Is intuition important for a trader? What is intuition and how important is it in a person's life? Intuition examples

There are many interesting facts when intuition helped make discoveries, find solutions to complex problems. At the beginning of the book, it was already said about the role of intuition in the work of great people. What techniques did the geniuses of art and science use to discover new laws and seek solutions? This will be discussed below.

The benefits of classical music

Music is often a source of inspiration. For example, Walt Disney was very fond of classics. He said that at the first sounds of his favorite works, associations arose in his head. Disney shared his experience in the animated film "Fantasy", in which the music is accompanied by a whole phantasmagoria of colors.

Listen to your favorite songs often. For many artists, music creates paintings in their heads, which they then embody on canvases. It is quite possible that music will help you find the answer to your question.

Ask the questions correctly

Albert Einstein has repeatedly spoken about the importance of a precise wording of the question. “Every question already has an answer,” said the scientist. "Having put the question correctly, you can easily find the answer."

The birth of associations

Associations can also arise under the influence of completely non-standard incentives. For example, Leonardo da Vinci wrote in Notes: “It's not difficult. just stop along the way and look at streaks on the wall, or embers on fire, or clouds, or mud. there you can find absolutely amazing ideas. "

The painter was also inspired by such things as the bell ringing, in which "you can catch any name and any word that you can only imagine."

Each person has their own source of inspiration. Therefore, listen carefully to your inner voice: sometimes the necessary thoughts come completely unexpectedly, and you will be surprised at the way they arose!

Fashion for diaries

Many people used to keep diaries. Now this tradition is gradually dying out or transforming (electronic diaries appear). Taking notes is great intuition training! Re-reading your notes, you can note a number of facts, accidents, to which no one had paid attention before. Meanwhile, later on, such trifles often play an important role.

Researcher Katerina Cox, analyzing many examples, noted that all famous people kept diaries. In their notes, they described their own lives in detail, as if anticipating that they would become famous in the future. And Isaac Newton, and Thomas Jefferson, and Johann Sebastian Bach and many other personalities kept personal diaries in which they described their feelings and thoughts. Later, many of the records were published, and some became real works (for example, Leo Tolstoy used his diary to write a work). Why do all great people leave a legacy in the form of records and diaries? Regular journaling is believed to contribute to the development of outstanding intelligence.

Sleep is the answer to the question

Of course, dreams are a mystery of our subconscious. It seems that everything is already clear here: with the help of dreams, the subconscious communicates with us. However, the way in which this happens is surprising in itself. And it is even more amazing when in dreams we find the solution to a difficult problem!

This, in fact, happened with many scientists, among whom is the chemist August Kekule. One day he worked all day on a chemistry textbook and in the end he felt that he had done nothing useful. The frustrated scientist thought that his thoughts were not occupied with that, and, putting aside the work, sat down by the fireplace. Peering into the flames, he thought about the benzene molecule, the structure of which was a mystery. Gradually the chemist sank into a half-sleep state. And then. then what is now called a miracle happened.

Half asleep, Kekule saw strange, fantastic outlines in the fire of the hearth. Atoms flashed before his eyes, moving in long rows in the fire, wriggling like snakes. Suddenly one of the snakes grabbed its tail and quickly and furiously whirled. The scientist woke up as if from a flash of lightning.

Kekule realized that he was faced with a solution to the question that tormented him. The subconscious mind itself suggested the answer, and the chemist spent the whole night working on the problem. In 1865, he stated that the benzene molecule consists of six carbon atoms. Surprisingly, the combination of atoms strikingly resembled a snake that a scientist dreamed of.

Nightmares and sewing machines

Another invention humanity owes to sleep.

Inventor Elias Hove contemplated a sewing machine, but to no avail. He couldn't do anything at all.

One night, Hove had a terrible dream: he was pursued by a gang of cannibals, who intended to cook a delicious dinner out of him. The band of cannibals had almost caught up with him, and death was inevitable. The inventor even saw the spearheads of the cannibals, sparkling with a cold brilliance. Suddenly, subconsciously, Hove noted that each of the tips has a hole - the same as that of a sewing needle. At this point, the inventor woke up, covered in a cold sweat.

Hove later realized that the nightmare was the answer to the task he had set for himself. Indeed, in order for the sewing machine to work, you only need to move the eye of the needle down to the point itself. Hove followed the advice of his subconscious, and soon the first sewing machine appeared.

