Nicholas is kind. Who is biography? Nikolai Dobryukha: news, biography, photos, publications

Download Iosif Davydovich Kobzon gave documentary consent to the publication of his memoirs and reflections in the form of a literary record "Iosif Kobzon As before God", the author of which is Nikolai Alekseevich Dobryukha. Full abstract Comment: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0 How Stalin was killed

Dobryukha Nikolai Alekseevich

Birthday: 12/21/1879 Age: 73 years old Place of birth: Gori, Russia Date of death: 03/05/1953 Place of death: Moscow, Russia Citizenship: Russia Original name: Dzhugashvili Original name: Jugashvili On December 21, Stalin would have turned 126 years old. On the eve of this date, "Arguments and Facts" became aware that the secret of his death was revealed.

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Soon we united in the group "Skomorokhi". In addition to us, it included: Vladimir Polonsky (percussion instruments) and Sapozhnikov (bass guitar), but very soon he was replaced by Yura Shakhnazarov. At first, for lack of an organ, I “hollowed” on the phono. Gradsky took over the solo guitar and vocals, however, if necessary, everyone sang.

AuthorHistory Politics

The year of publishing

The name of Oka Ivanovich Gorodovikov, the author of the book of memoirs "In Battles and Campaigns", is one of the legendary heroes of the civil war. A laborer-shepherd, after the Great October Revolution he became one of the prominent commanders of the Soviet Army, Colonel General, was awarded ten orders of the Soviet Union, and in 1958 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Biography and books author Dobryukha Nikolai Alekseevich

(This was not published in the newspapers then. Most likely, when one of the doctors, already having a re-analysis in their hands, secretly told Stalin's son Vasily what really happened to his father. And Vasily, as his sister Svetlana writes , began to shout: “Father was poisoned! ..” - Auth.)

Nikolai Dobryukha - How Stalin was killed

Read "How Stalin was killed" - Dobryukha Nikolai ... - LitMir

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— As before God 3916K, 203 p. (read) download: (fb2) - (epub) - (mobi)

History, Biographies and Memoirs

Nikolai Dobryukha - How Stalin was killed

The study "How Stalin was killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Convincing... Documents about the last illness and death of Stalin are so significant that now no one can turn away from them. For the first time, we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about Stalin's death, but with a study of genuine documents.


After the publication of the book “How Stalin was killed”, all existing versions (memoirs, textbooks, encyclopedias and various monographs) related to the death of the leader lose their meaning and turn into political waste paper. This book is not to blame or praise, but to know how it was.

Nikolai Dobryukha: news, biography, photos, publications

With a cry of "Urya-ya-ya!!" the guy made a discovery that I described five years ago in the book The Assassins of Stalin and Beria and then repeated it in the book The Assassins of Stalin. And I believe that he did not read these books of mine, because, it seems, he did not read much at all. Dobryukha is not a reader, Dobryukha is a writer! And then someone allowed the poor Dobryukha to the documents, giving him the task: “Fall everything on Beria!”. Well, Dobryukha piled up "from the heart", not realizing what exactly he piled up?

An important meeting with the historian and publicist, the son of the editor of "Leninets" Alexei Vasilyevich Dobryukha, took place in the editorial office of the "Selskaya Gazeta"

Restoring the list of names of all editors for the 85-year history of Selskaya Gazeta, I came across the fact that absolutely nothing is known about some of the leaders. Only surnames… Residents of the district, more or less familiar with the editors, provided meager information about them, and it was not possible to establish relatives. But we can't be journalists if we don't get information by hook or by crook.

Book - How Stalin Was Killed - Dobryukha Nikolai - Read online, Page 123

The more you know the past, the easier it is to understand why the present is the way it is, and the better you imagine how the future will develop. Nikolai Nad is the pseudonym chosen by Nikolai Alekseevich Dobryukha, the author of sensational historical research, which became famous thanks to millions of copies of central newspapers and magazines. The pseudonym, made up of the first letters of the author's first name, patronymic and last name, reflects his desire to be OVER the battle of the parties in order to see where the truth is.

