How to quickly learn how to spell English words. How to quickly learn English words: techniques, tips for choosing vocabulary. Seven Techniques of Memory



You learn, you learn these words, but there is no sense! After a couple of days everything is forgotten.

Use a scientific approach to memorization! We present you three scientifically based methods that will allow you to quickly and permanently memorize foreign words.


To begin with, let's figure out how many words you need to learn in order to begin to understand most of the foreign speech, and to express your thoughts yourself. A five-year-old child living in an English-speaking country uses 4,000-5,000 words, and a university graduate uses about 20,000 words. However, a person who learns English as a foreign language has a vocabulary of only 5,000 words, despite several years of study.

But there is also good news.: a vocabulary of 2,000 words is enough to understand 80% of foreign speech. The researchers came to this conclusion based on the analysis of the Brown Corpus. A linguistic corpus is a collection of texts on various topics.

Interestingly, after you have learned 2,000 words, vocabulary replenishment for each subsequent 1,000 words allows you to increase the amount of text you understand by only 3-4%.


The first question that interests everyone is how to quickly memorize foreign words?

Scientists have come to the conclusion that information is remembered faster, which has an emotional connotation. Accordingly, it is a good idea to learn words through games, riddles, movies. I liked the song - do not be too lazy to look at the translation of incomprehensible words. These words will forever be associated with the song you like, which means they will leave an emotional trace in your memory.

An excellent technique is a mnemonic. Create colorful associations - this will allow you to remember even hard-to-pronounce words. Usage example: the word weather is similar to the Russian word wind, we build a wind-weather pair in our head, remember forever that weather translates to weather. There are special reference books where you can find various mnemonic techniques for memorizing English words. However, it is better to come up with such associations on your own, since our associations and emotions are strictly individual.


So, you learned a couple of hundred words, but after a week, about ten of them remained in your memory. What is the problem? This is due to the existence of short-term and long-term memory. The mechanisms of short-term memory allow you to store information for 15-30 minutes, then, noticing that this information is not used, the brain gets rid of it, as if it were something unnecessary. How can we make it clear to the brain that we really need these words? The answer is repetition. It's like with Pavlov's dog: the light bulb lights up - saliva is released. However, it is released only after 5-10 repetitions of the food + light chain. If food is not served when the light is turned on, the association of the light bulb with food in the dog's brain will be destroyed, and saliva will stop secreting.

So how many times does a word need to be repeated in order for it to stably move from short-term to long-term memory?

German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus developed the Forgetting Curve, which characterizes the amount of information lost over time in the absence of repetition. During the first 20 minutes after learning the words, we will already remember 60%, and within 1 hour we will lose more than 50% of the information. Then, over time, more and more information will be erased, and by day 3, only 20% of the information will remain in memory. Thus, if you miss at least one day in repetition, you will not return the forgotten words.

The conclusion is obvious: without repetition, nowhere. Use words in speech, make up stories using new words, play flashcards on your smartphone for at least a couple of minutes a day - all this will help you save the learned words. Otherwise, the time spent on their initial study will simply be wasted.

We suggest using the following repetition schedule:

  • 10-15 minutes after learning the words;
  • After 50-60 minutes;
  • The next day;
  • After 1 day;
  • After 2 days.

After that, most of the information will be fixed for life.


I really want foreign words to flow from my mouth without requiring excessive brain tension and several minutes to formulate a phrase. There is an opportunity to accelerate the formation of foreign speech - this is the development of muscle memory. By muscles here we mean the muscles of our articulatory apparatus. These muscles, like the muscles of the legs when riding a bicycle or the muscles of the fingers of a pianist, have a memory that allows you to perform automated movements almost unconsciously.

In order for muscle memory to form, it is important when learning words to pronounce them out loud, making movements with the tongue and lips. It is also useful to simultaneously present an image of the subject being studied. Over time, you will no longer think about what word to say - the muscles will do it automatically.

Thus, the correct organization of the work of the brain in the formation of short-term, long-term and muscle memory will allow you to quickly and permanently replenish your vocabulary.

Good luck with your learning!

Boring English for children and adults!

Knowing English in the 21st century is not just a way to expand your horizons and once again prove your erudition, but also a real necessity. Without the ability to communicate and express yourself freely, the doors to the world outside the post-Soviet space are actually closed to you. And even more so, there can be no talk of any career advancement either. But if the logical foundations (rules for constructing sentences, questions, punctuation) can be memorized without any problems, then the question of how to memorize English words remains one of the most difficult for most people.

