Presentation on the history of Nicholas 2 in Odnoklassniki. Emperor Nicholas II. Execution of the royal family

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Nicholas II Alexandrovich - the last Russian emperor (1868-1894 - 1917-1918) Author of the presentation: teacher of history and social studies of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School with UIOP No. 16, Komsomolsk-on-Amur Astanina E.K.

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Nicholas II was born on May 6, 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo. At first he received a home education, then, in the period 1885-1890, he mastered a course compiled according to a special program and taught by the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod K.P. Pobedonostsev, Minister of Foreign Affairs N.K. Girs, Minister of Finance N.Kh. Bunge, generals N.N. Obruchev and M.I. Dragomirov, historian V.O. Klyuchevsky, composer and military engineer Ts.A. Cui. How the heir understood the material remained a mystery to the teachers, since it was forbidden to ask him; he himself did not ask any questions. Education was supplemented by several camp military training sessions. Count S.Yu. Witte wrote about Nikolai: “ our time, he has the secondary education of a guards colonel of a good family.”

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After the Tsarevich reached adulthood, his father decided that it would be useful for him to travel around the world. Moreover, Nikolai started an affair with a young lady of an undesirable nationality, in the eyes of his crowned parents, and this irritated them very much. The trip was prepared quite carefully: instructions were sent from St. Petersburg to Russian envoys abroad and Russian governors to the places along Nikolai Alexandrovich’s route. They set out in detail what the heir was recommended to visit and what he did not need to visit. They even sent mock-ups of speeches that should be addressed to the Tsarevich during official receptions. So Nicholas had to complete his education in the field of diplomacy.

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His sickly brother George went with the heir: the imperial couple hoped that sea water, sun and salty sea air would heal him. To prevent the royal children from getting bored during their trip abroad, they had several young people from noble families with them. On October 23, 1890, the entire company departed. In Athens, she was joined by the heir to the Greek throne, Prince George, whom the grand dukes called Giorgi. At first, the journey was pleasant and easy: we sailed through the Suez Canal, admired the Pyramid of Cheops and other sights.

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On board the ship, the young people were also not bored, paying tribute to the guards “traditions”, the basis of which was alcohol and other youthful amusements. But during one of them, Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich fell and bruised his chest. As a result, the process in the lungs worsened, and the patient had to be urgently sent from the nearest port to Russia, but still the Grand Duke died of consumption in 1899.

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In April 1891, travelers arrived in the old Japanese capital of Kyoto, and from there to the small town of Otsu. Here the heir to the throne almost lost his life. Some policeman ran up to him and swung a saber down on his head - the blow fell on the right side of the skull, above the ear. The Japanese prepared for further actions, but Nikolai Alexandrovich jumped out of the rickshaw carriage in which he was riding around the city and ran. Those around him scattered, not even trying to protect the royal heir, but the situation was saved by the Greek prince Georgi. He knocked the brutal Japanese off his feet with a cane and helped the police who arrived at the scene to tie him up. The journey had to end. Returning through Siberia to St. Petersburg, Nikolai visited Tobolsk, which he really liked. The heir could not even imagine at that time that this city would become the place of his exile 27 years later.

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Arriving in the capital, the Tsarevich continued his affair with the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, which began in March 1890 and lasted until his marriage. Matilda was not the ideal of female beauty; for example, she had short legs, but everyone was redeemed by her marvelous eyes. Kshesinskaya came from a ballet family, had good technique and endurance, and could dance 32 fouettés twice as an encore. These qualities allowed her to become a prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Ballet, which was facilitated by the patronage of members of the royal family. Kshesinskaya lived a long life and died in Paris in 1971, a few months before her centenary.

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On November 14, 1894, Nikolai Alexandrovich married the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine Ludwig IV, the granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria Alix Victoria Elena Brigitte Louise Beatrice, who converted to Orthodoxy with the name Alexandra Feodorovna. His father at one time opposed this marriage, since the Hessian princesses, which included the wives of the murdered emperors Paul I and Alexander II, enjoyed a bad reputation at the Russian court. They were believed to bring bad luck. In addition, the family of the Dukes of Hesse through the female line transmitted a hereditary disease - hemophilia. However, Nikolai, in love with Alix, insisted on his own.

