Nikolai Pirogov biography briefly. Doctor from God. biography of the surgeon Pirogov in pictures. Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich contribution to medicine

In May 1881, the fiftieth anniversary of Pirogov's scientific work was celebrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Honor the scientist arrived famous people from different countries of the world. The physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov addressed with a greeting. It was during the celebrations on May 24, 1881 that Nikolai Sklifosovsky diagnosed Pirogov with cancer of the upper jaw.

Having learned the diagnosis, Nikolai Ivanovich went to Vienna to be operated on, but it was too late. The great Russian scientist died December 5, 1881, on his estate in the Ukrainian village of Vyshni near Vinnitsa. Shortly before his death, he made another discovery, offering completely new way embalming. With the approval of the Church, Pirogov's body was embalmed according to this technique and placed in a family crypt, in the tomb of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The significance of the activities of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov lies in the fact that with his disinterested work he turned surgery into a science, arming doctors with a scientifically based method of surgical intervention.

Nikolai Pirogov's awards

Order of the White Eagle (Russian Empire)

Order of Saint Vladimir

Order of Saint Anne

Order of Saint Stanislav (Russian Empire)

Medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol"

Medal "In memory of the war 1853-1856"

Honorary Citizen of Moscow

Bibliography of Nikolai Pirogov

Complete course of applied anatomy of the human body. - St. Petersburg, 1843-1845.
Anatomical images of the external appearance and position of the organs contained in the three main cavities of the human body. - St. Petersburg, 1846. (2nd ed. - 1850)
Report on a journey through the Caucasus 1847-1849 - St. Petersburg, 1849. (M .: State publishing house of medical literature, 1952)
Pathological anatomy of Asiatic cholera. - St. Petersburg, 1849.
Topographic anatomy according to cuts through frozen corpses. Tt. 1-4. - St. Petersburg, 1851-1854.
Surgical anatomy of the arterial trunks, with a detailed description of the position and methods of their ligation. - St. Petersburg, 1854.
Professor N.I. Pirogov about the surgical operations he performed from September 1852 to September 1853. - St. Petersburg, 1854.
Adhesive alabaster bandage in the treatment of simple and complex fractures and for the transport of the wounded on the battlefield. - St. Petersburg, 1854.
Historical review of the actions of the Exaltation of the Cross community of sisters for the care of the wounded and sick, in military hospitals in the Crimea and in the Kherson province, from December 1, 1854 to December 1, 1855 - St. Petersburg, 1856
Collection of literary articles. - Odessa, 1858.

Family of Nikolai Pirogov

First wife (since December 11, 1842) - Ekaterina Dmitrievna Berezina (1822-1846), a representative of the ancient noble family, granddaughter of the General of Infantry Count N. A. Tatishchev. She died at the age of 24 from complications after childbirth.
Son - Nikolai (1843-1891), physicist.
Son - Vladimir (1846 - after November 13, 1910), historian and archaeologist. He was a professor at the Imperial Novorossiysk University at the Department of History. In 1910, he temporarily lived in Tiflis and was present on November 13-26, 1910 at an extraordinary meeting of the Imperial Caucasian Medical Society, dedicated to the memory of N. I. Pirogov.

Second wife (since June 7, 1850) - Alexandra von Bistrom (1824-1902), baroness, daughter of Lieutenant General A. A. Bistrom, great-niece of the navigator I. F. Kruzenshtern. The wedding was played in the potter's estate of the Linen Factory, and the sacrament of the wedding was performed on June 7/20, 1850 in the local Transfiguration Church. For a long time, Pirogov was credited with the authorship of the article “The Ideal of a Woman”, which is a selection from the correspondence of N. I. Pirogov with his second wife. In 1884, the work of Alexandra Antonovna opened a surgical clinic in Kyiv.


Honored Doctor

Creator of topographic anatomy

Founder of military field surgery

Nikolai Pirogov was born on November 25, 1810 in Moscow. His father, who served as treasurer, Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov, had fourteen children, most of whom died in infancy. Of the six survivors, Nikolai is the youngest.

A family friend helped him get an education - a well-known Moscow doctor, professor at Moscow University Efrem Mukhin, who noticed the boy's abilities and began to work with him individually. When Nikolai was fourteen years old, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. To do this, he had to add two years to himself, but he passed the exams no worse than his older comrades.

Pirogov studied easily. In addition, he had to constantly earn extra money to help his family. Finally, the young man managed to get a job in the anatomical theater. This work gave him invaluable experience and convinced him that he should become a surgeon.

After graduating from the university, one of the first in terms of academic performance, Nikolai Pirogov went to prepare for a professorship at the Yuryev University in the city of Tartu. At that time, this university was considered the best in Russia. Here, in a surgical clinic, Pirogov brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and at the age of twenty-six became a professor of surgery.

Nikolai Pirogov chose as the subject of his dissertation the ligation of the abdominal aorta, which had been performed only once before by the English surgeon Astley Cooper. The conclusions of the Pirogov dissertation turned out to be equally important for both theory and practice.

He was the first to study and describe the topography, that is, the location of the abdominal aorta in humans, circulatory disorders during its ligation, the circulatory pathways with its obstruction, and explained the causes of postoperative complications. Nikolai proposed two ways to access the aorta: transperitoneal and extraperitoneal. When any damage to the peritoneum threatened death, the second method was especially necessary. Astley Cooper, who for the first time bandaged the aorta in an transperitoneal way, stated, having become acquainted with Pirogov's dissertation, that if he had to do the operation again, he would have chosen a different method.

When Nikolai Ivanovich, after five years in Dorpat, went to Berlin to study, the famous surgeons, to whom he went with a respectfully bowed head, read his dissertation, hastily translated into German. A teacher who, more than others, combined everything that Pirogov was looking for in a surgeon, he found not in Berlin, but in Göttingen, in the person of Professor Langenbeck. The Göttingen professor taught him the purity of surgical techniques, taught him to hear the whole and complete melody of the operation. He showed Pirogov how to adapt the movements of the legs and the whole body to the actions of the operating hand.