Say "NO" to cramming!

The root of the problem lies in the education system itself - at school and university we are forced to memorize new expressions. I retold the text, translated the passage, roughly speaking, “shot back” - and you can safely forget. But that's not how you expand your vocabulary. Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinion of experienced teachers and psychologists and learning how to learn English words correctly.

Do you know why it's hard for you?

In fact, when we learn English words (or try to do so), we often simply do not realize why we need all the information we receive and what function it will perform for us in the future. In fact, it is enough to overcome this barrier - and the process of memorization will become absolutely natural and pleasant.

To achieve a result and understand how easy it is to memorize English words, you just need to transfer new foreign expressions from the "foreign" category to the "ours" category. The process of filtering all information occurs uncontrollably in a person - the subconscious mind itself decides which part of it to skip, which one to delay, and which one to skip in an altered, distorted form. And the first thing we have to do is "hack" this filter.

How to do it?

To make this possible, you first of all need to minimize the stress component, which inevitably makes itself felt in the process of memorizing new information.

You may not be aware of this or even feel it, but subconsciously you are afraid of that fear of vulnerability and insecurity - being afraid of not giving up something, forgetting, disgracing yourself, you put yourself in the position of a victim, not a predator. Change your perception of the situation and go hunting! For what? Of course, for new knowledge and a chic vocabulary!

Ready to get into practice? Then we present to your attention the most effective ways of how to memorize English words!

Method number 1. Classical

Perhaps, of all methods, this one is the easiest, although it is inferior to others in terms of efficiency. You will need a special notebook to write down new words. Write about twenty words and other units of speech in a column so that the foreign expressions themselves are on the left, and their translation is on the right. Immediately set yourself up for the fact that you need to learn all these words, and not for a couple of days, but for the rest of your life.

How to quickly learn English words in this way? How easy it will be for you to master new knowledge depends largely on you. The main secret of success is to concentrate 100% on learning. Although at first it will be very difficult, but it is really worth striving for.

  1. Read all the written English words.
  2. Read the translation.
  3. Repeat the described steps again.
  4. Take a break for 8-10 minutes - during this time you can do what you want.
  5. Close the column where the translation is written and try to remember the meaning of each word yourself. Do not suffer from excessive perfectionism - it is impossible to learn everything at once. If the translation of a word stubbornly refuses to emerge from the dark depths of your memory, just move on to the next one.
  6. Take another 3-5 minute break and relax.
  7. Read the list of all the words and their translation again, paying special attention to the expressions with which you have difficulty.
  8. Again take a break for 8-10 minutes.
  9. Repeat the exercise, alternately closing either English or Russian words.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to memorize English words in this way. And one more little tip: after working through one batch of material, you don’t need to immediately move on to the next one - this way you will forget what you learned before. It is better to take a break and give the brain time for unconscious repetition.

Another common mistake of beginners is to constantly repeat newly learned words. This should not be done, since you will not contribute to a better consolidation of the material in memory and will not speed it up, but, on the contrary, will interfere with the natural process of memorization. It is worth repeating the learned expressions after 7-10 hours, and then every 24 hours. It is generally accepted that after memorizing words, they need to be repeated 4-5 times.

Method number 2. Subconscious

As in the previous case, first you need to make a list of 20 words that you plan to learn. We learn English words in this way only before going to bed. Your task is to focus all your attention on the process of memorization and abstract from the rest of the world.

Try to exert all your will. After that, choose some new word and try to imagine it mentally as vividly and vividly as possible. When you succeed, repeat it in a whisper, and then silently, without opening your eyes. Then you should relax and work through all the remaining words on the list in the same way.

All received information is deposited in the subconscious. Falling asleep, it is important not to think that you want to remember new expressions, distract yourself from such thoughts and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will need to repeat everything that you learned in the evening. Those words that you have learned will remain in your memory for a long time.

Method number 3. Background

Another interesting method for those who want to know how to remember English words well. By itself, it will not be very effective, but in combination with other methods, it can bring a fantastic effect.

Record about 40 new words and expressions or a simple text on a tape recorder. Adjust the volume to a medium level and just listen to the recording many times in a row. At the same time, you do not need to constantly sit nearby and listen to the pronunciation of each word and translation. Do what you want - after repeated listening, you will unconsciously remember new information.

