Arakcheev short biography and reforms. Brief biography of Arakcheev. During the reign of Paul

(1769-1834) count, Russian statesman and military figure

There were such people in Russian history whose names, in the representation of descendants, are associated with only one deed or event. Yes, name Count Arakcheev usually associated with the creation of military settlements and the introduction of the so-called cane discipline in Russia. Meanwhile, Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev occupies a very significant place in Russian history in the first third of the 19th century.

Alexei was born near Tver on the small estate of his father, a retired military man who belonged to an ancient but impoverished noble family. The father, as often happened at that time, had little interest in his son, and his mother, Elizaveta Andreevna, was engaged in his upbringing. She was a pedantic, dry and even cruel woman. It was these features of her that were transferred to Alexei Andreevich.

Since the family did not have sufficient funds for home education, the village sexton became the boy's first teacher. Having learned literacy and arithmetic from him, Alexei was able to enter the St. Petersburg Gentry Corps, where officers of the artillery and engineering troops were trained. There, his extraordinary mathematical abilities were discovered. Thanks to his discipline and diligence, Alexey Arakcheev was recommended by the corps commander to Count N. Saltykov for the position of a home teacher.

Saltykov, in turn, recommended Alexei Arakcheev to the future Emperor Paul I. At the same time, Arakcheev's cruelty towards the soldiers became known. Nevertheless, Paul transferred him to Gatchina and appointed him head of his ground forces. Living in Gatchina, Arakcheev soon became close not only with the future emperor, but also with his son Alexander and managed to win their favor. This would greatly help his career later. Both future emperors never forgot their favorite.

After Paul's accession to the throne in 1796, Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev was appointed commandant of St. Petersburg and promoted to the rank of major general. Some time later, the emperor appoints him commander of all Russian artillery. At this time, for the first time, Arakcheev’s excellent organizational skills manifested themselves, who managed to supply the army with everything necessary, but at the same time he demanded discipline in the troops with a cane. Note that these actions immediately provoked a sharp reaction from Field Marshal A.V. Suvorov.

Paul I at first tried not to notice the negative qualities of his favorite, but he obviously regarded this as an approval of his actions and continued to tighten discipline, showing incredible cruelty towards his subordinates. Finally, the emperor could not stand the constant complaints about the actions of Arakcheev and two years later was forced to dismiss him. Aleksey Arakcheev managed to regain the emperor's favor again, which meant returning to the service, very quickly, in just six months. It was then that he was granted the title of count.

The words "Without flattery betrayed" were inscribed on his coat of arms. They accurately reflected the main feature of his character - personal devotion to the reigning monarch. Once he even had to suffer because of it. Arakcheev did not take part in the conspiracy against Paul I, but was nevertheless fired on the very first day after the accession to the throne of Alexander I, who himself knew about the conspiracy and probably removed Arakcheev because of the danger of exposure.

The disgraced count spent two years in his estate Gruzino, and only in 1803 was he summoned to St. Petersburg and, at the behest of Alexander I, returned to his former position. At this time, he managed to carry out some military reforms, and although he did not take a direct part in the hostilities of 1805-1807. , after the end of the war was appointed chairman of the Department of Military Affairs of the State Council. He was supposed to be engaged in the acquisition of reserves and the supply of the army.

In this position, Alexey Andreevich Arakcheev managed to achieve a lot. The emperor trusted him so much that he ordered that Arakcheev's orders be carried out on a par with his own decrees. During the war of 1812, Arakcheev was almost constantly with the emperor, taking care of all current military affairs. Naturally, he did not try to leave for the active army, since he stood on diametrically opposed positions with the commander-in-chief M.I. Kutuzov.

Especially strong was his influence on Alexander in the last years of the reign of the emperor. This era was so closely associated with the name of Arakcheev that it went down in history under the name of Arakcheevshchina. From 1815 to 1825 Alexey Andreevich Arakcheev headed the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Council. Its activity began with the arrangement of military settlements to accommodate military units that returned from the war. Arakcheev understood that Russia could not lose a combat-ready army. He practically developed the transition to its personnel content, but did it by methods consonant with his era. Although the initiative to introduce them came from Alexander himself, the harsh and even cruel regime that reigned there was developed by Alexei Arakcheev.

In these settlements, literally everything was regulated - the color of the roofs, the curtains on the windows, the size of the panicles for sweeping the streets, and even. . . the number and sex of children that each married woman was expected to give birth to each year. It is clear that such a cruel regime has become an occasion for numerous speeches. And they were suppressed with the same cruelty that distinguished everything that Arakcheev did.

The description of this figure, left by one of his contemporaries, is curious: “The count looked like a monkey in a uniform. There was nothing slender about him, a large fleshy head with thick ears was always tilted to the side. It was said that the artist D. Dow greatly embellished his appearance in a famous portrait placed in the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace. Nevertheless, he managed to express his critical attitude towards Arakcheev by placing his figure against the backdrop of the barracks.

The tough and domineering character also affected the personal life of Alexei Arakcheev. Shortly after the wedding, he divorced his wife Natalya Fedorovna Khomutova, who could not stand his cruel treatment. It is clear that they did not have children. For many years, Arakcheev lived with his own serf, Anastasia Minkina. She also had a cruel character and was killed by her own servants for bullying the serfs. This happened in September 1825. Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev immediately arrived in Gruzino and brutally dealt with the guilty. Because of these sad events, he was not even able to meet in time with the courier who delivered to Petersburg the well-known denunciation of officer Sherwood about members of the Southern Secret Society.

After the death of Alexander I, Arakcheev tried to remain in the service, but in the very first days after the accession to the throne of Nicholas I, he was fired. Alexey Arakcheev went on a trip to Europe. While abroad, he published his correspondence with Emperor Alexander I.

Upon his return, he settled in his estate Gruzino. Arakcheev bequeathed his huge fortune to spend on charitable needs. So, he established a special fund, from which the Academy of Sciences was to pay cash bonuses to historians who would study the era of Alexander I. A special bonus was due to translators of Russian scientific literature into foreign languages.

The rest of the state, as well as the estate itself with vast lands, Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev transferred to the Nizhny Novgorod Military School to set up a fund for the education of poor pupils.


Alexey Andreevich

Battles and victories

Count (1799), Russian statesman and military leader, close associate of Alexander I. Reformer of Russian artillery, artillery general (1807), chief commander of military settlements (since 1817).

Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev called himself "an uneducated Novgorod nobleman", although he collected one of the best libraries in Russia, subscribed to almost all scientific journals of that time, and even started an institute for the training of teachers in the military settlements he led. And the natural abilities and talents of the minister of war, who had long been considered an odious figure, became the key to victory over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Arakcheev was born on September 23 (October 4), 1769 at his father's estate in the Novgorod province. The exact place of birth is unknown. Some researchers called the family village of his mother Kurgany, other biographers believed that he was born in the village of Garusovo on the shores of Lake Udomlya, Vyshnevolotsky district, Tver province (today Udomelsky district of the Tver region) and even spent his childhood years there. It is apparently impossible to give an exact answer to this question, because no documents about the birth of the count have been preserved. The Arakcheev family lived alternately in both of these villages, and in winter - in their house in Bezhetsk.

A.A. Arakcheev was one of the largest Russian statesmen and military figures, an artillery general, an associate of Alexander I. He was a prominent participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Minister of War of Russia in 1808 - 1810, who enjoyed the great confidence of Alexander I, especially in the second half of his reign . He actively reformed the Russian artillery, became the chief commander of military settlements (since 1817), and in 1823-24. - the head of the so-called. "Russian party".

However, the name of this major statesman and military figure in the mass consciousness is still associated with such a phenomenon as "Arakcheevism", understood as a regime of reactionary police despotism and rude military clique. Such associations with the name of the former favorite of the two emperors, as “drill”, “military settlements”, “pacification of rebels”, “temporary worker”, seemed to leave no hope of finding anything positive in the life and work of this remarkable person. The term "Arakcheevism" is used to denote any gross arbitrariness, and was invented by representatives of the progressive public, mainly of the liberal persuasion. Categorically negative - as an ugly manifestation of Russian autocracy - Arakcheev's activity was assessed by socialist and communist historians and publicists. A serious analysis of the activities of Arakcheev as a statesman and military figure, as a rule, was not carried out. Therefore, the term carried a derogatory generalization of the reign of Paul I and Alexander I.

The liberal intelligentsia, of course, treated Arakcheev and his memory rather negatively. Everyone knows the epigram of young A.S. Pushkin on Arakcheev:

The oppressor of all Russia,
Governors tormentor
And he is a teacher of the Council,
And he is a friend and brother to the king.
Full of malice, full of revenge
Without mind, without feelings, without honor...

However, the more mature Pushkin evoked sympathy for the retired Arakcheev. Responding to the death of Count Arakcheev, Pushkin wrote to his wife: "I am the only one who regrets this in all of Russia - I did not manage to see him and talk a lot."

Turning to the facts, we see that during the years of the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. Arakcheev perfectly organized the supply of troops, provided them with reinforcements and artillery. With his personal participation and organization of hostilities, he encouraged the Swedes to start peace negotiations. Victories of the Russian army in 1812 - 1813 would not have been so brilliant if Arakcheev had not been in the leadership of the military department, logistics and support. It was the good preparation of the army for military operations even before 1812 that contributed to the successful defeat of the enemy.

Contrary to the generally accepted point of view and his own assertion, Arakcheev was a highly educated person, as well as the owner of one of the largest libraries in Russia at that time. The library he collected, according to the catalog of 1824, consisted of over 12 thousand books, mainly on Russian history (in 1827, a significant part of it burned down, the surviving books were transferred to the library of the Novgorod Cadet Corps).

Arakcheev received his initial education under the guidance of a village deacon who taught him grammar and arithmetic (by the way, this deacon was the grandfather of the great Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev). In the future, Arakcheev even seemed to flaunt this circumstance. So, having become the Minister of War in 1808, Alexei Andreevich gathered his subordinates and turned to them with an extravagant statement: “Gentlemen, I recommend myself, please take care of me, I know little about literacy, the father paid 4 rubles in copper for my upbringing.”

It was during his studies "with copper money" that Arakcheev became a great admirer of the mathematical sciences, which affected his entire future fate.

Even under Emperor Paul I, Arakcheev was appointed inspector of all artillery. He received the same position under Alexander. And here Arakcheev showed himself to the fullest. Thanks to Arakcheev, a reform of Russian artillery was carried out - the number of calibers was reduced, artillery pieces were improved, i.e. lightened without reducing combat power, a permanent horse composition was introduced in all batteries, guns of the same type and caliber were supplied to all batteries. Thanks to the reform of Arakcheev, the power of Russian artillery has increased, and mobility has increased, and this is without switching to any new technologies. And it was precisely thanks to Arakcheev's reform that the Russian artillery in the war of 1812 not only was not inferior to the French, but even surpassed it. At the same time, Arakcheev managed to inspire an extremely serious attitude towards artillery to the entire command of the Russian army. Thanks to the work of the so-called. The Arakcheev Commission found out that the effectiveness of fire on the battlefield is 6-8 times greater than the effectiveness of rifle fire.

Being engaged in the military department, he ensured an excellent supply of the Russian army during the war with Sweden in 1809; it was Arakcheev who was entrusted with providing the Russian army with food and ammunition, preparing reserves, and he did an excellent job with this task, i.e. the Russian army had during the war, in fact, everything necessary, which greatly contributed to the victory of Russian weapons; finally, he managed to turn the military settlements invented by Alexander I into something acceptable.

Arakcheev was an honest, conscientious officer, always, with all his might, with full dedication, carried out the order given to him by the command. One of the richest nobles of his time, Alexei Andreevich was not distinguished by either greed or money-grubbing, refusing most of the awards of Alexander I. When Alexander granted Arakcheev his portrait, adorned with diamonds, the count left the portrait (he was usually depicted with it on all portraits of the last period of his life), and sent the diamonds back. Also on his portraits we will not see the signs of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called granted by Emperor Alexander - the highest of the awards received by Arakcheev from Paul I was the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

So, the initial education under the guidance of a rural deacon consisted in the study of Russian literacy and arithmetic. The boy felt a great inclination for the latter science and diligently studied it.

Wishing to place his son in a military educational institution, Andrei Andreevich Arakcheev (1732 - 1797) took him to St. Petersburg. In 1783, due to his infancy, Arakcheev Jr. could count on being accepted first into the “preparatory” classes of the Artillery and Engineering Corps. Just at this time (November 25, 1782) the previous director of the corps died, and a new one was appointed only on February 22. Andrei Andreevich with his son, who was already about to leave the capital, went on the first Sunday to the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Gabriel, who distributed to the poor the money sent for this subject by Catherine II. The share of the landowner Arakcheev received from the metropolitan three silver rubles. Having received some more allowance from Mrs. Guryeva, Andrei Andreevich, before leaving St. Petersburg, decided to try his luck again: together father and son came to the newly appointed director of the corps, Pyotr Ivanovich Melissino. For several months, having submitted a petition and practically starving, they came to the reception every day, silently met Mellisino and dutifully waited for an answer to their petition for enrolling the boy in the corps. Once, on July 19, the child could not stand it, rushed to the general, told about his misfortune and begged Pyotr Ivanovich to accept him into the corps. He was one of those poor nobles for whom only the elementary classes opened the way to further study and officer service in the Russian army.

Rapid advances in the sciences, especially in mathematics, soon (in 1787) brought him the rank of officer. Later P.I. Mellisino, who especially fell in love with Alexei Andreevich for his "serviceability" in his studies and service, recommended him to the heir to the throne led. book. Pavel Petrovich to head the Gatchina artillery. Until the end of his life, Arakcheev appreciated and remembered that it was Mellisino who recommended him, then an unknown officer, to the future emperor.

