There is life on the moon. Are we alone in the Universe?

For many millions of years, our planet has been moving around the Universe together with its constant satellite, the Moon. Along with the Sun, this cosmic body has always been the object of close human attention.

Even before the advent of the telescope, people more than once turned their gaze to it in the hope of finding an answer to the question of whether there is life on the Moon, and with the development of modern observation instruments, many scientists and amateur astronomers tirelessly examine the lunar surface in search of evidence of its habitability.

Legends and hypotheses about life on the Moon in ancient times

Even in the ancient Hindu Vedas, the Moon was described as a planet where many people live. The ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Xenophon and many others believed that the Earth's satellite was inhabited in the 5th–4th centuries BC, and Heraclitus of Pontus claimed that he was personally acquainted with a selenite who descended from the Moon.

As a result of the first telescopic observations in the 17th century, so-called “dams” were discovered on the satellite, which Galileo mentioned as being created artificially. Even Johannes Kepler spoke about the Selenites, writing in 1610 that the inhabitants of the Moon live in underground cities with private cave houses.

Finds on the moon in the 20th century

The most sensational discoveries were made on the Moon in the 20th century, when humanity learned to create spaceships and interplanetary stations. In photographs of the lunar surface, interesting rock formations were discovered, which could well be artificial structures or their ruins. Particularly interesting is the Uckert crater, which has a clearly defined triangular shape, located exactly in the center of the lunar disk. In the vicinity of the crater, you can see a pointed hill 2.5 km high, which scientists gave the name Peak, and behind it is another hill, reminiscent of a comet standing on its tail.

After computer processing of photographs of the “comet” and Peak, scientists concluded that they consist of some kind of glass-like material. Subsequently, many more mysterious objects were found on the moon, as well as several pyramids similar to those that were built on our planet.

Moreover, for many years there have been rumors among scientists that during the landing on the Moon, astronauts noticed huge spaceships.

Is life on the Moon scientifically possible?

Despite discoveries and assumptions, most scientists claim that life does not exist on the Moon. At least on its surface, because the satellite’s atmosphere is so rarefied that the temperature difference on it varies from −160 °C to +120 °C. Life on the Moon is also made impossible by the lack of oxygen, the vacuum of space, as well as the harmful effects of solar radiation, which easily penetrates the surface through a thin gas shell.

Due to weak gravity, there is practically no circulation of matter on the Earth’s satellite, since most of the gases rising from it are dispersed in outer space. However, back in 1978, water was discovered on the Moon, or rather ice blocks located at the bottom of many craters. Now scientists reliably claim that this ice was formed from water, and its total mass is more than 600 million tons.

In addition to water, in favor of the hypothesis about the existence of life on the Moon is the fact that the density of the satellite is quite low - this allows. By the way, this possibility is now considered as a prerequisite for the colonization of the Moon and the construction of infrastructure suitable for human life in its caves.

If now scientists are only developing programs for the construction of habitable stations for the extraction of helium-3, obtaining cheap solar energy and minerals, then in the future they plan to launch a project on space tourism and popularization of travel into space.

After another successful lunar expedition, Apollo 17, in December 1972, the Americans suddenly stopped exploring the Moon, as if they had lost interest in it. They only woke up in the spring of 1994, when the Clementine reconnaissance spacecraft, launched by the Pentagon (and not NASA), set off for the Moon. It was officially reported that its main task was to photograph the entire lunar surface for the subsequent creation of a complete “mosaic” map of the Moon from the resulting images. However, some American selenologists believe that this was far from the only, and perhaps far from the main purpose of launching Clementine.

And two years earlier, the group “The Mars Mission”, or TMM, headed by Professor Richard Hoagland, began “desk” studies of the lunar landscape in the USA. TMM employees decided to scrupulously study all available photographs of the lunar surface that contained any oddities. And above all, those that depict rock formations of an unnatural appearance, which could be artificial structures or their ruins. Pictures with similar images were subjected to computer analysis using a specially developed program.

Initially, the researchers discovered in one of the images regular-shaped hills that cast shadows of the corresponding shapes on the lunar surface. These were the now well-known “moon domes”. It is difficult to explain their origin by natural causes, especially considering that, according to most researchers, active volcanic activity and tectonic processes on the Moon ceased about 3 billion years ago, and the ring mountains (circuses) and craters characteristic of its modern relief were formed as a result of impact impact of meteorites.

