Day of the Strategic Missile Forces (Day of the Strategic Missile Forces). Missile Forces Day: congratulations. Day of the Strategic Missile Forces When is the day of the Missile Forces and Artillery

November 19 - Russia. The holiday was established in 1964 and is celebrated to commemorate the merits of artillery in the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Stalingrad.

November 19 - the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad in 1942. At the beginning of the operation, on November 18, the artillery of the Southwestern and Don fronts inflicted heavy losses on the enemy with a powerful fire strike and disrupted its entire defense system, which allowed the Soviet troops to launch a counteroffensive, which ended with the encirclement and defeat of the German troops near Stalingrad. Until 1964, this holiday was called Artillery Day, because the Rocket Forces and Artillery as a branch of service were created in the early 60s on the basis of the artillery of the ground forces and the missile weapons introduced into the troops.
Along with infantry and cavalry, artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military.
The first mention of the combat use of artillery in Rus' dates back to 1382, when, defending themselves from the invasion of Tokhtamysh's troops, Muscovites "fired from large cannons."

Until the 16th century, carriages as such did not exist. The trunks were mounted on special oak decks.

Count Arakcheev played a huge role in the transformation of our artillery in the 19th century. He introduced a system of guns of the 1805 model. Of the many dozen types of guns that were under Catherine II, only 12-pounder guns of medium and smaller proportions, a 6-pounder gun of smaller proportions, and also unicorns should have remained in field artillery: 1 / 2-pound, 1/4-pound foot, 1/4-pound horse. All these guns were cast from the so-called "artillery metal", which contained 10 parts of copper and one part of tin. To aim the guns at the target, before each shot, a quadrant was installed on the barrel, along which the gun was pointed. Immediately before the shot itself, it was removed so that the shot would not knock down the tip, and then installed again.

On June 21, 1941, the Soviet government decided on the serial production of M-13 rockets, BM-13 launchers and the formation of missile military units. The Katyushas fired their first salvo at the enemy on July 14, 1941. Then the battery under the command of Captain IAFlerov struck at the concentration of German trains at the Orsha railway junction. The combat effectiveness of the weapon exceeded all expectations. Subsequently, rocket artillery was successfully used in all major operations of the Great Patriotic War. In terms of its power, it had no equal among other means of fire destruction of the enemy.

The heroic traditions are adequately continued by the modern generations of the military rocket and artillery troops of the RF Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve combat skills, the high level of which guarantees the fulfillment of the necessary tasks in a variety of combat conditions.

Artillery still plays an important role as the main striking force in land battles to this day. By the way, for the first time, it was not Stalin who called artillery “the god of war”, but French General Jean-Baptiste Wackette de Gribeauval, who, with his military reform, laid the foundation for Napoleonic victories.

Happy holiday, gods of war!

Date in 2019: November 19, Tuesday.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery falls on November 19th. It was celebrated in the USSR, today it is celebrated at the official level in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The celebration was established in honor of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad (1942), which became the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany. It is celebrated with traditional events, ranging from formations of units to the laying of flowers and demonstration exercises.

For exploits in the Great Patriotic War, more than 1,800 artillerymen received the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and more than 1.5 million were awarded orders and medals. For an invaluable contribution to the fight against fascism in 1944, a professional holiday was approved, renamed in 1964 as the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery.

history of the holiday

For the first time, Artillery Day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 21, 1944. November 19 was chosen as a solemn day. In 1942, on this day, the strategic operation "Uranus" began, the purpose of which was the liberation of Stalingrad.

The powerful artillery preparation carried out became one of the turning points in the fight against fascist Germany.

“In modern warfare, artillery is God ... Whoever wants to rebuild in a new modern way must understand that artillery decides the fate of the war,” - I. V. Stalin.

In 1964, the artillery was renamed the Rocket Forces and Artillery. At the same time, he changed the name and holiday.

During the period of perestroika, the date lost its force, the day of artillerymen began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. The historical tradition was restored only in 2006.

