Digital angel of the astral chronicles. Chronicles of Mental Travel: Depression, Illness and Early Death. Does the person have a switch? Hypnosis prejudices and myths

Chronicles of mental travels The severity of the last incarnation and farewell to karma The number of incarnations of star souls on Earth varies from 4 to 10. Incarnation in a three-dimensional world for an alien soul is a working visit, a business trip. Each soul delegated by its stellar civilization comes to Earth with specific tasks. Alien souls are not attached to this world, they always internally know that this is not their world. Their hearts keep the memory of a perfect and harmonious existence in their stellar homeland. Therefore, when the time comes, they will easily leave their earthly body and return Home. But before returning, you need to complete the Task, which everyone has their own. Immediately in one life, the soul does not have time to fulfill all the tasks set by the Creator, therefore several rebirths are required. The most painful incarnations are the first and final. During the first incarnation, the subtle cosmic soul adapts to the conditions of the material world, assimilates, gets used to, gaining earthly experience. Not everyone can put on a coarse shell after thin, luminous garments. Very strong and selfless spiritual workers agree to this. Starting from the first incarnation in the earthly world, the stellar soul accumulates karma of three dimensions, plus it comes to this with its personal history, with a stellar genealogy, which inevitably manifests itself in the earthly environment. The alien's cosmic inheritance is recorded in the form of a hologram in plasma chromosomes, which are embedded in the earth's DNA and manifest in the form of unusual abilities or original ways of thinking. Another article will be devoted to this issue, but for now let's talk about earthly karma and the last incarnation of the star soul. Earthly reality is harsh, you simply cannot make mistakes here, because life goes on like a razor's edge. One deed of the star soul already lays the foundation for a series of subsequent incarnations, because the soul does not always manage to correct its mistake in one life. In the past, many of us made mistakes, so here and now we are painfully extricating ourselves from the fetters that we have created for ourselves by our misdeeds. Dense matter is insidious, it creates illusions, knocks pure souls off the true path, pushing them towards darkness and darkness. Often, our stellar brothers were attached to carnal pleasures, had families, gave birth to children, which tightly tied their souls to earthly reality. They plunged into everyday life, tried to live according to the customs of earthlings, losing the memory of their cosmic nature. All this burdened the consciousness so much that I had to stay for several incarnations in order to untie karmic knots in the future with those who caused the soul to fall into matter. Take, for example, the story of Elizabeth Hach, which she describes in her book Dedication. She was embodied in Ancient egypt , had a high spiritual dedication, having received it in an accelerated way. E. Heich does not reveal the secrets of his initiation, since this is a secret knowledge that is available only to a select few. I am sure that during the dedication, star memory was opened to her and her native cosmic world was shown. The teacher gave her instructions related to the need to abstain from carnal pleasures. But the soul of this woman could not withstand the temptation of passion, she fell into the arms of an earthly man, as a result of which her soul was tied to her dead body for 3,000 years, after which she again found the opportunity to incarnate and recreate the path traveled in initiation. Her last earthly life was full of difficult trials - illness, war and other disasters. All this came as a result of a single fatal mistake, if not for which, the soul would have already returned to the spiritual worlds many thousands of years ago. The most common mistakes of alien souls who dress earthly bodies are entering into bodily relationships due to animal passion and the premature disclosure of dangerous knowledge to unprepared humanity. Animal passion dragged many souls into the swamp of rough matter and created karma, which they are forced to work off for several incarnations. The Sphinx was created precisely so that guests from other worlds always remember their dual nature, that they need to control their animal part - bodily instincts. The upper part of the Sphinx is human, the lower is animal. It is necessary to develop in oneself sobriety, willpower and striving for the divine, so as not to fall again into the swamp of matter. That is why many star souls in their last incarnation have an acute problem of sexual partnership and family breakdown. The roots must be sought in past incarnations. Another mistake - premature disclosure of secrets - creates karma associated with realization in the professional sphere. Problems related to work, career, choice of profession, painful search for oneself in this world are acutely manifested here. If you see such a picture, then your past misconduct is associated with a violation of the law of information balance. I call this "the karma of Prometheus." By the way, some liver diseases occur for this very reason. I noticed this already in practice. The last incarnation is a jerk of an alien soul back into Space. This is a chance to work out ALL EARTH KARMA IN ONE LIFE, and it can be, oh, how difficult it is. Let me give you another example, known from the biography of the writer Lobsang Rampa. In one of his books, he describes his painful incarnation and what preceded his choice. Once astrologers predicted for the boy options for the development of fate, depending on his personal choice in one direction or another. The boy chose the most difficult path, because he was associated with the mission of helping humanity, but because of this he had to endure many wanderings, illnesses, Japanese captivity, the loss of a physical body and the transmigration of the soul into the body of a foreign citizen. Thanks to this, the world learned the amazing books of the Tibetan lama and his adventures in the subtle worlds. In the books, L. Rampa writes that if a person has a difficult fate, this means the last incarnation on Earth, since all debts are collected in one life and difficult karmic situations replace one another. Otherwise, the debts will not be distributed, and you will still have to rotate in the wheel of Samsara for an indefinite period. Many spiritual workers choose exactly this way of parting with karma, because the next chance can be only in many thousands of years. If it seems to you that your fate is too difficult, let the thought of the last incarnation dry up your tears and quench your spiritual sorrow. In the last incarnation, star souls experience a strong longing for their homeworlds, cry, looking at the starry sky, suffer from loneliness and separation from kindred spirits. If you are experiencing all this, then your soul is alive and your memory is about to wake up. These experiences need to be blessed and lead to spiritual awakening. As a result, we will all return Home, this is the Call of the Creator from the spiritual worlds of the deep Cosmos. To get closer to the Home, one must strive for it, because everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone. The stronger our spiritual aspiration, the sooner the desired changes will take place in our life - a meeting with embodied cosmic brothers, awakening of memory and awareness of our divine nature, our destiny. Many of us are not even aware of our enormous power to change the world. This power is sleeping, but the time has come for awakening. Do not humiliate yourself with despondency and remorse. Just accept it as it is and let go of whatever is troubling your soul. Past mistakes are experiences that can only be known on Earth. Thank this world for the experience and a lot of adventures and continue your stellar journey - from planet to planet, from star to star. Our home worlds are waiting for us and have already opened their arms!

