Cob Chelyabinsk. The intimidation action of the KPE in Chelyabinsk. Disputes about the exam - blowing steam into the whistle

27.01.2010 00:11, updated 21.07.2014 13:37

(Pravdinform 08/09/2015)

What is the Law of Time?

The Law of Time

What is time?

Everything that happens in the Universe can be described as an oscillatory process, both at the level of the microcosm and at the level of the macrocosm. The rotation of electrons in orbits around the nucleus of an atom, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth and planets around the Sun, the rotation of galaxies. Likewise, everything in a person's life is subject to certain rhythms and is described as an oscillatory process.

Based on this, time is a correlation of the frequencies of oscillatory processes, one of which is taken as a standard.

Since a lot in human life is subject to solar rhythms, the periods of the Earth's revolution around the Sun - a year, and the Earth around its axis - a day were taken as the standard of time.

If we consider a person's life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years old, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in a person's social activities, after 50 years the bulk people begins to go into their own problems and eschews active social life. As a result, the most socially significant in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of the mother at the birth of the first child, it is also 20-25 years old. Since, during conception, there is an exchange of genetic information and the born child already carries a new genetic code, it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

Let us call this process “the frequency of biological time”, during the entire global historical process it practically did not change and remains constant.

Man is the only one biological species on earth, who processes everything that he receives from nature and is engaged in creativity, creating something new. Thus, in addition to the existing biosphere, man has created a technosphere, which he continuously modifies and improves. The rate of change in the technosphere was especially strongly spurred by the legalized usurious lending interest, which makes it necessary to constantly introduce new technologies to pay off debts. Is there a periodicity in changing the technosphere? Yes, there is such a periodicity and it is easy to trace it, taking any of the branches of human activity, for example, transport.

Man invented the cart, and it has served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it has traveled for hundreds of years. He invented a steam locomotive, its design changed after decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail railway). With the invention of the car and the aircraft, the renewal took place within a few years.

We see that the frequency of technology change is constantly increasing, and if at the beginning it was measured in millennia, today it is measured in years. But technical information is only a part of the general information of the culture of mankind, in general, the whole culture is subject to the same law of change, if by culture we mean all extragenically conditioned information. Therefore, let us call this frequency of information renewal at the extragenetic level - “the frequency of social time”.

The ratio of the frequencies of biological and social time and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

Now let's see how these frequencies are related.

If earlier for many hundreds and even thousands of years the frequency of "biological time" was higher than the frequency of "social time", then in the second half of the 20th century the situation has changed qualitatively. Now the frequency of "social time" exceeds the frequency of "biological time".

In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, called resonance in technology.

Resonance phenomenon:

Any system, even at rest, has its own vibration frequency. If a driving force is applied to such a system with a frequency close to or equal to the frequency of natural oscillations, this will lead to resonance, i.e. a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations. Resonance phenomena can cause irreversible damage to various mechanical systems, such as improperly designed bridges. So, in 1905, the Egyptian Bridge collapsed in St. Petersburg, when a horse squadron passed through it, and in 1940, the Takoma Bridge in the United States collapsed. To prevent such damage, there is a rule that forces the formation of soldiers to knock down a step when passing bridges.

Humanity managed to skip this period of time and survive, due to the fact that this period was insignificant in duration relative to the entire historical process and the population of our planet did not reach, by this time, critical mass, although at this time the whole world was shocked by a wave of wars and revolutions. This period is called the apocalypse in the Bible.

Now, during the life of one person and the life of one generation, multiple changes occur in the surrounding society (changes in the informational state of society). The attitude of people to what is happening around them is also changing, as a result of which, after the second half of the 20th century, there is a change in the logic of people's social behavior.

In the period before the change in the logic of social behavior, a person was born, received some information (here is God, here is the Tsar, here is the Church), and it was unshakable, until his death. Anyone who at the beginning of his life received initiation into something could, due to the monopoly on this knowledge, live comfortably for the rest of his life. Those who did not receive such initiations plowed the land. Now the time of initiations is over, as a result of the ever-increasing frequency of social time, they have lost any meaning whatsoever.

To illustrate the speed of technology development, let us refer to the information of the chief futurist of the company "Cisco" Dave Evans, at the end of 2009:

    Today we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years. In other words, 95% of the knowledge that will be available to people by 2060 will be the result of discoveries made in the next 50 years.

    In the next 2 years, the volume of information in our world will increase sixfold annually, and the volume of corporate data in the same period will increase 50 times annually.

    Over the next two years, the amount of information on the World Wide Web will double every 11 hours.

    By 2015, humanity will be creating content annually that is 92.5 million times larger than the information held in the US Library of Congress (considered the world's largest repository of information).

In the changed logic of social behavior, a person either learns new knowledge, revises and changes his stereotypes, or finds himself in the dustbin of history. To adapt, a person must be able to master new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this he must be able to learn on his own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

"Knowledge is power - knowledge is power"

"Who owns information - he owns the world"

The basic principle of the enslavement of humanity is realized on the basis of the use of the monopoly on knowledge. When a small group of people at the top of the social pyramid has all the fullness of human knowledge, and the closer to the base of this pyramid, the less knowledge is given to people. In fact, you can consider two conventional pyramids, one - the pyramid of power with the top directed upward, the other - the pyramid of knowledge with the top facing downward. The law of time is causing this pyramid system to collapse. The modern slave owner, the owner of the workers (the word worker has the same root with the word slave), in order for his slaves to work better and bring “profit”, must be continuously given new knowledge. But if the slaves will know more and more, then they will cease to be slaves.

"Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, for the one who understands more."

Or as Kozma Prutkov said:

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts. "

Pushkin speaks in plain text about his understanding of the Law of Time and the helplessness of the current slave owners towards it in the genius poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

He brings the stars from the sky,

He whistles - the moon will tremble;

But against the TIME OF THE LAW

His science is not strong.

Dear Ruslan Usmanovich!
We bring to your attention, as a deputy responsible for the activities of the Public Youth Chamber under the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region (hereinafter OMP) and the branch of the "Young Guard of United Russia" in the Chelyabinsk Region (hereinafter MHER CHO), numerous facts of immoral behavior and abuse of authority by some members of the Council WMD, as well as facts of discrediting the youth policy of the Chelyabinsk region through moral decay in the ranks of the WMD and the MGER branch in the CHO:

1. Indulgence of pederasty and immoral acts of individual members of the OMP and MHER CHO. (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)
2. Theft of personal documents by members of the WMD Council (and MHER CHO) and transfer of documents to third parties. (Appendix 3)
3. Exceeding the powers of the Chairman of the WMD through unauthorized cancellation of the decisions of the chamber. (appendix 4)
4. Exceeding powers by members of the WMD council through deliberate opposition to the entry of new members into the chamber. (appendix 5)
5. Exceeding the powers of the WMD chairman and members of the WMD council through open sabotage of the activities of the Commission on Social Policy and its individual members (Appendix 6)
6. Violation of the democratic principles of WMD work. (Appendix 7)
On these issues at the meetings of the WMD Council in late 2009 - early 2010 (up to the last meeting on March 22, 2010), we made several attempts to address evidence (video, audio, photos, documents) of what is happening to the WMD Council with a proposal to solve given questions by the WMD Council. However, the members of the Council, calling the provided evidence "not evidence", rejected these proposals, offering to appeal to law enforcement agencies, which we eventually have to do (we have prepared claims to the court).
Based on these facts, we wrote appeals to the Federal leadership of the political party "United Russia", to the Federal leadership of the movement "Young Guard of United Russia", to the Public Chamber Russian Federation, to the Federal structures for the protection of children's rights, to the Representative Office of the President in the Ural Federal District and other federal and regional structures.
We have many projects in areas that the President of Russia outlined in his reports as priority ones: health and demography, cultural revival, moral and patriotic education. We cooperate and respect the activities of the Young Guard and youth parliaments in different regions of Russia, but the actions of the MHER CHO leadership and some members of the WMD Council cannot be called anything other than discrediting the All-Russian Young Guard, the United Russia party itself, as well as the All-Russian youth parliamentary movement.
Youth policy, designed to educate citizenship and parliamentarism in future government officials, in our region meets opposite, anti-state interests. If in this situation “injustice” prevails and we are forced to resolve these issues with the involvement of law enforcement agencies and with the inevitable widespread publicity in the media, then this can be considered a complete failure of youth policy in our region. We ask you to understand the situation. We have video and other evidence of EVERYTHING that is happening, and we are ready to explain to you all the necessary points and provide the available information.

Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy,
Seima Andrey Alexandrovich
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy, Head of the Working Group on the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to the Mental, Moral and Physical Health of Children,
Syomkina Alena Gennadievna
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Legislation, Curator of the Commission on Morality and Culture,
Bulaeva Daria Vladimirovna

With the support of:
Alyona Evgenievna Nazarenko, Secretary of the Commission on Social Policy
Head of the working group on social advertising Kazin Pavel Vladimirovich
Secretary of the working group on social advertising Zhukova Alena Andreevna

PS: On March 30, 2010, at the meeting of the OMP, the Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy of the Seim A. and the Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy, the head of the working group for the protection of children from information harmful to mental, moral and physical health A. Syomkina were excluded from the membership Public Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The law of time kob chelyabinsk region

The lecture is devoted to the question - "Where does the step originate?" It shows the mechanism of transmission of a motor impulse from the foot to the lower leg to move our body.

Updated: 19.06.2018 23:00

Disputes about the exam - blowing steam into the whistle

The editorial office received a letter:

« Hi. Guys, your article about ego from autoshock is a complete description of your resource. Are you studying Dota? Are you listening to Valery Viktorovich? Do you understand the essence of ege? What does he give birth to in the minds of children? And how does the teacher perceive it? In the sense of all the teachers, not one bulk fan that you published. My friend, a teacher, perceives ege as hard labor for both the children and the teacher. So stupid and mediocre system, aimed at reproducing the crowd of the elite structure of society, that even the most limited people see it. And you? Or do you have the same worldview?»

The man thus reacted to the article "On contempt for the exam on the part of respected people" posted on the site.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Unified State Exam is a tool that allows you to take control parameters of the quality of education at one of several stages of the general education process.

Updated: 12.06.2018 23:22

Russian School of Orthopedics. Lecture 5

In the lecture, the mechanism of the baby's foot is shown in as much detail and clearly as possible to strengthen all of its arches, as well as two main reasons for the formation of the most common foot defect - flat feet are revealed.

