Sparta is a modern territory. History of ancient Sparta. Spartan education system

The prophecy of Thucydides said that if the ancient city of Sparta is empty, then "distant centuries will hardly believe that its power was equal to its glory." There were no temples in the city, public buildings of any significance, and throughout the entire period of its greatness, the policy did without fortifications: Lycurgus, the creator of the Spartan political system, proclaimed that "people, not walls - the city is created."

Consequently, modern Sparta, built in 1834 according to a strict plan, is not rich in ancient ruins, and the current city is the center of a vast agricultural plain. Sparta is ordinary and ordinary: pedestrian streets, squares lined with coffee shops, orange trees and a nightly promenade - "Volta". It is worth going here, first of all, for the sake of meeting with Mystras, a Byzantine city that was once a center that ruled over the regions.

You came here for Mystras, didn't you? And if you arrived in the morning, then you probably want to take a walk, right? In Sparta, the main bus terminal (the bus station with flights to Tripolis, Athens, and Mani) is located in the eastern part of the city, but locals consider the part of Lycurgus near the Archaeological Museum to be the center of the city.

Buses to Mystras leave (every hour Monday-Saturday, less often at lunchtime and on Sundays) from the main bus station and from the stop at the corner of Lykourgou and Leonidas, the schedules are displayed in the window of the cafe operating there. Banks are mostly located on Palaiologu. There is a bookstore on the corner of Palaiologou and Lycurgus, where maps are also sold, and you can find Internet access in the Cosmos store at Palaiologou 34.

  • Where to stay in Sparta

There are enough hotels in the city, many of them are located on the main avenue of Paleologou (street noise can be a problem): at number 25 the Cecil Hotel is a small and recently renovated hotel, with very friendly and knowledgeable owners, at number 61 the Lakonia Hotel is good for the price. Opposite, at numbers 72-76, is the modern Maniatis Hotel, which is well equipped and its Zeus restaurant is well worth a visit for excellent Greek cuisine.

Sparta Inn at 105 Thepmopylon is a large and modern hotel with roof gardens and two swimming pools. There are also two campsites in the vicinity of the city, which are reached by a bus going to Mystras. One campsite is located 2.5 kilometers from Sparta - this is Paleologio Mystra and is open all year round. Castle View - 2 kilometers closer to Mystras: very clean, there is a swimming pool, there is a bus stop nearby.

  • Food and drink in Sparta

The main street of Palaiologou is lined with restaurants and taverns. Diethnes at Palaiologu 105 is a local favorite when it comes to the wide selection of local dishes, the interior is modest but has a beautiful garden with orange and lemon trees. Located nearby, Parthenonas (next to the Vrasida cinema) is a psistaria that serves traditional Greek dishes at reasonable prices, and you can also take away lunch.

Dionysos 1.5 km outside the city on the road to Mystra, the dishes are expensive, but served in style, it is especially good to relax on summer evenings at the tables on the street. There are also a lot of music bars, more popular than other Enallax near the main post office and Ministry opposite the Maniatis hotel.

Ancient Sparta

The location of Sparta, surrounded on three sides by mountains, was strategically advantageous. The ancient capital occupied the same area as the current city, and was in fact not so much a city as a bunch of villages that were located on the hills on the western bank of the river. Sparta was at the height of its power from the 8th to 4th centuries BC, during which time Sparta relied on the laws of Lycurgus.

Sparta defeated, having won the Peloponnesian War, formed colonies throughout the Greek world, but then lost power - after the defeat that she suffered from Thebes. The second period of prosperity came during the period of Roman rule - Sparta was a distant outpost of the Roman Empire in southern Greece. However, from the 3rd century, the decline of Sparta became irreversible, and the Byzantines paid much more attention to neighboring Mystras.

Attractions of Sparta

There are almost no monuments left from the period of brilliant glory of the ancient policy, but to the north of the present city you can see the ruins (daily 8:30-15:00; free). Start with the monument to the hero of Thermopylae, King Leonidas - the statue is installed on Palaiologu Street. Then, bypassing the football stadium, go to the old acropolis, the highest Spartan hill. There was a huge theater on the slope of this hill, its outlines are easily guessed even today, although there is no trace of the masonry - when the Spartans felt that the power of the city was waning, they used all the stone to build fortifications, and later the architects used the ancient "building material" Byzantine Mystras.