Nikolay Alekseevich Dobryukha: new books on CoolLib

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AuthorHistory Politics

Nicholas Nad

How Stalin was killed

The study "How Stalin was killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Convincing... Documents about the last illness and death of Stalin are so significant that now no one can turn away from them. For the first time, we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about Stalin's death, but with a study of genuine documents.

Head of Soviet intelligence (1974-1988) Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1988-1991) Vladimir Kryuchkov

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed...

Gospel of Mark (chapter 4, verse 22)

He started out as a poet. Real Poetry is like a Revolution. He chose Revolution.

Brief historical background on Stalin's political career

Head of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) since 1912

And about. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars from about December 23 to 28, 1917 (during Lenin's medical leave)

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (since 1946 the Council of Ministers of the USSR) from May 5, 1941 to March 5, 1953

Not fictional Stalin

I. V. Stalin was a world-famous dictator, but he could become a poet, artist and even a singer ...

The key to the fate of Stalin - his poems

Until now, only rumors have circulated that Stalin was poisoned. But the moment came when it became possible to present rigorous documentary evidence. However, in order to be understood in all respects, I will begin with the poems that Stalin wrote.

This is my next attempt to translate the poetic experiences of early Stalin. The first gave unexpected results: it was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then replicated around the planet in the voice of Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the Soviet-American film "Monster". In the new translations, it was possible to convey correctly in meaning, and in places verbatim and in content, and most importantly, almost always exactly rhythmically, that is, musically, to convey the poetic originals that belonged to the inspiration of the young Joseph Dzhugashvili.

Why is this needed? One of the greats said that only the pen of the new Shakespeare could understand the uniquely complex personality of Stalin. In the meantime, there is no new Shakespeare, it makes sense to conduct research that could serve the new Shakespeare with the materials from which historically instructive masterpieces are created. My determination to do so was strengthened after the discovery of Mikhail Bulgakov's seemingly incredible revelation about Stalin in a purely personal message to Veresaev. Here it is: “…in the very moment of despair… the general secretary called me… Believe my taste: he spoke strongly, clearly, stately and elegantly. Hope ignited in the writer's heart ... ”This determination was facilitated by the seemingly unthinkable dying confession the most famous exposer of the personality cult of Stalin, N. S. Khrushchev, who said: “Stalin is really great, I still confirm this, he was undoubtedly many heads taller than everyone else.”

Everything was not as simple as they say on every corner now, or, as they said on every corner fifty years ago. It is no coincidence that the poet, the prophet Boris Pasternak has the lines: “And by the dark forces of the temple / He is given to the bastards for judgment, / And with the same ardor, / As they praised before, they curse.” Meanwhile, people appeared who began to compare Stalin with Hitler, to compare the incomparable from the very beginning. If Hitler is a talented ignoramus, then Stalin ... However, it would be better if Western historians known for their implacable criticism speak out about Stalin instead of me.

So - the famous Sir Alan Bullock: “In his youth, Stalin sang in the church choir, where his voice attracted attention. He graduated from the theological school with an honorary diploma and successfully passed the entrance exams to the seminary ... It should be noted that Stalin worked hard to achieve the necessary knowledge in disciplines that included, in addition to the Church Slavonic language and the Law of God, Latin and Greek, Russian literature and history ... Stalin developed phenomenal memory ... "

As a boy, Hitler, according to the same sir, “was not stupid, but from an early age he began to show a persistent rejection and hatred of discipline and regular studies ... the only subject in which Adolf had a positive assessment was drawing ... he dreamed of becoming an artist ... In As a teenager, Hitler continued to shirk any work ... He always considered himself an artistic person, thereby justifying his inability to engage systematically. Both of his attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts ended in failure. And further observations are not in favor of Hitler. If Adolf, as he was, remained a great ignoramus, then over the years Stalin became more and more an educated person even in modern times, and did not stop education until his last days. Especially amazing (contrary to all rumors!) is his role in cybernetics, namely: in Moscow and now there is a computer of 1952, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world ... after the USA. It is fantastic! After all, it was created despite the most destructive of wars, while the United States "participated" in this war ... waiting out the most difficult time overseas. By the way, the attempts of our illiterate leaders for almost 40 years after Stalin's death by strong-willed decisions to cancel market production cost the people dearly. Stalin, back in 1952, in his work "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR" convincingly proved the disastrous effect of such abolition on the national economy of the country.

