History of Galakrond. History of Galakrond Galakrond wow

Galakrond is a giant proto-dragon, the progenitor of the entire dragon race, who went crazy and terrorized all his children. He was a threat that five proto-dragons of different colors had united against - the future aspects. It is believed that the aspects were created by the titans. However, this is just a rumor to keep the truth about Galakrond hidden from most dragons.

He was larger than all five aspects combined, his roar was heard for many kilometers, and the flapping of his wings created mighty winds. Over time, devouring the life energy of his children, Galakrond mutated. New limbs and even eyes grew on his body, and the skin began to rot in much the same way as his victims became undead. Galakrond, who was an incredibly benevolent dragon, suddenly changed, becoming a nightmare for all living things. An insatiable hunger began to torment him.

One day, several proto-dragons gathered to hunt, but Galakrond appeared and took all their prey, which alarmed them incredibly. A blue dragon named Malygos wondered why Galakrond chose to appear in a land where he had never appeared before.

Trying to satisfy his ever-growing hunger, Galakrond began to devour other proto-dragons, which was simply unthinkable, since cannibalism among them was strictly prohibited. However, the nightmare did not end there, because the remains of those who were swallowed by Galakrond rose as undead, completely subject to his will. Under Galakrond's command, the undead hunted living proto-dragons and infected them with the plague. The rest of the proto-dragons could not just leave it like that and decided to put an end to the emerging threat.

The surviving proto-dragons decided to strike at the giant at a certain point in time. However, this plan was not successful, as one of the dragons named Koros betrayed his kind and informed Galakrond of the impending attack. The monster quickly dealt with most of the attackers and rushed after the survivors of Nozdormu and Neltharion. They were saved from certain death by the Guardian Tyr, who stunned Galakrond with a blow from his hammer.

An unknown time later, Tyr met with the five future aspects, informing them that Galakrond was sleeping on one of the mountain ranges to the north. And this is the perfect time to attack. The Keeper and the remaining proto-dragons met near the giant's lair and engaged it in battle. During the battle, the Guardian Tyr, about to pick up his hammer, which flew from his hands, lost his arm. Galakrond was so pleased with himself that he did not notice his opponents retreat.

Some time later, Galakrond was attacked again at what is now the Dragonblight. Malygos drove a boulder down the monster's throat, which not only distracted the monster's attention when trying to get rid of it, but also deprived it of control over the undead. While Neltharion sent the undead dragons straight into Galakrond's throat, causing the giant to suffocate to death.

Remains of Galakrond

The Lich King, known for his love of resurrection of all sorts of things, shortly before his death, created a new kind of undead - Ice Serpents. Frost Wyrms are the skeletons of dead dragons and were created to destroy Alliance and Horde ground forces, as well as to fight Alliance and Horde air forces, which could easily bombard the Scourge from the air. When the Lich King found out about Galakrond, he sent his High Necrolord Antioch to resurrect him. If he had been resurrected as an obedient slave of the Lich King, all attempts by the combined forces of the Horde and the Alliance would have failed. Not only that, the Lich King could finally get rid of the Aspects that were interfering with him. But the dragon queen Alexstrasza prevented him in time and the bones of Galakrond remained in the ground.

I think that this can hardly be called news, but nevertheless - in the Ru-sector of WoW, on December 18, they launched a new server, Galakrond. The server type is "normal", i.e. PvE. It will be impossible to transfer there for 90 days, and until there is a level 55 character, no DCs can also be created.

The news slightly stirred up the gaming community. Fresh world - an opportunity to get such achievements as "the first<раса> <класс>on the server" and judging by the forums there are already (on the 5th day from the moment of opening) nerds of 60+ levels running. A good reason to dilute the agonizing expectation of the second wing of the Citadel with Professor Pesticide and his creations.