The pointer above the theater draws attention to a fragment of the temple of Athena Halkiakou (Athina Halkioikos - Athena living in a copper temple), and on the top of the acropolis - the ruins of a Byzantine church of the 10th century and the monastery of Osios Nikon (Blessed Nikon). The sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, where Spartan boys were subjected to severe trials, is located not far from the road to. The Romans built stands for spectators. There are also commercial premises for the public gathering for performances.

Further you will see Menelaion (Tuesday-Sunday 8:30-15:00; free), a late Mycenaean village and the sanctuary of Menelaus and Helena, which is located 5 kilometers southeast of the city. In the modern village of Amikles, 7 kilometers south of Sparta, is the acropolis and temple of Apollo at Amikla (same opening hours), which during the era of Roman rule was the most important Spartan center after the city itself and the site of the festival of hyacinthia.

  • Archaeological Museum and Olive Museum

In Sparta there is a small city Archaeological Museum (Monday-Saturday 8:30-45:00, Sunday 9:30-14:30) on Agios Nikonos. Among the most interesting exhibits found at the site of the sanctuary are stone sickles that were awarded to Spartan youth, a marble bust of a running Spartan hoplite found on the acropolis, and a stele of the 6th century BC, covered with reliefs on both sides. The reliefs depict, apparently, Menelaus and Helen and Agamemnon with Clytemnestra.

Fragments of Hellenistic and Roman mosaics and numerous figurines, clay masks and bronze idols from the temple of Artemis Orthia are also exhibited. In the southwestern part of the city is the Museum of Olives and Greek Olive Oil (Wednesday-Monday: summer 10:00-18:00; winter 10:00-17:00; 2 €) at Otonos and Amalias 129. The exhibition displays the history, various features of the technology of cultivation and processing of olives.

In contact with

Among the many ancient Greek states, two stood out - Laconia or Laconia (Sparta) and Attica (Athens). In essence, these were antagonist states with a social system opposite to each other.

Sparta of Ancient Greece existed in the southern lands of the Peloponnese from the 9th to the 2nd century BC. e. It is notable for the fact that it was ruled by two kings. They passed on their power by inheritance. However, the real administrative power belonged to the elders. They were chosen from among respected Spartans aged at least 50 years.

Sparta on the map of Greece

It was the council that decided all state affairs. As for the kings, they performed purely military functions, that is, they were commanders of the army. Moreover, when one king went on a campaign, the second remained in the city with part of the soldiers.

An example here is the king Lycurgus, although it is not known for sure whether he was a king or simply belonged to the royal family and had great authority. The ancient historians Plutarch and Herodotus wrote that he was the ruler of the state, but did not specify what position this person held.

The activities of Lycurgus belonged to the first half of the 9th century BC. e. It was under him that laws were passed that did not give citizens the opportunity to enrich themselves. Therefore, in Spartan society there was no property stratification.

All land suitable for arable land was divided into equal plots, which were called cleres. Each family received an allotment. He provided people with barley flour, wine and vegetable oil. According to the legislator, this was quite enough to lead a normal life.

Luxury was relentlessly pursued. Gold and silver coins were even withdrawn from circulation. Crafts and trade were also banned. It was forbidden to sell agricultural surpluses. That is, under Lycurgus, everything was done so that people could not earn too much.

War was considered the main occupation of the Spartan state. It was the conquered peoples who provided the conquerors with everything necessary for life. And on the land plots of the Spartans worked slaves, who were called helots.

The entire society of Sparta was divided into military units. In each of them, joint meals were practiced or sissy. People ate from a common cauldron, and food was brought from home. During the meal, the commanders of the detachment made sure that all portions were eaten. In the event that someone ate badly and without appetite, then there was a suspicion that the person ate tightly somewhere on the side. The offender could be expelled from the detachment or punished with a large fine.

Spartan warriors armed with spears

All the men of Sparta were warriors, and they were taught the art of war from early childhood. It was believed that a mortally wounded warrior should die in silence, not even uttering a quiet groan. The Spartan phalanx, bristling with long spears, horrified all the states of ancient Greece.