A Brief History of Russian Artillery

The first mention of Russian (firearms) artillery comes at the end of the 14th century. In 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the townspeople used forged cannons for defense purposes.

Video: "From all guns." Fascinating history of Russian artillery in eight episodes

During the reign of Peter I, artillery becomes an independent branch of the military. In the first half of the 18th century, troops were divided into 3 categories: field, fortress and siege. By the end of the century, an equestrian direction was formed.

In the 20th century there were victories and defeats. So during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), domestic artillerymen said their victory word. However, during the First World War (1914-1918), the protracted period of rearmament did not allow the use of Russian guns by 100% due to the “shell” hunger.

Video: Song of WWII artillerymen

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the importance of the troops had increased, they had become indispensable on all fronts. New types of weapons appear. For example, combat vehicles of the BM series, which were equipped with rocket-propelled mortars, nicknamed "Katyusha", which became one of the symbols of the era.

Who is celebrating?

The Missile Forces and Artillery (R&A) include not only the combat crews of guns and howitzers, but also the crews of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and a number of other highly specialized military service specialists.

Photo: Smerch multiple launch rocket system

In addition, the rocket and artillery troops are armed with self-propelled guns, combat crews of towed artillery, mortars, anti-tank missile systems and much more.

Thus, any person whose service is associated with one of the listed types of weapons has the right to call himself an artilleryman and celebrate a professional holiday.

Important! Do not confuse the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces with the holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces!

How they celebrate

Many years of experience in celebrating the Day of the MFA gave rise to original traditions. It all starts with an honorable formation of parts, passing under the patriotic music. They lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow or other memorable places throughout the country. Congratulations and warm words of gratitude are addressed to veterans, active military personnel and students of specialized schools.

Video: Demonstration performances in St. Petersburg 2018

In recent years, demonstration performances have become popular, which demonstrate the power of the Russian army, in particular artillerymen and missilemen. All this takes place in an open mode, anyone can attend the event. In almost every part, in the afternoon, by the forces of the city's creative teams, a festive concert is held for the personnel. It celebrates the results of the outgoing year, singles out excellent students in combat and political training, and awards state awards and new titles.

Artilleryman's Day is celebrated solemnly and interestingly. However, it is not a day off, because who, if not the god of war, should always remain on guard of the borders of our homeland.

Congratulations to the gunners

What does "Artillery Day" mean? This is a holiday of the bravest, the most courageous, the most courageous and fearless. This is a holiday of those who defend our Fatherland. The job of an artilleryman is not easy. Every day they risk their lives for us humans. So let's wish them strength, not only spiritual, but also physical strength, courage and well-being on their professional holiday. May they always have a clear sky above their heads. Happy holiday!

Protecting your homeland is not an easy task. Therefore, only real men stand guard - strong, courageous, proud. So let's wish them to remain men with a capital letter, let not a single storm break their proud temper. May family and friends be healthy and faithful. I wish you to appreciate the peaceful sky, clean air without the admixture of gunpowder and quiet calm around. With the most courageous holiday to you, real men!

They stand guard over the world

Protect the life of the people always.

Let's give them a round of applause

They are fearless for years.

Thank you gunners

For your hard, strong work.

May your path not be shady,

Your glorious way of life!

In all ages, in all years

Russia is glorified by artillerymen.

We wish you easy service,

And return home

Where they love you and are waiting for you,

And appreciate your hard work!

Happy Great Holiday, Happy Artillery Day!

May you always be lucky in life!

Let loved ones believe in you

And the best awaits!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you to hit the target under any life circumstances. May you be sure to be lucky, because luck is also a great gift and art!

Larisa, October 19, 2016.

