Ellis Silver on the origin of man on Earth. Is the earth native to man Man is not created for life on earth

There are people who constantly live with the feeling that they are not of this world, that the Earth is a foreign planet for them. Moreover, somewhere in the depths of the blocked memory, such people have memories of a completely different world - much more harmonious and perfect.

If you are visited by such feelings, thoughts and memories, do not be alarmed: as independent researchers of this phenomenon say, in the past incarnation you most likely lived on a planet with a more developed civilization, which makes your stay on Earth seem scary to you, and the people themselves seem primitive, aggressive and even crazy. There are thousands of such souls who came to Earth from higher dimensions, and here they, as a rule, feel like outcasts of society.

Possessing more mature and pure souls, such people yearn from childhood for their “native home” - kind and beautiful. Subconsciously remembering such high vibrations as divine love and light, consciously they cannot understand why they feel so bad on Earth, why they are not like everything that constantly oppresses them and how to deal with it.

From early childhood, such people are very lonely, in most cases they have no friends, although by nature they are exceptionally kind and sympathetic, ready to help everyone. However, constantly faced with ingratitude and meanness, these children often withdraw into themselves, into best case sooner or later they find the same "white crows", after which their life on Earth is more or less getting better. Voluntary oblivion for such souls is the only condition that allows them to live in our prison society (not for nothing that some researchers call the Earth a prison planet) and not go crazy (although this happens). But the question is: why do these developed souls incarnate on Earth and why are there more and more of them here?..

Why is all this happening?

Despite the apparent evidence that these souls come here for some misdeeds committed in their bright world, in fact they come to Earth with a completely different purpose. They come voluntarily to help earthlings move from the third to a higher fourth dimension, and it is at such a transitional stage that our civilization is currently located.

For such souls, the Earth has always been a school where they received a unique experience, and today it is all the more an excellent platform for accelerated spiritual growth. That is why many souls from other planets rush to us in order to work here for the benefit of divine creation. Thanks to these incarnations, the vibrations of our planet are changing and the transition to the fourth dimension is faster and more successful. By the way, there are quite a lot of souls on Earth itself that are already ready for such a transition, but they need help - this is exactly what the aliens incarnated here provide.

Do you also not belong to this planet?

If you also feel like an outcast on Earth, turn to your intuition, look for your own kind in this world, solve any problems based on your ability for deep, sincere love and forgiveness. And in no case do not give up in front of the "impenetrable" wall of cruelty and unreason, characteristic of most earthlings.

We must understand, experts say, that each soul comes to Earth with a unique program. The more serious task you voluntarily set for yourself, the more difficult and painful your life here will be. Sometimes it turns out to be simply unbearable when a person (especially one who has not found kindred spirits) slides into an exhausting struggle with everyday problems, endless troubles and losses ...

Or maybe souls from other planets still go to Earth for the purpose of punishment? To be honest, this is hard to believe, since in a harmonious society there are no crimes, and therefore no punishments, otherwise what kind of harmony is it? Therefore, whatever one may say, bright souls come here with completely different tasks and at the same time - always voluntarily! ..

Ellis Silver about the origin of man on Earth says this: people do not evolve along with other inhabitants of the planet. According to a controversial book by a prominent ecologist, human beings did not evolve along with other life forms on Earth.

People were born in the world of the double star Centauri

In fact, humanity did not evolve from a specific strain of life indigenous to the planet, we were brought here.

The well-known species of intelligent life, Homo Sapiens, developed in a completely different place, and was brought to Earth, evolving into modern humans between 60,000 - 200,000 years ago.

The hypothesis does not contain a bad motive; for someone, the appearance of a person on Earth is not of interest at all. But what if, indulging in the search for extraterrestrial life, and without knowing it ourselves, we are aliens on Earth?

It's been a couple of years since Dr. Silver's theory (Ellis Silver) stated that there are several distinguishing features that serve as a clear marker that human beings did not co-evolve with other life forms on Earth. Thus, Dr. Ellis's idea ultimately supports the proposition of our non-local origin.

People are not from Earth, we are not local.

The book, titled "People Not of Earth," attempts to give a scientific summary of the origins of man, basically opposing the evolution of man on Earth. By the way, serious, with difficulty withstanding the attacks of modern scientists.

