The problem of the relationship between external and internal beauty on the example of the fairy tale boy-star. An extracurricular reading lesson based on the tale of Wilde "boy is a star" What does a boy star teach?

Wilde O. "Star Boy"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Star Boy" and their characteristics

  1. Star boy. Very beautiful. narcissistic, cruel, indifferent egoist. He was punished, repented, and became kind, sympathetic, noble.
  2. The lumberjack and his wife. The boy's adoptive parents, picked him up in the snow. Kind and welcoming.
  3. Beggar Queen. The boy's mother. Unhappy, poor, kind.
  4. The Leper King. The boy's father. Clever, cunning, noble.
  5. Wizard. Angry, greedy, insidious, cruel.
Plan for retelling the tale "Star Boy"
  1. Lumberjacks in the forest
  2. Terrible frost
  3. Fallen star
  4. Found baby
  5. Kind lumberjack
  6. Lumberjack's wife
  7. Very handsome boy
  8. Boy cruelty
  9. Punishing the boy
  10. Finding Mother
  11. At the gates of the city
  12. At the wizard
  13. First gold coin
  14. Second gold coin
  15. Third gold coin
  16. The return of beauty
  17. King and queen
  18. Short life.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Star Boy" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Once in the forest, a lumberjack found a baby wrapped in a raincoat and brought him home.
  2. The boy grew up very handsome, but cruel, and one day he drove away his own beggar mother.
  3. The boy became ugly, repented and looked for his mother for a long time.
  4. The wizard made the boy look for gold coins in the forest.
  5. The boy gave the coins to the leper and became handsome again.
  6. His mother and father forgave him and the boy became king.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Star Boy"
The beauty of a person is not in his appearance, but in the actions that he performs.

What does the "Star Boy" fairy tale teach
The tale teaches you not to be proud of your appearance, not to offend the weak and the poor, not to consider yourself superior to other people. Teaches you not to be cruel to animals. Teaches you to love and respect your parents. Teaches you to correct your mistakes. Teaches to help those in need, teaches to share the latter. Teaches you to be fair.

Review of the fairy tale "Star Boy"
I liked this tale and especially how the boy became after he turned into a snake frog. After all, at first it was just a terrible boy, with whom I would never communicate, even despite his beauty, because at heart he was ugly. But when he realized his mistakes and repented, the star boy became a completely different person. He became kind, and kindness made him beautiful again. He also earned the respect of those around him.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Star Boy"
Beauty until the evening, and kindness forever.
Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
Years take beauty away, kindness does not take away.
I knew how to sin, I knew how to repent.
Whoever respects mother and father will never perish.

Read a summary, a short retelling of the tale "Star Boy"
Once, in a terrible frost, two lumberjacks were returning home from the forest. They carried bundles of firewood, fell into deep snow, saw how the waterfall froze over. Birds and animals, all suffered from a terrible frost, and only owls liked this weather, despite the fact that their wings were completely icy.
The lumberjacks were afraid that they would not reach their native village, so they were very happy when they finally left the forest and saw their homes in the distance. But immediately they darkened, because they were very poor and they had nothing to rejoice at.
And suddenly they saw a star fall from the sky. The place of the fall was very close, near the old sheepfold, and the lumberjacks ran there, hoping to find gold. One of them found something wrapped in an expensive cloak embroidered with gold. But it turned out to be not gold. It was a child.
The second lumberjack told his comrade to leave the child in the cold, because they had nothing to feed him. But the first did not agree and carried the child home. The second began to ask him to give him an expensive cloak, but the first said that this cloak was a little boy.
And so the lumberjack brought the baby home, and his wife was very upset. They already had many children, and here is a strange baby. The wife began to scold the lumberjack, but he did not cross the threshold of the house, talking about her callous heart. Soon the wife calmed down and even asked for forgiveness from her husband. Then he entered the house with the baby.
The boy began to grow up with the children of the lumberjack.
He soon became handsome, with golden hair and pale skin. And all the children listened to him and played with him.
And the boy became so proud of his own beauty that his heart became angry. He scolded everyone, offended, did not listen to anyone. He threw stones at the beggars and the sick, killed birds and squirrels, and stuck out his eyes to moles. And all the time he admired his own reflection.
When his parents tried to shame him, when the priest advised him to be more merciful, Star Boy only grinned.
And then one day, he saw a completely ugly beggar and began to throw stones at her. The beggar turned around and looked at the boy in horror. The lumberjack began to scold his son, saying that he did not do the same with him when he found him in the forest. The beggar heard these words and fainted.
When she woke up, she asked the lumberjack if he was telling the truth about the boy that he had found him in the forest. And the lumberjack confirmed his words. Then the woman asked if there was a raincoat next to the boy, and the lumberjack nodded again. Then the beggar woman said that she was the mother of a boy whom the robbers had stolen from her, and whom she had been looking for for many years.
But the star boy refused to believe the beggar. He believed that he was the son of a star, and not a simple woman. Therefore, he began to scold the woman, saying that she was disgusting to him, and that it was easier for him to kiss a viper or a toad than this woman.
And the woman with a bitter cry went into the forest.
And the boy ran to play with his comrades. But they suddenly turned away from him, shouting that they had never seen such a freak. The star boy did not understand anything, and went to look at his reflection in the reservoir. He saw that his face had become like a toad, and his body was covered with scales like that of a viper. The boy began to cry, realizing that this was the punishment for his sin.
The lumberjack's little daughter tried to console him, saying that she would still play with him, but Star Boy decided to find his mother and beg her forgiveness. He fled into the forest.
For a long time the boy wandered through the forest, asking animals about his mother. But the mole replied that the boy had gouged out his eyes and he did not see anything, Linnet replied that he had cut her wings, and Squirrel said that he had killed her mother.
And no one wanted to help Star Boy.
Three years have passed. The star boy kept wandering around the world and looking for his mother. In the villages they laughed at him and threw stones at him, but the boy did not calm down.

