In katayev there is a pipe and a jug. Valentin Kataev - Pipe and jug: Fairy tale

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Strawberries ripened in the forest.
Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and they gave little Pavlik a saucer. They came to the forest and began to pick berries: whoever picks them up first. Zhenya's mother chose a better clearing and says:
- Here's a great place for you, daughter. There are a lot of strawberries here. Go collect.
Zhenya wiped the jug with burdock and began to walk around.
She walked and walked, looked and looked, found nothing and returned with an empty jug.
He sees - everyone has strawberries. Dad has a quarter cup. Mom has half a cup. And little Pavlik has two berries on a silver platter.
- Mom, why do you all have, but I have nothing? You probably chose the worst clearing for me.
- Did you search well?

- Good. There are no berries, only leaves.
Have you looked under the leaves?
- I didn't look.
- Here you see! We must look.
- Why doesn't Pavlik look in?
- The peacock is small. He himself is as tall as strawberries, he doesn’t even need to look in, and you are already a pretty tall girl.
And dad says:
- Berries - they are cunning. They are always hiding from people. You need to be able to get them. Watch how I do.
Then dad sat down, bent down to the very ground, looked under the leaves and began to look for berry after berry, saying:

“Okay,” Zhenya said. - Thank you, daddy. I will do so.

Zhenya went to her clearing, squatted down, bent down to the very ground and looked under the leaves. And under the leaves of the berries, apparently invisible. Eyes run wide. Zhenya began to pick berries and throw them into a jug. Vomiting and saying:
- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.
However, Zhenya soon got tired of squatting.
Enough with me, he thinks. “I must have gained a lot anyway.”
Zhenya got to her feet and looked into the jug. And there are only four berries.
Quite a few! Again, you need to squat down. Nothing to do about.
Zhenya sat down again on her haunches, began to pick berries, saying:
- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.
Zhenya looked into the jug, and there were only eight berries - even the bottom had not yet been closed.
“Well,” he thinks, “I don’t like to collect at all. Bend over and bend over all the time. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired. I'd better go look for another clearing."
Zhenya went through the forest to look for such a clearing, where strawberries do not hide under the leaves, but climb into their eyes and ask for a jug.
I walked and walked, I didn’t find such a clearing, I got tired and sat down on a stump to rest. He sits, from nothing to do, takes out berries from a jug and puts it in his mouth. She ate all eight berries, looked into an empty jug and thought: “What should I do now? If only someone could help me!"
As soon as she thought this, the moss stirred, the ant parted, and a small, strong old man crawled out from under the stump: a white coat, a gray beard, a velvet hat and a dry blade of grass across the hat.
“Hello girl,” she says.
- Hello, uncle.
- I'm not an uncle, but a grandfather. Al didn't know? I am an old boletus man, a native forester, the head of all mushrooms and berries. What are you sighing about? Who hurt you?
- Offended me, grandfather, berries.
- I do not know. They are meek. How did they hurt you?
- They don’t want to show themselves in front of the eyes, they hide under the leaves. You can't see anything from above. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.
The old boletus, the indigenous forester, stroked his gray beard, grinned into his mustache and said:
- Sheer nonsense! I have a special pipe for this. As soon as she starts to play, so now all the berries from under the leaves will appear.

An old boletus, a native forester, took out a pipe from his pocket and said:
- Play, darling.
The pipe began to play by itself, and as soon as it began to play, berries peeked out from under the leaves from everywhere.
- Stop it, motherfucker.
The pipe stopped, and the berries hid.

Pipe and jug
Valentin Kataev

Kataev Valentin

Pipe and jug

Valentin Petrovich Kataev

Pipe and jug

Strawberries ripened in the forest.

Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer.

They came to the forest and began to pick berries: whoever picks them up first. Zhenya's mother chose a better clearing and says:

Here's a great place for you, daughter. There are a lot of strawberries here. Go collect.

Zhenya wiped the jug with burdock and began to walk around.

She walked and walked, looked and looked, found nothing and returned with an empty jug.

He sees - everyone has strawberries. Dad has a quarter cup. Mom has half a cup. And little Pavlik has two berries on a silver platter.

Mom, why do you all have, but I have nothing? You probably chose the worst clearing for me.

