10 most powerful countries in the world in terms of weapons. Powerful and most powerful armies in the world. The most beautiful army

Time goes forward, the world does not stand still. Mankind has long realized that war brings only destruction and death. But this awareness does not give such an effect as we would like. The globe is engulfed in wars, and even countries that are not at war are aware of the existence of many factors that do not allow them to relax. All this leads to the fact that each country is trying to build up its military-armed forces in order to feel safe.

The world community understands that it is impossible to completely abandon weapons, as there are people, for example, terrorists or extremists, who will continue to destroy civilians for their religious reasons. And everyone is wondering what the top of the strongest armies in the world looks like.

To compile such a list, you need to choose a number of criteria by which armies will be evaluated. This is:

  • the maximum conscription of people into the ranks of the army;
  • the number of tanks;
  • the number of aircraft;
  • nuclear combat power;
  • the number of aircraft carriers;
  • the number of submarines;
  • military budget.

It is from these sides that we will consider the armies of the world. The ranking of countries is very interesting and sometimes predictable. Let's take a closer look at our winners.

1. USA is the winner of the race

This country very predictably took first place. If you ask an ordinary person what is the most powerful army in the world, then fifty percent will answer that the US military forces, and they will be right.

According to the above characteristics, the US wins in three. The first one is the number of planes. 13643 units of aircraft - that's what the US Army can boast of. This country is also the undoubted leader in terms of the number of aircraft carriers, there are 10 of them, while in Russia or China there is only one each. And the third, probably one of the most important qualities, because of which the United States does not lose its position in the arms race, is the budget. The White House invests more than $612 billion in its troops annually, and the US Army proves that it is worth the money spent on it.

In addition, the status of the most high-tech and combat-ready also belongs to this army. The United States has its all over the world, which allows them to significantly scare potential enemies. After all, they can deliver a blow in just a couple of hours after receiving an order for that.

The Pentagon also does not lag behind in modern military developments, which gives rise to new, hitherto unseen types of weapons that have ever greater power and greater range.

All these factors help to understand that the United States is ahead of all other armies in the world. The rating is deservedly headed by this country, but it is not the only one that deserves attention.

The other day, experts from an international analytical group published a rating of the armies of the world in terms of the level of military power of Global Firepower (often the analytical structure itself is also called in the same way). The level of military power was determined by the classification of the mentioned group. The index of military superiority of some armies over others has recently been published annually and takes into account such indicators of the armed forces of various countries as the ratio of the number of armed forces to the population of the country, the composition of the Air Force, Navy (Navy), the number of tanks, as well as the volume of the defense budget. It is important that the level of military power in this case does not take into account the country's possession of nuclear potential.

In total, in 133 countries of the world, the army of each of which has been assigned a certain coefficient. Moreover, in this case, the principle of inverse proportionality works: the lower this coefficient is, the greater the total power of the armed forces of a state is considered.

The top three countries in terms of global power in this ranking are as follows.

At the first place - USA. The declared indicators are: the coefficient is 0.0857, the population is 323.9 million people, the number of armed forces is 2.36 million, of which 990 thousand are reservists. The number of aviation assets is 13762 aircraft and helicopters, of which 2296 are fighters, 947 are attack helicopters. The total number of tanks in the US Army is 5884 units. The number of warships of the US Navy is 415, of which 19 are aircraft carriers, 70 are submarines. The defense budget of the American army, as is known even without the compilers of this rating, cannot be compared with the military budgets of other countries of the world. Its total volume, named in Global Firepower for 2017, amounted to $588 billion. And this is only the "unclassified" part of the Pentagon's treasury.

In second place, the compilers of the rating place Russia with a coefficient of 0.0929. Russian population figures (about 142 million people are indicated) differ from official data in the Russian Federation for the reason that foreign analysts continue to pretend that Crimea is not part of Russia.

Indicators for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Global Firepower: strength - as much as 3.37 million people. It was decided to include in this value everyone who is not only in the personnel of the Armed Forces of the country, but also reservists plus civilian personnel. The direct personnel composition is indicated at the level of 798.5 thousand military personnel. Just a few days ago, information was published on the full strength of the RF Armed Forces according to data not from foreign experts, but directly from the RF Ministry of Defense. The statistics (published by TASS Global Firepower) are actually as follows: 1 million 13 thousand 628 military personnel.

As can be seen, the scatter with the data of foreign "partners" differ not only in terms of population, but also in terms of the strength of the Armed Forces directly.

The statistics in Global Firepower for Russia are as follows: aviation means - 3794, of which 806 are fighters, 490 are attack (attacking) helicopters. Number of tanks: 20216. Number of warships in the Navy: 352, including one aircraft-carrying cruiser (Admiral Kuznetsov) and 63 submarines. The military budget of the Russian Defense Ministry in 2017 is estimated at $44.6 billion.

Closes the top three People's Republic of China. The coefficient in this case is 0.0945. The indicated population is 1.373 billion people. The number of PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) is 3.7 million, of which 1.45 million are listed as reservists.
The number of military aircraft in China is 2955, of which 1,271 thousand fighters and 206 attack helicopters. According to these statistics, the Chinese army has caught up with and surpassed the US army in terms of the number of fighter aircraft, and it has surpassed it by almost 50%. This information from Global Firepower is in conflict with information in Chinese official sources. The Chinese themselves say that the number of fighters of various modifications, including the Russian Su-27 and Su-30, is no more than 950 units, of which about 500 are Chengdu J-7. Wikipedia gives almost 1,500 fighters altogether, including in their total number aircraft that are not physically in the PLA Air Force, but contracts for which have been concluded.