Ellis Silver makes a comparative assessment between the habitat and the human body, stress-bearing planetary conditions. According to the expert, there are essential features, testifying to the unearthly origin of man.

Mankind is positioned as the most developed species of the planet. At the same time, the person surprisingly does not fit into the environment habitat: suffers from sunlight, has a strong dislike for some natural foods. “Finally, the abundance of chronic diseases is ridiculously high,” says Ellis Silver.

The first settlers lived in a different world because:

According to Dr. Ellis, people suffer from back pain for an objective reason - the human race evolved on a planet with reduced gravity. To the mystery of the appearance of man, Dr. Ellis rightly points out the difficulties of reproducing offspring: newborns have large heads, presenting a difficulty for the woman in labor.

Agree, this is quite an important obstacle that can lead to the death of a mother or a child. See for yourself - not a single inhabitant of the living world of the Earth experiences such difficulties. Cats, dogs, dolphins, etc., bear and give birth to their own babies.

In addition to the many "controversial" theories under the note of human origins, Dr. Ellis believes that human beings are not "destined" for prolonged exposure to the sun.

Whatever you say, but here on Earth, in our own cradle of life, we are not able to "sunbathe" for a few hours. Meanwhile, other inhabitants, with pleasure, can bask in the sun at least around the clock, without hiding their eyes behind sunglasses.

In addition, Ellis Silver explains why people are sick almost all year round. This is provoked by a failure of biological time, focused on a 25-hour day, not 24, which has been proven by numerous sleep researchers.
Agree, the mentioned problems are rather strange, especially considering the natural habitat of a person, aren't they?

So where did we come from?

According to Dr. Ellis, the Neanderthal race was most likely artificially crossed with an imported species, possibly from the Alpha Centauri star system. The constellation is one of the worlds closest to the solar system - in the distant past, the ancestors of modern people lived there (now in this area n).

After conducting a series of research surveys on the topic, Dr. Ellis Silver came to the conclusion: there are millions of people around the world who are "not comfortable" on Earth. They "feel" their belonging to another starry world.

Dr. Ellis explains: This suggests (to me at least) that the human race was born on another planet and we may have been brought here as a highly evolved species. One of the reasons for this move is that… Earth can be a planet of confinement, a prison!

Indeed, there is a logical grain of truth in the last observation of the ecologist. Throughout our history of life - ever since humanity can remember itself - the earth race has been in constant conflict within its own species. On Earth, not a day goes by without war.

The human species is too cruel and aggressive, even to its own kind. Perhaps this is the reason why our ancestors were sent into exile until we learn to behave and realize the value of life.

At the same time, based on the assumption of , there is nothing surprising that the first intelligent species of the Earth were born under the light of another star. Since the victims in space could, under the influence of circumstances, settle on Earth, assimilating among the local inhabitants.

- Although in another version, from fans of incredible theories: several artificially created species were sent to Earth.
The experimenters set out to find out whether different species could live in a peaceful neighborhood, or whether one would survive. Such is the questionable purity of the quest from the creators.

24.10.2015 - admin

Ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver claims in his new book that human physiology shows signs of being unsuitable for this planet. Silver says humans were brought here by aliens as a fully developed species.
Silver bases his argument by comparing humans to other animals. He notes that the human species is particularly sensitive to the sun. For example, the Sun blinds us while most animals do not.

In an interview with Yahoo News, he said Lizards can sunbathe as much as they want. We can only for a week or two. But day after day??in the sun Forget it. You can also just lie down on the highway and wait for the bus to run over you. It also points out that humans have more chronic diseases than other animals.

One of our problems is back pain, which could mean we evolved on a planet with a lower gravity. Among other problems, our large head, which causes great pain to the mother at the birth of a child, no other animal on Earth experiences pain at the birth of its offspring.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. In fact, if you can find even one person who is 100% healthy and not suffering from some (possibly hidden or unidentified diseases (there is an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised I was not able to find such a person Humanity the most advanced species on the planet but surprisingly unsuitable and ill-prepared for the Earth's environment to suffer from sun damage, a strong dislike of nature (raw foods), a ridiculously high rate of chronic disease, and more Plus there is a prevailing belief among many people that they are here out of place

The lizard is on fire.

