Unified State Exam Assignments of part A1

Quests B12.

Quests B10.

Quests B9.

Quests B8.

Quests B6.

Quests B4.

Quests B3.

Assignments B2.

Quests A21.

Quests A20.

Quests A18.

Quests A16.

Quests A15.

Quests A14.

Quests A13.

Quests A12.

Quests A11.

Quests A10.

Quests A8.

Quests A7.

Quests A6.

Quests A5.

Quests A3.

Assignments A2.

Unified State Exam Tasks parts A1

Assignments A1. History of the VIII-XVII centuries: facts, processes, phenomena A1 No. 1. The founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes was

1) Yuri Dolgoruky

2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

3) Daniil Alexandrovich

4) Ivan Kalita

A1 No. 40. The years 1497, 1581, 1597, 1649 reflect the main stages

1) the struggle of Russia for access to the sea

2) the formation of the Russian centralized state

3) the struggle of Russia with the Golden Horde for independence

4) enslavement of the peasants

A1 № 79. In what row are the years of the Cossack-peasant uprisings of the 17th-18th centuries given?

1) 1601-1605, 1705-1706

2) 1613-1645, 1761-1762

3) 1632-1634, 1768-1774

4) 1670-1671, 1773-1775

A1 № 118. Which of these events happened earlier than others?

1) publication by Ivan Fedorov of the first printed book in Russia

2) Andrei Rublev's creation of the Trinity icon

3) construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

4) the beginning of the construction of the Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) on Red Square in Moscow

A1 № 139. Which of the above events took place in the 15th century?

2) institution of recruitment

3) transfer of the metropolitan's residence to Moscow

4) the establishment of the streltsy army

A1 № 178. Which of the named events refers to the 16th century?

1) adoption of the Cathedral Code

2) reform of the Chosen Rada

3) the establishment of the Boyar Duma

4) abolition of parochialism

A1 № 217. Which of the listed dates refer to the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia?

1) 882-980

2) 980-1025

3) 1113-1125

4) 1237-1240

A1 № 256. The names of Alexei Adashev, Andrey Kurbsky, Metropolitan Philip are associated with the reign

1) Boris Godunov

2) Ivan III

3) Ivan IV

4) Vasily Shuisky

A1 № 295. Contemporaries were

2) Ivan IV and Ermak Timofeevich

3) Vasily III and Ivan Kalita

4) Ivan III and Sergius of Radonezh

A1 № 334. Which of the named persons did the Russian princes consider the ancestor of their dynasty?

1) Askold

A1 № 373. Contemporaries were

1) Ivan IV and Metropolitan Alexy

2) Dmitry Donskoy and Sergiy Radonezhsky

3) Ivan Kalita and Joseph Volotsky

4) Alexander Nevsky and Nil Sorsky

A1 № 412. Wise men in Ancient Russia were called

1) impoverished communal peasants

2) heads of large wealthy families

3) the first priests in Christian churches

4) priests of pagan cults, healers

A1 № 451. Patriarch Nikon's church reform includes

1) changing church rites

2) the convocation of the Stoglava Cathedral

3) the establishment of the Holy Synod

4) separation of church from state

A1 № 490. Which of the named concepts, terms refers to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) Bironovshchina

3) Pugachevism

4) church schism

A1 No. 529. Which literary work of the named belongs to Vladimir Monomakh?

1) "Apostle"

2) "Teaching children"

3) "Zadonshchina"

4) "Russian Truth"

A1 № 568. Which of the above events is associated with the name of Prince Vladimir Monomakh?

1) with the Lyubech Congress of Princes

2) with the Danube hikes

3) with the defeat of the Khazars

4) with the defeat of the Pechenegs

A1 № 607. Who was at the head of the Russian troops who won the victory on the ice of Lake Peipsi?

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

4) Ivan Kalita

A1 No. 646. In the 17th century,

1) Left-bank Ukraine

2) Crimea, Black Sea region

3) Eastern Georgia

4) Kazan Khanate

A1 № 685. What event in the history of Russia is connected with the beginning of the Rurik dynasty?

1) the campaign of Prince Oleg to Kiev

2) the vocation of the Vikings

3) the baptism of Russia

4) the publication of Russkaya Pravda

A1 № 724. Dmitry Donskoy's contemporary was

1) Yaroslav the Wise

2) Sergiy of Radonezh

3) Ivan Fedorov

4) Feofan Prokopovich

A1 № 763. Which of the above events took place in the 15th century? ?

