Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Sadko". Proverbs about epics and about heroes What proverbs are displayed in the epic sadko

The main character of the epic "Sadko" is a musician who went on holidays and feasts, and played the harp there. But one day it happened that they stopped calling Sadko to feasts, and out of boredom he began to go to Lake Ilmen and play the harp there. From his play, the lake was agitated every time. Once the king of the sea appeared from the lake, praised for the wonderful music and decided to reward the musician. He persuaded Sadko to go to Novgorod and argue with the merchants that he would get three wonderful fish with golden feathers from the lake.

Sadko did just that. In Novgorod, he argued with the merchants. Sadko put his wild head on his own, and three merchants put up three of their shops with goods. Sadko won the dispute, caught three unprecedented fish with golden feathers, and after that he healed the life of a wealthy merchant.

And once he could not resist and started a new dispute that he would buy every single product in Novgorod with his own money. On the first day, he went with a squad and bought up all the goods that were in the city. But the next day, new goods arrived. He bought them out too. And only on the third day Sadko realized that he could not be richer than the whole city.

He compensated for the loss, built ships, loaded the goods bought in Novgorod onto them, and sailed across the blue sea to the Golden Horde to sell these goods. He traded with great profits and came back much richer. But the sea was agitated by waves and the ships froze on the spot. Sadko began to offer a sacrifice to the sea king in gold, but the ships did not budge. He understood that the king of the sea needed a human sacrifice and everyone who was on the ships began to throw lots. And it fell out that Sadko himself must go to the bottom. He disposed of his inheritance and released the ships, and he went to the sea king, taking his favorite gusli.

The sea king ordered Sadko to play the harp, and he himself began to dance. From these dances at sea, excitement began and ships with people began to die. People began to appeal to Mikola Mozhaisky. He came to Sadko and began to ask him to stop playing the harp. And Sadko excuses himself by the fact that the sea king ordered him to play without stopping. The elder then advised to pull the strings out of the gusel, and predicted that the sea king would reward Sadko, he would allow him to choose a beautiful wife and return to Novgorod. And so it happened. When Sadko pulled out the strings, the sea king stopped dancing and allowed Sadko to choose a beautiful wife for himself and returned him to Novgorod.

Sadko turned out to be in Novgorod before his squad, which sailed on ships. The people were surprised when they returned that Sadko was alive and well before them at home. And Sadko unloaded the gold from the ships and put the church to Mikole Mozhaisky with that money. Sadko no longer went out to sea, but lived in Novgorod.

This is the summary of the work.

The main idea of ​​the "Sadko" epic is that you have to pay for everything in this life. Sadko, with the help of the sea king, enriched himself, but forgot to thank him. For this, the sea king took him to his bottom. It was only by a miracle that Sadko returned home after listening to the advice of Mikola Mozhaisky. The epic “Sadko” teaches you to listen to the advice of wise people who will not teach you anything bad.

In the epic "Sadko" I liked the main character who takes an active life position. He was not afraid to risk his head and entered into a dispute with Novgorod merchants, which made him rich. When he bet the second dispute, he managed to competently dispose of the purchased goods and sold them profitably in the Golden Horde, becoming even richer. Sadko knows how to listen to advice, knows how to be obligatory.

What proverbs fit the epic “Sadko”?

Debt good turn deserves another.
Know where the coast is, where the edge is.
Trouble teaches a person wisdom.

Modern children know badly little epics... Often they do not read them at all before they have to get to know them by school curriculum... Recall that Belinsky strongly advised children to read Russian epics, considering acquaintance with them very important both for fostering patriotic feelings, respect for the heroic history of the people, and for the formation of a healthy aesthetic taste. And it is better not to postpone it until school age, but it is quite possible to do it much earlier, even before school ...

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky read to his to children of epics and was convinced by experience how absurd and groundless are the fears of adults that children will not understand this poetry. It turned out that children quickly get used to an unusual syllable for them and are ready to listen to epics for hours. Gradually, the epic vocabulary is perceived by them as close, lively, understandable.

Russian national proverbs about epics, Russian heroes, about the homeland (from epics) you will find on this page.