Every year in Russia on November 19 a memorable day is celebrated - the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery. For the first time, the holiday, then still Artillery Day, was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 21, 1944. The date of the holiday was due to the fact that it was on November 19, 1942, after the most powerful artillery preparation, that the Red Army troops launched Operation Uranus - the code name for the Soviet counteroffensive during the Battle of Stalingrad. This operation ended with the encirclement of the army of Paulus and marked a turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War. Since 1964, the holiday began to be celebrated as the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery.

Domestic artillery originates at the end of the 14th century, when in 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the defenders of the city first used forged cannons. It is believed that it was then that the debut of the firearm took place, presumably taken to Moscow from Bulgar during the campaign of 1376. Among other things, the defenders used "mattresses", special weapons that fired "shot" - pieces of iron, small stones, rubble. Since then, artillery (and in the 20th century also rocket troops) has become an integral part of the army of our country.

In an independent branch of the military, which was able to provide support for the actions of infantry and cavalry in battle, artillery stood out already in the 16th century and until the end of the 17th century was served by squeakers and gunners. At the beginning of the 18th century, artillery was divided into field (including regimental), fortress and siege artillery. Also, at the end of the century, horse artillery was finally formed, and at the beginning of the 19th century, artillery regiments and brigades began to form in Russia.

Flag of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Russian Federation

By the beginning of the 19th century, Russian artillery was at a fairly high technical level and was in no way inferior to the French, having shown itself perfectly in the Patriotic War of 1812. At the beginning of the war, the artillery of the Russian Empire was united into brigades. In total there were 27 army and one guards artillery brigade. Each of the brigades consisted of 6 companies (at that time the main tactical unit): two battery, two light, one horse and one "pioneer" (engineering). Each company had 12 guns. Thus, one brigade was armed with 60 guns. In total, in 1812, the Russian army was armed with 1,600 different guns. After the era of the Napoleonic Wars, around the 1840s, mountain artillery was added to the composition of the artillery of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

Artillery also said its weighty word in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, when Russian artillerymen first used indirect fire at the enemy, and at the same time the first mortars appeared on the battlefield. By the beginning of the First World War (1914-1918), the artillery of the Russian imperial army was divided into field (light, horse and mountain), heavy field and heavy (siege). By the time the war began, the army had 6848 light and 240 heavy guns. This time the situation with artillery was much worse than during the invasion of the country by Napoleon's troops. Artillery by 1914 was in the process of formation, especially for units armed with heavy guns. At the same time, throughout the war, Russian artillery experienced shell hunger, and it was not possible to fully resolve it, even taking into account the growth in production and the increase in allied supplies. At the same time, it was during the First World War that new models of artillery weapons appeared: anti-aircraft artillery, self-propelled, and somewhat later, anti-tank guns.

By the beginning of World War II (1939-1945), the influence and role of artillery on the battlefield increased even more, while rocket artillery became widespread, for example, the famous Katyusha rocket launchers became one of the symbols of war and a real weapon of victory. Anti-tank and self-propelled artillery also became widespread. Figuratively named back in 1940 as the “god of war,” artillery fully justified its purpose in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. Emphasizing the ever-increasing importance of artillery, it can be noted that the Red Army entered the war on June 22, 1941, armed with more than 117 thousand artillery pieces and mortars, of which 59.7 thousand barrels were deployed in the western military districts of the country. In almost all battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War, artillery made a decisive contribution to achieving a common victory over the enemy, being the main fire means of destroying enemy manpower and equipment. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 1,800 Soviet artillerymen were awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union for heroism and courage shown in the battles for the Motherland, and more than 1.6 million artillerymen were awarded various government orders and medals.

The appearance of the holiday itself - Artillery Day - was largely due to the valor of artillerymen during the war years and the recognition of their merits. On November 19, 1942, it was the artillery units, with their massive and powerful fire strike, that marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War. The barrage of fire passed through the advanced positions of the enemy's defense, violating the enemy's defense, supply and communications system. The ensuing offensive of the troops of the Southwestern (Lieutenant General N. F. Vatutin), Don (Lieutenant General K. K. Rokossovsky) and Stalingrad (Colonel General A. I. Eremenko) fronts already by November 23, 1942 led to the encirclement near Stalingrad of the 6th German field army of Paulus and other German units, as well as units of the allies of Nazi Germany. In total, about 330 thousand enemy soldiers and officers turned out to be in the boiler.