Returning home, Pirogov fell seriously ill and was left for treatment in Riga. The city was lucky: if the scientist had not fallen ill, it would not have become a platform for his rapid recognition. As soon as Nikolai got up from the hospital bed, he began to operate. The city had heard rumors before about the promising young surgeon. Now it was necessary to confirm the good reputation that ran far ahead.

Pirogov began with rhinoplasty: he carved out a new nose for a noseless barber. Then he recalled that it was the best nose he ever made in his life. Plastic surgery was followed by amputations and removal of tumors. In Riga, he operated as a teacher for the first time. From Riga, Nikolai went to Dorpat, where he learned that the Moscow department promised to him had been given to another candidate. But he was lucky, Iva Filippovich Moyer gave the student his clinic in Dorpat.

One of the most significant works of Nikolai Pirogov is the “Surgical Anatomy of Arterial Trunks and Fascias” completed in Derpt. Already in the name itself, gigantic layers are raised: surgical anatomy, a science that Pirogov created from his first, youthful works, erected, and the only pebble that started the movement of the bulk of the fascia.

Before Pirogov, they almost did not deal with fascia: they knew that there were such fibrous fibrous plates, membranes surrounding muscle groups or individual muscles, they saw them when opening corpses, stumbled upon them during operations, cut them with a knife, not attaching importance to them.

Nikolai Pirogov began with a very modest task: he undertook to study the direction of fascial membranes. Having learned the particular, the course of each fascia, he went to the general and deduced certain patterns of the position of the fascia relative to nearby vessels, muscles, nerves, and discovered certain anatomical patterns.

Everything that Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov discovered, he does not need in itself, he needs all this in order to indicate the best methods for performing operations, first of all, “to find the right way to ligate this or that artery,” as he said. This is where the new science created by Pirogov begins - this is surgical anatomy.

Nikolai Pirogov supplied the description of operations with drawings. Nothing like the anatomical atlases and tables that were used before him. No discounts, no conventions, the greatest accuracy of the drawings: the proportions are not violated, every branch, every knot, jumper is preserved and reproduced. Pirogov, not without pride, suggested that patient readers check any detail of the drawings in the anatomical theater.

In 1841, Pirogov was invited to the Department of Surgery at the Medico-Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg. Here the scientist worked for more than ten years and created the first surgical clinic in Russia. It founded another area of ​​medicine - hospital surgery.

Pirogov came to the capital as a winner. At least three hundred people crowded into the auditorium where he read surgery courses: not only doctors crowded on the benches, students from other educational institutions, writers, officials, military men, artists, engineers, even Ladies came to listen to the scientist. Newspapers and magazines wrote about him, compared his lectures with the concerts of the famous Italian Angelica Catalani, that is, with divine singing, they compared his speech about incisions, stitches, purulent inflammations and the results of autopsies.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was appointed director of the Tool Factory. Now the doctor was inventing instruments with which any surgeon would perform the operation well and quickly.

The first test of ether anesthesia took place on October 16, 1846. And quickly began to conquer the world. In Russia, the first operation under anesthesia was performed on February 7, 1847 by Pirogov's comrade at the professorial institute, Fedor Ivanovich Inozemtsev, who headed the department of surgery at Moscow University.

Nikolay Ivanovich performed the first operation with the use of anesthesia a week later. But from February to November 1847, Inozemtsev performed eighteen operations under anesthesia, and by May 1847 Pirogov had received the results of fifty. During the year, six hundred and ninety operations were performed under anesthesia in thirteen cities of Russia. Three hundred of them Pirogov.

Soon, Nikolai Ivanovich took part in hostilities in the Caucasus. Here, in the village of Salty, for the first time in the history of medicine, he began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia. In total, the great surgeon performed about 10,000 operations under ether anesthesia.

Once, while walking through the market, Pirogov saw how butchers were sawing cow carcasses into pieces. The scientist drew attention to the fact that the location of the internal organs is clearly visible on the cut. After some time, he tried this method in the anatomical theater, sawing frozen corpses with a special saw. Pirogov himself called this "ice anatomy". Thus was born a new medical discipline - topographic anatomy.

With the help of cuts made in this way, Pirogov compiled the first anatomical atlas, which became an indispensable guide for surgeons. Now they have the opportunity to operate, causing minimal injury to the patient. This atlas and the proposed technique became the basis for all subsequent development of operative surgery.

When the Crimean War began in 1853, Nikolai Ivanovich considered it his civic duty to go to Sevastopol. He was appointed to the active army. While operating on the wounded, Pirogov for the first time in the history of medicine used a plaster cast, which made it possible to speed up the healing process of fractures and saved many soldiers and officers from ugly curvature of the limbs.

The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction of sorting the wounded in Sevastopol: one operation was done directly in combat conditions, others were evacuated inland after first aid. On his initiative, a new form of medical care was introduced in the Russian army, sisters of mercy appeared. Thus laid the foundations of military field medicine.

After the fall of Sevastopol, Pirogov returned to St. Petersburg, where, at a reception at Alexander II, he reported on the mediocre leadership of the army by Prince Menshikov. The tsar did not want to heed the advice of Pirogov, and from that moment Nikolai Ivanovich fell out of favor.

The doctor left the Medico-Surgical Academy. Appointed as a trustee of the Odessa and Kiev educational districts, Pirogov tried to change the system of school education that existed in them. Naturally, his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave his post.

For some time, Nikolai Pirogov settled in his estate "Cherry" near Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He traveled from there only abroad, and also at the invitation of St. Petersburg University to give lectures. By this time, Pirogov was already a member of several foreign academies.