The number of tanks in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, according to the compilers of the global rating under consideration, is 6457. The number of warships is 714. If you believe this value, it turns out that China's combat fleet is almost twice as large as the US Navy's combat ship structure. It is specified that among these 714 warships there is 1 aircraft carrier, 51 frigates, 68 submarines, 35 corvettes, etc. The Chinese defense budget is said to be $161.7 billion. The official statistics on the defense budget published by the Chinese media are as follows: $151.8 billion.

In the top five in terms of military power, such countries of the world as India(4th place) and France(5th). It is noted that the population of India is about 110 million less than the population of China, while the total number of armed forces, including reservists, is declared at the level of 4.2 million people, which is half a million more than in China. The Indian defense budget exceeds the Russian one and is about $51 billion. For comparison: the military budget of France with the 5th announced line in terms of military power amounted to 35 billion US dollars in 2017.

Places from 6th to 10th were distributed as follows: Britain, Japan, Turkey, Germany and (rather surprisingly) Egypt. At the same time, the “Egyptian Navy” section indicates the presence of two aircraft carriers. We are talking about helicopter carriers that France sold to Cairo after the well-known sanctions against Russia. The presence of these ships, according to the compilers of the rating, allows Egypt with a military budget of $ 4 billion and 454 thousand military personnel to bypass in the rating, for example, Pakistan and South Korea.

On the 15th position, the compilers of the rating put Israel, noting that the military budget of this country is one of the most impressive per capita in the world. With a population of 8.1 million and a military force of 168,000, the budget is over $15.5 billion.

The DPRK was given the 23rd place (and why, then, are the USA, Japan and South Korea shuddering? ..). And the most "cool" army in Europe - Ukrainian - 30th position. By military power Ukraine estimated so that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already on the 14th position above the army Syria, 19 lines above the army The Republic of Belarus and 28 above the sun Azerbaijan.

Political significance on the world stage is impossible without a strong, combat-ready army, on which a large amount of budget funds is spent. In past centuries, the pledge of support for warriors actually meant the greatest degree of success for a politician. Nothing has changed since then.

The armed forces are a guarantee of the independence, success of the country and the security of citizens. We present to the attention of readers the rating of the strongest armies in the world, an assessment of weapons and manpower.

Modern era and military

Modern countries need to protect their borders no less than their territories hundreds of years ago. However, today there are known countries in which there are no armed forces. To protect the population, police formations or equivalent units are used there. The list includes 21 states, including:

  • Andorra;
  • Vatican;
  • Haiti;
  • Iceland;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Monaco;
  • Solomon islands.

Location of countries in the world that do not have their own regular troops

It is noteworthy that some publications include in this list Japan, whose armed forces are called self-defense forces. Legislatively, the actions of this structure are very limited and can only be associated with defense activities. However, it is wrong to say that Japan does not have an army.

The strength of modern troops lies not so much in numbers, but in the uniqueness of weapons, the number of tanks, submarines, and other equipment. Technological progress has given mankind not only cars and rockets, but also nuclear weapons.

Modern armies are divided into types of troops, intelligence departments and other special services.

Below is the top 10 most powerful armies in the world, let's talk about the evaluation criteria.

Criteria for assessing the power of modern armed forces

Several criteria are used to assess the strength of armies:

  • the number of manpower and reservists;
  • military budget (calculated both as a fixed amount and as a percentage of GDP);
  • the number of planes and helicopters;
  • number of tanks;
  • the number of nuclear warheads and their means of delivery;
  • the number of submarines and missile carriers;
  • degree of fuel availability;
  • geographical data.

Rating of the strongest armies in the world

The list of the most powerful armies in the world is based on the annual Global Firepower report. The organization studies the armed forces of various countries and puts each force index. Looking at the number, it is easy to understand whose army is the strongest, and whose army is behind in most indicators. This is the most detailed rating in the world.

10th place - Bundeswehr (Germany)

In 2019, the German Armed Forces lost several ranking lines, but remained in the top ten. Since 2011, he has been one of the professional formations in which there is no place for conscripts.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen during the inspection of equipment

  • Number: 178,641;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 714/384;
  • tanks: 432;
  • submarines: 6;
  • budget: $45.2 billion;
  • force index: 0.2461.

The provision of the army in Germany is very good. The country is a member of NATO, but, contrary to its obligations, does not spend 2% of GDP on defense. Actively involved in conflicts abroad. The last operation is the fight against ISIS in Afghanistan.

9th place - Turkey

The troops consist of five divisions that guard the borders at sea, in the air and on land, and also keep order inside the country. It is not professional, recruits are annually called up from among the citizens of the country suitable for the age.

View of the Turkish airbase Indzherlik, also used by NATO troops

There is a system of official buyout from the service. To do this, a young person needs to undergo initial military training for up to 5 weeks and pay 500 million lira (equivalent to 6 billion rubles). Thus, very rich citizens replenish the country's budget.

  • Number: 350,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1056/475;
  • tanks: 2446;
  • submarines: 12;
  • budget: $10.2 billion;
  • force index: 0.2216.

Turkey has its own military training centers. Citizens in the reserve are required to undergo retraining annually.

8th place - Japan

The Japan Self-Defense Forces or Jieitai are a special kind of troops. According to the Constitution, the country does not have the right to participate in military conflicts of other countries, and the purpose of creating an army is the defense of the state. All this is in the past. Today, the country is consistently among the ten most powerful armies in the world with a huge defense budget. Since 2015, participation in military conflicts abroad has been officially allowed (parliament decision).