And so he came to the gates of a big city. But the soldiers refused to let him through. The boy cried and begged them, saying that he was looking for his mother to ask her forgiveness, but the soldiers were adamant.
And then Someone in chain mail with golden flowers approached the gate and asked the soldiers whom they would not let into the city. They pointed to the boy and Someone said that this vile creature should be sold into slavery for a cup of wine. And a creepy old man passing by agreed to buy the Star Boy for this price.
This old man was a mighty wizard who brought the boy to his house, put him in a dungeon and fed him with a piece of bread and a sip of water. The next day, he told the boy that in the forest near this city, three coins were hidden, which the boy should find for him. And he sent the Boy into the forest for a coin of white gold, threatening, if he did not get a coin by evening, to beat him cruelly with whips.
The boy went into the forest and wandered among the trees all day, but found nothing. Toward evening, he suddenly noticed a bunny, which fell into the snare and released him. The hare asked how he could thank the boy and he told about the white gold coin.
Then the hare took him to an oak tree and in its hollow the boy found the necessary coin.
He thanked the hare and ran into the city. But at the gate he was stopped by a leper, who began to beg the boy to give him alms so that he would not die of hunger.
The boy had nothing but a white gold coin and he gave it to the leper.
The wizard severely beat the boy when he returned without a coin. And the next day he sent him to look for a yellow gold coin.
And again the boy wandered through the forest all day, met the Hare and he helped him find the coin at the bottom of a small lake. The boy thanked the hare again and ran into the city.
And again the leper began to beg him for alms, saying that he would die otherwise. And again the boy gave him the coin.
The wizard beat the boy even more and ordered him to find a red gold coin.
The boy went back to the forest and, after wandering all day, sat down and wept. A hare came running and, learning why he was crying, showed him a red gold coin in the cave.
And the boy went to the city, and a beggar was waiting at the gate. The beggar immediately asked me to give him a red gold coin, because otherwise he would die. And the boy gave him the coin.
And when he began to pass through the gate, the soldiers bowed to him, saying that he was very handsome. And the townspeople admired the boy, and he believed that they were laughing at him.
When the priests came out and began to call him a wonderful lord, the boy could not resist and began to cry, saying that his appearance was disgusting. But then Someone in armor with golden flowers showed the boy his shield and he saw in the reflection that he had become beautiful again, as before.
And everyone bowed to him and said that a prophecy had been made long ago, that on this day the one who would rule it would come to the city. And they began to offer the boy a crown and a scepter.
But the boy said that he was not worthy of this, because he severely offended his mother. And he turned to the gate. But suddenly the boy saw his beggar mother and rushed to her.
He fell into the mud near her feet and watered the wounds on the woman's legs with tears. He began to beg her to forgive him. He asked her to accept him.
But the beggar was silent.
Then the boy turned to the leper, who was standing nearby, and began to beg him to influence his mother, because the boy helped the leper three times.
But he, too, remained silent. And the boy again began to ask his mother to accept him and take him to their forest.
And then his mother said to him "Get up!", And the leper repeated his words.
The boy looked up and saw the king and queen standing in front of him. They hugged the boy and showered him with kisses, then took him to the palace and made him the ruler of this city.
And the boy ruled fairly. He banished the wizard, rewarded the Woodcutter, and gave his sons prestigious positions. He was merciful to the poor, helped the sick and forbade cruelty to animals and birds.
But the star boy did not rule for long. He died three years later.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Star Boy"



(Integrated lesson using ICT)

EQUIPMENT: On the board - there is a star in the center (above it - a theme);

Portrait of a writer, drawings of students for a fairy tale,

exhibition of books.

epigraphs for the lesson:

... what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

The beauty of the soul gives charm to even a nondescript body ... V. Lessing

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: to help students penetrate into the meaning of a fairy tale, to find out what, according to the author, is the true beauty of a person, to bring to the understanding that the true beauty of a person is in spiritual wealth, that a person is beautiful not with external, but with internal qualities.


