Herat operations. Shindand, Afghanistan: military operations, photo Memoirs of Army General V.I. Varennikov

24tp. NEWS


Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment. WHO IF NOT US." Forum 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division. If you value your time, but want to keep abreast of Events and News on the regiment's website, you can subscribe to the news feed, which will give you the opportunity to receive the latest news and news from the site in a timely manner shelf. To do this, you need to click on the sign. And confirm your desire to receive the site's newsletter. Lord Jesus Christ, our God! Central News Agency of Novorossiya. In memory of this...


Novomoskovsk branch of the Tula regional All-Russian public organization. Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans. Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans. All-Russian public organization of disabled war veterans in Afghanistan. Folk ensemble of patriotic songs "Salang" Belarus. Pogranets - border guards forum. Afghanistan.RU - All about Afghanistan. Voiska.ru - Russian Armed Forces. Website about the Airborne Forces and Special Forces of Ukraine. Airborne Forces Ensemble "Blue Berets". 345th Guards OPDP. 12th Guards motorized rifle regiment.



LIST OF SOVIET MILITARY UNITS IN AFGHANISTAN (1979-1989). Author: Beshkarev Alexander Ivanovich ( [email protected]. By the twentieth anniversary of the withdrawal, I want to find all the military units that took part in the Afghan events of 1979-1989. I will be glad if someone finds the information from the List useful. For a partial or complete reprint, remember the old courier and make a link to http:/ artofwar.ru/b/beshkarew a i/perechenx.shtml. But they can also occur simply in military units. THE LIST IS NOT AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT.

24òï. The Republic of Lithuania


About the Solovyov and the Bolsheviks K. KÒÎ, ÅÑËÈ ÍÅ ÌÌ". Res 5 chapters. Form 5 chapters. volume. August 1979 Let's talk about the situation in the world. , mìæåòò i vâïðàâäó îåùàë Í.Ñ.Õðóùåâ ê 80-mìão êàæäîìó îòåëüíóþ êâ in other words, in other words, about the world of the world in the world of the world 8 q.m. ..


Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment. WHO IF NOT US." Forum 5th Guards MSD. Bull; 11/2/16 - November 4 - Autumn Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Bull; 10/19/16 - October 20 - MILITARY SIGNALMAN DAY. Bull; 10/14/16 - October 15 1986. Withdrawal of the 24th Guards Troop. Bull; 10.11.16 - Prokhorovka-2016. Video of a meeting of fellow soldiers. Bull; 09.25.16 - Marshal Yazov about the monstrous lies and truth about Stalin. Bull; 09.21.16 - First battlefield Russia. Kulikovo. Bull; 08/28/16 - Congratulations from the division commander. The ranks are thinning...

24tp. Contacts


Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment. WHO IF NOT US." Forum 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division. How to call (dialing rules). Using the example of a call to Ukraine from Russia (mobile / landline): 380-(mobile operator code)-(subscriber number); 8-beep-10-380-(mobile operator code)-(subscriber number); 8-beep-10-380-(city code)-(telephone number);*. International dialing code (8-beep -10) may differ for some telecom operators: Azerbaijan - 994; Armenia - 374; Belarus - 375; Georgia - 995;

1. Officers

Karabanov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, lieutenant colonel, regiment commander 1985-1986
Lapshin Alexander Nikolaevich, pp-k, CP (1986-1987).
Vlasenko K____ ____, pp-k, KP (1987-1988).
Denisov, p/p-k, KP (1988-1989), nsh (1987-1988).
Avdyushev V.A., sub, battalion commander
Avramenko, l-t, apt. pp

Avramenko Oleg ___, senior l-t, com. earned worker, 1985-1987
Akmatov Shamsudin Dzhapargazievich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kgv, kmsv (1987-1988), TVOKU-86.

Altukhov Nikolay Ivanovich, senior l-t, com. zrv arrow, 1986-1988

Antishin p/p-k
Barabanov Georgy Nikolaevich, Mr., NSh regiment (1985-1986).
Bass Anatoly Vasilievich, senior l-nt, sob gsabatr (1986-1988), KhVAKU-82.

Bakshanov Sergey Nikolaevich, 03.1987 – 11.1987 – operational duty officer of the Central Bureau of Investigation 12 MSP, captain.
Belonogov Mikhail Anatolyevich, lieutenant, doctor, 1985-1987
Blokhin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, lieutenant, platoon commander
Burkov Viktor Nikolaevich, mr, nbts (1988-1988), OVVTU-73.
Vanyukov Gennady Fedorovich, pp-k, kgsadn (1988-1988)??, KVAKU-72.
Veselov Anatoly Vladimirovich, l-nt, kmsv (1985-1987), A-AVOKU-85.
Galaguz Sergey Aleksandrovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, senior commander of the ZSU (1986-04.1988, transferred to the territory of the USSR as part of a unit), PVZRKU-86.
Garshin Vladimir Stepanovich, major, nsh.regiment, 1986-1987

Gerasimov ___ ___, candidate, deputy committee of the ZDN for political affairs, 1987-1988
Gorbunov Mikhail Valerievich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kmsv, krv rr (1986-1988), MVOKU-85.
Gorlov Yuri Viktorovich
Gruzdnev Viktor Vyacheslavovich, senior l-nt, candidate, com-r isr, from 03.85 to 11.85, TVVIKU-79.

Gulevich ___ ___, lt, head. ORNR 1986-1988
Dobrovolsky Evgeniy Borisovich, captain, cbat

Dobrovolsky Sergey Valerievich, captain, battalion officer, from February 1985 to October 1987
Dubenetsky Yuri Vasilievich, senior l-nt, kminv (1987-1988), KhVAKU-85.

Egorov Sergey Vasilievich, captain, head of the club (1985-1987)
Eremenko Grigory Anatolyevich, candidate, kmsr, PNsh regiment (1986-1988), OVOCU-79.
Zhirov Gennady Vasilievich, senior l-nt, candidate of science, ktr (1985-1986), TVTKU-78.
Zhmaev Dmitry Anatolyevich, l-nt, senior l-nt, zkrrpch (1986-1988), MVVPOU-85.
Zhukov Viktor Mikhailovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, ns-kv, from 02.86 ns-kvs 650 orb (1984-1986), KVVKUS-84.

Zavadsky ensign
Zubanov Alexander, l-nt, ZKRPCh, (03.85-?).
Zubarev Valery Anatolyevich, senior l-nt, kptv, kov minbatr SME (g) (1986-1988), OVAKU-81.
Zykov Sergey Evgenievich, candidate, kminbatr (g) 12 spar, beginning kes 101smp (1987-1988), Leningrad State University-78.

Zyryanov Vladimir ___, warrant officer, ORNR technician, 1986-1988
Ivanov Alexander Viktorovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, krv rr (1985-1987), BVOKU-85.

Karpov ___ ___, senior l-t, srbatr, MANPADS, 1987 - 1988
Katerinich Sergey Petrovich, lt, apt.

Klimenko Lt.
Klimov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Mr., zkmsbpch, since 01.88, instructor in accounting of desks and commissars, doc PO 5 msd (1987-1989), A-AVOKU-84.

Klimov Sergey Albertovich lt, sq., 85-87 LenVAKU-83.
Knishchenko Roman Anatolyevich, senior l-nt, head of development adn 1985-1987.
Kozyrev Alexander Vladimirovich, mr., nis (1987-02.1988, excluded from the lists of the USSR Armed Forces due to death, Killed in battle on January 31, 1988, KVVIKU-73.
Kolotiy Vladimir Viktorovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, zkmsr, kmsr (1986-1988), OVOKU-84.

Komov Vasily ___, Art. warrant officer, sergeant major ZRADN, 1987-1988

Korodchenko ensign

Korolev Lt
Kosorukhov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, senior l-nt, zkmsr 1st MSB.
Kostetsky Sergey Grigorievich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kov gsabatr (1987-1988), TVAKU-86.

Kotin Vladimir lt, apt, 85-87 OVAKOLU-84.

Krestik Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, Mr., zkmsbtch (1986-1988), UVTKU-75.
Krivosheev Valery Vasilievich, sub-k, NSh regiment (08.1987-02.1988, assigned to com 682msp 108msd), VAF-81.
Loud Peter Ivanovich, mr. 5msd, from 12.86-od according to the Central Bureau of Regiment (1986-1988), KhVTKU-73 ext.
Kruchok Andrey Konstantinovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kvu gsabatr (1987-1988), OVAKU-86.
Krymsky Igor, l-nt, room 1 ISV, (03.85-?), TVVIKU.
Kulikov Alexander Vitalievich, mr, nhs (04.1988-1988), EZRU-68.
Kulikov Alexander, senior l-nt, com-r ITV, (03.85-?), KVVIKU.

