What discovered atlases 1696 1699. Atlasov V. T. What is it that a good horse brought me

100 great travelers [with illustrations] Muromov Igor

Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov (c. 1661/1664–1711)

Vladimir Vasilievich Atlasov

(c. 1661/1664–1711)

Russian explorer, Siberian Cossack. In 1697-1699 he made campaigns in Kamchatka. He gave the first information about Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Killed during a riot of service people.

The second discovery of Kamchatka was made at the very end of the 17th century by the new clerk of the Anadyr prison, the Yakut Cossack Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov.

He was originally from Veliky Ustyug. From a bad life he fled to Siberia. In Yakutsk, a poor Ustyug peasant quickly rose to the rank of Pentecostal, and in 1695 he was appointed clerk of the Anadyr prison. He was no longer young, but he was bold and enterprising.

In 1695, Atlasov was sent from Yakutsk to the Anadyr prison with a hundred Cossacks to collect yasak from the local Koryaks and Yukaghirs. At that time, they said about Kamchatka that it was vast, rich in fur-bearing animals, that the winter there was much warmer, and the rivers were full of fish. There were Russian service people in Kamchatka, and on the "Drawing of the Siberian Land", compiled back in 1667 by order of the Tobolsk governor Peter Godunov, the Kamchatka River is clearly marked. Apparently, having heard about this land, Atlasov no longer parted with the idea of ​​finding his way into it.

In 1696, being the clerk of the Anadyr prison, he sent a small detachment (16 people) under the command of the Yakut Cossack Luka Morozko south to the coastal Koryaks living on the Apuk River. The inhabitants of this river, which flows into the Olyutorsky Gulf, apparently knew well about their neighbors from the Kamchatka Peninsula and told Morozko about them. Morozko, a resolute and courageous man, reached the Kamchatka Peninsula and reached the Tigil River, which runs down from the Sredinny Ridge to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where he found the first Kamchadal settlement. Returning, he reported a lot of interesting information about the new rich land and the people inhabiting it. The explorers learned from the population of the peninsula that behind the new open land in the ocean there is a whole range of inhabited islands (the Kuril Islands). Morozko finally convinced Atlasov of the need to equip a strong detachment and go to those desired lands himself.

Atlasov was going to at his own peril and risk. The Yakut governor Mikhail Arseniev, foreseeing the undoubted danger of such an enterprise, gave Atlasov the go-ahead in words - no written orders, instructions. The governor also did not give money for equipment, and Atlasov got them - where by persuasion and promises to return a hundredfold, and where under bonded records.

At the beginning of 1697, on a winter campaign against the Kamchadals, Vladimir Atlasov himself set out on deer with a detachment of 125 people, half Russian, half Yukaghir.

For two and a half weeks, the detachment went on reindeer to the Koryaks living in the Penzhina Bay. Collecting yasak from them with red foxes, Atlasov got acquainted with the life and life of the population, which he described as follows: “hollow-bearded, fair-haired face, medium height.” Subsequently, he gave information about the weapons, dwellings, food, footwear, clothing and crafts of the Koryaks.

He passed along the eastern shore of the Penzhinskaya Bay and turned east “through a high mountain” (the southern part of the Koryak Highlands), to the mouth of one of the rivers flowing into the Olyutorsky Bay of the Bering Sea, where he overlaid yasak with “affection and greetings” on the Olyutorsky Koryaks and led them under "high royal hand."

Here the detachment was divided into two parties: Luka Morozko and “30 servicemen and 30 Yukagirs” went south along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, Atlasov and the other half returned to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and moved along the western coast of the peninsula.

Everything went well at first - calmly and peacefully, but once the Koryaks resisted paying yasak, approached from different sides, threatening with weapons. The Yukaghirs, sensing a dangerous force, betrayed the Cossacks and, united with the Koryaks, suddenly attacked. In a fierce battle, three Cossacks died, 15 were injured, Atlasov himself received six wounds.

The detachment, having chosen a convenient place, sat down in the "siege". Atlasov sent a faithful Yukaghir to inform Morozko of what had happened. “And those servicemen came to us and rescued us from the siege,” he reports about the arrival of Morozko, who, having received the news, interrupted his campaign and hurried to the rescue of his comrades.

The united detachment went up the Tigil River to the Sredinny Range, crossed it and penetrated the Kamchatka River in the area of ​​Klyuchevskaya Sopka. At the exit to the Kamchatka River, at the mouth of the Kanuch River, in memory of the exit, the detachment put up a cross.

According to Atlasov, the Kamchadals, whom he first met here, “wear clothes of sable, and fox, and deer, and they fluff that dress with dogs. And their yurts are earthen in winter, and summer ones are on poles three fathoms high from the ground, paved with boards and covered with spruce bark, and they go to those yurts by stairs. And yurts from yurts nearby, and in one place there are a hundred [hundreds] of yurts, two and three and four each. And they feed on fish and beasts; but they eat raw, frozen fish ... And their guns are whale bows, stone and bone arrows, and iron will not be born to them.

But the collection of yasak among the Itelmens did not go well - "they did not store animals in reserve", and they had a difficult time, because they were at war with their neighbors. They saw strong allies in the Cossacks and asked for support in this war. Atlasov decided to support them, hoping that things would go better with yasak in the lower reaches of Kamchatka.

Atlasov's people and the Kamchadals got into boats and sailed down Kamchatka, the valley of which was then densely populated.

Down the Kamchatka River to the sea, Atlasov sent one Cossack for reconnaissance, and he counted from the mouth of the Elovka River to the sea - in a section of about 150 kilometers - 160 prisons. Atlasov says that 150-200 people live in each prison in one or two winter yurts. (In winter, Kamchadals lived in large ancestral dugouts.) “Summer yurts near prisons on poles - every person has his own yurt.” The valley of lower Kamchatka during the campaign was relatively densely populated: the distance from one great "posada" to another was often less than one kilometer. According to the most conservative estimate, about 25 thousand people lived in the lower reaches of Kamchatka. “And from the mouth to go up the Kamchatka River for a week, there is a mountain - like a stack of bread, great and much higher, and another near it is like a haystack and much higher: smoke comes from it during the day, and sparks and glow at night. This is the first news about the two largest volcanoes in Kamchatka - Klyuchevskoy Sopka and Tolbachik - and about Kamchatka volcanoes in general.

The richness of the rivers amazed Atlasov: “And the fish in those rivers in Kamchatka is marine, a special breed, it looks like salmon and is red in summer, and larger than salmon ... And for that fish, the beast keeps those rivers - sables, foxes, vidras.”

Having collected information about the lower reaches of the Kamchatka River, Atlasov turned back. Beyond the pass across the Sredinny Ridge, he began to pursue the reindeer Koryaks, who had stolen his reindeer, and caught them near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. “And they fought day and night, and ... a hundred and a half of their Koryaks were killed, and the deer were beaten off, and they fed on it. And other Koryaks fled through the forests. Then Atlasov turned south again and walked for six weeks along the western coast of Kamchatka, collecting yasak from the oncoming Kamchadals "with kindness and greetings." Even further south, the Russians met the first "Kuril peasants [Ainu], six jails, and there are a lot of people in them ...".

Atlasov walked along the western coast of Kamchatka to the Ichi River and built an ostrog here. From the Kamchadals, he learned that there was a prisoner on the Nana River, and ordered him to be brought to him. This prisoner, whom the Pentecostal incorrectly called an Indian from the Uzakin state, as it turned out later, turned out to be a Japanese named Denbey from the city of Osaka, thrown out during a shipwreck to Kamchatka.

“But the polonenik, whom the sea brought by the sea on a bus, what language he speaks, he does not know. And if a Greek would come nearer: lean, his mustache is small, his hair is black. Nevertheless, Atlasov managed to find a common language with him. He found out and recorded in the most detailed way a lot of interesting and extremely important information for the Russian state.

Peter I, apparently having learned from Atlasov about Denbey, gave a personal instruction to quickly deliver the Japanese to Moscow. Through the Siberian Order, a “punishment memory” was sent to Yakutsk - an instruction to service people accompanying Denbey. Arriving at the end of December 1701, the "foreigner Denbey" - the first Japanese in Moscow - was introduced to Peter in Preobrazhensky on January 8, 1702. Of course, there were no translators who knew Japanese in Moscow, but Denbey, who lived among the servicemen for two years, spoke a little Russian.

After a conversation with the Japanese, on the same day, the tsar’s “nominal decree” followed, which said “... evo, Denbeya, in Moscow to teach Russian literacy, where it’s decent, but when he gets used to the Russian language and literacy, and to him, Denbei, give in teaching Three or four people from Russians are robbed - to teach them the Japanese language and literacy ... How will he get used to the Russian language and literacy and teach the Russians their language and literacy - and let them go to the Japanese land. Denbey's students subsequently participated in the Kamchatka expeditions of Bering and Chirikov as translators.