.: Chronicle of mental travel

Recently, many have noted not only a decline in energy, but also a loss of interests, friends, and finances. Is this related to your personal zeroing? You decide.

Q: What is cleared?
A: Karma, well, the rest too.
Q: How does it manifest? Can a person reset to zero without realizing it?
A: Revision of the system of values, there is no care, according to internal perception, someone is reset to health because of their health. Habits disappear, abruptly. A big process, like a huge crystal and many facets, and gradually these facets squeeze out unnecessary things out of you.
This process has been started for a long time, and gradually leads to cleaning. Globally, yes, this is the nullification of karma, a way out of this vicious system, but a lot is attached to this system in ordinary life, imposed, and it also begins to untie, which is not always good from an ordinary point of view. On a global scale, this is very favorable for evolution.
Operator's comment: Zeroing of karma does not take place in the form of writing off debts, as you might imagine. Rather, it is the provision of memory and tools to souls who have decided to part with karma. If you want to understand karma, any person can find the means to do this today.

The nullification of karma occurs with the help of standard tools - forgiveness, awareness. In addition, one person can work through karma for the whole race or for a whole group of souls. You can work through karma for an entire country if you have enough personal resources. Therefore, in some cases, the process looks like zeroing, but in a global sense, there is no freebie. If someone's debts were written off, it means that either I took measures through another branch of incarnation, or someone from the family removed the destructive generic programs, or someone on a planetary scale removed a whole karmic layer. I remember Dr. Hugh Lin, who treated severe mental illness. Has he nullified someone else's karma? Rather, I found somewhere deep within myself similar motives and worked on myself.
Those who are waiting for a messiah who will shift all their problems to themselves are counting on a kind of zeroing of karma. However, there is no freebie.