Leventsov Gennady Filippovich, l-t, kv, 85-87 OVAKOLU-84
Leonidov Ivan Kirillovich, Mr. MS, NMS (03.1988-1988), KMI-71.

Lokotkov Lt.

Lukin Yuri ___, Art. warrant officer, ORNR technician, 1986-1988 Mazov Alexander Nikolaevich, candidate, kisr (1985-1987), TVVIKU-77.
Malinovsky, candidate, nsh of the battalion
Markovsky Valery Nikolaevich, major, operat. dez. CBU, 1985-1987.
Marchenko Nikolay Evgenievich, candidate of science, master of science, junior magistrate, junior magistrate (1987-1988), OrdzhVoku-1987
Matveev Anatoly Ivanovich, Mr., NKS (1987-1989), SAUext-73.
Matveev Vasily Vikulovich, Mr., nms (1985-12.1986 appointed nms 191omsp), Navy at KMI-76.
Makhvenya Alexander Nikolaevich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kvuna (1987-1988), SVAKU-85.
Makhmutov Tuktarbai Zharaspaevich, major, regiment commander, 1985-1987.
Melnikov Vladimir Viktorovich
Mineichev Alexander Georgievich, l-nt, kmsv (10.1985-01.1986 appointed kmsv 682msp 108msd), OmsVOKU-85.

Minenkov Nikolay Ivanovich, candidate, regiment doctor
Mirkovsky Vyacheslav Vitoldovich, senior l-nt, kptv ssb, kv minbatr (1987-1988).
Mironenko Evgeniy, senior l-nt, candidate of sciences, senior or-r med. OMedB platoon. from 03.1987 - 12th MSP (08.1985-06.1987), Navy under TMI.
Mirsanov Sergey Evgenievich, senior l-nt, krmo (1989-1988), UVVAKU-85.
Mikhailenko Oleg Anatolyevich, l-nt, senior l-nt, zkmsrpch (1986-1988), NVVPOU-86.
Mishin Andrey Vladimirovich, l-nt, ktv (1987-1988), ChVTKU-86.
Motorin Valery Yakovlevich, Mr., NK (1986-1988), SVVPTAU-75.
Mochalov Valery Vyacheslavovich, senior l-nt, candidate of sciences, kmsv, kmsr, Krasvroty (1987-1988), DVOKU-83.
Mugtasimov Vasil Kabievich, senior l-nt., zakrch company, 1985-1987.
Mutelyuk Alexander ______, senior l-nt, room 2 isv, from 03.85 to? KPVVIU
Neklyudov Gennady Aleksandrovich, Mr., zkmsbpch (11.1987-1988, entered the territory of the USSR with a regiment), OVAKU-74.

Nesterenko Mr.
Nikeev Vladimir Nikolaevich, senior l-nt, sob gsabatr (1987-1988), LVAKU-84.

Nikiforov Sergey Fedorovich, senior l-t, 1986-1987 head of financial service 12 SMEs;
Nikolaev Valery Viktorovich, candidate, master, kmsr, nsh MSB (1986-1988).
Nikolaev, Mr., ns.regiment
Nichugovsky Nikolay Borisovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kptv ptabatr (1986-1988), TVAKU-86.

Nyukin Nikolay Vasilievich, senior pr-k, senior technician of the company, 1985-1987

General ____ ____, mr, nsh ZDN 1987-1988

Odnovol l-t
Ogorodnikov Evgeniy Nikolaevich, Mr., zkzd-nav (1985-1987), SVZRKU-75.
Omelnitsky Ivan Nikolaevich, mr, nbts (1984-1986), KTTU-65.
Pastukhov Igor Mikhailovich, l-nt, st.l-nt, kmsv 101msp, kgv, kmsv (g) (1986-08.1988), relieved from duty, due to being cured at
territorial USSR, KVOKU-85.
Pestov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, senior l-nt, ns-kvs TB (1987-1988), KVVIUS-84.
Petryakov Anatoly Gennadievich, captain, cr

Pigalev Vladimir Vasilievich, Mr. nr regiment, 1985-1987
Pilipushko Andrey Ivanovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, nr gsadn, kgsabatr (1986-1988), KVAKU-85.

Povetkin ___ ___, ensign, 2nd soldier, 1987-1988

Pogorelov Lt.
Podchertsev Andrey Vasilievich, senior lieutenant, quarter
Ponomarenko ____ _____, Mr., NIS (___ ___), _____.
Rasov Sergey Vladimirovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kmsv (1985-1987), MVOKU-84.

Ratovsky____ ____, mr, p/p-k, com. Air defense missile system, beginning of the air defense regiment, 1985-1987
Ryabko Sergey Anatolyevich, senior l-nt, head of SME development.
Sitnikov Sergey Nikolaevich, l-nt, kmsv (1987-1988), A-AVOKU-87.
Skiba Valery Leonidovich, lieutenant, quarter
Sokolovsky Sergey Vitalievich, senior l-nt, ktv tb (1988-1988), UVTKU-83.
Stolbtsov Valery Vasilievich, senior l-nt, ktv tb (1988-1988), TVTKU-82.
Stukalyuk Vladimir Leonidovich, pr-k, kr vz.
Taibakhtin Sergey Asylovich, senior l-nt, cr.
Teymurov Isa Ali Mukhtar ogly, senior l-nt, candidate, kmsr (g) (1987-1988), BVOKU-83.
Tishuk Viktor Vasilievich, l-nt, senior l-nt, zkrrpch, zkmsrpch (1987-1989), NVVPOU-86.

Udaltsov Fidel ___, senior l-t, deputy com. batr. according to weapons 1987-1988
Umarov Azam Dododzhonovich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kmsv, nr-kv MSB (1985-1987).
Fakeev Sergey Germanovich, senior l-nt, kmsv (1985-1987), A-AVOKU-81.
Faleev Gennady Dmitrievich, Mr., zkgadnpch, secret party committee. (1987 - released together with 12msp in 1988), A-AVOKU-74.

Filippov ___ ___, senior l-t, employed, 1987-1988

Khodzhatov Zhora,

Khromykh ____ _____, mr., deputy commissioner of the ZDN for armaments, 1985-1987
Tsarev, Mr.

Tsupenko. l-t
Shapoval Viktor Anatolyevich, l-nt, ns-kvs (1985-1987), KVVIUS-84.

Shevtsov Alexander,
Shishlyannikov Andrey Anatolyevich, l-nt, senior l-nt, kmsv, zkmsr, kmsr (g) (1986-1988), MVOKU-86.

Shishov, Lt.
Shmigelsky Gennady Valerievich, senior l-nt, kov minbatr (g) SME (1987-1988), KhVAKU-85.

Shotov Oleg ____, senior l-t, head of ZAV ZSU 23-4, 1985-1986, deputy. com. batr for weapons 1986-1987
Shubenko V______ I_____, Mr., ZKPV (1987).
Yurovsky Nikolay Ivanovich, candidate of science, master, nbts (1986-1988), KVTTU-77.
Yakovlev Vladimir Gennadievich, senior l-nt, ktv (1985-1987), ChVTKU-81.
Yakovlev Sergey Pavlovich, candidate, master, zktbpch (1985-1987), SVVPTAU-76.
Yatsenko Sergey Vladimirovich, senior l-nt, kitv isr (1987-04.1988, withdrawn as part of a unit to the territory of the USSR), TVVIKU-84.

