Speech therapy lesson to overcome optical dysgraphia. Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of the letters L-M". outline of a lesson in speech therapy (grade 2) on the topic Differentiation l m in writing exercises

Alesya Korolkova

Differentiation of sounds H-M.

preparatory group


1. To teach children to give a comparative description of the sounds H, M.

2. To teach children to distinguish the sounds H, M in syllables, words, by ear.

3. Learn to visually distinguish between the letters H and M.

4. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.

5. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

Lesson progress:

Today we have two dolls visiting us. Both are unnamed.

The children will help the dolls come up with names. The name of one doll should begin with the sound M, and the other with the sound N (Natasha and Masha). We will learn to distinguish these sounds today.

Give a description of the sound H. (Sound H - consonant, solid, sonorous).

And now the characteristics of the sound M. (Sound M - consonant, solid, sonorous).

What is the similarity? What is the difference?

Now let's check how you can distinguish between them. Pick up the letters M and N. I will say syllables and words, if you hear the sound M or H, then show the corresponding letter.

Syllables: an, am, om, ut, yn, ma, na, pa, mu.

Words: Natasha, poppy, mind, cinema, com, con.

Selection of words with sounds M and N: Let's give pictures to Masha doll and Natasha doll:

poppy, knife, T-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, lump, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

And now change the sound M in the word to the sound N:

Masha - our Wash - whine Frames - wounds

Mil - nile Wash - whine Lump - seahorse

Mig - Nick Muka - Science Females - Sled

Lady - given Dom - Don Sama - Sanya

Rama - early Kom - sleep Dima - Dina

Misha - niche Tam - tone Mole - zero

Name the pictures. Determine the place of the sound H, M in the title of the pictures:

poppy, knife, t-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, lump, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

Well done all done!

What does the letter H look like? what about the letter M?

Lay out letters from counting sticks.

Now do the tasks in your notebooks. Color the letter M and H blue.

Determine which sound M or H is hidden in each word. Write the letters M or H in the boxes. Color the pictures.

What sounds have we learned to distinguish? Give them a description.

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Theme of the speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of the letters L-M". During the lesson, students will consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation; kinesthetic sensations on articulatory images of sounds [L] - [M]; the connection of the sound image [L] - [M] with their graphic image; skills of optical analysis and synthesis of letters; sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis; correct spelling of letters in syllables, words, sentences, text; consolidation of reading and writing skills of syllables, words, sentences, text. Vocabulary activation. development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Summary of speech therapy classes (for grades 2-3).

Topic: Overcoming the confusion of letters by kinetic similarity.
Differentiation of letters L-M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher of the secondary educational institution "Secondary School No. 160"
Shumankova Olga Viktorovna


The purpose of the lesson: Improving the skills of differentiating the letters L-M.
Correctional and educational:
- consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;
- fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m;
- enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Correction - developing:
-development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
-development of auditory attention, memory.
-increase in visual perception.
- strengthening the skills of reading and writing syllables, words, sentences, text;
Correctional and educational:
- formation of interest in speech therapy classes;
-development of accurate writing skills.
Equipment: individual mirrors, notebooks, articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, letters L, M, pictures, word cards.
1. Organizational moment.
In class, who listens carefully,
Who writes using the secrets of literate writing,
Who keeps order in the notebook.
(Children repeat the words together with the speech therapist).

In class, we listen carefully,
write using the secrets of literate writing,
keep the order in the notebook.

2. Articulation gymnastics.
-In order to speak correctly, clearly, correctly, we must prepare the articulation apparatus and perform articulation gymnastics.
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
-Name the school supplies, in the names of which there is [l].
- Ruler, pencil case, felt-tip pen.
-Find the place of the sound [l] in each word.
-First, fifth, second.
Name the lesson, in the name of which there is a sound [m].
How many times is [m] heard in a word?
-Right. Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) What letters will we talk about in class?
Today we will talk about the letters M and L.
-Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
- The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them.
-Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L-M."
4. Establishing the articulum-kinema-grapheme connection
What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l].
- We have one language. (Shows a support card).
Write with your finger on the table and in the air the letter L at the expense of “one-and”.

