Protection of nature, environment for children. Air pollution is good for kids

Ecological games. Protection of Nature.

Do not harm, but be friends with nature!
Don't take as much as you want
How much can she give?
Kill nature, kill yourself!


Preparatory work of the presenter: from textbooks or reference books, images of various animals and plants from the Red Book are copied onto a sheet of paper. It is most useful to select images of those animals and plants that are available in your area. Then this sheet of paper with pictures and names of animals and plants from the Red Book is cut into 20-30 parts and folded into a separate envelope. The number of such pre-prepared envelopes must correspond to the number of players or teams participating in the game.

After the distribution of envelopes, the host gives the command to start the game.

The winner is the one who quickly puts together a picture depicting animals and plants from the Red Book.

The game can be played separately for different classes of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.


Players are shown a poster (or photograph) first with one flower, then two, three or more flowers.

The rules of the game are the same as in a similar game with drawings (photos) of trees and shrubs.

You can first show any well-known flowers (roses, carnations, daisies, cornflowers ...), and then gradually introduce more and more flowers from the Red Book, as well as poisonous and medicinal herbs.


The players are divided into two teams. First, one team asks questions to the other (1 0 -1 5 questions): "Is this plant listed in the Red Book?". At the same time, both plants listed in the Red Book and not listed are named. Then the number of correct answers is counted.

Then everything repeats, but the questions are asked by another team.

The order in which the teams will perform is determined by a draw.

After counting the correct answers, the host announces the winning team.


The participants of the game are divided into teams of 3-4 players. Each team chooses the most interesting reserve for itself and a few days before the start of the game carefully studies the flora and fauna of the reserve, its landscapes. During the preparation for the game, the necessary notes, drawings, photographs are made from books, and if the reserve is nearby, then videos.

After such preliminary preparation, the teams are assembled for the game. A jury is selected from the members of the teams or invited guests.

At the signal of the host, the teams will start playing in turn. Each team in turn talks about the reserve, showing photographs (drawings) of animals, plants and the most interesting landscapes. 5-7 minutes are given for the performance of the team.

When choosing the winner, the jury takes into account the knowledge and originality of the material presented, its cognitive value, as well as the enthusiasm and activity of all team members.


Players are divided into four teams of the same number: rain, soil, wheat seeds, trees. Each team makes caps for themselves from colored paper: the Rain team is blue (or blue), the Soil team is light brown, the Seeds team is yellow, and the Trees team is bright green.

Three teams participate in the first half of the game: "Rain", "Soil", "Seeds". Teams "Soil" and "Seeds" form one mixed group, which takes up a safe position so that it can be run past without risk. The "Rain" team stands apart from this group.

Rules of the game: at the command of the host “Heavy rain begins”, the players of the “Rain” team alternately quickly run past the “Soil” and “Seeds” teams and try to knock them down. Salted players run after the rain. The more it rains on the soil and seeds, the better.

The leader orders: Place teams. "Soil" and "Seeds" are mixed. It starts to rain heavily. The rain ran after each other. More fun, more fun! Salte, salte "Soil" and "Seeds". More, more and it's all on the run. Salted "Soil" and "Seeds" run after the rain. Faster Faster! Stop. The rain is over.

The moderator comments: It has been raining heavily. Soil and seeds were carried away by water. It is necessary to protect the soil and seeds from heavy rain, and then he commands: “Rain”, “Soil”, “Seeds”, stand in your original places. Team "Trees" take a place in front of the soil and seeds, protect them. Get wider, wider, so that heavy rain does not get the soil and seeds. Stand in a checkerboard pattern. Got up? Well done! Game continues. It's raining heavily again! "Rain", "Rain" running through the trees to the ground. "Trees" delay "Rain", flip it. Salted "Rain"
slowly seeps into the "Soil" and "Seeds". So, "Trees", the whole "Rain" pissed off? Wonderful. "Seeds of Wheat", you are wetted by captured "Rain", begin to sprout.

Stand on chairs and slowly stretch, stretch up. They raised their hands, sighed joyfully and merrily moved their arms-branches. "Soil" support chairs with germinating seeds.

The rain stopped, beautiful wheat grew from the seeds,

Thanks to the players, you perfectly showed how trees save soil and seeds from being washed away, how they retain moisture and nourish seeds with water, and how well seeds germinate and give a rich harvest of wheat. Trees are protectors and friends of soil and seeds. They must be protected and planted around fields and vegetable gardens so that they do not allow heavy rain to carry away soil and seeds. Thanks everyone. Game over".


Players are divided into four teams: rain, soil, trees, tree seeds. The teams "Wind", "Trees" and "Seeds" are the same in number, and the team "Soil" is twice as large.

Teams make caps for themselves from colored paper: “The soil is light brown, “Wind” is blue (blue), “Seeds” is yellow, “Trees” is green.

Two teams participate in the first half of the game: "Wind" and "Soil". The Soil team takes a safe position so that they can run past it without risk. The Wind team stands aside from her.

Tasks of the teams: at the command of the host: “A strong wind begins to blow,” the players of the “Wind” team quickly run past the soil in turn and try to overpower the players of this team. The salted Soil players run after the wind. The more wind blows the soil, the better.

The leader orders: Place teams! "Soil" in the center, "Wind" on the side, "Trees" and "Seeds" in spare places. Started! The wind ran. Salte, salte "Soil". "Wind", "wind", take away, take away "Soil". The wind has stopped. Stop. As you can see, a strong wind almost completely carried away the soil.

