Rules for searching for life in the universe of Yuri Milner. A. Koltypin, P. Oleksenko. Stargate is not a myth! Travels of the ancients throughout the Universe on the horses of the Gandharvas along the roads of the Siddhas and an attempt to explain them from a scientific point of view - Earth before the Flood: disappeared continents

Because fantasy, in the opinion of orthodox fans of spaceships plowing the expanses of the universe (and doing nothing else), is intended “exclusively for girls.”

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

How clear is the meaning of the word? Bolshevization (noun):

It's clear

It's clear
in outline

I can only

I have no idea,
What is this


Accordingly, a person can evaluate himself in different ways: an insignificant insect, a toy in the hands of blind forces, Robinson, lost in the vast expanses of the universe, or a conqueror and transformer of nature, the crown of creation, etc.

People at machines, at drawing boards, behind the wheel, growing bread and conquering the vastness of the universe - they all yearn to know their time, its trends, its essence.

He walked on his hands and looked back at the rough rocky sky, or maybe it was not the sky, but the curved side of the earth, hanging over the blue expanse of the universe, and along it, along this side, a girl walked upside down, her long legs were moving away .

So, you see, not only a person who writes about how spaceships filled with all kinds of living creatures plow through vastness of the universe, but also lyricists praising vanilla, empty nonsense.

How sometimes problems that have existed for a long time can help find their solutions using modern technologies and the needs of the army, depending on the constantly changing situation in the vast vastness of the universes.

Earthlings very easily created objects for themselves to attack and, if not for the humane activity shown by the Morians, their appearance as living beings in the inhabited world of the great vastness of the universe would have disappeared hundreds of years ago.

They also suffer, rejoice, are born and die... And when these worlds die, new ones will appear, and they will shine just like these stars in the vast vastness of the universe... What are human sorrows and joys before this, boy?

Soon you will decide to write a great philosophical treatise about what a person was born for, or something like that, and she will ensure your, so to speak, daily material existence, that is, she will support the vital activity of your athletic, fit body, while you are not caught by anyone the spirit will fly on vastness of the universe and look for inspiration.

As material as my hand, this kitchen, a ticking wall clock, Georgian wine... People - but in this story there were living, real people, created for a happy life on a small blue planet lost in the endless vastness of the universe.

But we seem to have agreed that now we cannot do without each other, that we cannot live without each other, that you, one might say, have become the meaning of my existence, and I am your only chance not to get lost in vastness of the universe.

They both also spoke at the congress, where they spoke a lot and actively about the existence of an unearthly civilization somewhere on vastness of the universe, they also talked about time space, about the connection between the past, present and future.

Here we imagine an employee who stumbles into his boss’s office without knocking and proposes some unexpected project, as a result of which “spaceships will roam vastness of the universe».

Celestia program is a virtual planetarium. Many of us looked at the night starry sky with interest and saw many stars that we wanted to see closer. In the recent past, this desire could only be realized with the help of a telescope.

Nowadays, astronomical programs have been created for this purpose to view the starry sky from your computer. One of these programs is the virtual planetarium of the Universe - the Celestia program.

The Celestia program displays both individual planets and stars, and galaxies, allowing you to freely move through the expanses of the Universe. In the program you can see space objects not only of the Solar system, but also about 120 thousand stars, the trajectories of which are known to astronomers.

All space objects are made in the program in three-dimensional form. With the help of beautiful, realistic graphics, you can see the beauty of the Universe that you will not see when looking at the starry sky from Earth. As you travel through space using the Celestia program, you can speed up, slow down, or reverse time.

The Celestia program can be useful not only for astronomy enthusiasts, it can also be used for educational purposes. The 3D universe is very beautiful and interesting. I think many will be interested in seeing and learning what familiar and unfamiliar space objects look like.

For example, I was interested to know what, for example, the star Betelgeuse looks like. The heroes of Pierre Boulle's famous novel "Planet of the Apes" ended up on the planet Sorora, in the Betelgeuse star system, and not on Earth, as in the famous 1968 film of the same name (a remake of this film was released in 2001) and in subsequent sequels of this film (7 films were released in total) , most recently Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011).

The free Celestia program has a Russian interface. There are versions of the program for Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems.

Celestia download

You can easily find a portable version of this program on the Internet.

After starting the program, the program opens in windowed mode with a view of the Earth from space.

Celestia Settings

The current time and date are displayed in the upper right corner. In the upper left corner of the program, brief reference data about the space object is displayed (distance to the object, its radius, apparent diameter and phase angle). In the lower left corner the speed of movement in space is shown (now it is zero). In the lower right corner, information about actions in the program is displayed (currently this is the observation of planet Earth).