Even before the conversation with the tsar, Denbey's "tale" was also recorded in the Siberian order. In addition to the adventures of Denbey himself, it contained a lot of valuable information on the geography and ethnography of Japan, data on the social life of the Japanese ...

But Atlasov did not recognize all this. From the coast of Icha, he went steeply south and entered the land of the Ainu, completely unknown to the Russians: "... they are similar to Kamchadals, only they are blacker in appearance, and their beards are no less."

In the places where the Ainu lived, it was much warmer, and there were much more fur-bearing animals - it seemed that it was possible to collect a good yasak here. However, having taken possession of the village fenced with a palisade, the Cossacks found only dried fish in it. The people here did not store furs.

It is difficult to say exactly how far south of Kamchatka Atlasov climbed. They returned to their winter hut on Icha in late autumn. The deer, on which Atlasov counted very much, fell, and food was scarce for people. Fearing hunger, Atlasov sent 28 people to the west - to the Kamchatka River, to the Itelmens, recent allies, hoping that they would remember the help of the Cossacks and would not let them die of hunger. With the onset of warm weather, he himself moved north - back to Anadyr. The Cossacks were tired of long wanderings, of half-starving life and of the expectation of hidden danger. They spoke more insistently about the return. And although Atlasov was not a gentle man, he yielded. I understood how right the Cossacks were.

On July 2, 1699, only 15 Cossacks and 4 Yukagirs returned to Anadyr. The addition to the sovereign’s treasury was not too large: 330 sables, 191 red foxes, 10 gray-scented foxes, “yes, 10 Kamchadal sea beavers, called sea otters, and those beavers have never been exported to Moscow,” said in one of the replies to the Yakut governor Anadyr clerk Kobylev. But before that, he wrote: “... Pentecostal Volodimer Otlasov came to the Anadyr winter hut from the newly found Kamchadal land, from the new rivers of Kamchatka ...”

For five years (1695-1700) Atlasov traveled more than 11 thousand kilometers.

From Yakutsk, Atlasov went with a report to Moscow. On the way, in Tobolsk, he showed his materials to S.U. Remezov, who made with his help one of the detailed drawings of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Atlasov lived in Moscow from the end of January to February 1701 and presented a number of "tales", published in whole or in part several times. They contained the first information about the relief and climate of Kamchatka, about its flora and fauna, about the seas surrounding the peninsula, and about their ice regime. In the "skats" Atlasov reported some data about the Kuril Islands, quite detailed news about Japan and brief information about the "Great Land" (North-West America).

He also gave a detailed ethnographic description of the population of Kamchatka. Academician L.S. Berg wrote about Atlasov: “A poorly educated man, he ... had a remarkable mind and great powers of observation, and his testimony ... contains a lot of valuable ethnographic and geographical data. None of the Siberian explorers of the 17th and early 18th centuries ... gives such meaningful reports.

"Skaski" Atlasov fell into the hands of the king. Peter I highly appreciated the information obtained: new distant lands and seas adjacent to them opened up new roads to the eastern countries, to America, and Russia needed these roads.

In Moscow, Atlasov was appointed head of the Cossacks and again sent to Kamchatka. In those days, several more groups of Cossacks and “eager people” penetrated Kamchatka, built the Bolsheretsky and Nizhnekamchatsky prisons there and began to rob and kill Kamchadals.

When information about the Kamchatka atrocities reached Moscow, Atlasov was instructed to restore order in Kamchatka and "deserve the former guilt." He was given full power over the Cossacks. Under the threat of the death penalty, he was ordered to act “against foreigners with kindness and greetings” and not to offend anyone. But Atlasov had not yet reached the Anadyr prison, when denunciations rained down on him: the Cossacks complained about his autocracy and cruelty.

Kamchatka. Avacha River

He arrived in Kamchatka in July 1707. And in December, the Cossacks, accustomed to free life, rebelled, removed him from power, chose a new boss and, in order to justify themselves, sent new petitions to Yakutsk with complaints about Atlasov’s insults and the crimes allegedly committed by him.

Meanwhile, the Yakut governor, having informed Moscow about complaints against Atlasov, sent in 1709 to Kamchatka as an clerk Peter Chirikov with a detachment of 50 people. Chirikov with 50 Cossacks pacified the eastern Kamchadals and again imposed yasak on them. By the autumn of 1710, Osip Mironovich Lipin arrived from Yakutsk to replace Chirikov with a detachment of 40 people.

So three clerks appeared in Kamchatka at once: Atlasov, who had not yet been formally removed from his post, Chirikov and the newly appointed Lipin. Chirikov surrendered Verkhnekamchatsk to Lipin, and in October he sailed in boats with his people to Nizhnekamchatsk, where he wanted to spend the winter. Lipin also arrived in Nizhnekamchatsk in December on business.

In January 1711, both returned to Verkhnekamchatsk. On the way, the rebellious Cossacks killed Lipin. They gave Chirikov time to repent, while they themselves rushed to Nizhnekamchatsk to kill Atlasov. “Before reaching half a verst, they sent three Cossacks to him with a letter, instructing them to kill him when he began to read it ... But they found him sleeping and stabbed him to death.”

So the Kamchatka Yermak perished. According to one version, the Cossacks came to Atlasov at night; he leaned over the candle to read the false charter they had brought, and was stabbed in the back.

Two Skaskas by Vladimir Atlasov have been preserved. These first written reports about Kamchatka are outstanding for their time in terms of accuracy, clarity and versatility of the description of the peninsula.

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AT) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KO) of the author TSB

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MI) of the author TSB

From the book of 100 great travelers author Muromov Igor

Vladimir Atlasov, "Kamchatsky Ermak" Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov (1661–1711), Russian explorer, Siberian (Yakut) Cossack. He gave the first information about Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Vladimir Vasiliev Atlasov was a native of the North Dvina Territory. In the Yakut service, he

From the book of 100 great Cossacks author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich (c. 1661 - 1664 - 1711) Russian explorer, Siberian Cossack. In 1697-1699 he made campaigns in Kamchatka. He gave the first information about Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Killed during a riot of service people. The secondary discovery of Kamchatka was made at the very end of the XVII

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Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov (circa 1663–1711) Yakut Cossack head. Pioneer of Kamchatka The exact date of birth of the brave explorer who compiled the first description of Kamchatka is unknown to history. He came from Ustyug peasants who moved to Siberia

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MIKHAIL VASILIEVICH LOMONOSOV / (1711-1765) M.V. Lomonosov - Russian naturalist, philosopher, historian, linguist, poet. He studied at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, then at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. From 1736 to 1741 he trained in Germany, at the University of Marburg with the philosopher

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PERTSOV, Vladimir Vasilyevich pop playwright 163 Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also three or four kilograms of easily digestible meat. "Rabbits are not only valuable fur" (1986), pop miniature The miniature was originally written for a satirical film magazine

Vladimir Vladimirovich Atlasov

Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich (c. 1663-1711) - Russian explorer, Siberian Cossack from the settled Pomors of Ustyug the Great. As a result of the expedition in 1697, he annexed the Kamchatka Peninsula to Russia, compiled a description of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Japan, and Alaska.

Orlov A.S., Georgiev N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd ed. M., 2012, p. 24.

Atlasov Vladimir Vladimirovich (c. 1652 - 1711, Nizhnekamchatsk) - explorer. Atlasov's father was a Yakut Cossack, a former Ustyug peasant who fled beyond the Urals. Atlasov began the Cossack service in Yakutsk in 1672. In 1695, A. was appointed clerk of Anadyrsk, the most remote Russian. prison in Vost. Siberia. Atlasov decided to go to Kamchatka and explained the purpose of the campaign in a petition: "for the mine of new lands and for the conscription under the autocratic great sovereign of the high hand of again obscure people ... and for the sable trade." In 1696, Atlasov, having gathered 120 people, went on an expedition, and where "with caress and greetings", and where with weapons, "so that the winds be with them" subjugated the local population and took yasak (tribute). After two and a half years, only 19 returned. The expedition marked the beginning of the accession of Kamchatka to Russia. In 1700 Atlasov went to Moscow to report on the "newly found land" and outline the project for a new expedition. Peter I personally became interested in Atlasov's report and ordered: "Evo Volodimer in the Siberian order to interrogate henceforth about sending him to the Kamchadal land to search for new lands." Returning from Moscow in 1701, a detachment of Atlases attacked a merchant ship and robbed it. Atlasov was arrested, interrogated "with prejudice" and sent to prison, where he sat until 1706, and then sent to Kamchatka. He was killed by rebellious Cossacks. The most valuable information about Kamchatka, first described by Atlasov, became the property of the Russian. and European science.