1) the beginning of book printing in Russia

2) construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

3) "standing" on the Ugra river

4) adoption of the Cathedral Code

A1 № 802. Left-bank Ukraine was annexed to the Russian state in the board

1) Mikhail Fedorovich

2) Alexey Mikhailovich

3) Fyodor Alekseevich

4) Petr Alekseevich

A1 № 841. According to the chronicle evidence, Rurik ruled in the second half of the 9th century. in (in)

2) Novgorod

3) Vladimir

4) Chernigov

A1 № 880. "I am going to you" - with these words the prince addressed his enemies before the campaign

2) Svyatoslav

3) Vladimir Monomakh

4) Yaroslav the Wise

A1 № 919. The title "Sovereign of All Russia" appeared in

A1 № 958. During the Time of Troubles, who appealed to their fellow countrymen from Nizhny Novgorod to start organizing the second militia and became one of its leaders?

1) Boris Godunov

2) Andrey Kurbsky

3) Kozma Minin

4) Archpriest Avvakum

A1 № 997. Which of the princes carried out a campaign against Constantinople in 907?

1) Prince Oleg

2) Prince Igor

3) Prince Vladimir

4) Prince Svyatoslav

A1 № 1036. The last prince of united Russia in the XII century. was

1) Yuri Dolgoruky

2) Vladimir Monomakh

3) Mstislav the Great

4) Yaroslav the Wise

A1 № 1076. With whom did Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (942-972) fight?

1) with the Tatar-Mongols

2) with the Khazars

3) with the crusaders

4) with the Vikings

A1 № 1115. The first Russian tsar was

1) Ivan III Vasilievich

2) Vasily III Ivanovich

3) Ivan IV Vasilievich

4) Ivan I Danilovich

A1 № 1155. “I am coming to you” - with these words the prince addressed his enemies before the campaign

2) Svyatoslav

3) Vladimir Monomakh

A1 No. 1198. The Elected Council included

1) Sergiy of Radonezh, Peresvet

2) Malyuta Skuratov, Alexey Basmanov

3) Mikhail Vorotynsky, Dmitry Pozharsky

4) Alexey Adashev, Sylvester

A1 № 1249. Associated with the names of Yuri Danilovich, Ivan Kalita and the princes of Tver

1) battle on the Kalka river

2) fight for a label for the great reign

3) Livonian War

4) Battle of Kulikovo

A1 № 1405. As it was called in Russia until the middle of the XVI century. a way of keeping officials at the expense of the local population?

1) oprichnina

2) usury

3) Zemshchina

4) feeding

A1 № 1444. What event is the name of Dmitry Donskoy connected with?

1) with the conquest of the Astrakhan Khanate

2) standing on the Ugra river

3) with the Battle of Kulikovo

4) with the annexation of Smolensk

A1 № 1768. The founder of the dynasty of Moscow princes was

1) Yuri Dolgoruky

2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

3) Daniil Alexandrovich

4) Ivan Kalita

A1 № 2303. Which of the princes of the Old Russian state managed to stop the disintegration of the state at the beginning of the 12th century?

1) Yaroslav the Wise

2) Yuri Dolgoruky

3) Vladimir Monomakh

4) Vsevolod the Big Nest

A1 № 2380. What event in the history of Russia is connected with the beginning of the Rurik dynasty?

1) the fight against the Khazar Kaganate

2) the vocation of the Vikings

3) the campaign of Prince Oleg to Byzantium

4) the publication of Russkaya Pravda

A1 № 2420. Contemporaries were

1) Vasily II and Ivan Kalita

2) Dmitry Shemyaka and Sergiy Radonezhsky

3) Ivan IV and Ivan Fedorov

4) Dmitry Donskoy and Alexey Adashev

A1 № 2540. Contemporaries were

1) Dmitry Donskoy and Andrey Kurbsky

2) Ivan IV and Sergius of Radonezh

3) Vasily III and Elena Glinskaya

4) Ivan III and Ermak Timofeevich

A1 № 2580. The strengthening of the political influence of Moscow is associated with the name

1) Alexander Nevsky

2) Ivan Kalita

3) Yuri Dolgoruky

4) Vladimir Monomakh

A1 № 3174. Which of the listed agricultural cultures was familiar to the Eastern Slavs in antiquity?

3) corn

4) potatoes

A1 № 3214. Which battle took place later than the others?