Method number 4. Relaxation

How to remember a lot of English words? We offer you another interesting option in which you can use your memory. As in the previous case, new words must be recorded on a tape recorder. However, the volume of information should be increased - up to approximately 80-100 expressions.

It is important that soft, calm, melodic music plays in the background of the recording. Sit down, try to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, dream a little. Having turned on the recording, you do not need to concentrate your attention on it and listen carefully - let it just sound. You need to repeat this little ritual before going to bed and in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The secret of success is simple: when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, the barriers of internal resistance are almost completely weakened, as a result of which we learn English words much faster and more efficiently than usual. This exercise should take no more than 1/6 of the total time that you devote to learning a foreign language.

Method number 5. Hypnotic

So let's move on to the next method. How to quickly memorize English words without putting in almost any effort? Probably, this question was asked by every person who reads this article. This option is ideal just for those who cannot force themselves to take up language learning seriously - in a word, a real salvation for the lazy.

Again, you need a tape recorder. This time we write down up to 35-40 words and expressions with translation. Before going to bed, double-read the material from the sheet, turn on the tape recorder and listen to the recording twice. You should not focus too much on it - just repeat the words behind the player. After that, go to bed. Within 40 minutes, your assistant (yes, you can’t do it on your own) should scroll through the recording, gradually reducing the sound. Fortunately, in this age of high technology, a computer program can also cope with this task.

In the morning, about 30-40 minutes before you wake up, the “assistant” should turn on the recording again. Now, on the contrary, you need to start with a minimum volume and gradually increase it. When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed - wait until the recording ends. In just 20 sessions, you will be able to replenish your stock by 100-120 words and expressions.

Method number 6. motor-muscular

Most likely, you have already heard about it. The essence is simple - each new English word is compared with some real subject and then learns. Naturally, this method cannot be used with all expressions, but with many it is still possible.

How to quickly learn English words this way? It's simple - combine them with objects from your environment, denoting a particular word. Let's say you need to remember the word "pen". Take a pen in your hands, feel it, even write something while pronouncing a foreign term.

An important point: it is not enough just to imagine the actions, they must be performed independently. In this case, the entire process of memorization is based on movements. To better consolidate the words, you need to perform as many actions as possible. In this case, you should not focus on the term, but on the movement that you are making.

Method number 7. figurative

Again, in order to learn the material, no effort is needed - all information is remembered involuntarily. Just connect your imagination and draw interesting plot pictures in motion. How to learn a lot of English words in a figurative way? First, match the English word with a Russian word that sounds similar (for example, “snack” and “snow”). Now imagine how snow and snacks are connected. Logic is not important - the main thing is that the picture is appropriate.

You can memorize up to 25 words at a time. When you get a little used to creating pictures for individual expressions, you can complicate the task. For example, you can take any dynamic picture or photograph from a magazine, memorize it and write out on a piece of paper the names of all the objects depicted on it, both in English and in Russian, and write down a consonant Russian word next to it.

Method number 8. Center-associative

Regardless of the number of syllables, any foreign word can be divided into three parts. For each of the parts, it is necessary to select a Russian word similar in sound to the beginning. The meaning of what you get as a result of such linguistic manipulations, in fact, does not matter. After doing this with each syllable, we move on to the next step. All Russian words should be combined into one meaningful phrase, at the end of which there should be a translation of the word that you want to remember. Consider this with the example of the word “sinister” (sinister): A BLUE mist spread over the clearing.

  1. It is very useful to combine 5-6 new words into one short text, and then learn it in its entirety.
  2. Try not to learn all the words in a row, but only those that you really may need.
  3. Memorize not only individual terms and definitions, but also the features of their use in various set expressions.
  4. Once your vocabulary exceeds 1000 words, try to memorize special formative statements and insertions that will help you to make your speech smoother and more natural (“rather”, “probably”, “really”, “should say that. ." etc.).
  5. Use synonyms: even if you cannot say exactly what you wanted, it is better than being silent for a long time.

How to remember the whole text?

Now that you already know how to memorize English words separately, you need to say a few words about the secrets of memorizing connected texts. First of all, read the article in its entirety and understand it 100% - without this, nothing will work out at all. When you have finished reading, break the text into several parts and title each of them. You also need to learn it in parts, restoring logical chains in memory. At first, you should not mock yourself, trying to “drive” articles longer than a page into your memory, you need to increase the volume gradually - this is the only way the learning process will be easy and enjoyable.

