office, rooms of the wife and daughter, everything was deliberately invented for them, everything is clean, grandiose, but not new. Ivan Ilyich himself took up the device, unpacking boxes from St. Petersburg, choosing wallpaper, bribing furniture, upholstery, and everything grew and grew and came to the ideal that he had made for himself, and even when he had half-arranged it, it surpassed his expectation. He understood that very graceful and broad character, which will accept everything when he settles down. He did not expect to fall in love with this thing so much. Falling asleep, he imagined himself to the hall, what it would be like. Looking at the living room, not yet finished, he already saw the fireplace, the screen, the bookcase and these chairs, scattered about and these lovely father's bronzes, when they were all in place. He was gladdened by the thought of how he would hit Pasha and Tanichka. They don't expect this in any way. Especially paternal things. He, in his letters and during the meeting, deliberately imagined everything worse than there was to hit them. They had a presentiment of this and rejoiced. This so interested him that even his new service, which loves this thing, took less than he expected. When he was sitting, he had moments of confusion: he thought about what kind of curtain rods on the curtains, straight or matched. He was so busy with this that he himself often fiddled, rearranged even furniture and himself altered the curtains.

Once he climbed onto the lasenka to show the incomprehensible upholsterer how he wants to drape, he stumbled and fell, but, like a strong and agile man, he resisted, only bumped sideways on the frame handle. The injury was not important and soon passed. In general, Ivan Ilyich, as he wrote and said, felt better from this physical work around the house than ever.

He wrote: "I feel that the age of 15 has jumped off me." He thought to finish in September, but it dragged on until half of October. For that it was lovely. Not only did he speak, but everyone who saw him told him. When I was with Ivan Ilyich and saw his place, it was already inhabited, and now, knowing how much work was put on him and how much joy it gave him, I try to remember, but then I did not suppress it. It was what you see everywhere: shtof, flowers, carpets, ebony, bronzes, dark and shiny - everything that all people of a known kind want to be like all people of a known kind. And he had it so much that it was impossible to pay attention, because he saw this very thousand times. But it turns out that it took a lot of work for him to achieve this resemblance, and most importantly, it completely occupied him.

When he, having met his people at the railway station, brought them to his lighted finished apartment, and the footman in a large tie, unlocked the front door decorated with flowers, and then they entered the living room, offices and gasped with pleasure, he was everywhere, drank their praise and sial from pleasure.

On the same evening over tea, Praskovya Yedorovna, who received a letter announcing his fall, asked him if he had hurt himself. He said that not at all.

I’m not a gymnast for nothing, another would have been killed, but I just hit a little right here, when you touch it, it still hurts, but it’s already gone, just a bruise.

Nѣt, how good is Tanichkin's office, with what taste.

Yes, dad is already dead. The beauty.

And they began to live in a new facility with new sufficient (as always almost) means, and it was very good. - It was especially good at first, when not everything was arranged and it was still necessary to arrange something to buy, then order, then rearrange, then adjust. When there was nothing to arrange, it became a little boring, but then acquaintances and habits had already given up, and life was filled.

The disposition of Ivan Ilyich's spirit was good; although it suffered a little from the provision. Every stain on the tablecloth, on the damask, the torn string of the curtain irritated him. He put so much work on the device that every destruction hurt him. But in general, Ivan Ilyich's life seemed to him completely complete, pleasant and good. He got up at 9, drank coffee, read "The Voice". Then he put on a uniform, ѣkhal v Sud. There, the collar in which he worked was already limp, he immediately got into it, Petitioners, certificates in the office, the office itself, public and administrative posts. In all this, one had to act and live on one side of one's being - the external service side. It was necessary not to allow any relations other than official ones with people. And the reason for the relationship had to be only service, and the relationship itself was only service. For example, a man comes and wants to know something. Ivan Ilyich, as a human being, should not and cannot have any relationship to any human; but if there is an attitude of this man to a member such that can be expressed on a paper with a headline, in the terms of these relations Ivan Ilyich gives everything, everything is amazing that is possible, and at the same time observes the semblance of human friendly relations. As soon as the service relationship ends, so does everything else. With this, we are able to separate this service web from oneself, without confusing it with his real life, Ivan Ilyich possesses the highest degree. And through long practice and talent, he developed it to such an extent that he even, like a virtuoso, sometimes allowed himself, as if jokingly, to confuse human and official relations. He allowed himself to do this, like a virtuoso, because he felt in himself the intelligence at every instant to subdivide again that which should not be confused. For Ivan Ilyich, this was easy and even pleasant, because it was virtuoso. In the intervals from smoking I drank tea, raved a little about the politician, a little general and most of all about the appointment. And tired, but with the feeling of a virtuoso, having clearly separated his important part, one of the first violins in the orchestra, returned home. - Here at home in front of the house most often Ivan Ilyich covered up a stain on the damask, a scratched arm of a chair, broken off bronze and began to repair and get angry. But Praskovya Ѳ edorovna knew this and hurried people to serve food.

After the meeting, if there were no guests, Ivan Ilyich read Golos already attentively, sometimes very sparsely, a book about which they talk a lot. And in the evening he sat down at the bottom, that is, he read the papers, coped with the laws, comparing the demonstrations and summed up the laws. It was not boring for him, it was not fun. It was boring when it was possible to play vint, but if there was no vint, it was still better than sitting alone or with a wife.