The soil must be protected from the wind. "Forest" with "Seeds", stand in front of "Soil". Wider, wider, staggered. "Trees" and "Seeds" mix, like this! The wind blew again. "Wind" ran through the "Trees". "Trees", delay the "Wind", do not let him run so fast. "Wind", slow down, grab the "Seeds" and carry them through the "Trees", away from them. Wonderful! The entire weakened "Wind" leaked through the "Trees" and took the "Seeds" with it. The soil remained untouched. Hooray! She is saved. The seeds are carried away from the trees. "Seeds", sprout, sprout in a new place! Get on chairs and stretch, stretch. "Wind", support chairs and sprouts of new trees.

So a mighty forest has grown in a new place, which will protect the soil in a new place from destruction by wind and water. The wind turned from an enemy of the soil into its friend. And it's all thanks to the trees. The trees protected the soil from destruction by the strong wind, and the strong wind carried the seeds far away and planted new forests there. As the saying goes: "Nature has no bad weather, all weather is grace." Thanks everyone. Game over".


For the game you need: plastic boxes (you can use flower or photo trays) with a hole for draining water, a container (jars, buckets) for collecting water, watering cans for children, colored plastic crumbs, plasticine, matches with torn off heads.

The game involves 2 or more teams depending on the number of boxes. Each team has 2-3 players.

The task of the teams is to make protective rollers from plasticine, and protective forest plantations from matches, which would trap as much pollution as possible - colored crumbs on the slopes, preventing them from getting into drain vessels - rivers.

The winner is the team that has achieved a high effect of pollutant retention, with a lower height and the number of plasticine rollers and fewer rows of forest plantations.

Rules of the game: the same slope of the boxes for all teams, the same intensity and place of water flowing out of the watering cans, the same amount of colored plastic crumb poured out, the same game time.

The fulfillment of all these mandatory conditions is monitored by the jury, which, taking into account the results achieved by the teams and their compliance with the rules of the game, announces the winner.


To play the game, you need a specially made relief layout of the terrain, on which there are riverbeds and slopes, plowed up and built up with residential and factory buildings.

In addition, we need a watering can with water and colored small plastic chips that imitate pollution - manure, mineral fertilizers, polluting emissions from cars and factories.

Colored crumbs scatter on fields, roads, factory and residential areas. Contaminated areas are drunk from a watering can that simulates rain. Water flows wash pollution into rivers. The layout clearly shows how polluted streams gather and flow in the riverbeds. Water flows through the holes made in the bottom of the layout into the tank.


To play the game, you need a box tilted on a stand (width 1 m, length 1.5 m), filled with light and small plastic chips or washed clean sand. At the top of the box there is a faucet with a hose attached to it.

There are holes at the bottom of the box through which water flows into the tank.

Water flows out of the hose at the top of the box. Then the waters pick up and carry away the crumbs, forming ravines and riverbeds. The stronger the flow of water, the greater the rate of formation of ravines and riverbeds.


Players are invited to make animals, fairy-tale characters or other fantastic creatures from various packaging materials - boxes, cans, bottles or other types of packaging.

When determining the winners, the originality, humor and imagination of the players are taken into account.


Players are invited to invent and make items useful for the household from various packaging materials - boxes, cans, bottles and others.

The game can be organized as homework.

When determining the winners, the skill of the player and the usefulness of the crafted items are taken into account.


Players are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given a keyword, such as tourist, poacher, or mushroom picker. The first member of the team repeats it. Each next member of the team repeats the keyword given to his team and adds to it any, necessarily noun, somehow related to the first one, for example, a hunter, a gun, a dog, a fire, etc.

The game takes place in 2-3 rounds in each team. After that, each team comes up with their own story for these keywords and tells it. The winner is the one whose story turned out to be more interesting and instructive from an ecological point of view.


Players are divided into groups of 5-6 people. The task of each player is to make the players of the other groups laugh with some story, fairy tale or fable on an environmental topic, about how, for example, “A tourist made a fire in the evening in the forest, lay down to sleep near it, and since the fire was not lined with turf and earth, then while the tourist was sleeping, the grass near the fire caught fire, then his boots, then the tent, and then the tourist himself - that was fun. Or here is the beginning of another story: “Grandfather threw a net into the sea and thinks: now I will catch a goldfish ...”.

In each group, there should be one player who could not be laughed at. These players gather in one team and start to make each other laugh. The whole class, surrounding them in a tight ring, unanimously helps them in this.

The winner is the one who failed to make laugh.

Perhaps there will be no winner at all in this game, since all the participants in the game will eventually laugh together.


Participants are divided into teams of 4-5 people. The teacher sets the task: “After 20 minutes, each team should prepare an exciting and funny story on any environmental topic, lasting no more than 4-5 minutes. The story should not be read, but shown. You give the text of the story itself to the jury for evaluation. Take pencils, pens, paper, scissors and glue to draw and make the props you need. Started!”

The jury consists of a teacher and one representative from each team. The jury evaluates the fascination, environmental friendliness and usefulness of the story told, as well as the correspondence between the text and pantomime.


Insurance agents are selected from the players by lot or on a contractual basis at the rate of 1 agent for 5 people. The task of the agent is to persuade other players to insure against environmental misfortune and disaster, citing various arguments for the necessity and great benefits of such insurance. A jury is selected from the players or guests.

The winner is the one who insures more participants in the game. But before announcing the winner, the insured players must talk about it. why they succumbed to the entreaties of the insurance agent and decided to insure against environmental misfortune and disaster. If these arguments seem convincing to the members of the jury and those present, then the insurance is recognized as valid.

Only after such a survey of all insured persons is the winner announced.


Participants of the game are invited to conduct a lesson on any environmental topic of their choice for three to five minutes.

“Teachers” take turns teaching lessons, and the rest play the role of students.

The main task of teachers is to reveal the content of the environmental problem concerned in the shortest possible time and arouse maximum interest among students. One of the indicators of such interest is the number of questions asked by the students to the “Teacher”.

The jury, consisting of the presenter and the audience, evaluates the work of the "Teacher" and announces the winner.