This suggests (to me at least) that humanity may have evolved on another planet and we may have been brought here as a highly evolved species. One of the reasons for this discussed in the book is that the planet could be a prison since we are a naturally violent species and we are here until we learn how to behave Silver concludes: Earth roughly fits our needs as a species, but not as much as those thought who brought us here." Recent scientific reports suggest that life itself could not have originated on Earth, and may have arrived here in meteorites or comets. This primitive form of life evolved over billions of years into what we see on Earth today.

My thesis is that humanity did not evolve from this particular strain of life, but originated elsewhere and was brought to Earth (when it fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago. Silver's theories were laid out with a healthy amount of criticism, but he says that chose the format of a book instead of a scientific article in order to spark discussion He says: There is little evidence in the book, mostly speculation and theory, but this is a field for further research.

Ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver claims in his new book that human physiology shows signs of being unsuitable for this planet. Silver says humans were brought here by aliens as a fully developed species.
Silver bases his argument by comparing humans to other animals. He notes that the human species is particularly sensitive to the sun. For example, the Sun blinds us while most animals do not.

In an interview with Yahoo News, he said Lizards can sunbathe as much as they want. We can only for a week or two. But day after day??in the sun Forget it. You can also just lie down on the highway and wait for the bus to run over you. It also points out that humans have more chronic diseases than other animals.

One of our problems is back pain, which could mean we evolved on a planet with a lower gravity. Among other problems, our large head, which causes great pain to the mother at the birth of a child, no other animal on Earth experiences pain at the birth of its offspring.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. In fact, if you can find even one person who is 100% healthy and not suffering from some (possibly hidden or unidentified diseases (there is an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised I was not able to find such a person Humanity the most advanced species on the planet but surprisingly unsuitable and ill-prepared for the Earth's environment to suffer from sun damage, a strong dislike of nature (raw foods), a ridiculously high rate of chronic disease, and more Plus there is a prevailing belief among many people that they are here out of place

This suggests (to me at least) that humanity may have evolved on another planet and we may have been brought here as a highly evolved species. One of the reasons for this discussed in the book is that the Earth may be a prison planet since we are a naturally violent species and we are here until we learn how to behave Silver concludes: Earth roughly fits our needs as a species, but not nearly as much as we thought those who brought us here.” Recent scientific reports suggest that life itself could not have originated on Earth, and may have arrived here in meteorites or comets. This primitive form of life evolved over billions of years into what we see on Earth today.

My thesis is that humanity did not evolve from this particular strain of life, but originated elsewhere and was brought to Earth (when it fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago. Silver's theories were laid out with a healthy amount of criticism, but he says that chose the format of a book instead of a scientific article in order to spark discussion He says: There is little evidence in the book, mostly speculation and theory but this is a field for further research.”

We - today's earthlings - are not the indigenous inhabitants of this planet. This is a scientifically proven fact, surprising only those who have never been interested in this issue before. We are the descendants of highly developed people of the white race who colonized the Earth more than 600 thousand years ago. Actually, in today's terminology, our distant ancestors were aliens on this planet, which they called Midgard-Earth. Their beautiful highly developed civilization happily lived and flourished on Earth for more than 500 thousand years. And then… And then the trials came.

Big Plan

To implement their plan, the White Hierarchs decided on an experiment to mix several genera of the White Race on one planet, so that their close, but still different genetic properties and qualities, merging together in a new nation, would give rise to a civilization of people who would have new properties and qualities. , as the Hierarchs hoped, more perfect than before. For this unprecedented experiment, several planets were selected, one of which turned out to be Midgard-Earth, on which we live today. Planets were selected such that they met certain necessary requirements, but which, without the intervention of the White Hierarchs, would inevitably perish as a result of various cosmic catastrophes. Volunteers from different Clans of the White Race were landed on these planets, and the experiment began.

More than 600 thousand years people of the four clans of the White Race arrived back: Aryans- yes`Aryans and x`Aryans, and childbirth Slavs- Raseny and Svyatorusy. Da'Aryans flew from the land of Rai, the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had a gray (silver) eye color corresponding to their sun, called Tara. The Kh'Aryans arrived from the land of Troara, the constellation Orion. They had green eyes that corresponded to their sun - Rada. Blue-eyed Svyatorus arrived from the constellation Mokosh ( Ursa Major). The brown-eyed Rasen came from the land of Ingard, the constellation of the Race (beta Leo).