Nowadays, the merits of a scientist are measured in Nobel Prizes. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov passed away before its foundation. Otherwise, he would undoubtedly have become the record holder for the number of these awards. The famous surgeon was a pioneer in the use of anesthesia during operations. He came up with the idea to apply plaster for fractures; before that, doctors used a wooden splint. IN military history Pirogov entered as the founder of military field surgery. And as a teacher, Nikolai Ivanovich is known for having achieved the abolition of corporal punishment in Russian schools (this happened in 1864). But that's not all! Pirogov's most original invention is the Institute of Sisters of Mercy. It was thanks to him that the sick and wounded received the most healing medicine - female attention and care, and beautiful ladies found a launching pad for the triumphal procession of emancipation around the world.

How did such a nugget come about? As a result of a combination of what factors, such a versatile person was formed?

The future reformer of Russian medicine was born on November 13, 1810 in the family of a military official Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov. The concept of a large family in those days was interpreted somewhat differently. 14 children were born in the Pirogovs' house! True, infant mortality was high at that time, so only six survived. Nicholas was the youngest of them. The Pirogovs lived prosperously. Their house was not damaged during the fire of Moscow, which happened during the invasion of Napoleon. Father Ivan Ivanovich, who served as the treasurer of the food depot with the rank of major, received a good salary. Since the numerous offspring of the Pirogovs periodically fell ill, doctors were frequent guests in the house. In particular, professor of Moscow State University Efrem Osipovich Mukhin, who became the idol of young Nikolai. The game of the patient and the patient was one of the most popular among the Pirogovs Jr.

When Kolya grew up, he was assigned to a private boarding school Kryazheva - a prestigious metropolitan educational institution. However, the future godfather of Russian surgery could not complete the full course. An unexpected misfortune put the family on the brink of ruin. A subordinate of his father took a large amount of state money to the Caucasus - 30 thousand rubles - and disappeared along the way. The embezzlement was blamed on Pirogov. By a court decision, all the property of the major was described and sold at auction. The family plunged into poverty. There was nothing to finish teaching Kolya. An acquaintance of his father, Professor Mukhin (the same one. - Auth.) suggested an original way out: to enter Moscow University without waiting for the end of the school course. True, Nikolai was only 14 years old, and the university was accepted only from 16. I had to forge documents, attributing the missing 2 years to the applicant. But the future luminary passed the entrance exams perfectly well.

Soon Nikolai's father died. A mother with children was forced to sell the house and wander around rented corners. The terrible need that the relatives fell into forced the student Pirogov to make titanic efforts to help the family get out of poverty. Already at the age of 26 he became a professor of medicine. His talents as a doctor were legendary. In those days, the main thing in the work of the surgeon was speed: since the operations took place without anesthesia, it was necessary to complete everything in a matter of minutes, otherwise the patient could die from pain shock. So Pirogov was one of the champions - amputation of the hip or removal of a stone from Bladder it produced in 1.5 - 3 minutes! However, the virtuoso was well aware that the lack of anesthesia hinders the development of surgery. In the arsenal of doctors there was a very primitive set of operations on the limbs and the surface of the body. Diseases requiring serious surgical intervention were classified as incurable.

At once, several doctors on both sides of the ocean fought for priority in the use of painkillers during surgery. On October 16, 1846, American orthopedic dentist Thomas Morton performed the first successful operation to remove a jaw tumor under anesthesia. A few months later, the know-how will reach Russia, but the regional palm will not belong to Pirogov, but to his colleague Fyodor Inozemtsev. Nikolai Ivanovich will carry out his operation to remove the mammary gland from a patient suffering from cancer, a week after Inozemtsev - on February 14, 1847. Why is Pirogov called the godfather of anesthesia?

The fact is that Pirogov overshadowed his competitors, radically transforming surgery. Thanks to his energy, this novelty - pain relief - quickly became an integral part of medicine. Already in the summer of 1847, Pirogov went down in history as the first doctor to use ether anesthesia on the battlefield. During a month and a half siege by the Russian army of the village of Salty, he performed about a hundred operations with ether anesthesia. Moreover, most of them were public: Pirogov wanted to convince other wounded that there was no need to be afraid of pain during the operation. He operated on wounded Cossacks and highlanders. The latter were initially skeptical about anesthesia. However, Pirogov assured that when inhaling the ether, the faithful are transferred to paradise, where the houris are blissful in the company. Watching how the wounded do not feel pain during operations, the soldiers believed that Pirogov could do anything. There were cases when bodies with severed heads were brought to him, hoping that the all-powerful doctor could reattach them and breathe life into them.

Pirogov's invaluable experience gained during the Caucasian War was especially useful to Russia when the Russian army in the Crimea was attacked by a combined coalition that included Great Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia.

Here Pirogov first used plaster casts to fix fractures of the limbs. This idea came to him in the workshop of an acquaintance sculptor Nikolai Stepanov. Watching the work of the artist, he noticed how quickly pliable plaster hardens. The invention of plaster casts saved the lives and health of tens of thousands of people. Since in those days they did not know how to fix motionlessly broken bones, very often the limbs did not grow together correctly, and the person remained crippled for life. In the worst case, due to suppuration, the limb had to be amputated. With Pirogov, the number of such amputations was reduced to a minimum. It is worth noting that in the besieged Sevastopol, Pirogov and his assistants performed more than 10 thousand operations, most of them were performed under general anesthesia.

It was during the Crimean War that the debut of the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy took place. This is the world's first women's medical unit to provide assistance to the wounded during the war. They looked after the wounded in hospitals and rescued them right on the battlefield. Of the 120 nurses who worked in Sevastopol, 17 died while doing their duty.

Later, the famous lawyer Anatoly Koni wrote: “Russia has every right to be proud of its initiative. There was no usual borrowing of the "last word" from the West - on the contrary, England began to imitate us, sending Miss Nightingale with her detachment near Sevastopol.

After the end of the Crimean War, Pirogov received an audience from Emperor Alexander II. The surgeon, who put the interests of the case at the forefront, neglected the rules of court etiquette. He directly stated to the autocrat that the main reasons for the defeat were the backwardness of Russia, the venality of officials and the mediocrity of the high command.