Mothers and wives, seeing off their sons and husbands to the war, said: "With a shield or on a shield." This meant that the men were expected to go home either with a victory or dead. The bodies of the dead were always carried by the comrades-in-arms on shields. But those who ran away from the battlefield were awaited by universal contempt and shame. Parents, wives, and their own children turned away from them.

It should be noted that the inhabitants of Laconica (Laconia) have never been distinguished by verbosity. They were short and to the point. It was from these Greek lands that such terms as "laconic speech" and "laconicism" spread.

It must be said that Sparta of Ancient Greece had a very small population. Its number over the centuries has not consistently exceeded 10 thousand people. However, this small number of people kept all the southern and middle lands of the Balkan Peninsula in fear. And such superiority was achieved due to cruel customs.

When a boy was born in the family, the elders examined him. If the baby turned out to be too frail or sick in appearance, then he was thrown from a cliff onto sharp stones. The corpse of the unfortunate bird of prey was immediately eaten.

The customs of the Spartans were extremely cruel

Only healthy and strong children remained alive. Upon reaching the age of 7, the boys were taken away from their parents and united in small detachments. They were dominated by iron discipline. Future warriors were taught to endure pain, courageously endure beatings, unquestioningly obey their mentors.

For periods, children were not fed at all, and they had to earn their own living by hunting or stealing. If such a child was caught in someone's garden, then they were severely punished, but not for theft, but for being caught.

This barracks life continued until the age of 20. After that, the young man was given a plot of land, and he got the opportunity to start a family. It should be noted that Spartan girls were also trained in the art of war, but not in such harsh conditions as among boys.

Sunset of Sparta

Although the conquered peoples were afraid of the Spartans, they periodically rebelled against them. And the conquerors, although they had excellent military training, did not always turn out to be winners.

An example here is the uprising in Messenia in the 7th century BC. e. It was led by the fearless warrior Aristomenes. Under his leadership, several sensitive defeats were inflicted on the Spartan phalanxes.

However, there were traitors in the ranks of the rebels. Thanks to their betrayal, the army of Aristomenes was defeated, and the fearless warrior himself began a guerrilla war. One night, he made his way to Sparta, entered the main sanctuary and, wanting to shame the enemies before the gods, left on the altar the weapon taken from the Spartan warriors in battle. This shame remained in the memory of people for centuries.

In the IV century BC. e. Sparta of ancient Greece began to gradually weaken. Other peoples entered the political arena, headed by smart and talented commanders. Here one can name Philip of Macedon and his famous son Alexander of Macedon. The inhabitants of Laconica fell into complete dependence on these prominent political figures of antiquity.

Then came the turn of the Roman Republic. In 146 BC. e. The Spartans submitted to Rome. However, formally freedom was preserved, but under the complete control of the Romans. In principle, this date is considered the end of the Spartan state. It became history, but it has been preserved in the memory of people to this day.

The glory of Sparta - the Peloponnesian city in Laconia - is very loud in historical chronicles and in the world. It was one of the most famous policies of ancient Greece, which did not know unrest and civil upheavals, and its army never retreated from enemies.

Sparta was founded by Lacedaemon, who reigned in Laconia one and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ and named the city after his wife. In the first centuries of the existence of the city, there were no walls around it: they were erected only under the tyrant Naviz. True, they were later destroyed, but Appius Claudius soon erected new ones.

The ancient Greeks considered the creator of the Spartan state to be the legislator Lycurgus, whose life time falls approximately in the first half of the 7th century BC. e. The population of ancient Sparta in its composition was divided in those days into three groups: Spartans, perieks and helots. The Spartans lived in Sparta itself and enjoyed all the rights of citizenship of their city-state: they had to fulfill all the requirements of the law and they were admitted to all honorary public positions. The occupation of agriculture and handicrafts, although it was not forbidden to this class, did not correspond to the image of the upbringing of the Spartans and therefore was despised by them.

Most of the lands of Laconia were at their disposal and cultivated for them by the helots. In order to own a plot of land, a Spartan had to fulfill two requirements: to follow all the rules of discipline exactly and to provide a certain part of the income for a sissitium - a public table: barley flour, wine, cheese, etc.