Updated: 28.05.2018 09:59

Russian School of Orthopedics. Lecture 4

The lecture presents a fundamentally new vision of the dynamic location (during a step) of the axis of the subtalar joint, shows the main mechanism of the formation of foot defects and a way to eliminate it, and gives a definition of the correct step.

Updated: 18.05.2018 11:17

Fully functional education

This article is an open appeal of the staff of the studio "Law of Time" to the team of authors of the VP of the USSR and the entire Conceptual movement in Russia and the world. Please pay attention to this topic and disseminate information as widely as possible.

The Law of Time

What is the Law of Time?

The Law of Time

What is time?

Everything that happens in the Universe can be described as an oscillatory process, both at the level of the microcosm and at the level of the macrocosm. The rotation of electrons in orbits around the nucleus of an atom, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth and planets around the Sun, the rotation of galaxies. Likewise, everything in a person's life is subject to certain rhythms and is described as an oscillatory process.

Based on this, time is a correlation of the frequencies of oscillatory processes, one of which is taken as a standard.

Since a lot in human life is subject to solar rhythms, the periods of the Earth's revolution around the Sun - a year, and the Earth around its axis - a day were taken as the standard of time.

If we consider a person's life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years old, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in a person's social activities, after 50 years the bulk people begins to go into their own problems and eschews active social life. As a result, the most socially significant in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of the mother at the birth of the first child, it is also 20-25 years old. Since, during conception, there is an exchange of genetic information and the born child already carries a new genetic code, it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

Let us call this process “the frequency of biological time”, during the entire global historical process it practically did not change and remains constant.

Man is the only biological species on earth that processes everything that he receives from nature and is engaged in creativity, creating something new. Thus, in addition to the existing biosphere, man has created a technosphere, which he continuously modifies and improves. The rate of change in the technosphere was especially strongly spurred by the legalized usurious lending interest, which makes it necessary to constantly introduce new technologies to pay off debts. Is there a periodicity in changing the technosphere? Yes, there is such a periodicity and it is easy to trace it, taking any of the branches of human activity, for example, transport.

Man invented the cart, and it has served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it has traveled for hundreds of years. He invented a steam locomotive, its design changed after decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail railway). With the invention of the car and the aircraft, the renewal took place within a few years.

We see that the frequency of technology change is constantly increasing, and if at the beginning it was measured in millennia, today it is measured in years. But technical information is only a part of the general information of the culture of mankind, in general, the whole culture is subject to the same law of change, if by culture we mean all extragenically conditioned information. Therefore, let us call this frequency of information renewal at the extragenetic level - “the frequency of social time”.

The ratio of the frequencies of biological and social time and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

Now let's see how these frequencies are related.

If earlier for many hundreds and even thousands of years the frequency of "biological time" was higher than the frequency of "social time", then in the second half of the 20th century the situation has changed qualitatively. Now the frequency of "social time" exceeds the frequency of "biological time".

In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, called resonance in technology.

Resonance phenomenon:

Any system, even at rest, has its own vibration frequency. If a driving force is applied to such a system with a frequency close to or equal to the frequency of natural oscillations, this will lead to resonance, i.e. a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations. Resonance phenomena can cause irreversible damage to various mechanical systems, such as improperly designed bridges. So, in 1905, the Egyptian Bridge collapsed in St. Petersburg, when a horse squadron passed through it, and in 1940, the Takoma Bridge in the United States collapsed. To prevent such damage, there is a rule that forces the formation of soldiers to knock down a step when passing bridges.

Humanity managed to skip this period of time and survive, due to the fact that this period was insignificant in duration relative to the entire historical process and the population of our planet did not reach, by this time, a critical mass, although at that time the whole world was shocked by a wave of wars and revolutions. This period is called the apocalypse in the Bible.

Now, during the life of one person and the life of one generation, multiple changes occur in the surrounding society (changes in the informational state of society). The attitude of people to what is happening around them is also changing, as a result of which, after the second half of the 20th century, there is a change in the logic of people's social behavior.

In the period before the change in the logic of social behavior, a person was born, received some information (here is God, here is the Tsar, here is the Church), and it was unshakable, until his death. Anyone who at the beginning of his life received initiation into something could, due to the monopoly on this knowledge, live comfortably for the rest of his life. Those who did not receive such initiations plowed the land. Now the time of initiations is over, as a result of the ever-increasing frequency of social time, they have lost any meaning whatsoever.

To illustrate the speed of technology development, let us turn to the information of the chief futurist of the company "Cisco" Dave Evans, at the end of 2009:

Today we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years. In other words, 95% of the knowledge that will be available to people by 2060 will be the result of discoveries made in the next 50 years.

In the next 2 years, the volume of information in our world will increase sixfold annually, and the volume of corporate data in the same period will increase 50 times annually.

Over the next two years, the amount of information on the World Wide Web will double every 11 hours.

By 2015, humanity will be creating content annually that is 92.5 million times larger than the information held in the US Library of Congress (considered the world's largest repository of information).