Used materials of the book: Shikman A.P. Figures of national history. Biographical guide. Moscow, 1997

Atalasov (Otlasov) Vladimir Vasilyevich (c. 1661 / 64-1711), an outstanding Russian explorer, a major industrialist. He came from Ustyug peasants. From the 1670s he was in Siberia. He was a Cossack Pentecostal, as well as a clerk in the Anadyr prison. In 1696 Atlasov sent the Cossack Luka Morozko to reconnaissance in Kamchatka. In 1697 - 1699 Atlasov, at the head of a detachment of 120 "eager people", went to the Kamchatka Peninsula and thoroughly explored it, subordinating this territory to Russia and imposing tribute on the local population. Atlasov created two "tales" in which he described in detail the geography and climate of Kamchatka, the life and way of life of its inhabitants. His descriptions are of exceptional historical value. Atlasov's activity was highly appreciated by the government. He was awarded the title of Cossack head. Atlasov died in Kamchatka during a riot of service people outraged by his cruelty. One of the Kuril Islands is named after Atlasov, as well as a settlement on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

O. M. Rapov

Atlasov (Otlasov), Vladimir Vasilyevich (d. 1711) - Russian explorer. Ustyug peasant by origin. In 1695 he was sent as a clerk to the Anadyr prison. In 1697, after L. Morozko's reconnaissance campaign (1696), Atlasov organized an expedition to Kamchatka with a detachment of service and fishing people and yasak Yukaghirs (about 120 people). He explored almost the entire western coast and part of the interior of the peninsula, went to the east coast, crossing Kamchatka. He imposed yasak on the local peoples with cunning and violence and ruthlessly plundered them. At the beginning of 1701, with the collected yasak, he went to Moscow, where he received the rank of Cossack head for the annexation of Kamchatka to Russia. In 1711, for his cruelty, he was killed during a riot of service people in Kamchatka. Atlasov left the first description of the nature and population of Kamchatka.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 1. AALTONEN - AYANS. 1961.

Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich - "explorer", discoverer of Kamchatka. According to legend, his father, Vasily Timofeevich Otlas, came from Ustyug. peasants who moved to Siberia. Genus. OK. 2nd floor. 30s 17th century In 1672 he served as an ordinary Cossack in Yakutsk, and to the middle. 90s rose to the rank of Cossack Pentecostal. Thanks to frequent "distant overseas services", he enjoyed a reputation as a seasoned and hard man, and therefore in 1695 he was appointed "prikaschik" in the distant Anadyr jail. During the two years spent there, A. collected information about Kamchatka, which was visited by individual Cossack detachments in the 1660s and 1690s. The trip there was conceived and organized by him personally and at his own expense. Yakut. the voivode gave him only general instructions about “the search and call for new lands,” and further participation in the campaign of the pr-va was expressed only in the fact that it gave A. service people and weapons. In the autumn of 1697 A. went on a campaign with an insignificant detachment (about 60 Russian Cossacks and industrialists and the same number of Yukaghirs). The path lay "through the great mountains", in an area almost completely unknown to the Russians, to the Gulf of Penzhina. Apparently, from here A. moved south along the Sea of ​​Okhotsk on deer for some time (and had a collision with the Koryaks), and then went east "through a high mountain" (Sredinny ridge) into the land of the Olyutors, to the Olyutorsky Bay, and without difficulty "explained" these foreigners. On the river In Palana, A. clashed with the Yukaghir yasaks who were in his detachment: some of them entered into a conspiracy and suddenly attacked the Cossacks: 8 Russians were killed and wounded, A. himself received 6 wounds. Having reached the river Tagil, A. continued to move south, took advantage of the pass along the river. Kanucha (now Krestovaya) and with 55 companions moved on plows down the river. Kamchatka. The natives who lived on Wednesdays. flow of Kamchatka, voluntarily submitted to A., agreed to pay yasak and asked him for help against their relatives who lived on the lower. the course of the river. After a 3-day movement down Kamchatka, A. decided to return, because he received information about the impending betrayal of the reindeer Koryaks: they had already stolen from him the deer left by him between Tagil and Krestovaya. A. chased after the Koryaks, overtook them already at the very sea and took away the deer after the battle, in which up to 150 Koryaks died. Then A. continued his movement to the south, and he met a Japanese who was shipwrecked and lived among the Kamchadals on the river. Nana. On the campaign, A. had to fight with reindeer Koryak and with the "Kuril peasants." On the river Icha, where the winter hut was founded - Verkhnekamchatsky prison, A. left 16 people. and set off on the return journey, because the service people demanded that he return to Anadyrsk: “There is no gunpowder and lead, there is nothing to serve with.” July 2, 1698 A. arrived in Anadyrsk with 15 Rus. servicemen and with 4 Yukaghirs. During their journey, the Cossacks and Yukaghirs traveled many hundreds of kilometers through the densely populated areas of Kamchatka, not reaching approx. 100 km to the south. tip of the peninsula. A. “ruined” a number of Kamchadal clans and tribal associations that resisted him and returned with a rich yasak to the Yakut prison, informing the local governor of the most detailed information about the lands passed and some news about Japan and the “Great Land” (America). In 1700 A. with yasak at the then prices for the amount of approx. 560 rub. went to Moscow and in February 1701 addressed with a petition about his appointment for the Kamchatka campaign as a Cossack head. Feb 19 1701 ordered to issue A. for selected sables 100 rubles. money and 100 rubles. goods. At the same time, A. was ordered to “be a Cossack head in Yakutsk” with an annual salary of 10 rubles, on 7 Thursdays. rye and oats and 3 pounds. salt. In addition, according to A.'s new petition, he was ordered to give him 50 rubles in Verkhoturye. money and 50 rubles. goods. However, it was clear that the 1st campaign in Kamchatka was more of a reconnaissance, that the country had not yet been conquered, and that the power of the Russians. the king remained there so far only nominal. A. himself, encouraged by the gifts he received, was still ready to serve in the "new land", and the government saw in him the person most capable of completing the conquest of Kamchatka, and willingly agreed to all A.'s proposals regarding the organization of the 2nd campaign. A. offered to recruit 100 people. service people, including the “drummer and sipman”, let go of the “regimental banner”, 100 “good squeakers; 4 copper "cannons" (3-4 pounds), 500 iron cores, 10 pounds. gunpowder, 5 pounds. "wick" and 10 pounds. lead. In addition, goods were released and "for gifts" to the Kamchatka aborigines. In the 2nd Kamchatka campaign, A. was equipped much later than expected. A. was convicted of robbery: on the way back from Moscow, so. part of the recruited Cossacks on the river. Angara Aug 29 In 1701, he attacked the plank of the "guest" Dobrynin, took away the whale from him. silk fabrics for 16,622 rubles, “inflated” them between his companions and almost “put him in the water”, that is, he almost drowned the “prikaschik” accompanying the caravan. A criminal case was opened against him. “Volodimer locked himself up in robbed bellies” and was sent to prison in Yakutsk. It ended with the fact that after the torture, the loot was taken away from A., and he himself was put "on guard", where he sat until the end. 1706. Meanwhile, in Kamchatka, the situation turned out to be unfavorable for the Russians. authorities: the Koryaks revolted and killed the “prikaschikov” Protopopov and Shelkovnikov. At the same time, the Kamchadals destroyed the Upper Kamchatka prison with all its garrison and killed 15 Cossacks. Realizing that only A. could pacify the rebellion and complete the subjugation of the pov, the government returned his rights, gave him 100 service people and ordered him to go to Kamchatka within 2 weeks. And in June 1707 A. appeared again on the peninsula. The glory of a stern man and the appearance of fresh forces quickly calmed the rebellious natives. But soon A. had to face the Cossacks themselves. A man of his time and environment, greedy and extremely cruel, A. soon aroused such hatred against himself that the Cossacks already in December. 1707 refused to obey and even put him in prison in the restored Upper Kamchatka prison. A. managed to escape, and he showed up in the Nizhnekamchatsky prison, but the local Cossacks did not accept him, and he was out of work. Feb 1 1711 he was found stabbed to death. He was, without a doubt, the most prominent representative of the Sib. "explorers" of the 17th century, for whom there was neither distance, nor danger from people, nor natural obstacles, and who over this century managed to penetrate into the most remote corners of Siberia. Endowed with enormous physical strength, iron health, and wounds and labors incurred, A. was distinguished by unparalleled energy and extraordinary willpower. He spent his whole life in campaigns, travels, clashes, dangers, carried away by his nature as an adventurer, and by an insatiable thirst for money-grubbing. Mentally, he had to stand out among his contemporaries and associates, being well literate. From his two “tales” about the discovery of Kamchatka, it can be seen that he was a very observant person, able to notice and compare: in them he gives a fairly clear idea of ​​the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna of Kamchatka.