1) battle on the Kalka river

2) battle on the city river

3) Battle of Kulikovo

4) Battle on the ice

History of the VIII-XVII centuries: facts, processes, phenomena A2 № 2. Which of the above events happened earlier than others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk war

3) Ermak's trip to Siberia

A2 № 41. What event in the history of Russia is connected with the beginning of the rule of the Rurik dynasty?

1) with the campaign of Prince Oleg to Kiev

2) with the vocation of the Vikings

3) with the baptism of Russia

4) with the publication of Russkaya Pravda

A2 No. 80. Which of the named persons were prominent figures of the 16th century?

1) A.F.Adashev, Metropolitan Macarius

2) A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin, Patriarch Nikon

3) G.A. Potemkin, Feofan Prokopovich

4) I.I.Shuvalov, Joseph Volotsky

A2 № 119. Which of the named tribal unions, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years", lived on the western bank of the Dnieper?

2) krivichi

4) dregovichi

A2 № 140. The first tsar who received the throne as a result of the election of the Zemsky Sobor was

1) Boris Godunov

2) Fyodor Godunov

3) Vasily Shuisky

4) Mikhail Romanov

A2 № 179. Which of the named princes invited Svyatoslav Olgovich to a feast in 1147 "to the city of Moscow"?

1) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

3) Yuri Dolgoruky

4) Ivan Kalita

A2 № 218. Existed in Russia in the XV-XVII centuries. the procedure for appointing officials according to the nobility of their family was called

1) feeding

2) zemstvo

3) parochialism

4) fiefdom

A2 № 257. What territory was annexed to Russia later than others?

1) Astrakhan Khanate

2) Western Siberia

3) the Baltic coast from Vyborg to Riga

4) Northern Black Sea region

A2 No. 296. By the XVII century. refers

1) establishment of the Senate

2) introduction of the "Table of Ranks"

3) abolition of parochialism

4) the creation of Zemsky sobors

A2 № 335. Which of the above events took place in the 15th century?

1) adoption of the first all-Russian Code of Law

2) the establishment of the patriarchate

3) convocation of the Zemsky Sobor

4) transfer of the metropolitan's residence to Moscow

A2 No. 374. By the XVII century. refers

1) the establishment of the Supreme Privy Council

2) the introduction of the poll tax

3) creation of the Order of Secret Affairs

4) cancellation of feedings

A2 № 413. Which of the following events happened before the others?

1) foundation of Kazan University

2) discovery Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

3) the opening of higher courses for women under Alexander II

4) establishment of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

A2 № 452. Which of the named events happened before the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk war

3) Ermak's trip to Siberia

4) standing on the Ugra river

A2 № 491. Which of the named events, which are stages of the process of enslavement of the peasants, happened later than others?

1) the establishment of St. George's Day

2) the introduction of "lesson years"

3) the introduction of "reserved years"

4) the introduction of an unlimited search for fugitive peasants

A2 № 530. Which of the above happened in the 17th century?

1) the peasant war led by E. Pugachev

2) church schism

3) Seven Years War

4) the introduction of the oprichnina

A2 № 569. Which of the above events took place in the XIV century?

1) the beginning of the Livonian War

2) the introduction of "lesson years"

3) convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor

4) Battle of Kulikovo

A2 № 608. Which of the named events refers to the 16th century?

1) North War

2) Livonian War

3) Seven Years War

4) Smolensk war

A2 No. 647. Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita went down in history as

1) the winner of the Mongol-Tatars

2) "gatherer of the Russian land"

A2 № 686. Who was at the head of the Russian troops who won the victory on the ice of Lake Peipsi?

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

4) Ivan Kalita

A2 № 725. What series of dates is associated with the reign of Ivan III?

1) 862, 882, 907

2) 1223, 1240, 1242

3) 1325, 1327, 1340

4) 1480, 1485, 1497

A2 № 764. Which of the Moscow princes was the first to receive the right to collect tribute to the Horde from all Russian lands?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

3) Yuri Dolgoruky

4) Vasily II the Dark

A2 № 803. The main rivals of the Moscow princes in the struggle for the great reign in the XIV century. there were rulers

1) Tver principality

2) Novgorod the Great

3) Ryazan principality

4) Pereyaslavsky principality

A2 № 842. Which of the named rulers was the first to take the title of "Sovereign of All Russia"?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Dmitry Donskoy

4) Vasily II the Dark

A2 № 881. The territory of the Moscow state in the XVII century. expanded by joining

1) Kazan Khanate

2) Northern Black Sea region

3) Left-bank Ukraine

4) Right-bank Ukraine

A2 No. 920. In the 17th century,

1) Left-bank Ukraine

2) Crimea, Black Sea region

3) Eastern Georgia

4) Kazan Khanate

A2 No. 959. Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita went down in history as

1) "gatherer of the Russian land"

A2 № 998. Which of the above events happened before the others?