The pleasure of Ivan Ilyich was small ceremonies, to which he called important ladies and men, and such pastime with them, which would look like an ordinary passing of the time of such people, just as his living room looked like all living rooms. They even had one evening. They danced. And Ivan Ilyich had fun. And everything was fine, only a quarrel came out with his wife over cakes and sweets: Praskovya had his own plan, and Ivan Ilyich insisted on taking everything from Albert, and took a lot of cakes. And the quarrel was for the fact that the cakes remained, and Albert's bill was 45 rubles. The quarrel was big and unpleasant, so that Praskovya edorovna told him: "you are a sour fool." And he grabbed his head and in his hearts mentioned something about divorce. But the evening itself was cheerful. There was the best Moscow society and Ivan Ilyich danced with Princess Turfonova, the sister of the one who is known to be established under the patronage of the empress of the society "take away my grief." The joys of service were the joys of vanity, the public joys were the joys of vanity. But the real joys of Ivan Ilyich were the joys of playing vint. He admitted that after all, after any joyful events in his life, the joy that, like a candle, burned in front of all others, is with good players and not shouting partners in the screw and four of us all the time (five of them are very painful go out, even though you pretend that I really love) and play a smart serious game (when the cards go) with a sensible understanding partner.

Have dinner, drink a glass of wine. And to sleep after the screw, especially when in a small win (big - unpleasant), Ivan Ilyich went to bed in a particularly good disposition of spirit.

This is how they lived. The circle of society was the best for them. In looking at the circle of their acquaintances, the husband, wife and daughter were in complete agreement. And without saying a word, they wiped themselves off in the same way and freed themselves from all sorts of different hunters and relatives of zamarasheks who flew to Moscow in the living room with majolica dishes across the walls. Soon these dirty friends stopped scattering and making disputes, and the Golovins were left with only the best company. Ѣ went and important people and young people. Young people looked after Tanichka, and Petrishchev, son of Dm. Yves. Petrishchev and the only heir of his condition, the investigator began to look after Tanichka. So Ivan Ilyich already talked about this with Praskovya Edorovna. This is how they lived. And everything went on unchanged. Everyone was happy and healthy. It was impossible to call unhealthy what Ivan Ilyich sometimes said that he had a strange taste in his mouth and that something was awkward on the left side of his stomach.

The subordinate clause is separated from the main comma, or separated by commas on both sides, if it is inside the main clause, for example: How long he sat by the defeated spruce, Andrei did not remember ...(Tambourines); Kapustin promised to come to an agreement with the head of the school so that he would increase the number of sorties for Meresiev, and invited Alexei to draw up a training program for himself.(B. Polevoy); It will soon be five years since I have been working at the school; It's been a month since he returned from the village- with an incomplete main sentence (but: He has already returned from the village a month ago- with the interweaving of the main and subordinate clauses; the comma would tear off the predicate returned from subject is he).

Incomplete or close to incomplete subordinate clauses are also separated by commas, for example: He did not understand what was the matter; Glad to help as much as I can; Remembered what they taught; People know what they are doing; Do what it takes; I can imagine anything; He understands what's what; Sit down where it is free; Scolded all and sundry; I'll meet you, you know where; Chatted, I don't know what.

But: Do what you want etc., see § 114, item 1.

Note 1. If the main clause is inside a subordinate clause (in a colloquial style of speech), then the comma is usually placed only after the main clause, for example: It cannot be said that he was engaged in the economy ...(Gogol) (compare: It cannot be said that he was engaged in the household).

Note 2. A comma is not put between the main clause and the following subordinate clause:

a) if there is a negation before the subordinate union or union word not, eg: Try to find out not what they have already done, but what else they are going to do; I have not come to hinder you, but, on the contrary, to help;

b) if a subordinate union or union word is preceded by a compositional union (usually repeated) and, or, or etc., for example: Consider what he said and how he said it; The student could not remember the name of the work, or who its author; Wed also with a single union: I had no idea how he would get out of this situation;

c) if the subordinate clause consists of only one union word (relative pronoun or adverb), for example: They reproach me, but I do not know why; Leaving, he promised to return soon, but did not specify when; Mother determined the temperature with her lips: put her lips to her forehead and immediately determine how much.

Note 3. If the words are in front of the subordinate union especially, in particular, namely, that is, and etc. with an attachment meaning, then the comma after these words is not put, for example: The partisans showed great resourcefulness and exceptional composure, especially when they were surrounded; The expedition will have to be completed ahead of schedule under unfavorable conditions, namely, if the rainy season begins; The author has the right to receive an advance payment in accordance with the terms of the contract, that is, when the manuscript is approved by the publisher.

§ 108. Comma for complex subordinate unions

If the subordinate clause is connected to the main one using a complex subordinate union ( because, because, because, because, because, because, because, despite the fact that, instead of, in order, in order that, while, after, before so how, since, just like and others), then the comma is placed one and the same time: before the union, if the subordinate clause follows the main clause or is inside it, or after the subordinate clause, if it precedes the main clause, for example: ... His breathing became deeper and freer as his body was resting and cooling ...(Kuprin); The doctors were afraid for her life, especially since she not only did not want to take any medicine, but she did not speak to anyone, did not sleep or take any food.(L. Tolstoy); All the carts, because there were bales of wool on them, seemed very tall and plump(Chekhov).