Each team develops its own travel itinerary to places where man has had the greatest impact on nature (mining and gas and oil producing areas, giant plants of the chemical, petrochemical, engineering and pulp and paper industries, the largest hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants and other similar giant structures and new buildings ), or to places that have still retained their ecological cleanliness, but which are in danger of being ruined (Lake Baikal, areas of alleged giant new buildings, and others).

The journey requires serious preparation. The teams preliminarily choose the most interesting area (or object), select the necessary literature in the library and carefully study it.

After such thorough preliminary preparation, the teams draw up a route of their journey, passing through the most ecologically interesting places (objects), which could clearly show how much human impact on nature (on ecosystems) and how much nature (ecosystem) changes under this influence.

In addition to describing the routes, the teams prepare the necessary demonstration posters and layouts.

Once the travel itineraries have been selected and studied and the appropriate demonstration materials have been prepared, the game begins.

To sum up the results of the game, a jury is selected from the members of the teams or invited guests.

At the signal of the leader, the performances of the teams begin. Team members take turns talking about their area (object) and, using individual examples, demonstrate the changes in nature (ecosystem) associated with it, as well as talk about ongoing and proposed conservation measures aimed at protecting the environment.

Teams are given 5-10 minutes to perform. After that, the jury sums up the results and announces the winner. When choosing the winner, the knowledge of the problem raised, the originality of its presentation and the activity of all team members are taken into account.


Players stand in a circle, facing the center. This game is about attention.

Find out which of the enterprises or devices smoke, polluting the air, and which do not.

One of the players stands in the center of the circle. He takes the ball in his hands and, after asking a question, quickly throws it to one of the players. He must quickly answer "Yes" or "No" and return the ball back to the center of the circle. The central player in the circle asks 3-5 questions, then stands in the circle, and someone from the circle who has not yet left the game takes his place. If the player thinks for more than half a minute, then he is also out of the game, and the ball is passed to another. The game is more interesting, the faster the ball is thrown, without giving much time to think.

The questions asked are all standard ones, like the following: "Does the steamer smoke?" "Does the birch smoke?" "Does the car smoke?" Does the washing machine smoke? etc. The winner is the one who last remains in the circle.


All players are invited to imagine what will happen if, for example, a factory and a village are built in a forest on the banks of a river.

5 minutes are given for reflection and discussion of the problem.

Then everyone stands in a circle, and leading to the center of the circle, the leader begins: “Imagine that in a picturesque forest on the banks of a small clean river a giant factory and a settlement for workers were built. What will happen? and points to one of the players.

The player, for example, says: "The forest will be cut down." And all the players in a circle must then take turns adding one phrase to this story. For example, the next player adds: “The site will be cleared with a bulldozer in his place,” etc. If one of the players did not have time to come up with a phrase, then he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who stays in the circle the longest.


Players are divided into teams of 2-3 people. The task of the teams is to find the busiest place and time on the road, when the most cars pass. The team that quickly sets up this place wins.

The task can be made more difficult by instructing the teams to calculate how many cars pass on the road per day and how many harmful substances they emit into the air during this time. The amount of harmful substances emitted by cars of different types and brands, the leader informs the teams in advance, using the appropriate reference material for this.


Participants of the game are invited to invent a device, apparatus, machine, device, traditional medicine, dish and other technical means, household items and life support that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment and human health.

Each participant in the game chooses the subject of the invention.

Players can unite in creative groups and jointly develop some kind of invention.

The development of the invention is given 10-15 minutes. Then the inventors talk about the main idea of ​​their invention, all the other participants in the game and the audience ask questions.

A jury of experts (invited or chosen from the audience) decides which invention is the most sustainable, efficient, affordable and original and declares it the winner.


Players are divided into teams of 2-3 people. The task of each team is to calculate how much and what kind of garbage is thrown out at school in 1 day and develop proposals for its disposal.

The teams are given 1 5 -2 0 minutes for this, as they need to sort out the garbage thrown out not only in the classrooms, but also in the whole school and in the school yard.

After that, the teams report on the results of their studies of garbage and their proposals for its disposal.

The jury evaluates the originality, degree of feasibility and expediency of the activities proposed by the teams and announces the winner.


Players are divided into teams of 3-4 people. The task of the teams is to create a project (diagram, drawing) of such a rural house that would require less artificial heating and lighting due to greater use of solar energy, natural materials, natural artificial insulation.

The game takes 10-15 minutes. The winning team is the one that designs a farmhouse that uses less artificial energy for heating and lighting.


Players are divided into teams of 4-5 people. Within 20 minutes, at the command of the Host, they make sketches and models of structures, machines, equipment and equipment surrounding us at home, as well as any other things and objects that harm the environment and therefore they should only be in the museum, as exhibits of the “wild period of technological development”. civilization of the XIX-XX centuries”, which have no place in the future, when a person learns to respect nature and live in harmony with it.

Each exhibit is accompanied by a text describing the harm that it causes to nature and man.

The jury consists of the host and one representative from each team. The winner is the team that made the most interesting exhibits that can take their rightful place in the ecological museum.


Players are divided into two teams: one team is correspondents, the other is environmentalists. Ecologists are located on one side of the room (preferably on stage), and correspondents on the other.

On a signal from the moderator, the correspondents begin to ask environmentalists questions on various global and local environmental issues. Ecologists are responsible.

After 10 minutes, the teams change places and the game continues for another 10 minutes.

The winner is the team that, in their questions and answers, will show the best knowledge of global and local environmental problems.


The participants of the game are divided into teams of 3-4 people.

