The pros and cons of home education. How to study if you please: the pros and cons of home education. How to switch to family education

I am sure that I was lucky in life - I studied in a Soviet school. The last few years, schools, however, were already in another state, but at that time the education system had not yet undergone major changes. In my time, secondary school education was compulsory for everyone, and there was no trace of home schooling.

Starting from the fifth grade, we passed the passing exams, learned tickets, someone wrote cheat sheets, but it was great whoever was there that did not talk about the Soviet period. Please note that we took real normal exams, not tests designed for mentally retarded children. I speak so harshly because I think so.

In the 11th grade, when we were about to take the final exams, we were told that four exams would be held in the form of tests: algebra, geometry, Russian language and literature, history. And two with tickets - physics and English. So, not a single person in the class prepared for the four exams for which there were tests! And they all passed! Even those who studied poorly, passed the tests at 4 (on a five-point system). So that's it.

Soviet education was recognized as the best in the whole world, but no, it was necessary to adopt the American testing system. Where the exam will not pass only a complete idiot. Because if you read and taught at least something at school, then according to the proposed answer options, you simply have to pass such an exam.

In addition to a good baggage of knowledge, we left school into adulthood with normal ideas about discipline, subordination and with the ability to socialize in society .

But in 1992, the law introduced such a concept as "education at home" or "family education" (homeschooling). And the parents were faced with a choice: should they send their child to a mass school or leave them to receive an education at home?

There has been a lot of talk and controversy about home education since that very 1992. Both parents and teachers did not come to a common opinion on this issue. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of such education. But first, a few words about what forms of home schooling exist.

Homeschooling forms

Anscouling - an absolute refusal to attend school and the school curriculum in general. Supporters of unschooling are sure that they can quite independently determine how, how much and what to teach their child. We are confident that no one needs a generally accepted secondary education, as well as state testing and other exams. The saddest consequence of unschooling is that by the age of 16, a child will no longer be able to catch up and learn the necessary minimum of knowledge required to enter a university, which means that he will not be able to acquire any profession. To my great joy, unschooling is strictly prohibited in Russia.

Home schooling - personal lessons with school teachers at home, writing tests, passing exams, etc. It is drawn up if the child cannot attend school on his own, the basis is the doctor's conclusion about the presence of medical contraindications.

Partial homeschooling - Attending school for several lessons per day or per week. Part of inclusive education for children with special needs. It can also be issued only upon the conclusion of medical professionals.

Externship - autonomous learning at home with exams and tests, without going to school. Can be obtained from the school administration, only by agreement with the administration of the educational institution. I must say that not many schools agree to this.

Remote education - training via the Internet, communicating with teachers via Skype or on the forum, doing homework, tests and exams online. It is also agreed and drawn up with the administration of the educational institution.

Pros of homeschooling

Homeschooling, like any other activity, has its pros and cons. Let's start with the pros.

Pros were mentioned by parents who advocate home schooling, so:

  • The child is engaged when he wants and as it is convenient for him.
  • There is no pressure from peers, high school students and teachers.
  • There is no need to comply with unnecessary (???) school rules.
  • Monitoring the development of moral and ethical standards in a child.
  • The child can live according to the natural biological clock.
  • Choice in the study of special subjects: art, foreign languages(what you want, but not what are provided at school), architecture, etc. from childhood.
  • Homeschooling significantly reduces the risk of school grasses, posture and vision problems.
  • An individual approach to learning helps to nurture a personality.
  • Maintaining close contact between the child and the parents, the influence of others is excluded.
  • The ability to master school curriculum in less than 10 years.
  • Lack of compulsory vaccinations.

Most of the benefits are controversial. For example, about reducing the risk of problems with posture and vision. You might think that at home a child cannot spoil them. Or as for someone else's influence. Children now spend so much time on social networks that it is even easier to fall under someone else's influence than at school.

Who said school rules are unnecessary? What's wrong with keeping them? I personally don't understand. Will your child's legs fall off if he gets up when the teacher walks in? Or will the child be negatively affected by participation in the New Year's party? It seems to me that these pluses are complete nonsense. As for vaccinations, this is a separate topic altogether, but I will still give it a few words.