In the changed logic of social behavior, a person either learns new knowledge, revises and changes his stereotypes, or finds himself in the dustbin of history. To adapt, a person must be able to master new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this he must be able to learn on his own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

“Knowledge is power - knowledge power »

"Who owns information - he owns the world"

The basic principle of the enslavement of humanity is realized on the basis of the use of the monopoly on knowledge. When a small group of people at the top of the social pyramid has all the fullness of human knowledge, and the closer to the base of this pyramid, the less knowledge is given to people. In fact, you can consider two conventional pyramids, one - the pyramid of power with the top directed upward, the other - the pyramid of knowledge with the top facing downward. The law of time is causing this pyramid system to collapse. The modern slave owner, the owner of the workers (the word worker has the same root with the word slave), in order for his slaves to work better and bring “profit”, must be continuously given new knowledge. But if the slaves will know more and more, then they will cease to be slaves.

"Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, for the one who understands more."

Or as Kozma Prutkov said:

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts. "

Pushkin speaks in plain text about his understanding of the Law of Time and the helplessness of the current slave owners towards it in the genius poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

He brings the stars from the sky,
He whistles - the moon will tremble;
But against the TIME OF THE LAW
His science is not strong.

Briefly about COB

About the Public Safety Concept in a nutshell

It's not a secret for anyone that modern civilization has accumulated a lot of problems associated not only with biosphere and environmental factors, but also in the social sphere it is impossible to see well-being. And it's not just someone's personal activity to oppress the biosphere and peoples - it's the inaction of everyone else! And also in the fact that the goals declared by the government are often very different from the goals they actually face. But after all, the implementation of such control (in which achievable goals differ from those for which the state apparatus allegedly works, moreover, these achieved goals are not advertised even after achievement, and the announced goals are proclaimed "temporarily unattained" due to certain problems; but what is, from the point of view of some, a problem that hinders the achievement of one or another goal, may be the goal of managing other subjects) is possible only in a society of politically and managerially illiterate people. And excuses like: "What can I do alone?", Sounding from the mouths of millions, or "Let the government make it so that everyone is good," do not help solve the problem, they only show that the excuse is in agreement with the current state of affairs - I agree to be ruled, so that some "elite" live better than him, without any particular reason and merit; I agree not to understand anything in the life of society as a whole, as if his life does not depend on the life of all mankind. But this is not the case.

Any society is governed in one way or another, for what reason the global historical process can be considered as a global management process, firstly, encompassing a multitude of processes of regional governance (politicians of regional states and international, state-not-formed forces: mafia, diaspora Jewry) and, in - the second, proceeding in the hierarchically higher processes of the life of the Earth and the Cosmos in relation to it.

The theoretical basis of the Concept of Public Safety is the General enough Theory of Management (general enough to describe any process of management or self-government on its basis). From the point of view of DOTU, all means of managing human society can be divided into generalized groups, the hierarchy of priorities of which is built from the most effective to the least effective. Such means of influencing society, the meaningful application of which makes it possible to control its life and death, are:

Worldview information, methodology, mastering which, people build - individually and socially - their "standard automatisms" of recognition of private processes in the completeness and integrity of the Universe and determine in their perception their hierarchical ordering in mutual nesting. It is the basis of a culture of thinking and completeness of management activities, including intra-social sovereignty both within the region and on a global scale.

Information of annalistic, chronological, character all branches of Culture and all branches of Knowledge. It allows you to see the direction of the flow of processes and correlate with each other the private branches of Culture in general and the branches of Knowledge. When owning a worldview consistent with the Universe, on the basis of a sense of proportion, it allows one to single out private processes, perceiving a "chaotic" stream of facts and phenomena into a worldview "sieve" - ​​a subjective human measure of recognition. (In the present context, culture means all information that is not genetically transmitted in the continuity of generations).

Facto-descriptive information: description of private processes and their interconnections - the essence of information of the third priority, which includes the beliefs of religious cults, secular ideologies, technologies and factology of all branches of science.

Economic processes, as a means of influence, subordinate to purely informational means of influence through finance (money), which is an extremely generalized type of information of an economic nature.

Means of genocide that affect not only the living, but also subsequent generations, destroying the genetically determined potential for the assimilation and development of the cultural heritage of their ancestors: nuclear blackmail - the threat of use; alcoholic, tobacco and other narcotic genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medicines - real use; "Genetic engineering" and "biotechnology" are potential hazards.

Other means of influence, mainly force, - a weapon in the traditional sense of the word, killing and maiming people, destroying and destroying the material and technical objects of civilization, material cultural monuments and carriers of their spirit.

Although there is no unambiguous distinction between the means of influence, since many of them have qualities that allow them to be attributed to different priorities, but the given hierarchically ordered classification of them makes it possible to single out the dominant factors of influence that can be used as means of control and, in particular, as means of suppression. and the destruction of managerially conceptually unacceptable phenomena in the life of society.

When this set is applied within one social system, these are generalized means of managing it. And when they are used by one social system (social group) in relation to others, when the concepts of management in them do not coincide, this is a generalized weapon, i.e. means of warfare, in the most general sense of the word; or - a means of supporting self-government in another social system, in the absence of conceptual incompatibility of governance in both systems.

This order determines the priority of the named classes of means of influencing society, since the change in the state of society under the influence of the means of higher priorities has much greater consequences than under the influence of lower ones, although it proceeds more slowly without "noisy effects". That is, at historically long intervals of time, the performance increases from the first to the sixth, and the irreversibility of the results of their application, which largely determines the effectiveness of solving problems in the life of society in the sense of once and for all, falls.