But there is more interesting news as well. The RuVoVa role-playing community, which, despite everything, still exists, is actively discussing the possibility of creating an informal RP servers in Russian bookmark WoW. Indeed, among more than a dozen and a half servers over these almost a year and a half, the close ones have not bothered to organize a role-playing world, where nicknames like Imenyabaffni, Shakakdam and Deadlygnum will not irritate the eyesight, there will be no gygyglols who run around and scoff at people who play roles , and OOS (Out Of Character) will be prohibited in the chat. And more than once the close ones have said that they will not make a special role-playing realm for Russians. So far, it is believed that the strongest role-playing community operates on the "Eternal Song", but the introduction of a new server has prompted part of the role-playing community to throw out the call "all there!". New server, everything is still fresh and there is a chance to set your own rules.

They say that in the role-playing community there has even been a slight split in relation to the new realm. Let's see how things go further. Actually this interesting topic- Russian role-playing movement. Will have to take a closer look at this.

P.S. Created another clone of Decven on this server and went to Ironforge. In the horn there are a lot of loluloves enthusiastically rocking their new Persians. During prime time, there is not a soul in the square. Copper at ridiculous prices of two silver coins. Quiet…

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To protect friends. The place where the Keeper died is now known as Tirisfal Glades.

War against the Dark Empire

When the war against the Dark Empire began, the Guardians' first opponents were the elemental lords and their destructive forces. The Guardians preferred to split into several groups and deal with each lord individually. Tyr and Odin volunteered to fight against the most violent enemy - Ragnaros the Lord of Fire. Their battle continued for weeks, and the land was engulfed in flames and filled with magma. But the strong metal bodies of the keepers ensured their safety against the fiery attacks of Ragnaros. Tyr and Odin drove the Firelord into his volcanic lair to the east and were eventually victorious.


In the era that followed the ordering of the planet, proto-dragons appeared, which were the most ferocious and cunning inhabitants of Azeroth. Galakrond was the largest and most cruel among them. Driven by an insatiable hunger, he devoured everything that fell into his field of vision. His body continued to grow, and hunger caused Galakrond to devour even other proto-dragons and their corpses. Galakrond was eventually stricken with a necrotic disease that twisted his mind and body. It began to grow ugly limbs and appear dozens of eyes. Galakrond himself spread necrotic energies that raised the slain as undead. More resurrected proto-dragons were forced to serve Galakrond, and the survivors, divided by old grievances and rivalries, were unable to unite against the new threat.

Tyr was the first keeper to take notice of Galakrond. He warned his brethren of what was happening, but could not force them to act. Although the keepers were once sworn to protect Azeroth, the war against the Old Gods and the long work to bring order to Azeroth sapped their strength and will. They became indifferent to what was happening in the world and focused solely on maintaining the work of their fortresses and mechanisms.

The apathy of the guardians did not touch Tyr. He still wanted justice and order to reign in the world, and continued to act, driven by a will of steel. Tyr understood that Galakrond could devour all life and spread the infection throughout the entire planet if no one tried to resist him. The keeper decided that he himself would find a way to slay the giant proto-dragon and the undead that accompanied it.


According to Tyr's plan, the other proto-dragons were to unite in order to confront Galakrond. He turned to the five greatest and most intelligent of them for help: Malygos, Alexstrasza, Ysera, Neltharion, and Nozdormu. The five came from different packs of proto-dragons and possessed different abilities, each of which could be useful in the war.

Although at first they hesitated to listen to the mysterious being that appeared before them, they eventually agreed to unite against Galakrond. Tyr also had special abilities and was ready to participate in the battle using his hammer. The Keeper showed the proto-dragons a special artifact - the Spark of Tyr - and promised that he was trying to secure the planet's future. The Spark of Tyr was a shimmering octagonal object capable of recording events and broadcasting them into the wearer's mind.

When the war began, the five dragons worked as a unit, which pleased Tyr. They and their allies fought against Galakrond and his undead in the snowy peaks of northern Kalimdor. The monster constantly mutated and became stronger and stronger. Even the hammer of Tyr could no longer harm him. In one of the battles, the Spark of Tyr and the hammer were accidentally thrown away, and the keeper reached out with his hand for the Spark. But Galakrond bit off Tyr's arm with a quick tug, filling the wound with necrotic energy. The guardian lost consciousness, but five dragons managed to save him and deliver him to a safe place. From there, he was taken by other guardians, who made sure that Tyr survived. Soon, the five proto-dragons, who joined forces, were able to destroy Galakrond on their own.