Hello dear blog readers! Intuition is the ability to feel when it is necessary to take action, and when it is better to hide, at what, this feeling is always true, and appears unexpectedly. Mankind has known about it for a long time, already in antiquity, Plato investigated this ability, and today I invite you to consider its characteristics, and what role it plays in the life of an ordinary person.

general information

Modern psychology does not really understand how intuition works, believing that it lurks somewhere in the depths of the unconscious. Provided that the person has an excellent connection with consciousness. It is believed that children under the age of 4 have this connection perfectly, they, without experience and sufficient knowledge about the world around them, clearly define their actions. And over time, the more knowledge appears, the less they are able to sense and anticipate unfavorable situations.

The female "chuyka" is also famous, and indeed, she is more developed among them, if only because most women do not have perfect logical thinking, and rely on their feelings and observations. They do not always give in to criticism of information only if the source arouses suspicion and unpleasant emotions in them. And men, on the contrary, from childhood learn to restrain emotions, control their condition, so they lose touch with the sensitive part. They prefer to analyze using logic, relying on reliable facts and proven arguments.

Maybe you noticed that even in the field of services of an extrasensory nature, mostly women? But because a well-developed male intuition is a rarity.

There is a diagram that indicates exactly how the foresight process takes place. It was created by Graham Wallace in 1926. Collecting data from other scientists, Hermann Helmholtz and Henri Poincaré, who were famous in the field of mathematics, he developed one clear diagram of the creative process, as he called it.

Description of each stage of the ability

  1. Preparation. A person is consciously looking for information about a problem, the focus of attention narrows, that is, he notices absolutely everything that is connected with it. Ponders and tries to find solutions how to cope with it.
  2. Incubation. It seems that I was in a dead end, not a single sensible idea and thought. Although in fact at this moment the subconscious is actively working, even when the consciousness is occupied with completely different issues.
  3. Enlightenment. At a completely unexpected moment, an enlightenment occurs, an enlightenment, as if a current discharge struck. Sometimes it happens that it is even difficult to describe in words what happened.
  4. Examination. At this stage, the person is trying to give a convenient form to his illumination.

What types are there?


It is not connected with our mind, but manifests itself in the form of physical sensations. By the way, it is with its help that we recognize the emotions of other people, feeling when they are lying and when they are telling the truth. You can learn more about this from the article about. So, it happened that when you first met a person you did not like? But you could not justify to yourself exactly why, and over time, having got used to it, you began to trust him, and at some point he acts meanly to you. Here is your "chuyka", as they say, worked perfectly on the physical level, trying to warn of the trick.

Our mind does not have time to process as much information as the body receives. Attention is directed to the knowledge of the surrounding world. For example, when we are looking for an address in a new city, and while the brain is busy looking for the right path, our legs are "carried" into unfamiliar lanes, so confidently that later it turns out that they were really going in the right direction. But this happens to those who trust themselves, relying on their feelings, and do not develop a clear route map.


It is such a hybrid, a mixture of experience, sensuality and logical thinking. It would seem an impossible combination, but real. The only negative is the duration. It is divided into several subspecies, which do not particularly differ in meaning:

  • Professional. That is, when a person has spent too much time in his profession, he can start using a creative approach, coming up with non-standard solutions to difficult situations. And it arises at the moment when the situation seems hopeless. For example, when a doctor, while resting somewhere at sea, saves someone's life with the help of improvised means.
  • Scientific. Remember the story about the periodic table? Namely, that Dmitry originally dreamed about her? This is scientific sensitivity, it is characteristic of intellectual and creative people, in the eternal search for answers to their questions.
  • Creative. It manifests itself in the form of insight, insight, and is the most complex and rare species. It was clearly manifested in Mozart, because Wolfgang could "hear" his work as a whole, and not like other composers, trying to create various musical fragments and transitions.


It manifests itself with the help of emotions, for example, anxiety, causeless anxiety. Something inside "tells" us that something is going wrong, that there is a catch or danger. It is he who is most common among women, especially mothers in relation to children who are not around at the moment. Everything is calm and good, a person can even sleep, when suddenly "undermined" due to the fact that there is a feeling of fear for a loved one and a clear understanding that trouble has happened to him.


The description of this species is complicated by the fact that it is the least studied, mysterious and even frightening. At least, psychologists cannot yet explain the mechanisms and principles of its work. And people with a mystical gift are called psychics or magicians. Because they can so adapt to the personality of another, reading information from the Universe, that they can easily predict some events, talk about the past and read thoughts. Up to the point that by controlling energy and matter, they are able to change both the present and the future.

These types are manifested in absolutely every person, just not everyone understands that these are prompts from our subconscious and sensory organs. For example, someone uses only symptomatology, at the level of physical sensations, someone believes that with the help of only logic he was able to predict difficulties or consequences. It's like with, the characteristics of each type are present in the character of each person, just one is the leading and main one, because for the personality it turned out to be the most convenient and familiar due to various life circumstances and experiences.