(slide with image of language).

Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in its pronunciation,
There are two of them. Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one-and-two"

(lip slide).

What conclusion can we draw?
-L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with the tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips.
5. Selecting a letter
-Today a fairy-tale heroine came to us (Shows an image of Malvina) Letters are lost in her name. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".
..... a .. vina.
Remember how names are spelled.
-Names are capitalized. (Perform task).
- Guys, remember what fairy tale this girl is from?
-Malvina is a fairy-tale character from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to write without mistakes. Was he an attentive student?
Students answer questions.
Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the tablets and remember everything you see. (Shows the tablets)

CHALK (slide with the image of geometric shapes - oval - M; triangle - E; rectangle - L).

What word did you read? In what figure was the first, second, third letter hidden?
(Students answer questions).
- In the names of which figures there are l, m?
- Oval, triangle, rectangle.
- What are the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? In the names of which there are letters L, M.
-Papa Carlo, Artemon.
6. Syllabic analysis and synthesis
-Malvina invites you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called?
- Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (dictating)
First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler.
Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina asked Pinocchio to write down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (dictates)
la, mi
mon, li
small, slo
lo we
lok, me
la, earth
-Now let's write words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common?
- In every word there are letters l, m.
7. Finger gymnastics
Your fingers are tired, let's play with them.
Finger, finger - fidget, where did you run, where did you dine?
Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs.
I ate Kalinka with my little finger,
I ate raspberries with a nameless one,
Ate with medium strawberries,
With the index - strawberries.
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.
And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures.
L3 L2 M1L3 M3L4
8. Graphic dictation
-Guess what object Malvina said sour, yellow, fragrant, large?
-Repeat what a lemon is like. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, a lemon is l1m3. Use hints - supports when writing l, m.
It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3)
Bed for flowers (flower bed-l2m4).
(Children do the task).
9.Working with a syllabary
“Now we have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (Hangs up a syllabary table, students read in chorus, selectively one at a time).

La-ma le-me lal-lam-mal
lu-mu lu-mu lul-lum-mul
ly-we la-me lol-lom-mol
lo-mo le-me lyl-lym-soap
al-am el-em lil-lim-mil
ul-um yul-yum lol-lem-mel
Yl-ym yal-yam lal-lum-mul
ol-om el-em lul-lum-mul

Show the second syllable of the words in the table. Ate, sing, pricked, washed, crushed, poured, broke, white.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to read in whole words. Try to read it too. (Gives a chain of words to each student)
-Now close the cards. Name the words in two syllables. Write them down using the prompt. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language - "single" - "one-and".
Mom- lama- little- Mila- cute- burbot- lemon-line- lily.
-Close the words. Write them down in the order of their names.
Fruit, flower, fish, animal.
The word that answers the question what? What words are left?
-Mom, little, Mila, line.
10. Differentiation in phrases and sentences
Malvina received a letter from Pinocchio.
Dear Lalvina!
I invite you for tea with mimon and lamina jam!
-What letters did Pinocchio mix up? What words are wrong? How our tips will help Pinocchio distinguish between m and l.
11. Didactic game "Pave the path."
-Listen to the proposal. In each word, look for the letter l, m and write them down using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (\/), . We get a path along which we will come to visit Pinocchio.
Young fir-trees met at the forest edge.
/\ L --- L ML L
Evening haze covered all the fields.
--- ML L -- L
I heard the melodic voice of the oriole.
12. Fixing letters in words and combinations.
What do we drink tea with?
(Children list).
Insert the corresponding letters into the words using our discrimination method. (The speech therapist writes down the words on the board).
.... ed, ... yata, .. and.. he, ... oh eye.

Over tea Pinocchio told what he had done during the day. Make up phrases, name the words that differ in the letters L, M. (Writing on the board).

Put on Laika
Called M

Sat down to ka lin
Planted M

13. Fixing letters in a sentence.
Pinocchio liked to play with words so much that he even composed poems. Only he forgot where to put which word. Help him.
To cover the floors, we need ......
To decorate the garden, we will plant .. (lacquer, poppy).
Who would cut us .....
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

14. Didactic game "Pair to pair"
-Now we will make sentences on the basis of establishing simple analogies between objects. Over tea Pinocchio likes to solve puzzles. (Writing words on the board).