When you press the "Shift" button + left-click + move the mouse back or forth, the object will increase or decrease. To switch the program to full-screen mode, click on the “View” menu => “Screen mode...”.

In the Screen Mode window, you can select the appropriate screen resolution for your monitor. In full-screen mode, the menu bar will not be visible, which is not very convenient. The menu bar will only appear when you move the mouse cursor to the top edge of the monitor screen. Therefore, it is more convenient to maximize the program window in the traditional way for the operating system.

In the menu “View” => “Texture Resolution” you can change the quality parameters for displaying objects. Higher settings affect the performance of the computer.

You can choose the optimal parameters for your computer experimentally by changing the program settings. In the “View” menu, you can also configure other display parameters (how the stars will look, diffuse light parameters, more or less stars will be displayed in the program).

In the “View” menu => “View Settings...”, in the Settings window, by checking the appropriate checkboxes, you can enable or disable the display of the appearance of space objects.

Navigating the 3D Universe in Celestia

In the “Navigation” => “Solar System Catalog...” menu, a window with Solar System objects appears. If you are in another star system, then in this window there will be objects located near the specific star (if any) that you will be near.

Select the desired object, and then click on the “Go” button. In this case, you are moving towards the planet Saturn. By rolling the mouse wheel forward or backward, you can bring a celestial object closer to you or further away from you. You can move around the space object in different directions by moving the mouse and simultaneously pressing the right mouse button.

To rotate around the selected object, press the “Shift” + button and the arrows on the keyboard at the same time, the rotation will occur in the corresponding direction (you can press two arrows at the same time).

When you hover the mouse cursor over an object, clicking on it with the left mouse button will give you help information, and by right-clicking in the context menu, you will see the name of the object and can go to this object. If you click on the “Information” item, then the program will send you to the site for background information about this object.

When you go to the “Navigation” menu => “Star Catalog...” you can select a star from the list in the “Star Catalog” window, and after clicking the “Go” button, you will be moved to this star.

By moving the slider along the axis, you can adjust the number of stars in this list. By activating the corresponding item, you can change the criteria for searching for stars (“Nearest”, “Brightest”, “With planets”). Select the star, and then click on the “Go” button.

This is what one of the largest stars looks like, the red supergiant Betelgeuse, located in the constellation Orion.

In order to go to an object within the Solar System, in the “Navigation” menu, click on the “Go to object...” item. In the “Select Object” window, enter the name of the star - “Sun” (Sol), and then click on the “OK” button. Only after this will it be possible to move within the solar system.

If you enter the name of an object in the solar system while outside of it, the movement will not occur. First you will need to move towards the Sun. After moving to the Solar System, enter the name of the planet in the “Go to Object” window, for example, “Neptune” and the program will move us to this planet.

If you want to save the image to your computer as a graphic file (JPG and PNG formats are supported), then press the “F10” button on the keyboard (or from the “File” menu => “Save image ...”). In the Explorer window, select the format and location where you want to save the image and click on the “Save” button.

To remove background information from an image, simply click on the information and it will disappear. Once the image is saved, you will be able to view it using the operating system without using the Celestia program.

Using the program you can record video files in AVI format. To do this, in the “File” menu, select “Save video...”. In the “Save As” window, select a location to save. Give the video file a name, select the video resolution, and then click on the “Save” button.

In the next “Video Compression” window, in the “Compression program” section, “Full frames (uncompressed)” is selected by default. If you leave this point unchanged, the video file size will be very large.

Therefore, to compress video, it would be better to choose one of the proposed codecs. After that, click on the “OK” button.

In the program window, the video size you selected will be marked with a red frame. To start recording video, press the “F11” button on the keyboard, and to end recording, press the “F12” button.

There are a large number of commands to control the program. To familiarize yourself with them, go to the “Help” menu, click on the “Program Management” item, and in the “Program Management” window, get acquainted with the commands.

There are quite a few different commands here, and mastering them will take some time. Time spent on this, in my opinion, will not be wasted.

A large number of add-ons have been created for the Celestia program that allow you to add new objects (both real and fictional) to the program. The size of the add-ons is many times larger than the distribution of the program itself.

On the official Russian-language forum ( dedicated to this program, you can download a special version of the program with the Celestia Extended Pack add-ons.

Conclusions of the article

The Celestia program is a beautiful virtual planetarium in which you can admire the stars and planets and travel through our Universe.

Experienced PC and Internet user

A short video has been posted on the Internet with a recording of a message about this sensational discovery on Russian television.