Proverbs on the theme of "Story, the past"

Old man, old man, but did not reach us.
What happened without us - we heard, what will happen with us - we will see.
It's a distant time, old man. Overgrown with moss, not to be seen.
The good of the young man is not dishonor (not a reproach).
How many years, how many winters have passed.
Where I was, there is no, and where I went, there is a trace.
Where I was, now no; where he went, there is a trace; where he was, there is no.
It was yes the past has grown. You never know what happened, but the past has grown.
The past (our past) has overgrown (grows).
A fairy tale is a fold, and a song is a reality.
Whoever has been more knows more.
Not the one who knows who has lived a lot, but the one who has seen a lot.
Experienced people say they are sitting at home unprecedented.
It was, but the past has grown.
Was, and the trace is gone.
It is better to listen to bastardness to fairy tales.
Was, but swam.
It was, but the past has grown.
It was, but drifted down to the bottom.
It was good for a long time; but it will happen again, but wait a long time.
Fairy is not a fairy tale, you cannot erase a word from it.
Goodness to the young man is not a reproach.
Be in the skete that Jonah is in the whale.
It was like grass, and fiction is like water.
There was a time, and now is the time.
It was yes passed and the past has grown.
There was a case, but the dog ate it.
It was good, but for a long time, it will be again, but we will not be.
Byl-grass, fiction-water.
Fairy tale will not keep up.
Goodness to the young man is not a reproach.
Fairy is not a fairy tale, you cannot throw a word out of it.
Waste like tar.
Everything is overgrown with reality.

Proverbs about Russian heroes

The hero will die, his name will remain.

You recognize the hero on the battlefield.
The heroic hand beats once.
Bogatyr - from strength, eloquent - from wisdom.
The hero will die - his glory is at war.
Russia is heroic.

The generous one does not boast of a gift, the hero does not refuse what was said.
The Russian land is glorious for its heroes.
The one who is brave and staunch is worth ten.
He whistled, barked, a valiant whistle, a heroic shout.
The shoulders are mighty, wide, brave, heroic.
The hero is not famous by birth, but by exploit.
The Russian person remembers good.
Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds.
Those who rely on their strength do not threaten.
Everyone is his own hero.
Eat more, you will be a hero.
The oak, like a hero is standing, does not move.
Woe-bogatyr: drunk with wine on altyn.

Holy Russia, Orthodox, heroic, mother of the Holy Russian land.

Proverbs to the epic "Ilya Muromets"

The Russian does not joke with either a sword or a roll.
Strong is the one who knocks down, stronger is the one who rises.
If he is tailored in Russian, and there is one soldier in the field.
To be a warrior - to serve the people.
Think with your head, and fight by force.
Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
Everyone has their own side.
Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.
Houses and walls help.
Whoever dares is safe.
Cheek brings success.
The hero does not joke with either a sword or a roll.
Who dared, he sat on a horse.
The brave wins, but the coward dies.

The hero is not famous by birth, but by exploit.
They fight not by force, but by skill.
Everyone's a good fellow for his own model.
The dog barks at the brave, and bites the cowardly.
I don't fight myself, but I'm not afraid of seven.
It is bad when strength lives without the mind, but it is not good when the mind is without strength.

Proverbs about the Motherland from epics

Many expressions from epics became firmly established in colloquial speech, acquired an edifying meaning and became proverbs. Often in the epics themselves, proverbs and sayings of the Russian people were used.

The Russian land is glorious for its heroes.
The evil one does not believe that there are good people.

Courage to the power of the voivode.
Who dared, he sat on a horse.

The bold peas sip, but the timid and cabbage soup will not see.
Fight loves courage.
Get your glory in battle.
They fight not by force, but by skill.
Enmity does no good.

Stand over your edge to death.

Life is given for good deeds.
Courage is the sister of victory.

Fight loves courage.
Get your glory in battle.
They fight not by force, but by skill.

Proverbs suitable for epics

The evil one does not believe that there are good people.
A kind word is half the happiness.
Don't look for beauty - look for kindness.
Years take beauty away, kindness does not take away.
To do good to people is to make yourself prettier.
Courage to the power of the voivode.
Who dared, he sat on a horse.
The Russian does not joke with either a sword or a roll.
In Russia, not all crucians, there are ruffs.
The bold peas sip, but the timid and cabbage soup will not see.
Fight loves courage.
Get your glory in battle.
They fight not by force, but by skill.
Enmity does no good.
You cannot take a fortress without courage.
Fight is a sacred thing, go to the enemy boldly.
Stand over your edge to death.
Those who serve honestly are friends with those.
Life is given for good deeds.
Courage is the sister of victory.
Native land is sweet in a handful.

  • "Dobrynya and the Serpent"

Matushka Dobrynyushka used to say: "Don't go to Mount Sorochinsk, Don't trample on little snakes, Don't help out a full Russian." But Dobrynya did not obey the prudent advice of his mother, went and defeated the Serpent "about twelve heads." “We will make a great commandment: You don’t fly to holy Russia And don’t take more Russian stuff”.

The simple-minded hero believed the Serpent, let the Serpent go, and he himself "went to the hail to Kiev." And the Serpent flew over Kiev and broke the great commandment, took away the beloved niece of Prince Vladimir Zabava Putyatichna. Quickly daring Dobrynya Nikitich gathers, sits on a good horse. Dobrynya was not driving along the path, not by the gates, The policeman drove through that wall Through that tower on the corner. A standing forest jumps a little higher. Clouds of a walker are jumping a little lower.