The other keepers realized too late just how dangerous Galakrond was. They were emboldened by the determination of Tyr and the dragons, and shamed by their own apathy. Tyr persuaded them to hold a ceremony that would give five dragons the powers of the titans so that they could become the protectors of Azeroth. Chief Curator Odin was against it because he thought the dragons were too primitive. But Tyr and the other guardians were sure that the dragons had earned the right to become the guardians of the whole world. They went to the icy tundra, where the last battle with Galakrond took place, and passed the power of the titans through themselves to turn five dragons into Aspects.

Tyr's wound never healed, and with the help of his friend Jotun, the guardian replaced the lost arm with a new one, which was forged from the purest silver. Jotun also depicted a silver hand on the hammer of Tyr, which has since been called the Silver Hand. The Silver Hand became a symbol of his belief that justice can only be achieved through personal sacrifice.

Loken's betrayal

When the souls of the slain titans, protected by Norgannon's spell, reached Azeroth, the guardians with whom the souls merged gained new powers and brief bouts of non-existent memories. They did not understand what this meant and why the Pantheon stopped answering the call. Although the sources do not state it directly, Tyr was not supposed to receive the soul of Aggramar: this titan was killed first, when Norgannon had not yet created protection.

The Keepers were worried and plunged into a long period of thought. Loken was most saddened by the silence of the Pantheon, and this allowed Yogg-Saron to turn him into his pawn. Loken began plotting to overthrow the rest of the Guardians, and Tyr felt something dark growing within him. Suspicions were confirmed when Tyr witnessed Loken attack Hodir.

But Tyr was in no position to confront Loken directly. He knew that the fallen guardian was served by entire armies of creatures created by the Forge of Will and roaming Ulduar and the Storm Peaks. Tyr had no chance in battle against such an army, so he left Ulduar, taking Arkedas and Ironaya, their close friend, with him. The three of them hid in secluded places in the Storm Peaks, from where they watched Loken and planned what they would do. The Fallen Keeper sent teams to search for Tyr and his companions, but they searched the mountains and caverns of the Storm Peaks and found nothing. Loken believed that Tyr and his allies had left the area, and soon sealed off Ulduar, shutting down the Forge of Will and banishing most of his minions.

Snowskorn War

The peoples expelled from Ulduar spread throughout northern Kalimdor. A fragile peace was established between them, but it was soon destroyed by Ignis and Volkhan, who were once created by Loken. They wanted to conquer the territories surrounding Ulduar, and decided to turn the vrykul into their weapon. They seized control of the Snowskorn clan, whose vrykul were violent and violent. The appearance of the first symptoms of the Curse of Flesh caused Ignis and Volkhan to create fire giants and iron golems, which strengthened the vrykul army.

A huge army began to attack other peoples who lived in these lands. The small group of Earthen who survived the attack turned to Tyr, Arkedas, and Ironaya for help, who were able to escape Loken's wrath. Hearing the horrific news, Tyr immediately went into battle against the snowscorns, accompanied by the bravest of the earthlings. Arcedas and Ironaya created defensive systems that were supposed to protect against future invasions. With the combined efforts of the guardians and earthlings, Snowskorn's army was able to drive away.

Ignis and Volkhan were not about to admit defeat. They found a way that allowed them to enslave the proto-dragons and make them part of the army. Snowskorn's next attack destroyed all of the earthlings' defenses and forced them to leave their hideout. Even Tyr, Arcedas and Ironaya were forced to flee from the powerful forces of the enemy. Then Tyr decided to ask for help from old acquaintances, who were Aspects. The dragons flew into a rage when they saw how many titan creatures had died in the war and learned of the enslavement of the proto-dragons. They joined forces and were able not only to defeat the army of Ignis and Volkhan, but also to free their relatives.