Game was obtained by hunting in state forests; moreover, everyone who sacrificed to the gods sent a part of the carcass of the sacrificial animal to the sissitium. Violation or failure to comply with these rules (for any reason) led to the loss of citizenship rights. All full citizens of ancient Sparta, young and old, had to participate in these dinners, while no one had any advantages and privileges.

The circle of perieks was also made up of free people, but they were not full citizens of Sparta. Perieki inhabited all the cities of Laconia, except for Sparta, which belonged exclusively to the Spartans. They did not constitute a politically whole city-state, since they received control in their cities only from Sparta. The periaeci of the various cities were independent of each other, and at the same time each of them was dependent on Sparta.

Helots made up the rural population of Laconia: they were slaves of those lands that were cultivated in favor of the Spartans and perieks. Helots also lived in cities, but urban life was not typical for helots. They were allowed to have a house, a wife and a family, it was forbidden to sell the helot outside the possessions. Some scholars believe that the sale of helots was generally impossible, since they were the property of the state, and not of individuals. Some information has come down to our times about the cruel treatment of the Helots by the Spartans, although again some of the scientists believe that contempt was more visible in this respect.

Plutarch reports that every year (by virtue of the decrees of Lycurgus) the ephors solemnly declared war against the helots. Young Spartans, armed with daggers, went all over Laconia and exterminated the unfortunate helots. But over time, scientists found that this method of exterminating the helots was not legalized during Lycurgus, but only after the First Messenian War, when the helots became dangerous for the state.

Plutarch, the author of biographies of prominent Greeks and Romans, starting his story about the life and laws of Lycurgus, warned the reader that nothing reliable could be reported about them. And yet he had no doubt that this politician was a historical figure.

Most scientists of modern times consider Lycurgus to be a legendary person: one of the first to doubt his historical existence back in the 1820s was the famous German historian of antiquity K.O. Muller. He suggested that the so-called "laws of Lycurgus" are much older than their legislator, since these are not so much laws as ancient folk customs, rooted in the distant past of the Dorians and all other Hellenes.

Many of the scientists (W. Wilamowitz, E. Meyer and others) consider the biography of the Spartan legislator, preserved in several versions, as a late revision of the myth of the ancient Laconian deity Lycurgus. Adherents of this trend questioned the very existence of "legislation" in ancient Sparta. E. Meyer classified the customs and rules that regulated the daily life of the Spartans as “the way of life of the Dorian tribal community”, from which classical Sparta grew almost without any changes.

But the results of archaeological excavations, which were carried out in 1906-1910 by the English archaeological expedition in Sparta, served as a pretext for the partial rehabilitation of the ancient legend about the legislation of Lycurgus. The British explored the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, one of the most ancient temples of Sparta, and discovered many works of art of local production: wonderful examples of painted ceramics, unique terracotta masks (not found anywhere else), objects made of bronze, gold, amber and ivory.

For the most part, these finds somehow did not fit in with the ideas of the harsh and ascetic life of the Spartans, of the almost complete isolation of their city from the rest of the world. And then scientists suggested that the laws of Lycurgus in the 7th century BC. e. were not yet put into action and the economic and cultural development of Sparta proceeded in the same way as the development of other Greek states. Only towards the end of the 6th century BC. e. Sparta closes in on itself and turns into the city-state as ancient writers knew it.

Because of the threats of a rebellion by the helots, the situation was then restless, and therefore the “initiators of reforms” could resort (as was often the case in ancient times) to the authority of some hero or deity. In Sparta, Lycurgus was chosen for this role, who gradually began to turn from a deity into a historical legislator, although ideas about his divine origin persisted until the time of Herodotus.

Lycurgus had a chance to put in order a cruel and outrageous people, therefore it was necessary to teach him to resist the onslaught of other states, and for this to make everyone skillful warriors. One of the first reforms of Lycurgus was the organization of the management of the Spartan community. Ancient writers claimed that he created the Council of Elders (gerousia) of 28 people. The elders (geronts) were elected by the apella - the people's assembly; The Gerousia also included two kings, one of whose main duties was to command the army during the war.

From the descriptions of Pausanias we know that the period of the most intensive building activity in the history of Sparta was the 6th century BC. e. At that time, the temple of Athena Mednodomnaya on the acropolis, the portico of Skiada, the so-called "throne of Apollo" and other buildings were erected in the city. But on Thucydides, who saw Sparta in the last quarter of the 5th century BC. e., the city made the most bleak impression.