This “diagnosis” was unpleasant for Alexander, and since then Pirogov has been in disgrace. Nikolai Ivanovich was sent to Odessa to the post of trustee of the Odessa and Kiev educational districts. It was in this field that Pirogov raised the issue of banning corporal punishment in schools. He believed that rods humiliate a child, accustom him to slavish obedience based on fear, and not on understanding his actions. It was possible to achieve the abolition of this barbaric practice after the resignation of Pirogov from public service.

In the autumn of 1859, Nikolai Ivanovich opened the first Sunday school in Kyiv. He reported about his undertaking to Alexander II. At the same time, Pirogov expressed the idea that is fashionable today that education should play the role of social elevators so that talented people, regardless of social origin, nationality and financial situation, have the opportunity to receive higher education. Alexander, indignantly, tore up the letter of the academician and said: “This doctor wants to open more universities in Russia than taverns!” Soon Pirogov was dismissed from public service.

In the prime of his life and talent, the brilliant scientist was forced to confine himself to private practice. The doctor retired to his estate "Cherry" not far from Vinnitsa. Thousands flocked to Pirogov for treatment from all over Russia. He himself, being by this time an honorary member of five Academies of Sciences, often traveled to Europe with lectures.

Only in 1877, when the Russian-Turkish war broke out, Alexander II remembered Pirogov and asked him to organize the medical service at the front. Nikolai Ivanovich then turned 67 years old.

He passed away four years later. The diagnosis of "cancer of the upper palate" Pirogov made himself. And then he watched with interest how the luminaries of medicine unsuccessfully tried to determine the disease ... This was his last practical lesson for students. The fact that the teacher knew everything about his incurable illness, they learned only from his suicide note.

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Great scientists: Nikolai Pirogov. Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of military field surgery, founder of the Russian school of anesthesia.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Moscow, Russian Empire

Date of death:

A place of death:

Cherry village (now within the boundaries of Vinnitsa), Podolsk province, Russian Empire


the Russian Empire


Prose writer, poet, playwright, translator

Scientific area:

The medicine

Alma mater:

Moscow University, Dorpat University

Known as:

Surgeon, creator of the atlas of topographic human anatomy, military field surgery, founder of anesthesia, outstanding teacher.

Awards and prizes:

Crimean War

After the Crimean War

Last confession

Last days


In Ukraine

In Belarus

In Bulgaria

In Estonia

In Moldavia

In philately

The image of Pirogov in art

Interesting Facts

(November 13 (25), 1810, Moscow - November 23 (December 5), 1881, Cherry village (now within Vinnitsa), Podolsk province, Russian Empire) - Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of Russian military field surgery, founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.


Nikolai Ivanovich was born in Moscow in 1810, in the family of a military treasurer, Major Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov (1772-1826). Mother Elizaveta Ivanovna Novikova belonged to an old Moscow merchant family. At the age of fourteen, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. After receiving a diploma, he studied abroad for several more years. Pirogov prepared for professorship at the Professorial Institute at the University of Derpt (now the University of Tartu). Here, in the surgical clinic, Pirogov worked for five years, brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation, and at the age of only twenty-six was elected professor at Dorpat University. A few years later, Pirogov was invited to St. Petersburg, where he headed the Department of Surgery at the Medical and Surgical Academy. At the same time, Pirogov led the Clinic of Hospital Surgery organized by him. Since Pirogov's duties included the training of military surgeons, he began to study the surgical methods common in those days. Many of them were radically reworked by him; in addition, Pirogov developed a number of completely new techniques, thanks to which he managed more often than other surgeons to avoid amputation of limbs. One of these techniques is still called the “Pirogov operation”.

In search of an effective teaching method, Pirogov decided to apply anatomical studies on frozen corpses. Pirogov himself called this "ice anatomy". Thus was born a new medical discipline - topographic anatomy. After several years of such anatomy study, Pirogov published the first anatomical atlas entitled "Topographic anatomy, illustrated by cuts made through the frozen human body in three directions", which became an indispensable guide for surgeons. From that moment on, surgeons were able to operate with minimal trauma to the patient. This atlas and the technique proposed by Pirogov became the basis for the entire subsequent development of operative surgery.

In 1847, Pirogov went to the Caucasus to join the army, as he wanted to test the operating methods he had developed in the field. In the Caucasus, he first used dressing with bandages soaked in starch. Starch dressing turned out to be more convenient and stronger than previously used splints. Here, in the village of Salta, Pirogov for the first time in the history of medicine began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field. In total, the great surgeon performed about 10 thousand operations under ether anesthesia.

Crimean War

In 1855, during the Crimean War, Pirogov was the chief surgeon of Sevastopol, besieged by the Anglo-French troops. Operating on the wounded, Pirogov for the first time in the history of Russian medicine used a plaster cast, giving rise to a savings tactic for treating limb injuries and saving many soldiers and officers from amputation. During the siege of Sevastopol, to care for the wounded, Pirogov supervised the training and work of the sisters of the Exaltation of the Cross community of sisters of mercy. This was also an innovation at the time.

The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction in Sevastopol of a completely new method of caring for the wounded. This method lies in the fact that the wounded were subject to careful selection already at the first dressing station; depending on the severity of the injuries, some of them were subject to immediate operation in the field, while others, with lighter injuries, were evacuated inland for treatment in stationary military hospitals. Therefore, Pirogov is rightly considered the founder of a special area in surgery, known as military field surgery.

For merits in helping the wounded and sick, Pirogov was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav, 1st degree, which gave the right to hereditary nobility.

After the Crimean War

Despite the heroic defense, Sevastopol was taken by the besiegers, and the Crimean War was lost by Russia. Returning to St. Petersburg, Pirogov, at a reception at Alexander II, told the emperor about problems in the troops, as well as about the general backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. The emperor did not want to listen to Pirogov. From that moment on, Nikolai Ivanovich fell out of favor, he was sent to Odessa to the post of trustee of the Odessa and Kiev educational districts. Pirogov tried to reform the existing system of school education, his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave his post.