Q: With regard to finance, many write that everything related to earnings collapses. What's happening?
A: Tied to zeroing karma plus channel restructuring. Everything will work out quickly, the main thing is to get to zero. Each one individually, those who wrote, there is also karmic, plus there is a zeroing on a global scale across the territory. For example, in Russia, a global zeroing is underway, an unsupported economic bubble is also being zeroed. There, of course, everything is more complicated, the process in Russia cannot be described by zeroing alone. There are global cycles of zeroing of different orders, and when a person enters the zone where zeroing is in progress, he has a failure, if he is not ready for this, it is better to avoid such places. For example, Chelyabinsk, there is some kind of strong zero zone in this area, partially associated with the events of 2013.

Q: How long will this zeroing take?
A: Perhaps it will be completed by the end of the year. I see the funnel until October. By the way, you cannot completely zero a person, everything happens in stages. A full one-time zeroing consumes colossal energy reserves, respectively, the more energy, the more you can reset. At the same time, there is no clear algorithm, the main thing is to reach zero at the interchanges.

There are different zeros: first, a very strong systemic zero that controls different zones of vital activity. Especially financial, of course. Most people are programmed to have nothing. The more money you make, the more you spend on the same things. They just buy more expensive clothes, drive a more expensive car, and go to more expensive restaurants. These meaningless actions are performed with the aim of getting to zero and stimulating yourself to move on to work. For example, in countries with a small pension, even at the end of life, a person receives financial zero. As if it ends the life cycle nullified, naked, and its last energy is pulled into the zero funnel.
Secondly, there are natural cycles of completion, when the circle of Tao closes and death turns into birth. This can be compared to zero.

A similar thing was once shown by the memory of the body in a vision: a shaman who pulls such a focus energetically resets the world if something goes wrong globally. In the picture, he formed a ring (zero) and stretched the whole world through it, squeezing and dissolving it. If the world changed due to an external infection, it did not pass through the ring. It's like a reboot of the world.

Of course, to do this, you need a special state of consciousness, a super-strong concentration of intention and a lot of accumulated energy. Because you need to drop out of the dimension and at the same time stay in it. Moreover, such a shaman has practically no contacts with society, it is a qualitatively different creature. The ceremony is held at a strictly defined time, when several cosmic circles converge at one point (perhaps they mean the trajectories of the planets).

Third, the person's personal cycles. Periodically, before a new important stage in my life, I have a dream with a similar motive: I take off some kind of coat and crawl through the window or door. Sometimes I climb with someone. You won't be able to get through in outerwear. That is, it is logical to assume that there are stages in life when it is time to dump the old. Not all of them are zeroing in the full sense.

Zeroing is a more global phenomenon. It is a complete shedding of the old body, the old matrix. Before a large vibrational jump, some people need zeroing, otherwise a vibrational jump is impossible - the old will pull back, there will be a small vibrational shift, but nothing more.
Zeroing exists at different levels: person, city, people, country, world, planet, galaxy, etc. Even dancing deities are periodically reset to zero.

To perform a good zeroing, it is necessary that several zeroes come together and line up like a parade of planets. Then zeroing at different levels brings the greatest resonance and gives rise to the strongest vibrational jump, because at the moment of zeroing the energy is concentrated at one point, and from this point a very strong concentrated intention can be formed. It is very important to form the right intention if you are in the zeroing stage. If you whine and suffer, there is a risk that the universe will perceive exactly this as your intention. Since in such periods you just want to whine and suffer, you need to concentrate by willpower, and allow yourself to suffer on certain days for this - while you are in the recession zone.

Zeroing has three stages: recession, zero, and growth. Zero serves as a kind of border between life and death.
At the stage of decline, a person is more and more surrounded by the energy of death, so you can use this and give it what is not needed. Death will try to take more in any case, so you can give something to her voluntarily. For example, destructive programs that have become obsolete. It is not recommended to form an intention during the recession stage.
The zero stage should be the stage of ultimate concentration and calmness. A crystal clear state would be ideal.