What role does it play in life?

If we talk about the role the gift of foresight plays in our life, I can say that it is very significant, since it helps to prevent many mistakes and disappointments, often saving lives. I am sure that everyone knows about such cases when a person, without realizing and without giving reasons for his decision, cancels the trip, and later finds out that there was an accident, and no one survived his flight.

In such cases, the physical "feeling" is more often triggered, and manifests itself in the form of malaise, colds, which is why you have to stay at home. Such a legal excuse. After all, not every person can follow his desires as soon as he pleases, work and family obligations do not allow you to simply say: “I won’t go on a business trip, because it seems that something bad will happen”. Agree, then he will not work for a long time in the company.


If you develop the gift of foresight, you will be able to qualitatively improve your life, because you will end unreliable relationships even before they begin to develop, you will understand where to invest money, and where you will “burn out”, you will be able to feel your partner and to notice in a timely manner the moments because of which the relationship is at risk of collapsing. But this does not mean that the logical part of your thinking is depreciated, and that you should not be guided by logic, focusing only on premonitions. No, you must learn to use them comprehensively, without losing sight of either your observations, experience, ideas and facts, or any sensations, signs and dreams.

And remember that it is very easy to deceive the mind, especially by using any manipulative method, but intuition is impossible, it can be ignored, not noticed, not taken into account or not believed, but never deceived. Learn to trust yourself and your feelings, and you can do this with the help of the recommendations in the article about. And for today, dear readers, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Material for the article was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.


Intuition, like any phenomenon, has two downsides. On the one hand, you understand that you would like to feel and understand everything. On the other hand, you remember the banal expression: "The less you know, you sleep better."

When would you like to get a feel for the ins and outs? Where to go to study? Whom to meet? What gifts to give to loved ones?

A person's life is full of everyday surprises that create a lot of problems for him and constantly force him to choose something. Therefore, many experts consider intuition as a tool that is useful for developing strategies and tactics for further behavior.

Intuition is a beacon to avoid bumping into reefs.

To begin with, a person needs to determine what is his maximum goal. Then you need to break it down into several minimum goals and go sequentially to each one, feel each step intuitively.

Example. If you want to know how people N, Z, X treat you, first try to tune in to their "coordinates", focus on the personality of each. Then take up the sorting of the information received, and then feed them your gray cells, as the venerable gentleman Hercule Poirot used to say.

Intuition is not so much the ability to predict the attitude of others to themselves, but rather the talent to "get used to" their subconsciousness, to live with their feelings. Intuition gives a person a chance to settle in someone else's body without the wisdom of reincarnation. If we argue without esoteric research, then the "sixth sense" is a kind of "manifesting screen", or x-ray of natural origin.

Example. You want to make peace with your neighbor (neighbor), whom you have known for about 3 years. There was, however, a spat. Of course, during the time of conflict-free communication, you managed to study the neighbor (neighbor) on the staircase (range of interests, possible reactions, character). With such a valuable store of knowledge, connect your intuition. Feel the motives and understand the reasons for the behavior. And the way out of the conflict situation is in the same place as the entrance.

Following the path of intuition is the best way to recover the missing pieces of a given situation.

The best way to find a companion (companion) is to form a picture of possible reality, relying on the "sixth sense". Take the time to simulate several scenarios for the development of events.

But can intuitive modeling be trusted all the time?

Regrettably, the answer will be no, because this method is subjective in nature. You still judge from your bell tower, therefore, you will not see everything: part of the panorama is obscured by the tower of prejudices. In addition, there are other adversities nearby: stereotypes, individual myths, attitudes and errors of perception.

Example. A friend (friend) gives you good advice, while it is needed and free, but today you are not inclined to edifying conversations (you are sick, bad weather, you do not care further development events). The girlfriend (friend) continues to persist in her mentoring efforts. You can't stand it and start screaming, offended by the phrase that no one uttered. You ignored most of the conversation, trusting your intuition, and made the wrong conclusions, relying solely on your intuition. Or maybe intuition is not to blame, but the line of refraction of incoming information?

Now let's talk about the unexpected and unwanted side of intuitive modeling. Its essence is as follows: a person loses sleep, peace, appetite, becomes a victim of stress.

Example 1. An employee of the enterprise suspects the management of a prejudiced attitude towards themselves. The result of the intuitive modeling is "Oh, I'll get fired." Bad thoughts are embodied: the employee starts to work worse, gets depressed and ... he is fired. Really.