However, depending on the meaning, the logical underlining of the subordinate clause, the presence of certain lexical elements in the sentence (see below), the complex union can fall into two parts: the first is part of the main sentence as a correlative word, and the second plays the role of a union; in these cases, the comma is placed only before the second part of the combination (i.e., before the union what, how to). Wed:

To every person in order to to act, it is necessary to consider your activity important and good(L. Tolstoy). - All this is said in order to to draw attention to the life of an army of thousands of budding writers(Bitter);

Wed also dismemberment of a complex union in sentences: Despite the fact that the wind ... rushed freely over the sea, the clouds were motionless(Bitter); In case someone sticks to you, let them see where you went(Kataev); Gorev was asked to be a translator in case guests were interested in the castle(Pavlenko).

More often, a complex subordinate union is not dismembered if the subordinate clause precedes the main one, for example: As the chaise approached the porch, Manilov's eyes became more cheerful and his smile spread more and more.(Gogol); Before I stopped at this birch line, I walked with my dog ​​through a high aspen grove.(Turgenev); Since I got married, I don’t see your old love from you(A. N. Ostrovsky); Only after four hours of duty at Stepan's bed had passed, Ivan Ivanovich departed soul(Koptyaeva).

The conditions for dismembering a complex union include:

1) the presence of negation before the union not, eg: Pastukhov got along with Tsvetukhin not because he gravitated towards actors(Fedin); Winkel did not go to Landsberg because he wanted to continue his intelligence activities.(Kazakevich);

2) the presence of reinforcing, restrictive and other particles before the union, for example: Natasha this winter for the first time began to sing seriously, and especially because Denisov admired her singing(L. Tolstoy); The driver stopped the car in front of the gate just in order for the people to subside; Is it worth giving up a difficult task just because it is difficult?(Krymov);

3) the presence of an introductory word before the union, for example: ... All this has an inexplicable charm for me, perhaps because I will no longer see them ...(Gogol); When visiting the Pryakhins, everyone felt free, perhaps because Pavel Romanovna did not try to occupy anyone(Koptyaeva);

4) the inclusion of the first part (correlative word) in a row homogeneous members, eg: Romashov blushed to real tears from his powerlessness and confusion, and from pain for the offended Shurochka, and because he could not insert a single word through the deafening sounds of the quadrille ...(Kuprin).

Note. Complex conjunctions whereas, as if how, while, while, union of investigation so that, the combination of the union with the amplifying particle even if, only when are not dismembered.

§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several clauses

  1. A comma is placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses that are not connected by unions, for example: It seemed to me that my father was looking at me mockingly and incredulously, that I was still a child for him.(Bitter); Those who do not feel confident in their abilities, who do not have determination, let it be better to remain in their present place.(Azhaev).

    If after homogeneous subordinate clauses there is a generalizing word with a preceding introductory word or phrase ( in a word, in a word etc.), then the last is preceded by a comma and a dash, and after it - a comma (cf. § 99, item 1, note 2), for example: She listened to his arguments, and when he began to say that the war had brought about changes, that his presence would cause worries and break habits, that he worried about her - in a word, everything that came to his mind - the old woman's eyes were fixed on him..

  2. If homogeneous subordinate clauses are very common, especially when there are commas inside them, then a semicolon is placed between such subordinate clauses instead of a comma, for example: What was he thinking? That he was poor; that by labor he had to gain both independence and honor; that God could add to him intelligence and money; that after all there are such idle lucky ones, of a short-sighted mind, sloths for whom life is much easier(Pushkin); Davydov felt a little sad that much had changed there now; that now he will no longer be able to sit all night long at the blueprints; that now they seem to have forgotten about him(Sholokhov).
  3. Between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a non-repeating connecting or dividing union, no comma is put, for example: It felt like they were uprooting the whole forest at once and the roots ripped out of the earth and the earth itself groans and screams in pain(Fedin) (no recurring alliances here: first alliance and connects two subordinate clauses, the second - two homogeneous subjects roots and land, the third - two homogeneous predicates groan and yell); What is this connection and who is Kovpak, we did not know then(Medvedev).

    With repeated compositional conjunctions, a comma between the subordinate clauses is put, for example: While in the hospital, he recalled how the Nazis attacked them suddenly, and how they were surrounded, and how the detachment still managed to get through to their.

    Alliances whether ... or are considered repetitive, for example: ... To the left, the entire sky above the horizon was filled with a crimson glow, and it was difficult to understand whether there was a fire somewhere, or whether the moon was about to rise(Chekhov) (cf. § 87 para. 4 and § 104 para. 1 para. 3 note).

  4. A comma is placed between subordinate clauses on a common basis, for example: ... Bobrov recalled the poems he had read in some magazine, in which the poet tells his sweetheart that they will not swear to each other, because vows would offend their trusting and ardent love(Kuprin).