The next sensational discovery of the TMM were photographs of the small Ukert crater, which has a clearly defined triangular shape. The images were from a series transmitted in 1967 from the Lunar Orbiter-Z probe. It is noteworthy that the crater is located exactly in the middle of the lunar disk visible from Earth. Other images of the area around Uckert show a spiky hill that the researchers labeled "The Peak." It rises almost 2.5 km above the surface of the Moon. Knowing the mechanism of erosion of the lunar surface, it is impossible to imagine the existence of a natural formation on it that has been preserved in its current form for billions of years.

As we studied the photographs, unexpected discoveries followed one after another. It turned out that behind the “Peak” there was another hill, similar to a comet standing on its tail. This is the “Tower”, its height is 11 km. When the images of the Peak and Tower were enlarged and subjected to special computer processing, then, according to Dr. Hoagland, “it turned out that the surfaces that reflect light to the greatest extent are not located outside these formations, which would be logical if they were natural rock formations, and inside! Our research suggests that we have discovered some kind of artificial structure made of cryptocrystalline or glassy material, which was applied in layers to obtain the required geometric shape of the structure.”

In one of the frames of television footage taken by the Lunar Orbiter-3 probe and designated in the NASA catalog as 71-N-1765, as many as 5 formations are visible, similar to the terrestrial pyramids in Egypt or Nubia. At the same time, members of the TMM group learned that this probe did not transmit to Earth all the images it took. On March 2, 1967, NASA announced that the transmission of their latest series was suddenly interrupted due to the failure of the transmitting cameras on board the probe. Of the 211 images taken on Earth, only 29 were obtained.

In the process of studying the images, TMM employees discovered a large number of mysterious objects on them. The presence of all these “domes”, “peaks”, “towers” ​​and “pyramids” on the surface of the Moon refutes many ideas established in modern selenology. If the mentioned objects had such shapes and sizes from the very beginning of their existence, then now they would not be so tall and prominent due to the systematic “shelling” of meteorites. If they are artificial structures, then their creators undoubtedly took care to protect their buildings. By the way, it is known that the lunar base project being developed by NASA calls for the use of steel and quartz glass as construction and protective materials. One of the pictures (4822) turned out to be very interesting. It was carried out in May 1969 in the area of ​​the craters Ukert, Trisnekerl and Manitius by US astronauts flying around the Moon on the Apollo 10 spacecraft.

When the image was enlarged, it was possible to discern a clearly defined area of ​​the lunar surface, clearly covered with rock panels protecting the structures underneath. When this image was enlarged even more and subjected to computer processing, new interesting details became visible. For example, building structures rising 1.5 km above the surface, connected to each other by beams and serving as support for a giant dome, which, according to some researchers, is intended to protect the city underneath. And in photographs taken recently from the Clementine, it was possible to discover that on the inside of this dome it is covered with a layer of glassy substance.

But that, as they say, is not all.

For more than 30 years now, there have been persistent rumors among very respected and respected scientists and researchers that some reports of American astronauts who landed on the Moon have never been made public, are still classified as top secrecy and lie in armored safes of NASA and the Pentagon. The reason is that the Earth's messengers allegedly saw there some objects and phenomena that did not fit into the framework of modern scientific ideas and generally contradicted common sense. The possible nature of these objects and phenomena is eloquently evidenced by a fragment of a conversation that, according to former NASA employee Otto Binder, was intercepted (again “allegedly”) by unnamed radio amateurs. This conversation took place on July 21, 1969, between NASA Space Center and astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, who, having left the Apollo 11 spacecraft with Michael Collins in lunar orbit, descended in a lander to the surface of the Moon.

Space Center: The center calls Apollo 11. Well, what do you have there?

Astronauts:...these "little ones"... They are huge, sir! Simply gigantic! My God, you won’t believe it!.. I’m telling you, there are other ships here, they are standing next to each other at the far edge of the crater. They are watching us!.. And here is a fragment of a conversation that took place (again, “allegedly”) between a certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, and Neil Armstrong during a symposium held at NASA.

Professor (P): So what really happened there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong (A): It was incredible... The point is that these strangers made it clear to us that we should leave their territory. Of course, after this there can be no talk of any lunar station.

P: What do you mean by "made clear"?

A: I have no right to go into details, I can only say that their ships are much superior to ours both in size and in technical sophistication. You see, they were really huge! And formidable... In general, we have nothing to think about either a lunar city or a station on the Moon.