Example 2. A woman, relying on her intuition, suspects her husband of treason. Trusting her thoughts, she becomes irritable, harasses the man with reproaches. And since the male logic is unchanged (“Listen to what she says, and do the opposite”), then in the near future the lady will receive everything that she was afraid of.

An insidious consequence of intuitive reality modeling is personality programming. By forming this or that model, you are forming a new reality and laying out the line of your behavior. The trouble is that in this case you are programming yourself to be negative, and intuitive modeling acts as a tool for self-negation.

Output. Developing your thought further, come to the conclusion: "Is man really his own enemy?" But the "sixth sense" is a defense mechanism. Contradiction!

However, if you look into yourself a little deeper, you immediately see that there is intuition, but along with it there is mentality, that is, false intuition. The question is how to tell one from the other?

It is human nature to delude oneself. We are generally slaves to impositions. We invent for ourselves castles in the air that collapse from one breath of the wind of reality. Any trifle, any trick of a monster named "Mentality" seems to us from above. There is no definite advice on how to distinguish one from the other.

Blind adherence to intuition can lead a person to a dead end, from which there is no way out.

Oddly enough, but it is intuitive modeling that pushes a person into an intrapersonal conflict.

Some controversial situation arises. The personality is trying to reconcile it. But what to do when from the standpoint of logic we have one result, and intuition whispers "No, everything is not so!"? And a person cannot choose one thing in any way. He is in doubt, what to believe: what you see, or what you feel? Of course, there is no reason to say that intrapersonal conflict carries only negative things. He makes a person overcome himself, strive upward, to the heights ... But ... the bulk of humanity is by no means strong-willed giants, and they do not want problems and nervous disorders either. The personality is afraid of challenging gray cell tasks, and intuitive modeling provides a full range of such pleasures.

Intuitive modeling as a method is applicable at any depth and with any difficulty of the question posed to a person by life itself. Is it possible to perfectly master this technique for each individual, or is it an exclusively innate quality? Hard to say. It seems that a donkey can be taught to count (as someone wise and cunning promised), but there are thick-skinned personalities.

Let's approach this issue from the leeward side. What is intuition as such? Just the ability to comprehend reality and pull out the necessary information.

You've probably heard of three levels of perception of information by a person: verbal, non-verbal and analytical.

Many experts believe that the study of the world through non-verbal communication is primitive in nature. Believe me, humanity would communicate safely without uttering a word. Gestures and looks, as well as postures, speak much more than words. On a verbal level, we easily fall prey to false information. You can learn to cheat, and so that an uninitiated and inexperienced person will never suspect the fact of "hanging noodles on lop-eared ears." In addition, all liars, oddly enough, use the speech clichés "Trust me", "I assure you ...", "You know, I honestly guarantee you ...". As a veteran liar masters his art with the grace of a panther and the dexterity of a fire eater, only a few will understand what is really wanted of them.

More sophisticated listeners of liars in such a situation will carefully observe the posture, facial expressions and gestures of the dearest interlocutor. It is very easy to tell if someone is lying to you or not by observing person X from the right angle.

So, at the first stage of comprehending the world, we saw the information, at the second stage we heard it, and at the third stage, we proceeded to a comprehensive and merciless analysis.

Analysis is a purely subjective phenomenon. Each of us pays attention to those little things that he considers the most important. Happiness is this: the important little things are different for everyone. For one highest value has the fact who said; for the second - as he said (timbre, voice, lexical meaning); for the third - in the presence of whom he said, that is, for whom the verbal message was specifically intended.

In addition, in the process of perceiving information by an individual, the latter passes through personal-subjective filters. The filters are the views, beliefs, prejudices, attitudes of the individual. In addition, some of the information, albeit not the most significant, is irretrievably lost. And since a holy place is never empty, part of the lost information is replaced by another, close or, on the contrary, far from the true meaning of what was originally said. One way or another, at the third level of comprehension of the surrounding reality, tedious analytical work of an already tired brain takes place, suggesting excellent results for its owner. The main thing is not to lose your head at the moment of analytical work and change the angle of view.

Initiative modeling is the fourth stage of comprehension of the world, both material and spiritual. All the previous steps only provide material for reflection. Intuitive modeling is in some way similar to divine revelation in theology, when a bright higher power sends the sufferer consolation in deeds. But at the same time, intuition is not so much a divine gift (foresight), but a talent fostered by a person himself to sail in the sea of ​​life without getting on the reefs. However, all reefs cannot be avoided, somewhere you cannot help but run into trouble. Intuition helps to dodge insidious little things and smooth out sharp corners, soften the blow when faced with a big disaster.