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Before ascending the throne, the heir had some experience in military, government and economic activities. He commanded a battalion of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment with the rank of colonel, participated in sessions of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, and also chaired the committee of the Siberian Railway. Nikolai Alexandrovich became Emperor on October 21, 1894, and on May 14, 1896, his crowning ceremony took place. During the coronation celebrations on May 18, a tragedy occurred on Khodynskoye Field in Moscow. Here, in the stampede for royal gifts, 1,300 people died, and tens of thousands were injured. This was the first bloody event in the history of the reign of Nicholas II. It was followed by a series of even greater tragedies - the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905, Bloody Sunday on January 9, 1905, the suppression of the uprising in Moscow in December 1905, revolutionary terror, punitive expeditions and military courts, Black Hundred pogroms, the Lena execution of 1912, Russian participation in the First World War.

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For this, Nicholas II received the nickname Bloody. However, Russian blood continued to be shed even after the abdication of the sovereign. The civil war is also a result of his reign. The word “Bloody” evokes an association with a certain monster who enjoys the suffering of people. There was nothing like this in the state. He, like everyone living on earth, had both positive and negative qualities. Here are the most characteristic reviews of him from his contemporaries, who are still revered in Russia today. S.Yu. Witte: “Kind and extremely well-mannered”; IN. Klyuchevsky: “A savage in love with his autocracy”; poet A.A. Blok: “Emperor Nicholas II, stubborn, but weak-willed, nervous, but dulled to everything, having lost faith in people, twitchy and cautious in his words, was no longer “his own master.” He ceased to understand the situation and did not clearly take a single step, completely surrendering into the hands of those whom he himself put in power.”

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Nikolai Alexandrovich was an exemplary family man, spending all his free time with his family. He enjoyed playing with children, sawing and chopping wood, clearing snow, driving a car, going on a yacht, riding a train, walking a lot, and the emperor also loved to shoot crows with a rifle. The sovereign only disliked dealing with state affairs. But his wife constantly interfered in these matters, and her interference had disastrous consequences. The Russian Empress was raised by her grandmother in England. She graduated from the University of Heidelberg and received a Bachelor of Philosophy.

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Alexandra Feodorovna was susceptible to religious mysticism, or rather, she was superstitious and had a penchant for charlatans. She repeatedly turned to dubious individuals for advice and help. At first it was Mitka the holy fool, who could only moo. However, with him was someone named Elpidifor, who explained the meaning of Mitka’s cries during the seizures that happened to Mitka. Mitka was replaced by the clique Daria Osipovna, and many others followed her. In addition to domestic “miracle workers,” their foreign “colleagues” were also invited to the royal palace - Papus from Paris, Schenck from Vienna, Philip from Lyon. What motives forced the queen to communicate with these people? The fact is that the dynasty certainly needed an heir to the throne, and daughters were born. The obsessive idea of ​​a male child so possessed Alexandra Fedorovna that, under the influence of one of the “miracle workers,” she imagined herself to be pregnant, despite the fact that she felt all the symptoms necessary for the case, and even gained weight. They were expecting the birth of a boy, but all the deadlines passed, and... the pregnancy turned out to be a figment of her imagination. Confused by this turn of events, the subjects disrespectfully quoted Pushkin: “The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter, Not a mouse, not a frog, But an unknown animal.” But finally, the heir Alexey Nikolaevich was born.

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The youngest child of the imperial couple, Tsarevich Alexei was a handsome boy with blue eyes and golden curls, which is why his family called him a ray of sunshine. Later, the hair became brown and completely straight. He was not yet a year old when his father took him to the review of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. When they saw Alexei, the soldiers shouted a loud “Hurray!” to him, and the boy responded with a cheerful laugh. When the Tsarevich rode with his mother in her carriage, she was very happy, noticing people along the road bowing and smiling at the little heir. Alexey grew up as a smart, observant, affectionate and cheerful child. He studied lazily and obeyed only his father. Knowing his destiny, Alexei said: “When I am king, there will be no poor and unhappy people. I want everyone to be happy."