P: But after Apollo 11, other ships also visited there.

A: Certainly. NASA did not dare to suddenly and without explanation interrupt its lunar program. This could cause panic on Earth. But the tasks of all subsequent expeditions were simplified, and the time spent on the Moon was reduced. There is information that when the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the surface of the Moon on July 21, 1969, during a “live” television broadcast of this historical event, either Neil Armstrong or Edwin Aldrin said that on the edge of a nearby crater (or inside it) the light source is visible.

The mission control center did not comment on this information. Since then, the rumor has continued that astronauts saw a UFO on the edge of the lunar crater. One of the founders of ufology in the USSR, physicist Vladimir Azhazha, and Maurice Chatelain, the developer and creator of communication and information processing systems for the Apollo spacecraft, expressed confidence that there really was a UFO on the edge of the lunar crater.

However, Dr. Paul Lowman from the Goddard Space Flight Center, one of the divisions of NASA, in a conversation with the English writer and ufologist Timothy Goode said the following about this: “The very idea that such a purely civilian organization as NASA, working openly and publicly , can hide such a discovery from the public, is absurd. We simply couldn't do it even if we wanted to. In addition, it is known that most radio communications with the Apollo 11 crew were transmitted to Earth in real time.”

Meanwhile, in response to a question from Timothy Goode, the chief information officer at the Manned Flight Center in Houston (now the Lyndon Johnson Space Center), John McLeish, wrote on May 20, 1970: “When astronauts request a private conversation or when management at the Control Center believes that a planned conversation should be private in nature, it is conducted in the commonly used radio frequency range, but is transmitted through special voice communication channels. And unlike other negotiations between the Control Center and a ship in space, the content of such conversations is not made public.

The means for astronauts to have confidential conversations with the Control Center existed then, and they still exist today.” An interesting detail: when members of the TMM group asked NASA management for negatives of some photographs depicting strange formations and structures, they were told that these negatives... disappeared under unclear circumstances.

Moreover, when some of the missing negatives were suddenly found (also under unclear circumstances), it turned out that those areas where the images that interested the researchers were located had been carefully retouched. “I have no doubt,” writes Professor Hoagland, “that both NASA employees and astronauts knew about the existence of these sky-reaching objects on the Moon. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand how Apollo managed to avoid collisions with them during orbital flights around the Moon at low altitudes.”

Today, the Pentagon has several million images of the Moon and cislunar space, but only a tiny part of this gigantic video library is available for viewing and research. Why? Why is everything related to the Clementine mission shrouded in secrecy? What is existing and happening on our natural satellite that NASA, the Pentagon and the US leadership are so diligently hiding from the public? The results of the work of researchers from the TMM group, including the study of the few images transmitted from Clementine that have become available, confirm the plausibility of the hypothesis they put forward that once upon a time representatives of a certain scientific and technical civilization (STC) founded their colony on the Moon.

According to Dr. Hoagland, this happened several million years ago, and the giant structures and protective structures captured in the photographs (and perhaps also seen “live” by the astronauts, since they traveled more than 100 km on the Moon) are just ruins. Who and when erected all these buildings and structures can only be found out after systematic exploration of the Moon begins. And even with the current level of development of space technology, it is quite possible to implement such a program - the expeditions of the American Apollo spacecraft convincingly proved this. “We must revive our old space program,” says Professor Hoagland, “and return to the Moon, because scientific discoveries can await us there that we cannot even imagine now.” It has long been believed that there is no water on the Moon.

And it never happened. But the instruments installed on it by the crews of the Apollo spacecraft refuted this “immutable” truth. They recorded accumulations of water vapor extending over the lunar surface for hundreds of kilometers. Analyzing these sensational data, Professor John Freeman from Rice University in Houston came to an even more sensational conclusion. In his opinion, instrument readings indicate that water vapor seeps to the surface from the depths of the lunar interior! Legends about the existence of lunar cities appeared, probably, simultaneously with the emergence of the first large cities on Earth.