Dobrynya fought with the Serpent for three days and three nights and three more hours, defeated him and freed the captives. Dobrynya enters the snake holes, brings out the beautiful Fun Putyatichna from there.

  • “Sadko,“ Epic about Ilya Muromets ”.
  • "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh". The legend about a proud city that hid under the water of Lake Svetloyar, but did not submit to the enemy, does not need verbal adornments. A serious and agitated conversation is going on with the guys about heroism and courage and about the meaninglessness, doom of any betrayal.

Epic "Sadko"

Genre: epic of the Novgorod cycle

The main characters of the epic "Sadko" and their characteristics

  1. Sadko. In the beginning, a simple poor guslar, a very great master. When he became rich and became a merchant, he became arrogant and boastful. But after visiting the king of the sea, he again became kind and God-fearing.
  2. The sea king. The creature is fantastic. Lover of music and dance.
  3. Mikola Mozhaisky, Orthodox patron saint.
The plan for retelling the epic "Sadko"
  1. Sadko by the lake
  2. Sadko is fishing with golden feathers
  3. Sadko is rich
  4. Sadko buys Novgorod goods
  5. Sadko loses the argument
  6. Sadko equips ships
  7. Sadko throws lots
  8. Sadko plays for the sea king
  9. Sadko chooses a girl
  10. Sadko returns to Novgorod and there is a church
The shortest content of the epic "Sadko" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The Novgorod guslar Sadko was poor, but he played the gusli very well.
  2. In gratitude for his music, the sea king gave him a fish with golden feathers and Sadko became rich.
  3. Sadko wanted to buy all the goods in Novgorod, but could not do it
  4. Sadko equipped the ships and they stopped at sea
  5. Sadko went to the sea king and played the harp for him
  6. Sadko chose his bride Chernava and returned to Novgorod on the banks of the Chernava River, where he built a church
The main idea of ​​the epic "Sadko"
Wealth can spoil a person's character, but a real hero will understand his mistakes.

What the epic "Sadko" teaches
This epic teaches that music is a great power and everything in the world is subject to it. She teaches not to be arrogant, having achieved something, but to stay common man... Teaches that gold cannot buy everything in the world. Teaches you to love your wife and be faithful to her. It teaches us to be grateful to those who help us.

Review of the epic "Sadko"
This is a very interesting and fascinating epic, the hero of which seems to be not a fabulous hero. It's just a guslar, then the merchant Sadko. But he gets into such interesting and fabulous adventures that only happen with real heroes. And only a real hero is able to return alive from the bottom of the sea.
I liked this epic and I gladly recommend everyone to read it.

Proverbs to the epic "Sadko"
Wealth is dirt, mind is gold.
Rich without generosity that food without salt.
Do not praise yourself, there is much better than you.

A summary, a short retelling of the epic "Sadko"
He lived in Novgorod Sadko, who had only spring psaltery from his property.
He went to feasts and played the harp. But then they stopped inviting Sadko to feasts and he felt sad. He went to the shore of Lake Ilmen and began to play there. The water on the lake got agitated and Sadko got scared and left.
Once again Sadko went to the lake and again the water was agitated.
And for the third time, the Sea King appeared and told Sadko that he would help him catch fish with golden feathers from the lake.
Sadko then went to Novgorod and argued with the merchants that he would catch a fish with golden feathers. Sadko was laying his head, three merchants, three shops for goods each.
And Sadko went with them to Lake Ilmen, threw a silk net and pulled out a fish with red feathers, and not one, but three at once.
Sadko became rich and began to arrange feasts himself. He built wonderful chambers for himself. Rich Novgorodians sit at his feasts, bragging about what, Sadko alone is silent.
They asked him what he can boast of. Sadko announced here that he would be able to redeem all the goods in Novgorod for his treasury. They argued for thirty thousand.
Sadko went to the living room, bought all the goods.
The next day, more goods were brought in. Sadko went again and bought these goods. On the third day there are even more goods in Novgorod.
Sadko understood that he would not be able to redeem all the goods. Will buy out Moscow, will bring overseas. Veliky Novgorod turned out to be richer than him.
Sadko built ships for his treasury and began to walk along the rivers and seas.
So he went out to sea, the wave was beating, the wind was blowing, and the ships were standing in the water.
Sadko announced that it was necessary to pay tribute to the king of the sea. And they threw a barrel of silver into the water. But the ships did not budge.
Throwing a barrel of gold - the ships are standing, do not move.
Sadko understood that the sea king was demanding a living person and decided to draw lots. The squad threw down simple planks, Sadko - decorated with gold. Sadko's tablet sank.
He suggested Sadko to replay the lot. The squad threw gilded planks, and Sadko a simple one. But all the same, his tablet sank.
There was nothing to do, he wrote off his estates, took the harp, and lay down on the board in the sea. The ships sailed away. And Sadko fell asleep on the board, and woke up already with the sea king in his domain.
Sadko entered the white-stone chambers, the sea king saw him, asked to play the harp. Sadko began to play, and the sea king cheered up, began to dance.
At sea, a storm arose, thousands of people died. The people began to pray to Mikola Mozhaisky.
Sadko is playing, suddenly someone touches him on the shoulder. Looks - Mikola Mozhaisky, asks to stop playing.
Sadko replied that he was playing against his will, and Mikola told him to break the strings and break the pins. And how the king of the sea will propose to him to marry, not refuse, but choose the girl Chernava.
So Sadko did. Broke the psaltery, the sea king stopped dancing. He offers the bride Sadko to choose. Sadko looked through a lot of girls, chose Chernava. They played a feast, and Sadko went to bed.
He wakes up, and he lies on the banks of the Chernava River, in his native Novgorod.
Then his ships appeared. Sadko met the ships, went to his wife, kissed his wife. And then he unloaded the goods, and built a church for Mikole Mozhaisky.