Growth stage - right into it you need to launch an intention for the near (and distant) future, and from the very beginning, even from the state of zero. The scope of the future depends not only on the person, but also on how many levels of zero converged at that moment. Mass reset is possible prior to important public events. But if, say, mass poverty sets in, then this is not a natural zeroing for a vibrational jump, but rather it is the owner who shears his flock using system zero. It is precisely with mass impoverishment that vibrational descents and a massive rollback into an animal state occur.

At the matrix level, zeroing is not just movement along neighboring cells, but teleportation to distant cells with which there was no previous contact.

Full zeroing, so that once and for all for life, is impossible. At least not likely. Because there is always a deep layer that is inaccessible to perception here and now. Therefore, zeroing occurs in layers. Zero can be compared to the very essence of the main crystal. To reach it, you need to remove all the other shells from yourself. Naturally, not all at once, otherwise we simply won't be here.

Learning to manage energy and zero cycles can help you manage reality more effectively.


As a preface. To write this text, its author-compiler was inspired by a series of events that took place at the end of June 2013 on the popular “esoteric” site of the Russian Internet “Chronicles of Astral Travels” (blog “Digitall_angell”).

The origin (slogan) of the blog: “ Astral intelligence and metacontact. A new look at history, "others", and the possibilities of the Matrix. "

I, too, can be attributed to such willing and seekers, so when I once came across this resource on the vast Internet spaces, it aroused my interest, like many of its other visitors. For a long time I remained only a passive spectator-reader on this platform, agreeing with something, with something not. And only on June 20, 2013 I wrote my own there first comment within one of the topics. But what it turned into later, you can find out from the text below.

There is a lot on the Internet that remains hidden in the depths from unintelligent eyes, like that iceberg or still waters. The speech in the text is about turning on awareness and trying to dig deeper, including beyond the limits of the personality, even one's own. And this particular situation and the resource itself are just a good reason to try to reveal the hidden.

In addition, this site itself("Chronicles of Astral Travel") is indicative as a typical cut of the current delicate alignment on Earth.

A few preliminary comments:

  • I recommend that you first overlook the topics themselves (and comments to them) in question, and then read the dialogue-analysis about them, carefully comparing them with your primary perception. Then read the topic and comments again. This way you will be able to notice and feel a lot of new things.

  • I apologize in advance for the spelling and punctuation, as these are excerpts from live personal correspondence.

  • Well, in general, this is a dialogue between two living people, an exchange of opinions, an attempt to comprehend. Try to capture the flow of thought itself, do not get attached to specific words, phrases, judgments.

STEP 1. On events in the topic "Say a word about the reboot" (from 20.06.2013)

Elvira Tavanova: and in your battle with the grays on DA Was the cricket real? and by the way, how is your subtle body after these graters? fenbaihu it really sits there to frustrate thoughts, I noticed it a long time ago, and after the comment I felt it well on my skin. I wanted to open the matrix there publicly, but it was time to run to work, and there social networks are blocked. generally passed.

Elvira Tavanova: looked at my access to the DA forum and his reaction then and the forum's reaction? what thoughts and conclusions?

After June 21, I see / feel that, in general, something has changed a little on the DA resource, almost imperceptibly, but there is, although they suck the same topics again and continue to throw comments and feed these “keepers” with themselves. In general, a different taste appeared, a taste of a new dimension in all this communication. Although I do not see that someone clearly began to implement this dimension, but here it is more like the appearance of the possibility itself, and earlier this very possibility simply did not exist. Such an image arose a little funny - as if the "trembling creature" suddenly, for the first time in her life, had a flash of lightning in her head that she had "the right". In the next moment, the "creature" returned to its "trembling" state, but something so fundamental happened to it at that moment, and in general it is no longer what it was before and its being too.

Elvira Tavanova: yes, but the most interesting thing is that DA got around my question for a kilometer, although I tried to ask it as close as possible to its dimension. he sucked the previous video about glowing eyes, and simply ignored the question. how do you understand that?