Show internal changes in a person as a result

work on yourself;

Condemn human pride and arrogance;

Reveal the cleansing role of repentance, forgiveness, mercy, repentance.

Today we'll talk about beauty. About the beauty of a person. What is the power of beauty? Why does she care about people so much? Many have tried to understand what role beauty plays in life “and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, or a fire flickering in a vessel? This question was asked by our Russian poet N. Zabolotsky. The fairy tale by O. U. "M-Z", which you read at home, can answer it.

But first, I would like to tell you a few words about the author and the fairy tales (Slides 1-4)

Young artists illustrate the main episodes of the tale

Some students had to prepare a short retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the legend of Narcissus,

· And the theatrical group - staging one episode: this is the first meeting with the mother.

Vocabulary work: shroud, leper, crippled, shut

heart, heart of stone, peers.

Let's start a conversation about a fairy tale.

LET'S REFER TO THE TITLE... What is a star for you? A star is something beautiful, attractive, cold and distant.

The tale begins with a description of a frosty winter night. How do animals and birds feel about this weather?

Some believe that the earth died under a white shroud, while others - that it is preparing for the wedding (you can find a description of the frosty night)

Let's now listen to an excerpt from the ballet "The Nutcracker" The guys explain that the music played is both disturbing and festive - magical at the same time. So it is in a fairy tale.

Why was the Boy named a Star in childhood?

Thought he fell from the star

Let's remember how he got to people?

Children tell how lumberjacks find a child in winter.

What are the Lumberjacks going to do? Find the answer in the text and read it.

Why did one of the lumberjacks take the child, although he himself was poor? What does this act mean?

You can not do evil, that he is a kind, warm-hearted person.

How did the Woodcutter's wife come to his decision?

She was upset and did not want to take the child. "Don't we have our own children"

Why did the wind appear in the house?

People with hearts of stone live here. How do you understand the expression “heart of stone?” - cruel, evil. No wonder people with such hearts are said to be heartless.

How did the conflict between the Lumberjack and his wife end, and what qualities did they show?

They left the child with them and showed wisdom and kindness. The wife felt that if she did not respond to the impulse of her husband now, then happiness would leave their house.

So, the Boy began to live in the Lumberjack family.

What made him different from all the people in the village?

Beauty. Let's find a portrait of a boy. Did his outward beauty match his demeanor?

He grew up cruel and heartless. Disgusting actions: he threw stones at the poor, crippled; mocked animals, pushed around by his peers.

Yes, he was arrogant and cruel.

How do peers treat him?

They imitated him and became just as cruel.

You see how attractive beauty is, how children are drawn to it. They admire their idol. Do you like it? Why?

No, he's angry, cruel, heartless, emotionless, rude, arrogant. The boy lives among people, but despises them, considering himself above all, thinking that everyone should admire and admire him. They say about such people that they are sick with star fever.

The Star Boy was gifted with beauty, but how did he use God's gift? He attracted people to him, he loved to be in the center of attention.

Consider the illustrations where young artists depicted a star boy admiring his reflection. He was "as if bewitched by his beauty." We propose to listen to the story of a prepared student in the retelling of the legend of Narcissus, who was punished by the goddess Aphrodite for rejecting the love of other people, fell in love with his reflection and died of loneliness.

At what point in the tale does the phrase about the heart of stone reappear?

A boy throws a stone at a woman, and she turns out to be his mother. The lumberjack, who saw this, ran up to him and said, “You truly have a heart of stone, and you know no pity.

The evil was committed by M.-Z. - he rejected the love of his mother. Denis and Natasha will show us the moment the boy and mother meet, Vanya will act as a lumberjack. We are watching this episode of a fairy tale performed by a theatrical group.

Do you think if they portrayed this episode correctly?

Why is the boy acting like this, rejecting his mother's love?

He values ​​only his own beauty, considers himself extraordinary and is ashamed of a beggar mother

What does the expression "he shut up his heart tightly means?"

He does not want to hear or know anything about this beggar mother, because he believes that his mother was a Star.

How was he punished for this?

He became ugly.

How did people start to relate to him now?

They did the same as he did before (the children teased him and threw stones at him, the peasants did not even allow him to sleep in the barn, fearing that he might mold on the grain)

Why do birds and animals refuse to help him?

Because he offended them (he gouged out the eyes of the mole, cut the wings of the Linnet for fun, killed the squirrel's mother)

The hero sets out on a journey. For what?

To find my mother and beg her forgiveness.

And did he ask for forgiveness from animals and birds?

Yes, he cried and asked everyone for forgiveness.

Yes, he offended everyone, and now people and animals pay him the same. So he wandered for three years, endured a lot, suffered a lot. Let's imagine these moments of his life. Music will help us in this, it is able to convey the mood, feelings of a person at different moments of life. Close your eyes and try to see the episode that the music brings to you. Beethoven's quiet melody sounds. Now let's share our impressions. What have you heard and seen?