All these 4 clans of the White Race settled on a large continent, which they called Daariy - Gift of the Gods. This continent was located on the site of today's Arctic, in the Arctic Ocean. In those days, our planet was completely different, the Earth's axis of rotation did not have an inclination, the ocean was not Arctic, the North Pole was in a different place, and Daaria had a very favorable, mild climate and very suitable conditions for life. On the mainland there were large rivers Rai, Tula, Svaga and x "Arra, flowing from a large lake located in the center of the mainland, and in this lake there was the legendary mountain of Peace (Meru), on which the capital of Daaria was built - the city Asgard Daariysky.

However, Midgard-Earth was chosen by the White Hierarchs for the experiment not only and not so much because of the good living conditions. These conditions have been created for more than one hundred thousand years. At the time of colonization, Midgard-Earth already had 3 moons: Lelu, with a circulation period of 7 days, fattu- 13 days and Month- 29.5 days. The location of our planet in space and the presence of 3 moons provided unique conditions for the evolutionary development of the people who lived here. And besides this, the White Hierarchs placed a special generator in the bowels of the planet - "Life source"- which significantly accelerated the evolutionary development of earthlings.

One of the evidences of the presence of three moons near Midgard-Earth is the so-called."Heavenly Disc" - a bronze disc found in 1999 in the vicinity of the German city of Nebra. German scientists believe that the Disc is about 3600 years old and are at a loss for a long time, trying to determine the function of this object. In the end, the Disk was credited with the function "complex, astronomical clocks combining the solar and lunar calendar". True, they warned that "The function of this watch was probably only known to a small group". Meanwhile, if you know that our planet had 3 moons not so long ago, then everything quickly falls into place. It immediately becomes clear what exactly is depicted on the Disk: it depicts Midgard-Earth, and not the Sun, and its 3 satellites - Lelya, Fatta and the Moon. And, what is even more interesting - such a picture could be seen only from space and no later than 113,000 years ago (as of 2009).

By the way, our last moon - the Month - is an artificial object, to which there are several indisputable evidence. It is quite possible that the previously destroyed moons Lelya and Fatta were also of artificial origin. In any case, the fact that there are three moons near Midgard-Earth indicates a long period of preparation for the settlement of the planet. Preparing for this experiment took, apparently, more than one thousand, and maybe more than one million years. An ecological system was being prepared on Midgard-earth, in which there would be a niche suitable for long-term residence of the colonists. To ensure the food chain, the necessary plants and animals were imported, unnecessary terrestrial species were removed ... An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that entire groups of plant and animal species appeared on Earth suddenly, i.e. not in the process of evolution. The paleontological record does not give any information about the origin of not only humans (Homo sapiens), but also insects, fish, birds, etc. (for more details, see the article Zhuk N.A."The Spread of Life in the Universe" ).

The idea that our solar system specially built as we know it is not new. It has been discussed by scientists for some time, but information about these discussions and their conclusions, to put it mildly, is not popularized. In 2005, in the Northern Caucasus in Nizhny Arkhyz, a scientific conference was held at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Horizons of Astronomy: The Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations". Correspondent Andrey Moiseenko talks about it in a very interesting article."The solar system was built by aliens?" . He writes that many scientists are “firmly convinced that life in the Universe did not appear only on Earth. And in billions of other star systems there are planets where you can find some kind of living creature: from the simplest unicellular to obscenely developed, such as humanity. Or even smarter…”

We will give here a few fragments from this article that directly relate to the issues we cover.

“... It turns out that astronomers in last years there is more and more evidence to suggest that the structure of the solar system is anomalous, and (astronomers do not pronounce these words aloud. - A.M.) a version appeared that it was created... artificially.

As of September this year, 168 planets have been discovered in the nearest star systems to us, - says the head. laboratory of the department of planetary physics of the Institute space research RAS Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Leonid Ksanfomality. - There, planetary systems are built according to the principle - the most big planet located closest to its sun. There is a clear pattern: the smaller the planet, the farther it is from its star. In our country, little Mercury “spins” near the Sun. And the orbits of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn are far from the star. Of course, there are scientific models that justify such an anomalous arrangement. But in practice, in telescopes, astronomers have not found similar systems.