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The following facts speak about the economic situation of Russia in the last ten years before the First World War. The excess of state revenues over expenses amounted to 2 billion 400 million rubles, while railway tariffs were lowered and redemption payments for lands transferred to the peasants from their former landowners in 1861 were cancelled. In 1913, in the capital of the Russian Empire, there were 2,585 cars, of which 221 were state-owned, 328 were taxis, the rest belonged to individuals and companies. The first traffic rules for cars were adopted in 1901. In accordance with them, driving speed on the streets should not exceed 12 versts per hour.

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1895 - Invention by A.S. Popov radiotelegraph. 1896 - Conclusion of the Russian-Chinese agreement on a defensive alliance against Japan and the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway (conducted until 1901). Renewal of friendly relations with Bulgaria. 1897 - Conducting the first All-Russian population census. Adoption of a law on standardization of working hours. Introduction of a new monetary unit - the gold ruble. 1898 - Conclusion of the Russian-Chinese convention on the lease of the Laodong Peninsula with the Port Arthur fortress 1904-1905 - Russo-Japanese War. It showed the inconsistency of the regime, which did not want to keep pace with progress in military affairs. Its result was the loss by Russia of a number of territories in the Far East and the death of the fleet. 1904-1907 - Formation of the Triple Entente (Entente) - a military-political alliance of Great Britain, France and Russia. January 9, 1905 - Bloody Sunday. The beginning of the first Russian revolution. October 17, 1905 - Publication of the Manifesto on Civil Liberties, which established the State Duma, which was granted legislative and control powers. 1906-1911 - Stolypin agrarian reform.

Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov) (), Russian Tsar, Russian Emperor, martyr, son of Tsar Alexander III. Nicholas II received his upbringing and education under the personal guidance of his father, on a traditional religious basis, in Spartan conditions. The subjects were taught by outstanding Russian scientists K.P. Pobedonostsev, N.N. Beketov, N.N. Obruchev, M.I. Dragomirov and others. Much attention was paid to the military training of the future tsar.

Nicholas II ascended the throne at the age of 26, earlier than expected (1894), as a result of the premature death of his father. Nicholas II managed to quickly recover from the initial confusion and began to pursue an independent policy, which caused discontent among part of his entourage, which hoped to influence the young tsar. The basis of the state policy of Nicholas II was the continuation of his father's desire to give Russia more internal unity by establishing the Russian elements of the country.

Weak-willed and stubborn, prone to mysticism, naively convinced of people's love and devotion, Nicholas II himself loved only his family: his wife Alisa of Hesse (Alexandra Fedorovna), daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and son-heir Alexei, a patient with hemophilia.

A significant part of the most capable statesmen took Westernizing positions, and the people on whom the tsar could rely did not always have the necessary business qualities. Hence the constant change of ministers, which, with the light hand of ill-wishers, was attributed to Rasputin. Rasputin

The reign of Nicholas II was a period of the highest rates of economic growth in Russian history. For the year The growth rate of Russian industrial output exceeded 9% per year. According to this indicator, Russia has taken first place in the world, ahead of even the rapidly developing United States of America.

Bridge at 36 versts of the circular railway The rapid development of the level of industrial and agricultural production and a positive trade balance allowed Russia to have a stable gold convertible currency. The Emperor attached great importance to the development of railways. Even in his youth, he participated in the laying of the famous Siberian road.

The culmination of the 300th anniversary celebrations reached Moscow. On a sunny June day, Nicholas II rode into the city on horseback, 20 meters ahead of the Cossack escort. On Red Square, he dismounted, walked with his family across the square and entered through the Kremlin gates into the Assumption Cathedral for the solemn service. Assumption Cathedral

The wheel of history was ready to turn, having accumulated a critical mass. And it turned, releasing the accumulated uncontrollable energy of the masses, which caused an “earthquake”. In five years, three European monarchies collapsed, three emperors either died or fled into exile. The oldest dynasties of the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns and Romanovs collapsed. Could Nicholas II, who saw crowds of people full of enthusiasm and worship during the anniversary days, imagine for even a moment what awaited him and his family in 4 years?