In his free time, Arakcheev gave lessons in artillery and fortification to the sons of Count Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov, to whom he was also recommended by Melissino. After some time, the heir to the throne, Pavel Petrovich, turned to Count Saltykov with a demand to give him an efficient artillery officer. Count Saltykov pointed to Arakcheev and introduced him from the best side. From September 1792, at the request of the future Emperor Paul I, Arakcheev was sent to Gatchina, and soon, for his diligence and success in the artillery service, he was appointed commander of the Gatchina artillery team. Alexey Andreevich fully justified the recommendation by the exact execution of the instructions assigned to him, tireless activity, knowledge of military discipline, strict obedience to the established order, which soon won over the Grand Duke.

From 1794, Arakcheev was an inspector of the Gatchina artillery, from 1796, at the same time, of the infantry. The new inspector reorganized the Tsarevich's artillery, dividing the artillery team into 3 foot and 1 cavalry squads (corporates), with a fifth of their staff being in auxiliary positions; compiled a special instruction for each officer in the artillery. Arakcheev developed a plan for the deployment of artillery squads into companies and the creation of a four-company artillery regiment, introduced a methodology for the practical training of artillerymen and created "classes for teaching military science", took an active part in the drafting of new charters. The innovations he proposed were subsequently implemented throughout the Russian army.

Alexey Andreevich was granted the commandant of Gatchina and subsequently the head of all the land forces of the heir. Arakcheev loved and respected Emperor Paul, revered his memory.

Three emperors of Arakcheev -
Pavel I Petrovich

Upon accession to the throne, Emperor Pavel Petrovich granted Arakcheev many awards: being a colonel, he was granted on November 7, 1796 (on the day Emperor Paul ascended the throne) by the St. Petersburg commandant; Promoted to major general on November 8; November 9 - to the majors of the Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment; November 13 - holder of the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree; in the following year, 1797, on April 5, he was granted the baronial dignity and the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. In addition, the sovereign, knowing the insufficient state of Baron Arakcheev, granted him two thousand peasants with the choice of a province. Arakcheev chose the village of Gruzino in the Novgorod province.

Severity and impartiality, observance of the law and the desire to strictly execute the decisions of the monarch distinguished Arakcheev when restoring order in the troops. But Arakcheev did not have long to enjoy the favor of the emperor, who was fickle in his predilections. On March 18, 1798, Alexei Andreevich was dismissed from service with the rank of lieutenant general.

And then there was a new rise. Arakcheev was again accepted into service in the same 1798 and enlisted in the retinue of Emperor Paul I. On December 22, 1798, he was ordered to be a quartermaster general, and on January 4, 1799, he was appointed commander of the Life Guards Artillery Battalion and artillery inspector. On January 8, 1799, he was granted the Commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and on May 5, 1799 - Count of the Russian Empire for his excellent diligence and work for the benefit of the service. He was ordered to be present at the Military Collegium and to restore order in the Artillery Expedition.

On October 1, 1799, he was dismissed from service by the emperor for the second time and sent to Gruzino. The removal of Arakcheev from St. Petersburg was beneficial to those representatives of the aristocracy who at that time began preparing a conspiracy against Paul I. This time, the resignation continued until the new reign.

Three emperors of Arakcheev -
Alexander I Pavlovich

In 1801, Emperor Alexander Pavlovich ascended the throne, with whom Alexei Andreevich became well acquainted in his service. In 1802, Alexander again called him to the service, appointing him a member of the Commission for compiling exemplary states of artillery, and on May 14, 1803, he was again an inspector of all artillery and commander of the Life Guards Artillery Battalion.

The experience of Arakcheev's activities in the "Gatchina troops" of Tsarevich Pavel came in handy when it was necessary to create the first horse artillery company in the guards brigade. Horse artillery of the early 19th century is a type of field artillery, in which not only guns and ammunition, but also each number of the gun crew were transported by horses, due to which the servants were trained not only in actions with a gun, but also in horseback combat. Horse artillery was intended for fire support of the cavalry and the creation of a mobile artillery reserve, therefore it was armed with lightweight unicorns and six-pounder guns. In 1803 - 1811. Arakcheev prepared and implemented the reform of Russian artillery, as a result of which it turned into an independent branch of the armed forces, its organization was improved (regiments and battalions were replaced by artillery brigades), the first integrated system of artillery weapons was created (field artillery is limited to guns of four calibers of lightweight design, the ammunition load of each gun is determined , states have been revised, unified design documentation has been introduced, exemplary reference parts have been developed for manufacturers, etc.). Army infantry divisions were given 3-company foot artillery brigades (battery and 2 light), and cavalry divisions were given mounted artillery companies, and mobile artillery arsenals were created.

Arakcheev established exams for artillery officers and wrote a series of instructions for them. Even upon arrival in Gatchina to the artillery units of Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich, Arakcheev discovered that there were no instructions: what each number does with a gun. The artilleryman did what the officer, who had two guns, ordered. Arakcheev determined the composition of the teams at the guns, wrote to each number what he was doing, what he was holding in his hands, what bag was hanging on him, etc. The officers of the guard, of course, did not like such a detailed regulation, the observance of which was assigned to them.

The converted artillery proved to be successful during the Napoleonic wars. Strict towards the negligent, he did not skimp on rewards for those who duly performed their service: about 11 thousand rubles were spent on awards in the Artillery Expedition. in year. In December 1807, Arakcheev was appointed to be under Alexander I "in the artillery unit", and two days later the emperor ordered that his orders, announced by Arakcheev, be considered personal imperial instructions. In 1804, on his initiative, a Provisional Artillery Committee was formed to consider scientific and technical issues, renamed in 1808 into the Scientific Committee for Artillery; Artillery magazine began to be published.

In 1805 A.A. Arakcheev was with the sovereign in the battle of Austerlitz.

In 1807 Arakcheev was promoted to general of artillery. To restore order in the military department, on January 13, 1808, Alexander I appointed Arakcheev Minister of the Army (until 1810), in addition, on January 17 - inspector general of all infantry and artillery (until 1819), with subordination to him commissariat and provisions departments. On January 26, 1808, Arakcheev became the head of the Imperial Military Camping Office and the Courier Corps. Under his leadership, the introduction of the divisional organization of the army was completed, its recruitment, supply and training of troops improved. During the administration of the ministry, Arakcheev issued new rules and regulations for various parts of the military administration, simplified and shortened correspondence, established recruit depots and training grenadier battalions prepared reinforcements for line units. Artillery was given a new organization, measures were taken to increase the level of special education for officers, and the material part was streamlined and improved. The positive consequences of these improvements were not slow to show up during the wars in 1812-1814.

Gr. A.A. Arakcheev took an active part in the war with Sweden. Alexander ordered that the theater of war be immediately and decisively transferred to the Swedish coast, taking advantage of the opportunity (the rarest in the history of the usually non-freezing bay) to cross there on the ice. Since a number of generals, in view of the order of the sovereign to transfer the theater of war to the Swedish coast, exhibited various difficulties, Alexander I, extremely dissatisfied with the inaction of the Russian command, sent his minister of war to Finland. Arriving on February 20, 1809 in Abo, Arakcheev insisted on the speedy implementation of the highest will. Arakcheev literally "pushed" the generals onto the ice of the Gulf of Bothnia. To Barclay de Tolly's objection that food and ammunition might fall behind, Arakcheev, together with Barclay himself, built a complete scheme of not only troops, but also mobile depots, so that they, not lagging behind, would move in sync with the troops.

The Russian troops had to endure many obstacles, but Arakcheev acted energetically, as a result of which the Russian troops, who marched to the Aland Islands on March 2, quickly captured them, and on March 7 a small Russian cavalry detachment already occupied the village of Grisselgam on the Swedish coast (now part of the commune of Norrtelle).

During the movement of Russian troops to the Åland Islands in Sweden, a change in government followed: instead of Gustavus Adolf, who was deposed from the throne, his uncle, the Duke of Südermanland, became the king of Sweden. The defense of the Åland Islands was entrusted to General Debeln, who, having learned about the Stockholm coup, entered into negotiations with the commander of the Russian detachment, Knorring, to conclude a truce, which was done. But Arakcheev did not approve of Knorring's act and, when meeting with General Debeln, told the latter that he had been sent from the sovereign "not to make a truce, but to make peace."

The subsequent actions of the Russian troops were brilliant: Barclay de Tolly made a glorious transition through the Kvarken, and Shuvalov occupied Torneo. On September 5, the Friedrichsgam peace was signed by Russian and Swedish representatives, according to which Finland, part of Västerbotten up to the Torneo River and the Aland Islands went to Russia. We can safely say that it was the arrival of Arakcheev in the army as a personal representative of the emperor that accelerated the end of the Russian-Swedish war.

On January 1, 1810, Arakcheev left the military ministry and was appointed a member of the then newly established State Council (in 1810 - 1812 and 1816 - 1826 he was the chairman of the department of military affairs in it), with the right to be present in the committee of ministers and the Senate. Leaving this post, Arakcheev recommended Barclay de Tolly to the post of Minister of War.

On March 31, Arakcheev was relieved of his post as chairman of the military department of the State Council, and on June 17 he was appointed to the post of head of the office of Alexander I. Now he was aware of all the affairs in the country. On December 7, 1812, it was transformed into His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery - an organ that, as you know, played a huge role in the history of the country. Arakcheev actually stood at its origins, leading it until 1825. In many ways, through his efforts, the Russian army was well prepared for the Patriotic War of 1812.

On June 14, 1812, due to the approach of Napoleon, Count Arakcheev was again called to manage military affairs.

Since that date, the entire French war has gone through my hands, all the secret orders, reports and handwritten orders of the sovereign.

A.A. Arakcheev

Count A.A. Arakcheev.
Artist I.B. Lumpy Senior

During the Patriotic War, the main concern of Arakcheev was the formation of reserves and the supply of food to the army. During the war, he was also in charge of recruiting troops and replenishing artillery parks, organizing militias, etc. After the establishment of peace, the emperor’s confidence in Arakcheev increased to the point that he was entrusted with the execution of the highest plans not only in military matters, but also in matters of civil administration. In 1815, Alexei Andreevich was appointed the only reporter to the emperor on the affairs of the Committee of Ministers and the State Council. From that time on, Alexander I led the empire through Arakcheev, who regularly reported to him, and actually led the country. Arakcheev carried out the development of the necessary legal acts, transforming all military legislation and thereby completing the reform of the army.

It was Arakcheev who managed to persuade the emperor to give up his claims to the supreme command of the Russian armies in the Patriotic War. He greatly favored Kutuzov, and it is possible that it was thanks to Arakcheev that Kutuzov was appointed commander of all Russian armies in August 1812.

The strictness and inflexibility of Arakcheev in the implementation of the emperor's plan became one of the reasons for the formation of a negative attitude towards him personally, the spread of rumors discrediting the count. For Alexander I, Arakcheev was a kind of “screen” that shielded the tsar from the indignation of his subjects with his mistakes, blunders, and the negative consequences of his reign.

P.A. spoke about the significance of Arakcheev. Kleinmikhel, who was then Arakcheev’s adjutant: “You don’t understand what Arakcheev is to me. Everything that is done badly, he takes upon himself, he attributes everything good to me.

We will do everything: the Russians must demand the impossible from us in order to achieve the possible.

A.A. Arakcheev

He was just as demanding, above all, to himself. This principle allowed Arakcheev to do the impossible, but it also made him extremely unpopular in society.

He himself was well aware of this. D.V. Davydov cites in his "Notes" the words of A.A. Arakcheev, told by him to General A.P. Yermolov: "Many undeserved curses will fall on me." The phrase turned out to be prophetic.

Arakcheev, all his life, fiercely hated bribery, traditionally rooted in Russian society. Those caught red-handed were immediately expelled from their posts, regardless of their faces. Red tape, extortion for the purpose of obtaining a bribe were pursued by him mercilessly. Arakcheev demanded immediate resolution of issues and strictly monitored the implementation of deadlines, so the clerical community hated him. Why be surprised that the cross-section of this society determined the mood of writers and publicists who invented "Arakcheevism".

But the main phenomenon in the military life of Russia, with which the name of Arakcheev is associated, is the arrangement of military settlements. Count Alexei Andreevich is usually considered the creator of this system. However, military settlements were proposed by Alexander I himself, while Arakcheev was against this project. M. M. Speransky formalized the idea into decrees and instructions. Arakcheev became only a performer.

In the war of 1812, Alexander I was faced with a shortage of trained reserves, the difficulty of conducting more and more recruiting sets, and the high cost of maintaining the army. The emperor put forward the idea that every soldier should be a peasant, and every peasant should be a soldier. This was originally done through the introduction of soldiers to lodge in the village.

Alexander I was occupied with the idea of ​​organizing military settlements on a vast scale. According to some information, we repeat, Arakcheev at first showed a clear disapproval of this thought. But in view of the inexorable desire of the sovereign - in 1817, Alexander I entrusted him with the development of a plan for the creation of settlements - he led the matter abruptly, with merciless consistency, not embarrassed by the murmur of the people, forcibly torn off from age-old, historically established customs and the usual way of life.

Perhaps the military settlements were an attempt by Alexander I to create a class in Russia, relying on which the tsar could carry out liberal reforms.

Arakcheev, a believing and pious Orthodox Christian from a young age, gifted with brilliant organizational skills and administrative talent and, perhaps most importantly, who worked not for the sake of self-interest and glory, but also, like the Emperor, following his moral duty ... such an employee was infinitely needed by Alexander.

A. Zubov

“The emperor was well aware of the weaknesses and shortcomings of his Gatchina friend - lack of culture, touchiness, envy, jealousy of the royal mercy, but all this was outweighed in the eyes of the king by his virtues. Alexander, Arakcheev and Prince A.N. The Golitsyns together made up that powerful lever that almost turned Russia off the path to a national catastrophe, outlined by the deeds of the "great" monarchs of the 18th century - Peter and Catherine. ( Zubov A. Reflections on the causes of the revolution in Russia. Reign of Alexander the Blessed. New world. 2006, No. 7).

A whole series of revolts among the military settlers were suppressed with inexorable severity. The outer side of the settlements has been brought to an exemplary order. Only the most exaggerated rumors about their well-being reached the sovereign. Many of the dignitaries, either without understanding the matter or out of fear of a powerful temporary worker, extolled the new institution with exorbitant praise.