It is also striking how biographical data about Stalin appear. The American Robert Tucker and the Englishman Alan Bullock are among the most famous researchers of the "Russian dictator", because the views of mankind on the personality of Stalin are largely based on their works. Let's start with Tucker, and ... it immediately turns out that very often he borrowed "facts" from Roy Medvedev and Dmitry Volkogonov. However, both Medvedev and Volkogonov, in turn, refer to Tucker. That is, it turns out that one of them composed something or made an assumption, and then they rewrote it from each other and this assumption became no longer an assumption, but a “fact” with reference to such and such, allegedly exceptionally reliable foreign source. As a result, the myth invented in this way begins to walk around the world already as the “most verified fact” ...

In confirmation, you can take the confessions of any of them, well, at least the same R. Medvedev. He writes: “I have not used any archives, no “special stores”, no secret materials and am not familiar with them. It’s just… I had the opportunity to get acquainted with almost all the books about Stalin and Stalinism published in different countries, to accumulate facts and testimonies of those who passed Stalin’s prisons and camps, as well as the memories of other eyewitnesses of those years…”

The study "How Stalin was killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Convincing... Documents about the last illness and death of Stalin are so significant that now no one can turn away from them. For the first time, we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about Stalin's death, but with a study of genuine documents.

Head of Soviet intelligence (1974-1988) Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1988-1991) Vladimir Kryuchkov

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed...

Gospel of Mark (chapter 4, verse 22)

He started out as a poet. Real Poetry is like a Revolution. He chose Revolution.

Brief historical background on Stalin's political career

Head of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) since 1912

And about. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars from about December 23 to 28, 1917 (during Lenin's medical leave)

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (since 1946 the Council of Ministers of the USSR) from May 5, 1941 to March 5, 1953

Not fictional Stalin

I. V. Stalin was a world-famous dictator, but he could become a poet, artist and even a singer ...

The key to the fate of Stalin - his poems

Until now, only rumors have circulated that Stalin was poisoned. But the moment came when it became possible to present rigorous documentary evidence. However, in order to be understood in all respects, I will begin with the poems that Stalin wrote.

This is my next attempt to translate the poetic experiences of early Stalin. The first gave unexpected results: it was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then replicated around the planet in the voice of Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the Soviet-American film "Monster". In the new translations, it was possible to convey correctly in meaning, and in places verbatim and in content, and most importantly, almost always exactly rhythmically, that is, musically, to convey the poetic originals that belonged to the inspiration of the young Joseph Dzhugashvili.

Why is this needed? One of the greats said that only the pen of the new Shakespeare could understand the uniquely complex personality of Stalin. In the meantime, there is no new Shakespeare, it makes sense to conduct research that could serve the new Shakespeare with the materials from which historically instructive masterpieces are created. My determination to do so was strengthened after the discovery of Mikhail Bulgakov's seemingly incredible revelation about Stalin in a purely personal message to Veresaev. Here it is: “…in the very moment of despair… the general secretary called me… Believe my taste: he spoke strongly, clearly, stately and elegantly. Hope ignited in the writer's heart ... ”This determination was facilitated by the seemingly unthinkable dying confession the most famous exposer of the personality cult of Stalin, N. S. Khrushchev, who said: “Stalin is really great, I still confirm this, he was undoubtedly many heads taller than everyone else.”

Everything was not as simple as they say on every corner now, or, as they said on every corner fifty years ago. It is no coincidence that the poet, the prophet Boris Pasternak has the lines: “And by the dark forces of the temple / He is given to the bastards for judgment, / And with the same ardor, / As they praised before, they curse.” Meanwhile, people appeared who began to compare Stalin with Hitler, to compare the incomparable from the very beginning. If Hitler is a talented ignoramus, then Stalin ... However, it would be better if Western historians known for their implacable criticism speak out about Stalin instead of me.