1) the defeat of the German knights on Lake Peipsi

2) the defeat of the Swedish troops on the Neva River

3) the ruin of the Ryazan and Vladimir-Suzdal principalities by the Mongol-Tatars

4) Battle of Kulikovo

A2 № 1037. Which of the named events happened earlier than the others?

1) the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible

2) Livonian War

3) the board of Vasily Shuisky

4) annexation of the Tver principality to Moscow

A2 № 1077. Which of the named events happened before the others?

1) Battle of Kulikovo

2) annexation of Tver to Moscow

4) the beginning of the reign of Vasily II the Dark

A2 № 1116. Which of the named events happened before the others?

1) standing on the Ugra river

2) accession to the throne of Ivan III

4) accession of Pskov to Moscow

A2 № 1156. The names of Ivan Bolotnikov, Vasily Shuisky, the Polish prince Vladislav are associated with the events

2) Livonian War

3) oprichnina

4) boyar rule in the early childhood of Ivan the Terrible

A2 No. 1199. Territory of the Moscow State in the 17th century. expanded by joining

1) Kazan Khanate

2) Northern Black Sea region

3) Left-bank Ukraine

4) Right-bank Ukraine

A2 No. 1250. Perpetual search of fugitive peasants was legalized

1) Code of Law 1497

2) Code of Law 1550

3) Cathedral Code of 1649

4) by decree of 1581

A2 No. 1406. Which of the following state entities was the last to become part of Russia?

1) Astrakhan Khanate

2) Crimean Khanate

3) Siberian Khanate

4) Kazan Khanate

A2 № 1445. As it was called in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries. monetary collection from peasants when they left one landowner to another, which was canceled with the adoption of the Cathedral Code of 1649?

2) elderly

4) arrears

A2 № 1769. Which of the named events happened before the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk war

3) Ermak's trip to Siberia

4) the campaign of Ivan III to Veliky Novgorod

A2 № 2304. What event happened in the XIII century?

1) convocation of the Lyubech Congress of Princes

2) compilation of "Russian Truth"

3) the campaign of Khan Tokhtamysh to Moscow

4) the establishment of Mongol rule

A2 № 2381. Who was at the head of the Russian troops who won the battle on the river. Vozhe?

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

4) Ivan Kalita

A2 № 2421. What series of dates is associated with the process of unification (gathering) of Russian lands around Moscow?

1) 1581, 1597, 1649

2) 1478, 1485, 1521

3) 1378, 1382, 1480

4) 1497, 1550, 1649

A2 № 2541. The territory of the Moscow state in the XVII century. expanded by joining

1) Kazan Khanate

2) Northern Black Sea region

3) Left-bank Ukraine

4) Right-bank Ukraine

A2 # 2581. Which event happened earlier than the others?

1) the signing of "Eternal Peace" with Poland

2) Prut campaign

3) the creation of a streltsy army

4) the establishment in Russia of the patriarchate

A2 № 3175. What event relates to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) "coal drama"

2) annexation of Crimea

3) the introduction of the St. George's Day rule

4) "Copper Riot"

A2 № 3215. Which of the listed persons were contemporaries?

1) False Dmitry I and Filaret Romanov

2) Ivan the Terrible and Sergius of Radonezh

3) Boris Godunov and Neil Sorsky

4) Vasily Shuisky and Elder Philotheus

History of the VIII-XVII centuries: historical patterns A3 № 3. Which of the above related to the causes of the Troubles in the Russian state at the beginning of the XVII century?

1) suppression of the Rurik dynasty

2) the disintegration of the state into specific principalities

3) the beginning of the convocation of Zemsky Sobor

4) coming to power of the boyar government - "seven-boyars"

A3 № 42. What were the consequences of the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia in the late 16th - early 17th centuries?

1) to the Livonian War

2) to Troubles

3) to the Copper Riot

4) to the introduction of the oprichnina

A3 № 81. Which of the above refers to the results of the political fragmentation of Russia?