Vladimir Boguslavsky

Material from the book: "Slavic Encyclopedia. XVII century". M., OLMA-PRESS. 2004.


Ohryzko I.I. Vladimir Atlasov // Scholars zap. Leningrad. state ped. in-ta im. A.I. Herzen. L., 1957. T. 132.

Ogloblin N. N., New data on Vladimir Atlasov, in collection: CHOIDR, book. 1, M., 1888;

Ogloblin N. N., Two "skaski" Vl. Atlasov about the discovery of Kamchatka, ibid., book. 3, M., 1891;

Berg L.S., Discovery of Kamchatka and Bering's expedition, 1725-42, Moscow-Leningrad, 1946;

Lebedev D. M., Geography in Russia of the time of Peter the Great, M.-L., 1950;

Kamanin L. G., The first researchers of the Far East, M., 1951.

Russian pioneers of Siberia in the 17th century

Very little documentary evidence has survived about the very first explorers of the 17th century. But already from the middle of this “golden age” of Russian colonization of Siberia, “expedition leaders” compiled detailed “skats” (that is, descriptions), a kind of reports on the routes taken, the open lands and the peoples inhabiting them. Thanks to these "tales" the country knows its heroes and the main geographical discoveries that they made.

Chronological list of Russian explorers and their geographical discoveries in Siberia and the Far East

Fedor Kurbsky

In our historical mind, the first "conqueror" of Siberia is, of course, Yermak. It became a symbol of the Russian breakthrough to the eastern expanses. But it turns out that Yermak was not the first at all. 100 (!) years before Yermak, the Moscow governors Fyodor Kurbsky and Ivan Saltykov-Travin entered the same lands with troops. They followed a path that was well known to the Novgorod "guests" and industrialists.

In general, the entire Russian north, the Subpolar Urals and the lower reaches of the Ob were considered the Novgorod patrimony, from where the enterprising Novgorodians “pumped” precious junk for centuries. And the local peoples were formally considered Novgorod vassals. Control over the vast wealth of the Northern Territories was the economic basis for the military seizure of Novgorod by Moscow. After the conquest of Novgorod by Ivan III in 1477, not only the entire North, but also the so-called Yugra land, went to the Moscow principality.

The dots show the northern route that the Russians followed to Yermak

In the spring of 1483, the army of Prince Fyodor Kurbsky climbed the Vishera, crossed the Ural Mountains, went down the Tavda, where he defeated the troops of the Pelym principality - one of the largest Mansi tribal associations in the Tavda river basin. Going further to the Tobol, Kurbsky ended up in the "Siberian Land" - that was the name of a small area in the lower reaches of the Tobol, where the Ugric tribe "Sypyr" had long lived. From here, the Russian army passed along the Irtysh to the middle Ob, where the Ugric princes successfully “fought”. Having collected a large yasak, the Moscow detachment turned back, and on October 1, 1483, Kurbsky's squad returned to their homeland, having covered about 4.5 thousand kilometers during the campaign.

The results of the campaign were the recognition in 1484 by the "princes" of Western Siberia of dependence on the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the annual payment of tribute. Therefore, starting from Ivan III, the titles of the Grand Dukes of Moscow (later transferred to the royal title) included the words " Grand Duke Yugorsky, Prince Udorsky, Obdorsky and Kondinsky.

Vasily Suk And n

He founded the city of Tyumen in 1586. On his initiative, the city of Tobolsk was founded (1587). Ivan Suk And he was not a pioneer. He was a high-ranking Moscow rank, governor, sent with a military detachment to help Yermakov's army to "finish off" Khan Kuchum. He laid the foundation for the capital arrangement of Russians in Siberia.

Cossack Penda

Discoverer of the Lena River. Mangazeya and Turukhansky Cossack, a legendary figure. He made a detachment of 40 people from Mangazeya (a fortified prison and the most important trading point of Russians in North-Western Siberia (1600-1619) on the Taz River). This man made a campaign, unprecedented in its determination, thousands of miles across completely wild places. Legends about Penda were passed from mouth to mouth among the Mangazeya and Turukhansk Cossacks and fishermen, and came to historians in almost their original form.

Penda with like-minded people went up the Yenisei from Turukhansk to the Lower Tunguska, then for three years he walked to its upper reaches. I got to the Chechuy portage, where Lena comes very close to the Lower Tunguska. So what is next, crossed the portage, he sailed down the Lena River to the place where the city of Yakutsk was later built: from where he continued his way along the same river to the mouth of the Kulenga, then along the Buryat steppe to the Angara, where, having entered the ships, through the Yeniseisk, the packs arrived in Turukhansk».

Petr Beketov

Sovereign's service man, voivode, explorer of Siberia. Founder of a number of Siberian cities such as Yakutsk, Chita, Nerchinsk. He came to Siberia voluntarily (he asked to be sent to the Yenisei jail, where he was appointed a shooter centurion in 1627). Already in 1628-1629 he participated in the campaigns of the Yenisei service people up the Angara. He walked a lot along the tributaries of the Lena, collected yasak, brought the local population under Moscow's control. He founded several sovereign jails on the Yenisei, Lena and in Transbaikalia.

Ivan Moskvitin

The first of the Europeans went to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The first to visit Sakhalin. Moskvitin began his service in 1626 as an ordinary Cossack of the Tomsk prison. He probably participated in the campaigns of Ataman Dmitry Kopylov to the south of Siberia. In the spring of 1639 he set off from Yakutsk to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with a detachment of 39 servicemen. The goal was the usual one - "the mine of new lands" and new obscure (that is, not yet taxed) people. Moskvitin's detachment went down the Aldan to the Mai River and seven weeks went up the Maya, six days went from Maya to the portage by a small river, they went one day by portage and reached the Ulya River, eight days went down the Ulya with a plow, then, having made a boat to the sea, sailed for five days.

Results of the campaign: The coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was discovered and explored for 1300 km, the Uda Bay, Sakhalin Bay, the Amur Estuary, the mouth of the Amur and Sakhalin Island. In addition, they brought with them to Yakutsk a large prey in the form of fur yasak.

Ivan Stadukhin

The discoverer of the Kolyma River. He founded the Nizhnekolymsky prison. He explored the Chukotka Peninsula and was the first to enter the north of Kamchatka. Passed on the cochs along the coast and described one and a half thousand kilometers of the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. He kept records of his "circular" trip, described and drew up a drawing-map of the places of Yakutia and Chukotka, where he visited.

Semyon Dezhnev

Cossack chieftain, explorer, traveler, navigator, explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia, as well as a fur trader. Participated in the opening of Kolyma as part of the detachment of Ivan Stadukhin. From Kolyma, on horseback, he traveled across the Arctic Ocean along the northern coast of Chukotka. 80 years before Vitus Bering, the first European in 1648 crossed the (Bering) Strait separating Chukotka and Alaska. (It is noteworthy that V. Bering himself did not manage to go through the entire strait, but had to confine himself to only its southern part!

Vasily Poyarkov

Russian explorer, Cossack, explorer of Siberia and the Far East. The discoverer of the Middle and Lower Amur. In 1643 46 he led a detachment that was the first Russian to penetrate the Amur River basin and discover the Zeya River and the Zeya Plain. Gathered valuable information about the nature and population of the Amur region


Erofey Khabarov

A Russian industrialist and entrepreneur, he traded furs in Mangazeya, then moved to the upper reaches of the Lena, where from 1632 he was engaged in buying up furs. In 1639, he discovered salt springs on the Kut River and built a brewery, and then contributed to the development of agriculture there.

In 1649-53, with a detachment of eager people, he made a trip along the Amur from the confluence of the Urka River into it to the very lower reaches. As a result of his expedition, the Amur indigenous population accepted Russian citizenship. He often acted by force, which left a bad reputation among the indigenous population. Khabarov compiled a “Drawing on the Amur River”. The Khabarovka military post founded in 1858 (since 1893 - the city of Khabarovsk) and the railway station Erofey Pavlovich (1909) are named after Khabarov.

Vladimir Atlasov

Cossack Pentecostal, clerk of the Anadyr prison, "an experienced polar explorer", as they would say now. Kamchatka was, one might say, his goal and dream. The Russians already knew about the existence of this peninsula, but none of them had yet penetrated the territory of Kamchatka. Atlasov, using borrowed money, at his own risk organized an expedition to explore Kamchatka in early 1697. Taking an experienced Cossack Luka Morozko, who had already been in the north of the peninsula, into the detachment, he set out from the Anadyr prison to the south. The purpose of the campaign was traditional - furs and the accession of new "unclaimed" lands to the Russian state.

Atlasov was not the discoverer of Kamchatka, but he was the first Russian who traveled almost the entire peninsula from north to south and from west to east. He compiled a detailed "tale" and a map of his journey. His report contained detailed information about the climate, flora and fauna, as well as the amazing sources of the peninsula. He managed to persuade a significant part of the local population to come under the authority of the Moscow Tsar.