Stealing the Discs of Norgannon

Tyr finally decided to turn his attention to Loken. He understood that there would be more conflict between the creatures of the titans if Ulduar remained sealed. The victory at Lokenom required many years of preparation. Tyr, Arcedas, and Ironaya first had to figure out what Loken was trying to do. They came up with a plan that would allow them to steal the Disks of Norgannon from Ulduar. This relic itself recorded everything that happened on Azeroth, and Loken's betrayal did not escape her attention. A careful study of Loken's every act could help restore everything that was destroyed because of him.

Tyr appeared at the gates of Ulduar and called out to Loken, demanding he take back control of the ancient titan fortress and threatening grave consequences. Loken came out to talk to him, and an argument broke out between the two keepers. This is exactly what Tyr was hoping for: while Loken was distracted, Arcedas and Ironaya were able to sneak in and steal the Disks of Norgannon. Once the relic was obtained, Tyr fled to a hideout in the territory of the Thunder Peaks.

Tyr and his allies knew that Loken would soon discover the loss and begin the hunt. It was decided to go to the southern lands to find a safe place and plan their next steps. Joining this journey were the creations of the titans that lived around Ulduar: a group of peaceful vrykul affected by the Curse of Flesh, many earthlings and mechagnomes. Tyr, Arcedas, and Ironaya considered these creatures to be innocent victims of Loken and promised that they would find them a new home, where they could wait for Ulduar's release. At last they all went south and traveled for many weeks before they believed they had escaped Loken.

Death of Tyr

Upon learning of the disappearance of the Disks of Norgannon, Loken fell into a panic: Tyr and his allies now had proof to show to Algalon or the titans of the Pantheon. In desperation, Loken turned to the monsters, who were powerful enough to stop Tyr and retrieve the relics. These were the ancient generals of the faceless or K "Trakksi - Order and Kit" X. Loken unearthed the tombs where they were buried after the fall of the Dark Empire and awakened the monsters to life. The fallen guardian ordered them to kill Tyr and all of his followers. The Trakxi agreed, feeling the power of Yogg-Saron in Loken's mind. Jotun, who remained a loyal friend of Tyr, tried to hold back the pursuit, for which he was forever cursed by Loken.

Two monsters set off in pursuit and overtook their victims far to the south, where there were quiet forests. Tyr feared for the lives of his allies and ordered Arkedas and Ironaya to gather the creatures that followed them and flee even further into the southern lands. He himself was going to restrain K "Trakksi for as long as he could. Only a pale shadow of the powers bestowed by Aggramar remained in Tyr's iron body, but the keeper retained his prowess. He was not going to run away when the lives of innocents were in danger.

When Tyr encountered K "Trakksi, flows of arcane magic and dark energies swept over the forests that were once peaceful. The fierce battle continued for six days and nights. The Guardian did not retreat, like his enemies. Feeling that he would soon fall from fatigue , Tyr decided to sacrifice himself to protect his friends. He released all the remaining power on K "Trakxi, spending his life energy on a blinding magical explosion that made the earth shudder.

Arcedas and Ironaya saw a flash of magic on the horizon and returned when the energies stabilized. Inside the giant crater, they saw the lifeless bodies of Tyr and Zakazh. The second Faceless General survived the explosion, but was severely injured and fled west. In honor of her fallen comrade, Ironaya named the lands that surrounded the crater Tirisfal. The remains of Tyr and Zakazh were buried in the same place where they lay. The huge silver hand of Tyr was placed over his resting place and became a monument to his valiant sacrifice. Tyr's hammer was also hidden in the tomb.

The mortal peoples who later settled in Tirisfal sensed two conflicting energies rising from the earth: the remnants of the spiritual essences of Tyr and his enemy Zakazh. Some were attracted to the energy of the Guardian, while others adapted to the dark aura of K "Trakxi.


The legend of Tyre and its silver hand has been passed down among mortal peoples for thousands of years. Although they forgot that he was a guardian, they did not forget his name and were inspired by the great hero. The Silver Hand remains a famous symbol, for example the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the city of Tyr's Hand in Lordaeron are named after it.