Some hear the sadness of a boy who has become lonely, others imagine the episode when stones were thrown at the boy, others see how the boy asked for a piece of bread ...

What has changed in the boy's character after these sufferings?

He became kind, cordial, respectful, generous.

· The hero goes on a journey, he passes tests;

· He comes across a magical creature (sorcerer);

· He finds himself in a strange world (magic garden, forest);

· He is helped by a hare, whom the boy saved his life (pulled out of the pit);

· He does a good deed, which says that he has become different;

· The hero is rewarded.

The tale resembles a parable - an instructive story. If in folk tale wealth, a beautiful wife awaits the hero at the end, then in the fairy tale-parable the most important reward is rebirth, spiritual resurrection, and the culminating episode is the moment of the hero's forgiveness by his mother and father. Let's find this moment in a fairy tale with the words: “Oh, my mother! I denied you in the days of my pride! " to the words “mom! Father! I'm forgiven! I'm happy!

Consider a reproduction of the famous painting by Rembrandt (remember the parable of the prodigal son)

The hero does a good deed and is rewarded for it. Beauty has returned to him, and how is this beauty different from the previous one?

Something new appeared in his eyes - soft, heartfelt, suffering made him kind, noble, respectful, modest. Such a soul made him beautiful, a real bright star.

Prove that the hero has become beautiful again, not only externally, but also internally

· He began to perform beautiful deeds;

· Became merciful;

· Began to treat animals and birds with care.

How do you feel about the boy now?

Now we like him even more.

I think you understand that the true beauty of a person is in spiritual wealth, that a person is beautiful not with external, but with internal qualities. Kindness, warmth, mercy ... these qualities make a person beautiful.

And what did the fairy tale teach you?

Be kind, do not be ashamed of your mother, even when she is old. Help those who need your help. Do not offend birds and animals, because they are also living beings. I think that all of you have drawn conclusions for yourself what real truly beautiful people should be. I would like you to respond to someone else's pain, so that your hearts never turn stone.

At the end of the lesson, I suggest listening to Schubert's composition "Ave Maria"

Let us ask the children at home to reflect on what qualities they would like to overcome in themselves, and what qualities they would like to acquire as a result of working on themselves. We advise you to read other fairy tales by O. Wilde from the collections "The Happy Prince" and "The Pomegranate House" "width =" 429 "height =" 322 src = "> "width =" 492 "height =" 368 src = ">

Introspection lesson,

held within the framework of the regional seminar for teachers of the Russian language and literature on October 14, 2008.

Lesson topic : Oscar Wilde's Tale "The Boy is a Star"

I chose this fairy tale after studying the topic "Literary Tales", since it will help expand the schoolchildren's understanding of this genre and is quite understandable for them.

Lesson type : integrated (Russian literature + MHC + ICT)

Lesson form : lesson - interview using a multimedia presentation

Lesson Objectives :

v show internal changes in a person as a result of work on oneself;

v to condemn human pride and arrogance, cruelty;

v Reveal the cleansing role of repentance (sincere regret for what you have done, striving to make amends with your actions), forgiveness (the ability to forget offense), mercy (willingness to help), compassion (the ability to empathize, empathize);

v Bring to the understanding that the true beauty of a person is in spiritual wealth, that a person is beautiful not with external, but with internal qualities

Lesson structure:

1.check execution homework, including discussion of pupils' drawings on various themes from the fairy tale; dramatization of the main episodes of the tale (the first meeting of the boy with his mother, the scene of farewell); a short retelling of some fragments of the tale, the legend of Narcissus, the parable of the prodigal son.

2. Problematic issues on the content

3. Slide presentation. Oscar Wilde. "Boy is a Star"

4. Closing conversation. More importantly, the beauty of the body or the beauty of the soul.

5. Summing up.

Homework check form- frontal and individual survey, dialogue, monologue. It was checked whether they understood the plot, the meaning of the tale. The children were active and answered competently. Individual speech errors were sorted out and immediately corrected by stronger students.

The main emphasis in the lesson was made on the fact that a person is beautiful not by external, but by internal qualities.

The teaching material was motivated by the fact that Oscar Wilde's tale has great moral potential and draws students to eternal values. The material was presented in the form of a presentation, reinforced with leading questions. The reading of individual fragments was preceded by vocabulary work.

The tale shows how eternal and united are the moral laws by which a person lives, how literature and other types of art are related in different nations. It is not for nothing that myths organically entered the fabric of the lesson Ancient Greece and the Bible, music by Tchaikovsky, Schubert, Beethoven, a painting by Rembrandt and drawings by the guys themselves.

By the end of the lesson, they came to the conclusion that the hero became beautiful again, not only externally, but also internally.