Japan spares no expense to equip self-defense forces

  • Number: 247,157;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1508/622;
  • tanks: 679;
  • submarines: 17;
  • budget: $44 billion;
  • force index: 0.2107.

The draft age in Japan has been raised to 32. In recent years, the militarization of Japan has been carried out at an active pace.

7th place - South Korea

Armed Forces of South Korea

  • Number: 625,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1560/748;
  • tanks: 2654;
  • submarines: 16;
  • budget: $40 billion;
  • force index: 0.2001.

The Republic of Korea officially participated in the war in Iraq, losing only one fighter killed.

6th place - Great Britain

By 2019, Britain's troops have become even stronger, according to Global Firepower. The state is a member of NATO, consistently ranked among the best armies in the world.

British army soldiers

  • Number: 197,730;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 832/333;
  • tanks: 227;
  • submarines: 10;
  • budget: $50 billion;
  • force index: 0.1917.

The advantage of the army of the Kingdom lies in the huge budget. Regularly participates in military conflicts and NATO peacekeeping missions. The last operation is Serval, in which French forces suppressed an uprising in the Republic of Mali. The British Army is peaceful and calm. Accidents and suicides are rare.

5th place - France

The fifth place among the strongest is occupied by France, and it holds last year's positions. The armed forces of the Republic are considered the strongest in Europe.

French regular troops are often involved in international armed conflicts

  • Number: 205,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1262/570;
  • tanks: 406;
  • submarines: 10;
  • budget: $40 billion;
  • force index: 0.1869.

France has also deployed combat aircraft in Tajikistan. 7% of the NATO contingent is represented by the military force of the Republic. The guarantor of the country's security is not only a strong army, but also nuclear weapons. Its number was reduced as much as possible with the end of the Cold War.

The Fifth Republic is a country with a developed industry. It manufactures airplanes and helicopters and sells them abroad. The French army has a large number of women (14%) who even serve in the navy. These are the most feminized aircraft in the world.

4th place - India

The top five has remained unchanged for several years. This suggests that strong armies are seriously outperforming competitors. One of the leaders is India. The number of the army of this country is unprecedented and exceeds 1 million soldiers. Regular divisions include:

  • army;
  • naval forces;
  • air Force.

Military parade in Delhi, timed to coincide with Republic Day, 2017

It is believed that in the event of war, the mobilization of the army will exceed 700 million people.

  • Number: 1,362,500;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 2185/720;
  • tanks: 4426;
  • submarines: 16;
  • budget: $47 billion;
  • force index: 0.1417.

The Indian army vastly outnumbers the French forces in terms of tanks, aircraft and other parameters. The state is a strong nuclear power recognized by world leaders. It is noteworthy that the post of Minister of Defense of India is held by a woman, Nirmala Sitharaman.

The industry of India partially supplies the armed forces with equipment.

3rd place - China

The number of active Chinese army has more than 2 million soldiers. In the event of war, this figure will rise to 750 million.

The largest army

  • Number: 2,183,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 3035/985;
  • tanks: 7716;
  • submarines: 73;
  • budget: $151 billion;
  • force index: 0.0852.

China maintains military bases in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, ensuring security and an uninterrupted supply of fuel. China is in second place in terms of the budget of the armed forces, second only to the United States in this matter.

Since the army is large, a strategic agency was created in 2016 to deal with security issues.

Interesting fact: The Chinese army does not take young people with tattoos. Military school soldiers must not snore, otherwise they will be fired.

2nd place - Russia

  • Number: 1,013,628;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 3914/1451;
  • tanks: 20300;
  • submarines: 62;
  • budget: $47 billion;
  • force index: 0.0841.

Russia is the leader in terms of the number of tanks - more than 20 thousand and nuclear warheads (8484 pieces). The delivery system for weapons of mass destruction is very well developed. The troops are made up of conscripts and contractors. The share of the latter is higher, and this trend has been outlined since 2015. The mobilization resource is more than 30 million people.

Russian soldiers in Syria

The supply of military units is carried out at the expense of a strong and developed military-industrial complex, which includes dozens of enterprises. They produce weapons known all over the world:

  • Kalashnikov assault rifles;
  • sea ​​and land-based air defense;
  • helicopters MI and Ka;
  • reconnaissance ships;
  • submarines of project 636;
  • planes Su, Tu.

Russia is in third place in terms of the number of submarines, behind China and the United States. In recent years, the rearmament of the army has accelerated. The Russian Federation has several bases outside the country:

  • in Abkhazia;
  • Transnistria;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Belarus;
  • Tajikistan and other countries.

It is planned to strengthen positions in Asia and northern Africa.

The RF Armed Forces are characterized by two types of problems:

  • desertion;
  • corruption.

Several criminal cases have been initiated against officials related to multimillion-dollar embezzlement. The problem of desertion often stems from extra-statutory relationships. They are trying to eradicate hazing in the Russian troops, since it is also the cause of suicides.

It's no secret which army is the strongest in the world.

1st place - USA

The United States is the most powerful country in the world in terms of the level of equipment of the troops. Its budget is higher than the spending of all countries in the top ten, and is estimated at several hundred billion dollars.

US Army soldiers in Afghanistan

  • Number: 1,281,900;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 13362/5758;
  • tanks: 5884;
  • submarines: 66;
  • budget: $647 billion;
  • force index: 0.0818.