Guardians of Tyr

As the titan creatures traveled south, the vrykul, most impressed by Tyr's deed, decided to stay close to the tomb to protect it. Over time, the Vrykul affected by the Curse of Flesh began to die out, with only one group surviving longer than the rest. These vrykul created a secret order of the Guardians of Tyr, whose members guarded the tomb. They understood that they could not live forever, and invited people into their ranks, telling them the story of the self-sacrifice of the fallen guardian and what was inside the tomb.

The guards of Tyr did their duty, and for a long time only King Thoradin and his followers could reach the resting place of Tyr. Or rather, he was no longer king, because he abdicated. In his old age, Thoradin became obsessed with the origins of his people and finally discovered Tyr's tomb. The Guardians met the former king with no intention of breaking their vows, but Thoradin was accompanied by experienced warriors and sorcerers. To avoid bloodshed, the Guardians decided to let the king inside.

Little is known about what happened next. It is said that Thoradin and his followers descended into the dungeon and disappeared. The Guardians of Tyr understood that the sorcerers of Thoradin had broken the magical barriers, and swore an oath that they would never enter the tomb again, because any intervention could awaken the monster and endanger the world.

For thousands of years, the Guardians of Tyr continued to guard the sacred place. Members of the order have come and gone, and over time they have learned what could help them. For example, they felt close to the paladins who appeared in Lordaeron with the outbreak of the Second War. The Guardians of Tyr learned to call upon the Light and also became paladins, but even this did not save them from the Scourge. When the undead appeared in Lordaeron, the order fell apart, and only a few brave men, led by Travar, continued to defend the tomb.

Birth of mankind

One of the most powerful vrykul clans in Northrend was the Dragonflayers, ruled by King Ymiron. One day, the Curse of Flesh intensified, and the women of the clan began to give birth to small and weak children. King Ymiron ordered his followers to destroy frail offspring, but some vrykul did not want to kill innocent children. They decided to hide them in a place that they remembered from legends - the southern lands, where the lost clan of vrykul went with Tyr and his companions.

These Dragon Tamers have followed south in search of a mysterious hideout. Many of them were never heard from again, but some made it to Tirisfal. Here they met with the local vrykul who settled at Tyr's tomb and left their sons and daughters with them before returning north. During the following epochs, these children and their own offspring changed more and more, until they turned into a race that was called people.

Trials of Irgrim

Yrgrim the Truth-Seeker was a vrykul whom Tyr appointed as his protector. For him, the keepers forged a powerful shield, which was called the Guardian of Truth. After Tyr's death, Irgrim remained at his tomb until he decided to hand over the Guardian of Truth to the most worthy of his people. He set off on a journey and, upon arriving in Stormheim, began testing the local vrykul.

Sparks of Tyr

The Order of the Guardians of Tyr owned a few Sparks left over from the guardian. These Sparks were used to seal the Silver Hand in the tomb and prevent anyone from taking possession of the artifact. Sparks are still capable of showing previously recorded events.

Some time after Deathwing's destruction, the blue dragon Kalecgos visited Galakrond's resting place and discovered the Spark of Tyr held in his hand, which had been bitten off by an ancient proto-drake. The spark gave Kalecgos visions of an ancient time when five dragons fought against Galakrond and became the Aspects. On several occasions, Kalecgos felt as if Tyr was personally watching him while he used the Spark.

“A skeleton in every closet” is about World of Warcraft. Continents and islands, the bottom of the ocean and caves in the thickness of the rocks - everywhere you can find many skeletons, skulls and other mortal remains. Some of them are quite common, others are rather mysterious. We can meet in an almost petrified skeleton and a bunch of . Can be found even with the makings of a servant ancient god. But for me, there are TOP 3 most mysterious skeletons in World of Warcraft and you will find it in this post.

Dead giants
Located in the south of the Wasteland, these two giant skeletons deserve to be seen. It is not clear who they are: they are creatures without legs, but with arms, they have snake heads, but they are dressed in armor and hold tridents in their hands.

They may be mistaken for naga skeletons, but nagas are descended from elves, and even the largest of them (such as the mutant naga Lord Nugentus) seem dwarfed by these skeletons.