Learning English words is much easier than you think. If you do not agree with this, then, apparently, because at school you were forced to cram columns of words that were difficult to remember, but were forgotten the next day. Fortunately, now with the help of simple tricks, tutorials and easily accessible materials in English, learning words is a pleasure.

Learning English words and learning a language are not the same thing.

First of all, we note that learning a language is not limited to memorizing words. Yes, you cannot throw words out of the language, but their interaction in speech occurs according to the rules of grammar. In addition, grammar will not be “brought to life” without practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing. Some of the techniques listed below involve memorizing words precisely in the context of live speech.

Cards with words

Ordinary cardboard cards are a powerful tool for memorizing words. Cut out cards of a convenient size from thick cardboard, write English words or phrases on one side, Russian on the other and repeat.

For greater efficiency, take sets of 15-30 cards and learn words in two directions - English-Russian and Russian-English - in four stages:

  1. Introduction to words. Look through the cards, pronouncing the words aloud, trying to imagine the objects, actions and even abstractions they represent. Don't try to memorize the words thoroughly, just get to know them, pick them up on the memory hook. Some of the words will be remembered already at this stage, but not reliably.
  2. Repetition of English - Russian. Looking at the English side, remember the Russian translation. Go through the deck until you can guess all the words (usually 2-4 runs). Be sure to shuffle the cards! Memorizing words in a list is inefficient, largely due to the fact that words are remembered in a certain order. Cards do not have this disadvantage.
  3. Repetition of Russian - English. The same, but from Russian to English. This task is a bit more difficult, but 2-4 passes will suffice.
  4. Consolidation. At this stage, mark the time with a stopwatch. Drive the deck as quickly as possible, achieving instant recognition of the word without hesitation. Do 2-4 rounds, trying to get the stopwatch to show less time with each round. Don't forget to shuffle the cards. Words can be driven in both directions or in one direction (preferably in Russian-English, as it is more difficult). At this stage, you will achieve instant, without mental translation, recognition of the word.

It is not necessary to make cards out of cardboard, there are convenient programs for creating electronic cards, such as Quizlet. Using this service, you can make voiced cards, add pictures to them, teach in different modes, including games.

Spaced repetition method

The method consists in repeating words with the help of cards, but at some intervals. It is believed that by following a certain repetition algorithm, the student fixes information in long-term memory. If the information is not repeated, it will be forgotten as unnecessary.

The most popular program for memorizing words using the spaced repetition method is Anki. Create a deck of words, and the application itself will select partially forgotten material and offer to repeat it at a certain frequency.

The convenience is that you only need to load the words, and the program itself will tell you when and what to repeat. But sometimes there is simply no need for an interval method. If you learn collections of such common words as days of the week and months, verbs of motion, vehicles, then there is no need to repeat them according to a special algorithm: they will already occur very often in the textbook, when reading, in speech.

Memorizing words while reading in English

It makes sense to learn words with the help of cards when the vocabulary is still insufficient even to understand the simplest texts. If you do not yet know such basic vocabulary as days of the week, colors, verbs of motion, politeness formulas, then it is convenient to lay the foundation of vocabulary by memorizing words from cards. According to linguists, the minimum vocabulary for understanding simple texts and speech is about 2-3 thousand words.

But, if you can already, try to write out words from the text while reading. It will not be just vocabulary taken from a dictionary, but living words, surrounded by context, associatively tied to the plot, the content of the text.

Do not write down all unfamiliar words in a row. Write down useful words and phrases, as well as words without understanding which it is impossible to understand even the main meaning. Write out only a few words per page to reduce distractions from reading. After reading an article or a chapter of a book, words can be quickly repeated.

They can greatly simplify and speed up the memorization of words. For example, when reading texts online, you can save words with a translation with one click and then repeat them using the Leo Translator browser extension.

Memorization of words from video and audio recordings

If during reading it is easy to underline or write out a word, then with a film or audio recording it is more difficult. But listening (listening) for learning vocabulary is no less interesting than books. In the live speech of native speakers, there are fewer bookish, little-used words and more popular colloquial phrases. In addition, listening develops not only vocabulary, but also the ability to understand speech by ear.

The easiest way to learn English from movies and audio recordings is to simply watch or listen without being distracted by writing out words. This is the easiest approach, but this way you are unlikely to learn something new, just reinforce already familiar words well (which is also important).

If you write out and then repeat new words, then you will not only enjoy the movie, but also replenish your vocabulary. Of course, while watching, it is very inconvenient to be distracted by pressing pause and writing out words, but you can take short notes, and then return to them and analyze the material in more detail. As with reading, you do not need to write down all the incomprehensible words in a row.