So - the famous Sir Alan Bullock: “In his youth, Stalin sang in the church choir, where his voice attracted attention. He graduated from the theological school with an honorary diploma and successfully passed the entrance exams to the seminary ... It should be noted that Stalin worked hard to achieve the necessary knowledge in disciplines that included, in addition to the Church Slavonic language and the Law of God, Latin and Greek, Russian literature and history ... Stalin developed phenomenal memory ... "

As a boy, Hitler, according to the same sir, “was not stupid, but from an early age he began to show a persistent rejection and hatred of discipline and regular studies ... the only subject in which Adolf had a positive assessment was drawing ... he dreamed of becoming an artist ... In As a teenager, Hitler continued to shirk any work ... He always considered himself an artistic person, thereby justifying his inability to engage systematically. Both of his attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts ended in failure. And further observations are not in favor of Hitler. If Adolf, as he was, remained a great ignoramus, then over the years Stalin became more and more an educated person even in modern times, and did not stop education until his last days. Especially amazing (contrary to all rumors!) is his role in cybernetics, namely: in Moscow and now there is a computer of 1952, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world ... after the USA. It is fantastic! After all, it was created despite the most destructive of wars, while the United States "participated" in this war ... waiting out the most difficult time overseas. By the way, the attempts of our illiterate leaders for almost 40 years after Stalin's death by strong-willed decisions to cancel market production cost the people dearly. Stalin, back in 1952, in his work "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR" convincingly proved the disastrous effect of such abolition on the national economy of the country.

It is also striking how biographical data about Stalin appear. The American Robert Tucker and the Englishman Alan Bullock are among the most famous researchers of the "Russian dictator", because the views of mankind on the personality of Stalin are largely based on their works. Let's start with Tucker, and ... it immediately turns out that very often he borrowed "facts" from Roy Medvedev and Dmitry Volkogonov. However, both Medvedev and Volkogonov, in turn, refer to Tucker. That is, it turns out that one of them composed something or made an assumption, and then they rewrote it from each other and this assumption became no longer an assumption, but a “fact” with reference to such and such, allegedly exceptionally reliable foreign source. As a result, the myth invented in this way begins to walk around the world already as the “most verified fact” ...

In confirmation, you can take the confessions of any of them, well, at least the same R. Medvedev. He writes: “I have not used any archives, no “special stores”, no secret materials and am not familiar with them. It’s just… I had the opportunity to get acquainted with almost all the books about Stalin and Stalinism published in different countries, to accumulate facts and testimonies of those who passed Stalin’s prisons and camps, as well as the memories of other eyewitnesses of those years…”

Now confirmation from the Western side, written by the hand of the respected Sir Bullock: “... I would like to highlight those whose works have greatly enriched my knowledge ... In terms of Soviet history, where you can’t call me an expert, this is ... Robert Tucker ... Roy Medvedev ... Dmitry Volkogonov ... "

And here are Volkogonov’s revelations about foreign sources: “Great help in working on the book (“Stalin” - NAD.) was provided ... by the revelations of Isaac Deutscher ... Robert Tucker ... and other Sovietologists.

Let us turn to references to Tucker's own sources: first of all, D. Volkogonov. "The Triumph and Tragedy of Stalin", Medvedev R. A. "Zet History judge: The Original and Conseguenees of Stalinism" - New York. - 1989, etc. Well, what can we take from them? You have to live, so they write what they pay for.

Do you need specific facts of biographical myth-making? Please! Insignificant and essential - to choose from!



Well done, Dobryukha! Or "Over-Dobryuha"?!

With a cry of "Urya-ya-ya!!" the guy made a discovery that I described five years ago in the book The Assassins of Stalin and Beria and then repeated it in the book The Assassins of Stalin. And I believe that he did not read these books of mine, because, it seems, he did not read much at all. Dobryukha is not a reader, Dobryukha is a writer! And then someone allowed the poor Dobryukha to the documents, giving him the task: “Fall everything on Beria!”. Well, Dobryukha piled up "from the heart", not realizing what exactly he piled up?