I am a supporter of a different point of view and I am sure that vaccinations are important and necessary. Arguing. Those who believe that vaccinations are unnecessary argue that they harm the health of the child, and that mandatory vaccination generally violates his rights. An acquaintance of mine who opposes vaccinations said: “Where have you seen smallpox or rubella? I don’t vaccinate my child and everything is fine ”. Partly yes, so far everything is fine. Now let's look at the situation from the other side - from the scientific point of view.

When there are a lot of such "literate" mothers, the epidemiological situation will begin to change and "defeated" diseases, such as smallpox or rubella, will return again. Only vaccination of the population of more than 70% will be able to guarantee the health of the bulk of people, and especially children ... But these mothers do not know about it, or rather do not want to know, it is easier for them to refuse and "save" their child from harmful vaccinations, and let someone else think about the consequences.

According to the conclusion of the experts of the World Health Organization , the bulk of the arguments of those who refuse to vaccinate their children are not scientifically confirmed and are characterized as a "dangerous and alarming delusion."

Therefore, I think it is extremely wrong to talk about the absence of vaccinations as one of the advantages of home schooling.

Cons of homeschooling

I must say, there are a lot of disadvantages and, in my opinion, they are significant, judge for yourself:

  • The child does not get the experience of socialization and interaction with the team.
  • Requires constant monitoring by parents of the learning process.
  • Lack of discipline and the need to work in a certain period of time "from call to call".
  • Lack of experience of conflicts and getting out of them with peers and high school students.
  • Parents cannot always correctly teach exact subjects, systems thinking.
  • Overprotection of parents will eventually lead to infantilism or selfishness of the child.
  • The child will get used to the image "not like everyone else", it will be much more difficult for him in adulthood.
  • Everyday inexperience and lack of communication at school will affect the beginning of an independent life.
  • The imposition of unconventional views and life values ​​by parents limits the development of the child.
  • Difficulties when entering a university and when studying in it.

It seems to me that the issue of home schooling should be raised if the child is really unable to attend school for health reasons. Or if the family often moves from city to city (I don't know for what reason), in the latter case, distance education will, of course, be optimal. Or the family lives in a small village, and it is too far to a decent school and there is no way to take a child there every day.

Personal lessons or partial school attendance are necessary for a seriously ill child , with some developmental features (autism, ADHD) or disabilities, an adopted child with severe pedagogical neglect.

Temporary home schooling (for one academic year) - for the period of recovery and rehabilitation after severe injuries, serious illnesses, etc. In some cases, it makes sense to transfer a gifted child with autistic personality traits to external studies. Individual teaching is definitely not suitable for a sociable and active child, as well as a lazy and incapable of self-discipline.

The need for home schooling should be determined by several factors - the lifestyle of the parents and the characteristics of the development (health) of the child. If, for example, a family lives in the city, and mom and dad go to work every day, then what is the point of transferring the child to this form of education? Hiring teachers in all subjects is the question: why then should mom work if all the money will go to pay for such services? For an independent form of education, you still need someone adult who will spend several hours with the child, study with him, monitor the progress of independent tasks. I doubt that parents who have worked all day in the office will be able to do this.

Homeschooling, in my opinion, can be transferred to a child who has serious hopes in sports. , for example. That is, the child will go in for sports and at the same time receive secondary education, spend more time training and preparing for competitions. It is great if a mother does not work in such a family and can spend her time on the development of her child to the fullest.


I am convinced that homeschooling is not suitable for all children and parents. Repeatedly visited the forums and read the arguments of the supporters of such an education. What these adult moms and dads write, I personally do not fit in my head. Here are some particularly striking examples: “I want to save my son from the school system that grinds personality”, “As I recall school trips, it immediately becomes bad. Who needs it at all? "," Who needs these multiplication tables and Mendeleev's tables, are they useful in life? " I read it, and I wanted to cry. What can these parents teach their child at home? I am sincerely sorry for the children of these parents.

She also remembered the words from the biography of Lomonosov: “Driven by the desire for knowledge, he comes to Moscow on foot (1731), where he enters the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. Thanks to perseverance, he manages to complete the entire 12-year course of study in 5 years. " There is only one thought in my head: "It is good that Lomonosov did not have such parents as participants in forums for home schooling."