It is much easier to engage in audio and video with the help of special sites. The most suitable for this are the popular online services LinguaLeo and Puzzle English, which use a special interface for easy video viewing with the ability to quickly (click on a word in subtitles) translate and save words.

Memorizing words while writing and speaking

Reading and listening are passive speech activities, speech perception. Written and spoken language is the active use of language. When you write or speak, vocabulary develops differently: you have to practice using the words you already know, moving them from a passive vocabulary (at the level of understanding) to an active one.

When writing, whether it's an essay or informal chatting, you have to constantly choose words and try to express your thoughts more clearly, more accurately. Often there is a situation when you want to say something, but do not know the right word or expression. With the help of a dictionary, it is not difficult to find it, but do not let this valuable find be forgotten right there - write down such small discoveries and repeat in your free time. Practice in active speech activity helps to identify such gaps.

During an oral conversation, of course, you won’t be able to look into the dictionary, but conversational practice makes you practice already familiar words and constructions. You have to strain your memory, remember everything that is stored even in its most distant corners in order to express a thought. Speaking practice for learning a language is like training for the body: you strengthen, develop your “language form” by translating words from a passive stock into an active one.


The first two methods - cards and spaced repetitions - are suitable for memorizing collections of words, for example, "In the city", "Clothes" and so on. Methods from the third to the fifth are designed for memorizing words during speech practice.

If you want words not only to be remembered but also not forgotten, practice reading and listening regularly. Having met a familiar word several times in a living context, you will remember it forever. If you want to not only have a passive vocabulary, but also express your thoughts freely -. So you will turn dry knowledge into confident skills. After all, we do not learn languages ​​in order to know them, but in order to use them.

“We forget words just like names. Vocabulary must be constantly fertilized, otherwise it will perish.” Evelyn Waugh, British writer

When starting to learn English, many people want to find the easiest and fastest way to achieve their goal. And since one of the most important goals is, the question arises: how to learn words easily and quickly? Words can really be learned easily, you can learn quickly, but you have to choose - either quickly, but with the sweat of your brow, or easily, but slowly.

I call these two ways of remembering words easy and difficult.

  • the hard way- this is memorizing words with the help of cards, exercises, when you take a set of, say, 20 words and purposefully memorize them. I call this method difficult because it requires effort to memorize. In fact, after a little practice, memorizing words no longer seems difficult.
  • easy way- this is a passing, latent memorization while reading, listening, communicating in English. I call this method easy because you don't make any effort to purposefully memorize, but just read, watch, etc.

Easy but slow way to learn English words

Let's start with an easy but slow way - practice. Surely you have heard that the best vocabulary, and knowledge of the language in general, develops in the process of practice: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Indeed, when you read books, look, some of the words settle in your memory. Words that are often repeated or guessed from the context are remembered. If you come across difficult and at the same time important words for understanding the plot, you have to look for their meaning - such words can also be remembered. When you write or speak, you have to activate your vocabulary, fishing out words, expressions, integers from memory. The more often you use words in speech, the easier they are remembered next time.

Practice is an easy way to learn words. You do not study, do not study in the usual sense of the word - with a notebook, a textbook, but simply read for your own pleasure, watch a series or communicate. But, unfortunately, it cannot be said that reading or listening is a quick way to learn words. Yes, words are remembered qualitatively, with reference to the context, but in a small amount.

A quick but difficult way to memorize English words

On the other hand, there is a quick way with which you can learn about 20, 50, 100 or even more words in one go - this is memorizing words using double-sided cards.

Why flashcards are an effective way to learn words on your own?

Cards are effective because they use the principle of active recall.

Active recall- This is the principle of effective memorization of information, based on the active stimulation of memory during the memorization process. Its opposite is passive review, when information is not retrieved from memory, but simply read.

For example, if you are reading a history textbook, this is passive repetition. If you answer the question "What were the prerequisites for the Decembrist uprising?" is active recall.

Information is remembered better, better, if it is not just read from the carrier (read the chapter of the textbook), but also “pumped” with the help of active recall (retell the chapter and answer the teacher’s questions). It is the poet who often in the textbooks at the end of the paragraph gives questions for self-examination - by answering them, you will avoid the effect of “it flew in one ear, flew out of the other”.

The easiest way to apply this principle to memorizing words is to use ordinary double-sided flashcards with an English word (expression) on one side and Russian on the other.

