Nasa will not officially end the world. The most unsafe asteroids for Earth

The media from year to year are full of reports that the end of the world is already close. The reasons were both deeply scientific developments such as the Large Hadron Collider, and ancient prophecies. So for the upcoming 2019 year of apocalyptic assumptions - more than enough.

These assumptions are true, or, as they say, are sucked from the finger, a commotion in society still cannot be avoided. Either it is a simple fear of the unknown, or belief in a worst-case scenario, or simple human curiosity.

The end of the world in 2019 scientists predict

For 2019 (or rather, February 1, 2019), space researchers have calculated the approach of another cosmic body too close to the Earth. It is a boulder, named 2002 NT7, and weighs several hundred thousand tons.

If a collision occurs with a comet, the Earth will go off its axis, and if it flies too close to the Earth, the consequences will still be catastrophic. If the trajectory of the asteroid changes due to the gravity of the Earth, then the planet is threatened by about the same trouble, from which, as scientists assume, dinosaurs disappeared on Earth.

About the end of the world in 2019 say the messengers of the apocalypse

Everyone is well aware that any legend and prophecy that speaks of the end of the world is guided by certain prerequisites that lead to the beginning of global changes and the apocalypse.

The Bible writes about the messengers of the apocalypse, bringing natural disasters to mankind. Nostradamus writes about some tragic factors due to which the planet will be destroyed. Any such event is similar to another in its scale, destructive power and irreversibility.

Currently, dozens of such factors can be cited, any of which can easily mark the approach of the apocalypse.

The Middle East is constantly engulfed in wars, natural disasters are happening more and more often and more destructively, world politicians cannot find a common language, and tensions in relations between peoples are becoming more and more tangible. The seers also have their own assumptions about this.

The end of the world in 2019 by Michel Nostradamus

Deciphering the prophecies of Michel Nostradamus describes the beginning of the 21st century, marked by dozens of cataclysms. Specifically for 2019, the seer described a short-term global war in which almost all continents will be involved. The wounds from it will heal for long millennia, and there will be no winners in it - everyone will lose.

Against the background of such sad predictions, Nostradamus nevertheless mentioned the beginning of the dawn of mankind, despite the fact that only ruins will remain from the former empires. Because only when the threat becomes obvious that humanity, in principle, can disappear from the face of the Earth, as a species - only then will people finally reconsider their worldview and begin to create.

The end of the world in 2019 was predicted by the holy father Seraphim Vyritsky

Father Seraphim is a saint whose predictions in their overwhelming majority turn out to be absolutely fair. This prediction of his concerns the persecution of all Christians while our country was building communism. And it was Father Seraphim who wrote that at the end of the 20th century, the great red empire would perish.

The holy father spoke of 2019 as a period of great changes in the balance of power in the world. According to him, America and Europe will turn out to be less powerful than the countries of Asia, and China will become the main geopolitical players and the center of finance.

Father Seraphim predicted a spiritual strengthening of Russia, but the loss of part of his lands - they will be assimilated by people whose homeland is neighboring countries. Seraphim Vyritsky also wrote about widespread wars involving dozens of states in hostilities and that they will last until the peoples comprehend the secret of world evil and mercilessly deal with it.

Matrona Moskovskaya about doomsday in 2019

Saint Matronushka rarely predicted, but, as they say, aptly. All her predictions came true. Regarding 2019, she predicted a large-scale collision of the world of lies and the world of truth, in which evil will try to take over human souls. This will be the time when people will be, as if bewitched by the sweet speech of evil and will follow him, not seeing the road and not giving a damn about the postulates of righteousness.

The fall of mankind will lead to the fact that the earth will be sprinkled with heavenly wrath, and everything will end with the judgment, which has been awaited for more than two thousand years.

The end of the world in 2019 possible due to the third world

The current political situation can easily lead to a global catastrophe. It is such that the world really stands on the edge. The aggravation has reached its limit, which was previously observed between the USSR and the United States during their open confrontation off the Cuban coast.

The contradictions between our country and Western countries are only getting worse day by day, and no one knows how it can end, and whether it is possible to get away from the conflict peacefully. There remains only one hope that those in power will nevertheless show prudence, realizing that the third world war is the same end of the world.

