Speech errors in Russian. Speech errors: types and types, classification. Approximate revised version

What is speech errors? These are any cases of deviation from the language norms that are in force. A person without knowledge of these laws can work normally, live, build communication with others. However, in certain cases, the effectiveness may suffer. There is a risk of being misunderstood or misunderstood. In these and other cases, you just need to know what errors exist and how to deal with them.

Correcting speech errors in sentences is not always easy. In order to understand what exactly to pay attention to when composing this or that oral statement or written text, we have created this classification. After reading this article, you will find out exactly what flaws you need to fix when you are faced with such a task.

When classifying speech errors, it would be logical to consider as the fundamental criterion a unit of the language tier - that, the norms of writing, education, the functioning of which was violated. The following levels are highlighted: words, phrases, sentences and text. A speech error classification was created using this division. This will make it easier to remember their different types.

At the word level

The word is the most important unit of language. It is it that reflects the changes taking place in society. Words not only name a phenomenon or object, but also perform an emotionally expressive function. Therefore, when choosing which of them are appropriate in a particular case, one should pay attention to the stylistic coloring, meaning, compatibility, use, since a violation of at least one of this criterion can lead to the appearance of a speech error.

Here you can note spelling errors, that is, a violation of spelling that exists in modern Russian. Their list is known, so we will not dwell on this in detail.

Derivative at the word level

At the word level, there are also derivational speech errors, that is, a violation of various norms of word formation in the Russian literary language. These include the following types:

  • incorrect direct word formation. As an example, we can cite the use of the word "hare" instead of the correct version of "hare", or "pensive" (instead of "pensive") look and others.
  • speech error associated with incorrect reverse word formation. For example, "log" (from the word "spoon"). This use is usually inherent in children of primary school or preschool age.
  • one more type - substitutional word formation, which manifests itself in the replacement of one or another morpheme: "hang" (from the word "hang"), "throw away", used instead of "spread out".
  • word-of-word, that is, the creation of a derived unit, which cannot be regarded as occasional: a reviewer, a reel worker.

All these are types of speech errors that relate to word formation.

Grammar at the word level

There are also other types of misuse of words. In the Russian language, in addition to derivational ones, there are grammatical and speech errors. You should be able to distinguish between them. Grammatical errors are an incorrect formation of various forms, a violation of the properties of the formative system in different parts of speech. These include the following varieties:

  • associated with a noun. This can be the formation of the accusative case of some inanimate noun by analogy with an animate one. For example, "She asked for a breeze" (you should use the accusative case "breeze"). Here we also include the opposite situation - the formation of the accusative case in an animate noun in the same way as in an inanimate one. Example: "Harnessed two bears in a sleigh" (correct: "two bears"). In addition, when the case forms are formed, there may be a change in the gender of the noun: "February azure", "jam pie". There are times when non-declining names are inclined: "ride the meter", "play the piano." Some of us sometimes form plural forms in nouns, when they have only one, and vice versa: "a tray of teas".
  • speech errors associated with an adjective. This may be the wrong choice of short or full forms: "The man was quite full", "The building was full of people." Here we also include the incorrect formation of the degrees of comparison: "Lena was weaker than Luda", "The newcomers are becoming more and more militant."
  • another speech error is an error associated with the verb (forms of its formation). Example: "A man is rushing about the room."
  • speech errors associated with participles and gerunds. Examples: "Looking around, there was a hunter", "Driving in the bus".
  • mistakes associated with the incorrect use of pronouns: "I didn't want to tear myself away from (the book)," "Their contribution to the common cause," and others.

Lexical at the word level

The next type of errors is lexical, that is, a violation of various lexical norms, lexical-semantic compatibility and norms of word use. They are manifested in the fact that compatibility is violated (less often - in a sentence, most often - at the level of a phrase).

This may be the use of an unusual meaning for the word. Such a speech error was made in the sentence "All the walls of the room were covered with panels" (you cannot use the word "covered" in this context). Another example: "Luxurious (that is, living in luxury) was the landowner Troyekurov."

It should be noted here the violation of the lexical and semantic compatibility of a certain word: "The sky was bright" ("to stand" in the meaning of "to have a place" can be used only in relation to the weather), "The rays of the sun were lying in the clearing" (correctly: "illuminated the clearing" ). This type of error primarily affects the verb.

In addition, one can single out the attribution of some figurative meaning to a word that does not have it: "The hard-working hands of this person claim that he had to work a lot."

The use of synonyms can also be misleading. These are speech errors, examples of which are as follows: "Mayakovsky uses satire in his work" (instead of "uses"), "With his legs wide apart, the boy looks at the football field on which the players are fighting" (correctly - "fighting"). Here we highlight the confusion of the meanings of the paronyms: "His eyebrows rose surprisingly" (instead of "surprised"), "This work is a typical image of a fantastic genre (right -" sample "). these lakes live several days a year. "

At the level of a phrase

When choosing a word, one should take into account not only its meaning in the literary language, but also lexical compatibility. Not all words can be combined. This is determined by their semantics, emotional coloring, stylistic affiliation, grammatical properties, etc. When it is difficult to determine whether certain words can be used together, one should turn to the dictionary of compatibility. This will help to avoid mistakes at the level of phrases, sentences, and also text.