Drawings and illustrations for the epic "Sadko"

Score 99%


But what about the glorious in Nové grad
And how was Sadko and the goose-goer,
And how there was not a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
And as soon as he went to fair feasts,
He was in a hurry like a merchant, boyars,
He made fun of them at fair feasts.

And how is it that over Sadok, so it happened:
Sadok has not been called for the whole day, but a feast is honored,
And they do not call as another day for an honorable feast,
And as for the third day, they are not invited and a feast is honorable.

And how did Sadk get bored now,
And Sadko went to Ilmen to the lake,
And he sat on blue on a combustible stone,
And how he began to play gusli yarovchaty,
And I played from morning like day to night.
And in the evening as late
And the wave is already in the lake as it descended,
But how did the water and sand get confused?
And Sadko was intimidated by the top of the river, but he was sitting there.

Overcame as Sadka the fear of the great,
And Sadko went away from the lake,
And Sadko went as to Novgorod.
And again, how has the night passed now,
And again, like the next day
And let the other not call him to a honorable feast,
And as for the third day, they are not invited to an honorable feast.

And how again Sadku was bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and he went to the lake,
And he sat down again on blue and on a combustible stone,
Ilmen's and he is by the lake.
And how he began to play the harp again in the spring,
And he played as from morning day to evening.
And as in the evening again as late
And the wave descended like in a lake,
And now, like water with sand, I have become embarrassed;
And again he was afraid of Sadko and Novgorod,
Sadka overcame as great fear now.

And when he went again as from Ilmen and from the lake,
And how he went to his and he to Novgorod.
And how did it happen over him again?
Sadok is not called, but a feast is honorable,
And how, again, another day, Sadok is not called and a feast is honored,
And as for the third day, Sadok is not called and a feast is honorable.
And again Sadok is now bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and to the lake,

And how he sat on a blue combustible stone
yes about the lake, And how he began to play gusli in yarovchaty,
And how, after all, he played again from morning to evening,
And the wave already descended as in the lake,
And whether the water with sand and confused;
And then he dared like Sadko and Novgorod,
And to sit and play like he on the lake.
And how did the water tsar come out from the lake,
And as the king of the water himself says, yes these are the words:
“Thank you, Sadko and Novgorod!
And you hurried us off to the top, and you are in the lake:
And I had it like in the lake,
And how is my dining and feast honorable,
And how he amused everyone at my place and at an honest feast
And my dear guests.

And how I don’t know, Sadka, you are welcome:
And go, Sadko, trample and go to your own in Novgorod;
And how tomorrow they will call you and have an honorable feast,
And how the merchant's canteen will be honored with a feast,
And how many there will be a merchant at the feast, many Novgorod ones;
And how will everyone be at the feast and napivatis,
Everyone will be at the feast and naedatis,
And how will all boast now and boast,
And who will be chim now and by the way,
And who will be what will now be praised:
And some how it will be boastful and an uncountable gold treasury,
And how another will brag about a good horse,
Others will boast of strength, good luck,
And another will brag young youth,
And how smart-reasonable, yes, be in a good way
Old father, old mother,
And a crazy fool, yes, by the way,
And he is like his young wife.

And you, Sadko, brag about it:
“And I know that in Ilmen and in the lake
And what is natural for a fish - gold feathers, after all ”.
And how will the merchants and the rich
And let them argue with you,
And that there is no such fish
And why bother and gold, after all;
And you beat them with them on the pledge of the great ones;
Lay down your riot and head,
And how to unload them from them
And like benches in a row and in the living room
With expensive goods yes.
And then tie a silk net,
Come you fish and go to Ilmen in the lake,
And throw three drowns in Ilmen and in the lake,
And I seem to be drowning, I'll give you a fish,

How golden feathers, after all.
And you will get benches in the row and in the living room
Since the goods are expensive.
And then you, merchant, will be Sadko, like Novgorod,
And you will be a rich merchant. "
And Sadko went to his own but to Novgorod.
And how, after all, the next day
And how was Sadok called and a feast honored?
And to the merchant and the rich.
And how is there a lot of collecting
And to the merchant and a feast honored
And a merchant as rich Novgorod;
And how everyone was getting drunk now at the feast,
And how is everyone at the feast and naedalis,
And all praised by boasting.