Question from the topic: By the way, the question is YES: at one time Sri Chinmoy said that in every century 2-3 God-realized people are incarnated on earth, to supervise and correct the spiritual evolution on earth. in the 20th century, before the transition, there was a special tension and on the stage we saw more than 3 (Aurobindo, Sai Baba, Haidakhan Baba, Chinmoy). before the transition itself, the last two Avatars left: Chinmoy and Sai Baba. now there is no one on the stage. So the question is: after the transition, humanity is supposed to have moved to a new level and no longer needs curators? or are they behind the scenes now? or has the status of the earth's psychosphere changed? how to understand it?

Here, having received a vaccination from the above correspondence and having entered the topic a little more seriously, you can more freely and not biased look at how the discussion unfolded in this topic. It is possible to independently compare the energy background of the dialogues of this topic with the discussions in other DA topics. It might even work discernment and you will be able to independently draw some meaningful conclusions for yourself.

There is a saying: “ time to collect, and time to scatter". From my own experience, I am constantly convinced that you need to destroy everything to the ground before you start to create something fundamentally new.

Destroy your usual perception of the world - that's what I mean. Loose, move " assemblage point"(In terms of the teachings of the Toltecs). But here, apparently, there is no and there can be no universal recipe. - There are millions of people in the world who have gone crazy, but have not begun to create something.
And here the conclusion suggests itself. - having destroyed, you need to build a bridge to start building anew, piece by piece, collecting it into a whole. The main thing here is construction of this bridge.

And it also helps a lot, in any business, to sit down and realize yourself as complete Nothing. Zero. Reset to zero... Suffer (a little, not for long, because time is precious) over this thought, clench your teeth and start acting.
But this is just one of a million ways to “let in” your inflated Ego. There are plenty to choose from! Buddhism, Hinduism and many different teachings rooted in antiquity offer many recipes for awareness and happiness, and the path to oneself always begins with this - let your ego go.

Very long ago I discovered such a concept as saturation, intensity of life. Throughout my life I learn to maximize "pumping" in several directions simultaneously, I learn to see and take the chances that life constantly offers - "here, reach out and just don't be afraid to take it, and try to hold on and multiply!"

I am often asked what / by whom I am inspired to work, and they always try to judge by themselves. People in general, in principle, always judge by themselves. TC is a subjective and objective picture of the world. Whoever has such a narrow picture, in my pictures they see only beetles, owls and mechanical elements, which are not connected with each other in any way. Who " tunnel of reality»Wider - they build their own relationships and patterns. This is how it works.

Life experience + developed imagination is always the main source of inspiration... In my case, at a certain stage of this experience, all sorts of things became so much too much in my head that I had to take the canvas and share. At first, it turned out to be a kind of chaos, gradually it was structured into more harmonious forms filled with internal geometry. - as I streamlined my life, in all its spheres, I harmonized the ways of living and my thinking. However, the fact is that there will always be billions of times more questions than answers... And this is the lot of a person's life, which just needs to be taken for granted. After all, the very desire to ask these questions, to look for answers to them, in every way, is already Something, it shows that there is an interest in the world, in a person's life. And this is an invaluable gift. Well life always reciprocates love and interest in it.

The answers can also be found in books, this is one of the alternative worlds. The dominance of the Internet and YouTube videos deprives a person of the main thing - because this is ready-made, most conveniently packaged information that the brain does not need to work hard to digest. Books, on the other hand, force the brain to work. They stimulate the imagination. We correlate our life experience with the worlds from books, and pump our thinking even more.

I am a book lover, obviously. I can easily prefer an evening with a good, good book to an equally good party in the company of people I like. It has always been that way. For several years now I have been forming my own library, carefully searching, selecting, sometimes hunting for certain books that reflect and emphasize any facets of myself. And this is a real quest, no less interesting than in the quest room.

Therefore, create, build your life, using all the available tools for this. There is no need to be afraid of changes, stress - these are all bridges to new turns, new pleasant surprises. It's good that these surprises are impossible to predict!

A tiny part of my library. One drawback of having so many books at home is that you need a place for them (and here I personally had to sacrifice - leaving only the most important). In addition, if you often change the location of residence, books are what suffers the most during transportation. Therefore, it is probably better to create a library when you are already leading a more or less "sedentary" lifestyle.