1) the presence in each principality of its own authorities and troops

2) the emergence of estate-representative institutions

3) the establishment of close economic ties between the principalities

4) the adoption of laws that attached peasants to the land

A3 № 120. The government of the Russian state, formed after the overthrow of Tsar V. I. Shuisky in 1610, is called

1) "seven-boyars"

2) the Supreme Privy Council

3) by the Council of All the Earth

4) Boyar Duma

A3 № 141. Which of the above relates to the prerequisites for the rise of Moscow in the XIV-XV centuries?

1) independence from the Golden Horde

2) lack of strong rivals in the fight for the championship

3) support for Moscow by the Livonian Order

4) the far-sighted policy of the Moscow princes

A3 No. 180. Russia fell into dependence on the Golden Horde as a result

1) the invasion of Batu

2) Mamaia's hike

3) the campaigns of Genghis Khan

4) Polovtsian raids

A3 № 219. The outcome of the struggle between Moscow and Tver for the all-Russian championship was decided in favor of Moscow, since

1) the Moscow princes turned out to be more dexterous and far-sighted politicians

2) the territory of the Moscow principality, unlike Tver, was well protected from attacks

3) the Moscow principality was exempted from paying tribute to the Golden Horde

4) Tver was weakened by the struggle with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

A3 № 258. The introduction of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible led to

1) the final legal registration of serfdom

2) the abolition of parochialism

3) canceling feedings

4) strengthening the personal power of the king

A3 № 297. What was the result of the event that went down in history as "standing on the Ugra River" (1480)?

1) the devastation of Veliky Novgorod by the Horde army

2) the end of the dependence of Russia on the Horde

3) the ruin of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality by the Horde army

4) the establishment in the Russian lands of the Basque system

A3 No. 336. The consequence of the Livonian War was

1) joining the Baltic states to Russia

2) the foundation of St. Petersburg

3) accession to Russia of the Left-Bank Ukraine

4) the economic ruin of the Russian land

A3 № 375. Old Belief in Russia arose as a result of

1) decisions of the Stoglava Cathedral

2) the move of the metropolitan from Kiev to Vladimir

3) the struggle between the Josephites and the non-possessors

4) church schism

A3 № 414. What are the consequences of the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia in the late 16th and early 17th centuries?

1) Livonian War

3) Copper riot

4) the introduction of the oprichnina

A3 № 453. Which of the above refers to the results of the campaign of Prince Ivan III to Veliky Novgorod in 1478?

1) the provision of special privileges to the Novgorod merchants

2) expanding the powers of the Novgorod veche

3) the transfer of most of the Novgorod lands to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

4) the acquisition of large land holdings by the Moscow prince at his disposal

A3 № 492. Which of the above was the result of the military reform carried out by the Chosen Rada in the middle of the 16th century?

1) the creation of a streltsy army

2) the creation of a regular army

3) the creation of guards regiments

4) the formation of regiments of a foreign system

A3 № 531. Which of the above refers to the causes of the Troubles?

1) dynastic crisis

2) the introduction of copper money

3) the introduction of the poll tax

4) the introduction of recruitment

A3 No. 570. The final registration of serfdom in Russia was the result of the adoption

1) "Table of Ranks"

2) "Decree on succession to the throne"

3) "Charter to the nobility"

4) "Cathedral Code"

A3 № 609. Which of the above refers to the results of the activities of the Chosen Rada in the 50-60s. XVI century?

1) the introduction of recruitment

2) the creation of regiments of the "foreign system"

3) the introduction of universal conscription

4) the creation of a streltsy army

A3 № 648. Which of the above refers to the consequences of the Horde rule in Russia?

1) the flourishing of the veche orders in the Russian lands

2) return to pagan beliefs

3) a slowdown in cultural development

4) strengthening of ties between separate parts of the Russian lands

A3 No. 687. One of the consequences of the adoption of the Code of Laws of 1497 was

1) the introduction of the term for the search and return of fugitive peasants

2) the emergence of new central government bodies - orders

Unified State Exam
Grade 11
Prepared by:
a history teacher
MKOU Khreschatovskaya secondary school
Kalacheevsky municipal
Voronezh region
Shmigirilova S.M.