2. Personnel

Aidaraliev Duishanaly, junior sergeant, medical instructor
Balciunas Deinus, private, mortarman

Bunetsky Gennady, senior s-t, zkv Strela, 1985-1986
Grabauskas Eugenijus, private
Danilo Vasily, junior sergeant
Eremin Fedor, private
Zakriev Ruslan, private, mortarman
Karataev Vladimir, private, senior grenade launcher
Katkevich Anatoly, private, scout
Klepikov Oleg, sergeant
Kokorin Vladimir, private
Kolesnikov Sergey, sergeant, mechanical driver.
Kuznetsov Mikhail, private, scout
Kulbansky Igor, private, naval operator (secret ksm. company bureau)
Kuryshin Yuri, private

Kutaisov Ivan, junior s-t, ZSU commander, 1987-1988
Lebedev Ivan, private, mechanical driver
Lebedyuk Yuri, private

Lyulis Jonas, senior s-t, ZKV ZSU, 1985-1987

Malakhov, sergeant, ZKV ZSU, 1986-1988
Mikhalkov Mikhail, private, mechanical driver
Nagorsky Vitaly, private
Nadberezhny Igor, private

Pletnev, private. ZSU operator, 1987-1988

Popkov Vitaly, private, mechanical water of ZSU, 1986-1988

Popkov Valery private, mechanical water ZSU, 1986-1988
Prokofiev Dmitry Nikolaevich, private, sniper.
Rajepov Sakhatmurat, sergeant
Ryzhov Nikolay, private, mechanic driver
Sazonov Andrey Vyacheslavovich, senior sergeant, military commander of the remand company.
Simenson Urmaz, junior sergeant, com. min.calculation
Skvortsov Sergey, sergeant
Smirnov Oleg, junior sergeant
Tumanov Sergey, private, scout
Frey Valery, private, mechanical driver
Khojatov Jurabay, sergeant, reconnaissance officer, company translator
Cherednichenko Vitaly Petrovich, private, mortar gunner
Shapovalov Igor Alekseevich, sergeant, repair company commander
Sharunov Igor, private, scout

Shaukilov Temirbai. Private, 1986-1988

What is the metropolis of Shindand in Afghanistan? What military operations took place here? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Shindand is a city and the center of Shindand county in the province of Gerant, located in the Republic of Afghanistan. It was founded on the site of the Iranian medieval city of Sabzevar.


Everyone knows Shindand as a beautiful city. On its northern outskirts there is a large airfield (civil and military aviation), operated by the OKSVA air fleet during the Afghan War (1979-1989). Today it houses the air forces of the American, Afghan and Italian anti-Taliban forces.

The borders of Shindand (Afghanistan) are enclosed in a ring road, which, with the financial support of the Iranian authorities, was recently laid in the border regions of Afghanistan (in all western regions) with Iran. The Afghan Army is facilitating the operation of a free medical clinic providing medical services to residents of the metropolis. Geographically, the city is located on the outskirts of the Zirko Valley, one of the most important poppy processing centers in Western Afghanistan.

It should be noted that the Limited Contingent in Afghanistan (OXVA) is the official name of the group of the USSR Armed Forces located in the Republic of Afghanistan until 1989.

Strengths and means

What is Shindand (Afghanistan) famous for? It is known that the province of Herat was included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the 5th Motorized Rifle Guards Division (“PPD” cities: Shindand and Herat) OKSVA and served as the point of its permanent deployment.

The ground forces and assets of this division were:

  • 101st Motorized Rifle Regiment (Herat);
  • 12th Motorized Rifle Guards Regiment (Herat);
  • 371st Motorized Rifle Guards Regiment (Shindand);
  • 1060th Artillery Regiment (Shindand);
  • 650th separate reconnaissance Prague battalion (Shindand);
  • 68th separate combat engineer guards battalion (Shindand) and others.


Many people like to look at photos of Shindand (Afghanistan). It is known that in the period from July 1980 to April 1984 in the province of Herat, in the districts of Shindand and Herat, special tasks were carried out by the “Cascade” detachments (special forces of the KGB of the USSR), “Karpaty-1”, “Karpaty”.

The progress of significant combined-arms operations to capture the Kokari-Sharshari fortified zone filled the wide front of a hard-to-reach mountainous region in the Iran-Afghan border region, where, if diplomatically appropriate, the leadership strengthened OKSVA formations.

Additional units and OKSVA groups were involved in the landing of tactical airborne troops in the mountainous areas of Herat province. Thus, the following were involved in the combined arms process “Trap” in 1986, August 19-25, in the province of Herat:

  • 149th Motorized Rifle Guards Regiment and 201st Motorized Rifle Division (Kunduz);
  • 345th separate airborne parachute regiment (Bagram);
  • 28th Artillery Rocket Regiment of the 40th Army (Shindand);
  • border detachment Takhta-Bazarsky KSAPO.

Air Force

How did the soldiers stationed in the Shindand region (Afghanistan) fight? It is known that for transport needs and cooperation with the OKSVA ground army during combat operations, reconnaissance, attack, and fighter-bomber aircraft were involved in military campaigns. The goals set by the leadership of the Air Force of the 40th Army also included the delivery of assault bombing strikes (BSHU).

The command of the 40th Army in the province of Herat used aviation from the following air units:

  • 17th separate regiment KSAPO (Turkmen SSR) - Mary air base, commanded by Colonel N. Romanyuk;
  • 302nd separate helicopter squadron - Herat province, Shindand airbase;
  • 303rd separate helicopter squadron - Herat province, Herat air base;
  • 335th separate helicopter regiment - Nangarhar province, Jalalabad airbase;
  • 378th assault separate air regiment - Parwan-Kandahar province, Bagram-Kandahar airbase;
  • 50th separate mixed aviation regiment, Kabul airport;
  • 200th separate aviation attack squadron - Shindand terminal;
  • 154th Separate Fighter-Bomber Regiment - Kandahar Terminal;
  • 378th separate aviation assault regiment - Shindand airfield.

Heaven's Gate

Do you know what the Shindanda airfield (Afghanistan) was like? A photo of the object is presented below. In fact, this terminal is located near Shindand, at an altitude of 1158 m above sea level. It is equipped with a runway 2700 x 48 m. The 302nd OVE (separate helicopter squadron - Mi-8MT, Mi-24, attached Mi-6) operated in the west of Afghanistan. Maneuver zone: in latitude - from the Soviet border (Turagundi-Kushka) to the southern part of the republic - desert Gerishka, Zaranja, Lashkargah (Loshkarevka) and further, in longitude - from the Iranian border to the mountainous Chagcharan.

In 1986, on December 22, the 302nd OVE under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Shvetsov replaced the Alexander Black Hundred and completed its activities with the rank of Shvetsov’s Wild Division in 1987, on October 23.

Today the airbase is used by the International Security Support Force (ISAF). The 838th Advisory and Expeditionary Group is stationed at the airfield. The group takes part in ISAF and the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan.

Shindand is also home to the 3rd Wing of the Afghan National Air Force.

Operation Trap

In what military operations was the city of Shindand (Afghanistan) involved? It is known that in 1986, on August 18-26, Soviet troops in Afghanistan carried out a military operation under the code name “Trap”. It was a large-scale combined arms air and ground campaign that was carried out in the western province of Herat. The goal of the joint planned operation of OKSVA and the official forces of the DRA (Ministry of Internal Affairs, MGB and Armed Forces of the DRA) was to destroy the rear support agencies and members of the Afghan armed opposition units of the “United Western Group” of the famous field commander Ismail Khan.

The action was carried out in three phases on an impressive front of mountainous and plain zones: in the mountainous region of Sharshari bordering Iran and in the area of ​​​​old Herat. In the first and third stages of the operation on the plains, the areas adjacent to Herat were cleared of members of local groups; in the mountains, the base area “Kokari-Shaishari” was conquered - the most important transshipment and stronghold point on the border with Iran.

This operation was recognized as one of the most successful combined-arms large-scale OKSVA operations in the annals of the Battle of Afghanistan (1979-1989).

Military campaign

OKSVA formations and units were involved in Operation Trap: the 5th Motorized Rifle Guards Division, located in the province of Herat, the 149th Motorized Rifle Guards Regiment (Kunduz) and the 345th Airborne Separate Guards Regiment (Bagram), impressive Air Force forces from the air bases of Shindand, Kabul, Bagram, Mary (Turkmen SSR) and Jalalabad. The 17th Infantry Division, 5th Tank Brigade and others were brought in from the DRA Armed Forces.

Death of the Su-25 attack aircraft

So, you already know that the Shindand airbase (Afghanistan) took an active part in the hostilities. Cooperation with the ground attacking forces of the troops was carried out by Su-25 attack aircraft of the 378th OSHAP, which took off from the Shindand airbase. Their assault bombing strikes were aimed at destroying engineering connections on the line adjacent to Iran - in the area of ​​the Kokari-Sharshari base zone, and suppressing enemy firing points.

At the same time, the enemy’s ZU-23-4 anti-aircraft guns and various enemy MANPADS continuously fired in response. In 1986, on August 23, an English Blowpipe MANPADS (surface-to-air missile) from the lands of border Iran shot down a Su-25 attack aircraft of the 378th OSHAP, led by Captain A.G. Smirnov. The aircraft at that moment was on the main line of battle and was coming out of a dive.

The plane began to roll as it lost control and was eliminated. The pilot was able to eject and was evacuated from the landing site by helicopter.