“I was not protecting the autocratic power, but Russia. I am not convinced that a change in the form of government will give peace and happiness to the people.” This is how the sovereign explained his stubborn refusal to the Duma to create an independent government.

On the morning of March 2, General Ruzsky reported to Nicholas II that General Ivanov’s mission had failed. Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko, through General Ruzsky, stated by telegraph that the preservation of the Romanov dynasty is possible subject to the transfer of the throne to the heir Alexei under the regency of Nicholas II's younger brother, Mikhail.

The Emperor instructed General Ruzsky to request the opinion of the front commanders by telegraph. When asked about the desirability of Nicholas II’s abdication, everyone answered positively (even Nicholas’s uncle, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, commander of the Caucasian Front). Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich

The betrayal of the army leadership was a heavy blow for Nicholas II. General Ruzsky told the emperor that he must surrender to the mercy of the winner, because... the high command, standing at the head of the army, is against the emperor, and further struggle will be useless. Nikolai Vladimirovich Ruzsky

The Emperor did not sleep for a long time that night from March 1 to 2. In the morning, he handed over a telegram to General Ruzsky notifying the Chairman of the Duma of his intention to abdicate the throne in favor of his son Alexei. He himself and his family intended to live as a private individual in the Crimea or Yaroslavl province. Alexey, son of Nicholas II

So, 300 years and 4 years after the shy sixteen-year-old boy, who reluctantly accepted the throne at the request of the Russian people (Michael I), his 39-year-old descendant, also named Michael II, under pressure from the Provisional Government and the Duma, lost it, having been on the throne for 8 hours from 10 to 18 o'clock on March 3, 1917. The Romanov dynasty ceased to exist. The final act of the drama begins.

On March 8, 1917, the former emperor, after saying goodbye to the army, decided to leave Mogilev and on March 9 arrived in Tsarskoe Selo. Even before leaving Mogilev, the Duma representative at Headquarters said that the former emperor “must consider himself as if under arrest.”
The revolutionary movement is intensifying in Petrograd, and the Provisional Government, fearing for the lives of the royal prisoners, decides to transfer them deep into Russia. After much debate, Tobolsk is determined to be the city of their settlement. The Romanov family is transported there. The house where the royal family lived in the city of Tobolsk

At the beginning of July 1918, the Ural military commissar Isai Goloshchekin (“Philip”) went to Moscow to resolve the issue of the future fate of the royal family. The execution of the entire family was sanctioned by the Council of People's Commissars and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Goloshchekin Philip Isaevich Isay Isakovich

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Emperor Nicholas II Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov

His reign coincided with the rapid industrial and economic development of the country. Under Nicholas II, Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, which was one of the reasons for the Revolution of 1905-1907, during which the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 was adopted, which allowed the creation of political parties and established the State Duma; The Stolypin agrarian reform began to be implemented. In 1907, Russia became a member of the Entente, as part of which it entered the First World War. Since August 1915, Supreme Commander-in-Chief. During the February Revolution of 1917, on March 2 (15), he abdicated the throne. Shot along with his family in Yekaterinburg.

Nicholas II The upbringing and education of Nicholas II took place under the personal guidance of his father on a traditional religious basis. The educators of the future emperor and his younger brother George received the following instructions: “Neither I nor Maria Feodorovna want to turn them into hothouse flowers. They must pray well to God, study, play, be naughty in moderation. Teach well, don’t let them down, ask questions the full rigor of the laws, do not encourage laziness in particular. If anything happens, then address it directly to me, and I know what needs to be done. I repeat that I don’t need porcelain. I need normal Russian children. If they fight, please. But the informer gets the first whip "This is my very first requirement."

The education program of the future emperor included numerous trips to various provinces of Russia, which he made together with his father. To complete his education, his father gave him a cruiser to travel to the Far East. In 9 months, he and his retinue visited Greece, Egypt, India, China, Japan and then returned to the capital of Russia by land through all of Siberia. By the age of 23, Nikolai Romanov is a highly educated young man with a broad outlook, an excellent knowledge of history and literature and a perfect command of the main European languages.