The easiest way to learn words from flashcards is this:

  • We make cardboard cards of a convenient size,
  • We write the English word on one side, and the translation on the other - at this stage, the initial acquaintance with the “questions” and “answers” ​​takes place.
  • We look at one side, guess the other.
  • We turn over the card and check the guess.

It turns out that by looking at the card, you got question, then goes active recall- an attempt to remember the meaning of the word. Turning over the card, you check answer. The key point is recall, it is at this stage that memory is actively working, and information is remembered.

If you did not make a set of cards yourself, but took a ready-made one, you first need to look through them so that an initial acquaintance occurs, that is, so that there is something to remember later.

Cardboard and electronic cards

Cards can be used cardboard and electronic. I used both of them a lot, and I will tell you about both options.

Cardboard cards

Flashcards are a simple yet extremely useful language learning tool.

Above, I gave the simplest way to learn words using cardboard cards: look at one side, remember the other. To help memorize words more effectively, I recommend:

  • Words need to be driven in both directions: from English to Russian (easier) and from Russian to English (harder). If you remember that "birch" is "birch", this does not mean that you will remember that "birch" is "birch".
  • Read the words and say the answer aloud - it helps to remember the word, and the correct pronunciation, and the answer.
  • On the first try, you can guess only a few words from the deck, on the second - more. Put the guessed and unguessed words in different piles and run the deck until you can guess all the words without hesitation.
  • Ideally, words should be remembered instantly, automatically.
  • Equate the slightest hesitation in the answer with the wrong answer.
  • If you have memorized words, but they are not remembered well, there is a way to bring recognition to instantaneous: work through the deck several times with a stopwatch, each time trying to beat the previous time.

You can read more about how to learn words from cardboard cards in the article:

There is a significant drawback in working with cardboard cards: they need to be made and stored. I myself did a lot of work with cards, and I remember that it took longer to cut cardboard into eight pieces and sign them than to learn words.

Electronic cards

With electronic cards, the basic principle is the same: look at the word, remember the translation, check the answer. But the electronic format provides many conveniences and opportunities:

  • It's easier to make cards, no need to store them.
  • Cards can be made with pictures, automatic voice acting.
  • There are modes, exercises that are impossible with cardboard cards (for example, typing a word from dictation).
  • With the help of the word, you can always take it with you and repeat it anywhere.
  • Large selection of programs for memorizing words.

The last point is not only a plus, but also a problem. There are so many programs with flash cards that it is difficult to choose one. My favorites are Quizlet and Lingualeo.

  • - service for working with cards. If you're looking for an electronic alternative to paper cards, Quizlet is a great choice. The program has six modes of learning words, including two games. It is very convenient to create sets of words - both by one card, as well as by copying / pasting a list from a file. Words are automatically voiced.
  • . Vocabulary learning is just one of the functions of this versatile service. It is inconvenient to add words manually, but in Lingualeo it is very convenient to save and then learn the words added while reading or watching a video (words can be saved to the dictionary directly from the subtitles). Using the LeoTranslator browser plugin (only works in the Chrome browser), words can be saved to the Lingvaleo dictionary and other sites. Voice, transcription, picture are automatically added to the words.

If you want to compose word sets yourself, it's more convenient to use Quizlet. To memorize words while reading texts on the Internet (on English-language sites), Lingualeo is very convenient - you will need to install the LeoTranslator plugin for the browser.

In what cases does it make sense to learn words from cards?

With the help of flashcards, you can learn a lot of words in a short time, but this is not always necessary. Cards are relevant in the following cases:

  • You need to quickly gain a minimum of vocabulary, at least the first 500 words. Without this minimum, it will not be possible to read, listen, talk.
  • You have a basic vocabulary, but you need to learn vocabulary on a specific topic, for example, or words written out while reading a book, watching a movie.
  • You are preparing for an exam.

Basically, cards are useful for beginners, but if you have a level that allows you to read and listen at least, look, understand at least the general meaning, talk with mistakes and actively gesticulate, then it is better to focus on practice: read more, listen, communicate.

How not to forget the learned words?

Learned information is quickly and inevitably forgotten if it is not used. Even almost clean.

