Notebook of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator. Rational organization of the activities of a speech therapist is the key to the effectiveness of corrective action Notebook of the relationship of a speech therapist and educator at school

teacher speech therapistGBDOU No. 125 compensating type

Central district of St. Petersburg,

Explanatory note.

Relevance of the problem

The solution of the problems of correctional and developmental work with children with severe speech disorders (TSD) will be effective only if there is an integrated approach and close interconnection in the work of all specialists of the preschool institution.

In groups of a compensatory orientation, the activities of the educator have their own specifics, which are determined by the children's speech deficiencies and the insufficient formation of mental processes. First of all, attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking suffer. The general, small, articulatory motility is broken or insufficiently formed.

One of the principles of educating and educating children with speech impairment is the principle of concentrism, according to which speech material is located within the same lexical topic, regardless of the type of activity.

This development presents an algorithm for correctional, educational and educational work, offered to educators of the older group as part of the study of a lexical topic. The system of game exercises includes updating, activating the dictionary; practical assimilation of lexical and grammatical categories; formation and development of coherent speech; development of attention and memory in children; formation and improvement of verbal-logical thinking; coordination of speech with movement through outdoor games; development of fine motor skills.

Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work through speech therapy of the educational process in groups of compensatory orientation for children with SPD.

To help educators of groups for children with TNR in the selection of didactic material when studying a lexical topic;

Clarify the lexical material in order to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children within the framework of the studied lexical topic;

Contribute to the correction and further development of lexical and grammatical components in children's speech through gaming technologies;

To form a coherent speech of children, observing continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educators in the selection of techniques and technologies;

Develop general, fine motor skills of children;

Continue work on the development and improvement of children's attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, visual-spatial functions.

As these tasks are solved, along with others, it is planned to combine the processes of education and upbringing into a single correctional and educational process.

Planned results:

As a result of the work done, children can communicate within this lexical topic:

The dictionary of children is updated and enriched:

children use generalizing words in speech;

learn the meaning of new words, including polysemantic ones;

know how to select antonyms, synonyms for given words;

Correctly use the grammatical forms of words, assimilate word-formation models;

They are able to make simple common sentences, simple types of compound sentences;

Connected speech of children develops:

compose various types of descriptive stories, based on mnemonic tables;

retell small literary works based on illustrative material (photographs, paintings, pictures).

The tasks of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, physical development are solved in a complex way.

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist teacher for educators

senior group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

Lexical theme: “Autumn. Trees"

Subject Dictionary:

season, autumn, september, october, november, month, fog, wind, cloud, rain, weather, leaf fall, mud, ground, dampness, boots, raincoat, jacket, gloves, sweater, umbrella, mushroom picker, harvest, trees, bush , leaves, lawn, carpet (of leaves), birch, oak, aspen, mountain ash, ash, linden, poplar, maple, larch, spruce, pine, willow, chestnut, acorn, trunk, bark, root, branch, crown, bough , foliage, stump, cone, needles, fruit, seeds.

Verb Dictionary:

step on, drizzle, pour, blow, pluck (leaves), fall off, fly around, spin, rustle, frown, wither, blush, turn yellow, dry up, fall asleep, collect.

Feature Dictionary:

autumn, cloudy, cool, gloomy, rainy, rainy, short (day), wet, torrential, drizzling, red, yellow, burgundy, narrow, wide, carved, multi-colored, golden, early, late, coniferous, deciduous, mighty, high , low, old, young, rotten.

Adverb Dictionary:

wet, damp, rainy, overcast, clear, gloomy, rainy, cold, early, late, bright, sunny, windy, high, low, often, rarely.

“Chains” (associative chains of words to a given word. Sample: autumn - leaf, puddle, rain, cloud, leaf fall; trunk - tree, branch ...).

· "One - many" (an exercise in the use of singular and plural nouns in the nominative case).

“Call me affectionately” (exercise in the formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

“From what tree, whose leaf?” (formation of relative adjectives; agreement of adjectives with nouns: This is a birch leaf, which means it is a birch leaf).

Development of coherent speech:

Retelling of the story "Autumn" (based on the picture)

Autumn has come. It became cold. The sky is gloomy, angry. It rains often. Birds fly to warmer climes. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, they are blown away by the wind, and they fall to the ground. The flowers withered, the grass withered.

Development of general motor skills. Coordination of speech with movement.

Mobile game "Leaves"

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game "It's raining"

One two three four five,

Strikes on the table with the fingers of both hands: left - from the little finger,

right - from the big one.

The rain came out for a walk.

Random strikes on the table with the fingers of both hands.

Went slowly, out of habit -

Where is he in a hurry?

“walk” with middle and index fingers

both hands on the table.

Suddenly he reads on the tablet:

"Do not walk on the grass!"

Rhythmic strikes with the palms,

then fists on the table.

The rain sighed softly.

Frequent rhythmic claps.

One cotton.

And left. The lawn is dry.

Rhythmic clapping on the table.

N. Nishcheva

Lexical theme: “Forest. Mushrooms and berries"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

forest, glade, edge, stump, moss, basket, basket, mushroom picker, bush, mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, fly agaric, butterdish, russula, chanterelle, honey agaric, camelina, breast, wave, toadstool, leg, hat, mycelium, thicket, swamp, berry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, wild strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry, cranberry, blackberry, mountain ash, cloudberry, wild rose, compote, jam, syrup, marinade, pickle, jam, jelly, salad.

Verb Dictionary:

grow, collect, cook, boil, fry, cut, dry, salt, marinate, stand, hide, grow, get lost, aukat.

Feature Dictionary:

mushroom (rain, summer, glade, year)), friendly (honey mushrooms), boiled, dried, fried, salted, pickled, white, red, red, small, old, edible, inedible, poisonous, wormy., sweet, sour , fragrant, fragrant, garden, forest, raspberry, gooseberry, lingonberry, strawberry, cranberry.

Adverb Dictionary:

near, far, near, tasty, sweet, salty.

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· “Colorful baskets” (activation of the dictionary, differentiation of edible - poisonous mushrooms; forest - garden berries).

· "One - many" (an exercise in the use of nouns - the names of mushrooms in the singular and plural of the nominative case).

· “Visiting the Gnome” (exercise in the formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

“One, two” (exercise in coordinating cardinal numbers with nouns).

· “My-my-my-my” (an exercise in agreeing possessive pronouns with nouns).

“What kind of jam? (what juice?" (exercise in the use of relative adjectives: blueberry juice - blueberry, etc.)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Exercise in the compilation and practical use of simple sentences of 3-5 words (development of dialogic speech in the process of talking about the picture).

Retelling of the story "For mushrooms"

Autumn has come. Petya and Tanya went to the forest for mushrooms. They wandered for a long time, very tired. Only Tanya collected a full basket, and Petya found only two mushrooms. Petya saw that his sister had collected more mushrooms and was upset. "I'm not going home! - shouts. - These mushrooms are bad! Bad forest! He threw the basket, fell to the ground and cries. “Well, what are you, Petenka! Tanya tells him.

- The mushrooms are not to blame, and the forest is not to blame either. Just think: we’ll fry the mushrooms in the same pan anyway. Take my basket, otherwise I'm tired, it's hard for me. And I'll take yours." Petya listened to his sister, calmed down and said: “I’ll carry the basket. Only it is not heavy, it is very valuable. Thank you, sister!"

Development of general motor skills

Outdoor game (coordination of speech with movement) "Berries"

V. Volina

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Forest gifts":

O. Krupenchuk

Lexical theme: “Vegetables. Garden"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

garden, vegetables, harvest, beds, weeds, cabbage, potatoes, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, garlic, beans, peppers, pumpkin, peas, eggplant, zucchini, carrots, cucumber, tomato, dill, parsley, lettuce, borscht, cabbage soup, salad, puree, juice, stuffing, pie, vitamins, shovel, rake, knife, basket, shop, seller

Verb Dictionary:

grow, pluck, pull out, dig, cut, plant, water, loosen, weed, care for, ripen, collect, wash, clean, cut, boil, salt, sell

Feature Dictionary:

vegetable, beet, tomato, etc., red, green, yellow, purple, burgundy, large, small, round, oval, triangular, elongated, smooth, rough, bitter, sweet, salty, sour, ripe, thick, strong , mature, fresh

Adverb Dictionary:

Tasty, healthy, small, large

· Didactic game "Large-small" (use of nouns with a diminutive meaning).

Didactic exercise "Pick a word" (selection of homogeneous adjectives for nouns: what kind of cucumber? (oval, green, small, hard, rough, large, tasty ...).

Didactic game "Let's harvest" (learning verbs with different meanings: I cut cabbage. - I pull carrots. - I take off cucumbers. - I dig potatoes, etc.)

Didactic game "Cookers" (use of relative adjectives in speech: I will cook vegetable soup. - I will bake cabbage pie, etc.)

Development of coherent speech

Drawing up descriptive stories about vegetables according to a schematic plan (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Outdoor game "Harvest" (coordination of speech with movement)

Let's go to the garden, we'll harvest.

We carry carrots

"They're dragging."

And we're digging up potatoes.

"They're digging."

We cut a head of cabbage,

"Cut off."

Round, juicy, very tasty.

They show a circle with their hands - 3 times.

Let's pick a little sorrel

And let's get back on track.

They walk in a circle holding hands.

Development of fine motor skills

Laying out of various materials (mosaics, peas, laces, etc.) the contours of vegetables.

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

Lexical theme “Fruits. Garden"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

garden, fruit, tree, branch, harvest, fruit, apricot, peach, banana, apple, pear, plum, orange, tangerine, lemon, pineapple, grapes, peel, stone, jam, jam, compote, juice, jelly, vitamins, health, slice, wedge, piece, taste, stuffing, dried fruits, raisins.

Verb Dictionary:

plant, grow, bloom, care for, ripen, hang, fall, collect, pluck, cook, cut, dry, bake, clean, wash, squeeze, eat.

Feature Dictionary:

fruity, garden, ripe, ripe, ruddy, fragrant, fragrant, juicy, sour, sweet, large, small, smooth, rough, healthy, delicious, red, green, purple, pear, apple, etc.

Adverb Dictionary:

tasty, sour, sweet, much, little, bitter

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Didactic game "What grows in the garden?" (to exercise in the use of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases).

· Didactic game "In the Gnome's Garden" (exercise the use of nouns with a diminutive meaning).

Didactic game "Shop" (exercise the use of relative adjectives. Sample: "I will buy orange juice").

Didactic game "Help Dunno" (work with a deformed sentence. Sample: Grandma cook apple jam.)

Development of coherent speech

Compose descriptive stories based on the mnemonic table.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement, the outdoor game "Apple":

According to N. Metelskaya.

Development of fine motor skills

Playing with massage balls "Plum"

Lexical theme: "Garden - vegetable garden"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Consolidation of vocabulary worked out on the topics "Vegetables", "Fruits".

Lexico-grammar games and exercises

· “In the garden or in the garden” (to exercise in the differentiation of vegetables and fruits, in drawing up simple common sentences).

· "Who is bigger?" (updating the dictionary of features on a lexical topic).

· "Grandmother's preparations" (the use of relative adjectives such as "onion", "banana" and their use as part of a sentence).

Didactic game "Harvesting" (composing sentences with prepositions ON, C, B, FROM, UNDER).

Development of coherent speech

Compose descriptive stories about vegetables and fruits based on a plan.

Retell stories based on a picture and graphic plan

An orchard grew near the house. The family came to the garden. The family collected ripe fruits. From fruits, my mother cooked compotes and jams, squeezed out various juices. Compotes, jams and juices turned out very tasty.

Our garden

There was a garden around the house. The family came to the garden. The family gathered ripe vegetables. Mom made various pickles and marinades from vegetables. Pickles and marinades turned out very tasty.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement, outdoor game "In the garden and in the garden":

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "In the store"

Lexical topic: “Our body. Hygiene rules"

Subject Dictionary:

head, forehead, ear, nose, eye, mouth, lips, teeth, tongue, cheek, eyebrow, eyelashes, back of the head, chin, hair, haircut, hairstyle, bangs, neck, torso, chest, belly, back, arm, shoulder, elbow, palm, hand, finger, nail, leg, knee, heel, foot, bones; soap, brush, paste, towel, comb, mirror, washcloth, soap dish, scissors, shampoo, foam, sauna, shower, bath, faucet, jet, hardening, pool, exercise, health, illness, cleanliness, physical education, hygiene.

Verb Dictionary:

breathe, look, walk, bend, hear, smell, sing, clean, rinse, run, jump, stomp, clap, frown, blink, wince, squint, squint, wash, comb, wipe, cut, hurt, heal, smile, laugh, cry, turn, nod, rinse, scratch, scratch, lather, rinse, soil, bend-unbend, squeeze-unclench, wash, foam, shave, grow, care.

Feature Dictionary:

tall, short, long, short, snub-nosed, left, right, healthy, sick, clean, dirty, wet, gloomy, cheerful, sad, surprised, frightened, brave, curly, shaggy, cute, strong, weak, adult, childish, pale, tanned, swarthy, slender, round-shouldered, long-haired, long-legged, blue-eyed, broad-shouldered, neat, untidy; frothy, fragrant, fragrant, household, toilet, bath.

Adverb Dictionary:

left, right, sad, fun, clean, neat, scary, surprised, dirty, fast, slow, high, necessary.

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· “Listen, name, show” (activation and enrichment of the subject dictionary on the topic).

· “Say the other way around” (an exercise in converting singular nouns into plural and vice versa: stomach - stomachs; eyes - eyes, etc.).

“Pick up an object” (body part) (see - eyes; hear - ..., run - ..., chew - ... etc.).

· "Affectionate words" (an exercise in the use of nouns with diminutive meaning: leg - leg, face - face, soap - soap, etc.).

· “Two - two” (an exercise in agreeing the numeral with feminine and masculine nouns: two eyes - two hands, etc.).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Exercise in the preparation and practical use of simple sentences of 3-5 words (full answers to the questions: Hands work, write, draw. Legs walk, run, jump).