Did you search well?

Good. There are no berries, only leaves.

Have you looked under the leaves?

Didn't look.

Here you see! We must look.

Why doesn't Pavlik look in?

The peacock is small. He himself is as tall as strawberries, he doesn’t even need to look in, and you are already a pretty tall girl.

And dad says:

Berries are tricky. They are always hiding from people. You need to be able to get them. Watch how I do.

Then dad sat down, bent down to the very ground, looked under the leaves and began to look for berry after berry, saying:

Okay, Zhenya said. - Thank you, daddy. I will do so.

Zhenya went to her clearing, squatted down, bent down to the very ground and looked under the leaves. And under the leaves of the berries, apparently invisible. Eyes run wide. Zhenya began to pick berries and throw them into a jug. Vomiting and saying:

I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

However, Zhenya soon got tired of squatting.

"I've had enough," he thinks. "I've probably gained a lot anyway."

Zhenya got to her feet and looked into the jug. And there are only four berries.

Quite a few! Again, you need to squat down. Nothing to do about.

Zhenya sat down again on her haunches, began to pick berries, saying:

I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

Zhenya looked into the jug, and there were only eight berries - even the bottom had not yet been closed.

“Well,” he thinks, “I don’t like collecting like that at all. Bend over and bend down all the time. Until you pick up a full jug, you can get tired. I’d better go look for another clearing for myself.”

Zhenya went through the forest to look for such a clearing, where strawberries do not hide under the leaves, but climb into their eyes and ask for a jug.

I walked and walked, I didn’t find such a clearing, I got tired and sat down on a stump to rest. He sits, from nothing to do, takes out berries from a jug and puts it in his mouth. She ate all eight berries, looked into an empty jug and thought: "What should I do now? If only someone would help me!"

As soon as she thought this, the moss stirred, the ant parted, and a small, strong old man crawled out from under the stump: a white coat, a gray beard, a velvet hat and a dry blade of grass across the hat.

Hello girl, she says.

Hello, uncle.

I'm not an uncle, but a grandfather. Al didn't know? I am an old boletus, a native forester, the head of all mushrooms and berries. What are you sighing about? Who hurt you?

Offended me, grandfather, berries.

Don't know. They are meek. How did they hurt you?

They don’t want to be seen, they hide under the leaves. You can't see anything from above. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

The old boletus, the indigenous forester, stroked his gray beard, grinned into his mustache and said:

Sheer rubbish! I have a special pipe for this. As soon as she starts to play, so now all the berries from under the leaves will appear.

An old boletus, a native forester, took out a pipe from his pocket and said:

Play, motherfucker.

The pipe began to play by itself, and as soon as it began to play, berries peeked out from under the leaves from everywhere.

Stop it, motherfucker.

The pipe stopped, and the berries hid.

Zhenya was delighted:

Grandpa, Grandpa, give me this pipe!

I can't donate. And let's change: I'll give you a pipe, and you give me a jug - I really liked it.

Good. With great pleasure.

Zhenya gave the jug to the old boletus, the indigenous forester, took the pipe from him and quickly ran to her clearing. She ran, stood in the middle, said:

Play, motherfucker.

The pipe began to play, and at the same moment all the leaves in the clearing stirred, began to turn, as if the wind had blown on them.

First, the youngest curious berries, still quite green, looked out from under the leaves. Behind them, the heads of older berries were stuck out - one cheek is pink, the other is white. Then the berries came out quite ripe - large and red. And finally, old berries appeared from the very bottom, almost black, wet, fragrant, covered with yellow seeds.

And soon the whole clearing around Zhenya was strewn with berries, which shone brightly in the sun and reached for the pipe.

Play, darling, play! Zhenya screamed. - Play faster!

The pipe began to play faster, and even more berries poured out - so many that under them the leaves were not visible at all.

But Zhenya did not let up:

Play, darling, play! Play even faster.

The pipe began to play even faster, and the whole forest was filled with such a pleasant, quick ringing, as if it were not a forest, but a music box.

The bees stopped pushing the butterfly off the flower; the butterfly flapped its wings like a book, the robin chicks looked out from their light nest, which swayed in the elderberry branches, and opened their yellow mouths in admiration, the mushrooms rose on tiptoe so as not to miss a single sound, and even the old pop-eyed dragonfly, known for its grumpy character , stopped in the air, admiring the wonderful music to the depths of her soul.