Arakcheev and Speransky -
Pushkin's eyes

The idea was the emperor, the design of this idea into a more or less integral picture is the work of Speransky, and only Arakcheev was to blame for everything. He always conscientiously carried out all the orders of his emperor, even if he considered them wrong. In those situations where other generals objected to the emperor (Kutuzov), Arakcheev accepted the order for execution, and carried it out, making every effort to do so. An honest soldier strictly fulfilled his duty.

The problem was aggravated by the general bribery of the authorities, starting with the officers: Arakcheev, who demanded from the chiefs, first of all, external order and improvement, could not eradicate the general robbery, and only in rare cases the perpetrators were subjected to well-deserved punishment. It is not surprising that dull discontent increased every year among the military settlers. In the reign of Emperor Alexander I, it was expressed only by single outbursts. At the same time, the indignation among the soldiers and peasants was suppressed by force. In those military settlements that Arakcheev personally dealt with, soldiers and peasants lived more or less tolerably.

With the accession to the throne of Nicholas I, Count Arakcheev soon retired, and Count Kleinmichel was placed at the head of the administration of military settlements with the rank of chief of staff of military settlements.

Arakcheev and Speransky -
through the eyes of a contemporary artist

Less known about Arakcheev is that in 1818, on behalf of Alexander I, he developed one of the projects for the liberation of the peasants, which provided for the purchase by the treasury of landlord estates together with the peasants “at voluntarily set prices with the landowners” and granting the peasants personal freedom. Of course, this project, like many similar plans of Alexander's reign, remained unrealized.

And, finally, the decency of Arakcheev is evidenced by the clean signed forms of decrees of Alexander I, which the tsar left to Arakcheev when leaving the capital. The temporary worker could use these blank forms for his own purposes to deal with unwanted people, because he had enough enemies. But none of the forms entrusted by the tsar was used by Arakcheev for personal purposes.

Modern researchers often characterize him as one of the most effective administrators in Russian history, and believe that he was an ideal performer, able to realize grandiose plans.

The influence of Arakcheev on affairs and his power continued throughout the reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich. Being the most influential nobleman, close to the sovereign, Arakcheev, having the Order of Alexander Nevsky, refused other orders granted to him: in 1807 - from the Order of St.. Vladimir, and in 1808 - from the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called, and only left a rescript on the award as a keepsake. He also did not accept the rank of Field Marshal (1814), although his merits in the anti-Napoleonic wars were great. Alexey Andreevich was also awarded the Prussian Orders of the Black and Red Eagle of the 1st class, the Austrian Order of St. Stephen of the 1st class, as well as the above-mentioned portrait, from which he returned the diamonds.

They say that Emperor Alexander Pavlovich granted Arakcheev's mother a state lady. Alexei Andreevich refused this favor as well. The emperor said with displeasure: “You don’t want to accept anything from me!” - “I am pleased with the goodwill of Your Imperial Majesty,” answered Arakcheev, “but I beg you not to favor my parent as a lady of state; she spent her whole life in the country; if he comes here, he will attract the ridicule of the ladies of the court, and for a solitary life he does not need this decoration. Retelling about this event to those close to him, Alexei Andreevich added: “only once in my life, and it was in this case, that I was guilty against the parent, hiding from her that the sovereign favored her. She would be angry with me if she knew that I had deprived her of this distinction.

The name of Arakcheev was named under his patronage Arakcheevsky, later - Rostov Grenadier Prince Friedrid of the Netherlands Regiment.

Three emperors of Arakcheev -
Nicholas I Pavlovich

Alexander I died on November 19, 1825. Arakcheev did not take part in the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, for which he was dismissed by Nicholas I. According to other sources, Arakcheev himself refused the urgent requests of the new emperor to continue his service.

Be that as it may, on December 20, 1825, he was released by Nicholas I, who did not favor him, from the affairs of the Committee of Ministers and expelled from the State Council, and in 1826 removed from command over military settlements. He was fired on an indefinite leave for treatment, and was in the service until 1832. Arakcheev went abroad and arbitrarily published an edition of confidential letters to him from Alexander I, which caused a scandal in Russian society and government circles.

A devoted friend of the monarchs Paul and Alexander, who reached unprecedented heights during their reign, Arakcheev devoted the last years of his life to his estate Gruzino. Returning to the estate in 1827, Alexander Andreevich took up its arrangement, opened a hospital, took care of the peasant loan bank he had previously created, and tried, in accordance with his ideas, to regulate the life of serfs. His desire to create an exemplary economy in all respects led to the most favorable results. The beginning of the construction of Gruzin marked the brightest and most brilliant period of the heyday of the Russian estate. This estate was the best for its time. Now from the paradise on the banks of the river. Not even ruins remained of the Volkhov - all the buildings were destroyed during the hostilities of 1941-1944.

Having retained the title of a member of the State Council, Arakcheev went to travel abroad; his health was already broken. In 1833, Arakcheev contributed 50,000 rubles to the state loan bank. banknotes so that this amount remains in the bank for ninety-three years untouched with all interest. Three-quarters of this capital should be a reward to the one who writes by 1925 (in Russian) the best history of the reign of Alexander I. The remaining quarter is intended for the costs of publishing this work, as well as for the second prize, and two translators in equal parts, who will translate from Russian into German and into French the history of Alexander I, awarded the first prize. Arakcheev erected a magnificent bronze monument to Alexander in front of the cathedral church of his village, on which the following inscription is made: “To the Sovereign-Benefactor, after His death.”

Arakcheev's last act for the common good was his donation of 300 thousand rubles for the education of the poor nobles of the Novgorod and Tver provinces from the percentage of this capital in the Novgorod Cadet Corps, as well as 50 thousand rubles. Pavlovsk Institute for the education of the daughters of the nobles of the Novgorod province. After the death of Arakcheev, the Novgorod Cadet Corps received the name Arakcheevsky in connection with the transfer of Arakcheev's estate and capital in the amount of 1.5 million rubles to it. Back in 1816, Alexander I approved the spiritual will of Arakcheev, entrusting the custody of the will to the Governing Senate. The testator was given the choice of an heir, but Arakcheev did not do so. Nicholas I recognized as the best way to give forever the Georgian volost and all the movable property belonging to it to the full and indivisible possession of the Novgorod Cadet Corps, so that it would use the income received from the estate for the education of noble youth and take the name and coat of arms of the testator.

Meanwhile, Arakcheev's health was weakening, his strength was changing. Nicholas I, having learned about his morbid condition, sent Villiers, a medical doctor, to him in Gruzino, but the latter could no longer help, and on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, on April 21 (May 3), 1834, Arakcheev died, “without taking his eyes off the portrait Alexander, in his room, on the very sofa that served as a bed for the Autocrat of All Russia. He kept shouting to have his life extended for at least a month, finally, sighing, he said: “Damned death,” and died.

Before the funeral, they put on a canvas shirt, in which Emperor Alexander died, and dressed him in a ceremonial general's uniform. The ashes of the outstanding military and statesman, count and cavalier Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev, were buried in the village of Gruzino. Count Alexei Andreevich took care of his death and burial long before his death. The tomb with the epitaph was prepared inside the metropolitan-looking St. Andrew's Cathedral next to the monument to Emperor Paul. The Arakcheevsky regiment and an artillery battery were called to the funeral.

The remains of Arakcheev were found as a result of excavations in 2009. Proposals were discussed to rebury them in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg, where many of Arakcheev’s associates are buried, as well as in the ancient St. George’s Monastery of the 12th century. near Veliky Novgorod. At the end of 2008, the administration and the public of the Chudovsky district, on the territory of which Gruzino is located, turned to the regional authorities with a request to transfer the remains for re-burial in the former count's estate.

Gloomy and unsociable from childhood, Arakcheev remained so throughout his life. With a remarkable mind and disinterestedness, he knew how to remember the good that someone had ever done to him. In addition to pleasing the will of the monarchs and fulfilling the requirements of the service, he was not shy about anything. His severity often degenerated into cruelty, and the time of his almost unlimited dominion (the last years, the first quarter of the 19th century) was characterized by a kind of terror, since everyone trembled before him. In general, he left a bad memory on his own.

The kings valued in him rigidity, which reached inexorability, experience and knowledge, especially in the field of artillery, using his services when it was necessary to "put things in order." In Soviet times, Arakcheev was constantly defined as "a reactionary, a persecutor of the Suvorov school, a tsar's serf and a saint." But already in 1961, in an article about Arakcheev in the Historical Encyclopedia, several lines appeared about his merits in the development of Russian artillery. Modern domestic historians, assessing his activities, recognize that Arakcheev was one of the most worthy military and administrative figures in the history of the Russian Empire.

KURKOV K.N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State University M.A. Sholokhov


Anderson V.M. Correspondence of Emperor Alexander I with Napoleon and Count Arakcheev. St. Petersburg, 1912

Autobiographical notes of Count Arakcheev. Russian archive. 1866. Issue. 9

From the stories of A.A. Arakcheev. Historical Bulletin. 1894 / V. 58, No. 10

Letters 1796. 1797 Message A.I. Maksheev. Russian antiquity. 1891 / V. 71, No. 8

Letter from Count Arakcheev to Countess Kankrina. Note. P.A. Vyazemsky. Russian archive. 1868. Ed. 2nd. M., 1869

Arakcheev A.A., Karamzin N.M. Letters to the Grand Duke Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich. Message G. Alexandrov. Russian archive. 1868. Ed. 2nd. M., 1869

Arakcheev and military settlements: Memoirs of contemporaries: 1. Memoirs of M.F. Borozdin. 2. From the notes of von Bradke. Russian story. Series 1. Issue. 10. M., 1908

Bogdanovich P.N. Arakcheev Count and Baron of the Russian Empire: (1769–1834). P.N. Bogdanovich Gen. Headquarters Regiment. Buenos Aires, 1956

Bogoslovsky N.G. Arakcheevshchina: Stories. Op. N. Bogoslovsky. SPb., 1882

Bogoslovsky N.G. Tales of the Past: War Times. settlements. Op. Slovsky [pseudo]. Novgorod, 1865

Bulgarin F.G. Trip to Gruzino. SPb., 1861

Wrangel N., Makovsky S., Trubnikov A. Arakcheev and art. Old years. 1908. No. 7

Count A.A. Arakcheev. (Materials). Russian antiquity, 1900. Vol. 101. No. 1

Gribbe A.K. Count Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev. (From the memories of the Novgorod military settlements). 1822–1826 Russian antiquity. 1875. Vol. 12, No. 1

Davydova, E.E., comp. Arakcheev: testimonies of contemporaries. Comp. HER. Davydova et al. M., 2000

Jenkins M. Arakcheev. Reactionary reformer. M., 2004

Evropeyus I.I. Memoirs of Europeus about the service in the military settlement and about the relationship with Count Arakcheev. Russian antiquity. 1872. Vol. 6, No. 9

Ivanov G. Famous and famous refugees. Issue. 1: From Alexei Arakcheev to Alexei Smirnov. B.m., 2003

Kaigorodov V. Arakcheevshchina. Op. V. Kaigorodova. M., 1912

Kizevetter A.A. Historical silhouettes. Essays. A.A. Kiesewetter; Intro. Art. O.V. Budnitsky. Rostov n/a, 1997

Kovalenko A.Yu. The era of Alexander I in the context of state activity A. A. Arakcheev: Proc. allowance. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 1999

Nikolsky V.P. The state of the Russian army by the end of the reign of Alexander I. In the book: History of the Russian army, 1812–1864. SPb., 2003

Otto N.K. Features from the life of Count Arakcheev. Ancient and New Russia. 1875. Vol. 1, No. 1

Panchenko A.M. Library of Count A.A. Arakcheev in Gruzino. A.M. Panchenko. Berkovsky readings. Book culture in the context of international contacts. Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Moscow: Nauka. Minsk, 2011

Pillows D.L.“He was a real hare...” (About Count Arakcheev A.A.) Udomelskaya antiquity: Local history almanac. 2000, January. No. 16

Pillows D.L. The role of Count A.A. Arakcheev in the Patriotic War of 1812. Local lore almanac "Udomelskaya starina", No. 29, September 2002

Pillows D.L.(compiler), Vorobyov V.M. (scientific editor). Famous Russians in the history of the Udomlya region. Tver, 2009

Ratch V.F. Information about Count Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev. SPb., 1864

Romanovich E.M. Death Days and the Death of Count Arakcheev. (From the story of a retired staff captain Evgeny Mikhailovich Romanovich). Message P.A. Musatovsky. Russian archive. 1868. Ed. 2nd. M., 1869

Russian conservatives. M., 1997

Sigunov N.G. Features from the life of Count Arakcheev. The stories of Major General Nick. Grigor. Sigunova. Message M.I. Bogdanovich. Russian antiquity. 1870. T. 1. Ed. 3rd. SPb., 1875

Dictionary of Russian generals, participants in the hostilities against the army of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812-1815. Russian archive: Sat. M., 1996. T. VII

Tomsinov V.A. Arakcheev (series "Life of Remarkable People"). M., 2003, 2010

Tomsinov V.A. Temporary worker (Historical portrait of A.A. Arakcheev). M., 2013

Troitsky N. Russia at the head of the Holy Alliance: Arakcheevshchina

Ulybin V.V. Betrayed Without Flattery: The Experience of Count Arakcheev's Biography. Vyacheslav Ulybin. SPb., 2006

Fedorov V.A. MM. Speransky and A.A. Arakcheev. M., 1997

Shevlyakov M.V., ed. Historical people in jokes: from the life of statesmen and public figures. Ed. M.V. Shevlyakova. SPb., 2010

Shubinsky S.N. Historical essays and stories. SPb., 1896; 1913

Yakushkin V. Speransky and Arakcheev. St. Petersburg, 1905; M., 1916

Extensive material for characterizing Count Arakcheev and his time is placed in the publications: "Russian Antiquity" (1870 - 1890), "Russian Archive" (1866 No. 6 and 7, 1868 No. 2 and 6, 1872 No. 10, 1876 ​​No. 4); "Ancient and New Russia" (1875, Nos. 1 - 6 and 10); Glebov, "The Tale of Arakcheev" (military collection, 1861).