“Describe a portrait” (modeled on a teacher).

Development of general motor skills:

by A. Barto

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics "Hello, finger."

Lexical topic: "Clothes, hats"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

clothing, atelier, factory, seamstress, shop, coat, cloak, jacket, fur coat, overalls, trousers, jeans, skirt, dress, suit, sundress, sweater, jumper, jacket, jacket, vest, shirt, t-shirt, shorts, T-shirt, pants, pajamas, bathrobe, tights, stockings, socks, hat, beret, cap, peaked cap, hat, panama, scarf, scarf, mittens, mittens, gloves, scarf, thread, needle, knitting needles, sleeve, collar, button, zipper ”, pocket, hood, brim, visor, bow, knot

Verb Dictionary:

put on, dress, clean, iron, wash, soil, sew, knit, embroider

Feature Dictionary:

winter, autumn, women's, men's, children's, comfortable, warm, smart, clean, dirty, ironed, washed, woolen, fur, velveteen, leather, rubber, light, upper, lower, head (dress)

Adverb Dictionary:

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

· “In the atelier”, “At the garment factory”, “In the store” (activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children, drawing up simple common sentences).

“Clothes for a doll” (use of nouns with diminutive suffixes in speech).

· “Greedy” (use of possessive pronouns “my”, “mine”, “mine”, “mine” with nouns).

“Compare what with what, what without what” (based on pairs of subject pictures):

- dress and sundress (dress with sleeves and cuffs, and a sundress without sleeves and without cuffs; a dress with a collar, and a sundress without a collar; a dress with a belt and a sundress with a belt, etc.);

- jacket and sweater

- T-shirt and T-shirt

- beret and hat

Development of coherent speech

Drawing up descriptive stories about garments and headgear according to a model and a schematic plan.

Development of general motor skills

The mobile game "Helpers" (coordination of speech with movement):

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "I put on a glove"

Lexical topic: "Shoes"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

shoes, factory, shoemaker, workshop, shop, boots, shoes, sneakers, shoes, sandals, sneakers, felt boots, sandals, slippers, pair (shoes), shoe details: toe, back, heel, sole, bootleg, lace, strap, buckle, zipper, fastener, pompom, tongue, thread, scissors, awl, hammer, glue, brush

Verb Dictionary:

shoe, (shoe - take off shoes), tie, lace up, clean, dirty, repair, nail, glue, sew

Feature Dictionary:

shoe, winter, autumn, summer, women's, men's, children's, comfortable, warm, smart, home, sports, clean, dirty, leather, rubber, left, right

Adverb Dictionary:

small, large, elegant, beautiful, neat, neat

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Didactic games and exercises:

· “In a shoe store”, “In a shoe shop” (activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary, drawing up simple common sentences).

· "Shoes for a gnome" (an exercise in the correct use of nouns with a diminutive meaning).

“Correct Dunno” (Petya put on a pair of boots. Vika put on a pair of sandals. Kolya washed his boots. Katya bought beautiful shoes in a shoe store. One slipper was torn from her grandmother. Dima was cleaning warm boots from snow. Etc.)

“What for what; for whom"? (Selection of relative adjectives for footwear: boots for winter - winter; shoes for a woman - women; slippers for home - home, etc.).

· “What are there ...” (boots. Rubber-rubber, leather-leather, etc.).

Development of coherent speech

Memorization of a poem (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about footwear according to a schematic plan (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

The mobile game "Slippers" (coordination of speech with movement):

These are slippers for Antoshka,

2 times rhythmically

stomp each foot.

To keep their feet warm.

Four rhythmic jumps

on both legs.

Top top thumpers

2 times rhythmically

stomp each foot.

What slippers! Like toys!

Put the left foot first

on the toe - the heel, then - the right one.

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Boots":

N. Nishcheva

Lexical theme: "Clothes, shoes, hats"

Expanding children's vocabulary

consolidation of vocabulary on previously worked out topics.

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Didactic games and exercises:

· “In the atelier”, “At the garment factory”, “In the shoe shop” (activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children, drawing up simple common sentences).

“Which, what, what, what?” (an exercise in the correct use of relative adjectives).

“Name an extra item” (differentiation of clothes-shoes-headwear; parts and the whole).

· “One - many”, “Affectionate words” (reinforcing the use of plural names of falling nouns; nouns with a diminutive meaning).

Development of coherent speech

Repetition of verses on the topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about items of clothing, shoes, hats according to a schematic plan.

Development of general motor skills

The mobile game "For a walk" (coordination of speech with movement):

L.N. Smirnova

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics:

"I put on a glove", "Boots" (reprise)

Lexical theme: "Autumn" (generalization).

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Subject Dictionary:

names of the seasons, autumn months, leaf fall, harvest, frost, rain, puddle, slush, berries, mushrooms, basket, flock, wedge, string, lair, hollow, stocks, foliage, time, names of trees, wild animals, migratory birds; raincoat, boots, briefcase, school, umbrella

Verb Dictionary:

get cold, fall, spin, rustle, store, change, dry out, dry, blow, drizzle, freeze

Feature Dictionary:

early, late, golden, cloudy, autumn, wet, gloomy, migratory

Adverb Dictionary:

wet, damp, stormy, overcast, rainy, cold, early, late, windy, gloomy

Didactic games and exercises:

· "Name the neighbors" (seasons, autumn months);

“What first, what then” (signs of early, late autumn);

“Pick up objects for signs” (exercise in matching adjectives with nouns: autumn - day ...; autumn - weather ...; autumn - mood ...; autumn - rains ...

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem (optional)

Retell the story "Pre-winter" on questions, based on the scheme

A white swan flew across the blue sky.

The white swan dropped its feather.

The feather was seen by a bear (a gray hare).

The bear (gray hare) thought it was a snowflake.

And if it is a snowflake, then a cold winter will come soon.

And if a cold winter comes soon, then you need to look for a lair (change a fur coat).

The bear found a lair and fell asleep until spring. (The hare changed his gray coat to white.)

Development of general motor skills.

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Autumn rain":

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics "It's raining for a walk"

Lexical theme: “House. Construction"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

house, hut, shop, theatre, circus, school, garden (children's), hospital, construction site, construction, builder, block, brick, stone, boards, gingerbread, ice, straw, clay, palace, fairy tale, tower, crane (lifting ), foundation, wall, roof, pipe, ceiling, floor, window, frame, window sill, balcony, attic, basement, staircase, step, floor, elevator, door, porch/front, landing (staircase), apartment, room, bathroom , toilet, nursery, bedroom, kitchen, living room, hallway, cleanliness

Verb Dictionary:

build, lay (brick), raise, erect, break, destroy, repair, paint, live

Feature Dictionary:

high, low, big, small, higher, lower, building, new, beautiful, blocky, wooden, brick, stone, clay, fabulous, straw, gingerbread, ice, city, village, multi-storey, one (two-, three- and etc.) storey, high-rise, residential, triangular (roof), rectangular (door), square (window), round (window)

Adverb Dictionary:

beautiful, high, low, left, right, front, back, first, then, fast, spacious, clean

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· Guess what it is? (Activation of the subject dictionary. Door, window, ceiling, floor. Walls. This is ... (room). Balcony, stairs, roof, walls, windows, doors. This is ....

“What are they doing?” (Selection of homogeneous action words for the word "house": build, break, destroy, buy ...).

· "House with what?" (Consolidation in speech of the words-names of parts of the house; exercise in the use of nouns and plurals of the instrumental case with prepositions C / CO. The teacher presents a picture-part of the house, and the children comment: “A house with a roof. A house with walls ....) .

“House for the Gnome” (an exercise in the correct use of nouns and adjectives with a diminutive meaning; in matching adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case. The teacher says a sentence, and the child changes it so that “affectionate” words appear: “ The dwarf lives in a low house - The gnome lives in a low house.)

· "Which? Which? Which? Which?" (An exercise in the practical use of relative adjectives: brick, wood, block, stone, clay, log, straw, ice.)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Retelling of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs".

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Speech mobile game "Builders"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "House and gate"

Lexical theme: “Apartment. Furniture"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

apartment, name of rooms by purpose, floor, ceiling, window, frame, window sill, glass, window, wall, balcony, door, oven, furniture, table, chair, armchair, stool, sofa, bed, chest of drawers, bedside table, closet, cupboard , shelf, set, factory, carpenter, shop, countertop, backrest, armrest, door, handles, legs, seat, upholstery, wood, plastic, metal, leather, glass, seller, buyer

Verb Dictionary:

live, relax, sleep, play, cook, meet, wash, sell, buy, download, send, repair, collect, arrange, sit, store, hang, stack

Feature Dictionary:

one-room (two-, three-, four-room), comfortable, large, cramped, high, low, wide, narrow, broken, strong, spacious, wooden, plastic, metal, glass, leather, kitchen, bedroom, writing, dining, magazine , children's, furniture, soft

Adverb Dictionary:

high, low, comfortable, comfortable, soft, left, right, close, far, fast, clean,

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Let's furnish the apartment” (development of orientation in space, activation of the dictionary).

· “Furniture for Mishutka” (call pieces of furniture in a diminutive form).

· "Counting" (an exercise in coordinating numerals with nouns).

· "Hide and Seek" (the use of prepositions B, ON, UNDER, C in speech).

· "Which? Which? Which? Which?" (Selection of definitions for nouns - by purpose and by the material from which it is made: book, kitchen, wicker, etc.)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about pieces of furniture according to the model based on the scheme.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Counting under the ball "Furniture"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Dining room"

According to S. Marshak

Lexical theme: “Winter. Winter fun.

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Subject Dictionary:

names of the seasons, winter months, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, frost, pattern, snow, ice, snowdrift, thaw, hoarfrost, snowflake, icicle, ice, snowfall, skis, sticks, ski tracks, skates, puck, hockey stick, sports, ice rink , snowmobile, snow scooter, sled, slide, snowballs, lump (snowy), snowman

Verb Dictionary:

fall, fall out, cover, lie down, sculpt, slide, sweep, freeze, freeze, ride, climb, whirl, shine, crunch, hibernate, draw (patterns), drip, melt, freeze, freeze (about nature)

Feature Dictionary:

cold, frosty, shiny, fragile, carved, light, crumbly, white, deep, soft, loose, sticky, wet, winter, transparent, ice, ice, snow

Adverb Dictionary:

cold, frosty, chilly, slippery

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech:

Didactic games and exercises:

“Winter fun” (use of prefixed verbs: on-, for-, from-re-, y-, went around; from-, for-, y-, with-, rolled over; the use of spatial prepositions ON, IN ,S,SUD)

· "Let's play - count" (coordination of numbers from 1 to 5 with nouns: snowman, snowflake).

Development of coherent speech:

Drawing up the story "Winter" (changes in nature) based on the scheme.

Development of general motor skills.

Speech mobile game "Snowball".

T. Bardysheva

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics "It's snowing"

Raise your hands up and slowly lower them, quickly moving your fingers.

Lexical theme: "New Year's holiday."

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Subject Dictionary:

holiday, matinee, tree, decoration, toy, gifts, D. Moroz, staff, beard, Snegurochka, round dance, carnival, fun, cracker, mask, costume (carnival)

Verb Dictionary:

dress up, celebrate, meet, see off, ends, decorate, hang, shoot, give, receive, sing, dance, have fun, drive (round dance), freeze,

Feature Dictionary:

New Year's, Christmas tree, fragrant, prickly, festive, elegant, decorated, shiny, glass, paper, multi-colored, gift, carnival

Adverb Dictionary:

fun, high, low, festive, elegant, joyful

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Didactic games and exercises:

· “Let's decorate the Christmas tree” (an exercise in making sentences with the preposition ON).

“New Year's words” (an exercise in agreeing adjectives with singular and plural nouns: tree - what? - New Year's; holiday - what? - New Year's; song - what? - ...; mood - what? - ...; gifts - what ?-…).

“Tell me which one, which one, which one?” (an exercise in the use of relative adjectives: plastic, glass, paper, fur, cotton).

Development of coherent speech

Memorizing a poem (at the choice of the teacher).

Retelling of the story "Neznaykin's gift" (based on a series of plot pictures).

It was in winter. The New Year holiday was approaching. Everyone gave gifts to each other. Dunno also decided to give Thumbelina a present. The stranger went out into the street. Large beautiful snowflakes fell from the sky. Dunno took off his hat and stood for a long, long time in the cold. Dunno scored a lot of beautiful snowflakes. He carried them to Thumbelina home. Thumbelina stood near the Christmas tree and waited for a gift from Dunno. Joyful Dunno turned his hat. But instead of snowflakes, water poured out of the hat. Dunno forgot that the snowflakes in the room are melting.

Development of general motor skills

The mobile game "Round dance" (coordination of speech with movement):

Development of fine motor skills

Drawing up the contours of a Christmas tree, Christmas decorations from sticks, beans and other materials (according to the model, independently).

Finger gymnastics "On the tree"

We had fun at the tree

Rhythmic hand clapping.

And they danced and frolicked.

Rhythmic punches.

After the good Santa Claus

He gave us gifts.

"Step" on the table with the middle and index fingers of both hands.

Gave huge packages

"Drawing" with hands

big circle.

They also have delicious items:

Rhythmic hand clapping.

Sweets in blue papers

Nuts next to them.

pear, apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Bend fingers

on the hands, starting with the big ones.