To make an informed decision on the transition to a new form of education, you need to think carefully about everything, weighing pros and cons of homeschooling.

What can homeschooling give you and your child?

1. An individualized program is one-to-one, not standardized training. At home, you can independently build both an educational program and a curriculum, based on the interests, character traits and academic performance of your child. You can delve deeper into one topic and intensively study another. No one else will tell you when and what topic to study, what tasks to do and what textbooks to study. Learning will be an exciting process full of amazing discoveries and surprises. Of course, do not forget about the certification deadlines in order to prepare for this time.

2. Higher results in comparison with the traditional form of education. Proven fact - homeschooled children learn better than their peers in school and get better results.

3. The opportunity to devote study time only to study. No one doubts that great amount school time is not just wasted ineffectively, but simply wasted. And if you add to this class and school activities, travel time, it turns out that home schooling can be built much more efficiently than school.

4. Using the latest technologies and approaches. Homeschooling is the fastest growing alternative form of education. Insofar as family education are chosen by parents who are truly interested in the education of their child, then the proposed programs, materials and methods - the highest standard... Modern technology can make learning more flexible and diversified. Children now master the latest technologies often faster than their parents, so new forms of education are perceived well.

5. Less time is spent on classes than at school. This is a plus that almost all homeschooled children note. And the reason is not at all that family students go through some kind of "reduced" program or do not take their studies seriously. Quite the opposite. It is a responsible approach to classes that allows you to go through much more during school time than in a traditional school. As a result, children learn topics faster than their schoolmates.

6. More creativity, less boredom. Who said that learning is what happens within the walls of a school, at a desk, with a textbook in hand and a teacher at the blackboard? And let the majority learn that way. What prevents you from going to a park to study botany or visiting a planetarium when you are passing a star system? You are not limited by the school framework, and for you the whole world is an educational space. The ability to gain knowledge not from textbooks, but from primary sources not only increases efficiency, but also develops a "passion" for the subject.

7. Learning is more than that. At school, everything is measured by grades in the diary and points for the OGE and USE. At home, children learn to build their own portfolio, which shows real knowledge and skills. And demonstrable results are becoming more and more important both for universities and subsequently for employers.

8. You set the goals and objectives yourself. In school, children learn what someone who does not know your child or their needs has articulated. At home teaching you choose what, how and when you study.

9. Pointless tests, assignments and reports will be a thing of the past. How can schoolchildren have a desire to learn if they are forced to do the same type of tasks and meaningless tests?

10. Flexibility and convenience. You no longer need to drive and then pick up your child from school at a certain time. And vacation can be planned for any time, not just for the "hot season" of summer vacations.

However, certain difficulties may arise:

1. A responsibility. When you switch to home schooling, you will be fully responsible for the education of your children. If something goes wrong, you can no longer blame bad teachers or an ossified system. Although the parents of children in traditional schools are also responsible for the education of their children, but, firstly, they share it with the school, and secondly, they have many times less opportunities to influence the result.

2. Time. Except for the rare evening or weekend when the children are with their grandparents, they will be with you: every day, all day. But this is one of the advantages of a family education. You will finally have time to build close relationships with children, to really get closer and get to know each other.

3. Freedom. Now you can send your children to school and go about your business. On the other hand, homeschooling can help you better manage your time and become more creative. You can use the accompaniment of home education, contact the specialists who will offer the training program that is optimal for your child, and you can work remotely and find time for yourself.

4. Qualification. Many parents are not sure that they have enough knowledge, skills and patience to teach their children. But you can learn everything. Homeschooling has taught so many parents to stay calm when their kids are noisy, to be flexible when they are tired, to become wizards when they are bored. There are no ideal parents, as there are no ideal teachers, but we all develop and learn from our own experience.

5. Lack of knowledge. Are you afraid that your children will have gaps in their knowledge, that in the end they will not know something? That they will ask you questions to which you do not know the answer? You cannot know everything, and you don't need to. The main thing is to give children the tools to find the necessary information and teach them how to work with it. Plus, it's so interesting to look for answers and learn with your kids!