Ermolov Alexey Petrovich

Hero of the Napoleonic Wars and the Patriotic War of 1812. Conqueror of the Caucasus. Smart strategist and tactician, strong-willed and brave warrior.

Rurik Svyatoslav Igorevich

Year of birth 942 date of death 972 Expansion of the borders of the state. 965 the conquest of the Khazars, 963 the campaign to the south to the Kuban region the capture of Tmutarakan, 969 the conquest of the Volga Bulgars, 971 the conquest of the Bulgarian kingdom, 968 the foundation of Pereyaslavets on the Danube (the new capital of Rus'), 969 the defeat of the Pechenegs in the defense of Kiev.

Kazarsky Alexander Ivanovich

Captain Lieutenant. Member of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-29. He distinguished himself in the capture of Anapa, then Varna, commanding the Rival transport. After that, he was promoted to lieutenant commander and appointed captain of the Mercury brig. On May 14, 1829, the 18-gun brig "Mercury" was overtaken by two Turkish battleships "Selimiye" and "Real Bey". Having accepted an unequal battle, the brig was able to immobilize both Turkish flagships, one of which was the commander of the Ottoman fleet himself. Subsequently, an officer from Real Bey wrote: “In the continuation of the battle, the commander of the Russian frigate (the infamous Raphael, which surrendered without a fight a few days earlier) told me that the captain of this brig would not give up, and if he lost hope, then he would blow up the brig If in the great deeds of ancient and our times there are feats of courage, then this act should overshadow all of them, and the name of this hero is worthy to be inscribed in gold letters on the temple of Glory: he is called Lieutenant Commander Kazarsky, and the brig is "Mercury"

Uborevich Ieronim Petrovich

Soviet military leader, commander of the 1st rank (1935). Member of the Communist Party since March 1917. Born in the village of Aptandriyus (now the Utena region of the Lithuanian SSR) in the family of a Lithuanian peasant. He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Artillery School (1916). Member of the 1st World War 1914-18, second lieutenant. After the October Revolution of 1917 he was one of the organizers of the Red Guard in Bessarabia. In January - February 1918 he commanded a revolutionary detachment in battles against the Romanian and Austro-German invaders, was wounded and captured, from where he fled in August 1918. He was an artillery instructor, commander of the Dvina brigade on the Northern Front, from December 1918 the head of the 18 divisions of the 6th Army. From October 1919 to February 1920 he was commander of the 14th Army during the defeat of the troops of General Denikin, in March - April 1920 he commanded the 9th Army in the North Caucasus. In May - July and November - December 1920 the commander of the 14th Army in battles against the troops of bourgeois Poland and the Petliurists, in July - November 1920 - the 13th Army in battles against the Wrangelites. In 1921, assistant commander of the troops of the Ukraine and Crimea, deputy commander of the troops of the Tambov province, commander of the troops of the Minsk province, led the fighting in the defeat of the gangs of Makhno, Antonov and Bulak-Balakhovich. From August 1921 commander of the 5th Army and the East Siberian Military District. In August - December 1922 Minister of War of the Far Eastern Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the People's Revolutionary Army during the liberation of the Far East. He was commander of the North Caucasian (since 1925), Moscow (since 1928) and Belorussian (since 1931) military districts. Since 1926 he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, in 1930-31 he was deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and head of armaments of the Red Army. Since 1934 he has been a member of the Military Council of the NPO. He made a great contribution to the strengthening of the defense capability of the USSR, the education and training of command personnel and troops. Candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in 1930-37. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee since December 1922. He was awarded 3 Orders of the Red Banner and Honorary Revolutionary Weapons.

Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarielovich

Known mainly as one of the secondary characters in the story "Hadji Murad" by L.N. Tolstoy, Mikhail Tarielovich Loris-Melikov went through all the Caucasian and Turkish campaigns of the second half of the middle of the 19th century.

Having shown himself excellently during the Caucasian War, during the Kars campaign of the Crimean War, Loris-Melikov led intelligence, and then successfully served as commander-in-chief during the difficult Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, having won a number of important victories over the united Turkish troops and in the third once captured Kars, by that time considered impregnable.

Dubynin Viktor Petrovich

From April 30, 1986 to June 1, 1987 - Commander of the 40th Combined Arms Army of the Turkestan Military District. The troops of this army made up the bulk of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Troops in Afghanistan. During the year of his command of the army, the number of irretrievable losses decreased by 2 times in comparison with 1984-1985.
On June 10, 1992, Colonel-General V.P. Dubynin was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
His merits include keeping the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin from a number of ill-conceived decisions in the military sphere, primarily in the field of nuclear forces.

Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich

Commander of the First Cavalry Army of the Red Army during the Civil War. The First Cavalry Army, which he led until October 1923, played an important role in a number of major operations of the Civil War to defeat the troops of Denikin and Wrangel in Northern Tavria and the Crimea.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

He led the Smolensk defense against the Polish-Lithuanian troops, which lasted 20 months. Under the command of Shein, repeated attacks were repulsed, despite the explosion and a breach in the wall. He held and bled the main forces of the Poles at the decisive moment of the Time of Troubles, preventing them from moving to Moscow to support their garrison, creating an opportunity to assemble an all-Russian militia to liberate the capital. Only with the help of a defector, the troops of the Commonwealth managed to take Smolensk on June 3, 1611. The wounded Shein was taken prisoner and was taken away with his family for 8 years in Poland. After returning to Russia, he commanded an army that tried to return Smolensk in 1632-1634. Executed on boyar slander. Undeservedly forgotten.

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich

In the conditions of the decomposition of the Russian state during the Time of Troubles, with minimal material and human resources, he created an army that defeated the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists and liberated most of the Russian state.

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich

An outstanding member of the Russian Academy of the General Staff. The developer and executor of the Galician operation - the first brilliant victory of the Russian army in the Great War.
Saved from the encirclement of the troops of the North-Western Front during the "Great Retreat" of 1915.
Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces in 1916-1917
Supreme Commander of the Russian Army in 1917
Developed and implemented strategic plans for offensive operations in 1916-1917.
He continued to defend the need to preserve the Eastern Front after 1917 (the Volunteer Army is the basis of the new Eastern Front in the ongoing Great War).
Slandered and slandered in relation to various so-called. "Masonic military lodges", "conspiracy of generals against the Sovereign", etc., etc. - in terms of emigrant and modern historical journalism.

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich

Member of the Russo-Japanese and World War I, one of the main leaders (1918−1920) of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea and Poland (1920). General Staff Lieutenant General (1918). Georgievsky Cavalier.

Dragomirov Mikhail Ivanovich

Brilliant crossing of the Danube in 1877
- Creation of a tactics textbook
- Creation of the original concept of military education
- Leadership of the NAGSH in 1878-1889
- Huge influence in military matters for the whole 25th anniversary

Ermak Timofeevich

Russian. Cossack. Ataman. Defeated Kuchum and his satellites. Approved Siberia as part of the Russian state. He devoted his whole life to military work.

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich

One of the best Russian generals of the First World War. In June 1916, the troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Adjutant General Brusilov A.A., simultaneously striking in several directions, broke through the enemy’s defense in depth and advanced 65 km. In military history, this operation was called the Brusilovsky breakthrough.

Chichagov Vasily Yakovlevich

He excellently commanded the Baltic Fleet in the campaigns of 1789 and 1790. He won victories in the battle of Eland (15/07/1789), in Revel (02/05/1790) and Vyborg (06/22/1790) battles. After the last two defeats, which were of strategic importance, the dominance of the Baltic Fleet became unconditional, and this forced the Swedes to make peace. There are few such examples in the history of Russia when victories at sea led to victory in the war. And by the way, the battle of Vyborg was one of the largest in world history in terms of the number of ships and people.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Commander of the 62nd Army in Stalingrad.

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich

Comrade Stalin, in addition to the atomic and missile projects, together with General of the Army Alexei Innokentevich Antonov, participated in the development and implementation of almost all significant operations of the Soviet troops in the Second World War, brilliantly organized the work of the rear, even in the first difficult years of the war.

Platov Matvei Ivanovich

Military ataman of the Don Cossack army. He began active military service at the age of 13. A member of several military companies, he is best known as the commander of the Cossack troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 and during the subsequent Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army. Thanks to the successful actions of the Cossacks under his command, Napoleon's saying went down in history:
- Happy is the commander who has Cossacks. If I had an army of Cossacks alone, then I would conquer all of Europe.

Nevsky, Suvorov

Undoubtedly holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky and Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The largest figure in world history, whose life and state activity left the deepest mark not only in the fate of the Soviet people, but also of all mankind, will be the subject of careful study of historians for more than one century. The historical and biographical feature of this personality is that it will never be forgotten.
During Stalin's tenure as Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Chairman of the State Defense Committee, our country was marked by victory in the Great Patriotic War, massive labor and front-line heroism, the transformation of the USSR into a superpower with significant scientific, military and industrial potential, and the strengthening of our country's geopolitical influence in the world.
Ten Stalinist strikes - the common name for a number of major offensive strategic operations in the Great Patriotic War, carried out in 1944 by the armed forces of the USSR. Along with other offensive operations, they made a decisive contribution to the victory of the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition over Nazi Germany and its allies in World War II.

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

One of the most successful Russian generals during the First World War. The Erzerum and Sarakamysh operations carried out by him on the Caucasian front, carried out in extremely unfavorable conditions for the Russian troops, and ending in victories, I believe, deserve to be included in a row with the brightest victories of Russian weapons. In addition, Nikolai Nikolayevich, distinguished by modesty and decency, lived and died an honest Russian officer, remained faithful to the oath to the end.

Dokhturov Dmitry Sergeevich

Defense of Smolensk.
Command of the left flank on the Borodino field after the wounding of Bagration.
Tarutino battle.

Yaroslav the Wise Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union. Known for successful operations to destroy German troops during the Great Patriotic War. The German command appointed a large reward for the head of Dovator.
Together with the 8th Guards Division named after Major General I.V. Panfilov, the 1st Guards Tank Brigade of General M.E. Katukov and other troops of the 16th Army, his corps defended the approaches to Moscow in the Volokolamsk direction.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Russian admiral who gave his life for the liberation of the Fatherland.
Scientist-oceanographer, one of the largest polar explorers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, military and political figure, naval commander, full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, leader of the White Movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich

One of the most talented Russian generals of the First World War. Hero of the Battle of Galicia in 1914, savior of the Northwestern Front from encirclement in 1915, chief of staff under Emperor Nicholas I.

General of Infantry (1914), Adjutant General (1916). Active participant in the White movement in the Civil War. One of the organizers of the Volunteer Army.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Svyatoslav Igorevich

I want to propose "candidates" for Svyatoslav and his father, Igor, as the greatest generals and political leaders of their time, I think that it makes no sense to list their services to the fatherland to historians, I was unpleasantly surprised not to meet their names in this list. Sincerely.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

Full Knight of the Order of St. George. In the history of military art, according to Western authors (for example: J. Witter), he entered as an architect of the strategy and tactics of "scorched earth" - cutting off the main enemy troops from the rear, depriving them of supplies and organizing a guerrilla war in their rear. M.V. Kutuzov, after taking command of the Russian army, in fact, continued the tactics developed by Barclay de Tolly and defeated Napoleon's army.

Platov Matvei Ivanovich

Ataman of the Great Don Army (since 1801), cavalry general (1809), who took part in all the wars of the Russian Empire in the late 18th - early 19th centuries.
In 1771 he distinguished himself in the attack and capture of the Perekop line and Kinburn. From 1772 he began to command a Cossack regiment. During the 2nd Turkish war, he distinguished himself during the assault on Ochakov and Ishmael. Participated in the battle of Preussisch-Eylau.
During the Patriotic War of 1812, he first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then, covering the retreat of the army, he defeated the enemy near the town of Mir and Romanovo. In the battle near the village of Semlevo, Platov's army defeated the French and captured a colonel from the army of Marshal Murat. During the retreat of the French army, Platov, pursuing her, defeated her at Gorodnya, the Kolotsk Monastery, Gzhatsk, Tsarevo-Zaimishcha, near Dukhovshchina and while crossing the Vop River. For merit he was elevated to the dignity of a count. In November, Platov occupied Smolensk from battle and defeated the troops of Marshal Ney near Dubrovna. At the beginning of January 1813 he entered the borders of Prussia and overlaid Danzig; in September, he received command of a special corps, with which he participated in the battle of Leipzig and, pursuing the enemy, captured about 15 thousand people. In 1814 he fought at the head of his regiments in the capture of Nemur, at Arcy-sur-Aube, Cezanne, Villeneuve. He was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

In front of the Kazan Cathedral there are two statues of the saviors of the fatherland. Saving the army, exhausting the enemy, the battle of Smolensk - this is more than enough.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Stalin during the Patriotic War led all the armed forces of our country and coordinated their combat operations. It is impossible not to note his merits in the competent planning and organization of military operations, in the skillful selection of military leaders and their assistants. Joseph Stalin proved himself not only as an outstanding commander who competently led all fronts, but also as an excellent organizer who did a great job of increasing the country's defense capability both in the pre-war and war years.

A short list of military awards I.V. Stalin received during the Second World War:
Order of Suvorov, 1st class
Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
Order "Victory"
Medal "Gold Star" Hero of the Soviet Union
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
Medal "For the Victory over Japan"

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

The Greatest Commander and Diplomat!!! Who utterly defeated the troops of the "first European Union" !!!