Everyone knows the name of Oscar Wilde - a wonderful writer. But, unfortunately, the increased attention of the public attracts only one work of the writer - "The Portrait of Dorian Gray", leaving other works of the master undeservedly in the shadows. This article will be devoted to one such "shadow masterpiece".

"Boy Star" - a fairy tale with an unhappy ending

Even if you look only at a summary, O. Wilde's Star Boy will seem like a very sad fairy tale. It all starts with the lumberjacks walking through the forest. It's a fierce winter. They no longer feel hands or feet. And suddenly they see how from the sky They run to the place where, as it seems to them, she fell, and they find there a child wrapped in a cloak (it is embroidered with gold), even with the child there is an amber necklace. One of the woodcutters took pity on the baby and took him to his home.

At first, the lumberjack's wife did not want to accept the baby, she said that they had so many mouths and little food, but then the "good Samaritan" put the crumb on her lap, and the woman's heart melted. She adopted the child. The lumberjack and his wife raised the boy as their own, never letting him know by their attitude that he was adopted. This is the plot of the tale. Ahead - a summary. Star Boy is a tricky story, as you will see.

The main moral conflict of the tale:

Surprisingly, despite the excellent attitude from the outside, the boy grew up angry and cruel, because he considered himself the son of a star. In addition, the boy was handsome and strong. This allowed him to be the leader not only of his named brothers and sisters, but also of all the surrounding children. One day a beggar came up to the house. Outwardly, she was terrible: her face was sharpened by leprosy, her hands were sores, and she was dressed in rags. The cruel boy began to mock her in every possible way. The lumberjack was furious at the behavior of his adopted son and made him a harsh suggestion. However, the boy did not heed his father and, with his usual ambition, declared: “You are a commoner, you have no right to tell me. I'm the son of a star. " His father reasonably reminded him that it was he, a simple woodcutter, who saved him from death a long time ago. The beggar, hearing this, rushed to him and confessed that it was she who was the mother of the “boy from the star”. The lumberjack was delighted and told his son, who was playing in the street, to go into the house, because his mother was waiting for the boy. The heartless youth entered the house. Before him was just a beggar, whom he had recently bullied. He said that it was not his mother and that he would rather kiss a toad or a viper than her. Having said this, he left the house. But before he had time to appear on the street, his now former friends called the handsome young man a "freak", "a toad." He could not understand what was the matter, but then he found a pond and saw in it that he had become terribly disgusting in appearance (here you can see some of the opposite). He understood what the punishment for his sins had befallen him. Ashamed of his behavior, he said goodbye to the lumberjack and his family and went in search of the beggar mother he had treated so unfairly. This is the summary. "Boy-Star" is a fairy tale, the main moral conflict of which is the fight between good and evil in the heart of a person.

Rising tension and climax

Further, the action develops very rapidly, and the tale is read in one breath. No matter how much the boy wandered, he could not find his mother. One way or another, the road led the terrible youth to the gates of the city, and he asked the guards if they had seen the beggar. She is his mother. He told them that finding her was a matter of life and death for him. The guards only laugh at the "freak" and end up selling him into slavery to a passing sorcerer. The sorcerer locks him in his castle and releases only so that the former "star boy" can get three coins for him in the forest - from white, from red, from

The boy went into the forest. I accidentally saved a bunny there, and for good reason. Because it was the bunny who helped him get coins for the old sorcerer, but they never got to the villain. Every time the boy returned from the forest, he met a beggar on the road and asked him to give the coins. And each time the boy, who at that moment was completely transformed, yielded to the request of the tramp. When the boy gave the last coin to the beggar and was already waiting for death at the hand of the sorcerer, the world suddenly changed: the guards knelt down, and next to the beggar stood the same beggar - the boy's mother. The young man washed her feet, her wounds and her ulcers with his tears. She said, “Come up. You didn’t help a beggar, you helped your father ”. Needless to say, both his beauty and his strength returned to the boy. He was the prince of that kingdom, the main city of which he had not been able to enter some time ago. This is the culmination of the tale, its summary. Star Boy doesn't end there.

The final hairpin by Oscar Wilde

The author of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" would not be himself if he finished the tale on a positive note. He said something else. Of course, in order to feel all the beauty of Wilde's joke, you need to read the whole story, and not watch the summary of the story "The Boy Star". But the duty still tells the reader of this article that O. Wilde finished his essay something like this: our dear prince, although he was just, kind and merciful to everyone, did not rule for too long. His poor heart could not stand the suffering he experienced, and three years later he died, and the heirs to the throne were tyrants, so his subjects were not too lucky. This end of the tale replaces Wilde's signature. Unmistakable stylistics of the master.