After the end of the Second World War, artillery continued its development, new, more advanced and powerful types of weapons appeared, including atomic munitions. The Rocket Forces were gaining more and more importance, and already in 1961, the Rocket Forces and Artillery were formed as a branch of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. In 1964, the holiday was officially renamed the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. Since 1988, it began to be celebrated every third Sunday of November, but since 2006 they have returned to the original date - November 19th.

At present, the missile troops and artillery of the RF Armed Forces include the missile troops and artillery of the Ground Forces, the artillery of the coastal troops of the Navy and the artillery of the Airborne Forces, organizationally consisting of artillery, missile, rocket brigades, regiments and divisions of high power, separate reconnaissance artillery divisions, and also artillery of tank, motorized rifle, airborne formations and formations of marines. Today, artillery and missile formations and military units regularly conduct tactical exercises with live firing and live missile launches, individual firing with sergeants and officers. According to the results of 2017 alone, as part of the combat training of troops in the Russian army, more than 36,000 fire missions from closed and open firing positions were completed, about 240,000 artillery ammunition of various calibers was used up.

The process of equipping the troops with new and modernized types of weapons continues. Thus, the upgraded 152-mm self-propelled guns "Msta-SM", as well as multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G", which are fully integrated into the RV&A subsystem of the ESU TK and have the function of automatically targeting the combat vehicle, are entering the arsenal of the Russian army. The anti-tank units of the ground forces are receiving new Khrizantema-S all-weather missile systems, which have excellent capabilities for hitting various types of armored vehicles. The process of re-equipping the missile formations of the Ground Forces from the Tochka-U missile system to the new Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system continues. To date, more than 80 percent of the missile formations of the Russian army already have modern Iskander systems in their arsenal.

Rocket launch by the Iskander complex

Today, various methods and forms of training are used to improve the professional training of Russian officers of the missile forces and artillery. One of the most effective norms is competitions for commanders of artillery batteries, training in combat work on equipment as part of officer crews, competitions for the best solution of tasks in shooting and fire control, individual tasks and other types of training and training. Today, the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, located in St. Petersburg, is training officers for the missile forces and artillery of the Russian Ground Forces. Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy is a higher educational institution with a rich history and highly qualified teaching staff, which has a modern material and educational base.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, since 2012, in military units and formations of missile forces and artillery, there has been an increase in the number of contract servicemen in the positions of soldiers, sergeants and warrant officers. According to data for 2016, the staffing of military command and control bodies, formations and military units of missile forces and artillery under the contract was more than 70 percent, and the positions of sergeants and foremen - 100 percent.

November 19 "Military Review" congratulates all active military personnel, as well as veterans related to the Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on their professional holiday.

Based on materials from open sources

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are directly related to the whole country. The military, as a rule, celebrate all events related to any branch of the military. The Day of the Missile Forces in 2017, on what date and in what year they were created, is of interest to many.

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - a little history of the holiday

So, if we touch on our history, we can safely say that these troops found their name back in 1964. We can immediately say that such a day is not a red number of the calendar, on the basis of which it is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. These include the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery, but on what date in 2017 such an event should be celebrated, you can immediately stipulate that it is on November 19 that the long-awaited and unusual day of rocketmen will come.

I would like to emphasize the facts that our country, thanks to the combat readiness of such troops, has reliable protection and strong support for the Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Every day, thousands of people salute their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable day for everyone, especially since the memorable date was born a long time ago and is proudly celebrated by the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military. In 1382, artillery pieces were first used, which were used exclusively for enemies. If we touch on past years, we can safely say that such troops have experienced many changes, that is, they have been reformed, merged and divided with other branches of the military, but the tasks assigned to them have not changed.