Romodanovsky Grigory Grigorievich

An outstanding military leader of the 17th century, prince and governor. In 1655, he won his first victory over the Polish hetman S. Pototsky near Gorodok in Galicia. Later, being the commander of the army of the Belgorod category (military administrative district), he played a major role in organizing the defense of the southern border of Russia. In 1662, he won the biggest victory in the Russian-Polish war for Ukraine in the battle of Kanev, defeating the traitorous hetman Y. Khmelnitsky and the Poles who helped him. In 1664, near Voronezh, he forced the famous Polish commander Stefan Czarnecki to flee, forcing the army of King Jan Casimir to retreat. Repeatedly beat the Crimean Tatars. In 1677 he defeated the 100,000th Turkish army of Ibrahim Pasha near Buzhin, in 1678 he defeated the Turkish corps of Kaplan Pasha near Chigirin. Thanks to his military talents, Ukraine did not become another Ottoman province and the Turks did not take Kyiv.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Well, who else if not him - the only Russian commander who did not lose, who did not lose more than one battle !!!

Golenishchev-Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

1. GREAT Russian commander, he was an example for his soldiers. Appreciated every soldier. "M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov is not only the liberator of the Fatherland, he is the only one who outplayed the hitherto invincible French emperor, turning the "great army" into a crowd of ragamuffins, saving, thanks to his military genius, the lives of many Russian soldiers."
2. Mikhail Illarionovich, being a highly educated person who knew several foreign languages, dexterous, refined, able to inspire society with the gift of words, an entertaining story, served Russia as an excellent diplomat - ambassador to Turkey.
3. M. I. Kutuzov - the first to become a full cavalier of the highest military order of St. George the Victorious of four degrees.

The commander, who over and over again was placed in the most difficult areas, where he either achieved success in the offensive or in defense, or brought the situation out of crisis, translated a seemingly inevitable catastrophe into non-defeat, a state of unstable balance.
G.K. Zhukov showed the ability to manage large military formations numbering 800 thousand - 1 million people. At the same time, the specific losses suffered by his troops (that is, correlated with the number) turned out to be lower over and over again than those of his neighbors.
Also G.K. Zhukov demonstrated remarkable knowledge of the properties of military equipment in service with the Red Army - knowledge that is very necessary for the commander of industrial wars.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

The youngest and one of the most talented Soviet military leaders. It was during the years of the Great Patriotic War that his great military leadership talent, the ability to quickly and correctly make bold decisions, was revealed. This is evidenced by his path from the commander of the division (28th Panzer) to the commander of the Western and 3rd Belorussian fronts. For successful military operations, the troops commanded by I.D. Chernyakhovsky were noted 34 times in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, his life was cut short at the age of 39 during the liberation of the city of Melzak (now Poland).

Fedor Ivanovich Tolbukhin

Major General F.I. Tolbukhin proved himself during the Battle of Stalingrad, commanding the 57th Army. The second "Stalingrad" for the Germans was the Iasi-Kishinev operation, in which he commanded the 2nd Ukrainian Front.
One of the galaxy of commanders who were brought up and nominated by I.V. Stalin.
The great merit of Marshal of the Soviet Union Tolbukhin is in the liberation of the countries of South-Eastern Europe.

Russian statesman and military figure who enjoyed the great confidence of Paul I and Alexander I

Alexey Arakcheev

short biography

Count (since 1799) Alexey Andreevich Arakcheev(October 4, 1769, the estate of his father Garusovo in the Novgorod province - May 3, 1834, the village of Gruzino, Novgorod province) - Russian statesman and military leader who enjoyed the great confidence of Paul I and Alexander I, especially in the second half of the reign of Alexander I ("Arakcheevshchina" ). Reformer of Russian artillery, general of artillery (1807), minister of war (1808-1810), chief head of the Imperial Chancellery (since 1812) and military settlements (since 1817). The first owner of the palace and park ensemble in Georgia (not preserved). Big fan of drill and frunt.

Place of Birth

Descended from the noble family of the Arakcheevs. The exact place of birth was unknown for a long time. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Novgorod province is indicated as the place of birth without specification. Encyclopedia "National History" (M., 1994) does not provide information about the birth. The collection "Famous Russians" (Lenizdat, 1996) also does not contain accurate information. The priest N. N. Postnikov (1913), based on the legends collected in the Bezhetsk region, names the village of Kurgany (Tver region) - the ancestral village of the count's mother - as the birthplace of the count. One of the early biographers of Count S. N. Shubinsky (1908) names the birthplace of Arakcheev in the village of Garusovo, Vyshnevolotsky district, Tver province, without providing any evidence. Local historian D. L. Podushkov argues that Count Arakcheev was born and spent his childhood in the village of Garusovo on the shores of Lake Udomlya (today Udomlya district of the Tver region). The modern biographer of Alexei Andreevich Arakcheev, V. A. Tomsinov, believes that it is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of where he was born, because no documents about the birth of Alexei have been preserved. His mother Elizaveta Andreevna on September 23, 1769 - the day he was born - could well be in Garusovo and Kurgany. And since the Arakcheev family lived alternately in both of these villages, and in winter they often lived in their Bezhet house, Alexei’s childhood passed in Garusovo, and in Kurgan, and in Bezhetsk.

The metric birth record was discovered only in March 2017 by a native of the Tver region, engineer Vladimir Krutov. Entry No. 20 In the section “On those born, 1769” reads: “on October 5 of the Garusov estate, the landowner Andrey Andreev, son of Arakcheev, son Alexei.” Thus, the future statesman was born in Garusovo.

early years

Initial education under the guidance of a rural deacon consisted in the study of Russian literacy and arithmetic. The boy felt a great inclination for the latter science and diligently studied it.

Wanting to place his son in the artillery cadet corps, Andrei Andreevich Arakcheev (1732-1797) took him to St. Petersburg. The poor landowner had to experience a lot. When enrolling in a military school, they had to pay up to two hundred rubles, but Andrei Andreevich had no money. Andrei Andreyevich and his son, who were about to leave the capital, went on the first Sunday to the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Gabriel, who distributed to the poor the money sent by Catherine II for this subject. The share of the landowner Arakcheev received from the metropolitan three silver rubles. Having received some more allowance from Mrs. Guryeva, Andrei Andreevich decided to try his luck before leaving St. Petersburg: he appeared to Pyotr Ivanovich Melissino, on whom the fate of his son depended. Pyotr Ivanovich favorably reacted to the request of Andrei Andreevich, and young Arakcheev was accepted into the corps. Rapid advances in the sciences, especially in mathematics, soon brought him (in 1787) the rank of an officer.

In his free time, he gave lessons in artillery and fortification to the sons of Count Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov, to whom he was recommended by his first benefactor, the same Peter Ivanovich Melissino.

After some time, the heir to the throne, Pavel Petrovich, turned to Count Saltykov with a demand to give him an efficient artillery officer. Count Saltykov pointed to Arakcheev and introduced him from the best side. Aleksei Andreevich fully justified the recommendation by the exact execution of the instructions assigned to him, tireless activity, knowledge of military discipline, and strict obedience to the established order. All this soon endeared the Grand Duke to Arakcheev. Alexey Andreevich was granted the commandant of Gatchina and subsequently the head of all the land forces of the heir. He was needed by Pavel as "an unsurpassed master of drill in Russia."

Reign of Paul

Upon accession to the throne, Emperor Pavel Petrovich granted a lot of awards, especially to those close to him. Arakcheev was not forgotten: thus, being a colonel, he was granted on November 7, 1796 (the year of Emperor Paul's accession to the throne) by the St. Petersburg commandant; On November 8, he was promoted to major general; November 9 - to the majors of the Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment; November 13 - holder of the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree; the next year, 1797, on April 5, at the age of 27, he was granted the baronial dignity and the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. In addition, the sovereign, knowing the insufficient state of Baron Arakcheev, granted him two thousand peasants with the choice of a province. Arakcheev found it difficult to choose an estate. Finally, he chose the village of Gruzino in the Novgorod province, which later became a historical place. The choice was approved by the sovereign.

But Arakcheev did not have long to enjoy the favor of the emperor. On March 18, 1798, Alexei Andreevich was dismissed from service, but at the same time he was granted the rank of lieutenant general. A few months had not passed before Arakcheev was taken back to the service. On December 22 of the same year, 1798, he was ordered to be a quartermaster general, and on January 4 of the following year he was appointed commander of the guards of an artillery battalion and inspector of all artillery; On January 8, he was granted the Commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; May 5 - Count of the Russian Empire for excellent diligence and work for the benefit of the service. On October 1 of the same year, Arakcheev was dismissed from service once again. This time the resignation continued until the new reign.

Reign of Alexander

In 1801, Emperor Alexander Pavlovich ascended the throne, with whom Alexei Andreevich became well acquainted in his service as heir to the throne.

In 1802, a commission was organized for the transformation of artillery, chaired by Arakcheev, which included well-known Russian artillerymen I. G. Gogel, A. I. Kutaisov and X. L. Euler. This commission developed a system of guns, later called the Arakcheev or 1805 system: the 12-pounder gun has a caliber of 121 mm, a barrel weight of 800 kg, and a carriage weight of 670 kg; 6-pound gun caliber 95 mm, barrel weight 350 kg, carriage-395 kg; caliber 1/2-pood unicorn 152 mm, barrel weight 490 kg, carriage weight 670 kg; 1/4-pood unicorn caliber 123 mm, barrel weight 345 kg, carriage-395 kg. On May 14, 1803, Arakcheev was accepted into service with an appointment to his former place, that is, an inspector of all artillery and commander of the Life Guards artillery battalion. In 1805 he participated in the battle of Austerlitz, commanded an infantry division. He attacked Murat's ulans, but this attack failed, and Arakcheev himself was wounded.

On February 4, 1806, he was married to the noblewoman Natalia Fedorovna Khomutova, but soon divorced her. On January 17 (29) he was appointed inspector general of all infantry and artillery, with the commissariat and provisions departments subordinate to him. During the administration of the ministry, Arakcheev issued new rules and regulations for various parts of the military administration, simplified and shortened correspondence, established reserve recruiting depots and training battalions; artillery was given a new organization, measures were taken to increase the level of special education for officers, and the material part was streamlined and improved. The positive effects of these improvements were not slow to show up during the wars of 1812-1814.

He took an active part in the war with Sweden, in February 1809 he went to Abo. There, some generals, in view of the order of the sovereign to transfer the theater of war to the Swedish coast, referred to various difficulties. The Russian troops had to endure many obstacles, but Arakcheev acted energetically.

During the movement of Russian troops to the Aland Islands in Sweden, a change in government followed: instead of Gustav-Adolf, who was deposed from the throne, his uncle, the Duke of Südermanland, became the king of Sweden. The defense of the Åland Islands was entrusted to General Döbeln, who, having learned about the Stockholm coup, entered into negotiations with the commander of the Russian detachment, Knorring, to conclude a truce, which was done. But Arakcheev did not approve of Knorring's act and, when meeting with General Debeln, told the latter that he had been sent from the sovereign "do not make a truce, but peace".

The subsequent actions of the Russian troops were brilliant: Barclay de Tolly made a glorious transition through the Kvarken, and Shuvalov occupied Torneo. On September 5, the Friedrichsgam peace was signed by Russian and Swedish representatives, according to which Finland, part of Västerbotten up to the Torneo River and the Aland Islands went to Russia.

On January 1, 1810, Arakcheev left the Ministry of War and was appointed chairman of the department of military affairs in the then newly established State Council, with the right to be present in the Committee of Ministers and the Senate.

On June 14, 1812, in view of the approach of Napoleon, he was again called to manage military affairs; “From this date,” according to Arakcheev, “the entire French war went through my hands, all secret orders, reports and the sovereign’s own handwritten orders.”

During the Patriotic War, the main concern of Arakcheev was the formation of reserves and the supply of food to the army, and after the establishment of peace, the emperor’s confidence in Arakcheev increased to the point that he was entrusted with the execution of the highest plans not only in military matters, but also in matters of civil administration.

At this time, Alexander I was especially interested in the idea of ​​military settlements on a vast scale. According to some reports, Arakcheev at first showed a clear lack of sympathy for this idea; but in view of the inexorable desire of the sovereign, he conducted the matter coolly, with merciless consistency, not embarrassed by the murmur of the people, forcibly torn off from age-old, historically established customs and the usual order of life. A whole series of revolts among the military settlers were suppressed with inexorable severity; the outer side of the settlements has been brought to an exemplary order; only the most exaggerated rumors about their well-being reached the sovereign, and many even from high-ranking officials, either not understanding the matter, or out of fear of a powerful temporary worker, extolled the new institution with exorbitant praise.

The influence of Arakcheev on the affairs and power of him continued throughout the reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich. Being the most influential nobleman, close to the sovereign, Arakcheev, having the Order of Alexander Nevsky, refused other orders granted to him: in 1807 from the Order of St. Vladimir and in 1808 - from the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called and only left a rescript for the Order of Andrew the First-Called as a keepsake.

In 1814, Arakcheev refused the rank of field marshal.

Having received the award of a portrait of the sovereign, adorned with diamonds, Alexei Andreevich returned the diamonds, but left the portrait itself. It is said that Emperor Alexander Pavlovich granted Arakcheev's mother a state lady. Alexei Andreevich refused this favor. The emperor said with displeasure: “You don’t want to accept anything from me!” - “I am pleased with the goodwill of Your Imperial Majesty,” answered Arakcheev, “but I beg you not to favor my parent as a lady of state; she spent her whole life in the country; if he comes here, he will attract the ridicule of the ladies of the court, and for a solitary life he does not need this decoration. Retelling about this event to those close to him, Alexei Andreevich added: “Only once in my life, and precisely in this case, I was guilty against the parent, hiding from her that the sovereign favored her. She would be angry with me if she knew that I had deprived her of this distinction ”(Dictionary of Memorable People of the Russian Land, ed. 1847).

Later years

Arakcheev was dismissed by Nicholas I. Having retained the title of a member of the State Council, Arakcheev went to travel abroad; his health was broken by the resignation and murder of Nastasya Minkina (Shumskaya) - the concubine of Arakcheev and the manager of his estate - by the yards in Georgia. In 1833, Arakcheev contributed 50,000 rubles in banknotes to the state loan bank so that this amount would remain in the bank for 93 years untouchable with all interest: ¾ of this capital should be a reward to the one who writes the best story by 1925 (in Russian) reign of Alexander I, the remaining quarter of this capital is intended for the costs of publishing this work, as well as for the second prize, and two translators in equal part, who will translate from Russian into German and into French the history of Alexander I, awarded the first prize. Arakcheev built in front of the cathedral the temple of his village is a magnificent bronze monument to Alexander, on which the following inscription is made: "To the Sovereign-Benefactor, after His death." Arakcheev's last act for the common good was his donation of 300,000 rubles for the education of the poor nobles of the Novgorod and Tver provinces from the percentage of this capital in the Novgorod Cadet Corps.