V. Volina

Lexical topic: “Dishes. Food"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

dishes, plate, service, cup, glass, mug, saucer, fork, spoon, knife, kettle, samovar, ladle, saucepan, frying pan, colander, ladle, sieve, grater, meat grinder, rolling pin, baking sheet, coffee pot, bowl, vase, jug, decanter, bread box, sugar bowl, butter dish, salt shaker, salad bowl, gravy boat, cracker, candy bowl, spout, handle, lid, wall, bottom; appetite, milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, ice cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, egg, pasta, sausage, meat, minced meat, fish, cutlet, garnish, mashed potatoes, sausage, sausage, flour, bread, roll, long loaf, cake, pie, pastry, cracker, compote, jelly, cocoa, coffee, tea, juice, jam, jam, candy, marshmallow, marmalade, chocolate, porridge, soup, salad, cereals, borscht, cabbage soup, taste, smell, aroma, sauce; metal, porcelain, glass, crystal, plastic, clay, cast iron, wood, breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, kitchen, cook, baker, canteen

Verb Dictionary:

cook, boil, fry, bake, stew, clean, boil, knead, sculpt, heat, cool, heat, clean, cut, break, wipe, wash, apply, cover, treat, eat, eat, rub, sift, have breakfast, dine, dine

Feature Dictionary:

tableware, fragile, durable, new, beautiful, convenient, glass, cast iron, metal, porcelain, kitchen, table, tea, deep, shallow, dinner, fresh, fragrant, thick, liquid, delicious, sweet, salty, sour, fatty, warm, cold, hot, peppery, flour, milk, meat, fish, creamy, vegetable, baked, smoked, boiled, fried, stewed,

Adverb Dictionary:

tasty, sweet, hot, sour, bitter, beautiful, convenient, clean, left, right

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· “Say the other way around” (updating the dictionary of signs due to the selection of antonyms: strong - fragile, deep - shallow, sharp - dull, high - low, wide - narrow, clean - dirty).

· "What is missing?" (use of nouns in the genitive case. The teapot has no spout.)

“Where do the products live?” (enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of words with the help of suffixes: sugar - sugar bowl; cracker - cracker; herring - herring; bread - bread box; salad - salad bowl; candy - candy bowl; pepper - pepper shaker; butter - oiler, salt - salt shaker; tea - teapot; coffee - coffee pot).

· "Which? Which? Which? Which?" (formation and use of relative adjectives: metal, porcelain, clay, crystal, buckwheat, chicken, cream, etc.)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about dishes based on a diagram.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Dishes"

Here is a large glass teapot,

Very important as a boss.

Children inflate their stomach, one hand on the belt, the other is bent,

like the spout of a teapot.

Here are porcelain cups,

Very fragile, poor thing.

Squat, one hand on the belt.

Here are porcelain saucers,

Just knock - they will break.

They spin around, drawing a circle with their hands.

Here are silver spoons -

Head on a thin stem.

Stretched with hands clasped

over your head.

Here is the plastic tray.

He brought us dishes.

Lie down on the carpet, stretch out.

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Helpers"

One two three four,

Rhythmic punches and clap alternately.

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

Curl fingers one at a time

for each item name.

We washed the dishes

One palm slides over the other.

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off,

We broke the spoon a little.

The fingers curl up again.

So we helped mom.

Rhythmic punches

and in the palms alternately.

N. Nishcheva

Lexical theme: "Domestic animals and their cubs."

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

animals, cow, bull, horse, horse, goat, goat, rabbit, rabbit, dog, dog, cat, cat, pig, wild boar, sheep, ram, donkey, donkey, camel, camel, baby animal names, mane, udder, hooves, mustaches, claws, horns, tail, muzzle, beard, piglet, wool, bristles, herd, herd, shepherd, hay, pig, milkmaid, calf, groom, stable, barn, barn, kennel (booth), farm, owner , mistress, veterinarian, benefit, meadow, yard, desert

Verb Dictionary:

live, bring, look after, meow, bark, growl, moo, grunt, neigh, jump, run, jump, eat, bite, gnaw, chew, lap, drink, take care, feed, water, milk, guard, guard, transport, catch, jump, treat, caress, bite, graze, lick

Feature Dictionary:

domestic, fluffy, smooth, horned, ferocious, affectionate, vicious, stubborn, large, small, useful, long, short, thick, intelligent, fast, hoofed, vigorous; compound words: long (short, white) tail, one (two) humpback, etc.

Adverb Dictionary:

fast, slow, mournful, helpful, warm

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Who was (will be) who?” (fixing the names of cubs of domestic animals, the development of logical thinking, the use of nouns in the instrumental case).

"Who's the boss?" (use of possessive adjectives, their agreement with nouns in gender and number: horse tail - horse ear - horse head - horse hooves).

“Who eats what?” "Who lives where?" "Who's protecting what?" (activation of the dictionary, the use of prepositional-case constructions).

“Form long words” (according to the model: long mane - long-maned. Further: gray tail - ..., white forehead - ..., long horns - ... etc.)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about pets based on a diagram.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Cat"

L.N. Smirnova

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics: "Buryonushka"

N. Nishcheva

Lexical theme: "Poultry birds and their cubs."

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

birds, chicken, rooster, duck, drake, goose, goose, turkey, turkey, chick, duckling, turkey chick, gosling, head, body, tail, paws, membranes, beak, scallop, eyes, spurs, plumage, beard, crest, claws, benefit, fluff, feather, egg, nutrition; poultry house, chicken farm, yard, chicken coop, poultry house

Verb Dictionary:

live, eat, peck, collect, search, swim, crow, quack, cackle, chatter, cackle, cackle, hiss, guard, teach, wave, feed, care, water

Feature Dictionary:

domestic, large, large, small, small, bird, fluffy, fast, nimble, multi-colored, cocky, warlike, downy, feather

Adverb Dictionary:

fast, slow, helpful, warm

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Who was (will be) who?” (fixing the names of poultry cubs, the development of logical thinking, the use of nouns in the instrumental case).

“Who is hiding there?” (use of possessive adjectives, their agreement with nouns in gender and number:

This is the tail of a rooster - a rooster's tail - a rooster hid, etc.).

"One - many - who is not?" (use of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive case).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about poultry based on a diagram (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Poultry"

Russian folk amusement

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics: "Goose"

Where are the palms? Here?

Hiding hands behind back

Stretch your hands forward

palms up

Is there a pond on your palms?

palms down

palms up

The thumb is a young goose.

Pointing goose caught

Plucked the middle goose.

This finger fired the stove.

This finger soup cooked.

Alternately bend the fingers on both hands.

The goose flew into the mouth,

Raise your hands up

shake brushes

And from there - in the stomach!

They clap their hands.

MIND. Sidorova

Lexical theme: "Animals of our forests and their cubs"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

animals, forest, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, elk, fox, wild boar, lynx, squirrel, deer, badger, hare, she-wolf, bear, elk, hedgehog, deer and their cubs,

tail, horns, paws, hooves, claws, fangs, muzzle, mouth, belly, wool, needles, lair, hollow, lair, hibernation, burrow, stocks, food, flock, trail, hunter, predator

Verb Dictionary:

live, catch up, run away, jump, climb, jump, hide, attack, growl, prick, curl up, molt, sneak, prowl, store, lie down, sweep, hibernate, suck, catch, hunt, gnaw, chew, eat

Feature Dictionary:

prickly, red, gray, white, angry, hungry, fluffy, cunning, brown, clubfoot, clumsy, cowardly, long-eared, horned, predatory, herbivorous, omnivorous, large, weak, hungry; possessive adjectives from animal names

Adverb Dictionary:

fast, strong, deftly, shyly, swiftly, coldly, hungry

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· "In the forest at the Gnome" (the use of nouns with a diminutive meaning).

· “Name the families” (updating the subject dictionary; the use of nouns - the names of cubs of wild animals).

· "Who lives where?"

“Whose is this? (Whose? Whose? Whose?) (use of possessive adjectives: fox, hare, etc.)

Development of coherent speech

Memorizing a poem or a riddle (optional).

Compilation of descriptive stories (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Funny animals"

Nishcheva N.V.

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Hares"

Lexical topic: "Wild and domestic animals"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

animals, forest, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, elk, fox, wild boar, lynx, squirrel, deer, badger, hare, she-wolf, bear, elk, hedgehog, deer and their cubs, cow, bull, horse, horse, goat , goat, rabbit, rabbit, dog, dog, cat, cat, pig, boar, sheep, ram, donkey, donkey, camel, camel, names of animal cubs, tail, horns, paws, hooves, claws, fangs, muzzle, mouth , belly, wool, needles, mane, udder, mustache, beard, piglet, stubble, lair, hollow, lair, hibernation, burrow, stocks, food, flock, trail, hunter, predator, herd, herd, shepherd, hay, stable , barn, barn, kennel (booth), farm, owner, veterinarian, benefit, meadow, yard, desert

Verb Dictionary:

live, catch up, run away, jump, climb, jump, hide, attack, growl, prick, curl up, molt, sneak, prowl, store, lie down, sweep, hibernate, suck, catch, hunt, gnaw, chew, eat, bring, look after, meow, bark, moo, grunt, neigh, lap, drink, take care, feed, water, milk, guard, guard, transport, catch, heal, caress, bite, graze, lick

Feature Dictionary:

wild, domestic, prickly, red, gray, white, angry, hungry, fluffy, cunning, brown, clubfoot, clumsy, cowardly, long-eared, horned, predatory, herbivorous, omnivorous, weak, hungry, smooth, horned, ferocious, affectionate, vicious, stubborn, large, small, useful, long, short, thick, intelligent, fast, hoofed, vigorous; compound words: long (short, white) tail, one (two) hump, etc., possessive adjectives from animal names

Adverb Dictionary:

quickly, slowly, strongly, dexterously, timidly, swiftly, coldly, hungryly, slowly, plaintively, helpfully, warmly

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· "Who is bigger?" (selection of words-actions for the names of animals: girls - to wild, boys - to domestic).

· “Name the families” (updating the subject dictionary; the use of nouns - the names of cubs of wild and domestic animals).

· "Who is bigger?" (selection of feature words, distribution of sentences due to feature words. Sample: Red fox. - Red fox, fluffy. - Red fox, fluffy, cunning, etc.)

"Guess who I am?" (use of possessive adjectives: I have bear paws, bear head…. Who am I?)

Development of coherent speech

Repetition of poems, riddles about domestic and wild animals.

Compilation of descriptive and comparative stories (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement.

Outdoor games "Funny animals", "Cat" (repetition)

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Hares", "Buryonushka" (repeat)

Lexical theme: "Wintering birds"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

bird, dove, magpie, crow, jackdaw, sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, owl, woodpecker, names of bird body parts, plumage, feeder, food, fat, grain, berries

Verb Dictionary:

fly, search, feed, peck, croak, coo, chirp, chirp, ruffle, hibernate, starve, make, hang, pour, feed

Feature Dictionary:

wintering, large, small, hungry, cautious, gray, nimble, red-breasted, yellow-breasted, motley, white-sided

Adverb Dictionary:

cold, hungry, frosty, difficult

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· “Show and name” (updating the dictionary: naming birds and their body parts).

“Name it affectionately” (an exercise in the formation of words with diminutive suffixes, matching adjectives with nouns): black feather - black feather, gray back - gray back, colorful wings - mottled wings, white neck - ..., red chest - ..., sharp claws - ..., long tail - ..., nimble paws - ....

What can birds do? (an exercise in the correct use of prefixed verbs from the verb "fly"; making sentences with prefixed verbs).

“Tree and Birds” (composing sentences with prepositions on, with, under, at, over, to, from.)

Development of coherent speech

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive stories about birds based on a diagram.

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Bullfinches":

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

N. Nishcheva

Lexical theme: "Winter" (generalization).

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Subject Dictionary:

names of the seasons, winter months, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, frost, pattern, snow, ice, snowdrift, thaw, snowflake, snowman, icicle, ice, snowfall, skiing, skiing, skating, skating rink, sledge, skating rink, snowballs, New Year, feeder, names of wintering birds, footprints, habits (animals in the forest)

Verb Dictionary:

fall, cover, lie down, sculpt, slide, decorate, sweep, freeze, freeze, whirl, celebrate, shine, crunch, hibernate, draw (patterns), drip, melt, freeze, freeze (about nature)

Feature Dictionary:

cold, frosty, shiny, fragile, carved, light, crumbly, white, deep, soft, elegant, loose, sticky, wet, winter, crackling, transparent, ice, ice, snow

Adverb Dictionary:

cold, hungry, frosty, slippery, chilly, festive, elegant

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech:

Didactic games and exercises:

· "Which? Which? Which? Which? (selection of signs for words: winter, snow, ice, snowflake, etc.)

What doesn't happen in winter? (fixing the signs of winter, mastering the category of the genitive case of nouns)

“Winter Fun” (use of prefixed verbs: on-, for-, from-, re-, y-, went around; from-, for-, y-, at-, rolled; fixing the use of spatial prepositions)

Development of coherent speech:

Repetition, memorization (optional) of poems on the topic;

Drawing up the story "Winter" based on the scheme.

Development of general motor skills.

Speech mobile game "Winter has passed"

N. Nishcheva (based on a poem by M. Klokova).

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics "In the forest"

O. Krupenchuk

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

family, relatives, dad, mom, parents, children, son, daughter, baby, baby, child, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, aunt, uncle, nephew, work, care, affection, love, morning, day, evening, spring, March, holiday, congratulations, gift, bouquet, flowers, postcard

Verb Dictionary:

be born, live, grow, raise, care, love, respect, try, help, nurse, wash, rest, set (on the table), have breakfast, lunch, dinner, cook, clean, iron, read, wash, work, wipe, wipe, care, sew, knit, embroider, make friends, give, congratulate, delight,

Feature Dictionary:

junior, senior, old, young, adult, big, small, friendly, strong, cultured, healthy, affectionate, hardworking, kind, smart, beloved, dear, best, dear, caring, attentive, sensitive, serious, strict, polite, obedient, educated, strong, festive, scarlet, female, mother's, grandmother's

Adverb Dictionary:

affectionately, cheerfully, sadly, amicably, joyfully, festively, elegantly, quietly, heavily, easily

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Who is related to whom?” (use of nouns and plurals of the instrumental case; actualization of the dictionary; development of verbal and logical thinking).

· "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?" (an exercise in the formation and use of adjectives: mother (-a, -o, -s), father, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle).

· “Choose relatives”: mom, dad, sister, neighbor, granny, janitor, father, driver, friend, grandfather, grandson (updating the dictionary, developing verbal-logical thinking).