When the military operation began in the province of Herat (in 1986, August 18), the commander of the air regiment appointed leading groups. The leader followed the scout who had designated the targets and led another 24 crews, navigating along the bed of the Gerirud River.

The goal of the plain phase of the campaign was to provide security for the movement of columns of armored and vehicle vehicles on the Kushka-Herat-Kandahar highway, transporting military, humanitarian and civilian supplies to the provinces of Helmand and Kandahar.

With assault bombing strikes, the pilots needed to clear the Herat area of ​​the enemy and destroy the infrastructure of the Mujahideen. The flights lasted several weeks. When the final flight was completed, armored vehicles and soldiers arrived from Kandahar and Shindand, and helicopters took off. From above it was clearly visible how large-scale the operation was.

Conclusion 5-1 Guards. The MSD from the garrison along the route Shindand - Herat - Turugundi - Kushka began, according to schedule, on January 29, 1989. The finalists were RR 371 SMEs, RR 101 SMEs. The division's withdrawal ended in 1989, on February 15. The unit became its permanent location in the city of Kushka.

SECULAR MILITARY UNITS IN THE Mongolian People's Republic


Since pre-war times, this division was stationed in the Far East in the Amur region (Kuibyshevka village, 2nd, then 1st Red Banner OA). Then, probably, it was redeployed to Buryatia, and after the events of February 1979 on the Vietnamese-Chinese border it was introduced into Mongolia, where it remained until the collapse of the Union. (According to other sources, the division was created on September 1, 1960, after the disbandment in 1959 of the 1st OA, which included the 12th Motorized Rifle Division.) It allocated personnel for the formation of the 242nd Motorized Rifle Division, where part of its regiments transferred.

To Mongolia 12th Motorized Rifle Division (12 MSD) arrived from Ulan-Ude (Divisionnaya station) in March 1979. Located in the city of Baganuur. Withdrawn to Divizionnaya station in June 1992 and reorganized into BKhVT in 199? G.

  • control of the 12th motorized rifle division - (5 km from Baganuur and 140 km from Ulaanbaatar), military unit 29043, call sign “Kochkorez”, (before entering military unit 14344 into the MPR at Divizionnaya station)
  • 365 tp, (Baganur)
  • 189 SME, (Ulaanbaatar until 1985, Erdenet since 1985), introduced into the MPR at 00.197? from... (in 72 - 74 I was already in Ulaanbaatar),
    became part of the 12th Motorized Rifle Division in 198? g., left for Erdenet with the 51st TD in 1985, arrived back with the 12th Motorized Rifle Division in 1989.
    withdrawn in 1990 to Division Station and became military unit 32153)
  • 598 motorized rifle regiment, (Baganur) on an infantry fighting vehicle, (introduced into the 76th or 7th? from Novocherkassk as part of the 51st infantry division, transferred at 00.198? to the 12th motorized rifle division, withdrawn to the 1st division in May 89 in Naushki)
  • 523 MSP, (Baganur) on an armored personnel carrier, before entering the Mongolian People's Republic - military unit 92723 at Divisionnaya station, introduced in 03.1979, withdrawn in 1990 to Sherlovaya Gora station - for storage.
  • 592 SMEs, (Baganur until 1985, Ulaanbaatar since 1985), introduced into the MPR in the summer of 1980; before entering military unit 86667 into the Mongolian People's Republic, withdrawn in 00.1992
  • 1282 ap, (Baganur), (before 198? the 4th adn was 79 oreadn - military unit 94266, the regiment was withdrawn in 1991.
  • 1178 zrp, (Baganur), (introduced in March 79; before military unit 75179 was introduced into the MPR at Divisionnaya station,
    in 1974, rearmed from the S-60 to the Osu; withdrawn in 1991 to the 22nd motorized rifle division of the 25th AK, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - military unit 71388,
    from June 1, 2002, reorganized into 634 separate units of the 40th Omsbr, disbanded by December 1, 2009)
  • 79 oreadn. In 1980, 1282 ap was added to the ranks and he became the 4th adn of 1282 ap.
  • optadn
  • 34 brigade, (Baganur), introduced from the GSVG in the spring of 1980.
  • 132 orb, (Baganur), was launched last in June 92 at station. Divisional,
  • 1041 obs, (Baganur), withdrawn from the control of the 12th motorized rifle division in June 1992 at Divisionnaya station
  • 1156 OISB, (Baganur), military unit 09211
  • ORVB, launched in June 1992, at Divisionnaya station
  • 1161 obmo, (Baganur)
  • Information from the ZabVo.SU forum
  • Baganuur (Baganur (Russian)). Location of the 12th MSD. Remains of a military camp (27 photos, 2014)

From 1979-1989

Republic of Afghanistan, Herat province, counties: Goryan, Gulran, Guzara, Zinda-Jan, Injil, Karukh, Kohsan, Kushki-Kuhna, Pashtun-Zargun, Farsi, Chishti-Sharif

Liquidation of base areas, transshipment bases, weapons and ammunition depots


Afghan Mujahideen


Commanders of the 5th Zimovnikovskaya Motorized Rifle Division

Ismail Khan

Strengths of the parties

Units and formations of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan: 5th Guards Zimovnikovsky Motorized Rifle Division - 12th, 371st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiments, 101st Motorized Rifle Regiment, 650th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion, Takhta-Bazarsky Border Detachment KSAPO KGB of the USSR

Formation of the Afghan Mujahideen “Western United Group” of the field commander Ismail Khan (Turan Ismail); Military-Political Union of Islamic Parties “Shiite Eight” (commanders: Karim Ahmad “Yak Daste”, Sheikh Nasrullah Mansur and others)



Military operations in Herat province (1979-1989)- military operations of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

A series of different in scale, goals, composition of participants in joint and independent (private), ground and air-ground planned combined arms operations - units and units of the 5th Guards Zimovnikov Order of Kutuzov II degree motorized rifle division named after the 60th anniversary of the USSR, other parts of the Limited Soviet contingent troops in Afghanistan (OKSVA), units of the border troops (KSAPO) of the KGB of the USSR and government forces of the DRA against the formations of the Afghan Mujahideen "Western United Group" under the command of Ismail Khan (Turan Ismail, Amir Ismail) during the Afghan War (1979-1989) with the aim of stabilization of the military-political situation, strengthening of state power in the western part of the Republic of Afghanistan.

(term), was formed among military personnel of SA units and formations as part of OKSVA to designate (clarify) the geography of combat operations on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan during the period (1979-1989).

Combined-arms operations of OKSVA units, government forces: Ministry of Defense, State Security, Ministry of Internal Affairs - DRA against the formations of the armed Afghan opposition, party: "Islamic Society of Afghanistan" (IOA) (leaders: Burhanuddin Rabbani, Ismail Khan) - Military-Political Union (UPS) " Peshawar Seven"; “Hezbe Allah”, “Islamic Revolution Movement” (MIR) - “pro-Iranian” Islamic parties of the UPU “Shiite Eight” (leaders: Karim Ahmad “Yak Daste”, Sheikh Nasrullah Mansur, etc.); various international Shiite groups, also part of the “Western United Group” under the overall command of the field commander Ismail Khan.

Goals, objectives, results

“There was a continuous struggle for the right to control over Herat: shelling, operations to clear the area were combined with attempts at negotiations, up to mutual bargaining. Aviation had a strong say in this struggle. At times, raids on the western part of Herat followed continuously, “the bombing had a very impressive effect on the rebels...” V. Markovsky “Scorched Sky of Afghanistan. Combat aviation in the Afghan war."

The purpose of military operations was:

  • capture of strongholds and transshipment bases
  • defeat of numerous opposition units
  • the conversion of a number of its members to the side of the DRA government forces
  • capture of a wide arsenal: weapons and ammunition.

On the plain, security was ensured for the movement of columns of armored vehicles along the reverse route: “Kushka - Herat - Kandahar”, transporting military, civilian and humanitarian supplies to the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar.

In mountainous areas: landing of a tactical airborne assault of OKSVA troops to eliminate the rear forces: capturing the fortified areas of the Mujahideen, capturing transshipment bases with weapons and ammunition depots, neutralizing members of armed formations.

History of military operations

In the province of Herat, located in the Afghan-Iranian border zone, large-scale military operations of varying scale, objectives, and composition of participants were systematically carried out. The proximity of the border of the neighboring state where the headquarters of eight large pro-Iranian Islamic parties “Shiite Eight” were located in the cities of Qom and Mashhad, financing the activities of the armed formations of the Mujahideen Shiites and Ismailis, training camps for the training of military specialists provided special conditions for organizing and waging a total guerrilla war throughout the western territory of the DRA.