Errors at this level occur when there is a violation of various syntactic links. For example, agreements: "I want to teach everyone volleyball - this good, but at the same time hard sport" (good, hard sport). Management: "I feel a thirst for fame", "I am amazed at its strength", "gain strength." The connection between the predicate and the subject may be broken: "Neither heat, nor summer is eternal (instead of the plural form, the form of the only is used instead of the plural form). All these are types of speech errors at the level of a phrase.

Sentence-level errors

At this level, syntactic and communicative ones can be distinguished. Let us consider in detail these speech errors in Russian.

Syntax errors at the sentence level

This may be unjustified parcelling, violation of structural boundaries. As an example, the following sentences with speech errors can be cited: "Seryozha went hunting. With the dogs", "I see. My dogs are running around the field. They are chasing a hare." Syntax errors include violations in the construction of various homogeneous series: the choice different forms in a row of homogeneous members: "She was smoothly combed, rosy." Another variety is their different structural design, for example, as a subordinate clause and as a secondary clause: "I wanted to tell you about the incident with that person and why he did this (rightly" and about his act "). There may also be a mixture of indirect and direct speech: "She said that I will definitely fight (here the same subject is meant -" she ", rightly -" will be "). Violation in the subordinate clauses and the main clauses of the species-temporal correlation of predicates or homogeneous members: "She goes and said," "When the girl was asleep, she was dreaming." And one more variety - a separation from the defining clause word: "One of the works in front of us hangs, which is called" Spring ".

Communication errors at the sentence level

The next section is communicative errors, that is, a violation of various norms that regulate the communicative organization of some utterance. They are as follows:

  • actually communicative (violation of logical stress and word order, leading to the fact that false semantic connections are obtained): "The boys settled down on the boat with their keels up."
  • logical-communicative (violation of such a side of the statement as conceptual-logical). This can be a substitution of the subject making the action ("Masha's eyes and outlines of the face are carried away by the film"); substitution of the object of action ("I like Pushkin's poems, especially the theme of love"); the combination of logically incompatible concepts in one row ("He is always serious, of average height, his hair is slightly curly at the edges, not offended"); violation of various genus-specific relations ("The tone of angry gatherings is not difficult to predict - angry speeches addressed to the regime, as well as calls to rally the ranks"); an error when using causal relationships ("But he (that is, Bazarov) calmed down quickly, since he did not really believe in nihilism").

  • constructive and communicative, that is, violation of the laws of constructing statements. It may be a bad connection or lack of it between parts of the statement: "They live in the village, when I visited him, I saw his blue eyes." This also includes the use of the adverbial phrase without connection with the subject related to it: "Life should be shown as it is, without worsening or embellishing it." Another type of such mistakes is the breaking of the participle: "There is little difference between the questions written on the board."
  • information and communication, or semantic and communicative. This type is close to the previous one, but it differs in that there is a deterioration in communicative properties not due to incorrect, unsuccessful structuring of the statement, but due to the absence of a part of the information in it or its excess. This may be the ambiguity of the primary intention of the statement: "We are inextricably linked with the country, with it we have the main blow - a blow to the world." You can also attribute here its incompleteness: "I myself adore plants, so I am glad to see that our village becomes so unrecognizable in the summer." This can be the omission of a part of the utterance and the necessary words, semantic redundancy (repetitions of words, tautology, pleonasms, duplication of information), etc.
  • stylistic errors, that is, a violation of the unity of the functional style, the use (unjustified) of stylistically marked, emotionally colored means. For example, the use of various vernacular words in literary speech, book expressions in reduced and neutral contexts, expressively colored vocabulary, which is unjustified ("A couple of robbers attacked the American embassy"), unsuccessful comparisons, metonyms, metaphors.

At the text level

All mistakes at this level are communicative in nature. They can be of the following types:

  • logical violations are very common mistakes at the text level. Here we include a violation of the logic of thought, the absence of connections between sentences, a violation of various cause-and-effect relationships, operations with an object or subject, a violation of generic relations.
  • grammatical violations. This type of error is also common. Here there may be a violation in different sentences of the species-temporal correlation of various verb forms, as well as a violation of agreement in the number and gender of the predicate and the subject in different sentences.
  • information and communication disorders. These include constructive and information-semantic insufficiency, that is, a gap in the text of a part of the statement; constructive and information-semantic redundancy (in other words, an excess of meaning and a heap of constructions); inconsistency of the constructive predestination of the semantics of statements; unsuccessful use of pronouns as a means of communication; pleonasms, tautology, repetitions.

Stylistic errors in the text

Style violations existing at the text level can be considered in a similar way. It should be noted that we also attribute to them the monotony and poverty of syntactic constructions, since texts such as: "The boy was dressed very simply. He was wearing a jacket lined with a tsigeyika. Socks, eaten by moths, were on his feet." syntactic violations, but about the inability to express thoughts in a variety of ways. At the level of the text, speech disorders are more complicated than at the level of utterance, although in the latter they are "isomorphic." As a rule, textual errors are syncretic in nature, that is, they incorrectly use the constructive, lexical, logical aspects of the speech unit. This is natural, since the text is more difficult to build. At the same time, we need to keep in our memory the previous statements, as well as the semantics of the entire text and the general idea, creating its continuation and completion.