6. Restrictions at home. Most likely, your home does not have a playground, pool or music class, but life is not just limited to your home. You can choose those playgrounds and clubs that best meet the needs of your children.

7. Independence. A sharp push towards independent life at school makes children rely on each other, and after all, your child's peers also have little life experience. As a result, "the blind leads the blind." Family learning provides parents with the opportunity to serve as an authority and influence over their children for longer, giving them as much freedom and independence as they can bear.

8. Criticism. Most likely, some of your friends and relatives will not support your decision. Well, it's impossible to please everyone. Just remember that schooling is far from ideal and is being criticized even more. But most are accustomed to walking on the beaten track and do not try to look for better ways.

9. Lack of socialization. Some believe that homeschooled children spend the whole day within four walls and, as a result, do not know how to communicate with their peers. Of course, when switching to family education, all responsibility for the socialization of the child falls on your shoulders. But there are a huge number of places where your child can communicate with peers and not feel isolated from society. Circles and sections, development centers and houses of creativity - you will have a much wider choice than parents who prefer traditional teaching, because you will have much more opportunities to build your child's class schedule yourself. In addition, school experience is not always positive, and homeschooling will allow you to protect your child from negative influences and give him the opportunity to develop fully.

10. Transition to full-time training. It may turn out that from family education you will need to transfer your child back to traditional education. This process is difficult, but it will be easier if the child has the skills independent work... In addition, these skills will help him to achieve higher results in face-to-face training in comparison with peers.

As with any question, the pros and cons are relative. Even if difficulties arise, overcoming them can become a plus in the future, because upon admission to a university, the child will develop all the skills for successful learning. self-education, career development.

Komarova Victoria. Nizhnevartovsk State University for the Humanities, Nizhnevartovsk, Tyumen region, Russia
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Home schooling

Most people can say that home schooling is not the best way of studying. They cousider that home education has negative influence on the development of pupils. But other people think it has a lot of positive features. They consider that all children should receive education at home. Undoubtedly, this suggestion has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are many positive aspects to home schooling. Firstly, it is beneficial for pupils who suffer from "schooling phobia". As a result, they play truant and do not have an opportunity to communicate with other children. Secondly, home education suits gifted pupils, who are bored by everyday lessons. That is why, children have possibility to choose an individual curriculum. Finally, they have flexible schedule and they can study at home at own pace. And children can study everything more quickly and more effective.

On the other hand, there are people who are against home schooling, because pupils can have difficulties to study without a direct help of a qualified teather. For this reason, not all students can get education at home. Also, they lack the opportunity to communicate with other children. As a result, students can have any social problem. What is more, it is expensive, it needs a lot of money to hire a teacher. Consequently, only some parents can afford to pay for such education.

To summarize, although there are many advantages to home schooling, but certainly there are more essential disadvantages to it. I consider that all children should receive education in ordinary school. Because pupils will have a lot of friends. They will not have any social problems. Also students will feel nice in society. And I can say that home education is not the best way of studies.

Many people might say that homeschooling is not the best way to study. They believe that homeschooling has a negative impact on student development. But other people think that this kind of training has many positive characteristics. They believe that all children should be homeschooled. Undoubtedly, there are opinions both for and against.

On the one hand, there are many positive aspects to homeschooling. Firstly, it is useful for students who suffer from "school phobia". As a result, they do not go to school and are unable to communicate with other children. Second, homeschooling is suitable for gifted children who are bored with their everyday lessons. Therefore, children have a choice of individualized education. After all, they have flexible schedules and can homeschool at their own pace. And kids can learn more quickly and efficiently.

On the other hand, there are people who are against home schooling because it is difficult for students to learn without the direct help of a qualified teacher. For this reason, not all students can be educated at home. They also have a lack of communication with peers. As a result, students may have communication problems, and moreover, this method of teaching is expensive and requires a lot of money to hire a teacher. Consequently, only a few parents can pay for such tuition.

As a result, while there are many positives about homeschooling, there are also significant disadvantages. I believe that all children should be educated in a regular school. Because there the children will have many new friends. They won't have social problems. Also, children will feel natural in society. I can argue that homeschooling is not the best way to educate.