A large asteroid, with a diameter of more than two kilometers, is moving at great speed from the depths of space towards the Earth. According to calculations released today, on February 1, 2019, it may collide with our planet. It is now impossible to predict all the consequences of the blow.

Named "2002-NT7", the asteroid was discovered on July 5 by the American Liner Observatory (New Mexico), ITAR-TASS reports. Now numerous astronomical centers of the world conduct round-the-clock observations of the meteorite in order to calculate its orbit as accurately as possible. Everything suggests that the likelihood of a collision with him is "extremely high".

Scientists are already calling "2002-NT7" the most threatening space object for all the time of astronomical observations. As Dr. David Whitehouse said in an interview with the BBC, "2002-NT7" for the first time in history received a positive rating on the so-called Palermo scale, which measures the danger of space objects. His rating is 0.06. By the brightness of the asteroid, scientists have determined that its diameter is about two kilometers. This is enough to wreak havoc and destruction on one of the continents of our planet.

Over the weeks that have passed since the discovery of "2002-NT7" more than 200 sessions of observation of the new asteroid have been carried out. In an interview with the BBC, Dr. Benny Pizer of Liverpool John Morris University reported that "2002-NT7" orbits the Sun in 837 days. The farthest point of its orbit from the star is Mars, the closest one is inside the orbit of the Earth. Orbit calculations "2002-NT7" show that in many cases its orbit intersects with the Earth's orbit.

However, Dr. Peiser emphasizes that these data are not yet definitive. "We hope that in the coming weeks we will be able to say with confidence: there is no real danger."

Astronomers say that in the next year and a half, "2002-NT7" will be able to see everyone without any problems. Among other things, this means that scientists will not lose sight of the asteroid. During these one and a half years, the researchers hope to determine exactly what the orbit of this asteroid is. Old photographs of the night sky, in which "2002-NT7" can certainly be seen, should also help them.

NASA spokesman Dr. Donald Yeomans said: "For now, we can only describe the orbit of 2002-NT7 with an accuracy of several tens of millions of kilometers." He noted that with the development space exploration other objects are likely to be found that will initially cause concern among researchers. However, he is almost certain that a more thorough analysis will prove their safety.

Sky researchers say there will be enough time left to pinpoint the 2002-NT7 flight path. And if it turns out to be really dangerous, then the military will take care of it further. Scientists believe that Earth's armies will have enough power to destroy an asteroid while it is on the other side of the Sun. This will also save earthlings from the consequences of cosmic nuclear explosions.

The last large cosmic body that could collide with the Earth, astronomers observed quite recently - June 14, 2002. On that day, the asteroid "2002-MN" (120 meters in diameter) flew 120 thousand kilometers from the planet. Scientists say that in the event of a collision with the Earth, it could destroy about 2,000 square kilometers (approximately the same territory was destroyed in 1908 by the Tunguska meteorite).

The probability of the death of the entire population of the Earth has always worried people of all times and peoples. If you trace the chronology of the predictions of the End of the World, you will notice that for every year, one of the prophets promised the end of humanity.

So, in 2019, the prophets did not pass by and predicted a lot of disasters and cataclysms.

Prediction of the End of the World in 2019 by Matrona of Moscow

During her lifetime, Matronushka predicted the end of all life on our planet on February 28, 2019. It is quite difficult not to believe her, since several major prophecies made by her have already come true. Therefore, many people, on her advice, pray for the salvation of their souls in 2019. Her prediction about the end of the Earth contained the meaning that people would die without war, in the morning they would lie dead, and in the evening they would go underground.

Of course, Matrona's phrase sounds very ambiguous.

In one case, it can be assumed that she warns about the forgetting of faith. And in another, that a huge meteorite will fall on the Earth, which will launch the planet's self-destruction mechanism. In any case, she was sure that the vision that came to her from above prophesied the End to all mankind.

Scientists' opinion about the end of the world

All scientists flatly refuse to consider at least any prophecies of saints, sorcerers and astrologers. But based on a number of long-term studies, they can say with great probability that, starting in the second half of 2019, natural disasters will begin to haunt our planet. Here is a small list of what can trigger a mechanism that can lead to the death of the entire planet.

  • the imbalance of the harmony of earthly nature created by people;
  • incredibly high activity of large volcanoes on our planet;
  • the shortest distance of a passing large asteroid in the history of mankind;
  • experiments on common terrestrial viruses.