The ability to find shortcomings in the text, as well as the correction of speech errors are important tasks that each school graduate faces. Indeed, in order to write the Unified State Exam in the Russian language well, it is necessary to learn how to identify all the above types of mistakes and try to avoid them if possible.

Speech is the main parameter that distinguishes humans from animals. Thanks to their ability to speak, people are in close contact with each other and develop socially. The main part of the transfer of information is carried out by means of conversation.

Speech errors are a common phenomenon that distorts the meaning of the spoken words. They can be committed due to ignorance of any basics or by accident. Some people deliberately distort words in their speech, which leads to the appearance of distorted word forms. The culture of speech implies the improvement of language skills and the elimination of speech errors in everyday conversation.

Why do speech errors occur?

Mispronunciation can develop over the course of a person's development, such as word distortion during childhood. Poor command of a language, if it is not native to people, always leads to the appearance of many speech errors. In the presence of diction defects, pronunciation is difficult, which causes spelling errors. Sometimes people just make a reservation during a conversation; in such situations, speech errors resemble typos in written texts. There can be a lot of reasons for the formation of speech errors, but a person should strive to get rid of this problem. Speech that contains a lot of mistakes can get you a lot of trouble:

  • Difficulty getting a job;
  • Failed public appearances;
  • Constant ridicule and, as a result, low self-esteem;
  • Difficulty expressing thoughts or misunderstanding on the part of people around you.

In order to get rid of speech errors, you should find out the cause of the problem and get rid of it. For example, randomly distorting words requires increased attentiveness. Wrong pronunciation due to ignorance is corrected with the help of additional study of the weaknesses of the language.

Most people make mistakes due to carelessness, which is easy to compensate for with systematic training on the BrainApps resource. The site is useful in that it draws up an individual program based on a preliminary test and allows you to visually see your own results.

Types of speech errors

There is a globally recognized classification of speech errors, which includes 8 categories. Each of them has its own characteristics, causes and options for elimination.

Pronunciation errors

Speech pronunciation errors are also called orthoepic. They represent distortions of sounds and their combinations or changes in established grammatical structures. Emphasis errors are distinguished into a separate subcategory, which many people tend to ignore. In fact, incorrect stress significantly spoils the overall impression of the spoken words.

A common variant of the spelling error is the reduction of sounds in a word, for example, not "in general", but "finally". Such speech is common among the common people and is not striking, but only in everyday conversation. At business meetings, academic conferences, and other similar situations, pronunciation mistakes will immediately turn the audience against the speaker.

Lexical type errors

In speech errors of lexical orientation, there is a distortion of the meaning of the sentence due to incorrectly chosen words or a violation of the coordination of structures in the sentence. At the same time, there are several main categories of such errors:

  • Mixing words that have a similar meaning;
  • Mixing words that sound close;
  • Shuffle words that have both parameters similar.

This also includes the introduction of non-existent words into speech based on established speech variants. In most cases, people misrepresent the names of nationalities.

Speech errors should include the wrong choice of a synonym for a particular sentence or the use of a word that does not fit with others in meaning at all. Lexical errors also include tautologies, that is, repetitions of words and phrases, and pleonasms (the use of phrases in which the meaning of one of the words is a broader description of the second).

Phraseological errors

Common mistakes in speech, in which the essence of an established phrase, that is, a phraseological unit, changes. People often mislead such constructions and tend to misunderstand them. Thus, a person uses phraseological units in the wrong place, and a speech error occurs.

Morphology errors

Such speech errors imply incorrect formation of word forms. These include: errors in declension in cases, gender and numbers, incorrect attachment of prefixes and endings, and ignoring the alternation of sounds at the root.

Syntax errors

Distortion during the formation of sentences and the agreement of words in them is called a syntax error. Varieties of such errors:

  • Problems of matching cases, gender, time, and so on;
  • Errors in managing one word to another;
  • Change in design, use of unnecessary pretexts;
  • Inclusion of an unnecessary correlative word in the construction.

Spelling problems

This type of speech errors is characteristic of written speech and implies incorrect spelling of the word. This includes misused letters, hyphenation errors, abnormal abbreviations, and so on. Spelling errors are corrected by studying the rules of spelling words or constantly reading books, therefore they disappear from a person's life for a very long time.

Punctuation errors

Incorrect placement of punctuation marks constitutes a punctuation speech error. People can place commas incorrectly, not separate sentences with periods, make mistakes in the setting of dashes and colons. Appropriate use of the question mark and exclamation mark is also difficult for many people, especially when it comes to rhetorical expressions. For a long time, the main problem of punctuation has been direct speech, the design of which is unknown to every third person.

Stylistic mistakes

Syntax errors are the most controversial in speech, as they imply errors in the construction of a syntactic structure, for example, a sentence. This also includes confusion of styles, for example, the use of vernacular expressions in a scientific article or the use of specific terms in a literary text.

Stylistic speech errors include the following common variations:

  • Wrong word order (in Russian, the construction of a sentence depends on the location of the main members: subject and predicate);
  • Monotony of speech structures (often observed among novice authors, where sentences are very simple and similar to each other);
  • Incorrect use of established expressions (often, such an error does not lead to a misunderstanding of the text, but it looks inappropriate in it);
  • The use of words that do not lexically combine with each other (in such a situation they say that the construction "does not sound", although its meaning is not deformed);
  • Using clichés (standard or established phrases) in inappropriate situations.