1. Outstanding dramatic actors in the XIX century. were
1) M.S. Shchepkin, P.S. Mochalov
2) I.P. Martos, P.K. Klodt
3) M.P. Mussorgsky, A.P. Borodin
4) A.M. Butlerov, A.F. Mozhaisky
Answer: 1

2. Kamchatka expeditions in the first half of the 18th century.
1) V.I. Bering
2) S.I. Dezhnev
3) E.P. Khabarov
4) I.F. Kruzenshtern
Answer: 2

3. Of the listed persons, the sculptor was
1) P.A. Fedotov
2) O.I. Beauvais
3) K.A. Tone
4) I.P. Martos
Answer: 4

4. The author of which of the following famous paintings

1) "Morning of the Strelets' execution"
2) "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan 16
November 1581 "
3) "Arrest of a propagandist"
4) "The last day of Pompeii"
Answer: 1

5. Which of the listed persons were contemporaries
Emperor Paul I?
1) K. D. Kavelin, N.A. Milyutin
2) B.P. Sheremetev, V.V. Golitsyn
3) A.P. Volynsky, A.I. Osterman
4) P.A. Palen, F.S. Laharpe
Answer: 4

6. Monetary reform of 1839-1843. was held under
1) M.M. Speransky
2) P.D. Kiseleva
3) S.S. Uvarova
4) E.F. Kankrina
Answer: 4

7. Which of the following was one of the reasons
political weakening of Kiev and strengthening of specific
principalities in the XII century.?
1) establishing lessons and graveyards
2) acceptance of Russian Truth
3) the growth of princely-boyar land tenure
4) the beginning of the rise of Moscow
Answer: 3

8. D.I. Fonvizin, A.N. Radishchev, N.I. Novikov were
1) Catherine II
2) Peter I
3) Catherine I
4) Peter II
Answer: 1

9. Which of the listed artists was the founder
one of the types of abstract art - schools
Suprematism (based on geometric
1) I.E. Repin
2) M.A. Vrubel
3) K.S. Malevich
4) I.I. Levitan
Answer: 3

10. The first Russian printed newspaper was called
1) "Vedomosti"
2) "Chronograph"
3) "Drone"
4) "Chimes"
Answer: 4

11. Construction of which of the following cities
started in 1703
on the lands conquered from Sweden?
1) Vyborg
2) Murmansk
3) Narva
4) St. Petersburg
Answer: 4

12. One of the discoverers of Antarctica in 1820.
1) S.I. Dezhnev
2) F.F. Bellingshausen
3) V.I. Bering
4) N.M. Przhevalsky
Answer: 4

13. What was the name of the prevailing in the 1850-1860s.
creative community of Russian composers who provided
significant impact on the formation of Russian
national school of music?
1) "Change of milestones"
2) "The Mighty Handful"
3) "World of Art"
4) Cyril and Methodius Society
Answer: 2

14. The famous Russian poet of the eighteenth century. was
1) G.R. Derzhavin
2) F.I. Shubin
3) D.G. Levitsky
4) I.I. Polzunov
Answer: 1

15. Attempt by the Supreme Privy Council to restrict rights
the monarch was undertaken at the accession to the throne
1) Elizaveta Petrovna
2) Catherine II
3) Peter III
4) Anna Ioannovna
Answer: 4

16.In Russian history the terms "rulers",
"Condition" refers to the period
1) "palace coups"
2) Peter's transformations
3) "enlightened absolutism"
4) the collapse of the Old Russian state
Answer: 1

17. In the XIX century. geographic research
were engaged
1) M.S. Shchepkin and P.S. Mochalov
2) I.I. Mechnikov and I.P. Pavlov
3) F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev
4) N.I. Pirogov and I.M. Sechenov
Answer: 3

18. Which of the following was one of the reasons
church schism in the 17th century?
1) adoption of the Cathedral Code
2) the decision to correct church texts and
3) the establishment of the patriarchate
4) transfer of the Metropolitan's chair from Vladimir to
Answer: 2

19. Indicate the consequences of the 1662 uprising in Moscow.
1) the abolition of the minting of copper money
2) liquidation of "white settlements"
3) cancellation of feedings
4) cancellation of the poll tax
Answer: 1

20. The policy of "enlightened absolutism"
directly related to the reign
1) Peter I
2) Anna Ioannovna
3) Catherine II
4) Elizaveta Petrovna
Answer: 3

21. Which of the following sculptors is the author
monument to A.S. Pushkin on Pushkin Square in
1) F.I. Shubin
2) A.M. Opekushin
3) M.M. Antokolsky
4) I.P. Martos
Answer: 2