Each team must draw up an ecological scheme (map) of the route of their expedition in their area of ​​study and residence, noting on it:

1. All places of violation of the environmental situation: landfills, deforestation, wild recreation areas, smoking chimneys, accumulation of vehicles (at intersections, in front of traffic lights, in front of barriers, on ferries, etc.), discharge of industrial water and agricultural effluents into water bodies and other foci, places of pollution and damage to the environment.

2. All places and facilities that meet environmental requirements and are aimed at protecting and preserving a healthy environment: parks, squares, gardens, reservoirs (artificial and natural), organized recreation areas, protective forest belts, ditches and ramparts, sedimentation basins, young forest plantations, feeders and houses for birds and forest animals, the most valuable objects of nature (the oldest and mightiest trees, caves, rocks, springs and springs, nesting places for arriving and local birds) and other places and objects that decorate nature and contribute to its conservation.

20-30 minutes are given to complete the ecological scheme (map) and write an explanatory text to it. After that, all materials are transferred to the jury, which analyzes the maps and explanatory texts of the teams, identifies which team most fully displayed the environmental situation in the area and showed great observation, wit and knowledge.


In this game, ecological schemes (maps) compiled by teams in the game "Expedition" can be used.

The participants in the game are the same teams. The task of the teams is, on the basis of the ecological scheme (map), to draw up an environmental scheme (map) of the necessary measures aimed at improving the ecological situation and nature protection in the area of ​​the school and place of residence. An explanatory text must be drawn up for the map, which justifies the need for this or that activity, and also indicates who will carry out this activity and what activities the students themselves can carry out.

Teams are given 20-30 minutes to prepare the project.

After that, the environmental scheme (map), together with the explanatory text, is submitted to the jury, which, after discussing the submitted materials, announces the winning team. When choosing the winner, the complexity of the activities and the reality of their implementation, as well as environmental awareness, ingenuity, resourcefulness and originality of the decisions taken, are taken into account.


Players are divided into teams of 3 - 4 people. At the signal of the leading team, within 15-20 minutes they develop an environmental project for organizing life in their place of residence: a microdistrict, a village, a village, a farm, etc. Drawings and maps are an obligatory part of the project.

The winner is the team that managed to organize a comfortable life for people in their area without much damage to nature and even improved the ecological situation by creating additional green areas and water pools, special places for recreation and garbage collection, building feeders and bird houses and etc.


The participants of the game are divided into teams of 3-4 people.

Each team is given 10 minutes to make drawings and a story about the city of the future in which they would like to live.

At the signal of the leader, the performance of the teams begins. The order of performance is determined by lot. 3-5 minutes are given for the performance of one team. The presentation must take into account the impact of the proposed project on humans and the environment.

After that, the jury, made up of team members or invited guests, sums up and announces the winner.

When summing up the results of the game, not only the originality of the developed project is evaluated, but also its environmental friendliness.


The participants of the game are divided into teams of 3 - 4 players. Each team must create its own ideal world - how it would like to see it, which of the plants and animals should inhabit it, in what conditions they should live, what is the place of a person in this world, how people treat their smaller brothers and their own kind. You have 15 minutes to prepare the game.

Then each team presents their project of creating the world.

When determining the winner, the jury takes into account the harmony of the created world, its beauty, diversity, the interdependence of plants, animals and people and the dynamism of the connections established between them, as well as the originality and expediency of the proposed ideas.


All players are divided into teams of 5-7 people. A captain is chosen to lead. The jury consists of representatives of teams not currently participating in the game. The opponent and the order of performance of the teams is determined by lot.

Two teams enter the stage, followed by the next pair, etc., according to the draw.

The four winning teams advance to the semi-finals and the two semi-final winners advance to the final.

Meetings of all teams are held according to the scenario: "Team greeting", "Question-answer", "Environmental song", "Environmental competition of captains", "Homework".

In “Greetings”, the teams play up such topics as “The attitude of comrades, teachers, administration towards ecology”, “Ecology is the hope of mankind”, “Environmentalists are friends of nature”, “Environmentalists are nature orderlies”, etc.

In the second Question-Answer contest, questions are asked on any environmental topics, the task of the respondent is to show a lot of humor and environmental knowledge in their answers.

In the third Ecological Song contest, the teams perform a potpourri of famous songs, borrowing individual phrases of ecological content from them, it is not forbidden to add their own lines and couplets.

In the "Contest of Captains" questions are prepared in advance by the host and members of the jury. Questions are written on pieces of paper, which are rolled up into a tube and lowered into some brightly decorated box. The captains take turns taking out pieces of paper with questions and answering them.

All team members participate in the "Homework" competition.

As homework, topics such as “We are friends of birds”, “We are friends of the forest”, “We are friends of fish”, “We are ecologists”, “Purity of water, air, soil in our area”, etc. d.

When showing homework, teams demonstrate their invented slogans, posters, mottos, badges; show photos, slides and videos about environmental activities carried out during homework - garbage collection, planting trees, arranging tourist recreation areas, protecting forests and animals, gardening the classroom and school, etc.

The duration of each competition, the number of questions asked, as well as the total duration of the entire game are discussed in advance between the students or set by the teacher before the start of the game.

As in any KVN, in the ecological KVN the jury evaluates not only knowledge, but also wit, originality, humor and resourcefulness of the participants in the game.

Nature protection rules. Do not touch the chicks and cubs of animals. Feed the birds in winter. Do not destroy bird nests and anthills. Don't make noise in the forest. Do not tear flowers, grass with armfuls. Do not break bushes and trees. Don't make fires. Do not leave garbage in the forest, take it home to the garbage chute. Don't pollute waterways.

slide 12 from the presentation "Human and nature". The size of the archive with the presentation is 1262 KB.