“Tell me which one or which one?” (activation of the dictionary of signs. Mom (what?) - cheerful, kind ...)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Didactic exercise "Congratulations for girls" (boys congratulate girls in turn, picking up wishes. Sample: Dasha, I congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you always be cheerful and kind! - the girl's answer: Danya, thank you for your congratulations! I really liked your gift ).

Retelling of the story "Gift for Mom"

The day of March 8 has come. March 8 is a women's holiday. For the holiday, my daughter prepared a postcard with an application for my mother. My daughter made the application herself. She cut out red tulips from colored paper and glued them onto a postcard. The card is beautiful and festive. Mom really liked this holiday greeting card.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement.

"Let's give mom a beautiful bouquet of flowers."

Our scarlet flowers

bloom petals.

Children sit on their knees, slowly rise and show

how flowers grow from the earth.

The wind breathes a little

the petals sway.

Raise your hands up and

swing them from side to side

slightly tilting the body.

Our scarlet flowers

close the petals

They clench their fingers-petals into fists, lower their hands.

shake their heads,

fall asleep quietly.

Shake your head, lower your chin to your chest, close your eyes.

N. Metelskaya

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Family"

O. Krupenchuk

Lexical theme: "Early spring".

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

season, spring, month, March, April, May, signs, sun, rays, thaw, icicle, drops, rain, thaw, ice drift, puddle, stream, rook, cleaning (snow), pruning (trees), primrose, snowdrop , mimosa, tulip, bud, willow, weather, mood, awakening, freckles

Verb Dictionary:

came, came, run, murmur, ring, shine, warm, melt, crack, drip, fly, bloom, blossom, swell, clean, cut, dry, smell

Feature Dictionary:

spring, early, late, lingering, warm, cold, joyful, long-awaited, rainy, bright, clear, shorter, longer, loose, dirty, dark, thin, sonorous, gentle, fragile, beautiful, fluffy, fragrant

Adverb Dictionary:

cold, warm, sunny, bright, light, loud

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Pick up words” (selection of words-actions and signs for nouns. What does spring do? - comes, comes, steps ..., what? - early, late, long-awaited, cold, blooming ...; snow - melts, turns black .., loose , dark, wet ...; the sun - shines, warms ..., gentle, spring, bright ...; clouds - float .., light, white, fluffy ...).

“Say kindly” (thawed patch - thawed patch, puddle - puddle, stream -, ice floe -, kidney -, nest -, leaf -, field -, sun -)

"Explainers". Why do we say this: snowdrop, thaw, thaw, drops, icicle, primrose.

“Count to five” (an exercise in matching numerals with nouns. Examples: one stream, two streams, three ..., four ..., five streams. One mimosa, ...; one snowdrop, ...).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Retelling of the story "Spring" (on questions based on the plot picture).

Spring has come. The sun warms up. It became warm. Icicles melt on the roofs. The drops ring loudly. The snow began to melt. Brooks ran.

Petya and Katya set the paper boats afloat on the brook. Dad made a birdhouse out of planks. He hangs it on a tree. The starling will live in the birdhouse when it returns from warm countries.

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Winter has passed"

N. Nishcheva (according to M. Klokova)

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Capel"

N. Nishcheva

Lexical topic: "Professions"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

work, labor, profession, educator, teacher, speech therapist, doctor, builder, worker, janitor, cook, seller, tailor, seamstress, shoemaker, hairdresser, artist, artist, photographer, painter, carpenter, driver, postman, tools, board, chalk, pointer, planer, axe, hammer, saw, thimble, scissors, atelier, awl, pattern, brush, easel, microphone, stage, camera, canteen, syringe, thermometer, injection, clinic, machine (sewing), broom, rake , shovel, yard, scales, newspaper, letter, magazine, stamp, package, mail

Verb Dictionary:

work, work, heal, prescribe (injections), teach, educate, build, issue, cook, sew, cut, photograph, cut, repair, saw, chop, plan, score, dance, sing, drive, sweep (revenge), sell, weigh, tire, distribute

Feature Dictionary:

worker, necessary, useful, interesting, difficult, beautiful, sick, healthy, necessary, sharp, metallic, different, different, strict, strong, tasty, clean, short, sewing, polite, postal

Adverb Dictionary:

Necessary, necessary, difficult, neat, correct, beautiful, clean, tasty, fast, accurate

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· "Who's doing what?" (Option 1. Expansion of verbal vocabulary: what does the teacher do? - Teaches. Option 2. Formation of nouns from verbs: who teaches? - Teacher)

· “Pick a word” (selection of definitions that are suitable in meaning: what kind of teacher? - Smart, kind).

· “Who do you want to be?”, “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?” (to exercise in the correct use of nouns in indirect cases, in the correct use of prepositions)

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Compilation of stories about professions (mnemotables).

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement. Mobile game "Postman".

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Thimble"

N. Nishcheva (according to M. Kulskaya)

Lexical topic: "Indoor plants."

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

plant, azalea, amaryllis, violet, cactus, begonia, geranium, saxifrage, tradescantia, rosan, crassula, aloe, asparagus, ficus, stem, leaf, bud, flower, petal, process, stalk, bulb, pest, root, mustache, pot, cache-pot, pallet, earth, moisture, soil, watering can, watering, sprayer, top dressing, light, sun, window sill

Verb Dictionary:

water, wipe, care for, loosen, cut, cut, feed, plant, replant, bloom, dry out, fall off, wither, smell

Feature Dictionary:

juicy, green, fragile, moist, warm, indoor, fragrant, bright, curly, beautiful, tender, lush, blooming, useful, prickly, smooth

Adverb Dictionary:

bright, fast, long, early, beautiful

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“What is superfluous?” (development of auditory attention, thinking, compilation of complex sentences. Approximate chains of words: ficus, dandelion, begonia, asparagus; fat woman, violet, stem, geranium).

· “Count to five” (an exercise in matching numerals with nouns).

“Insert a little word” (reinforcing the spatial meaning and the use of prepositions ON, C, B, FOR, UNDER, FROM, K, OVER. Approximate speech material: Begonia stands ... on the windowsill. Tanya took off a bright flower ... on the windowsill. They planted a violet ... a pot. The cache-pot was hung ... by a table.).

· “Say the other way around” (updating the dictionary of signs due to antonyms. Speech material: beautiful-ugly, odorous-smelly, bright-dim, tall-..., useful-..., large-...).

“Say kindly” (approximate speech material: violet-violet, stem-stalk, earth-earth, process-process, etc.)

“One-many-what is not?” (approximate speech material: root-roots-many roots, stem-stems-many stems, seedlings-many seedlings, etc.).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up stories about indoor plants according to the plan (mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "On the window in pots"

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger static poses:

"Bud", "Cactus"

Lexical theme: “Transport. Professions in transport.

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

transport, trolleybus, bus, tram, taxi, motorcycle, bike, boat, boat, ship, steamboat, icebreaker, rocket, plane, helicopter, subway, electric train, train, police car, fire truck, wagon, sleepers, rails, track, car, passenger, truck, dump truck, bulldozer, tractor, cart, carriage, sleigh, ground, water, air, berth, hangar, station, garage, port, airfield, depot, porthole, wing, tail, gangway, steering wheel, chassis, propeller, parachute, stop, body, cabin, wheel, steering wheel, hood, headlight, bumper, saloon, anchor, stern, sail, cabin, deck, cook, driver, driver, tractor driver, machinist, pilot, pilot, captain, sailor, cabin boy, cyclist, motorcyclist

Verb Dictionary:

go, swim, fly, stop, stand, repair, break down, honk, start, set off, moor, take off, land, brake, repair, carry, load, land, hitch, cross, arrive

Feature Dictionary:

air, water, ground, underground, road, railway, passenger, car, cargo, fast, fast, mail, baggage, emergency, military, motor, underwater, sea, river, automobile, service, snow removal, tram, bus, trolleybus ( stop)

Adverb Dictionary:

fast, slow, comfortable, high, low

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“The car broke down” (the use of nouns in the genitive case with prepositions U, WITHOUT: the car has no wheel, wheels; truck without a headlight).

We drove we drove ... ”(use of prefixed verbs).

“One - many” (bus-buses-many buses, pilot-pilots-many pilots, wheel-wheels-many wheels, etc.)

· “Finish the sentence” (an exercise in the formation of a comparative degree of adjectives: The plane flies high, and the rocket - (higher).

“Who manages what?” (activation of the dictionary - professions; the use of nouns in the instrumental case).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up stories-descriptions about transport (according to the plan-scheme).

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Cars".

N. Nishcheva (according to J. Taits)

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Racing"

One two three four five

They carry the typewriter on each finger back and forth, starting with the big one.

You can start racing.

Now start with the nameless.

In a circle, in a circle.

Back and forth

Carried in a circle

to one side and the other.

But my fingers slow down my typewriter.

Rolling the car again

slightly bent fingers

Closed. The car is in the garage.

They clench their fist.

And the lights went out, they don't shine anymore.

drop in

into a small hole in the fist.

Lexical theme: "Space".

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

astronautics, Earth, Moon, Sun, Mars, Ursa Major, sky, cloud, cosmos, cosmonaut, cosmodrome, hero, earthlings, Martians, alien, planet, star, ship, rocket, satellite, lunar rover, comet, station, suit, weightlessness , telescope, astronomer, eclipse, orbit, planetarium

Verb Dictionary:

Shine, sparkle, start, fly, fly around, prepare, prepare, study, observe, master, take off, land, land on the moon, celebrate, meet, see off, be proud, remember

Feature Dictionary:

solar, lunar, terrestrial, stellar, first, orbital, cosmic, artificial, bold, heroic, courageous, joyful, festive

Adverb Dictionary:

fast, far, high, bright, dark, cloudy, crowded

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· "Count to five" (an exercise in coordinating numerals with nouns: one satellite, two satellites ..., five satellites; one space station ...).

· “Say the opposite” (an exercise in the exact selection of antonyms: far - close, high - ..., dark - ..., bright - ..., closely - ..., fly away - ..., take off - ...).

· "Where is what?" (an exercise in the selection of adjectives formed from nouns: on the Earth - on the earth, on the Moon - ..., on the Sun - ..., on Mars - ..., in space - ..., on a star - ...).

· "Rocket / spaceship and astronaut" (an exercise in making sentences with prepositions like "The astronaut approaches the spacecraft. The astronaut flies around the Earth ON the spaceship."

Development of coherent speech:

Learn a poem on the topic (optional).

Compose a story about the astronaut according to the scheme (see the mnemonic table).

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Rocket"

And now we are with you, children,

We fly on a rocket.

They march in circles.

Get up on your toes

Rising up on toes

stretch their hands up, closing them.

And then hands down.

They drop their hands.

One, two, stretch.

Pulling up again.

Here comes the rocket!

They run in circles on their toes.

N. Nishcheva (according to V. Volina)

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Around the Earth"

By O. Krupenchuk

Lexical theme: "Pisces".

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

sea, river, lake, pond, aquarium, bottom, algae, fish, shark, flounder, pink salmon, herring, smelt, perch, trout, catfish, pike, crucian carp, bream, pike perch, roach, ruff, gudgeon, guppy, swordtail, scalar, scales, head, tail, fin, gills, abdomen, bone, angler, fisherman, rod, fishing line, net, hook, bait, caviar, egg, fry, hunting, predator

Verb Dictionary:

swim, dive, hunt, grab, eat, breed, catch, fish, clean, wash, cut, salt, boil, fry, bake

Feature Dictionary:

underwater, bottom, predatory, sharp (teeth), dangerous, predatory, toothy, wide, golden, nimble, mustachioed, diverse, river, sea, lake, aquarium, fish (th, -th, -th)

Adverb Dictionary:

deep, shallow, fast, beautiful, dangerous, tasty

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Pick up a word” (selection of verbs for the word “fish”: swim, hunt, catch, clean, wash, cook, fry, gut, etc.)

“Visiting the Gnome” (use of nouns with diminutive suffixes: roach, catfish, perch, herring, etc.)

· "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?" (an exercise in the use of possessive adjectives: fish head, fish tail, fish belly, fish fins; shark (-ya, -ye, -ye), etc.)

· “Boastful fishermen” (coordination of numerals with nouns: I have one pike - And I have two pikes, five pikes).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Compilation of stories - descriptions of river fish according to the mnemonic table.

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Flying fish"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Fish"

N. Nishcheva (according to M. Klokova)

Lexical theme: "Our city (St. Petersburg)"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

city, St. Petersburg, attraction, address, street, avenue, boulevard, lane, square, park, alley, canal, embankment, bridge, river, Neva, bay, island, theater, museum, palace, circus, column, zoo, planetarium, shop, showcase, library, clinic, pharmacy, church, kindergarten, school, stadium, monument, statue, lawn, cathedral, dome, spire, station, center, new building, garden, fountain, square, highway, pavement, sidewalk

Verb Dictionary:

build, live, move, travel, look, become prettier, expand, improve, clean, regulate

Feature Dictionary:

native, St. Petersburg, city, crowded, spacious, wide, straight, narrow, old, ancient, quiet, noisy, green, multi-storey, stone, marble, cultural, residential, museum, park

Adverb Dictionary:

clean, noisy, quiet, elegant, festive

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Boastfuls” (an exercise in using the comparative degree of adjectives. For example, the teacher begins: “On our street the trees are tall, green, old, large.” The child ends: “And on our street the trees are even higher, greener”, etc. )

· “In our city” (an exercise in compiling simple common sentences. Sample. There are many houses in our city. - There are many (what?) Beautiful, old, large, tall, stone houses in our city.

There are many squares in our city. - There are many (what?) large, elegant, beautiful, noisy squares in our city).

· "Count" (an exercise in coordinating numerals with nouns. Sample: one palace, two palaces, three palaces, four ..., five palaces. Further: one statue ..., one fountain ... etc.).

· “Make a sentence” (an exercise in compiling simple common sentences about the sights of St. Petersburg. For example: the Neva is the main river of our city. The Winter Palace is very beautiful).