Against the backdrop of the luxury and grandeur of Athenian architecture from the time of Pericles, Sparta already seemed a nondescript provincial town. The Spartans themselves, not being afraid to be considered old-fashioned, did not stop worshiping archaic stone and wooden idols at a time when Phidias, Myron, Praxiteles and other outstanding sculptors of Ancient Greece created their masterpieces in other Hellenic cities.

In the second half of the VI century BC. e. there was a noticeable cooling of the Spartans for the Olympic Games. Prior to that, they took an active part in them and accounted for more than half of the winners, and in all major types of competitions. Subsequently, for all the time from 548 to 480 BC. e., only one representative of Sparta, King Demarat, won the victory, and only in one type of competition - horse racing at the hippodrome.

In order to achieve harmony and peace in Sparta, Lycurgus decided to permanently eradicate wealth and poverty in his state. He forbade the use of gold and silver coins, which were used throughout Greece, and instead introduced iron money in the form of obols. They bought only what was produced in Sparta itself; in addition, they were so heavy that even a small amount had to be transported on a wagon.

Lycurgus also prescribed the way of home life: all Spartans, from a simple citizen to a king, had to live in exactly the same conditions. A special order indicated what houses could be built, what clothes to wear: it had to be so simple that there was no place for any luxury. Even the food had to be the same for everyone.

Thus, in Sparta, wealth gradually lost all meaning, since it was impossible to use it: citizens began to think less about their own good, and more about the state. Nowhere in Sparta did poverty coexist with wealth, and as a result, there was no envy, rivalry, and other greedy passions that exhausted a person. There was also no greed that opposes private benefit to the public good and arms one citizen against another.

One of the Spartan youths, who bought land for nothing, was put on trial. The accusation said that he was still very young, and was already tempted by profit, while self-interest is the enemy of every inhabitant of Sparta.

The upbringing of children was considered in Sparta one of the main duties of a citizen. The Spartan, who had three sons, was exempted from guard duty, and the father of five from all existing duties.

From the age of 7, the Spartan no longer belonged to his family: the children were separated from their parents and began social life. From that moment on, they were brought up in special detachments (agels), where they were supervised not only by fellow citizens, but also by specially assigned censors. Children were taught to read and write, they were taught to be silent for a long time, and to speak concisely - briefly and clearly.

Gymnastic and sports exercises were supposed to develop dexterity and strength in them; so that there was harmony in the movements, the young men were obliged to participate in choral dances; hunting in the forests of Laconia developed patience for hard trials. They fed the children rather poorly, therefore they made up for the lack of food not only by hunting, but also by theft, since they were also taught to steal; however, if someone came across, they beat them mercilessly - not for theft, but for awkwardness.

Young men who reached the age of 16 were subjected to a very severe test at the altar of the goddess Artemis: they were cruelly flogged, but they had to be silent. Even the smallest cry or groan contributed to the continuation of the punishment: some did not stand the test and died.

In Sparta, there was a law according to which no one was supposed to be more complete than necessary. According to this law, all young men who had not yet achieved civil rights were shown to the ephors - members of the election commission. If the young men were strong and strong, then they were honored with praise; young men, whose body was considered too flabby and loose, were beaten with sticks, as their appearance dishonored Sparta and its laws.

Plutarch and Xenophon wrote that Lycurgus legitimized that women also perform the same exercises as men, and through that they became strong and could give birth to strong and healthy offspring. Thus, Spartan women were worthy of their husbands, as they were also subject to a harsh upbringing.

The women of ancient Sparta, whose sons died, went to the battlefield and looked where they were wounded. If in the chest, then the women proudly looked at those around them and honorably buried their children in their father's tombs. If they saw wounds on their backs, then, weeping with shame, they hurried to hide, leaving others to bury the dead.

Marriage in Sparta was also subject to the law: personal feelings did not matter, because it was all a matter of state. Boys and girls could enter into marriage, whose physiological development corresponded to each other and from whom healthy children could be expected: marriage between persons of unequal builds was not allowed.