For the annexation of Kamchatka to Russia, Vladimir Atlasov, by decision of the government, was appointed there as a clerk. The campaigns of V. Atlasov and L. Morozko (1696-1699) were of great practical importance. These people discovered and annexed Kamchatka to the Russian state, laid the foundation for its development. The country's government, represented by Tsar Peter Alekseevich, already then understood the strategic importance of Kamchatka for the country and took measures to develop it and consolidate it on these lands.

Russian travelers and pioneers

Again Travelers of the Age of Discovery


successor S. I. Dezhneva in the post of clerk of the Anadyr prison from May 1659 became Kurbat Afanasyevich Ivanov.In the mid 50s. 17th century he led fishing expeditions that went to the middle Olekma (a tributary of the Lena), and traced its course for almost 1 thousand km, at least to the river. Tungir, that is, he visited the northern part of Olekminskiy Stanovik. In the valley of the river opened by him. Nyukzhi (right tributary of the Olekma) K. Ivanov spent two years engaged in sable hunting, and upon his return he handed over 160 sables to the treasury. For the "mining of unidentified foreigners" and the search for new walrus rookeries, he organized and led a sea voyage on one koche (22 team members). At the beginning of June 1660, the ship went down the Anadyr to the mouth and moved along the coast to the northeast. Swimming took place in adverse conditions. On the eighth day, dense ice pressed the koch to the shore and severely damaged it. People with weapons and part of the food escaped, the ship sank in shallow water. With the help of whale bones, it was lifted and repaired. Further to the north they moved towed.

In mid-July, K. Ivanov reached a large bay with steep banks and named it "Big Bay" (the Bay of the Cross of our maps). Although the food supplies ran out and had to be content with the "earth lip", that is, mushrooms and fruits of the crowberry (or black crowberry, an evergreen low shrub), the sailors continued along the towline coast, on oars or under sails. On August 10, they discovered a small bay (Provideniya Bay), where they met the Chukchi, from whom many dead geese were taken by force. A little to the east, in a large camp, they managed to get more than one and a half tons of venison. After a five-day rest, K. Ivanov, with the help of a guide, reached the “new corgi” (Chukotka Cape), but there were no walruses and walrus bones. On August 25, with a fair wind, the sailors set off back. A storm that soon came up battered the ship for three days. K. Ivanov returned to the Anadyr jail on September 24 with "empty hands", that is, without prey.

Having moved to Yakutsk in 1665, the following year he compiled the "Anadyr Drawing" - the first map of the river basin. Anadyr and Anadyr Bay, which washes the Anadyr Land. The Soviet historical geographer A. V. Efimov, who was the first to publish a handwritten copy of the drawing in 1948, believed that it was compiled no later than 1714; cartography historian S. E. Fel dates its creation to 1700. It is possible that this map is the "Anadyr drawing" by K. Ivanov. The author of the drawing is well aware of the entire Anadyr system (basin area 191 thousand km²): the main river is plotted from source to mouth (1150 km) with a characteristic bend in the middle course, with six right tributaries, including pp. Yablon, Eropol and Main, and four left ones, including the river. Belaya (along its left bank, a meridional mountain range is shown - the Pekulney ridge, 300 km long). In addition to the already mentioned Gulf of the Cross and the Bay of Providence, the map also shows for the first time two communicating bays corresponding to the Onemen Bay (where the Anadyr River flows into) and the Anadyr Estuary. In addition to the northwestern and northern shores of the Gulf of Anadyr, surveyed by K. Ivanov in the campaign of 1660 for about 1 thousand km, the drawing also shows part of the Asian coast of the Bering Sea: a peninsula (Govena) and a bay are clearly identified - it is easy to recognize in it Gulf of Corfu. Perhaps K. Ivanov walked along this coast between 1661 and 1665.

In the sea to the north of Chukotka, apparently by inquiries, an island is shown - its position and size indicate that the author of the map had in mind about. Wrangel. To the west of it is placed a huge "necessary" (insurmountable) Shelagsky Nose, that is, a cape that cannot be bypassed, cut off by a frame.

For the first time, also according to inquiries, the Anadyr Nose (Chukotka Peninsula) is depicted, and to the east - two large inhabited islands. Here, apparently, information about the islands of Diomede and about. St. Lawrence. Beyond the strait, further to the east, is the "Great Land", which has the shape of a sickle-shaped mountainous peninsula, cut off in the north by a frame (the north on the map is at the bottom). The inscription does not leave the slightest doubt that a part of North America is depicted: “and the forest on it is pine and leafy [larch], spruce and birch forests ...” - The Chukchi Peninsula, as you know, is treeless, and trees grow in Alaska.

about the second half of the 17th century. the Russians, having fortified themselves in Nizhnekolymsk and Anadyr prison, repeatedly made long trips to the lands of the Koryaks, since by this time the explorers had inquiring information about the southern rivers and their commercial wealth. In the spring of 1657, from the river. Kolyma up the river. A detachment moved to Omolon Fedor Alekseevich Chukichev. In the upper reaches of the river Gizhiga, he founded a winter hut, from which in the autumn and early winter of the same year he made two trips to the top of the Penzhina Bay. The Cossacks collected information about the non-yashash Koryaks, captured several amanats and returned to their winter quarters.

From the Koryak intercessors who arrived in the summer of 1658 at Gizhiga (they asked for a deferral of payment of yasak), F. Chukichev learned about the allegedly rich deposits of walrus ivory and twice - in 1658 and 1659 - sent a Yenisei Cossack to explore Ivan Ivanovich Kamchaty. According to B.P. Polevoy, he probably passed the western coast of Kamchatka to the river. Lesnoy, which flows into the Shelikhov Bay at 59 ° 30 "N and along the Karage River, reached the Karaginsky Bay. I. Kamchatoy did not find a walrus bone, but in search of obscure foreigners he collected information about a large river somewhere in the south. F. Chukichev, who received this news from I. Kamchaty, who had returned to his winter hut, returned to the Kolyma and convinced the authorities to send him again to the Gizhiga River. - proceeded to the south, to the river, later named Kamchatka. According to the Itelmens, this name, later spread to the entire peninsula, arose only after the appearance of Russian explorers here - the Kamchadals themselves do not assign people's names to geographical objects. Winter 1660/61. they apparently spent here and returned to the river. Gizhiga. The discoverers of the inner regions of the Kamchatka Peninsula were killed in 1661 by the rebellious Yukaghirs.

In the 60s. 17th century hike from the Anadyr prison to the upper reaches of the river. Kamchatka (it is not clear, however, by what route) the Cossack foreman made Ivan Merkurievich Rubets (Baksheev), in 1663–1666 occupied (intermittently) the position of clerk of the Anadyr prison. Obviously, according to his data, in the general drawing of Siberia, compiled in 1684, the course of the river is shown quite realistically.

Biographical index

Morozko, Luka

In 1691, in the Anadyr prison, a Yakut Cossack Luka Semyonovich Staritsyn, nicknamed Morozko, collected a large "cottage" (57 people) for trade and sable fishing. "According to him the second person" was Ivan Vasilievich Golygin. They visited the "sedentary" Koryaks of the northwestern, and perhaps even the northeastern coast of Kamchatka, and by the spring of 1692 they returned to prison. In 1693–1694 L. Morozko and I. Golygin with 20 Cossacks made a new Kamchatka campaign, and "without reaching the Kamchatka River one day", they built a winter hut - the first Russian settlement on the peninsula. According to them, no later than 1696, a “skaska” was compiled, in which, by the way, the first description of the Kamchadals (Itelmens) that has come down to us is given: Itelmens - people, at the end of the 17th century. inhabiting almost all of Kamchatka and speaking a special language of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family of Paleo-Asiatic languages.“They won’t produce iron, and they don’t know how to smelt ores. And the prisons are spacious. And dwellings ... they have in those prisons - in the winter in the ground, and in the summer ... over the same winter yurts above on poles, like storage sheds ... And between those prisons ... go days two and three and five and six days ... Foreigners [Koryaks] are called deer, who have deer. And those who do not have deer, and they are called foreigners sitting ... Deer are most honestly revered ... "

The toric discovery of Kamchatka was made at the very end of the 17th century. new clerk of the Anadyr prison, Yakut Cossack Vladimir Vladimirovich Atlasov. He was sent in 1695 from Yakutsk to the Anadyr jail with a hundred Cossacks to collect yasak from the local Koryaks and Yukaghirs. The very next year, he sent a small detachment (16 people) under the command of L. Morozko to the south to the Primorye Koryaks. He penetrated, however, much further southwest, to the Kamchatka Peninsula, and reached the river. Tigil, which flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where he found the first Kamchadal settlement. "Pogrom" him, L. Morozko returned to the river. Anadyr.