To implement complete management of society, it is necessary not only to have an idea of ​​the highest priorities of management tools, but also to act on them. And accordingly, it is impossible to avoid the impact of information priorities. If you can leave the war where it does not exist, you can not sit on a single needle, it is practically even possible to get away from life in society and go to a subsistence economy. But none of the people is able to replace the whole society with his person, therefore, remaining to live in society, willy-nilly, and you will have to reckon with him and with those who control it. The position of the BER is that true democracy is possible only when each member of society understands HOW the whole society is governed, and WHY this government is carried out. That is, he owns all means of management and consciously supports the goals facing him, as a member of society, and before society as a whole. But in order to achieve the unity of the goals of the whole society, it is necessary for each of its members to achieve a certain culture of thinking and worldview:

If we recall the school-wide course of biology, known to everyone, and look into our own psyche, then it can be argued that the information and algorithmic support of human behavior includes: 1) innate instincts and unconditioned reflexes (both of the intracellular and cellular level, and the level of tissue types, organs, systems and the organism as a whole), as well as their shells, developed in culture; 2) cultural traditions that are above instincts; 3) own understanding limited by feelings and memory; 4) “intuition in general” - that which emerges from the unconscious levels of the individual's psyche, comes to him from the collective psyche, is a product of obsessions from the outside and obsession in the inquisitorial sense of this term; 5) the guidance of God in the mainstream of Providence, carried out on the basis of all the previous, with the exception of obsessions and obsessions as direct intrusions from the outside into someone else's psyche, contrary to the desire and conscious will of its owner.

In the psyche of every individual there is a possible or real place for all this. But there is also something that distinguishes humanity from the biosphere of the planet, but biology, psychology and sociology do not pay attention to this, and this is not written either in school or university textbooks. The essence of this default is as follows:

Any individual of the biological species "Homo sapiens" can be a carrier of one of the following, more or less stable types of mental structure during adult life:

Animal type of mental structure- when all the behavior of an individual is subordinated to instincts and the satisfaction of instinctive needs, regardless of the circumstances.

Build the psyche of a biorobot, "zombie"- when behavior is based on culturally determined automatisms, and internal psychological conflict"Instincts" - culturally conditioned automatisms "in behavioral situations in most cases are resolved in favor of culturally conditioned automatisms. But if the changing socio-historical circumstances require abandoning the traditional norms of behavior in a particular culture and developing new ones, then the “zombie” gives preference to the established tradition and refuses the possibility of creativity.

Demonic structure of the psyche characterized by the fact that its carriers are capable of creativity and a volitional order can transcend both the dictates of instincts and the historically established norms of culture, developing new ways of behavior and solving problems that arise in their personal lives and in the life of societies. Whether it will be good or evil in the everyday understanding of these phenomena to others depends on their real morality. Having gained this or that power in society, demonism requires unconditional service to itself, giving rise to the most cruel and sophisticated forms of suppression of others. One of the most sophisticated variants of the manifestation of compulsion of others to virtue, as a model of behavior, FM Dostoevsky cited in "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (Thomas).

The human structure of the psyche characterized by the fact that each of its bearers realizes the mission of man - to be the viceroy of God on Earth. In accordance with this circumstance, he builds his personal relationship with God in Life and in a meaningful, volitional manner sincerely contributes to the implementation of God's Providence as he feels and understands it. Feedback (in the sense of pointing out his mistakes) is closed from Above by the fact that a person finds himself in certain circumstances corresponding to the meaning of his prayers and intentions. In other words, God speaks to people in the language of life's circumstances.

Another type of structure of the psyche was created by people themselves.
The structure of the psyche lowered into unnaturalness- when a subject belonging to the biological species "Homo sapiens" intoxicates himself with various psychotropic substances: alcohol, tobacco and heavier drugs of our day. This leads to an unnatural depiction of the nature of the physiology of the body both in the aspect of metabolism and in the aspect of biofield physiology, which results in multiple and varied disorders of mental activity in all its aspects (from the work of the senses to intellect and volitional manifestation) 1, typical for the types of mental structure of the animal, zombie, demonic (carriers of the human type of mental structure do not intoxicate themselves). So the humanoid subject becomes the bearer of the organization of the psyche, which has no natural place in the biosphere, and in terms of the quality of its behavior that does not correspond to the prevailing circumstances, it turns out to be the worst of the animals2. And for this violation by him of the status predetermined for him in the biosphere of the Earth, he inevitably receives a reward for Life.

At the same time, if the subject becomes addicted to intoxicants, then he acquires a persistent distortion of his biofield. And, accordingly, according to the parameters of his spirit, he ceases to belong to the biological species “Homo sapiens”. In addition, most dope are genetic poisons, i.e. they disrupt the work of the chromosomal apparatus and destroy the chromosomal structures of those who take them into their organisms. Defective chromosomal structures are passed on to offspring, which in one way or another undermines their health, the potential for personal development and creativity. This is all the more the case if conception occurs before the systems for the restoration of chromosomal structures, acting in the body, have time to correct the damage. But if genetic poisons enter the body too often and in such quantities that the systems for restoring the chromosomal structures of the body do not have time to correct all the damage, then the offspring are simply doomed to degeneration.
It is these circumstances that make it possible to call this type of structure of the psyche - generated by the people themselves and reproduced by the culture of society - lowered into unnaturalness.