But Aristotle speaks of the position of Spartan women in a completely different way: while the Spartans led a strict, almost ascetic life, their wives indulged in extraordinary luxury in their home. This circumstance forced men to get money often in dishonest ways, because direct funds were forbidden to them. Aristotle wrote that Lycurgus tried to subject Spartan women to the same strict discipline, but met with a decisive rebuff from their side.

Left to themselves, women became self-willed, indulged in luxury and licentiousness, they even began to interfere in state affairs, which eventually led to a real gynecocracy in Sparta. “And what difference does it make,” Aristotle asks bitterly, “whether the women themselves rule or whether the ruling persons are under their power?” The blame for the Spartans was that they behaved boldly and impudently and allowed themselves luxury, which challenged the strict norms of state discipline and morality.

To protect his legislation from foreign influence, Lycurgus limited Sparta's ties with foreigners. Without permission, which was given only in cases of special importance, the Spartan could not leave the cities and travel abroad. Foreigners were also forbidden from entering Sparta. The inhospitality of Sparta was the most famous phenomenon in the ancient world.

The citizens of ancient Sparta were something like a military garrison, constantly exercising and always ready for war either with the helots or with an external enemy. The legislation of Lycurgus took on an exclusively military character also because those were times when there was no public and personal security, there were no general principles on which state tranquility is based. In addition, the Dorians in a very small number settled in the country of the helots they conquered and were surrounded by half-subdued or not subdued Achaeans at all, therefore they could hold on only by battles and victories.

Such a harsh upbringing, at first glance, could make the life of ancient Sparta very boring, and the people themselves unhappy. But from the writings of ancient Greek authors it is clear that such unusual laws made the Spartans the most prosperous people in the ancient world, because everywhere only rivalry in the acquisition of virtues dominated.

There was a prediction that Sparta would remain a strong and powerful state as long as it followed the laws of Lycurgus and remained indifferent to gold and silver. After the war with Athens, the Spartans brought money to their city, which seduced the inhabitants of Sparta and forced them to retreat from the laws of Lycurgus. And from that moment on, their prowess began to gradually fade away ...

Aristotle, on the other hand, believes that it was the abnormal position of women in Spartan society that led to the fact that Sparta in the second half of the 4th century BC. e. terribly depopulated and lost its former military power.

Most of its inhabitants in those days were slaves, and the very word "Sparta" has long become a household word and means a strict and even cruel upbringing of young men. In modern Sparta, everything is not so severe. About 18 thousand people live here, who are mainly employed in agriculture - they grow citrus fruits and olives. Modern Spartans are very careful about their rich history, however, few sights have been preserved here: the ancient theater, the ruins of the temple and a small archaeological museum.

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The laws of Sparta required young men and women with certain physiological parameters to marry, so that the offspring would not only be viable, but also strong and beautiful. Yes, and the citizens of Sparta were supposed to be no more complete than prescribed by state laws. The most surprising thing is that numerous chronicles and literary sources testify that the population of this city-state was happy and contented with life.

Modern Sparta was founded in 1834 and today is the main city of Laconia. Residents are employed in agriculture and in small enterprises in the food, textile and tobacco industries. The city is similar to many small Greek towns dotted along the coast.

Popular hotels in Sparta

Entertainment and attractions of Sparta

Unfortunately, the modern city of Sparta cannot please history lovers with unique treasures related to ancient culture. Unless the exhibits in the Archaeological Museum, and not particularly picturesque ruins on the edge of the city, will tell something about the former greatness of Sparta ... Fragments of ancient buildings of the 7th century BC have been preserved. e. - 2nd century AD e .: Acropolis with the temple of Athena (6th century BC), temples (7-5 ​​centuries BC), theater (1-2 centuries AD).

However, there is another unique must-see attraction in the city: the very rock from which the courageous Spartans dumped frail babies - this is how they helped nature to carry out natural selection.

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Neighborhood of Sparta

Interesting surroundings of Sparta. 5 km from the city you can see the medieval castle of Mystras, built on a hilltop on the slope of Taygetos. It is also interesting because here you can see not only the palace premises, but also the houses of ordinary city dwellers. Nearby are the churches of St. Sophia, Evangelistria, St. Nicholas, St. Chrysostom, St. Athanasius. All of them were built from the 11th to the 14th centuries, and are wonderful examples of medieval church architecture.