Campaigns of V. Atlasov to Kamchatka: Routes of L. Morozko in 1696

At the beginning of 1697, on a winter campaign against the Kamchadals, V. Atlasov himself set out on deer with a detachment of 125 people, half Russian, half Yukaghir. It passed along the eastern coast of the Penzhinskaya Bay up to 60°N. sh. and turned east “through a high mountain” (the southern part of the Koryak Highlands), to the mouth of one of the rivers flowing into the Olyutorsky Bay of the Bering Sea, where he overlaid yasak (Olyutorsky) Koryaks. A group of people under the command of L. Morozno V. Atlasov sent south along the Pacific coast of Kamchatka, he returned to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and moved along the western coast of the peninsula. Part of the Yukagirs from his detachment rebelled. More than 30 Russians, including the commander himself, were wounded, five were killed. Then V. Atlasov summoned the people of L. Morozko and with their help fought off the rebels.

The united detachment went up the river. Tigil to the Middle Range, crossed it and penetrated the river. Kamchatka near Klyuchevskaya Sopka. According to V. Atlasov, the Kamchadals, whom he met here for the first time, “wear clothes of sable, and fox, and deer, and they fluff that dress with dogs. And their yurts are earthen in winter, and summer ones are on poles three fathoms high from the ground, paved with boards and covered with spruce bark, and they go to those yurts by stairs. And yurts from yurts nearby, and in one place there are a hundred [hundreds] of yurts, two and three and four each. And they feed on fish and beasts; and they eat raw, frozen fish. And in winter they store raw fish: they put it in pits and cover it with earth, and that fish will wear out. And taking out the fish, they put it in the logs, pour it with water, and having kindled the stones, they put it in those logs and heat the water, and stir that fish with that water, and drink it. And a stinking spirit emanates from that fish ... And their guns are whale bows, stone and bone arrows, and iron will not be born to them.

Residents told V. Atlasov that from the same river. Kamchatka, other Kamchadals come to them, kill them and rob them, and offered to go against them together with the Russians and "humble them so that they live in the council." The people of V. Atlasov and the Kamchadals got into plows and sailed down the river. Kamchatka, the valley of which was then densely populated: “And how they sailed along Kamchatka - there are many foreigners on both sides of the river, great settlements.” Three days later, the allies approached the prisons of Kamchadals, who refused to pay yasak; there were more than 400 yurts. “And he de Volodimer with their servants, Kamchadals, smashed and beat small people and burned their settlements.”

Down the river Kamchatka to the sea Atlasov sent one Cossack for reconnaissance, and he counted from the mouth of the river. Elovki to the sea - on a site of about 150 km - 160 prisons. Atlasov says that 150-200 people live in each prison in one or two winter yurts. (In winter, the Kamchadals lived in large ancestral dugouts.) "Summer yurts near prisons on poles - every person has his own yurt." The valley of lower Kamchatka during the campaign was relatively densely populated: the distance from one great "posada" to another was often less than 1 km. According to the most conservative estimate, about 25 thousand people lived in the lower reaches of Kamchatka. Two hundred years later, by the end of the 19th century, no more than 4,000 Kamchadals remained on the entire peninsula.“And from the mouth to go up the Kamchatka River for a week, there is a mountain - like a stack of bread, great and much higher, and another near it is like a haystack and much higher: smoke comes out of it during the day, and sparks and glow at night. This is the first news about the two largest volcanoes in Kamchatka - Klyuchevskoy Sopka and Tolbachik - and about Kamchatka volcanoes in general.

Gathering information about the lower reaches of the river. Kamchatka, Atlasov turned back. Beyond the pass across the Sredinny Ridge, he began to pursue the reindeer Koryaks, who had stolen his reindeer, and caught them near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. “And they fought day and night, and ... they killed a hundred and a half of their Koryak people, and recaptured the deer, and they fed on it. And other Koryaks fled through the forests. Then Atlasov turned south again and walked for six weeks along the western coast of Kamchatka, collecting yasak from the oncoming Kamchadals "with kindness and greetings." Even further south, the Russians met the first "Kuril men [Ainu] - six prisons, and there are a lot of people in them ...". The Cossacks took one prison “and smoked about sixty people who were in the prison and resisted - they beat everyone,” but they did not touch the others: it turned out that the Ainu “have no belly [property] and there is nothing to take yasak; and there are a lot of sables and foxes in their land, only they do not hunt them, because sables and foxes will not get anywhere from them, that is, there is no one to sell them to.

Campaigns of V. Atlasov to Kamchatka in 1696–1699.

Atlasov was only 100 km from the southern tip of Kamchatka. But, according to the Kamchadals, further south "there are a lot of people along the rivers," and the Russians were running out of gunpowder and lead. And the detachment returned to the Anadyr jail, and from there, in the late spring of 1700, to Yakutsk. For five years (1695-1700) V. Atlasov covered more than 11 thousand km.

In the Upper Kamchatka jail, V. Atlasov left 15 Cossacks, led by Potap Seryukov, a cautious and not greedy man who traded peacefully with the Kamchadals and did not collect yasak. He spent three years among them, but after his shift, on the way back to the Anadyr jail, he and his people were killed by the rebellious Koryaks.

V. Atlasov himself went from Yakutsk to Moscow with a report. On the way, in Tobolsk, he showed his materials S. U. Remezov, who made with his help one of the detailed drawings of the Kamchatka Peninsula. V. Atlasov lived in Moscow from the end of January to February 1701 and presented a number of "tales", published in full or in part several times. They contained the first information about the relief and climate of Kamchatka, about its flora and fauna, about the seas surrounding the peninsula, and about their ice regime. In "skats" V. Atlasov reported some data about the Kuril Islands, quite detailed news about Japan and brief information about the "Great Land" (North-West America).

He also gave a detailed ethnographic description of the population of Kamchatka. “A poorly educated man, he ... possessed a remarkable mind and great powers of observation, and his testimony ... ["sketch"] ... contains a lot of valuable ethnographic and geographical data. None of the Siberian explorers of the 17th and early 18th centuries ... gives such informative reports” (L. Berg).

In Moscow, V. Atlasov was appointed head of the Cossacks and again sent to Kamchatka. On the way, at the Angara, he seized the goods of a deceased Russian merchant. If you do not know all the circumstances, the word "robbery" could be applied to this case. However, in reality, V. Atlasov took away the goods, having compiled their inventory, only for 100 rubles. - exactly for the amount that was provided to him by the leadership of the Siberian order as a reward for the trip to Kamchatka. The heirs filed a complaint, and the “Kamchatka Yermak,” as A. S. Pushkin called him, after interrogation under the supervision of a bailiff, was sent to the river. Lena to return the goods he sold for his own benefit. A few years later, after the successful completion of the investigation, V. Atlasov was left the same rank of the Cossack head.

In those days, several more groups of Cossacks and “eager people” penetrated Kamchatka, built Bolsheretsky and Nizhnekamchatsky prisons there, robbed and killed Kamchadals. In 1706 the clerk Vasily Kolesov sent to the "Kuril land", that is, the southern part of Kamchatka, Mikhail Nasedkin with 50 Cossacks to pacify "non-peaceful foreigners". He moved south on dogs, but did not reach the "Nose of the Earth", that is, to Cape Lopatka, but sent scouts there. They reported that on the cape, “beyond the overflows” (straits), land is visible in the sea, “but there is nothing to visit that land, there are no ships of the sea and ship supplies, and there is nowhere to take it.”

When information about the Kamchatka atrocities reached Moscow, V. Atlasov was sent as a clerk to Kamchatka: to restore order there and “deserve the former guilt.” He was given full power over the Cossacks. Under the threat of the death penalty, he was ordered to act “against foreigners with kindness and greetings” and not to offend anyone. But V. Atlasov had not yet reached the Anadyr prison, when denunciations rained down on him: the Cossacks complained about his autocracy and cruelty.

He arrived in Kamchatka in July 1707. And in December, the Cossacks, accustomed to free life, rebelled, removed him from power, chose a new chief and, in order to justify themselves, sent new petitions to Yakutsk with complaints of Atlasov’s insults and crimes, allegedly committed by him. The rebels put Atlasov in a “kazenka” (prison), and his property was taken away to the treasury. Atlasov escaped from prison and appeared in Nizhnekamchatsk. He demanded from the local clerk to surrender to him the command over the prison; he refused, but left Atlasov at will.