For the human structure of the psyche, it is normal - informal, non-dogmatic and extra-ritual faith in God in life and action in line with the Providence of God of your own free will, i.e. paganism in Monotheism is normal for a person.

The type of structure of the psyche is determined by upbringing, i.e. the failure of a person to reach the humane type of structure of the psyche by the beginning of adolescence is the result of the viciousness of the culture of society and the unjust upbringing on the part of the parents. Therefore, being an adult and realizing this fact, a person is able to move from any type of structure of the psyche to a humane one - the basis for further personal and social development.

Depending on the statistics of the distribution of people according to the types of mental structure, society also generates its own social organization, develops its culture, either contributing to the conservation of the achieved state and relapses of attempts at slavery, or helping to ensure that the human structure of the psyche is recognized as the norm and is guaranteed to be reproduced by the culture during as a basis for further personal and social development of peoples and humanity as a whole.

And without achieving a humane structure of the psyche, at least by the majority of members of society, it is impossible for the people to gain power, just as it is impossible to resolve those global problems associated with the vital activity of the species Homo Sapiens, which by the beginning of the XXI century hung over the entire Earth.

What is the Public Safety Concept?

Concept [lat. conceptio] - 1) a system of views, this or that understanding of phenomena, processes; 2) a single, defining concept, the leading thought of some. works, scientific work (Dictionary of foreign words. 12th ed., stereotype. - M .: S48 Rus. yaz., 1985, 608 p.). The concept of public safety is both the idea of ​​building a society of people really worthy of the title of man, and a certain understanding of the world order, which makes it possible to translate this idea into reality.

Among the information on COB there are economic studies and theory, there are works on ideologies, and historical analyzes (a large section of the main book "Dead Water" is called "Depressurization" and is historical), and, most importantly, information on the methodology of cognition that can help find harmony with oneself and with God, achieve the human structure of the psyche, learn to cognize the objective world.

The concept of public safety in the composition of works in which it exists to date was developed, starting in 1987, by a public initiative group, which chose for itself the name "Internal Predictor of the USSR" (VP USSR). Since then, the USSR as a state has disappeared, but the activity of the public initiative continues under the same name, not only because it has become a kind of brand name, but also because we do not recognize (in a legal sense) the liquidation of the USSR in fulfillment of the directives of the "world behind the scenes", Masonic lodges, the CIA and the US National Security Council.

Internal Predictor of the USSR: explanation of the accepted terminology

The term "predictor-corrector" is the name of one of the methods of computational mathematics. In it, the solution of the problem is found by successive approximations. In this case, the algorithm of the method is a cycle in which two operations are performed in sequence one after the other: the first is to forecast the solution and the second is to check the forecast for satisfying the requirements for the accuracy of solving the problem. The algorithm ends when the forecast meets the requirements for the accuracy of solving the problem.

In addition, a control scheme in which a control signal is generated not only on the basis of information about the current state of the system, but also on the basis of a prediction of its further behavior, is also sometimes called a "predictor-corrector" (predictor-corrector, translated into Russian, although in essence, it is more precisely a "pre-indicator-corrector"). According to the predictor-corrector scheme, in principle, the highest quality of control is ensured, since part of the information circulation circuits is closed not through the past, but through the predicted future. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the control lag with respect to the disturbing action to zero, and, if necessary, go to anticipatory control, in which the control action anticipates the cause forcing control. When considering conflict situations, from the point of view of control theory, the predictor-corrector scheme quite often excludes even the possibility of confrontation with a proactively ready system.

That is, the term "predictor-corrector" is quite widespread among specialists in the mathematical and technical fields of training in the West.

In relation to social systems, management according to the predictor-corrector scheme, as is clear from history, was carried out already in antiquity. So the high priesthood ancient egypt was called "hierophants", which meant their ability to read fate (ie, the matrix of possible states), to foresee the future. The latter is the basis of management, since: to manage it - on the basis of knowledge of possible states, to bring the system (in this case, society) to the chosen certain option from the set of possible ones. Naturally, the choice of the option is due to the true morality and arbitrariness of those who have risen to foresight and management based on it.

The priesthood is busy with living words for the good of society.

The phonetics, the root and conceptual system of the Russian language are such that this phrase cannot be translated into other languages ​​without losing the shades of meaning and many associative connections. In order not to burden the guys and young ladies from Langley with the need for an adequate selection of words from the American vocabulary, we have chosen the commonly used phrase predictor-corrector, which already carries the semantic load we need, but so far not in general, but in a narrow technical and mathematical sense. Thus, we have ruled out the possibility that translators, according to Alexander Pushkin, "dummy horses of enlightenment", fulfilling a social order, picking up some other words, will impose on the English-speaking reader a perverse understanding of what we are talking about.