I usually read several books at the same time. Depends on the mood. - according to the same principle as more than 20 playlists with different styles of music, for different mental states ..

The question often arises as to whether why do many leave the earthly plane at such an early age, when nothing portends fatal diseases or accidents, why does an early death occur - a change in the dimensionality of the soul?

In recent sessions, colleagues have discovered a mechanism responsible for this process.

The reasons and details are interesting how this mechanism is started what might trigger it and how it can be reversed if desired.

Part 1. "In the meantime, the" thin "have fun to the fullest."

In the session, they saw that I have no usual structure and even just a form, there is nothing: no crystals, no contours of bodies, no "aura", not even a color. The presenters of the session were a little "surprised" by the unusual picture. Neither I nor they have seen such a picture before.

Instead of the usual fields, structures and bodies, I looked like a shattered hologram with many fragments rotating like a garbage whirlwind in a garbage dump, some old pieces, scraps of newspapers and other remnants of thin bodies circled in a circle and did not represent anything in common or integral ...

My consciousness then immediately fell into the session and was at the level of IY. As I remember now, complete serenity, evenness, acceptance (direct correlation with the states of the carcass in physics). I was asked: "what are you doing there?" I replied: “I flew away. And I feel good here. Calm and beautiful. I'm tired of it and it seems like everything is done. I don't want to go back. "

After this phrase and a couple of leading questions, it became clear that this was no joke. Namely, it turned out that a certain program of transition from life onwards has been launched.

We began to closely deal with this issue. Fragments of thin bodies were examined. At the moment of testing, they appeared in the form of separate scattered energy structures - needle-like unbound energies, like the northern lights, at a fairly large distance from the usual center - the place where my crystal used to shine - the Spark of the Creator.

Just think about it! IT WAS NOT!

At the same time, my state was even and calm, even blissful and pleasant. Then the answer came that this is how the souls and energies of those who are on the path of transition, or exit from this incarnation, may look like.

The level of these energies - this is the VY level... The fact that I stayed there allowed me to study this issue without serious consequences and describe this experience.

Then they found a crystal, very small, which shimmered like a pearl, it was located approximately under the spark (under the solar plexus). This gem very slowly and clearly shimmered a whitish-purple color, like a semaphore in front of an unregulated railway. moving in the fog. And this flicker inspired the first emotions of fear and horror on me. I saw for the first time that it is my seconds in the transit hall that are being reported, that there is a period of time X, after which, everyone, - "complete hello."

The sight of an ash-gray pearl, through which the flickering of some program was breaking through, quickly told us what to do ...

They began frantically to search, like the special services at the mined facility, which do not know when it will blow up, how to turn off this light, then they began to figure out how it actually appeared and was activated. But that's another story.

I will say briefly here that everything was successfully disabled, removed, cleaned, cut off all activation programs, returned it to its true place in its true state, and now it is the True part of me always with me.

A beautiful, light pearl that does not burn, does not glow, and does not flicker in any color (this is its state of being "normal" in the active phase of incarnation, its active state activates the program of "utilization" of the body in this incarnation, or, at best, the program of transition Further).

Part 2. A little background: "Tushkin's everyday life".

Long before the session in life and in physics, everything began with the fact that I got into some kind of batch and a series of events - an incessant series of cross-checks and lessons, which I apparently did not complete 100% (or slowly passed).

Such an unexpected ordeal by combat Perhaps, the last exam at the next serious life stage for the final general maturity and readiness to move along the ladder of evolution further (that all life "cases" that have been rapidly passed over the past six months have been learned deeply and for a long time). This test turned out to be serious, as usual with serious "credits of confidence" after passing it.

Life slipped me in full during this period and quarrels, and showdowns, and even the next "zeroing" took place with almost all of its attributes and with a job change and a complete devastation of the budget to zero. I'm not used to understanding such events correctly, - I silently smiled with the words to myself: “ Well, no, this time you will not expect anything from me except a kind smile, everything is just lessons. Pull yourself together and move on!»