§ 110. Comma at the junction of two unions

  1. With two adjacent subordinate unions (or a subordinate union and a union word), as well as when a compositional union and a subordinate (or union word) meet, a comma is placed between them if the removal of the subordinate clause does not require a restructuring of the main sentence (in practice - if the second does not follow further part of a double alliance then, so, but, the presence of which requires such a restructuring), for example: The maid was an orphan who, in order to feed herself, had to enter the service(L. Tolstoy) (subordinate clause to feed can be omitted or rearranged in another place of the sentence without rearranging the main part); Finally he felt that he could no longer, that no force would move him, and that if he now sat down, he would no longer get up.(B. Polevoy) (conditional clause with union if a can be omitted or rearranged); And the woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes, and although her words were familiar, Saburov's heart suddenly sank from them.(Simonov) (when removing the subordinate clause with the union although prepositional pronominal combination from them becomes unclear, but structurally, such an exemption is possible, therefore, a comma between the compositional and subordinate unions in such cases is usually put).

    If the subordinate clause is followed by the second part of the double union, then the comma between the previous two unions is not put, for example: The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched out his hand through the window, dew would fall from the bushes.(Korolenko) (conditional clause with union if a cannot be omitted or rearranged without rearranging the subordinate sentence, since the words what and then); The woman's legs were burned and barefoot, and when she spoke, she shook warm dust to her sore feet with her hand, as if trying to soothe the pain.(Simonov) (when removing or rearranging the subordinate tense with the union when words will be next and and then).

    Wed also: A thunderstorm was approaching, and when clouds covered the whole sky, it became dark as at dusk. – A thunderstorm was approaching, and when clouds covered the whole sky, it became dark as at dusk.(in the second case after the union and, joining a complex sentence, the comma is not put); The fees were delayed, and when everything was ready for departure, it no longer made sense to go(after the adversarial union but a comma in these cases, as a rule, is not put, since neither deletion nor rearrangement of the subordinate clause following the union is possible).

    In sentences like He left a long time ago, and where he is now, I do not know comma after union and not put.

  2. A comma is usually not placed between the accessory union (after the dot) and the subordinate union, for example: And who you are, I know; And why this is said, I do not understand... The possibility of placing a comma after other connecting unions is associated with the intonational and semantic highlighting of the subordinate clause, for example: However, if you are so insistent on your proposal, I am ready to accept it..

§ 111. Dash in a complex sentence

With intonation underlining, subordinate clauses (additional and subject), less often conditional and conventional, standing in front the main sentence can be separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash, for example: If someone asks about what - be quiet ...(Pushkin); How he got here - he could not understand this in any way(Gogol); That she is an honest nature - it is clear to me ...(Turgenev); Let them tyrannize as they want, let them at least remove the skin from the living - I will not give up my will(Saltykov-Shchedrin); Will I look into the distance, will I look at you - and some kind of light will light up in my heart(Fet); Some books were sent to me, but I don’t know which ones..

§ 112. Colon in a complex sentence

The colon is placed before the subordinate union in those rare cases when in the preceding part of a complex sentence there is a special warning about the subsequent explanation (a long pause is made at this point and words can be inserted namely), eg: And, having done this, he felt that the result was the desired: that he was touched and she was touched(L. Tolstoy); I am afraid of one thing: lest the overwork of people be reflected in their work; Every day it became more and more obvious the idea that was expressed to us more than once: that newspapers are not yet public opinion..

§ 113. Comma and dash in a compound sentence

A comma and a dash in a complex sentence are used as a single character:

1) before the main sentence, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous clauses, if the splitting of a complex whole into two parts is emphasized, for example: Who is to blame, who is right, is not for us to judge(Krylov); Did Stolz do anything for this, what he did and how he did - we do not know.(Dobrolyubov);

2) before a word that is repeated in order to associate with it a new clause (often a subordinate clause) or a further part of the same clause, for example: Could this new social movement have not been reflected in literature - in literature, which is always the expression of society!(Belinsky); Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all, without exception, the most important, self-righteous people - everything was in his hands(L. Tolstoy);

3) in the first (significant in terms of the volume of the proposal, most often complex, which is divided by a pause into two parts - increase and decrease) between its parts , eg: At that hour, when it seemed that there was no strength to breathe, when the sun, heating Moscow, fell in a dry fog somewhere beyond the Garden Ring, no one came under the linden trees, no one sat on the bench, the alley was empty(Bulgakov).

A semicolon is placed inside the parts of the period, if they are significantly widespread.

In other cases of a combination of a comma and a dash, each of these characters is put on its own basis, for example: Pushkin, our greatest poet, is the founder of the Russian literary language(a comma closes a stand-alone application, a dash is placed in the place where the bundle is skipped).

Please tell me in which case a comma is placed before the dash, except for the registration of someone else's speech.

A comma is placed before a dash if the structure of the sentence so requires.

A comma and a dash as a single punctuation mark can be placed in complex sentences, non-union complex sentences, between parts of compound sentences, as well as in a period (usually a polynomial complex sentence, in terms of intonation, splitting into two parts - an increase and a decrease). This is described in detail in the relevant sections of the "Handbook on the Russian language" by D. E. Rosenthal.

Question No. 293964

Tell me how to correctly format the title of a dictionary entry containing an participle, with or without a comma: Lymphoid tissue associated with mucosa (LTAS) (,) is ...?

Russian language help desk response

The closing parenthesis is followed by a comma and a dash.

Question No. 292038

Is the second comma needed or is one dash sufficient? The first thing that catches your eye (,) is the abundance of lakes.

