Excursion to the residence of the Ambassador of Switzerland. Coziness and comfort

Twice a year, on April 18 and May 18, the days of historical and cultural heritage are held. These days, the doors of the embassy buildings, which are closed for sightseeing visits on other days, located in historical mansions, open. The residence of the Ambassador of Switzerland, a photo report of the visit to which is offered to your attention, is located in the former mansion of Olenina-Dumnov at Maly Kislovsky lane, 5a/8. The tour took place in 2016.

In the 17th century, Ivan the Terrible settled not far from his oprichny palace kisloshniks - people who were engaged in the preparation of pickles and kvass. So Kislovskaya Sloboda appeared in Moscow. Later, already in the 18th century, this area of ​​old Moscow was chosen by aristocrats. So, in Maly Kislovsky Lane, Nikolai Naumov, the commander of the Horse Guards, acquired a large plot of land. His estate was located on the site of modern buildings numbered 3 and 5. Two-story stone chambers, preserved at the base of building 5A that has come down to us, stood at the end of the alley, as was customary before the decree of Peter I, who demanded to "see the facade" only from the roadway.

In 1761, the estate was bought by lieutenant of the cavalry regiment Nikolai Olenin and his wife Anna. In the Olenin family in 1763, the boy Alyosha was born, who later became the prototype of Mitrofanushka, the hero of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". Young Aleksey Nikolaevich Olenin was known as an ignoramus until the age of 19, but after he fell into the hands of the work of D.I. Fonvizin, he recognized himself in Mitrofanushka and accepted important decision change for the better. Indeed, Alexei Nikolaevich achieved great success in many ways - after studying at the Dresden Artillery School and at the University of Strasbourg, he became a member Russian Academy, Petersburg Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy of Arts, and later a member of the State Council.

In 1832-1833, part of the estate was rented by the family of I.S. Turgenev, and in the 1840s. Decembrist Z.G. lived here with his brother-in-law after returning from exile. Chernyshev. In 1873, another well-known representative of the nobility became the owner of the house - a musician, student and friend of P.I. Tchaikovsky V.S. Shilovsky. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky often visited Shilovsky, and even once composed a playful poem:
Do you remember how Kislovsky lane
Directing your run to Znamenka,
We frolicked like sweet rolls,
Fallen from the stove directly into the wet snow...

In 1894, the house received a new facade designed by architect P.M. Samarin, and the letters "VD" appeared on the pediment - the initials of its new owner Vladimir Dumnov, the owner of a well-known publishing house in Moscow that published the first works of Turgenev and Gogol.

Until recently, this house housed the consular section of the Japanese Embassy. In 2014, with the efforts and funds of GlavUpDK, restoration was completed here. In honor of 200 years of diplomatic relations between Russia and Switzerland, an old Moscow estate was given over to the residence of the Swiss ambassador.

Apartments are losing their share in the primary market - the supply of new buildings is growing at a faster pace. The difference in the price of a meter between new apartment buildings and projects with apartments is also shrinking. Nevertheless, market participants do not worry about the future of the format, because the prices for apartments are still noticeably lower than for apartments, and the choice of projects in terms of location and transport accessibility is better.

Supply and demand

According to Est-a-Tet , h and for 10 months of 2016, 16 new apartment projects entered the market against 21 for the same period last year.

New projects with apartments released during the period:
January – October 2015 January – October 2016
Vostok Hotel
Smolnaya, 44
Neva Towers
Residence on Kislovsky
Residence on Pokrovsky Boulevard
Residence Tverskaya
Moss Apartments


“In 2016, the offer was actively replenished with new buildings and queues in the business and comfort class complexes already being implemented (Aerolofts, city quarter “”, Berezovaya Alley apart-complex”, MFC “”, apart-complex “”, LCD “”, city ​​block " "). After the active withdrawal of comfort class projects in 2015, the number of new proposals this year is noticeably smaller. The market was mainly replenished with volumes in large-scale complexes,” says Yulia Sapor, head of the analytical and consulting center Est-a-Tet.

Nevertheless, in annual terms, the supply of apartments in the Moscow market has grown, all the interviewed market participants are unanimous. According to the estimates of the BEST-Novostroy company, compared to last autumn, there were 12% more buildings, 8% more projects, and 12.5% ​​more lots. In general, at the end of October, 8,830 apartments in 131 buildings were put up for sale in Moscow as part of the implementation of 87 projects. The total supply of apartments amounted to 561,126 sq. m. m.

According to MIEL-Novostroyki, the supply increased by 8.2% over the year, Metrium Group - by 18.2% (by the number of lots), Est-a-Tet - by 15.8% (by the total area ).