In psychology, there are several types of intuition, and there are different classifications. The most common and widespread is the European classification based on basic human characteristics. Modern European psychology distinguishes the following types of intuition:

1) physical, or bodily. This kind of intuition is based on the physical sensations of a person;

2) emotional. It is based on emotion;

3) intellectual, which philosophers and scientists have discussed so much;

4) mystical. This kind of intuition is perhaps the most controversial, because its driving mechanism cannot be clearly described.

How does it look in practice? Each of us is dominated by one type of intuition, and based on it, we interpret events. If you ask a question about how this or that case will turn out, then people with different types of intuition will predict its ending, based on different impressions. A person with physical intuition will imagine what his physical condition will be - fatigue, increased strength, apathy, stress - and draw conclusions about the success of the event. The intellectual will direct his ability to calculate everything on the situation and will try to "scan" it. He will construct his image, which will tell him the solution.

The emotional type will be based on how they feel at the end of the venture. I would like to make a small comment: in many respects, the predominance of this or that type of intuition in a person is associated with the national mentality, traditions, and received upbringing.

Intuition is also classified according to gender, age, nationality. It has long been noted that women have a stronger intuition. This has nothing to do with physiological characteristics - it's just that women from time immemorial are more closely connected with everything subconscious, mysterious, perceiving, and therefore they learned to listen to the prompts of their subconscious.

Psychologists have noticed that the manifestation of subconscious presentiments is subject to age-related fluctuations. The child's intuition is not yet clouded, nothing blocks it, but as he grows up, the ability to trust instinct is lost. This happens because our entire civilization is aimed at evidence, that is, we are taught from school that only what can be touched, seen, scientifically proven is true. Over time, the ability to perceive, and most importantly trust intuitive information is lost. The people we call intuitions just managed to happily avoid it.

The child treats his fantasies, desires, intuitive sensations as reality. For him, the impossible and “invented” do not exist: for him both Santa Claus and the neighbor's grandfather are real. In his imagination, he connects them, so there is no question for him: "Does Santa Claus exist?" The child asks: "What will Santa Claus give me?" Children trust their intuition, they do not dismember it with cold analysis.

Adults, of course, look down on such things. If the kid tells his parents that he saw a terrible monster on the wall in his room, then he will be teased. But the child not only fantasizes: this is how his intuition shows the latent aggression of an adult, shows the fear of punishment. Only it appears in a completely different form than when children grow up.

Adults prefer to be silent about their fears or explain them rationally. A person who has reached adulthood will not present his fear in the form of a monster or an evil Baba Yaga. He will simply look for a cure for fear, turning to psychologists and doctors. Very often children's direct perception is realized in some kind of phobias: someone is afraid of heights, someone is afraid of flying an airplane, someone is a snake, etc. We call such fears unconscious and correctly determine the reason: this intuition is trying to get through to us.

Intuition is a subtle matter, and it is very susceptible to external influences. Our physical ailments affect her especially strongly. The disease burdens our perception, closes access to the information channels of the Cosmos, since all forces are directed to the fight against the disease. Problems with intuition arise in a person at the age of 28-30. True, I will make a reservation that often the gift of premonition is confused with everyday experience, and the older a person becomes, the more often intuition is replaced by life's wisdom. At this age, a person already knows for sure that there should be a rational explanation for everything, and intuition has nothing to do with reason.

She is situational and fragmentary, she speaks in an incomprehensible language, and adults are against any prejudice. Intuition, when informing about the future, paints some senseless and ridiculous, from the point of view of common sense, pictures. As a result, we turn our backs on it, and the subconscious mind very often sends us warnings.

One of my acquaintances constantly ordered a cup of coffee with milk from the buffet next to her work. She has always done this, and she had no reason to give up her daily coffee. But on one of the weekdays, at the mere mention of coffee with milk, she did not do well, and she did not take her favorite drink. After a while, everyone who took coffee with milk that day was hospitalized with a diagnosis of intestinal upset. Obviously, the milk was stale, and my friend was the winner. And there are hundreds of such examples.

The problem with intuition also arises because by the age of thirty, the abilities of the subconscious are so closely intertwined with other mental processes that they are difficult to recognize. An adult perceives hints of intuition through the prism of logic, acquired knowledge, and circumstances. It, just like logic, can be obscured by feelings, emotions, unnecessary knowledge.

The most dangerous age for intuition is 35–45 years old. Superimposed on everyone's midlife crisis is the depletion of bioenergy, which is so important to intuition. It has long been recognized that the lowest point of human energy is 41 (according to Chinese teachings - 42) years.

At this time, a person has exhausted all the resources accumulated since childhood, a complete restructuring of consciousness is underway, therefore, the connection with the Cosmos is broken. Then everything returns to normal, but after 45 years life experience begins to work actively, and intuition manifests itself only in flashes of insight.