"Now I'll start collecting!" - Zhenya thought, and was already stretching out her hand to the largest and reddest berry, when she suddenly remembered that she had exchanged a jug for a pipe and now she had nowhere to put the strawberries.

Ooh, stupid bastard! the girl shouted angrily. - I have nowhere to put the berries, and you played out. Shut up now!

Zhenya ran back to the old boletus, the native forester, and said:

Grandpa, grandpa, give me back my pitcher! I have nowhere to pick berries.

Well, - answers the old boletus, a native forester, - I will give you your jug, only you give back my pipe.

Zhenya gave the old man a boletus, a native forester, his pipe, took her jug ​​and quickly ran back to the clearing.

She ran, and there was not a single berry visible - only leaves. What a misfortune! There is a jug - there are not enough pipes. How to be here?

Zhenya thought, thought, and decided to go again to the old boletus, the native forester, for a pipe.

Comes and says:

Grandpa, grandpa, give me the pipe again!

Good. Just give me the jug again.

I'm not giving it. I myself need a jug to put berries in it.

Well, then I won't give you a pipe.

Zhenya pleaded:

Grandpa, and grandpa, how am I going to pick berries in my jug when, without your pipe, they all sit under the leaves and don’t show up? I certainly need both a jug and a pipe.

Look what a smart girl you are! Give her both a pipe and a jug! You can do without a pipe, with one jug.

I won't, grandpa.

And how do other people manage?

Other people bend down to the very ground, look under the leaves from the side and take berry after berry. They take one berry, look at another, notice the third, and imagine the fourth. So I don't like collecting. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

Ah, that's how! - said the old boletus, a native forester, and was so angry that his beard instead of a gray one turned black-black. - Oh, that's how! Yes, you, it turns out, just a lazybones! Take your jug ​​and get out of here! You won't get any fluff.

With these words, the old boletus, the indigenous forest man, stamped his foot and fell under the stump.

Zhenya looked at her empty jug, remembered that her father, mother and little Pavlik were waiting for her, quickly ran to her clearing, squatted down, looked under the leaves and began to quickly take berry after berry. He takes one, looks at the other, notices the third, and imagines the fourth ...

Soon Zhenya took a full jug and returned to her father, mother and little Pavlik.

Here's a good girl, - dad said to Zhenya, - she brought a full jug! Are you tired?

Nothing, daddy. The pitcher helped me. And everyone went home - dad with a full mug, mom with a full cup, Zhenya with a full jug, and little Pavlik with a full saucer.

Zhenya didn't say anything about the pipe to anyone.

» » A pipe and a jug. Kataev Valentin Petrovich

wild strawberries fell asleep in the forest.

Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer.

They came to the forest and began to pick berries: whoever picks them up first. Zhenya's mother chose a better clearing and says:
- Here's a great place for you, daughter. There are a lot of strawberries here. Go collect.

Zhenya wiped the jug with burdock and began to walk around.

She walked and walked, looked and looked, found nothing and returned with an empty jug.

He sees - everyone has strawberries. Dad has a quarter cup. Mom has half a cup. And little Pavlik has two berries on a silver platter.

Mom, why do you all have, but I have nothing? You probably chose the worst clearing for me.

Did you search well?

Good. There are no berries, only leaves.

Have you looked under the leaves?

Didn't look.

Here you see! We must look.

Why doesn't Pavlik look in?

The peacock is small. He himself is as tall as strawberries, he doesn’t even need to look in, and you are already a pretty tall girl.

And dad says:
- Berries - they are cunning. They are always hiding from people. You need to be able to get them. Watch how I do.

Then dad sat down, bent down to the very ground, looked under the leaves and began to look for berry after berry, saying:

Okay, Zhenya said. - Thank you, daddy. I will do so.

Zhenya went to her clearing, squatted down, bent down to the very ground and looked under the leaves. And under the leaves of the berries, apparently invisible. Eyes run wide. Zhenya began to pick berries and throw them into a jug. Vomiting and saying:
- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

However, Zhenya soon got tired of squatting.