Meanwhile, Arakcheev's health was weakening, his strength was changing. Nicholas I, having learned about his ill condition, sent Villiers, a medical doctor, to him in Gruzino, but the latter could no longer help him, and on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, on April 21, 1834, Arakcheev died, “without taking his eyes off the portrait of Alexander, in his room, on the very sofa that served as a bed for the Autocrat of All Russia. The life doctor sent by Nicholas I could not help him in any way, and he kept shouting to extend his life for at least a month. Finally, with a sigh, he said: “Cursed death,” and died. The ashes of Arakcheev rest in the temple of the village of Gruzina, at the foot of the bust of Emperor Paul I.

He died without leaving heirs. Back in 1816, Emperor Alexander I approved the spiritual will of Arakcheev, entrusting the custody of the will to the Governing Senate. The testator was given the choice of an heir, but Arakcheev did not do so; in the orders of Arakcheev, the following was said: “if his days had ended before he had chosen a worthy heir, then he would grant this election to the Sovereign Emperor.” As a result of such a will of the count, wishing, on the one hand, to strengthen the indivisible ownership of the estate of the deceased and the well-being of his peasants, and on the other hand, to preserve the name of Arakcheev in a way that would correspond to his constant desire for public benefit, Nicholas I recognized as the best means to give away forever the Georgian the volost and all movable property belonging to it to the full and indivisible possession of the Novgorod Cadet Corps, which since then received the name Arakcheevsky (later located in Nizhny Novgorod) so that it would use the income received from the estate for the education of noble youth and take the name and coat of arms testator.

Achievement list

In service:

  • October 10 (21), 1783 - as a cadet in the Artillery Cadet (later - 2nd) Corps;
  • February 9 (20), 1785 - granted by a corporal;
  • September 27 (October 8), 1785 - sergeant;
  • September 27 (October 8), 1787 - promoted to second lieutenant of the army in the same building;
  • January 11 (22), 1789 - renamed lieutenants in the same building;
  • June 24 (July 5), 1790 - appointed adjutant, rank of captain's army, to the artillery headquarters of General Melissino;
  • October 8 (19), 1792 - promoted to captain;
  • August 5 (16), 1793 - to the majors;
  • June 28 (July 9), 1796 - promoted to lieutenant colonel, in the battalion of His Imperial Majesty;
  • November 8 (19), 1796 - appointed commandant of St. Petersburg and staff officer of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment;
  • November 8 (19), 1796 - major general;
  • March 18 (29), 1798 - promoted to lieutenant general and retired;
  • August 11 (22), 1798 - accepted back from retirement to service with seniority, and appointed to the retinue of His Imperial Majesty;
  • January 4 (15), 1799 - appointed commander of the guards artillery battalion and inspector of all artillery;
  • October 1 (12), 1799 - retired from service;
  • May 14 (26), 1803 - re-enlisted and appointed inspector of all artillery;
  • June 27 (July 9), 1807 - promoted to general of artillery;
  • January 13 (25), 1808 - appointed Minister of War;
  • January 17 (29), 1808 - inspector general of all artillery and infantry;
  • January 18 (30), 1810 - appointed to the State Council as chairman of the Military Department (until March 30 (April 11), 1812);
  • June 17 (29), 1812 - appointed manager of the Emperor's Office (since December 7 (19), 1812 - His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery)
  • August 18 (30), 1814 - appointed as the emperor's rapporteur on the affairs of the Special Committee to assist the wounded;
  • December 24, 1815 (January 5, 1816) - appointed as the emperor's rapporteur on the affairs of the Committee of Ministers and the State Council;
  • January 10 (22), 1816 - reappointed to the State Council as chairman of the Military Department;
  • February 3 (15), 1821 - appointed chief of the Separate Corps of Military Settlements;
  • December 20, 1825 (January 1, 1826) - dismissed from the post of manager of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery and from managing the affairs of the Committee of Ministers;
  • April 30 (May 12), 1826 - dismissed on leave to "correct his disordered health";
  • October 23 (November 4), 1826 - dismissed from the post of chief commander of the Separate Corps of Military Settlements;
  • April 8 (20), 1832 - the order of Emperor Nicholas I: "Do not consider Count Arakcheev an inspector of artillery and infantry."
  • It is commanded by the Highest, in retribution for the excellent management of the War Department, to give him all the former military honors.


In his notes, Sablukov says this about Arakcheev's appearance:

In appearance, Arakcheev looks like a big monkey in a uniform. He was tall, thin and wiry; there was nothing slender in his warehouse; as he was very round-shouldered and had a long, thin neck, on which one could study the anatomy of veins, muscles, etc. Moreover, he somehow convulsively wrinkled his chin. He had large, fleshy ears, a thick, ugly head, always tilted to one side; his complexion was unclean, his cheeks were sunken, his nose was broad and angular, his nostrils swollen, his mouth large, and his forehead hanging down. To finish his portrait - he had sunken gray eyes, and the whole expression of his face was a strange mixture of intelligence and anger.

From childhood, gloomy and unsociable, remained so throughout his life. With a remarkable mind and disinterestedness, he knew how to remember the good that someone had ever done to him. In addition to pleasing the will of the monarchs and fulfilling the requirements of the service, he was not shy about anything. The time of his almost unlimited dominion (the last years, the first quarter of the 19th century) was a kind of terror, since everyone trembled before him. In general, he left a bad memory on his own. Numerous memoirs of his subordinates (Arakcheev: Testimonies of contemporaries. - M .: New Literary Review, 2000) speak of him as an unusually insensitive and extremely cruel person and boss.

Extensive material for the characteristics of Count Arakcheev and his time is collected on the pages of "Russian Antiquity" (edition of 1870-1890). See also "Russian Archive" (1866 No. 6 and 7, 1868 No. 2 and 6, 1872 No. 10, 1876 No. 4); "Ancient and New Russia" (1875 No. 1-6 and 10); Ratch, "Biography of gr. Arakcheev" ("Military collection", 1861); Bulgarin, "Trip to Gruzino" (St. Petersburg, 1861); Glebov, “The Tale of Arakcheev” (“Military Collection”, 1861), etc.

The historian Zubov, in his work "Reflections on the Causes of the Revolution in Russia", considers military settlements as an attempt by Alexander I to create a class in Russia, relying on which the tsar could implement liberal reforms. This is how the author evaluates Arakcheev and his activities:

Arakcheev, a believing and pious Orthodox Christian from a young age, gifted with brilliant organizational skills and administrative talent and, perhaps most importantly, who worked not for the sake of self-interest and glory, but also, like the Emperor, following his moral duty ..., such an employee was Alexander is endlessly needed. The emperor was well aware of the weaknesses and shortcomings of his Gatchina friend - lack of culture, touchiness, envy, jealousy of the royal mercy, but all this was outweighed in the eyes of the king by his merits. Alexander, Arakcheev and Prince A. N. Golitsyn together made up that powerful lever that almost turned Russia off the path to a national catastrophe, outlined by the acts of the "great" monarchs of the 18th century - Peter and Catherine.

- Andrey Zubov. Reflections on the causes of the revolution in RussiaThe reign of Alexander the Blessed. "New World" 2006, No. 7

At the end of the 20th century, domestic historians began to evaluate the activities of Arakcheev in a different way. During the years of the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809, Arakcheev perfectly organized the supply of troops, provided reinforcements and artillery. With his personal participation and organization of hostilities, he encouraged the Swedes to start peace negotiations. The victories of the Russian army in 1812-1813 would not have been so brilliant if Arakcheev had not been in the leadership of the military department, logistics and support. It was the good preparation of the army for military operations even before 1812 that contributed to the successful defeat of the enemy in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Arakcheev, all his life, fiercely hated bribery, traditionally rooted in Russian society. Those caught red-handed were immediately expelled from their posts, regardless of their faces. Red tape and, as a result, extortion for the purpose of obtaining a bribe were pursued by him mercilessly. Arakcheev demanded immediate resolution of issues and strictly followed the deadlines.

And, finally, the decency of Arakcheev is evidenced by the blank forms of decrees signed by Alexander I, which the tsar left to Arakcheev, often leaving the capital. The temporary worker could use these blank forms for his own purposes to deal with unwanted people, because he had enough enemies. But none of the forms entrusted by the tsar was used by Arakcheev for his own personal purposes.

Modern researchers characterize him "as one of the most effective administrators in Russian history" and believe that he was "an ideal performer capable of realizing grandiose plans."

Pushkin about Arakcheev

A. S. Pushkin wrote several not quite censorship epigrams on Arakcheev. However, responding to the death of a dignitary, Pushkin wrote to his wife: “I am the only one who regrets this in all of Russia - I did not manage to see him and talk a lot.”


The regime of reactionary police despotism and brutal militaryism associated with the activities of Arakcheev. The term has been used in a liberal environment since the end of the first quarter of the 19th century to refer to any gross arbitrariness. The activities of Arakcheev were especially categorically negatively assessed by Soviet historians and publicists as an ugly manifestation of Russian autocracy. A serious analysis of the activities of Arakcheev as a statesman and military figure, as a rule, was not carried out. Therefore, the term carried a negative generalizing connotation of the reign of Paul I and Alexander I.

Movie incarnations

  • Karnovich-Valois, Sergei Sergeevich ("Youth of the poet" of the USSR, 1937).
  • Astangov, Mikhail Fedorovich ("" USSR, 1941).
  • Tolubeev, Andrey Yurievich (“The Steps of the Emperor” of the USSR, 1990).
  • Itskov, Yuri Leonidovich ("18-14" Russia, 2007).
  • Klyuev, Boris Vladimirovich (“1812: Ulanskaya ballad” Russia, 2012).

Some statesmen will always be remembered. One of these odious figures was Arakcheev. A brief biography will not reveal all the facets of this reformer and close associate of Alexander the First, but will allow you to get acquainted with the main areas of activity of the talented minister of war. Usually his surname is associated with drill. He really liked order.

short biography

Arakcheev Alexey Andreevich was born into a noble family. For a long time, the place of his birth was not fully established. Today it is believed that this happened in Garusovo on September 23, 1769.

Primary education was provided to the young Arakcheev by a rural deacon. In order to enter the artillery cadet corps, two hundred rubles were required. This amount was unbearable for an impoverished family. Assistance was provided by Peter Ivanovich Melissino.

The young man not only studied. He gave lessons to the sons of Count Saltykov. This helped him in his later career. It was Saltykov who introduced Alexei Andreevich as an artillery officer for the heir to the throne. Pavel Petrovich valued him as a "master of drill".

During the reign of Paul

When Pavel Petrovich ascended the throne, the biography of Arakcheev changed significantly. Briefly, we can say that he received a new rank, was awarded several awards, he was granted the title of baron.

The most important award was the provision of land with two thousand peasants. Alexei Andreevich chose the village of Gruzino, where he spent the last years of his life.

The location of the ruler was short-lived. In 1798, Arakcheev was removed from service, making him a lieutenant general. Relations with the emperor can hardly be called stable. Arakcheev was continually dismissed and resumed in the service. In 1799 he was granted the title of count.

During the reign of Alexander

During his service, Alexei Arakcheev, whose brief biography we are considering, became close to Alexander Pavlovich. In 1801 he ascended the throne.

Arakcheev became chairman of a special commission for the transformation of artillery. The weapons have been improved.

In 1805 he personally took part in the Battle of Austerlitz. His infantry division attacked Murat's lancers. The mission failed, and the commander was wounded.

In 1808 he was appointed Minister of War. A short biography and reforms of Arakcheev were connected with military affairs. So he simplified and shortened correspondence, established training battalions, raised the level of special education for artillery officers, and improved the material part of the troops. All these actions had a positive impact on the wars of subsequent years.

Role in the war with Napoleon

The Patriotic War with Napoleon did not bypass the biography of Arakcheev. Briefly, we can say that he was engaged in supplying the Russian army with food and reserves. It was he who provided the rear with everything necessary. Through the hands of the count passed the secret orders of the sovereign. He was the one who organized the militias.

Arakcheev was able to persuade the emperor not to become the supreme commander of the Russian army. Perhaps he was one of those who influenced the decision of the sovereign that Kutuzov became the commander. There is evidence that the count treated Kutuzov very well.

military settlements

A brief biography of Arakcheev would not be complete without a mention of military settlements. It is he who is credited with this crazy idea. In fact, Alexander the First proposed it. Designed the idea Speransky. Arakcheev, contrary to his opinion, was entrusted to implement it. Why were military settlements needed?

The War of 1812 showed how important it was to have a trained reserve. But it was very costly for the state. And it was getting harder and harder to get recruits. The emperor decided that a soldier could become a peasant and vice versa.

In 1817, Arakcheev began to embody the desire of the emperor in life. He did it with merciless consistency, not caring about people's gossip.

Many military settlements were created according to the same type of plan. They housed people with families. Life was strictly regulated, that is, painted to the smallest detail. People had to wake up at a strictly appointed time, eat, work, and so on. The same was true for children. Men had to be trained in military affairs and run the household, providing themselves with food. In the settlements they had to live always, and if necessary, they went to war.

The problem was that artificially created settlements did not take into account the human factor. People could not live under constant control. Many found a way out in alcohol, others committed suicide.

The idea failed not only because of the ill-conceived details. There has always been a problem of bribery in Russia. Arakcheev could not eradicate it. In those settlements that he personally dealt with, soldiers and peasants lived quite well, while in the rest, riots were often staged due to hunger, humiliation, and poverty. They were suppressed by force. After a while, Count Kleinmichel was appointed to manage everything.