The fact is that the first half of the year my daughter went to school, and since the new year we have transferred her to home schooling and now I have the opportunity to compare these two approaches in full.

Of course, these are conclusions and observations that concern us and only us. In another family, the situation may be very different for another child. Therefore, in this case, this is only a description of our experience.

I have not studied the issue of home schooling, have not prepared for this, have not studied the opinions and experiences of other mothers, because we did not plan such a turn of events and were not going to transfer our daughter to preschool education. The decision had to be made quickly, there was practically no time to think, therefore - right off the bat ... Absolutely not ready internally, with many fears, with a lack of understanding how all this will be ... Deep breath, exhale, “everything is for the better” and - we dive ...

School. Advantages and disadvantages.

Daily regime.

When my daughter went to school, our day looked something like this. Wake up at 6.30 to leave the house at 7.30 and be at school by 8. It was very difficult for my daughter. From 8 to 13.00 she is at school, at 13.30 we come home. we have lunch. I put my daughter to sleep for an hour to rest (14.30-15.30). While we got up, played, did their homework - 19.00. Dinner, evening procedures, bedtime story, sleep. This confused me the most. The feeling was that neither she nor I had time to live ...

I had no idea how, in such a tight schedule, other mothers managed to take their children to some circles and sections - after all, you have to go right after school! And the children walked somehow. I decided not to touch or overload my daughter in the first grade - let her adapt at school, and in the second grade, if there is a desire, I will take her to some sections.

Of the minuses, I want to note the following points:

1. What happens to a child at school is beyond the control of parents (this is both to the issue of communication with teachers and to the issue of communication with peers).

2. The most important issues of child development - whatever one may say - still remain in the competence of the parents. And actually there is no time to do this because of the busy schedule.

3. It is difficult for a teacher to track the success of each child, help everyone, devote time and attention (we have 36 children in our class ...). And it is not always easy for parents to help, because even in the first grade, special knowledge is needed, for example, about calligraphy, about the correct combination of letters, tilt, etc.

Everything pluses of the school I will not list, I will single out only those that seem important to me.

1. In a group, the child works in a completely different way than at home. He looks at his classmates, sees what they are doing, and does the same, he does not need to be additionally motivated, explained why it is necessary to do this.

2. In the classroom, the child compares how the same work can be done (for example, how differently you can sculpt, draw, write) - this is a rich material for analysis.

3. In the classroom, the children reach out for each other, trying to do better, so that his work would be hung on the stand, so that his work would be praised (by the way, for those who are lagging behind in the class, this is rather a minus).

Friendship and communication in our case is a controversial moment. My daughter communicated well with the children, found a common language with everyone, but I did not notice any special attachment to the team or friends, as well as some positive influence on the daughter of this factor. In our case, this is a neutral factor.

Children's parties didn't inspire her much either. She treated them cool enough and rarely experienced enthusiasm, even looking forward to the New Year.

We had a reason to transfer our daughter to preschool education, and it concerned her health. I was very worried. The decision was not easy (although we had no other choice). Nevertheless…

Pros and cons of homeschooling. Our experience.

To begin with, what does DO look like from an organizational point of view. A teacher came to us 2 times a week for an hour and a half. Now that it's warm, we ourselves come to school after school. During these one and a half hours, the teacher gives the main material (for the most part, this is a short educational program for the mother, who will then convey all this to the child), gives the DZ, checks their implementation, corrects and guides.

It was very difficult in the beginning. It was necessary to rebuild the daily routine. My daughter began, as they say, to take a nap in the morning, like a marmot (apparently, she slept for every day of an early rise). Sometimes I found it difficult to wake her up even at 9 am.

My day, which had already taken shape quite pleasant for me, became like chaos. The whole school load fell on me. If in the 5th grade a child at home can sit down and independently master new material (or with minimal help from an adult), then you need to sit with the first grader. You need to monitor every combination of letters in the copy, correct, prompt, you need to explain mathematics (and it's not even about the complexity of the material, but about the ability to convey it to the child in a language that he understands). You need to somehow motivate him to study, explain, persuade. This is no longer the preschool period, where you can focus on the child's desire and. There is a program here, there are homework assignments for the week - from now until now, there is an obligation.