The distribution of the budget takes place according to the orders of the Ministry of Defense. So, about 20% is annually spent on upgrading weapons and other purchases.

The United States has a developed military-industrial complex. The supply of its own army and the forces of other states is carried out in accordance with military contracts.

There are about 900 military bases outside the US around the world:

  • in Europe (Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Norway, Kosovo and so on);
  • in Africa (Niger, Djibouti and others);
  • Latin America (Cuba, Brazil, Honduras);
  • Oceania (Australia, Guam);
  • Asia (Bahrain, Republic of Korea, Japan, Singapore, Afghanistan);
  • Middle East (Israel, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia).

The United States Army has a problem with military suicides. In different years, their number either increases or slightly decreases, although the management is trying to fight it. Official figures exceed Russian ones.

This is how a powerful rating of the strongest armies looks like today. The pace of development of the armed forces is both striking and alarming. A new arms race, mutual accusations of strong sides, the emergence of new types of weapons are visible to the naked eye. Over the past decade, the world has become more militant, divided into several warring camps.

Analytical agencies constantly compare the armies of the world in order to find out the potential of the armies of the strongest states. Gradation goes both for individual regions, continents, and around the world. Comparing the number of personnel and weapons of the Armies of the World, a rating of the best armed forces on the planet is compiled.

Soldiers on combat duty

Despite the supremacy of international law, in fact, the law of the strong operates in practice. This is all the more important for countries applying for certain places - this promises not only international prestige, but also the conclusion of financial contracts for the export of weapons.

It is customary for most analytical companies and intelligence agencies of the world to have the best armies in the world of different countries in the order below.

TOP 10 - the most powerful armies in the world

10 - South Korea

The armed forces of South Korea take 10th place in the ranking, which describes the most powerful armies in the world. This country is forced to keep a large army on the balance sheet, having a restless related neighbor - North Korea - on the northern border.

This aspect greatly influences the socio-political state of the country and its militarization. The armed forces of South Korea are the third largest in the Asian region - the number of military personnel is 630 thousand people.

The number of military personnel is 630 thousand people.

The human resource is 25 million people. The principle of command and control is copied from the American model - the most powerful army is divided into commands and brigades.

The ground forces are armed with 2,500 tanks, which is far from a modest indicator for such a state. However, most of the tanks are old prototypes that were used by the most powerful Armies of the World in the past.

Including American cars produced in the last millennium. A new type of tank developed in 2007 in the army is the K2, built on a German chassis using its own developments. The combat potential of the ground forces ranks third or fourth in Asia.

Korean - the most powerful army in the world in the Asia-Pacific region

The Air Force is represented by American-made equipment (South Korea is one of the largest sales markets for American defense companies, constantly occupying a leading position in the acquisition of weapons).

The basis of the fleet is made up of F-series models as well as modernized in-house developments. The number of units is 1.5 thousand aircraft and helicopters (the government plans to expand the fleet by 200-300 units, due to the receipt of new models of multi-role F-35 fighters)

The basis of the navy is made up of ships of the coastal strip and one aircraft carrier (helicopter carrier) and 15 submarines manufactured by the FRG.

The navy is not the strength of the Korean army.

Such a country does not need to have an ocean fleet, since the main enemy is located in the neighborhood in the north.

South Korea is forced to maintain a huge army and militarize society because of its neighbor, constantly being in tension and on the eve of another war. Therefore, the armed forces are on high combat readiness, which has a positive effect on the combat capability of the army.

The South Korean army is rightfully considered one of the best on the continent.

9 - Germany

Once one of the most powerful armies in the world, it is gradually losing ground to developing states. Since the end of the Cold War, the Bundeswehr has undergone annual cuts, both in personnel and in equipment and funding. Germany occupies the 9th line in the ranking of the TOP-10 Armies of the World.

The personnel of 186 thousand soldiers and officers. The human reserve is 30 million people. The number of military personnel who are mobilized is the largest in Europe. The country's government places great hopes on the allied countries and, above all, on the United States in matters of providing support. Does not consider the scenario of war on its territory.

The personnel of 186 thousand soldiers and officers.

The basis of the ground forces are leopard tanks of various generations and modifications in the amount of 500 units (a significant part of the equipment is in storage and is not combat-ready). Tanks modification 2A9 in the army 50 units.

Also in support of the armored forces are the PUMA and Marder infantry fighting vehicles in the amount of 1 thousand units. The principle of control is to divide the country's territory into districts - commands and operational groups of troops.

The air force consists of 700 units of predominantly Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters as well as Eurofighter aircraft.

On paper, the potential of the air force is great, but not so long ago a scandal erupted when, after an inspection by the Ministry of Defense, it turned out that 40% of the equipment could not take to the air due to a lack of spare parts (this situation applies to most European armies, whose forces look impressive for the most parts on paper).

Also, the air force still retained sufficient potential in transport aviation, where there are about 50 aircraft.

The German army is the most powerful army in Europe

Bundesmarine - German naval forces have 6 new submarines and about 30 ships of the near and far sea area of ​​​​operation such as Frigate, Corvette and Minesweeper. The main striking force of the fleet is precisely submarines as the most modern type of ships.

In general, the armed forces of Germany are a classic modern European army - compact enough and highly mobile to solve individual tasks to counter limited threats mainly outside the country, but unprepared for large-scale combat missions in a large theater of operations.