Perhaps this is an unknown race of marine life? Or are they servants of the Old Gods? But in those distant times, when the Old Gods ruled this land, only the titans had weapons and armor, proof of this is the absence of any processed items of that era. And the sword in the skull of the creature from Darkshore was forged by the hand of the titans.

giant snakes

Skeletons of strange creatures that look like colossal snakes are found in the Eastern Kingdoms near the ruins of the trolls. Alone in Stranglethorn.

What are these beings? Where did they come from? What role do they play? Unknown. But the trolls clearly worshiped them - we can see snake-shaped ornaments on many of their buildings, as well as sculptures in the form of a long coiling snake that adorn the trolls' buildings.

We have hardly explored the depths of the sea, Vashhir is only a small piece of the vast ocean of Azeroth. Perhaps in the future we will be able to learn more about these snakes.

Galakrond is the progenitor dragon, the ancestor of all living dragons. Its size is amazing. According to Alexstrasza's description, Galakrond was more than all aspects combined. And it's easy to believe: look, an ordinary frost wyrm seems like a fly compared to the great Galakrond.

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Who is Galakrond? Perhaps many of you have seen a huge dragon skeleton in Northrend, next to which the undead fuss and try to resurrect its owner. These are the bones of Galakrond, the progenitor of all dragons. Galakrond was a proto-dragon, so huge that all other representatives of this species seemed to be small insects against its background. Every time he sat down on the ground, it shuddered from small earthquakes. Galakrond was so strong that he could withstand dozens and hundreds of other dragons. How did he grow to such a size? How did he gain such strength? Why did everyone think he was dangerous?

In the early years of Azeroth's existence, immediately after the war with the Old Gods, proto-dragons flew freely around the planet and led a very simple lifestyle - hunted, killed and survived at all costs. Although many of them fought among themselves to establish themselves in the local hierarchy and prove their superiority, they did not pose a threat to the whole world ... unlike Galakrond. But we will return to this.

In those days, there were two types of proto-dragons. Some somehow evolved, acquired intelligence and could communicate with each other in a strange semblance of a language with fragmentary and distorted words that sounded nowhere near as fluent as modern speech. Some proto-dragons understood this speech well, while all the rest did not know how to speak, did not have intelligence, and the meaning of their life was reduced to endless hunting and survival. They can be considered the progenitors of those we use today as vehicles.

Galakrond belonged to the first type of proto-dragon. He could speak and, more importantly, he was an exceptionally skilled hunter. At first he hunted with his siblings, but over time he grew in size and claimed much of what is today Northrend as his own.

Galakrond differed from other proto-dragons in that he was tormented by an insatiable hunger. This hunger forced him to endlessly consume prey, and this, in turn, increasingly increased his size. At some point, Galakrond surpassed the size of Neltharion himself, who was considered one of the largest and most powerful dragons of his time. Galakrond's hunger was so strong that he began to devour his fellows, and it was unheard of! Such behavior was contrary to the nature of proto-dragons, even those that had not evolved.

However, Galakrond did not see anything shameful in this. For a while he indulged in cannibalism, growing in size and gaining strength, but then his flesh began to rot. All over the body of a huge dragon, extra arms, legs, wings and eyes began to sprout. So the giant got the opportunity to see everything that happened around him, even behind his back, and turned into a real monster. This mutation gave Galakrond a new power - he learned to resurrect the dragons he absorbed in the form of undead.

These terrible creatures preyed on the surviving proto-dragons and killed them to serve their master. But, unlike the Scourge of the Lich King, which retained the remnants of reason and will after death, the undead of Galakrond were clumsy and stupid and could only act purposefully if they were commanded by Galakrond. If the commander was distracted, he lost control over the undead, and they wandered aimlessly in different directions.

The surviving proto-dragons took advantage of this and easily destroyed dangerous opponents. Over time, all those who had not yet been killed by Galakrond and his undead united and decided to repulse the distraught relative. They decided to attack together and put an end to the threat. Among them were dragons named Malygos, Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Neltharion. Entering into open confrontation with Galakrond, the surviving dragons fell into a trap.