Little Nikolai and his mother Maria Fedorovna His brilliant education was combined with deep religiosity and knowledge of spiritual literature, which was rare for statesmen of that time. His father managed to instill in him selfless love for Russia, a sense of responsibility for its fate. Since childhood, the idea became close to him that his main purpose was to follow Russian principles, traditions and ideals.

The model of a ruler for Nicholas II was Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter I), who carefully preserved the traditions of antiquity and autocracy as the basis of the power and well-being of Russia. In one of his first public speeches, he proclaimed: “Let everyone know that, devoting all my strength to the good of the people, I will protect the principles of autocracy as firmly and unswervingly as my late, unforgettable parent guarded it.” It wasn't just words. Nicholas II defended the “beginnings of autocracy” firmly and unswervingly: he did not give up a single significant position during the years of his reign until his abdication from the throne in 1917, which was tragic for the fate of Russia. But these events are yet to come.

The rapid development of industry and agriculture allowed Russia to have a stable gold convertible currency. The Emperor attached great importance to the development of railways. Even in his youth, he participated in the laying of the famous Siberian road. During the reign of Nicholas II, the best labor legislation for those times was created in Russia, providing for the regulation of working hours, the choice of worker elders, remuneration for accidents at work, compulsory insurance of workers against illness, disability and old age. The Emperor actively promoted the development of Russian culture, art, science, and reforms of the army and navy. This was the time of the highest rates of economic growth in Russian history. For 1880-1910 The growth rate of Russian industrial output exceeded 9% per year. According to this indicator, Russia has taken first place in the world, ahead of even the rapidly developing United States of America.

The selfless impulse of the Russian armies that saved Paris in 1914; overcoming a painful, shell-free retreat; slow recovery; Brusilov's victories; Russia entering the 1917 campaign invincible, stronger than ever; wasn't he part of all this?

In the last years of his reign, the emperor experienced a crisis of encirclement (lack of reliable, capable people who shared his ideas). Hence the constant change of ministers, which, with the light hand of ill-wishers, was attributed to Rasputin. The role and significance of Rasputin, the degree of his influence on Nicholas II were artificially inflated by the left, who thus wanted to prove the political insignificance of the tsar. The affection of the royal couple for Rasputin was associated with the incurable disease of their son and heir to the throne Alexei, hemophilia - the incoagulability of blood, in which any trifling wound could lead to death. Rasputin, possessing a hypnotic gift, through psychological influence was able to quickly stop the blood of the heir, which the best certified doctors could not do. Naturally, his loving parents were grateful to him and tried to keep him close. Today it is already clear that many scandalous episodes associated with Rasputin were fabricated by the leftist press in order to discredit the Tsar.

In March 1917, the Emperor abdicated the throne: workers were on strike in the country, and the “German” war, unpopular among the people, dragged on on the eastern front. Of course, there is no need to idealize the personality of the last emperor. He, like every person, had both positive and negative traits. But the main accusation that they are trying to bring against him in the name of history is political lack of will, which resulted in the collapse of Russian statehood and the collapse of autocratic power in Russia. Here we must agree with Winston Churchill, who believed that in Russia at the beginning of February 1917 there was only one truly outstanding statesman who worked for victory in the war and the prosperity of the country - Emperor Nicholas II. But he was simply betrayed.