It is useful for the Russian-speaking reader to know the term predictor-corrector. But in relation to questions of history and sociology, he should use the words of the native Russian language for many: PRIEST, PRIESTHOOD, LIFE - despite the fact that for a thousand years the healers - the hierarchy of the Byzantines and the translators of the Bible - have mutilated and perverted the meaning objectively inherent in these words:

Foresight, knowledge, word in advance to direct the course of society's life to comfort and improvement, keeping society in tune with the biosphere of the Earth, Space and God.

Healers are engaged in self-serving exploitation of society on the basis of the knowledge they have mastered, for which purpose they deliberately cultivate ignorance and perverted knowledge in society.

This is the difference between the priesthood and the quackery.

The harmony of society, its culture and the biosphere of the Earth presupposes a global level of responsibility and CARE for the well-being of all peoples of the Earth. Because the English language these days it is most commonly used as a global language of communication between different people, then we ourselves had to make sure that all English speakers understand what we want to convey to their minds, and not what the owners would like to impose on them as our opinion " dummy donkeys of education ”.

In the same way, we ourselves do not need the terms: "concept", since there is a Russian life-style; "Autocracy of conceptual power", since in the Russian language it is quite possible to do without dead-language words.
But our opponents must understand that their monopoly is over. Figuratively speaking: We pour our "spring water" into their "old skins" so that their "skins" burst: we do not like their "skins" and their intoxicating "wine"!

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The Law of Time

What is time?

Everything that happens in the Universe can be described as an oscillatory process, both at the level of the microcosm and at the level of the macrocosm. The rotation of electrons in orbits around the nucleus of an atom, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, the Earth and planets around the Sun, the rotation of galaxies. Likewise, everything in a person's life is subject to certain rhythms and is described as an oscillatory process.

Based on this, time is a correlation of the frequencies of oscillatory processes, one of which is taken as a standard.

Since a lot in human life is subject to solar rhythms, the periods of the Earth's revolution around the Sun - a year, and the Earth around its axis - a day were taken as the standard of time.

If we consider a person's life as a kind of oscillatory process, then we can see the following: up to 20-25 years old, a person studies and does not actively participate in the life of society, from 20-25 to 50 years the period of greatest productivity in a person's social activities, after 50 years the bulk people begins to go into their own problems and eschews active social life. As a result, the most socially significant in a person's life is a period of about 20-25 years.

A similar pattern can be identified if we take into account the average age of the mother at the birth of the first child, it is also 20-25 years old. Since, during conception, there is an exchange of genetic information and the born child already carries a new genetic code, it can be determined that every 25 years there is an exchange of information at the biological level.

Let us call this process “the frequency of biological time”, during the entire global historical process it practically did not change and remains constant.

Man is the only biological species on earth that processes everything that he receives from nature and is engaged in creativity, creating something new. Thus, in addition to the existing biosphere, man has created a technosphere, which he continuously modifies and improves. The rate of change in the technosphere was especially strongly spurred by the legalized usurious lending interest, which makes it necessary to constantly introduce new technologies to pay off debts. Is there a periodicity in changing the technosphere? Yes, there is such a periodicity and it is easy to trace it, taking any of the branches of human activity, for example, transport.

Man invented the cart, and it has served without significant changes for thousands of years. Man invented the carriage, and it has traveled for hundreds of years. He invented a steam locomotive, its design changed after decades (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, monorail railway). With the invention of the car and the aircraft, the renewal took place within a few years.

We see that the frequency of technology change is constantly increasing, and if at the beginning it was measured in millennia, today it is measured in years. But technical information is only a part of the general information of the culture of mankind, in general, the whole culture is subject to the same law of change, if by culture we mean all extragenically conditioned information. Therefore, let us call this frequency of information renewal at the extragenetic level - “the frequency of social time”.

The ratio of the frequencies of biological and social time and their relationship in the global historical process is called the Law of Time.

Now let's see how these frequencies are related.

If earlier for many hundreds and even thousands of years the frequency of "biological time" was higher than the frequency of "social time", then in the second half of the 20th century the situation has changed qualitatively. Now the frequency of "social time" exceeds the frequency of "biological time".

In the first half of the 20th century (1900 ... 1950), a phenomenon occurred in the life of human society, called resonance in technology.

Resonance phenomenon:

Any system, even at rest, has its own vibration frequency. If a driving force is applied to such a system with a frequency close to or equal to the frequency of natural oscillations, this will lead to resonance, i.e. a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations. Resonance phenomena can cause irreversible damage to various mechanical systems, such as improperly designed bridges. So, in 1905, the Egyptian Bridge collapsed in St. Petersburg, when a horse squadron passed through it, and in 1940, the Takoma Bridge in the United States collapsed. To prevent such damage, there is a rule that forces the formation of soldiers to knock down a step when passing bridges.

Humanity managed to skip this period of time and survive, due to the fact that this period was insignificant in duration relative to the entire historical process and the population of our planet did not reach, by this time, a critical mass, although at that time the whole world was shocked by a wave of wars and revolutions. This period is called the apocalypse in the Bible.

Now, during the life of one person and the life of one generation, multiple changes occur in the surrounding society (changes in the informational state of society). The attitude of people to what is happening around them is also changing, as a result of which, after the second half of the 20th century, there is a change in the logic of people's social behavior.