Under Nicholas

Alexander the First died in 1825. Nicholas I came to power. His reign began with the Decembrist uprising. Some of the officers wanted to prevent the troops and the Senate from swearing allegiance to the tsar. This would have prevented Nicholas I from assuming the throne and would have allowed the establishment of a provisional government. So the rebels wanted to begin the liberalization of the Russian system.

Count Arakcheev, whose brief biography is reviewed in the article, refused to take part in the suppression of the uprising. As a result, the king dismissed him. The participants in the uprising were sent into exile, and the five most ardent activists were executed.

The Count was dismissed on indefinite medical leave. He was in the service until 1832.

The personal life of the count did not work out. In 1806 he married Natalya Khomutova from a noble family. But soon they parted. In Gruzino, he cohabited with Nastasya Shumskaya, who ran the entire household on the estate while the owner was away. She was killed by peasants in 1825 for countless bullying.

From 1827 he took care of his estate in Gruzino. Arakcheev opened a hospital there, improved the life of the peasants.

Alexei Andreevich passed away on 04/21/1834. The ashes were buried in Gruzino. The estate itself was completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.


Arakcheev, whose brief biography and activities are connected with the reign of Alexander the First, was distinguished by honesty and integrity. He fought bribery.

The main directions of its activity:

  • public service;
  • military service;
  • army reform;
  • establishment of military settlements;
  • a project to grant freedom to serfs.

At various times, a person was evaluated as a cruel executor of the royal will, a royal serf, a reactionary. Over time, this opinion has changed. Today he is considered a worthy military figure in the history of Russia.


ARAKCHEEV Alexey Andreevich




Carier start. Exaltation and disgrace under Paul I

New rise under Alexander I

The end of the power of Arakcheev. last years of life




ARAKCHEEV Alexey Andreevich (1769-1834), Russian statesman and military figure, count (1799), artillery general (1807). From 1808-1810 Minister of War, reorganized the artillery; since 1810, chairman of the Department of Military Affairs of the State Council. In 1815-1825. the most trusted person of Emperor Alexander I, carried out his domestic policy; organizer and chief commander of military settlements.

With the personality of A.A. Arakcheev, the all-powerful temporary worker under Emperor Alexander I, is usually associated with the reactionary course of the autocracy after the Patriotic War of 1812, the course that received the name arakcheevshchina . In the memoirs and research literature, many unflattering words were said about this temporary worker. Arakcheev during the years of his power was hated and on right And left : arrogant aristocrats for having this cruel serpent concentrated enormous power in his hands and treated any high-ranking person, and true and faithful sons of the fatherland - the Decembrists - saw in him the source of all the troubles of Russia. Subsequently, in the works of historians of different schools and trends, a negative assessment of Arakcheev prevailed. However, the well-known poet and literary critic P.A. Vyazemsky, who wrote: I think that it should be investigated and impartially judged, and not just start directly by quartering it . Let's follow this wise advice.

biography activities career Arakcheev

1. The beginning of a career. Exaltation and disgrace under Paul I

Alexey Andreevich was born on September 23, 1769 in a poor noble family, was the eldest son in the family of a retired lieutenant of the Transfiguration. The father, a good-natured and gentle person by nature, entrusted the upbringing of children, as well as housekeeping, to an intelligent, domineering and energetic wife who kept the whole family in strictness and obedience . She taught Alexei prayers, did not miss a single church service with him, and managed to instill in him a desire for constant work, strict order, accuracy and thrift.

When the boy was 12 years old, his father wished to send him for further education to Moscow, where a distant relative of the Arakcheevs lived. It was supposed to determine then the young man to serve in one of the offices. But this was prevented by a case that essentially determined the career of young Arakcheev. In the summer of 1782, two of his sons, who studied at the St. Petersburg Artillery and Engineering Cadet Corps, arrived for the holidays to the neighboring landowner Korsakov. Alexey Arakcheev was also invited to visit them. Acquaintance with young people, enthusiastic stories about their teachings in the corps, the very sight of them red coats with black velvet lapels made a strong impression on him and caused an irresistible desire to enter this corps. The parents, after some hesitation, agreed.

In 1783, he was admitted to the Shlyakhetsky Artillery and Engineering (later the 2nd Cadet) Corps, where he showed an aptitude for military mathematics and after which (1787) with the rank of army lieutenant, he was left there as a teacher of arithmetic, geometry and artillery. . He was also in charge of the corpus library. In 1788-1790, during the Russo-Swedish War, he taught artillery recruits. In 1790, on the recommendation of the director of the corps, he entered as a tutor in the family of the President of the Military Collegium N. I. Saltykov, not without whose assistance in 1792 he was admitted to the Gatchina troops of the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich (future Emperor Paul I). The “Prussian” principles of military education that prevailed there, Arakcheev put into practice with petty pedantry and boundless cruelty. In a short time, he brought the Gatchina artillery into exemplary order, was appointed inspector not only of artillery, but also of the infantry, began to manage the economic part and, in fact, the Gatchina troops. In July 1796 he was promoted to the rank of colonel.

Entering the circle of the "small court" was a turning point in the life of Arakcheev. With his diligence and immeasurable personal devotion, he won the unlimited confidence of Paul and with his accession was promoted to major general, appointed commandant of St. Petersburg. Arakcheev was granted a rich estate in the Novgorod province - the only gift he accepted during his entire service. In April 1797, Arakcheev was appointed commander of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment and placed at the head of the emperor's retinue with the appointment of quartermaster general of the entire Russian army and chief of the General Staff. In January 1798 he was also appointed inspector of all Russian artillery. Arakcheev contributed a lot to strengthening the combat capability and restoring order in the army, which in the troops, especially in the guards, was accompanied by the planting of stick drill.

Already the first steps of the reign of Paul I were marked by the beginning, according to V.O. Klyuchevsky, military drill And drill society . Pavel heard that under Catherine II, both the army and society thoroughly blossomed and a firm hand was needed to restore the proper order . To establish order in the army, Arakcheev was the best fit. He started with severe severity and ruthlessly , according to M.B. Barclay de Tolly, to introduce discipline in the troops, instantly grasping the slightest deviation from the prescribed rules. Nothing could escape his rare insight. Appearing with a daily report to the emperor, Arakcheev informed him about every little thing, thereby emphasizing his special zeal for his position . Contemporaries noted that Arakcheev never reported on the successes of anyone, but looked for shortcomings.

Arakcheev regularly visited the soldiers' barracks, demanded impeccable cleanliness both in the barracks themselves and around them. After a hard day's exercises, the soldiers had to clean their premises adjacent to the barracks of the palaces and streets. unbearably painful there was a pickiness to the minutiae of garrison service. The officers complained that their service under the command of Arakcheev filled with despair , what he managed to kill all love for the cause . Many could not stand it and retired.

And yet, it should be noted that the strict requirements of Arakcheev in maintaining cleanliness in the city, restoring order in the army economy had a positive side.

According to V.F. Ratch, the sick in the hospitals were the first to feel the beneficial effects of the strict supervision of the new commandant; the city took on a neat appearance, and the inhabitants of the capital did not need to make long detours in order to bypass impassable streets . Arakcheev's exactingness was combined with his real concern for the organization of a soldier's life: tolerable food, good uniforms, clean rooms. Clean barracks - healthy barracks - Arakcheev liked to say. He saves a government penny. Even the most ardent ill-wishers could not accuse him of embezzlement or bribery, which were so common among the then military and civil officials.

Close relations develop between Arakcheev and the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich. Arakcheev and Alexander needed each other. Arakcheev - in order to strengthen his position and favor the future emperor, and Alexander, as the historian A.A. Kiesewetter, Arakcheev shielded himself from his father, and in order to provide himself with this much-needed and reliable cover, he clung to Arakcheev in every possible way.

The fact is that Pavel entrusted the heir with a number of important posts: the military governor of St. Petersburg, the chief of the Life Guards of the Semenovsky regiment, the inspector of the guards division, and then the chairman of the Military Collegium. These posts, which required the fulfillment of many petty formalities, weighed heavily on Alexander. It was then that Arakcheev came in handy for him. Letters from Alexander to Arakcheev since the end of 1796 are full of assurances and friendship and expressions heartfelt feelings . Alexander constantly thanks Arakcheev for diligence , which is uses during the drill of soldiers and officers of the St. Petersburg garrison. Perhaps, continue to drill them well in the teachings, which will extremely oblige the one who will remain your true friend all his life.

At court, Arakcheev, however, kept aloof and linked his career (as later under Alexander I) exclusively with the patronage of the emperor. However, even he could not escape disgrace. In 1798 Arakcheev was removed from service, and in 1799 he was actually exiled to his Novgorod estate. Paul I, who suspected a conspiracy a few days before his death, intended to return Arakcheev to St. Petersburg, which, according to some historians, could have prevented the coup on March 11, 1801, but the head of the conspirators, P. A. Palen, prevented this. Only two years after the accession to the throne of the new emperor Alexander I, Arakcheev was reinstated in the post of inspector of all artillery, which began his new rise.

2. New rise under Alexander I

Five years as an artillery inspector (1803-1808) - the time of Arakcheev's active work, as well as the consolidation of his position under Alexander I. It must be admitted that Arakcheev's contribution at that time to the reorganization of the Russian army and to the creation of first-class artillery, which showed itself perfectly in the battles of 1805 -1807 and played a significant role in the Patriotic War of 1812, was invaluable.

Artillery has always (and deservedly) been in a privileged position in the Russian army. It required good mathematical abilities, experience and knowledge of artillery. All this Arakcheev possessed to a sufficient extent. Let us add to this his firm will and undoubted organizational skills, which, taken together, ensured success in the important work entrusted to him.

Arakcheev began with the reorganization of the artillery control structure, which was separated into an independent branch of the military. The first combat unit in artillery was a company consisting of several batteries; companies were reduced to battalions, and those - to artillery brigades. The command of artillery units was strictly centralized. Then he took up the improvement of the recruitment and training of personnel of artillery units and proposed specific measures for this, approved by the emperor. On his initiative, strict examinations were introduced artillery and mathematical sciences in the production of officers, a new regulations conducting field artillery exercises.

Arakcheev attached particular importance to the logistics of artillery. In the reports and reports of Arakcheev to the emperor, they talk about the new weapons adopted for service, about the manufacture Swedish style devices for aiming them, about the improvements introduced at the weapons and Okhtensky powder factories, about organizing an uninterrupted supply of artillery units with both materiel and gunpowder, horses, fodder, provisions, about training incoming recruits in artillery.

In a relatively short time, all artillery was completely reorganized, new models of fortress, siege and field guns were put into service, their mobility and maneuverability were increased, which significantly increased the combat capability of artillery units. A new tactic of artillery combat operations was also developed, and its interaction with infantry and cavalry was improved. Here Arakcheev was greatly assisted by talented artillery officers A.I. Kutaisov and L.M. Yatvil, and later A.P. Ermolov.

During the war of 1805-1807. with Napoleonic France, monstrous abuses were revealed in the Russian army, especially theft in the commissariat. Arakcheev led a resolute struggle to eradicate this evil. Trials of the most presumptuous embezzlers began. Embezzlement, of course, was not eliminated, but it was significantly undermined under Arakcheev. More successfully, Arakcheev coped with imposing strict discipline and order in the army. This was achieved in the Arakcheev style - using rods, sticks, which generously fell on the backs of the soldiers. The offending officers also got it (arrests, demotions and dismissals from service). No arguments about the impossibility of fulfilling the order were accepted. Every employee, - Arakcheev liked to repeat, - must unquestioningly fulfill the duties assigned to him. With a good will, everything can be achieved, and any indecision reveals only a bad intention.

The works of Arakcheev as an artillery inspector were highly appreciated by Alexander I. On June 27, soon after the conclusion of the Tilsit peace with France, Arakcheev was promoted to artillery general. The emperor's rescript addressed to Arakcheev indicated that he was awarded this rank for bringing artillery to an excellent condition and its successful operation in the continuation of this war, also for the serviceable supply of it with everything necessary . This was followed by another rescript, according to which the Artillery Department of the Ministry of the Military Ground Forces came under the jurisdiction of Arakcheev.

December 1807 was followed by the order of the emperor Arakcheev: To be with His Majesty in the artillery unit (i.e. Arakcheev was enlisted in the retinue of Alexander I), and two days later the new imperial order said: The highest orders announced to the generals from artillery by Count Arakcheev should be considered our decrees . This served not only as an indicator of increased confidence in Alexander Arakcheev, but also significantly expanded power and influence. general of artillery in a military environment.

January 1808 instead of the retired behind the disease Minister of War S.K. Vyazmitinov, Arakcheev was placed at the head of the Ministry of War, who retained the former post of Inspector General of Artillery. Arakcheev demanded for himself broader rights than his predecessor had. Arakcheev at his full disposal were transferred to the military field office of the emperor and the courier corps, which was in charge of sending imperial orders and instructions, as well as escorting high-ranking officials. He made sure that the commanders-in-chief of the armies took his orders directly. Thus, all the threads of control in the military sphere of the empire were concentrated in the hands of Arakcheev.

Arakcheev had to manage the military ministry in essence in wartime conditions. Russia in those years was at war with Iran, the Ottoman Empire, with Sweden, since 1809 was at war with Austria. And the conclusion of the Treaty of Tilsit, difficult for Russia, with Napoleonic France (1807) was only a temporary respite before thunderstorm of the 12th year - I had to prepare to repel a new, even more terrible invasion.

We must pay tribute to Arakcheev that, as Minister of War, he managed to supply the active armies with everything necessary: ​​replenishment from trained recruits, provisions, fodder, and ammunition. He took the necessary measures to strengthen the Baltic coast of Russia in case of possible actions on the part of England in connection with the rupture of diplomatic relations with her after the Treaty of Tilsit and joining her continental blockade.

But the most significant was the role of Arakcheev in the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. - not only in the material support of the army in the field, but also in the direct impact on the course of military operations.

As a sign of the special merits of Arakcheev, the Rostov Musketeer Regiment was renamed the Grenadier Regiment of Count Arakcheev. In the winter of 1809, he played an important role in intensifying hostilities in the Finnish campaign, insisting on the transition of Russian troops across the ice of the Gulf of Bothnia to the Swedish coast.

