What does a direct girl mean. The Seven Essential Virtues of TV Stars. Direct - what is it? What is immediacy

sentences with the word IMMEDIACY

  • strength and immediacy present tense attract the object of desire to you.
  • But main feature his speech was immediacy and controversy.
  • Economic laws govern us, as it were, with greater immediacy than ecological ones.
  • He finally lost his former cheerful immediacy.
  • From the former immediacy there was no trace left.
  • Ernestina was upset from the whole immediacy his eighteen years.
  • Habit dulls immediacy feelings even when it comes to the great phenomena of nature.
  • All this confirms the general rule about preparedness, thoughtfulness of secondary genres and spontaneity, immediacy primary.
  • We, the people of the twentieth century, perceive it with the same novelty and immediacy as perceived by our ancestors.
  • Nelya is an expansive girl, you can understand her immediacy the feeling that flared up in her.
  • I did not know that, unlike primitives, its roots lie in the rough immediacy moral sense.
  • Her immediacy, rejecting all the tricks of her sex, allowed her to be on excellent terms with the whole world.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: direct, closest

Ant: indirect

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language






Dictionary of Efremova


  1. adj. Following immediately after someone, smth., without the intermediate participation of someone, smth.
  2. adj. Without hesitation and doubt following his inner attraction; alien to introspection.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


1. full f.

Directly next after someone, something. without intermediate links.

* Direct culprit. Direct boss. Immediate result. Under direct supervision. *

2. Acting without thinking, according to inner attraction.

* direct nature. direct behavior. *

Ozhegov's dictionary

NEPOSR E DOUBLE, oh, oh; vein, vein.

1. full f. Directly following after someone-chegon., Without intermediate links, participants. N. result. N. culprit. N. chief.

2. Candid and unobtrusive. direct nature. behave directly (adv.).

| noun immediacy, and, well.(to 2 values).

Dictionary Ushakov


direct, direct, immediate; immediate, direct, directly.

1. Following immediately after someone, without intermediate participation of someone, without intermediate links. Direct boss. immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Send mail directly ( adv.) to the addressee. In immediate neighborhood.

2. trans. Following without hesitation and doubt to the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a natural being. Children are spontaneous.

| Directly, without hindrance, flowing from an inner impulse, instinct. Immediate feeling.

Sentences with "immediate"

Behavior, unlike the psyche, is available for direct observation and is the subject of a wide range of sciences, from psychology, ethology, animal psychology and comparative psychology to behavioral ecology.

Therefore, the media industry must become immediate participant in the training of journalistic personnel.

However, many tens of thousands of villages in European Russia did not have exact borders, and in them direct transition to private ownership was impossible.

At the same time, an attempt to intercept a German convoy carrying ore from Sweden, in which Kolchak received direct participation ended in failure.

Direct people are, in the most common and generally accepted interpretation, sincere, following their inner impulses, devoid, first of all, of even a hint of hypocrisy and prudence, representatives of humanity. But, of course, much depends on the interpreter of the word. For example, F. M. Dostoevsky argued that the direct person is active because of his stupidity and limitations.

ambiguous term

The adjective "direct" under the influence of various factors and time has changed, and in contemporary literature, as in colloquial speech, has two interpretations. One of them is explained as "following immediately after something, without intermediate links." For example, direct, that is, immediate superiors.

The second concept most often exists in conjunction with "immediate man", and refers to a rational being. And here its meaning has a very wide scope for interpretation, to the extent that the term can mean "holy simplicity" or stupidity. And there is such an option. But Natasha Rostova, one of the symbols of spontaneity, cannot be called a fool.

The positivity of immediacy

The Russian language is rich, including due to the large number of synonyms and the possibility of interpreting the same word. In relation to a person, spontaneity can be deciphered as artlessness and simplicity, naivety and ease, freshness and looseness. Innocent credulity, naturalness, directness, naturalness and frankness - all these features fit this concept. Based on the above, we can state that direct people are very nice representatives of humanity. But not so common. Firstly, because society forms a human being for itself, which matures and becomes a full member of it, following the norms and rules of behavior. Secondly, even living far from society, it is difficult to maintain the freshness of spiritual experiences, joys and, especially, turmoil. Roughly speaking, a person gets used to everything.