Thanks to science, we know that intuition is necessary for a person for the process of cognizing the world, and cognition, as you know, can occur in different ways. Likewise, the ability to anticipate differs depending on what area of ​​human activity it serves. This classification is related to the ways of expressing the information received.

1. Professional intuition. This type of subconscious feeling develops in a person engaged in a certain profession - a doctor, teacher, manager, military man, politician, athlete, psychologist, etc. It is associated with the steady accumulation of skill, with the acquisition and development of special skills necessary for a particular profession. Professional intuition helps to find the correct and optimal solution to the task, save time and effort to resolve difficulties, and reveal unclear points in the situation. The sixth sense also allows you to choose the necessary means and techniques of expression.

2. Scientific intuition. This type is most often manifested when a person as a subject of cognition faces a very important cognitive task that requires the exertion of the moral, intellectual and physical forces of the body. At this moment, a person concentrates on the task at hand, looking for all kinds of ways to express and resolve it. Scientific intuition implies the search for a rationale for the collected facts or phenomena. At this time, a scientist, an inventor is constantly focused on the object of research, that is, on the problem that occupies him. As one of the components of the scientific process, scientific intuition operates in a specific language. In principle, this kind of intuition coincides with creative intuition.

3. Creative intuition is the highest form of the gift of foreboding. Some researchers include scientific and artistic intuition in creative intuition. The point is that creative intuition is based on insight. It works when, it would seem, it is impossible to find a way out, when the limit of the tension of the intellect, will, and feelings of a person is reached. Creative intuition is an expression of a well-worn and hard-won result. This type of subconscious anticipation is a necessary and important condition for the flow of the creative process. Although different scientists and philosophers can find different points of view on this problem, one thing is clear - great scientific discoveries and masterpieces of art appear largely due to intuition.

American scientist Graham Wallace has devoted a lot of research to the phenomenon of creativity. His interests included both creative intuition and the creative process. He built his concept on the basis of introspection and memoirs of famous scientists - the German physiologist, physicist and mathematician Hermann Helmholtz and the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. In 1926, Wallace published the now classic diagram of the creative process, which includes four stages. In fact, Wallace did not make any breakthrough - he simply synthesized what was known before him.

The first stage is preparation. This is the stage of posing a problem, immersion in it, collecting practical material, etc. Philosophers before Wallace spoke about the same, arguing that any business is preceded by a stage when nothing happens, when all attempts to solve the problem are in vain, the way out is not visible and begins it seems that this problem is not worth tackling at all.

The second stage is “hatching eggs”. This is the most painful and longest period during which the problem is being carried. The human brain is working on a problem, he is looking for a solution, although the person himself is not working on it. In ancient times, the term "hatching eggs", or "incubation", denoted a certain special action. A person came to the temple and stayed there overnight to get an answer to his question or to receive healing from an illness. This action describes the state of a scientist, a creator, who is waiting for a solution to the problem. Philosophers also call this a period of growth when Nature has to do her job.

The third stage is insight. This is actually insight, a discovery, Archimedes' "Eureka!" Actually, if we continue the comparison, epiphany is what a person is waiting for in the temple. At this moment, there is a sharp jump, the transition of the accumulated amount of information into quality. The solution always comes in the form of a symbolic image, a sign that is difficult to describe in words.

The fourth stage is fixation. The final period of the process, which is associated with logic. Consciousness copes with the experienced shock and begins to act logically. The symbol-image is translated into words, a scientific explanation is given to the discovery, etc.

This diagram shows that moments of insight are rare guests in human life. Insight may not come. Why some people are overshadowed by brilliant ideas, while others are not, is not known to science, and, apparently, will not become known. Although modern scientists, relying on Wallace's scheme, have identified a model of behavior leading to epiphany. It is, in general, not a secret to anyone: you need to work long, hard and persistently on the problem that occupies you, study all possible sources, collect extensive material, passionately desire a solution to the problem, not give up at the first setbacks, and then ...

Let's digress a little from theoretical reasoning. I want to give examples from the life of the greatest minds of mankind, so that you understand the validity of Goethe's statement that genius is 1% luck and 99% overwork. Intuition can give you a great discovery, but only when you put all your efforts into it.

I have already spoken about the great titan of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. He attached great importance to intuition and the work of the unconscious in the life of the creator. Five hundred years before the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, he spoke of the key role of the subconscious in artistic and scientific insights. Leonardo advised all artists and inventors to study the natural world and memorize their associations so that they can then be embodied in their creations. In his "Notes" the great Florentine admonished: "It's not difficult ... just stop along the way and look at the streaks on the wall, or coals on fire, or clouds, or mud ... there you can find absolutely amazing ideas ...". Centuries later, this method of spontaneously emerging associations will be adopted by the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. But Leonardo did not dwell only on visual impressions - he also connected auditory receptors. All in the same work, he argued that "in the ringing of the bells you can catch any name and any word that you can only imagine." It is possible that the ringing of the bell accelerated the moment of insight of the genius of the Renaissance.