If we compare the forecast of scientists and predictors, then the educated person will be impressed by the former. And if we take into account the statistics of fulfilled predictions made by famous astrologers and prophets, then they cannot be neglected. We know that the apocalypse in one form or another has already visited our planet many times. So why can't this happen in the near future? We are accustomed to our monotonous life, and only when something unexpected happens in it, we are able to assume similar things in the future.

End of the world in dates with prophets

It was very interesting to trace the chronology of those predictions about the End of the World, which have already been made, but have not yet come true.

What will the end come from Who predicted Exact date Imitation
Apocalypse Mayan calendar 12.12.2012
Cosmic black hole A group of famous scientists 2007 year
Collision of the Earth with a comet Honored world astrophysicists 2006 year
Explosion of the sun Personal astrologer of Peter I 2003 year
Stopping the Earth's Rotation Scientist from the USA year 2001
Collision of planets Famous astronomer from Chile 1999 year
Nuclear war Nostradamus 1986 year

This is just a small list of the most famous prophecies addressed to the Earth. In fact, it is unlikely that there is a person who is able to predict such an event, which will lead to the extinction of all mankind. In this regard, it remains only to live every day as the last, so that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent in vain, seconds before the apocalypse.

Many astrologers and predictors from time to time give out guesses about some fatal catastrophes for humanity. Sometimes this information looks obviously ridiculous, although there are plausible predictions. Information about this leaks out to the masses every year. Ordinary people can only guess whether the end of the world will be in 2019 or whether it will be avoided once again.

The authoritative opinions of astrologers and psychics differ significantly. Someone is sure that nothing will happen in 2019; others predict epidemics and cataclysms. Let's consider the most popular theories explaining the possible end of the world. Clairvoyants agree on the same opinion: the end of the world can happen, and it will happen soon enough.

Michelle Nostradamus

The opinions of astrologers are considered the most reliable, because it is these scientists who are engaged in predicting the future from the stars. The most famous prophet-astrologer is Michel Nostradamus, who lived in the Middle Ages. The man was engaged in the study of stars and constellations, and also wrote many encrypted messages for people from the distant future. Some of them have not yet been deciphered.

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, bacteriological and nuclear wars await humanity, they will lead to the end of the world in 2019. The use of weapons of mass destruction will literally "burn" people off the face of the Earth, and the survivors will receive severe physical and mental injuries.

Of course, the forecast is disappointing. But the medieval psychic does not deny that over time everything will fall into place, and humanity will be able not only to restore the infrastructure, but also to master the latest technologies, to conquer unexplored space. It is the discovery of new stars and planets that will help him move forward.

Seraphim Vyritsky

A poem written by the Monk Seraphim Vyritsky once predicted the persecution of Orthodoxy during the Soviet Union. Of course, he is also right in the fact that after several decades the churches were restored, and Orthodoxy was no longer considered illegal.

Father Seraphim also said that part of Russian territory would be conquered by the inhabitants of China, and an information war between countries would lead to the apocalypse. The Prophet informs that during the unrest among the Russians, the inhabitants of Asia will be able to quietly and "practically painlessly" annex most of the eastern and southern lands to their state.

The opinion about information war is quite plausible: after all, in the digital age, it is information that is considered a weapon of mass destruction, capable of not only bringing new knowledge into people's lives, but also severely crippling. For example, spreading false information can easily mislead an entire country or even a nation.

Matrona of Moscow

It is believed that Matrona predicted the end of the world in 2019. Again, the woman reports that the end of the world will be associated with religious leaders, and the persecution of believers will be repeated. Temples will be destroyed, and religion will again be outlawed. Christians will be deprived of food and doomed to death, but God will help them, and believers will be able to eat the consecrated ground. This will save them from certain death from hunger. Armed conflicts between peoples, skirmishes and mass genocide will begin. People of different nations will go to war against each other. In the course of the riots, absolutely all of humanity will die.

Isaac Newton

Sometimes scientists also make true predictions. British physicist Isaac Newton, based on a manuscript from the Hebrew University, predicted a wave of epidemics and war that would begin in 2060. They will be preceded not only by disease, but also by civil strife between countries and peoples. Hatred of one's fellows, intolerance of other peoples and nations will induce real confrontation.