Not only was he not appointed minister of public education, but they even refused to make him a comrade (deputy) minister, instead he was "exiled" to supervise Russian candidates for professorships studying abroad. He chose Heidelberg as his residence, where he arrived in May 1862. The candidates were very grateful to him, for example, Nobel laureate I. I. Mechnikov warmly recalled this. There he not only fulfilled his duties, often traveling to other cities where the candidates studied, but also provided them and their families and friends with any, including medical assistance, and one of the candidates, the head of the Russian community of Heidelberg, held a fundraiser for the treatment of Garibaldi and persuaded Pirogov to examine the wounded Garibaldi. Pirogov refused money, but went to Garibaldi and found a bullet not noticed by other world-famous doctors, insisted that Garibaldi leave the climate harmful to his wound, as a result of which the Italian government released Garibaldi from captivity. According to the general opinion, it was N.I. Pirogov who then saved the leg, and, most likely, the life of Garibaldi, who was convicted by other doctors. In his Memoirs, Garibaldi recalls: “The outstanding professors Petridge, Nelaton and Pirogov, who showed generous attention to me when I was in a dangerous state, proved that there are no boundaries for good deeds, for true science in the family of mankind ... "After that Petersburg, there was an attempt on the life of Alexander II by nihilists who admired Garibaldi, and, most importantly, Garibaldi's participation in the war of Prussia and Italy against Austria, which displeased the Austrian government, and the "red" Pirogov was generally dismissed from public service even without pension rights.

In the prime of his creative powers, Pirogov retired to his small estate "Cherry" not far from Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He briefly traveled from there only abroad, and also at the invitation of St. Petersburg University to give lectures. By this time, Pirogov was already a member of several foreign academies. For a relatively long time, Pirogov left the estate only twice: the first time in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian war, being invited to the front on behalf of the International Red Cross, and the second time, in 1877-1878 - already at a very old age - he worked for several months on front during the Russian-Turkish war.

Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878

When Emperor Alexander II visited Bulgaria in August 1877, during the Russian-Turkish war, he remembered Pirogov as an incomparable surgeon and the best organizer of the medical service at the front. Despite his old age (then Pirogov was already 67 years old), Nikolai Ivanovich agreed to go to Bulgaria, provided that he was given complete freedom of action. His desire was granted, and on October 10, 1877, Pirogov arrived in Bulgaria, in the village of Gorna-Studena, not far from Plevna, where the main apartment of the Russian command was located.

Pirogov organized the treatment of soldiers, care for the wounded and sick in military hospitals in Svishtov, Zgalev, Bolgaren, Gorna-Studena, Veliko Tarnovo, Bokhot, Byala, Plevna. From October 10 to December 17, 1877, Pirogov traveled over 700 km in a cart and sleigh, over an area of ​​12,000 square meters. km., occupied by the Russians between the rivers Vit and Yantra. Nikolai Ivanovich visited 11 Russian military temporary hospitals, 10 divisional infirmaries and 3 pharmacy warehouses stationed in 22 different settlements. During this time, he was engaged in treatment and operated on both Russian soldiers and many Bulgarians.

Last confession

In 1881, N. I. Pirogov became the fifth honorary citizen of Moscow "in connection with fifty years of labor activity in the field of education, science and citizenship."

Last days

At the beginning of 1881, Pirogov drew attention to pain and irritation on the mucous membrane of the hard palate, on May 24, 1881, N.V. Sklifosovsky established the presence of cancer of the upper jaw. N. I. Pirogov died at 20:25 on November 23, 1881. in with. Cherry, now part of Vinnitsa.

Pirogov's body was embalmed by his attending physician D. I. Vyvodtsev using the method he had just developed, and buried in a mausoleum in the village of Vyshnia near Vinnitsa. In the late 1920s, robbers visited the crypt, damaged the lid of the sarcophagus, stole Pirogov's sword (a gift from Franz Joseph) and a pectoral cross. During the Second World War, during the retreat Soviet troops, the sarcophagus with the body of Pirogov was hidden in the ground, while being damaged, which led to damage to the body, which was subsequently restored and re-embalmed.

Officially, Pirogov's tomb is called the "necropolis church", the body is located slightly below ground level in the crypt - the basement of the Orthodox church, in a glazed sarcophagus, which can be accessed by those wishing to pay tribute to the memory of the great scientist.


The main significance of the activity of N. I. Pirogov is that with his selfless and often disinterested work he turned surgery into a science, arming doctors with scientifically based methods of surgical intervention.

A rich collection of documents related to the life and work of N. I. Pirogov, his personal belongings, medical instruments, lifetime editions of his works are stored in the funds of the Military Medical Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Of particular interest are the 2-volume manuscript of the scientist “Questions of life. Diary of an old doctor” and a suicide note left by him indicating the diagnosis of his illness.

Contribution to the development of national pedagogy

In the classic article “Questions of Life”, Pirogov considered the fundamental problems of Russian education. He showed the absurdity of class education, the discord between school and life, put forward the formation of a highly moral personality, ready to renounce selfish aspirations for the good of society, as the main goal of education. Pirogov believed that for this it was necessary to rebuild the entire education system based on the principles of humanism and democracy. The education system that ensures the development of the individual must be based on a scientific basis, from primary to higher education, and ensure the continuity of all education systems.

Pedagogical views: Pirogov considered the main idea of ​​universal education, the education of a citizen useful to the country; noted the need for social preparation for life of a highly moral person with a broad moral outlook: “ Being human is what education should lead to»; upbringing and education should be in their native language. " contempt for mother tongue disgrace the national feeling". He pointed out that the basis of subsequent professional education should be a broad general education; proposed to attract prominent scientists to teaching in higher education, recommended to strengthen the conversations of professors with students; fought for general secular education; urged to respect the personality of the child; fought for the autonomy of higher education.