Lemon ___ apple ___________________
Sour round, sweet, green, large
-Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.
Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.

* Did you miss a letter?

15. Fixing letters in the text.
-Pinocchio learned to distinguish between the letters l, m and even made sentences. (Writing on the board.) What words did Pinocchio miss? Write down any sentence, add the necessary words.
.... sleeps in a den all winter. Hit the oak...

Memo. Check your work.

* Did you miss a letter?

16. The result of the lesson.
What letters did we learn to distinguish today?
We learned to distinguish between the letters L and M.
How are these letters different?
What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

17. Reflection.
- Guys, draw a scale of success. Show how much you understood the topic of the lesson? If it’s bad, weakly, sit at your desk, if it’s good, then stand up, if it’s excellent, then stand up and raise your hands up. (children determine the scale of success).
The lesson is over.



Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of the letters L-M".

Theme of the speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of the letters L-M". During the lesson, students will consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation; kinesthetic sensations on articulatory images of sounds [L] - [M]; the connection of the sound image [L] - [M] with their graphic image; skills of optical analysis and synthesis of letters; sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis; correct spelling of letters in syllables, words, sentences, text; consolidation of reading and writing skills of syllables, words, sentences, text. Vocabulary activation. development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Summary of speech therapy classes (for grades 2-3).

Topic: Overcoming the confusion of letters by kinetic similarity.
Differentiation L-M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher of the secondary educational institution "Secondary School No. 160"
Shumankova Olga Viktorovna


Purpose of the lesson: Improving the skills of differentiating the letters L-M.
Correctional and educational:
- consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;
- fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m;
- enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Correction - developing:
-development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
-development of auditory attention, memory.
-increase in visual perception.
- strengthening the skills of reading and writing syllables, words, sentences, text;
Correctional and educational:
- formation of interest in speech therapy classes;
-development of accurate writing skills.
Equipment : individual mirrors, notebooks, articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, letters L, M, pictures, word cards.
1. Organizational moment.
In class, who listens carefully,
Who writes using the secrets of literate writing,
Who keeps order in the notebook.
(Children repeat the words together with the speech therapist).

In class, we listen carefully,
write using the secrets of literate writing,
keep the order in the notebook.

2. Articulation gymnastics.
-In order to speak correctly, clearly, correctly, we must prepare the articulation apparatus and perform articulation gymnastics.
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
-Name the school supplies, in the names of which there is [l].
- Ruler, pencil case, felt-tip pen.
-Find the place of the sound [l] in each word.
-First, fifth, second.
Name the lesson, in the name of which there is a sound [m].
How many times is [m] heard in a word?
-Right. Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) What letters will we talk about in class?
Today we will talk about the letters M and L.
-Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
- The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them.
-Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L-M."
4. Establishing the articulum-kinema-grapheme connection
What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l].
- We have one language. (
Shows a support card).
Write with your finger on the table and in the air the letter L at the expense of “one-and”.

(slide with language image).

Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in its pronunciation,
There are two of them. Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one-and-two"

(lips slide).

What conclusion can we draw?
-L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with the tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips.
5. Selecting a letter
-Today a fairy-tale heroine came to us (Shows an image of Malvina) Letters are lost in her name. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language - "single" - "one-and".
..... a .. vina.
Remember how names are spelled.
-Names are capitalized. (Perform task).
- Guys, remember what fairy tale this girl is from?
-Malvina is a fairy-tale character from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to write without mistakes. Was he an attentive student?
Students answer questions.
Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the tablets and remember everything you see. (Shows the tablets)

CHALK ( slide with the image of geometric shapes - oval - M; triangle - E; rectangle - L).