However, forgetting can be minimized:

  • Learn the right words. If you are learning words that are not commonly used, they will most likely come across very rarely. First of all, you need to learn.
  • Learn words well. With the help of cards, it is better to learn words so that they are recognized instantly, without any movement of the convolutions. If the word is “under-educated”, then you may not recognize it.
  • Repeat words. Before starting a new set of words, repeat the previous one - this simple rule will significantly increase the efficiency of your study.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Once you've learned a word, it gets into your memory, but it's solidified when you encounter it while reading, listening, or using it in conversation. Without practice in reading, listening, writing and speaking, all your efforts are not only futile, but meaningless. Why learn a language if you don't use it?

Do not learn too many words a day, raising the bar too high. Many without problems memorize 10-20 words in one go. I was able to learn about 50 words in one sitting, and over 200 words during the day. But I noticed that if you move too fast, more words are forgotten, and in general it is difficult to hold out at such a pace for a long time.

How, by combining two methods, to learn words quickly and easily?

  • Read the text in English
  • Write down unfamiliar words
  • Make up sets of cards with these words and memorize them.

A few tips:

  • Read only what you are really interested in
  • Write down not all unfamiliar words in a row (this way you will quickly lose interest in reading), but only words that are important for understanding the text or words that seem useful.
  • Write out not only words, but also phrases, especially useful ones, such as politeness formulas, greetings, etc.

Personally, I did this: if I read a paper book or on the phone, wrote out the words with a pen in a notebook or saved them in notes on the phone, then I created sets of cards and repeated the words. Sometimes I was too lazy, and I didn’t make flashcards, but simply looked through the notes, repeating the written words - even this way helps me remember them. If I read in the browser, I saved the words with the help of “LeoTranslator” and then repeated it with the help of flashcards in Lingvaleo or simply by looking at the list.

You can also combine the two methods with the help of films, series, TV shows in English: watch a movie, writing out interesting words along the way, and then learn them. The big inconvenience is that the film will often have to be paused. In this regard, the service is convenient. It is enough to hover over the subtitles and the film is paused, click on the word - the translation pops up, and the word is saved to the dictionary. There is a minimum of distraction.


Words can be learned quickly, in large numbers, using the “hard way” - with the help of cards and various exercises. This makes sense if you need, for example, to learn words on a specific topic or gain a starting minimum vocabulary. It is important to understand that if you do not read, listen, communicate in English, that is, use a foreign language for its intended purpose, over time, even firmly memorized words will fade from memory.

On the other hand, words can be learned through practice: by reading, listening, speaking in English. Some of the words will settle in the memory simply due to repetition, understanding their meaning from the context. The nuance is that constant and very extensive practice is needed in order for the vocabulary to be actively replenished using this method.

Methods can be combined - many do. Read in English, watch films without translation, and if useful words come across in the process, write them down to clarify the meaning, repeat, learn. Actually, this applies to the native language as well.

Every second person wants to study and learn English. For some, this is easy, and for some, it is difficult, because. every word is spelled and pronounced differently, not to mention the different meanings of the same words., add grammar to that. To speak fluent English, you need not only to know the rules and grammar, use flashcards, stickers, etc., but you also need to have an extensive vocabulary.

How to increase the volume of words and learn English quickly and efficiently will be discussed in this article. We will give the most relevant and simple exercises, as well as reveal the secrets of quick learning.

Seven Techniques of Memory

This section is devoted to seven effective techniques that make it easy to learn and memorize new words, phrases and use them in a conversation with foreign citizens. Note that English is a world language, so its knowledge is useful not only for studying instructions for household appliances, but also while traveling, as well as in work.

These are some kind of secrets for memorizing English words that will come in handy in life:

  1. Formation of an associative series. The brain remembers images best, not words, producing a constant relationship with those pictures and emotions that a person has accumulated. Thus, we see that the brain, when memorizing new and old data, connects this information, making up a certain series of associations. For example, the crown of a tree is easier to see than one particular branch that is nailed through the ground. It turns out that if there is a relationship between old and new data, it is much easier for the human brain to navigate and find the right information. The practice is pretty simple.. You need to take a piece of paper and write down the word that you need to remember in the center, if you are already a more advanced user, then you can specify a phrase or phrase in the center. Draw lines radiating from the center, ending with a picture or other phrase that is associated with the task. Then, look at the sheet and without memorizing it, put it aside. Throughout the day, keep the word in mind. In order to remember the selected word, reproduce the associated image, so the brain will draw a logical chain, and you will easily remember the necessary phrase or word. If you are limited in time, then for a quick study, you can learn the language by pronouncing these words and the connections between them. We recommend making a card with a picture on it.
  2. Don't forget to learn vocabulary. You can learn a word separately from a sentence only at the initial stage. In the future, it is necessary to learn them in conjunction with a sentence or another word. This method is not only simple, but also effective. For example, you need to remember the word "strong" (strong), then learn it in context - "Big strong man" (big strong guy). So the information is easier to perceive, because. there is a connection for the brain. After that, we advise you to compose five or six sentences with the chosen word, which will consolidate the material with the help of repetition. Cards can be carried with you and repeated at an opportunity.