The promotion of M. M. Speransky's political life and the preparation of plans for state reforms behind Arakcheev's back forced him to resign. In 1810 he was appointed chairman of the Military Department of the newly established Council of State, and his post as Minister of War was taken by M.B. Barclay de Tolly.

In the autumn of 1812, Arakcheev was again close to the emperor, which was due to the tsar's acute dissatisfaction with the failures in the war with Napoleon and the fall of imperial prestige in society. Arakcheev was entrusted with the formation of the militia and artillery regiments, he again received the right to announce nominal decrees. In the post-war period, when protective and reactionary tendencies intensified in the domestic policy of Alexander I, Arakcheev became in fact the second person after the emperor in governing the country, concentrating immense power in his hands.

In addition to his posts of Inspector General of Artillery and Chairman of the Military Department of the State Council, he was placed at the head of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery (which was growing in importance) and the Committee for the Wounded (this meant that from now on all retired military men and disabled people had to turn to their benefactor - Arakcheev).

The name of Arakcheev is associated with the creation and spread of a sinister institution - military settlements. However, Arakcheev himself initially spoke out against them, proposing to reduce the term of military service to eight years and create the necessary reserve from those being transferred to the reserve. But as soon as the issue of military settlements was finally resolved by Alexander I, Arakcheev became the most zealous and consistent guide to the implementation of this measure. Subsequently, Arakcheev said that military settlements constitute the sovereign’s own thought, this is his child, born in the sovereign’s head, whom he loved and with whom he could not part , and he, Arakcheev, was only a faithful executor of his plan in his loyal zeal . However, one cannot but agree with the observation of the historian N.K. Schilder that Arakcheev he saw in this royal fantasy a sure way to further strengthen his own position and ensure in the future the predominant influence on state affairs.

The beginning of military settlements was laid back in 1810, when a battalion of the Yelets Musketeer Regiment was settled in the Mogilev province. The war that began in 1812 interrupted the further arrangement of military settlements. Alexander I returned to the implementation of this idea in 1816, putting Arakcheev in charge of the whole business. The Arakcheevsky estate of Gruzino was taken as a model for organizing the economy in military settlements. During 1816-1817. military settlements were established in the Novgorod, Sloboda-Ukrainian and Kherson provinces. 375 thousand male souls of state-owned peasants and Cossacks were transferred to the position of military settlers. They were placed with them as guests who helped them in agricultural work, about 150 thousand soldiers of the regular troops.

Everywhere the introduction of military settlements met with desperate resistance from the inhabitants. The most significant was the uprising of military settlers in Chuguev in the summer of 1819, to suppress which Arakcheev himself went. The brutal massacre of the rebellious Chuguev military settlers aroused indignation among the progressive people of Russia and was widely discussed in Decembrist circles. The harsh conditions of the military-settlement corvee, the facts of the protest of the military settlers against their plight are described in detail in our literature. Researchers, for a long time limiting themselves to these plots, almost did not touch upon the topic of the economy and the functioning of military settlements, while without sufficient grounds they proved their unprofitability and even unprofitability for the treasury. And it was not clear how for half a century the settlements could not only hold out, but also get their further distribution (by the time they were canceled in the 50-60s of the XIX century, there were over 800 thousand people in them). However, emerging in recent years, studies on the economy of military settlers have shown that Arakcheev managed to create a break-even economy in military settlements, and not only reimburse the treasury's expenses for their establishment, but also make a significant capital. The reorganization of military settlements carried out in 1826 and 1831 significantly weakened the military settlement regime and gave some freedom to the economic and entrepreneurial activities of military settlers. It turned out that by the end of the reign of Alexander I, Arakcheev managed to create capital in the amount of 26 million rubles. From it, Arakcheev even allocated 1 million residents of St. Petersburg who suffered from the flood in 1824. The villagers were allowed to engage in crafts and trade. Arakcheev introduced various innovations in military settlements: polygons, improvement of livestock breeds and seed varieties, the use of fertilizers, improved tools; he used the advice of prominent agronomists. Hospitals, schools, even their own printing house were established in military settlements.

It should be noted that until about 1819-1820. along with a number of reactionary measures (military settlements, the planting of a cruel stick drill in the army, the spread of mysticism and obscurantism), plans for transformations continued to be developed, the press and education were not yet subjected to the severe persecution that began later. In 1817-1818. 12 dignitaries received secret instructions from the emperor to prepare projects for the abolition of serfdom. One of these projects in February 1818 was prepared by Arakcheev. He proposed a gradual redemption of the landlord peasants to the treasury, with the allocation of land to them at least two acres per audit soul. Arakcheev's project was approved by Alexander I, but at the same time, despite its secrecy, it became known to noble circles and caused strong opposition from them. Alexander did not dare to submit it (as well as other projects received) for discussion in the State Council. The same fate befell N.I., who was prepared by this time on the instructions of Alexander. Novosiltsev draft constitution for Russia - Statutory state charter.

By 1820, the turn of Alexander I to reaction was finally determined under the influence of revolutionary upheavals in the countries of Western Europe, as well as the indignation of the Semyonovsky Guards Regiment (which had a particularly depressing effect on the emperor) and a series of denunciations against the secret society of the Decembrists. The onset of the reactionary government course was marked in all directions.

Monarchically minded historians, in their anologetical works about Alexander I, tried to shift all the blame for strengthening the reactionary course onto Arakcheev. Undoubtedly, the role of Arakcheev was significant, but it was the role of a performer. In reality, Alexander I himself was the initiator of all reactionary measures, and Arakcheev only diligently put his will into practice. It should also be noted that Alexander skillfully knew how to shift his unpopularity on others. That is why he gave Arakcheev the broadest powers. In the hands of Arakcheev, the leadership of the State Council, the Committee of Ministers, and the imperial office was actually concentrated. He was called commander in chief of military settlements . Since 1822, Arakcheev became the only speaker on most ministries and departments, even on the affairs of the Holy Synod. Any important person who needed an audience with the emperor, first had to come to Arakcheev, and he already reported to the emperor the essence of the matter, the question was immediately decided - to accept or not to accept the petitioner or speaker. Many important petitioners waited for long hours to be received by him at his house on Liteiny Prospekt. Reception Arakcheeva meant then more than the Senate, the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. A place of pilgrimage for the nobles was the Arakcheev village of Gruzino. Gruzino was visited by N.M. Karamzin and M.M. Speransky, many times honored him with his visit and Alexander I.

At that time, all appointments to the highest military and state posts passed through the hands of Arakcheev. He liked to humiliate and treat courtiers like idle and lazy people . It’s impossible for me to be a chamberlain,” he used to say, “I’m a pedant, I like things to go decently, quickly, and I believe the love of my subordinates is that they do their job.” . At this time of his power, he loved to talk about the poverty and hardships of his youth, emphasizing that he did not have a noble origin, not connections and patronages, but only thanks to hard work and boundless devotion to the monarchs made a career for himself. On one of the Peterhof holidays, at which a splendidly dressed court nobility was present in ribbons and orders, Arakcheev appeared to her in defiance in an old coat and worn cap , without insignia and awards, like a batman coming from the bath.

3. The end of the power of Arakcheev. last years of life

A new shock for Arakcheev was the news of the death of Alexander I in Taganrog. It reached Petersburg on November 27, 1825. Arakcheev realized that his power had come to an end. Everyone also expected the imminent fall of Arakcheev. But he decided to remind himself of himself in the hope of holding on under Alexander's successor. As soon as the oath to Konstantin Pavlovich began, Arakcheev immediately recovered and resumed his duties. On November 30, he swore allegiance to Constantine and swore in the military settlements. But soon rumors spread about Constantine's renunciation of the throne in favor of Nikolai Pavlovich. Arakcheev often visits the Winter Palace. During a visit on December 10, he informed Nikolai about the denunciations that had come in about the secret society of the Decembrists, but could not say where did it stop (in a conspiracy investigation).

Early in the morning of December 14, Arakcheev was one of the first to swear allegiance to Nicholas. Contemporaries recall that on that day Arakcheev behaved cowardly . IN Notes Nicholas I read: When leaving the hall, my attention slightly stopped on the gloomy and downcast physiognomy of Arakcheev, whose heart and conscience were subjected to simultaneous torture . State Secretary V.R. Marchenko, who was in Zimny ​​that day, saw that only two of the military remained in the palace - Prince Lobanov due to old age and non-belonging to the army and Count Arakcheev due to cowardice, as the slander said then, not a single soul remained to say a word with him . In the same state fear and despondency saw that day Arakcheev N.M. Karamzin and A.M. Gorchakov.

Upon accession to the throne, Nicholas I decided to furnish the dismissal of Arakcheev, according to historian N.K. Schilder, signs of exquisite attention . On December 19, 1825, he sent a rescript to Arakcheev, in which he expressed the hope that he would serve him, like the late sovereign . At the same time, Arakcheev was inspired that it would be better for him to voluntarily ask for his resignation. Therefore, the very next day, December 20, a new rescript followed, dismissing Arakcheev from managing the imperial office and affairs of the committee of ministers, but for the time being leaving him head of military settlements.

The temporary worker, who had lost his former influence, was no longer scary. He was openly slandered, talking about both real and fictional facts of his cruelty in military settlements and in Georgia. Arakcheev fell ill with a nervous breakdown and on April 9, 1826, he turned to the emperor with a request for a vacation abroad. for treatment . He was granted leave, and also allocated 50 thousand rubles for travel costs.

Arakcheev went abroad and arbitrarily published an edition of confidential letters to him from Alexander I, which caused a scandal in Russian society and government circles.

Upon returning from abroad, Arakcheev received a decree of the emperor dated October 23, 1826, according to which the position of chief commander of military settlements was abolished. Arakcheev thus received a complete resignation. He was removed from the State Council. Finally, on April 8, 1832, the order of Nicholas I followed: Do not consider Count Arakcheev an inspector of artillery and infantry.

Arakcheev retired to his estate Gruzino to the greatest pleasure of all Russia as quipped by his contemporaries. ABOUT Georgian hermit soon forgotten. He slightly took care of the household, continuing in his own way do good their peasants. If in the summer he could find classes that interested him, especially floriculture, then in winter and such entertainment was not provided . The seal of melancholy and despondency fell on his whole house.

In his old age, Arakcheev tried to patronize: poor artists received orders from him to complete his portraits and views of Gruzin for cash aid . some courtyards, who have shown ability , Arakcheev sent abroad to study as painters, architects, confectioners. Many of them ran down the road. Arakcheev ordered them catch and treat with rods , But the fugitives were not found.

In July 1831, an uprising of Novgorod military settlers broke out. The flames of the uprising raged at the borders of the Arakcheev estate. On June 20, in a carriage drawn by four horses, he rushed to save himself in Novgorod, making a big detour to bypass the rebellious settlements. His fears were justified: later it became known that several troikas with the rebels were sent to Gruzino to deal with him. But the city authorities, fearing that the presence of Arakcheev would not cause indignation in the city, demanded that he leave for the Tver province.

In the last years of his life, Arakcheev decided to create an atmosphere in Georgia that would constantly remind him of his benefactor Alexander I. The decoration of the rooms in which the emperor stayed during his raids in Gruzino was preserved in complete inviolability. By order of the owner of the house, a clock was made with a bust of Alexander I and with music playing every 11 o'clock in the morning (the time of the death of the emperor) rest with the saints . Arakcheev reverently kept the rescripts and letters of Alexander under glass. In front of the cathedral in Georgia, he erected a bronze monument on which the inscription was made: Sovereign-benefactor - after his death.

In 1832, Arakcheev deposited 50,000 rubles in the State Bank so that by the centenary of the death of Alexander I, this amount, with accumulated interest, would be handed over to that historian or writer who best of all, i.e. fuller, more authentic, more eloquent write the history of the reign of this monarch.

In 1833, Arakcheev contributed 300 thousand rubles to the cadet corps established for noble children in Novgorod, the opening of which was solemnly held on March 24, 1834. Soon Arakcheev fell dangerously ill. Feeling that his days were numbered, he summoned his doctor Miller from Petersburg. Nicholas I, having learned about the illness of Arakcheev, sent the life physician Yakov Willie to Gruzino. But it was too late: on April 21, Arakcheev died. M.F. Borozdin writes in his memoirs that when the count died, the household with loud cries of joy rushed to hug each other ... It was for them the day of the greatest celebration.

A.A. Arakcheev bequeathed to bury himself in the church of the village of Gruzino. On the day of the funeral, adjutant general P.A., sent by the emperor, arrived. Kleinmichel and P.N. Ignatiev to parse the papers of the deceased. Some of the papers were distributed among various ministries and departments, the rest was sent to the emperor, who ordered all papers relating to the imperial house to be destroyed. Thus, the most interesting part of the huge archive of Arakcheev perished, the rest was dispersed into various archives.

Before his death, Arakcheev bequeathed to transfer all his estate at the royal disposal . The Georgian estate was transferred to the treasury, and the proceeds from the sale of movable property, together with cash, which amounted to 2.5 million rubles, Nicholas I ordered to transfer in favor of the Novgorod Cadet Corps and call it Arakcheevsky . The cadet corps was given all the books on military topics from the Arakcheev library, which consisted of 15,000 volumes.


On those around him, the personality of Arakcheev made a repulsive impression with his tough temper, rude arbitrariness, servile obsequiousness before the throne, combined with arrogant contempt for all those below him. A major military administrator, he did not participate in any battle. With a paucity of education, Arakcheev was endowed with a sound practical mind, found the right solutions in difficult situations, was distinguished by honesty, fought against bribery, put the interests of the treasury above all else, although he was often guided not by state interests, but by the ambitions of a courtier. His exorbitant vanity found satisfaction in the undivided disposition of the autocrat towards him, the slightest elevation of any other dignitary figure was perceived by him with vindictive jealousy. In the eyes of his contemporaries and descendants, Arakcheev personified the darkest aspects of Alexander's reign.


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