A unique attraction from the category of must-see in Sparta: the very rock from which the courageous Spartans dumped frail babies - this is how they helped nature to carry out natural selection.

The monastery of Peribleptou, in particular its main cathedral, is known for its unique frescoes. Another interesting castle, which fits perfectly into the surrounding terrain, is located near the village of Geraki. It is considered a monument of traditional Greek architecture and invariably attracts the interest of connoisseurs of it. A little further from Sparta there are interesting natural objects - the caves of Alepotripa, Katafigi and Glyfada. Nature decorated them with stalactids and stalagmites of the most unexpected form, and on their walls you can see fragments of drawings on the walls made in prehistoric times.


The Peloponnese boasts a good climate, clear seas and excellent beaches, which is why Sparta's popularity as a seaside resort is growing. Sandy beaches on the coast of the Laconian and Messinian bays are very attractive - small, but very cozy. Their infrastructure allows you to go in for windsurfing, sailing, tennis, volleyball, basketball. Fans of just outdoor activities will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves: catamarans, parachutes, hiking - all this is available for vacationers at this resort. It should be noted that the resort is also interesting for climbers: the opportunity to climb the peak of the Prophet Elijah and the peak of Megali Turla seems attractive to many.

Events and entertainment

Walks to the surrounding fishing villages, incredibly picturesque and hospitable, will remain in your memory for a long time. In any of them there is a colorful tavern where guests will be welcome, and guests will be satisfied with a lunch of freshly caught seafood and local vegetables. And if the rest time coincides with the time of a local holiday in Sparta or one of the surrounding villages, vivid memories are guaranteed: the festival of ancient drama, folk festivals in honor of the Virgin, Easter festivities will not leave anyone indifferent.

On the last Saturday and Sunday of September, Sparta hosts traditional sports competitions - Spartaflo, which are attended by both locals and tourists. No less interesting is the holiday, which has nothing to do with sports - the day of kamsa. It is held in Elafonisos, a small fishing village.

and one of the oldest cities in Greece. Since its founding at the beginning of the XI century BC. e., Sparta has always been one of the most independent Greek cities: the legendary “Spartan” laws have long reigned here, and until the beginning of the Roman era, the city did not even have walls! The Spartans proudly asserted that the best defense against enemies was their courage and patriotism, and not the fortress of stone.

Be that as it may, Sparta played one of the key roles in the history of Greece, and today hundreds of tourists are in a hurry to discover this beautiful city.

Today Sparta is a modern city, administrative and commercial. center of Laconia. The city compares favorably with other Greek cities with its large squares, spacious parks, as well as beautiful ancient buildings that have survived to this day.

The main attractions of the modern city are located in its vicinity ruins of ancient Sparta- that very ancient policy in the south.

Traditionally, tourists visit the tomb of Leonidas- the temple of the valiant warrior and king of Sparta, the same one from the movie "300 Spartans". It is also popular Acropolis of Ancient Sparta, where the largest number of ancient artifacts were discovered. In ancient times, this place was the political, religious and economic center of the city. Not far from the Acropolis is another point of our stop - ancient theater. This is the third largest and one of the most impressive theatrical structures of the ancient world. Also not far from Sparta you can see the ruins Temple of AthenaAnd visit the ancient Byzantine monastery of Osios Nikon,builtV 10th century

Probably, you have heard more than once about the so-called "class selection" of the ancient Spartans? The unique attraction of the city - the same rock from which frail and non-athletic children were thrown into the abyss, thus enriching their population only with hardy and healthy descendants.

In addition, in modern Sparta there are archaeological museum,as well as a very interesting Museum of Olives and Olive Oil, dedicated to all aspects of the production of this iconic product for the whole country.

Due to the growing interest among tourists, Sparta is actively developing its beach infrastructure - on the azure coasts of the Laconian and Messinian bays there are small, but very cozy beaches so popular among water sports enthusiasts. Here you can go windsurfing, sailing, tennis, volleyball, basketball. Outdoor enthusiasts will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves: catamarans, parachutes, and much more - all this is available for vacationers in Sparta!

And finally, on the last weekend of September, traditional sports competitions are held in Sparta - Spartaflon ( Spartathlon) , which not only tourists come to see, but also the local population.