And who is bragging about how it is now,
And who can boast of what at the feast:
And another boast like an uncountable golden treasury,
And another bragging about a good horse,
And some boast of strength, good luck;
And how smart he is, how he brags
And the old priest, the old mother,
And the mad fool is bragging about
And how you brag and how your young wife.
And Sadko is sitting, as if he does not boast of anything,
And Sadko is sitting, as if he does not boast of anything;
And how the rich merchants of Novgorod sit here,
And as they say to Sadk, these are the words:
“Well, Sadko, you are sitting, you are not bragging about anything,
What is nothing, Sadko, but you are not boasting? "
And Sadko says these are the words:
“Oh, you rich merchants of Novgorod
And what about me, Sadku, top it by the way,
How about something, Sadku, to boast?
But I don’t have a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
But I don’t have as a beautiful young wife,
And as for me, Sadku, there is only one thing and I feel good about it:
In Ilmen and like in the lake
And naturally a fish is like golden feathers, after all ”.

And how are the rich merchants of Novgorod,
And they began to argue with him and ony:
To Ilmen and what's in the lake
But there is no fish such that
To have golden feathers, after all.
And as Sadko said in Novgorod:
"Duck I will lay my wild little head,
More pledges but I have nothing. "
And they say: “We will lay in the row and in the living room
Six merchants, six rich. "

And they laid it down like on a bench,
With expensive and with goods.
And then after that A they tied a silk net,
And we went fishing both in Ilmen and in the lake,
And they threw the sink into Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And the fish is already caught - after all, the feathers are golden;
And they threw my friend a drowning in Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And how they got another fish - the feathers are golden, after all;
And they threw the third sink into Ilmen, but in fact in the lake,
And how they got it like a fish - the feathers are golden, after all.

And now, as merchants and rich Novgorodians
And as they see, there is nothing to do,
And how did it come out right, as Sadko said to those from Novgorod,
And how they got away from the shops,
And in the row and in the living room,
And with dear, after all, with goods.
And how did Sadko and Novgorod get
And in the row in the living room
And six are already like shops with expensive goods,
And Sadko signed up as a merchant in Novgorod,
And how did Sadko become a rich merchant?
And how Sadko began to trade and toperichku,
And how Sadko began to travel to trade and to all places,
And in other cities, yes he is in distant ones,
And how he began to receive profits and he was great.
And how is it here and after that
And he married like Sadko, a merchant of Novgorod rich,
And how, Sadko, after that,
And how he built the white chambers,
And how did he do it, Sadko, but in his tents,
And how he did everything in the towers, yes in a heavenly way
And how the sun is baking in the sky and the sun is already red, -
In his chambers there is baking and the red sun;
And how the young man is shining in the sky and the month is bright, -
He has a bright month in his mansions and young;
And how they bake in the sky and the stars are frequent, -
And in his mansions they bake and frequent stars;
And how Sadko decorated his chambers with white men.

And besides, how after that
And Sadko was gathering food before the honorable feast,
And like all their merchants, the rich Novgorod ones,
And like all his gentlemen of Novgorod,
And how he is still his abbots and those of Novgorod;
And how were the abbots of Novgorod,
And Luka Zinoviev and Thomas and Nazariev too;
And how did he collect all the peasants of Novgorod,
And how Sadko led the dining - a rich feast was honored,
And top up like everyone else at Sadok's at an honest feast,
And how is everything with Sadok and napivalis,

And how is everything with Sadok now and naedalis,
And they all praised them with boasting.
And who is what at the feast, it’s like hvas
And who boasts of chim at the feast:
And another as bragging about an uncountable golden treasury,
And other brags like a good horse,
And another bragging about mighty heroic strength,
And another boast of a glorious fatherland,
And some boast of young and youthfulness;
And how smart-reasonable how he brags
Old father and old mother,
And the mad fool is bragging about
And his and his young wife.