The revolutionary movement is intensifying in Petrograd, and the Provisional Government, fearing for the lives of the royal prisoners, decides to transfer them deep into Russia. After much debate, Tobolsk, then Yekaterinburg, are determined as the city of their settlement. The Romanov family is transported there. They are allowed to take the necessary furniture and personal belongings from the palace, and also offer service personnel, if they wish, to voluntarily accompany them to the place of new accommodation and further service. The Romanov family is accommodated in the governor's house, specially renovated for their arrival. The family was allowed to walk across the street and boulevard to services at the Church of the Annunciation. The security regime here was much lighter than in Tsarskoe Selo. The family leads a calm, measured life. On the day of the execution, at midnight, awakened family members and staff are told that due to the advance of white troops, the mansion may be under fire, and therefore, for safety reasons, they need to move to the basement. Seven family members - Nikolai Alexandrovich, Alexandra Fedorovna, daughters Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia and son Alexey, three voluntarily remaining servants and a doctor descend from the second floor of the house and move to the corner semi-basement room. After everyone entered and closed the door, Yurovsky stepped forward, took a sheet of paper out of his pocket and said: “Attention! The decision of the Urals Council is being announced...” And as soon as the last words were heard, shots rang out. After 8 days, the city was captured by the white army. But the royal family was no longer found alive or dead. Already in our time - in recent years, researchers have found the remains of the burial of the royal family and, using modern scientific methods, have confirmed that members of the royal Romanov family are buried in the Koptyakovsky forest.

Content. Childhood. Childhood. Youth. Youth. Service steps. Service steps. Changes in the life of Nicholas II. Changes in the life of Nicholas II. Wedding of Nicholas II. Wedding of Nicholas II. Coronation. Coronation. The beginning of family life. The beginning of family life. Birth of Tsarevich Alexei. Birth of Tsarevich Alexei. The appearance of Rasputin in royal life. The appearance of Rasputin in royal life.

Nikolai was lively, inquisitive, and distinguished by good manners from an early age. He, like others, was naughty, but always unquestioningly obeyed his father and mother. From an early age, Maria Feodorovna taught Nikolai to strictly fulfill his duties, and under her constant supervision, his son grew up to be a neat, even pedantic person. Nikolai was lively, inquisitive, and distinguished by good manners from an early age. He, like others, was naughty, but always unquestioningly obeyed his father and mother. From an early age, Maria Feodorovna taught Nikolai to strictly fulfill his duties, and under her constant supervision, his son grew up to be a neat, even pedantic person. Heir Nikolai Alexandrovich with his brother George

Youth. Nikolai Alexandrovich grew up in the atmosphere of a patriarchal Russian family, which, due to historical circumstances, occupied an exceptional place in public life. He could afford little of what his peers had the right to. It was forbidden to behave noisily, it was forbidden to attract attention to oneself with games and children's fuss, and uncontrolled fun was not allowed. Nicholas spent his entire childhood in the imperial residences, among courtiers, servants and mentors. And it was impossible to run to the pond when you wanted, and it was impossible to communicate with whomever you wanted. Only people of a certain origin could become his friends. Nikolai Alexandrovich grew up in the atmosphere of a patriarchal Russian family, which, due to historical circumstances, occupied an exceptional place in public life. He could afford little of what his peers had the right to. It was forbidden to behave noisily, it was forbidden to attract attention to oneself with games and children's fuss, and uncontrolled fun was not allowed. Nicholas spent his entire childhood in the imperial residences, among courtiers, servants and mentors. And it was impossible to run to the pond when you wanted, and it was impossible to communicate with whomever you wanted. Only people of a certain origin could become his friends.

Since childhood, the last Russian Tsar had a great interest in military affairs. It was in the Romanovs' blood. He strictly observed the traditions of the officer environment and military regulations, which he also demanded of others. Any commander who stained an officer's uniform with unworthy behavior ceased to exist for him. Reviews, parades, and exercises never tired Nikolai Alexandrovich, and he bravely endured the inconveniences of the army during training camps or maneuvers. The Russian army was for him the personification of the greatness and power of the empire. Since childhood, the last Russian Tsar had a great interest in military affairs. It was in the Romanovs' blood. He strictly observed the traditions of the officer environment and military regulations, which he also demanded of others. Any commander who stained an officer's uniform with unworthy behavior ceased to exist for him. Reviews, parades, and exercises never tired Nikolai Alexandrovich, and he bravely endured the inconveniences of the army during training camps or maneuvers. The Russian army was for him the personification of the greatness and power of the empire.