Russian language help desk response

Comma needed: subordinate clause what catches your eye stands out on both sides. Each of the characters (comma and dash) is placed on its own base.

Question No. 287634

Good afternoon, can you please tell me if you need a comma and a dash in this case: wash-resistant colors obtained from extremely safe dyes are a guarantee of impeccable quality Thank you

Russian language help desk response

Comma and dash before word pledge are needed.

Question No. 286753

Hello dear Gramota.Ru. Unfortunately, I have not received an answer to my yesterday's question, so I have to ask it again. Are the punctuation marks in the sentence correct? Particularly worried about the _comma and the dash _ after it. But the rest too. Thanks in advance. I really hope to get an answer. Honestly, it is very necessary. Suggestion: From the color of the product to the material from which it is made - everything can affect ...

Russian language help desk response

Punctuation marks are placed correctly.

Question No. 284948

hello, please indicate the rule according to which comma and dash are placed in a row in this sentence: The main motive that prompted the doctors to contact the institution is, of course, two daughters.

Russian language help desk response

Each sign is placed on its own basis. The comma "closes" the qualifier after the word being defined; a dash is placed before the predicate attached to the subject word this is.

Question No. 284600

Good day. Need a comma before the dash (because of "what")? Or does a dash replace a comma? But this does not mean that addresses collected according to the standard scheme are useless - these are also clients.

Russian language help desk response

Your punctuation follows the rules. However, D.E. Rosenthal noted that before the non-union connecting sentence beginning with the pronominal word this is, comma and dash are often used as a single character .

Question No. 284415

Thank you for your permanent service at the "post". Your portal is a treasure trove of difficult cases in our language practice. I have a doubt about the answer to question no. 281705: Please explain why you need a comma in front of a dash after the phrase "suddenly you mispronounce them" in the passage below. "He spoke only when it was expected of him, and he spoke approximately as he walked into the dining room: he stumbled, stopped, looking for the necessary words in his multilingual dictionary, weighing those that were obviously suitable, but afraid - suddenly you pronounce them incorrectly, - - rejecting others who will not be understood here, or they will sound very rude and harsh. " Help desk response: A comma is placed between similar weighing and rejecting circumstances. Dashes that indicate a plug-in construction do not affect the placement of other punctuation marks in the sentence. But in this case, the comma between the gerunds is in a different place - before the BUT: weighing those, but fearfully rejecting others ... And then the comma after pronouncing is not justified by the rules? Thank you. Galina Filippovna

Russian language help desk response

Design but it's scary - suddenly you mispronounce them refers to words looking for the right words in your multilingual dictionary, weighing those that are clearly suitable. It is about such a semantic connection that a single comma and a dash speaks.

Question No. 282372
Faced an unusual punctuation mark:, - (comma and dash). Information about its use in contemporary literature did not find. The only appearance I recorded was at Rosenthal, thus:

§113. Comma and dash in complex clause and in period

A comma and a dash in a complex sentence are used as a single character:
1) before the main sentence, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous subordinate clauses, if the splitting of a complex whole into two parts is emphasized, for example: Who is to blame, who is right, is not for us to judge (Krylov); Whether Stolz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know (Dobrolyubov);
2) before a word that is repeated in order to associate with it a new clause (often a subordinate clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example: Could this new social movement not be reflected in literature - in literature, which is always an expression of society! (Belinsky); Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all, without exception, the most important, self-righteous people - everything was in his hands (L. Tolstoy); His life, which began (in his memories so wonderfully) a huge church porch ... and with the voice of his mother, in which a flint path shone a thousand times and the star spoke to the star - this life was filled with a new, ever new meaning with every hour (Kataev);
3) in artistic speech in the period (see §219, Types of syntactic repetition, p. 3) (a large sentence, most often complex, which is divided by a pause into two parts - an increase and a decrease) between its parts, for example: A person is accepted for writing a poem for various reasons: in order to win the heart of a beloved, in order to express his attitude to the reality around him, be it a landscape or a state, in order to capture the state of mind in which he is at the moment, in order to leave a mark on the earth - for this it is taken for the pen (Joseph Brodsky).
Within the parts of the period, if they are significantly widespread, a semicolon is put in artistic speech. Less often, commas are placed between the parts (members) of the period, for example: Like a hawk floating in the sky, having given many circles with strong wings, suddenly stops, spread out in the air in one place, and hits from there with an arrow at the male quail that screamed at the very road - so Tarasov Ostap's son suddenly ran into the cornet and immediately threw a rope around his neck (Gogol).

Please clarify how relevant this punctuation mark is in general, whether it is not replaced in our time by a dash or comma. How much can Rosenthal be believed in this rule?

Russian language help desk response

Complete academic reference book "Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" ed. V.V. Lopatina (M., 2006 and later editions) provides for the setting of a comma and a dash as a single sign in a complex sentence, if the sentence is built in the form of a period that is divided into two parts - pronounced with an increase and decrease in tone (comma and dash are put at the place of division): If old foliage rustled under the foot, if different branches turned red, if willows turned around, if trees of different species began to speak with the scent of their bark, then there is movement in the birches, and there is nothing to spoil the birch(Sewn.). In such sentences, the main part is often generalizing in nature and completes the listing of the leading clauses: When I found myself in the bosom of the Odessa family, when I listened to Mikina's violin, when, floating on my back, I looked into the deep sky, everything fell into place(Grain.); What was bitter to me, what was hard and what inspired the profit of strength, what life was in a hurry to cope with - I brought everything here.(Tv.). The fact that this sign has now lost its relevance is not mentioned in the reference book, in other words, such punctuation also corresponds to the modern written norm.