22. Which of the following was one of the consequences
the publication of the New Trade Charter?
1) the appearance in Russia of the first manufactories
2) duty-free trade of foreign merchants by
throughout Russia
3) an increase in receipts to the treasury from the collection of duties from
foreign merchants
4) the beginning of trade with Europe through the port in g.
Answer: 3

23. Which of the following was one of the results
church reform of Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century?
1) change of church rituals and content
liturgical books
2) the establishment of the patriarchate
3) the emergence of non-acquisitiveness
4) the emergence of the first Russian monasteries
Answer: 1

24. The first Russian scientist awarded
Nobel Prize, received it for achievements in the field
1) physiology
2) physics
3) chemistry
4) economics
Answer: 1

25. Princess Olga, introducing in the X century. lessons by creating graveyards and
camp, pursued a goal
1) streamline tribute collection
2) unite Kiev and Novgorod under their rule
3) cancel blood feud
4) end internecine wars
Answer: 1

26. Indicate the name of the authority established in
reign of Catherine I.
1) Order of Secret Affairs
2) Zemsky Sobor
3) Supreme Privy Council
4) Governing Senate
Answer: 3

27. The innovations of the Peter the Great era include
1) the transition to a new chronology
2) founding a lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo
3) the appearance of the first printed books
4) creation of the first Russian professional theater
Answer: 1

28. Monument of Russian architecture of the 18th century. - Winter
palace - was built by the architect
1) M.F. Kazakova
2) K.I. Russia
3) V.I. Bazhenov
4) V.V. Rastrelli
Answer: 4

29. One of the reasons for the nomination in the XIV century. Moscow as
the center of collecting Russian lands was
1) acceptance of the royal title by the Moscow prince
2) the absence of alternative centers of association
Russian lands
3) more ancient history Moscow compared to
Vladimir and Suzdal
4) the peculiarities of the policy of the Moscow princes in
relation to the Horde
Answer: 4

30. Which of the following happened in the first half
XIX century?
1) the establishment of the Supreme Privy Council
2) the establishment of the Governing Senate
3) the establishment of the Council of State
4) the issuance of a decree on the three-day corvee
Answer: 3

31. Which of the following can be attributed to the consequences
oprichnina politicians?
1) strengthening the position of the boyars
2) the emergence of a new social stratum of landowners
- nobles
3) expansion of the territory of the Russian state
4) strengthening the personal power of the king
Answer: 4

32. Which of the following are the reasons
peasant uprisings in the second half of the 17th century?
1) completion of the legal registration of the serf
2) abuse during recruitment
3) dissatisfaction with the introduction of the poll tax
4) the disappearance of legal differences between the fiefdom
and the estate
Answer: 1

33. The policy of Catherine II includes
1) liquidation of the hetmanate in Ukraine
2) establishment of ministries
3) liquidation of the patriarchate
4) the establishment of the Supreme Privy Council
Answer: 1

34. Activities of A.A. Arakcheev on the creation of military
settlements belongs to the reign
1) Peter I
2) Alexander I
3) Alexander III
4) Nicholas II
Answer: 2

35. The author of what famous historical painting
is the artist V.I. Surikov?
1) "Vladimir and Rogneda"
2) "Princess Tarakanova"
3) "Boyarynya Morozova"
4) "Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna in Novodevichy
monastery "
Answer: 3

36. Which of the following was the result
foreign policy activities of Prince Vladimir
1) strengthening the southeastern borders
Old Russian state
2) the final defeat of the Pechenegs
3) conclusion of the first written contract with
4) an end to the onslaught of the crusaders on the northwestern Russian lands
Answer: 1

37. Which of the listed military leaders became famous in
progress Patriotic War 1812?
1) N.N. Raevsky
2) V.A. Kornilov
3) I.V. Gurko
4) R.I. Kondratenko
Answer: 1

38. Which of the following events of cultural life
Russia happened later than others?
1) foundation of Moscow University
2) the opening of the Bestuzhev higher female courses
3) the foundation of the Moscow Art Theater
K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko
4) the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
Answer: 2

39. Accession of Crimea to the Russian Empire
took place in
1) 1654
2) 1783
3) 1801
4) 1815
Answer: 2

40. Indicate the concept, the emergence of which
directly related to the reign of Nicholas I.
1) poll file
2) redemption payments
3) obligated peasants
4) reserved summers
Answer: 3

41. The creator of the first Russian professional
theater was
1) A.N. Radishchev
2) P.K. Klodt
3) F.G. Volkov
4) G.R. Derzhavin
Answer: 3