Service steps. In December 1875, Nikolai Alexandrovich received his first military rank - ensign, and in 1880 - second lieutenant. In 1884 The Grand Duke enters active military service and takes the military oath in the Great Church of the Winter Palace. The heir to the Russian throne received the highest awards of foreign states, which served as an expression of respect for Russia. In December 1875, Nikolai Alexandrovich received his first military rank - ensign, and in 1880 - second lieutenant. In 1884 The Grand Duke enters active military service and takes the military oath in the Great Church of the Winter Palace. The heir to the Russian throne received the highest awards of foreign states, which served as an expression of respect for Russia.

Changes in the life of Nicholas II In January 1894 Nikolai's father caught a cold and became seriously ill. October 20, 1894 Emperor Alexander III died, and within an hour and a half after the death of his father, in the small Livadia church, the imperial retinue and other officials swore allegiance to the new Emperor Nicholas II. He just turned 26 in May. In January 1894 Nikolai's father caught a cold and became seriously ill. October 20, 1894 Emperor Alexander III died, and within an hour and a half after the death of his father, in the small Livadia church, the imperial retinue and other officials swore allegiance to the new Emperor Nicholas II. He just turned 26 in May.

Wedding of Nicholas II. November 14, 1894 In the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the Winter Palace, a week after the funeral, when the Orthodox tradition allowed for strict mourning to be relaxed, Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich and the blessed Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna, who became empress that day, were married. November 14, 1894 In the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the Winter Palace, a week after the funeral, when the Orthodox tradition allowed for strict mourning to be relaxed, Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich and the blessed Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna, who became empress that day, were married.

Coronation. One of the main events in the life of the tsar, the coronation, took place on May 14, 1896 in the Assumption Cathedral. The coronation was always a great national event, taking place a year or two after accession to the throne. Ceremonial celebrations invariably took place in the heart of Russia - Moscow. One of the main events in the life of the tsar, the coronation, took place on May 14, 1896 in the Assumption Cathedral. The coronation was always a great national event, taking place a year or two after accession to the throne. Ceremonial celebrations invariably took place in the heart of Russia - Moscow.

The beginning of family life. At the end of 1895 it became known that the Empress was pregnant. Joy overwhelmed the husband; he tried to treat his beloved with even more care, who sometimes felt unwell. The situation was complicated by Alexandra Fedorovna’s serious illness – hemophilia. The disease was transmitted through the female line, but only to men. For a person with hemophilia, any bruise, scratch, cough, tooth extraction or any other situation involving bleeding could be fatal. At the end of 1895 it became known that the Empress was pregnant. Joy overwhelmed the husband; he tried to treat his beloved with even more care, who sometimes felt unwell. The situation was complicated by Alexandra Fedorovna’s serious illness – hemophilia. The disease was transmitted through the female line, but only to men. For a person with hemophilia, any bruise, scratch, cough, tooth extraction or any other situation involving bleeding could be fatal.

Alexandra Fedorovna became the mother of four daughters. On November 3, 1894, in Tsarskoe Selo, a girl was born into the imperial family, who was named Olga. After Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia were born. The girls were born strong and healthy. The queen devoted a lot of time to their education and upbringing. Alexandra Fedorovna became the mother of four daughters. On November 3, 1894, in Tsarskoe Selo, a girl was born into the imperial family, who was named Olga. After Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia were born. The girls were born strong and healthy. The queen devoted a lot of time to their education and upbringing.

Birth of Tsarevich Alexei. In the summer of 1904 in Peterhof, at the very height of the Russian-Japanese War and after almost 10 years of marriage, the queen gave birth to a son. This joy was caused not only by the natural feeling of the father upon receiving the news of the birth of his son. An heir to the throne has been born, a person to whom control of the empire should pass. Less than six weeks had passed before it became clear that the boy had a terrible disease - hemophilia, against which medicine was powerless. In the summer of 1904 in Peterhof, at the very height of the Russian-Japanese War and after almost 10 years of marriage, the queen gave birth to a son. This joy was caused not only by the natural feeling of the father upon receiving the news of the birth of his son. An heir to the throne has been born, a person to whom control of the empire should pass. Less than six weeks had passed before it became clear that the boy had a terrible disease - hemophilia, against which medicine was powerless.