The poor man writes: "As soon as Beria and his proteges Malenkov and Khrushchev came to the leadership of the country on March 3, 1953 ...". Khrushchev, after the death of Stalin, headed the CPSU, and Malenkov - the USSR. And who then, according to Dobryukha, was Beria, for whom Khrushchev and Malenkov were "proteges"? Lord God?

Or he writes: “The old Chekist Naum Eitingon testified that he once “was present during the production of experiments in Mairanovsky’s laboratory” and observed “the injection of kukarin poison into four experimental victims. The poison acted almost instantly…” But the “old Chekist” Eitingon was the deputy of the even more “old Chekist” P. Sudoplatov, and he writes about the “Laboratory X”, which was headed by Mairanovsky: “All the work of the laboratory, involving its employees in the operations of special services, as well as access to the laboratory, strictly limited even for the leadership of the NKVD - MGB, regulated by the Regulations approved by the government, and orders for the NKVD - MGB. Neither I nor my deputy Eitingon had access to the "Laboratory-X" and the special chamber. Moreover, Sudoplatov for some reason claims that even Beria, before his return to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, could not have known about this laboratory. And somehow I believe Sudoplatov more, because it is unlikely that onlookers were invited to the secret laboratory, like to a football match.

Or poor Dobryukha claims that “Beria arrested Grigoriy Moiseevich Mairanovsky”, however, without explaining who hung this noodles on Dobryukha’s ears. Although Sudoplatov reports on the fate of Mairanovsky that despite the fact that the investigation into the case of the MGB employees arrested in 1951 for ties with the Zionists along with Abakumov, including Mairanovsky, was conducted until 1954, none of them during this time judged. But the Mairanovsky case was urgently brought by Ignatiev into a separate proceeding, and the Special Meeting under the Ministry of Internal Affairs chaired by Ignatiev in 1952 quickly appointed Mairanovsky 10 years and sent him to the Vladimir prison. So Beria could not arrest him in any way, since Mairanovsky in March 1953 was already in the Vladimir prison. But since there are Mayranovsky’s letters from prison to Beria, it means that Beria demanded to interrogate Mairanovsky in the Vladimir prison, and from this it follows that Beria himself conducted an investigation in order to find out who poisoned Stalin. It is interesting that Sudoplatov reports on the further fate of Mairanovsky that when Professor Mairanovsky was released from prison, he asked for an appointment with Khrushchev and he accepted him, which is surprising in itself. (After all, in a similar case, he refused to accept Stalin's son, although he, having no job, really wanted to meet him.) But at the reception, Mairanovsky, apparently, said something to Khrushchev that was not necessary. As a result, Mairanovsky was arrested by the KGB two days later and expelled from Moscow to Makhachkala, where he quickly died with a diagnosis very similar to that which would follow after the application of his own poison to him.

Dobryukha blames everything on Beria, either not knowing, or not wanting to show that the main reprisals against witnesses to the murder of Stalin were carried out after the murder of Beria. For example, Avtorkhanov, referring to the book of the Western historian T. Vitlin, dedicated to Beria, writes: “Most of the doctors from these two commissions disappeared immediately after Stalin's death. One of the doctors involved in the autopsy of Stalin's body, Professor Rusakov, "suddenly" died. The medical and sanitary department of the Kremlin, responsible for the treatment of Stalin, is immediately abolished, and its head I.I. Cooper is arrested. Minister of Health of the USSR A.F. Tretyakov, who by rank was at the head of both commissions, was removed from his post, arrested, and together with Kuperin and two other doctors, members of the commission, were sent to Vorkuta. There he receives the post of chief physician of the camp hospital. Their rehabilitation occurs only after a few years ... ". But if T. Vitlin is not mistaken about the fact of the arrest of these doctors, then they were arrested not “immediately after Stalin’s death”, but a year later, since A.F. Tretyakov was removed from the post of minister on March 1, 1954. Consequently, what these doctors could tell over time was not terrible for Beria, but for Khrushchev.