World around 1 class

summary of other presentations

"Our helpers are the sense organs" - The sense organs. 2. Don't read in the dark. The organ of taste 2. The organ of hearing The organ of sight The organ of smell The organ of touch. - Guys, help me. 7. Don't throw sand. Take care of your eyes. 4. Do not watch TV for a long time. Misha made a crossword puzzle. - Hi guys! 5. Be careful with sharp objects. 6. Remove motes from the eyes immediately. Did you recognize us? Take care of your eyes!

"Lesson Winter-peace of nature" - Wintering birds are waiting for your treat. The days are getting shorter and the nights longer. "Find a real snowflake." Nature is waiting for spring. In winter, peace comes in nature. Precipitation falls in the form of snow. Made snow. To frost. What seemed the most interesting? Plant life stops. The lesson of the surrounding world in the 1st grade according to the OS "School 2100". What new did you discover in the lesson? Big frost. What birds can we meet in winter?

"1st class Winter" - S. Winter. Speech development lesson Grade 1.

"Sense Organs Grade 1" - Type of lesson: practical lesson. Sense organs. The tongue is the organ of taste. Topic: We learn about the world around us with the help of the senses. Class: 1 EMC "Perspective Primary School". The nose is the organ of smell. The skin is the organ of touch. The eyes are the organ of vision. Lesson: The world around.

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker" - Miraculous rescue of sailors during a trip to Jerusalem. Gradually, St. Nicholas began to be called St. Nicholas, and then Santa Claus. Where Europe connects with Asia was the country of Lycia. Initially, St. Nicholas was buried in the church where he served as archbishop in the city of Myra, in Lycia.

“Signs of objects 1st class” - Compiled by: Zhanna Vladimirovna Khapsirokova. Add a shape. Distinctive features of objects. 1 class. ? WMC author: A.V. Goryachev. Target.

Children today have more opportunities than ever before to help save our planet from pollution and waste. Thanks to the Internet, you have more resources at your fingertips than your parents your age could find in an entire library. Read this article and you will learn about some interesting and useful things you can do for our planet.


At home

    Help with recycling. Recycling programs are becoming more popular and accessible. They can be used to clean and recycle certain types of waste. In this way, materials can be reused and manufacturers need to extract fewer natural resources. Help adults sort waste and recycle it regularly. .

    • Different areas have different recycling opportunities, so find out what can and can't be recycled in your area. Typically, at least paper, thin cardboard (such as milk cartons and shopping bags), thin metal (such as soda cans), and glass can be recycled. In some regions, it is possible to recycle thick cardboard, foam and other materials.
    • Organize recycling. Make sure bottles, glass jars and cans are clean enough. They don't have to be sparkling clean, but at the same time they don't have to be half full. Then sort the waste by type. If you have separate containers for each type of waste in your home, it will be easier for you to properly sort your waste for recycling. Even if you don't have such containers at home, you can still sort the waste to get an idea of ​​how much of each type of material your family uses every day.
    • Do it regularly. Depending on how big your family is, this may become your weekly task, or you may need to dedicate a little time to it every day.
      • If a special machine regularly picks up waste for recycling, do not forget to put the sorted waste outside in advance.
  1. Reduce your energy consumption. The energy that is used in your home for things like hot water, air conditioning, and electricity comes from various power plants that process a certain type of fuel to turn it into energy. Some fuels are cleaner than others, for example, hydroelectricity (energy from running water) is cleaner than coal-burning energy; but regardless of the method, extracting energy increases the burden on the environment. Do your part to protect the environment using as little energy as possible.

    • Turn off lights and electronic devices (such as TV and game console) when you are no longer using them. However, before you turn off the family computer, ask your parents - sometimes the computer must remain on for various reasons. During the day, open curtains and blinds and use natural light instead of electric light.
    • Keep the temperature in the house at a moderate level. If you have air conditioning at home, ask your parents to set it to at least 22 degrees Celsius in summer. If you have a thermostat at home, don't set it above 20 degrees in winter (blankets and warm clothes will keep you warm when the house is cool.) At night, set the thermostat to 13 degrees in rooms where no one sleeps.
      • If you live in a cold region, don't set your thermostat below 13 degrees in winter, otherwise the pipes may freeze at night.
    • Use less water. Take short showers instead of baths, and turn off the faucet when you're not using it, like brushing your teeth. Even little things like this count!
  2. Start reusing a lot of things. Ask your parents to buy 3-4 reusable shopping bags. They are inexpensive, but will help reduce the amount of paper or plastic bags you bring home from the grocery store. As for your personal belongings, start using a reusable lunch box at school if you haven't already. They also look cooler than paper bags. Also ask for a refillable drink bottle. A bottle made of metal or durable plastic is great.

    • Be sure to rinse and launder reusable bags and shopping bags about once a week to keep them from getting dirty and greasy. Quickly rub them in the sink with a rag or sponge and leave them on the dish dryer for a couple of hours.
    • Use waste plastic bags as trash bags in the bathroom or in your room. They fit perfectly into small waste baskets, and thus there is no need to buy special plastic waste bags.
    • When you choose a plastic water bottle, make sure it's made without BPA (Bisphenol A). Then it can be used repeatedly. BPA plastic bottles are not safe to use for long periods of time.

    In the garden

    1. Plant trees. Talk to your parents about the benefits of planting trees. Deciduous trees planted near windows provide cool shade in summer when their leaves are green; in winter, their leaves fall, letting more light through the windows. In any case, this will help to reduce energy costs. And any kind of wood perfectly removes pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and converting it into fresh oxygen that we breathe.

      • Together with your parents, consult with a specialist to select trees that will grow to a certain height in your climate zone without causing problems in the garden. There are suitable trees for almost any desired height and for any climate.
      • Be sure to get tree care instructions and water it regularly after planting. Take care of the seedling, and by the time you grow up, you will have a beautiful strong tree that has grown with you.
    2. Mow your lawn less often. Some adults are very image-conscious and won't let you do it on the front lawn, but most of them shouldn't mind having a backyard. Find out how often the lawn is mowed in winter and summer, and start doing it about a week less often. Gas-powered lawnmowers are very polluting, so the less you mow your lawn, the less smog gets into the air. It will also help save on the cost of gasoline.