I woke up in the morning on one of the days of my examination "session" and I understand that it is from this morning that for some reason everything is completely different... Well, I just see and understand everything not as usual. A distant look, some kind of "from the outside". Reactions are even, practically indifferent to everything. Impeccable tolerance and acceptance of everything and everyone at all levels. And most importantly, detachment and a desire to withdraw and not see anyone.

I just didn’t want to talk to anyone, not see each other, or jointly engage in even familiar and necessary things. And even relatives and friends, this wave and fate also covered. And it's very good that I always have the option of full awareness and constant analysis turned on - I very often ask myself questions: “ who is so smart here? », « who benefits from it? », « Are these your thoughts and desires? », « do you really need it? », « do you understand exactly what is going on? "And so on ... this feature, as an add-on to my own security system, has saved me more than once, but this time it only warned me, but I did not pay due attention to the alarm inside. And as it turned out later, I didn't even pay attention to it ...

Part 3. "Rules of the Pearl". Death program or early death.

But back to the session.

It turned out that there are crystals that can activate such a program. More precisely, crystals that are responsible for such a transition. The transition between Worlds and incarnations. In the normal ordinary case, the crystal is very well protected and in most stages is hidden and closed even from the owner of the body. Access to it is multilevel:

First level - " I can see that it is».
The second one is “ for reading».
The third - " for editing».
Fourth - " to completely change the program and formatting» (for very advanced entities).

In the normal state, it is not available and is not even visible in the structure. It becomes visible for several reasons:

- The program for implementation has been fully completed, or it cannot be unambiguously executed;
- The level of development of the Soul implies, in combination with the paragraph above, the ability to smoothly manage the transition to the next incarnation;
- Strong suffering and torment of the soul, which were not recorded in the program of incarnation;
- Third-party interference, magical interference from the outside, program crash;

In my case, to "great happiness" I was faced with the latter option. And it is very good that in this mournful procedure of the transition there are verification measures at the level of the OJ - the obligatory visit to the office of the “Chief Physician” (OJ) with the receipt of the latter's visa on the application for decompaction. If I had not stood in line for so long in this office, it is not known how the whole story would have ended. It was the time of verification for the authenticity of the activation program of this crystal and the very quarantine of the remnants of my energy and my soul that allowed me to assess the situation and cancel this program with the help of experienced colleagues.

The activation of the crystal program is provided upon completion of all mandatory tasks for incarnation, including, subject to this rule, at the request of the subject. Thus, under certain circumstances, you can even quite environmentally and very gently choose your own exit scenario. But this is a topic for separate studies.

There is also a certain factor of "forks, intersections and branches" of the life path. With serious transitions from one branch of reality to another, with the activation of abilities, serious degradation, with refusal of tasks for implementation and with the massive passage of lessons, the transition crystal can "light up" and remind of itself under certain circumstances. This is due to the number of lessons learned and the forks between them. At each such intersection in the program level, a choice is made - to go further or not. By default, the incarnation continues, but you can stop it at this intersection, return to another branch, or even cancel. Some individuals can activate this program themselves by the power of their own intentions when certain conditions described above are met.

But sometimes there are also foreign viruses that trigger the activation of the transition program in this crystal. In my case, it was a coincidence of several factors:

outside influence is not quite common man in order to disassemble me and "have fun". I fully admit that the transition crystal was accidentally hit in this case;
general weakened state against the background of a large number of passed tests;
new opportunities that are often led away by any means;

In my case, the connection between the fog virus and "fuel oil" was direct with the activation of the program. Such a virus looks for weak points, holes, breaks through them and activates and turns everything around into an abnormal state. This could also be the imposition of a virus on the subject's or group's lesson program, and it turned out that with a weak general field and protection, everything was knocked out. And our beloved crystal was touched too.

The penetration of the virus occurred on a greatly weakened "organism", after many works and practices, both general and private, when almost all the shields were lowered and I simply did not expect any catch. It also happened because the carrier of this virus, consciously or not (this is no longer so important), was a person whom we all trusted very much (again, a good saying comes to mind: "Trust, but check !!!"). I personally could not even think that such a thing could "fly in" from a person with whom I have been communicating for a long time, and everything was all right with him before ...