It is interesting that Dobryukha is trying to convince us that after the murder of Beria, Professor Lukomsky rewrote the conclusion on the death of Stalin, allegedly in order not to become an accomplice in the "case of doctors." But the "doctors' case" is about the murder of Zhdanov, and this case was initiated after the act of the commission chaired by the same Lukomsky, in which Lukomsky proved that Zhdanov died from the treatment of doctors. So Lukomsky was afraid not of Beria, but of Khrushchev.

It is also interesting what exactly they gave to see in the Dobryukha archive. Before him, another historian, A. Fursenko, looked at the same materials. But about the appearance of these “archival documents”, he wrote in more detail about Dobryukha:

“When reading the official conclusion on the illness and death of Stalin, a number of questions arise that suggest that it could have been fabricated under pressure from Stalin’s inner circle, in order, if necessary, to present this document to the highest party and Soviet elite with one single purpose: to it never occurred to anyone that Stalin was killed by his comrades-in-arms who had fallen out of favor.

The conclusion, printed on 20 pages of typewritten text and signed by the entire composition of the council, differs from handwritten detailed records of previous diseases. The document is not dated, but its draft contains the date - July 1953, i.e. 4 months after Stalin's death, which in itself casts doubt on its complete authenticity. As follows from the text of the conclusion, it was drawn up on the basis of a handwritten Medical Journal, which was maintained during March 2–5. But the magazine is missing in the case of Stalin's illness, and, as competent persons informed the author of these lines, it is no longer in nature at all. In other words, the Medical Journal appears to have been destroyed.

True, some “Draft records of medicinal prescriptions and duty schedules during I.V. Stalin’s illness on March 2–5, 1953” have been preserved. on separate sheets, preceded by a cardboard cover cut out from a folder of a former case in Stalin's medical history, thus entitled. Moreover, out of two dozen sheets of such records, judging by their initial numbering, then crossed out, the first few pages are missing in the file, by which it would be possible to judge when, at what day and hour the treatment began. There is also no schedule of duty and the conclusion of doctors after each of them. Finally, on the cut-out cover of the cardboard folder, entitled "Draft notes ...", Volume X is listed, which indicates that there were nine more volumes in the history of Stalin's illness. What their fate is is also unclear.

All this raises perplexing questions, suggesting that the draft notes and the Medical Journal contained data that did not fit into the official conclusion. Apparently, at some stage, the Medical Journal and some of the draft entries were deliberately removed. One cannot ignore the fact that the typewritten text of the conclusion was drawn up a few days after Beria's arrest, on June 26, 1953. When the investigation into the Beria case began, it is likely that someone from the Kremlin leadership wanted to destroy the Medical Journal in order to eliminate possible evidence that Stalin was badly treated and killed. At the June 1957 plenum of the Central Committee, Molotov criticized Khrushchev, who had been appointed chairman of the Stalin Archives Commission, for not meeting the Commission even once in four years. Which speaks for itself."

First of all, on June 26, 1953, Beria was not arrested, but vilely killed, everyone already understands this, except for those who are “to the belly” of history. And below.

But if immediately after the assassination of Beria, Khrushchev destroyed the chronicle of Stalin's illness, then it turns out that Beria was also killed so that Khrushchev had the opportunity to destroy it. Isn't that right, kindness?

But Fursenko did not say what exactly was written in those remnants of the documents, but Dobryukha did! And from Dobryukha's message it definitely follows that STALIN WAS POISONED! All the rest of Dobryukha's philosophizing is, as Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote, "political waste paper."

And the fact that STALIN WAS POISONED is already a fact!

As they say, taking this opportunity, I want to inform you that my new, but no longer journalistic, but artistic and documentary book “The USSR named after Beria” has come out of print, in which, based on the most reliable facts, I restore the motives for the murder of Stalin and how this happened, and by whom this murder was committed.