Who celebrates the holiday of the rocket troops

The professional day is celebrated not only by military personnel, but also by everyone who is directly related to the development of technology, specialists and scientists in the production of technology, as well as many other workers who work for the good of their homeland, developing various types of weapons and much more.

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated in the third autumn month, the date is also known, namely November 19th. On this occasion, specially trained troops have their own history, which is passed on to a new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how a long time ago such an industry as rocket science appeared, and only then the rocket unit and artillery were formed.

Further, the state tried its best to build up and raise the missile potential with a combination of trained personnel. Which had to have the ability to manage their own forces, as well as solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. Moreover, these forces were reliable, strong and enduring, because it was simply impossible to do otherwise.

How can you celebrate a revered holiday

The solemn day of this holiday should certainly be celebrated with family and friends. Almost all military personnel spend this special day with their families. Indeed, due to their difficult chosen profession, such people are often not at home, so they want to be with their relatives for their professional celebration.

Of course, men usually decide for themselves how to spend such a day, and most often their choice falls on a gala dinner, which the hostess of the house is happy to cook, and her relatives help her with this. After all, the day of the Missile Forces in 2017 is already known what the date will be and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere should satisfy all guests, so many often prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is on such a holiday that men also like to relax in nature, while organizing music. After all, every person probably knows that you can’t find a better vacation than in nature. But here it is necessary to guess with the weather, because in a frosty blizzard it will not be very comfortable on the street.

The Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery is undoubtedly a men's holiday, so cooked dishes must be made from meat (for example), and treats cooked on the grill will clearly become crown masterpieces of culinary delights, baked potatoes are also suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their own business, where there is a clear head and strong, reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized by inventing and playing sketches where humor will be present, and also, if desired, everyone can participate in pranks.

If the weather suddenly fails and leaving the house for nature does not work, then you can organize a festive party in a restaurant. You can invite your loved ones and relatives there, and for the strong half of the solemn holiday, in this way arrange a surprise. Surely they will gladly accept such an invitation.

A Russian citizen always honors the traditions of the past and the holidays of the present. So, all the people celebrate the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces annually on December 17th. This tradition has its roots since the end of the Great Patriotic War and is relevant in our time. And so it has a rich and entertaining history.

History of the Strategic Missile Forces

In order to understand the essence of such a celebration as the Day of the Missile Forces, it is necessary to plunge into the history of the formation of such a military association. So, back in 1946, the first missile association was created, which in its arsenal had at that time the most powerful and terrible weapon - ballistic missiles. Already by 1950, strategic-purpose weapons had intercontinental ballistic weapons, as well as missiles that had a nuclear component in their composition.

In connection with the growing importance of such a new association, the country's authorities decided on December 17, 1959 to make the missile forces a separate and independent cell of military power. And not in vain. Indeed, today they are considered a significant and, one might say, decisive link in the Strategic Forces of the Russian Federation in the issue of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the day of the missile troops is solemnly celebrated by the whole country.

A very interesting fact is that the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces has been celebrated since December 1959. Whereas already in 1997 there was a small addition. So, space and air defense also joined the celebration. And already everyone shared the professional celebration together and listened to congratulations on the Day of the Missile Forces. In 2001, the situation changed somewhat. Since the space defense of the country was gaining more and more scope, and therefore became a separate cell of the military forces of the Russian Federation. The Space Forces began to celebrate their professional triumph already on October 4, as an independent unit of the country's armed forces.

What are they, these traditions for the Day of the Missile Forces?

The day has always been celebrated in a big way. And this is understandable. After all, the weight of the activities of such a sphere of the country's armed forces is unquestioning and understandable. During the existence of the missile forces, Russia has brought up several generations of missilemen who have truly become the pride of the state. Therefore, for example, on the Day of the Missile Forces in 2014, veterans were congratulated and honored in a solemn atmosphere, and representatives of the missile defense personnel and other auxiliary units who distinguished themselves in their work were also awarded.