Criticism of class vocational education: Pirogov opposed the class school and early utilitarian-professional training, against the early premature specialization of children; believed that it hinders the moral education of children, narrows their horizons; condemned arbitrariness, the barracks regime in schools, thoughtless attitude towards children.

Didactic ideas: teachers should discard old dogmatic ways of teaching and apply new methods; it is necessary to awaken the thought of students, to instill skills independent work; the teacher must draw the attention and interest of the student to the reported material; transfer from class to class should be based on the results of annual performance; in transfer exams there is an element of chance and formalism.

Physical punishment. In this regard, he was a follower of J. Locke, considering corporal punishment as a means of humiliating a child, causing irreparable damage to his morals, accustoming him to slavish obedience, based only on fear, and not on understanding and evaluating his actions. Slave obedience forms a vicious nature, seeking retribution for its humiliation. N. I. Pirogov believed that the result of training and moral education, the effectiveness of the methods of maintaining discipline are determined by the objective, if possible, assessment by the teacher of all the circumstances that caused the misconduct, and the imposition of a punishment that does not frighten and humiliate the child, but educates him. Condemning the use of the rod as a means of disciplinary action, he allowed the use of physical punishment in exceptional cases, but only by order of the pedagogical council. Despite such an ambiguity in the position of N.I. Pirogov, it should be noted that the question he raised and the discussion that followed on the pages of the press had positive consequences: “The Charter of Gymnasiums and Progymnasiums” of 1864 corporal punishment was abolished.

The system of public education according to N. I. Pirogov:

  • Elementary (primary) school (2 years), studying arithmetic, grammar;
  • Incomplete secondary school of two types: classical gymnasium (4 years, general education); real progymnasium (4 years);
  • secondary school two types: classical gymnasium (5 years of general education: Latin, Greek, Russian, literature, mathematics); real gymnasium (3 years, applied nature: professional subjects);
  • Higher school: universities higher educational institutions.


  • First wife - Ekaterina Berezina. She died of complications after childbirth at the age of 24. Sons - Nikolai, Vladimir.
  • The second wife is Baroness Alexandra von Bystrom.


In Russia

In Ukraine

In Belarus

  • Pirogova street in the city of Minsk.

In Bulgaria

The grateful Bulgarian people erected 26 obelisks, 3 rotundas and a monument to N. I. Pirogov in Skobelevsky Park in Plevna. In the village of Bokhot, on the spot where the Russian 69th military-temporary hospital stood, a park-museum “N. I. Pirogov.

When the first emergency hospital in Bulgaria was established in Sofia in 1951, it was named after N.I. Pirogov. Later, the hospital changed its name many times, first to the Institute of Emergency Medicine, then to the Republican Scientific and Practical Institute of Emergency Medicine, the Scientific Institute of Emergency Medicine, the Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment and Ambulance, and finally - University MBALSP. And the bas-relief of Pirogov has never changed at the entrance. Now in MBALSM "N. I. Pirogov” employs 361 medical residents, 150 researchers, 1025 medical specialists and 882 support staff. All of them proudly call themselves "pirogovtsy". The hospital is considered one of the best in Bulgaria and treats over 40,000 inpatients and 300,000 outpatients a year.

On October 14, 1977, a postage stamp "100 years since the arrival of Academician Nikolai Pirogov in Bulgaria" was printed in Bulgaria.

The image of Pirogov in art

  • Pirogov is the main character in Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor".
  • The main character in the story "The Beginning" and in the story "Bucephalus" by Yuri German.
  • The 1947 film "Pirogov" - in the role of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Skorobogatov.
  • Pirogov is the main character in the novel "Privy Councilor" by Boris Zolotarev and Yuri Tyurin. (Moscow: Sovremennik, 1986. - 686 p.)
  • In 1855, when he was a senior teacher at the Simferopol gymnasium, D. I. Mendeleev, who had health problems from his youth (it was even suspected that he had consumption), at the request of the St. Petersburg doctor N. F. Zdekauer, was accepted and examined by N. And Pirogov, who, stating the patient's satisfactory condition, declared: "You will outlive us both" - this predestination not only instilled confidence in the future great scientist in the favor of fate, but also came true.
  • For a long time, N. I. Pirogov was credited with the authorship of the article “The Ideal of a Woman”. A recent study proves that the article is a selection from the correspondence of N. I. Pirogov with his second wife A. A. Bistrom.

The ingenious mind and incomprehensible scientific intuition of Pirogov were so ahead of their time that his bold ideas, for example, an artificial joint, seemed fantastic even to the world's luminaries of surgery. They simply shrugged their shoulders, made fun of his thoughts, which led so far into the 21st century.

Nikolai Pirogov was born on November 13, 1810 in Moscow, in the family of a treasury official. The Pirogov family was patriarchal, well-established, strong. Nikolai was the thirteenth child in her. As a child, little Kolya was impressed by Dr. Efrem Osipovich Mukhin (1766-1850), well-known in Moscow to the same extent as Mudrov. Mukhin began as a military doctor under Potemkin. He was the dean of the department of medical sciences, by 1832 he had written 17 treatises on medicine. Dr. Mukhin treated brother Nikolai for a cold. He often visited their house, and always, on the occasion of his arrival, a special atmosphere arose in the house. Nikolai liked the bewitching manners of the Aesculapius so much that he began to play Dr. Mukhin with his family. Many times he listened to everyone at home with his pipe, coughed and, imitating Mukhina's voice, prescribed medicines. Nikolai played so much that he really became a doctor. Yes, how! The famous Russian surgeon, teacher and public figure, the founder of the Russian school of surgery.

Nikolai received his initial education at home, later he studied at a private boarding school. He loved poetry and wrote poems himself. Nikolai stayed at the boarding house for only two years instead of the prescribed four years. His father went bankrupt, there was nothing to pay for education. On the advice of Professor of Anatomy E.O. Mukhin's father, with great difficulty, "corrected" Nikolai's age in the document (someone had to "grease") from fourteen to sixteen. Moscow University was accepted from the age of sixteen. Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov made it on time. A year later he died, the family began to beg.