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Yury Mukhin Prodazhnaya girlGeneticsMOSCOW "Publisher Bystrov" 2006 Design of the series by artist P. VolkovLBC 87.21 M 92Mukhin Yu.I.M92 Sales girl Genetics. - M.: Publisher Bystrov, 2006. - 416 p. - (Russian Truth). ISBN 5-9764-0043-4 The long-awaited new book by Yuri Mukhin is sharp,

From the book Russia. Not yet evening author Mukhin Yury Ignatievich

Yuri Mukhin This book is a real brainwashing, an “assault on mirages”: it will make you doubt the most established and “generally accepted” opinions and finally start thinking with your own head, and not with an imported TV. The long-awaited new book by Yuri Mukhin is sharp,

From the author's book

Yuri Ignatievich Mukhin The author of the book is known for his detective investigation of mysteries - his books "The Murder of Stalin and Beria", "Katyn Detective" and "Anti-Russian meanness" turned the notion of our history upside down. But this book is unusual - Yu. I. Mukhin undertook to investigate the meaning

Nicholas Nad

How Stalin was killed

The study "How Stalin was killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Convincing... Documents about the last illness and death of Stalin are so significant that now no one can turn away from them. For the first time, we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about Stalin's death, but with a study of genuine documents.

Head of Soviet intelligence (1974-1988) Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1988-1991) Vladimir Kryuchkov

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed...

Gospel of Mark (chapter 4, verse 22)

He started out as a poet. Real Poetry is like a Revolution. He chose Revolution.

Brief historical background on Stalin's political career

Head of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) since 1912

And about. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars from about December 23 to 28, 1917 (during Lenin's medical leave)

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (since 1946 the Council of Ministers of the USSR) from May 5, 1941 to March 5, 1953

Not fictional Stalin

I. V. Stalin was a world-famous dictator, but he could become a poet, artist and even a singer ...

The key to the fate of Stalin - his poems

Until now, only rumors have circulated that Stalin was poisoned. But the moment came when it became possible to present rigorous documentary evidence. However, in order to be understood in all respects, I will begin with the poems that Stalin wrote.

This is my next attempt to translate the poetic experiences of early Stalin. The first gave unexpected results: it was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then replicated around the planet in the voice of Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the Soviet-American film "Monster". In the new translations, it was possible to convey correctly in meaning, and in places verbatim and in content, and most importantly, almost always exactly rhythmically, that is, musically, to convey the poetic originals that belonged to the inspiration of the young Joseph Dzhugashvili.

Why is this needed? One of the greats said that only the pen of the new Shakespeare could understand the uniquely complex personality of Stalin. In the meantime, there is no new Shakespeare, it makes sense to conduct research that could serve the new Shakespeare with the materials from which historically instructive masterpieces are created. My determination to do so was strengthened after the discovery of Mikhail Bulgakov's seemingly incredible revelation about Stalin in a purely personal message to Veresaev. Here it is: “…in the very moment of despair… the general secretary called me… Believe my taste: he spoke strongly, clearly, stately and elegantly. Hope ignited in the writer's heart ... ”This determination was facilitated by the seemingly unthinkable dying confession the most famous exposer of the personality cult of Stalin, N. S. Khrushchev, who said: “Stalin is really great, I still confirm this, he was undoubtedly many heads taller than everyone else.”

Everything was not as simple as they say on every corner now, or, as they said on every corner fifty years ago. It is no coincidence that the poet, the prophet Boris Pasternak has the lines: “And by the dark forces of the temple / He is given to the bastards for judgment, / And with the same ardor, / As they praised before, they curse.” Meanwhile, people appeared who began to compare Stalin with Hitler, to compare the incomparable from the very beginning. If Hitler is a talented ignoramus, then Stalin ... However, it would be better if Western historians known for their implacable criticism speak out about Stalin instead of me.