What word did you read? In what figure was the first, second, third letter hidden?
(Students answer questions).
- In the names of which figures there are l, m?
- Oval, triangle, rectangle.
- What are the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? In the names of which there are letters L, M.
-Papa Carlo, Artemon.
6. Syllabic analysis and synthesis
-Malvina invites you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called?
- Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (dictates)
First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler.
Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina asked Pinocchio to write down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (dictates)
la, mi
mon, li
small, slo
lo we
lok, me
la, earth
-Now let's write words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common?
- In every word there are letters l, m.
7. Finger gymnastics
Your fingers are tired, let's play with them.
Finger, finger - fidget, where did you run, where did you dine?
Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs.
I ate Kalinka with my little finger,
I ate raspberries with a nameless one,
Ate with medium strawberries,
With the index - strawberries.
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.
And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures.
L3 L2 M1L3 M3L4
8. Graphic dictation
-Guess what object Malvina said sour, yellow, fragrant, large?
-Repeat what a lemon is like. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, a lemon is l1m3. Use hints - supports when writing l, m.
It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3)
Bed for flowers (flower bed-l2m4).
(Children do the task).
9.Working with a syllabary
“Now we have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (Hangs up a syllabary table, students read in chorus, selectively one at a time).

la-ma le-me lal-lam-mal
lu-mu lu-mu lul-lum-mul
ly-we la-me lol-lom-mol
lo-mo le-me lyl-lym-soap
al-am el-em lil-lim-mil
ul-um yul-yum lol-lem-mel
Yl-ym yal-yam lal-lum-mul
ol-om el-em lul-lum-mul

Show the second syllable of the words in the table. Ate, sing, pricked, washed, crushed, poured, broke, white.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to read in whole words. Try to read it too. ( Gives a chain of words to each student)
-Now close the cards. Name the words in two syllables. Write them down using the prompt. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language - "single" - "one-and".
Mom- lama- little- Mila- cute- burbot- lemon-line- lily.
-Close the words. Write them down in the order of their names.
Fruit, flower, fish, animal.
The word that answers the question what? What words are left?
mom, little, Mila, line.
10. Differentiation in phrases and sentences
Malvina received a letter from Pinocchio.
Dear Lalvina!
I invite you for tea with mimon and lamina jam!

-What letters did Pinocchio mix up? What words are wrong? How our tips will help Pinocchio distinguish between m and l.
11. Didactic game "Pave the path."
-Listen to the proposal. In each word, look for the letter l, m and write them down using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (\/), . We get a path along which we will come to visit Pinocchio.
Young fir-trees met at the forest edge.
/\ L --- L ML L
Evening haze covered all the fields.
--- ML L -- L
I heard the melodic voice of the oriole.
12. Fixing letters in words and combinations.
What do we drink tea with?
(Children list).
Insert the corresponding letters into the words using our discrimination method. (The speech therapist writes down the words on the board).
ed, ...yata, ..and..he, ...oh my.

Over tea Pinocchio told what he had done during the day. Make up phrases, name the words that differ in the letters L, M. (Writing on the board).

Put on Laika
Called M

Sat down to ka lin
Planted M

13. Fixing letters in a sentence.
Pinocchio liked to play with words so much that he even composed poems. Only he forgot where to put which word. Help him.
To cover the floors, we need ......
To decorate the garden, we will plant .. (lacquer, poppy).
Who would cut us .....
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

14. Didactic game "Pair to pair"
-Now we will make sentences on the basis of establishing simple analogies between objects. Over tea Pinocchio likes to solve puzzles. (
writing words on the board).

Lemon ___ apple ___________________
Sour round, sweet, green, large
-Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.
Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.

Check each word separately, starting with the last one:
* Did you miss a letter?
* Didn't he write another instead of one letter?
*Did you spell each letter correctly?
If there are no more such mistakes in your work, well done!
15. Fixing letters in the text.
-Pinocchio learned to distinguish between the letters l, m and even made sentences. (Writing on the board.) What words did Pinocchio miss? Write down any sentence, add the necessary words.
.... sleeps in a den all winter. Hit the oak...

Memo. Check your work.
Check each word separately, starting with the last one:
* Did you miss a letter?
* Didn't he write another instead of one letter?
*Did you spell each letter correctly?
If there are no more such mistakes in your work, well done!