City of the Gods

Secret photographs of Hubble

On December 26, 1994, NASA's largest space telescope, Hubble, recorded a huge white city floating in space. The photographs, located on the telescope's web server, became available to Internet users for a short time, but were then strictly classified. You can easily Google the background to the events. The bottom line is this - the authorities (or not they?) are hiding a whole galaxy of aliens from us. And look at the photo. Knowledgeable people know that at the center of galaxies there are usually supermassive black holes. Maybe aliens destroyed a black hole and are now using gravitational disturbances to generate energy on a previously unimaginable scale? And the authorities are probably simply afraid to reveal this, because we are powerless in front of them, so there is no need to bother the people...

In January 1995, a German astronomical journal published a short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded. Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects of this message, but the essence boiled down to one thing: the Abode of God had been discovered in the Universe.

On December 26, 1994, there was a big uproar at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA). After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space. NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories. Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, later (and still) strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes.

So what did astronomers see in these amazing photographs?

At first it was just a small foggy speck in one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to take a closer look at the photograph and, in addition to Hubble optics, armed himself with a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the speck had a strange structure that could not be explained either by diffraction in the lens set of the telescope itself, or by interference in communication channel when transmitting the image to Earth.

After a short operational meeting, it was decided to re-shoot the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. There were several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope. And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island” of Laputa and science-fiction projects of cities of the future.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light. The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it.

However, another, no less fantastic version of the origin of the cosmic City has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the very existence of which has not even been questioned for several decades, scientists are faced with a paradox...

Today we will travel beyond our native solar system. Since it is impossible to embrace the immensity, we will tell you only about some of the most amazing space objects that telescopes could find for us in the vastness of the Universe.

The nebula, called Sharpless 2-106, closely resembles a snow angel. The “wings” of the nebula, expanding over several light years, seem to be “strung” in the middle by a belt of dust and gas. The image was obtained using the Hubble telescope.
Photo: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

This image is concept art that helps us see one of the fastest spinning stars known to date, of course. The massive, bright young star, called VFTS 102, is spinning at a million miles per hour, 100 times faster than our Sun.
The star orbits 160,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way.
Photo: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team

Firestorm of star birth in the Centaurus A galaxy.
The Hubble Space Telescope image shows a powerful storm in a hydrogen cloud causing the birth of new stars.
Located just over 11 million light years away, Centaurus A is one of the closest galaxies to us. At its center there is a huge black hole, throwing out jets of gas.
Photo: NASA

And here she is.

And this too
Photo: NASA, ESA

Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Hubble telescope, astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, captured images of two interacting galaxies, Arp 273. The galaxies are located in the constellation Andromeda, about 300 million light-years away.
Hubble was launched on April 24, 1990, aboard the space shuttle Discovery. This telescope revolutionized almost every area of ​​current astronomical research.
Photo: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Hubble saw this majestic disk of stars and dust lanes in the spiral galaxy NGC 2841. NGC 2841 lies 46 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major.
Photo: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

The Tarantula Nebula, or 30 Doradus. The nebula is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This is one of the largest star formations located so close to the Milky Way.
This image was taken using three telescopes at once: Chandra (blue spectrum), Spitzer (green spectrum) and Hubble (red spectrum).
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Before us is Fomalhaut, a young and very bright star from the constellation Southern Pisces, at a distance of 25 light years from Earth. It is “only” a few hundred million years old. At the same time, Fomalhaut is twice the size of the Sun. Its dust belt was discovered in the 1980s. New images from the Herschel telescope, an astronomical satellite, give us the opportunity to see much more detail. Scientists believe the dust in the belt may come from the collisions that destroy thousands of icy comets every day.
Photo: NASA, ESA

Fomalhaut was well known by our distant ancestors - there are archaeological finds confirming that the star “participated” in certain rituals around 2500 BC.
Photo: NASA, ESA.

About 11,000 years ago, a massive, supergiant star in the constellation Cassiopeia ceased to exist. Its core collapsed, resulting in an incredibly dense ball of neutrons.
Light from this supernova reached Earth around 1667 AD. If anyone saw the light from this star at that time, they left no memories. Although it is quite certain that a large amount of sparkling dust from a dying star could be visible to the naked eye.
The remnant of this supernova was discovered in 1947 and named Cassiopeia A. It is one of the brightest radio sources in the sky. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope has detected the infrared echo of a supernova explosion.
Photo: NASA, ESA

This is a look at a rainbow that resembles the Orion Nebula.
The nebula is located below the three belt stars in the constellation Orion Hunter. Since it is located about 1,500 light-years from Earth, you will need binoculars or a small telescope to see it well.
Photo: NASA, ESA, JPL-Caltech / IRAM