Star Boy is Dorian Gray the other way around

So what did O. Wilde want to say? "Boy Star", the summary of which you have read, is an unusual tale. But, yielding to temptation, it is worth saying: even a cursory glance is enough to understand: "The Boy-Star" is a work about the moral revival of a person, about a spiritual upheaval, about the unconditional victory of good over evil. "The Portrait of Dorian Gray", on the other hand, is about the moral and spiritual degradation of a person. And from the denouement, or rather, from the final hairpin, it is clear that Wilde, as an artist, hates happy ends. He is dearer to the boundless deployment of evil in a man. O. Wilde's aesthetic position can be expressed in one quote from "Portrait ...": "When tragedy is combined with beauty, beauty is born." And what could be more tragic and more beautiful than the gradual death of beauty?

Belova Polina

Looking through the many works for this topic, it was difficult to find a suitable one. I was reminded of a story I recently read by Oscar Wilde, "Star Boy," and as it turned out, it fits perfectly into this piece.

This tale-tale struck me with its realistic transmission of feelings and the development of relations between the heroes of the story. This tale is tragic. It raises to the surface the questions of kindness and selfishness, relationships between loved ones, love and humiliation, and many more questions that we so often come across when looking at adolescent children.

The heroes of this story all the time face a difficult and decisive choice: the kind woodcutter who has found the Star Boy decides whether to leave him to die or take him to his family. The wife of a good woodcutter also faces the choice of loving and caring for this child. The Star Boy himself is constantly in very difficult situations for him, before the choice of cruelty or love and care for the world around him: about animals and even about people.

The images of this tale are very interesting, significant and symbolic: a dense, dark, and seemingly not very friendly forest, in which at first there is a narrow path to a rare grove, but then this “grove” becomes the most important place in the whole story. It was in the very wilderness of the forest in the middle of the night that a golden star fell, which the woodcutter noticed. Where she fell, he found the main character himself - the Star Boy, and after that he gave him shelter and love. The whole plot and the whole world revolves around this child, to which he was just awful. The boy was annoyed by literally everything: animals, over which he cruelly mocked, and especially people. He didn’t care who he was making fun of and to whom he spoke rude words: an elderly person or small child... It seems to me that he became so heartless thanks to the company of boys with whom he interacted and who could gladly frame him. And the "star" boy did not understand this!

His eyes opened only when he himself realized that he was "rotten" through and through, his behavior, actions during all this time only caused him moral pain. He abruptly changed his attitude to life, changed his views after a rude act towards his mother - a beggar woman, insulting her. His narcissism and "stardom" turn into ugliness, both mental and real, and lead to a rethinking of his actions and thoughts. Now he is ready to go even to the ends of the world in search of his own mother in order to atone for his guilt in front of her. The boy experiences fear, humiliation, physical pain, those feelings that he himself once inflicted on others. And after going through all the torment, he becomes kind and

a sympathetic person, receives forgiveness from his mother, begins to live in the circle of people who love him, in a family.

People, seeing in him the beauty and nobility, choose him as their prince. He pays them with justice and kindness.

This tale makes us think that good and evil always go through life side by side, and that we must learn to find the right choice. Good should live in everyone's soul and can make any person beautiful.

Writing based on the story "Star Boy" by Oscar Wilde


Lesson prepared

Teacher early. classes MOU "Gymnasium No. 5", Saratov

Chechuevskaya V.Yu.


Literary reading


4th grade

Lesson type

Extracurricular reading lesson.


The true beauty of man.

Literary and artistic analysis of Oscar Wilde's fairy tale "The Boy-Star".

Lesson objectives


Acquaintance of students with the writer's tale;

Teaching the skills of analyzing a work of art;

Disclosure of the ideological and figurative content of the tale; searching for an answer to the question: what, according to the author, is the true beauty of a person;

Revealing the moral lessons of the work.


Development speech activity, memory, emotional-figurative and analytical thinking.


Instilling interest in books, reading;

Realization that the true beauty of a person is impossible without kindness, love for people, without responsibility for their actions;

Creating conditions for knowing yourself and your character.



Form students:

interest in the content and form of a work of art;

interest in creative activity based on a literary work;

emotional attitude to the actions of literary heroes;

the ability to be aware of such moral concepts and moral norms as: mutual assistance, mercy, love.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

foundations of moral self-esteem, orientation to moral norms and their implementation;

orientation in the system of personal meanings;

the concept of a person's responsibility for oneself and loved ones, about attention, care, about a high feeling of love;

understanding the feelings of other people, empathy and help to them, ethical feelings - guilt, conscience as the basis of moral behavior .


The student will learn:

navigate the adopted system of educational signs;

accept the algorithm for performing the educational task;

participate in the discussion of the assignment plan .;

perform educational activities in oral, written speech;

work independently with the textbook;

correlate external assessment and self-esteem.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

carry out reflection and self-esteem, adequately assess their actions and the actions of others .


The student will learn:

Express your thoughts verbally and in writing, in monologue and dialogue, use the available speech means in accordance with the task of expressing;

show a sustained interest in communication and group work;

participate in educational dialogue;

take part in the collective performance of tasks, incl. creative.