Immediacy can be annoying

Or the nature must really be very rich and strong in order to allow itself behavior devoid of stereotyped frames, and at the same time not look funny and pitiful, in the best sense - “sweet silly”, in the worst, the aphorism “simplicity is worse” is applicable to such a person. theft."

Such sayings are still possible: “simple, like laundry soap”, “this one will blur.” One can recall the phrase of L. Filatov "... I am generally a child of nature, even a bad one, but a child ...". That is, such individuals, who are appropriate to characterize in this way, are embarrassed in society. Of course, tact and a sense of proportion are necessary indicators of a person's upbringing. But one does not interfere with the other. You can be educated and sincere in expressing your feelings. The main indicator is the lack of prudence. It can be said that direct people are the antipodes of rational, reflective (thinking, weighing), living on the principle of “measure seven times, cut one” individuals.

Natural period of natural immediacy

There is, and always has been, a category of humanity that lives according to the principles of direct perception of the world and behavior in it. These are, of course, children. They are allowed a lot. Childish spontaneity is usually sweet. Sung by K. Chukovsky in the book “From 2 to 5”, for a long time she remained an example of childish permissiveness. But the reaction of adults, as a rule, is always the same. They pull the kids up, explain that it is impossible to “cut the truth-womb”. If this is not done, but constantly touched by the audacity of the child, a boor will grow out of him. Although it can be called egocentric. In any case, the concept of "direct people" is not applicable to the latter. These are moral freaks that can poison the lives of others.

Charming immediacy

I would like to note that the described character trait is most appropriate for the female appearance. The spontaneity (if it is not simulated, which is insanely annoying) makes the representative of the weaker sex captivating, irresistible and desirable. She is especially appreciated by smart, decent, accomplished men who are able to appreciate the sincerity of behavior.

An example is the behavior of Tatyana Larina at the "fair of brides." She was direct in her indifference to what was happening, but "... meanwhile, some important general keeps his eyes on her ...". And to the question “what does a direct person mean?”, first of all, I would like to answer that without a “second bottom”, sir or madam, with whom it is very easy, pleasant and always joyful to communicate. And a lot of these or few in the environment - depends, first of all, on the spiritual qualities and preferences of the person himself.

Naturalness; follow your inner instinct.

We are all not alike. But everyone in childhood has one talent common to all - this is spontaneity. The ability to say what you want, to laugh when you want to laugh, to be yourself.

Time passes, and this skill disappears. We become embarrassed to say what we want and laugh anywhere. As we get older, we try not to “expose” all our feelings and thoughts - what if they seem uninteresting to someone? We are afraid to ask, as in childhood, different questions - what if someone considers them stupid? We cease to see the amazing where others do not see it. Not only bad, but, unfortunately, good feelings, we begin to hide.

The world loses its cheerful colors, people no longer seem good-natured, life becomes prosaic, and you yourself become somehow less significant, especially in an unfamiliar society.

You are embarrassed to be yourself, you strive to look smarter, and as a result you look dumber and more banal than you are. Being overly concerned with what others have to say is like dressing us in a boring uniform, and it can be hard to get over, especially when you are young. You feel awkward, unnatural and don't know how to get out of it - sometimes you suddenly become rude, sometimes, on the contrary, you turn into a quiet person. But neither one nor the other helps to remain, as before, in harmony with oneself.

You blame yourself, you blame others, but the fact is that childhood is gone, and spontaneity has gone with it. Gradually, its place was taken by the habit of following established customs, rules - to obey some average experience of behavior.

To some extent this is inevitable, and there is nothing terrible about it. In fact, it’s not good, after all, having a height of seventy meters, to feel like a child, the center of the world, to pester everyone with your experiences, ask ridiculous questions, have fun when others are sad. Restraint makes a person beautiful.