How to correct your own speech?

Speech errors are difficult to notice on your own, especially if they are made due to ignorance of any nuances of the language. Most often, people around you report speech inaccuracies. Each person decides for himself whether to deal with a problem or to let it go by itself. However, speech errors can seriously impair the quality of daily life.

  • Take a course with a speech therapist in the presence of established pronunciation defects;
  • Read a lot of fiction, scientific and journalistic literature (the correct spelling and pronunciation of words, as well as the correct construction of sentences will be automatically remembered by the brain);
  • Learn the basic rules of the Russian language;
  • Improve the culture of speech by visiting specific events: exhibitions, theaters, and so on;
  • Communicate more with other people, while giving preference to educated individuals;
  • Improve your language skills with the help of special training programs or attend language courses.

The general impression of a person's speech is improved in the case of a well-delivered diction. A clear pronunciation of each sound, the correct selection of intonation and voice volume, combined with correctly constructed sentences, will help to achieve a positive reaction from the listeners. In addition, the culture of speech and literacy of writing immediately make it possible to judge the education of a person as a whole.

The impression of an individual is formed not only through competent speech, but also through general intellectual development, attentiveness, quick and original thinking. BrainApps will help improve these skills. Moreover, classes can be started even in childhood.

Classification of errors corrected and taken into account when assessing student work

Grammatical errors(G) - these are errors in the structure of a linguistic unit: words, phrases or sentences, i.e. violation of any grammatical norm - derivational, morphological, syntactic.

P / p No.

Error type

Examples of

Erroneous word formation. Erroneous formation of forms of a noun, adjective, number, pronoun, verb (personal forms of verbs, real and passive participles, gerunds).

Nobility, a miracle of technology, make fun of it; more interesting, prettier; with five hundred rubles; juggled with both hands, their pathos, there is nothing around him; how we have lost moral principles due to the loss of spirituality; them moves feeling of compassion; streams of water, stacked down, hit the author of the text; embroidering onto the stage, the singers bowed.

Violation of the norms of approval

I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously addicting jazz.

Violation of management norms

We need to make nature more beautiful. Everyone was surprised at him by force.

Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate or the way of expressing the predicate

The main thing that now I want to pay attention to isartistic side of the work. He wrote a book that epic. Everyone was happy, happy and funny.

Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

The country loved and was proud of the poet.

In the essay, I wanted to sayabout the meaning of sport and why I love it.

Errors in constructing a sentence with an adverbial turnover

Reading the text , there is such a feeling of empathy.

Errors in constructing a participial sentence

The narrow path has been coveredfailing snow underfoot.

Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

This book taught me to value and respect friends,which I read as a child.

It seemed to the man what a dream.

Mixing direct and indirect speech


Violation of supply boundaries

He was not accepted into the basketball team. Because he was short.


Violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms

Freezes for a moment heart and suddenly knocks again.


Skipping a member of a sentence (ellipsis)

The meeting was accepted (?) hold a clean-up day.


Errors associated with the use of particles: separation of a particle from the component of the sentence to which it belongs

It would be nice if the picture stood would artist's signature. In the text Total two problems are revealed.

Speech errors (P)- these are errors not in the construction of a sentence, not in the structure of a linguistic unit, but in its use, most often in the use of a word, that is, a violation of lexical norms. These are pleonasm, tautology, speech cliches, inappropriate use of colloquial vocabulary, dialectisms, jargon; expressive means, nondiscrimination of paronyms. Errors in the use of homonyms, antonyms, synonyms, ambiguity not eliminated by the context.

P / p No.

Error type

Examples of

The use of a word in an unusual sense

We were shocked wonderful acting. Thanks to fire, the forest burned down.

Unjustified use of dialectal and colloquial words

Such people always succeed swear others ... Oblomov did nothing for days was playing the fool.

Bad use of pronouns

The text was written by V. Belov. He refers to the artistic style; I immediately had a picture in your imagination.

The use of words of a different style; mixing vocabulary of different eras; inappropriate use of clerical, expressive, emotionally colored words, outdated vocabulary, jargon, inappropriate use of phraseological units

As conceived the author, the hero wins; Molchalin works the secretary of Famusov; In the novel by A.S. Pushkin take place lyrical digressions; Author every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.If I were there, then for such an attitude towards my mother I would I would give a cupcake to gnaw; Zoshchenko do not put your finger in your mouth,but let me just make the reader laugh.

Non-discrimination of shades of meaning introduced into a word by a prefix and a suffix

In such cases, I look in the dictionary.

Non-discrimination of paronyms,synonymous words;errors in the use of antonyms when constructing an antithesis; destruction of the figurative meaning of phraseological units in a poorly organized context

Effective measures were taken; This poet's name is familiar in many countries; The third part of the text is not funny, but alsonon-major motivemakes us think; the gramophone record has not yet said its ownlast word.

Violation of lexical compatibility

The use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm

Young boy; very lovely.

The use of nearby or closely related words (tautology)

In that the story is toldabout real events.


Unjustified repetition of a word

Hero the story does not reflect on his action. Hero does not even understand the depth of what he has done.


Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions

When the writer came to the editorial office, he was received by the editor-in-chief.When they spoke, the writer went to the hotel.