My son Alexei was constantly haunted by the threat of some kind of danger: either a scratch or a bruise, and then for days and weeks he had to be treated, apply compresses, lotions, and apply creams. And the little one was in great pain, he cried, and his mother cradled him in her arms. When the Tsar and Tsarina were alone, they talked little about politics. It was either about his son, or about various events in the family, or about some trifles. He, as in the first years, read something to her in the evenings. She always listened silently and was happy. But such nice, warm hours came less and less often. My son Alexei was constantly haunted by the threat of some kind of danger: either a scratch or a bruise, and then for days and weeks he had to be treated, apply compresses, lotions, and apply creams. And the little one was in great pain, he cried, and his mother cradled him in her arms. When the Tsar and Tsarina were alone, they talked little about politics. It was either about his son, or about various events in the family, or about some trifles. He, as in the first years, read something to her in the evenings. She always listened silently and was happy. But such nice, warm hours came less and less often.

The appearance of Rasputin in royal life. Grigory Rasputin, a controversial and mysterious personality, played a certain role in the life of the royal family. For the first time, conversations about Rasputin arose in the capital's high society in the years. The “fatal chain” that connected, as it turned out, forever, the family of the last monarch and Gregory was the illness of Tsarevich Alexei. At the end of 1907, Rasputin, finding himself next to the sick heir, “made a prayer,” and the baby’s situation improved. The soothsayer-healer stimulated recovery not only in personal presence, but also influenced by telephone, and some such episodes were described by those present. Grigory Rasputin, a controversial and mysterious personality, played a certain role in the life of the royal family. For the first time, conversations about Rasputin arose in the capital's high society in the years. The “fatal chain” that connected, as it turned out, forever, the family of the last monarch and Gregory was the illness of Tsarevich Alexei. At the end of 1907, Rasputin, finding himself next to the sick heir, “made a prayer,” and the baby’s situation improved. The soothsayer-healer stimulated recovery not only in personal presence, but also influenced by telephone, and some such episodes were described by those present.

Murder of Rasputin. On December 17 of the same year, Grigory Rasputin was killed. The murder plan was developed and carried out by Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov. He involved the favorite of Nicholas II, his cousin Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, in its implementation. On December 17 of the same year, Grigory Rasputin was killed. The murder plan was developed and carried out by Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov. He involved the favorite of Nicholas II, his cousin Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, in its implementation. Felix Feliksovich Yusupov

The last years of the life of the royal family. Returning to Tsarskoye Selo on December 19, 1916, the emperor stayed here for more than two months. Nicholas II celebrated his last New Year as Emperor in a quiet home environment. Returning to Tsarskoye Selo on December 19, 1916, the emperor stayed here for more than two months. Nicholas II celebrated his last New Year as Emperor in a quiet home environment.

Seizure of power. On March 2, 1917, having signed a manifesto abdicating the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, Nicholas II went to Mogilev to say goodbye to the army. There were no incidents on the road; outwardly Nikolai Alexandrovich was completely calm. Upon arrival in Mogilev, he was informed that his brother Mikhail had renounced his rights to the throne (in the end, power passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks). On March 2, 1917, having signed a manifesto abdicating the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, Nicholas II went to Mogilev to say goodbye to the army. There were no incidents on the road; outwardly Nikolai Alexandrovich was completely calm. Upon arrival in Mogilev, he was informed that his brother Mikhail had renounced his rights to the throne (in the end, power passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks). Bolshevik leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Conclusion and last day of the royal family. The Tsarskoye Selo imprisonment ended on July 31. The day before departure, July 30, was Alexei’s birthday. He was 13 years old. The Tsarskoye Selo imprisonment ended on July 31. The day before departure, July 30, was Alexei’s birthday. He was 13 years old. The last day of the royal family is July 3, 1918. They were woken up in the middle of the night, forced to quickly dress, taken to the basement - storage room, and there they were shot. The last day of the royal family is July 3, 1918. They were woken up in the middle of the night, forced to quickly dress, taken to the basement - storage room, and there they were shot.