Presentation on the topic: "How to quickly learn a lot of English words"

  1. Remember the word? Support them with pictures (cards). Thus, for each new word or phrase, you will have picture cards. It is not necessary to draw them large, they can be small, like a cheat sheet. But be sure to contain the studied word and picture. Don't worry if you don't have drawing skills. It can also be a schematic drawing of an extraordinary performance, so the brain will remember the word even faster, because. visual information is processed faster.
  2. Good storytelling skills (storytelling). For those who have a need to learn large amounts of information in English, we recommend adding various words and phrases into a short story. It can be funny and absurd. And it will be better, because. you will be able to remember more words, and at the same time cheer yourself up. Note that the brain remembers information better if it is of interest. Therefore, if you create an easy and relaxed atmosphere for the lessons, then this will only be a plus.
  3. Apply couples. Learning words is more effective in pairs. Along with this, study antonyms, synonyms. With this approach, the brain will create connections between the studied words. Accordingly, it will be easier to remember them, and the vocabulary will expand.
  4. Break the words into their components. English, like Russian, has prefixes, a root and a suffix. Breaking up a word into components, you thereby leave it in memory for a long time. This task should be done with the help of a dictionary, because there is a need for careful scrutiny. This technique can be used by those people who do not want to wait, i.e. for the impatient.
  5. Apply words. Once you have learned a word, use it in your daily vocabulary. Make sentences and speak it. Then, after an hour, return to it, then, after a day and a week. This allows you to memorize the language qualitatively and for a long time, without even using flashcards.

Subconscious Methods

Developing the brain, one should not forget about the subconscious mind that influences the process.

So, you should use the emotional component, with the help of which words are easily remembered.

Therefore, give your classes a strong emotional coloring. For example, speak with an accent or imitate a character from your favorite movie.

Then, when remembering a word that was previously endowed with emotion, the subconscious mind will reproduce the word. We recommend learning new words in the form of a game.

No cards, techniques or secrets can affect learning as much as a game form of learning. With its help, you can quickly and easily learn the language. This technique is relevant for both children and adults.

Modern Techniques

Today, there are many methods and techniques that effectively learn foreign words: dictionaries, mobile applications, work with the subconscious, etc. These methods have almost supplanted traditional word cards, stickers and stickers, although they are still effective. What is the best way to memorize foreign words quickly and efficiently?

You can install a program that will remind you that you need to repeat a word, will display associations, build logical connections.

However, most people still use flashcards to learn the language. The convenience of this method lies in the fact that they can be laid out around the house, glued to interior items, and also carried in a bag. Cards are the traditional method. Using it in conjunction with other techniques, you can improve daily.

Make and execute a personal plan every day. For a person, it is optimal to learn new words in the amount of 7-15 daily. Strictly follow it, adding the rules of grammar and vocabulary, which will fix progress in 1-2 months. It is important not to forget to move from theory to practical exercises, applying them in everyday life.

DO NOT cram

The source of the problem of the educational process in public institutions is the cramming of new expressions. The essence of all lessons comes down to reading the text, retelling, translating the passage. All. The student passed the lesson. However, with this approach, the brain does not retain the learned lesson for a long time. Therefore, we recommend not to cram, but to delve into the meaning of the subject being studied.

The Secret of Difficulties

In an attempt to learn English or other foreign words, we, as a rule, simply do not understand in what cases it can be useful to us. , those. what are the benefits for the future. Psychologists and experienced teachers assure that as soon as a person overcomes this barrier, the process of memorization and reproduction will become not only comfortable, but also natural.

In order to achieve a result in memorizing the English language, it is necessary to translate foreign phrases from the “foreign” group into the “friends” group. Such a filter turns on in the human brain unconsciously. The subconscious mind independently decides what information to skip, and what to keep and what to distort, while skipping. Therefore, another goal is to overcome this invisible border and then you can congratulate yourself on the start of an exciting journey in learning foreign languages. However, remember that only everyday training will help you effectively cope with the task.