8 - Turkey

The Turkish army is rightfully considered one of the most powerful in the Middle East and is in eighth place in the TOP armies of the World, thanks to its large number and arsenal of weapons. The personnel consists of 500 thousand military personnel, and the mobilization reserve is about 40 million people.

In addition, the Turkish army has experience in conducting small operations. The structure of the army is mixed - divisional-brigade, and the military forces are divided into operational commands.

The personnel consists of 500 thousand military personnel.

The ground forces form the basis of the armed forces, in terms of the number of tanks - 2.5 thousand units, Turkey is the largest state in the region. However, the basis of the tank fleet is made up of obsolete and modernized American M60A tanks, the service life of which has long expired.

The Turkish military industry is in its infancy and is only developing weapons systems (one of which is a new tank - Altay). Also in the ground forces there are several thousand armored infantry vehicles and armored personnel carriers (including Russian-made).

  • The air force has a backbone of American F-16 fighter jets, whose licensed production plant is also located in Turkey. The number of aircraft reaches 1 thousand units. The structure of the air force is dominated by strike equipment and the transport sector is poorly developed.
  • The Turkish Navy is given special attention. There are 12 submarines in service (several more ordered from shipyards in Germany) and about 20 warships. In terms of strike capabilities and displacement, the Turkish fleet in the Black Sea is a direct competitor to the Russian Black Sea Fleet and surpasses it in some components.

In general, despite a modest military budget of $ 8 billion, Turkey is a fairly powerful regional power that can compete with any country in the region in a local conflict, but the lack of new military equipment and poor army training do not allow it to move above 8th place.

7 - Japan

After the defeat in the Second World War, the country's armed forces were significantly cut both quantitatively and qualitatively. The country introduced a ban on the use of the name of the army of Japan. The official name is the Self-Defense Forces, which occupy the seventh line of the TOP-10 most powerful armies in the world.

The number of military personnel is 245 thousand people.

The number of military personnel is 245 thousand people (at the present stage, service in the armed forces of the country, according to the majority of Japanese residents, is not prestigious), and the number of mobilization reserve is 54 million people.

  • The ground forces have 700 tanks. It is noteworthy that all types of tanks in service are of their own production, and tank building is developing in the country (the modern model is type-10, which is recognized as the most high-tech in the world, but the number of units in the army does not exceed 20). Also in service is 1 thousand units of other self-propelled equipment - which includes infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and self-propelled howitzers;
  • The basis of the fleet is American-made equipment - F-4 and F-15 strike aircraft, in addition, Japan ordered 40 F-35 aircraft, which should strengthen the air component of the armed forces, taking into account the decommissioning of old models of equipment. The class of helicopters is not developed; 70 vehicles are in service, mainly transport ones;
  • The naval component of the self-defense forces has always been a priority. The basis of sea power is 4 helicopter carriers and 39 long-range destroyers. In general, the maritime component is the most powerful component of the armed forces. In terms of the size of the fleet, Japan is one of the leading powers in Asia.

The Japan Self-Defense Forces are self-sufficient for waging small local wars, however, in the event of a war, they are designed to contain the enemy until the arrival of allied troops. The army will not be able to provide adequate resistance, for example, in the event of aggression from China, which Japan considers along with the main enemy.

6 - UK

The armed forces of Great Britain are in the past the most powerful army in the world (in the TOP 10 they have the sixth line today). They are located closer to the middle of the ranking, thanks only to the presence of nuclear weapons.

According to official data, 215 warheads are in service. The personnel is 190,000 servicemen, and the mobilization reserve is 30 million people.

Personnel - 190 thousand military personnel.

The main striking force of the armed forces is the navy, given the geographical location of the country and its history, the fleet was given preference.

The ground forces are represented by 240 tanks, of which 100 are modern - Challenger 2 units, the rest of the vehicles are outdated morally and technically. Also in service are 800 armored vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. The problem of the ground forces is the lack of funding, constant reductions (the country does not have enough capabilities and equipment to form a single full-fledged corps in a war).

The air force is represented mainly by American and European equipment. The basis of the aircraft fleet is the strike aircraft of the F series Eurofighter Typhoon.

In the future, it is also planned to upgrade the fleet by purchasing new F-35 multirole fighters. The helicopter fleet is modest and mainly consists of transport units and Ah-64 Apache attack helicopters. In total, about 850 pieces of equipment are involved in aviation.

The British Navy has always been considered one of the strongest in the world. It has long conceded these laurels to its closest overseas ally, but continues (at least on paper) to be considered one of the most powerful in the world.

The main striking force is the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, recently launched and representing a new family of aircraft carriers and multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the amount of 8 units with nuclear warheads on board. The surface fleet is also represented by a number of frigates and destroyers, while the ships are new.

In the absence of nuclear weapons, it would be difficult for the armed forces of Britain to climb so high in the ranking, since, having a relatively powerful fleet in a military conflict, not to win, a balanced army is needed.

5 - France

The French army has a centuries-old glorious history, however, like all European armed forces, it is on the path of sequestering military spending and reducing military potential. The armed forces of this country took the fifth line in the TOP-10 of the most powerful armies in the world.

The personnel consists of 220 thousand soldiers and officers.

France is a member of the nuclear club with 300 warheads of various types. The personnel consists of 220 thousand soldiers and officers, the mobilization reserve is about 30 million people. The army is built on the brigade principle.