Meanwhile, the Yakut governor, having informed Moscow about the road complaints against Atlasov, sent in 1709 to Kamchatka as a clerk Petra Chirikova with a group of 50 people. On the way, P. Chirikov lost 13 Cossacks and military supplies in clashes with the Koryaks. Arriving in Kamchatka, he sent to the river. Large 40 Cossacks to pacify the southern Kamchadals. But those large forces attacked the Russians; eight people were killed, the rest almost all were injured. For a whole month they sat in a siege and with difficulty escaped. P. Chirikov himself with 50 Cossacks pacified the eastern Kamchadals and again imposed tribute on them. By the autumn of 1710, P. Chirikov arrived from Yakutsk to replace Osip Mironovich Lipin with a group of 40 people.

In January 1711 both returned to Verkhnekamchatsk. On the way, the rebellious Cossacks killed Lipin. They gave P. Chirikov time to repent, and they themselves rushed to Nizhnekamchatsk to kill Atlasov. “Before reaching half a verst, they sent three Cossacks to him with a letter, instructing them to kill him when he began to read it ... But they found him sleeping and stabbed him to death. So Yermak of Kamchatka perished!.. The rioters entered prison... plundered the belongings of the murdered clerks... chose Antsiferov, Kozyrevskiy as captain as chieftain, Atlasov's belongings were brought from Tigil... they plundered food supplies, sails and gear prepared for the sea route from Mironov [Lipin] and left for the Upper prison, and Chirikov was thrown chained into the ice hole [hole], on March 20, 1711 ”(A. S. Pushkin). According to B.P. Polevoy, the Cossacks came to V. Atlasov at night; he leaned over the candle to read the false charter they had brought, and was stabbed in the back.

Daniil Yakovlevich Antsiferov And Ivan Petrovich Kozyrevsky, who had only an indirect relation to the murder of V. Atlasov (in particular, the testimony of his son Ivan was preserved), completed the work of V. Atlasov, having reached the southern tip of Kamchatka in August 1711. And from the "nose" through the "overflows" they crossed on small ships and Kamchadal canoes to the northernmost of the Kuril Islands - Shumshu. There, as in the south of Kamchatka, a mixed population lived - the descendants of the Kamchadals and the "hairy people", that is, the Ainu. The Russians called these mestizos the near Kurils, in contrast to the distant Kurils or "hairy", purebred Ainu. D. Antsiferov and I. Kozyrevsky argued that the “Kuril men”, known for their peacefulness, entered into battle with them, as if “they are more leisurely in military battle and of all foreigners who live from Anadyr [Anadyr] to Kamchatsky Nose”. So the discoverers of the Kuril Islands justified the murder of several dozen smokers.

It was not possible to collect yasak on Shumshu: “On that island,” the conquerors reported, “sables and foxes do not live, and there is no beaver fishing and halt, and they hunt for seals. And they have clothes on themselves from seal skins and from bird feathers.

Antsiferov and Kozyrevsky also attributed to themselves a visit to the second Kuril Island to the south - Paramushir (they presented a map of Shumshu and Paramushir), but they didn’t collect yasak there either, since the locals allegedly declared that they didn’t hunt sables and foxes, but “beavers were sold to other land to foreigners" (Japanese). But the third participant in the rebellion against Atlasov, Grigory Perelomov, who also went on a campaign to the Kuril Islands, later confessed under torture that they had given false evidence, had not been to “another sea island”, “wrote in a petition and in their drawing falsely” .

At the same time, a new clerk arrived in Kamchatka, Vasily Sevastyanov, Antsiferov himself came to him in Nizhnekamchatsk with a yasak treasury collected on the river. Big. V. Sevastyanov did not dare to put him on trial, but sent him back to Bolsheretsk as a yasak collector. In February 1712, D. Antsiferov was transferred to the east, to the river. Avachu. “Having learned about his imminent arrival ... they [Kamchadals] arranged a spacious booth with secret triple lifting doors. They received him with honor, affection and promises; they gave him several amanats from their best people and took him a booth. The next night they burned it. Before lighting the booth, they lifted the doors and called their amanats, so that they would quickly rush out. The unfortunate ones answered that they were shackled and could not move, but ordered their comrades to burn the booth and not count them, if only the Cossacks would burn down ”(A. S. Pushkin). According to I. Kozyrevsky, D. Antsiferov was killed in a campaign on the river. Avachu.

The Cossack rebellion was suppressed by V. Kolesov, who was assigned to Kamchatka for the second time. He executed some participants in the triple murder, ordered others to be beaten with a whip; Kozyrevsky was pardoned “for his services”, i.e., merits: V. Kolesov spared him also because he hoped to receive from him a new map of “overflows” and islands behind the “nose land”. In 1712, Kozyrevsky drew up a drawing of the "Kamchadal Land" and the Kuril Islands - this was the first map of the archipelago - the drawing of 1711 has not been preserved. In the summer of 1713, I. Kozyrevsky set off from Bolsheretsk on ships with a detachment of 55 Russians and 11 Kamchadals with cannons and firearms "to navigate from the Kamchatsky Nose over the overflows of the sea islands and the Apon state." A captive Japanese was a pilot (driver) in this expedition. This time Kozyrevsky actually visited Fr. Paramushir. There, according to him, the Russians withstood the battle with the Kurils, who were "very cruel", dressed in "waders" (shells), armed with sabers, spears, bows and arrows. Whether the battle took place is unknown, but the Cossacks took the booty. Kozyrevsky presented some of it to V. Kolesov, but probably concealed most of it: it turned out that later the Kamchatka clerk "extorted" many valuable things from him. From Kozyrevsky, he also received a ship's log and a description of all the Kuril Islands, compiled but by questioning information - the first reliable materials on the geographical position of the ridge.

In 1717, I. Kozyrevsky took the monastic vows and took the name of Ignatius. It is possible that he was engaged in the "enlightenment" (conversion to Orthodoxy) of Kamchadals, since until 1720 he lived in Kamchatka. For "outrageous speeches" But to the denunciation, when the monk Ignatius was reproached for his involvement in the murder of Kamchatka clerks, he replied: “Which people and regicides and those who live are assigned to sovereign affairs, and it’s not a big [great] thing that clerks are killed in Kamchatka.” he was sent under guard to Yakutsk, but he managed to justify himself and take a high position in the Yakutsk monastery. Four years later, Kozyrevsky was again sent to prison, but he soon escaped from custody. Then he submitted a statement to the Yakut governor that he knew the way to Japan, and demanded that he be sent to Moscow for testimony. Having been refused, in the summer of 1726 he met with V. Bering and unsuccessfully asked to be accepted into the service for sailing to Japan. Kozyrevsky handed over to V. Bering a detailed drawing of the Kuril Islands and a note that indicated the meteorological conditions in the straits at different times of the year and the distances between the islands. Two years later, Kozyrevsky built in Yakutsk, probably at the expense of the monastery, a ship intended for reconnaissance of lands allegedly located north of the mouth, or for searching for land to the east and collecting yasak from “non-peaceful foreigners”. But he failed: on the lower Lena at the end of May 1729, the ice crushed the ship.

Biographical index

Behring, Vitus Johansen

Russian navigator of Dutch origin, captain-commander, explorer of the northeast coast of Asia, Kamchatka, seas and lands of the northern part of the Pacific, northwestern coasts of America, leader of the 1st (1725–1730) and 2nd (1733) –1743) Kamchatka expeditions.

In 1730, I. Kozyrevsky appeared in Moscow: according to his petition, the Senate allocated 500 rubles. for the Christianization of Kamchadals; the initiator, elevated to the rank of hieromonk, began preparations for departure. An article appeared in the official St. Petersburg newspaper praising his actions in Kamchatka and his discoveries. He probably took care of printing it himself. But there were people who remembered him as a participant in the rebellion against Atlasov. Before the arrival of documents from Siberia, he was imprisoned, where he died on December 2, 1734.

After the annexation of Kamchatka to Russia, the question arose of organizing maritime communication between the peninsula and Okhotsk. For this, on May 23, 1714, an expedition arrived in Okhotsk Kuzma Sokolova. Under his command were 27 people - Cossacks, sailors and workers, led by a ship master Yakov Neveitsyn, who led the construction of a Pomeranian-type boat, a “comfortable and strong” vessel, 17 m long and 6 m wide. In June 1716, after the first unsuccessful attempt by the helmsman Nikifor Moiseevich Cod led lodia along the coast to the mouth of the Tigil and explored the western coast of Kamchatka from 58 to 55 ° N. sh. Here the people of K. Sokolov overwintered, and in May 1717 the lodia crossed into the open sea to the Taui Bay, and from there along the coast to Okhotsk, where it arrived on July 8.

After the expedition of K. Sokolov, navigation between Okhotsk and Kamchatka became commonplace. Lodia also became a kind of school of Okhotsk navigation: in 1719, N. Treska made the first voyage across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the Kuril Islands on it, visiting about. Urup, experienced sailors left her team, members of a number of later expeditions, explorers of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, who sailed north to the Bering Strait and south to Japan.