Use of unnecessary words, lexical redundancy

Then about so that you can smile, about it our bookstore will take care of it.

Logical errors (L).Logical errors are associated with a violation of the logical correctness of speech. They arise as a result of violation of the laws of logic, admitted both within one sentence, judgment, and at the level of the whole text.

P / p No.

Error type

Examples of

Comparison (opposition) of two logically heterogeneous (different in scope and content) concepts in a sentence, text

The lesson was attended bydirector, librarian, as well as Anna Petrovna Ivanova and Zoya Ivanovna Petrova; He leaned back on the battery; For good studies and parenting parents students received letters of thanks from the school administration.

Violation of the causal relationship

In recent years lots of made to modernize education, but teachers work in the old way, because issues of modernization of education are being addressed weak.

Skipping a link in an explanation, a "logical leap".

It is hardly possible to block the flow of people through our courtyard. [?] And how do you want the courtyard to be a decoration of both the school and the village.

Rearrangement of parts of the text (if it is not due to an assignment for an essay or presentation)

It's time to return this word to its true meaning! Honor ... But how to do it?

Unjustified substitution of the person from whom the story is told (for example, first from the first, then from the third person)

Comparison of logically incomparable concepts

Syntax encyclopedic articles is excellent from other scientific articles.

Compositional errors

Unsuccessful start

The text begins with a sentence containing an indication of the previous context, which is absent in the text itself, with the presence of indicative word forms in the first sentence, for example: В this text the author ...

Errors in the main part

A) The convergence of relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.

b) Lack of consistency in the presentation; incoherence and violation of the order of sentences.

c) The use of sentences of different types in terms of structure, leading to difficulty in understanding the meaning.

Bad ending

Duplicate output,unjustified repetition of a previously expressed thought.

Actual errors(F) - a kind of non-linguistic errors, consisting in the fact that the writer gives facts that contradict reality, gives incorrect information about the factual circumstances, both related and not related to the analyzed text (background knowledge)

P / p No.

Error type

Examples of

Distortion of the content of a literary work, misinterpretation, poor choice of examples

Bazarov was a nihilist and thereforekilled the old woman with an ax; Lensky returned to his estate from England; It was happiness for Oblomovloneliness and indifference.

Inaccuracy in the quote. No indication of the author of the quote. Incorrectly named author of the quote.

The book means a lot to me, because even Lenin said: “Live and learn

Ignorance of historical and other facts, including temporary displacement.

Great Patriotic War 1812; The capital of the USA is New York.

Inaccuracies in the names, surnames, nicknames of literary heroes.

Distortions in the titles of literary works, their genres, an error in the indication of the author.

Turgen yev; Taras and Bulba; v Turgenev's stories"Crime and Punishment".

Ethical mistakes(Uh) - violation of the system of values ​​and ethical rules in the work:statements that humiliate human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person, ill will, manifestations of speech aggression, slang words and phrases.

P / p No.

Error type

Examples of

Speech incorrectness.

Manifestation of speech aggression: rude, offensive statement; verbal expression negative emotions, feelings or intentions in a form that is unacceptable in a given speech situation; threat, rude demand, accusation, ridicule;

the use of swear words, vulgarisms, jargon, argot; statements degrading human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person

This text pisses me off ; You have to be completely crazy to read books today; Why school program forces you to read everything junk what is called a classic?

Mikhalkov in his repertoire! He writes children's books, and therefore requires that they read it in childhood. This is real PR! Nothingfool peopleoutdated truths.


errors are taken into account

  • the learned rules;
  • non-coarse (two non-coarse ones count as one):
  • in exceptions to the rules;
  • in writing a capital letter in compound own names;
  • in cases of separate and continuous writing not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;
  • in spelling and and s after prefixes;
  • in difficult cases, the distinction is neither (Wherever he turned to! Wherever he turned, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else is ...; none other than…; nothing else ...; nothing else but ... and etc.);
  • in cases where instead of one punctuation mark another is put;
  • in the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence;
  • recurring (counts as one error repeatin the same word or at the root of the same root words);
  • the same type ( the first three errors of the same type are counted as one error,

each nextsuch an error is counted asindependent):

mistakes per one rule, if the conditions for choosing the correct spelling are enclosed in the grammatical (in the army, in the grove; prick, fight) and phonetic (pie, cricket) features of the word.

Not considered the same typeerrors for such a rule, in which, in order to find out the correct spelling of one word, it is required to choose another (pivotal) word or its form (water - water, mouth - mouth, sad - sad, sharp - harsh).

The concept of errors of the same type does not apply to punctuation errors.

Errors (two or more) in one unchecked word are counted as one error.