Another difficult moment for me: the child used to study the main material at school, but at home with his mother he only did homework. And now at home you have to master what you need to go through at school, plus DZ. This is quite a lot in volume. Mom, who used to play so much with the child, has now become, excuse me, a teacher (such was the feeling inside me). Not only I was emotionally tired of this, but my daughter too.

In general, the first two months of home schooling, we tried to get used to new roles, agree with each other, somehow put in order the daily routine, classes, our feelings and sensations ...

This is one of the disadvantages of home schooling - and this is what concerns specifically the first grade and specifically us (taking into account all the characteristics of my daughter, and also taking into account my unwillingness and, frankly, unwillingness to do home schooling). In older grades, things are probably much simpler.

Of course, children are all different. For some, DO is easy, for some it is difficult, for some it is better at school. As always, you need to feel the situation.

And now the pros of homeschooling.

Immediately after switching to DO, I invited my daughter to try theater studio... I saw artistry and theatrical inclinations in my daughter for a long time, but there was no time to go to additional classes. Now the question arose of organizing additional communication and I immediately realized that theater is a good option.

The theater immediately captured her entirely! This is a wonderful experience, I see an extraordinary artistry in her and I am glad that these inclinations are revealed. She very easily joined the team and literally in the first lesson showed a small sketch, demonstrating what the children had been taught in the studio for six months (much to the surprise and admiration of the teachers).

After 2 months of home schooling, having slept off, taking a break from the school routine, adapting to the schedule and learning to master the school curriculum with "least losses", my daughter began to look around and look for new inspiration.

« Mom, I want to play the violin”, - it shocked me a little. It's at home, I play it, but my daughter did not show much interest in it and did not want to study, despite my attempts to captivate her with this occupation. Although sometimes she sat down at the instrument and gave incredible beauty impromptu, as if she felt the piano and talked to it.

And suddenly - a violin ... Where does such a desire come from? I remembered that when she was little and we could not put her to bed, she always

After talking with my daughter and finding out how serious her desire is, I realized that I needed to go to the music school. And so, at the end of the school year, we signed up for the violin. And again, delight, pleasure, inspiration! She mastered the musical notation, which the children mastered for six months, in 3 lessons (with my help, of course, but a fact). On the 4th, he is already learning the first piece. She gets a little upset that everything is slowly happening and she still does not play like Vanessa May.

Here is a vivid example of how children can master something that they have a heart for. But how to make a child write recipes with the same inspiration and do other DZ - I do not know yet. Although the prescriptions and everything that is given at school, I think it is important and necessary. All the magic of knowledge is killed by the obligation.

Also my daughter got carried away singing, we began to learn folk melodic songs, to study the culture of our people, to sew ethnic things, to make wreaths. It's just that there was time for creativity.

My daughter asked for more singing and in the month of May we were allowed to join chorus.

In general, my daughter loves sport and asked for more gymnastics or acrobatics, but the time is inconvenient and this does not fit into our schedule. So, for now, we are content with acrobatic sketches at our sports complex at home.

But! We have begun jog in the mornings and this is also my daughter's initiative. Easy rise at 7 in the morning (and earlier at 9 in the morning it cannot be raised), at 7.30 for a run. This activity perfectly charges, it's nice to run with your daughters in the morning! She is the smallest at the stadium))

When we first entered the stadium, I thought that she would run a circle and be blown away. But no. That time I ran 9 laps, she - 11 and a half… (lap 200 meters).

Now we have time to walk normally on the street at a convenient time, to enjoy nature. We now have time for creativity.

And I also really like that you can master the school curriculum on the street, in the fresh air, and changes take place in the courtyard of our house.

All life is filled with amazing things now... My daughter is looking for, shows initiative (which was not the case when we went to school - there was simply no time or energy for this). And if before I was scared by BEFORE, now I am glad that everything turned out this way. I see more pluses than minuses in this.

Every time, thinking about whether all this would be possible if my daughter went to school, I definitely understand that not.