Perhaps systems like ours exist, we have studied only a tiny piece of the "sky", - suggests Dr. Xanfomality. “But still, the formation of Jupiter in its current orbit is an extremely unlikely phenomenon ...”

“... A couple of decades ago, only a scientist who did not care about his reputation could “blame” on extraterrestrial civilizations interference in the structure of the solar system. - Says senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences Sergey Yazev. But you can't argue with facts. Suppose that we are studying the solar system “from the outside”, from one of the star systems. And what is left to think, seeing we have a lot of “strange patterns”? Of course, each of them can be found some scientific reasonable explanation, to build a model. But in practice star systems similar to the anomalous solar system have not yet been discovered. Perhaps, when stronger telescopes appear, everything will change, but now a model of artificial interference can also be suggested as an explanation. If we assume that intelligent life in the Universe necessarily exists, then this version is no worse than others ... "

In fact, there are many more mysteries in our solar system. Many of them are quite difficult to understand without special education. But there are even more of them, the essence of which is quite easy to understand. You just need to think a little about the content of the material presented and try to draw conclusions based on common sense, and not on the dubious authorities of some "scientists". This is what Fyodor Dergachev did. Last year (2009) he published an article titled“Results of the Internet research “An artifact named ‘Solar System’”” . In this article, he cited a lot of materials on the topic that interested him, found on the Web, systematized these materials and provided them with small comments. And the opportunity to draw conclusions left to the readers themselves. We will give a few short fragments from his article.

“... The question of possible artificial interference in the formation of the solar system is far from new. Candidate of Technical Sciences Alim Voitsekhovsky published a book back in 1993 "The solar system is a creation of the mind?", however, mainly based on the analysis of non-stationary phenomena. Senior Researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences Sergey Yazev wrote an article five years ago "Occam's Razor and the Structure of the Solar System", which considers a model of artificial interference in the formation of planetary orbits billions of years ago ...

Materials on the anomalies of the planets, as well as their satellites, have accumulated quite enough. I would like to present them within the framework of a coherent and obvious logical construction for readers. Thus, the idea was born to use the phenomenon of resonance, which permeates the entire solar system, to “structure” the topic…

“The motion of Mercury is coordinated with the motion of the Earth. From time to time, Mercury is in inferior conjunction with the Earth. This is the name given to the situation when the Earth and Mercury are on the same side of the Sun, lining up with it on the same straight line. Inferior conjunction repeats every 116 days, which coincides with the time of two full rotations of Mercury and, meeting with the Earth, Mercury always faces it. the same side. But what kind of force makes Mercury align not with the Sun, but with the Earth. Or is it a coincidence? Even more weirdness in the rotation of Venus...

Venus has many unsolvable mysteries. Why doesn't she have magnetic field and radiation belts? Why is water from the bowels of a heavy and heated planet not squeezed out into the atmosphere, as happened on Earth? Why does Venus rotate not from west to east, like all planets, but from east to west? Maybe she turned upside down and her north pole became south? Or did someone throw it into orbit, having previously twisted it in the other direction? And the most striking, and for the Earth, also the eternal mockery of the “morning star”: with a frequency of 584 days, it approaches the Earth at a minimum distance, ending up in inferior conjunction, and at these moments Venus is always facing the Earth the same side. This strange look, eye to eye, cannot be explained from the point of view of classical celestial mechanics”.

(M. Karpenko. "The Universe is reasonable"; "Izvestia", July 24, 2002).

“The orbit of Saturn shows a 2:5 resonance with respect to Jupiter, the formula “2W of Jupiter - 5W of Saturn = 0” belongs to Laplace ... It is known that the orbit of Uranus has a 1:3 resonance with respect to Saturn, the orbit of Neptune has a 1:2 resonance with respect to Uranus, the orbit of Pluto - 1:3 resonance relative to Neptune. In the book by L.V. xanfomality "Parade of planets" it is indicated that the structure of the solar system, apparently, was determined precisely by Jupiter, since the parameters of the orbits of all planets are in the correct ratios with its orbit. Works are also mentioned there, which state that the formation of Jupiter in its current orbit is an unlikely phenomenon. Apparently, despite the large number of ... models that explain the resonant properties of the solar system, one can also keep in mind the model artificial interference.