And this is despite the transfer of part of the apartments to housing. As reminiscent of Est-a-Tet , at the end of 2015, the following projects were transferred from the apartment format to apartments: in the business class - the arch project "", in the premium class - "". In addition, some of the apartments in the IFC "" and "" received the status of apartments. (“According to BEST-Novostroy, by the end of the year it is planned to transfer apartments in the “” quarter to housing. Also, the transfer to housing was announced in the residential complex “”.)

“This (growth in supply - ed.) can be explained by the fact that Moscow continues to actively develop sites on the site of former industrial enterprises, according to some estimates, the area of ​​​​industrial zones in Moscow is about 18 thousand hectares. Also interesting is the fact that this year Mosgorexpertiza has approved almost twice as many projects as in the past (we are talking about different types real estate), so it is possible that the trend to increase supply will strengthen,” says Irina Dobrokhotova, chairman of the board of directors of BEST-Novostroy.

At the same time, the supply of new buildings is growing at a much more impressive pace than apartments. According to "", for the year, from October 2015 to October 2016, the number of new buildings for sale in the market of "old" Moscow, excluding the elite center, increased by 40%, and apartments - by 54%. (Cm. " ", " ".)

As a result, the share of apartments in the primary housing market has also decreased, according to Est-a-Tet and Miel. According to Natalia Shatalina, this figure dropped from 22% to 19% over the year. According to Est-a-Tet, from 24.1% to 22.8%. For comparison: at the end of 2014, apartments accounted for about a third of the entire new housing market in Moscow - see "".

“The reason for the decrease in the share of apartments in the supply structure is the release of mass projects of apartment projects that are replacing apartments. It can also be noted that if each apartment project contains an average of three buildings on the market, then in apartments this figure is less - 1.7 buildings (taking into account projects in which part of the supply is apartments),” explains the CEO of MIEL- New buildings” Natalia Shatalina.

High competition from new buildings and an increase in the budget supply of apartments in “old” Moscow led to a drop in the share of apartments in the total structure of transactions in the primary market by 10% compared to the beginning of 2015, from 23.4% to 13.2%, continues Shatalina . The increase in the “qualification” of buyers also played a role in this process: over time, people understand the real estate market better and now, at the stage of choosing an object, they calculate future taxes and maintenance payments. And on these points, apartments lose to ordinary apartments.

According to the managing partner of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya, most of the demand today is concentrated on low-cost objects of the mass segment worth 5-7 million rubles. Next come slightly more or less expensive samples: 3-5 million rubles and 7-10 million rubles. Thus, comfort class apartments are currently in the highest demand. This is also indicated by the growth in the supply of small-sized apartments (no more than 30 sq. m.). If a year ago they were 6.1%, then in the III quarter their share increased to 10.5%.


According to BEST-Novostroy, at the end of October 2016, the average price level in the apartment segment was 260,237 rubles. per sq. m - this is 9% less than a year earlier.

“The decrease in the cost of a meter on an annualized basis can be associated both with the washing out of a certain volume of apartments (for example, in July the most expensive lots in the projects Nabokov, Negotsiant and were removed from the exposition), and with the sale of new projects with a low starting price” , - explains Dobrokhotova.

According to Metrium Group, by the fall, the price of a meter has fallen by 5.8% in annual terms: in the III quarter of 2015. average cost square meter in general for the segment of apartments amounted to 287,800 rubles, while in the III quarter of this year this figure reached 271,150 rubles. In the business class, the price decreased by 6.15%, in the mass segment - by 1.24%. And for the "elite" prices rose by 1.9%.

Est-a-Tet practically coincides with Metrium in assessing the depth of drawdown of the average cost of a meter (-5.3%, to 373,800 rubles/sq.m.), however, the price dynamics by segments is the opposite. The maximum price increase, according to Est-a-Tet, was in the economy segment (+3.4%), followed by luxury class apartments (+1.4%). And the weighted average price of premium-class apartments fell by 5% over the year.

Like BEST-Novostroy, Metrium Group and Est-a-Tet explain the price movement mainly by changes in the supply structure: the release of new, cheaper or, conversely, expensive projects, an increase in the stage of readiness of objects, etc. In general, nothing cardinal and revolutionary.

Another thing is noteworthy: if in previous years the cost of a meter in apartment complexes has always been significantly, 30% lower than in apartment buildings, now this difference is shrinking or disappearing altogether. According to "Miel", in the "comfort" segment, the average weighted price per square meter of apartments is 148.6 thousand rubles, and apartments - only 13% less, 131.8 thousand rubles. And according to the statistics of "Metrium Group", according to the results of the III quarter of 2016, the average cost of a meter in apartments of the mass segment even exceeded that in new buildings: 148,275,000 rubles. against 146,905 rubles. per sq. m.