On September 22, 1824, Nikolai Pirogov entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, graduating in 1828. Pirogov's student years passed during a period of reaction, when the preparation of anatomical preparations was forbidden as a "godless" thing, and anatomical museums were destroyed. After graduating from the university, he went to the city of Dorpat (Yuriev) to prepare for a professorship, where he studied anatomy and surgery under the guidance of Professor Ivan Filippovich Moyer.

On August 31, 1832, Nikolai Ivanovich defended his dissertation: “Is the ligation of the abdominal aorta in case of inguinal aneurysm an easy and safe intervention?” In this work, he raised and resolved a number of fundamentally important questions concerning not so much the technique of aortic ligation, but rather the elucidation of the reactions to this intervention of both the vascular system and the organism as a whole. With his data, he refuted the ideas of the then-famous English surgeon A. Cooper about the causes of death during this operation.

In 1833-1835, Pirogov was in Germany, where he continued to study anatomy and surgery. In 1836, he was elected professor at the Department of Surgery at Derpt (now Tartu) University. In 1849, his monograph "On the transection of the Achilles tendon as an operative-orthopedic remedy" was published. Pirogov conducted more than eighty experiments, studied in detail the anatomical structure of the tendon and the process of its fusion after transection. He used this operation to treat clubfoot. At the end of the winter of 1841, at the invitation of the Medical and Surgical Academy (in St. Petersburg), he took the chair of surgery and was appointed head of the hospital surgery clinic, organized on his initiative from the 2nd Military Land Hospital. At that time, Nikolai Ivanovich lived on the left side of Liteiny Prospekt, in a small house, on the second floor. In the same house, in the same entrance, on the second floor, opposite his apartment, there is the Sovremennik magazine, edited by N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Nekrasov.

Dr. Pirogov in 1847 went to the Caucasus to the active army, where, during the siege of the village of Salty, for the first time in the history of surgery, he used ether for anesthesia in the field. In 1854 he took part in the defense of Sevastopol, where he proved himself not only as a clinical surgeon, but above all as an organizer of medical care for the wounded; at this time, for the first time in the field, he used the help of the sisters of mercy.

Upon his return from Sevastopol (1856) he left the Medico-Surgical Academy and was appointed trustee of the Odessa, and later (1858) Kiev educational districts. However, in 1861, for progressive ideas in the field of education at that time, he was dismissed from this post. In 1862-1866 he was sent abroad as a leader of young scientists sent to prepare for a professorship. Upon his return from abroad, he settled in his estate, the village of Vishnya (now the village of Pirogovo, near the city of Vinnitsa), where he lived almost without a break.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov also found ideas that reduced all the variety of surgical techniques to three basic rules: "... cut the soft parts, drink the hard ones, where it flows - bandage it there." He revolutionized surgery. His research laid the foundation for the scientific anatomical and experimental direction in surgery; Pirogov laid the foundation for military field surgery and surgical anatomy.

The merits of Nikolai Ivanovich to world and domestic surgery are enormous. In 1847 he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. His works put forward Russian surgery to one of the first places in the world. Already in the first years of scientific, pedagogical and practical activities, he harmoniously combined theory and practice, widely using the experimental method in order to clarify a number of clinically important issues. He built his practical work on the basis of careful anatomical and physiological research. In 1837-1838 he published the work "Surgical anatomy of arterial trunks and fascia"; this study laid the foundations of surgical anatomy and determined the ways of its further development.

Paying great attention to the clinic, he reorganized the teaching of surgery in order to provide every student with an opportunity for practical study of the subject. Pirogov paid special attention to the analysis of the mistakes made in the treatment of patients, considering practice to be the main method for improving scientific and pedagogical work (in 1837-1839), he published two volumes of Clinical Annals, in which he criticized his own mistakes in the treatment of patients).

In 1846, according to the project of Pirogov, the first anatomical institute in Russia was created at the Medico-Surgical Academy, which allowed students and doctors to engage in applied anatomy, practice operations, and conduct experimental observations. The creation of a hospital surgical clinic, an anatomical institute allowed Pirogov to carry out a number of important studies that determined the further paths for the development of surgery. Attaching special importance to the knowledge of anatomy by doctors, Pirogov in 1846 published "Anatomical images of the human body, assigned mainly to forensic doctors", and in 1850 - "Anatomical images of the external appearance and position of organs contained in the three main cavities of the human body."

After the death of his wife, Ekaterina Dmitrievna Berezina, Pirogov wanted to marry twice. By calculation. I didn't believe that I could still love. His wife, leaving Pirogov two sons, Nikolai and Vladimir, died in January 1846, twenty-four years old, from a postpartum illness. In 1850, Nikolai Ivanovich finally fell in love and got married. Four months before marriage, he bombarded the bride with letters. He sent them several times a day - three, ten, twenty, forty pages of small, compact handwriting! He revealed to the bride his soul, his thoughts, views, feelings. Not forgetting their "bad sides", "irregularities of character", "weaknesses". He did not want her to love him only for "great things". He wanted her to love him for who he is. While he was preparing for the wedding with the nineteen-year-old Baroness Alexandra Antonovna Bistrom, the niece of General Kozen, his mother died.

Pirogov's method of "ice sculpture" is known. May this smile be forgiven the author: maniacs are forbidden to read further, so as not to become a guide to action. Having set himself the task of finding out the forms of various organs, their relative positions, as well as their displacement and deformation under the influence of physiological and pathological processes, Pirogov developed special methods of anatomical research on a frozen human corpse. Consistently removing tissue with a chisel and hammer, he left the organ or system of interest to him. In other cases, with a specially designed saw, Pirogov made serial cuts in the transverse, longitudinal, and front-rear directions. As a result of his research, he created an atlas "Topographic anatomy, illustrated by cuts made through the frozen human body in three directions", provided with an explanatory text.