42. Which of the Russian empresses was German
princess, married to the heir to the Russian
throne of Peter Fedorovich, and was the grandmother of two
Russian emperors?
1) Catherine II
2) Catherine I
3) Elizaveta Petrovna
4) Anna Ioannovna
Answer: 1

43. Which of the listed architectural monuments
was built in the 18th century?
1) Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow
2) Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin
3) Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg
4) the royal palace in Kolomenskoye
Answer: 3

44. Which of the listed cultural figures is considered
the founder of the Russian professional theater?
1) M.V. Lomonosov
2) V.L. Borovikovsky
3) F.G. Volkov
4) D.G. Levitsky
Answer: 3

45. Which of the following was one of the reasons
baptism of Rus?
1) the adoption of Orthodoxy by the top of the Khazar
2) the reign of the Varangian dynasty in Russia
3) the need to strengthen the grand ducal power
4) the need to unite Russian lands for
confrontation with the Cumans
Answer: 3

46. ​​Which of the following was a consequence of the convocation
Zemsky Cathedral in 1613?
1) approval of the tsar on the Russian throne
Mikhail Fedorovich
2) the inclusion of Left-Bank Ukraine in the
Of Russia
3) adoption of a decree on single inheritance
4) carrying out the reform of local self-government
Answer: 1

47. The author of which of the following famous
historical paintings is the artist I.E. Repin?
1) "The last day of Pompeii"
2) "The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan"
3) "Princess Tarakanova"
4) "Menshikov in Berezovo"
Answer: 2

48. During the reign of Peter I, a new system was introduced
taxation known as
1) "big plow"
2) household taxation
3) lesson
4) poll file
Answer: 4

49. The author of what famous historical painting
is the Russian artist V.I. Surikov?
1) "Chesme battle"
2) "Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei
Petrovich in Peterhof "
3) "Princess Tarakanova"
4) "Boyarynya Morozova"
Answer: 4

50. What is the name of the direction in art that received
in Russia in the 18th - early 19th centuries, based on
perception of the achievements of ancient art as
art norms and ideal pattern?
1) baroque
2) classicism
3) modern
4) impressionism
Answer: 1

51. Which of the listed figures was among
associates of Peter I?
1) A.F. Adashev
2) E.I. Biron
3) G.A. Potemkin
4) A.D. Menshikov
Answer: 4

52. Which of the listed industries
developed especially rapidly in Russia in the first half
XIX century?
1) agricultural engineering
2) chemical
3) oil refining
4) textile
Answer: 4

53. Which of the listed persons is the author
monument to Peter I "Bronze Horseman"?
1) E.M. Falcone
2) M.I. Kozlovsky
3) B.I. Orlovsky
4) F.I. Shubin
Answer: 1

54. Which of the following applies to outcomes
reign of Paul I?
1) the establishment of a new order of succession to the throne
2) the transition to the policy of "enlightened absolutism"
3) secularization of church lands
4) liquidation of the secret office
Answer: 1

55. What time is called the "golden age of the nobility"?
1) XVI century.
2) XVII century.
3) XVIII century.
4) XIX century.
Answer: 2

56. Which of the listed architectural monuments
built according to the project of B.F. Rastrelli?
1) The Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow
2) Winter Palace in St. Petersburg
3) Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
4) St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg
Answer: 2

57. Which of the following was one of the reasons
popular movements in Russia in the 17th century?
1) the final enslavement of the peasants
2) the defeat of Russia in the Northern War
3) changing the order of succession
4) the introduction of the poll tax
Answer: 1

58. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the transition
from the tribal system to the state of the Eastern Slavs?
1) complication of the social structure of society
(the appearance of princes, merchants, artisans)
2) the development of an appropriating type of economy
3) the predominant cultural influence of peoples
Northern Black Sea region (Greeks, Sarmatians, ready)
development of collective forms of farming
Answer: 1

59. Which of the following applies to the results of the Livonian
1) the economic ruin of the northwestern
territories of the Russian state
2) accession to Russia of Courland and Lithuania
3) Russia's loss of Novgorod and Pskov
4) the consolidation by Russia of the Baltic coast
the sea from Vyborg to Riga
Answer: 1

60. The "golden age" of Russian culture includes
1) A.N. Radishcheva
2) M.Yu. Lermontov
3) A.P. Chekhov
4) F.M. Dostoevsky
Answer: 2