It is generally accepted, and so it is, in general, it happens that immediacy is supplanted by education. It is like a magnifying glass between the world and man. The mind uses thoughts that have been thought out before you, the eyes are armed with what others have already noticed, and this is not at all the feeling when they are not equipped with anything and freely, carelessly squint at themselves, as if awake. Children's freshness of perception is lost under the pressure of discoveries already made without you ... But here's what's interesting! This negative consequence of education (not all consequences are positive, there are no pluses without minuses) can be overcome by nothing more than education, only more extensive and deep - in order to revive the ability to be surprised, without which there is no immediacy, one must either know almost nothing, or know too much.

A person can think with his own mind (hence, see with his own eyes, feel with his feelings) when he is either not familiar with the fruits of someone else's mind, or is so deeply familiar that he has to look for answers to new questions that arise for him - there are simply no ready ones.

It means to be creative. Such people are always distinguished by immediacy, they are not afraid to be themselves.

There is something like a pattern here: as soon as a person has so much knowledge in any area in order to acquire new (unknown) ones on their basis, he again begins to see the amazing where others do not see it. Children know little and therefore are surprised at everything. But a person who has tasted the creative joy of cognition, the more he knows, the more he is able to be surprised.

So, deep knowledge opens the way to a direct, lively, not constrained by the "hind mind" perception of life. But this path is not easy, and in order not to stray from it, one must from a young age correctly, reasonably treat everything non-standard, not generally accepted. Standards give the existence of people the necessary stability, but without deviations from the standards there would be no movement, the development of science, production and culture, humanity would be like a mossy stone.

Good poetry was written even before Pushkin, he studied with Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Batyushkov. But no one at that time could so decisively as Pushkin encroach on the artificial, rhetorical language of the book and, violating all the rules (standards!) of piitika, write:

... Cheerful crackling The flooded stove is cracking. It's nice to think by the couch. But you know: should not order the Brown Filly to be harnessed to the sled?

Such lines would not have been possible without Pushkin's direct, natural, contrary to all standards, desire to write, as they said around him: a peasant woman is a nanny, friends are hussars, Moscow merchants and county ladies. Without his ability to rejoice, be surprised and admire what has not yet been noticed, understood and not recognized by others.

That was not easy. “The most mature, deepest and most beautiful creations of Pushkin were received coldly by the public, and insultingly by critics,” wrote Belinsky. But time passed, everything fell into place, and Pushkin's language became the language of Russian literature.

Immediacy is strong and beautiful, because it is alien to everything far-fetched, false. But it is also defenseless, weak, easily disappears if a person does not want or does not know how to be independent.

In Dead Souls, Gogol wrote about a girl who had just graduated from the institute: “Now she is like a child, everything in her is simple: she will say what she pleases, laugh where she wants to laugh.” But, he wrote further, “let only mothers and aunts take care of her now. In one year it will be filled with all sorts of women that his own father himself will not know. Where will both puffiness and stiffness come from, will begin to toss and turn according to the uttered instructions, will begin to rack their brains and figure out with whom, and how, and how much you need to talk, how to look at whom; every moment he will be afraid not to say more than necessary; she will finally get confused herself, and end up lying at last all her life, and it will turn out just the devil knows what!

You have to be able to protect yourself from puffiness, stiffness and that “worldly wisdom” that tries to make “hell knows what” out of you. In order to preserve the childish talent for spontaneity for life, there is absolutely no need to try to be naive and unthinking. It will look artificial. Something else is needed: not to be shy about doubts, not to be afraid to speak the truth, to express thoughts and ideas, even if many do not recognize them, ridicule them, call them eccentricity.

No matter how difficult it may seem, you must trust your feelings and not be shy to say and do what you are convinced of. It was unbearable for Chatsky to remain in the company of the Famusovs, and he challenged him:

I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,

Where there is a corner for the offended feeling! ..

Carriage for me, carriage!

Immediacy helps without hesitation and doubt to do as conscience commands. And this is very important, especially in those moments that require quick decisions, when there is simply no time for long reflections.