But legends are legends, and some European astronomers, back in the 19th century, claimed in their works that they had seen the ruins of such cities on the Moon. American astronomical magazines published photographs and drawings of pyramids, domes and bridges that scientists observed on the surface of our night star. And the Polish explorer and writer Jerzy Zulawski, in his three-volume description of the Moon “On a Silver Ball,” even indicated the exact coordinates of the ruins of one of the lunar cities located in the Sea of ​​Rains. It is possible that he himself saw these ruins through a telescope during a visit to the astronomical observatory of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he often visited when collecting materials for his monumental work. It is also impossible to explain by natural causes the presence of white dome-shaped elevations on the Moon with a diameter of up to 200 m. More than 200 of them have already been discovered, and the most surprising thing is that at times they disappear in one place and appear in another, as if moving along the lunar surface.

A large number of “domes” are concentrated near another mysterious element of the lunar landscape - a perfectly straight “wall” about 450 m high and over 100 km long. On the flat surfaces of the Sea of ​​Tranquility and the Ocean of Storms there are isolated groups of rocks. Among them, monoliths stand out in the form of giant spiers and pyramids, surpassing in height any terrestrial structures. Their presence and shape are confirmed, in particular, by photographs taken from the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-9.

A detailed description of these strange formations and their photographs can be found in the book Extraterrestrial Archeology by David Hatcher-Childress. It is possible that today one of the most grandiose (literally and figuratively) mysteries of the Moon is “O'Neill's Bridge.” July 29, 1953 John O’Neill, editor of the scientific department of the American newspaper “New York Herald Tribune” and An amateur astronomer discovered something unusual on the Moon.

Using a refracting telescope with a 100-mm lens, he saw in the southwest of the visible disk of the Moon, in the region of the Sea of ​​Crises, an arch of enormous length - its length was more than 19 km! Being a sensible man and not prone to fantasy, O'Neill considered what he saw to be a bizarre creation of lunar natural forces.

Three weeks later, O'Neill wrote about his discovery to the famous English astronomer Hugh Percy Wilkins. It was from the maps he compiled, on the most detailed of which the lunar disk reached a diameter of 7.6 m, that the trajectories of space probes flying around the Moon were laid out.

Having received the letter, Wilkins, who considered himself an expert on lunar landscapes, decided that the amateur astronomer was simply mistaken. But he still pointed his reflecting telescope with a mirror diameter of 375 mm at the indicated area. To his surprise, there really was an absolutely incredible structure (Wilkins later described it as “a bridge under which the light of the sun's rays passes, and the shadow of its arch falls on the surface of the surrounding plain”).

The English astronomer immediately wrote a reply message to O'Neill, in which he confirmed the correctness of the observation and congratulated him on the discovery. Unfortunately, O'Neill died suddenly and did not have time to receive this letter. Speaking on the BBC science program on December 23, 1953, Wilkins stated that the O'Neill Bridge, or Moon Bridge, was an artificial structure. "The appearance of the Bridge suggests that astronomer - that such a formation almost certainly could not have arisen during the course of any natural process during the formation of the Moon.

But even if this had happened, such a structure of natural origin would certainly have collapsed over the millions of years that have passed since then; it could not have survived to this day.” An article describing the “Bridge” was published in May 1954 in the magazine “Sky and Telescope”, published by Harvard University (USA).

The article provided a detailed description of a mysterious structure photographed on the surface of the Moon and connecting two mountain ranges near the Sea of ​​Crisis. In June 1954, while at the Mount Wilson Astronomical Observatory (Pasadena, California), Wilkins again examined the “Bridge,” this time through a reflecting telescope with a one-and-a-half-meter mirror, and again became convinced of the reality of its existence. By that time, many astronomers had already seen the “Bridge,” but some scientists still had doubts about its reality.

At the same time, there was an ongoing debate among supporters of the existence of the “Bridge” about the nature of this mysterious structure. The then very young astronomer Patrick Moore, who worked with Wilkins on his lunar maps, was convinced of the existence of the “Bridge” and was inclined to recognize its artificial origin. This is what he wrote in his book “Guide to the Planets”, published in 1955: “In early 1954, the discovery of a certain structure called the “Moon Bridge” aroused great interest among astronomers.

It is obvious that this arch really exists on the edge of a lava-covered plain called the Sea of ​​Crisis, it was discovered by the American J. O'Neill, his discovery was confirmed by the Englishman Dr. H. P. Wilkins, and I also personally saw this arch. According to calculations Wilkins, this bridge had a length of about 20 km, and Polish researcher Robert Lesniakiewicz adds that the “Bridge” rose above the surface of the Moon by 1600 m, and its width was about 3200 m. Truly a cyclopean structure!