When the earthlings go to war against each other, many innocent people will die, and the survivors will suffer from hunger and hostilities. Ultimately, all countries will unite and peace will reign. A certain "omnipotent" person with supernatural abilities will rule the world.

On the other hand, all the events described will take place only in 2060. This scientist does not report anything about the end of the world in 2019. Perhaps this is for the best.

Frequently expressed reasons for the end of the world

The frightening theory about an asteroid has been expressed many times as the cause of the end of the world, which will happen again in 2019. Also, do not forget about comets, solar flares and the extinction of our heavenly body. Cosmic cataclysms are the most popular causes of Armageddon.

In second place are climatic and natural factors. The first include floods, horrific hurricanes, sharp warming and cooling. Scientists refer to natural factors as exhaustion natural resources with subsequent problems, as well as the transformation of the planet into a desert.

The third most popular cause of the end of the world was political "showdown" - this is a terrifying World War and atomic bombs... Also, such reasons are often combined with natural or climatic factors - the struggle for land with resources or parts of land suitable for living after a flood, drought or something similar.

Rare causes of Armageddon

There are also unusual statements about the collapse of the world. There is even a timetable telling whether the world will end in 2019 and other times. This timetable has been running for a couple of decades, raising the possibility of Armageddon in a particular year or refuting previous assumptions. Among these guesses, there are quite rare ones:

  1. A cloud of cosmic dust.
  2. Rebuilding the Solar System.
  3. Hyperspace transition.

All of them relate to cosmic phenomena and are difficult to verify by ordinary people. However, astrophysicists themselves are unable to accurately verify the likelihood of these events. Although almost every 12 months the world is abuzz in anticipation of total destruction. More detailed predictions have already emerged as to whether or not to expect the end of the world in 2019.

Predictions for 2019

Sayings about Armageddon most often begin to appear on the eve of the end of the calendar year. Bloggers, ordinary people and the media recall various predictions and predictions from politicians, sorcerers, magicians and astrologers. Among the theories, one can find both outright fiction and quite realistic plots. The expected collapse of the world in 2019 is not particularly bright in terms of unusual predictions.

The assumption of physicists and ecologists

Over the past years, ecologists have been persistently talking about the destructive influence of the greenhouse effect on the "well-being" of the planet. Humanity's disdain for the environment can cause the rapid melting of the polar ice caps, which will lead to the next global flood.

Physicists and meteorologists sometimes talk about this. At one time, the sensational film "The Day After Tomorrow" showed only one version of the development of events likely at the climatic end of the world. In addition, physicists are now talking about the displacement of the planet from its axis, assuming that the poles are shifting. Together with global warming this leads to a more active melting of the ice, which gives the plot of the above film a certain believability. Such an end of the world is difficult to predict with any accuracy - it can happen both in a few decades and in the coming days.

Forecasts of sorcerers and esotericists

Artem Besov, a practicing sorcerer, expresses his theory of the collapse of the world. In his opinion, solar flares are caused by some demonic force. There is even a theory about Satan's spitting, provoking one of the most powerful bursts of solar activity. He says that the population of the Earth is expecting something more terrible than a banal collision with an asteroid - there will be no end of the world in 2019, but people will have to go through very difficult times.

Besov speaks of a "terrible" period in 2020, stating that events will be worse than the simple destruction of the planet. Humanity awaits an incredibly difficult stage of life, full of unpleasant events and problems, but still a specific end of the world is not foreseen either in 2019 or in 2020.

Numerous psychics and fortune-tellers are of the same opinion - there is no need to wait until the end of the world. Serious upheavals await all of humanity, but they will not lead to the collapse of the world. Healers and esotericists claim that the world is in danger, but not because of natural disasters and celestial bodies, but through the fault of people. Spirituality and moral standards have dropped to critical values, which means that the time has come for unpleasant lessons.

Religious opinions

Representatives of different religions also put forward a version of their Doomsday. And in Orthodoxy, and in Buddhism and in other religions there are similar indications about the end of the world. It is especially important to understand a simple thing - more than one ordinary person will not be given to know about it in advance.

The end of the world will certainly come, but whether it will happen in 2019 or a century later is unknown. Do not give in to panic, it is better to remember about spirituality - things with morality in mankind are bad enough, against the background of this, there was even a consensus of opinion between the church and esotericists. The end of the world will come when there is too much evil on Earth. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the collapse of the world, but begin to overcome the universal evil, realizing your personal plan to postpone the dates of the end of the world.