Development of coherent speech:

Retelling of the story "St. Petersburg" according to the proposed question plan:

What is the name of our city? - Where is he standing? - Who founded it? - How old is he? - What is our city? Why should we be proud of him?

An example of a written story:

Saint Petersburg

We live in Saint Petersburg. It stands on the Neva, where the Neva flows into the Gulf of Finland. The city was founded by Peter I. St. Petersburg is over three hundred years old. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We are proud of our hometown.

Development of general motor skills

Speech mobile game "We are walking around the city"

L.N. Smirnova

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "I like to walk around the city ..."

I love walking around the city

Children walk with their fingers

both hands on the table.

Nevsky - one, Winter - two,

Three - beautiful Neva,

And four - Palace Bridge.

Five - I walk along Sadovaya,

Six - I'll go to Isaac

And look at the dome.

Seven - of course, the Summer Garden.

How beautiful is his dress!

For each name of the attraction, one finger is bent

Eight - a fortress near the Neva.

You were probably there.

Nine - met me

Bronze Horseman on horseback.

Ten - around the corner

I see the Narva Gate.

Lexical theme: "Our Motherland - Russia"

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

Motherland, country, Russia, Russia, state, coat of arms, anthem, flag, president, government, holiday, globe, map, river, Volga, Neva, mountains, border, capital, Moscow, Kremlin, fortress, chimes, square, avenue, Muscovite

Verb Dictionary:

love, cherish, protect, stand, spread out

Feature Dictionary:

beloved, the only, Russian, Russian, Moscow, strong, native, huge, immense, beautiful, main, stately, white-stone, golden-domed, Red (square), crowded

Adverb Dictionary:

beautiful, majestic, proud, crowded, friendly

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Say it differently” (selection of synonyms: the Kremlin is a fortress, the chimes are a clock, the mausoleum is a monument)

· “A walk around Moscow” (an exercise in the use of prepositional case constructions. Genitive case: what (who?) Is there a lot in Moscow? (There are many monuments, museums, squares, residents in Moscow ...) What (who?) Is there a lot in the country? (There are many cities, rivers, seas, fields in the country ...) Instrumental case: what do we admire in Moscow? (We admire the Kremlin, squares, monuments ...) Prepositional case: what (about whom?) Will you tell a friend? (I'll tell you about the Kremlin, about Red Square, about the embankment of the Moskva River, about theaters, about Muscovites…).

· "Count" (an exercise in coordinating numerals with nouns: one country, two countries, five countries; one embankment, one Muscovite).

· “Say with the word “Russian”, “city”, “Moscow” (an exercise in matching adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case: Russian flag, Russian government, Russian border…).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (at the teacher's choice).

Retelling of the story "Our Fatherland" (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

Our fatherland, our Motherland - mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it. We call her motherland because we were born in it, and mother because she fed us with her bread, watered us with her waters, and taught us her language. There are many other good states in the world, besides Russia, but a man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Development of general motor skills

Speech mobile game "Birch"

Russian folk song

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Counting"

Lexical theme: "Victory Day".

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

holiday, salute, victory, war, Motherland, winner, defender, veteran, enemy, fire, monument, soldier, warrior, border guard, sailor, pilot, tanker, people, May, flowers, memory, parade, banner, salute, wall ( Kremlin)

Verb Dictionary:

protect, protect, save, cherish, fight, fight, win, die, defend, remember, keep, respect, love, be proud

Feature Dictionary:

Great, Patriotic, world, brave, courageous, brave, courageous, strong, heroic, old, young, military, victorious, Kremlin, eternal, unknown

Adverb Dictionary:

one, many, long, scary, majestic, forever

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· "One-many" (the use of singular and plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases: victory-victories-many victories; fire-fires-many fires, etc.).

· "Words-enemies" (actualization and enrichment of the dictionary due to the words-antonyms: old-young, friend-enemy, good-evil, peaceful-military, brave-cowardly).

“Helpers” (fixing the use of simple prepositions in the sentence:

· Military pilots defended our Motherland ... in the sky.

· The border guards guarded our Motherland… the border.

· Sailors fought ... enemy ... the sea.

· The tankers fought ... in the tank.

Development of coherent speech:

Learning a poem:

Victory Day

Victory Day is a bright holiday,

I'm so happy for him

Because together with grandfather

I'm going to the parade!

I want to be in the military

Walk with him

Red Banner of Victory

Carry with him!

Let grandpa know for sure:

I'll be in line

Defend like him, I can

Your homeland!

Natalya Maidanik

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement:

children march to the poem by N. Maidanikova

"Victory Day"

Development of fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Defenders of the Fatherland"

O.I. Krupenchuk

Lexical topic: "Insects and spiders."

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

meadow, forest, field, park, square, insects, beetle, fly, bee, bumblebee, wasp, ladybug, mosquito, dragonfly, ant, butterfly, grasshopper, cockroach, spider, benefit, harm, carrier (of diseases), cobweb, caterpillar, wing, abdomen, sting, foot, antennae, beehive, nectar, anthill, net

Verb Dictionary:

fly, flutter, twist, weave, lay, crawl, wiggle, buzz, sting, ring, build, collect, bite, jump, chirp, annoy, harm, gnaw, help, catch

Feature Dictionary:

striped, useful, harmful, mustachioed, horned, industrious, red, strong, sonorous, importunate, beautiful, multi-colored, bright, light, hairy,

Adverb Dictionary:

painful, fast, slow, quiet, loud, high, careful, dangerous, harmful

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“Pick up a word” (clarification and expansion of the verb dictionary and dictionary of signs: what does a butterfly do? - flies, flutters, spins, flies, etc.; what mosquito? - annoying, small, ringing, biting, etc.) .

· “In the country of midgets and giants” (an exercise in the use of nouns with diminutive and caressing and magnifying shades: spider - spider - spider; paw - paw - paws, etc.)

· "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?" (an exercise in the correct use of possessive adjectives and their agreement with nouns in gender, number, case: bee sting - bee; mosquito bite - mosquito. Petya's finger turned red from a mosquito bite).

· “Funny butterflies” (compilation of common sentences; exercise in the use of prefixed verbs, simple and complex prepositions. Sample: A bright butterfly flutters over a flower.)

“Count” (an exercise in matching numbers from 1 to 5 with adjectives and nouns: one green grasshopper, two green grasshoppers, three green grasshoppers, four green grasshoppers, five green grasshoppers).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Compilation of descriptive stories and riddles about insects using a mnemonic table.

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Dragonfly"

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game "Spider and fly"

O. Krupenchuk

Lexical theme: "Flowers".

Expanding children's vocabulary

Subject Dictionary:

flowers, plants, primrose, snowdrop, lily of the valley, violet, tulip, narcissus, peony, rose, poppy, dahlia, aster, lily, carnation, daisy, bell, chamomile, buttercup, forget-me-not, dandelion, coltsfoot, cornflower, stem, root, leaf, flower, bud, petal, bouquet, wreath, scent, aroma, flower bed, meadow, field, forest, garden, gardener

Verb Dictionary:

grow, bloom, bloom, open, wither, fall off, wither, smell, smell, plant, dig, pluck, cut, collect, weave, care for, water, fertilize, breed, grow

Feature Dictionary:

garden, forest, field, meadow, early, first, late, spring, bright, delicate, fragile, fragrant, fragrant, beautiful, motley, colored, long, short

Adverb Dictionary:

early, beautiful, colorful, bright, fast, long, colorful

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

· “I was born a gardener” (activation of the dictionary with words-names of flowers, parts of the whole, words-signs).

· “Finish the sentence” (clarify, expand the children’s verbal dictionary. Sample. Flowers in the flowerbed (what do they do?) - grow, bloom, dry out, smell, etc.).

· "Which? Which? Which?" (exercise in the formation of relative adjectives and their agreement with nouns: meadow - meadow, field - field, forest - forest, garden - garden; a bouquet of daisies - chamomile, of cornflowers - cornflower blue)

· “Help Dunno” (exercise in agreeing numerals from 1 to 5 with adjectives and nouns of the nominative case in gender, number).

“Collect words” (exercise in making sentences from individual words; reinforce the correct use of prepositional case constructions. Sample: Children, wreath, flowers, field, from, weave - Children wove a wreath of wild flowers).

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up descriptive riddles and comparatively descriptive stories about flowers according to mnemonic tables.

Development of general motor skills

Mobile game "Dandelion"

N. Nishcheva

Development of fine motor skills

Finger game "Flowers"

N. Metelskaya

Lexical theme: "Spring" (generalization).

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Subject Dictionary:

names of the seasons, spring months, thaw, drops, thawed patches, puddles, streams, ice floes, ice drift, birdhouse, birds, south, buds, leaves, nests, grass, snowdrops, flower bed, beds, seeds, field, meadow, sun, ray , rain, clouds, thunderstorm, thunder, lightning

Verb Dictionary:

came, stepped, warms, melts, breaks, murmurs, rumbles (thunder), sparkles (lightning), darkens, swells, bursts, blossoms, wake up, blooms, sow, plant, fly in, chirp, sing, twist (nests), take out (chicks)

Feature Dictionary:

early, late, warm, cold, wet, gray, sonorous, sunny, fine, rainy, noisy, murmuring, cheerful, migratory, birch, sticky, bright, young, green,

Adverb Dictionary:

early, late, damp, bright, fun, warm, light, loud

Lexico-grammar games and exercises:

“When does this happen?” (fixing the signs of the seasons, the development of verbal and logical thinking).

“Pick up words” (selection of words-actions and signs for nouns. What does spring do? - comes, comes, steps ..., what? - early, late, friendly, sonorous, cold, blooming ...; snow - melts, turns black .. , loose, dark, wet ...; the sun - shines, warms ..., affectionate, spring, bright ...).

“Call me affectionately” (an exercise in the use of nouns with a diminutive meaning).

· “Look and name” (drawing up simple common sentences about the signs of spring based on pictures).

“Count to five” (an exercise in coordinating numerals with adjectives and nouns. Examples: one sonorous stream, two voiced streams, three ..., four ..., five voiced streams. One fragrant mimosa, ...; one gentle snowdrop, ...)

“Finish the sentence” (use of the comparative degree of adjectives).

The sun shines brightly, and will shine even more ... (brighter).

· The snow melted quickly, but it will melt more ... .

The day is long, and there will be more ... .

· The sky is high, and there will be more….

· The wind is warm, and it will become even more ... .

Development of coherent speech:

Memorizing a poem on a topic (optional).

Drawing up the story "Spring" based on a mnemonic diagram.

Development of general motor skills

Coordination of speech with movement.

Mobile game "In the spring forest".

According to N. Metelskaya.

Development of fine motor skills:

Finger gymnastics "Swallow"

N. Nishcheva (according to Russian folk song).


1. An adapted exemplary basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech disorders, edited by prof. L.V. Lopatina, St. Petersburg, TsDK prof. L.B, Baryaeva, 2014.

2. Bardysheva T.Yu., Monosova E.N. Speech therapy classes in kindergarten. Senior group. M.: Scriptorium, 2003.

3. Krupenchuk O.I. We train fingers - we develop speech. Senior group of kindergarten. SPb., Litera. 2009.

4. Metelskaya N.G. 100 physical education minutes at speech therapy classes. M.: Sfera, 2010.

5. Nishcheva N.V. Card file of outdoor games, exercises, physical exercises, finger gymnastics. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2010

6. Sidorova U.M. We learn words and sentences (5-6 years old), M., TC Sphere, 2013

7. Tkachenko T.A. Formation and development of coherent speech. M., Gnom i D., 2001

Relationship notebook

speech therapist and educators

Senior group

In accordance with the long-term plan of speech therapy work, the speech therapist determines the lexical topic for the week to consolidate the material with the children by the educators.

Describes games and exercises for classes with children (with examples of implementation)

Weekly, the speech therapist indicates games and exercises that are recommended for children on this lexical topic. The teacher, at his discretion, distributes the proposed games for a week and spends them with the children (it is advisable to play the same game several times a week to get the best result).

In addition, every day the speech therapist recommends doing articulation, breathing and other exercises with some children according to individual work plans (in individual notebooks, consolidating the exercises performed in the speech therapy lesson). The names (and surnames) of these children are listed daily. If the educator doubts the methodology for conducting this or that exercise, the speech therapist advises the educators.

Column "Mark of completion". In this column, the educator evaluates the level of the child’s performance of the exercises (quality of performance) and writes down the result, for example: “completed”, “failed”, “excellent”, “good”, “completed in full”, “done”, “significant difficulties " and etc.

Lexical theme "Fruits"


2. D. ball game "One - many" For example: orange - oranges - lots of oranges

3. For example: apple - apple, pear - pear

4. D. i. "What can you say that about?" Children match words-objects to word-signs: tasty (what?) ..., fragrant (what?), ruddy ..., juicy ..., healthy, vitamin, round, oval, smooth ...

5. D. ball game "Zhadina": For example: tangerine is my tangerine, pear is my pear ...

6. Exercise "Count to five words": apple, pear, orange, banana, pineapple, peach, apricot, tangerine. For example: one banana, two bananas... five bananas

7. Game "Cooks"

Apple juice - apple, apricot jam - ..., pear compote - ..., grape juice - ..., orange marmalade - ..., banana chips - ..., pineapple pie - ..., peach compote - ...

8. D. game "My, my, my, mine": my (what?) - orange, ... mine (what?) - ....

My (what?) - ... my (what?) - ...

9. Repeat words:

Va-va-va - plum Ko-ko-ko - apple Mon-mon-mon - lemon Sin-sin-sin - orange.


1. What is this?


3. What fruit tastes like? What does it feel like?

4. What shape is the fruit?

5. What colour?


For example: This Apple. An apple is a fruit. It is yellow and round. The apple is juicy, tasty, sweet, firm and smooth. An apple grows in a garden on a tree. You can make apple juice, apple compote, apple jam, apple filling for pies from apples ... You can also eat raw apples.