("Occam's Razor and the Structure of the Solar System").

Returning to the topic of resonances, it should be noted that the Moon is also a celestial body, one side of which is constantly facing our planet(which, in fact, means “the equality of the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth to the period of its rotation around its axis) ...

And the record holder for resonances is, of course, the Pluto-Charon pair. They revolve, always facing the same parties to each other. For designers of space elevators, they would be an ideal testing ground for technology development ...

The next step, quite logically, was to consider the anomalies of other satellites, whose axial rotation is synchronous with the orbital one. There were a great many of them, or to be more precise - Almost all. Astronomical sites state that they are synchronously revolving around their planets (constantly facing them one side) satellites of the Earth, Mars, Saturn (except Hyperion, Phoebe and Ymir), Uranus, Neptune (except Nereid) and Pluto. In the Jupiter system, such a rotation is characteristic of a significant part of the satellites, including all the Galilean ones. Synchronous rotation is most often explained by tidal interactions. However, there are questions…”

For sane people, this information will be quite enough to think hard and come to the conclusion that in nature there cannot be such a number of anomalies and coincidences! That larger planets cannot be farther from a star than smaller ones. That the orbits of all the planets cannot lie in the same plane and cannot be circles. That the distance from a star to any planet cannot be calculated by the simplest formula, understandable even to a schoolboy. That almost all satellites cannot rotate around their axis synchronously with orbital rotation, i.e. always be turned to your planet the same side! Can not!

This is absolutely impossible in the wild!

Certainty about the uniqueness of our solar system appeared recently, when they were able to explore open "exoplanets" (planets orbiting other stars) and found that in other solar systems Ah, things are not quite the same as in ours. There was a short post on this topic recently called"The solar system was born in unique conditions" :

“U.S. and Canadian scientists using computer simulations proved that the formation of the solar system was necessary unique conditions, and it is a very special case among other planetary systems. The results of the study are published in the journal Science. Most of the previous theoretical models explaining the formation of the solar system from a protoplanetary disk of gas and dust were based on the assumption that our system is "average" in all respects. In recent decades, about 300 exoplanets have been discovered - planets orbiting other stars. Summarizing these data, astronomers from the American Northwestern University(Illinois) and the Canadian University of Guelph, came to the conclusion that the solar system is in many ways a unique case and that very special conditions are needed for its formation.

- The solar system was born in special conditions to become the one calm the place we see. The vast majority of other planetary systems did not meet these special conditions at the time of their appearance, and are very different, says lead author of the study, professor of astronomy Frederic Racio(Frederic Rasio), quoted in a press release from Northwestern University. - Now we know that other planetary systems are not at all like the solar system ... The shape of the orbits of exoplanets is elongated, not circular. The planets are not where we expect them to be. Many Jupiter-like giant planets, known as “hot Jupiters,” get so close to the stars that they orbit them in a matter of days… Such a turbulent history leaves very little chance of a quiet solar system like ours, and our models confirm this. Must be exactly certain conditions are met for the solar system to come into being... We also know that our solar system is special and understand what makes it special…”

These scientists, as always, are not very precise and strict in their conclusions. And they hardly understand "what makes it special". In fact, our solar system NOT born in unique conditions. She was artificially made so "unique"- maximally adapted for a long and safe life. Nevertheless, the results of these studies may well serve as proof that preparations for the colonization of Midgard-earth were most likely carried out for more than one hundred thousand years. It is very likely that this preparation included not only the creation or delivery of the necessary moons, but also the correction of the orbits of all the planets of our solar system, and the colonization of Dei and Mars, and probably much more that we have no idea about.

The reality of this assumption becomes very probable if one becomes familiar with the real mechanism of the formation of stars and planets. Contrary to common sense, scientists still tell tales that planets are formed from gases, stones and other debris flying in space and for some reason sticking together into a large piece, which then somehow becomes a planet with a red-hot core and other accessories. In reality everything is going wrong. Those wishing to get acquainted with the real theory of the formation of stars and planets, we suggest reading about it in the books of Academician Nikolai Levashov"The Last Appeal to Humanity" or"Inhomogeneous Universe" .