The 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, units of which were stationed in the province of Herat, took part in numerous combat operations and raids of varying scale and objectives, carried out intelligence and ambush operations, completing its efforts with the defeat of numerous armed opposition units, the conversion of many its members on the side of the government forces of the DRA army, seizing a large arsenal of weapons and ammunition in the warehouses of transshipment bases and strongholds of the Mujahideen. The course of military operations was accompanied by:

  • implementation of intelligence data, ambush operations
  • escorting convoys of military, civilian and humanitarian cargo towards the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar, stationed at a considerable distance from other parts of OKSVA
  • repelling numerous armed ambushes and fire raids by armed formations
  • systematic mining by the rebels of the main routes and adjacent roads, where, in order to inflict maximum destruction on columns of armored vehicles with OKSVA personnel, enemy manpower, a large amount of weapons and ammunition were gathered.
  • landing tactical airborne troops from Mi-8 helicopters in the areas bordering Iran on the dominant heights of the Kuhe-Senge-Surakh mountain range, with the aim of further eliminating strongholds and transshipment bases.
  • high voltage and massive fire strikes from all types of weapons from both sides
  • death of OKSVA personnel and members of anti-government armed groups
  • damage and destruction of transport, military equipment, weapons OKSVA

The personnel of the sapper units of the 5th Motorized Rifle Division neutralized a large number of land mines, anti-personnel and anti-tank mines.

Operations in Herat province 1980, 1983, 1984, 1985

About the fighting in the province of Herat from the 40th Army report for 1980. Results of the army's actions for March and September 1980. The material fully preserves the style of the document from the headquarters of the 40th Army:

YEAR 1980

MARCH 1980. “Units of the 2nd motorized rifle battalion 101 MSP 5th Guards. The MSD with the infantry battalion of the 17th Infantry Division of the Afghan Armed Forces and demolition groups reached the initial area to Chakhi-Galgal (8 km north-east of Karezi-Ilyas), blew up a road 2 km north to Chakhi-Galgal (point No. 35) and is preparing to blow up two other passages in areas 6 km west and 17 km southwest of Karezi-Ilyas (points No. 33, 34).”

“Units 2/101 and 3/101 MSP 5th Guards. The MSD with units of the 70th Infantry Regiment of the 17th Infantry Division of the Afghan Armed Forces, the police and a detachment of local activists was carried out on March 20 in preparation for 21.3. g. search for rebels in Sivaushan (15 km southeast of Herat). 20 rebel agitators were detained, including 10 people. with weapon".

APRIL 1980. In Herat, units 101, 371 SMEs 5th Guards. MSD and 17 PD completed combing settlements in the valley of the Gerirud River east of the city to a depth of 55 km. In three days, 50 rebels were destroyed and three rebels were captured. All units returned to their permanent locations, except for the 3/371 MSRP, which is fighting three enemy groups with a total number of 150–200 people. in winter areas. Bedan, Khoja Mohammed, Bouran (50–60 km southeast of HERAT).

APRIL, MAY 1980. 49 party activists and government officials were killed in the city of Herat. Terrorist acts are committed both day and night. There are arson and explosions at state-owned enterprises. Anti-Soviet and anti-government broadcasts on radio and television are systematically carried out from Iran to Herat leading to an armed uprising. Security agencies and Tsaranda in the city are numerous, and the effectiveness of their work is ineffective. We are taking measures to suppress the actions of the counter-revolution. The work is being carried out together with the representation of the nearest neighbors. Our and Afghan forces and military intelligence assets are additionally deployed in the city.

Second half of April 1980 – correspondence between two marshals

JUNE (2-3) 1980. Report of Marshal of the Soviet Union S.L. Sokolov to the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union D.F. Ustinov.. “In the Sauristan region (10 km southwest Herat) 1.3/101 MSD, 3 /371 SME 5th Guards. The MSD, together with units of 28 PP 17 PD, blocked several rebel groups in populated areas and combed them for two days. Over 60 rebels were destroyed, 5 prisoners were captured.”

JUNE 1980. The liquidation of counter-revolutionary forces in Herat continued. 92 people were detained, of which the security authorities arrested 26 terrorists and members of armed rebel groups.

JUNE 1980. In the province of Herat, 1/101st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 5th Guards. The motorized infantry division with the 70th infantry regiment and the 17th infantry division blocked and defeated a rebel detachment in Karukh (38 km north-east of Herat). 10 people were killed and 30 people were arrested, including the assistant leader of the detachment. On suspicion of belonging to counter-revolutionary organizations, 80 people were detained, with whom state security agencies are working.

JUNE (18-19) 1980. In the province of Herat 3/101 SME 5th Guards. MSD with PB 70 pp 17 PD searches and destroys rebels in the valley of the Harirud River - east of Herat. In the Siavushan and Khoja-Mukhammedi-Sabz regions (7892), two rebel detachments of 30–50 people each were scattered. Up to 20 rebels were destroyed and 4 rebels were captured.

In the vicinity of Herat and the river valley. Gerirud currently has concentrated armed rebel detachments of 20–50 people. Their total number is up to one thousand two hundred people. Numerous terrorist and sabotage groups penetrated the city, and their activities intensified.

JUNE 1980. KHAD workers and 120 people from Tsarandoy are sent to Herat from KABUL. Soviet military units were prepared to isolate the city from the influx of counter-revolutionaries, and Afghan troops were prepared to assist Tsaranda and KHAD inside the city to protect important objects, check the population, identify and detain (destruct) the rebels. From June 3 to 8, reconnaissance of counter-revolutionary centers and organizations will be carried out, after which the city will be declared under martial law, blocked and cleared of rebel elements.

JUNE 1980 At the same time, the destruction of rebel units around the city of Herat began. It is also organized from June 6–7. anti-government radio broadcasts from Iran to the city of HERAT will be constantly suppressed.

JUNE (2,3) 1980 Report of Marshal of the Soviet Union S. L. Sokolov to the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov. Report on the progress of hostilities for June 2.3, 1980. In the SAURISTAN area (10 km southwest of HERAT) 1.3/101 SMEs, 3/371 SMEs 5th Guards. The MSD, together with units of the 28th PP 17th Infantry Division, blocked several rebel groups in populated areas and combed them for two days. Over 60 rebels were destroyed, 5 prisoners were captured. (Afghan campaign: unclaimed experience. June 18, 1980 - correspondence between two marshals)

SEPTEMBER 1980. “A new method of warfare, which we used for the first time this month, is mining the infiltration and supply routes of rebel groups from Iran and conducting ambush operations along these routes. We have been carrying out this method since September 3 in the provinces of Herat and Farah by the forces of two small infantry fighting units of the 371st infantry regiment of the 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, reinforced by companies of engineering barriers. As a result of such actions, the penetration of rebel groups and military cargo from Iran into the DRA was significantly reduced. In total, during the specified period, the following were destroyed: rebels - 124 people, cars - 6, motorcycles - 37. Captured: 36, small arms - 41 units, ammunition - 500 pieces.”

“The operational groups did some work in September, which contributed to increasing the flow of intelligence data and improving their quality and reliability. In September, the entire Spetsnaz company was relocated to the Herat region, and then Shindand with the task of conducting reconnaissance of rebel movement routes from Iran to Afghanistan, as well as with the aim of setting up ambushes to destroy the rebels. So, at 18.00 on September 24, Lieutenant Mikhalkov’s group captured a prisoner who testified about the location of two groups of rebels and the route of their movement from Afghanistan to Iran and back. On the night of September 24-25, an ambush was organized, during which two vehicles were captured, 62 rebels were killed, and 11 small arms were captured.

Effective radio reconnaissance is hampered by the fact that the rebels make limited use of radio-electronic equipment, and if they do use it, it is usually in the VHF range, so the main targets of reconnaissance are: border. Pakistan Corps, Iranian Gendarmerie and Iranian reconnaissance teams in Kabul and Herat. The inclusion of a encryption group in the 1863 ORADB “ON” made it possible to more quickly process intercepted encryption transmissions and thereby reduce the time it takes to convey information to the command.”

SEPTEMBER 1980. In the province of Herat 2/371 SMEs 5th Guards. The MSD with a barrage company continued to ambush and mine the infiltration routes of the rebels from Iran at the previous line. On September 21, the outer encirclement of the Herat area was removed. 3/371 SMEs returned to their deployment point. More details:

SEPTEMBER 1980. During the military operation in the province of Herat, the ambush actions of the 2/371 MRP of the 5th Guards were effective. MSD with a barrage company, which from 3 to 21.9 sec. 80 rebels, 15 cars with weapons and ammunition, and 9 motorcycles were destroyed.