11. D. game "Guess the object by sound"

12. D. game "Whose voice?"

13. Finger gymnastics "Orchard"






Lexical theme “Vegetables. Garden"

1. Articulation gymnastics: "Smile", "Tubule", "Fence", "Swing", "Watch", "Shovel"

2. D. ball game "One - many." For example: tomato - tomatoes, cucumber - cucumbers.

3. D. ball game "Call it affectionately" For example: potatoes - potatoes


5. D. ball game "Zhadina": For example

6. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, carrot, potato, pumpkin, pepper, onion, beetroot, cucumber, zucchini.

For example:

7. Game "Cooks"

Porridge with pumpkin - pumpkin, soup with peas - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ...


My (what?) - ...

9. Repeat words:

Ets-ets-ets - cucumber Ta-ta-ta - cabbage Ka-ka-ka - radish (carrot)

Ov-ov-ov - carrots Oshka-oshka - potatoes Chok-chok-chok - zucchini

10. D. game "Living - inanimate."

11. Drawing up stories-descriptions about fruits based on a picture-graphic plan:

1. What is this?

2. Where does it grow (garden, garden, forest)?

3. What vegetable tastes like? What does it feel like?

4. What shape is the vegetable?

5. What color is the vegetable?

6. What can be prepared from it?

12. Finger gymnastics "Garden"

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Fri _________ Mark of completion



Lexical theme “Autumn. Harvest"


"Tube" - "Fence" - an exercise for lips to switch

“We warm the tongue in the sun” (spatula) - an exercise for the tongue (count up to 5-7)

“That's the harvest!”: a) inhale - smiling, spread your arms to the sides;

B) exhale - clap in front of the chest: "Ah!".

2. E. the game "Find out by description" (round, red, juicy, healthy, soft - tomato)

3. D. ball game "Zhadina": For example: cabbage is my cabbage, garlic is my garlic...

4. Didactic game "What can I say about?".

The speech therapist invites the children to listen and say what fruits or vegetables are they talking about?

Delicious (what?), fragrant (what?), ruddy (what?), juicy (what?), healthy (what?), vitamin (what?), round, oval, crunchy, crunchy, bitter, healthy, spicy, edible…etc.

5. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, apple, potato, peach, pepper, onion, banana, pear, cucumber, zucchini.

For example: one radish, two radishes… five radishes

6. Game "Cooks"

Porridge with pumpkin - pumpkin, soup with peas - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ..., orange juice, apple jam, plum compote ...

7. D. game "My, my, my, mine": my (what?) - zucchini, ... my (what?) - ...

My (what?) - ...

8. "Tell me how they harvest" What do they dig up? What are they pulling out? What are they ripping off? What is cut?

9. The game "Listen and count." The teacher pronounces a sentence, the children count the number of words in it. For example: The golden autumn has arrived. It often rains lightly. The ground is covered with leaves. The grass turned yellow. The sun shines less often. The days got shorter. A flock of migratory birds can be seen in the distance.

10. Game "Change the sentence" The teacher pronounces a sentence of three words, the children complete it with a definition word. For example: Dad is digging potatoes. - Dad digs young potatoes.

Petya picks tomatoes. - Petya picks red tomatoes, etc.

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Lexical theme “Signs of autumn. Trees. Forest"

"Sound A"

1. Articulation and breathing-sound exercises:

"Smile" - "Tubule" - an exercise for lips to switch

“Let's smell the leaves!”: a) inhale - draw in air through the nose without raising the shoulders;

B) exhale - through the mouth: "Ah!".

2. Exercise "What autumn?" Children must answer the question "What autumn?" (Golden, elegant, colorful, early, late, rainy, cloudy, rich, fertile, etc.)

3. Exercise "Choose action words." Leaf (what does it do?) - ... (turns yellow, falls, grows, flies, spins, etc.) Tree (what does it do?) - ... (stands, sways, grows, falls)

Branches (what are they doing?) - ...

4. D. ball game “Say the opposite” Winter - summer, spring - ..., warm - ..., wet - ..., fly away - ..., cloudy - ...

5. D. ball games "Zhadina" ( For example: aspen - my aspen); "One-many" ( For example: tree - trees - a lot of trees, maple - maples - a lot of maples)

6. Exercise "Count": tall tree, pine branch, yellow leaf, birch branch, red leaf, young aspen, rowan branch.

For example: one tall tree, two tall trees... five tall trees.

7. D. ball game “Whose leaf (branch?)”: spruce branch - spruce and I, pine branch - ..., linden branch - ..., birch leaf - birches th leaf, willow leaf - ..., rowan leaf - ..., maple leaf - ..., oak leaf - ..., chestnut leaf - ...

8. For example:

9. The game "Highlight the sound" The teacher pronounces the words, the children highlight the first sound in them: duck, Anya, cloud, needles, Olya, Ira, Inna, Ulya.

10. Finger gymnastics "Leaves"

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Lexical theme “Autumn. Mushrooms"

"Sound A"

1. Articulation exercises:

"Shovel" - "Needle" - an exercise for the tongue to switch (count up to 5-7)

“Cup”, “Hill”, “Malyar”, “Brushing teeth” (from right to left and from top to bottom and vice versa)

2. Exercise "Guess the mushroom" Children should answer the question: A mushroom that grows under a birch is a boletus, under an aspen - ..., the name of the mushroom is similar to the name of a wild animal - ..., grows on stumps - ... etc.

3. E. ball game "Say the opposite." The old mushroom is large, and the young mushroom is ..., the boletus has a thick leg, and the honey agaric has ..., the russula is an edible mushroom, and the fly agaric is ... etc.

4. Exercise "Count": boletus, small russula, poisonous fly agaric, pale grebe, edible mushroom, mushroom leg, large boletus, etc.

For example: one small russula, two small russula, five small russula

5. Exercise "Explain the word." Talk with the children about the polysemantic words: HAT, LEGS on the material of the pictures. For example: Leg - in a child, in a mushroom, in a chair ..., Hat - in a mushroom, headdress.

6. D. ball game “Call it affectionately”: mushroom - ..., boletus - ..., boletus ..., honey mushrooms - ..., honey agaric - ..., russula ... etc.

7. Didactic game "Choose, name, remember."

Mushroom processing requires different items. How does a person use these objects (pick up and name as many action words as possible)? (Mushrooms are cut, peeled, cut with a knife ... etc.). The following items are discussed: a frying pan, a saucepan, a barrel, a jar, a knife. For the game, you can use pictures of dishes.

8. Reading and retelling of the work of V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom".

9. The game "Catch the sound" The teacher pronounces various sounds, syllables, words, and the children clap their hands when they hear the sound A. For example: k, o, A, and, m, s, A, A, po, am, it, ka, shoes, quince, cheers, pineapple, smart, artist, England, autumn, turkey, lawyer, etc.

10. Game "Find the sound A". The teacher pronounces the words, the children determine the presence / absence of the sound A in them and the place of the sound in the word: beginning, middle, end. Words: watermelon, duck, Anya, cloud, donkey, wasps, wasp, needle, Olya, Ira, antenna, book, mosaic, scooter.

11. Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms".

Mon _________ Mark of completion


Tue _________ Mark of completion


Wed _________ Mark of completion



Thu _________ Mark of completion


Fri _________ Mark of completion

Brief annotation: The effectiveness and quality of correctional work to overcome speech disorders in children largely depends on the ability of a speech therapist to organize their own activities as productively as possible. To save time, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of organizing labor through the rational use of optimal means. Proper work planning allows you to rationally distribute your working time. One of the most effective rational planning techniques is the use of tabular forms of work and the creation of a filing system.

With the development of society, with an increase in the intensity of life processes, the price of time increases. Rational use of it is an important indicator of professionalism.

To save time, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of organizing labor through the rational use of optimal means.

An analysis of the real situation that has currently developed in the system of upbringing and education of preschool children has shown that the number of children with deviations in speech development is steadily growing.

Increasing requirements for a modern speech therapist-practitioner, a large number of areas in his activities, an increasing volume of current and reporting documentation every year, as well as the complexity and significance of the tasks he solves, require him to be highly organized personal work.

The purpose of the rational organization of labor is to increase its effectiveness. This goal can be achieved through

  1. firstly, the rational use of time,
  2. secondly, the creation and rational use of the most favorable working conditions: a clear definition of goals, well-thought-out forms of documentation, the introduction of a filing and tabular system into the correctional process.

The effectiveness and quality of correctional work to overcome speech disorders in children largely depends on the ability of a speech therapist to organize their own activities as productively as possible.

The work of a speech therapist is complicated due to the huge amount of information and practical materials. The distribution of the working time of a speech therapist teacher is directly related to the forms of organization and methods of his diagnostic and correctional, methodological and advisory work, as well as the content of special (correctional) preschool programs.

Proper work planning allows you to rationally distribute your working time. At the same time, there are some general approaches to planning the activities of a speech therapist teacher during the academic year and working week, which he adheres to, regardless of what kind of correctional program underlies his activities.

Planning based on a real time budget is an objective basis for organizing the activities of a speech therapist.

And computerization in the field of education provides ample opportunities at the modern level to approach the solution of the problem of eliminating the contradiction between the amount of work of a speech therapist and the time available for its implementation.

One of the most effective rational planning techniques is the use of tabular forms of work.

Also a great help for a speech therapist when planning work is the use of a filing system, which helps the speech therapist to simplify the preparation for classes and conduct them as much as possible.

Practical material is systematized and summarized in various file cabinets. All tasks are divided into separate cards; colorful illustrated material is selected for many. This “saves” the speech therapist from numerous searches, which means that he will be able to devote a little more time to the child, spending it on learning.

So, for planning individual work with children, you can use tabular forms, in which only the card index number, or benefits, card number, or page and the result of the work are entered. (see table 1)

Form for making plans for individual work with children

Table 1

date Lesson Components

Card file number, title of the manual

card number,page Result
  • Motor skills


- general
- small
  • Breathing exercises
  • Self-massage (massage)
  • Phonemic processes

phonemic hearing

- sound analysis
  • Pronunciation

Setting sounds

-automation and differentiation of sounds
  • Syllabic structure
  • Lexico-grammatical categories
  • Connected speech
  • Development of non-speech mental processes

(memory, attention, thinking)

And for the design of calendar plans for frontal classes, the form proposed by an experienced speech therapist-practitioner T.A. Tkachenko. This form makes scheduling "open type planning", that is, it allows practitioners to supplement the content of each lesson with their own techniques, tasks, didactic games and exercises. (See Table 2)

table 2

The effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist directly depends on a well-coordinated, well-organized interaction with the teachers of the speech therapy group, therefore, the tasks of the speech therapist include not only planning their own work, but also planning the work of the educator to consolidate the knowledge gained by children in speech therapy classes.

Tasks in the relationship notebook are developed for the year, taking into account the weekly planning of the speech therapist and can be used in subsequent years. And for the individual work of the educator with children on the instructions of the speech therapist, a special table is assigned, which is filled in jointly by the speech therapist and the educator daily, annually.

This form of the notebook of the relationship between the speech therapist and the educator is built on the basis of the "Notebook of the relationship between the work of the speech therapist and the educator in the senior and preparatory groups" by O.S. Gomzyak (see Table 3, 4).

Approximate form of designing a notebook for the relationship of a speech therapist and educator

Table 3
Month ____________, week___

1. Development of gross motor skills

Instructions for the educator

Movements performed

Let's go to the garden, harvest the harvest.
We're pulling carrots dragging
And dig up potatoes dig
We cut a head of cabbage, cut off
Round, juicy, very tasty, Show a circle with hands - 3 times
Let's pick a little sorrel Vomit
And let's get back on track. They walk in a circle holding hands.

2. Development of fine motor skills

Instructions for the educator

Movements performed

At Lariska
Two radishes.
At the tomboyish Earring
Two green cucumbers.
And Vovka
two carrots
Yes, even at Petka
Two tailed radishes.
They clench their fingers into a fist, unclench them in turn, starting with the thumb, on one or both hands.

3. Development of articulatory motor skills

Type of exercise

Movements performed

Jaw exercises Calm opening and closing of the mouth. Keep your mouth open for a count of up to 5
Lip exercises "Smile" - "Tube"
Language exercises “Shovel” (holding the tongue counting up to 10) “Needle”

4. Development of phonetic-phonemic processes (Sound A. Sound O)

The game "Select the sound." The first sound in the words Anya, shark, watermelon, acrobat, etc.
Describe the sound A / O: vowel, marked in red. What happens to the mouth when pronouncing A/O sounds? Reinforce the concepts of sound and letter. To fix the concept of a vowel sound: the air comes out freely, without encountering obstacles, a song is obtained, it is sung.
Game "Catch the sound". Pronounce a series of sounds, children should clap on the sound A / O
Determine the place of the sound A / O in words Anya, poppy, river, shark, cancer, fish, stork, watermelon, bee, grass, etc. / Olya, juice, bucket, house, knife, rose, mole, wasps, windows, bridge, nest, cloud, spoon , doctor, subway, etc. Consolidate answers: The sound A / O is at the beginning / middle / end of the word, draw graphic diagrams
In the names of which vegetables you hear the sound A / O
Lay out as many red circles as you hear A/O sounds in the word on the material of the lexical topic "Vegetables"

5. Development of lexico-grammatical processes

"Call it sweetly" on the material of the lexical topic "Vegetables"
"One is Many" on the material of the lexical topic "Vegetables"
"Tell me which one?" on the material of the lexical topic "Vegetables"
"Say the opposite" The zucchini is large, and the cucumber is small, the potatoes are large, and the radish is ... (small), the pepper is empty inside, and the carrot is ... (full), the tomato is soft, and the cucumber is ... (solid).
"Vegetable Talk" What is this? (Name of a vegetable.) Where does it grow? (In the garden, in the garden.) What vegetables grow in the ground, on the ground, on the bushes? What vegetables can be dug up, which ones can be plucked, cut, pulled out?

What vegetable tastes like? What form? What colour? What vegetable to the touch?

What can be prepared from it?