What hypotheses can be put forward based on the above information about the origin of unnatural objects and events on the Moon? The Moon is inhabited by Selenites - representatives of the extraterrestrial scientific and technological center and is considered by them as their own territory. This explains, in particular, the mysterious phenomena observed from the Earth on its surface and the high activity of unidentified space objects (UCOs) in the lunar space, as well as the reluctance demonstrated by the Selenites to see “outsiders” on the Moon, which, according to their concepts, are modern earthlings. In very distant times, the Moon was colonized by representatives of the earth's scientific and technological center, which preceded the current one and died for reasons unknown to us - perhaps as a result of a global civil war or as a result of an attack by an alien scientific and technological center that invaded from space.

Moon- this is a huge spaceship that came to us from outside the solar system and delivered to Earth those creatures from which the genus of homosapiens - Homo sapiens - originated. Now the Moon is a gigantic space station with intelligent aliens from other worlds or descendants of the former earthly supercivilization living inside it. They are the “producers” of all objects and phenomena that we perceive as UFOs and NGOs. Currently, there are lively discussions among scientists from various fields of science about the possible nature of the oddities that our closest cosmic neighbor constantly demonstrates to us. Not the last place (and word) belongs to ufologists in these discussions.

One of the hypotheses explaining the events taking place on the Moon was proposed at the international ufological conference held in Prague in 1998 by Robert Lesnyakevich. In his opinion, in the distant past there was a civilization on Earth, people from which mastered and populated Mars and Venus, as well as habitable satellites of the giant planets of the solar system. But 12 - 15 thousand years ago, the mentioned civilization died when aliens from another planetary system invaded the Solar System, for example, from the system of the closest star to us, Proxima of the Centaurus constellation. And they arrived on a spaceship, the role of which was played by... the Moon! At the same time, flying near Pluto on their way, the Proximians brought it out of its previous orbit, and it, which until then had been a satellite of Neptune, became an independent planet. Having reached a pre-selected place in the solar system, the aliens “slowed down” the Moon and put it into orbit around the Earth. Probably, a brutal war using weapons of mass destruction soon broke out between the earthlings and the Proximians. As a result, Mars lost its water and almost completely lost its atmosphere, and violent volcanic activity began there. On Venus, hostilities led to the boiling off of all seas and oceans.

This caused greenhouse megaeffect- Over time, the surface of the planet became like a red-hot furnace. Fierce battles also took place on Earth. Their echoes have been preserved in the myths of all peoples of the world as legends about the struggle of the gods who descended from heaven among themselves and with people...

It is precisely the signs of the activity of these great civilizations that we have recently begun to detect on the Moon and Mars. As for the assumption of using the Moon as a spaceship, no matter how fantastic it may seem at first glance, there are some reasons for it. It is possible that the inhabitants of other worlds are already traveling in outer space, using planets as vehicles. The fact is that today astronomers know about 30 planets that do not circle in constant closed orbits around their stars, but wander freely in space.

One of them is the object TMR-1C, located in the constellation Taurus and distant from Earth at a distance of about 500 light years. Perhaps astronomers will engage in a detailed study of these space wanderers and figure out what reasons (or forces) allowed (or forced) them to go on a “free flight”. And here is another interesting message that came from Japan. On the evening of September 9, 2003, the famous ufologist scientist and journalist Dr. Kiyoshi Amamiya from the city of Tenryu, Nara Prefecture, observed a mysterious luminous object near the Moon. It was a bright spot that appeared near the lunar disk, approached it and then seemed to merge with it. Amamiya filmed this entire process on a digital video camera with a teleconverter.

Looking at the footage on the monitor the next day, he became convinced that the NPO actually flew up to the Moon and, possibly, landed on its surface.


Now the Moon is an absolutely unfavorable place for the existence of life. The Earth's natural satellite is devoid of an atmosphere and magnetic field and is subject to meteorite "bombardment", daily significant temperature changes, as well as strong solar and cosmic radiation. In addition, the Moon is very dry: water on it exists only in the form of ancient ice at the bottom of the polar craters and, possibly, deep in the mantle.

However, according to researchers Dirk Schulze-Makuch from the University of Washington and Ian Crawford from the University of London, about four billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Moon, conditions on it could have been very different. . Thus, it is assumed that in those days (according to one hypothesis, the Moon could have been formed from matter ejected during the collision of the proto-Earth with a celestial body), water could have been present on the Moon in large quantities - approximately the same as on the early Earth. Later, after cooling, the Moon could form a primitive atmosphere, protected by a magnetic field that was "generated" by the liquid core.