  • The ground forces have 400 tanks, about 100 of which are modern Leclerc models. Also in the ground forces, there are about 2 thousand units of various armored vehicles from armored vehicles to self-propelled howitzers.
  • The Air Force has about 1.3 thousand units of aircraft, the basis of which are the strike aircraft Eurofighter Typhoon, Tornado and a number of aircraft of its own design Mirage. The helicopter fleet is represented by Gazelle machines and transport units.
  • The fleet is armed with one aircraft carrier (there are plans to build a second vessel of the same class), as well as about 40 ships of the frigate and destroyer class. In terms of its capabilities, the French fleet is considered the second in Europe.

The armed forces of France are balanced in composition and quantity of weapons than the army of Great Britain. Also in service is a larger number of nuclear warheads and carriers of this type of weapon.

4 - India

India has the most powerful army in the region. It has become a major arms importer in the world. The country pays attention to the development of the armed forces. The defense budget is only increasing from year to year. In addition, the country has an impressive nuclear potential.

The number of the army reaches 1 million 340 thousand people.

The size of the army reaches 1 million 340 thousand people, and the mobilization resource is inexhaustible - 600 million fighters.

  • The ground forces are based on Russian-made tanks - the T-90 of early modifications. This type of licensed tanks is produced at factories in India, and the number exceeds 1 thousand units, which is more than that of the developer of this type of weapon - Russia. Also available are tanks of our own design, made on the basis of the Soviet T-72 tank. The ground forces also have a lot of other armored vehicles - the number is 3.5 thousand units;
  • The Air Force is a mixed bag. The fleet has both European equipment (Mirage, Typhoon), and Russian - SU 30SM and even American. The helicopter fleet also has a variety, the transport component is dominated by MI-17 helicopters, the shock helicopters are European;
  • The naval forces are armed with nuclear submarines, the Vikrimidatya aircraft carrier (a former Soviet aircraft carrier) and a number of other attack ships. The naval component is only developing and constitutes the weak link of the armed forces.

The Indian army is numerous, possesses nuclear weapons and has the ability to inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy. The number of weapons in the armies of the World is inferior to that owned by India.

The Chinese army is perhaps the most dynamically developing in the world. It has grown significantly in recent years. The defense budget only increases every year and is currently considered the second largest in the world. The nuclear component is also undergoing modernization, according to official data, the number of warheads is quoted from 300 to 1 thousand units.

The number of military personnel is 2.3 million soldiers and officers.

The number of military personnel is 2.3 million soldiers and officers, and the largest mobilization resource on the planet is 700 million people. The army has a brigade structure, and the whole country is divided into military districts. Also, China is one of three countries that has a full-fledged triad of nuclear forces.

The ground forces have an impressive number of tanks - 6.5 thousand units. Moreover, there is an enhanced renewal of the tank fleet and the replacement of obsolete models with new generation tanks - TYPE 99M. These tanks, at least according to the statements of the Chinese side, are not inferior and surpass all the world's leading models of this type of equipment. In addition, the Chinese army has a fleet of other armored vehicles - 5 thousand units of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, where enhanced modernization is also underway.

The air force is represented by aircraft of its own production (licensed copies of Soviet and Russian equipment) and aircraft from Russia (SU 30, SU-34). In the air sphere, intensive rearmament is also underway with modern models of our own.

The number of aircraft and helicopters is close to 3,000 units.

The maritime component has also been strengthened by an aircraft carrier and a number of nuclear submarines. Thus, 100 new ships entered the fleet in just 5 years. The Chinese fleet is considered the most powerful in Asia and is able to withstand the American Pacific Fleet.

There is a tendency to further strengthen the position of the Chinese army, followed by moving, if not to the first place in the ranking, then definitely to the second, thanks to the huge number, the presence of components for the delivery of nuclear weapons and financial injections. When it comes to talking about which army is the strongest in the world, many experts argue that China will soon become the leader.

2 - Russia

In the 90s, the Russian army was a deplorable sight. On paper, being the most powerful fragment of the Soviet army, it could barely make ends meet due to a chronic lack of funding.

The equipment was massively sold out, the soldiers did not receive proper training. This resulted in heavy losses in local conflicts. However, the period of decline has long passed, and the Russian army has updated its appearance.

Composition of the armed forces of 1 million people.

The Russian army confidently holds the second place in the TOP-10 Armies with a list of armed forces of 1 million people. The mobilization resource is 70 million people, and the number of nuclear warheads is the largest in the world. The principle of administration is based on the division of the country into separate military districts.

The ground forces have the largest tank fleet in the world. In service and storage - 20 thousand tanks. Basically, these are T-72 models of various modifications, there are also several thousand T-80s and about 600-800 T-90 tanks. A new generation of T-14 Armata vehicles, as well as mobile complexes on its platform, are being adopted.

Russia is the most powerful Army of the World in terms of armored vehicles, the number of which exceeds 20 thousand units. Armored vehicles are represented by the BMP-1 and 2 models (as well as several hundred new BMP-3), BTR-70 and 80 (there are also several hundred new BTR-82A in the army), a large number of armored vehicles are also in service - 7 thousand units.

The air component has 3.8 thousand units, which is the second indicator in the world. The air fleet is represented by various types of equipment, ranging from transport aviation by the IL-76, An-12 and An-26 models, MIG-29, SU-27 and SU-30 strike fighters and SU-34 Tu-22, Tu-95 and Tu-160.

The helicopter fleet is represented by Mi-8, Mi-26 transporters, and Mi-24, Mi-28N and Ka-52 attack helicopters.