Enough with me, he thinks. “I must have gained a lot anyway.”

Zhenya got to her feet and looked into the jug. And there are only four berries.

Quite a few! Again, you need to squat down. Nothing to do about.

Zhenya sat down again on her haunches, began to pick berries, saying:
- I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

Zhenya looked into the jug, and there were only eight berries - even the bottom had not yet been closed.

“Well,” he thinks, “I don’t like to collect at all. Bend over and bend over all the time. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired. I'd better go look for another clearing."

Zhenya went through the forest to look for such a clearing, where strawberries do not hide under the leaves, but climb into their eyes and ask for a jug.

I walked and walked, I didn’t find such a clearing, I got tired and sat down on a stump to rest. He sits, from nothing to do, takes out berries from a jug and puts it in his mouth. She ate all eight berries, looked into an empty jug and thought: “What should I do now? If only someone could help me!"

As soon as she thought this, the moss stirred, the ant parted, and a small, strong old man crawled out from under the stump: a white coat, a gray beard, a velvet hat and a dry blade of grass across the hat.

Hello girl, she says.

Hello, uncle.

I'm not an uncle, but a grandfather. Al didn't know? I am an old boletus man, a native forester, the head of all mushrooms and berries. What are you sighing about? Who hurt you?

Offended me, grandfather, berries.

Don't know. They are meek. How did they hurt you?

They don’t want to be seen, they hide under the leaves. You can't see anything from above. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

The old boletus, the indigenous forester, stroked his gray beard, grinned into his mustache and said:
- Sheer nonsense! I have a special pipe for this. As soon as she starts to play, so now all the berries from under the leaves will appear.

An old boletus, a native forester, took out a pipe from his pocket and said:
- Play, darling.

The pipe began to play by itself, and as soon as it began to play, berries peeked out from under the leaves from everywhere.

Stop it, motherfucker.

The pipe stopped, and the berries hid.

Zhenya was delighted:
- Grandpa, grandpa, give me this pipe!

I can't donate. And let's change: I'll give you a pipe, and you give me a jug - I really liked it.

Good. With great pleasure.

Zhenya gave the jug to the old boletus, the indigenous forester, took the pipe from him and quickly ran to her clearing. She ran, stood in the middle, said:
- Play, darling.

The pipe began to play, and at the same moment all the leaves in the clearing stirred, began to turn, as if the wind had blown on them.

First, the youngest curious berries, still quite green, looked out from under the leaves. Behind them, the heads of older berries were stuck out - one cheek is pink, the other is white. Then the berries came out quite ripe - large and red. And finally, old berries appeared from the very bottom, almost black, wet, fragrant, covered with yellow seeds.

And soon the whole clearing around Zhenya was strewn with berries, which shone brightly in the sun and reached for the pipe.

Play, darling, play! Zhenya screamed. - Play faster!

The pipe began to play faster, and even more berries poured out - so many that under them the leaves were not visible at all.

But Zhenya did not let up:
- Play, pipe, play! Play even faster.

Strawberries ripened in the forest.

Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer.

They came to the forest and began to pick berries: whoever picks them up first. Zhenya's mother chose a better clearing and says:

Here's a great place for you, daughter. There are a lot of strawberries here. Go collect.

Zhenya wiped the jug with burdock and began to walk around.

She walked and walked, looked and looked, found nothing and returned with an empty jug.

He sees - everyone has strawberries. Dad has a quarter cup. Mom has half a cup. And little Pavlik has two berries on a silver platter.

Mom, why do you all have, but I have nothing? You probably chose the worst clearing for me.

Did you search well?

Good. There are no berries, only leaves.

Have you looked under the leaves?

Didn't look.

Here you see! We must look.

Why doesn't Pavlik look in?

The peacock is small. He himself is as tall as strawberries, he doesn’t even need to look in, and you are already a pretty tall girl.

And dad says:

Berries are tricky. They are always hiding from people. You need to be able to get them. Watch how I do.

Then dad sat down, bent down to the very ground, looked under the leaves and began to look for berry after berry, saying:

Okay, Zhenya said. - Thank you, daddy. I will do so.