But two other cases of using a comma and a dash as a single character in the reference book are marked as obsolete. This is a comma and a dash between parts of a compound sentence: Police stations were next in line - and there no one heard anything about David(Prishv.), As well as the highlighting of plug-in structures with this sign: You get into the carriage - it's so nice after the carriage - and roll along the steppe road(Ch.).

Question number 279406
Hello, Diploma! Is the punctuation correct: In the last years of Vladimir's life, his relations with his sons - Svyatopolk, the former prince of Turovsky, and Yaroslav, who was put to reign in Novgorod (,) (-), seriously worsened. Thank you!

Russian language help desk response

The specified comma and dash are required.

Question No. 275251
Hello, dear Diploma! Please explain something. For the umpteenth time I have been performing an interactive dictation on your portal. And what is most surprising: the computer gives me errors where I didn’t make them. For example: “I forgot the word that I wanted to say,” wrote Osip Emilievich. The computer tells me that I need a comma and a dash. Although I put a comma and a dash, then I repeat the task - and again the same thing. And, moreover, not only in this proposal. If I didn't know the rule, I would think I was wrong. And this is not the first time ... Please tell me what's the matter. Best regards, Serge.

Russian language help desk response

You need a quotation mark, a comma and a dash. In this sequence. Check, please.

Question number 274368
Good afternoon, tell me, please: lately I have often come across non-standard design of direct speech. All the spelling rules I know clearly say: if the author's words break direct speech, then (provided that there should be a dot or punctuation mark at the place of the break), a comma and a dash should be put before the author's words; the words of the author are written with a lowercase letter. The following variant is regularly encountered in fiction: instead of a comma and a dash, in the case described above, they put a full stop and a dash, the author's words begin with a capital letter. Initially, I sinned against a source of literature (e-books), but then I took a couple of books from the Mayakovsky library (St. Petersburg) - it's the same there! Perhaps my knowledge is outdated and / or insufficient, maybe there are some new / well-forgotten old norms of the Russian language, according to which such a design option is possible?

Russian language help desk response

The rule that you are citing has not been canceled. But there is one more rule related to the design of direct speech: if the author's words after direct speech are a separate sentence (do not contain the verb of speech), then they begin with a capital letter:

- Hurry, the school is on fire! - And he ran to their homes to wake people.

Perhaps you have come across a similar design option?

Question No. 273587
When and by what grammar rules a comma and a dash are put in sentences:, -
Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

The comma and dash can be used as a single character or as a combination of characters. As a single sign, a comma and a dash are possible in a complex sentence, for example: Even the water got agitated - that's what the frogs jumped into(Prishvin). But more often you can find a combination of a comma and a dash, where each character stands on its own basis, for example: An important task set by the organizers of the Olympiad is to support talented youth(a comma closes a subordinate clause, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate).

Question No. 269359
Is the following phrase spelled correctly? "With us, the law is on your side!"

Russian language help desk response

The comma and dash are not needed in this sentence.

Question No. 266809
Hello! This is the fifth time I am writing to you. Please, if for some reason you cannot answer, please tell me, and I will not ask this question again. All my life I thought that I knew how direct speech was formed. But more and more often I see how in newspapers and books after quotation marks closing direct speech, if at the end of direct speech there is a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis, after the quotation mark they put a period or comma. For example: "What a wonderful weather!" - he exclaimed. He exclaimed: "What a wonderful weather!" She screamed, "Where are you going?" And recently I opened a book of the seventy-second year of the Leningrad publishing house - and there is the same story: periods after quotation marks after a direct speech with an exclamation or question. Tell me, please, was I taught incorrectly at school and at the philological faculty of the university? Or am I missing something? Why are these periods and commas?

Russian language help desk response

There are two parts to your question. We will try to answer.

If direct speech is before introducing it in the words of the author, then a comma and a dash are placed after direct speech, and the author's words begin with a lowercase letter: “We understand everything perfectly well, Nikolai Vasilyevich,” Solodovnikov quipped to himself, sitting down on a white stool.(Shuksh.). If after direct speech there is a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis, then these signs are preserved, and the comma is not put; the author's words, as in the first case, begin with a lowercase letter: "Yes, it was necessary to say goodbye! .." - he realized when the covered car was already climbing up the lift(Shuksh.); "My blue-eyed guardian angel, why are you looking at me with such sad anxiety?" - wanted to ironically say Krymov(Bond.).

If an exclamation or question mark appears at the place of the gap, then it is saved, then a dash follows in front of the author's words (with a lowercase letter), after these words a full stop and a dash are placed; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter: “Am I now giving happiness to many people, as it was before? thought Kiprensky. "Are only fools trying to arrange the well-being of their lives?"(Paust.); “Yes, be quiet! - ordered the duty officer. - Can you shut up ?!(Shuksh.).