16. The result of the lesson.
What letters did we learn to distinguish today?
We learned to distinguish between the letters L and M.
How are these letters different?
What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

17. Reflection.
- Guys, draw a scale of success. Show how much you understood the topic of the lesson? If it’s bad, weakly, sit at your desk, if it’s good, then stand up, if it’s excellent, then stand up and raise your hands up. (children determine the scale of success).
The lesson is over.

Lesson notes Topic: Differentiation l - m in syllables and words LESSON OBJECTIVES Working out and fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m. Development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis. The development of auditory attention, memory. Increase in visual perception. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary. Formation of interest in speech therapy classes. EQUIPMENT 1. Demonstration cards with the image of capital letters L and M, support cards L and M. 2. Syllabary table, images of Malvina and Pinocchio, plates M, E, L for training the distribution of attention. 3. Subject pictures depicting berries. 4. Chains of words for each student, cards. *** Organizational moment Speech therapist. Name the school supplies, in the names of which the sound [l] occurs. Students. Ruler, pencil case, marker. Speech therapist. Determine the place of sound [l] in each word. Students. First, fifth, second. Speech therapist. Name a lesson that has the [m] sound in its name. Students. Mathematics. Speech therapist. How many times is [m] heard in a word? Students. Twice. Speech therapist. Right. Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) What letters will we talk about in class? Pupils answer, look for similarities and differences between letters. Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element. What conclusion can we draw from this? Students. The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them. Speech therapist. Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L - M." Establishing a connection between articulum - kinema - grapheme Speech therapist. What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l]? Students. Language. Speech therapist. We have one language. (Shows a support card.) Write the letter L with your finger on the table and in the air at the expense of "one - and." Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in his pronunciation, there are two of them. (Shows a support card.) Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one - and - two." What conclusion can we draw? Students. L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with our tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips. Choosing the letter Speech therapist. Today a fairy tale heroine came to us. (Shows a picture of Malvina.) Letters are missing from her name. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - a “double” letter - we lead our hand to the count of “one - and - two”. L - one language - "single" - "one - and". ..a..veena. Remember how names are spelled. Students. Capitalized. (Perform the task. ) Speech therapist. Guys, remember what fairy tale this girl is from? Malvina taught Pinocchio to write without mistakes. Was he an attentive student? Students answer questions. Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the signs and remember everything you see. (Shows tablets 3-4 s) What word did you read? In what figure was the first, second, third letter hidden? Students answer questions. Which shapes have l, m in their names? Students. Oval, triangle, rectangle. Speech therapist. Name the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Write down the fourth letter in the word Carlo, connect it with the letter fifth in the word Artemon. The students complete the task. In the names of which heroes of the fairy tale are the letters l, m? Students. Fox Alice, cat Basilio, Duremar, Tortilla. Syllabic analysis and synthesis Speech therapist. Malvina invites you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called? Students. Syllables. Speech therapist. Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (Dictates.) First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler. Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel. Malvina asked Pinocchio to write down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (Dictates.) la, Mimon, li small, slo lo, we are lok, grinding, earth Now we will write down words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common? Students. Each has the letters l, m. Finger gymnastics Speech therapist. Your fingers are tired, let's play with them. Finger, fidget finger, Where did you run, where did you dine? Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs. I ate kalinka with my little finger, I ate raspberries with my ring finger, I ate strawberries with my middle finger, and strawberries with my index finger. Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb. What berries did the finger eat? Pupils call berries, the speech therapist puts subject pictures with their image on the board. And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures. (Attach cards one by one to the board.) Graphic dictation Speech therapist. Guess what object Malvina said sour, yellow, fragrant, large? Students. About lemon. Speech therapist. Repeat what a lemon is. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, lemon - l1m3. Use support tips when writing l, m. Do the same with other words. Fresh, cow, butter (butter - m1l4). Tall, coconut, slender (palm - l3m5). Now we will repeat the signs of objects. Let's encrypt the words, defining the subject according to the prompts: It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3). Flower bed (flower bed - l2m4). Modeling material (plasticine - l2l7). Ancient fossil animals similar to elephants (mammoths - m1m3). Full name of Luda (Lyudmila - L1m4l6). Work with the syllable table Speech therapist. And now we will have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (Hangs up a syllabary table on the board.) Think up and write down a word according to the initial syllable. (Shows a syllable in the table.) Ul.., le.., me.., yul.. etc. Show the second syllable of the words in the table. (The meaning of unfamiliar words explains.) Ate, sing, pricked, washed, crushed, poured, burbot, broke, white. Malvina taught Pinocchio to read in whole words. Try to read it too. (Gives out chains of words to each student.) Chalk - sweet - soap - soap - washed away - dared - boldly - crayon - finely. Chains are read by 2-3 students. Now close the cards. Name the words in two syllables. Write them down using our tips. What words differ by one letter? Mom - llama - little - Mila - cute - burbot - lemon - line - lily. close the words. Write them down in title order. Fruit. Flower. Fish. Animal. The word that answers the question what? What words are left? Students. Mom, little, Mi-la, line. The result of the speech therapist. Well done! Today we got to Malvina for two lessons at once. What did we learn to do in class? How do lips and tongue help to distinguish between the letters l, m? What tasks did Malvina like the most? Students answer questions.