Zhenya went to her clearing, squatted down, bent down to the very ground and looked under the leaves. And under the leaves of the berries, apparently invisible. Eyes run wide. Zhenya began to pick berries and throw them into a jug. Vomiting and saying:

I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

However, Zhenya soon got tired of squatting.

"I've had enough," he thinks. "I've probably gained a lot anyway."

Zhenya got to her feet and looked into the jug. And there are only four berries.

Quite a few! Again, you need to squat down. Nothing to do about.

Zhenya sat down again on her haunches, began to pick berries, saying:

I take one berry, I look at another, I notice the third, and the fourth seems to me.

Zhenya looked into the jug, and there were only eight berries - even the bottom had not yet been closed.

“Well,” he thinks, “I don’t like collecting like that at all. Bend over and bend down all the time. Until you pick up a full jug, you can get tired. I’d better go look for another clearing for myself.”

Zhenya went through the forest to look for such a clearing, where strawberries do not hide under the leaves, but climb into their eyes and ask for a jug.

I walked and walked, I didn’t find such a clearing, I got tired and sat down on a stump to rest. He sits, from nothing to do, takes out berries from a jug and puts it in his mouth. She ate all eight berries, looked into an empty jug and thought: "What should I do now? If only someone would help me!"

As soon as she thought this, the moss stirred, the ant parted, and a small, strong old man crawled out from under the stump: a white coat, a gray beard, a velvet hat and a dry blade of grass across the hat.

Hello girl, she says.

Hello, uncle.

I'm not an uncle, but a grandfather. Al didn't know? I am an old boletus, a native forester, the head of all mushrooms and berries. What are you sighing about? Who hurt you?

Offended me, grandfather, berries.

Don't know. They are meek. How did they hurt you?

They don’t want to be seen, they hide under the leaves. You can't see anything from above. Bend over bend over. Until you pick up a full jug, what good, and you can get tired.

The old boletus, the indigenous forester, stroked his gray beard, grinned into his mustache and said:

Sheer rubbish! I have a special pipe for this. As soon as she starts to play, so now all the berries from under the leaves will appear.

An old boletus, a native forester, took out a pipe from his pocket and said:

Play, motherfucker.

The pipe began to play by itself, and as soon as it began to play, berries peeked out from under the leaves from everywhere.

Stop it, motherfucker.

The pipe stopped, and the berries hid.

Zhenya was delighted:

Grandpa, Grandpa, give me this pipe!

I can't donate. And let's change: I'll give you a pipe, and you give me a jug - I really liked it.

Good. With great pleasure.

Zhenya gave the jug to the old boletus, the indigenous forester, took the pipe from him and quickly ran to her clearing. She ran, stood in the middle, said:

Play, motherfucker.

The pipe began to play, and at the same moment all the leaves in the clearing stirred, began to turn, as if the wind had blown on them.

First, the youngest curious berries, still quite green, looked out from under the leaves. Behind them, the heads of older berries were stuck out - one cheek is pink, the other is white. Then the berries came out quite ripe - large and red. And finally, old berries appeared from the very bottom, almost black, wet, fragrant, covered with yellow seeds.

And soon the whole clearing around Zhenya was strewn with berries, which shone brightly in the sun and reached for the pipe.

Play, darling, play! Zhenya screamed. - Play faster!

The pipe began to play faster, and even more berries poured out - so many that under them the leaves were not visible at all.

But Zhenya did not let up:

Play, darling, play! Play even faster.

The pipe began to play even faster, and the whole forest was filled with such a pleasant, quick ringing, as if it were not a forest, but a music box.

The bees stopped pushing the butterfly off the flower; the butterfly flapped its wings like a book, the robin chicks looked out from their light nest, which swayed in the elderberry branches, and opened their yellow mouths in admiration, the mushrooms rose on tiptoe so as not to miss a single sound, and even the old pop-eyed dragonfly, known for its grumpy character , stopped in the air, admiring the wonderful music to the depths of her soul.

"Now I'll start collecting!" - Zhenya thought, and was already stretching out her hand to the largest and reddest berry, when she suddenly remembered that she had exchanged a jug for a pipe and now she had nowhere to put the strawberries.

Ooh, stupid bastard! the girl shouted angrily. - I have nowhere to put the berries, and you played out. Shut up now!