Of course, the first persons of the country always come to the Day of the Missile Forces and pay tribute to those people who are engaged in the air defense of the Russian space and monitor the integrity of Russia. And the rocket men and veterans of this field of activity simply listen to congratulations on the day of the missile forces and accept them with pride. It's so nice to know that you are needed and important not only to your loved ones, but also to your entire homeland.

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery

A separate, but no less significant and significant celebration for all Russians is that it is customary to celebrate November 19th. This date was not chosen in vain. Indeed, for the Federation, yes, in general, for each individual citizen of the country, it is especially memorable. Since it is continuously connected with the victorious liberation of Stalingrad from German occupation during the Great Patriotic War, which began directly with the counter-offensive activities of the Russian troops. That is why on such a day it is customary to congratulate representatives of the country's artillery defense with special trepidation and gratitude.

The turning point, and therefore so memorable and crucial moment at the end of hostilities near Stalingrad, was precisely the successful completion of the key task of artillery defense, which showed simply super-tasks and changed the course of military events.

Given this, in 1964 the celebration received an updated name - the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. After all, the main task of any citizen of Russia is to honor the memory of the heroes who did not lose heart, heroically defended their freedom and native expanses, and also courageously fought to the last strength for their and our future.

Why is the activity of missile and artillery troops so important?

No one will deny that thanks to the experience of the country's artillery and missile forces, conflict situations can be resolved with minimal losses or without them at all. After all, this is a guarantee of exceptionally maneuverable and operational activities, as well as the firepower of all armed forces. Titanically complex labor and heroic deeds are worthily performed by generations of warriors who are trying with all their might not to let down their homeland and the population of Russia.

Therefore, each artilleryman or rocketman needs to constantly improve his skills, follow the latest technical equipment and weapons, improve his combat skills and dexterity, and unquestioningly fulfill the tasks set by the leadership.

In this regard, the celebration on the day of the Missile Forces on November 19 is always characterized by festive parades, demonstration firing and military exercises of a national scale.

Modern rocket troops

Today, the missile forces of the Russian Federation make up a significant share of the country's entire armament. After all, they have the newest ones that can completely change the course of military history. Moreover, modern strategic missile troops have not only their own command, but also three super-powerful missile formations, their own Kapustin Yar training ground and several factories for the repair and manufacture of specialized missile equipment.

Naturally, the country's government also takes care of training missile specialists. Therefore, in Russia there are several higher educational institutions that graduate professional rocket scientists, for example, the Moscow Military Academy named after Peter the Great. That is why the Day of the Russian Missile Forces is celebrated on such a grand scale in the country. After all, these guys constantly stand guard over the nuclear defense of their homeland from a possible aggressor.

The main tasks of the country's missile forces

1. In peacetime, the Russian missile forces must ensure order and "restful sleep" of their citizens. And if necessary, take all security measures to eliminate the influence of a possible aggressor in terms of nuclear intervention on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. In the event of a military situation, the missile troops must prove themselves to the maximum, quickly respond to the advancing threat and immediately begin to defend the homeland. After all, an attack can occur at any time of the day or night, and therefore you should always be on guard.

Today, Russia's missile armament is presented in the form of stationary systems based and mobile missile launchers. In the first case, medium and heavy class rocket devices are located in specialized mines. In the second, these are complexes of the Topol class.

Rocket troops - the guarantor of security

Thanks to the modern set of measures to ensure the country's nuclear safety, Russia has been able to successfully avoid serious nuclear accidents for a long time. Of course, this is the joint merit of the creators of the rocket launchers and the qualified personnel of the strategic missile forces of the Russian Federation.

Despite the difficulties and problems that arise in the country, due attention is always paid to missile weapons. And if necessary, the strategic missile army will certainly prove its readiness to protect citizens from a nuclear attack and defend the borders of their homeland. After all, the efficiency, mobility and combat effectiveness of the missile army are beyond doubt.