And on Midgard-earth (our planet), the process of colonization went on as usual. Here is how N. Levashov describes the peaceful period of life of the colonists in the 1st chapter of the second volume of his amazing book"Russia in False Mirrors" :

“... The colony of the White Race existed on this continent for almost five hundred thousand years. At that time, this northern continent had a very mild and warm climate, the cities built by the settlers were magnificent and grandiose in size. On the islands of the Arctic Ocean remaining above the surface of the water, giant stone blocks of these buildings and fragments of columns of incredible size are still being found. One can only imagine what lies at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. But at the moment, the cold waters of this ocean continue to keep the secret of Daaria. One can only assume that the level of development of this colony of the White Race was very high, if the descendants of settlers to Midgard-Earth were able to create such gigantic structures that were found on the relief map of Western Siberia. And the map itself was created by technologies unknown modern civilization and on the basis of data that can only be obtained from space ... "

It is difficult for us today to understand much of what our distant ancestors wrote and did. And this is not because we “didn’t come out with our faces” or our head was “sewn” to the wrong place. Not! Simply, we we don't know much, a You can't understand what you don't already know! First you need explore what you want to understand, and only then you can understand studied. There is simply no other way to gain understanding. True, you can believe something or someone without knowing and understanding what you believe. All religions are based on such blind faith. But for a reasonable person, this can only be the beginning, temporary measure for orientation in the ocean of lies that flooded our planet. Then you still have to learn everything and try to understand what you have learned! Such is the way of knowledge of the Reasonable Man...

In view of the foregoing, at first it is very difficult for us to understand the reasons why the Light Forces went on such an unprecedented experiment. It is unique not only in its design, but also in duration, scale, and the significance of its results for the inhabitants of all the Universes of our “Layer Pie” (for “Layer Pie”, see Chapter 32 in the 1st volume of the book by N. Levashov"Mirror of my soul" ). The fact is that the Light and Dark Forces have completely different principles on which they build their lives and everything connected with it. Therefore, the Light Ones will never be able to defeat the Dark Ones if they try to act by their own methods, or, as it is now fashionable to say: "play by their rules."

This is easy to understand with a simple example: if good man, being unjustly offended, begins to lie, rob and kill innocent people or even those who offended him, i.e. act in the same way as his offenders, then he completely imperceptibly becomes the same as them. Those. he, blazing with righteous anger, is reborn into the one with whom he began to fight! And he is reborn because starts to act just like his enemies, that is, offenders, i.e. starts to play by their rules. The Dark Ones have studied these features well and have been trying to convince us for a long time that apart from “their rules” nothing else supposedly exists in life! In fact, this is far from being the case, and if we do not know anything about it, this does not mean at all that this is not the case in reality.

It is certainly necessary to fight the Dark Forces and their deeds, but it must be done not at all in the way they would like, as all the media inspire us from early childhood to old age. We have always been told and shown that good heroes endure injustice for a long time. And when the “cup of patience” supposedly overflows, wild rage flares up, and then the “good” ones begin to kill everyone in a row, moreover, with exactly the same methods as the “bad ones”, and often even more cruelly. This is precisely the essence of the next big deception of the Dark Ones. When the "good" starts to act exactly like the "bad", the difference between them disappears, and the "good" just becomes "bad"! It doesn't matter that he was offended a little earlier! It doesn't matter why he does what he does! Important its very act, not the reasons for this action!

Why is it so important? An exhaustive answer to this question was given by Academician N.V. Levashov in the 2nd volume of his book"Essence and Mind" , in chapter "The Nature of Karma and the Anatomy of Sin".

Our distant ancestors, who had immeasurably more high level development than we are today, knew about these and many other subtleties of their evolutionary development. That is why they decided to conduct the mentioned experiment, which, according to their plan, could allow a Human to reach the level of the Creator, i.e. level of development at which it is possible to direct influence on matter and space on the scale of planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, etc. This could and should have given the Light Forces such new opportunities that could not be stolen or copied, like all technical developments that sooner or later fell into the hands of the Dark Forces and turned against their creators...