SEPTEMBER 1980. In the province of Herat 23.9, 3/101 MSP 5 Guards were withdrawn to the district centers of Gurian (60 km west of Herat) and Zindajan (40 km west of Herat). MSD and 3/350 PDP 103 VDD, as well as in TURAN (32 km east of Herat) 1/357 PDP 103 VDD, where they, jointly with the KGB “Cascade” units, the forces of Tsarandoy, KhAD and local party activists began to establish state power . 2/371 SME 5th Guards. The MSD with a barrage company continues to ambush and mine the infiltration routes of the rebels from IRAN on the previous lines.

SEPTEMBER (26-27) 1980. In the province of Herat, 3/350 airborne division and 1/357 airborne division 103 airborne division conducted reconnaissance and destruction of rebels in the areas of Gurian (60 km west of Herat), Zindajan (40 km west of Herat) and Murgchayi-Payi (80 km eastern Herat) accordingly, providing assistance in establishing state power in these areas.

YEAR 1983

SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER 1983. The concept of the operation carried out by units of the 5th Guards. The MSD in the Shindand region in the period from September 20 to 24, under the leadership of the head of the operational department, Lieutenant Colonel SMIRNOV I.M., envisaged blocking sections of the “green zone” area of ​​​​the city of Shindand with subsequent combing to destroy identified rebel gangs, Islamic committees, warehouses with weapons and other property, and also contribute to the strengthening of people's power in the area. Features of the operation:

According to the camouflage and disinformation plan, the blocking areas changed 1–2 hours before the units entered the blockade, which suppressed the actions of the rebel agents and gave high results during combing. The rebels put up stubborn resistance, especially in the area of ​​the fortress on the southern outskirts of the city of Shindand, and attempted to break through the blocked area with forces of 200–250 people in an area of ​​200 m at the junction between units of 371 SMEs. A night blockade of the city of Shindand was carried out by motorized rifle units reinforced with tanks.

As a result of the operation, 314 rebels were destroyed, 92 were detained, and 1,171 were filtered. Captured: small arms - 93, ammunition - 6.2 thousand, RPGs - 2, grenades for RPGs - 56, hand grenades - 36, mines and landmines - 64, various warehouses - 3. Destroyed: small arms - 100, DShK - 7, RPG - 15, firing points - 5. Our losses were: wounded - 2.

In accordance with the plan for organizing ambush operations, army units widely used them on the likely routes of movement of caravans with weapons and gangs of rebels from abroad, as well as in order to prevent rebel attacks on military columns. In total, 268 ambushes were set up during the reporting period, 40 were successful, which is 15% of the effectiveness (15% in August of this year). As a result of the ambush, 234 rebels were killed, 17 people were detained and transferred to KHAD. Captured: small arms - 58, ammunition for ammunition - 59.5 thousand pieces, DShK - 2, mortar - 1, recoilless rifle - 1, RPG - 5, hand grenades - 15, mines and landmines - 27.

The sabotage actions of the rebels on communications are not weakening, but on the contrary, they are becoming more and more fierce and daring. During the reporting period, 27 shelling of columns, 15 explosions of mines and landmines, 8 shelling of posts and deployment points were carried out (in August, 15 shelling of columns, 2 explosions of mines and landmines, 26 shelling of posts and deployment points).

As a result of sabotage, our losses were: killed - 22 (of which 1 officer), wounded - 59 (of which 6 officers), cars - 5, armored personnel carriers - 1. Rebel losses were: rebels killed - 9, small arms captured - 6, RPG – 1, small arms destroyed – 21, RPG – 9.

Captured: small arms - 926, various ammunition - 145.4 thousand, DShK - 12, ammunition for DShK - 37.7 thousand, mortars - 4, mines for a mortar - 246, recoilless rifle - 1, bp for ammunition - 95 , RPG - 11, RPG grenades - 169, hand grenades - 741, mines and land mines - 1742, explosives - 743 kg, radio stations - 5, various warehouses - 44. Destroyed: small arms - 949, ammunition for CO - 48.3 thousand units, DShK - 80, mortars - 24, mines for mortar - 61, RPG - 46, recoilless rifle - 1, bp for ammunition - 150, ZGU - 1, mines and landmines - 84, bunkers - 55, strong points – 11, firing points – 90, caves – 199, fortresses – 29, various warehouses – 23, Islamic committees – 20. Our losses were: killed – 109 (of which 13 officers), wounded – 201 (of which 31 officers).

AUGUST 1983. The plan of the operation carried out by the 5th Motorized Rifle Division with the DRA Armed Forces in the period from August 8 to 19 in the “green zone” of Herat province was to use air and artillery strikes to defeat identified detachments and groups of rebels in the “green zone” of western and southwestern cities. .Herat. By blocking the combat area, block the main exit routes for the rebels from this area. By sequentially combing the blocked area, identify Islamic committees, warehouses with weapons and ammunition, filter the population of the area in order to identify the rebels and their accomplices. To further assist in strengthening people's power in the “green zone” of Herat province. Features of the operation:

The enemy tried to provide assistance to the blocked group with weapons and ammunition, to break through the blocking ring from the outside, exposing the blocking units to mortar fire and small arms fire. To prevent the advance of our troops, the rebels widely used minefields, ambushes and rubble. The dense vegetation of the “green zone” hampered the actions of our troops, made reconnaissance difficult, and helped the rebels covertly regroup forces and equipment. The wide network of channels in the “green zone” limited the use of armored groups to support our units during blockade and combing of the area.

As a result of the operation, 1,261 rebels were destroyed, 48 were captured, 393 were detained and transferred to KHAD, and 5,644 were filtered. Captured: SO – 404, armored personnel carriers for SO – 178.9 thousand units, mortars – 8, mines for mortars – 675, DShK – 7, armored personnel carriers for DShK – 18 thousand units, BO – 2, ZPU - 2, RPG - 13, RG - 375, various warehouses - 22, cars - 27, motorcycles - 16, documents - 4 IC. Destroyed: SO - 19, DShK - 37, mortars - 21, RPGs - 18, mines and landmines - 155, various warehouses - 7, bunkers - 3. Our losses: killed - 2 (1 officer), wounded - 9.

DECEMBER 1983. The concept of the operation carried out in the province of Herat by forces of the 5th Guards. The MSD with the DRA Armed Forces in the period from December 22 to 29, under the leadership of division commander G.N. Anoshin, was intended to block and comb the green zone area on the western outskirts of Herat to identify rebel gangs, their IR, warehouses with weapons and ammunition. To assist local residents in strengthening people's power in the green zone of Herat. The features of the operation were:

The enemy from outside repeatedly tried to help the blocked group break through the blocking ring, exposing our units to mortar fire and small arms fire. To prevent the advance of our units during the combing, the rebels widely used minefields, rubble, flooding of the area, and acted from ambushes. The peculiarities of the terrain and the development of the green zone hampered the actions of armored groups.

As a result of the operation, the following were destroyed: rebels - 393. Captured: small arms - 116, RPGs - 3, RG - 109, mines and land mines - 135. Destroyed: DShK - 10, mortars - 7, mines and land mines - 269, firing points - 48 , various warehouses - 5. Our losses were: wounded - 15 (of which 3 officers).

YEAR 1984

JANUARY, FEBRUARY 1984. In total, one planned operation was carried out in February in the province of Herat (began on January 24, 1984), in accordance with the combat plan in the period from January 24 to February 1, under the leadership of the commander of the 5th Motorized Rifle Division, Major General G. Ya. ANOSHIN. A planned operation was carried out to destroy gangs and stabilize the situation in the province of Herat.

In combat operations were involved from 5 MSD - 3 MSB 101 MSP, 3 MSB 371 MSP, 1 TB 24 TP, 1 RR, RDR 650 ORB with reinforcements, 8 battalions of the DRA Armed Forces, friendly gangs of Shir Ogi, Aref, Juma Khan, engineer Abduraim . By the beginning of the operation, Turan Ismail’s gangs, in order to maintain the spirit of the rebels, intensified their activities: they launched an attack on the villages of the friendly gang of Juma Khan, as a result of which the latter lost five villages, and fired at columns in the green zone of Herat.