      • Offer to mow the lawn in exchange for permission to do it less often. In any case, this is a useful skill: when you grow up a little, sometimes you can make good money mowing other people's lawns.
      • If you have a power lawn mower at home, you don't have to worry about mowing your lawn less frequently, as they don't produce any pollution. Of course, they are much more difficult to work with than gas lawn mowers!
    3. Water your lawn less. This can significantly reduce the overall pressure that your city or locality puts on the environment, especially in the summer. Some cities even require homeowners not to water their lawns during the summer months for this very reason. Of course, the disadvantage of this approach is that by the end of summer the lawn can turn brown and dry. On the other hand, you have an excellent explanation for this.

      • In winter, most lawns do not need watering at all. If your family waters the lawn all year round, at least ask them to stop doing it in the winter.
    4. Use environmentally friendly chemicals. There are many fertilizers, herbicides (weed control agents) and pesticides (pest control agents) on the market that help to preserve the beauty of the garden; however, when used regularly over a long period of time, some of them are harmful to the environment. Try to find out what chemicals your family uses, then search the internet for "green" alternatives that don't cause as much damage to the environment. Show them to your parents and ask them to switch to them.

      Run your lawn a little. Herbicides are extremely often used on the lawn to get rid of unsightly weeds. What would you prefer: a lawn with a couple of dandelions or a lawn covered in chemicals? Point this out to your parents and ask them to choose weeding, even if the lawn ends up looking a little less immaculate.

      Pull out weeds instead of spraying chemicals. Some people use herbicides to control weeds in their garden or flower bed. Since the earth is softer there, there is no need for chemicals. Take gardening gloves, a hoe and a garden shovel, and pull out the weeds by hand every weekend. It's a good opportunity to spend time outdoors with the family, and it's much cleaner and safer than herbicides.

      Introduce beneficial insects into your garden. Along with insect pests (such as aphids), there are other insects that feast on pests. In some gardening stores you can order such insects, for example, lacewings (which love to eat aphids and also look beautiful). Rely on natural remedies and you'll need to use pesticides much less frequently.

      • Leave beneficial insects where you found them. In many cases, your garden already has guardian insects. For example, garden spiders eat all kinds of pests, and at the same time they are absolutely safe for your plants. When you find such insects, do not get rid of them, let them help you.

      Family and school projects

      1. Take out the park. Gather a group of friends or choose a day when your whole family can go to a nearby park in the morning. Grab a few large trash bags and gardening gloves. Start in the parking lot and walk along each path in the park, picking up any rubbish you can find. In a couple of hours your park will be immaculately clean!

        • If you see rubbish not on the path, do not hesitate - go and collect it. If it's hard to reach, find a branch and pull it up.
        • When you read this, it may not look like something exciting, but in fact it is a wonderful experience. You may even enjoy it so much that you want to do it on a regular basis and clean the park again once or twice a year.
      2. Join a larger cleaning operation. If you ask the teachers and watch the local news, you may very well know that there are other groups of people who are doing cleanup operations like your park cleanup project. In most cases, these people are happy when children and families join them. In this way, you can participate in the cleaning of the beach, campsite or mountain trail. Being part of a larger movement is very inspiring.

      3. Join other volunteer groups. Whether you love planting trees, clearing trails, or just spreading the word about environmental change in your hometown, there may well be a local group that shares your interests. Reach out to them and ask how you can help. If there is no such group, why not talk to the parents or the school about creating one yourself? After all, you can't be too young to change the world for the better.

        • If your friends share your interests, have them sign a statement for the headmaster. If the director knows that many people are interested in the project, he is more likely to consider your proposal.
        • One program that many schools may be using, but few schools actually use, is the composting program. Compost helps reduce waste. Composting separates food waste and garden debris, which then decompose and turn into soil. With enough interest, your school's composting program can be a big success, so start spreading the word and build support among your classmates and their parents.
      • This guide is just a starting point. Ask around and search the internet for what you can do to help us all live in a safer and healthier world.
      • Don't forget to reward yourself for all your hard work. Enjoy what you have helped protect: go outside, play or explore nature whenever possible. If you treat nature with respect and care, you can enjoy it to the fullest.


      • Always get parental permission before doing anything new. Your parents always have the last word; if they don't want you to do something, they probably have a good reason for doing so. Respect them; they love you and always act in your best interests, even if sometimes it doesn't seem to be the case.

Objective of the project: promotion of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of preschool children.

Project objectives:

  • increasing the ecological culture and responsibility of the younger generation for the state of the environment;
  • fostering a careful, environmentally oriented attitude towards the environment and natural resources through the artistic word.



There is a balance in nature

It cannot be broken.

This is very important in life.

For you and for me.

What would be the balance

It is necessary with you, us, friends

Do not throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Less car driving

And let the smoke out of the factories

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes.

Less wrappers, papers

You throw it on the street!

Train in yourself, you, dexterity:

Get right into the urn.

And when you want to throw

You are not a piece of paper in the basket,

You think about nature

We still have to live here!

Let's save

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.


Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then we are on earth

And let's save ourselves!

What have we done in the twentieth century!

What happened to the ecology of the earth.

Forests were burned, rivers were clogged.

We could not have done this.

Could not spoil the internal waters,

Man could get along with nature.

Could not build factories in cities,

How are we to live in the next century?

Live without man-made disasters,

And without the risk of dying in the smoke.

With harmless water for the body...

Listen, people, to my word


Save the living from extinction

We need to comprehend one rule.