Courage, determination, sincerity - these qualities are often characteristic of direct people. But it is sad to see a person when, without understanding, through his own thoughtlessness, sparking helps those who do evil.

A child does not know what he is doing, because he has no experience, while an adult must know what he is doing, and therefore it is bad if he commits bad deeds with childish spontaneity. Evil remains evil, for whatever reason it is committed, and no spontaneity can ennoble the darkness and mental underdevelopment.

The one who, without being embarrassed, demonstrates his soullessness, who is blind and deaf to the troubles of another, will not find an excuse in the fact that he is “from the heart” deaf and blind. Sincere in his ignorance or egoism, he remains the same ignoramus or egoist, and his “spontaneity” often has as its cause self-confidence and disrespect for people.

“Human nature,” wrote the seventeen-year-old

Marx, - is arranged in such a way that a person can achieve his improvement only by working for the improvement of his contemporaries, in the name of their good. And in order to act “in the name of the good”, one must be able to determine what it consists of, and for this knowledge is just as important as sensitivity to any injustice.

To be ashamed of the bad and not to be ashamed of the good is the first and main step towards that spontaneity that helps to always be a simple, open and sympathetic person.

Quite often in life we ​​hear the words: “Oh, how sweet and spontaneous she is!”. Let's understand what people mean by this concept.

Let's start with a real life example

Men often do not take women seriously, and sometimes frankly ironic about the enthusiastic stories of their soulmate that, say, Marinka's husband almost every day brings home a bouquet of flowers, and Katyusha the other day presented a new fur coat. They are in the firm belief that those husbands are banal henpecked.

And it is unaware of these self-confident machos that most of the actions that they perform “on their own” are wholly and completely directed and accumulated by the ladies present next to them.

Direct - what kind of girl is this?

As a rule, we do not make much difference between such concepts as stupidity and spontaneity, and yet female nature is contradictory and infinitely diverse in its manifestations, no matter what the fair sex does - work, housework, children, communication with friends. One of the facets of the female character is this sweetest spontaneity. This behavior is often compared to that of a child. And it, as you know, captivates with its ingenuity and straightforwardness.

The immediate is, first of all, a woman who can sincerely express her feelings. Taking the position of a little unintelligent girl, an adult girl gives the man who is next to her a chance to show herself extraordinary, independent, able to take initiative and accept independent solutions man. A young lady who owns this weapon can easily achieve many goals and correctly play on male pride, while relieving herself of any responsibility for what is happening. The direct is a person who performs acts that are completely devoid of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. By “turning on” the behavior a la a little girl, it is much easier for a woman to obtain any absolution and receive forgiveness for her misdeeds.

Special representative of the fair sex

A direct girl is a person who owns some kind of absolute weapon. She has some psychological tricks unknown to men that give her the opportunity to hide from problems and always keep the emergency exit ajar, so that if something happens, she can safely escape into it.

The reaction of a woman to the events taking place around her is absolutely ambiguous and unpredictable. A flower blooming in a flower bed can cause a storm of joyful and bright emotions, and five minutes later she is already crying over a homeless kitten, her whole being at that moment is filled with sadness because of the injustice of this world. Immediate is a girl who is able to sincerely be surprised and express sympathy, not hiding behind a mask of indifference and insensitivity. All this helps her to get rid of negativity and cope with stressful situations. Of course, such a discharge has the most positive effect on the psyche and improves the general condition of a woman, has a beneficial effect on her character. The direct is a person who follows his inner impulses without looking back.

Is this good or bad?

But with all the seemingly indisputable advantages of such ingenuity, there is one single dangerous minus. Directness with irrepressible and inept use of it can develop into infantilism. And this is already an indicator of a certain immaturity and even psychological ill health. It is important not to cross this line, and then a woman will always be for those around her a girl in need of protection and help. After all, the immediate is not stupid, but rather speaking and acting impulsively, without much thought, a person capable of sincere sympathy and good deeds. Her whole world is in the power of only one of her driven inner drives and instincts.

Now you know the meaning of the word "immediate". We hope you find this information useful.