So - the famous Sir Alan Bullock: “In his youth, Stalin sang in the church choir, where his voice attracted attention. He graduated from the theological school with an honorary diploma and successfully passed the entrance exams to the seminary ... It should be noted that Stalin worked hard to achieve the necessary knowledge in disciplines that included, in addition to the Church Slavonic language and the Law of God, Latin and Greek, Russian literature and history ... Stalin developed phenomenal memory ... "

As a boy, Hitler, according to the same sir, “was not stupid, but from an early age he began to show a persistent rejection and hatred of discipline and regular studies ... the only subject in which Adolf had a positive assessment was drawing ... he dreamed of becoming an artist ... In As a teenager, Hitler continued to shirk any work ... He always considered himself an artistic person, thereby justifying his inability to engage systematically. Both of his attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts ended in failure. And further observations are not in favor of Hitler. If Adolf, as he was, remained a great ignoramus, then over the years Stalin became more and more an educated person even in modern times, and did not stop education until his last days. Especially amazing (contrary to all rumors!) is his role in cybernetics, namely: in Moscow and now there is a computer of 1952, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world ... after the USA. It is fantastic! After all, it was created despite the most destructive of wars, while the United States "participated" in this war ... waiting out the most difficult time overseas. By the way, the attempts of our illiterate leaders for almost 40 years after Stalin's death by strong-willed decisions to cancel market production cost the people dearly. Stalin, back in 1952, in his work "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR" convincingly proved the disastrous effect of such abolition on the national economy of the country.

It is also striking how biographical data about Stalin appear. The American Robert Tucker and the Englishman Alan Bullock are among the most famous researchers of the "Russian dictator", because the views of mankind on the personality of Stalin are largely based on their works. Let's start with Tucker, and ... it immediately turns out that very often he borrowed "facts" from Roy Medvedev and Dmitry Volkogonov. However, both Medvedev and Volkogonov, in turn, refer to Tucker. That is, it turns out that one of them composed something or made an assumption, and then they rewrote it from each other and this assumption became no longer an assumption, but a “fact” with reference to such and such, allegedly exceptionally reliable foreign source. As a result, the myth invented in this way begins to walk around the world already as the “most verified fact” ...

In confirmation, you can take the confessions of any of them, well, at least the same R. Medvedev. He writes: “I have not used any archives, no “special stores”, no secret materials and am not familiar with them. It’s just… I had the opportunity to get acquainted with almost all the books about Stalin and Stalinism published in different countries, to accumulate facts and testimonies of those who passed Stalin’s prisons and camps, as well as the memories of other eyewitnesses of those years…”

Now confirmation from the Western side, written by the hand of the respected Sir Bullock: “... I would like to highlight those whose works have greatly enriched my knowledge ... In terms of Soviet history, where you can’t call me an expert, this is ... Robert Tucker ... Roy Medvedev ... Dmitry Volkogonov ... "

And here are Volkogonov’s revelations about foreign sources: “Great help in working on the book (“Stalin” - NAD.) was provided ... by the revelations of Isaac Deutscher ... Robert Tucker ... and other Sovietologists.

Let us turn to references to Tucker's own sources: first of all, D. Volkogonov. "The Triumph and Tragedy of Stalin", Medvedev R. A. "Zet History judge: The Original and Conseguenees of Stalinism" - New York. - 1989, etc. Well, what can we take from them? You have to live, so they write what they pay for.

Do you need specific facts of biographical myth-making? Please! Insignificant and essential - to choose from!

Volkogonov reports insignificant details: “Of the three sons, Mikhail and Georgy, after not living even a year, they died, only Soco (Joseph) remained. But he, too, having fallen ill at the age of five with smallpox, barely survived ... "

And Sir Bullock informs the world: “Before the birth of Joseph, the three children of Dzhugashvili died as soon as they were born. At the age of five, he himself almost died from smallpox ... "Question:" How many brothers did Stalin have?

Volkogonov reports: "... having lived until July of the tragic 37th year, Stalin's mother quietly died ..."

And Sir Bullock spreads to the whole wide world: "... Stalin did not really appreciate the sacrifices that his mother made for him: ... and offended the feelings of Georgians when he did not appear at her funeral in 1936." Question: "How many times did Stalin's mother die?"

This is how the corrupted political telephone works in such a strange way! Meanwhile, if these famous authors had turned to the newspapers of those years, then following the lawyer Andrei Sukhomlinov they would have read that “the mother of I. V. Stalin, E. G. Dzhugashvili, fell ill on May 13, 1937 and died on June 4, 1937” .