As a legacy from the USSR, the Russian fleet received a huge number of powerful warships. There is a modernization of old equipment and the commissioning of new ships. It is armed with a nuclear cruiser, an aircraft carrier and a large number of nuclear submarines (63 units), destroyers and frigates.

In terms of strike capabilities, the Russian Navy confidently ranks second in the world. The number of warships is 300 units.

In general, the Russian armed forces are balanced with a slight bias towards the ground forces, they have good combat experience, which is confirmed by the operation in Syria, and they are rearming.

The rearmament program until 2025 is designed to contribute to the almost complete re-equipment and change in the appearance of the Russian army for modern weapons.

Also, our country has a huge number of carriers of nuclear charges and is able to give an adequate rebuff up to a nuclear strike against any enemy. The most combat-ready armies of the world are not able to resist Russian weapons.

1 - The US military is the most powerful army in the world

The United States military is the most powerful military in the world. It has a huge military budget and a large number of military bases abroad. In addition, the army is considered high-tech and has impressive combat experience, waging continuous military campaigns in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

The payroll of the army is 1.4 million people, and the resources for mobilization are 160 million people. the United States also ranks second in the number of nuclear warheads and first in the number of carriers (with a predominance of sea-based missiles in the component).

The payroll of the army is 1.4 million people.

The ground forces are armed with 5,000 tanks of various modifications. The predominant type among them are M1 - Abrams, developed in the 80s (extensive plans are presented to modernize the existing tank fleet to modern standards).

The rest of the tanks are old M60A models. Also in service are several thousand units of armored vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles of a new generation.

The air force is the largest in the world. It is armed with 7,000 types of aircraft (from reconnaissance to unmanned vehicles) and 7,000 helicopters, both transport and attack.

The management also has plans to expand the fleet by several thousand units through the introduction of 5th generation aircraft and the replacement of obsolete models. The army also has the most impressive fleet of strategic aircraft represented by B-52, B-1 and B-2 aircraft, capable of carrying a large number of nuclear weapons.

The US Army is the most powerful Army in the world

The navy is also the largest among the fleets of the world. There are 11 aircraft carriers and 200 attack warships on constant combat duty. There are also 70 nuclear-powered multi-headed submarines of various modifications. In terms of total tonnage, the fleet has no equal and is not expected in the near future.

The US Army is considered the most powerful in the world, as it is capable of striking and operating in large groups of troops on any continent and against any enemy, moreover, having a large number of nuclear weapons carriers, it is capable of destroying any country without receiving unacceptable damage (except Russia and China).

If you want peace, prepare for war. This is what the well-known wisdom proclaims. Indeed, only a strong army in the modern world is the guarantor of the independence of the state, despite international law and the UN. Of course, the peace initiatives of recent decades have reduced tension in the world, but the number of hot spots on the globe is still large. In addition to solving the usual tasks, modern military units have to take part in the fight against world terrorism. In this material, we will talk about which are the most powerful armies in the world and which states they belong to.

First place - United States of America

After the collapse of the USSR, the only superpower in the world remains the United States. Despite the fact that after the end of the Cold War, the country's military spending dropped significantly, the US military is still the most powerful army in the world.

The country's population is about 311 million people, which provides a high mobilization resource in case of war, while in peacetime the US Army is completely professional.

The number of its regular troops is 560 thousand people. There are many more in reserve. The number of combat ground equipment in service is 60 thousand units. In addition, the American army has a fairly powerful fleet, which includes more than two thousand units. No less threatening force is the country's Air Force. The number of air vehicles exceeds 18 thousand units.

The most impressive figure is the US military budget. Its amount is more than the total military budget of all other major armies in the world and amounts to 692 billion dollars. Among other things, the Americans have a powerful missile force, which includes 32 military satellites and about 500 ballistic missiles.

The US Army has proved its worth in practice in a large number of wars in which it has participated over the past thirty years. The military operation against Saddam Hussein's Iraq was a triumph, when his army was defeated without any serious losses, despite the fact that it was the most powerful army in the Middle East, in which officers who had gone through the Soviet school served.

Second place - Russian Federation

The second most powerful army in the world and, without a doubt, the best army in the territory of the former USSR. In many ways, it was the rich heritage that allowed the Russian army to take a high line.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian army experienced bad times. However, already in the 2000s, the state began to pay much more attention to its combat capability. In addition, a lot of work has been done to increase the authority of the army in the eyes of the country's population.

The population of the country is about 145 million people. At the same time, the number of regular troops is one million people. A large army (twice as large as that of the United States) is necessary for the country because of the large extent of its borders. There are about 20 million people in the reserve. The number of ground combat equipment is 9 thousand units.

The fleet is traditionally the weak side of the Russian army. To date, it has only 233 ships. The number of aircraft - 2800 units. The budget of the country's Armed Forces is about 75 billion US dollars. In addition, Russia has powerful nuclear weapons and their means of delivery.

The Russian army began to be treated more respectfully as a result of the Crimean and Syrian operations. Outstanding foreign experts noted the speed and efficiency with which the army is able to carry out tasks.

Third place - People's Republic of China

The largest army in the world belongs to the Republic of China. The whole history of the country is connected with numerous wars. Despite the fact that China has not participated in any large-scale military operations since the Korean War, the number of threats to this country has not decreased.

The population of the country at the moment is one and a half billion people. The number of regular troops is 2.2 million. At the same time, there is another million in reserve. The number of combat ground equipment - 58 thousand units. Recently, China has been actively building up its fleet, and the production of modern aircraft carriers has been launched. The number of ships today is only 972 units, but this number is growing. Also in the service of Chinese troops is about 5 thousand aircraft.