In the period before the change in the logic of social behavior, a person was born, received some information (here is God, here is the Tsar, here is the Church), and it was unshakable, until his death. Anyone who at the beginning of his life received initiation into something could, due to the monopoly on this knowledge, live comfortably for the rest of his life. Those who did not receive such initiations plowed the land. Now the time of initiations is over, as a result of the ever-increasing frequency of social time, they have lost any meaning whatsoever.

To illustrate the speed of technology development, let us turn to the information of the chief futurist of the company "Cisco" Dave Evans, at the end of 2009:

Today we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years. In other words, 95% of the knowledge that will be available to people by 2060 will be the result of discoveries made in the next 50 years.

In the next 2 years, the volume of information in our world will increase sixfold annually, and the volume of corporate data in the same period will increase 50 times annually.

Over the next two years, the amount of information on the World Wide Web will double every 11 hours.

By 2015, humanity will be creating content annually that is 92.5 million times larger than the information held in the US Library of Congress (considered the world's largest repository of information).

In the changed logic of social behavior, a person either learns new knowledge, revises and changes his stereotypes, or finds himself in the dustbin of history. To adapt, a person must be able to master new knowledge continuously throughout his life, and for this he must be able to learn on his own. It is necessary to develop a method for mastering new knowledge.

"Knowledge is power - knowledge is power"

"Who owns information - he owns the world"

The basic principle of the enslavement of humanity is realized on the basis of the use of the monopoly on knowledge. When a small group of people at the top of the social pyramid has all the fullness of human knowledge, and the closer to the base of this pyramid, the less knowledge is given to people. In fact, you can consider two conventional pyramids, one - the pyramid of power with the top directed upward, the other - the pyramid of knowledge with the top facing downward. The law of time is causing this pyramid system to collapse. The modern slave owner, the owner of the workers (the word worker has the same root with the word slave), in order for his slaves to work better and bring “profit”, must be continuously given new knowledge. But if the slaves will know more and more, then they will cease to be slaves.

"Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, for the one who understands more."

Or as Kozma Prutkov said:

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts. "

Pushkin speaks in plain text about his understanding of the Law of Time and the helplessness of the current slave owners towards it in the genius poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

He brings the stars from the sky,

He whistles - the moon will tremble;

But against the TIME OF THE LAW

His science is not strong.

Information and analytical service of the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of the All-Russian Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity" ra s appreciates the situation with the search at the headquarters of the ChRO KPE and the initiation of a criminal case against our colleague Shevchenko Alexander Alexandrovich, as another manifestation of arbitrariness and s limit in relation to KPI.

The conduct of searches and the initiation of a case are related to ra s space of discs with lectures by Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov. Extremist moments ostensibly, « found in this campaign product". Head of the CEC ChRO KPE, children's writer, bringing goodness and light to children with his books, in fact, selected as a victim... There is reason to believe that in the future the "investigation" will be extended to other associates of our organization. The fact that disk with lectures by K.P. Petrova is absent from the official list of extremist materials of the Ministry of Justice, investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and employees of the FSB Directorate for the Chelyabinsk Region are not particularly concerned at the moment. The promotion of the next, bloated from scratch, "case" continues.

Alexander Shevchenko, who is currently the main accused, does not lose courage, voluntarily goes to interrogations, spreading knowledge on the COB even among the investigators of the RF IC.

Local and regional media learned about the situation around the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of the WFP KPE. Most journalists present information fairly objectively. The topic of searches and the criminal case against the CPE on September 23 became one of the main topics of Chelyabinsk in Yandex news. This became possible thanks to the work of the IAS ChRO WFP KPE with leading journalists of the South Urals.

In the current situation, the Chelyabinsk Regional Organization of the WFP KPE remains a single and friendly unit on the front of counteraction against s limit and arbitrariness.

Information and analytical service of ChRO WFP KPE news agency material

The leader of the Chelyabinsk political organization was suspected of extremism at the picket

In Chelyabinsk, 49-year-old Aleksandr Shevchenko, head of the regional branch of the unregistered political party Course of Truth and Unity (CPE KPE), was prosecuted under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity). According to the investigation, the man is suspected of distributing video materials against representatives of Jewish nationality during the March 24 picket, said investigator Investigation Department for the Central District of the TFR Sergey Krishtopov.

According to the investigation, on March 24, during a picket at the entrance to the Aloe Pole public garden, the suspect handed CDs to passers-by, knowing that they contain materials aimed at inciting ethnic and religious hatred. " In particular, we are talking about materials that contain information against representatives of Jewish nationality., - said Sergey Krishtopov. – The investigation of the criminal case continues, investigative actions are being carried out aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. The suspect is under recognizance not to leave».

The investigator clarified that the suspect himself and other representatives of the CPE party do not consider the suspicious materials extremist.

In their group on the social network, the party members say that Shevchenko handed out discs with lectures on "Secrets of Mankind Control" by Konstantin Petrov (professor, tester of the Baikonur cosmodrome, - Approx. the author). « How can extremism be seen in lectures that call on all people to learn to live in harmony with each other, in lectures that show the mechanisms that prevent people from living in harmony with each other?- writes one of the party members Valery Kurbatov on the Web. - It turns out that the person considers it extremism when people call to live in harmony with each other, in truth(Speaker's spelling and punctuation preserved, - Approx. the author)».

The press service of the regional administration of the TFR clarified that operational support in a criminal case regional FSB officers.