Before us is the Barnard Nebula 3, whose unofficial name is the Wreath Nebula. Admiring this photograph, one can imagine a wreath woven from bright green and red clouds of gas dust, decorated with silver bells of stars.
Photo: NASA, ESA

All that remains of an exploding star. An infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows dust (red, yellow and green) from the supernova. The stars in this image are blue.
Infrared images, combined with optical and X-ray data, clearly show that the source of the mysterious object in the sky must have been a supernova that exploded more than 1,800 years ago.
Photo: NASA

Dark clouds on the bright Milky Way.
An infrared image that clearly shows the dark clouds obscuring the Milky Way. The image was obtained using the WISE telescope.
Photo: NASA

Astronomers cannot yet explain the reasons for the formation of this vortex in the center of our galaxy. An infrared image obtained with the Herschel telescope shows that the ring at the center of the galaxy is deformed for reasons that are not yet explained.
In the photo you can see a yellow loop, which has two side petals. The ring itself consists of a very dense and cold cloud of gas and dust.
Photo: NASA

NASA's Spitzer Telescope has given us an image of a child star throwing out two green streaks. Both jets consist of dust and gas. The star is located in the center of the Herbigo-Haro 34 object at a distance of 1400 light years from Earth, in the constellation Orion.
Photo: NASA

This image reproduces the planet Kepler-20e, one of five planets recently discovered in the constellation Lyra orbiting a star called Kepler-20. These are the first planets known to us that are similar in size to Earth. They rotate in an orbit roughly similar to that of Mercury. In addition, the star Kepler-20 itself is very similar in characteristics to the Sun. The star is located 945 light years from Earth.
Two of the planets, Kepler-20e and Kepler-20f, closest to the size of the Earth, are apparently of rocky origin, while the three larger ones - Kepler-20b, Kepler-20c and Kepler-20d - are gaseous.
Photo: NASA, ESA

The closest Earth-sized planet to us is Kepler-20f. At the same time, it can hardly be inhabited like ours. The planet orbits its sun every 20 days, and is located so close to it that the surface temperature reaches 430 degrees Celsius.
Photo: NASA, ESA

Space will keep many secrets for humanity for a long time. How to know what discoveries await the planet's scientists? This is probably why science fiction films with space themes are always so attractive to viewers. They provide an opportunity to fantasize and break away from everyday reality at least for a short time. Cosmonautics Day is not celebrated in Artyom on a grand scale. But it doesn’t go unnoticed.

On the eve of this important holiday, the city’s Central Library “set off” with schoolchildren across the vastness of the Universe. Librarian Yulia Asadcheva prepared a thematic lesson for pupils of a correctional boarding school, which allowed the children to remember the basics about space that any person should know. At the same time, they had fun and learned new facts.

Many things were said: that "space" meant the space beyond the earth's atmosphere; that scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proved the possibility of flying into space... using a rocket; that our galaxy is called the Milky Way; that on October 4, 1957, space exploration began with the launch of the first artificial satellite.

Portraits of Tsiolkovsky, Korolev and, of course, Gagarin and Tereshkova flashed on the screen. Today everyone knows the name Gagarin. In many cities, schools, streets, and alleys are named after him. The city where he spent his childhood bears his name; crater on the far side of the Moon; asteroid; square in Moscow, where there is a monument to the cosmonaut. By the way, quite recently some news agencies posted information that on social networks, residents of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, ridiculed the bust of Yuri Gagarin erected there. The bust of the first man in space was installed without a grand opening in the first week of April on Yuri Gagarin Street. From the very first days on social networks, local residents began to criticize the small bronze head in a helmet on top of a massive stone pedestal that “insulted” the memory of the astronaut. The city manager of Belgrade promised that the existing bust and pedestal would be removed, that a new monument would be made and installed, the appearance of which would be approved by all competent structures. “Gagarin will have a memory in Belgrade worthy of his contribution to the development of humanity,” he said. People can only hope that this will happen.

The thematic lesson was held in a playful way, and the children were offered several tasks. For example, having divided into two teams, they “arranged” the planets of the solar system in order according to their distance from the Sun. And, of course, the presenter briefly spoke about the characteristics of each planet. Then the children looked for aliens in the pictures, “walked” through the space labyrinth, answered quiz questions, made simple calculations, and everyone successfully received the title of space heroes.

The walls of the reading room were decorated with artwork by city schoolchildren, which embodied all their fantasies and ideas about outer space: rockets, planets, dark cold space and stars.

The children really enjoyed the “I am an astronaut” photo zone, and everyone took a photo there, “trying on” a space suit.

Material publication date: 04/13/2018