And how will I, Sadku, be boastful now?
And at me, at Sadok of Novgorod,
And my treasury does not grow thin with gold,
And my colored dress does not hold on to me,
And the good-looking druzhinushka does not change;
And so much for me, Sadka, would be welcome
And my uncountable gold treasury:
And on my own I can count the gold treasury,
And I will also buy back like all the goods of Novgorod,
And how bad are all my goods, good ones,
And that there will not be more goods on sale in the city. "

And how did the abbots of Novgorod
And Thomas and Nazariev, after all,
And Luka and Zinoviev, after all,
And how did they get up and get up on their frisky legs?
And as they themselves said, yes, these are the words:
“Ah, you, Sadko, a rich merchant of Novgorod!
And what about a lot you beat with us about a great bet,
If you buy goods from Novgorod,
And all goods are bad, good,
So that there are no goods on sale in the cities? "
And Sadko speaks to them instead of these words:

“Oh, you, abbots of Novgorod!
And as much as I want, I will have enough to lay the countless gold treasury. "
And speaking the abbots instead of Novgorod:
“Oh, you, Sadko and Novgorod!
And even if you hit from us about thirty thousand. "
And Sadko hit about thirty, but in fact about thousands.
And how everything is traveling from an honest feast,
And how everything was sorted out from an honest feast,
And as in their homes, in their places.
And how he got up the next day in the morning and early,
And how did he wake up his smart druzhinushka,
And he gave how he and druzhinushki,
And how he loves the countless gold of the treasury;
And how he went down the shopping streets,
And how he walked straight in the living room row,
And how did he buy out the goods of Novgorod,
And all good goods are bad.

And it was like the next day
Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And how he woke up a good druzhinushka,
And he gave, as a lover, countless golds of the treasury,
And how he walked straight into the living room, -
And how many goods were brought here,
And how many goods are filled
And for that gloriously great Novgorod.
He bought more goods from Novgorod,
And all the goods are bad, good.
And on the third day Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, got up,
And he woke up like he and the smart druzhinushka,
And he gave how to love the druzhinushka
And how much countless gold treasury,
And how he disbanded the squad along the trading streets,
And how he himself walked straight into the living room, -
And how is it here for the glory of the great Novgorod
And they arrived in time as goods from Moscow,
And how did the row fill up like a living room?
And expensive goods are also from Moscow.

And how did Sadko come to think about it:
“And how will I buy more goods from Moscow,
And for the glory of the great Novgorod,
And they will arrive in time as overseas goods:
And how, after all, just like me, Sadka,
And not to redeem as goods, after all
From all over the world.
And how better, if not I am richer,
Sadko is a merchant and a Novgorodian,
And how may the glorious Novgorod be richer than me,
What I could not, de yes, redeem

And the goods of Novgorod,
So that there is no sale in the cities;
I'd rather give the money in thirty thousand,
Your great pledge! "
And I gave it as thirty thousand money,
Unlocked from the pledge of the great.
And then how he built thirty ships,
Thirty boats, thirty black ones,
And how did he dump the goods of Novgorod
And also on black boats,
And a rich Novgorod merchant went to trade
And as on their own on black boats.
And he went along the Volkhov,

And from Volkhov he is in Ladoga,
And from Ladoga I swam out to the Neva River,
And how from the Neva River, how I went to the blue sea.
And how he rode on the blue sea,
And how did he turn the Horde into the Gold.
And how did he sell goods there, but after all, from Novgorod,
And he received great profits now,
And how he poured barrels, after all, forty-you
And also like red gold;
And he poured many barrels and pure silver,
And he also poured a lot of small barrels, he is a large skatnyago pearls.
And how then he went because of the Golden Horde,
And how he drove toperichku again on the blue sea.
And how on the blue sea the ships stood and the black ships,
And as a wave hits and tears the sails,
And the boats are black like a lomat,
And all the black boats will not come from their place.
And Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, spoke up,
And to his own he is a good-looking druzhina:

“Oh, you, good-looking squad!
And no matter how much we traveled by sea,
And we did not pay tribute to the king of the sea.
And the tribute is demanded by the sea king in the blue sea. "
And here, too, says Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant:
“Oh, you, good-looking squad!
And also like a forty-barreled barrel of red gold. "
And how is the squad here and the brave
And how they took a forty barrel of red gold,
And they threw a barrel in the blue sea.
And the lomat are black boats and on the blue sea, -
Everything will be gone from the place of the boat and on the blue sea.
And again Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod
And his as a brave druzhinushka:
“Oh, you, my druzhinushka, you are good-looking!

And you can see little of this tribute to the king of the sea in the blue sea:
And take-tko you, swords-tko in the blue sea
And like another barrel of pure silver. "
And how is the good druzhinushka here
And they threw it like another barrel in the blue sea
And how pure and silver.
And as everything beats with a wave, it tears the sails,
And the lomat are black boats and on the blue sea,
And everything will not come from the place of the boat and on the blue sea.
And as Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, said here,
And how is he a good-looking druzhinushka:
“Oh, you, good-looking squad!

And you can see, this is not enough like a tribute in the blue sea:
And take the third barrel and the large, small pitched pearls,
And throw a barrel in the blue sea. "
And how is the brave squad here?
And how they took a barrel of large, small pitched pearls,
And they threw a barrel in the blue sea.
And how everything on the blue sea is and the black boats are.
And it beats with a wave, tears the sails,
And how all the lomat are black boats, -
And everything from the place will not come and the black boats.