When testing literacy (K7-K8) errors are not taken into account

  • spelling:
  • in word wrap;
  • letters e / e after consonants in foreign words ( racketeering, plein air ) and after vowels in proper names ( Marietta);
  • uppercase / lowercase letters
  • in titles related to religion: M (m) aslenitsa, R (r) expectation, B (b) og.
  • with the figurative use of proper names (Oblomov and Oblomov).
  • in proper names of non-Russian origin; spelling of surnames with first parts don, van, sept ... ( don Pedro and Don Quixote).
  • continuous / hyphen / separate spelling
  • in compound nouns without a connecting vowel (mostly borrowings), not regulated by the rules and not included in the minimum dictionary (lend-lease, lula-kebab, know-how, papier-mache, tumbleweed, walk-town paperweights, but beef stroganoff, head waiter, porch, price list);
  • to rules that are not included in the school curriculum (for example, the rule of continuous / separate writing of adverbial units / adverbs with a prefix / preposition, for example:on the spill, to scold behind the eyes, to match, on the run, in installments, back down, into a curiosity, to the touch, in the wings, to put on the priest(cf. valid spellingrecklessly, scattered);
  • punctuation errors:
  • a dash in an incomplete sentence;
  • isolation of inconsistent definitions related to common nouns;
  • commas for restrictive and excretory turns;
  • distinguishing homonymous particles and interjections and, accordingly, not highlighting or highlighting them with commas;
  • in the transfer of the author's punctuation;
  • graphical errors(means of writing the language, fixing the relationship between letters in writing and the sounds of oral speech); various techniques for reducing words, the use of spaces between words, various underscores and font emphasis;
  • misspellings and misprints:

Distortion of the sound of the word ( burns instead of works, memle instead of earth); ...

Missing letters (the whole novel costs on this conflict;

Permutations of letters (new names products);

Replacing some alphabetic characters with others (Lesgendary Battle of the Ice);

Adding extra letters ( in any, even the most difficult conditions).

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Modern linguists approach the definition of the concept of "speech error" in different ways: they understand a speech error as an unsuccessfully chosen word, an incorrectly constructed sentence, and a distorted form of a word, and in general any case of deviation from the current linguistic norms.

The most complete definition of speech errors and shortcomings is given in the works of Doctor of Science Professor Taisa Alekseevna Ladyzhenskaya, a leading specialist in the field of rhetoric and speech culture. By her definition, speech error- “this is a violation of the requirements correctness speech ", and speech defect- “this is a violation of the recommendations related to the concept good speech, that is, rich, precise and expressive. " In other words, if you cannot speak (write) like that, this is a speech error, but if you say so (write), in principle, it is possible, but it will be inaccurate, meager and inexpressive - this is a speech defect.

Test yourself: you may find yourself making (or not making, which is very gratifying!) Mistakes in speaking and writing.

TO speech errors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya attributes the following:

  1. Misunderstanding of the meaning of a word, the use of a word in an unusual sense. (He back began to command! Right : again, again. The bonfire is getting bigger was on fire blazed. Right: flared up.)
  2. Mixing of the temporal forms of the verb. (In water jumping rats , ran lapwings - mixing of time. Right: jump, run or jumped, ran. When came December, the weather is harsh changes - mixing of species . Right : or came, changed, or comes, changes.)
  3. Unsuccessful use of pronouns, leading to ambiguity or ambiguity of speech ( When the boy said goodbye to his father, he did not cry... It is unclear who did not cry, boy or father: say he you can about that, and about the other. Right: Saying goodbye to father boy didn't cry... Or like this: When the boy said goodbye to his father, he did not cry(this is if we want to say that the father was crying).
  4. Unjustified use of vernacular and dialectal words. (Kolya walked in the back... Right: behind, behind.)
  5. Mixing of paronyms. (I was told to stay at home, but I across the board refused. Right: flatly refused . This man leads festive a life. Right: celebrating a life.)
  6. Pronominal doubling of the subject. (Olya - She was the youngest in the family. Correct: Olya was the youngest in the family.)

TO speech deficiencies all experts attribute the following:

1. Violation of the word order in the sentence. ( The dog helped people dig the snow with its paws and muzzle. The narrow strip only connects the island to the shore.)

2. The use of an extra word. (He will come in the month of January... Better this way: He will come in January. All guests received memorable souvenirs... Needed: All guests have received souvenirs. Souvenir already means “ memorable gift».)

3. Non-discrimination of shades of meaning of synonyms or words close in meaning. (The team lost and the goalkeeper returned home with dull head. It is necessary like this: ... with drooping head. Yesterday I was sadly... Had sad.)

4. Violation of the collocation of words (Soldiers fulfilled the oath... The oath cannot be fulfilled, you can take an oath, be true to an oath, a to execute can promise, assignment, assignment, order.)

5. Unjustified repetition of the same word within a sentence or in adjacent sentences. ( Birds birds about to touch the water. It's better this way: Birds were running low-low over the river, it seemed that they is about to touch the water.) Note, however, that repetition is not always an indicator of a speech deficiency. It can strengthen the author's thought, give it a special emotional coloring. Compare: There is a certain level of happiness in life, from which we count, as we count from sea level. (D.S. Likhachev)

6. The use of nearby or closely related words, or tautology. (This happening with me happened summer. Better like this: case happened. The watchman kept watch at night, and slept during the day. Better to replace one of two words: or the watchman worked or he was guarding... Today hunt something reluctance... Suggest your options for editing this sentence.)

Types of speech errors
Speech errors- this is a violation of the laws of the use of linguistic units in speech, as well as shortcomings in the formation of syntactic structures.

Varieties of speech defects

Examples of

1. The use of a word in an unusual sense

My brother became a diplomat for an international performer competition

2. Non-discrimination of shades of meaning introduced into a word by a prefix or suffix

Economic electrical appliances are being produced now - they consume little electricity

3. Violation of lexical compatibility

Give joy, take care

4. The use of an extra word (pleonasm)

Circle around, old veterans

5. The use of nearby (or close) cognate words (tautology)

The teacher teaches the students, in the next picture you can see

6. Bad use of personal and demonstrative pronouns

The girl took the plate, went to the dog and put it on the floor.

7. Violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms

The bird was lying on the grass and trembling all over

8. Repetition of the same word

The author tries to show us the difference between the Motherland and the native places. Love for the Motherland begins with its culture.

9. Use of a word (or expression) of a different style

This novel is really one of the best novels by Tolstoy.

Types of grammatical errors

Grammatical errors are a violation of the norms of word and form formation, as well as norms syntactic link between words in a phrase and a sentence.

Varieties of grammatical errors

Examples of


Erroneous word formation

Curious, back and mock


1. Errors in the formation of noun forms

Our engineers, a lot of banana and tangerine, light tulle

2. Errors in the formation of adjective forms

More beautiful, brightest, sweeter

3. Errors in the formation of pronoun forms

All the works, in their house, left the reception

4. Errors in the formation of verb forms

Dare, vacuum, burn


1. Violation of agreement
2. Violation of management
3. Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate
4. Errors in constructing a sentence with an adverbial turnover
5. Errors in constructing a participial sentence
6. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
7. Errors in the construction of a complex sentence
8. Displacement of direct and indirect speech

It was the well-known deputy Sergeeva.
I have no idea what happened.
Twenty-one people came to the meeting.

Opening the window it started to rain

The sea roared deafly, agitated by the storm that had begun in the morning.

The class teacher talked about the performance of the graduates, their behavior and why they do so poorly.
Everything is accompanied by pictures of nature, which is what Tatiana does.
Onegin says that "I chose another, when I was like you, a poet."

Types of logical errors
Logical errors are a violation of the sequence (logic) of presentation.
Logical errors are the violation of the rules of logical thinking. This type of error includes the following shortcomings in the content of the work:
1) violation of the sequence of statements;
2) lack of communication between parts and proposals;
3) unjustified repetition of a previously expressed thought;
4) fragmentation of one micro-theme by another micro-theme;
5) disproportion of parts of the statement;
6) lack of required parts;
7) rearrangement of parts of the text (if it is not due to the task for presentation);
8) unjustified substitution of the person from whom the story is told (for example, first from the first person, then from the third person).

Logical errors (L)- associated with a violation of the logical correctness of speech. They arise as a result of violation of the laws of logic, admitted both within one sentence, judgment, and at the level of the whole text.

Error type

Examples of


Comparison (opposition) of two logically heterogeneous (different in scope and content) concepts in a sentence, text

The lesson was attended by director, librarian, as well as Anna Petrovna Ivanova and Zoya Ivanovna Petrova;
He leaned back on the battery;
Per good studies and parenting parents students received letters of thanks from the school administration.


Violation of the causal relationship

In recent years lots of made to modernize education, but teachers work in the old way, because issues of modernization of education are being addressed weakly.


Skipping a link in an explanation, a "logical leap".

It is hardly possible to block the flow of people through our courtyard. [?] And how do you want the courtyard to be a decoration of both the school and the village.


Rearrangement of parts of the text (if it is not due to an assignment for an essay or presentation)

It's time to return this word to its true meaning! Honor ... But how to do it?


Unjustified substitution of the person from whom the story is told (for example, first from the first, then from the third person)

author writes about nature, describes the nature of the north, see snow and expanses of snowy plains.


Comparison of logically incomparable concepts

Syntax encyclopedic articles different from other scientific articles.

Compositional errors


Unsuccessful start

The text begins with a sentence containing an indication of the previous context, which is absent in the text itself, with the presence of indicative word forms in the first sentence, for example: In this text, the author ...


Errors in the main part

a). The convergence of relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.
b). Lack of consistency in the presentation; incoherence and violation of the order of sentences.
v). The use of sentences of different types in terms of structure, leading to difficulty in understanding the meaning.


Bad ending

Duplication of the conclusion, unjustified repetition of the previously expressed thought.


Sherstobitova I.A., Associate Professor, Department of Humanities Education, St. Petersburg APPO
Belokurova S.P., methodologist of the IMC Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg
Gvozdinskaya L.G., head. Center for Humanities Education SPb APPO

Speech errors (P)- these are errors not in the construction of a sentence, not in the structure of a linguistic unit, but in its use, most often in the use of a word, that is, a violation of lexical norms. These are pleonasm, tautology, speech cliches, inappropriate use of colloquial vocabulary, dialectisms, jargon; expressive means, nondiscrimination of paronyms. Errors in the use of homonyms, antonyms, synonyms, ambiguity not eliminated by the context.

Error type

Examples of


The use of a word in an unusual sense

We were shocked wonderful acting.
Thanks to fire, the forest burned down.


Unjustified use of dialectal and colloquial words

Such people always succeed obfuscate others.
Oblomov did nothing for days playing the fool.


Bad use of pronouns

The text was written by V. Belov. He refers to the artistic style;
I immediately had a picture in his imagination.