Shatalina notes that the maximum gap in the price of apartments and new buildings is observed in projects at the initial and middle stages of readiness, and the minimum - in projects at a high stage or in those already put into operation. For the comfort class, the corresponding figures are more than 20% and 6%, for "business" - more than 25% and 12% (with an average for the class at the level of 18%).

The reason is again in the structure of the sentence. As the expert explains, among the projects on high level readiness apartment complexes have a number of characteristics that allow them to keep quite high prices in relation to the apartments. Simply put, the high quality of such complexes allows them to largely offset the shortcomings of the format.

“In the current market situation, most apartment projects in Moscow are objects in an attractive location with good transport accessibility, a well-thought-out concept and their own infrastructure,” notes Yulia Sapor. - In some projects, there is the possibility of temporary registration. At the same time, the share of complexes of high price segments, for the target audience of which the presence of permanent registration is not a determining factor, makes up almost a third of the entire offer.”

If we compare the prices for flats and apartments within the same project - there are many of them now, then both in "comfort" and in "business" the minimum difference in the price per square meter is 14%, the maximum - 20%. “The difference in cost between apartments and apartments within the same project will already depend mainly on the specific characteristics of the project, the structure of demand for this particular project and the chosen policy of the developer,” says Natalya Shatalina .

The threshold for entering the apartment market is also gradually approaching that for new buildings. If in the III quarter of 2015 the most affordable offer was a studio with an area of ​​16.03 sq. m. in an apartment complex for 2.12 million rubles, then according to the results of the III quarter of 2016, the lowest purchase budget was recorded in the Vostok Hotel, where you can buy a studio with an area of ​​16.24 sq. m. for 2.28 million rubles (+7.5%), says Maria Litinetskaya. And in new buildings over the same period, the minimum price fell by 19% - from 3.38 million rubles. for a studio of 30.8 sq. m to 2.74 million for a studio of 25.5 sq. m.

The same thing happens with the average purchase budget. According to estimates by Est-a-Tet, for apartments, the figure for the year increased by 9.4%, according to Miel - by 8.9%. Over the same period, in the segment of new buildings, the average cost of an apartment decreased by 11.6%, according to "".

However, despite the reduction in the minimum purchase budget in new buildings with apartments, the most affordable prices and, moreover, a wider range are still preserved in projects with apartments, emphasizes Irina Dobrokhotova. So, in the budget up to 3 million rubles. in Moscow there are only two projects to choose from, and they are far from the center and from the metro. These are (from 2.6 million rubles) and "" (from 2.8 million rubles). In the segment of apartments in the budget up to 3 million rubles. there are four complexes, including those near the metro:, "", "", "".

The price advantage over apartments in terms of overall budget is that buying apartments helps them keep more compact spaces. In business-class facilities of this format, you can find studios of 15-17 sq. m, and in the elite segment - 26-31 sq. m. “For apartments of the same segments, such areas are unthinkable,” emphasizes Maria Litinetskaya.

Another significant plus of the apartments is the decoration. According to Litinetskaya, the share of finished apartments, especially in premium segments, is higher than on the non-market apartments. For example, in the elite segment, nine out of 36 projects (25%) contain objects with finishing and even furniture and household appliances.

The position of the house - facing the street - betrays its ancient origin. Under the decor of the end of the 19th century, a mansion of the 18th century is hidden. It then belonged to the state councilor Anna Semyonovna Olenina, mother of the famous statesman Alexei Nikolayevich Olenin, who lived here as a child. The entrance to the mansion was from the side of a vast garden, which then occupied almost two of the current properties. After the fire of 1812, the heirs of Anna Olenina sold the house.

The house has been radically transformed into late XIX century, when it was bought by Vladimir Dumnov. He was the owner of a well-known publishing house in Moscow, which produced mainly textbooks for elementary and high school. Founded in 1828 by the brothers Ivan Grigorievich and Afanasy Grigorievich Salaev, it published educational and pedagogical literature and Russian classics, primarily I.S. Turgenev. In 1879, the nieces of Fyodor Ivanovich Salaev inherited the publishing house and book trade, one of whom married V.V. Dumnov, who in 1885 became the head of the company "Heirs of the Salaev brothers". The publishing house in 1926 merged with the publishing house "Worker of Education".

In 1894, the architect P.M. Samarin rebuilt the old house bought by Dumnov. The main entrance to the house was moved to the end of M. Kislovsky Lane. The butt end is decorated in the neoclassical style with a portico supported by four semi-columns on a muffed base with Corinthian capitals. They are located along the edges of the façade and between the windows and in an original way are combined with small Ionic half-columns flanking the large windows of the façade. Ladies from the Baroque era look at passers-by from semicircular arched window niches. In the pediment, a composition resembling a coat of arms: a shield in the paws of lions. On the shield are the initials of the owner of "VD": Vladimir Dumnov.