Under such conditions, scientists suggest, the Moon could support some microbial life forms. This, however, would not last long - and after several million years the atmosphere and the necessary water would disappear. However, 500 million years after that, according to the researchers, volcanic activity on the Moon reached its peak, releasing billions of tons of gas that could form a second temporary atmosphere of the moon and aquatic habitat. The latter existed, presumably, for several more million years.

“It looks very likely that the Moon was habitable at that time,” says Schulze-Makuch. “Microorganisms could exist in its reservoirs until the surface of the Moon became dry and dead.”

However, the question of how microbes could appear on the Moon in such a short time remains open. According to Schulze-Makuch, their most likely source is the Earth: 3.8−3.5 billion years ago, cyanobacteria that did not require oxygen existed on our planet. It can be assumed that some of these bacteria were “transported” to the Moon from Earth by meteorites.

At this point, of course, this is just speculation. It's possible, as Schulze-Makuch notes, that future lunar missions could obtain samples from the right period to see if they contain water or other possible markers of pre-existing life. In addition, according to the researcher, in the future, experiments using simulated lunar environments will help test the assumption of the existence of life on the early Moon.

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Is life possible on the Moon?

For a long time, without yet having an idea about the nature of other celestial bodies, people wondered how similar their conditions are to those on earth, and in general, how widespread life is in the Universe. In the 19th century There was a popular point of view that life was possible in various parts of the solar system, including on the Moon. French astronomer and science propagandist Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) in his books populated the Moon with a variety of living creatures. The English writer Herbert Wells (1866-1946) considered the possible presence of creatures similar to ants on the Moon. But space research has dispelled even the shadow of such hope: there is no life on the Moon and never has been!

Life on Earth exists only because our planet has a fairly dense atmosphere and liquid water - a universal solvent of organic substances. There is neither one nor the other on the Moon! Its mass is 81 times less than that of Earth, and its gravity is 6 times less than on Earth. A celestial body with such weak gravity is not capable of retaining an atmosphere. Only when large icy comets fall on the Moon can a very rarefied temporary atmosphere arise around it. But after several thousand years, an insignificant period by cosmic standards, this gas will leave the vicinity of the Moon.

Strictly speaking, the Moon still has an atmosphere: according to research by American astronauts, the concentration of gas in the lunar space is thousands of times higher than its concentration in interplanetary space. In a cubic centimeter of cislunar space, the number of gas particles at night exceeds 10 5, and during the day it decreases to 10 4. The main components of the gas shell of the Moon are hydrogen, helium, neon and argon. Let us recall that at the surface of the Earth the concentration of air molecules is 2.7?10 19 cm -3. In other words, a liter jar of terrestrial air contains the same number of molecules as a cubic kilometer of cislunar space!

Naturally, the extremely rarefied atmosphere of the Moon is not able to smooth out the difference in day and night surface temperatures. On the lunar equator at noon the surface is heated to +130°C, and before dawn its temperature drops to -170°C. For comparison: on Mars, whose atmospheric density is 200 times less than that of Earth, the daily temperature fluctuation reaches 100°C. However, the pressure of the Martian atmosphere is not enough for liquid water to exist on the surface of the red planet (although scientists do not rule out that in the past the air pressure was higher, and there were oceans on Mars). But the conditions for life on the Moon have always been much worse than those on Mars.

However, before the results of space expeditions were obtained, there were optimists who believed that previously the conditions for life on the Moon were more favorable. Indeed, if we assume that the Moon contained water, then this could contribute to the development of original lunar life forms or terrestrial organisms somehow brought to the Moon (for example, during super-powerful eruptions of terrestrial volcanoes or as a result of explosions caused by asteroids falling to the Earth) . It was assumed that over billions of years, while the Moon was losing water and atmosphere, microorganisms could adapt to the conditions of the lunar surface...

However, detailed chemical analysis of lunar soil samples brought to Earth clearly indicated the absence of any forms of life on the Moon. Scientists placed the lunar soil in the most favorable conditions for life: constant temperature, abundance of sunlight and nutrients. But the lunar microbes did not show themselves in any way. Paleontologists searched for traces of past lunar life using powerful microscopes. But they didn’t find anything either. The only thing scientists have discovered are simple organic compounds of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. But there is so little organic matter on the Moon that its origin can be easily explained even in the absence of life.

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