The student will have the opportunity

learn to:

use various speech means to convey your feelings and impressions;

- take into account the position of the interlocutor, take into account the mood of other people, their emotions from the perception of works of literature;

show creative initiative, independence in group work;


The student will learn:

arbitrarily build an oral and written statement, taking into account the educational task;

formulate conclusions;

to search for information, to present the found information;

summarize information, draw conclusions, make comparisons on various textual material;

build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships .

Planned results

Lead students to understand that the true beauty of a person lies in the beauty of his inner world and the nobility of his soul.

Encourage people to think about the responsibility of a person for their words and actions.

Resources: basic and additional

V.A. Lazarev Reader Class 4, multimedia presentation, an excerpt from Vivaldi's album "The Seasons", audio recording of an excerpt from the play "Star Boy" (1957), cards with tasks for group work, memos for writing syncwines, a music video for the song "Road of good"

During the classes.

I ... Organization of the beginning of the lesson.


Author: It was a winter starry night, there was a severe frost. A thick blanket of snow lay both on the ground and on the trees. Suddenly beautiful and extraordinary bright Star fell from the sky. The lumberjacks started to run. And what did they see ?!

On the white snow lay something glittering like gold! But alas! There was no silver or gold in the folds of his cloak. They saw a sleeping child. One of the lumberjacks took the child in his arms and said: “You cannot do an evil deed - leave the child to freeze. Although I am poor and I have many mouths, I will take it home. My wife will take care of him. "

Lumberjack: I found something in the forest and brought it to you to take care of.

Wife: What is it? Show me soon, because our house is empty.

Lumberjack: (opens his cloak): Here!

Wife: Alas! Don't we have our own children! That you needed to take the foundling.

Lumberjack: Listen, this is the Star Child.

Wife: Our children are sitting without bread, and we will feed someone else's child. Who will take care of us? Who will give us food?

Lumberjack: But the Lord even takes care of the sparrows and gives them food.

Wife: Do few sparrows die from the cold? Why don't you close the door? Look, what a chilly wind, I am frozen.

Lumberjack: There will always be a cold in the house where people with hearts of stone live.

The wife comes up and takes the child.

II . Actualization of the subjective experience of students

Acquaintance with the epigraph:

“There are many people with good looks,

who, however, have nothing to brag about inside. "

(James Fenimore Cooper)


Guys, how do you understand this statement? What did J.F. Cooper want to say?

What, then, will we talk about today? What questions could you suggest for discussion?

(What is the true beauty of a person? What should beauty bring to the world? Should a person be responsible for his words and deeds? Can a person with a stone heart change for the better?).

The answers to these complex questions will help us find the tale of the English writer O. Wilde "The Boy-Star".

III . Obtaining new knowledge

The teacher's story about the life and work of the writer

Look at the portrait of the writer. An attractive young man, always in fashion.

Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 in Dublin, the son of a famous Irish surgeon and an English poet. He received a good education. Studied at Dublin College, graduated in 1879 Oxford University, traveled to Italy and Greece.

He was a recognized trendsetter, but his main advantage was the ability to conduct a conversation. He strove to shine and amaze society. All aristocratic London imitated Wilde. We tried to dress like Wilde, repeated his witticisms. Various people communicated with him a lot and willingly, they listened to him attentively and said that he had a "golden" language and an extraordinary sense of sociability, a magical ability to listen to the interlocutor.

He spoke ... He told dozens of fairy tales and funny stories.

IV ... Organization of students' activities to create "new knowledge".

Primary test of understanding of what has been learned.

Teacher: To analyze a fairy tale, you need to remember its content. Before you is the plan of the tale.

Working in groups :

Exercise: Arrange the sentences in the correct order.

1. The appearance of the Star Child in the family of a lumberjack. 2. The Star Boy's heartless attitude towards everyone around him. 3. Meeting with a beggar woman. 4. Punishment for cruelty and selfishness. 5. In search of a mother. 6. In captivity of the wizard. 7. Reward for love, kindness and mercy.

V ... Application of the studied material. Generalization and systematization.

Analysis of the tale.


Each literary work Oscar Wilde is a mystery. Solving these riddles is a fascinating task for the attentive reader, especially if we do not ignore the hints that the author gives us in his text. Sometimes the answer is stored in the title of the piece. Oscar Wilde called his tale "The Boy Star".

What can you say about the lexical meaning of the word "star"? (a star in the sky, a star is a person with outstanding abilities, a celebrity, and in one and the other case a star is something amazing, extraordinary, unattainable)

- Remember what you experience when you look at the starry night sky. Find epithets for the word star, in the meaning of a heavenly body. What star?

What could the combination of the words "boy" and "star" mean? (Extraordinarily beautiful)

The very appearance of the boy indicates his exclusivity.

Let's remember how the Boy Star got to the people? (children tell how lumberjacks find a child).

Why did one of the lumberjacks take the child, although he himself was poor? Find the answer in the fairy tale and read ...(you can't do evil)

- How did the other behave? (the life of lumberjacks is equally hard, but they act differently)

What do these actions indicate?