After 1914, the house was refurbished for the Art publishing house.

In the mid-1960s, this house was the residence of the Japanese ambassador.

In 2013-2014, it was restored.

Restoration work in the interiors was carried out with the preservation of all valuable elements of planning and artistic decoration. Fireplaces in three rooms have been restored: marble lining, furnace openings have been cleared, a mirror in a stucco frame with a multi-figured composition has been replaced. On the first floor, modern plastic windows were replaced with wooden ones, and on the second floor, two separate windows were installed in each opening (“two-string” windows). It was possible to save and restore part of the door and window slopes made of osselkovy marble and even the old locking mechanisms on the windows (the lost ones were recreated). The unique doors of the second floor were also restored - paneled doors with brass handles in the form of paws holding faceted glass balls, as well as a folded cabinet door with a cut-out ornament imitating a closet. In the study, the cornice, decorated with mascarons in the form of lion heads, was restored according to the model of similar fragments found in the basement. Now the building is occupied by the Swiss Ambassador to Russia.

In 2013, the Mansion of I. G. Naumov - A. S. Olenina became the winner of the competition of the Government of Moscow for the best projects in the field of preservation and promotion of cultural heritage objects "Moscow Restoration" in the nomination: "For the best organization of repair and restoration work."

Club house Residence on Vsevolozhsky is a unique new building, created according to the author's project in neomodern style. The building stands out for its spectacular appearance, the building is decorated with carved facades made of natural stone, forged balcony railings, beautiful bas-reliefs. The stylish appearance is complemented by exclusive design of the lobby, public areas, elevators and entrances.

Elite apartments in a prestigious area

The minimum number of apartments in the residential complex Residence on Vsevolozhsky becomes the key to a decent neighborhood, a quiet life. The closed territory of the complex is guarded, round-the-clock video surveillance is conducted. An ideal location brings many benefits:

  • the windows offer amazing views of the capital (the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior);
  • there is no need to waste time traveling around the metropolis;
  • there are many private schools, kindergartens nearby;
  • Near parks, shopping malls, art gallery.

The adjacent territory is implemented according to the concept of "yard without cars", you can leave the car in the underground parking.

Coziness and comfort

Thoughtful layouts allow you to equip the interior in accordance with the highest requirements. The residential complex has its own concierge service, which will allow you to resolve all pressing issues as they arise. The official website of the residential complex Residence on Vsevolozhsky reports on the installation of modern engineering systems, thanks to multi-stage purification, residents can drink water immediately from the tap.

Located on the "golden mile", the new building is one of the most prestigious real estate in the capital. The apartments have high ceilings, large windows - rooms ranging from 104 to 250 meters are offered. It is here that residents will find an incredible combination of involvement in business life (about 15 minutes to Moscow City by car) and the tranquility of a country residence, thanks to the unique concept of a low-rise new building.

Anyone who wants to be in the historical district of Moscow and enjoy daily views of the Kremlin's surroundings should pay attention to the "Residence on Kislovsky". The modern complex is built in the style of the 19th century, thanks to which it meets the requirements of the current time and at the same time returns us to past eras. This solution allows the building to harmoniously fit into the existing development, while preserving the historical spirit of the quarter.


The developer has yet to announce a release date for the complex.

Location of the complex

The Residence on Kislovsky apart-complex is being built in the Central Administrative District of the capital, at the address: Bolshoy Kislovsky lane, 9. Property owners can easily get to the Kremlin (only 700 m) and metro stations (there are 5 of them within walking distance).

The place is attractive not only for transport accessibility, but also for proximity to historical and architectural sights. In addition, there are walking areas, equipped bike paths, shops, cafes and much more nearby.

Ecology of the area

By metropolitan standards, the environment in the area where the Residence on Kislovsky apartment complex is being built is satisfactory. There are no dangerous industrial zones in the Central Administrative District, but the district is constantly suffering from noise and pollution from highways.

Apartment options

The complex offers various options for premises ranging from 28.4 to 97.4 square meters. m. They are rented furnished, finished.

Potential Buyers

Real estate in the "Residence on Kislovsky" will appeal to active and business people who want to spend maximum time in the epicenter of metropolitan life. The format of the complex will also suit citizens who often visit Moscow on business trips.

Complex architecture

During the construction of the six-story building of the complex, architectural elements inherent in the buildings of the late 19th century are used. This makes it unique and at the same time original. The complex will become a harmonious part of the already formed architectural ensemble of the district.


The project provides for the creation of a guarded car park.


Landscaping and landscaping work will be carried out on the territory of the Residence on Kislovsky. It will open a modern fitness center of the Hard Candy Fitness chain with exercise equipment, dance studios, a swimming pool, and spa areas.