Asteroid collision

The danger threatening humanity from the immense space is more than real. This has been confirmed more than once by scientists in the process of studying the past of our planet and observing the changes taking place outside the Earth's atmosphere.

In order to timely detect space threats, specialized astronomical centers are working in different countries of the world, tracking potentially dangerous asteroids, the trajectories of which pass close to the orbit of our planet.

The last dangerous space body flew near the Earth on June 14, 2002. It was a relatively small asteroid "2002-MN", 120 meters in diameter. The destruction that a collision with such a cosmic body could cause would be comparable to the results of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. But everything ended well and the asteroid flew 120 thousand kilometers from the Earth, providing astronomers and common people to observe a beautiful and a little frightening picture.

The last of the really dangerous asteroids, codenamed "2002-NT7", was discovered on June 5 by the staff of the Liner Observatory, located in New Mexico (USA). Investigating the asteroid, scientists have found that its diameter is about 2,000 meters, and the trajectory is very close to Earth's orbit. The space body makes a full revolution around the Sun in 837 days, then moving away to the orbit of Mars, then approaching our planet. On the Palermo scale used to measure the potential danger of a space body, the asteroid was initially given +0.06 points. Scientists believed that a collision with the Earth is inevitable and will happen on February 1, 2019. But with a more detailed study, the danger level was reduced to -0.25, as scientists found that on January 13, 2019, the space body "2002-NT7" will pass at a distance of 61.01 million km from our planet.

Time will tell whether the scientists' calculations are accurate. One thing is certain - this is far from the last threat from space.

The opinion of American scientists about the end of the world: video

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Amateur astronomers, as well as numerologists, make statements almost monthly about the end of the world, which, as they say, will come soon. The last warning about the disappearance of the world was announced in early February.

Conspiracy theorists assured that it was at the beginning of the second month of 2018 that a very large asteroid would fall on Earth, destroying all life. That did not happen.

After it became known that there would be no destruction of the Earth supposedly from the planet Nibiru, numerologists decided to make a new statement. This time, they predicted the fall of an asteroid, which, as they assured, would erase all living things from the Earth.

The date of the end of the world was named approximately - the beginning of February. And the asteroid, which among scientists has the name KI-9143, has become a deadly object. According to them, this celestial object will fly at a very close distance from the surface of the Earth and if it flies into the atmosphere, it will completely destroy all living things.

In case of failure, amateur astronomers immediately predicted the option according to which the asteroid could not reach the Earth or collapsed into pieces when two meteorite belts crossed.

It is known from official sources that the asteroid is really large and is potentially dangerous for humanity. According to the calculations of scientists, when an asteroid falls, an explosion on Earth will have a capacity of 30-40 megatons in TNT equivalent.

There will be no end of the world due to an asteroid fall in February 2018

Official science is trying to fence itself off from comments about the statements of conspiracy theorists and conspiracy supporters. NASA assures that all modern telescopes and other instruments closely monitor the approach of any objects to the Earth.

Modern technology is so accurate and far-sighted that it can recognize the presence of a planet that is millions of light-years away. The researchers assure that it will not be difficult for them to see the approach of a dangerous asteroid, if it actually happens.

The same scientists say about the planet "Nibiru", which, according to amateur astronomers, is rapidly approaching the Earth. NASA said that if the deadly planet actually flew up to Earth, modern telescopes could already see it.

However, supporters of the conspiracy will always find an excuse for their unfulfilled statements about the end of the world. They accuse the scientists of the fact that the researchers know about the approach of "Nibiru", but are silent about it by order of the government.

The end of the world due to an asteroid from 2018 is postponed to February 2019

Some Western media made a sensational statement. They accused NASA of hiding important information for humanity. According to press reports, scientists are hiding the end of the world, which will occur in February 2019.

A Western news source reported that an asteroid named 2002 NT7 could fall to Earth. Researchers knew about its existence 15 years ago and are watching it all the time.

According to the calculations of scientists, when an asteroid falls to the surface of the Earth, an explosion will occur, which is equivalent to the power of 30 million nuclear bombs. This suggests that no one will survive on the planet.

NASA has not yet commented on the accusations against itself, having reported only that nothing threatens the Earth in the next decade.