And as Sadko said here, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod
And as a druzhinushka he is a courageous man:
“Oh, you, dear as a druzhinushka and a good-looking one!
And it can be seen that the sea king is required as a living head in our blue sea.
Aye, you brave squad!
And take it, so how do you do
And yes, yes, the colts and the volzhans;
And like everyone else, you write your names on the lot,
And let go of the colts on the blue sea;
And I will make myself a lot for red, for gold.
And how will we lower the lot now on the blue sea:
And what about whose lot do we have so it sinks to the bottom,
And then go like ours in the blue sea. "
And everything is like a brave squad
And the colts also float like gogol,
And Sadok has a merchant, a rich guest, and a key to the bottom.

Ai says to Sadko these are the words:
“And how these colts are wrong;
And you, too, make a lot like red and gold,
And I will make the lot and the oak.
And how do you write all your names and on the lot,
And let go of the colts on the blue sea:
And how whose lot do we have to go to the bottom,
And how can we walk in the blue sea. "
And how is the whole druzhinushka chubby here
And they lowered the lot on the blue sea,
And all like a druzhinushka a good-looking

And how all the colts, like now, are swimming like a gogol,
And Sadkov is like a lot, but now the key to the bottom.
And again Sadko said, yes these are the words:
“And how these foals are wrong.
Aye, you brave squad!
And how do you do like oak colts,
And how will I make the lot of fake,
And how are we going to write names all on the lot,
And how will we lower the lot on the blue sea,
And now, as in the rest:
How whose lot will go to the bottom,
And how to walk with us in the blue sea. "

And how is the whole squad strong
And how did all the oak colts,
And he did it like a fake for himself,
And how did everyone write their names on the lot,
And they lowered the colts on the blue sea.
And the whole squad is good-looking
And the colts are now swimming with a gogol and on the blue sea,
And Sadok, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, has a key to the bottom.
And as Sadko spoke here, these are the words:
“And as you can see, Sadk has nothing to do now,
And Sadok himself is demanded by the king of the sea and in the blue sea.
Oh, you, my druzhinushka, yes, good-natured, dear!
And take it you, carry it
And mine is like an inkwell,
And carry it like a swan's feather,
And also, you carry the papers, you stamp them with the coat of arms. "

And how is it like a druzhinushka, after all, is a good-looking
And they carried him like an inkwell and a wallow,
And they carried it like a swan's feather,
And they carried it like a sheet of paper as a stamp.
And how is Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And he sat on a belted chair
And besides, he goes to the oak table,
And how he began to write down his name:
And how he wrote down the names of God's churches,
And how much he wrote off the property of the poor brethren,
And as another name he wrote off and a young wife,
And he was a good-looking squad as well.

And how he himself then cried,
He spoke like a good-looking druzhina:
“Oh, you, good-natured and dear squad!
And put you an oak board on the blue sea,
And why should I fall, Sadku, me on the board,
And it’s not that I’m scared to accept death in the blue sea ”.
And how else did he take with him his goslings,
And he wept bitterly, he said goodbye to the good-looking druzhinushka,
And now he said goodbye to everything and to the white light,

And how did he say goodbye now
And with his he is with the New with the city.
And then he fell on a board on an oak one,
And it carried like Sadok to the boards and across the blue sea.
And how did the black boats run here,
And as if the black crows flew,
And how was Sadko now left on the blue sea.
And how, after all, out of fear of the great
And Sadko fell asleep on that plank on the oak tree.
But how did Sadko wake up, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And in Okiyan-mori, yes, on the days itself,
And I saw - the red sun was baking through the water,
But how did she find herself near the white-chaired ward?

And he went into the white-channeled ward as he did:
And now he sits like in tents
And as the king of the sea now on the chair, after all.
And the king of the sea says these are the words:
“And how hello, rich merchant,
Sadko and Novgorod!
And no matter how much you traveled by sea,
And as the king of the sea did not cry tribute in the blue sea,
And now he himself has come to me all in presents.
Ah, they will say, you are a master at playing harp at yarovchaty:
And play with me like a gusli in yarovchaty. "
And how does Sadko see that there is nothing to do in the blue sea:
He is compelled to play like a harp in spring chats.
And how did Sadko begin to play like a harp in a spring,
And how the king of the sea began to dance now in the blue sea,
And from him skolebalose all the blue sea,
And the wave was converging and on the blue sea,
And how he began to break many black boats and on the blue sea,
And how many people began to drown in the blue sea
And how much the property began to run and in the blue sea,
And how many people are kind now on the blue sea,
And how many people are Orthodox
From zhelanitsa how they pray to Nikola and Mozhaisky,
And so that Nicholas would bring their saint out of the blue sea.