"Harvest" The teacher shows pictures of vegetables and asks the children to answer the question: “How is this vegetable harvested?”. Children make sentences - for example: cabbage is cut, etc. Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes - ... (pull). Cucumbers, tomatoes, peas - ... (tear off).

Cabbage - ... (cut off).

Potato - … (dig out).

What are the words for vegetables? Onion, turnip, plantain, nettle (bow, river); garlic, radish, rose, currant (garlic, radish); zucchini, cucumbers, strawberries, potatoes (zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes); chamomile, pepper, patisson, raspberry (pepper, squash).
Game "Cook" Name the dishes that can be prepared from different vegetables. I will put in borscht .... I'll put it in cabbage soup... .I'll put it in soup...

6. Development of coherent speech

Retelling a descriptive story about vegetables based on a diagram
Examination of vegetables and the painting "Still Life".
Reading: R.Sc. "Tops and Roots"; memorization Y.Tuvim "Vegetables"

7. Productive activity

Application "Basket with vegetables".
Modeling vegetables from plasticine.
Drawing "Still life of vegetables

Table 4

October. 1 Week. Lexical topic: "Vegetables"

8. Individual work of a teacher with children

F.I. child

speech therapist's notes

teacher's notes



Thus, effective forms of organizing work can save time allotted for paperwork and send it to corrective work with children.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the rationalization of the personal work of a speech therapist teacher is an extremely important problem, the successful solution of which allows raising the process of corrective action to a qualitatively higher level and, as a result, the effectiveness of its work.

  1. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly at 5-6 years old. Notebook of the relationship between the work of a speech therapist and educator in the senior logogroup. M., 2009
  2. Seivert L. Your time is in your hands. M., 1991
  3. Pozhilenko E.A. Guidelines for the production of sounds in children [s], [w], [p], [l]. St. Petersburg, 2009
  4. Tkachenko T.A. Calendar plan of speech therapy classes for the correction of general underdevelopment of speech in children. M., 2006

Boriskina Vitaly Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 26",

Prepared by a speech pathologist
Kumakova Yulia Ivanovna
MBDOU "Bell"

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group largely depends on the continuity in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

Interaction with educators is carried out by a speech therapist in various forms. This is a joint drawing up of long-term planning of work for the current period in all areas; discussion and choice of forms, methods and techniques of correctional and developmental work; equipping a developing object space in a group room; mutual attendance of classes and joint implementation of integrated complex classes; as well as weekly assignments. In the calendar plans of educators at the beginning of each month, the speech therapist indicates lexical topics for the month, an approximate vocabulary for each topic studied, the main goals and objectives of correctional work; lists the names of children to whom educators should pay special attention in the first place.

The weekly tasks of the speech therapist to the educator include the following sections:

Speech therapy five minutes;

Outdoor games and finger gymnastics;

Games for the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech;

Speech therapy five minutes serve for speech therapy of educators' classes and contain materials for the development of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, coherent speech, exercises for fixing or differentiating the set sounds, for developing the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, for developing phonemic representations and non-speech mental functions, that is, for repetition and consolidation of the material worked out with children by a speech therapist. A speech therapist may recommend that educators use five minutes in certain classes. Usually 2-3 five-minute sessions are planned per week, and they must be kept within the framework of the lexical topic being studied. The speech therapist not only gives recommendations on how to conduct five minutes, but in some cases also provides materials and manuals for their implementation.

Outdoor games, exercises; finger, articulatory gymnastics serve to develop general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, coordination of speech with movement, development of imitation and creative abilities. They can be used by educators as physical education minutes in the GCD, outdoor games for a walk or in their free time in the afternoon. They are also necessarily maintained within the framework of the studied lexical topic. It's in the games and game tasks, the emotional attitude of the child to the meaning of the word is most successfully revealed.

When planning the individual work of educators, the speech therapist recommends classes with two or three children a day in those sections of the program that these children experience the most difficulty in mastering. It is important that during the week each child has at least one lesson with caregivers individually. First of all, speech therapists recommend classes on automation and differentiation of sounds. The competent work carried out by kindergarten teachers with children with speech development deficiencies is of great, often decisive, importance in the effectiveness of the correctional process.

Theme: Trees in Autumn. Sounds [A] - [U]. Sound [I]

Need to know:

  • 8-10 names of trees, learn on a walk and from pictures (as well as their leaves and fruits)
  • what happens to the leaves of trees in autumn
  • which trees stay green
  • distinguish between early and late autumn
  • why is early autumn called golden

Dictionary: foliage, leaf fall, needles, crumble, fly around, fall off, rustle, spin, multi-colored.

Form a word: birch leaf - birch, and oak, maple, linden, chestnut, willow, alder, mountain ash, poplar, aspen, apple tree?

Development of lexico-grammatical processes

1. Game "Call it affectionately" (oak, maple, aspen, birch, mountain ash, chestnut, spruce, willow, pine).

2. The game "Where will we see this sheet?" (oak - on oak, maple - ...)

Exercises for the development of logical thinking.

"4th extra"

Birch, maple, poplar, bluebell.

Spruce, oak, aspen, poplar (with explanation)

"Solve the problem"

The oak trunk is thicker than the aspen trunk. And the aspen trunk is thicker than the birch trunk. What is thicker: an oak trunk or a birch trunk?

vocabulary work(using illustrative examples). Explain the meaning of the words "tuesok", "bast basket", "birch bark".

Exercise "Say the other way around» for the selection of antonyms.

Pine has long needles, spruce has ...
Maple has large leaves, and birch has ...
Birch has a light trunk, while maple has ...
The oak has a thick trunk, and the birch has ...

Development of coherent speech (preliminary work)

1. Reading literary texts (L.N. Tolstoy "Oak and Hazel", A.S. Pushkin "A Sad Time").

1. The game "Clap, stomp." To words with the sound [A] - clap, with the sound [U] - stomp.

2. The game "Battle". Children are divided into two teams, one of the teams should name words with the sound [A], and the second with the sound [U]. The team that comes up with the most words wins.

3. Determining the place of the sound [AND] in words: Dina, caviar, children etc.

4. From the proposed pictures, select only those in which the sound [I] is present. With the selected words, make sentences, divide them into words and draw (lay out) diagrams.

Topic: "Food" Sounds [I] - [A].

"Call it kindly."

"One is many."

Soup - soups - lots of soup(s)

Shchi - shchi - a lot of cabbage soup

Cutlet - cutlets - a lot of cutlets

Milk - milk - lots of milk

Pie - pies - many pies

jelly - jelly - a lot of jelly

Sausage - sausages - a lot of sausages

Juice - juices - lots of juices (juice)

Canned food - canned food - a lot of canned food

Mince - mince - a lot of mince

Porridge - porridge - a lot of porridge.

"Product Account".

One fried cutlet - two fried cutlets - five fried cutlets

One fluffy cake - two fluffy pies - five fluffy pies, etc.

"What, what, what?"

Rye bread - rye Semolina porridge - semolina
Chicken broth - chicken Carrot cutlets - carrot
Fish broth - fish Beet cutlets - beetroot
Meat broth - meat Cabbage cutlets - cabbage
Cow's milk is cow's Potato pancakes - potato
Goat's milk is goat's
Buckwheat porridge - buckwheat Names of fruits and vegetables:
Rice porridge - rice "Name the juice, jam"
Millet porridge - millet Pear juice - pear
Hercules porridge - hercules Pear jam - pear, etc.

"Call by example."

Fry potatoes - so what is it? – fried

Cooking beets - so what is it? - boiled

Soaring a turnip means what is it like? – steam room

Freezing cranberries - so what is it like? – frozen

Marinate tomatoes - so what are they? – marinated

Canned cucumbers - so what are they? – canned

Salting cabbage - so what is it? - salty.

Subject: Vegetables. Sound [P], [Pb], [K], [K]

"Call it kindly." Cucumber-cucumber - cucumbers (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin, radish, carrot, beetroot, onion (bulb), turnip, garlic, parsley, dill, cabbage, beans).

"One-Many". Tomato - tomatoes - a lot of tomatoes, etc.

"Vegetable Count". One pumpkin - two pumpkins - five pumpkins, etc.

"Choose a sign".

Carrot (what?) - orange, crispy, tasty, healthy, sweet, large, etc.

"What, what, what?" Tomato juice - tomato th etc. A bed with cucumbers - cucumber and I etc. Carrot puree - carrot oh etc. with the names of other vegetables.

"He she They".

Growing - growing ut(ripens, turns green, sings, blooms, turns red, plants, digs, spuds, loosens, waters, cleans).

They plant - planted, planted, planted (digging, watering, loosening, hilling, harvesting).

"Choose Action Words" Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes - they pull; cucumbers, tomatoes, peas - pluck; cabbage - cut; potatoes - dug up.

"Say the opposite." Choice of antonyms.

The zucchini is large, and the cucumber is small.

Potatoes are large, and radishes are small.

Peppers inside are empty, and carrots are full.

The tomato is soft and the cucumber is hard.

Write a descriptive story about vegetables (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it a vegetable or a fruit?

Where does it grow?

What does it look like (color, shape, size)?

What does it feel like?

What does it taste like?

What can be prepared from it?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

Pick up words with a given sound [P, Pb], [K, K]

Divide words into syllables: cabbage, tree stump, movie, carpet, axe, cat, etc.

Make sentences with the words of the previous task, lay out (draw) a diagram.

Automation of sound C in words: Leva, Matvey, Egor, Maxim.

Sound automation [Ш] in isolation: Sasha, Ildar, in syllables: Slavik, Ilya, Artem, Leva.

Automation of sound [Р], [Рь] in syllables: Slavik, Arseniy, Timur.

In the words of Lev, Maxim, Katya, Pasha, Olya, Vika.

Theme: "Fruit". Sounds [T], [T], [K] - [T]

1."Call it kindly." Apple - apple - apples (pear, lemon, orange, plum, tangerine, apricot, cherry, banana, tree, garden, branch, seed).

2. "One is many." Peach - peaches - lots of peaches, etc.

3. Fruit Count. One apple - two apples - five apples.

One red apple - two red apples - five red apples, etc.

4. "Choose a sign". Mandarin (what?) - juicy, orange, round, small, etc.

5. "Name the juice and jam." Lemon juice (what?) - lemon th etc.

Lemon jam (what?) - lemon oh etc. with the names of other fruits.

6. "He she They". Pear grows - pears grow ut(ripens, turns yellow, sings, blooms).

7. "What did you do? What did you do? What they were doing?". .

They plant - planted, planted, planted (watered, loosened, harvested).

8. "Tell me which tree?"

A tree with apples - an apple tree - an apple tree. Tree with pears - pear - pear.

A tree with plums - plum - plum. Tree with peaches - peach - peach.

Tree with apricots - apricot - apricot.

9."The Fourth Extra".

peach, persimmon, turnip, banana; lemon, raspberries, apricot, cherry; cucumber, pumpkin, garlic, apple.

10. "Say the opposite."

The peach is big and the apricot is small.

An apple has many seeds, and a plum has one seed.

The orange is bigger and the tangerine is smaller.

Lemon is sour and peach is sweet.

11. Write a descriptive story about fruits (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it a vegetable or a fruit?

Where does it grow?

What does it look like (color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like? What can be prepared from it?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. Name the first sounds in words etc.

2. Name the first sounds in words book, braid, button, stool, TV set, plate etc.

3. Pick up words for sounds: [K], [T], [T].

4. The game "Clap, stomp." On syllables with the sound [T] - we clap, and with the sound [T] - we stomp.

5. Sound analysis of words cat, tina.

6. Game "Fishermen". Children take turns using a magnetic fishing rod to catch object pictures from the aquarium, name them and determine the place of the sounds [K], [T], [T] in words.

Same automation.

Topic: “Insects. Sounds [P], [T], [K], [O].

1. "One is many." Mosquito - mosquitoes - mosquitoes (fly, butterfly, beetle, spider, dragonfly, ladybug, ant, caterpillar, grasshopper, water strider, wasp, bee, Maybug).

2."Call it kindly."

Bee - bee, etc.

3. "Check".

One ant - two ants - five ants, etc.

4. "Choose a sign".

Ant (what?) - small, hardworking, fast, fussy, etc.

5. "Finish the sentence."

An ant was sitting near ... .

The ladybug was crawling on ... .

The beetle hid under ... .

The fly landed on ... .

The caterpillar sat on ....

The fly crawled over ... .

6. "It happens - it doesn't happen."

The girl is catching a butterfly. The girl is caught by a butterfly. Butterfly caught by a girl.

Butterfly catches a girl. The girl caught a butterfly. The butterfly caught the girl.

7. Listen to the story, answer the questions and retell. The development of connected speech.


This small insect is well known to each of us. The cockchafer is safe for humans. It can neither bite nor prick, but it greatly harms trees and bushes, devouring leaves on them. The female beetle lays eggs on the ground. White worms crawl out of the testicles. After three years, they turn into May bugs.

Questions: a) Is the cockchafer dangerous to humans?

b) What about plants?

c) How is the cockchafer born?

8. Write a descriptive story about insects (by choice), according to the plan:

Is it an insect, amphibian, reptile or fish?

What body parts does it have (head, chest, abdomen, legs, wings, antennae)?

Where does he live?

What role does this insect play in the environment?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. Sound analysis of type words poppy, whale, current.

2. Determination of the place of sounds [P], [T], [K] in words and their designation on the diagram.

3. The game "Syllabic store". Dividing words into syllables.

Automation of sound [R] in isolation - Timur, Matvey. In the words: Maxim, Olya, Arseny, Vika.

Theme: "Migratory birds". [X] - [Xh].[ TO] [ X] .

1. "Call it kindly."

Nestling - chick (nightingale, lark, starling, goose, duck, swan, crane, wagtail, stork, heron, rook, swift, swallow, cuckoo; feather, head, neck, wing, nest).

2. "One is many." Swift - swifts - many swifts, etc.

3. "Bird Count". One rook - two rooks - five rooks, etc.

4. "Name the baby."

Starling - starling - starling. Swift - sheared - haircuts.