1. Insert the missing letters I or Sh into the words.

R__ska we__ka __gru__ka

Gla pu__ka __zbu__ka

2. Insert the missing letters I or Sh. Write down the phrases.

x__traya ko__ka

mom__for tea__ka

r_sovaya ka_a

Scarf, grandmother, knits, Sasha.

Independent work No. 27

Differentiation L - M

1. Insert the missing letters L or M into the words.

ko__ar __odka __e__cue

help __arch __a__ina

2. Insert the missing letters L or M. Write down the phrases.

E__ki __uk

I_ny juice

Isya __horde

3. Make a sentence out of these words and write it down.

Kissel, Marina, raspberry, loves.

Independent work No. 28

Differentiation K - N

1. Insert the missing letters K or H into the words.

baty__ clow__ __angry__o__

Anava __i__ka __i__o

2. Insert the missing letters K or N. Write down the word combinations.

Lubo__ __ito__

i__teres__o __i__o

red baty __

3. Make a sentence out of these words and write it down.

Bought, bow, red, Marina.

Independent work No. 29

Differentiation N - P

1. Insert the missing letters H or P into the words.

Ear ka__ava __avli__

A__ka k__iga __a__ama

2. Insert the missing letters H or P. Write down the phrases.

si__ya __a__ama

tooth __ ___

wool _socks

3. Make a sentence out of these words and write it down.

Received, dad, a letter, registered.


1. Barylkina L.P., Matraeva I.P., Obukhova L.P. These difficult consonants: How to help a child with writing and reading disorders: A guide for teachers, speech therapists and parents. – M.: 2005.

2. Efimenkova L.N.

Correction of errors caused by unformed phonemic perception. Issue 1. - M .: Knigoloub, 2003.

3. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by the lack of formation of phonemic hearing. Issue 2. Part 2. Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants. – M.: Knigoloub, 2005.

4. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. – M.: VLADOS, 2001.

5. Kobzareva L.G., Rezunova M.P., Yushina G.N. Remedial work with schoolchildren with NVONR or OHP at the first stage of education. - Voronezh: Publishing House "Teacher", 2000.

6. Kozyreva L.M. Riddles of sounds, letters, syllables. Notebook for speech therapy classes No. 1. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001.

7. Kozyreva L.M. Secrets of hard and soft consonants. Notebook for speech therapy classes No. 2. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001.

8. Kozyreva L.M. Distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants.

Notebook for speech therapy classes No. 3. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001.

9. Kozyreva L.M. And whistling, and hissing, and the most sonorous ... Notebook for speech therapy classes No. 4. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001.

10. Mazanova E.V. speech therapy. Dysgraphia due to impaired language analysis and synthesis: A set of notebooks for corrective speech therapy work with children with developmental disabilities. Notebook 1. M .: Aquarium BUK LLC, 2004.

11. Mazanova E.V. speech therapy. Optical dysgraphia: A set of notebooks for corrective speech therapy work with children with developmental disabilities. Notebook 5. M .: Aquarium BUK LLC, 2004.

12. Mazanova E.V. speech therapy. Overcoming writing disorders: A set of notebooks on corrective speech therapy work with children with developmental disabilities. Notebook 2. M .: Aquarium BUK LLC, 2004.