The plan of the operation was to: use air strikes and artillery fire to defeat identified rebel detachments and groups, destroy warehouses and air defense systems; using the forces of the division's units, in cooperation with the DRA Armed Forces, to defeat the rebel formations, capture, and if capture is impossible, destroy their bases and warehouses, and contribute to the strengthening of people's power in the province of Herat. The features of the operation were:

In the blocked areas, the rebels put up stubborn resistance and repeatedly tried to break through the encirclement at night, which forced them to conduct hostilities around the clock. At night, the units remained in their occupied combat formations; Afghan units left the combing areas and refused to stay overnight. When units went out to blockade, the approach areas were heavily mined by the rebels. To comb a number of villages, friendly gangs who knew the terrain in the combat area better were involved.

As a result of the operation, 372 rebels were destroyed, 15 were detained, 8652 were filtered. Captured: small arms - 113, ammunition for small arms - 14.8 thousand pieces, DShK - 1, ammunition for DShK - 0.6 thousand pieces ., RPG shots – 4, hand grenades – 21, explosives – 18 kg, mines and land mines – 122, IR documents – 6, radio station – 1. Destroyed: small arms – 29, DShK – 12, mortars – 7, recoilless rifles – 2, mines and land mines – 202, warehouses – 5, firing points – 11, IR – 5, RPGs – 9.

Year 1985

Turan Ismail had 199 troops numbering 4,655 rebels. In addition to the formations of Turan Ismail, “In October-November 1984, for example, six battalions of the “Hazrat Hamza division” (“Saint Hamza”) and 11 fronts belonging to the IOA fought in the province of Herat. In other months, the composition of battalions and fronts partially changed: new ones appeared and old ones disappeared.

MARCH 1985. 9 “division” battalions and 13 fronts were named as leading the fighting. “In 1985, in a number of operations, new methods of combat operations were used, inherent only to these operations and only for a certain area of ​​​​combat operations, a specific formation or unit... Greater results were achieved by the use of such methods as reconnaissance, search and destruction of rebel caravans, especially with close interaction between aviation and combined arms units.”

The effectiveness of interaction in military operations in the province of Herat between ground forces and aviation: “is evidenced by the following example. Aerial reconnaissance in the area of ​​the gorge between the mountains of Rangi and Gulistan discovered a convoy of 27 vehicles. An air strike by the forces of the 665th IAP, the 302nd OVE, the actions of the reconnaissance airborne company of the 650th reconnaissance battalion (ORB), the reconnaissance company of the 25th TP, the 6th, 7th MSR of the 101st MRP, the 4th battalion of the 1060th The AP column was destroyed.

As a result of the battle, 62 rebels, 11 vehicles, and a large amount of ammunition were destroyed. In the same battle, 16 cars, 13 grenade launchers, 6 machine guns, 237 AKM, 12 mortars, 10 bags of documents, 10 bags of medicine, 50 boxes of food, a large amount of equipment and military property were captured.”

YEAR 1987

“A large-scale military operation to clean the “anthill” of the green zone of Herat in the fall of 1987 was carried out with the participation of fighters of the 168th IAP from Shindand. Mujahideen detachments of Turan Ismail were forced out of the valley into the mountains and gorges, where they tried to cover them with bomb attacks from the air. In addition to the usual ammunition, the MiG-23 used concrete-piercing BetAB-500, suspended two per plane. The targets were underground tunnels, caves and holes in the mountains.”

War zone

“The entire combat zone in Afghanistan was conditionally divided into four regions, which were controlled by army aviation units and partly by troops. In the west are the regions of Farah, Shindand and Herat.”

“...There was plenty of work in the vicinity of Herat - the endless green zone and the adjacent Herirud valley. The detachments operating in the provinces of Herat and Farah were supported by numerous villages that supplied the Mujahideen with food and reinforcements. Here they found rest and lodging for the night, receiving weapons from nearby bases in Iran. Under the cover of the “greenery” - vast thickets of bushes, gardens and vineyards - the Mujahideen approached the location of military units, robbed and burned convoys, and after the attacks they instantly disappeared into the surrounding villages, and it was no easier to find them in these places, especially from the air. than in the mountains...." - Victor Markovsky “The Hot Sky of Afghanistan”

The group of Mujahideen, concentrated along the Kushka-Herat-Shindand-Kandahar highway, caused significant damage to the moving columns of Soviet troops... The interaction of local field commanders with the influential Ismail Khan, his significant formation, included the transfer from other nearby regions of Afghanistan, reinforcements: fresh manpower , weapons and ammunition.

Territory, Counties

Herat province is one of the largest provinces in Afghanistan and ranks second in area. Located in the west of the country, it has a long border with Iran. In the northeast it borders with the province of Badghis, in the south with Farah. The provinces are occupied by mountain ranges and deserts, most of them occupied by wormwood semi-deserts. In the valley of the Gerirud River there is an oasis.

The capital of the province of the same name, the city of Herat, is the second largest city in Afghanistan. The traditional religions of the region include Shiism and Sunism. A significant part of the population professes Shiism. The main languages ​​are: Iranian languages: (Dari - Farsi Kabuli), Pashto.

The provinces of Herat are divided into districts: Adraskan, Herat, Goryan, Gulran, Guzara, Zinda-Jan, Injil, Karukh, Kohsan, Kushk, Kushki-Kuhna, Oba, Pashtun-Zargun, Farsi, Chishti-Sharif, Shindand.


Population: Farsivans; Tajiks; charaymakami; Pashtuns; Uzbeks; Turkmen (tribes: Ersary, Tekin, Ali-Eli, Saryk and Salyr); qizilbash; Kurds, etc.

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, the local population of the province of Herat, as well as the provinces of Panjshir and Badakhshan, offered fierce resistance to the establishment of the power of the Taliban movement.

Operations commanders

Commanders of the 40th Army - OKSVA

  • Lieutenant General Tukharinov Yuri Vladimirovich. Commissioning of OKSV in DRA - September 23, 1980.
  • Lieutenant General Tkach Boris Ivanovich September 23, 1980 - May 7, 1982
  • Lieutenant General Ermakov Viktor Fedorovich May 7, 1982 - November 4, 1983
  • Lieutenant General Leonid Evstafievich Generalov 11/4/1983 - 04/19/1985
  • Lieutenant General Rodionov Igor Nikolaevich 04/19/1985 - 04/30/1986
  • Lieutenant General Viktor Petrovich Dubynin 04/30/1986 - 06/1/1987
  • Lieutenant General Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich 06/1/1987 - 02/15/1989

Ismail Khan and formation

The armed formations of the Mujahideen, concentrated along the Kushka - Shindand - Kandahar highway, inflicted significant damage on the moving columns of Soviet troops.

The control of the armed formations of the Mujahideen during the period (1979-1989) in the west of the Republic of Afghanistan was carried out by the famous and most influential field commander in the region, Ismail Khan, better known as Turan Ismail, (translated from “Dari” - captain Ismail). This appeal was strengthened for him as a result of his military service in the 17th Infantry Division of the DRA Army.

Ethnic Tajik, native of Shindand district, Herat province, former career military officer, Afghan army officer. He graduated from the Harbi Puhantong Military School. Until 1979, with the military rank of “captain” (“Turan”), he commanded a battalion of the 17th Infantry Division. With the arrival of Soviet troops, after the “Herat rebellion” (March 1979), he deserted from the military unit and led the armed formation “IOA” in the province of Herat.

“...Having won the well-deserved authority of the Mujahideen in the insurgency (in a short time), he was able to subjugate the scattered units of the armed opposition and lead large-scale armed resistance. Having become the main coordinator of the armed group throughout the west of Afghanistan, he received a respectful nickname from his subordinate Mujahideen - “The Lion of Herat...” A.A. Lyakhovsky “Tragedy and Valor of Afghanistan”

A member of the Islamic Society of Afghanistan (IOA) party, he was a member of its supreme council. Third in influence, after Burhanuddin Rabbani and Ahmad Shah Massoud. Simultaneously with the CIA’s financial assistance within the framework of Operation Cyclone, where Burhanuddin Rabbani was one of the distributors of foreign financial assistance, Ismail Khan also had his own channels of financial and military support, being the distributor of funds from Shiite circles - the “Alliance of Eight”, the Shiite Eight - Mujahideen parties based in the Iranian cities of Mashhad and Qom.