Why didn't the Lumberjack's wife want to take this child into the house?

Why did the evil wind appear in the house? (people with "hearts of stone" live here)

How do you understand the expression "heart of stone"? (cruel, evil, that's what they say about heartless people)

How did the conflict between the Lumberjack and his wife end, and what qualities did they show? (they left the child with themselves and showed wisdom, kindness)

So, the boy began to live in the Lumberjack family.

The rare beauty of the Star Boy distinguished him from all the people in the village. Find a portrait of a boy.

Every year he became more beautiful and more beautiful, and the inhabitants of the village marveled at his beauty, for they were all dark and black-haired, and his face was white and delicate, as if carved from ivory, and his golden curls were like petalsnarcissus and lips are like scarlet petalsroses and the eyes are likeviolets reflected in the clear water of the stream. And he was slender, like a flower that grew in dense grass, where the mower's foot did not step.

- But why does the author compare the beauty of a boy with a daffodil, a rose and a violet?

Was his outward beauty consistent with his demeanor? Prove it. How is this visible? (he grew up cruel and heartless.)

What did the boy's beauty bring to the lumberjack family and their village? (She brought only evil because the boy-star has a cold, soulless, heartless beauty.)

Yes, he was arrogant and cruel. How do peers treat him? (imitate him)

Would the hero become like this if his peers did not obey him, did not support him in everything? (The star boy acted this way because he felt the approval and support of his peers and wanted to assert his superiority over them.)

Beauty is a treasure. But you can dispose of it, like any treasure, in different ways. It is important that beauty brings the world, people light, warmth, and not selfishness, evil and cruelty.

But look how attractive this beauty is, how children are drawn to it. They admire their idol.

Do you like it? Why? (he is evil, cruel, insensitive, rude, arrogant. The boy lives among people, but despises them, considering himself above everyone, thinking that everyone should admire and admire him.)

- What actions of the boy seemed especially cruel and inhuman to you? Why?

At what point in the tale does the phrase about the heart of stone reappear? (a boy throws a stone at a woman, and she turns out to be his mother)

Fragment of the play "Star Boy" (meeting with his mother)

Why is the Boy acting like this?(values ​​only his own beauty, considers himself extraordinary and is ashamed of a poor mother)

How was he punished for this?(became ugly)

Teacher: The words of the protagonist sound angry, contemptuous, "he shut his heart tightly." His last remark about the ugly toad becomes fatal for himself. The insult inflicted on his mother returns to the Star Boy, now he himself looks like an ugly toad. Find a description of the boy's appearance.

Yes, he offended everyone, and now people and animals pay him the same.

Now he has to wander, suffer, suffer, stones are thrown at him; he asks for a piece of bread, but they do not give him; freezes from bad weather, sleeps under a tree.

What has changed in the character of the Boy after these sufferings?(he became kind, cordial, respectful, generous)

Why did beauty return to him, and how does it differ from the previous one?

(Something new appeared in his eyes - soft, heartfelt, suffering made him kind, noble, respectful, modest. Such a soul made him beautiful, a real bright star).

It is no coincidence that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It was at this moment that his second meeting with his mother takes place. Remember this meeting.

How do you feel about the Boy now and why? Has he changed?

VI ... Correction of the acquired knowledge.

Teacher: Did Wilde's tale answer the question of what is the true beauty of man? What is it? (The combination of a person's appearance with his inner world, wonderful deeds, a warm heart. This is what can change the world for the better).
Conclusion: A person, of course, can be very beautiful outwardly, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is what it is inner world... Kindness, decency, politeness, intelligence, mercy - these are the criteria for true beauty.

VIII ... Reflection.

Teacher: Group work.

Assignment: Make a portrait description of the boy: what was he like before meeting his mother, and what did he become after he drove her away? (write character traits on the pieces of paper).
- Let's read what qualities the Boy-Star possessed in our fairy tale?

And now in Take a pencil and underline on your list what positive traits you would like to develop in yourself and from what negative you would get rid of ... Read it.

These are the main qualities of a star. To become a star, you need to have these qualities.

As a result of our work with you, I would like to suggest that you compose syncwines on the following topics Star, Happiness, Good, Love. We will work in groups.

Vii ... Summing up the lesson.

Each of you has learned your moral lesson from this tale. Which?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself in the lesson?

We have traced how the boy's life changes throughout the tale. At the end of the tale, he becomes a star in the best sense of the word. The beauty of his face became the beauty of his soul.

We came to the conclusion that a truly beautiful person has such qualities as kindness, mercy, the ability to compassion and love.

My dear guys, you are so wonderful, smart and beautiful, I really want your beauty to bring only light and warmth to the world.

I would like you to respond to someone else's pain, so that your hearts never turn stone.

To make you really beautiful ... This is what can change the world for the better.

Watching the video "The Road of Kindness"