2. But the period at the end of the sentence (after the quotes) must be put.

... If there is a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis before the closing quotation mark (and the sentence ends there), then the same characters required by the terms of the entire sentence are not repeated after the closing quotation mark; unequal characters (before the quotation mark and after the quotation mark) are placed; Wed: "Have you read What Is to Be Done?" and "Who is to blame?"; Who does not know the magnificent words of A. Blok: “Erase the random features. And you will see - the world is beautiful ... ”?; Haven't you read What Is to Be Done?

A change of service came. New judicial institutions have appeared; new people were needed.

And Ivan Ilyich became this new man.

Ivan Ilyich was offered the position of a forensic investigator, and Ivan Ilyich accepted him, despite the fact that the position was in another province and he had to abandon the established relationship and establish new ones. Ivan Ilyich was seen off by friends, made a group, brought him a silver cigarette-box, and he left for a new place.

Forensic investigator Ivan Ilyich was just as comme il faut, decent, able to separate official duties from private life and inspiring general respect, as he was an official on special assignments. In the previous service, it was pleasant to walk freely in Sharmer's uniform to walk past the quivering and waiting petitioners and officials who envy him, straight into the chief's office and sit down with him for tea and a cigarette; but there were few people directly dependent on his arbitrariness. Such people were only police officers and schismatics when he was sent on errands; and he liked to treat such people who depended on him with courtesy, almost comradely, he liked to make it feel that he, who could crush, was friendly, just dealt with them. There were few such people then, but now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that everyone, without exception, the most important self-satisfied people - everything is in his hands and that he only has to write the famous words on paper with a headline, and this important, self-righteous person will be brought to him as an accused or a witness, and he will, if he does not want to sit him, stand in front of him and answer his questions. Ivan Ilyich never abused this power of his; on the contrary, he tried to soften its expression; but the consciousness of this power and the ability to mitigate it were for him the main interest and attractiveness of his new service. In the service itself, precisely in the investigations, Ivan Ilyich very quickly mastered the method of removing from himself all circumstances not related to service, and putting on every most complex case in such a form in which the case would be reflected only externally on paper and in which it was completely excluded his personal opinion and, most importantly, all the required formality would be observed. This was a new business. And he was one of the first people to develop in practice the application of the statutes of 1864

Moving to a new city to the place of a forensic investigator, Ivan Ilyich made new acquaintances, contacts, put himself in a new way and took a slightly different tone. He put himself at some decent distance from the provincial authorities, and chose the best circle of judges and wealthy nobles who lived in the city, and adopted a tone of slight dissatisfaction with the government, moderate liberalism and civilized citizenship. At the same time, without changing the elegance of his dress in the least, Ivan Ilyich in his new position stopped shaving his chin and gave freedom to his beard to grow where it wants.

The life of Ivan Ilyich in the new city was very pleasant: the society opposing the governor was friendly and good; the salary was higher, and the whist added to life, which Ivan Ilyich began to play, who had the ability to play cards cheerfully, quickly thinking and very subtle, so that in general he was always a winner.

After two years of service in the new city, Ivan Ilyich met with his future wife. Praskovya Fedorovna Mikhel was the most attractive,

Readers have met more than once on the pages of our application with student works and research. The material presented to your attention was also written by a student, not a teacher. And it is devoted to a very, very relevant topic ...

... ... It all started with a mistake. In the dictation, I came across such a cunning sentence: "After all, ordinary artists' nature in places where a shadow falls on it, as it were, consists of a different substance than in illuminated places - this is wood, bronze, anything you like, just not a shaded body"... All my deskmates began to argue: what to put in front of the word this is- a comma, a dash, or both?
Opinions were divided, and we turned to the teacher. “Who wants to understand this problem - read grammar guides, look in books for sentences in which a comma and a dash are next to each other, and together we will try to figure it out,” he said.
This idea seemed interesting to me, and for the next lesson I brought my "collection" (I compiled it by studying the "Reader on Russian Literature of the 19th-20th centuries" (Moscow: Lamand Enterprises, 1999).
In the "Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation and Literary Editing" by D.E. Rosenthal, E.V. Dzhandzhakova and N.P. Kabanova (Moscow: CheRo, 1999) it is written that a comma and a dash in a complex sentence are put as a single sign:

1) before the main clause, which is preceded by a series of homogeneous clauses, if the splitting of the whole into two parts is emphasized, for example: Who is to blame? , who is right, it's not for us to judge (I. Krylov); Did Stolz do anything for this, what he did and how he did - we do not know. (N. Dobrolyubov);

2) before a word that is repeated in order to associate with it a new sentence (often a subordinate clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example: Could this new social movement have not been reflected in literature - in literature, which is always an expression of society! (V. Belinsky); Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that all, without exception, the most important, self-righteous people - everything was in his hands (L. Tolstoy); His life, which began (in memories so wonderful) the huge church porch ... and in the voice of my mother, in which the flint path shone a thousand times and the star spoke to the star - this life with every hour was filled with a new, ever new meaning (V. Kataev);

3) in fictional speech in a period (a significant sentence, most often complex, which is divided by a pause into two parts - an increase and a decrease) between its parts, for example: A person is taken to composing a poem based on different considerations: to win the heart of the beloved, so that to express his attitude to the surrounding reality, whether it be a landscape or a state, in order to capture the state of mind, in which he is at the moment in order to leave a mark on the ground - for this he takes up the pen (I. Brodsky); Like a hawk floating in the sky, having given many circles with strong wings, suddenly stops, sprawled in the air in one place, and hits from there with an arrow at the male quail who cried out by the very road, - so Tarasov's son Ostap suddenly flew into the cornet and immediately threw it around his neck rope (N. Gogol).