Elias Hove, the inventor of the sewing machine, was a workaholic. He worked for a very long time on the development of the first sewing device that could facilitate the work of milliners, but he was always missing something. He was already desperate when he had a nightmare: Hove was on a wild island, and a crowd of cannibals chased after him. He could not escape from the savages - they almost overtook him, brought sharply sharpened spears over him. Hove was struck in his dream that holes were drilled in the tips of these spears.

The savages did not eat the inventor - he woke up with fear. But the next morning he understood a hint from his subconscious: for the sewing machine to work, it was necessary that the eye of the needle was at the bottom, not at the top. The night's sleep was a moment of insight that helped Elias Hove find the right solution and the seamstresses find a new tool.

Another evidence of the power of intuition is the work of the great Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His genius music amazed his contemporaries, and not even so much music as its creation. Mozart, as it seemed to his contemporaries, wrote his masterpieces as if casually, without making any visible efforts to this: he composed symphonies while playing billiards, then during a walk, and then frivolously and carelessly whistled the newly composed overture to the opera " Don Juan "before its premiere. The musical genius himself said that he did not "compose" anything - musical works appear in his head already ready. Here it is - a typical example of creative intuition realized in an in-site: it reads information in its entirety, in the form of an undivided unity. We find this confirmation in the letters of the brilliant Austrian composer. He writes that he sees his creation as a whole, "as a dazzlingly beautiful statue"; he hears them in unity: “I do not listen to the parts in my mind in sequence, I hear them sounding simultaneously. I can’t tell you what kind of pleasure it is! ”. An even more impressive example of insight is the work of the English physicist, inventor, one of the most outstanding scientists in the history of mankind, Michael Faraday. It was he who created the theory of electromagnetic fields and lines of force, which inspired the work of Albert Einstein. "What's so unusual about this?" - you ask. And what is unusual here is that Michael Faraday ... did not know mathematics and other exact sciences. It can be safely called "intuition from physics", since he made his grandiose discoveries with the help of intuition.

So, he developed the theory of lines of force, which made a revolution in the scientific world, with the help of rubber bands. In his proof there was not a single mathematical formula and not a single message on how to apply this theory. Faraday simply knew that there are lines of force in nature, and then he imagined that they looked like rubber bands - that's all. When then another English scientist, James Clark Maxwell, gave a mathematical foundation to Faraday's theories, the discoverer did not understand a word in them and asked Maxwell "to translate the hieroglyphs into a human language that I myself could understand." Is this not proof of the omnipotence of intuition? The famous German chemist Friedrich August Kekule, who lived at about the same time as Fa-radey, on the contrary, was a very learned and theoretically savvy man. He entered the history of science as the inventor of the formula for the benzene ring. This discovery was preceded by years of hard, strenuous and fruitless work. Kekule was close to discovering the chemical formula of the gasoline molecule, but it eluded him. This went on for a long time, the scientist was exhausted by the useless struggle with nature. But then one day the stage of "incubating the egg" was completed and what happened, along with Newton's apple and Mendeleev's dream, is considered the greatest miracle of science of the new era. Tired of thinking, Kekule fell asleep and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they folded into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes, which wriggled, attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and began to whirl wildly. Kekule woke up as if struck. He frantically began to write down the idea that came into his head, and the formula for the gasoline molecule spontaneously came out from under his pen. In 1865, Kekulé reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring was made up of six carbon atoms that connected to each other like a dancing snake he saw at the moment of inspiration.

There are a great many facts proving the great importance of insight for the development of science. One of them is described in the book of V. I. Orlov, dedicated to great inventions: “Bridge engineer Bro-un (inventor of suspension bridges. - ed.) pored on his veranda over the project for the bridge over the River Tweed. The paper in front of him was clean, the work did not stick, the bridge did not work. Desperate, Brown left the drawing board and went to freshen up in the garden.

It was the beginning of autumn. Tenacious, silver threads in the sun tangled in the bushes, floated in the wind, and Brown removed them from his lips and eyelashes. It was Indian summer, and a lot of cobwebs appeared in the garden. Brown lay down under the bush, but immediately jumped up, blinking his eyes. He saw a clue in the sky.