The use of words of a different style; mixing vocabulary of different eras; inappropriate use of clerical, expressive, emotionally colored words, outdated vocabulary, jargon, inappropriate use of phraseological units

As conceived the author, the hero wins;
Molchalin working the secretary of Famusov;
In the novel by A.S. Pushkin take place lyrical digressions;
author every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
If I were there, then for such an attitude towards my mother I would cupcake v gnawed would give;
Zoshchenko do not put your finger in your mouth, but let me just make the reader laugh.


Non-discrimination of shades of meaning introduced into a word by a prefix and a suffix

In such cases, I looking into the dictionary.


Non-discrimination of paronyms, synonymous words; errors in the use of antonyms when constructing an antithesis; destruction of the figurative meaning of phraseological units in a poorly organized context

Were accepted spectacular measures;
The name of this poet familiar in many countries;
The third part of the text is not funny, but also not major motive makes us think;
the gramophone record has not yet said its own last word.


Violation of lexical compatibility

author uses artistic features.


The use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm

Young young man; very beautiful.


The use of nearby or closely related words (tautology)

In that the story is told about real events.


Unjustified repetition of a word

Hero the story does not reflect on his action. Hero does not even understand the depth of what he has done.


Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions

When the writer came to the editorial office, he was received by the editor-in-chief. When they spoke, the writer went to the hotel.


Use of unnecessary words, lexical redundancy

Then about so that you can smile, about it our bookstore will take care of it.


Sherstobitova I.A., Associate Professor, Department of Humanities Education, St. Petersburg APPO
Belokurova S.P., methodologist of the IMC Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg
Gvozdinskaya L.G., head. Center for Humanities Education SPb APPO

Grammar errors (G)- these are errors in the structure of a linguistic unit: words, phrases or sentences, that is, a violation of any grammatical norm - derivational, morphological, syntactic.

Error type

Examples of


Erroneous word formation. Erroneous formation of forms of a noun, adjective, number, pronoun, verb (personal forms of verbs, real and passive participles, participles)

Noble ness, miracles technology, according to d cherk, above laugh; more interesting, prettier; With five hundred rubles; juggled both hands, theirs pathos, around his there is nothing; how we have lost moral principles due to the loss of spirituality; them moves feeling of compassion; streams of water, stacked down, hit the author of the text; embroidering onto the stage, the singers bowed.


Violation of the norms of approval

I'm familiar with a group of guys, seriously addicted to jazz.


Violation of management norms

We need to make nature more beautiful... Everyone was surprised at him by force.


Disruption of the connection between the subject and the predicate or the way of expressing the predicate

The main thing that now I want to pay attention to is artistic side of the work.
He wrote a book that is epic. Everyone was happy, happy and funny.


Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

The country loved and proud poet.
In the essay, I wanted to say about the meaning of sports and why I love it.


Errors in constructing a sentence with an adverbial turnover

Reading the text, there is such a feeling of empathy.


Errors in constructing a participial sentence

The narrow path has been covered failing snow underfoot.


Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child.
It seemed to the man then that this is a dream.


Mixing direct and indirect speech

The author said, what am I I do not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.


Violation of supply boundaries

He was not accepted into the basketball team. Because he was short.


Violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms

Freezes for a moment heart and suddenly knocks again.


Skipping a member of a sentence (ellipsis)

The meeting was accepted (?) hold a clean-up day.


Errors associated with the use of particles: separation of a particle from the component of the sentence to which it belongs

It would be nice if the picture stood would artist's signature.
In the text Total two problems are revealed.


Sherstobitova I.A., Associate Professor, Department of Humanities Education, St. Petersburg APPO
Belokurova S.P., methodologist of the IMC Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg
Gvozdinskaya L.G., head. Center for Humanities Education SPb APPO

Actual errors (F)- a kind of non-linguistic errors, which consists in the fact that the writer gives facts that contradict reality, gives incorrect information about the factual circumstances, both related and not related to the analyzed text (background knowledge).

Error type

Examples of


Distortion of the content of a literary work, misinterpretation, poor choice of examples

Bazarov was a nihilist and therefore killed the old woman with an ax;
Lensky returned to his estate from England;
It was happiness for Oblomov loneliness and indifference.


Inaccuracy in the quote. No indication of the author of the quote. Incorrectly named author of the quote.

The book means a lot to me, because even Lenin said: “ Live and learn!»

Form 3

Ignorance of historical and other facts, including temporary displacement.

The Great Patriotic War of 1812;
The capital of the USA is New York.

Form 4

Inaccuracies in the names, surnames, nicknames of literary heroes. Distortions in the names of literary works, their genres.

Turgen b ev; "Taras and Bulba "; v Turgenev's stories"Crime and Punishment".

Ethical mistakes (E)- violation of the system of values ​​and ethical rules in the work: statements that demean human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person, ill will, manifestations of speech aggression, slang words and phrases.

Error type

Examples of


Speech incorrectness.
Manifestation of speech aggression: rude, offensive statement; verbal expression of negative emotions, feelings or intentions in a form that is unacceptable in a given speech situation; threat, rude demand, accusation, ridicule; the use of swear words, vulgarisms, jargon, argot; statements degrading human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person

I would like to make a comment to the author for his inability to communicate his thoughts.
This text me infuriates; You have to be completely crazy to read books today; Why the school curriculum forces you to read everything junk what is called a classic?
Mikhalkov in his repertoire! He writes children's books, and therefore requires that they read it in childhood. This is real PR! Nothing fool people outdated truths.