From the dossier on Turan Ismail: “...Married. The family lives in Tayabad (Iran). Secretive and cautious, he often changes the location of his headquarters. Extremely cruel. Personally deals with prisoners. He is the general leader of the IOA armed forces in the province of Herat. More than 20 thousand rebels acted under his leadership. He enjoys authority among the local population, as he prohibits robberies...” A.A. Lyakhovsky “Tragedy and Valor of Afghanistan”

“The most prominent of the local field commanders was Turan Ismail, a former army captain who went over to the Mujahideen after the April revolution. Military experience, literacy and exactingness quickly allowed him to become a local emir, in whose power were seven provinces and an army of five thousand fighters - V. Markovsky “The Hot Sky of Afghanistan”

Training camps in Iran

Excerpt from the book by retired Lieutenant General Yu.A. Neshumov. "Borders of Afghanistan. Tragedies and lessons" :

“...The scale of training of Afghan mujahideen in Iran also increased, also mainly with the involvement of Afghan refugees. Their training was carried out in camps located in the areas of Tehran, Mashhad, Tayabad, Zahedan and some others. The militants were trained by Iranian instructors from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) under the supervision of the personal representative of Imam Khomeini. From here (from the IRGC) the rebels were supplied with weapons and ammunition. Constant communication was established between the rebel headquarters in Peshawar and Mashhad in order to coordinate their actions on the territory of the DRA...

Operation Trap

Operation "Trap" August 18-26, 1986 - a military operation of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. A large-scale planned combined-arms operation of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan to defeat the “Western United Group” of the Afghan Mujahideen formations of the influential field commander Ismail Khan (Turan Ismail), the capture and liquidation of the strategic fortified area “Kokari-Sharshari”, located in the Afghan-Iranian border zone, mountain range "Kukhe - Senge - Surakh" (White Mountains) of the system "Sefid-Kuh" (Safed-Koh) - Herat province.

The result of the military operation “Trap” was the defeat of the Mujahideen formations of the “Western United Group”, the capture of an important base area (fortification) - a stronghold and bordering Iran, a large transshipment base with a wide arsenal: weapons, ammunition and intelligence documentation.

Strengths and means

The province of Herat was a “point of permanent deployment” and was part of the area of ​​​​responsibility of the 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division (“PPD” cities: Herat and Shindand) OKSVA.

Ground forces and assets

5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, units and subunits:

  • 101st Motorized Rifle Regiment (Herat)
  • 12th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment (Herat)
  • 371st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment (Shindand)
  • 1060th Artillery Regiment (Shindand)
  • 650th separate Prague Order of Alexander Nevsky reconnaissance battalion (Shindand)
  • 68th Guards Separate Engineer Battalion (Shindand), etc.

In the period from 1980 (July) to 1984 (April) in the province of Herat, Herat and Shindand counties, special tasks were carried out by the “Cascade Detachment” - (special forces) of the KGB of the USSR: “Karpaty”, “Karpaty-1”.

The progress of large-scale (army) combined arms operations to capture the Kokari-Sharshari fortified area covered a wide front of a difficult-to-reach mountain area in the Afghan-Iranian border zone where, if strategically appropriate, the command reinforced the OKSVA group. For the landing of tactical airborne troops in the mountainous areas of Herat province, additional OKSVA units and formations were also involved. In particular, the following were involved in the combined arms operation “Trap” in the province of Herat on August 19-25, 1986:

  • 149th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment 201st Motorized Rifle Division (Kunduz),
  • 345th Separate Parachute Regiment (Bagram)
  • 28th Rocket Artillery Regiment (40th Army) (Shindand)
  • Takhta-Bazar border detachment KSAPO

Air Force forces and assets

For transport needs and interaction during combat operations with OKSVA ground forces, the following aircraft were involved in military operations: attack, bomber-fighter and reconnaissance aircraft. The tasks assigned by the Air Force command of the 40th Army included, among other things, carrying out bomb assault strikes (BAS).

In the province of Herat, the command of the 40th Army used aircraft from the following air units:

  • 17th Separate Aviation Regiment KSAPO - Mary airbase - Turkmen SSR, regiment commander Colonel N. Romanyuk
  • 302nd Independent Helicopter Squadron - Shindand Air Base, Herat Province
  • 303rd Independent Helicopter Squadron - Herat Air Base, Herat Province
  • 335th Independent Helicopter Regiment - Jalalabad Air Base, Nangarhar Province
  • 378th Separate Attack Aviation Regiment - Bagram-Kandahar Air Base, Parwan-Kandahar Province
  • 50th Separate Mixed Aviation Regiment, Kabul airfield
  • 200th Separate Attack Aviation Squadron - Shindand Air Base
  • 154th Separate Bombardment Fighter Regiment - Kandahar Air Base
  • 378th Separate Assault Aviation Regiment - Shindand Air Base

For interaction between the Air Force and ground forces, helicopters were used: MI-8 and MI-24, attack aircraft SU-25 - "Rooks", the communication of which was provided by "VHF radio stations" - "Eucalyptus" - "R-828", air command posts IL -22.

Memoirs of V. Markovsky in the book “The Hot Sky of Afghanistan”“During major operations, when special coordination and preparedness of actions of large groups of aviation in a wide area was required (as was the case in the summer of 1986 during the defeat of the arsenal base near Herat), flying Il-22 command posts appeared over Afghanistan, equipped with a powerful on-board complex control and communications, capable of supporting the operation of an entire air army. The Su-25s themselves were equipped with a special VHF radio station R-828 “Eucalyptus” for communication with ground forces within line of sight.” - Victor Markovsky “The Hot Sky of Afghanistan”

“Stormtroopers of the 200th OSHAE also took part in the fight for Herat, which was located 120 km north of Shindand and became the center of the opposition in the west of the country. The local gangs operated right in the city, dividing it into spheres of influence and fighting not only with government troops, but also with each other. There were also strongholds, stocks of weapons and ammunition. The Su-25 had to strike directly in the city against neighborhoods controlled by spooks and houses indicated by intelligence.”

DRA forces and assets

Units and formations of the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan: 17th Infantry Division, 4th Tank Brigade and other military units of the Afghan Army with (PPD Herat Province).

Memoirs of Army General V.I. Varennikov

Excerpt from the memoirs of Army General V.I. Varennikov about the large-scale combined arms operation “TRAP” in August 1986 in the book “UNREPEATABLE”:

“During my stay in Afghanistan, a number of interesting and complex operations were carried out. Of course, the operation of the operation is discord. Some left no memories. Others will never fade. For me, the operations in the Kunar Gorge, during the assault on the Javara base, on the Parachinar ledge, in the Kunduz region, west of HERAT to the KOKARI-SHARSHARI base on the Iranian border are especially memorable...” - Army General V.I. Varennikov “Unique” (book 5 chapter 4)

The future commander of the 40th Army - “Limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan” and the governor of the Moscow region - General Gromov, Boris Vsevolodovich, served in the province of Herat from 1982-1984 as commander of the 5th Guards Zimovnikovsky Motorized Rifle Division.

Also in the 101st motorized rifle regiment of the same 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, the famous Russian actor Evgeny Sidikhin served in the period from 1983-1985.

Songs about Herat in soldiers' songwriting

Song “Herat Waltz”, music and lyrics by V.M. Kosheleva:

“Once again the hard worker “Antey” is carrying the boys to someone else’s war:

Time chose these guys, time chose this country

Gerirud will flash with a blue ribbon, mountains are everywhere - not a Russian landscape:

A red-colored staff pencil drew a dangerous route here

Herat, Herat is the capital of the Dushmans, Afghanistan is not my glory, not my shame

Herat, I dream about Herat again at night: Afghanistan hurts in my soul...”

“....The ground will be uplifted by a high-explosive explosion, decorating the foothill sketch

The commanders will check who is alive and lead the soldiers into the attack.

Once again the hard worker “Antey” carries the mustacheless veterans home,

And the battle that is not yet over awaits the rangers who remain here...”

Heroes of the USSR Russian Federation for participation in military operations in the province of Herat

“For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty (providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan), by the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation,” the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Morden of Lenin and the Gold Star medal were awarded to the following internationalist soldiers:

Kuchkin, Gennady Pavlovich, captain, political officer of the 3rd MSB, 101st MSB, 5th Guards MSD - Hero of the Soviet Union

Neverov, Vladimir Lavrentievich, colonel, commander of the 101st MRR 5th Guards MSD - Hero of the Soviet Union

Pugachev, Fedor Ivanovich, captain, reconnaissance company commander of the 101st MRR 5th Guards MSD - Hero of the Soviet Union

Daudi, Ilyas Dilshatovi, senior sergeant, platoon commander of the 149th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, 201st Motorized Rifle Division - Hero of the Russian Federation