Now I "skip" this moment again and understand that there were prompts and the defense system, although it was weakened, but worked - I just did not listen to it properly. Hence, only one conclusion - full awareness and complete trust in your feelings and verification of all doubts, even the most unexpected(it is better to discuss everything with colleagues and check once again, even if it seems strange to them, than to miss such a blow).

Symptoms of the beginning of the transition on a subtle plane (as it looked from the first person):

The aura of a person becomes a needle-like aurora without structure and without a spark, many, many needles and fragments. Holograms of bodies rotating in a funnel are possible. Another observation. Upstairs, I completely poured and flowed more into the VYa, the connection with him is much better than before, and brighter than the paint. Complete serenity, tranquility and the most interesting thing is that I didn't want to go back to Earth at all. Apathy? similar to the fact that you were deceived and detained, but you have already done everything for a long time and you can move on. Stayed in the mine for a couple of hundred years. Showed mercy and trusted in some deceivers.

The needle-like structure of the bodies pulsed and was accompanied by different diameters and sizes. Very scattered and coldly beautiful. Who has completely lost her spark and soul. Naked ice unconscious. And before that, there were still defragmentation in the form of debris and debris and a funnel around Saturn, only there is no Saturn. As if a strange tornado is just beginning, taking away scraps of rubbish and newspapers. This is how my "bodies" looked like. Complete disassembly and formlessness.

The role of the IJ in this matter is the quarantine time and verification of the authenticity of the running program. Q. I can correct this program, but not always... When such a program is activated on the subtle plane, you almost always perceive everything from the point of view of the EY and your own Absolute (very from above) - evenly and calmly. Complete serenity. Then, upon passing all the checks of the program "above" for authenticity, the necessary eventfulness in physics is activated.

In fact, this is a smooth transition, spaced out in stages, you smoothly leave physics, you cease to adequately feel everything here. Layer-by-layer awareness flows from the physical body, significance disappears, dynamism, pulse, reactions slow down, touch, smell and hearing subside, the life cycle slows down, apathy turns on, you can fall out of awareness for whole days. In physics and in the series of events, there was a feeling of emotional calmness, but anxiety with the head and analysis, a feeling of sharp and fast "crossroads" that had just been inserted on the way. Everything is somehow rough and not according to the script, quickly, like in intensive care. Anxious expectation from the mind and it is not clear what. At such moments, you realize that a complete recycling program can be implemented in a matter of minutes in dozens of different ways ... But there was no fear. Cold-blooded proud silence with a grin or a smile. In my case, this smile also indicated that I had dug out and at least realized what it was like with me (glory to heaven!). Of course, thanks to my reliable companions in the stars!

Part 4. "Which was avoided, or the selection of the events of the transition program."

For example, Oncology is the most typical example of the activation of the transition program, often even at the will of the soul and the person. Only sometimes Souls set themselves activation programs unconsciously. I managed to avoid the implementation of eventfulness in the transition program, but I managed to feel the beginning of the selection of events.

There was such a not very harmonious and natural feeling for a vigorous and vibrant active life INDIFFERENCE what will happen to me. A complete fearlessness and an inner feeling that "it is probably high time, that much, if not all, has already been done here." It is very difficult to convey this feeling in words here, but now, from afar, I understand how strong this program and its ILLUSION in my mind. It worked like a powerful and enjoyable drug. In effect, it is similar to an injection of morphine, when you misunderstood the mass before the operation with local anesthesia.

So, if all the checks at the VY and above were passed, then the event series of the transition is turned on - from an accident to a vigorous and fast-flowing fatal illness.

And that's all. This completes the work of the crystal and its program.

Part 5. "In the researcher's logbook".

What I would like to say in conclusion, there are great magicians and very advanced comrades, for whom it will not be difficult to activate the transition program, falling down Castaneda into the abyss from the cliff. I think this is very interesting topic for further research. And the knowledge that was revealed to me is that we can definitely manage the transition programs and implement them in a systematic and environmentally friendly way for ourselves and those around us.

Good health to all!

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