And how did Sadka of Novgorodsky scratch on the shoulder and on the right
And how Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, turned around -
And he stands like an old man and back, and as white, gray-haired,
And as the old man said, these are the words:
"And how full are they to play, Sadko, in the harp in the yarovchaty in the blue sea!"
And Sadko says, as in place, these are the words:
“And besides, I have no will of my own, but in the blue sea,
The king of the sea will make me play. "
And again the old man spoke in place of these words:
“And how are you, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant!
And how do you pick the strings,
Lose pins like pins

And how do you tell the sea king now:
And I didn’t have any strings,
I didn’t fit pins and needles,
And there is nothing more to play with me.
And he will tell you like the king of the sea:
“And wouldn't you please, Sadko, to get married
in a blue mori And on a darling like a red girl? "
And how do you tell him so in the blue sea,
And say: the king of the sea, as your will trample in the blue sea,
And as you know, then do it.
And how will he tell you yes to the top of the list:
“And in the morning you get ready,
And Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And choose, as he says, you are a girl for your mind, for your reason. "
So you look, you skip the flock of the first three hundred girls,
And you let the other three hundred girls pass the flock,
And as the third three hundred girls, you miss the flock,
And in that herd at the end of the rest
And she walks like a beautiful maiden,
And by the last name as Chernava:
So you take this Chernava into marriage,
And then you, Sadko, may you be happy.

And how will you go to bed on the first night after all,
And look, do not do, there is no fornication
With that girl with Chernava.
How do you wake up here in the blue sea,
So you will be in Nové grad on a steep ridge,
And about that river about Chernavu.
And if you do it like fornication in the blue sea,
So you will stay forever in the blue sea.
And when you are in holy Russia,
Yes, in yours, yes, you, yes, in the city,
And then you will build a cathedral church
Yes Nikola and Mozhaisky,
And how I am Nikola Mozhaiskiy. "

And how did the old man and the sedates get lost here.
Ay, how is Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, in a blue sea,
And like the strings he pulled,
I broke the pins of the geese,
But he didn’t play the harp anymore in the springchats.
And he stood like the king of the sea,
He did not begin to dance in the blue mori,
And as the king himself said, these are the words:
“Why don't you play, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And in the harp, after all, in the yarovchats? "
And Sadko said these words:
"And also top the strings as I pulled,
I broke the pins,
And I have nothing more to do with myself ”,

And as the king of the sea said:
“Would you like to marry, Sadko, in the blue sea,
And how is it on the red darling and on the girl? "
And how he spoke to him instead:
"And now, like your beast, above me in the blue sea."
And as the king of the sea said here:
“Ah, you, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant!
And in the morning, choose for yourself a girl and a beauty
In my own mind but in my mind. "
And how did it come to the early morning, after all,
And how did Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, become
And how he went to choose for himself beautiful girls,
And he will look, he is already like the king of the sea.
And how three hundred girls led past them, after all,
But he missed the first three hundred girls and the flock,
And he missed the other three hundred girls and the flock,
And he missed the third three hundred girls and the flock.

And he will look, a beautiful girl is walking behind,
And by the last name what is the name of Chernava.
And he loved that Chernava, took for himself in marriage
And as the king of the sea spoke here, these are the words:
"And how did you know how to get married, Sadko, in the blue sea."
And now how has their dining gone and how honorable is the feast in the blue sea,
And how was their dining and feast honored,
And how did Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, go to bed here,
And in a blue mori he is with a girl with a beauty,
And in the bedroom he is so warm;
And he did not commit any fornication with her, but fell asleep in a strong sleep.
And how he woke up, Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
Azhno found himself Sadko in his own town,
About the river about Chernavu on a steep ridge.

And how I saw - they were running along the Volkhov
And their own yes black boats,
But how is the druzhinushka like a brave
And they remember Sadok in the blue sea,
And Sadka, a rich merchant, and his wife
And Sadok is commemorated with his troop.
And how did the druzhina see here,
What is Sadko on a steep ridge and about Volkhovo,
And how is the druzhinushka here all freaked out,
And how did that miracle do it,
That we left Sadka and on the blue sea,
And Sadko is ahead of us and in his own town.
And how did he meet Sadko's good-looking druzhinushka,
All black boats are here.
And how did they say hello now,
We went to the chambers of Sadok, a rich merchant.
And how he greeted his young wife to the top of the river.
And now how is he after that

And he unloaded from the boat
And as all his yes he is a property,
And he rolled out like he all his treasury and uncountable gold,
And now, as on his own, he has an uncountable gold treasury
And how he made the cathedral church of St. Nicholas and Mozhaisky,
And how another church made the Most Holy Theotokos.
And besides, how can it be that after that
And how he began to pray to the Lord God,
And about his sins, yes, he will say goodbye.
And how I didn’t go to the blue sea anymore, 99%