We need to protect the environment.

Protect the environment

Take care, guys, nature, -

And flowers, and trees, and a meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is our reliable friend.

On Sunday, with mom and dad, we will go for a walk in the forest.

We will collect mushrooms and berries, we will run and play,

And when we get tired of playing, we will want to eat a little.

We will get all the supplies, bake potatoes in a fire.

We will carefully collect all the garbage in a large bag,

And in the fire we will cover each and every ember with sand.

One day my daughter asked me:

“Mom, where does the earth come from under us,

Water, birds, sky and air around?

All this, dear, nature. Nature is our friend.

And again, the little girl asked me:

"And who protects nature from evil?"

All people in whose heart there is light, kindness.

Then I remembered a case from my life ...

Once in the garden, we grew a flower,

And Pasha, a neighbor, tore off the petal.

Suddenly, Vitya saw, and also plucked.

Our flower did not last long, it stood in the garden.

He died from the fact that his petals,

The boys plucked and did not save.

The grasshopper does not jump, the nightingale does not sing.

There is no flower in the garden, and there are no children there.

After all, it's boring to walk on an empty earth for us,

When there is no beauty on it!

It is impossible in the world to destroy, burn and litter,

Let's be friends

And care to bring up in children!

Then it's not scary, he will live,

All of us in this world!


Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people.

They teach strong friendship.


Nature itself heals

Nature itself heals

In the air you

Let's go fishing

Take me with you.

What are the beauties

Can't describe with a pen

Learn a little

To become an artist.

I'll sit by the river

And I'll catch bream

Without any medicine

I will become healthier!

(Mark Lvovsky)

Man (poem)

There are many miracles in the world

The man is the most wonderful of them all.

But he only loved himself

And destroyed nature.

He couldn't understand

That nature is our Mother!

Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted,

And we no longer like the water in our river

Now there are no animals in the forests,

Man is the most important of all!

He couldn't resist

This was his vice.

Why can't he

Live calmly and wisely?

protect, love, appreciate,

Appreciate all nature!

And now we see

Forests without birds, and lands without water...

Less and less nature

More and more environment.

(Victoria Kish, Natalia Osmak)



Ecological project "Protection of nature and the environment in the life of preschool children"

Objective of the project: promotion of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of preschool children.

Project objectives:

  • increasing the ecological culture and responsibility of the younger generation for the state of the environment;
  • fostering a careful, environmentally oriented attitude towards the environment and natural resources through the artistic word.



On pollution (poem)

There is a balance in nature

It cannot be broken.

This is very important in life.

For you and for me.

What would be the balance

It is necessary with you, us, friends

Do not throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Less car driving

And let the smoke out of the factories

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes.

Less wrappers, papers

You throw it on the street!

Train in yourself, you, dexterity:

Get right into the urn.

And when you want to throw

You are not a piece of paper in the basket,

You think about nature

We still have to live here!

Let's save

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.



Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then we are on earth

And let's save ourselves!


How to live in the XXI century? (poem)

What have we done in the twentieth century!

What happened to the ecology of the earth.

Forests were burned, rivers were clogged.

We could not have done this.

Could not spoil the internal waters,

Man could get along with nature.

Could not build factories in cities,

How are we to live in the next century?

Live without man-made disasters,

And without the risk of dying in the smoke.

With harmless water for the body...

Listen, people, to my word



So that humanity does not die from gases,

Save the living from extinction

We need to comprehend one rule.

We need to protect the environment.

Protect the environment

Take care, guys, nature, -

And flowers, and trees, and a meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is our reliable friend.


We'll go to the forest (poem)

On Sunday, with mom and dad, we will go for a walk in the forest.

We will collect mushrooms and berries, we will run and play,

And when we get tired of playing, we will want to eat a little.

We will get all the supplies, bake potatoes in a fire.

We will carefully collect all the garbage in a large bag,

And in the fire we will cover each and every ember with sand.


"Flower of the Earth" (poem)

One day my daughter asked me:

“Mom, where does the earth come from under us,

Water, birds, sky and air around?

All this, dear, nature. Nature is our friend.

And again, the little girl asked me:

"And who protects nature from evil?"

All people in whose heart there is light, kindness.

Then I remembered a case from my life ...

Once in the garden, we grew a flower,

And Pasha, a neighbor, tore off the petal.

Suddenly, Vitya saw, and also plucked.

Our flower did not last long, it stood in the garden.

He died from the fact that his petals,

The boys plucked and did not save.

The grasshopper does not jump, the nightingale does not sing.

There is no flower in the garden, and there are no children there.

After all, it's boring to walk on an empty earth for us,

When there is no beauty on it!

It is impossible in the world to destroy, burn and litter,

Let's be friends

And care to bring up in children!

Then it's not scary, he will live,

All of us in this world!



Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people.

They teach strong friendship.



Nature itself heals

Nature itself heals

In the air you

Let's go fishing

Take me with you.

What are the beauties

Can't describe with a pen

Learn a little

To become an artist.

I'll sit by the river

And I'll catch bream

Without any medicine

I will become healthier!

(Mark Lvovsky)


Man (poem)

There are many miracles in the world

The man is the most wonderful of them all.

But he only loved himself

And destroyed nature.

He couldn't understand

That nature is our Mother!

Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted,

And we no longer like the water in our river

Now there are no animals in the forests,

Man is the most important of all!

He couldn't resist

This was his vice.

Why can't he

Live calmly and wisely?

protect, love, appreciate,

Appreciate all nature!

And now we see

Forests without birds, and lands without water...

Less and less nature

More and more environment.

(Victoria Kish, Natalia Osmak)

Direct educational activity with children of the senior group in the conditions of FGT

Topic: "Nature is our common home"

Program content:

Target: Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about saving and protecting the environment.