He saw a blueprint in the sky, clearly outlined with silver lines against blue. Brown could not help reading it the way engineers read blueprints: the little bridge shone in the branches, surprisingly light, simple, and bold. It was a bridge, not just a spider web on the branches. The wind swayed the branches, but the web did not break. And the more closely Brown looked into this web, the more and more the elastic threads lengthened and thickened, becoming heavy before his eyes<…>.

Now Brown knew where to start and what to strive for. He again sat down for drawings and calculations and soon made an invention: he began to build suspension bridges, without expensive and complicated foundations supporting the bridge from below. " The following illustrative case is connected with Einstein. Once a journalist asked a physicist if he was writing down his brilliant ideas, and if so, where: in a notebook, in a file cabinet or in a notebook. To this Albert Einstein replied: "My dear, worthwhile ideas so rarely come to mind that they are easy to remember!" Illumination is the fruit of a tremendous inner work of the unconscious, which compares all received data with the data bank of the Universe. If you live by some idea, then one day you will experience unforgettable feeling insight, which is incomparable in the power of experience.

When it comes to intuition, the trading community is divided into two camps. Some believe that intuition in trading is very important and is almost the main mechanism for making decisions, while others do not take intuition seriously and even ridicule intuitive traders. Which of them is right and is there a golden mean on this issue? What is intuition and is it eligible to participate in stock trading? Let's try to figure it out.

Intuition in trading- what it is?

When it comes to defining intuition? as a phenomenon in principle, even scientists have difficulty. The point is that intuition is a poorly understood mechanism that still leaves many questions for specialists. At the same time, today not a single researcher denies that intuition has a place to be and with its help you can quickly make the right decisions.

A little veil of secrecy was opened by the research of D. Kahneman and his colleagues, who found that the brain has two decision-making mechanisms, conventionally named System 1 and System 2. System 1 is responsible for quick, intuitive conclusions and decisions that do not require mental effort, while System 2 is responsible for making logical conclusions and making informed, deliberate decisions. Both mechanisms are necessary for the normal functioning of a person, therefore intuition is an important part of a person's personality. However, is it applicable to trading?

“Intuition is not a trifle. This data processing is so fast that the mind does not perceive it. " This is what the character of one popular television series said, and Scientific research partially confirm this statement. In most cases, a person owes his own experience to making quick intuitive decisions in a particular issue or situation. Simply, faced with a situation that has arisen many times before, our mind does not waste time on another logical analysis, but acts according to a familiar pattern and passes the decision to System 1. Experienced traders sometimes have intuitive conclusions about the market or decisions to enter a trade. quickly and automatically, like an ordinary person, the process of brushing teeth or eating.

Benefits of Intuitive Trading Solutions

The main advantage of trading by intuition is the speed of decision making. Guided by intuition, a trader spends several times less time and effort on analyzing the situation. Of course, this is not always an advantage, because if a trader is a beginner, intuition can deceive him. On the other hand, for experienced traders, intuitive solutions are a great way to save time without losing efficiency.

The second advantage is that a trader who listens to his intuition is more confident. While analyzing and applying successful strategies can be beneficial on their own when backed up by an intuitive decision, the trader learns to truly feel the market.

Intuition: Possible Pitfalls

While intuition is a valuable tool, it is still imperfect. The following are the main pitfalls that an intuitive trader can fall into.

  1. Insufficient experience.
    Studies show that intuition works well and with a minimum of errors if a person has enough knowledge and experience in the field. When experience and knowledge are insufficient, intuition can fail and lead to serious errors. Therefore, before practicing intuitive trading, it is worth undergoing training at the Alexander Purnov Trading School and working out the acquired skills in real trading.
  2. Extremes.
    Intuition is useful, but if you make it the main mechanism for making decisions, you can be wrong. The most successful traders are those who skillfully combine analytical techniques and intuition, rather than those who go to extremes, completely rejecting one or the other.
  3. Intuition = emotion.
    Those who are of the opinion that the intuitive approach is the emotional approach are greatly mistaken. This is often the main reason that intuition is considered a frivolous approach. In fact, intuition has little to do with emotion, because in order to hear its voice, a trader needs to be calm and focused, as in an analytical approach to trading.

To avoid the above mistakes, it is worth having a balanced outlook on trading. Intuition in trading is not a pseudoscientific approach that is not useful, but it is not a panacea for all problems.

Many traders ask, is it possible to do without intuition in trading? Yes it is possible. And many successful traders who are guided exclusively by rational methods in making decisions will confirm this fact. But there are many very successful world-renowned traders who consider it necessary to obey their intuition in trading.

Should you take your intuition into account and develop it? The decision is yours. And you can get more interesting articles on the topic of finance after subscribing to our blog.