Swan - swan - swans. Stork - stork - storks.

Crane - crane cub - cranes. Duck - duckling - ducklings.

5. "Tell me, what pack?"

Wedge of swans - swan th.

Caravan of cranes - crane th.

A flock of ducks - ducks and I(a flock of rooks, nightingales, geese).

6. "Who is superfluous and why?". Classification of objects. Crane, heron, duck, pigeon; starling, crow, sparrow, dove.

7. "The birds have flown away." No (who?) - no swan, duck, etc. No (who?) - no swans, ducks, etc.

8. "Insert a suggestion." Use of prepositions from, into, to, over, on, by.

Rook flew out ... nests. The rook has arrived... a nest. The rook flew up to ... the nest. The rook is circling ... in a nest. The rook sat down ... a branch. Rook walks ... arable land.

9. "Who is screaming?" Selection of the appropriate concept.

Swallow - chirps.

Rook - shouts "gra".

Nightingale - floods, whistles, clicks.

Cuckoo - cuckoo. Crane - cooing. The lark is ringing.

10. Write a descriptive story about migratory birds (optional), according to the plan: Who is this? What kind of bird is this (migratory, wintering)? Where and how does he build his house? Appearance (parts of the body; size, color of feathers, structural features: length of legs, neck, beak shape). How does he sing? What does it eat? What are her babies called?

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes

1. The game "Wonderful bag". The child takes a subject picture from the bag, names it and determines the location of the sounds [K], [X] or [Xh].

2. Sound analysis of words with laying out a graphic scheme: poppy, henna.

3. The game "Say the opposite." Change sound [X] to sound [X]: ha-ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho-ho, hee-hee-hee~hee. Change the K sound to the X sound: ka-ka-ka-ka, ko-ko-ko-ko, ku-ku-ku-ku.


Sound automation [Ш] in isolation: Rinat, in syllables, words: Slavik, Ilya, Artem, Leva, Sasha

Automation F in the words: Sasha, Artem, Slavik,

Automation of sound L in syllables: Olya, Slavik, Ksyusha. Automation of sound [Р], [Рь] in syllables: Slavik, Arseniy, Timur, Matvey. In the words of Lev, Maxim, Katya, Pasha, Olya, Vika, Ilya.

Topic: "Mushrooms. Berries. Late fall". Sound [S]. [C] - [C]

1. "One is many."

Mushroom - mushrooms - mushrooms (porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, russula, volnushka, honey agaric, boletus; toadstool, fly agaric).

"Call it kindly." Berry - berry (strawberry, currant, gooseberry, watermelon, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, cloudberry, lingonberry, cranberry).

2. "Edible - inedible."

Boletus (what mushroom?) - edible. Fly agaric (what mushroom?) - inedible, etc.

"Forest - garden."

Cloudberry is a wild berry. Strawberries are garden berries, etc.

3. "Check". One russula - two russula - five russula.

One white mushroom - two white mushrooms - five white mushrooms, etc.

4. "Pick up related words". Selection of single-root words.

Mushroom - fungus, fungus, mushroom picker, mycelium.

5. "What, what?".

Mushroom soup - mushroom Ouch. Mushroom dish - mushroom oh.

"Name the juice and jam." Currant juice (what?) - currant th Currant jam (what?) - currant oh etc. "Choose a sign". Watermelon (what?) - large, juicy, sweet, tasty, fragrant, etc. Cranberry (what?) - ....

6. " Say the opposite."

The porcini mushroom is edible, while the toadstool is inedible. Honey mushrooms have long legs, and the waves have short ones. Boletus grows under birches, and aspen mushrooms grow under aspens.

The boletus has a thick leg, and the russula has a thin one.

7. "What is redundant and why?". Classification of objects.

Honey mushrooms, butterflies, fly agaric, russula; fox, boletus, blackberry, boletus.

8. "Questions to backfill!". Developing the ability to answer questions in full sentences.

There are three waves on the edge. What is more - edges or waves? What is more in the forest - mushrooms or white mushrooms? There are two russula and a toadstool in a clearing. Which is more - hats or legs?

"Fix the mistake." The blueberry grows on the tree; currant grows in a swamp; lingonberry is a garden berry.

9. Write a descriptive story about mushrooms and about berries(optional), according to the plan: What is it? Where does it grow? What is the appearance (shape, size, color of the cap; length, thickness of the leg). Edible or inedible mushroom? What can be prepared from it?

Sound pronunciation:

Find words in which the sound [C] is at the beginning of the word, at the end of the word.

The game "Clap - stomp." To words with the sound [C] - we clap, with the sound [C] - we stomp.

Sound analysis of words sleigh, Sima with laying out a scheme of colored chips.

Repetition of syllables: sa-so-su-sy, zu-za-zo-zy ...

Which are recommended to be held with children on this lexical topic. The teacher, at his discretion, distributes the proposed games for a week and spends them with the children (it is advisable to play the same game several times a week to get the best result).

In addition, every day the speech therapist recommends performing articulation, breathing and other exercises with some children according to individual work plans (in individual notebooks, consolidating the exercises performed in the speech therapy lesson). The names (and surnames) of these children are listed daily. If the educator doubts the methodology for conducting this or that exercise, the speech therapist advises the educators.
Column "Mark of completion". In this column, the educator evaluates the level of the child’s performance of the exercises (quality of performance) and writes down the result, for example: “completed”, “failed”, “excellent”, “good”, “completed in full”, “done”, “significant difficulties " and etc.

Lexical theme "Fruits"

  1. D. ball game "One - many" For example: orange - oranges - lots of oranges

  2. For example: apple - apple, pear - pear

  3. Di. "What can you say that about?" Children match words-objects to words-signs: tasty (what?) ..., fragrant (what?), ruddy ..., juicy ..., healthy, vitamin, round, oval, smooth ...

  4. E. ball game "Zhadina": For example: tangerine is my tangerine, pear is my pear ...

  5. Exercise "Count to five words": apple, pear, orange, banana, pineapple, peach, apricot, tangerine. For example: one banana, two bananas... five bananas

  6. Game "Cooks"
Apple juice - apple, apricot jam - ..., pear compote - ..., grape juice - ..., orange marmalade - ..., banana chips - ..., pineapple pie - ..., peach compote - ...

  1. D. game “My, mine, mine, mine”: mine (what?) - orange, ... mine (what?) - ....
My (what?) - ... my (what?) - ...

  1. Repeat words:
Va-va-va - plum Ko-ko-ko - apple Mon-mon-mon - lemon Sin-sin-sin - orange.

  1. What is this?

  2. What fruit tastes like? What does it feel like?

  3. What shape is the fruit?

  4. What colour?

For example: This Apple. An apple is a fruit. It is yellow and round. The apple is juicy, tasty, sweet, firm and smooth. An apple grows in a garden on a tree. You can make apple juice, apple compote, apple jam, apple filling for pies from apples ... You can also eat raw apples.

  1. E. game "Guess the object by sound"

  2. E. game "Whose voice?"

  3. Finger gymnastics "Orchard"

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Lexical theme “Vegetables. Garden"

  1. Articulation gymnastics: "Smile", "Tubule", "Fence", "Swing", "Watch", "Shovel"

  2. D. ball game "One - many." For example: tomato - tomatoes, cucumber - cucumbers.

  3. D. ball game "Call it affectionately" For example: potatoes - potatoes

  4. E. ball game "Zhadina": For example

  5. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, carrot, potato, pumpkin, pepper, onion, beetroot, cucumber, zucchini.
For example:

  1. Game "Cooks"
Porridge with pumpkin - pumpkin, soup with peas - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ...

my (what?) - ...

  1. Repeat words:
Ets-ets-ets - cucumber Ta-ta-ta - cabbage Ka-ka-ka - radish (carrot)

Ov-ov-ov - carrots Oshka-oshka - potatoes Chok-chok-chok - zucchini

  1. D. game "Living - inanimate."

  2. Drawing up stories-descriptions about fruits based on a picture-graphic plan:

  1. What is this?

  2. Where does it grow (garden, garden, forest)?

  3. What vegetable tastes like? What does it feel like?

  4. What shape is the vegetable?

  5. What color is the vegetable?

  6. What can be prepared from it?

  1. Finger gymnastics "Garden"


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Lexical theme “Autumn. Harvest"

"Tube" - "Fence" - an exercise for lips to switch

“We warm the tongue in the sun” (spatula) - an exercise for the tongue (count up to 5-7)

“That's the harvest!”: a) inhale - smiling, spread your arms to the sides;

b) exhale - clap in front of the chest: "Ah!".

  1. E. game "Find out by description" (round, red, juicy, healthy, soft - tomato)

  2. E. ball game "Zhadina": For example: cabbage is my cabbage, garlic is my garlic...

  3. Didactic game "What can I say about?".
The speech therapist invites the children to listen and say what fruits or vegetables are they talking about?

Delicious (what?), fragrant (what?), ruddy (what?), juicy (what?), healthy (what?), vitamin (what?), round, oval, crunchy, crunchy, bitter, healthy, spicy, edible…etc.

  1. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, apple, potato, peach, pepper, onion, banana, pear, cucumber, zucchini.
For example: one radish, two radishes… five radishes

  1. Game "Cooks"
Porridge with pumpkin - pumpkin, soup with peas - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ..., orange juice, apple jam, plum compote ...

  1. D. game “My, mine, mine, mine”: my (what?) - zucchini, ... mine (what?) - ...
my (what?) - ...

  1. "Tell me how they harvest" What do they dig up? What are they pulling out? What are they ripping off? What is cut?

  2. The game "Listen and count." The teacher pronounces a sentence, the children count the number of words in it. For example: The golden autumn has arrived. It often rains lightly. The ground is covered with leaves. The grass turned yellow. The sun shines less often. The days got shorter. A flock of migratory birds can be seen in the distance.

  3. Game "Change the sentence" The teacher pronounces a sentence of three words, the children complete it with a definition word. For example: Dad is digging potatoes. - Dad digs young potatoes.
- Petya picks tomatoes. – Petya picks red tomatoes, etc.
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Lexical theme “Signs of autumn. Trees. Forest"

"Sound A"

  1. Articulation and breathing-sound exercises:
"Smile" - "Tubule" - an exercise for lips to switch

“Let's smell the leaves!”: a) inhale - draw in air through the nose without raising the shoulders;

b) exhale - through the mouth: "Ah!".

  1. Exercise "What autumn?" Children must answer the question "What autumn?" (Golden, elegant, colorful, early, late, rainy, cloudy, rich, fertile, etc.)

  2. Exercise "Choose action words." Leaf (what does it do?) - ... (turns yellow, falls, grows, flies, spins, etc.) Tree (what does it do?) - ... (stands, sways, grows, falls)
Branches (what are they doing?) - ...

  1. E. ball game “Say the other way around” Winter - summer, spring - ..., warm - ..., wet - ..., fly away - ..., cloudy - ...

  2. D. games with the ball "Zhadina" ( For example: aspen - my aspen); "One-many" ( For example: tree - trees - a lot of trees, maple - maples - a lot of maples)

  3. Exercise "Count": tall tree, pine branch, yellow leaf, birch branch, red leaf, young aspen, rowan branch.
For example: one tall tree, two tall trees... five tall trees.

  1. E. ball game “Whose leaf (branch?)”: spruce branch - spruce and I, pine branch - ..., linden branch - ..., birch leaf - birches th leaf, willow leaf - ..., rowan leaf - ..., maple leaf - ..., oak leaf - ..., chestnut leaf - ...

  2. For example:

  3. The game "Highlight the sound" The teacher pronounces the words, the children highlight the first sound in them: duck, Anya, cloud, needles, Olya, Ira, Inna, Ulya.

  4. Finger gymnastics "Leaves"

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Lexical theme “Autumn. Mushrooms"

"Sound A"

  1. Articulation exercises:
"Shovel" - "Needle" - an exercise for the tongue to switch (count up to 5-7)

“Cup”, “Hill”, “Malyar”, “Brushing teeth” (from right to left and from top to bottom and vice versa)

  1. Exercise "Guess the mushroom" Children should answer the question: A mushroom that grows under a birch is a boletus, under an aspen - ..., the name of the mushroom is similar to the name of a wild animal - ..., grows on stumps - ... etc.

  2. E. ball game "Say the opposite." The old mushroom is large, and the young mushroom is ..., the boletus has a thick leg, and the honey agaric has ..., the russula is an edible mushroom, and the fly agaric is ... etc.

  3. Exercise "Count": boletus, small russula, poisonous fly agaric, pale grebe, edible mushroom, mushroom leg, large boletus, etc.
For example: one small russula, two small russula, five small russula

  1. Exercise "Explain the word." Talk with the children about the polysemantic words: HAT, LEGS on the material of the pictures. For example: Leg - in a child, in a mushroom, in a chair ..., Hat - in a mushroom, a headdress.

  2. D. ball game “Call it affectionately”: mushroom - ..., boletus - ..., boletus ..., honey mushrooms - ..., honey agaric - ..., russula ... etc.

  3. Didactic game "Choose, name, remember."
Mushroom processing requires different items. How does a person use these objects (pick up and name as many action words as possible)? (Mushrooms are cut, peeled, cut with a knife ... etc.). The following items are discussed: a frying pan, a saucepan, a barrel, a jar, a knife. For the game, you can use pictures of dishes.

  1. Reading and retelling of the work of V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom".

  2. The game "Catch the sound" The teacher pronounces various sounds, syllables, words, and the children clap their hands when they hear the sound A. For example: k, o, A, and, m, s, A, A, po, am, it, ka, shoes, quince, cheers, pineapple, smart, artist, England, autumn, turkey, lawyer, etc.

  3. Game "Find the sound A". The teacher pronounces the words, the children determine the presence / absence of the sound A in them and the place of the sound in the word: beginning, middle, end. Words: watermelon, duck, Anya, cloud, donkey, wasps, wasp, needle, Olya, Ira, antenna, book, mosaic, scooter.

  4. Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms".
Mon _________ Mark of completion