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Atlasov (according to some documents, Otlasov), Vladimir Vasilyevich (year of birth unknown c. 1661/64 - 1711) - Russian explorer, Siberian Cossack. In 1672, Atlasov was taken to “find new lands” and collect yasak for the “royal service” in Yakutsk. In 1695 he was sent as a clerk to Anadyrsk. In 1697-99 he made campaigns in Kamchatka. Atlasov "explained" (imposed tribute) on the local peoples and formalized the annexation of Kamchatka to the Moscow lands.

The descriptions (skasks) left by Atlasov are far superior to the reports of other explorers in terms of the value of the geographical and ethnographic materials contained in them. Atlasov's "tales" contain the first extensive and reliable information about the nature of Kamchatka and the peoples and tribes inhabiting it, materials about Chukotka, Alaska, and the first information about the Kuril Islands and Japan. He was killed in 1711 during a riot of service people in Kamchatka.

Named after Atlasov: bukh. Atlasova (Kuril Islands), volk. Atdasova (Kuril Islands).

Vladimir Atlasov occupies a prominent place among Russian explorers. In 1606, at the head of a detachment of Cossacks, he made a trip to Kamchatka and with this basically completed the discovery of Siberia by the Russians, for the first time reporting completely reliable information about the nature and population of the peninsula.

Like most of the brave Russian explorers, the Atlasovs came from the northern regions of European Russia. Not from a good life, the family of Vladimir Atlasov left Usolye Kamskoye and moved to live in Siberia. The harsh land met them inhospitably. Need and here drove the Atlasovs further and further deep into Siberia. Atlasov's young years were spent wandering around the cities and prisons located along the banks of the great Lena. Before entering "the sovereign's service" in the Yakut garrison, he hunted sable in the vicinity.

In the new field, the young Cossack was distinguished by endurance, courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity. These qualities, and besides, remarkable organizational skills, markedly distinguished Atlasov from among the Cossacks. More than once he was sent to Moscow to accompany the precious "sovereign's sable treasury." For this trip, in conditions of almost complete impassability, through mountain passes and along the rapids of the Yenisei and Ob rivers, only the strongest and most enduring Cossacks were selected.

V. T. Atlasov also participated in campaigns east of Yakutsk, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, served on the May River and along the southern borders of the Yakutsk Voivodeship, in Dauria, where he collected yasak from the peoples who inhabited this vast region.

The Yakut governor noticed Atlasov and, having awarded him the title of Pentecostal, in 1695 appointed him as a clerk in one of the most remote prisons - in the "backbone region" on the Anadyr River. The governor gave the new head of the Anadyr Territory the usual order in such cases: "to seek new lands."

At the head of a detachment of 13 Cossacks, at the end of the summer of 1695, Atlasov set out on a difficult and dangerous campaign to the extreme northeast, to Anadyrsk. The detachment arrived at its destination only eight months later, on April 29, 1696.

From the stories of experienced Cossacks, Atlasov learned that somewhere in the south lies a vast land. Then he collected among the local population of the Nymyldns (Koryaks) and Yukaghirs information about this large and rich in furs country, the first rumors about which he brought to Yakutsk yet. To verify the conflicting information reported by the Cossacks who had visited Kamchatka, a detachment of Cossacks was sent under the command, which, having reached Kamchatka and visited its northern part, collected yasak from the local population and soon returned to Anadyr. Morozko left a small detachment of Cossacks in Kamchatka and thus laid the foundation for permanent Russian settlements in this region.

Inspired by the success of Morozko's reconnaissance campaign, Atlasov gathered a detachment of 60 Cossacks, and even took the same number of Yukaghirs, and on December 14, 1696 set out on a campaign, with the goal of passing and finally annexing the Kamchatka lands to the Russian state. At that time, a detachment of 120 people for the sparsely populated extreme north-east of the country was a large military force. Taking with him most of the Cossacks, Atlasov put the Anadyr prison under the threat of attack by the Yukaghir and Chukchi. And only the success of Atlasov's Kamchatka campaign prevented an uprising of the yasak population.

Having crossed the Nalgim Range, the detachment reached the Penzhina River and soon reached its mouth. Large Nymylan villages met here, and olyutors lived a little further, who had never seen Russians before. Further, Atlasov's detachment went along the coast of Penzhinsky Bay along the road laid already by Morozko. At first, the Cossacks moved along the western coast of the peninsula, then part of them moved to the east and went to the Kamchatka River.

Having reached the Golygina River, Atlasov carefully examined the sea horizon to the south of Kamchatka and noticed that "beyond the overpasses, there seem to be islands." He saw, in all likelihood, the island of Alaid, one of the volcanoes of the Kuril Islands.

With difficulty overcoming numerous rivers, swamps and wooded mountains, Atlasov's detachment then went to the Kamchatka River. Here, in the river valley, there were villages whose inhabitants were at an extremely low cultural level. Atlasov told about them: “And their winter yurts are earthen, and summer ones are on poles, three sazhens high from the ground, paved with boards and covered with spruce bark, and they go to those yurts by stairs.”

Atlasov founded a prison on the Kamchatka River, calling it Upper Kamchatka. Here he left 15 servicemen who, having lived in prison for about three years and without receiving any help from Anadyrsk, went north, but on the way they all died in battle with the Nymylans.

Returning to Anadyr, Atlasov soon went to Yakutsk, where he arrived in the summer of 1700, reporting to the governor about bringing the new land of Kamchatka "under the high sovereign hand." The governor sent Atlasov, along with the expensive Kamchatka and Chukchi furs he had brought, to Moscow. Here, in the Siberian order, the significance of the Kamchatka campaign was appreciated: Atlasov was granted the title of Cossack centurion and was generously awarded.

In the Siberian order, Atlasov's colorful and reliable stories about the nature and wealth of new lands were recorded. Since Atlasov was a very observant person, these “tales” of his are not only of historical interest, but are also vivid geographical descriptions, not devoid of artistry: “and from the mouth to go up the Kamchatka river for a week there is a mountain - like a bread stack, much larger and high, and the other near it is like a haystack and much higher: smoke comes out of it during the day, and sparks and a glow at night. And the Kamchadals say: if a person ascends to half of that mountain, and there he hears a great noise and thunder, which is impossible for a person to endure: ... And the winter in the Kamchatka land is warm compared to Moscow, and the snows are small, and in the Kuril foreigners the snow is less. .. And the sun in Kamchatka lasts a long day, twice as close to Yakutsky ...

And in the Kamchatka and Kuril lands, berries - lingonberries, wild garlic, honeysuckle - are smaller in size than raisins and are sweet against raisins ... Yes, berries grow on grass a quarter from the ground, and the size of that berry is slightly smaller than a chicken egg, it looks ripe green, and it tastes like raspberries, and the seeds in it are small, like in raspberries ... But I didn’t see any vegetables on the trees ...

And the trees grow small cedars, the size of a juniper, and there are nuts on them. And there are a lot of birch, larch, and spruce forests on the Kamchatka side, and on the Penzhina side, along the rivers, there are birch and aspen forests ...

The Koryaks are empty-bearded, have a fair-haired face, and are of medium height, .. but there is no faith, but they have their own brothers Shemans - they will lure out what they need, beat a tambourine and shout ...

And in the Kamchadal and Kuril lands it is hard to plow bread, because the places are warm and the lands are black and soft, only there is no livestock, and there is nothing to plow on, and foreigners do not know how to sow anything.

But whether there are silver ores or any other, he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know any ores ... "

Again, Atlasov appeared in Kamchatka only in 1707, when it was already firmly attached to Russia. He was appointed Kamchatka clerk.

For a long time Atlasov was considered the "discoverer of Kamchatka". Later it was established that Koch, on his voyage around the northeastern tip of Asia, was in 1648 near the eastern coast of Kamchatka and that Popov wintered here. In addition, it has been established that later than Popov, but before Atlasov, Anadyr Cossacks, including the aforementioned Luka Morozko, visited Kamchatka.

This does not detract from the merits of Atlasov, who discovered Kamchatka to the fullest, assigning it to Russia and reporting his discovery to Moscow. By the way, Atlasov was the first to report the existence of the northern Kuril Islands.

Atlasov's merits lie not only in the annexation of the new Kamchatka lands to Russia, but also in the fact that he was the first explorer of the nature of this peculiar and rich region. According to , "none of the Siberian explorers of the 17th and early 18th centuries, not excluding Bering himself, gives such meaningful reports as Vladimir Atlasov's "skats" are."


  1. Biographical dictionary of figures of natural science and technology. T. 1. - Moscow: State. scientific publishing house "The Great Soviet Encyclopedia", 1958. - 548 p.
  2. Solovyov A. I. Vladimir Timofeevich Atlasov / A. I. Solovyov, G. V. Karpov // Domestic physical geographers and travelers. - Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1959. - P. 39-42.