13. Mazanova E.V. I'm learning not to confuse letters. Album 1. Exercises for the prevention and correction of optical dysgraphia / E.V. Mazanova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006.

Mazanova E.V. I'm learning not to confuse letters. Album 2. Exercises for the correction of optical dysgraphia / E.V. Mazanova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006.

15. Mazanova E.V. I'm learning not to confuse sounds. Album 1. Exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren / E.V. Mazanova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006.

16. Mazanova E.V. I'm learning not to confuse sounds. Album 2. Exercises for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia / E.V. Mazanova. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006.

17. Mazanova E.V. I am learning how to work with text. Album of exercises for the correction of dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis / E.V. Mazanova. M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2007.

18. Sadovnikova I.N. Disorders of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren.

19. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. We teach to read and write without errors: A set of exercises for the work of speech therapists with younger students to prevent and correct shortcomings in reading and writing. – M.: ARKTI, 2007.

VI. Summary of the lesson

V. Development of motor skills of fingers

Writing a story about vegetables or fruits

Classification of the names of vegetables and fruits

IV. Lexico-grammatical part of the lesson

The speech therapist distributes cards with the game "Reader".


The next task "Reader" is simpler. Divide the notebook fox in half. Read the words written on the cards. Write the names of fruits in the first column, the names of vegetables in the second column.

Please note that the words in the "Reader" are written together, they need to be separated from each other.

For example:

tomato, cabbage, orange, carrot, garlic, persimmon, lemon, potato, pepper, beetroot, apple, pear, onion, plum, turnip, eggplant, radish, pepper, zucchini, pineapple.

What vegetable or fruit suggestions do not have letters in their names? oh huh?(onion, radish, pepper)

- Encrypt letters oh ah (oh take in an oval, a letter and an underline with one line)

And now we will try to write a story about a vegetable or fruit. Imagine that someone has never seen or tasted an apple. With the help of our story, maybe someone wants to try an apple. Each of you is offered a diagram with which you can make a story about a fruit vegetable.

Outline of the story (description of the subject)

1. ... is it a vegetable or a fruit?

2. The vegetable grows in the garden in the garden (the fruit grows in the garden on a tree).

5. Size.

For example. Listen to my story about the apple (I follow the story outline).

1. An apple is a fruit.

2. It grows in the garden on a tree (apple tree).

3. An apple can be green, red, yellow.

4. Apple - round or oval.

5. It is large in size, and may be small.

6. An apple has a sweet taste, but it can also be sweet and sour.

7. The apple has a pleasant, fragrant smell.

Who will try to write their own story? (children's answers)

The speech therapist distributes cards with the image of the superimposed contours of the objects "Vegetables and Fruits" (Fig. 7).

The card contains images of vegetables and fruits, color either fruits or vegetables if desired.

What sounds and letters did we study in class? What do the sounds [o] have in common, how do they differ? What is the common element of the letters o, eh? How is the spelling different?

and letters l, m in words


1. Improve optical-spatial and kinetic representations.

2. Develop the ability to analyze sentences into words (name words in a certain sequence, highlight the first and last words, consolidate knowledge about writing sentences using diagrams) and skills in syllabic and sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

3. Form grammatically correct speech, auditory memory.

4. Improve the motor skills of the fingers


game "Letter Chains" (l–> m–> And–> at–> c);

The game "Spider line" ("Words");

Game "Snail" (for each child);

Prize tokens;

Overlay images ("Various items") (for each child).

Lesson plan.

I. Organizational moment.

II. The development of optical-spatial representations, the ability to explain.

III. Speech therapy part of the lesson:

1. Repetition of articulation and characteristics of sounds [l], [m], writing letters l, l.

2. Formation of optical-spatial representations, skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

3. Analysis of proposals.

4. Formation of sound-letter analysis,

IV. Lexico-grammatical part of the lesson.

1. The formation of subjective evaluative forms of words with the help of diminutive suffixes.

2. Changing a sentence containing subjective-evaluative forms

V. development of motor skills of the fingers.

VI. Summary of the lesson.