This work brought Pirogov worldwide fame. The atlas not only gave a description of the topographic relationship of individual organs and tissues in different planes, but also showed for the first time the significance of experimental studies on a corpse.

Pirogov's works on surgical anatomy and operative surgery laid the foundation for scientific foundations for the development of surgery. An outstanding surgeon, who possessed a brilliant technique of operations, Pirogov did not limit himself to the use of surgical approaches and techniques known at that time; he created a number of new methods of operations that bear his name. The osteoplastic amputation of the foot, proposed by him for the first time in world practice, marked the beginning of the development of osteoplastic surgery. Pirogov's pathological anatomy did not go unnoticed. His well-known work "The Pathological Anatomy of Asiatic Cholera" (atlas 1849, text 1850), awarded the Demidov Prize, is still an unsurpassed study.

The rich personal experience of a surgeon, obtained by Pirogov during the wars in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, allowed him to develop for the first time a clear system for organizing surgical care for the wounded in the war.

The operation of resection of the elbow joint developed by Pirogov contributed to a certain extent to limiting amputations. In "The Beginnings of General Military Field Surgery ..." (published in 1864 in German; in 1865-1866, in two parts - in Russian, in two parts in 1941-1944), which are a generalization military surgical practice of Pirogov, he outlined and fundamentally resolved the main issues of military field surgery (issues of organization, the doctrine of shock, wounds, pyemia, etc.). As a clinician, Pirogov was exceptionally observant; his statements concerning infection of the wound, the meaning of miasma, the use of various antiseptic substances in the treatment of wounds (iodine tincture, bleach solution, silver nitrate), are essentially an anticipation of the work of the English surgeon J. Lister.

Great is the merit of Pirogov in the development of anesthesia issues. In 1847, less than a year after the discovery of ether anesthesia by the American physician W. Morton, Pirogov published an experimental study of exceptional importance on the study of the effect of ether on the animal organism (“Anatomical and Physiological Studies on Etherization”). He proposed a number of new methods of ether anesthesia (intravenous, intratracheal, rectal), and devices for "ether" were created. Along with the Russian physiologist Alexei Matveyevich Filomafitsky (1807-1849), a professor at Moscow University, he made the first attempts to explain the essence of anesthesia; he pointed out that the narcotic substance has an effect on the central nervous system and this action is carried out through the blood, regardless of the ways it is introduced into the body.

At seventy, Pirogov became quite an old man. The cataract closed the joy of seeing the colors of the world clearly. His face still lived swiftness and will. There were almost no teeth. It made it difficult to speak. In addition, he suffered from a painful ulcer on the hard palate. The ulcer appeared in the winter of 1881. Pirogov mistook it for a burn. He had a habit of rinsing his mouth with hot water to keep the smell of tobacco out. A few weeks later, he dropped in front of his wife: "It's like cancer." In Moscow, Pirogov was examined by Sklifosovsky, then Val, Grube, Bogdanovsky. They suggested surgery. His wife took Pirogov to Vienna, to the famous Billroth. Billroth persuaded not to be operated on, swore that the ulcer was benign. Pirogov was hard to deceive. Against cancer, even the almighty Pirogov was powerless.

In Moscow in 1881, the 50th anniversary of Pirogov's scientific, pedagogical and social activities was celebrated; he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Moscow. On November 23 of the same year, Pirogov died in his estate Vishnya, near the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa, his body was embalmed and placed in a crypt. In 1897, a monument to Pirogov was erected in Moscow with funds raised by subscription. In the estate where Pirogov lived, a memorial museum named after him was organized in 1947; Pirogov's body was restored and placed for viewing in a specially rebuilt crypt.

Nikolai Pirogov is a famous Russian surgeon who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian and world medicine. He was born in Moscow in 1810. His father was an officer in the Russian army, served as treasurer at the depot, earned good money, and was able to give his son a good education. Nikolai began his studies in a private boarding school. As a child, the boy showed not a hefty craving for the natural sciences. At the age of 14, Pirogov entered the Moscow State University, the Faculty of Medicine. It was possible to enter a prestigious educational institution with the help of deception. In the application form for admission, Nikolai attributed two years to himself. Being the 18th young man, he can already work as a doctor, but such work did not attract him. Pirogv decides to continue his studies - he wants to be a surgeon.

Nikolai Ivanovich moved to Tartu, where he entered the Yuriev University. After graduation, he defended his doctoral dissertation. The topic of the dissertation is ligation of the abdominal aorta. It was thanks to his research that in medicine for the first time information appeared about the exact location of the abdominal aorta, about the features of blood circulation in it.

By the age of 26, Nikolai Pirogov became a professor at Dorpat University, engaged in scientific activity and practice (heads a clinic at the university). Soon he finishes his work - "Surgical anatomy of arterial trunks and fascia." Pirogov became the first doctor in the world who tried to study the shells of the surrounding muscle groups. The world and Russian scientific community highly appreciated the work of Pirogov. The Academy of Sciences awarded him the Demidov Prize.

Nikolay Pirogov was the first doctor who insisted on the widespread use of antiseptics. He believed that these drugs are indispensable, especially in surgery. He did a lot for the development of medicine in the Russian Empire. The physician devoted himself completely to science and society. The wars in which Russia participated during his lifetime did not pass him by either. So Pirogov visited the Crimean War, Caucasian and Russian-Turkish. Over the years of military field medical practice, he came up with various effective ways to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, as well as their subsequent treatment.

Nikolai Ivanovich was the largest researcher of the properties of ether anesthesia. Thanks to him, anesthesia has found wide application in hospitals and in military field conditions.

He developed methods for caring for the wounded, opened a number of measures to prevent the development of body decay. Nikolai Ivanovich improved plaster casts. Many of Pirogov's discoveries and innovations are still relevant today.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov died in 1881.