The objectives are framed in context with the following areas.

"Health". To develop in children independence, responsibility and understanding of the importance of correct behavior for the protection of their lives and health. To form ideas about the relationship between nature and man and the impact of the environment on health.

"Safety". Consolidation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the environment and how to behave in them.

"Socialization". Contribute to the development of ecological culture of children.

"Knowledge". Develop logical thinking, memory, speech;

"Reading Fiction".Contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works, expressive reading of poetry.

Methods: practical, playful, visual, auditory, verbal.

Receptions: Immersion in the game situation, group work, conversation, riddles, voice and emotional modulation,poems, physical education.

Preliminary work:

1. View multimedia presentations with conversations about nature.

2. Considering illustrations, albums on the topic: “Nature”, compiling stories from pictures.

3. Conducting didactic games: “Who lives where”, “Who is superfluous”.

4. Carrying out outdoor games.

5. Game situations according to the rules of dealing with nature.

Health-saving technologies: Fizminutka.

Relaxation: "Listen to the sounds of the forest"

Hardware: laptop.

Educational Resources:Program "From Birth to School" by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Lesson progress

Educator: Good afternoon dear children! Did you know June 5th is World Environment Day.

We live on the beautiful planet Earth. Most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas (show a picture of the sea ...), a smaller part is solid land. Both on land and in water many plants grow, different animals live. Everyone on Earth has a place, everyone has their own home. All living beings need clean water, clean land, clean air. Today we have gathered to clarify our knowledge about nature, to expand it, to consolidate it.

Presentation viewing.

(Environmental protection; Animals; Natural phenomena)

Our further lesson with you will take place on the site of our kindergarten.(going to the street)

Educator: Let's stand in a semicircle.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our planet?(Children answer: Earth)And what form does it have?(ball) True ball shape. Only this ball is so big, and it takes many months to go around it. I also want to show you a model of our land.(teacher shows a globe)Now I will give it to you each to hold.

(Quiet music sounds, educator reads a poem):

Our home, our common home,
The land where we live.
You just look around.
Here is a river, there is a green beam,
You will not pass in the dense forest!
You will not find water in the desert:
And somewhere the snow lies a mountain,
And somewhere hot in winter,
We can't count miracles,
They have one name
Forests and mountains and seas,
Everything is called land.
And if we take off into space,
That from the rocket window
You will see the ball there is blue
Favorite planet.

Educator: Guys, we got a letter. Let's read. We are offered to play a TV game. Are you willing to take part in the game?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then I'll be the leader. And you are part of the game. Before the game begins, we will split into two teams and let you come up with a nature-related team name for your team, choose a captain. And, of course, we will get acquainted with the rules.

  1. You can't shout out.
  2. Answers are taken in turn. For the correct answer, the team receives a smiley.
  3. At the end of the game, count the emoticons. The one with the most emoticons wins.

Well, of course the theme of the game is "Nature"

The first team is "Daisies", the second is "Violets".

Everyone is ready to start our game.

Children: Yes.

Educator: First task

Task number 1

1. Why do we need water?(Drink, bathe, animals and plants need water).

2. What can you tell about water? What is it like?(Fresh, drinking, refined, mineral, cloudy, dirty).

3. Can you name a bird that can swim?(goose, duck)

4. Guys, tell me, is it possible to burn garbage?(No, it will give off harmful smoke). What about digging into the ground?(Not everything rots in the ground).

5 . What is necessary for the growth and development of plants?(earth, water, light, air, heat).

6 . How should water be conserved?(Save water, do not pollute).

Task number 2

1 team

Why are animals called wild?

(children's answers)

They get their own food;

Build a home;

Adapt to the environment

Saved from enemies.

2 team

Why are animals called pets?

(children's answers)

Man takes care of them;

They don't care about food;

They live in finished dwellings.

Task number 3


How should we take care of the birds?

Each team must answer in turn, the answers must be complete, detailed. (We must hang feeders. We must not destroy the feeders. Do not forget to feed the birds.)

Task number 4

Educator: And now I will make riddles for you., whose team will respond faster. We don't shout, we raise our hands.

1. Our younger brothers living in the forest(BEASTS)

2. A nimble inhabitant of the forest stole a cabbage leaf.

His eyelashes are trembling, is there a fox somewhere?(HARE)

3. He looks like a sheepdog,

Whatever a tooth is a sharp knife,

He runs with his mouth bared

Ready to attack the sheep(WOLF)

4. Not a mouse, not a bird

frolicking in the forest,

Lives on trees

And chews nuts.(SQUIRREL)


Educator: Clap your hands if plants grow in our area, and if they don’t grow then be silent.


Task number 5

Draw an animal in motion

1 team will depict us (a bear and a hare)

Team 2 will depict us (butterfly and frog).

Educator: Well done, this concludes our TV game, let's count the emoticons with you.

(Music plays, the teacher counts emoticons with the children)

And so guys, what kind of team did we win?

Children: Friendship

Educator: Of course friendship. Guys, you made me very happy with your answers, well done, and now there is a musical pause.


"The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house - we make a roof with our hands

He looks out his window - we make a window with our hands

Bunny runs across the field, knocks on the door to him - depicting running in place.

Knock Knock! Open the door! - knock and open the door - two palms to the sides

There's an evil hunter in the forest! - we show an evil hunter - we frown our eyebrows and hands up.

Bunny, Bunny, Run! - we invite you, we wave our hand - COME IN!

Give me paw! - give a "paw"


And now I will repeat the rules of behavior in the forest:


We think that today we have learned a lot and understood that we must love and protect our Earth - our huge common home.

Don't hurt a bird or a cricket!

Do not buy a net for a butterfly!

Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields -

Everything that is called your Motherland!

Let's all walk around our site together and hang posters.(Protect the environment).