The undead attacked them from behind, from behind the clouds, from where they could not be found. About a third of all survivors died in that battle, but Malygos, the most intelligent of the proto-dragons, ordered his kindred to rise above the clouds so that the undead would follow them. A glare of light blinded Galakrond's army, and the living dragons took advantage of precious seconds to destroy the undead without waiting for the opponents to orient themselves and attack again.

Thus, Malygos saved all the survivors, but the dragon Talonix, who formally led the attack on Galakrond and his undead, refused to recognize Malygos as a leader and passed off his ideas as her own. Malygos was indignant, saying that it was not befitting for the proto-dragons to appropriate other people's merit, for which Talonix struck him with a blow that almost became fatal. Malygos was saved by Neltharion, who caught his brother in the air.

At that moment, Galakrond attacked the living dragons again. Neltharion, Malygos, and Nozdormu watched the battle from afar. Despite being alone, Galakrond was able to fend off hundreds of living proto-dragons, killing them one by one. Galakrond's breath drained the opponents of life and broke their will, and while they were trying to realize what was happening to them, Galakrond swallowed them 6-8 pieces at a time. The same fate befell Talonix. But while some dragons, caught in the breath, unconsciously waited for their fate, and others in a hurry tried to leave the battlefield, Malygos, Neltharion and Nozdormu distracted Galakrond.

It turned its attention to future aspects and flapped its wings to head towards them. This was the plan of the cunning dragons. They wanted the enemy to flap their wings so fast and hard that the wind they created would disperse the deadly gas and allow the surviving proto-drakes to get out of the area of ​​effect. And so it happened - Galakrond so wanted to get to those who dared to challenge him that he himself saved his victims from a sad fate.

Seeing that their plan had succeeded, Nozdormu, Malygos and Neltharion flew in different directions and were also able to escape, lost in the hills.
I will briefly describe further events, because otherwise this video will be too long. Five dragons, who in the future became great Aspects, met in the mountains with the Guardian Tyr, who offered them his help. Under his leadership, the dragons again attacked Galakrond while he was sleeping and had not yet had time to create a new army for himself, but he, however, was able to repel this attack, and the Guardian Tyr lost his arm in that battle. The advantage in battle was lost, and the dragons again had to flee from the battlefield, but they did not lose hope and tried to develop a new plan.

The Aspects had no more living allies left and had to replace an entire army, but with the support of Tyr, they still had a chance of victory. They found that they had amazing power only when they fought side by side, as a unit. Taking advantage of this discovery, the Aspects attacked Galakrond with renewed vigor. Alexstrasza flew up to him from the side and used fire breath to destroy Galakrond's extra limbs and eyes. Nozdormu came in from the other side and emitted streams of sand to blind the remaining eyes.

Ysera, being physically the weakest of the five, chose the most vulnerable spot for the attack - the enemy's mouth, which had not yet been damaged. Neltharion single-handedly dealt with the undead, which Galakrond called to his aid. They all distracted the huge monster, and Malygos pointed a sharp piece of rock at him. The shard fell into Galakrond's open maw, rendering him unable to breathe, but even then, the crazed proto-drake continued to fight, fending off the Aspects' attacks while attempting to spit out the shard.

And at that moment, when it seemed to the Aspects that Galakrond was ready to take a deep breath again, Neltharion, accompanied by the undead, flew into the monster's mouth, and then performed a maneuver, as a result of which the undead army crashed into the wreckage, driving it even deeper and thereby destroying its overlord. Galakrond's body fell to the ground and rotted away, and the place of his death was later named Dragonblight. The bones of a giant proto-dragon can be seen there to this day.

Now you also know who Galakrond is - a huge dragon that was able to outshine the sun and roared so that avalanches descended from the mountains, and the flapping of its wings resembled thunder. Galakrond was so strong that an army of a hundred dragons was unable to defeat him, but under the onslaught of the five great Aspects, he still fell. Malygos, Alexstrasza, and the other surviving dragons learned a lot from that battle. They realized that sometimes victory can only be won together. Neltharion then said: “We fought together like one family. We were one."

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