Today I asked her how she wanted more - the way it was for the first six months when she went to school, or the way it is now - after all, you need to decide for the next year. My daughter firmly said that she likes it better at DO and next year she wants it the same way.

Another of the advantages of DOs is that they work with the child individually and work out all of his weak points. Twice a week for an hour and a half is enough for us to successfully master the school curriculum.

There are many myths about home schooling, I myself used to worry about a lot in this matter. Now I look at DOs with optimism. Although I understand that for the successful organization of the learning process at home, you need to take into account a lot of different factors ...

I wonder if there are those among the readers who have children in preschool too. Respond)) Share your impressions in the comments! The experience of other mothers is interesting.

Let's take a closer look at home education, the pros and cons of this phenomenon. As a rule, the transition to home education will require a search for a school in which this form of education exists. You will need to enroll your child in such a school. The teachers of this school will be able to help you with both textbooks and teaching materials. It is in this school that your child will pass certification for transferring him to the next grade, as well as pass all the required exams.

Of course, like any system, this one has its pros and cons.


Of course, homeschooling focuses only on your child. He becomes, as it were, the only student in the class. And this cannot but lead to a good result, because you can carefully monitor the child's preparation in any subject, you can immediately notice gaps in knowledge, you can explain incomprehensible material as much as necessary.

In addition, parents are usually the people who know the child best. It will be much easier for them to make the learning process effective. Moreover, it is they who are interested in this.

If you are a sufficiently educated person, your own knowledge will be enough for you at the initial level of education. In the future, you can not only teach the child yourself, but also invite the necessary teachers.

You will be able to guide and develop your child in exactly the direction that you think is most suitable for him. You will not need to focus only on the school curriculum - you can always include in the curriculum those subjects that you consider necessary.

When teaching at home, a child does not have to be forced to comply with certain general, binding rules for all, if they are painful and unacceptable for him (of course, this is only about the rules for organizing the learning process; rules of behavior or moral and ethical standards are a topic for another conversation ).

You can easily monitor your child's workload and condition. The educational process will be organized so that there is no negative impact on the health of your child. Homeschooled children have more opportunities for a normal rest. Your child will not have to wake up painfully or adjust to the standard school schedule.

The child will be able to develop his creative abilities to the maximum, because no one will require him to choose template solutions and standard options. And he, for example, will not have to interrupt his creative activities just because the bell has rung for everyone. And if he is trying to realize some of his creative impulses, ideas or intentions, he will have enough time for this.

Your child will be protected from the need to enter into conflicts with peers while studying. His habits and characteristics will not be a reason for ridicule and pressure from other children.

Homeschooling will further bond your family. Joint activities, common interests - this will help to avoid (or significantly smooth out) conflicts with parents that arise when the child grows up.


Teaching your child at home will take a lot of effort and time on your part. After all, you will not only have to deal with the training itself as such, you will have to find material for classes, work it out, think over additional classes and activities. As a rule, home schooling requires a parent to be fully loaded with this process, without the possibility of being distracted by something else.

It is impossible to be truly competent in all areas and in all subjects that your child needs to study. It may turn out that the child cannot pass the certification (or pass the exams) because you did not have enough knowledge for quality teaching.

In addition, even if you do have all the knowledge a child needs, you may not be a good enough teacher. If a problem arises - for example, difficulty understanding a topic - special skills and techniques may be needed on how to convey the right information to the child or convey the right experience.

Many people think that studying at home is cheaper than schooling. This is not entirely true. Of course, you will be spared many of the expenses that will be required when teaching your child at school. But, if you want to give your son or daughter quality knowledge, you will need a lot of teaching materials. And their cost can be an amount comparable to expensive training in European countries.

One of the very serious moments is communication. A child needs not just any kind of communication, he must learn to interact with peers. Building social skills is an equally important part of the learning process. Will a child be able to make real friends for himself if his social circle is limited? Can you somehow compensate for the absence of children near your child, the lack of joint children's activities, games, holidays, conversations, etc.? However, you can not be too afraid of this if your own circle of contacts is large and includes families with children of a suitable age. Also, as an option, you can send your child to childcare facilities of a "non-school" nature - for example, various circles and sections, children's camps (summer health-improving, sports), language schools, etc.