The budget of the Chinese army is 106 billion US dollars. The current military doctrine of the PRC is aimed at fighting in the east. Recently, China built several islands off its coast, which caused protests from Japan and the United States. In addition, there is still a desire to resolve the Taiwan issue by force. In addition, the country's neighbor North Korea has recently become completely uncontrollable and is beginning to threaten not only its traditional adversaries, but also countries such as China and Russia.

China also has powerful nuclear forces. They lag behind the level of the Russian or American army, but they can still cause irreparable harm to their opponent.

Fourth place - India

India became an independent power only in the middle of the last century, but during this time its troops managed to take part in several local wars. The state has tense relations with Pakistan, which is the Muslim regions of the former India, which is in the possession of the English crown. There are still territorial disputes between these two neighbors. In addition, in the history of the country there were some disputes with another powerful neighbor - the PRC. That is why India is obliged to have a powerful armed forces.

The population of the country is 1.2 billion people. Regular troops - 1.3 million people. There are 2 million more people in the reserve. In the service of the Indian Armed Forces there are 13 thousand units of ground military equipment and about two hundred warships. The country's aviation includes about 2.5 thousand aircraft. The budget of the army is about 50 billion US dollars.

Fifth place - UK

The English army was once the most formidable weapon on the planet. Her fleet was especially famous. The British Empire was called the queen of the seas, its troops could fight anywhere in the world, thanks to a well-established system of maritime supply. No wonder the Empire's holdings were so vast that the sun never set on it.

A lot of time has passed since then, the colonies have gained independence, but even today the UK has a very combat-ready army. The population of the country is 62 million people, the size of regular units is 220 thousand people, plus the same number is in reserve. The UK Armed Forces has about 20,000 units of ground combat equipment. Interestingly, today's fleet of the country is much more modest. It includes about a hundred warships. Aviation Troops has about 1600 aircraft. The military item of expenditure of the budget is 75 billion US dollars.

The country's troops participated in a limited amount in the Yugoslav conflict, the war in Iraq and the counter-terrorist operation in Afghanistan. Since 2015, the country's aircraft have been participating in the fight against ISIS formations in Syria and Iraq.

Sixth place - Turkey

As a rule, few people realize that the Turkish Armed Forces are included in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. However, upon closer examination, this state of affairs becomes clear. Many times in the history of this country it was necessary to fight with its neighbors, including Russia. Today Turkey is in the most troubled region of the world. Nearby is Syria, which sucks into the fighting an increasing number of participants.

In addition, there is a serious Kurdish problem in the country. The aggravation of relations with the Kurds threatens a real civil war. The number of regular troops is 660 thousand people, the same number of people are in the reserve. The armament consists of about 70 thousand military units of equipment, 265 ships and about 2 thousand aircraft.

Seventh place - Republic of Korea

The Korean War is the worst war since World War II. The most powerful countries in the world - the USSR, the USA and China - took part in it. So far, the Korean question has not been finally resolved. Every now and then between the two countries there are crisis situations that threaten new clashes. That is why the Republic of Korea maintains large modern troops. Regular troops consist of 650 thousand people. There are more than two million people in the reserve. About 14 thousand military equipment, 170 ships and 1.5 thousand aircraft are on guard. The country's military budget is about 30 million US dollars.

Eighth place - France

France is a country whose army participated in both world wars, where the memory of the Nazi occupation has not yet cooled down. Despite the fact that modern Europe is a much calmer place compared to the last century, the country still maintains a fairly powerful army, also being a member of NATO. The population of the country is 64 million people, the regular troops are 230 thousand people, and the reserve is 70 thousand people. Military equipment - 10 thousand units. The fleet is about 300 ships. Aviation - 1800 aircraft. The country's budget is 44 billion US dollars.
French aircraft participated in the operation in Libya, where they supported the rebels, and today the country's air force is participating in the counter-terrorist operation in Syria and Iraq.

Ninth place - Japan

The Japanese army was a formidable weapon during the Second World War. The Japanese fleet has long successfully fought against a powerful enemy - the US Navy. At the end of WWII, Japan was forbidden to have a large army. However, despite this, modern Japan is among the top most powerful states.

Limitations in numbers forced the Japanese leadership to engage in the qualitative development of their armed forces. The population of the country is about 130 million people. The regular army has only 220 thousand people. There are about 50 thousand people in the reserve. The number of military equipment has about 5 thousand combat vehicles. The restrictions also affected the country's fleet. During the Second World War, it was one of the most powerful in the world, but today it has only 110 ships. The number of aircraft is about 1900 units. The country's budget is 58 billion dollars.

Tenth place - Israel

Israel is in tenth place in this ranking, but few other countries in the world have such combat experience. The state is quite young, and it so happened that it had to prove its right to exist throughout the 20th century. Being surrounded by unfriendly Arab countries, Israel participated in several serious armed conflicts. Despite the fact that all the wars have been won, Israel does not relax and continues to maintain a powerful army. The Palestinian question remains unresolved to this day. In addition, a new hotbed of tension that has arisen in Syria also threatens Israel. Relations remain difficult with Iran and Hezbollah (the Lebanese group), which still do not recognize the Jewish state.

The population of the country is only 8 million people. The regular army has 240 thousand people, 60 thousand people are in the reserve. The number of military equipment is 13 thousand units. The country's fleet consists of 65 ships. Aviation - about 2 thousand aircraft. The country's budget is 15 billion US dollars.