Armed with this information, I began to look for examples. And here's what I found.

1. After the winter spent in Dyalizh, among the sick and men, sitting in the living room, looking at this young, graceful and, probably, pure creature and listening to these noisy, annoying, but still cultural sounds - it was so pleasant, so new ... ( A. Chekhov. Ionych)
The sign "comma + dash" stands between the subject, expressed by a series of homogeneous infinitives, and the predicate; the example does not fit any of the points named in the manual. Grammatical basis of a sentence sit, it was so nice to watch and listen does not imply the appearance of any signs between the subject and the predicate, there are also no constructions separated by commas. This means that the "comma + dash" sign can be considered purely author's.
By the way, there is one more punctuation complication in this sentence. Commas around the back among the sick and men reflect the author's intention to show the clarifying nature of the circumstances.

2. At first, Startsev was struck by what he now saw for the first time in his life and which, probably, will no longer happen to see: a world unlike anything else - a world where the moonlight is so good and soft ... ( A. Chekhov. Ionych)
Here the sign "comma + dash" corresponds to paragraph 2 of the "Reference" quoted above.

3. Startsev barely found the gate — it was already dark, as on an autumn night — then he wandered for an hour and a half, looking for an alley where he had left his horses. ( A. Chekhov. Ionych)
This example does not fit any of the cases described in the "Reference". This offer includes a plug-in design (it was already dark, as on an autumn night); it is marked with a double dash. Comma after word night is necessary, since, firstly, it closes the comparative turnover, and secondly, separates homogeneous predicates from each other found, wandered... Comma after word goal is not required, it can be considered an author's mark, set for greater expressiveness (and partly, perhaps, for symmetry).

4. He was a little ashamed, and his pride was offended - he did not expect a refusal - and he could not believe that all his dreams, yearnings and hopes had led him to such a silly end. ( A. Chekhov. Ionych)
This example also does not fit any of the cases described in the "Reference". See the commentary to the previous sentence - everything is the same here.

5. He remembered his love, dreams and hopes that worried him four years ago - and he felt embarrassed. ( A. Chekhov. Ionych)
This example also does not fit any of the cases described in the "Reference". The required sign here is a comma, which closes the subordinate clause. The dash was set by the author for greater expressiveness.

6. I remember when I was a boy of about fifteen, my deceased father - he was selling in a shop here in the village at that time - hit me in the face with his fist, blood started flowing from my nose ... ( A. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)
This example also does not fit any of the cases described in the "Reference". A typical plug-in construction is distinguished here not by the standard double dash, but by the comma + dash.

7. Yaroslavl's grandmother sent fifteen thousand to buy an estate in her name — she doesn’t believe us — and this money would not even be enough to pay a percentage. ( A. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)
See the commentary to Proposition 3: everything is the same here.

8. The young lady tells me to dance - there are many gentlemen, but few ladies - but my head is spinning from dancing, my heart is beating. ( A. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)
See the commentary to sentence 3. However, in this sentence, the author did not put that same optional comma before the first dash. In principle, it was possible to do without the second comma here, since the comma before the union but in a compound sentence, a dash can be replaced.

9. The inhabitants of the suburban seaside resort - mostly Greeks and Jews, life-loving and suspicious, like all southerners - hastily moved to the city. ( A. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet)
Here, a separate application, highlighted with a double dash, and a comparative turnover "met". Normative combination of signs.

10. Fishing boats, hardly distinguishable by the eye - they seemed small, - dozed motionless in the sea surface, not far from the coast. ( A. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet)
Plug-in design they seemed small denoted by a double dash, a comma after the word small closes the participial turnover. It is not trivial here that the author decided to introduce the plug-in construction into the participial turnover.

11. It was about him that Skobelev once said: "I know one officer who is much braver than me - this is Major Anosov." ( A. Kuprin. Garnet bracelet)
The comma here closes the subordinate clause, the dash (in accordance with the norm) separates the parts of the sentence connected by a non-union connection. It is possible to replace the combination of characters with a semicolon or (worse) with a colon.

12. You will see that frozen pigs are brought up - Christmas is coming soon. ( I. Shmelev. Summer of the Lord)
The comma closes the subordinate clause, the dash separates the non-unionized parts. Changing a combination of characters is not possible.
I suppose that even these examples are quite enough to understand how important it is to “track” syntactic constructions in a sentence: some, standing next to each other, create a situation of overlapping signs (sentences 11, 12); the latter are capable of “swallowing up” a punctuation mark belonging to a neighbor (see commentary to sentence 8); as for the special sign "comma + dash", it is predominantly author's, it seems to have originated in the punctuation fashion, and now it is in many cases replaced by a simple dash.
As for the sentence that gave rise to heated debates among my classmates, now I can say with knowledge of the matter: it needs both a comma, closing the comparative turn, and a dash, "opening" a new part of a complex sentence. However, this combination of characters can be replaced with a semicolon.
The teacher praised me and said one more important thing: often the author's mark appears not by the will of the author himself, but by the will of editors and proofreaders.